Brooklyn (AU M/L ADULT) (Complete)

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Brooklyn (AU M/L ADULT) (Complete)

Post by nicola »

Winner Round 7



Author: Nicola
Rating: Mature/Adult (For usage of drugs, language and sex)
Disclaimer: Everythings mine except the ROSWELL names and song lyrics (They belong to THE DATSUNS!) Please ask my permission before posting anywhere other then RoswellFanatics (I'll generally say yes and be extremely flattered! ;))
Summary: Set in the 60's. Basically it's drugs and rock 'n roll. :twisted:


Liz Brooklyn Parker was destined to be a troubled child. Her mother Nancy attempted suicide at least four times while pregnant and her father, before leaving, whispered to her (while she was still nestled in the womb) that it ran in the family not to succeed in anything.

Nancy regained hope in life after being in labour for twenty-six hours, while Liz seemed to have adopted their pessimistic values straight from birth. For the first two years she made it a point to cry twenty-four hours a day and stopped only when she was sucking her mother’s breast.

This no doubt foreshadowed her obsession for eating because as Liz grew she got to be quite fat. She inherited her mother’s full, black/brown hair which she wore long around her shoulders (so as to hide her double chin).

When she hit thirteen she was given the name Brownie. Until then she hadn’t been all that fussed with being fat but this now changed and she began running everyday until she was as slim as Penelope Cross—whom all the boys liked. But no matter what she tried she couldn’t loose her enormous backside.

It was the year of 1963—aged fifteen—when things really started to get interesting for Liz. She wasn’t beautiful but she had a quality that seemed to attract the males. She thought maybe it was her nonchalance and lack of morals. She was someone they could roll over and call out another girl’s name and she wouldn’t care.

Sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll was a familiar concept to her and soon became a life’s ambition.


“You won’t call me that young lady, you won’t fucking call me that!”

Liz looked up from the magazine she was reading and flicked the end of her cigarette. The ash fell to the linoleum floor. “What? A fucking candy ass?”

“Why you little—” Nancy came from her, her hands clenched in fists. They came down on Liz’s back hard. “What is wrong with you?!” she screamed. “I’m trying so hard! Can’t you see that? I’m trying so fucking hard!”

Liz jumped up and shoved her mother off her. “You’re trying?” she grabbed her jacket off the back of the chair. “That’s bullshit and I’m leaving.”

“That’s good because I’m kicking you—you—you disrespectful little—” Nancy spat out. “Don’t come back this time either. I’m sick of picking your shit up after you. You want to choose a life like that? Well go ahead, I’m not having any part of it.”

As Liz backed away she said, “Oh and I suppose you’re a saint?” she was completely unaffected by her mother’s harsh words.

“I’m worth more than you ever will be. Get out of here if you’re going to act like a piece of trash.”

Liz went to her room and grabbed her old leather night bag and shoved some things into it. She had twenty-four dollars…that would have to be enough.

Outside her beat up car was waiting loaded with clothing and rubbish up to your knees. She chucked her bag in and started the engine. And started the engine. On the third try it revved to life and she was off, down the road towards…where-thefuck-ever.


“Maria I’m gone,” she said ten minutes later. She’d never leave anywhere without dragging her best friend with her. “I’m so done here, you know?” she lit up a cigarette. “You have to come with.”

Maria was lying on an orange towel in her back yard. Her purple bikini had sequins on it and the ice in her drink glistened in the sun. Her head was in the lap of some guy—Liz had never met him before. “Liz…Where are we gonna go?”

“Does it matter?” Liz looked down at the untied laces on her boots. “I have to leave.” She didn’t tell her about the argument with her mother. There was no use; Maria knew what it was like for them. “All I’m asking is: are you gonna come with or you gonna stay here and do shit all?”

Maria was wearing large circle glasses with yellow lenses. She pushed them to the top of her head and propped herself up on her elbows. “Darlin’ I’m not coming. You call me when you find somethin’ good and then I’ll come. But I just got that job…you know…at—?”

“The one at the supermarket?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yah,” Maria nodded. “There. You call me when you find something that might interest me, yeah?”

Liz shrugged. “Fine. Stay here”—she began backing away—“I’m off to see the world!”

“Yeah, yeah. Want to take a beer with you?” Maria tossed one at her and then waved. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”


Liz drove all afternoon. She stopped only twice—once to go to a restroom and buy cigarettes, the other to pick up a cute hitch hiker with a crew cut.

The hitchhiker’s name was Jared and he had blue eyes and sparkly white teeth. He also had LSD so they had a short break at the first rest stop they came across.

He got off in Denver. “Le’me buy you a drink before you go on your way,” he said. “What’s ya hurry?”

“No hurry,” she replied and got out of the car.

They sat in a small pub filling their bodies with all kinds of substances late into the night.

The evening was made less enjoyable by Jared’s constant questions. “What’d ya leave home for anyway? You’re sixteen?”

“Eighteen,” Liz said with annoyance. She hated that she looked so young. “There wasn’t anything keeping me there. My mom was ready to hang me from the roof.”

“What’d ya do to ‘er?”

Liz shrugged and then took a sip of her beer. “We disagree on pretty much everything there is to disagree on, t’is all.”

When they were ready to leave Jared asked where she was going to spend the rest of the night. “You wanna stay with me?”

“Sure thing,” Liz replied.

Jared got a hotel room and after having less then extraordinary sex and after he’d fallen asleep, she used the shower, emptied his wallet and went on her way.

She tried to avoid reading road signs. Her plan was to simply head east towards New York. She was sure she’d find what she was looking for—what ever that may be—eventually.

She used some of her money on food at a small diner in a town just past Smoking Hill in Kansas. She didn’t stay there long because she was anxious to be on her way. Wherever she was going was calling to her.

She drove all day with her radio up loud, rock music blaring loudly. Then, once it was getting late into the evening something suddenly spluttered in the engine. Liz swore, “Oh fuck no! No, no, no!” and bounced in her seat, as if to urge it forward. Nevertheless the car came to dead halt on the side of a highway.

She sat there, tapping her fingers against the steering wheel for several minutes, wondering what the hell she was going to do now. Finally she decided she was just going to sleep and then sort it out in the morning. There was no way she felt like walking now.

She was woken up at seven AM by a cop tapping his knuckles on the window. “You aren’t allowed to stay here,” he said, “I suggest you get moving mam.”

She might have asked him for a ride but decided against it. That would probably just end badly.

After packing a few things in her bag she slid out of the car—in her mini shirt and go-go boots—and headed off down the highway. She felt like shit. The alcohol from the other night was definitely starting to catch up on her.

She ignored it.

Every time a car drove past she stuck her thumb out and shot her best pout at the driver. It was boiling hot and every time they ignored her, the worse it became. It didn’t help when they tooted appreciatively but still didn’t stop.

A couple of hours passed and she wasn’t walking so confidently anymore. Her feet hurt and her hair was sticking in the sweat on her temples. Her back was hunched forward slightly and she’d given up straightening up when cars drove past.

It was a noisy bus that finally pulled over and its sliding door popped open. A guy with light brown hair and blue eyes stuck his head out. “Where ya going sweet heart?”

She smiled and headed towards him. “Where you going, darlin’?”

“Kansas city,” he replied. “We’ve got a gig.”

“You’re a band?” her face lit up.

“Come on in,” he grinned. After he’d slammed the door behind them he asked her her name. “I’m Michael,” he said. “And this is Devils Gold.”

Liz looked around. There was a guy with grey hair driving the bus. He waved his hand distantly and murmured, “Names Jim.”

“Kyle,” said another guy. There were couches lining the sides and a table in the middle that everyone was crowded around. Curtains hid the back half of the bus.

Altogether three other guys and two girls occupied the area. Everyone seemed friendly enough but there were two—who grudgingly introduced themselves as Max and Tess—who seemed like real assholes. She was a beautiful blonde and he was absolutely gorgeous with long, thick, dark brown hair and a tanned body. He had no shirt on and obviously knew his muscular body was fantastic.

The only free seat was near them so she sat down with annoyance. She soon found out that Max was the lead singer, Michael guitarist #1, Kyle drummer, Alex guitarist #2. The other female was also blonde and she introduced herself as Isabel.

“Want a drink?” she asked. She was really nice.

“Have you heard our music before?” Alex asked.

“I’ve heard of you,” she replied, “and yeah—I think I’ve heard a song or two.”

“You like what you hear?”


“We don’t need any fake groupies,” Max said rudely.

Liz gave him her angriest look. “Excuse me, but what the fucks your problem?”

Kyle put his arm around her shoulders and smiled welcomingly at her. “Don’t worry about him. Tell us about yourself babe.”
Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:45 pm, edited 40 times in total.
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Post by nicola »


Liz put her head back against a cushion and closed her eyes. “I really can’t thank you guys enough,” she said.

Michael smiled. “You want to come to our show? You don’t seem to have nothing better to do.”

“Oh hell yes I want to come.” She lifted her legs up onto the couch. They were all drifting in a hazy oblivion induced by something Liz couldn’t name. Did it matter? It was free. “Can I watch from backstage?”

“Where else?” Isabel asked leaning her head on Liz’s thighs. “I need someone to keep me company, don I?”

“What about Tess?” Liz asked with amusement. Max and Tess had disappeared behind the curtain an hour ago and no one had seen them since. Good riddens, she thought. “Doesn’t Tess keep you company?”

Alex laughed and cried, “Tess can go to hell!”

Fuck You!” she suddenly cried without making an appearance.

Everyone laughed. Isabel leaned into Liz’s ear. “No one like’s her ‘cept for Max.”

“And we’re practically sure she’s the reason he’s so bitter all the fucking time.”

“Yeah what’s up his ass?” Liz asked.

“It takes him a while to get used to new people,” Michael said. “Don’t worry, he’ll warm to you.”

The bus came to a gradual halt and Jim got up from his seat at the driving wheel. Languidly he stretched his arms above his head. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “We have officially arrived.”

“Wahooooooo!” they all yelled in unison.

Liz didn’t want to get up but Kyle grabbed her arm and draped it around his waist. “You can share my bed darlin’.”

“You’re so kind,” she smiled up at him. She’d need some alcohol for this. “Is that beer in that lovely hand of yours?”

“It surely is,” he replied and handed it to her.

Everyone made their way off the bus. Max came out from behind the curtain buttoning his jeans. He pulled on a shirt and a cowboy hat and brushed past her.

It wasn’t a high class hotel but Liz barely noticed. She remembered falling back on the bouncy double bed and watching the other band members cheer as they walked past Kyle—who was just closing the door behind him.

He ripped off his shirt and then his pants as he approached her. “What you up for?”

She lifted her arms so he could pull off her flimsy shirt. “Do anything you like sweety.”




“Maria it’s me LIZ!”





Suddenly the music quietened and Liz could hear her friend properly. “How’d you manage that?”

“They picked me up when I was hitchhiking near Topeka. You have to get here now!”

“Yeah man! Where you going next?” Maria asked.

Liz tapped on Jim’s shoulder. “Where we going next Jimmy?”

“Oklahoma City.”

Maria said she’d see what she could do and the two of them hung up. “Lizzie! Come ‘ere!” Isabel cried. “Come dance with me!”

Tess eyes followed her as she walked across the room. “Just how long do you plan on hanging around?” she asked. “We don’t appreciate tag alongs. The others are only keeping you here for a new shag. They’ll get tired of you soon.”

“Oh yeah, so how long until they get tired of you?”

Isabel laughed at her unhappy face and said, “That’ll teach you. Fucking leave ‘er alone Tess.”

Liz had always wanted to be a part of something great but had never had the opportunity until now. She found it hard to believe that she’d been so lucky as to find these guys. As she watched Isabel rock her head back and forth to the music she decided she was going to dedicate herself fully to this band and these people.

They fucking rocked.

After the concert the guys walked off the stage kissing Isabel and Liz as they went. They collapsed onto the sofas and suddenly got into a loud argument—that Max started—about a mistake Kyle had made on the drums.

“Oh guyyyyys,” Tess moaned. “No one noticed. It’s silly—”

“You can’t make mistakes like that,” Max growled. “You’re holding us back you fucking bastard.”

“Whoa!” Michael yelled. “Shut the fuck up Max. What’s wrong with you?”

Liz saw that Kyle was about ready to pounce on Max and beat him to a pulp. Alex held him back.

“Has he always been like this?” Liz asked Isabel quietly.

“No,” she replied, taking a sip of some fizzy. “The guys think its Tess’s fault but I dunno, aye? When we were in Brooklyn last he disappeared for a few hours and when he came back…pfft, no one can stand him. If he keeps this up there’s gonna be big trouble.”

