Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 (Page 12) - Completed: 07/31/2021

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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 25 - 06/30/2021

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Poor Micah

She is finding out so many things about her family. She has a half brother, Charlie, a biological father, her real father. Now she finds out her real father has another child.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 25 - 06/30/2021

Post by totallizfan »

I hope Liz stays...for Micah.
It's one thing to know you have a biological brother.. but now you find out your adoptive father has a biological son.
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 26 - 07/02/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Once more Liz was thinking she should have been in that car and heading towards the nearest airport and getting out of dodge and going back to her glorious and independent life. Away from memories of the past. Memories that were not as simple as having a dark hair mystery man wanting you in his bed, and knowing you carried his heart with you. But no, she had elected to stay longer in this town, and now she was facing the reckoning as more of that said past was be revealed.

And one of them was the look of surprise on Micah’s face to find out her father had another kid out there. Especially coming on the heels of knowing too much of her own biological links, and fears that she was going to be taken away from the only father she had ever known. Liz did not know what custody agreement that attached Micah to Max’s life. That is his life. It is not my concern she thought.

“It’s a very complicated story,” Liz murmured to Micah. “Your Daddy should be the one to tell you of that,” she said as she spoke directly to the child but was looking at her father, who only shook her head. “I have been away, so I am not as up to date on it,” she said blatantly lying because she knew too much about it.

“Okay, I guess” Micah murmured as she could not grasp the idea of it.

Realizing that he needed to get his granddaughter out of this sticky conversation, he glanced down at the little girl, cherished by all of them. “Honey, how about you go and grab your jacket, and we will get going because I am sure your grandmother is waiting for us” Phillip murmured. “She was looking forward to spending some time with you tonight.”

Knowing when she was being dismissed as it was common approach according to her, and she mumbled as such as she walked away It is just getting good thought the five years old. But the adults knew she was too young for all of what she was finding out. But she went and got her jacket and went to the bathroom first.

So, it left the adults to talk.

“That girl is too good at eavesdropping,” Liz thought as she focused on both of the men as she wondered if Max was aware that the smallest around them tend to pick up what they did not want them to hear as she focused back on both men. “As I told her, I have been away for longer than I was in the drama, but it definitely was a surprise” she sighed. “And one we all had to live through once before…”

“We love our son, and we admire what he’s doing for our granddaughter” Phillip as she thought of the little girl. “No matter what, she will be our grandchild and even though Max’s other child cannot be with us, same goes for him?” he thought. “But I know it was a hard time for the both of you?”

“That is for sure,” Liz muttered. Which is why it is always better to run than it is to stay and deal with the mess she thought. “Your son meant a lot to me, and he changed fundamentally in ways that you could never have imagined, and he is why I am able to reach for the stars within my career, and achieve all I have,” she thought. “No matter what happened between us, as I told your granddaughter recently, your son saved me.” and in so many ways…

Phillip nodded. “I know I was a tad intense that year, before you left town” he asked as he was not thrilled with his behavior that almost tore his family apart. Thank god that we finally were able to put the pieces together he thought of how he and Diane had worked to repair ties with their son and daughter. Thankfully, things were set right before it got out of control. And knowing even a little of what his kids had gone through. He could see how it could have, and he was glad it did not.

“Given what Max and I were up to in those months prior, it was hard not to see it from your point of view” Liz sighed as she did not like to remember those times. She was fortunate that Harvard had seen through her actions, and how rebellious she had gotten. Or some of her jobs have over the years had overlooked how bad it had looked for a time during her high school career. Since she knew how her job dealt too much with security clearances of all kinds. And she knew how much she had risked, even though she had wanted to help Max at the time, and she did not regret it except to wish they had not gone down that road, and had a easier path of it.

“Thankfully, we were eventually able to know what was going on in those days,” Phillip murmured as he was coming to the heart of the past. “We know, you know” he said of all he and his wife did know of his children’s creation.

“I figured,” Liz nodded. “After all you are Max’s lawyer?”

“And yours for a time,” Phillip murmured as they both remembered, and Jeff was obviously lost and out of the loop and he was beginning to realize there was so much he did not know. Although he did remember that time in Salinas. And he was thankful that his daughter was saved from time in jail and was able to come to terms with what happened. Although it helped that his daughter had moved on and was successful in being able to do it.

“You were successful in getting me out of jail,” Liz remembered. “I thank you and I know your son is thankful of that too…”

“Only we lost him for a time,” Phillip remembered.

