Reunion on New Year's Day, M/M, [COMPLETE]

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Reunion on New Year's Day, M/M, [COMPLETE]

Post by littleroswell »

Reunion on New Year’s Day

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything related to Roswell. Those rights belong to the original writers and creators of the show/story.

Category: M/M

Author’s Note/Summary: (You might notice the same fics that I once posted but I'm rewriting some of them and using betas for help. Therefore, I'm reposting them a few parts at a time. Thanks for reading!) I don’t want to tell you all about the story because this is only gonna be a one parter. It was inspired by an older song called “Same Old Lang Syne” by Dan Fogelberg. I went on the premise that Maria’s career in music did go great in NY and Liz never went to boarding school. Let me know what you think about this short future fic.

I looked the shelves over where it should be but they were empty. Why had I decided to stop here for a couple of days, especially this time of year? I should know that Georgians don’t know anything about how to handle snow. I’ll agree with them on the ice issue. No one can drive on ice, but it’s just a lot of snow. Granted it was more snow than Atlanta and its suburbs had seen in a long time, maybe in all of its history, but it was still just snow.

The funny thing about winter in Georgia is that when there is any kind of weather report that says there might be “a wintry mix” of precipitation, everyone runs out to the grocery and convenience stores and buys them out of items like milk and bread. What are these people thinking? Are they planning on living on mush for the months that they’re trapped inside their homes? I’ve been through Atlanta countless times in the past few years and have never seen them get more than an inch of snow at a time. Their usual winter weather is cold and mostly rainy.

That is, I hadn’t until this trip. The day that I arrived, it started snowing and it had been snowing off and on for those past three days. There was snow on the ground all the way past the Florida state line. At last count, there was already 5 inches downtown. Unfortunately, I wasn’t downtown; I was staying in a hotel just off of I-75 around a mall somewhere north of the capital city. They had almost another inch on top of what was reported at Hartsfield.

All I wanted was some stuff for a sandwich, but unfortunately, this store was completely out of bread. I sighed. I guess I could just go to the mall and walk the food court for free samples. Not much was open due to the snow and the fact that it was New Year’s Day, but maybe I could get a burger someplace. I turned to go back out the front door when I heard something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

“What do you mean you’re out of milk? This is the third store I’ve been to and every one of them is out of milk. This is getting ridiculous,” a female voice demanded.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the truck didn’t come in that we were expecting due to the snow,” the man apologized profusely.

“Are you sure you don’t have any kind of milk? I’ll even go with skim at this point,” the voice wheedled. “I’m willing to pay you extra for it. I’m just tired of trying to eat my chocolate brownies without a great big glass of milk to go with it.”

I knew that voice; it had haunted my imagination for years. As I turned, sure enough there was the blonde I had pictured, batting her eyes at the poor grocery clerk. She had lost some weight, which she really couldn’t afford to do, but she was still beautiful. I had seen her a million times in my dreams in the past 11 years, in my dreams and in the media. My whole body felt like it was frozen where it was. Then my body and mind remembered they were connected and I moved up behind her.

Swallowing hard and clearing my throat a couple of times, I finally worked up the courage to say something. “Hello, Maria,” I said softly.

The woman before me whipped around, her eyes wide. Not many people would know her by that name; she went by Majandra now. I could tell that she didn’t recognize me, and I wasn’t surprised. I hadn’t shaved in two days and I was wearing a hat to ward off the cold. Then I saw it; the recognition hit her full force and her eyes widened even more.

“Michael!” she practically whispered. It was a long way from the reaction I was expecting. There were no shouts or accusations or denials, just a simple word of recognition and a genuine smile. Then she was reaching out toward me and I opened my arms to receive the hug she was about to give me.

Before we met in that hug, however, she forgot about her purse being in her hand and she dropped it, spilling the contents and sending them in all directions. We laughed from nervousness and happiness at seeing each other again, and both of us bent down, scrambling to get every item that had found its way out of her purse.

“I’m sorry; I was just so surprised to see you…” Maria started babbling, stuffing lipsticks, tampons, and other items back into her bag.

“I know,” I nodded, handing things to her.

When we had gotten everything back in her purse, she hugged me tight. “It’s so good to see you, Michael,” she whispered.

I hugged her back, closing my eyes tightly. “Really?” I asked.

She pulled away and brushed a few tears from her eyes. “Really,” she assured me, smiling and squeezing my hand. She looked over at her cart at the groceries. “Um, listen, I need to pay for these few groceries and then maybe we can go get a drink or something. What do you say?”

“Sounds good, except for the drink part,” I told her with a grin.

She let her head drop and she smiled. “Right, I forgot. Ok, well…” she started again, thinking about our options. “How about we just get a couple of Snapples and sit in my car and talk?” she suggested.

“Sounds good to me,” I answered. I pushed the cart towards the check-out.

The clerk that had gone to the back to check on the milk came back with a gallon in his hand. “Ok, I found this last gallon but the expiration date is today. Do you still want it?” he asked.

Maria kept glancing at me as she answered him. “You know what? Keep it. I don’t feel like brownies anymore.”

We didn’t know what to say to each other as the cashier rang up her grocery items. I think it was the place and the amount of time that had passed since we had seen each other. We just kept looking at each other and smiling nervously. Finally, she paid for her things, and I helped her carry them out.

“Which one are you?” I asked, nodding toward the handful of cars in the parking lot.

“That one,” she said, pointing out a red Jag. She took out her keys and pushed a button on the electronic keypad.

“Nice,” I said impressed. “Is it new?”

“Yeah, I picked it up a couple of days ago from the dealer who had it waiting for me,” she answered.

If I had been a cartoon, I would have had a giant question mark for a head. What did it feel like to have a dealer wait on you like that? I helped her load the groceries into the trunk, pulled out a couple of Snapples and handed one of them to her. We both climbed into the car and she cranked it up, turning the heat on full blast.

“Brrr! This is Georgia; it’s not supposed to be this cold or have this much snow!” Maria complained. “That’s why I bought a house here!”

“You bought a house here?” I asked surprised.

“Well, sort of. It’s actually a little north and east of here; the mailing address is actually Roswell,” she said. Then she laughed. “Kind of ironic isn’t it?”

“I thought you lived in LA or New York,” I said.

“Well, I have a house in LA too. In between recording and touring, I like to come here. It’s pretty and I love all the pine trees. I especially like the falls here; all the leaves turn gorgeous colors and there are so many festivities in the fall in the mountains. What about you? Where did you end up? Still in Roswell?” she explained.

“Sort of. I’ve been traveling the last couple of years. Right now I’m staying at one of those weekly suites hotels. I still go back to Roswell for holidays, except for this past Christmas. I couldn’t get there in time so I just kept heading east. Everyone said they were disappointed, but they understood,” I told her. I didn’t tell her that Christmas was the hardest time of year to be in Roswell. It reminded me too much of her and that hurt like hell. “You look good, Maria. You’re still as beautiful as you ever were, even if you have gotten too skinny.”

“Yeah, well try telling that to my manager. ‘You can never be too thin, Majandra,’” she mocked. “But thanks; that means a lot.”

“I saw you at the Grammies last year. You deserved to win that award; you were great,” I told her honestly.

She smiled broadly at me. “I’m so glad you think so, Michael. It’s so strange to hear anyone call me Maria anymore. Even Greg calls me Majandra and he knows what my real name is,” she confessed.

“Who’s Greg?” I asked suspiciously. I had a bad feeling about this Greg guy, like I wouldn’t like the answer to my question. My fears were confirmed with her next words.

“My husband and my producer,” she answered shortly, taking a long gulp of her Snapple. I could tell that she was wishing that it was something stronger.

“Is he that bad?” I asked, feeling my fingers itching to hit this guy already.

“He’s ok. He loves me and takes good care of me and my career,” she said slowly, looking off somewhere only she could see. “But I don’t love him,” she confessed, looking back at me and giving me a sad smile.

I swallowed hard and found that I couldn’t keep my eyes locked with hers. “Then why did you marry him?” I asked, looking into my bottle.

“Because I liked him and he asked me. I may not love him, but I do like him and I realized that I could live with him,” she told me. Then she grinned at me. “More importantly, he said he could live with me.”

I chuckled at that and raised my bottle to her. “You’re right about that being important.”

She turned the heat down as it was getting warm and the windows were fogged up to the point of not being able to see outside. “So what about you, Michael?” she asked, her eyes darting to mine several times but not holding. “Did you ever get married?”

“Yeah, I did. I married a woman named Rita that Max saved when she was in a car wreck. It didn’t stick, though. We got a divorce last year,” I told her. I wanted to say that it didn’t stick because she had ruined marriage for me. I snorted. “I guess she just couldn’t live with me,” I said, using her words.

Rita’s family was from Mexico, and she was almost the opposite of Maria. She was a little plump but cute, dark haired with startling green eyes that she got from her American grandmother. She was taller than Maria and she had absolutely no sense of humor. As I signed the divorce papers, she had told me that I had purposely married the opposite of Maria so she could never stack up. Maybe I did; I don’t know.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” she said. Then she cleared her throat and tried to ask her next question lightly, but I knew how hard it was for her to ask. “So how is everyone in Roswell? How are Isabel, Max, Kyle?” She had pointedly left out Liz.

“Everyone’s doing ok. Isabel and Jesse are still together; no children yet, but they’re trying. Liz and Max are married, of course, with two kids and another one on the way. Kyle is getting married this spring. Jim got married this past summer and is so happy it’s sickening everyone around him,” I told her. Then I brought my hand to her face and forced her to look at me. “They all miss you, Maria. Liz cries every time she hears you singing on the radio, and she named her daughter after you.”

“Really?” Maria whispered, tears filling her eyes.

“Really,” I whispered back. “You should give them a call sometime. They would love to hear from you.”

She took a deep, shaky breath and looked away from my face, nodding. “Yeah, maybe I’ll just have to do that,” she said. We both knew that she wouldn’t. I could see that, even though she had gotten what she had always wanted in way of her career, she was unhappy. Maria was stubborn and she would see the career and her marriage through, even if it destroyed her.

We both sighed and looked at our Snapple bottles, which were now empty. It had come to that awkward part that comes at the reuniting of people that had been apart for years. We had nothing else to really say to each other. We had grown apart.

“Well, I guess I’d better go,” I said heavily. I didn’t want to leave but there really wasn’t anything left to say. I started to put my toque back on my head and pulled out my gloves.

Maria grabbed my arm to keep me from leaving. “Wait!” she cried. Then she was embarrassed and her face reddened. “I mean, can I give you a lift someplace?” she asked.

I shook my head and smiled at her. “No thanks; I’ve got my bike with me,” I told her.

She looked at me in shock. “Where do you put all your luggage?” she asked.

I laughed at that. “What luggage, Maria? It’s just me. I carry everything I need in a backpack. It helps to have powers to keep everything like new too.”

“Oh,” she said. Then she smiled nervously at me.

I leaned in close to her and our lips met in a sweet kiss. She tasted just as I remembered. As I pulled back, I ran my hand through her hair and down her cheek. “It was good to see you again, Maria,” I told her softly.

A couple of stray tears trailed down her cheeks. “Yeah, you too, Michael. Maybe we’ll meet up again sometime,” she said. We both knew the odds of that happening weren’t good.

I got out of the car and pulled my gloves on. I leaned inside and gave her one last smile. “Goodbye, Maria, happy New Year.”

“Happy New Year,” she whispered.

I closed the door and stepped away from the car. She pulled out of the space and headed for the highway. I watched her drive away and stood there long after she was out of sight. Making my way over to my bike, I felt like I had back in Roswell all those years ago. For a moment, I was Michael Guerrin, 17 year old high school goof off. My heart ached in the same way as it did all those years ago when Maria and I were still together.

Seeing Maria again had stirred up several emotions. I had been happy to see her again, and it had proven to me that I still loved her. I was also glad to find out what had happened to her, but at the same time, I would never stop wondering what might have been had she stayed with me 11 years ago. As I climbed onto my bike and pulled on my helmet, the snow that had been falling turned into rain, fitting for my mood. I pulled out of the parking lot and found myself whistling Auld Lang Syne.
Last edited by littleroswell on Fri Oct 03, 2003 5:50 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by D2Tymes »

Hello to the lovers of this story.
I loved this when I first read it.
I noticed that a lot of you felt the way that I do,
and that is - it ended too soon.
I am going to try to change that.

My name is Dee and Beth has graciously given me
permission to continue her story.
Make no mistake - this story is her's, I'm just going to try to
keep it going until she tells me to stop :D

So, here is my version of the continuation of
Reunion on New Years Day.
I hope you like it. If you don't please tell me. :wink:

The story picks up right where it left off with Michael's point of view...

'Seeing Maria again had stirred up several emotions. I had been happy to see her again, and it had proven to me that I still loved her. I was also glad to find out what had happened to her, but at the same time, I would never stop wondering what might have been had she stayed with me 11 years ago. As I climbed onto my bike and pulled on my helmet, the snow that had been falling turned into rain, fitting for my mood. I pulled out of the parking lot and found myself whistling Auld Lang Syne.'

Seeing Michael again had stirred up several emotions. I was beyond happy to see him and it proved that I love him more than ever. I needed to know what happened to him and now that I've seen him I wonder where we would be if I had stayed with him 11 years ago. As I drove down the highway, the snow turned to rain echoing my mood. I found myself singing the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne.