Everyone got hurried back to the hotel where Michael and Alex glued themselves to the crappy television set to watch the Chipmunks. No one else cared because fans were piling in by the second. A party was brewing…Liz didn’t even know where the alcohol and weed was coming from…all she knew was…she was in heaven.

Music suddenly came from somewhere and she was tossed a beer and a smoke. She decided to sit in the corner where an interesting man was with a bunch of people and everyone seemed to be enjoying what he was saying. They all greeted her warmly but she couldn’t remember a single name—and it didn’t matter. This was the best party she’d ever been to in her whole life. And she’d been to a lot of parties.

The evening roared on and at some point she was talking to a red head in a furry white jacket. She remembered looking up and across the room Max was sitting on a speaker with a bunch of people around him…when he turned his head and caught her eyes she felt unnerved and looked away. She could feel his stare again but didn’t turn to look.

“Liz!” suddenly Isabel was behind her, gripping her shoulders roughly. She forgot all about it. “I have the best idea!”

“I’m listening.” She had a wicked smile on her lips and she gave her as much attention as she could at the moment. Her head was swimming and her eye lids droopy.

“Let’s streak,” she whispered. “And then run to the pool.”

“Oh my god, that’s the best idea.”

Next thing she knew they were at the end of the hall, ripping off their clothing (the little amount that they were wearing) and running though the place howling at the top of their lungs. Everyone stopped what they were doing to cheer and clap, some people even followed them as they headed to the pool.

Suddenly there was a splash and cold water surrounded her. She broke the surface, her hair sticking to her face and her body glistening in the moonlight. Isabel was still under and Liz waited but she didn’t come up.

Without thinking she dived under and grabbed her. After tugging her to the surface and forcing her hair out of her face Liz heard Isabel struggling for breath.

Laughing hysterically she asked, “Isabel you crazy bitch! You okay?”

Isabel caught her breath and cracked up laughing too. “Whoa! Darlin’ I think you just saved my life!”

“I think I fucking did!”

“I love you babe!”

“I love you darlin’!”


Liz woke up glued to three naked bodies. Two females and one guy. None of them looked familiar but she didn’t stick around to ask who they were. She slipped off the bed and clumsily hit the floor with a thud. Someone groaned and she murmured sorry.

Where were her clothes?

There were a lot of people lying around on the couches and floor. Some were clothed, and some weren’t. She tried to step over them, carefully scanning for something she could put on. Finally she saw her boots at the end of the hallway and found her and Isabel’s things.

Where was Isabel?

She tugged on her skirt and shirt and stepped out the front door—after shoving someone out the way. Outside in the car park the crew were loading up the bus and she found Tess having a smoke. She went up to her and was surprisingly greeted warmly.

“How’re you feeling?” she smiled. Liz noticed she had no make up on and wasn’t as beautiful as she first thought.

“Oh you know…” Liz shrugged. “Can I bum a smoke?”

Tess handed her one and lit it for her.

“What the fuck happened last night?” she asked, suddenly smiling. “I can’t remember shit.”

“You will,” Tess replied. “It all comes back to you as the day progresses. Trust me, I know. Slowly as people recall the party you’ll see them either laughing or shaking their heads.”

Liz nodded and took a seat beside her. They watched as people slowly came out of the hotel and looked around before skimping off.

“Why have you been such a bitch to me?” Liz asked Tess with amusement.

“You seemed too young to be walking down a motorway in the middle of no where. Looking for trouble, sort of thing. But now you’re alright.”

“I’m eighteen,” Liz snapped. “Eighteen.”

Tess laughed. “Could have fooled me.”

Liz groaned.

Eventually everyone was on the bus. It was quiet because some were still recovering from the night before. Liz lay with her head on Alex’s chest, talking quietly to him and Isabel, who was sitting on the floor.

“Isabel, how did you get on the road with these guys?” she asked. “What did you leave behind?”

“Well I’m from New York,” she answered. “And the other guys are from the area too. Alex and I…” she laughed, “Had a little…what do I call it, hun? Fling I suppose and I got introduced to the band. Anyway, I loved their music so even after we’d finished with each other I continued to come to practices and so on. I suppose it just continued on from there…”

“’Finished with each other,” Alex mumbled. “Real nice.”

“What were you doing after you finished school?” Liz asked.

“I went to college,” she answered. At Liz’s shocked expression she laughed. “Yeah, I know…you wouldn’t have guessed. I was training to be a teacher.”

“Did you finish?”

“Yeah. I met Alex at the beginning of my last year and once I’d finished…well, I just wasn’t ready to start work yet. I’m still not. What do you want to do?”

Liz looked up at Alex, who had his eyes closed. Everyone else on the bus was quiet except for Max who was quietly strumming his guitar and writing in a note book.

“Well…” she sighed, fiddling with her fingers. “I didn’t finish school and so obviously I haven’t gone to college like you. I was workin’ as a waitress back in Salt Lake City but I’ve always hated it.”

“It’s not too late to do something great,” Alex mumbled.

She shrugged. “Yeah, I ‘spose. But…I don’t know what. I’m like you Isabel, I’m just not ready. Anyway, I don’t think I’ll ever amount to anything great.”

“You mentioned an argument with you mom the other day?” Isabel said with her face full of sympathy. “What was it about?”

Unable to take her stare Liz looked away only to find Max watching her from across the bus. He was obviously listening to their conversation. He didn’t look away even when he was caught gawking.

“She doesn’t agree with my lifestyle,” she said, looking away from him. “She wants me to be things I’m definitely not.”

“My mom disagreed with the band at first too,” Alex smiled. “Now that we’re semi-famous she doesn’t though.”

Liz smiled back and closed her eyes. These people were so different from what you’d think to look at them. She knew there were many more hidden stories that she was dying to know. Silently she made it her mission to find them out.

It was already easy to forget that they had grown up somewhere too, that they had mothers and fathers. That they had history.


Ahhh fb! Lovely! Its like heaven having all you guys be so supportive. Sometimes its not easy posting your writing (especially first parts!) so as I said--lovely! You guys rock.

Hope you liked this new part, there'll be more Max and Liz eventually so don't worry about that. I noticed some of you read my other stories and I just want to say thank you for your loyalty. It's unbelievable!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Have an awesome Christmas!!!

Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by nicola »

Ladies and Gentleman...WE HAVE A BANNER!!!! and a new part...but most importantly a BANNER! We should put our hands together for Ann who found time (before CHRISTMAS! :shock:) to make it for us.

Here it is (isn't it lovely?):


and here's the new part:


It had been a long day of driving and everyone was resting so Liz had no one to talk to. She stretched her legs across the couch and stared out the window of the van, thinking about Maria and home. She was just entering deep thought when a male voice said, “So, you’re still here then?”

She turned her head and looked at Max. He had abandoned his guitar and now seemed to have nothing to do. “Do you have something to say about that?” she asked, her voice had a defensive edge that didn’t go unnoticed by him.

He sighed in resignation, “No.”

If she was going to be around these people for a while—like she hoped with all her heart—it would be good to get on with the lead singer. She wouldn’t knock his attempt at conversation.

“You’re from Brooklyn, huh?” she said and lit up a cigarette. “You want one?”—he shook his head—“My middle names Brooklyn. My mom visited there when she was my age and liked it so much she named me after it.”

“Huh,” he said. “You been there yourself?”

“Nah, but I think that’s where I was heading.”

He had such a good-looking face, Liz thought. She found it very easy to stare at him—but only now that he wasn’t being a prick. She watched appreciatively as he bent his legs up to his chest and rested a cup on his knee.

“We’ll end up there,” he said slowly. “We’re gonna be in Woodstock.”

Liz flicked the end of her smoke and looked thoughtful. “What’s that?”

“A big rock concert with heaps of bands that lasts three days.”

“Sounds bitchin’.”

They were silent then and both averted their gazes, feeling the strain. It was a long time before Max said, “We saw your car on the highway before we picked you up.”

“Oh yeah?” she nodded. “I supposed it had been towed or somethin’.”

“Aren’t you worried about leaving it behind?”

“Not really, it was a piece of shit.”

He smiled. “Yeah looked like it.”

Kyle stirred then and opened his eyes. “Where the fuck are we?” he groaned. “Was I out long?”

“Nope,” Max said and Liz was sure she heard a hint of annoyance in his tone. She sat up straight and slipped her feet back in her boots.

Jim suddenly announced a dinner break and slowed the bus down in front of a small highway restaurant. At the sound of squeaky breaks everyone shifted and opened their eyes.

“Oh, toilet break?” Isabel asked Liz happily.

“Dinner break,” Liz answered. As Max walked past she asked him if she could wear his cowboy hat.

“Fuck no,” he grunted and hopped off the bus with Tess.

Okay. So he was still a shithead.


Liz didn’t want to make sleeping in Kyle’s bed a habit. He was okay but he wasn’t great. When they got to the hotel she was going to sneak in with Isabel but she didn’t end up having to because he picked up some other girl in the lobby.

She and Isabel got their own room together and smoked some weed, staying up through the night. “I’m so glad I’ve met you,” Isabel claimed.

“Me too,” Liz replied.

Isabel always seemed to be wearing something new and because Liz had left most of her stuff in her car—she never changed. Isabel let her go through her things and see what fitted her.

“Can I ask you a question?” a fag bobbed up and down on Liz’s lips when she spoke, “Do you think the other’s mind having me around?”

“Why do you ask?” Isabel pulled out a cream-knitted poncho and chucked it at her new friend. “You should wear this. In fact—keep it. I never wear the fucking thing but it’ll look good on you.”

“Thanks,” Liz inspected it distantly. “I was just asking because of Max.”

Isabel groaned. “Didn’t I tell you not to let him bother you? Everyone fuckin’ hates him at the moment. He’s going through something. Why do you care anyways? Just fucking forget it.”

“I ‘spose. I’d hate to wear out my welcome so soon. Cruising with you guys is great—seriously. I can’t wait until the concert in Oklahoma City.”

Isabel smiled. “Yeah. Your friend from home’s coming isn’t she?”

“She said she would but I fuckin’ doubt it. Don’t worry—if she does come you’ll like her.”

“If she’s anything like you, yeah…”

They chuckled together.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Isabel cried out, “Come in!”

They didn’t and knocked again.

“Come the fuck in!” Liz and Isabel called together.

It was Tess. She was wearing a t-shirt with nothing else and her blonde curly hair was messy about her face. She came in and closed the door behind her with a slam.

“What’s up?” she asked. “Can I hang in here with you guys? Max is fucking sleeping—boring shit. Did you know he snores? Like a fucking hog, I tell ya!”

Liz and Isabel giggled. “Are you two like…together together? Like…monogamous?”

“Oh hell no,” Tess laughed. “God, give me some of that would you?” she motioned to the smoke in Liz’s hand. “We aren’t anything like that. He’s always shacking up with some other girl. We just keep each other entertained when no one else is around.”

“That’s like me and Alex,” Isabel said and opened a can of beer. “Come on Liz, you know guys! They’d fuck anything with legs.”

“Oh trust me, I know. Shit do I know.”

“Exactly, no guy could ever remain monogamous for long. I am a firm believer in that.”

“Amen!” Tess cried and clinked her beer can against theirs.


“That’ll be ten dollars fifty thanks”—Maria looked up from her checkout counter and realized who she was serving—“oh Ms Parker! What’s up man?”

Liz’s mother studied Maria for a long moment. Her gaze was cold. “Maria, where is my daughter?”

“Huh?” Maria decided to play dumb. “Liz? Well…I dunno.”

She knew better than to come in between Liz and Nancy. They were complete freaks when it came to fighting. And not to mention Nancy was scary when she was cross. Her greying hair was pulled back into a loose pony tale and her lips were painted bright red.

“I know you’ve most likely spoken to her Maria. It’s been two weeks since I saw her last, I just wanted make sure she’s okay…that she has money.”

“Well…I’m not really sure where she is exactly.”

“Oh…” Nancy looked sad for a moment. “It’s just…she doesn’t usually stay away for this long.”

Maria noticed the next lady in line was getting hiffy about the hold up. “Well, she’s eighteen now.”

“Hmm…yeah…well, next time you see her,” Nancy reached into her wallet and pulled out an envelope with a small amount of money in it. “Just give her this would you? Please?”

“Sure,” Maria took it.

“Excuse me?” a lady interrupted. “Are we going to be moving along any time soon?”

“Yeah, yeah, don’t get your panties in a twist.”

Nancy sighed. “And…if you could tell her that…it would be alright if she rang me. I’d be happy to hear from her.”

“Will do, see ya Ms Parker.”

“Goodbye Maria and thank you.”