“You were able to get him back and you should be thankful of that,” Liz smiled. “I know how much the separation did to Max, and I am glad you guys were able to mend fences,” she smiled as Micah came bouncing out of the bathroom. And it did seem getting her mind off what could happen was good for the little girl. “So, are you ready to head to your grandparents place?”

“Tell Daddy where I am, will you?” Micah asked.

“Of course,” Liz murmured at how brave the little girl was. “Your father will always know where to find you,” she said with a sigh. “You do not have to worry…”

“I hope not,” Micah said as she walked off with Phillip and they left a moment later. Leaving Liz with her thoughts and her father.

Sighing, Liz turned to face her father and knew from what she saw on her father’s face that he was at a loss. “You might wonder what that was all about?”

“I know more than you think I do” Jeff murmured that despite what he did not know still he knew enough “But this thing about Max having a son out there, is a surprise” he murmured as he thought of that development. And wondered what more his daughter had to deal with back in high school, and maybe it was a good thing she did leave them and had not come back until now. “You did not write about it in your diary?”

“How would you know about that?” Liz asked, remembering how her journal was up in her childhood bedroom. She remembered also how there was so much she had written about. In the wake of Michael stealing her journal. It made her realize just how tender her revelations were for her journal, and while she certainly bared her soul on the pages. Still, there were stuff she had left out of those pages. And of course, he had left for boarding school before senior year was concluded, so there was so much unsaid she thought.

“I found your diary,” Jeff murmured. “Don’t get upset?”

“I am not upset,” Liz murmured much she thought. Because she knew she was taking a chance by leaving her diary because she could not take it to another state with her, and she had left it here during that summer in Florida because she could not trust that it would not fall into enemy hands wow, Liz you have some life if you think you had to worry about journals finding their way into enemies’ hands, she thought. But she had.

She knew, and because she could not trust that it would not fall into hands that she could not trust. She had kept it behind walls here at home, and now she was questioning it. What does Dad know? she asked herself because while her mother has caught onto certain factors, still, there was so much she did not know until now. “Dad…”

“Last year I went into your room and found some cracks on your wall due to water damage, and I was going to repair them, and then I found that one of the bricks or more than that I forget was carved out, and loose, and I took it out to repair it along with the rest, and that is when I saw something laying inside…” Jeff murmured.

“Dad,” Liz sighed, as she had known she was taking a chance with that being her hiding spot.

“I discovered it was your diary for a significant time of your high school career,” Jeff murmured. “I recognized the dates?”

“And you read it?” Liz asked.

“I could not help it, because you opened it with a memorable line,” Jeff murmured.

It is September 23. Journal entry one. I’m Liz Parker and five days ago I died. After that, things got really weird. Liz could almost recite the words today, ten years later as she was in shock to think that they were currently on that day she had cited in her diary, just in a vastly different decade. Yes, so much had changed during the days. When she should have died. And if Max had not been there, she might not have been able to be saved…

And she knew it set off a chain of events that had transformed the very fabric of her life. She could see it now. It had also drawn her closer to her dark hair mystery man. Her savior that day. And it started them down a road that was incredibly rocky, and had it is share of unwarranted bumps and too much angst.

But it was a bond that had got them over the potholes on that journey, until it did not, and they had fallen into one.

Until now, and now that she was older and wiser. And still drawn to same boy who had taken her heart on that day. And now she was looking into the eyes of her confused father who had come in that day, after the shots were fired, and she had made a cover up story of how it was ketchup which is how Max had advised her to explain it.

To her father, and to the Sheriff. Who in those days had his own reasons to be suspicion of Max? And it would be months before he came on their side. Which allowed them to escape some of the fire that would come their way, warranted and unnecessary.

“Dad,” Liz whispered.

“Honey, your diary told the story… to a point” Jeff murmured as he thought of all the blank pages, or significant skipped periods before the next entry. It was not subtle at the exemptions of some of her writing. “I have kept it to myself because I did not want to scare your mother about some of what you had written about,” he allowed and Liz took a deep breath at what he was saying, and not saying at the same time. “It was bad enough to read some of those words.”

“I knew I took a chance to leave it here,” Liz muttered. “That spot became my hiding spot after a scare when we were in beginning of our adventure. and so, I knew I could leave it here, and it would be safe” she sighed and truthfully, she knew she had forgotten about her diary, which made her feel guilty because of what she had written on those pages. If anyone had gotten their hands on it, even if you had to know the parties, to really get it. Still, she knew how much she had put Max’s secret in danger.

