Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 (Page 12) - Completed: 07/31/2021

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Baby, It's You - Chapter 20 - 06/14/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Same time,

As Max and Liz were beginning of their talk. Maria was walking out of the spare room in the home of her mother, and stepfather. She had just put her son to bed and watched as he fell right to sleep. Because Charlie was past tired, she could see. She had seen it as they were having a quick bite to eat at the Crashdown. Arriving just as the kitchen was closing up, and she had thanked Jeff Parker profusely at his allowance that the kitchen would stay open a little longer while they fried up their order.

She and her son had not talked much at the restaurant. Because they were both overloaded on emotion, and she knew her son well. When Charlie experienced too much. He often shut down like father, like son she thought. When that happened. They often did not say anything, and she paid for their meal, and she thanked Jeff once more, and they had come back to the home that her mother shared with her stepfather, Jim Valenti. A home she had not known because she was out of Roswell before even, she graduated. And the home she shared with her mother during her formative years had long been sold. She knew some of the money was set aside in a trust fund for Charlie should he choose to go to university. I hope he does she thought. Because her son was smart and could set the world on fire with his brain.

Amy could see how emotional her daughter was and sighed as she watched as Maria marched her son into his bedroom and stay in there for a little while before coming out. Seeing her mother watching her. “Thank you, Mom?” she murmured as she gave her mother a quick hug. She had known she had not spent much time here at the house since coming into town. She did feel guilty about that.

“For what?” Amy asked.

“For being here,” Maria murmured. “And thank you for also allowing us to stay a little longer,” she thought. “I know the plan was for Charlie to head home tomorrow, but now that I am here, well, we are sticking around slightly longer…” she sighed. “Our plans have changed?”

“Don’t they always,” Amy smiled with love for her daughter. And happiness to finally be in the home she was sharing with her husband with her daughter. She had moved in with Jim after graduation had gone down without incident. Something that her daughter had not even come home for. Nor even Liz. They had stayed where they were. Liz in Vermont. Until she headed off to the university from there. And her daughter staying in New York where she had moved in the late winter, right after her eighteenth birthday. Graduating in absentee. She remembered how she had picked her daughter’s diploma up even though Maria had just barely enough credits to graduate because she left in the middle of the term.

Not that she needed her diploma for the career she had been able to carve for herself. And she and Jim were immensely proud. She had been able to even see a few of her daughter’s performances over the years. But she missed her daughter. She missed seeing her, and the surprise when she found out she was a grandmother had been one that had confused her. Maria had not been forthcoming on that development until after her grandson had been born. And once she saw him and saw him grow up. She had come to realize, why.

Because Charlie was such a replica of Michael.

Maria had not had to tell her, but she knew. A mother knows So, she kept it a secret from back here, except to tell her husband, and knew that Charlie coming to town was bound to bring a lot of emotions to the surface even though she had not seen Michael in many years.

“You can stay as long as you need to,” Amy offered. “We have plenty of room. Most of the time it was just Jim and me, and Kyle was only here for a few days before the wedding, so we have plenty of room for you and Charlie to stay in.”

“Thanks Mom,” Maria sighed. “This was not the plan.”

“I know,” Amy smiled. “Sometimes we get surprised by what is destined for us,” she sighed. “But as long as you and Charlie are happy and healthy?”

“We are healthy,” Maria murmured. “Happy is open for debate.”

“What is going on honey,” Amy asked. “Is it Michael?” she asked. “I mean Jim has told me some of it,” she sighed and was quick to assure her daughter. “Of course, not all of it, and I do not even think he knows all of it but some of it at least…”

“Is it not always Michael?” Maria asked. “It has since I was fifteen years old.”

“I am sorry honey; how can I help?” Amy asked.

“You cannot because it’s on me,” Maria murmured as she thought of the life, she had carved out for herself, and of Michael. “All this time. I though I had walked away because of the life was not for me. It was all so overwhelming. The life Michael was leading. And the life Liz and I got dragged into, much of by our own choosing. So, I walked away. Then I greeted by a life altering surprise. Charlie. A growing surprise. But he was a manageable one. And something I could control on my own, and we were able to make a life for ourselves in New York. I was happy. He was happy. I have never regretted anything about it except maybe I did not tell Michael about the existence of our son. But I know he had too much baggage back then because of the way he grew up to think he could be there for us, even though he wanted me, and wanted to try again. But we seesaw so many times in high school, how was I supposed to know if it could work. And especially knowing a baby depended on us…”

“That is how it was for me with your father,” Amy murmured as she knew she did not speak often or not at about the time with Maria’s father. “You were older when he left us. So, you remember some of what went down. But not all of it. We never really got each other, which is why he found it easy to walk away. I never wanted you to suffer because I could not make it work with you father. Or for the fact he did not want to stay in contact with you. We were two different people. As you witnessed with my taste in men before I found Jim. But I found Jim. We surprised ourselves because we both had been burned by prior relationships. But you learn and you grow. And in the meantime. Sometimes we are open to surprises. Life is never 100% guaranteed, and it always a bunch of choices.”

“I know,” Maria sighed as she thought of her life in New York. “I was happy in New York… I never gave Roswell a second thought,” she murmured, and it was the truth although looking at Charlie made me always remember. “I know you wanted to see me, and see Charlie here, and you were okay with coming to see us…”

“Because you are my daughter, and Charlie is my grandson. I will always make time with you. You should not feel obligated to come back here unless you want to?”

“I am not obligated,” Maria murmured. “If I was, then I would never have come back. Even now. Seven years away from this town has shown me how much I am tied to this town whether I want to be or not,” he sighed. “The moment I got here; it was like I never left…” she murmured to herself And, it still in the same drama that I was when I left…

“You should stay as long as you want,” Amy sighed although she could see ho overwhelmed her daughter. “Can I ask. Are you okay, honey?”

“I am fine,” Maria sighed. Even though she knew she was anything but okay. “I do not know if Jim has told you or not. But Michael is sick.”