Maria had been planning to join Liz for some time, but she was trying to get some money together first. She’d heard of the band Devils Gold and even owned one of their records. Nothing could be better than meeting them personally, going to one of their concerts or partying with them.

After work she went home and took off her brown and yellow uniform. Her mother’s house certainly seemed to be holding her back right now. It was cluttered and mind-numbingly safe and constant. She wanted to take a risk for once in her life.

She slumped down onto her bright coloured bed and rubbed her forehead. Would it be possible for her to leave now? Surely it wouldn’t…

“Maria? You home?”

She heard her mother walking in the direction of her bedroom. Suddenly she was standing in the doorway in her green and white flowered dress. She had a white belt around her waist and new boots…Maria wished she could look as good as her mother sometimes.

“Darlin’? What would you like for dinner?”

Dinner? She wasn’t even thinking about dinner. Dinner was the last thing she cared about. If she was on the road with Devils Gold she wouldn’t be thinking about dinner…

“Mom, I’m gonna take a trip,” she suddenly said. “I’m gonna visit Liz.”

“What about work?”

Maria went to her wardrobe and grabbed her suitcase. It was covered in huge flower power stickers. Her mother was a border-line hippy and it was rubbing off on her. “What about it?” she said. “I can get thousands of jobs like that. It’s not like it’s a big deal.”

Her mom ran a hand through her hair. “I suppose you’re right. How you gonna know where she is?”

“I’ll find her. There’s a tour schedule around here somewhere, I’ll just go to their next concert.”

“Okay sweetie, well I don’t have much money on me but I can give ya what I have.”

Maria looked up from her suitcase and grinned. “Mom, do you have any idea how fuckin’ cool you are?”


We're sitting pretty
Have you heard?
I gotta tell you that's a little absurd…”

Instead of watching the Dallas show from backstage Liz, Isabel, Tess and Kim (the new girl) watched it from the audience. The crowd was jumping up and down, screaming, singing and having a hell of time.

“THIS fuckin’ ROCKS!” Liz screamed at the top of her lungs. She banged her head back and forth and let her body move with the music. At times like this, she wanted to be the music. Her ear drums felt like they were vibrating…

Isabel screamed something at her but she couldn’t understand so she just went on bobbing up and down. Her body was squeezed in-between several people—so close they couldn’t really be considered strangers anymore.

…Some things are too fast for me to fight
I'll jump the cliff and hit the other side
Oh, these Hazy Days, on my mind…

Isabel tugged her arm, motioning to the exit sign. Liz got what she meant and they attempted squeezing their way through. It was so packed and hard to move they couldn’t do it. They’d have to wait until the crowd calmed down.

Someone stood on Liz’s sandaled foot and she got elbowed in the stomach by another person. She barely noticed. From where they were standing now—near the front—she could see the guys really clearly and had to watch in wonder for a moment.

Kyle was slamming the drums so hard it was a wonder they didn’t snap. A louder, harsher song started and everyone’s cheers pierced the air. The lights roamed the mingling bodies—it would be impossible to find someone once you’d lost them.

Liz gripped Isabel’s arm tighter and they both looked at the stage. “THEY LOOK FUCKING WICKED, YEAH?”

Liz heard Isabel that time and nodded. “FUCK YEAH!”

Max had his eyes closed when he sung. He was jumping around, his hair wet and flying all over the place. He wasn’t wearing a shirt…every girl wanted him. You’d be insane not to.

She made me cry
She may be crazy, may treat me bad
She makes me feel like…

Sweat was soaking her body too and her long hair was frizzy and all over the place.
She tried frantically to settle it but it didn’t work. Her scalp was wet and her locks dripping.

The concert was coming to an end and the two of them knew they should get out of there before everyone else tried to. Liz wouldn’t mind getting cleaned up before the party…

Suddenly there was a slight opening in the crowd and Isabel yanked Liz’s arm until they were out of the mass of people. They laughed together as they ran towards the back entrance.

“I need a beer!” Isabel screamed. Their ears were still pulsating.

“Me too! I’m fuckin’ dying!”

Back stage the two girls sat down on some wooden boxes and gulped down beer. Jim and the bands manager, Jeff, were standing at the edge of the stage, watching the show closely. Isabel giggled at them because they both had their arms crossed against their chest and wore stern expressions.

Liz was watching them when suddenly someone screamed, “Isabel! Where the hell are ya girly?”

Isabel shot up and ran to the entrance they’d just come through. “Danielle!” she yelled. “Oh my FUCKING God!”

The two girls leapt on each other and jumped up and down with their arms flying everywhere. They were kissing and screaming and making a hell of a scene. Liz could only watch with interest, silently wondering who the hell Danielle was. The band knew a hell of a lot of people—there was never a moment when someone wasn’t turning up—but they weren’t usually greeted with such…enthusiasm.

While the two girls were still tightly embraced the show ended and after a few moments the guys piled backstage. When Alex saw Danielle he yelled and ran over, scooping her into a furious hug.

Liz got up and walked towards the other guys. She tied her hair up in a big bundle on the top of her head and checked her outfit.

“Kyle you are fuckin’ crazy on the drums,” she said.

“Oh well thanks, darlin’,” he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.

Max was gulping down a bottle of water. When he looked at her he said, “You’re bleeding. Did you know?”

She was surprised. “No, where?”

“Right…here,” he reached up and touched her temple with his warm, wet fingers. He wiped away the blood. “You must have been scratched.”

“Thanks,” she replied, looking into his eyes. Suddenly she wondered what it would be like to fuck him. It would probably be amazing.

Michael came over and ripped his shirt off. “God it’s hot, let’s get out of here.”

“Michael…I have to say. Your guitar solo in Mother Fucker From Hell was amazing.”

“Yeah? I’m workin’ on it all the time…thanks Liz,” he tugged her hair. “You gonna streak again tonight?”

She laughed. “I never streaked!”

“Then how would I know that you have the most amazing tits?” Max teased.

“Amen to that!” Kyle howled.

She rolled her eyes. “I so did not streak. You guys are all shit!”

Michael chuckled. “Whatever sweetie, about a hundred witnesses would agree with us.”

Liz shook her head from side to side but she didn’t really care all that much. “Can I ask you guys a question? Who is Danielle?”

“Isabel’s best friend,” Kyle answered and let go of her. “I need a smoke like hell.”

Liz laughed. “Heck yes, let’s get a party started yeah?”

Michael grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder. “Yeah yeah! Let’s get some piss in her so she can get nakey again!”
Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »


Now that Isabel’s Danielle was around, Liz was feeling a little left out. It was a shame because they’d started to get close and now there didn’t seem to be a place for her anymore.

She began to miss Maria dreadfully but even so, she’d never leave. Even if she didn’t have Isabel’s full attention she got on well with the band. They were great guys and she had a good time with them.

Tess had family living in Texas so she left the tour for a while to go and stay with them. The new groupie Kim was nice enough but she was always hooking into all the guys whenever she got a chance.

It was especially boring one morning when the band was having a meeting. Isabel and Danielle had gone to have breakfast but Liz wasn’t hungry. She lit a cigarette and studied it as it turned to ash in front of her eyes. Kim laughed at her.

“What are we hangin’ round here for?” she asked. “We should go do somethin’. This is the hell sad.”

Liz balanced the smoke on the tip of her finger. “Where we gonna go?”

“We could at least go buy magazines.”

The smoke tipped and fell to the floor, splashing small pieces of ash everywhere. “Yeah…you go, I’ll wait here.”

Kim chuckled. “Well the whole point was…to you know...” She saw that Liz didn’t care so she got up and ran her hands down her jeans. “Okay fine, I’m gonna go…you sure you’re just going to stay here?”

Liz grabbed another smoke and balanced it on the end of her finger. “Yeah,” she said—concentrating on keeping her hand still.

“Righty, bye then.”

Liz didn’t mind that Devils Gold was becoming her whole life. In fact, she liked it. That had been her plan hadn’t it? To surround herself, to become apart of a big thing. She was really falling in love with their music.

It would be cool if she could involve herself even more…by promoting the band or by making posters and all that. Designing t-shirts…

She went and asked for a pad and pen, then abandoned her ‘balance-the-cigarette’ game only to replace it with doodling. The only things she could come up with weren’t that great.

After a while she went back to the hotel room and had a quick shower. She changed into some clean clothes; blow dried her hair and then went back downstairs to wait.

The guys came out five minutes later. They milled around, not really paying her as much attention as she’d hoped for. Alex and Michael went to join Isabel for breakfast and Kyle and Max talked to Jim and Jeff for a long time.

Liz watched them over her drawing pad and unconsciously began sketching their faces. She got so into it that she didn’t even realize when Kyle went of with Jim and Jeff to look at the new band equipment.

When she finally looked up she found Max standing across from her smoking a cigarette and watching her. She caught his eyes.

“What are you doing?” he asked.


She shrugged and quickly slapped her pad shut. “Good meeting?”

He sat down on the coffee table near her. “There’s no such thing as a good meeting,” he said. “Why aren’t you off with Isabel?”

Liz reached out and took the cigarette he offered. “To tell the truth, I’m not too keen on Danielle.” When he flicked his lighter she leaned into him to light the end of her smoke.

“Neither am I,” he said and a smile turned the corner of his lips upwards.

She rolled her eyes. “You’re not to keen on anyone.”

“That’s not true.”

Liz rested her elbows on her knees and rubbed her hands together. “Right. You’re a total fucking asshole all the fucking time, no offence.”

“None taken,” he laughed.

“Eh…” she shrugged. “But you look good without a shirt on.”

His gaze ran over her body. “You too.”

Today he was wearing jeans, boots and a long-sleeved black shirt. Nothing great but it looked good on him. Liz detested people that could pull off such simple outfits so well. Once she’d outgrown her fat stage she used to spend ages trying to look good. She didn’t care so much anymore.

“Got nothin’ to do now?” she asked and took a puff of her cigarette.

“Maybe. Why?”

“I want to know how to play the guitar. I figure if you stay like you are now and refrain from being a dick you could teach me.”

Max scratched his head. “That’s a nice way to ask for something.”

“Well I’m a nice girl.”

He took a moment to think about it and then got up. “Fine, okay. Let’s go, my guitars in my room.”


They were on the road again by the afternoon. Isabel actually came and sat next to Liz and started a conversation. Danielle sat with Kim and Max so it was just the two of them, like it had been in the beginning.

“Danielle’s getting off in Houston. I’m sorry I haven’t hung out with you much lately,” Isabel said. “What did you do this morning? I saw Kim walking around some shops.”

Liz glanced at the back of Max’s head. “I had a guitar lesson,” she said simply.

Once they’d gotten to his room Max and Liz sat on the floor at the end of his bed and he taught her all the simple chords. She was quite good at it because she’d seen someone else learning before.

They’d talked a bit, just about random things but Liz had been shocked to learn she got on quite well with him. They only cursed at each other once!

However, the weird thing was as soon as it was time to go he’d become a bastard again and even gave her the cold shoulder in the parking lot. He didn’t make any sense. Liz didn’t like complicated people so she decided she wouldn’t speak to him again unless he spoke to her first. He was just too much work.

“You don’t know how to play the guitar?” Isabel asked, surprised. “Everyone knows how to play the guitar.”

“Yeah I know. That’s why I’m learnin’.”

Liz sat there for a while, thinking about her idea earlier and then said, “Isabel…I want to give something back to the band. What can I do, do you know?”

“What do you mean ‘give something back’?” Isabel looked at her curiously. “I know one thing…” she nudged and winked suggestively. “but you already do that.”

“No…I mean, something like…promoting…” Liz saw that Isabel didn’t really get what she was meaning and so she gave up. “Never mind, don’t worry. I’m just being silly.”

When the bus got to Little Rock someone was waiting for them outside their hotel. Liz was one of the last people to get off so she didn’t see her until everyone had started unloading their things.

“Maria?!” she screamed. “Fuck! Maria is that you?”

“Lizzie! Hell yeah it’s me!”

The girls hugged ecstatically and their coming together was almost as excited as Isabel and Danielle’s had been. When they pulled back and looked at each other Liz demanded, with the biggest damn grin in the world, “How the hell did ya find me?”

“I’m only the smartest woman that ever existed,” Maria exclaimed. “I was hoping to get to the Houston concert but I missed out on tickets and then I couldn’t fuckin’ find you anywhere. Of course they wouldn’t let me go up to the band’s rooms…so I headed here because I knew where their concert was next…”

“But this hotel? How’d you know?”

“Asked around, did a little sweet talkin’,” Maria smiled. “Took me fuckin’ yonks I tell ya! You and these guys better be worth it, you know what I’m sayin’?”