So, I'm singing and I'm crying and I'm feeling like something was missing. Suddenly, reality hit me. That 'something' was my heart. I knew that I had to see him again. I wondered if I could catch him if I turned around. There was more to be said and I knew that I had to say it or I would never be at peace. Throwing caution to the wind, I made a U turn in the middle of the street and prayed that I could catch up to him. My mental health depended on it. The weather was really bad and I didn't want to drive too fast, but I was anxious and I had to find him.
I had driven for about fifteen minutes and was thinking about giving up when I saw before me something that will undoubtedly haunt me for the rest of my life. I know in my heart that Michael turned around to try and find me too. I was smiling through my tears when I saw him in the distance. Then my mood went from jubilance to sheer panic in less than five seconds.
The car came out of nowhere. It was like I was watching a movie in slow motion. It hit Michael from the side so he didn't see it coming and he didn't have time to react. Right before my eyes, he was hit and flying through the air. I screamed until he hit the ground. His body came to rest in a ditch on the side of the road. The coward that hit him took off. He didn't even wait to see if my Michael was alive. I was livid and scared at the same time. I pulled over and jumped out as quickly as I could without breaking my own neck. Michael wasn't moving. His helmet had been knocked off, his head was lulled to the side and there was blood flowing from a cut on his forehead. I scrambled down into the ditch as quickly as I could to check him over. He was breathing but he was unconscious. I started screaming for someone to please help me.
Two guys came graciously to my aide. I asked them to please put him in my car. I ran ahead to recline my seat, all the while begging them to please be careful with him. I grabbed his bag from the back of his bike and threw it into my car. I noticed that the guys who were helping me were in a truck. I thanked them and offered to pay them to haul Michael’s broken bike to my house. They agreed to help me in any way that they could. As they trailed me to my house I made a couple of phone calls. At that moment I was more than grateful to be in the position to have a few connections. I knew that I couldn't take Michael to the hospital so I called a doctor friend of mine and asked him to meet me at my house. I lived thirtyfive minutes outside the city. With this delay, it would probably take an hour for us to get there. I wasn't sure what Michael's injuries were so I needed to be careful to drive slowly and cautiously so I wouldn't jostle him around unnecessarily. I also didn't want to risk having another accident in the dreadful weather.
I said a silent prayer as I reached over to brush the hair from his face. He must have lost his toque when he lost his helmet. I held his hand. I craved physical contact with him and this was the only way to pacify the need that was so strong. He was still unconscious and pale, but he was warm so I was hopeful.

"'s's Maria. Please hang on. You have to. I just found you again, and...I can't lose you. Not now."

I was near hysteria. I needed a whiff of cedar oil but I couldn't drive, hold Michael's hand and open the vile at the same time. I willed myself to stop crying because the tears were blurring my vision. I was cursing myself for not turning around sooner. If I could have just met up with him five minutes before...
Then he did something that caused my heart to skip a beat and made me smile.
He squeezed my hand.
He didn't move, but I knew that he could hear me!

Let me have it.
Do I continue, or do I not?

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Post by D2Tymes »

Hello again,

I am back with the second installment to Beth's story that Dee
borrowed for a little while. :D
I hope you enjoy it...

So, I kept talking. About everything. About nothing. After what seemed to be an eternity we were at my house. My doctor friend was sitting in his car waiting patiently when we pulled up. He came over to the car to assess the situation. Once he determined that it was safe to move him, he gave the two guys the ok to bring him inside, but not before he put a brace around his neck as a precautionary measure.

I ran ahead to unlock the door and prepare the guestroom. After he was safely inside and on the bed, I left Charles to do the doctor thing while I showed the guys where to put Michael’s broken bike and pay them for their trouble.

They told me that they knew who I was and they wouldn’t take my money. Instead they wanted an autograph for their daughters. I had pictures of myself from a recent photo shoot in my car. I gave them each a personalized autograph and a commemorative tour bag. Inside is an autographed tee shirt and CD, a VIP pass for two concerts with backstage access, and lots of other goodies that the P.R. department put together. I thanked them again and the driver turned to me and said,

"I hope your husband is ok."

It somehow sounded right. I couldn’t make myself correct him. I just nodded and waved them on and hurried back inside.

Charles had gotten Michael undressed and the site of him took my breath away. He was and still is magnificent. There he lay, still unconscious and sparsely clad on my guest bed. I took the vile from my pocket and took a nice long calming whiff.

I looked at Charles and before I could voice my question he told me that he was still looking him over and it would take a while longer. I told Charles that he is a dear friend and to please do everything possible to make him better. He promised that he would and asked me to wait outside. He saw me fidgeting and suggested that I find something to do to occupy my time.

I went to the car to retrieve Michael’s bag. Out of curiosity, I opened it. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular, maybe just a change of clothes. Inside was his hotel room key, his wallet, a book of poetry that was pretty worn, a sketch pad and pencils, a CD headset and one of my cd’s. To say that I was speechless is an understatement. I dared a look inside his wallet. I felt like I was intruding but I couldn’t help myself. I had to take a peek into the life of Michael Guerin. I rationalized it as wanting to gain some insight. I opened the wallet with trepidation. Aside from his drivers license, bike registration and some money, I saw nothing.

Not at first.

I was closing the wallet when I noticed what looked to be the corner of a photograph tucked into one of the folds. I pulled it out and time stood still. I had to remind myself to breathe.

It was a picture of me. I could hardly believe it. I was shocked and surprised and quite frankly – honored that he thought enough of me to carry the picture with him. The photo was taken at a time in my life that I can hardly recall. The reason being is, I was happy - ecstatically. I had a dream and I was content loving and being loved by Michael. I had the best friends that anyone could hope for.

Here I am today in a loveless marriage, with more money and material things than I know what to do with. It’s pitiful really, because I’m just a shell of my former self. I have everything I want except…

except the reciprocated love of the man that I have been in love with all of my adult life.

Maybe this is karma snapping me in the behind.

I remember so vividly that I couldn’t wait to run from Roswell to what I thought would be a better life. It hurt to leave my family and friends. It hurt even more to leave Michael. I cried for months when I first went away, but I had to figure things out for myself. Boy did I.

My reality aint pretty.

All that it took for me to realize the error of my ways was for Michael to ride through town on a motor cycle, smile and remind me just exactly what it is that I am missing in my dismal life. I hoped with everything in me that it wasn’t too late to fix things. I got myself into this. I once believed that I was stubborn enough to see this farce of a marriage and my career through to the end, even if it destroyed me. Now, I’m not so sure.

I truly believe that if Michael were to ask me to jump on that battered bike with him and ride away into the sunset, I would do it without the slightest hesitation.


I don’t know where Michael’s head is regarding what he feels for me. I want to believe that he turned around for me. My heart tells me that this is so, but I need to hear him say it.


But what about Greg? In a sense he saved me from myself. I will be eternally grateful to him for that, but I don’t love him. He married me knowing that I don’t, but he’s been good to me.

Now I have to figure out where my loyalties lye. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Michael may not even want me anymore, but even if he doesn’t, Greg deserves someone who will love him the way a woman is supposed to love a man. We all deserve that.

I was putting the picture back when Charles’ voice pulled me from my reverie.

"Is he ok?" I hoped that I didn’t sound too anxious.

"So far. He may have a slight concussion. His ankle is definitely broken. I set it and put on a brace. He’s bruised pretty badly. He’s going to really hurt when he fully regains consciousness. I cleaned and stitched the cut on his forehead and I gave him something to make him comfortable. He will probably sleep for the next few hours, but you need to watch him. Make him stay off that foot. He will be here for a while.

This should get him through the night if he wakes. It’s vicodin. I will bring a prescription and a set of crutches by in the morning. That’s about all I can do but I’m positive that he will be fine. I need to return a few calls then I’ll get out of your way.

I thanked Charles and asked him for another favor and that was for him to watch Michael while I went to the store for some food. He agreed and I took off, but my first stop was his hotel room. I packed up the few things that were there and checked him out. There was no way that I would let him go back there alone.

I went junk food crazy. I picked up pizza’s, Chinese food, soup and sandwiches, salad, ice cream, cookies, popcorn – basically, everything we would need to be locked in for a few days. After I bought it all, I hoped that Michael was still a junk food junkie.

When I got home Charles was packing up to leave on an emergency call. He was having Michael’s medical supplies delivered because he wouldn’t be able to return the next day. He told me to call him right away if Michael’s condition changed or worsened and he would send someone right over. I thanked him again. He is a good friend.

I checked on Michael before I unloaded the packages. He was sleeping soundly with a bandaged foot and braced ankle elevated on a pillow. Charles had covered him with a light blanket. His chest was bare. Magnificent.

Even in his unconscious and weakened state, he was simply gorgeous. What the hell was wrong with me? He could have been mine. I stopped gawking long enough to push the hair from his face and place a gentle kiss on his cheek. I was so relieved that he’d be ok.

I hurriedly unloaded the car, locked up the house and took a hot bath. I dressed in flannels and socks and set myself up in the guestroom so I could watch him during the night. I wasn’t really hungry so I settled for ice cream and a dvd. I was lounging on the unoccupied side of the king sized bed and doing my best to keep my giggles to a minimum so as not to disturb Michael. Rat Race is one of my favorite movies.

"Can I have some of that?" It was spoken so softly that it was almost inaudible.

"Sure." I fed him a spoon full.

"It needs tobasco."

I smiled "Sweet and spicy. How about I get you some food and water?"

"I’m not hungry, but I’m thirsty and I really hurt."

"No!!… Michael, be still…don’t move your…

"Aahhh!!! Expletive – expletive – expletive!! He yelled out in pain.

"Please be still and let me help you."

"What happened to me? I feel like I’ve been hit by a car."

"You were."

"What? Where am I? Where are we?"

"You’re at my house."


"Did you get here? Let me get you some food and water and I’ll tell you everything."

I went to the kitchen and fixed Michael a bowl of soup with a sandwich, some bottled water and a straw. I put everything on a tray with some tobasco sauce. When I returned to the room I adjusted his foot so I could let the back of the bed up. These Craftmatic adjustable’s come in handy. While he picked at his food I told him what happened. Michael really wasn’t hungry but he drank two bottles of water. I cleaned everything up and put some more water in the bedside frige. I helped him to and from the bathroom and back into bed and re-adjusted the bed to make him more comfortable. His bruises were really prominent down his sides and right leg. I knew right away that he was in a considerable amount of pain. I gave him a dose of medication and noticed some bruising on his face. The bell rang and I went to retrieve the supplies. Crutches, medicine and icepacks. Charles is wonderful.

I put in The Matrix for Michael to watch until he went back to sleep. He seemed to be nodding so I figured that it wouldn’t be long.

"Rest now Michael. We’ll talk later. And please don’t worry, I’ll take care for you."

"Thank you for everything Maria, or would you rather I call you Majandra?"

"Maria, please. No one can say it like you do."


Be back soon,

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Post by D2Tymes »

Hey guys,
Here is the third installment. I hope that you are enjoying it.
As long as I get feedback, I will up-date.
Oh yeah, Beth's story that Dee borrowed for a while. :D

Maria put in one of my favorite dvd’s. She had selflessly come to my rescue. About five minutes after I left her, I knew that there was more that should have been said. She was the one and only love of my life.
Sure, I loved Rita, but I wasn’t ‘in love’ with her. I tried to love her but if your heart isn’t in it, it’s just not possible. Maybe Maria has moved on, but I clearly have not. I saw her face and time stood still. She was too thin, but she was still beautiful. Her eyes, still brilliantly green – had lost some of their luster. She seemed genuinely happy to see me, but not genuinely happy.
I could feel it.
I turned my bike around, not sure of where I would find her, and hoped that instinct would lead me to her.
I was thinking of the one and only thing that I would say to her – ‘I still love you’.
Then I would let the chips fall. What ever happened after that, I would have to live with, but she had to hear me say it. I wanted her to hear me say it. My mental health depended on it.
I had been riding probably no longer than fifteen minutes when I saw what in my heart I knew to be her car coming towards me in the distance. I was smiling because I was happy that she had come back to look for me too. I was going over scenarios in my head as we got closer and closer to each other.

Should I – Jump off the bike and pull her into my arms? Or
Should I – Lift her into my arms and kiss her with all the passion that I have stored for the last eleven years? Or
Should I – Let her make the first move?

Soon as I formed that last thought, something hit me from the side. I felt my ankle pop then I was airborne. There were cars all over the road so using my powers was not an option.
My last conscious thought was, ‘when I hit the ground it’s gonna hurt’.
I vaguely remember someone standing over me while doing something to my head, moving my none cooperating limbs and telling me to relax. At the time, I couldn’t move my neck. Consciousness was too difficult so I let unconsciousness encompass me.

The first thing I remember after that was hearing beautiful giggles on the side of me. I slowly opened my eyes and when they focused, I was looking at Maria – clad in flannel and as gorgeous as ever, eating ice cream. It was then that I tried to swallow and felt as if there were cotton balls in my throat. The ice cream was looking pretty good so I asked, “Can I have some of that?”
She looked at me, smiled and said, ”Sure”, then fed me a spoon full. It felt really good going down.
She wanted to feed me soup and a sandwich but I wasn’t hungry. She tried anyway. She’s a persistent woman.
All my body seemed to want was water. I had a seriously unquenchable thirst.
Her doctor friend had some crutches and medicine delivered for me.
Maria told me of the way that I had come to be at her place. She was being so great. I hoped that her husband knew what he had and appreciated her. It was kind of funny that I could form that thought in the front of my mind while in the back of my mind I wanted her for myself.
She told me to rest and she promised to take care of me. She adjusted the bed and pillows to make me as comfortable as possible. I was in pain and she knew before I could voice it and gave me medication.
She remembered my favorite movie. She still knew me. We were still in tune to one another.
I love her.
It’s almost criminal that having her isn’t as easy as saying those three little words.

I don’t even know how I should breach the conversation:
“Maria, I love you. I want you. Let’s be together. You don’t need Greg, you need me and I need you.”

She may be so dependent on Greg that Michael Guerin is an after thought. I don’t think my heart can take losing her again and she isn’t even mine. When I’m well enough maybe I should just bow out gracefully – leave under the cover of night. No – enough of this defeatist attitude Guerin! You love her so you have to fight for her. Maybe if you had fought harder years ago, she would be your wife right now.
Damn it! Consciousness is getting too hard. This is some pretty strong stuff that Dr. Charles gave me.
I feel kind of strange being in this house – Greg’s house. Well, it’s Maria’s house too and we are very good friends. Who am I kidding? I’m a good friend with a hidden agenda that I’d like to get out into the open.
Uummm, I can feel my body relaxin’. My eyes are closing, but I’m not quite ready to sleep. There are things that I want to tell Maria...very specific things, but…but…my vocals don’t seem to be working.