“He mentioned something like that, but he does not know the story” Amy asked as she would give anything for her daughter’s life to be easy and simple because even though she did not know everything that happened. Anyone could tell that high school was one thing after another for her daughter, and it was often tied to Michael, and the seesaw relationship he was in with her daughter. Which is why she vanished before she even knew it, when Maria suddenly went to New York on quest for a record deal. Once she had turned 18 and had control of her, life. The record deal did not work out, but she managed to find a career in other avenues. And as a result, she had been gone all this time. And it always had something to do with Michael when it involved her daughter. “Do you know what happened?”

“No,” Maria said. “No one does. It is all so mysterious. I left him Mom. I should still not feel so tied to him. We have Charlie, but still, I walked away, and that bond was severed.”

“Love is sometimes like that,” Amy said. “I know me, and Jim are so different from you and Michael, but we did not work until we worked,” she sighed. “We tried multiple times before we managed to find the time to make it work. You mentioned he is sick? Is there any chance for him?”
“If you believe the doctors, no” Maria sighed. “And then today happens.”

“What happened?” Amy asked.

“He might have woken up, or he’s starting too” Maria sighed to the surprise of her mother. “I do not know how to take it if he is waking up” she sighed as she had felt so much elation at the possibility that he might wake up, but she did not know what it would mean should he actually open his eyes and come back to them.

“That is marvelous honey,” Amy asked.

“I know, it is” Maria said as if something was making sense for the first time in many years. And why did she still want to run from it and other hand. All she wanted was to make sure Michael woke up and be with him.

And yet she had another life calling out to her…


Oh, Max Liz murmured was facing the same dilemma as she stood in front of Max and could see how emotional he was over the possibility of Michael coming back to them. She should be running far away. And yet here she was falling right down the rabbit hole, and much closer to Max as a result “Are you certain,” she could not help but ask. What does Serena think?” she asked. As she thought of comas in general, and how extremely hard it is to wake up once you have been under for as long as Michael had been.

There is so few cases, although it has been known to happen but to think of it actually happening, “Serena does not know,” Max said as he walked away from Liz and started to pace the living room as Liz could only stare and understand just how complex this is. “When she called me, it was because Maria decided to take Charlie to visit Michael” he asked. “Apparently Charlie decided today was the day to question his mother about who his father is, and Maria answered them, and instead of waiting for the coast to be clear or get advice whether it was a good idea. Although apparently, she did call Serena. Anyways. She told Charlie to see him. And when he did, Charlie was insistent that Michael was the one who was in his room the other night. Another worldly visitor you can say.”

“Oh shit,” Liz said as she was not worried about language given Micah was fast asleep in the other room. She felt for her friend and her decision. She knew Charlie was smart and would have been asking one of these days. And now that she knew how smart the younger generation was, and how they pick up the simplest of things, without knowing the full context of things. Yeah, the idea Charlie would not be asking would be farfetched she thought. And it made her feel guilty for being out of touch.

She had been Maria’s shoulder these years. Fully apprised of the truth, and being able to be there for her friend just as Maria had been a friend to her while she cried over her decision to walk away from Max.

So, they had something in common. Except Maria had another tie to the past. A baby. Charlie.

Something she wanted today, and she was determined to do it without Max.

But then Max had been good at not taking no for an answer. But she could not help but wonder if would still offer if he knew that Micah and Charlie were likely special. Something she had to be talking about to her best friend since it impacted Charlie as well as Micah.

“Yeah,” Max nodded. “I would have advised her to wait, but she did not ask for my opinion. Just like she failed to do it, on aa whole host of other matters” he said still miffed. Sighing, he knew that shot was not warranted. It was a cheap shot, but he was tired, and his brain was not cooperating.

“Max…” Liz said with a wearily type of voice.

“Look it I know,” Max sighed “You do not have to say it because I did not mean it even though I said it,” Max muttered. “It is just taking Charlie there gave him a boat load of worries, that the child did not need and now he does know…”

Liz only nodded.

“The last thing we need is for the kids to complicate things,” Max sighed as he though of his little girl sleeping away her worries, as the last thing he ever wanted for his daughter to be hurt in his drama.

“They will complicate it even if we do not want it too,” Liz sighed. “You indicated that Charlie thinks he saw Michael the other night?”

“Yes,” Max nodded. “He was insistent, and swears it was not part of a dream that became too real.”

Liz nodded.

“The Maria and Charlie did zone out while they are there and claim to see him there when we at the facility” Max muttered.

“What on earth?” Liz wondered. “What are you talking about?”

“Something like that, or maybe not of this earth” Max muttered. “I seriously thought Maria had cracked up there for a minute. She had zoned out completely. It was like she in some trance. She came out it though, but Charlie had apparently been in the same experience, and just when they were going to leave. Everything changed.”

“Michael woke up?” Liz asked.

“No,” Max shook his head. “It would be easier to say it if he did. But no, all he did was start the process. Serena has no idea if it a spasm because of the prolonged coma. And not real. But it could be the real thing. He could be signaling that he might be waking up…”

“Oh Max,” Liz sighed. “That is great news…”

“What if he does not,” Max asked. “The not knowing is killing me?”

“As it would anyone,” Liz sighed as she took Max’s hand in his, and knew she was making things complicated. When as Max has said. Has anything not be that for us she thought. “You have a chance here at a miracle.”

“I know, but what if that miracle is only a partial or it all a figment of our imagination?” Max asked as he though of the brother he had lost five years before. “I cannot do that to myself, and what about Micah?” he wondered. “I have been doing this to myself for five years, but she was a baby at the time. She is growing up. She is now her own person.”

“All you do is to worry about yourself,” Liz asked. “As much as you want to think about what it means to other parts of your life. As you said he has not woken up. It might happen, but it might now. So, concentrate on what you can control. That might be coming back,” she advised. “Everything else will sort itself out.”