“Oh it’s worth it, trust me,” Liz grabbed her arm and tugged her towards everyone. “Guys! This is my best pal from back home. Maria darlin’ this is Devils Gold…”

Maria beamed. “Well…hellllllo gentlemen…”

“This is Alex…and this is Kyle…and this is Michael…” Liz made them all shake each others hands.

“Hey gorgeous,” Kyle said. “We gonna be seein’ as much of you as we do as Liz?”

“Hopefully,” Michael grinned. “Nice to meet ya Maria.”

“The pleasures all mine…”

Liz looked around. “Where the hell is Max?”

Just then he jumped down from the bus and she called to him to come over. Maria held her hand out for him to shake but he didn’t take it. He was as rude to her as he had been to Liz when he first met her. “We’ve heard a lot about you,” he said simply.

Liz grinded her teeth together and, totally pissed off, lifted her hand and gave him the finger. He grinned and gave it right back, before walking away and talking to Jim.

“God I hate him,” she said.


It was strangely unsettling for Liz to see Maria get on so well with her new friends. For days all she’d wanted was for her to arrive and now that she was here…she was sucking up all the attention and it was annoying!

Liz sat and pouted as everyone ate. The only person remotely interested in her was Max and she didn’t want to talk to him. God, why was he always staring at her like that anyway?

“What’s your problem?” she barked.

He grinned. “You have sauce on the side of your mouth.”

“Like I fucking care!”

“I bet I can guess why you’re in such a bad mood…” he raised one of his eye brows at her.

“Fuck off.”

Maria suddenly looked at her. “Liz, I can not believe you’ve been livin’ like this for three weeks. Lucky bitch.”

“Eh”—Liz shot an angry look at Max who looked too smug for his fucking good—“It’s not that great.”

“Oh really?” he said, smiling.

“Why don’t you go back to not talking to me? I liked that better.” She then proceeded to ignore him completely and focused her attention on Kim—who really wasn’t that interesting.

Fine, so maybe she’d focus her attention on the beer instead. By the time they went upstairs she was drunk and everyone laughed at her when she walked into a door. She didn’t even notice when Maria disappeared with Michael and didn’t come back for the rest of the evening.

“Liz, Maria’s nice,” Isabel said. “I like her. It’s cool that she came all this way.”

“Huh?” she swayed on her feet, staring at a non-spectacular painting on the wall, “This painting is…ammmazzzzing.”

“No it’s not,” Kyle said, “its fucking ugly. You had too much to drink, why don’t you just come sit on my lap?”

Liz tried but missed and hit the floor instead. “Oooh, owwww…” she blinked several times. “We should be having a part-ay tonight. Where is everyone?”

“No parties tonight,” Alex said.

“Riiight. Big important concert tomorrow. Opening for…?”

“Creedence Clearwater Revival,” Max said flatly.

She faked a serious expression. “It’s a big, big deal.”

“Maybe she should get some sleep?” Danielle said.

“No!” Liz howled. “I’m fine.”

“I say we join her in idyllic nothingness,” Isabel smiled. “Everyone needs to stop stressing so fucking much. Come on Liz, I think I have some weed in my purse.”


“I’m coming!” Kyle cried.


hey everyone, I'm glad so many people are enjoying this! I hope you had a great christmas.

did no one see the banner? No one commented on it :?

Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »


No one was much fun before the big concert. They were all too nervous. Apparently this could be their big break and would help them get into Woodstock.

Liz and Maria tried to loosen everyone up but succeeded in making things much worse.

“Come on Max,” Maria put her hand on his shoulders. “Take deep breaths…in, out…in…out.”

He turned around and snapped at her, “Look, I wouldn’t expect you or YOU”—he pointed at Liz—“to know how fucking important this is. So just shut up for two seconds so we can concentrate or you can fuck off.”

“Max…” Isabel said, “There’s no need to be like that…”

“No, Isabel let him say whatever he likes,” Liz walked right up to him and poked her finger into his chest, “I can take you being rude to me but I won’t stand for you upsetting my friend. We’re just trying to help you out. You think being all wound up is going to be good for you tonight?”

“We never asked you for your help,” he snarled. “The only way you could benefit us in any way is if you just pissed off.”

Really?” Liz asked, looking him right in the eyes. “Well why didn’t you just say so earlier? We’ll happily leave your company—you fucking prick. Come on Maria.”

Liz grabbed her jacket and shoved it on. Maria did the same and then they headed toward the door.

“Break a leg in your show.”

“Liz,” everyone said in unison. Everyone except Max.

“Liz don’t leave,” Kyle stood up. “We like having you around. Don’t listen to Max, he thinks he’s a fucking big shot—doesn’t need anybody. We want you here.”

Michael agreed but he was looking at Maria, not Liz.

Isabel got up and took their coats. “Just sit down, kay?”

Liz was hesitant but did as they said. Max rolled his eyes and turned to look out the window.

On top of nerves, the argument added more tension to the day. However, when it came to driving to the venue and hopping out in front of screaming crowds everyone suddenly felt a lot better.

“Oh my God Liz!” Maria held her hands over her mouth. “We’re actually going to walk back stage—through all those people—with the band!”

“I know,” Liz smiled. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

It wasn’t just wonderful. It was surreal. Michael hopped out first with Maria, followed by Alex and Isabel. Liz and Kim walked with Kyle and Danielle with Max. Everyone was screaming out and a whole bunch of people were even trying to get autographs.

After the argument in the morning, Liz stopped feeling so jealous of all the attention Maria was getting. Because they’d asked her to stay she had no reason to feel out of place anymore. She felt like she belonged somewhere.

She belonged here.

It was now fifteen minutes until show time and everyone was back stage. Liz sat with Jim and drank a beer, so as not to get in anyone’s way. She could now appreciate how much this meant to all of them and didn’t want to set off anyone’s temper, i.e. Max.

Maria was talking with Isabel, whom she was getting on very well with. Liz began to think that anyone could get on with Isabel. She was the type of person you just couldn’t help being drawn to. It was so easy to fall in love with her.

For those minutes before the big show, Liz thought relations with the band were practically perfect. It felt like a big weight had been lifted from her shoulders to know they wanted her there.

The only thing she had to do from now on was avoid Max. However, that wasn’t very easy. Everywhere she went she seemed to bump into him.

When she went to get another drink from the back he was just leaving and they collided in the doorway. “Get out of my way,” she said simply.

“My pleasure,” he replied. He moved left but she did too at the same time. Then they both moved right…

“GOD!” they cried at the same time. “You’re infuriating!”

I’m infuriating?” Liz cried. “You’re the jerk. What have I ever done to you?”

Max opened his mouth to spit out an angry reply but he had nothing to say.

“Ah? See!” she pushed against his chest. “Why do you dislike me so much? I mean, why—”

“I don’t fucking dislike you,” he yelled. “I have more important things to worry about—I understand you can’t grasp that very well what with being as self-obsessed as you are.”

She shook her head, cursed under her breath, said, “I just want you to know that I absolutely refuse to fuck you,” and then stomped away.

Maria came down the back just to laugh at her. “What the hell was that?” she said. “You two are going to fucking kill each other aren’t you?”

“I’d love to,” Liz replied, glancing at the guys. “But then who would sing? There would no longer be a band.”

“Singers can be replaced,” Maria laughed.

“You think I should start interviewing possible candidates?”

Maria shrugged. “It’s up to you…but, do you really hate him that much?” her eyes twinkled. “Or is it something else?”

“Something else?” Liz spat out. “You’re fucking joking me right?”

“Well…can I ask you something? Why is it you’ve slept with everyone else here but you haven’t slept with him?”

“I haven’t slept with everyone else here,” she said. “And besides, he doesn’t deserve to fuck me.”

“So you’re saying people have to earn the pleasure of sleeping with you?” Maria burst out laughing. “That’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard!”

“It’s not like I’m going to sleep with someone I hate with the fire of one thousand suns.” Liz looked at her angrily. “I’m not as slutty as you think.”

This just made Maria laugh harder so Liz walked away. It burst her bubble to know that everyone here could possibly on see her as a slut. It never used to bother her before but now it did for some reason. She was more than that.

She tried to figure out what she was other than that but couldn’t.

In an attempt to try and forget her realisation she went to the side of stage and danced. Usually the atmosphere of the dark offstage and the loud screaming fans made her forget everything.

Tonight it didn’t work. After giving up she went out to the car park and sat down on a park bench. She smoked five cigarettes while she tried to figure out the meaning of her life. Surely there was something she was good at…

It runs in the family not to succeed in anything. Damn her father, maybe if she’d had a more happy childhood she’d have stayed in school and figured out what she was good at.

She was just thinking about the time she won the spelling bee in the seventh grade when the concert ended. She could hear the guys backstage laughing and toasting a good performance. CCR was going to sing now.

Liz could have won every spelling bee if she’d tried. She was a very good speller…any word, whether she knew it or not, nine times out of ten she’d get it right. That was something wasn’t it?

Right now she wished her mom was with her. Maria told her what Nancy said a week ago and suddenly Liz felt the urge to call her. There was a telephone box down the street…

Liz decided to head towards it and was soon dialling her home number. Nancy answered on the fifth ring.

“Nancy?” she said nervously, “Mom…hi?”

“Liz? Liz is that you?” Nancy seemed to let out a relieved breath. “Oh darlin’ I’m so glad you’ve called. I’ve been worried sick. I’m sorry about the things I said before you left. When are you gonna come home?”

Liz looked down at her platform sandals and scrunched her toes. Her nails were painted red. “Well actually…I don’t know if I’ll come home. But…I’m sorry too. I realize I can be a fuckin’ handful sometimes.”

“You sound so sad right now,” Nancy said. “What’s wrong? Do you need money? Do you need anything?”

Nancy wasn’t always so caring. She had her moments. Sometimes her moods were as random as Max’s—she yelled and screamed one minute and then was sweet as pie the next. Liz was glad she’d caught her during one of her good moods.

“Mom…I don’t need anything. I was just wondering…do I have a talent? I remember you said…that I am…well, am I really good for nothing?” Liz didn’t like her platform sandals anymore; she kicked them off and looked at them with disgust. Right now she wanted to wear something conventional.

“Oh of course not,” Nancy said sincerely. “I’m sorry I said that. It’s just that…right now you aren’t making the best decisions. You have potential but I don’t think you’re using it.”

“Potential at what?” Liz asked with exasperation. “Mom, I’ve never even learnt how to ride a bike!”

Suddenly the phone said she only had thirty seconds to go before her money ran out.

“Mom, I’m going to have to go. I don’t have any more money on me. Don’t worry ‘bout me kay?”

“But honey…”

“Bye mom.”

Liz hung up the phone and then rested her head on the glass door. She didn’t feel like partying tonight…maybe she’d just bugger off and then come back in the morning.


Liz was first to the bus in the morning. She’d wandered around the city for two hours the night before and then met some guys getting high in their van. She’d joined them for a while, having only a couple of hits and then went on her way.

It was getting colder now (winter was approaching) and all she had on was a tank top and a skirt. She had no choice but to head back to the hotel or she’d freeze to death.

With her arms tightly wrapped around her chest she walked the few blocks back. It was nearing three AM, windy and her hair whipped across her face. She wondered if she’d ever forget this night.

It felt like one of those times that you don’t forget. She’d had an important realization about herself and how other people saw her today.

A huge party was taking place, just as suspected, so Liz crept through all the people and disappeared into the bedroom she shared with the girls. No one was there at the moment so she climbed under the covers and went to sleep.

In the morning she went and got a hot chocolate and then went and drank it while waiting by the bus. They would be heading back up north today.

It was nine AM when Jeff and Max exited the motel and headed towards the bus. They regarded her with surprise.

“Where’d you disappear to?” Max asked. “Maria was panicked.”

Liz tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I went for a walk.”

“All night?” Jeff asked with a smirk. He unlocked one of the side doors on the bus and yanked it up. They were going to start loading the equipment.

“You’re not usually one to miss the party,” Max commented dryly.

Liz looked down at her hands, which were resting on her lap in a knot. “Well last night I didn’t feel like it, did I? You got a problem with that?”

Max waited until Jeff had walked away and then he sat down beside her. “I thought maybe you’d disappeared because of me,” he said.

“You’d fuckin’ like that wouldn’t you?”

He looked at her and shook his head. “No, I felt bad.” Liz was surprised by this comment but chose not to show it. “So you didn’t disappear because of me?”

“Not a fuckin’ chance in hell.” She lit up a cigarette and took a puff. “But you know what pisses me off—other than you in general—is the fact that you are so hot and cold. Suddenly you wanna play nice guy again after being so rude last night?”

