Always Tomorrow (CC, Mature) - A Reunion's Endgame - Chapter 45 - Completed - 09/30/2020

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Always Tomorrow - Chapter 45 - 09/30/2020

Post by Parker1947 »

For everyone else it was starting to make sense as she saw how it was for her parents because Max was right, and the baby did come early. On December 28th, Beth gave birth to a baby girl whom they named Lily Serena Evans. Serena was touched when she came visit the new addition to the Evans family.

“You have everything you ever dreamt of, don’t you?” Serena asked Beth on New Year’s Eve as she and Keith had come to celebrate the night with their friends, and because Max and Beth were not going anywhere. Alexandra and Graham had left for a ski trip the day before in Aspen for a long New Year’s weekend and would be back one last time before she had to fly back to Boston to finish up school.

Carrie was working at Cow Patties. Choosing the extra money that she would earn for working on such a busy night. Serena’s own kids were busy. Since the confrontation with Carrie, Matthew had been sullen and in a bad mood and had rarely been home.

“I never imagined this back in the beginning,” Beth smiled at her friend as she and Serena were sitting on the couch talking. Max and Keith were replenishing the beer selection. Maria and Michael would be arriving soon, and they were having a couple’s party. The baby was upstairs sleeping in her crib.

Because Alexandra was never at home anymore, and Carrie moved above the garage. Alexandra’s room was now a spare room. And Carrie’s was now a nursery because she did not care. Christopher had his own room, although on this night he was at his grandparent’s place. Phillip and Diane were happy to have him.

“All I wanted my memory to come back, but never in any of dreams did I imagine this new world,” she sighed. “Even though I do not have it back, still, I have something that means more than anything in the world. Being a doctor doesn’t even compare.”

“You got lucky,” Serena smiled because never did she imagine when her friend was a single mother of twins that all she had to do was let in a new world, and find the love of her life, and now more children. “The girls knew what they were doing I guess” she could not help but laugh.

“And who knows what this year will bring us.”

“No one really does know,” Beth said as Max came back with Keith as she got up and took Max’s arms. “I will never take anything for granted ever again…” she sighed as she kissed her husband, as they embraced being together, with growing family. “Because I know what it was like not to have all this…”


Michael and Maria would join the party, and their family continued to get stronger, as they were able to celebrate the coming new year in different ways and knew their daughter was slowing coming back to them. And days later Sue gave birth to a new grandchild for Michael and Maria when she gave birth to a baby boy who was named Adam Michael Guerin. Sue was taking the semester off school and would go back to school in the summer session. They were still being challenged by their family.

Belle was a constant one even thought with a happier home life, she was slowly becoming less jaded, and she was opening up to new possibilities as she was exploring her love of computers, and largely keeping on the right track as she was accepted into a prestigious and very legal computer camp for the summer.


Grace on March 15th, which was Max’s birthday, gave birth to Max’s first grandson.

Lucas Jeffery Guerin was born to the delight of his parents and two generation of grandparents. Jake stayed at the Sheriff’s department and when his grandfather eventually announced his retirement Jake would take over for him. Allowing someone who believed in aliens to be in the chair at the department.


Alexandra did graduate from Harvard University in May. Max and Beth traveled with Christopher to Cambridge for the graduation. Grace and Jake also went while baby Lily stayed at the Crashdown, and Eva and baby Lucas stayed with Isabel and Kyle while their parents were gone. Carrie was unable to go because of the advanced nature of her pregnancy, but she was able to watch the ceremony on-line, and she was immensely proud of her sister. Alexandra was going for her dreams, and Carrie loved that for her sister. Alexandra and Graham wedding was planned for the summer.

In the meantime, for Carrie, she was working fulltime at the Crashdown, as she planned to finish her degree at Las Cruces in September. While she had been able to successfully finish her fall classes on-line and knew she would have at least one semester of in person classes if she can successfully transfer her credits to the university in Las Cruces. To make money and keep herself busy. She was applying for at the Roswell Gazette for the summer. One the babies came; she knew she would have to deal with the realities of her situation.