“And what if it was indeed Maria and Charlie who brought him out of whatever state of unconsciousness, he has been in all this time?” Max asked.
“What about Micah?” he worried. “She’s been here with me this whole time. And we could not pull him out of whatever state he was in?”

“You will have to deal with it, if that is the truth of the matter” Liz sighed. “But Micah is yours Max. Nothing will ever change that. Even if Michael were to ever come back to full strength. It is not going to be tomorrow. He will need time to adjust, but if he does. It will not change things because Micah loves you, and only you.”

“I do not want her hurt” Max sighed. “All this time I have made my life mission for her not to be hurt?”

“And Micah knows that” Liz said with a smile. “As a result. You are her hero, and she does not want you to be hurt. Only tonight she was asking me about my intentions about you?” she muttered. Among things?

“She was?” Max asked softly, as he faced his miracle in that he had Liz facing him.

After all this time and yet he could hardly comprehend the idea his five-year-old could be openly questioning someone he loved about her intentions regarding him. “That does not sound like my daughter?”

“Then you do not know your daughter,” Liz said with a smile. “She’s smart. She is you to her core. She might not have your genetics. But she definitely has been influenced by you, and your family. I see a lot of Isabel in her too,” she smiled of the girl’s determination to protect her father. “And as a result. She clearly loves you, and she was basically warning me not to hurt you” she said with a laugh, and Max’s eyes went wild. “I know, she said those words, so it happened. So, I think your daughter will be yours whether Michael comes back or not…”

“She’s wrong. You would never hurt me,” Max said as he looked into the eyes of the woman he loved. Of course, realistically he knew he was taking a chance here because yes, there was possibility that his heart could break in all this. And most likely would before this was over. But he was stronger than he was back in those early days in high school. After all love is not without its risk, he thought as he took her hands in his. And he was make the biggest risk there was, next to becoming a father to a child who was not his biologically.

“Max…” Liz murmured with the softest of voices.

“I know, I know, you are going to say your favorite words to me, that you are leaving” Max said as his mind was fully off the potential miracle in Michael, and now on this chance that could continue this miracle he had gotten when she came back into his life. “You like to remind me of that fact, so it’s not lost on me that you will be leaving. Therefore, I do not need the reminder.”

“I am…” Liz tried, but he stopped her with a finger to her lips. Which ended up making her flutter all the more.

“You make me sane Liz,” Max sighed. “I know realistically this cannot work because as you have said multiple times, you are leaving, and your future is not Roswell. But having you in my life. Today, this past weekend. Knowing you were there for Micah today. Liz, you should be an example that she can look up too. Knowing that you can reach for your limits. Reach for your dreams. So, I know what it means to say this, but I do not know if I could have made it without you?” he asked as he leaned in, and they exchanged a simple kiss.

A kiss that soon caught on like wildfire.

And it was endless, but Liz stopped herself as she pulled away. “Max, I think I better go. Micah is home, and she probably is not used to you have someone here, right?”

“Right,” Max sighed because that has not been his life until now “But I want you to stay…”

“I want to stay,” Liz said and meant the words. “But that is the last thing we need right now,” she said as they leaned for a kiss, and she dragged herself out of it a moment later before they had the chance to get carried away. Even though she wanted to get carried away. “I have to go. So, it’s a good night Max…” she murmured with a smile. “It has been a memorable day.”

It sure has he told himself. “Good night Liz…” Max said with a softly voice as Liz turned and walked to the door. As he followed her to the door. “Will you still be tomorrow?”

“Yes,” Liz said. “But I do not know about after tomorrow Max…”

“Then I have another chance to convince you…” Max asked softly.

“Concentrate on your daughter,” Liz advised. “Something tells me she needs you more than I do?”

“I can do both at the same time,” Max asked softly as he waited and heard the door slam shut next door. Which told him that she was inside, and safe and sound. “Good night Liz,” he whispered as he looked around his home.

And found it was looking emptier without the woman he loved in it.

Sighing, he checked his daughter’s bedroom once more and found a small bundle fast asleep in her bed. She walked into the room, and leaned down and kissed her daughter’s head, and wished the world would be easier for her, and pulled up the blanket a little more so the girl could be warm, and safe. Smiling, he turned and exited the room and went into his and turned in a short time later.

Dreaming of his daughter. And also dreaming of Liz the whole time and dreaming of what they could be having together.

While Liz slept in the bed next door, tossing, and turning and wondering what she would encounter before she succeeded in leaving this town behind.

And if she could leave it.

She did not know.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 20 - 06/14/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

"like father, like son"
Maria, you will always have that tie to Michael......
The big question, will Liz be able to leave???
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 21 - 06/16/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

The next morning,

“Are you okay?” Liz was asking her best friend as they gathered at her parent’s establishment for breakfast while Charlie was being spoiled by his grandparents. Jim was taking the day off, and he and Amy were taking the boy to Las Cruces to the zoo that was located there, so Maria was off the hook for the day, and she was brooding over the choices that she had made in her life. While at the same time not feeling much regret because of the success she had been able to achieve yeah right, she thought. Why would I be down on being a success she thought. She knew why because Michael had an ability to get under her skin. And this time, he does not even have to be conscious to do it she thought while her best friend was thinking of the one who got away, and who still wanted her. And who she was resisting with all her might. Despite some sexy relapses. Being a grown-up sucks she thought. She should be beyond this by now. She was older and wiser.

And yet being here was bringing back childish impulses, and those impulses were not dying down. In fact, they were only increasing, with every moment she was spending in this town. And she could not help herself or stop herself.

Maria was feeling the same emotions “Just fine,” Maria muttered as she was pushing the eggs around her plate. As it was clear that both women had a lot on their minds, and neither were being open about it. As Liz had pushed off running for the morning. Because the last thing she wanted was to exercise and have her mind flood of memories so instead she was treating herself to a big plate of pancakes and bacon, as she had done something she should not have when she checked quietly in with Max even though she got nowhere with it. Before she left the apartment complex, she checked and knocked, but no one was home, so she had assumed he had taken Micah to school.