“Yeah, yeah,” he said. “I’m an asshole. So what? It’s not a crime. I’ll be however I want.”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course ya will.” He was exceedingly immature.

No longer wanting to be in his company, Liz stamped out her cigarette and then got up. He didn’t stop her when she walked away but when she turned back to look at him he was watching her.

Maria and Isabel were both relieved. They gave her a hug and said that she had to tell them next time she was just going to disappear. Liz’s good mood returned…people cared about her even if she was just a slutty party animal!

On the bus she planned to rest her eyes but must have fallen asleep. She woke up to loud laughter and opened her eyes to see everyone looking at her.

“Oh, Brownie’s awake,” Max said with a grin.

Her face fell. “Oh my God Maria! You told them about that?”

“Liz, did you seriously used to be fat?” Kyle asked, laughing. Liz threw a cushion at him. “I mean, I thought you had a big ass but …”

“There is nothing wrong with being a little large!” she howled. “And if one of you even thinks about calling me Brownie I’ll cut you open and eat you.”

While everyone laughed at her Max said, “I’ll take that dare,” quietly and raised a smoke to his lips, his eyes glistening.


Ah! This has been sitting in my broken computer for ages and now I've finally posted it. I don't know how long till it's fixed so hopefully you won't have to wait tooo long for the next part.

Hope you liked it,

Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »


They were in the middle of no where when suddenly the bus had engine trouble. It came to a gradual halt on the side of the road and everyone sighed. It didn’t help that it was raining heavily and was nearing darkness. The bus was so cosy and warm in comparison…

“We’re not gonna make it to the next show, I just know it,” Alex grumbled.

Eventually all the men got out to have a look under the hood. They peaked in, glanced around aimlessly, stepped back and put their hands on their hips. They looked very amusing with their long dripping hair and coats. Especially Alex who didn’t have a coat and had to wear Isabels. Maria and Liz stood at the doors and, seeing that they were dazed and confused, yelled out, “do ya’ll know what the heck you’re doin’?”

“Just go back inside, the men can handle this,” Michael yelled back. He spat out rain drops as he spoke.

Liz rolled her eyes, hopped down and came marching towards them. The rain quickly made her white gypsy shirt soaked but she didn’t even notice. The men did, her nipples poked out of the thin material. She never wore a bra.

“Let me have a look. I know a thing or two about engines.”

“Ha,” Kyle said.

She shot him a look and then climbed onto the front. “Just go back inside little boys.”

But to go back inside meant they would appear pathetic so the males all remained where they were and watched as she dug around, her large round bottom moving up and down in the air.

Car headlights zoomed passed but no one stopped to help. Liz didn’t blame them, it was freakin’ cold. Her fingers were only kept from going numb by the warm engine.

Soon she stood up and looked at Jim, “Go crank the engine, would ya?”

He climbed back into the drivers’ seat and as he revved Liz reached into the hood. It was after she’d fiddled around for a while that the bus came to life again with a hiss and a shudder.

Everyone hurried back inside, patting her on the back like she was one of the guys. They were all surprised by her motor-knowledge but she was bashful and said it really wasn’t anything spectacular—just a little trick she’d learnt from her mother, who’d learnt from her father.

She was just sitting down and squeezing the water out of her long hair when Max came and sat down beside her. He grinned and said, “I’m impressed Brownie.”

“We should-a left you in the rain,” she snarled. “Kiss my ass.”

“Good come back,” he said, “Just while we’re on the topic of asses, did you know yours hangs out of your hot pants?”

Maria—whom was sitting across from them and watching with amusement—laughed and then ( seeing Liz’s displeasure) stopped suddenly. “Low blow Max,” she said, “low blow.”

“God,” Liz said.

Smugly, he stood up and went down the back near Michael and his guitar.

“Maria,” Liz said, reaching out and kicking her. “What possessed you to tell them about that?”

“Oh come on Liz,” Kyle winked at her. “It’s all in good humour.”

“For you maybe.”


Another concert, another after party. It took a while to get going this time because the guys wanted to have a meeting and that meant no females. Liz went and sat by the motel pool with her legs dangling in the water. She was smoking a cigarette and looking at the dark sky tiredly, it had been a long day. Another moment to herself to think, exactly what she didn’t want but somehow longed for.

The cold water swallowed her feet and she splashed them about, thinking about how nice it felt. How nice the whole night was. The crisp air, the pool light illuminating the bottom, the sounds that came with darkness.

Her serenity was interrupted when there was shuffling feet behind her.

Of all the people it could be, it had to be Max.

She sighed and rubbed her brow. Right now wasn’t a good time for her to be hassled. She just wanted some space for two minutes.

Instead of having to deal with him, she quickly had the notion to jump in the pool. So she did.

Fully clothed, she simply leaned forward and dived into the water. The coldness was a shock to the system and she instantly thought she’d made a mistake. She stayed under as long as she could and then came thrashing to the surface. “Fuck!” she cried when she broke the surface.

Max was standing at the edge, smirking at her.

“Rather freeze than talk to me?” he asked raising a brow.

After catching her breath she looked up at him. “Any day,” she answered. Her hair hung down in front of her face and she tried holding it back with her hand.

“Go on, get out of the pool.”

It was only because she didn’t feel like arguing that she did get out. He helped her, his warm hand enveloping her cold, wet one. She was tempted to pull him in but decided against it. They sat down on the side of the pool and shared his cigarette.

They didn’t talk, just sat. Liz yawned a bunch of times and then he did as well and complained, “Oh great, now you’ve set me off.”

There were people gathering upstairs where the party was getting started and slowly but surely the peaceful atmosphere was lost. Liz ran her fingers back over her scalp, straightening her hair. She was cold but she didn’t go change.

“I’m gonna ask you something.” Max looked out at the bushes ahead of them on the other side of the pool. “Will you really not fuck me?”

She looked at him and smirked. “Yeah. Only in your dreams.”

“Why the hell not?”

He looked at her and she didn’t break the stare. Finally, unable to help herself she asked, “Why? Did ya wan-nu?”

“I dunno. It’s not so important.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She fought not to loose her cool. She leaned back on her palms. “You either do or you don’t.”

“I don’t know. I was just curious.”

“Well decide!” she howled. There went her nonchalance.

“Why? Do you want to?” he asked.

They were staring at each other avidly, either one trying to read the others expression. Liz licked her lips, thinking: If I fuck him, I really will be a slut.

“I asked you first,” she said simply.

“That means yes.”

“Oh fuck you!”

She decided she didn’t care. He was fucking hot, how could anyone blame her?

He leaned into her and pressed his mouth to hers. At first it was no big deal and he pulled away and looked at her. Then they mauled each other, kissing furiously and passionately. There was nothing slow and romantic about it, just carnal need. Liz got up onto her knees and tried to move closer only to have his arms come around her ass. Without breaking the kiss he pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him.

Somewhere down from them a door opened and people started talking in the passage. Max and Liz continued on, ignoring them, getting hotter and heavier with every heart beat. Her thighs clenched, drawing her closer against him.

When they broke for a moment to catch their breath Liz panted, “I haven’t been kissed like that in a long time.” She was probably going insane, but it felt like he meant it. She never had kisses that meant something. The prospect excited her.

They were just pressing their lips together again when they heard footsteps and voices heading in their direction. Normally she would just continue, or pick up where they left off somewhere else—but tonight she got off him just before Maria, Isabel and Kyle rounded the corner to the pool.

Liz wiped her mouth, shot him a look and said, “I still fuckin’ hate you. Don’t think this changes anything.”

He smirked. “What ever Brownie.”

Eventually the pool area became overcrowded and loud with music and laughter. Liz sat at a patio table drinking beer with a bunch of people but she wasn’t really that involved. She was thinking about the fact that—to prove Maria wrong—she hadn’t had sex with anyone since before the CCR concert. If she hooked into Max, all that effort would have gone to waste.

As she watched him, she thought it would be a shame if she didn’t. She had this feeling that they could be really hot in the sack. Probably all that anger and hatred.

When Maria walked past she grabbed her arm. “Maria, do you really think I’m a slut?”

Maria was off her head. Who knows what she was on? “Hell no honey, you’re my girl!”

Liz decided that wasn’t good enough for her so she got up, stubbed out her cigarette and headed towards the steps. She had an idea. An idea that would show everyone she wasn’t that easy.

The rooms would mostly be empty right now and one sultry glance in Max’s direction let him know what she was thinking. He caught on straight away and only a few seconds after she’d shut the door he came in.

This was going to be fun, she thought. But only if he doesn’t use his mouth to speak, of course.

“Like the spider to the fly,” she said, giving him an alluring look.

He stepped into her. “Who’s the spider?”

“That would be me.”

“I agree…” he murmured before leaning down to give her a fervent kiss. It was electric but no less hungry as earlier. He tasted of cigarettes and beer but it was nice. She moaned.

“Oh yeah…” he seemed to like that and lifted one of her legs by a hand on her thigh. His other hand grasped her ass to lift her erotically onto the bed. When they were horizontal he grinded into her, first gently and then more hurried as his arousal grew.

His hand came under her top to stroke her petite breast. Soon he grew tired of that and ripped her shirt off harshly only to lower his mouth to her nipple. One of her hands came up the back of his neck and disappeared into his long hair.

His own shirt followed and Liz found herself inhaling loudly.

“Oh fuck.”

He sucked on her nipples until they were glistening and raw and then Liz got fed up with him taking charge and rolled them over. She unbuttoned his jeans and drew them down his thighs until they were on the floor. He then tried to reach for her but she wouldn’t let him, determined to keep her distance.

On her knees over him, she drew a trail down his chest and up his arousal. She rubbed gently, enjoying the sight of Max Evans writhing like a captive beneath her. When his eyes drifted shut and the veins in his neck bulged she let go and smiled smugly.

His breathing paused while he waited for her to continue and she did by leaning down and taking him into her mouth. She softened her jaw and drew him in as far as she could. He moaned and reached down to run a hand through her hair but she held it above his head.

He waited with suspense while she tugged at a pillow case and then used it to tie his hands to the head board. “What are you doing?” he asked. He was unsure at first.

She smiled innocently and he gave in when she leaned back down and he felt her soft, wet tongue on his erection. She played with him for a long minute and then she sat back up and whispered in his ear…

“I’ll be right back…”

She quickly grabbed her top and went to the door. Max didn’t know what was going on until he opened his eyes after the door slammed behind her.

He let out a loud puff and cursed. This wasn’t good.

She didn’t come back to the room and he wasn’t found for nearly two hours. It was two female strangers that came in to put down their coats. They laughed hysterically at him—it was a lot funnier because they were off their faces—and didn’t help until he begged.

“Why don’t you stay like that?” one of them asked devilishly. “And we’ll join you?”

Max’s eyes darkened. “Untie me and you can join me. Both of you.”

They did and the three of them were in a very compromising and very naked position when Liz came back saying, “Okay, okay I’m sorry I’ll untie you now if you beg—” she stopped in mid-sentence when she saw the scene before her. “Whoaaa, okaaay…”

Max shifted his head so he could stare at her. “You didn’t think I was going to wait all night did you?”

Her jaw fell open. That had to be the worst plan back-fire in the world. She left once again with the slam of a door and went down stairs, feeling strangely unsettled. Seeing him like that bothered her more than she would have guessed.


Managed to raid my mom's work computer long enough to write this! Haha! Hope you liked, le'me know what ya'll think. It's my birthday on Monday! Wahoo me! Let's hope it's sunny!

take care darlings!
Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »


After Max had finished his orgy he rejoined the party. Liz watched with slit eyes as he walked down the stairs and chatted with a bunch of people by the pool. He ignored her for a long time and then, when she was on the verge of being horribly drunk and stoned, came and sat on one of the plastic chairs next to her.

She was going to tell him to please remove himself from her company when he said, “I just wanted to tell you that I know why you did what you did.” He sipped his beer.

“You have no idea what my reasoning was,” she retorted.

He looked at her. “I hear and see a lot more than you think. I know your reasoning. Your two reasons.”

She could tell that he did. She looked away and bit her lip. Shit.

“And you should know that what I did…” he grinned smugly, “It was only to get back at you. I knew you’d come back at some point.”

Liz rolled her eyes and snatched his beer out of his hand, taking a big gulp. “You’re a jerk and a slut.”

When he left Liz watched him. He was such a mystery.

In the morning the bus was emptier than usual. Kim and Danielle booth stayed behind so the only females were Maria, Liz and Isabel. Isabel was a little depressed to see Danielle go but she was her regular self by midday.