So, while her parents and siblings were out of town for the graduation of her sister. Carrie was working more hours to allow her grandparents time off. She had spent her pregnancy working Cow Patties or her grandparent’s establishment, and she wanted to figure out where her future was destined to and have a plan for once the babies arrived. So, she was interviewing at the Roswell Gazette for a summer position. Something to get her mind on the future, and to make sure her studies did not fall by the wayside.

“I am here to interview for a job with Mrs. Murphy” asked Carrie asked as she walked into the newsroom of the newspaper and stopped at the reception area as she looked around.

“Just a minute,” came the receptionist, as Carrie went to take seat, and scanned some magazines while she waited, and then a few minutes later, a familiar face came out. “Are you Mrs. Murphy,” Carrie asked. “Do I know you?” Carrie asked.

“In many ways you do, although I know your sister Grace and her husband, Jake” Camryn Murphy smiled at the very pregnant young woman. “I got married last summer,” she smiled. “You’re Caroline, right, because I do know you have a twin sister?

“Yes,” Carrie smiled. “I didn’t know you worked here…”

“My husband and I decided to stick around,” Camryn smiled as she and her husband had decided to stay in town after her parents both had some health problems in quick succession after her wedding. She had rushed home from her honeymoon to deal with the crisis, and the job on cable ended up being turned down. “And the chance to take over the paper came around, and so I took the opportunity. So, I understand you are looking at the summer position?”

“Yes,” Carrie admitted. “While I wasn’t able to finish my degree at Duke, but I plan to finish it next year at Las Cruces, or in whatever fashion it may be due to being different institutions”

“You were majoring in Publishing, and also Creative Writing” Camryn asked

“Yes,” Carrie admitted. “I worked in New York last summer at Phantom Publishing where I interned. I was up for a position for once I graduated, but life had it’s own diversion for me, and I enjoy writing in whatever forum it may be, and I would like to keep it up, because I do see myself being able to give something to the Gazette for whatever time I am here for,” she sighed. “One day, I see myself getting into publishing, and maybe even writing my own books, but that day is still a way off. So, the chance to do something with my ability to write over the summer, would give me something to do…”

“You will certainly have a lot to say?” Camryn asked.

“Yes, I might one day” Carrie smiled because they knew Camryn knew, but they weren’t all that ready to go public with that knowledge as the interview progressed and she ended up with the position, that would start July 5st, which would give her time with the babies before she had to start working.

Smiling, she walked out confident that she could anything she put her mind to, and she did not need her special gifts.

“Did you get the job?” came the voice as she came close to the car that was waiting, and she only nodded and groaned. She did not like it, but Matthew was showing up almost daily to see her since he transferred to Las Cruces after Christmas. With his transfer. He insisted on being involved as she kept telling him that she was not sure she was going to have the twins tested when they were born, and so he knew, but told her that he would help her.

And he had. Showing up to a lot of her doctor’s appointments, and in the final weeks of her pregnancy, has started to drive her places.

“Congratulations,” Matthew smiled.

“Thanks?” Carrie allowed.

“Where to now?” Matthew asked.

“Home,” Carrie simply said.

“That room is too small,” Matthew complained. “You should move in with me?”

“No way,” Carrie shook her head. “I told you this before Matthew. I am fine at home, and we’re only friends.”

“Who are having two kids together?” Matthew asked.

“Maybe we are, and maybe we’re not,” Carrie muttered.

“Still,” Matthew argued. “You need a bigger place…” he muttered. “You should be thinking of the babies.”

I am thinking of the babies. Carrie told herself. The last thing the babies needed a relationship based on them, and nothing more “I am fine where I am,” she mumbled. Matthew could only shake his head and knew she was being stubborn, and he was not going to move her off her position until the babies were born,

Which occurred several weeks later when she gave birth to twin girls with Matthew in the delivery room as no one in her family believed they were only friends, but they were humoring her. On May 31st, the girls were born, and they were named Parker Elizabeth and Madison Alexandra Evans.