“Mmmaahrreeeaah… (too soft, she didn’t hear me)
“Michael? Do you need something?”
Michael’s thinking – Yes baby, I need you.
“I must be hearing things. I could swear that you called my name, but how could you? You are sleeping like a baby…and I’m talking to you as if you can hear me. Get it together DeLuca.”
Michael’s thinking – But I can hear you, please don’t stop…
“Oh, what the hell? I’ll be sitting here watching you for countless hours anyway, so talking to you is a good way to pass the time. How can I sleep with you so near me and I have no right to touch you.
Michael’s thinking – I am here and you can touch me. Please touch me…
“I lost that privilege long ago, when I walked out of your life and said I do to another man. But I need you to know Michael that I have carried you with me all these years. I know the curves of your gorgeous face like I know my own. It’s burned into my brain and tattooed on my heart. I cannot articulate how much I’ve missed you.
Michael’s thinking – I’ve missed you too, so much…
“What am I supposed to do? Just pretend that I’m not in love with you anymore? I don’t know that I can do that Michael. It hurts, I hurt when I know that you are so close and under the circumstances you may as well be a million miles away because I can’t act on what I feel for you. It wouldn’t be fair – to you or to Greg.
Michael’s thinking – Greg? Are you kidding me? If he loves you so much, where the hell is he? Why isn’t he here with you…
“If you were awake you would probably be asking me why he isn’t here with me. Well, it’s complicated Michael. He does the traveling to book coliseum’s and interviews and photo shoots and set tour dates and, well you know – all the technical stuff. I have the easy part. All I have to do is show up and sing. Occasionally I might have an autographing session.
Michael, I don’t get lonely for him when he’s not around…but…
Michael’s thinking – No baby, don’t say it…
“He knows I’ll be here when he returns. We’ve been doing this so long that I’m used to it. Sometimes…I guess I feel as if I am obligated to him.

Maria didn’t notice the single tear roll down Michael’s cheek.

Michael thinking – You aren’t obligated to anyone but yourself. You are not happy with this man and you don’t have to stay with him. You owe him nothing Maria. I suppose this is another one of those things that you have to figure out for yourself. Please hurry and figure it out because you have to come back to me. We belong together Maria. That is not negotiable. While I am here I will do everything possible to prove to you that there is no other option.

With a heavy heart Michael finally succumbed to the recesses of sleep.

“I don’t get lonely for Greg but when you walk out of my life, I know that I will miss you so much that it hurts. I am married to him, but I know now that when he touches me I will feel as if I am betraying you.
You are in my system Michael Guerin. Love like this doesn’t just go away.”

Maria got up to make sure the house was locked up tight and to grab her journal from her bedroom. She and Greg kept separate bedrooms. They each enjoyed their own space, which was great considering they rarely slept together. That was never the kind of relationship they shared and somehow it just worked.
Maria had been journaling since she left Roswell. Being able to put her pen to paper and record what she was feeling helped her to cope when she had no one to talk to.
Since seeing Michael, she was feeling a lot of things that she needed to put down on paper because they were all jumbled in her head. She made some tea and once again set herself up on the unoccupied side of the king sized bed. Before making herself comfortable, she couldn’t resist walking around to the other side to smooth his hair from his face, adjust his pillows, and place a feather light kiss on his sleeping lips. Michael sighed then whispered, “I love you Ria”, and shifted in his sleep.
“I love you too Michael”, was stated with truism, as if it were the most natural and normal thing in the world. She made sure that he was covered, turned off the tv and started journaling.

Feedback, feedback, feedback!! :D
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4th installment

Post by D2Tymes »

I'm back with the 4th installment from the story that Dee
borrowed from Beth.

This is for you FehrsTobascoGirlie!! :D

She wrote of the event’s that led up to the present. After about an hour, the phone rang and her heart dropped. She knew who it was before she picked up. She debated whether or not to tell Greg that Michael was there. Ultimately, her conscience got the better of her and she told him. He wasn’t too pleased when he discovered that it was the Michael Guerin, the guy who held the title of Maria’s one and only love. He hated the name Maria. The conversation got so heated that she had to leave the room for fear of waking Michael.

"What is he doing there Majandra?"

"Riding through town…

"How convenient."

"You didn’t let me finish Greg. I was at a convenience store and we ran into each other. We exchanged pleasantries and we parted. Later, I came upon an accident and Michael was unconscious on the side of the road. I couldn’t leave him there. The person who hit him left him for dead."

"How did he know where to find you? I thought you told me that no one knew of your whereabouts but your mom – who wouldn’t tell anyone because you asked her not to."

"Greg, are you hearing me? He was riding through town. That we even saw each other was…

"Was what? Kismet? Destiny? What you’ve been hoping for?"

"I was going to say an incredible coincidence. What is wrong with you? You are making something out of nothing."

"Am I? I don’t think so. This is what you’ve always wanted after all. You’ve never loved me any way."

"Greg, you knew that when we married. Why are you questioning me all of a sudden? I have never betrayed our marriage and I don’t intend to start now. When are you coming home?"

"Why? Are you trying to plan how much time you have left with Michael…

"Greg, stop it. I do honestly admit that I was happy to see him but I didn’t want to see him hurt. I am going to fly Michael home to his own doctor. This is not debatable because he can’t walk and he has a concussion. I’m afraid that we will be grounded because of the weather if we don’t go soon, and I need the ok from Charles."

"Well, a little romantic rendezvous, and back in your hometown where it all began. This should make for an interesting reunion. So do you expect me to just wait for you to have your fling and then come home to me?"

"This isn’t like you Greg. Quite frankly, it’s bordering on cruel. If I wanted to have an affair, I didn’t have to tell you that he was here. I can’t talk to you right now…

"Does the truth hurt?"

"What you speak is not the truth. You are hurting me and I don’t understand why. If you come home and I’m gone, you know where I am. I’m taking the jet so you can get my itinerary from the Captain. I don’t know when I will return so if you have anything scheduled for me, leave the information with my answering service."

She terminated the call.

Syracuse New York:
Greg is sitting on the side of his bed in the hotel room…

"What the hell is wrong with me? She has never made a secret of how she felt…still feels about this man. I don’t understand. With my help she has everything that she has ever wanted and more. Sure, there was never any passion between us but what we established was good and it worked for us. I suppose it doesn’t help much that I am never around. If she didn’t have the notion to go running back to him before, she probably does now and I am helping her to do it.

No Majandra, it will not end this way. I won’t let it. I won’t let you walk away from me. If she is going to Roswell New Mexico with Michael ‘The love of my life’ Guerin, then I am going too."

Maria was so mad that she was shaking. She didn’t understand what Greg’s problem was, but she tried to not worry about it because she had problems of her own. She had to do something that she thought she never would and that was to call Max. The thought of Michael being in pain was disturbing especially since there was someone on the planet who could help him when she could not. Her act of duty would be to get him there. The medication was so strong and she had seen the bruises on his sides and down his leg. The bruises on his face were a little more prominent but not as bad as the others. What he must have endured when he hit the ground was unimaginable to her. How dare Greg make a mockery of the situation.

No, she wouldn’t give Greg the satisfaction of being angry with him when she had more important matters to attend to.

She called Charles first to make sure that Michael could travel. Charles let her know that if Michael felt up to it, he would probably sleep the whole trip because of the medication so traveling should be fine.

The next call was the hardest.

I’ve had Max and Liz’s number since forever. My mom made sure that I had it. She and Liz keep in close contact with each other since my hasty departure.

The conversation actually went better than I expected. Max was happy to hear my voice, and shocked to know that Michael was here with me. He was very understanding of the situation and he want’s me to bring Michael home right away. I asked about Liz and asked Max to keep the visit a secret because I wanted to surprise her. I didn’t know how I should act. I would soon be re-introducing myself to my former life. It’s no secret that I have missed everyone like crazy, but I have been away so long. Maybe too long. I don’t expect them to welcome me with open arms but I hope they do.

The next call was to the air strip. The jet was having routine maintenance done so Michael and I couldn’t leave until the next night. Now all that was left was telling him what I had planned. I hoped that he would be ok with it. I wanted to help him and it was killing me that he was in pain, so I did what I had to do. It was late and I was so tired by the time I climbed onto my side of the bed that I could hardly hold my eyes open. Michael was having a fitful slumber. Every now and then I would hear him mumble something that was incoherent. I didn’t think he should be thrashing around so I would reach out and touch him. That seemed to quell him until he started dreaming again. We went on like that until he woke the next morning. I was unaware until later that day that he was watching me sleep.

I tried to stretch but pain shot through my body like a hot knife cutting butter. It took everything in me not to cry out. It says something that with all the pain that I was in, my first thought was to not wake the sleeping beauty beside me. I was tired and sore. I had bad dreams and I don’t even remember what they were about. What I do remember was feeling like I was having anxiety attacks and then a calming presence would encompass me. This happened several times, then I awakened beside the most beautiful woman in the world.

What is it about her that makes me want to walk through fire? When she smiles at me my heart skips a beat. She still effects me this way after all these years. I don’t want to wake her but I can’t make it to the bathroom on my own. It sucks and I feel like an invalid. I know that I can’t heal myself but maybe changing the molecular structure will help me to displace the pain enough for me to go to the bathroom and maybe take a bath. I was struggling to sit up when she stirred.

"Michael, what are you doing?"

"Help me, would you please? I just need to sit up for a minute."

"Yeah, sure. Hold on…let me come around to your side of the bed…what do I do?"

"Just help me to sit up."

"Michael, have you learned a new trick that I don’t know about? Can you heal yourself?"

"No, I wish that I could. I’m going to try to displace the pain long enough for me to go to the bathroom and take a bath. This is only a temporary fix though, so it won’t last too long."

"I understand, but before you do that, let me run the bath for you."

Maria left the room to run a bath. Before returning to help Michael she dashed downstairs and went into the pool house to get a bathrobe for him. They bought new suites and robes for any company that might come over and need them. She picked a thick cotton robe that was still in the store box. When she returned she hung the robe in the bathroom and turned off the water. She turned the jets on gentle figuring that the massage would help him.

She returned to help him while he did his space boy thing.

"Well, I got it down to a dull throb but at least I can put my weight on it."

"Wait, just let me help you anyway."

She put her arms around him and helped him into the adjoining bathroom. She left him momentarily while he relieved himself and when he was ready to get in the tub he called out for her.


"Yes, I’m here. What is it…oh, I get it. Now is not the time to be bashful Michael, besides, I’ve seen you in the buff before."

"How many years ago was that?"

"What does it matter? You are still the same Michael aren’t you? And besides, what makes you think that I will look?"

"Ok…I’m not shy if you aren’t."

She was standing beside him with her arms around him to keep him steady. He grasped the waist band of his boxers and winced…

"Hey, let me do that for you."

She gently tugged the boxers down his legs and helped him step out of them while she surveyed the damage down his sides. The bruising was extensive and dark. She was so engrossed in the damage to his body that she didn’t have a chance to appreciate his masculinity. Well, she wouldn’t tell him that she did. She helped him into the tub and grabbed a soft sponge and some liquid soap. He willingly let her wash the spots that he wouldn’t dare try to reach. The jets were soothing. He had started to relax when she spoke.



"I did something last night that I hope you won’t be mad about."

"What did you do?"

"Something that will help you."

"I’m listening."

"I called Max. We are flying to Roswell tonight so he can heal you."


"Well, aren’t you going to say something?"

"Yes, thank you."

"So…you’re not mad at me?"

"No baby, I’m not. I hurt and I can’t think of a better solution."

"You called me baby."

"I’m sorry, force of habit. It feel’s normal to interact with you the way that I used to. It seems natural, like breathing. I didn’t even think about it, I just said it."

"No, it’s ok. I think I like it."

"What time do we leave?"

"I’m having a car pick us up at five. The flight is scheduled to leave at eight. I want to leave in plenty of time to allow for traffic and bad weather. Hey, let me wash your hair."

She quickly rolled up her pajama pants and took off her socks. She grabbed the hand held shower sprayer and some shampoo and sat behind Michael on the back of the tub and put her feet in the water on either side of him then went to work.

"That feels wonderful."


As she massaged the soap into his hair he started mimicking her moves on her calves. She thought it was involuntary because of the way that he had his head thrown back and his eyes were closed. She didn’t care because it felt good. She caught herself wishing for a full body massage.

Michael had made a promise the night before that he would do everything possible to prove to her that they belonged together. What Maria didn’t know is, that was only the beginning.

When she finished with his hair she left him long enough for him to finish his bath. When he finished, she helped him out of the tub and he stepped into her awaiting arms holding a bath sheet. He lost his footing when he tried to put his full weight on his ankle and they fell to the floor together. With Maria on her back and Michael on top of her, he started to laugh.

"Michael, are you ok?"

"No…but I have to laugh so I won’t cry. That hurt so much."

"Just relax. I’m gonna help you. I have to roll you over. I will be as careful as I can."

She rolled him over and with a little difficulty, she helped him to his feet and into the room where she helped to dry him and put on his robe.

"Just lean against the pillows and try to relax. I forgot to tell you, last night I went to your hotel room. I packed your things and checked you out. There was no way that I was going to let you go back there alone. Anyway, I have your things here in the drawer. I’m going to help you into your boxers, get you back in bed and bring you some food and your medication."

"You want to get me in bed?"

"Hey, I thought you were in pain."

"I am. Being a smart ass helps to take my mind off it."

Once Michael was settled, Maria went down stairs to get him some food. When she brought it up on the tray he asked her if Dr. Charles had prescribed something that wouldn’t put him in a coma.

He had Vicodin and Tylenol with Codine. He settled for the latter and ate a good portion of the food. When he finished Maria combed his damp hair.

"You know, I could get used to being pampered like this."

"Oh yeah? You do realize that this is out of necessity. Hopefully you won’t be flying through the air again anytime soon. I don’t think my heart can take it."

"You saw that?"

"From the moment the car hit you and you took flight, to your body’s impact with the ground. I thought that I would die if you didn’t make it."

"I’m sorry…

"For what? It wasn’t your fault, don’t be silly. Hey, I want you to relax. I’m going to get us packed and take a shower. Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"No, just hand me the remote and I’ll see what I can find on tv."