For lunch they stopped at a small highway dinner. Liz sat with Maria in a booth and she was telling her about what happened with Max when Michael came over. They cut their natter short because Liz didn’t want too many people knowing about her failed ‘plan’.

She noticed that Michael was growing very fond of Maria. He put his arm around her shoulder and didn’t remove it even when eating. She watched them while she sucked her milkshake up through a straw and thought they seemed quite devoted.

When they reached Columbus she went up to her hotel room—she got her own this time with some money her mother had sent her—and lay down. She needed a nap.

There wasn’t going to be a concert tonight. They were ahead of schedule and the show wouldn’t be until tomorrow. They’d have a whole morning to do whatever tomorrow and Liz was looking forward to it.

After catching a few hours sleep Liz was woken up by a knock at the door. She didn’t think it would be Isabel or Maria because they would have just traipsed in so she managed to climb out of bed and let whoever it was in. She was in nothing but her panties and a baggy singlet but she didn’t care. Her hair was probably everywhere too.

“Ah hi,” Max said, giving her a queer look. “I came to ask if you wanted another guitar lesson.”

She rubbed the grime out of her eyes so she could see him properly. “Huh?”

“Have you been sleeping?” he asked, looking her over. “What are you, forty?”

Too tired to care what he did, she just left the door open for him and then went to her bag to look for cigarettes. “Do I look fucking forty?” she yawned and stretched, “I like my sleep but I don’t get much during the night so I get what I can during the day.”

He closed the door behind him and put his guitar down on a chair. “It’s dinner time. Everyone’s getting food downstairs. Did you want to have something?”

“Eurk no. I’m not in the least bit hungry,” she sighed. Where were her fucking cigarettes?

He shoved his hands in his pockets. Not in an awkward way, just a personal habit. “I also wanted to know if there are any hard feelings between us after the other night.” He wasn’t the type of guy that got awkward. He was relaxed in everything he spoke about otherwise he wouldn’t say it.

She shot him a surprised look. “There were hard feelings between us before the other night. Anyway, what do I care who you fucking romp with?”

He shrugged. “You’re looking for smokes aren’t you? Here,” he held his hand out to her and she walked over and snatched it out of his palm.


Once it was hanging off her lips he lit it for her and then took a seat on the end of the bed. “So, you want a fucking guitar lesson or not?”

She pretended to think about it for a moment. “No I don’t.”

“Why are you so grumpy?”

“Because you woke me up,” she said and scratched her head. “And…oh never mind.”

“And what?”

“I want to screw and I’m not happy about it.”

He looked up at her standing in nothing but her underwear. She had grey bags under her eyes and scruffy hair and he didn’t even need to think about it. “So would I,” he said, never loosing his cool. “But I don’t trust you not to run off again.”

“Because that situation ended so badly for you last time?” she said. His hair was tied back in a bun-like-thing and he was wearing his normal attire of jeans, t-shirt and boots. She climbed on his lap so her knees were on either side of his hips. He let her kiss him gently. “I’m not going to run away this time,” she said quietly.

He had a black tattoo on his lower back and it was in the shape of a circle with an intricate pattern inside it. She asked what it meant but he wouldn’t tell her, just removed her singlet and pressed his bare chest into hers while he kissed her. His arms were big around her slender body and she relaxed in them, enjoying the feel of being enveloped in warmth.

She didn’t even realize when he removed his pants. She was too busy kissing his golden soft skin and rubbing her thighs together and against his sides. When they lay down with him on top her arms went around his neck.

She heard him say, “You’re going to burn my fucking head off with that thing,” and he reached over his shoulder and took the cigarette out of her hand. She hadn’t realized she still had it.

Again he kissed her breasts and she writhed beneath him in pleasure. He was doing wonderful things to her, arousing and peaking all her senses. They grinded their lower bodies together, his bare and hers still separated by her underwear. It felt wonderful and she became so aroused she moaned loudly.


She reached down in-between them and stroked him softly until he bit her ear and hissed that if she didn’t let him enter her now he wouldn’t get to. She smirked and told him that he better put her diaphragm in then and that it was in the bathroom if he cared to get it.

He sighed and got up. Liz watched him go. He had a brown body but a white behind and it made her smile. When he came back he put it in, with her help, and then she pushed him onto his back on the double bed. She wanted to ride him into oblivion. His eyes never left her as she leaned over him.

On her knee’s above his stomach he reached down and cupped her genitals, stroking her as softly and teasingly as she’d done to him. She arched her back, resting one of her hands on his thigh, and thrust her breasts upwards so they poked into the air. She was incredibly slick for him and now he knew it he had to enter her.

He was all ready to thrust upwards into her when suddenly she turned around so that her back was to him and then sat on his arousal—sending it straight up into her hot passage. Max jolted in surprise and let out a harsh breath.

“Fuck,” he said.

He stared at her long tendrils of hair hanging down her back and the mounds of her slightly parted ass cheeks. He wanted to fuck her so badly he didn’t know what to do with himself.

He sat up so his chest was against her back and she lifted herself up his shaft and then slid gracefully down again. They both groaned but his was muffled in her neck where he kissed her jaw and temples. A thin film of sweat was forming and the taste of salt did nothing but arouse him further.

With the pleasure she was experiencing she couldn’t help curving her neck back so he could have better access. It’s then that she saw the mirror to their left and she watched as they moved together, locking eyes with herself. The bed squeaked as she moved and the headboard occasionally smacked the wall. Their panting was loud.

His hands came to her sides and moved up her flexed stomach to stroke her handfuls of breast. Her nipples were hard against his palms and he toyed with them as best he could while she wreaked havoc on his loins.

When she knew he was about to come she shifted again so she was facing him. They kissed fervently while easing back down onto the mattress and when she clenched her thighs and pressed her entire naked body snugly against his. That’s when he released and jerked excitedly into her.

While he was still recovering she took his hand and slipped it between their bodies to pleasure her. She had to show him at first but he got the hang of it and soon she was following him in release.

They remained pressed together for a long moment and then Liz rolled onto her back, breathing heavily.

Max sat up and propped himself against the headboard. Liz was just about to say she needed a cigarette when he said, “God I need a fucking smoke after that,” and reached for his pants.

She had a puff of his and then they both sighed in content.

“Nothing like mixing one pleasure with another,” Liz whispered, almost inaudibly. She took a hair tie from her wrist and used it to put her hair up, out of her face. She then lay back down on her back and smoked her joint silently with her eyes half open. She bent her legs and crossed one at the knee so her foot bobbed in the air.

Max stared ahead of him for a while, thinking about what they’d just done and then he looked down at her. Her cheeks were still flushed and her body moist. He’d want her again in a few moments if she continued to look so delectable.

He didn’t get a chance to do it again. When she was finished with her joint she got up and went to the bathroom and then came back in and said, “Oh…you can go now if you want.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

She frowned. “What?”

He shook his head. “I’m quite fine right where I am, thanks.”

Liz didn’t know what to do then, she felt uncomfortable. No one usually stuck around afterwards. She figured he must want to do it again.

“Nope,” he said, “well…not right this second. That was exhausting.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she pulled her tank top and underwear back on and then stood awkwardly with her hands on her hips.

He laughed. Loudly. “Wow! You’re so bad at this! Who would have known? Just lie back down.”

Liz was going to say, ‘anything to help this situation’ but she didn’t. The weed just wasn’t setting in fast enough. She sighed and walked over to the fridge.

When she looked at Max again he had a funny look on his face.

“What?” she snapped.


Max was thinking about how weird she was acting and how unexpected it was. He was seeing that Liz Brooklyn Parker wasn’t as confident as she pretended to be. She had no idea how to get close to someone. He told her to come here and she did.

He kissed her, really kissed her but she tried to deepen it and make it lead further but he pulled away and shook his head. “I’m just kissing you,” he said. “That’s all.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Because I fucking want to,” he answered. He tugged her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his chest. She was stiff for a while and then gave in, resting her head against him. Eventually they both fell asleep.


When Liz woke up she quickly went and had a shower and then left. She definitely didn’t want to be there when he woke up. It was just weird.

She just felt weird.

Everyone was downstairs in the bar drinking around a long table and no one asked where she’d been. She told them anyway, “I had a nap. Now I’m ready to go all night.”

Maria laughed. “That’s my girl.”

“Isabel hand me that vodka.”


Hi everyone! Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I had an awesome day and a delecious dinner. Hope you like this part..
Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by nicola »


When Max joined the party downstairs—nearly two whole hours later—he seemed to ignore Liz. She didn’t mind, she couldn’t look him in the face anyway. It wasn’t the sex that embarrassed her, it was what happened afterwards. She hoped he’d just leave her alone now. He’d got what he wanted.

The sex had been great, she had to admit that. Kind of awkward at first, but steamy once they got into it. She sipped her drink and focused on everyone except him. In fact, the more she thought about their time together, the more here eyes drifted downwards until finally she couldn’t look at anything but her drink and the table.

She wondered why it had been awkward at all. It never usually was. She wasn’t shy.

Maybe he wasn’t ignoring her. Maybe she just didn’t realize he was staring at her because she was averting her attention so much.

When he asked if anyone was as hungry she bit her lip. He was going to order food and would anyone like anything?

She was starving but she didn’t want to share with him so she just kept her mouth shut. She’d eat the nuts and chips that were already on the table. They were scattered everywhere anyway.

It was nearing two in the morning when she went back to her room. Everyone said goodnight and then she closed the door and climbed into bed alone. She wasn’t alone for long however, the door opened a crack and Max slipped in, then closed and locked it behind him.

She opened one eye just as he was squatting in front of her. She could barely see him in the dark but he couldn’t be mistaken for anyone else. He was wearing pants but no shirt. “Leave me alone,” she said, “I don’t want to do it again. Go away.”

He chuckled. “You’d think you’d be nicer when you’re blitzed.”

“Well I’m not, shoo.”

“You should really lock your door, you know,” he leaned closer to her face and she could feel his breath on her lips. “It’s not safe. Anyone could traipse in.”

“I thought I did lock it,” she answered. “Look—what do you want?”

He breathed out as he replied, “You…” and his warm breath made her shudder. “What you don’t want me again Brownie? Why are you making me work for it? No one else has to…”

That was the complete wrong thing to say. Liz slapped him. “How dare you! How the hell would you know?” she sat up in anger. “Fuck off Max. Go to hell.”

“God what’s your problem?” he asked, just as angrily. “If you go around acting like a..a…a—”

“What? A slut?” she offered.

“Then what do you think people are going to think?” he asked. “If you don’t like it, don’t do it!”

“I haven’t been!” she yelled back. “You’re the only one I’ve had in weeks. So fuck you.”

Max swallowed and then was quiet for a long moment. Eventually he said, “I’m sorry, okay? I’m just…”

“You’re just horny and want someone to play with your balls, well I’m sorry but you aren’t going to be getting any out of me tonight so you may as well stop trying.”

He laughed and asked—very hopefully—“Just tonight?”

She rolled her eyes. “Go away Max.”

“Not a chance Brownie.” Liz watched him stand up and take off his pants. She opened her mouth to protest but he climbed into the bed next to her and rolled onto his side. “Goodnight then.”

“I don’t like sharing my bed,” she said dryly.

“Oh…well I love it,” he replied. “Can’t sleep without someone beside me. You’ll do for tonight.”

“Jee thanks.”

They were silent for a moment and then he rolled over so he was facing her. “Can I ask you a question? How old are you?”

Liz sighed. “What does that matter? I’m eighteen.”

He let out a breath of air. “Oh man! To be eighteen again. Do you know how old I am?”

She sighed again. “No, but I suppose you’re going to tell me.”

“I’m going to be thirty in two months. Can you believe that? How fuckin’ old is that? I’m like…a decade older than you.”

“So? What’s wrong with being thirty?” she yawned and wondered when he’d shut up so she could go to sleep.

“It’s like…I’m too old for all this shit now. Don’t you think? Sometimes I think it’s time to move on. I never planned to do this forever.”

That got her attention .She was incredibly surprised. “What? Why would you give up this? You’re only thirty!”

“I’m not thirty yet!” he quickly reminded her. “And I don’t know if I’m cut out for this life anymore.”

Liz could see that he’d had this on his mind for a while and needed to talk someone about it. Apparently that person was going to be her, whether she wanted it to be or not. He needed someone new, someone who wasn’t in the band, to talk to.

“You’re obviously drug-fucked,” she had to sit up to give him this lecture because it was too much to say while lying down. “You are only thirty—sorry nearly thirty—and in case you haven’t noticed most rock band members are way older than that. And what the fuck do you mean—you didn’t plan to do this forever anyway?”

“God, don’t flip your wig.”

“This band is workin’ it’s ass off to make a name for itself and you want to fuckin’ drop out?”