Matthew was in the delivery room.


A few weeks later

The Crashdown was closed for a private party. A renewal ceremony was taking place because this was Michael and Maria’s 25th wedding anniversary. And they wanted to take their vows again to signify the new era they were under. Everything was improving. Life was different, and there was no getting back what they lost, but they could have broken apart and they did not. They ultimately stuck together, and their family was stronger for it.

And they were adding a new depth of commitment to their marriage. With the knowledge they could get through anything.

Adding to the party, they had persuading Max and Beth to take their vows again even though it was not a big anniversary, as it would only be their seventh of their newest union. Their 28th if you counted their original marriage. But they rather remember when everything became right again, and they were able to enjoy their new life together, with their kids. The gathering was a chance to celebrate a new future for the clan.

A future that was all over the establishment with the multi-generational clan as the littlest and newest generations were all over the restaurant. Grace was sitting at a booth with little Eva full of energy. Baby Lucas was asleep in his basket. Alexandra was holding baby Parker and Serena was holding Maddie (as she was being called). A paternity test had not been done but the grandparents knew the truth, of who was the babies’ father. While the mother might still be denial about there being anything other than the twins holding them together, the grandparents knew the truth by looking at the babies. While Carrie was still holding Matthew at arms length, but still though, they were getting closer, and Matthew was always showing up, which was half the battle.

“You need give him a chance” Alexandra muttered to her sister as she held her niece Parker. The tiny baby was the easiest temperament while Madison was a little noisier already, and they all laughed about it. While Carrie was holding Matthew at arms length and trying to ignore what happening between them. Everyone could see there was a bond that did not have anything to do with the kids, that might or might not be theirs. Although Alexandra could see Matthew in both Parker and Maddie. Alexandra since graduating was finishing up her wedding plans. “He’s not going anywhere…”

“We’re fine the way we are,” Carrie muttered as she glanced over at Matthew who glanced. “It’s my life.”

“Oh, it’s your life alright,” Alexandra smiled. “You have someone who is one in a million. Who wants you, and the kids, and isn’t here for you because a test told him to be?”

“I know,” Carrie muttered. “You and Grace might want someone to there for you, but I don’t need to settle down” she sighed. “Matthew and I are better at not defining our selves and taking it as it comes. I know this was not what either I or he anticipated about our lives?”

“Sometimes god works in mysterious ways,” Alexandra murmured as Graham came over, “Just think, eight years ago, did we think when we got that family tree assignment that it would lead us here, to Dad, and to our big and complicated family. We would never have been able to believe it could have happened even if we dreamt it. Mom could not have imagined it when she was just trying to get from one day to another. She did not have a chance until we were older to have Dad involved with raising us, but you have a chance to have Matthew here for you. You know as well as I do that he wants to be here for the babies, and for you. So, you do not have to repeat history and do it alone,” she murmured as she handed the baby to Carrie who took her daughter and watched the love birds walk over to talk to their grandparents. Carrie knew she did not have to repeat history, and her mother had to do it the hard way, and Carrie had the support her mother had once been denied. Still it was hard to take the swing…

Matthew approached. “Hi,” Matthew murmured.

“Hi,” Carrie smiled.