“Honey, we are just happy to have you alive and well,” Jeff murmured.

“Did you believe it?” Liz asked.

“Some of it,” Jeff allowed. “Some of it was quite imaginative and I could not believe it happened, so I want to believe you were just exaggerating for effect in your writing?”

“None of it was an exaggeration,” Liz muttered as she knew no author could be as imaginative as some of those adventures, she had undertaken during those two plus years.

Jeff nodded. “Still though, some of it did bring back memories of those times for me and therefore, some of it was quite believable, unfortunately” Jeff muttered. “And because of what I did read. It made met thankful that we were given a chance…” he murmured as he thought of how easily they could have lost their daughter, and they should be thankful she had been given a chance and was able to be in their lives.

“Me too,” Liz acknowledged as she looked around the restaurant, and saw how familiar it was. “Is that why you are more lenient to Max, when you know what happened back in high school?”

“Yes,” Jeff allowed. “It was not easy in those days believe me. I might have come around on you and Max before you did leave for boarding school. Still the two of you did not exactly make it easy for us in those days. Because of how close we came to losing you,” he thought to ‘to jail?’ he said softly. Even knowing some of the complicated backstory surrounding those days. It still does not completely make everything instantly better because it was reckless, and downright ugly. But it is the past. And of course, to know how Max did help you. Saved you? It does make it easier,” he said softly to know his daughter had a chance to go for her dreams because of Max they both thought. “Of course, in the beginning. Max helped any lingering feelings of resentment or anger by not coming back in here unless he was accompanied by his sister. But once you left. That was only an extremely rare occasion until the last year or so when he and his daughter have come in on a more regular basis, especially since they have been living across the street.

Liz nodded.

“I cannot imagine how it was to go through what you had to go,” Jeff murmured as he thought of how close they had been to losing their daughter to something more permanent than prison, death he shuddered at the memories of how wrong he had been when he walked into the Crashdown that day and allowed his daughter to mislead him into thinking it was just ketchup. Little did he know the story behind that day.

Now he did.

“It was not easy,” Liz allowed because she knew it was an understatement… “To have gone through any of it,” she sighed. “But I am stronger for what I had to endure, what we had to deal with…”

“You and Max, honey” Jeff murmured.

“Don’t Dad,” Liz said as she was not ready to hear her father come down on Max or advocated for him either as Nancy came back from the backroom of the restaurant and she used the easy out. “I think Mom is looking for you,” she murmured as she checked her own watch. “I better go, because it’s getting late, and I have stuff I have to do” she sighed as it was always a tricky situation in remembering that time in her life. “I am still here, and while I might not be here in the end. I am grateful for the fact I have been able to spend time with you and Mom, and Max is a large part of the reason why…” she thought. Which explains our bond…

Jeff nodded, and watched her daughter walk off.

Turning he faced his wife. “Our daughter has been holding a lot within her these past years?” was all he was going to say because his wife did not know everything.

Nancy could only watch as their daughter walk away. “I know.”

Unbeknownst to Jeff and Nancy who were still tidying up the closing. Liz might have walked out of the doors of her family restaurant, but she did a turn instead of going across the street. Instead, she walked to the back of the restaurant, and climbed the ladder that was on the wall. Jumping onto the safety of the roof. Shuddering at the intense, and erotic memories that she and Max had captured here the other night. This place will have new memories now she thought. As she slipped across it and saw that her window was locked. She used her powers, and opened the window yeah, I am different she thought. She had never really used her powers, but she knew enough, just as she had wished Max had not used his powers to open the door, she knew she was a hypocritical to use them now as she snuck or broke into her childhood room. She snuck in while her parents were still downstairs. She looked around and went to the wall and got out her diary from the behind the bricks.

And she then climbed out of the window, closed it, and locked it, and took the book back to the apartment with her, and started, a fire in the fireplace.

As she did a little reading…


While Max was dealing during all this with the weight of having his friend coming back to life. Sure, he had never died, but still, a five-year coma was something big and you are unlikely to come back, but then none of those examples were one of them Max reflected and wondered if that was why.

Still the miracle had happened, and Michael was back, and did.

And he was also looking like his normal self. With the advantage of time. But he did not feel it while Max and everyone else in the room knew that they were older, and not necessarily wiser, but they were different from who they had been five years before.