“They can replace me,” he said.

“No they fuckin’ can’t. You’re incredible at what you do. Writing and singing.”

“You really think so?” he grinned up at her.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to sit here and stroke you’re fuckin’ ego.”

She knew what he was going to say before he even said it. “Will you stroke something else?”

She couldn’t help but smile, even if she tried not to. He noticed and laughed. “Will you stop being a candyass?” she asked. “And apologize for calling me a slut?”

“I didn’t call you a slut.”

He reached out and stroked her bare thigh under the blanket. His hand moved up and down and then slowly inwards. She didn’t expect him to ask before going any further, but he did. “Do you still mind if I cop’ a feel? It’ll be nice, I promise.”

She sidled back into a lying down position. “I might not mind. That depends.”

“On what?” he said, inching his mouth closer to hers.

“If you stop thinkin’ about leavin’ the band.”


She managed to stop him before he pulled off her shirt so she could ask breathlessly, “Are you for real or are you being a fink?’

“I’ll tell you later.”

He kissed her passionately and she wrapped her arms around his neck, giving into his persuasive mouth. He was soon on top of her and his naked body rubbed against hers, making her hot.

This time when they had sex he remained on top of her and entered her frontward. Liz curved a leg over his thighs to draw him closer and arched her head further back into the pillow with every thrust.

The bed was hitting the wall and making a racquet so in the room next door they screamed for them to cut it out or take it somewhere else. From that point on Max and Liz became louder and more excited—moaning and crying out just to annoy them (and for their own pleasure of course). It was extra stimulating for Liz to hear Max howl her name as he came.

Afterwards they shared a cigarette again. It was nearly three-thirty AM.

“You know,” Max said, “You’re really good at that.”

Liz laughed. “Um, thanks. I shouldn’t tell you this but the other night when I walked out on you? Well that wasn’t easy…I was really enjoying myself and almost forgot to leave.”

Almost,” he said. “Not quite good enough is it?”

She nodded. “Not quite, you might need to try a little harder next time.”

“Maybe I outta try a little harder right now.”

“Oh alright.”


It was nearing midday when they finally woke up and went downstairs to join the world. Maria was sitting with Isabel and Alex complaining about Michael—whom she now apparently hated.

No one asked where they’d been or what they’d been up to which made Liz very happy. She didn’t want anyone to know because as far as they knew she hated Max.

To sleep with someone you are supposed to hate doesn’t make you look good.

How did she feel about Max now, she wondered? She couldn’t decide. Let’s just say…she didn’t hate everything about him now. Just some things.

The males all had to go to a concert rehearsal and help set up equipment so the girls all hit the shops and a small bar where they shared a few drinks. When they got back to the hotel Liz quietly suggested that they get ‘decked out’ for the concert tonight.

“Why’s that?” Isabel asked curiously.

Liz shrugged. “I just feel like looking nice. Making an effort you know? Does it matter?”

“No, it doesn’t!” Maria said. “I know exactly what you mean. We don’t make enough of an effort; I want to attract someone tonight. What should we wear?”

Liz curled her hair and put on Maria’s spaghetti strapped baby pink dress—it just covered half of her thigh. On her feet were white go-go boots and to finish off she put on her white crochet poncho. While sitting in front of the mirror putting on makeup she smoked a joint and couldn’t help thinking about the morning she’d spent in bed…with Max. Despite all the sex, they did do some talking.

She told him about her mom and her dad leaving when she was younger. He told her about the band in the earlier days. It felt nice not to despise his every fibre.

There was a bang at the door and Isabel answered it in her underwear.

“Why hellllllo,” Kyle grinned. “So this is where the party is then.”

Maria was on the bed, tying all the laces on her boots and trying to smoke at the same time. The cigarette fell from her lips and landed on her shirt, causing her to quickly leap up and pat at herself to keep from catching on fire.

“Good one Maria,” Liz said. “What’s everyone doing?”

“We’re going to have a feed downstairs and then we’re going to head out to the centre again. Will you be joining us?”

Liz shot up. “I am.”

“Me too,” Maria said while inspecting her blouse. “Oh God, I think I burnt a hole in it. Shit, that sucks man.”

“Le’mme sees,” Isabel looked at it. “Oh it’s not so bad, don’t worry. You guys go ahead; I’ll be down when I’m finished. Order me chicken.”

Liz and Maria put their arms through Kyle’s and they walked together down the burgundy carpeted hallways. This was one of the nicer hotels they’d stayed in. It had expensive wallpaper, the occasional chandelier and mock-gold door handles. The elevator was decked out with mirrors.

As they walked up to the table, still entwined, where the rest of the band waited they sung loudly, “ We're sitting pretty
Have you heard?
I gotta tell you that's a little absurd
Some things are too fast for me to fight!

“Oh thank God you’re the singer Max,” Michael teased. “We’d never get anywhere with them.”

He just nodded and smiled.

“God I’m just so looking forward tonight, I feel like dancing until I can’t move,” Liz said. She plopped back onto one of the chairs next to Max and crossed her legs. Her dress came so far up her thighs right now it may as well not be there. He noticed and reached out to gasp her skin with his warm hands.

“Meeee tooooo,” Maria said. “Michael, do I look nice?”

He grunted and smoked his cigarette. “You look like a flower child.”

“She is a flower child,” Liz said.

Maria gasped. “I am not!”

When Isabel joined them she came dancing into the room and spun around. Everyone smiled their approval and then they ate.

On the way to the venue they stopped at some traffic lights. Suddenly Alex yelled, “They’re Ivy Leaguers!”

“Quick!” Michael jumped up and opened the windows. Everyone followed suit and then tugged down, or lifted up, their clothes to moon them. The guys in the convertible next to them gave the finger and told them they were fucking shit heads.

“Oh no! Did you hear that? We’re shit heads!” Kyle cried. “Go home and masturbate over your sister fucker!”

“Reeeetttttaaarrrrddddssss,” Maria howled.

Everyone calmed down once they got to the venue. Liz was getting a drink when Max tugged her down the back and lifted her onto an unused speaker. “Let’s have a quickie before the show,” he said.

Liz grunted. “Why would I want to do that?”

He put his hand under her dress. “Why else would you wear no knickers?”

“Well I suppose that’s a point…”

She kissed him hungrily and tried to undo his pants at the same time. She didn’t even care when someone walked past.


Hiiii guys.
I forgot to mention that all the lyrics I use in this will be by the datsuns. I don't take credit fo writing them, k? Hope you enjoyed it. It certianly was quite fun to write,

thanks for everything!
Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »


A new girl joined the tour after the Columbus concert. Her name was Fiona and Liz instantly liked her because she was someone she could have fun with but discuss serious things with too. Like her desire to do something with her life.

Fiona had been travelling around with The Who but enjoyed Devils Gold music and wanted to be around ‘budding stars’ again. (The Who had already made quite a big splash on the late 1960’s rock music scene) That and she enjoyed the band members so much and wanted a change. Everyone liked her but not as much as Liz. They became close.

“Did you know abortion has become legal in some states?”

“And artificial insemination,” Maria snorted. “I don’t think I agree with that.”

Liz shrugged. “Everyone has abortions illegally—no one cares so much as it is. What’s the difference?”

“Maybe they’ll make weed legal next?” Kyle stared fondly at the joint in his hand. He was lying on his back on the ground of the bus and was tripping over the ‘vibrations’ made by the engine.

Michael was resting, Isabel was reading a magazine and Alex was driving the bus because Jim was in the Jeff’s car (that was following closely behind the bus).

Liz got up from her seat and went and flopped down next to Max. He had been writing something and strumming his guitar since they’d left the city but he looked up when she inched closer to him. “Watcha doin’?” she asked suspiciously.

“Someone has to write new material,” he smirked. “Or we’d be singin’ the same songs over and over forever.”

“Can I see what you’ve written?” She put on some sunglasses with blue lenses and studied him mock-seriously.

He was gruff. “Hell no.”

“Why not? I’m gonna hear it anyways.” She tried to look over the top of his pad but he slapped it against his chest.

“Fuck off,” he said.

“Whatcha gonna do to make me?” she tried grabbing for it but he wouldn’t let it go and she was no match for him—although he was surprised by her strength.

“You’re freakishly strong,” he grunted and tried pushing her off him. She was sprawled all over him now, reaching above his head to grab it but he just tipped her off him and she hit the bus floor with a thud.

“Pfft!” she threw her hands up in the air. “What’s so secret anyway?”

“Liz while you’re down here,” Kyle murmured. “Feel the floor with your back. It’s amazing…”

Liz snorted. “No thanks Kyle.”

She got back up on the seat with Max again and frowned at him. He just slapped his notebook closed and tucked it into his pants.

“I’m not afraid to go down there and get it,” she said.

“I know you’re not,” he said back with a grin.

As soon as they got to a motel they disappeared into a room and didn’t come out. At some point Liz went into the bathroom and when she came back Max was resting with his eyes closed so she made a wild dash for his pants and grabbed his notebook. She flicked the freshest page and ran her eyes over the lyrics.

Slick it back
Gimme some grease
You got it
I want it
So baby so sweet
Jett black hair
Leather on thigh
You make me flip baby
But you don't give a damn
You're just a fink for the man
You sure let me know
You don't give a damn
You're just a fink for the man.

When she looked up from the page Max’s eyes were open and he was staring at her. “That’s good,” she said simply and dropped it back onto his pants. “Who’s it about?”

“It’s about nobody,” he lied and then rolled onto his back. Liz sat down on the edge of the mattress and stared at him.

“If it isn’t about me then why didn’t you want me to see it?” There was something too intimate about him writing a song about her. She got a little freaked out.

He shrugged. “Maybe I like to keep things to myself.”

“Is it about me?” she asked again.

“Maybe,” he answered. “If you want.”

“My hair is more deep brown than jet black,” she said matter-of-factly.

He closed his eyes and shrugged again. “Whatever.”

She got up and started putting her clothes back on. Her excuse for leaving was—“I’m going to get something to eat.” She was so relieved to be rid of him for a while and went and hung out with Fiona.

“I feel like acting posh,” Fiona said and so they got into their nicest clothes—which weren’t really that nice—and went out and had tea in the fanciest café they could afford. It was getting late in the evening and the dinner crowds had left so they had the choice to sit anywhere they wanted. They sat outside on the sidewalk because it was very warm for late October.

“I haven’t done anything like this for fuckin’ ages,” Liz said. She was playing with a white paper napkin absentmindedly.

“Like what?” Fiona asked, surprised.

“I don’t know,” Liz shrugged. “Anything normal I suppose. Or what feels normal. Sometimes my life feels a little surreal…like I’m watching myself from afar and I don’t have any control over my actions.”

Fiona waited until the waitress put cake in front of them before she asked, “The rock star life is pretty fuckin’ intense.”

Liz smiled and picked up her fork. “It is isn’t it? What was it like for you when you first joined The Who?”

“Oh you know…” Fiona laughed. “Exactly the same. You get used it. It’s been so long since I did something normal that this is normal for me. Man this cake is delicious, want to try? How’s yours?”

“No thanks, not big on carrot cake. Mines great too—here…” Liz pushed her chocolate gateaux forward. “You know…I haven’t done this in a while—have a real conversation. Can you believe that?”

“What, you and Max don’t talk?” she asked with a smirk.

Liz was surprised. “What? No. Why would we?”

With a mouth overflowing with food Fiona said, “Well you seem to really like each other but personally I don’t know how. He can be a fuckin’ dick. How long have you been going steady?”

“We aren’t going steady!” Liz cried. She was absolutely horrified. “And he was like that when he first met me too…actually come to think about it, he’s still like that. The retard. Anyway, I don’t like him or anything…we just have nice sex.”

“Nice sex?” Fiona howled with laughter. “Nice. Right. Okay.”

“He wrote a song about me.” Liz lit a cigarette and then took a deep drag.

“Oh how nice,” Fiona teased.

“It’s not nice. I don’t want him doing anything like that, I never asked him to write something about me. Do you think I could threaten to sue if he makes it public?”

Fiona sipped her tea and then lit up her own cigarette. “What exactly is the problem?” she asked. “Maybe you inspire him. That’s a good thing.”

Liz scrunched up her nose. “It makes me feel uneasy.”

“Why is that?” Fiona put on a fake accent, pretending to be a psychiatrist. “Maybe it’s because you like him.”

“Maybe it’s because I don’t like him but he could like me and I don’t want to be put in that situation.”


“Don’t worry.”

“So what was it like, the song? Was it good?”

Liz tilted her head to the side. “Yeah…it was good. I mean, I didn’t hear it with the music or anything but I bet it would be a good.”