As across the room, as they waited for the ceremony to begin. “It’s going to be a big change” Isabel was saying to her brother as they were discussing the changes coming to Kyle and Isabel’s life. Max could not help but nod in agreement as Isabel had been telling him that Kylie was moving to New York to focus on modeling. Michelle was at the same time moving to Europe on a year exchange program to concentrate on her studies. With Jamie accepting a scholarship to play basketball at Michigan State that coming fall and therefore Kyle and Isabel were planning on selling the house and leave Roswell to travel because they hadn’t had the chance to do so, and with the family not in upheaval, they figured it was time and when they came home, well, they would find a smaller home “I will miss you. But this is an opportunity you two shouldn’t pass up,” Max said with a smile as he knew he would miss his sister, but knew his sister had spent so much time concentrating on him, at the expense of alone time with her family, and he knew this would be good for the two of them, and plus, he was going to busy with his youngest children, and unbelievably, his grandchildren…

Across the room, Beth was holding Lily because the ceremonies had not started yet. They were all milling around. She knew Maria was slightly upset because they had not allowed Elizabeth out on a day pass like they promised. She had known that Jake had worked to get special permission to allow it but it fell through the day before, and as a result Michael and Maria had been disappointed because their daughter had made tremendous progress, stunning the doctors with her improvement.

She was even studying for her GED and talking about taking college classes when she was released. She did not know what she wanted to do yet, but she knew she wanted to further herself, and wanted help others.

So, the denial of the pass did not make sense. Max wasn’t much help although Beth sensed something was up, and she knew what it was when the door to the Crashdown opened and in walked brother and sister team who had disappeared from the house a few hours before, and now were returning. Unbeknownst to all except for Max because he was the family lawyer. Jake and Belle had gone off to get a special surprise for their parents.

And then the door opened, and the surprise came through. Elizabeth and Finn walking in together, hand in hand.

“Elizabeth,” Maria asked as she whispered at the first time, she had seen her daughter out of the hospital. “You are here?” she muttered. “They told us you couldn’t come?”

“We lied,” Jake admitted. “We wanted to surprise you…”

“This is a true surprise,” Michael smiled as he came and hugged his daughter and mouthed his thanks to his son for arranging this surprise because it signified something real, and meant their family was on the way to recovery, in many facets. “I am glad you’re here…”

“Me too,” Elizabeth smiled as she already felt stronger. “And I have more news…”

“What?” Maria asked as she could not believe that they had gotten this lucky.

“I am home for good, if you will take me” Elizabeth revealed. “Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. They are saying I do not have to go back. Good behavior and everything, and my progress and everything,” she blurted to the shock of her parents. “I am on strict probation for the next nine months, or however long I have, but I can be home from now on…”

“Oh my god,” Maria whispered as if they had received their greatest present as she looked at Jake and Max for guidance at the news, as they both nodded. “Max…”

“It’s true,” Max nodded, “They feel she can do the rest of her recovery from home,” she smiled. “They will be keeping tabs until the end of the 18 months, and she’ll have to wear a ankle monitor that will monitor her movement, but she will allow complete freedom while on probation, but with the proviso that she stay within Roswell limits, and so, other than those restrictions, she can do whatever she wants…”

“Thank god,” Maria murmured as she hugged her daughter as she felt the world starting to flow again. “Welcome home sweetheart…”

“It’s been a long time,” Elizabeth murmured as she looked at her family, and knew this was what she wanted, and deserved, and she was not losing it…

As the ceremony started shortly after…

“We welcome Michael and Maria and Max and Beth here to witness their renewal before their family, and before god as they ask for a new chance, and a new future for their families. They have seen the best and they have the worst that life can offer but they are here today stronger for all they have gone through and because of it, and so they want to say a few words to all of you. We will start with Michael…”
Michael took Maria’s hand. “Maria, 25 years ago you took a chance on me when you allowed me to raise Jake with you, and to start a family. We met in high school and things were tough and being young did not allow us the chance to make it, and we parted, and time brought us back together, and allowed us a family to treasure. You will know how much I am grateful for the fact that you did take a chance on me. You did not have to. You could have walked away, knowing all you were facing, but you always had a way of looking behind the person I was, and you got me. You really got me. Not many people can say that, and you will never know how much I appreciate that you took a chance on me, and that we could spend our lives together raising our family. Sometimes I wonder if you should have taken Jake, and walked away from me, because it was not easy and it got dark, too dark, but we made it work, against the odds. So, thank you for taking me on. I know it got rough. Too rough these eight years but you were my miracle back then, and because you gave me a chance, I think all we had to go through has allowed to arrive on this day. So, again, I say it. Thank you, and because I don’t say it enough, I love you…”

“Maria,” said the pastor.