So, she was surprised when the door to the Crashdown opened, and it was Max and his daughter Micah coming through the door, smiling when they both saw Liz. I cannot get away from him even this morning, can I? “I should have gone running?” she muttered, and Maria spotted Max and Micah, and she laughed. “This is some town, huh?” she asked as Max was saying something to his daughter, and Micah nodded, and she stepped away from her father, and walked towards What now? Liz asked herself as she saw the small girl approached them. “Ms. Parker?” came Micah in the child most sincere voice.

“I think you can call me Liz by now Micah,” came Liz who only smiled. While on the other hand Maria did not know how to deal with it, given she knew this was Michael’s biological daughter. It gave her mixed feelings. She would have killed Michael if he were conscious and if they had been together, but he was not, and they were obviously not together at the time. And she did not have much of a leg to stand on because she had kept their son from Michael too. Still like Liz had mixed feelings about Max’s missing son because of who the mother and the circumstances surrounding his creation. Maria got to have some of her own, even though it was clear the girl was being raised in a loving home.

“Okay,” said the child.

“Why are you not in school?” Liz asked. “I do not remember you mentioning not have classes today?”

“Teacher’s conference this morning,” said the child. “Daddy is treating me to breakfast,” she said as if she did not come here often for breakfast. “We went to pick some present for Grandma’s birthday this weekend, so that is why we are here now, but I only wanted to say thank you for keeping an eye on me last night.”

“Sure, no problem” Liz smiled. “I had a good time, even that movie was fun,” she thought as she normally did not go for Pixar movies and yet it was on the fun side to watch as Micah got completely engrossed in the movie. Given the other worries surrounding the clan at the moment. The change in pace was nice and relaxing.

“I know,” Micah smiled. “Oh, and thank you for your advice, I might take it you know” she said with some worry and Liz could see it as she could not help admiring the old soul in the five-year-old. The girl was going to be pretty powerful one day.

“I think you father will love to help you out with those worries of yours,” Liz smiled. “You should tell them to him,” she murmured as she knew it should be her that was telling Max that Micah was in the know, but she wanted the girl to be comfortable in confiding in her father given the circumstances. “He cannot help without you letting him know…”

“I will do that, thanks Liz” Micah murmured as she walked away, and went towards her father who was sitting at a booth, with his eyes drilling at Liz and once again, as it was always since she came back to town. She felt weak, which was something that Maria was witnessed to this time.

“So, when should I plan the wedding for?” Maria quipped as it was pretty damn powerful to see how Max and Liz were reacting to each other, and how they were denying it. Or more like it, her best friend was denying it because she was sure Max would be down on his knees proposing if given even the slightest of a chance, because that was Max.

Liz was fighting it.

“No time in the future,” Liz murmured as she tore her eyes away from Max and focused on his best friend. “It is not going to be happening,” she murmured as she focused on her breakfast even though she was pushing it around, and not actually eating.

“I think you are fooling yourself,” Maria could not help but say as it would take someone completely full of themselves not to see what was happening between her best friend and her ex. Given she felt the same for Michael, but with Michael, that was a different story all together and she did not know if she would not be reacting if he was conscious, fully and engaged with the world. So, she was concentrating on something she could control. The flow of knowledge, and what she did not know. “What was that with Micah?”

“It something private between the two of us,” Liz allowed as she turned her head and saw that Max was talking to a happy little girl.

“It sounds like you gave her some advice?” Maria asked.

“Sure,” Liz sighed. “She’s confused. She’s five, and she does not know what the future will be, and she scared to ask her father…”

“Ask what?” Maria asked.

“She knows more than he thinks she does,” Liz said softly, and kept it at that and Maria’s eyes went wide, and Liz confirmed it with a nod, so the words did not get out in the crowded restaurant.

“Really?” Maria asked.

“As she reminded me. She is small, and mighty, and she knows more than we think she does” Liz sighed. “Children can be incredible listening posts, and they are not nearly as invisible as we think sometimes” she sighed. “That goes for all children?” she muttered. “As she so kindly reminded me…”

“Oh god,” Maria muttered. “Charlie?”

“Yes,” Liz sighed. “Is he doing alright with you know the knowledge he came upon yesterday?” she asked.

“Better than I would have thought,” Maria muttered. “But it’s good that he is spending the day with Mom and Jim so that he gets a chance to be a kid. I never knew how much he needed that because I work so much, and I do not get a chance to spend as much time with him as I would have liked.”

“I know,” Liz sighed as they watched as Max was spending with Micah.

“You are hooked,” Maria wondered.

“If I am, it gets me nowhere” Liz muttered.

“Except if you get the one thing you desperately want?” Maria wondered.

“I am not going to be a Tess,” Liz muttered. “I am not going to take away the one thing he would want when I do not even live here, especially when this is not my life anymore. It’s one weekend, and nothing more…”

“You would never be Tess,” Maria warned. “She did not give Max a choice. She played us, and she played him. Sure, we should have seen it coming, given how she came to our town. And especially Max should not have been taken in by her, but it happened, and we have deal with it. Just like I have to deal with what I have done in my life. If you and Max know the lay of the land going in, you will not be Tess. And something tells me you would never do that to Max…”

“This is not my life anymore,” Liz sighed even though the argument was hollow.

“I think we are both finding out that we can walk away. But Roswell, and those two men of ours will always find a way to draw us back in, as if we were not strong enough to repel this weekend or our feelings than we have no hope of moving on.”

“So, what does that mean for you and New York?” Liz asked.

“Hell, if I know,” Maria muttered as she could not help but stare at how close Max was to his daughter, and how much she wished her own son could have a relationship with his own father. Life sucks and said as much out loud.

“I know,” Liz muttered.


As across the restaurant. Max was relishing the ability to spend the time with his daughter. Something he had not been doing as much in recent days because he had been focused on other pursuits, hot and sexy ones he thought and could not keep his eyes from the target of those pursuits as Liz was still having breakfast with Maria, and they were obviously talking, and he was spending time his daughter. She had the morning off because of conference among the teachers, and so it was putting his efforts to go over to the facility and check on Michael although he had checked in with Serena, and she said he was holding his own. With no major progress happening, just status quo.