Therefore, a lot of truth was hanging in the room,


Michael was not sure what to say by the fact that Max was clearly raising the child he had conceived with Yvonne. A mistake he knew once it had happened. And the memories did not bring any shine, because he had known he had screwed up with Yvonne. Not like she was looking at him with expectations of something bigger because they were thinking the same thing. Too much alcohol, and they had partied.

But she had gotten pregnant. She was also determined to have it. Coupled with memories of how it went Tess although that had been a vastly different story he thought. He did not want to deal with, and yet he was not advocating the end of the pregnancy, and even though she was not going by that decision either. Still, Yvonne did not want the baby.

He had not wanted it either. So, Max stepped in. Or was planning on when he went into his big sleep.

Which is how he remembered, and now to wake up five years later, and learned the baby was now a five-year-old little girl who was calling Max her father.

And then there was Maria.

Who was back, but for how long? And he could feel she had some secrets to tell him, but their combustible chemistry remained the same as it ever was when they were younger. And they could not have a reasonable discussion without fighting about it first.

Serena was just watching. Michael did not know what to think of the newcomer who obviously knew a lot of their secrets, and that he had been in this facility all this time. Something that Max and Isabel created out of the inheritance they came by from Kal of all people.

He did remember being stunned at the money because Kal’s run in with Max had been memorable, but one that did not leave fond memories. Or so he was told, even though he and Isabel had not met him. But they were willing to take whatever money offered to them. So, now he had a huge sum in the bank. Which Michael had yet to fully comprehend?

While meanwhile Maria sensed the uncertainly in Michael’s approach to being awake or Max’s obvious conflicting feelings. She had not explained about Charlie yet.

She did not know how she could.

But she knew it had to be said, somehow.

She was surprised to hear finally after a lot of not speaking, as Serena did her assessment duties and Max and Maria watched as it was being done. Now finished. What they had not discussed hung in the air.

So, she was a little surprised to hear “I am sorry” come from Michael’s mouth because it was something rare, and that usually did not come from him. Even though I have wanted to hear it from him numerous times over those months, and years, Maria thought as she stood and watched. As Michael continued “I wish so much could be different, but obviously, I am thankful for you picking up the pieces” he muttered. “I cannot begin to wonder what is going to happen next?”

“Me either,” Max said as he thought of his daughter back at her grandparent’s home. “All we could do was move onto the next day,” he allowed. “And I know we cannot come to any decisions when you have been awake only a short time. So, we can table anything more until a later time, “We wish you were here with us?”

“I was no good to anyone, not then” Michael muttered as he looked directly at Maria who could not help but look away because it seemed to be directed at you. “I am not about to upset the lives you have now…”

Max nodded.

“That goes for your daughter,” Michael muttered. “Obviously, she is settled into a routine. And we both know what it means to upset that kind of world for any child. She is loved, right?” he asked as could see that this is truly a very surreal circumstance to be under. Newly awake. And to know life had gone one without, and he was both younger and older because he did not feel as old as everyone was appearing to him, but he now knew it was 2009.

“Yes,” Max admitted. “She is very loved, and happy…” he said as he thought of his little girl who had been his daughter all this time. “You would be proud of her.”

“I am glad,” Michael said as he glanced at Maria…

Maria was having a hard time. She was standing here talking about Micah, and the insane reality of Max raising the little girl. And knowing she had Michael’s son out there in the world. With his grandparents right now, but still she was allowing Micah to be discussed and yet she could not come up with the courage to discuss Charlie. She knew she was being chicken. She should be discussing it. Not now she told herself it might send him back into the coma? she absurdly muttered. Not likely she told herself, but still she was scared. She had no idea of how to discuss Charlie. Or how to explain it. Given he was already down on her for leaving. And they were barely civil as it was. Maria could feel a tug and a pull towards her ex for how complicated the situation between him and Max was, over Micah. It was hard situation all around Charlie she thought.

Yes, it brought her mind back to Charlie How am I going to explain to Michael she thought, and she was reminded that she was going to have to do something as Serena who had left the room to make a call, returned the room. Thinking that Michael and Max were in their own world, talking amongst themselves. Discussing the absurdness of their situation. Serena uttered the word that had ears in the room, “Charlie is missing you” Serena muttered to Maria.

Who deeply signed because she saw Michael stop in his place Whose Charlie he thought and said as much, and Maria frowned and walked out as she knew she was chickening out, but she needed to call her son, as he took precedent, and needed her to call him back so he did not send another search party for her and he would she laughed to herself as she left the room once more to make a call?

“Someone important to Maria,” came Max who only glanced at his friend.

“And you have probably experienced too much for today,” Serena confirmed. “We can adjourn this for today and come back to it tomorrow.”

“And I need to figure out what is going back at home” Max murmured. “I need to make contact with Isabel?”

“She really married Kyle of all people?” Michael asked as had gotten the news from Serena.

“Yes,” Max confirmed. “Just this past weekend…”

“So, I was late for the wedding” Michael asked, and Max could only smile. As he watched as Serena kept watch on Michael’s condition. And Max did not many any more comments because all he did was leave the room.

“You have missed a lot,” Serena muttered.

“So, who is Charlie?” Michael asked, fixated on one thing and it almost made Serena laugh if it was not sad on the other hand because of so much missed time.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 26 - 07/02/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz just can't go, can she??
Jeff read the diary.......realizing his daughter was holding so much.
Michael missed so much...........when will he learn about Charlie?
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 26 - 07/02/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Well Maria got an apology from Michael.
What will she get when she tells him who Charlie is?
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 27 - 07/05/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Am I reading my writing? Liz thought as she continued to read her journal. She could not believe that she was not reading some fictionalized novel. All she was writing was the truth. In her own words. Sure, some entries were short, or details skimped on, and written in code somewhat. You had to have known that time to really get this she thought. She had gone through it. So, she knew what it had taken to get out of that time, and she knew she had barely gotten out.

And some had not. They had lost people. Good people.

Alex. It made her teary to read the entries of his death, without writing about the true events. She could not write those words. How they were betrayed even though we should have seen in it coming she muttered to herself. It was a dark period in their lives. A hard one to get through, and it was amazing they had gotten out of it without more carnage.

But as Maria had commented. They were living to honor what Alex had not been able to achieve in his short but memorable life. I miss you Alex she muttered to herself as she closed the book once she got to the last entry and was reminded how it had ended with her leaving Roswell. And Max.

She opened it once more and saw the first one. How Max had saved her life. And brought her into a new world. One full of intrigue, suspense, and a lot of heartache. But she had gotten a chance to really know him, and she was truly blessed to still be here because it could have been so different if Max had not acted.

If he had not jumped in when the bullet tore into her.

I left this town to achieve that normal that had been taken to be on that September day. And yet here she was back in her hometown and reading he old adventures as if it were some book, when it had really happened to her.

She read those words again, about how she had died and come back to life. I should be on the first flight out of here she thought.

As she looked at the fireplace, and the flames that had been lit that day. She knew now and maybe she had known it before. She was forever changed. She was never going to be normal. It was just about how much she wanted or was able to control.

As she glanced into the fireplace, and just got lost in the memories.


Max drove into his parking spot. Downstairs, outside the condo complex. His mind was swirling. For five years he had been dealing with a life that did not have Michael in it, and now his friend was back, and it was almost like he was good as new. Nothing was harming him, and nothing was keeping him down. Like the five years has been a long nap, and now he was refreshed and ready to deal with life.

Well Max was not sure how he could handle. This past week already had been full of emotion. These past five years had been without Liz too. Now she is back he thought. But for how long? he asked himself. He did not know.

And now Michael was back.

And Micah was afraid of what it might mean for her. So, was he, although he saw the genuineness and the truth in Michael’s words when they were talking about his daughter? Their daughter he thought. Although Michael had not wanted Micah.

He stepped in, just hoping that Michael would come to his senses and then he saw Micah at birth and fell in love.

And now his daughter was growing older and knew a whole lot about their lives that he had not imagined she did. And it was making him worry.

The last thing he wanted was to take the childhood glory from his child and make her worry about having to be a shall of yourself so not for people to find out. He did not want that for his daughter.

Not yet.

But he knew it was going to have to happen one of these days. And they already were facing it with Charlie.

Charlie was something that was going to come down on them once Maria told Michael. Given his reaction to Micah. He had no idea what that would do to his friend, and he was sure Maria did not know and that was why she was chickening out about telling him about their son. So, Max had a lot of worries within himself, and he was getting out of his car.

And happy his daughter was at her grandparents for the night. The last thing he wanted was to answer questions.

He just wanted to relax.

And then he saw her and immediately attention eased from his body. Everything good in his life was because of her.