“I love you Michael. I truly met you when I was fifteen and I never regretted it for a moment. I know we were too young back then, but somehow we made it work, and we have lived these twenty five years with a lot of laugher, a lot of jokes, but a lot of pain, too much at times, and that is the only thing I wish we could do over but I never not regretted loving you when I was fifteen and taking a chance. You were my shoulder when I came back pregnant with Jake unsure about the direction of my life. You were there for me, you loved me, and you loved my son, when you didn’t have to, and you gave me hope that we could make something together, and we did because we built a large family, and I will never regret that, no matter the challenges that we saw along the way because it made us stronger, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. You were always my Space boy, and that will never change.”

“Max,” said the pastor

“Michael talks about miracles but you were always my miracle Beth. I look into your eyes and I know everything will be alright. We are insanity together, and I thank god for that… We should never have been given a second chance, and maybe even a third chance because we did defy logic in high school. I loved you as Liz, and I love you today even more as Beth. You are a remarkable woman who survived the unimaginable, and you have given me too many blessings to count. You came back to me by being a miracle. A miracle that should never have happened. I know I am truly lucky because most everyone else would not have gotten this chance we did. I thought I had my shot. My chance. I was content at raising Grace, and knowing I had my one in a million chance at love, and that you left with me a piece of yourself with the creation of our daughter, but little did I know my one in a million chance wasn’t finished because you, Alexandra and Carrie came back to us, and made us whole. We are different people today because of you so I thank you for brightening up our lives and bringing the chance to add to family with Christopher and now Lily, and our grandchildren. You have given me so much, and I will never stop loving you because somehow, we still believe in each other, and I will forever love you…


“I told Serena not too long ago that I never imagined how I could be this happy, but I am. It is remarkable to think of the chance we got. We do defy logic and reason. We should not have this ability. I got incredibly lucky to be loved by you, and I might not remember everything you do about our beginnings, but I do know one thing. I will never take for granted ever again because I know how easy it is to lose, and one moment can chance everything. I was wrecked with fear but I will always thank our daughter, Alexandra for acting on her wish to know you and to know her sister and to come to this town, and force me to take the chance at coming because I can’t imagine my life if I hadn’t had a chance to know you, and to love you. Thank you for giving me the Grace, Alexandra, Carrie, Christopher and now Lily, and our grandchildren. To know this is my life, I thank you because it is more than most people get, and I know I am incredibly lucky, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds. I love you Max, now, and forever…

“Do you four promise to continue to love and cherish your spouses today, and in the future, no matter what the day might bring….

“We do…” the four said.

“Then I pronounce you husbands and wives once more…” as the four kissed their soulmates. “I give you Max and Beth Evans, and Michael and Maria Guerin, and let no one destroy what they bring to each other…

There was massive amount of clapping… as they all kissed once more…

As they all walked into the future… together and they embraced their kids and knew they this was one reunion that was not getting split apart ever again.


“You look beautiful honey,” came a joyful Max as a month later in a small chapel, “I love you Daddy” came the bride’s voice as the music began and on Max’s arm. Alexandra with her veil over her eyes, and a long train walked down the aisle to her future with Graham. Tears came Beth’s face as she sat in the front row. Lily on her lap, and Christopher in a little tux and striking resemblance to his father sitting by her side. Rows of family and friend were watching this moment as Max walked his daughter down towards the altar. None of those who were not intimately involved with the family dynamics had any sense of how special this day was as to begin the ceremony they watched as the brides eldest sister Grace, and Belle walked down as bridesmaids. With her twin sister, Carrie coming last as the maid of honor. The three women of different ages in beautiful red dresses. It was a day of dreams. The family all watched with happiness, as you had to know the story to know how meaningful this day was as eight years before Max was living an existence that didn’t include his daughter, and now he was giving her away to a new future. The bride was carrying red roses, and she looked the vision of both her parents, and with age had become very striking and so much like the mother that had been lost to her father so many years before, and by some miracle had come back into his life. Under a new name, and with two daughters who was a link of their old life. One denied to them both, and by some miracle. They had been able to craft a new life, and it all led to this day as they watched as their daughter add to her future. Alexandra got to the end of the aisle, and the minister asked. “Who gives this woman to this man?”