Michael realized that he must have fallen asleep when he felt Maria gently shaking him and telling him to wake up so they could dress to leave. The car would be there soon and they would be on their way to board a plane to take them home. Michael was thinking - 'watch out Maria, now the seduction begins'.

I am having such a blast writing this that I wish more people would read it.
Anyway, as long as one person is interested (you know who you are)
I will continue. I am curious to see where it will go.

Be back soon with another chapter,

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5th installment...

Post by D2Tymes »

Hey again,
I was able to post today afterall.

I hope you enjoy it!!

Oh yeah, Dee's borrowed story from the wonderful Beth :D

Michael realized that he must have fallen asleep when he felt Maria gently shaking him and telling him to wake up so they could dress to leave. The car would be there soon and they would be on their way to board a plane to take them home. Michael was thinking - 'watch out Maria, now the seduction begins'.

Introducing Rita - Somewhere on the road leading out of Nogales Mexico:

I have it on good authority that Michael is headed back to Roswell. Now is the time for me to get confrontational and get all this pent up anger off my chest in regards to our farce of a marriage. This time he will damned well listen. I don't think he will ever fully understand how much I loved him. I love him still, but I will never tell him that. This man systematically hurt me to my core and I don't think I'll ever get over that. After everything that's happened I can't find it in my heart to hate him. I mean honestly - we can't chose who we fall in love with. That he didn't love me still hurts and I probably would be taking this a bit lighter if it wasn't her that consumes him. The object of his affection and his complete desire is none other than Majandra.

Every one on the planet knows who she is. I can admit that she can sing, but her style is not mine. She is adored by millions and Michael just happens to be number one on that list - for different reasons of course. He knew her before she became rich and famous.


I hate that name. I hate the name Maria even more...well, maybe not more than 'Ria'.
This is what he used to call me when he would have a momentary lapse of sanity, or as he called it, a slip of the tongue.
I would say, My name is Rita, Michael. Ri - ta, not Ria. R.I.T.A. It was infuriating. He hadn't seen her in many years but she was always on his mind. Towards the end it happened so often that I couldn't bring myself to correct him anymore. I couldn't compete with that. I didn't want to compete with that. I just wanted out.
As I make my way towards Roswell on this lonely stretch of road, I have one goal on my mind. Find Michael Guerin, say my piece and get some closure in my life so I can move on. I am tired of being stuck in the past. Now let's see...I've made it through Nogales, and now I think the best route to take is through Tucsan Arizona then on through into Roswell. Yeah, that should do it. Watch out Mr. Guerin, this is a blast from your past that I don't think you are ready for.

On another stretch of road in Arizona, Greg was driving and cursing Michael's very existence. He had taken a flight from Syracuse to Tucsan and rented a car. He wanted to sneak into Roswell and snoop around. He knew that he shouldn't be so angry about the natural balance of things, but he was. That was a chance that he took when he married her. He knew in his heart that they would meet again someday and that the attraction/love would undoubtedly still be there. He had done an excellent job at keeping her isolated from her past until he blew into town on his damned motorcycle. He would not let her get away. He couldn't. She was his means to an end. As long as she could sing he would get paid. He was accustomed to living a certain lifestyle and he wouldn't give that up, not for the likes of Michael Guerin. It wasn't all about money. He had sincere feelings for her. But how could he love her completely if she didn't love him. He couldn't and he didn't. He just let her believe that he did to keep her where he wanted her.

Greg had driven for a while when he ran over something in the road. The tire felt funny then it blew. He was stuck in the middle of nowhere with a blown tire, no spare, and a cell phone that he forgot to charge and he couldn't even hook it up in the car because he didn't bring the hardware for it. He paced for a while wondering what the hell he would do when suddenly, what he called his savior was coming towards him.

Only a few more hours and I will have reached my destination. Hum, looks like someone is stuck on the side of the road up ahead. He is lucky because not many people use this back road anymore.
My mother always warned me about picking up strangers, but this one looks harmless enough. For some strange reason he looks vaguely familiar.

(driving up beside him)

"Hello, can I be of some assistance?"
"Yes, please. I was just standing here wondering how I would get out of here. Which way are you headed?"
"Roswell New Mexico."
"Either this is a wonderful coincidence or you are my savior. I am headed to that very place."
"Business or pleasure?"
"Business, definitely business. What about you?"
"The same."
"Well, do you mind if I tag along? I would be more than happy to pay for all the gas and treat you to dinner when we arrive."
"Deal. What's your name stranger?"
"Greg, and you are?"
"Rita. Rita Gue...Ramos. Rita Ramos."
"It's very nice to make your acquaintance Rita, especially since you are saving my hide and all. Shall we get going?"
"Sure, but what about your car?"
"It's a rental. I'll send someone back for it when we get to the next town."

Maria had laid out something for me to wear. I went to the bathroom first to freshen up, then changed into my traveling clothes. I hadn't seen her since she has wakened me so I searched her out quickly before my temporary fix wore off.
I found her upstairs in what I assumed to be her bedroom. It was completely feminine. So much so that I wondered how Greg could stand to being there, but if he was like me he would follow her anywhere. I glanced at the bed and the thought of him touching her made me insane. Logically, I knew that I had no right to be, but at the same time I couldn't help what was in my heart. She turned and saw me standing there.

"Michael, are you ok? You seem to be in a trance. Are you in pain? Here, let me help you sit."
"No, not there...
"I'm sorry...I ...I don't want to sit on the bed that...
"That what? (A smile teased her gorgeous mouth) I see. Michael, you are so cute, and much too serious about nothing. You see, this (she motioned around the room) is my bedroom exclusively. Greg's is on the third floor. No one shares this bed with me (except for you in my fondest dreams) And even if we did Michael...
"I know. You don't have to remind me that you are married to him. I'm sorry Maria, but the thought of you sharing this or any bed with anyone but me makes me nauseous.

He looked so sincere that I felt the need to clarify...

"Michael, a sexual relationship is not the kind that Greg and I share. I can't lie to you and deny that we have slept together, but...
"Maria, please don't...
"No, this seems to really bother you. Why Michael?"
"I'm sorry. I'm just being silly. Here, see...I'm sitting. Now, I'm lounging. (He lay his head down on her pillow and her scent surrounded him. It was intoxicating. He became so relaxed so quickly that Maria thought he had fallen into slumber. Michael's body started to tremble and Maria ran to his side.)


Michael was having a vision that would have freaked him out had it not been for what it was about. As soon as Maria touched him she was physically pulled into the sensations that he was feeling and experiencing. She had no strength and she felt as if she was floating as her body dropped and her cheek landed softly on Michael's chest.

~~The Vision~~

It was like a movie. They both watched as Maria rejected Greg's advances and came into her room to close and lock the door. They could feel what she felt as she went into her closet and reached up to pull down a box from the top shelf. She took out a picture of Michael. She lay down on the bed as she looked at the photo and let her regret consume her as her tears flowed freely for the only thing she felt was missing in her life, the only thing that would make her whole.
She looked at the picture and cried until she fell asleep. She started to dream immediately of herself laying on the same bed calling Michael's name and after a moment, Michael came to her. No words were needed as he slowly undressed the both of them and they made love so passionately that they were both in tears.
As Michael and Maria shared this vision, they could feel every kiss, every caress, every...
After a mutual vow of love to one another they lay in each others arms until they slept.
With sharp intakes of breath, it was over.

Maria sat up and they looked at each other. They were both breathing heavily.
Without a word Michael got up and carefully made his way over to the closet. She watched him as he reached up and pulled down the box that held her precious photo and joined her on the bed. She didn't protest so he opened the box. The picture was there. They looked into each others eyes...

"Michael, that was the most intense thing that I have ever experienced in my life - so much so, that I may need another shower. Can you tell me what just happened?"

No immediate answer...

"Michael, what the hell just happened?
(softly) "My greatest desire."
"What? What are you talking about? That was my very detailed dream...
"And it was my very detailed fantasy, but Maria, I swear to you that I don't know what happened. It's never happened before, not like that, but I am sure that you remember. Do you know how open to each other we must be?"
"It was incredible Michael, but...
"Yes it was so no buts ok? If I can't have you, please - let me have this memory. Pure and untainted."

Before Maria had a chance to think about what he said, Michael had brushed a soft kiss across her lips, stood, walked carefully over to the closet to put the box back and slowly exited the room.
Maria was speechless. Her heart was beating so fast that she thought it would jump out of her chest. Michael had stirred up emotions in her that she thought she would never feel again.
Why had she married Greg? She knew that it wasn't the time for being defeatist, but she was physically ill at the thought that Michael was so close, yet untouchable. And it was her own doing. She loved Michael with everything in her. He was, in her mind, the only man she would love this way. If she didn't, how could she possibly have that recurring dream almost nightly. She knew that it wasn’t about sex. It was about the man who consumed her completely. It didn't even embarrass her that Michael had seen what she feels for him.

"How am I going to fix this? I can literally feel your kisses and touches all over me. How is this possible? Maybe it's because I want it so badly. I'm off my proverbial rocker - standing here talking to myself. If I weren't absolutely sure that we were sharing a vision, I would swear on a Bible that we made love. Get it together DeLuca."

She finished gathering her things.

Maria didn't know that Michael was on the other side of the door trying to straighten his brace and he heard everything she said.

(Michael - smiling and thinking to himself)
I want you too baby, and we will be together. I don't know how that vision happened but I will figure it out because it has to happen again soon. Maybe the visions will bring you back to me. I have proof now that you want me as much as I want you.

He hurried down the stairs as quickly as he could without hurting himself. He went to sit in the guest room to wait. Maria had everything packed and cleaned, so there was nothing else for him to do except fantasize about her kisses and touches all over his body.

The ringing of the doorbell brought Maria down the stairs and Michael out of his hypnotic state. The car was there and Maria let the driver in to load their luggage.
She put her car in the garage and locked everything up then came back to help Michael out to the car. She ran back to set the alarm and they were off.
She was glad that she planned ahead because traffic was horrendous. They arrived at the air strip just before seven. While the driver was loading the bags, Michael did the spaceboy thing so he could make it up the jet steps.

I was impressed. The jet is a flying house. There was a crew on board of four. The pilot, co-pilot, chef and a steward who was medically trained to see to my needs. 'My needs!!' I got a real kick out of that. We had total privacy unless we needed assistance. I could either lounge or lay while I watched DVD movies. She had all my favorites. The bed was ready just in case I needed it. What ever I wanted to eat would be freshly prepared. We opted for a double lounger and a blanket for two. The food of choice was shrimp and fries. That would go nicely with movies to pass the time. We were cleared to leave at seven thirty.
Once in flight, I called Max. He was going to meet us at the Hyatt near the airport. Maria had called ahead and reserved the biggest suite and a car.
After we ate and got comfortable, my foot started throbbing so the steward checked my ankle and cleaned the cut on my forehead. After giving me my medication, he left us to our own devices.
Maria had chosen a chick flick and somewhere in the middle I dozed off.
I woke only because that delicious vision sharing thing was happening again. We were alone in the cabin and I could feel myself being pulled in as Maria's sleeping face rested on my shoulder. I snuggled closer to her and let it happen.

~~Another Vision~~

This was clearly Maria's dream because we were on this very plane. It started out simply enough. We both boarded together but the difference was, I wasn't limping. We chose the double lounger and a blanket to share. We sat and not long after, the plane took flight. Maria reached into a purse that I hadn't seen before and presented me with an envelope wrapped with a ribbon.

"What's this?" I asked, as she winked at me and smiled mischievously.

No answer.

"What's this?" I asked again, as she slid over and straddled my lap. "Maria...(she stopped me mid phrase with one delicate finger on my lips and a soft 'shhh' from hers. She leaned slightly forward and whispered, "This is the one thing that will make our greatest dream come true." Then she kissed me.
This was no ordinary kiss. It was one that spoke of love, want, longing, hunger, need, passion,
lust - damn, all of the above. But most of all it spoke of her being exclusively mine. Just when I thought I would spontaneously combust, she pulled away. I was about to protest for the sudden loss of warmth when she said to me, "Open it."
I readily obliged and inside was her divorce decree - signed, sealed, delivered.
"I know what you are thinking." She said to me with laughter in her eyes.
"Do you?" I stated in return.
" are wondering if this is real. Let me assure you Mr. Guerin, it is. It's legal and binding."
"What shall we do to celebrate?" I asked, incredulously.
"Well, I was thinking that I would make us members of the mile high club."

I didn't have a chance to respond. I have never been disrobed so quickly. I have no words to describe the way we made love other than urgent and just on the cusp of primal. We held each other as if the other would disappear. We were sharing feelings of how much we missed each other and how much we still wanted each other after all the time that had passed. The strongest feeling was of insatiable need. We felt as if we couldn't get close enough. It was ardent and intense.

This time when we woke, we were both covered in a sheen of sweat. Maria's lips were kiss swollen and I could taste her lip gloss and smell her perfume all over me.
This was definitely beyond the realm of possibility. Maria excused herself - probably because she was speechless and when she returned, she had the most bewildered look on her face. I got a little panicked.

"What is it baby? Are you ok? Maria...

She walked closer to me. I hadn't noticed before that her blouse was unbuttoned and she was holding it closed. Wasn’t it closed when she went to the bathroom?

"Michael, will you oblige me for a moment and lift your shirt?"
"Please, no questions, not yet. Just do it."

I lifted my shirt. When I heard Maria's sharp intake of breath, I pulled it off and looked down. Shocked is not a word that I would use to describe what I felt when I saw the evidence of our dream union.
There were hickies, or what Maria likes to call ‘passion marks’, on my chest and stomach. Maria told me that there was one on my neck.

"Let me see."

Maria opened her shirt. The evidence was the same across her collarbone, chest and stomach. We didn't know what to say about it because we didn't know what was going on. I didn't want Maria to freak out even though I was close to it myself.