Max did not know what to make of it Are you waking up or not? he asked of himself when he was thinking of his best friend, as his daughter was working on her eggs and pancakes, smothered in whipped cream, and tabasco sauce and he had to remember that she was not a normal little girl despite his wishes for her to be one, as she was in her all pink track suit because she had try outs over at the gymnastics club after school that afternoon.

Max had signed her up for tryouts to try to get her to do something useful and with other kids and get her youthful energy in something normal. So, she had wanted to wear the track suit to school, which was fun for him to think of her different style. He knew he had allowed her to be a mishmash of styles, and she had been taking to dressing herself and picking her own wardrobe and he knew it was funny to his sister.

The fashion designer, and store owner, and he knew she tried every so often to make sure she dressed like a normal girl. Which was fine with him, but he was more of the mind to allow Micah to pick her wardrobe as he had no idea how to do such a thing for a growing girl. It was so much easier when she was a baby he thought.

Now she was growing up and coming into her even though she would not be fully independent for years. Which made him happy. He did not want to deal when she could do her own thing. I want these years to continue, “Are you looking forward to tryouts?” he was asking his daughter as Micah was invested in her plate of breakfast.

“I can’t wait,” Micah said as she looked up from her plate and looked at her father. She had been thinking of what Liz had said. Maybe I should be telling Daddy she thought.

“Anything on your mind,” Max asked because he sensed something was up for her daughter. She did not have a good poker face in his view, and her emotions were fully on her face at times. Even when she was in herself, and not expressing her fears.

“No, I am fine” Micah muttered.

“Honey, if there is anything… you know you can come to me, you know” Max was asking as he was cherishing having this chance to be a father to Micah, when his other child was out there, maybe alive, or maybe not all?

“I know,” Micah smiled. “Your friend Liz told me I should come to you?”

“Liz knows?” Max asked surprised as he looked across the restaurant as if he needed an excuse, he thought because his eyes were always going in that direction. So, he did not need an excuse, but it surprised him that his ex would be giving his daughter advice. Even if it were to come to him.
“You asked Liz for advice?” he wondered of his daughter.

“She was there,” came the child, and it did amuse Max.

“Are you okay?” Max wondered.

“Fine,” came the child.

“You know you can come to me, right, sweetheart?” Max asked.

“I know,” Micah admitted as she finished up her breakfast and did not want to talk. So, Max paid the bill, and they go up, and began walking just as Liz and Maria were doing the same and leaving the restaurant.

“Ladies,” Max murmured. “Can I talk to you a minute Liz?”

“Daddy,” Micah muttered.

“It’s alright, I have just have something quick to say. Why don’t you stand near the door and wait for me, okay, sweetheart?”

“Okay,” Micah asked a little warily because she had no idea what her father wanted to ask Liz. And she worried that it was about what she was not saying but she knew better than to disobey her father and went and stood and waited for her father while Maria could only smile and walk and keep and eye on the girl.

“You have something to ask me?” Liz asked.

“I only wanted to say, thank you for helping my daughter” Max said softly. “I do not know what she said to you, but she said that you told her that she should be coming to be about it, and I thank you for that” he said softly, as he took her hand in his…

“Max…” Liz said softly.

“I could not help it,” Max murmured. “Anyways, thank you…”

“All I said was that she should be coming to you about what is on her mind, and because she is not at the moment, do not stop yourself from asking her for what is on her mind because she does need your help” Liz murmured.

“I will,” Max said softly as he too his hand off his. “Micah probably does not want anything distracting. She has tryouts after school at the gymnastic club.”

“That will keep her busy,” Liz smiled as she glanced at the child. “She is a bundle of energy.”

That she is,” Max said softly as he glanced at his daughter who was telling Maria something. “Will you be at your place later; Micah has to be at school this afternoon?” he asked. “Maybe we could talk…”

“I do not know what I will be doing this afternoon,” Liz said softly.

“Maybe I will check to see if you are,” Max asked.

“Maybe you should,” Liz murmured as she knew she was in deep trouble. After all, her best friend had tried to tell her, but she did not want to listen, and now she was falling too deep in the rabbit hole as she watched Max nod, with a slight smile, sexy she thought, and he walked back towards his daughter.

“Where is Charlie?” came Micah as Max approached.

“With his grandparents at the zoo for the day,” Maria was saying as she spotted Max approaching, and seen the hand move of her friend, and knew both were hopeless, and at the same time, Micah walked out of the restaurant to wait for her father, and it only left Max and Maria. “You have a special girl there…”

“Yes, I do” Max said, as he could tell Maria knew, but they did not need to say the words. “She and Charlie have formed a friendly bond.”

“I am glad,” Maria said. “You are you know hopeless,” she said.

“You think I can convince her to stay, or to give her what she wants?” Max wondered.

“I think you are the best person to try,” Maria sight as she knew how her friend had dismissed every other potential match over the years. “And you might be the only one to do it. So, you should keep up the good fight,” she murmured. “Because you might succeed one of these days?” she advised, and she thought of what her best friend so desperately wanted.

“Thank you, I will.” Max said with a smile as Maria watched as Max left the Crashdown, and how happy Micah to see her father come out and meet her…

Liz might be making the biggest mistake if she leaves, she thought to herself, but what about me?

Maria did not know the answer to that…

“Are we ready to go?” Liz asked as she approached her friend.

No Maria thought. But she guessed that she needed to go. “Why do we not go and do some shopping,” she said of the plan for her and Liz to spend some girl time together, and forget the fact being in Roswell was making it impossible to leave the past in the well, the past.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 21 - 06/16/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Max wants to talk to Liz....I think that's code for....I can't wait to get my hands on you.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 21 - 06/16/2021

Post by Superman86 »

totallizfan wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:40 pm Max wants to talk to Liz....I think that's code for....I can't wait to get my hands on you.
I so second that statement...Max wants to "talk" alright :wink: :lol:
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 22 - 06/18/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

A few hours later,

The bags were plentiful that she was carrying as she got out of her car and balanced the bags in her hand once she had locked the door. As she was quietly impressed by how much she could handle almost like I have practice with this she thought as she decided this time to take the elevator because the bags were multiple, and she wanted to get up to her room. So, she could relax and start to the deal with the life she had left behind and that career she had been ignoring for days now. It was not lost to her how she should have been checking in on her job, or at least keeping apprised but her laptop had been closed, and unused since she came to town. I have managed to find too many distractions she thought. But she knew had a lot to get done before she arrived in Geneva. She was all about plans. So, she had a plan of action to deal with after she had dropped Maria off at her mother’s place, with her own collection of bags.

They had done significant damage their credit cards they both knew, and it was a breath of fresh air and time to relax and spend with a friend, as planned to check her email, and deal with any fallout from days of inaction before she planned to meet up with her friend for dinner, since Amy and Jim were electing to treat Charlie to a football game at the university before driving back. Doing all their all to spoil the kid, and she and Maria knew Charlie needed it after the blow he had gotten from his discovery the day before. So, she was musing but then she did not plan for her dark hair mystery man to be literally at her door, sitting and waiting. Looking both handsome and mischievous at the same time “You know you live next door; you know?” she asked with a slight smile at the change of fortune she had found herself Of course my plans go by the wayside she thought as Max quickly got up from the floor. Do they not always she thought. Which is why I left this town.

“I did not want you to get away,” Max said softly as she saw Liz approaching from the elevator, and with a mountain of bags. “Can I help with those?” he asked of the bags, and he reached out his hands to aide her, but she rebuffed the advances of kindness.

“I can handle it,” Liz said batting his help away “So, I assume Micah is at school?”

“Yes,” Max murmured as he used his hand, “There, I can indeed help you with something?” he asked as he opened the door for her, when she did not have to use her key readily accessible nor did he.

Groaning, “I wish you did not do things like that,” she muttered.

“Why not?” Max asked. “It’s who I am, and we are the only two on the floor” he said and the surveillance camera is not working which is something he had not called about or dealt with him on his own, as he stood there, with a sexy smile, and Liz groaned once more and I wish you did not do something like that she muttered to herself, because then her resistance would crumble, as she could tell it already was. “I can be only who I am.”

“I know it’s you, but I am not you” Liz muttered as she carefully put the bags down. “I like my normal existence.”

“You are closer to who I am than any other woman I know,” Max said softly. “We are very compatible, and I know you, and you know me, and after this past weekend, we know every inch of each other” he said in a whisper before switching, topics and making her quiver. “Did you two buy out the town?” he said whistling as he saw the bags and figured she had gone shopping with Maria at the newest discount mall near town. Isabel and Micah were known to browse through it on occasion and eat into his credit card.

“The shopping has improved since I lived here,” Liz commented as she also glanced at her bags. “Too bad we did not get to Isabel’s store…”

“She will miss the business,” Max laughed as he stepped back from the bags. “So, you are sticking around?” he asked. “It’s Tuesday, and did you not rent this place only for the weekend?”

“I am now on day to day,” Liz said honestly as she knew she would have been in the car on the way back to New York if only things had not detoured in the way they had, and now she was back in her hometown, and she had no idea what she was doing, or what would be happening tomorrow.

“I am sure that they do not care, as they have not been back here in like a year,” Max said of his neighbors. A couple who had bought the apartment as an investment but lived overseas, and therefore they rented out, “So, they will not care if you want to stay as long as you want?”

“I have to be at work on Monday Max,” Liz murmured as she hated this. I am giving him ideas she mused. She knew she should have left, but here she was. “I can change the location where I take my flight overseas, but my leave is over as of Monday and I plan to be in the lab when they expect me, and that is my future.”

“You are no fun,” Max said softly as his eyes told the whole story. “I want you to stay forever, if I could choose…”

“It’s not up to you,” Liz said softly as she put her purse down on the table and looked around and it felt like a different place with Max in here. “Don’t you have to go pick up your daughter from school before long?” she asked knew when school tended to get out in a town like their hometown and knew Micah would be expecting a pickup.

“Nope, you are not losing me anytime soon” Max said with a smile. “Micah’s best friend Candy’s mother is taking them because both of them are trying out for the same club, so as long as I am home when she is finished. I am all good,” he muttered. “So, unless you do not want to spend time together?” he asked. “I still have a few more hours,” he said softly.

“Why are you doing this to yourself?” Liz asked softly. “You are asking for me to hurt you?” she wondered. “Why would you want that?”

“I know what I am getting when I am here Liz,” Max said softly. “I am not giving up on this chance we have. Serena commented to me that it is extremely rare to have this chance we have. We are no longer sixteen yes, but we are older, and we have seen how life has given us our share of pain, and we have chance to try again. I know you have a life that does not include me, and I want that for you. But I want you to know you are my dream girl. You were when we were in this third grade. And when I did not have a chance with you, and when I did have a chance, and we lost that chance. You are here for a reason. And maybe that reason is you and me?”

“You should be concentrating on Micah,” Liz asked as she felt faint at his words. “This is not reality, and we should be focusing on reality?”

“We were never about reality,” Max murmured. “So, why would we start now?” he said softly. “And about Micah. She is safe. She is well adjusted, and she is happy. And yes, I can still concentrate on my daughter and want you at the same time” Max said with a devilishly sexy smile. “In fact, it makes me want you even more…”

“Why is that?” Liz asked.