“Her mother and I do,” Max murmured as he stepped back and took his seat next to the love of his life. A woman who had made his world begin when she gave him a chance and from that day, came a lot of angst, and sorrow, but also a lot of joy because today was a celebration and not something they were taking lightly after so much rocks that they had to destroy on their journey together. On this day, Max knew Beth was responsible for how Alexandra had come to be, and he had only so few years but nothing would stop him from appreciating this day or the gift he had by having a chance to love his family.

As he watched as Alexandra said, “I do” as Max and Beth clasped each other’s hand and held tight and the ability to be here at this moment, together.

Grace and Carrie smiled as they watched their sister kiss her groom as they looked over at the happiness in their parent’s eyes. A true miracle had occurred when they got a chance to become a family.

As later that night, at the reception Carrie caught the bouquet, and groaned when she looked over at the amusement in Matthew’s eyes.
Max and Beth took it all in, as they had nothing to regret as he led her to the dance floor.


Once Alexandra and Graham came back from their month-long honeymoon. She and Graham would relocate to Las Cruces for a year when Graham got a contract with an engineering firm that was focused on a brand-new mall construction project there. She deferred her acceptance at Harvard Law for a year, and she and Graham would after the year was over, move together so she could go to law school. Once she graduated from law school, and after fielding offers from Washington. Realizing family was more important than Washington politics, or its legal world. Alexandra instead decided to move back to Roswell, and she would join her father’s practice and it became father and daughter partnership after Finn who had worked there, eventually moved on to a new practice as Alexandra and Graham raised their children in Roswell that included a son; Max Jeffrey (aka MJ) and daughter; Elizabeth Caroline, whose nickname was Liz.

Finn had joined Max’s firm after graduation and while Elizabeth was finishing up her sentence. Once she came home, she would be allowed off probation at the end of the term, and she regained custody of the boys. Michael and Maria gladly gave their grandsons to their daughter to be raised by her and Finn as they would marry, and he would adopt Mick, and become the legal father for Drew. She and Finn would become close to Emily, and the little girl stayed close to biological siblings Drew, and Mick, but the adoption stayed on the books. Both Elizabeth and Finn knew it was the right choice at the time, and Emily was happy with the life she had now. Most importantly Elizabeth was able to make her sobriety stick, as she concentrated on making something of herself as she did get her GED and would end up studying psychology and getting into counselling troubled youth. She would continue to see a doctor as she was not afraid to seek help. She and Finn would have a child, a daughter; Mariah Grace together after being free from Nichola’s hold for five years, as she and Finn would continue to be incredibly happy together…

Carrie eventually did come to her senses and see what she had with Matthew, and the would marry even though they never did do that paternity test, because they both knew the truth, and they eventually had a son, Morgan. They would settle in Roswell, and Carrie would be become a proficient publisher as she had set up her own publishing firm, Area 51 Publishing. She would write her own nonfiction best seller that retold her parent’s love story, and her mother’s quest to gain her life back Reunion by Carrie Evans as she did not take her married name professionally. While Matthew did end up becoming a doctor, but focusing on sports medicine, and would become the team doctor for West Roswell High sports programs.