"Is this going to happen every time we are close to each other?"
(I was thinking - gosh I hope so) "I don't know Maria. Maybe Max can help us figure it out."
"I think you are enjoying this a little too much Michael."
"What am I supposed to say? That I'm not? I can't have you physically, while mentally all my dreams are coming true and I'm supposed to pretend that I'm not happy about it? Maria, you need to know that at this point, I'll take you any way that I can, even if it's in our dreams - and damned good ones I have to add."

The Captain provided us with a much needed distraction when the phone rang and he told Maria that we would be landing in half an hour.

"This discussion is far from over Michael...
"Ok, then let's talk about us...
"There is no us. I married...
"Not yet, but there will be. I promise you, there will be an ‘us’, very soon. Take notes Maria because this time, it will be forever.

(Michael) The rest of the flight was spent in silence. Contemplation can be a heavy thing when you've got everything to lose. I was determined that I would not lose her again. I just had to make her see that she didn't need Greg. I would make her see it if I had to die trying.

(Maria) After sharing that first vision, I knew what had to be done. The second vision was the icing on the cake, because it told of things to come – things that I want so badly and I know that Michael want’s them too. I don't know what to say to him. I hate that I keep reminding him of my loveless marriage. I don’t do it to hurt him, I do it to hurt myself as a reminder of my stupidity. The fact that I love Michael has to be blatantly obvious but being with him isn't as easy as just doing it. I need to be with him like I need to breathe. I can't tell him what I am planning to do for fear that it won't work. I don't want to get his hopes up. I don't know what I will do if Greg won't give me a divorce. He won’t make this easy. The only thing I know at this very moment is I am leaving Greg if it kills me.


Feed-back is greatly appreciated!!!
It determines whether I continue or not -
so if you still like what I am writing
be kind and let me know. I will even take suggestions :D

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The next chapter!!

Post by D2Tymes »

Hey Guys,
Please forgive me for the delay. It was due to situations beyond my control.
I am here now with the next chapter.
I do hope you enjoy it.

Thankx to you...

and a name new to me -
Thank you for the awesome feed-back!!
It inspires me.

Here we go with the next chapter of Beth's story
that Dee borrowed for a little while :D

(Michael) The rest of the flight was spent in silence. Contemplation can be a heavy thing when you've got everything to lose. I was determined that I would not lose her again. I just had to make her see that she didn't need Greg. I would make her see it if I had to die trying.

(Maria) After sharing that first vision, I knew what had to be done. The second vision was the icing on the cake, because it told of things to come - things that I want so badly and I know that Michael want’s them too. I don't know what to say to him. I hate that I keep reminding him of my loveless marriage. I don’t do it to hurt him, I do it to hurt myself as a reminder of my stupidity. The fact that I love Michael has to be blatantly obvious but being with him isn't as easy as just doing it. I need to be with him like I need to breathe. I can't tell him what I am planning to do for fear that it won't work. I don't want to get his hopes up. I don't know what I will do if Greg won't give me a divorce. He won’t make this easy. The only thing I know at this very moment is I am leaving Greg if it kills me.


The plane touched down and we disembarked as soon as we were allowed. There was a car waiting on the airstrip and in less than fifteen minutes, it was loaded up with us and our bags, and headed towards the Hyatt. We arrived and checked into a two bedroom suite that was out of this world, or a guys dream because it featured a big screen tv and a jacuzzi.
I think Maria and I were thinking along the same lines when we both decided to take showers while waiting for Max to arrive. I wanted to survey the 'damage' so to speak, to my body from whatever was going on between us on what can only be called 'the dream plane'. I was curious to know if my marks of passion ended with my upper torso and stomach. I had suspicions that I had some on my back and maybe my thigh. After the dream I literally felt Maria all over me.
After a hot shower to collect my thoughts, further inspection confirmed all of the above. I was actually able to see the marks in spite of all the bruising. I was wickedly hoping that I gave as good as I got in that last dream.
I was so excited about current developments and what was transpiring between us, albeit on a mental level, that I forgot about what had brought us to Roswell. The pain in my ankle was a distant memory until I stepped out of the shower and hit the floor. I was cursing like a sailor when I looked up into the face of an angel. After mumbling something that I don't quite remember, I lost consciousness. When I came to, Max was leaning over me looking very concerned as was Maria with tears in her eyes.

After checking into the hotel Michael and I both decided to take showers while we waited for Max. I don't know the reasoning behind his sudden need to take the plunge but I wanted to see what he had done to me in that dream.
I had just finished surveying the evidence of our 'dream coupling'. It was pretty impressive if I do say so myself, for a quote - unquote dream. The marks were peppered across my shoulders, chest, stomach, and thighs. There were marks under what little my lacy bra had covered. I had some on my back and I found one on the back of my neck where it could be covered by my hair.
They were all in places that could be covered by clothing. I was kind of hoping for one to be
visible - maybe on my neck like Michael’s. Nah, under the clothes is much more personal. It’s like our own little secret.

For reasons unknown to me I felt jubilance. Ok...ok, I know exactly why. Even though I didn't get them the traditional way, they were still Michael's. It was like he branded me. I secretly liked it. I was thoroughly enjoying the strangeness of it all.
More and more I knew that I had to fix things. If this dream passion was what we had to look forward to...
My next thought made me blush, so I will keep that to myself. :D After coming back to reality,
I stepped into a plush robe and slippers and was on my way out of my chosen bath when I heard Michael hit the floor. I knew what had happened before I heard the stream of expletives pass his lips.
I ran into the bathroom and found him in a position similar to what he was when he fell on my bathroom floor, but this time I wasn't under him to cushion his fall.

"Michael...Michael...(falling to my knees on the floor beside him) talk to me. Are you ok?" Let me help you... (his face was twisted in agony)
" ...yet....please.....just give me...a minute." With that, he groaned and passed out.
I was beyond hysterical. His face was wet and it took me a minute to realize that it was from my tears. He had to be in a great deal of pain to pass out. I cradled his head and gently lifted it onto my lap. I don't know how much time had passed. I brushed the hair from his face and was saying a silent prayer that he would be ok when I heard the door. I knew that it was Max because I had left the extra card key at the desk for him.

(opening the door while knocking) "Maria? Michael? It's Max...
(I screamed) "Max!! Please...we are in the bathroom. Hurry...

"What happened?" (sitting on the bathroom floor beside Michael)
"I don't know...I think he fell. When I heard it I came running. When I got here he spoke a few words and passed out. Please Max...please help him...
"Maria, calm down. That's what I'm here for."

Max took his time and healed Michael. It's still a fascinating thing to see. He started with his ankle. As his bones were mended the bruising seemed to evaporate. Max then concentrated on the bruising on Michael's body. Up one side, and down the other. When he was finishing up Michael started to stir. Max leaned in to start concealing the passion marks when Michael reached up and grabbed his had to stop him.

"No Maxwell...not those."

Max and I helped him to his feet and he tested his freshly healed limb and started stretching side to side to make sure that there was no residual pain.

"Max, are you ok? It used to be that healing really took it out of you."
"You know Maria, it's the strangest thing but as I get older, I suppose I get stronger because it doesn't effect me nearly as much, depending on what kind of injury it is. Now, if we have all that out of the way - how about a proper welcome for your old friend whom you haven't seen in too many tears to count?"
"Oh, I'm sorry Max..(I stepped into his welcoming embrace) It's really good to see you.” (I hugged him hard)
"Thank you Maxwell. I really appreciate this. The pain that I have been in for the last couple of days was really tough." (They embraced and shook hands)
"What were you doing to get hit by a car?"
"I was driving to meet my destiny."
Was all that Max would say as he looked from Michael to me and back again. It took me all of two minutes to realize that my robe had fallen open just enough for them both to see the hint of a hickey peeking out at them. He was very tactful in his approach. (Yeah right!!) :wink:

"So, I notice that you both have some very definite bruising around your (clears his throat) chest areas. Do either of you care to share?"

We all went into the front of the suite after I helped Michael into his robe. It was an involuntary thing. I suppose I was thinking that he still needed my help. It seemed the most natural thing in the world when I lifted it up and helped him into it. He didn't even flinch. He just excepted my offer and we all sat on the couch to tell Max what had been going on with the shared dreams. Max didn't know what to make of it. He did have a theory though…

“I believe that someone or something maybe trying to right a wrong. My theory is - and remember that this is only a theory - these are yours and Maria’s repressed desires manifesting through your subconscious from the obvious passion and unending love that you have for one another. After all this time it’s still there.
Your bond is incredible. It has to be for this to be happening. I don’t want to sound like I’m telling you how to live your lives, but I’m getting the feeling that if you don’t follow where this leads, you will further upset the natural balance. If that happens, there’s no telling where these dreams will take you. My suggestion is, don’t stifle your feelings or this will consume you.
Somehow, you two seem to be on the same page, even when you are not. I hope that made sense. (We both nodded absently)
I hope you find a way to work this out. You both deserve some happiness in your lives. I see that look Maria and denial doesn’t look good on you. I feel that even though we haven’t seen each other in a while, being friends comes first and we should still be honest.”
“I agree.”
“And Michael…
“I won’t attempt to deny it. I have known since she first left that I am lost without her.”

After we talked a while longer he told us that he had to go because Liz was close to term and she worried when he was out too late. I told Max that I wouldn’t ask how everyone was because I wanted to see for myself. We made plans to all get together that next day. He hadn't told the others that we were there and we wanted it to be a surprise. We decided to meet at the suite since there was so much room and they would bring food from the Crashdown for old times sake. I asked how he was supposed to keep secret that we were there because everyone would want to know why they were meeting at the Hyatt. Max told us that he had his ways. It was strange because he had a twinkle in his eyes but we didn't question it. He told us to get some rest because we had a lot of catching up to do and once Liz realized that I was there she would undoubtedly drag me all over town - not to mention my mother. With that he bid us adieu. We walked him to the door and thanked him again and told him that we would see him tomorrow.

After Max was gone Maria and I were sitting on the couch. We were still in our robes and I felt that I had to say something to her about my last episode. I had a flash back of an earlier thought regarding Maria and seduction. After spending the last few days with her I was positive that she’s still in love with me, but I needed her to want to come to me freely. With no doubts and no regrets. It was up to me to seduce her but not physically. I would seduce her with the truth.

"Maria, I want to apologize...
"For what?"
"For scaring you earlier. When I came to, you had tears in your eyes. I have never liked to see you cry. I am so sorry."
"Michael please...that couldn't be avoided. I was scared for a minute, but everything turned out ok. I am so glad that you are ok. That's all that I want. That's all I have ever wanted."
"No Maria...I don't want to upset you but if you wanted me to be ok, you wouldn't have ever left't respond, please just listen. I understood your need to go out and find yourself. But I never understood why you wanted to do it without me. Even if you didn't want me to come with you, I would have waited Maria. I would have waited forever. I loved you...I love you that much.
Maria, since I have started, there are some things that are heavy on my mind, and I need to say them not only to you, but also for my own peace of mind. Please let me say this. You don’t have to respond, but I need so much for you to listen. Ok?”

(long pause) (Michael’s thinking - seduce her with the truth)

“Without you, I have no soul. I walked around aimlessly the first couple of years after you left me. I didn’t know what to do with myself. Crying was no longer an option because I had no more tears. Just when I thought I couldn’t go on, Max healed Rita. He was getting so good at it that she didn’t have to be conscious. In fact, she didn’t wake up until the next day in the hospital. I was there because Max couldn’t be. At the time she was listed as Jane Doe, so I guess I felt obligated. She woke up and smiled at me…with eyes much like yours. She didn't look anything like you, but those eyes...they were almost the same intense shade of green. I deceived her like I deceived myself. I knew that I could look into her eyes and pretend if only for a few moments that she was you. I felt like it would make my pain less. After a while we started dating. I never told her about myself - or the others. I should have known then that being with her was wrong, because disclosing that information felt too personal. I knew that I would never let her see all of me. That was reserved for only one woman. Only you. I married her selfishly thinking that she would fill the void in my heart. It never happened.
We were married less than two years. You were always in my heart. Your name was more often than not, on my lips. I called Rita - Ria so many times that I’m surprised that she stayed with me as long as she did. I swore to her that it was a subconscious thing. It wasn’t, but I really didn’t mean to call her Ria. My love for you is what drove me to breathe. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t be here right now because I wouldn’t have remembered to do so. I honestly didn’t care if I died Maria.”
“Please don’t say that…
“Why not? It’s the truth. All I will ever speak to you is the truth.”

Maria is thinking - but the truth hurts…

“I started painting again. When I’m not traveling that’s what I do. The pictures that I paint that are not of you, I sell. I actually have an agent and buyers. Hard to believe, isn’t it? I’ve turned a substantial profit but I don’t care. It’s never been about the money. It was about keeping myself busy so I wouldn’t go completely mad. I lost you and I was slowly losing myself.
I bought a lakefront home in Vermont. It’s secluded, quiet, private. I go there when I feel like I’m having a mental breakdown…when I can’t stand looking at this town or our friends because every damned thing here reminds me of you.
For all these years, my whole heart has been where ever you were. What I did to Rita was wrong, and maybe one day, she will be able to forgive me. Maybe one day I will forgive myself for putting her through what I did. Until then, I have to go on. What drives me now is you. I promise you that I won’t ever push physically. Our dream unions sustain me. I will however…every chance that I get, remind you of what we are both missing. I don’t want to wait but I will. I will wait until you come to me of your own free will. Just walk up to me and say, Michael, I’m yours. You are and you always will be. I just need to hear you say it. I am yours Maria. I gave my heart to you years ago. I’ve been so lost for so long. You’ve walked back into my life, so please don’t walk out again.
I have a request."
"First, please don't cry. These things weren't said to you to make you sad. I hate it when you cry. Second, may I please kiss you?"
"Yes Michael."

I closed my eyes and readied myself for what I knew would be an earth shattering occurrence, but he gently held my face, looked into my eyes and ever so gently kissed my forehead.

"I'm going to bed. If you need me, please call. I love you."