“Because you understand her, and you were kind to her” Max said. “That is, you. You are someone special, and I want us to have that chance even if you have to go away…”

“Max,” Liz sighed. “You do not mean that?” she asked. “Michael, you should be worried about Michael?” Liz said feebly as she was grasping and grabbing at everything, trying anything to prevent the burst of the bubble that was coming their way, and none of what she was trying was working. Max kept on persisting, and she did not want his efforts to be working…

“I am worried about Michael,” Max said softly as he though of the unknown involving his best friend. “I was there before I came here, and there have been no changes, unfortunately” he said with a soft voice as he felt wounded by what has been taken away from him over the years. “I needed to know something positive is possible, which is why I came here…” he asked. “Because before you came to town. The last five years has been drowning in the hopeless, and the unknown. Yes, I had Micah to keep me going. My sister, who had her own worries related to Michael and of course our parents. But it was not the same, and having you back this past weekend, and to know you are still here today. It gives me hope, that a miracle is a possible in all facets of my life.”

“When I could have been several more hours?” Liz asked she asked because the plan had not for her to be back this early, but Maria was tired, and wanted to rest and of course she assumed she would want to check in on her own with Serena about Michael’s status. After all, Maria was inflicted by her own mystery man, a special alien she had fallen in love with when they were teenagers, and no matter how much they tried. They could not walk away, for long.

“I knew you would be coming back,” Max said. “So, yes, I was taking a chance. But then that is all I have is, a chance for my miracle…”

“I am having dinner with Maria because Charlie is still away with his grandparents for the day, and I am going to go to meeting her Max” Liz said. “We need to stop this Max…” she sighed because this was not getting them anywhere and was only giving them more heartache.

“Stop what?” Max asked even though she knew what she was referring to.

“This fantasy world that we have going on because this cannot last,” Liz murmured as she tied to be strong, and not fall…

“It can last as long as we want it too,” Max murmured. “Why burst the bubble before you need to, Monday is Monday…”

“You said that on the weekend,” Liz asked. “As I recall?” she asked. “All we are doing is hurting ourselves when we should be wiser than our teenage selves” she muttered. “Getting caught up in the emotion is not helping us. My life is Europe and my discoveries. Why do that to yourself? Why would you want something I cannot give you?”

“It has to better than then the one I have now. When Micah is the only thing that is getting me up in the day. Michael might be waking up sure, but he could be lost to us even if by some miracle he does come back” Max asked. “Maybe having you on my side, and my bed when you can manage it is what I want?”

“This is not my home anymore,” Liz asked.

“You keep saying that Liz but maybe it is,” Max asked. “You came back for a reason. And you are staying for that some reason. If this was not your town anymore. You would have been on the first flight out on Sunday morning. You would have just come for the wedding, and then taken Charlie home if Maria had not come. You had to know what it meant by staying longer. And you are still here when you could have left. You could have left our bed and walked out of my life. Just like you did so many years ago, minus the bed part of our story. That is a new addition,” he murmured and what an addition it was he thought. “So, yes, maybe it is because you know whatever that something we have might work, finally. We have a chance, Liz. I know it will not be easy, and I am not trying to deny you something you but why should I not give you want you want?”

“If this is about…” Liz asked but stopped.

“Maybe it is, maybe it is not” Max asked. “You are something magical to me,” he asked. “Anything is possible with us.”

“You talk a good game,” Liz muttered he said, as Max approached. “Please do not…” she asked as she was trying to keep space between the two of them.

“Don’t what?” Max asked.

“Come close to me,” Liz asked. She could not handle if he came close to her once again. As he was so addictive.

“Why not,” Max asked. “Do you not want me close to you,” he asked as he took her hand. A simple touch of their skin. “Look Liz I talk a good game yes, and I know we should not work but I also know we do work, and you walked away seven years ago because it became too much for you, and you should have because we were not ready. But we have a chance now. We would be knowing what we are getting into it…” he sighed as he just touched her, and she was melting. It should not be like this she thought. But it was she whispered to herself.

“We have a chance, so why not try” Max asked as she leaned in to kiss her, and she almost was sure she should stop it, and decline the kiss even
though she knew how sensational his lips were, they are she thought but she could not. Not when he was with her.

And so, she accepted the kiss. She did not say no.

And the fire was lit…

As common sense slipped from her grasp, “Oh god,” she whispered. “This is not what we should be doing?”

It was you ten years ago Liz, and it’s you today…” Max whispered, and she was lost.

A goner, she ignored all her bags and they led each other into her bedroom, and the door slammed shut behind them.

Each knowing what it meant…

And even if she was still trying to ignore their impact.


At the same time at the facility. Maria was pacing. Like Liz assumed. She could not stay in the emptiness of her mother’s home. She was used to being on the go. I live in New York now she thought. It is lively, and it is on the go she thought. There is always something to do she mused. Even when she was not working. There was always something she needed to or wanted to do, especially with a growing boy to take care of and who liked his mother had the motivation to keep going.

Charlie, she thought Charles Michael Deluca she mused. Named after someone good. Someone who did not get a chance to be an adult. Struck down before his time. It made Maria want to grab what life had to offer. And she assumed it was the same for Liz. Why give up on your dreams when not everyone had a chance to get their own?

Life is short. She saw that first with Alex. Then she saw it now in Michael. Whatever that was ailing him, it was unfair. Yet he still should not have the hold on her that he did. Yes, they shared Charlie. But she had lasted six years without coming back. And she would not have come back if Liz had not brought Charlie back to this town and opened the portal to the past.

And gone down the rabbit hole she thought of what her friend was denying what was right between her two eyes with Max. She had never seen her friend as engaged as she was with Max. Someone who had captured her heart at fifteen, and who she walked away from at eighteen. Life is not fair she thought. She knew if Liz had only come back. They would have gotten married. And had the life they deserved but they could not because Liz needed to walk away.

Maria knew her friend had been completely overwhelmed by three years of action, and misfortune. Even a summer in Florida had not stopped it because she had just gotten dragged in which is why she had not come back after Vermont, and to graduation. Maria had the same thought. If we had come back? she muttered.

We would not have gone back. And Maria had known by then that she had been pregnant. She was keeping it a secret even from her family because she did not know what she wanted. Except to dream big. To be happy. And avenge Alex. Show it was possible to get out Roswell, and that alien chaos did not have to take everything from them.