Colin and Sue remained happy together. Sue finished medical school, and Colin finished university. Because Roswell did not have a big crime root. Sue took a job out of Las Cruces, focusing on forensics. But she and Colin were constantly back in Roswell. As once he had finished university and his business degree. He and Liam went into business together, opening a club in the space that Max owned, that once was the old UFO museum, and had years before desired to open a teen club, that never actually happened due the constant upheaval in the family. So, Colin and Liam rented the space and opened a club, Founding Aliens. They found lots of success. Colin and Sue would add to the family with the addition of two daughters, and a son.

Liam would remain single a few years before settling down himself.

Isabel and Kyle eventually came back to Roswell after a traveling for an extended period. Kylie would eventually give up modelling and move into acting, successfully, as she moved to Los Angeles. While Michelle became a scientific researcher and professor at the university in Las Cruces. She focused on evidence of other worldly activity which was a hoot for the family. Jamie would eventually make it the NBA, play for a few years before getting injured, and retiring, and join his father as a couch at West Roswell. Kyle concentrated on football. Jamie, on basketball. Isabel continued with her boutique. Kylie would eventually take it over when Isabel did retire.

Belle developed her keen computer skills, and mostly kept it on the right side of the law unless she had special permission when she eventually began to work during the summers at the Sheriff’s department in upgrading the station’s computer system, and working for her grandfather and then her brother, or to aide her father’s private investigation business which she started to work at once she was in high school. And unlike her siblings. She did not find love that was lasting until she was in her twenties. When she did, it was not with someone who was close to their extensive family tree. She instead gave her parents headaches in her tendencies to be very much like Michael despite her resemblance staying very much like her mother. Unlike her sister Elizabeth, Belle could be a normal and mischievous teenager, much to the annoyance of her parents, which they gladly took because of the alternatives.

With Jake eventually taking over for his grandfather. Grace finished medical school, and once her residency was completed, she went to work with her mother at her practice, focusing on family medicine, as she and Jake kept it at two children, because they had so many nieces and nephews to spoil, as Max and Beth savored their chance to be together as having Christopher and Lily at home allowed them a chance to stay young, and on their toes for years to come as…

They all lived happily ever after… as the secret did of the group’s status become public when Carrie published Elizabeth’s memoirs Stolen Innocence by Elizabeth Guerin Young about her time with Nicholas and in it, the truth about the clan came out, as everything was revealed, to the world. “Yes, we are aliens” came the family statement as the book hit the press. “Immigrants of another cloth. We came to earth during the crash in 1947 here in Roswell, New Mexico. Area 51. It took us many years to come out of the vessels we were sent in, and finally to be born here on earth, which happened in 1989. We came out into the world as six-year-old children. We were given names for this earth. Max and my sister Isabel, and we were adopted by Phillip and Diane Evans, and given a family. We also came with a good friend of ours, who is like a brother to both of us, and his name is Michael Guerin. We would grow up to be human, and most of all normal. We are skin and we are bones. We are strictly human while blessed with a unique DNA structure that does make us different than many of you, and yes it does give us gifted abilities. Each of us are different in that regard. We have also had the fortune to be able to live remarkable lives with our family and friends. We also would find love, and while our path has been complicated, and it would serve a lot of pain and suffering that we could have done without. In the end, we would not trade the people are today or the children and grandchildren we have been able to have. To those who have supported us, we thank you…”

“What you will be read in Stolen Innocence is the truth, and nothing but the truth. It is Elizabeth’s story, but it is a story of how she has managed to rise again. How we all managed to rise from those early days, and through the heinous depths that would take Elizabeth from us and hurt us far more before we got her back and got our lives back. So, please read it not with judgement, but because we love this country, as it has given us everything… and we have tried to serve it well…”