“You know what I think? I think you should just let it go.”


She paused, staring at the street lights and the cars driving past. The occasional couple walked on the side walk with their arms linked and smiles on their faces. The stars were bright in Cincinati sky.

“Fiona I’m so glad you’re here. I like having someone to talk to. Maria has just…never been good at this sort of thing. She’s just someone I drink and get high with.”

“Don’t get all mushy on me, it’s not my sort of thing,” Fiona said, “But I’m glad I’m here too. You guys are good people.”

When they got back to the hotel there was a party, as usual. Liz and Fiona danced in the middle of the room for a long time and then Liz went to the Jacuzzi with a couple of random guys. She didn’t have a swim suit she just striped down to her panties and hoped in. The guys went in naked.

While they drunkenly rambled on she gulped down vodka and coke, pretending to listen. At some point a few other girls joined them in the tub and they all joked around.

It was nearing four AM and the sky was purple when Max came looking for her. He asked her to come in with him.

“No, I don’sant to,” she said with a slur. “I’ms fineswhere I ams.”

One of the guys in the tub put his arm around her. “She can’t leave. We need her here.”

Max rolled his eyes. “Liz, you gonna stay out here all night or what?”

“Its morning now,” some girl corrected him.

“I might,” Liz answered Max. “Bye bye now.”

He didn’t move. “Liz,” he said.

“Hey, what’s your bag man? She said she doesn’t want to go.”

Max looked ready to punch the guy in the face but he remained cool (as always) and just grunted and said, “Fiona was looking for you,” before walking away.

When she didn’t come after ten minutes he came back again.

“Not you again,” someone said.

“What?” Max looked at Liz, “You want to stay down here and prove to everyone that you really are the skank they think you are?”

Liz got out of the tub then, in nothing but her sequined panties and punched him hard in the face. He stumbled backwards.

Fuck you,” she hissed and then picked up her clothes and went inside. Everyone in the spa cheered.

When she saw Michael she told him that she may have broken Max’s nose and that he should probably go take him to a doctor. He just raised his eyebrows and then went outside.

“What’d you do?” Fiona asked with a smirk. “Good god girl. Look at your hand. Let’s put some ice on it.”

The two of them went back to their room where Isabel and Maria were sleeping. As quietly as possible they put ice on her hand and then went and sat on the porch. When Fiona asked what had happened Liz just shrugged.

“He must have said something,” Fiona pried. “Do you not want to talk about it?”

Liz looked out at the car park and when she lit a cigarette her hands shook. Fiona didn’t notice but she did hear when Liz sucked in a deep, pained breath.

“Are you okay?” she asked kindly.

Then Liz did something she hadn’t done in years…

She cried.


Hi all! The reason this took so long is because I jsut started school again. My last year! I feel special and important, tee hee. Hope you liked this, sorry it's short.


Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »


Max’s nose wasn’t broken but it was very swollen and blue. Liz cracked up laughing when she saw and then pulled the finger at him and hopped on the bus. Fiona smirked and said, “Nice face asshole.”

Max retorted with, “I’m sorry…what was your name again?”

His insult didn’t have such a great effect because his voice was whiney from his blocked nasal passages. She just pulled the finger at him too and then joined Liz in the bus. They chatted with Alex for a while and then Liz fell asleep for a few hours.

She’d been up the whole night and felt drained.

It was nearing two when Isabel woke her up. The bus had stopped at a family restaurant. Apparently it was the first thing they could find and everyone had gone inside to order and then brought their food outside to eat. There was a park and a playground and everything.

It was still as hot as yesterday evening and she figured that’s why they were outside. That was until she went in to order for herself and realized that wasn’t the case. Inside there were screaming children and sticky sweet smells and most of the band, if not all, had hang overs. It was practically hell.

She decided right then that she didn’t want to have children ever. Not that she’d been planning to anyway. She was standing in line reading the menu when a little girl resting on her mother’s hip accidentally (?) tipped raspberry cola down her white shirt.

The mother was horrified and tried to help with a bunch of yellow napkin’s but Liz just shook her head and said—through clenched teeth—“Don’t worry. It’s fine.”

Everyone laughed at her when she went outside so she snobbed them and went and sat on the kids slide. She ate with her food on her lap.

Her nipples could be seen through her shirt even more now. She thought maybe she should buy a bra. But…with what? She had no money left and her mother wouldn’t hand it out forever.

She was still thinking about that when Fiona joined her. “Let’s go sun bathe on the top of the bus,” she said cheerfully. “No one’s ready to leave for a while yet. Come on, it’ll be cool.”

Liz finished her cheese burger and then went with her. “How do you suppose we get up there?”

“Stand on the hood of course,” Fiona sounded like she’d done this before. “Then just tug yourself up. I’ll go first.”

Everyone was watching them but it didn’t matter. Once they were up there, it was cool. Liz stretched out on her back and closed her eyes. They shared a joint.

“I’m never having fuckin’ kids,” Liz told her. “They’re stupid.”

“Yeah, I’m not so keen on them either.”

They lay there for a while, silently handing their smoke back and forth and relaxing with their arms behind their heads.

“You know what we should do? Get fucked up on some acid. I haven’t had LSD in a while, I miss it. Let’s do that.”

Fiona sat up. She was slim and her stomach barely formed one roll when she slouched. Her hair was raven and a beautiful brown-red that complimented her green eyes nicely. She wasn’t a beautiful woman but she presented herself in a way that was appealing. She had pale skin.

“I agree, let’s fuckin’ do that.”

Michael banged on the hood. “We’re leaving ladies. You plan to stay up there or come inside?”

No one had any LSD and Liz was surprised. They’d have to get some in Lexington.

Devils Gold was famous in Lexington. When the bus stopped at the hotel in the afternoon there were fans waiting for them with pens and paper for autographs. This was happening more regularly now; Devils Gold was starting to gain fame the closer they got to Brooklyn.

Liz noticed that when they got off the bus Max pulled his black cowboy hat further down his head to cover his nose. She smiled, getting a small amount of satisfaction from what she’d done.

She was wearing her blue sunglasses, a big sheepskin jacket and go-go boots and she felt every bit the rock star woman. She waved dramatically at the fans and even though they didn’t know who she was, they waved back because she was friends with the stars.

It was moments like these when she felt she was in heaven. Nothing could top it.

There was a reporter in the lobby waiting for them. He was from !ROLLINGSTONE! and wanted to do an interview. The band all looked at each other and screamed. Max chucked his hat into the air.


It took a minute, but then the firey sensation ripped through her veins. Her eyes lids drifted closed and a smile formed on her lips. “That’s good,” she said.

Isabel rested her head on her shoulder. “It really is.”

“I don’t feel anything”—Maria’s pupils shrunk to the size of pin holes—“oh,” she moaned. “Okay, yeah…wow.”

She lay back on the bed and crossed her legs. Lazily she murmured, “I’ll see you in four hours.”

Everyone laughed and then they all stretched backwards on the floor. Liz could feel the rush in her head and the rebounding around her arms and legs. She stared at the ceiling and stroked Isabel arm. There were swirling colours on the walls.

It was a long moment before anyone moved and that was when the first rush had finally ended.

“That’s like coming,” Maria said, “Fuckin’ fantastic.”

“I love this stuff,” Fiona agreed.

“Let’s go get some beers,” Liz suggested. Her mouth was dry and she felt a little dizzy. She took off her coat and flicked her long hair.

They did what she suggested and then came back and talked for a while. Pretty much about nothing but it didn’t matter. Everything was wonderful…

Annoyingly there was a knock on the door. It was Max; he asked Liz if he could speak to her. She got up and followed him out into the hall; the others didn’t even notice she was gone.

“I’m on acid,” she smiled at him. She leaned against the wall to balance herself. She felt a little nauseous.

“Oh.” He didn’t know what to say. “Let’s go to my room.”

Perhaps if she’d been thinking coherently she would have told him no, but she wasn’t so she went.

She fell back onto his unused bed and sighed happily. He remained standing and said simply, “You know what you do for this band? You inspire the music.”

Liz attempted to sit up. “Huh?”

“I overheard you telling Fiona that you wanted to do something for the band.”

She remembered and nodded.

“And that you feel like you need to help out?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“I want to,” she said simply.

“Well, I’m just telling you. You girls…you give us the stimulus to sing. You create feeling, passion...we get on stage and because of you we can put on a show.”

Liz tried to understand what he was saying, but it was too much for her at the moment. He recognised this and said, “Fuck it, you don’t give a shit about this right now.”

“I do I just…” she fell back onto the mattress. “Can’t…”

He nodded. “I know. Bad timing. I suppose it won’t matter if I tell you I’m sorry now too?”

“It matters. Why do you say things like that? That I’m a slut?” Max was surprised by how much she sounded like a little girl when she said that. “I don’t like it.”

“I know you don’t.”

He came and lay down beside her on his back. She kissed him and it felt even better because she was stoned. She sighed against his lips.

“Careful of my nose,” he said.

She giggled. “I can’t fuck you, I have my period.”

He took the beer can from her hand and put it on the floor, and then he continued to kiss her. “Who is that supposed to bother…you or me?”

He took her clothes off and kissed her breasts and stomach. She just ran her fingers through his hair, loving the feeling of it. Everything great felt intensified to her. When he got undressed she told him he should turn her over. “Take me in behind,” she said.

He hesitated. “Are you sure?”

“I like pain,” she answered simply. “I can’t come anyway. I can’t come on acid.”

She rolled onto her front and lifted her ass for him. He pressed his hard arousal to her hole.

She clenched her teeth but he was gentle, slowly sliding it in. She was very tight and it felt different, but it was nice. Her hands were clenching the mattress tightly.

Fuck,” she said.

He fucked her unsurely at first and then hurried the pace a little. Liz writhed in pain and pleasure. He pulled out to come into his hand and then they went into the bathroom and hopped in the shower.

Liz turned the tap so the water was ice cold. Max yelped, “What are you doing? You’re going to freeze my fuckin’ nuts off.”

She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck so her cold body pressed against his, her nipples on his chest. “So keep them warm,” she said and began quickly pumping his arousal up and down. When it was up she promptly climbed onto his hips and he entered her.

Liz’s body was covered in goose bumps but she quickly forgot about the cold. Max’s hands grasped her thighs and he kissed her neck as she rode him.

They didn’t end up being in the shower long because he lost his footing and nearly slipped. Instead they got out and he put the lid down on the loo and sat down with her on his lap. When he came again, she didn’t and so he used his fingers on her.

“I can’t,” she said. “Its light years away. Don’t even bother.”

Max gave up and they went back to the bedroom where Liz had a small nap.

When she woke up the acid was wearing off. She groaned and buried her face in the pillow. “Owwwww,” she mumbled, “I hurt. What did you do to me?”

Max chuckled. “Nothing you didn’t ask for.”

“I need a fucking cigarette. And some whisky…or something strong. Oh dear god…ow. I’m not going to be able to walk for days!”

“There’s a mini bar,” Max said and got up to go look. He tossed Liz a small plastic bottle of whisky and she gulped it back.

When he came and sat on the bed again she sighed. “What am I doing with you anyway? I never would have forgiven you so easily if I wasn’t fucked up.”

“I know that,” he grinned.


They looked at each other silently for a moment and then Liz, nervous and confused, lowered her eyes to the mattress. “What time is it anyway?” she asked.

“Just after ten.”

“You’re kidding!” her eyes widened. “I thought I’d had a short nap. How long have I been out?”

“Oh about three hours. What can I say? I can be exhausting.”

She rolled her eyes. “Uh, sure. What have you been doing to entertain yourself?”

“I went and had something to eat,” he replied. Where she couldn’t look at him, he didn’t stop looking at her. His eyes roamed from her lips to her hair, to the edge of the sheet covering her bare body. “Do you uh…remember what I said earlier?”

Liz thought about it for a while and then she smiled. “Yes. Thank you for saying that, but you shouldn’t listen to other people’s conversations.”

“You were on top of the bus; I couldn’t help it if I was inside it.”

They were silent for a moment and before it could get awkward Liz said, “I think I’m ready for the night to begin again now. Where are the girls, do you know?”

He seemed disappointed. “Um…no, I don’t. Around I suppose.”

“I better go look for them. Where are my clothes, do you know?”

“I put them on the dresser. I’ll…uh, leave you to get changed then.”

Once he left, Liz let out a deep breath and rubbed her eyes. What was going on with her?


I was a little brave writing this I think, perhaps it's a bit much, lol. Hope I didn't scare you all off. Thanks for everything guys, I love reading what you have to say.
Last edited by nicola on Wed Nov 16, 2005 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef