He Gets That From Me - (CC, M/M, CHILD, 1/1) [COMPLETE]

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He Gets That From Me - (CC, M/M, CHILD, 1/1) [COMPLETE]

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »


<b>Title:</b> He Gets That From Me

<b>Author</b> RoswellChic4Ever

<b>Rating:</b> CHILD

<b>Category:</b> M/M

<b>Summary</b> Maria writes Michael a letter.

<b>Author’s Note’s</b> Third story in the <u>Something’s Coming Series</u>. I’d read <I>New York Minute</I> and <I>Without A Sound</I> first or you might be confused.

Disclaimer: The author of this fan fiction does not own any aspect of Roswell. Those rights belong to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, WB, UPN, 20th Century Fox, etc. Disclaimer added by moderator.

<b>Part One</b>

<I> His early mornin' attitude
You have to drag him out of bed
Only Frosted Flakes will do
He gets that from me
Yeah, he gets that from me</I>

Michael -

When I sat down I thought that writing a letter to someone who would never read it would be easy. I was wrong. I’ve been staring at this piece of paper for hours now, my pen in my hand, and strangely enough, I’m having a hard time writing this. Maybe it’s because my heart is still broken into a thousand pieces, maybe because I cry every night, wishing you were there to hold me close. Or maybe this is hard to write, because it’s not really a letter about how much I love you and miss you. It’s a letter about our son, because he loves you… and he misses you.

He’s seven now. Yeah, it’s hard to believe you’ve been gone two years, but you have. Anyway, he’s seven. He starts first grade tomorrow. He’s so excited. He’s smart Michael. He’s so smart, you’d be so proud of him. He’s witty too. He comes up with the funniest things to say. I don’t know where he gets it from sometimes, maybe it’s from hanging out with Kyle and Alex too much.

<I> His curly hair and his knobby knees
The way the sun brings those freckles out
Talk and talk never miss a beat
Yeah, he gets that from me
He gets that from me</I>

He’s gorgeous. Michael, we have a gorgeous son. He has curly, dark blonde hair, and big brown eyes. Your eyes… He has your eyes Michael, and I see you in him everyday. He’s a talker, but we know he didn’t get that from you. That’s definitely a trait he picked up from me. He wasn’t a talker for a long time, he just really started opening up about a year ago.

His “special” traits are starting to show now too. Max, Isabel, and Tess sat down with him and explained that he was different. He had a lot of questions, as a typical 7 year old would. He understood though and Max has been working with him a lot on control, because for awhile there he was turning things colors without even trying. You two twin daughters with bright green hair for about 2 hours.

<I> He looks at me with those big brown eyes
He's got me in the palm of his hands
And I swear sometimes
It's just like you're here again
He smiles that little crooked smile
There's no denying he's your child</I>
Without him I don't know what I'd do
He gets that from you
Oh, he gets that from you</I>

He’s very protective… another thing that always reminds me of you. He takes care of Lucy and Lauren… well as much as a little boy can. I know that he’ll be an awesome older brother, he’ll make sure our girls aren’t getting into any trouble. I’m slightly worried if they get boyfriends… they may not have to worry about you, but I have a feeling our little Aiden will be big in and no time and giving any boys that look Lucy and Lauren’s way a hard time.

<I> How he loves your old guitar
Yeah, he's taught himself to play
He melts my heart
Tells me he loves me everyday
And cracks a joke at the perfect time
Makes me laugh when I want to cry
That boy means everything to me
He gets that from you
He gets that from you</I>

They miss you… they talk about you A LOT. Especially Aiden. He just thinks the world of you, even though you aren’t here. You always will have a place in their hearts… No one, not Alex, Kyle, or Max, could fill the void you left, but they’ve learned to be happy. We’ve learned to be happy. You’ll always be in our thoughts and prayers though. The children may not know that you are alive, but they know that you’re always with them. They talk about dreams they have with you in them. I assume you have something to do with those. Good… I’m glad. I think you should be with them every night in their dreams if that’s the only way you can be with them. They need you… I need you.

<I> Last night I heard him pray
"Lord help me and Mama make it through,
And tell Daddy we'll be o.k."
He said he sure misses you
He sure misses you
He really misses you</I>

I miss you Michael… I think about you everyday, but I look at our children and I thank God that I have something here to remind me of you. I’ll admit, at first it was hard… I resented them because if we didn’t have children, maybe I could still be with you where ever you are. I feel guilty for those feelings everyday, because our children are the greatest thing you ever gave me. I love them more than anything in the world, and they are a wonderful reminder of all the love we shared and I hope, will share again someday.

<I> He gets that from me</I>
Last edited by RoswellChic4Ever on Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."