With that he was gone. I sat there dumbfounded for a while. My heart was aching. I wanted that kiss more than I wanted my next breath. I sat there for about thirty five minutes thinking about what had transpired between us. The things that he said was re-playing over and over in my head. I wanted to be angry because he didn't take me in his arms and love me like he used to. I knew that he was tired of hearing me say that I am married to someone else. I'm tired of hearing me say it. I got up and went into my room and changed into some jeans and a flannel. I decided to go downstairs to see if I could find a drink. I really needed one.
On my way out, I looked in on Michael who by this time was sleeping soundly. I approached the bed carefully so I wouldn't wake him. I reached out and brushed his hair off his forehead. I started to speak before it even registered in my mind...

"Michael, I heard everything you said. I know the part that I played in your unhappiness. Would it help you at all to know that I felt those same things? I know what I have to do to make things better, and I am going to do it. I hope you meant it when you said that you would wait for me because Greg won't make this easy. I want to be yours again, so much. It has to be legal Michael. My heart is yours. It always has been, but you know that. I know that you knew how I felt about you when you saw me in the corner store in Georgia. I'm going down stairs because I need a drink. This isn't something that I do very often, but ...I just need one right now. I won't be gone long. You probably won't even know that I'm not here. I need to not be near you while I sit and think about my next course of action. If I stay here much longer, I will get in this bed with you and that would make things worse. I don't love Greg, but I won't break my marriage vow, regardless to how Greg and I feel about each other. Hopefully, this will be over soon and I can come to you freely and take you in my arms and say, Michael I'm yours. I want to do that so badly. I hope you know that. It hurts me to think that you may think that I don't want you the way that you want me because there is nothing further from the truth. I love you Michael."

I couldn't resist bending down and taking the kiss that should have been mine earlier. It didn't even matter that he was unresponsive. I just wanted to feel his lips on mine before I left his room. In my mind, he kissed me back.

Meanwhile downstairs...

"Rita, don't worry about there not being anymore rooms. We can share. The only thing left is a suite and they have two separate rooms. It's no problem, really. It's the least that I can do to repay you for driving me here."
"Ok Greg. I don't know why I am being so silly. We have been in a car together for countless hours. I think I know more about you than I know about myself - well, everything except your marital status. Are you still avoiding that question?"
"Yes. The only thing I can say about it is, it’s indeterminate. Come on, let’s check out our room. I want to get showered and unpacked so I can find the bar and get a drink. I have the feeling that my business here will be tedious."
"Care to elaborate?"
"It's not important. Come on, let’s go."

Coming soon...

Feed-back please!!! :D

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Post by D2Tymes »

Thakx for the BUMPZ Kath7 and FehrsTobascoGirlie,
I appreciate it!!
I will have something for you real soon :D

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Chapter 6

Post by D2Tymes »

Hey guys,

I'm back - finally with the next chapter. It's very long so
I will post in two parts.

Thank you for the feed-back...
Kath7 :Fade-color
FehrsTobascoGirlie :Fade-color
Baby_bre :Fade-color

I hope you enjoy the next two parts of Beth's story that Dee
borrowed - (for a little while longer!!) :D

part 1

I was finally able to tell Maria the things that have plagued me since she walked out of my life. I was mentally and physically tired so after I excused myself, I dressed and got in bed. I lay there for a while thinking that sleep would claim me, but it did not. No doubt, it was largely due to the fact that I had a pixie on my mind - in the real world, not on a dream plane. I closed my eyes, the room was dark so there was nothing to see anyway. I was laying there trying to relax when I felt her enter the room. I actually sensed her before I heard her. I was readying myself to acknowledge her presence when she gently brushed the hair from my face with her delicate fingers and started speaking. I kept my eyes closed. She wants me to wait for her and I will because I love her and she still loves me, but it has to be legal. I understand that. It doesn’t make it any easier, but I understand.
I am distressed that she wants to have a drink. I feel responsible for that. I want to ask her not to go. As soon as I formed that thought, her lips were on mine.
It took everything in me to refrain from pulling her into bed with me and loving her like I used to. I had no idea that I could exercise such restraint. Hearing her words, then feeling her lips on
mine - in the real world and not on a dream plane - was almost my undoing. My body started to immediately respond. Either she didn’t feel me start to kiss her back, or she pretended for me. I promised that I wouldn’t push her physically, but if she kept doing things like this - endearing herself to me more - with out even trying, I wouldn’t be able to keep that promise.
She left my room and when I heard the main door close I quickly got dressed in jeans and a flannel. My heart was driving me to watch her, to protect her. From what, I had no clue. I made sure that I stayed far enough behind that she didn’t see me.*

I quietly let myself out of our suite to search out the bar. We were on the fifth floor so I took the elevator down to the lobby. I asked the clerk at the front desk if there was an open bar in the hotel. He explained that there was a club the next floor down, but it was closed for renovations. He said I could probably get a drink there because the band was practicing and the bar was usually open to accommodate them.
I went down to the next floor and was greeted by one of my favorite jazz tunes. I went to the bar but I couldn’t bring myself to order liquor. I could literally hear Michael’s voice in my head asking me not to. I settled for ginger ale with a twist of lemon.
I was mesmerized. The band sounded so good playing the instrumental. I walked to the very front of the club and took a seat at the table closest to the stage. The song was almost over and I found myself humming along. I was compelled to walk up on that stage. I asked the band member nearest me if I could test the mic. He nodded his approval and I blended right in…

…I’m gonna take you lover
Down by the sea where the sand meets the Shangri-La
We can make some more pretty memories
Under the stars where I’ll beg you for Shangri-La
And your Milky Way is so Heavenly…

It felt incredible, so good and natural. I was singing for me. I hadn’t done that in a very long time. I was singing of Milky Ways and Galaxies, making love on the sand under the stars, and I was thinking of Michael.
When I think of Shangri-La, I think of Michael Guerin.
When the song was over I thanked them, but they asked me to stay. They cued up the next song and asked if I knew it. I smiled and nodded yes and took my former position.
This is what I miss so much. The soulful songs that made me feel something. Greg didn’t want me to sing them. He would always say, “You have to sing what sells Majandra.” That made me so angry. But Greg didn’t know what I did with my personal time. It was all mine, and with the help of a few friends I had been laying tracks and recording my own stuff in my home studio in LA. I even had a producer lined up. He was just waiting for me to give him the go ahead. This would be my personal project that I would soon release, in my given name.

The music brought me back to the present. I was honored that the band allowed me to jam with them. The song that they were playing reminded me of Michael more than the other. It was a jazzy ballad written and sung originally by the incomparable Teena Marie.
I took a deep breath, opened my mouth and heart and let go. This was me and Michael. This was our story…

…Sunny Skies by Lady Tee

Sunny Skies
It’s funny you and I
Were both so blue do you feel the things I do?
Sunny Skies
I still can see your eyes
When you said hello I knew all too soon you’d go
When the autumn leaves came tumbling down
I looked everywhere Sunny and you could not be found
Don’t make this last forever
It’s raining January through December
Please don’t take away my Sunny Skies
Please don’t take away my…

Sunny Skies
A tear fell from my eyes
And since you went away
I’ve been sad and blue and gray
Sunny Skies
It’s really no surprise
That I’m lost, alone, and I wish you’d just come home
When the autumn came you went away
Was our summer love a bit too hot for you to stay?
Don’t make this last forever
It’s raining January through December
Please don’t take away my Sunny Skies
Please don’t take away my Sunny Skies

Would you take the leaves from trees so that they can’t breathe?
Would you take the wings from birds so that they can’t fly?
Would you tell a secret told in trust?

This I know you’d never do
This is what I beg of you
Please don’t take away my Sunny Skies
Please don’t take away my Sunny Skies


This I know you’d never do
This is what I beg of you
Please don’t take away my Sunny Skies
Please don’t take away my Sunny Skies~

I followed her to the dimly lit club making sure that I was not seen. She ordered a drink, walked to the front of the club and sat at the table in front of the stage. She was sitting with her back to me when I ambled up to the bar and told the tender that I would have what the lady was having. To my relief, it was ginger ale. I picked up my drink and found the darkest most inconspicuous corner where I could watch over her undetected.
The band was playing a song that was vaguely familiar. I thought it was my imagination that I heard Maria humming, but suddenly she was up on the stage with the mic in her hand.
She opened her mouth and I was in awe. It had been years since I heard her sing live. People who weren’t paying attention before, stopped to take seats to listen to the beautiful wisp of a woman with the big voice filled with unimaginable passion. She had the room’s attention as well as mine as she sang of making love by the sea, under Milky Ways and Galaxies. I could picture the scenario quite vividly. I smiled when I thought of she and I in that particular situation - it would make for an interesting shared vision on the dream plane, and it would be even better in real life.
Suddenly the song was over. I was feeling kind of sad when she started to leave the stage but she hesitated when one of the members stopped her.
They started another song, she smiled and nodded, and I relaxed in my chair. She started singing and I felt my heart breaking. She was singing about us. I knew that it was just a song, but the words…
They were interpretive of what we were going through. I could feel what she was feeling as the words flowed from her mellifluously.
She was telling our story euphoniously and I was riveted to my seat.
I was entranced.
I couldn’t move if I tried, but I didn’t want to for fear that I would miss something important. There was something about the song and the way she sang it…The only way to describe it is that it was meant for only me. She didn’t know that I was there but I could sense it. She was singing to me about us. I didn’t think it possible to love her more than I already did.
I had tears in my eyes. She was hurting for me and I could feel her pain because it was my own. We were hurting for each other.
I had to get out of that room before she saw me because I felt myself being drawn towards the stage.
If I touched her it would be all over. She was trying her best to do things the right way - the legal way and I needed to support her. The break in the song was instrumental. Maria had her head down while she swayed to the music. She looked as if she were contemplating her next words. I quickly took my exit. I stepped outside the club door but I couldn’t leave until I heard her end the song.
After the last sweet note, I hurried away. I didn’t want to be caught if she decided to leave, but if she decided to sing another song I knew that I would be compelled to pull her off the stage and into my arms.
As I rushed towards the elevators, I said a silent prayer that she could be strong for the both of us because I was weakening. I got on the elevator to head up to the 5th floor. I planned to go back to the room and discretely slip back into bed before Maria came back, but things don’t always go as planned. When the elevator doors opened to the fifth floor, I was so lost in thought that I stepped off and ran smack into someone….

“Oh, please excuse me. I wasn’t looking…
“Think nothing of it, there was no harm done. Hey…waite a minute…I think I know you.”
(he’s glaring at me) “No, I don’t think so. We’ve never met.”
“True, we’ve never met, but I do think I know who you are. Are you…are you Michael Guerin? You are Michael Guerin.”

I was hesitant in my response. This guy was looking at me like he had a death wish and my soul was on his agenda.

“Your silence confirms what I already know.”
“How, may I ask do you know this?”
“I’ve seen your pictures…forgive my rudeness, I am Greg Malone…Majandra’s husband.”

My heart hurt. He extended his hand and I absently took it while feeling like I was losing her all over again. I knew that I had to get him away from the hotel before he ran into Maria.

“Wow Mr. Guerin, for a man half dead you sure look good.”
“I attribute that to a great doctor and even better pain medication. You know Greg, I’m sensing some hostility. Would you care to join me for a drink? You look as if you have some things to say to me.”
“Actually I do.” Thinking: Oh goody, my snooping paid off. I’ve run into the object of Majandra’s affection so she must be close…
“Ok. Well, there is a café right across the street. I could go for some food while we chat.”
“Lead the way.”

Since Greg hadn’t actually seen me move, I put on a show for him and started limping. I couldn’t bare the thought that he would think Maria lied about my injuries.

“Are you sure you can make it Guerin?”
“I think so. I’m not in need of a wheel chair as long as I can hobble. Let’s go. I’m hungry and I need to take some medication.”*

After the song ended, I had the strangest sensation that Michael was watching me. The thought warmed me to my toes. I was singing to him after all, but I looked around disappointedly and he wasn't there. The jam session had come to an end and the band was packing up. They invited me back tomorrow night. I excitedly said yes, thanked them and left the club. I was in my element here. I hoped that Michael wasn’t sleeping because I felt the need to share my news with him. I wanted him to be there when I took the stage again.
Needless to say, I didn’t make it to our suite. I was waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor. When the doors opened, I was standing face to face with a dark haired green eyed woman and she was definitely staring at me. Right away, I sensed familiarity. I was polite. I spoke to her. She spoke back but didn’t break her stare. It was unnerving.

“Pardon me, but you are Majandra, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but that’s my stage name. Please call me…
“Maria. Yeah, I know.”
(There was a hint of something in her voice) “How? That’s not public knowledge.”
“Yeah, I know that too. I actually learned it first hand. I’m Rita. Rita Ramos. Formerly, Rita Guerin.”

I was thinking: This could possibly be one of the worst nights of my life…

“Uhm hum…Well Rita, I don’t know why I’m asking you this, but would you have a drink with me? I have to be honest and say that I don’t like the way you look at me so I’m suggesting that we go somewhere, sit down, and as rational adults clear up preconceived misconceptions that we may have formed about one another. We should start out on an even keel.”
“I agree…where would you like to go?”
“There is a café across the street, but it used to be a real dump…Oh I know, let’s get a cab. There is a nice all night diner about ten minutes away.”

I sort of fibbed about the café. I remembered it to be a nice clean place with good food, but the truth of the matter is, I wanted to get her away from the hotel before Michael saw her. I needed to talk to her first. I wanted to know right away if competition had blown into town before I could find a way to get out of my farce of a marriage. I knew without doubt that Michael loves me, but I had no clue what Rita’s intentions were. One thing was abundantly clear, I didn’t think she liked me very much.
We walked together in silence to the lobby and out the main doors. The doorman hailed a cab for us and we were on our way.~

Greg and I walked the short block to the café in silence. Well, Greg walked and I hobbled. He was, no doubt, contemplating the threats he would use to try to force me to stay away from Maria. He was looking down right territorial, but I was feeling territorial. There was no way that I would walk out of her life. If I wasn’t very careful, this would end very badly. We walked into the café and chose a booth. I asked him to order my choices for me and excused myself to go to the bathroom. Making sure to place emphasis on my limp and wincing when I stood. I knew what I had to do to be convincing. When I got inside I checked to make sure that I was alone. I quickly did some molecular magic to conceal Maria’s lovingly placed dream hickies on my neck, chest and back (just until later) then strategically placed magic bruises and scrapes down my side, and a fake cut just under the hair that always seem to fall across my forehead.
I lingered there longer than necessary because I knew that he would come to look for me. He probably thought I took off. When he came in, I was standing with my shirt off, looking in the mirror with a scowl on my face for effect.