She was successful at that. Tremendously successful and she knew she was on the edge of her biggest break so far, and here she was.

Drawn back to the past…

Unlike Liz who had someone physically who she could be drawn to. Michael was an unconscious being at the moment. So, why was she here? Maria would muse to herself. Why engage when he cannot engage with me. Or our son? she thought. It was only getting things more unsettled as she thought of her son’s reaction to his father. Charlie did not know how to take it. She was older, and she should be protecting her son from going down the rabbit hole. Instead, she was going right down there. Just like she had back in the beginning. One step from being out, and here she was back again. As she though her one. Unlike Liz. Maria never had much interest in going with the men who attracted her. Or wake up in a bed the next morning, regretting what she had done. She had a son at home. She was working, and the work was amazing, and it kept her busy when Charlie did not. So, why would she end up in bed with a man could not match Michael’s intensity.

Unlike Liz who had not sampled the power of being an alien before her departure. Which made the walking away much easier than she was finding it now, because she had been with Max. Maria had sampled it, and while she had walked away. Still, it was powerful and kept her from going there with anyone else. Even if a baby at home did not provide good motivation to stay celibate.

It turns out Michael was not celibate she thought. As she remembered Micah. Maybe I should being more like my friend and then I might not be so stuck she thought. But then she knew no one could match who Michael had been to her.

Which made it unfair that he been struck down like Alex. Except he had not left this plain yet, and there was still a chance.

It would take a miracle she knew. But miracle happen, right? she thought. They do because Max and Liz had a chance she thought.
She had talked to Serena and knew that Michael had only teased them with waking up. Because he had not woken up.

Not anywhere close. So, why am I doing this to myself? she asked.

She was prepared to walk away, having goaded herself into changing her room, but she was stopped by a returning figure. “Maria,” came the voice.

“You did come?” Serena asked as she returned from her other day job. Across the street. Now she was going to be duty the rest of the day.

She had called Max before she had left that morning because nothing had changed with her patient. Now, she was returning, and she had seen the blonde actress waiting. Of course, she thought. “You want to see Michael, do you not?”

“Is it possible?” Maria asked. “If not, I can go?”

“That is not necessary,” came Serena asked she punched in the codes to enter the facility. As Maria walked behind her. “I was working at my other job?”

“They do not pay you enough here?” Maria asked with a laugh.

And Serena only smiled. “Of course, they do, but with only one patient. I get more motivation across the street. I do not necessarily need the money, but it keeps me entertained when the days can run together, if you stay here too long?”

“I guess that would happen,” Maria thought of being a newcomer to this. She had only just found out. While Serena was the professional, but she had been on the case since almost the beginning. So, it would suck something out of you?

“Unfortunately,” Serena muttered. “You came?”

“I do not know why I am doing this?” Maria muttered. “I should have stayed at home and waited for my son to come home as she is spending time with my mother and her husband?”

“Family, that is the benefit to being here?”

“I want Charlie to experience all he can because we will be headed home before long,” she thought of the production she had to return to. Even though she had emergency leave. She was feeling guilty. She had lied to get the leave. Even though she had an understudy. Still if this is going to be going nowhere, she thought. Maybe we should be getting home?

“Sometimes we do the unexpected,” Serena commented. “Common sense tells us one thing and then we do the exact opposite because it is telling us we are right to what we want?” she sighed as they walked through the final barrier. “We often cannot help ourselves.”

“That is me,” Maria muttered. “I might be cheering on Liz and Max, and yet when it about me, and about the future that my son and I have to look forward to. And especially about Michael. I cannot help myself. I told myself to stay away. Grab my son, and hop on the next flight back to New York where I have my career waiting for me, and yet we are still here…”

“We never know what is good for us,” Serena sighed. “Since I am coming on shift. I need to check on the patient myself, before I let you go in. Are you okay with it?” she asked and sensed Maria would be.

“Sure, it gives me more time to turn around and change my mind?” Maria muttered.

“You are already have entered an area of no way out,” Serena laughed. “Without the passwords,” Serena commented. “You have already come too far to leave now.”

“Yeah, I know” Maria muttered as she could only watched as Serena walked into Michael’s room, and she waited, and waited. Paced some, and then some more.

It was all endlessly as it was turning out because Serena was not coming out and Maria did not know why. It should have been a quick in and out. Sure, she was coming onto shift. But Michael was comatose, right? So, what is the hold up? She muttered herself. So, she waited, and paced some more as she waited for all clear to be declared so that she could go in and spend some time with Michael.

With hope that seeing him would tell him what she was going to do. Whether she was going to go off the cliff, or catch the rope that was hanging off it, and climb it and take her son and walk back into sanity and go back to the life she had been building that did not have Michael involved with it.

“Serena,” she called and when she did not get an answer, she walked through the same doors she had gone through the day before.

Only to find the unexpected.

A downright miracle.

“This was not what I expected to see,” Maria conceded as she took in the landscape of the room. That was completely different than it had been the day before. Oh god, she whispered.

“That is not for sure,” Serena muttered.

“Michael?” Maria said not for the first time in this adventure, but certainly the first time with meaning. “You are…”

“Awake,” came Michael as he was sitting up, and staring at both his doctor, and the woman who had walked out the door seven years before. “What are you doing here?”
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 22 - 06/18/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Yea......Michael is awake. Can't wait for him to find out about his son and daughter!
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 22 - 06/18/2021

Post by totallizfan »

We know Max is totally besotted with Liz. Liz doesn't want to admit she feels the same about Max.
What will Michael 's reaction be to Maria and her news regarding Charlie.
Will he be happy and understanding or will he be upset and angry.
Luckily Maria has lots of support from her family and friends.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 22 - 06/18/2021

Post by totallizfan »'ve spoiled us with your prompt up dates every two or three's day 4...please..please.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 22 - 06/18/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I agree with the Michael is awake........can't wait for his reactions!!
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