The publicity that included a whole clan sit down exclusive interview that was even televised with Camryn Murphy that came from the book brought gang buster business to the Crashdown which Carrie took on despite her publishing career, once her grandparents retired, because she wanted it to be kept in the family, but it brought attention to the restaurant and to Colin and Liam’s club, Founding Aliens, and it brought attention to the story of Max and Liz (Beth) or Matt and Libby as Maria decided to pick up the pen again and started to write again. Finishing her complex series with one final book, where the team of characters she had written about in the series conquered the greatest threat that they had been under before transitioning something lighter, and less dark. As they all came to terms with their new destinies, and what their lives were all about, as younger generation came to terms with not living life in secret, but it did force them to adapt because the world did know, and they had to get used to the fact their abilities were common knowledge, and teachers, and bosses were now watching… Still, they would not trade it as they knew they were lucky, and now had the chance at tomorrow.

The End
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Always Tomorrow - Acknowledgments

Post by Parker1947 »


I thank everyone profusely for reading this epic story that started with a simple story, Reunion and catapulted into something more with On the Razor’s Edge, and now this one Always Tomorrow. You ALL gave my great feedback. Sometimes thinking of angles that I had not thought of and could have gone, and guessed right what was upcoming, so I am glad you all enjoyed the story, for those who gave feedback, and to those who just read it at your pleasure.

It was a story that did not want to die, as it branched out in different ways and caused a lot of carnage before we got to the end. It could have probably gone on with any of the escapades that came from the epilogue as in Carrie or even Belle’s adventures, but I figured this was the end, and there was not much else I could say except finally give everyone some happiness. Max and Liz (Beth) are finally happy, and everyone has a chance in their own ways to get what they want. Everyone is healing in their own way. And in this world, the secret is out, and they can only do what they can do, but it is not a secret anymore.

I do not plan my stories. When I try to, I became stuck so I write as it comes to me, and for good and bad, it leads to unique circumstances as this trilogy has gone places I never imagined when I started this story as a simple journey for Max and Liz, as they found each other again, and then I found myself falling for the characters, Max and Liz (Beth), the twins, Jake and Grace. Elizabeth. Once upon a time, Tommy Ellis might have been a bigger villain than the aliens, but time and distance went another path with Elizabeth’s journey being a big surprise. If I had finished it a few years, she would have probably stayed a simple sidekick and Nicholas and Khivar might not have created such terror. And On the Razor’s Edge would have been a different story and the end… But you saw that I found myself bringing her into the story and give Michael and Maria their own massive dose of angst, and yes, I even surprised myself with how dark and twisted it became. As she instead became an integral part of the story, and this final story started in a darker way, but then my dark and twisted side died, and I wanted happiness to win out. It was a tale of two half’s as my better nature brought a more complete story in the end in the second for everyone else.

Hopefully, I kept the storyline consistent. Given that I started Reunion a decade ago, and I never imagined the following two would spring up…
Elizabeth did face a lot of pain. Maybe too much. And while the story was headed for another major collision, and maybe some darkness, involving Elizabeth, and then Christopher after all he was the son Max finally was able to have, but I finally came to conclusion that Elizabeth had been forced with doing too much, with too much lasting pain. So, I gave her happiness with Finn and her kids. Which is what she deserved after all she went through at the hands of my keyboard LOL. And let Max and Beth deal with their kids… With a lower level of worry except for the big ending with Grace.

I will miss the characters…

So, thank you again and I hope people enjoyed it. Reunion was my first story that I had the courage to post, and I thank everyone who gave me the courage to continue with my writing. No matter how dark it got, I appreciate it.

To those who have read this trilogy and to those who commented. Your comments spurred me on, and gave me confidence to go places in my writing…

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Re: Always Tomorrow (CC, Mature) - A Reunion's Endgame - Chapter 45 - Completed - 09/30/2020

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Outstanding trilogy. But I do need this last part over provided so much to tie up loose ends.
Thank you for sharing,
And what's next???
Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Always Tomorrow (CC, Mature) - A Reunion's Endgame - Chapter 45 - Completed - 09/30/2020

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I finally had the opportunity to finish reading this story. Thanks for this wonderful tale.
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