(Greg - opening the bathroom door) “Jesus Guerin!! That is really bad. Why are you up walking around? If that’s as painful as it looks, how can you stand it? Do you need me to help you back to the booth?”
(Score!!) “I’m ok…(wincing for emphasis) I will be as soon as the damned soreness is gone.”

I took my time pulling my shirt back on (so I wouldn’t hurt myself :wink: ) and limped over to the door...

“I’ll get that Guerin. (he opened the door for me) I placed our order. The food will probably be ready soon.”

Back at the table…

“You know, I have to confess that I thought Majandra was lieing about your injuries.”
“Why would she Greg? What would she gain from lieing to you?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“No. Am I missing something here?”
“Michael…we both know how she feels about you. She married me, but I’m man enough to admit that I know she has residual feelings for you. For all I know, the two of you have been sneaking around meeting each other for years.”
“You don’t honestly believe that.”
“Maybe not, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility, especially now that you’ve had this chance encounter. There was something different in her voice when we spoke on the phone before she flew you here.”
“What was that, that she’s human and she cares about what happens to me?”
“No, it was something more.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Would you not ask if I said no?”
“No. Why do you stay married to each other if there is no love between you?”
“Wait a minute…I love Majandra…
“Do you really? Do you love Maria the way a man is supposed to love a woman?”
“I suppose you’re gonna tell me that you do.”
“I wasn’t planning on telling you anything, but yes I do. I always have and frankly Greg, I always will.”
“She’s my wife…
“She’s your trophy Greg. It radiates off you like a sunbeam.”
“The ex-lover has the gall to tell me how I feel about my wife?”
“What I’m telling you is what I see and what I feel when I look at you.”

The waitress came out with our food…
“Ok guys, we have a breakfast platter with coffee for you, and a Cheeseburger platter with a cherry cola for you. Can I get anything else for you this morning?”
“Yes please - tobasco.”
“And strawberry syrup. What time is it?”
“It’s12:30 in the a.m. and I’ll be right back.”

The waitress brought our requests and the conversation picked up where it left off…

“The great Michael Guerin. The man who has insight into my personal feelings.”
“I didn’t say that Greg. I told you what I see and what I feel while in your presence. You are not aware of this but you wear it like a coat. Just like now. You are sitting here being territorial and defensive. I’ll tell you honestly - right now, man to man - I am no threat to you.”
“You’re telling me that given the chance you wouldn’t take her back?”
“That’s not what this is about. There are many things to consider, the greatest being that she is married to you. I wouldn’t defile that. That’s not the man I am. I love her enough to not invade her personal space.”
“I didn’t figure you for a man of honor Guerin.”
“You don’t even know me Greg, so how would you presume to know what type of man I am? Let me tell you something about the woman you call your wife. She has always been the best part of me - together or apart. She’s always made me want to be a better person. At times I failed, I can admit that, but there are some things that never change - one being that Maria and I are connected by a bond that can’t be broken. It’s your choice to believe that or not. Eleven years and two loveless marriages between us haven’t changed that. I believe her to be my Soulmate if there is such a thing. She has more honor in her little finger than most people I know. Let me give you an example:
She found me broken and bleeding on the side of a road and had me carried to the safety of your home where she cared for me. She didn’t have to do that, especially considering who I am, and how she knew you would feel about it. I was in such a bad state that we slept in the same bed so she could watch over me. Even though the mutual attraction and want was still obviously there, we never physically engaged in a sexual act. (He would never know the true meaning of that statement) It would have been so easy to do Greg, but we didn’t. I love her because she is strong enough to honor a vow and remain bound to a contract that's causing her unhappiness. It’s painful to see because she will always consider your feelings, even though you don’t consider hers. She’s not happy Greg. If you were honest, you would acknowledge that and do something about it.”
“So, you’d have me divorce her so she can run back to you?”
“No, divorce her so she can get on with her life, whether that includes me or not. I’ve lived without her for eleven years. I don’t want to walk away from her again now that we literally fell into each others lives, but I would without hesitation if I thought it was in her best interest. She deserves some happiness Greg. Please, tell me…what about you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Wouldn’t you like to marry a woman who can love you unconditionally, someone you can love the same way? We have such little time here. All that we can hope for is to find someone to love who loves us back with the same passion, someone with the same ideals…
“She loved you so much that she ran to New York to get away from you.”
“No Greg. She went to New York to fulfill a dream. There are some things in life that one must do alone. That was Maria’s thing. At the time I was selfish enough to want her all to myself so in a way, I suppose I was stifling her, but she did what she had to do…
“Yes she did Guerin, and she is ok. We are ok.”
“Now it’s you who stifles her. I’ll even go so far as to accuse you of keeping her isolated from her friends and family. You won’t even acknowledge her given name.”
“Now you listen to me Guerin, she has a new life. She doesn’t need…
“See, it’s that right there, your defensiveness. Yeah, I’d say you reek of guilt. You’ve systematically broken her down piece by piece and taken away every thing and every one that she once knew. You want her to be completely dependent on you. That’s not right. She has a mother here with friends who love her. Her best friend still cries for her and I’m willing to bet that when she thinks you’re not looking she does the same. If you truly love her, how can you do this?”
“This conversation is over Guerin. You stay the hell away from my wife.”
“Or you’ll what? Take her away from here? You’ll hide her away again, cut her off from everyone she knows and loves? I suspect that you haven’t seen her resilient side. A person can only take so much Greg. When she’s had enough she will follow her heart. I can tell by the look on your face that you’ve never incurred the wrath of Maria. You know, you could be a man and make this easy for her, but something tells me that you won’t. I see you as a person who is used to getting everything that you want. Somehow, I think that will be your downfall.”
“If you weren’t in pain…
“You’d what? Hit me? Go ahead Greg if it will make you feel better. Will that be your way of cleansing your conscience?”
“You’ve taken enough of my time. (He stood and threw money on the table) Breakfast is on me. Now I would appreciate you telling me where I can find my wife.”
“I honestly have no clue. She knows other people in this town besides me. Maybe she went to see her mother or her real friends.”
“I know the driver dropped her at the Hyatt and she checked into the suite adjacent mine, no doubt you are sharing it. She wasn’t there when I left the hotel, but I will find her.”
“There is no conspiracy to hide Maria from you Greg. I’m sure you’ll see her soon.”

With that, he turned on his heels and left the café. He turned and headed in the direction of the hotel.
I prayed that Maria had her cell, and thanked the celestial universe that she had programmed her number into my phone.*

Last edited by D2Tymes on Mon Apr 14, 2003 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 6 part 2

Post by D2Tymes »

part 2

We arrived at Celeste's Diner and grabbed a booth in the back away from the crowd. I was glad that I thought to grab my cell and some money on the way out of the suite. We placed our orders and got as comfortable as we could considering the circumstance...

"So Maria, what brings you back to Roswell?"
"Honestly - Michael. He was riding through Georgia on his motorcycle and he was involved in a hit and run accident. When I found him, he was in a ditch on the side of the road. Long story short, I did all that I could for him there. I ended up bringing him home to see his own doctor. I'm happy to say that he's going to be ok. (She looked visibly relieved) So, what brings you here?"
"Honestly - Michael. When we divorced, we parted on not so good terms. I've been so angry for so long that I'm tired of it. I desperately want to get some closure in my life so I can move on. I don't want to be afraid to love anymore. I want to forgive him so I can finally forgive myself and put an end to all the hostility that I feel."
"You still love him?"
"Yes, and in some ways I always will but it just wasn't in the cards for us. It took me a long time to realize that it was his love for you that drives him. It was thoughts of you that kept him from going over the edge, and kept him sane. You were the 'other woman' without even knowing it."

"Here you go ladies, chicken with mashed potatoes with iced tea for you, and cheddar fries with passion tea for you. Can I get you anything else?"
We both said a simultaneous 'no thank you' and resumed our conversation...

"Rita, I don't know what to say to you to make this better. I've been what feels like a world away so I had no idea what was going on with Michael's life, but I feel partially responsible for your pain. In Michael's defense, If I had known what my leaving would do to him, and in turn make him do to you, I probably wouldn't have. Well, not the way that I did. If I could go back, I would have given him the choice to come with me or not. Maybe that would have spared us all some pain."
"What are you saying? You are Majandra - singer extraordinaire. Every red blooded male who can see would give his right arm to be with you. You want me to believe that you aren't happy?"
"I'm not. For some strange reason, I feel that I can tell you this."
"You are serious aren't you."
"Yes, and Rita, it's taken me a long time to get to the point that I can admit that."
"This is so strange. I can't believe we are sitting here talking to each other. Maria, I have hated you for so long, and now that I've met you, I can't. So please...continue. I am interested in what you have to say. I want to hear what you have to say."
"Ok, well it started out typically. I was a singer in a small town going nowhere. I felt that I needed to get out of here if I was going to fulfill my dream. In my haste, and at the expense of the others, I left behind every one that I love.
I started recording but something was missing. I was too proud to admit that I needed my friends and family...and Michael. They were my foundation. I was proud and I had a producer who knew exactly what buttons to push to keep me dependent on him. I was young and naive. He controlled my whole life."
"What happened to him?"
"I married him"
"You have to try to understand...I felt like I had nothing and no one else. I was hundreds of miles away from anybody that I knew and too stupid to go to them or ask them to come to me. Even after I married, the one person that I missed and needed most - besides my mom was Michael. You see Rita, we've always had this connection. Together or apart, It couldn't be severed. I walked away from him with the intention of coming back after I made a name for myself. Time got in the way. Time and pride and the need to succeed. I had no clue that he was missing me so much and he didn't know that I was dieing inside without him. I don't know how much you know about his past, and all I'm going to say about it is, it wasn't pleasant. Michael and I learned to lean on each other. It was us against the world. Then I got the fever. I had to be a singer. I know that my leaving hurt him more than anyone ever could. Please Rita, don't blame him. It's all my fault. I pushed him away and I walked out of his life...
"Oh my goodness, you're still in love with him."
"With my whole heart Rita. I love him so much."
"Why did you marry your producer?"
"Why not? I mean, he asked me and I honestly thought that Michael had moved on and forgotten about me."
"He tried Maria. He married me and treated me with kindness but there was always something missing. His heart wasn't in it. Now I know why. It was with you, and there was something else...I always felt like he was keeping something important from me.
He had really bad dreams and he would call your name and reach out for you in his sleep. Not long after, he started calling me Ria. Towards the end, I stopped correcting him. I couldn't compete with your memory and I just wanted out. For myself and for him."
"Oh, what have I done to you?" (We both had tears in our eyes)
"You loved him. Obviously, it's your love that he needs. He loves you too. He always has, even when he tried to love me. Maria, he will never be whole until you are back in his life and I can see the same applies to you."
"Rita, I want to sincerely apologize for the pain that you have endured...
"Don't Maria. Please. Thanks to you, I understand what torments him. You have the power to make things right."
"I want to so much. I know what I want and need to do, but Greg won't make it easy for me. He will probably refuse to sign the papers."
"Yes, my husband of convenience."
"Is his name Greg Malone?"
" you know him?"
"Oh boy - you are not gonna be happy."
"What do you mean?"
"Greg's here...wait, let me start at the beginning. I was driving from Nogales because I heard that Michael was coming home. I had made it to Arizona when I happened upon a guy stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire, no spare and no cell phone. I offered him a ride and he told me that he was headed to Roswell. That's where it gets bizarre - as payback, he wanted to pay for my room, but the only one left in the hotel was a suite...
"At the Hyatt?"
"Yes, and we are roommates."
"Damn... could this situation get any worse? (cell phone rings) excuse me...Yes?"
"Maria, thank goodness you answered."
"What is it? What's wrong?"
"Baby, are you sitting?"
"Greg is here."
" do you know?"
"Because I just had a very late dinner and long conversation with him. Don't worry, everything is ok so far but he is looking for you. He saw me in the hotel and knew who I was."
"He said he's seen my pictures. Thinking fast on my feet, I started limping and got him out of the hotel. I took him to the cafe across the street and went into the bathroom and did a little molecular magic. I disguised the hickies and gave myself some pretty impressive bruises. He's so transparent that I knew he would come to look for me. When he came into the bathroom I was looking at my handiwork in the mirror. I can't wait to get back to normal."
"No, not just yet...
"What? Why not? Who's with you? Where are you?"
"You are not going to believe it. Will you meet me?"
"Yes, of course...where are you? Baby, are you in trouble?"
"No, I'm at Celeste’s Diner. Come now."
"I'm on my way."

We terminated the call.

"I'm sorry about that Rita."
"Don't mention it. Hey, If you have a friend coming, I can go.”
"No, please. I think this will benefit you. You told me that you wanted some closure...
"That was Michael, wasn't it?"
"Yes. He ran into Greg."
"Is everything ok?"
"For the most part. They definitely had words but I'm not sure what the extent of them were. Greg is looking for me. After I see Michael, I'm going to leave you two alone so I can face my own demons."
"But Maria...I don't know if I'm ready."
"Will you ever be?"
"Probably not."
"I didn't tell him that you were here so...
"I understand."
"I'll meet him outside then come back in to say goodbye. Listen, I'm singing tonight at the club in the hotel. I would love it if you would know, if it's not too strange."
"Yes and I think you'll enjoy it if you like jazz. The club musicians can really play. I practiced with them earlier."
"Jazz? That's not what you usually sing."
"I know. Greg doesn't like it. I'm partial to more mellow ballads and jazzy type music."
"I'll be there."
"Good. I'll be right back."

I went outside to wait for Michael. About five minutes after I stepped outside the door, I was gently pulled to the side of the building...

"Michael...(I smiled and threw my arms around him)
"Are you ok? Look at me...
"I'm fine. I promise."
"What's going on?"
"Michael, calm down. You're trembling."
"I’m ok, but everything about this night is strange. That phone call spooked me. Come on, let's get out of here."
"We can't, not yet."
"Maria, what's going on?'
"There is someone inside who needs to talk to you."
"I don't feel like talking baby, I just want to go...
"I mean it Ria. Talking to Greg was enough...
"How could you marry him? He is a pompous little jerk who had the gall...
"Michael baby, listen to me!"
"While you were chatting with Greg, I've been doing the same...with Rita."
“She’s waiting for you inside. It’s ok Michael. She just…look, I’ll let her tell you. I told her that I would come out to meet you then leave you two alone. She has some things that she needs to say to you. Michael, please listen. I’m going to say goodbye to Rita, then find Greg and put an end to this farce once and for all. I’ll meet you at the hotel.”
“No Michael…I know what you are going to say and I have to do this alone. Just meet me there. I’ll be ok, I promise. (I kissed him and he kissed me back) Thank you. That gave me the strength to do what I need to do. I love you, so much.”
“I know baby. I love you too. We can do this. You can do this.”
“I know. Come on, Rita’s waiting.”

When we walked inside I was holding his hand. We approached the booth and Rita stood. I embraced her because she looked nervous…

(spoken softly) “Ok Rita, you can do this. (another quick hug) I’m so glad that we met.” (I smiled and she relaxed)
“I am too Maria.”
“Don’t worry about Michael. He looks tough, but inside he’s a big ole baby.”
“Hey, I’m standing right here.”
(We laughed)
“Don’t forget about the club tonight.”
“I won’t, and good luck to you Maria. Thank you.”
“No problem. Hey, I’ll take care of the check. Michael…(quick hug and a short but smoldering kiss) I’ll see you at the hotel.”
“Count on it. Be careful baby.”
“I will, bye.”

On my way out I took care of the check. I glanced back once and saw Michael and Rita embrace. It was strange, but there wasn’t even a twinge of jealousy. I knew how much he loved me. I stepped out the door to get a cab. While I waited I called Greg…

The phone rang…
“Greg, where are you?”
“I’m at the Hyatt in my suite. Where are you?”
“I’m at Celeste’s Diner. It’s about a ten minute cab ride away. I need to talk to you. I’m getting in a cab right now. Meet me at my suite in fifteen minutes.” (The Hyatt please)
“What’s wrong with mine?”
“Nothing. Are you going to meet me or not?”
“I’ll be there.”~

“It’s good to see you Michael.”
“You too Rita. How have you been? Really?”
“Not so good actually, but after meeting Maria, I have a better understanding of you. I want you to know that I’m not bitter anymore Michael.”
“Please, just listen. What I have to say won’t take a lot of time. I hated Maria without even knowing her. All I knew was that you loved her and I couldn’t deal with that. I started hating you too. I didn’t know how you could look at me and see her, then I saw her eyes Michael. After talking to her I got some insight into you and I can see why you love her. You two must have had something really special because after all these years apart, you still love each other just as much if not more. I wanted to see you because I was having trouble moving on. I needed to finally come to terms with the divorce and get you out of my system so I can move on with my life and maybe find some happiness.”
“Rita, I’m sorry…
“There is no need to be Michael. I understand now. Really, I do. We can’t help who we fall in love with. This was a learning experience and after today, I know that I am a stronger person for it. I saw the two of you through the side window. I wasn’t eves dropping, I swear. One minute I saw Maria and the next minute I didn’t and I wanted to make sure that she was ok.
I saw the way you look at each other…I saw the way you kissed. I hope she is able to get her divorce because neither of you will be happy until you are together. I want love like that Michael, and someday, I’ll have it.”
“I know you will. You deserve nothing less. I am truly sorry for the part that I played in your unhappiness. Had I known…
“We are so past ‘had I knowns’ Michael. I am thankful that we can part as friends.”
“I am too, and I mean this when I say - keep in touch. I think Maria would like that too.”
“I will. I really like her. Now, a word of warning - I’ve met Greg Malone. We had an extensive conversation when we shared a car ride from Arizona. Long story. Michael, be careful. Greg is a man with money and he has this was about him…
“What are you saying? Do you think he is dangerous?”
“No, not that, but I do think he might go to great lengths to get what he wants. Right now, whether he loves her or not, he wants Maria. The more I think about the things he said on the road, the more I believe it’s because he knows that she doesn’t want him. Now that he’s met you - the object of her affection…
“The more determined he will be to keep her away from me. She wanted to do this alone, but…
“You want to go back to the hotel. I understand.”
“I want to be close just in case. What? What’s with the look?”
“You just, I don’t know - you seem so alive. It’s so different from meek and mellow. Now I know that you can be passionate about something. Come on, let’s get out of here. I’m tired. I drove all day and all I want is another shower and some much needed sleep.”
“Where are you staying?”
“Greg’s suite…don’t look at me like that. I have my own room and a door that locks. I’ll be fine until tomorrow. After Maria sings at the hotel club, I’m going back home. I’ve done what I came to do.”
“I know that you can take care of yourself, but if you need to you are welcome to stay with us.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Come on, let’s get a cab.”*

When I got back to the hotel, Greg was waiting for me in front of the door of my suite. He tried to talk me into going somewhere else but I refused. I gave him two choices - the lobby sitting area or my suite. He chose the suite and we went inside…

“Majandra, what’s this about? How long are you planning to be here?”
“I’m not sure Greg, but what I do know is when I check out of the hotel, I’m going to my moms for a while…
“Got the sudden urge to visit?”
“The urge wasn’t sudden, and my stay will be more than just a visit. I’ll be flying to New York in a few days to formally file for divorce.”
“I mean it Greg. I’m not happy and neither are you. We haven’t been since we started this. I can’t do it anymore Greg. I don’t want to do it anymore.”
“I won’t sign.”
“Why did I know that you would say that? Please don’t do this Greg. Why prolong the inevitable? I don’t love you.”
“I know, you love that home wrecking Guerin.”
“Stop it Greg.”
“No, you stop it! You are bound to me by contract…
“Only until December 31st. I will fulfill my singing obligation, but that’s it. I’m not re-signing. This is it for Majandra.”
“You can’t do this.”
“Yes, I can. I’ve already been in touch with my lawyer. The papers are being drafted as we speak.”
“If you walk away from me, you will have nothing.”
“Don’t worry about me. I will be just fine. Need I remind you that it’s because of me that you are able to traipse all over the glob at the drop of a hat? The jet, the cars, the homes - and don’t think for one minute that I don’t know about the other that you purchased in New York. All that is because of me. You want to know something? I don’t even care. I can’t do this anymore and I won’t. I have never had creative freedom, and I don’t enjoy what I sing. It always had to be your way…
“We can re-negotiate the contract…
“No, we can’t. I’ve been stuck for eleven years - December will make twelve. Twelve years Greg. I won’t do this anymore.”
“What did Guerin do to you?”
“”Michael did nothing to me. This has nothing to do with him. This is about me and you and our loveless marriage. This is about me missing my friends and family and being cut off from them for too long. I’m a virtual stranger to them and them to me. This is unacceptable.”
“These things never mattered to you before. This isn’t you talking Majandra, it’s Michael Guerin.”
“You’re not hearing me Greg. It doesn’t matter what you say. I have to do this for me, for my sanity. I have been slowly going crazy, but you didn’t care because as long as I was singing, you were getting paid.”
“When I found you, you ungrateful waif, you were nothing and this is the way that you repay me? Actually, waif is too good a word for you. You are acting like a …
“You say that and I will tie your lips in a knot.”
“I will call the lawyers and have you cut off. You will have access to nothing.”
“Do what you must, and so will I.”
“You listen to me Majandra, I’ve put everything on the line for you.”
“So what? You got what was owed you and much, much more. You have the gall to stand here and tell me what you’ve lost? What about me? My heart broke a little more every day for eleven years. That’s eleven years that I can never get back. You kept me isolated from everything that was familiar to me. I was too naïve to see it before, but now I know your game. (I couldn’t keep my tears in check) I was young and alone and we didn’t love each other, but we married anyway for convenience. Well, this is not convenient for me anymore. I need to have some semblance of normalcy, and this set up that we have is not normal.
I can’t do this anymore. Every day, I lose more and more of myself. I have completely morphed into this whole other entity that you created for your personal gain. I’m starting to resent you. We need to end this now because I don’t want to hate you Greg. You were kind to me in the beginning and I thank you for that, but I need more in my life. I don’t feel whole.”
“You were fine - we were fine until your vagabond knight on the motorcycle rolled into town.”
“Why do you insist on making this about Michael? He’s done nothing. He said nothing. All he wants is for me to be happy.”~

Stepping off the elevator…

“Hey, do you mind if I come in for a minute? I’d like to say goodnight to Maria.”
“Sure, and you can stay if you like. There is plenty of room. You take my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“No, I’m ok Michael, but thank you for the offer.”

Outside the door they can hear the argument…

(Quietly) “Should we go in…

Michael held up his hand to signal wait. Inside…

“Of course he want’s you to be happy - with him!”
“I will not discuss Michael with you. This is not about him. This is about us Greg. I need to be free to do what I want, and it’s not this marriage. Please don’t fight me on this, just let me go.”
“Never, do you hear me?! I own you!”
“I’m going to file Greg. You have to accept the fact that I can’t be with you anymore. If you ever cared anything for me you’d just let me go.”
“I created you Majandra!…
“My name is Maria.”
“Listen to me…
“No, that’s it. I’m tired. Please go. My lawyer will be in touch with you.”

Michael is opening the door…

“I said I’m not done with you!!

Greg grabbed her forcefully and when Maria tried to pull herself from his grasp, he stumbled and she slipped from his hands. As Michael and Rita walked into the room, Michael stood helpless as Maria fell face first into the coffee table. Not enough time to react…her head struck the side. Rita stood behind Michael screaming Maria’s name. Greg kneeled down and before he could touch her he felt himself being thrown across the room. Before he hit the wall, he looked into the furious eyes of Michael.
Michael was at Maria's side in two strides, on his knees and cradling her in his arms. Rita was in awe as she saw how gentle he was. She couldn't believe that Michael Guerin was crying. Maria was barely conscious in his arms, bleeding from a gash across her forehead, her mouth, and her nose.

" you hear me? Come on honey, please open your eyes."

"Uumm...Michael...(her speech was slurred)
"I'm here Maria. I have to get you to the hospital...there's no time to call Max."
"I...I can't
"I'm right here baby...(he put her hand on his face) Can you feel me?"
"No...I'm scared.....please...don't leave me...
"I will never leave you. Listen to me, you have to stay awake Maria." (Too much blood) He placed his hand over the gash...
"I''m sssorry Michael…I..I love you…(Coughing – choking on her own blood)
"Maria, No!! Open your eyes. Please baby, don't go! I can't heal... Damnit!!…I can't heal. I have to try. I have to try for you because if you die, I die too."

Michael said a prayer...

"Please...please, if there is a higher being that surrounds this universe, help me. Help me save the woman that I love more than my own life."

Michael's body temperature rose and he felt electrically charged. His eyes were closed and he was concentrating - so much so - that he was oblivious to everything else around him except the unconscious, dieing woman that he held in his arms and loved so much. Rita and Greg watched as his body started to glow a bluish hue.
They watched in awe as the blood on Michael's hand and Maria's face seemed to evaporate into air. Her body was encompassed in Michael's blue essence. Together, they glowed.
After what seemed an eternity, Maria's body jerked as Michael’s newly recognized healing hand accomplished the miraculous task.
They didn’t break the bond. Their bodies felt fused as they started sharing visions of their time apart…

Maria saying goodbye to Roswell – to Michael~ Michael retreating into himself from the loss of her touch~ Maria losing herself in order to fulfill her dream~ Michael traveling to have some peace of mind~ Maria’s life on the road – crying for Michael at night~ Michael finding an outlet in painting~ Maria accepting the marriage proposal because she was so lonely without Michael~ Michael looking into green eyes reminiscent of Maria’s~ Maria finding relief singing in her LA studio~ Michael trying to settle for mediocre happiness with a woman that he couldn’t love~ Maria getting tired of touring~ Michael’s divorce~ Maria wanting a divorce~ Michael selling paintings~ Maria longing for home~ Michael buying a home in Vermont and hanging the pictures that he painted of Maria~ Maria alone, in a state of depression~ Michael traveling to escape her memory~ Meeting again for the first time in Georgia~ The elation~ The aggrivation~The want~ Goodbye~ The accident~ Watching him sleep~ Hearing her speak~ Shared visions~ Home to Roswell~ Love~ Love~ Love…

The glow faded. Michael’s body was physically drained and he slumped over onto the floor. Maria fell with him landing softly on his chest – still in his protective and loving embrace.
Rita rushed to their side…

“Thank God…they are still breathing.”
“What the hell is he?”
“I don’t know, but right now all I see is that he is wonderful. She loves him so it really doesn’t matter, does it? He had to save her life because of you. He’s put himself in jeopardy for her. That’s love. That’s honor Greg. Show some honor and do the right thing.”
“You know nothing about this.”
“I know more than you think. I’m Michael’s ex-wife. Like you, I came here on a mission. Unlike you, my mission was to forgive and move on. Believe me when I say that I know what you felt being married to Maria. I didn’t understand it before. Greg, seeing them together – how can you deny what’s in front of your eyes? Maria was dieing and she used what she thought was her last breath to tell Michael that she loves him. If that’s not love, I don’t know what it is. You shouldn’t interfere with the natural balance. Let them have some peace. They have been apart for too long.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Yes Greg, you do.”
“I’ve never had to second guess myself. I’m torn Rita, because I don’t care for change. I’m not blind. I do see how much they love each other, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.”
“No you don’t, but we must sometimes learn to accept the things that we can’t change. Closing this door will surely open another for you. I don’t know what you search for in life, but whatever it is, I hope you find it. I hope that this time, you will be happy.”
“Will you help me Rita? Please?”
“Yes. Call me crazy, but I know that you are sincere. I bet you’ve never had to ask for help in your life. Help me get Michael and Maria into bed. I’m getting this feeling of déjà vu, and I feel that they need to rest.”

Ok, that's it for now.
I hope you enjoy it!!