I love you Liz he said but did not say it because it would drive her away from him. So, he watched her bending down to lift the bag into the shoot near her apartment. He stood and watched, yes, everything is about Liz.

“Can I help you with that?” Max asked as the trance lifted, and he moved forward.


The bang of the door closed before Liz knew it. As her heart was racing as she had decided to put the trash don the garbage shoot, before turning in for the night, because she was useless being up and not thinking about the past. As her diary was still on the table, and all she could think about was the past, and how everything had changed a decade ago.

On this night actually, what are the odds? She asked as she had seen the date on the page. Tonight, was the night, a decade ago, that she had written her first entry about Max.

About how he had changed her life.

Transformed her.

While she had not heart his footsteps coming back to his apartment all night since she come back to the room. Still, she had forgotten that Max had been out. And now he was staring at her, all sexy.

She was in her housecoat. Looking ratting or so she thought.

To Max, she looked sexy with her dark hair, flowing beyond her shoulders. Neither could say anything. As their bond and their reaction to each other was so chemical and so natural. Nothing was ending it.

Not reality.


“How was it?” Liz asked.

The last thing I was to do was talk about Michael or anything Max thought as he did not say anything except to look at her like she was the only person in their world. That she was the hottest thing he had ever experienced.

Which she was…

“Max,” Liz asked. “Is everything alright?”

More than alright Max told himself as he continued to look at her life, she was the only thing that made sense to him.

Finally, the trance broke when it looked like maybe Liz was going to walk away from him and go back to her room. “I do not want to talk anymore tonight.”

Not sure if that meant it went well or it went bad, Liz did not know what to make of his mood. “What do you want to do?”

“I want to do this?” Max said simply as he wanted to ignore the dark impulses in his brain and concentrate on the only thing that was over five that made sense in his world. As he walked up to Liz and planted a slow and deeply passionate kiss on Liz. “I want you?” he said softly. “Do you want me?”

God yes Liz said as was almost taken in by surprise by the power of the kiss. The intensity, and the powerful nature of it. But it was melting any resistance she had, if she had any, and she did not because one day soon this would be over, and she would be far away from here.

So, she rode the flame as they backed against the wall, and Max was once again reminded that they should be happy the surveillance camera was not functional. “The camera does not work but let us not give them a show” he said softly as he pulled himself away from her and she smiled and turned to face her open door. “What do you want do now?”

“This,” Liz said softly as she pulled Max into her condo, and they slammed the door behind them, and they went into for another mind-altering kiss.

Which was something that was magical and unique and was completely them. As he spotted the fire. “What have you been doing?” he asked as neither was in the mood to discuss the night, and the possibility of tomorrow because they had done it too many times before, and Max did not want to think because he would be faced with that in the coming days.

When he did not have her in his life.

“Just thinking” Liz said softly. “But that was before…”

“What do you want to do now?” Max asked softly.

“What do you want to do?” Liz asked as they were in sync in how they did not want to talk or think about what was coming or what was hanging over their heads. All they wanted to be together, and hell with the consequences. You can only live once, right? Liz told herself as she remembered only ten years ago, she had defined that logic, and was living a very different life than that girl had been before the fight, and before the gun shot.

She knew only too well how it was to lose someone too early, and something too final…

“You” Max said softly. “It was always you?” he said he leaned in for a kiss, and Liz let herself get carried away by the power that was them, and the passion that always seem to know how to take over common sense as he took her hands down her arm, and felt the sensitive skin, and the sensation that it brought on for both of them.

“Max,” Liz said softly.

“Let’s forget tonight, tomorrow” Max said softly as he undid her robe “If you want to be here with me, and to do this?”

Hell, yes Liz said shutting down her mind and reacted to the sensation of his kisses on her skin. Oh god she muttered as they fell together onto the carpet in front of the fireplace as a fire was unleashed in them.

And neither of them wanted to dim that flame within them.


As it went on for hours, while across the town. A clearly tired Charlie returned from his day with his grandparents, and the delight of the college football game. Something Jim was happy to be able to share with his grandson now that Kyle had moved on with his life. And was enjoying football, by coaching it at the high school level.

Never able to get to that other level because of talent, and because of circumstance but Jim knew Kyle was happy with his life. Although he sensed his son would not be thrilled when they got home and found out that Michael had woken up. Maria would tell them that Max was planning on calling Isabel about the development.

But he knew how close Isabel had been with Michael, and now that he knew more of the story. He could sense why the engagement had been a long one, with a hope in Isabel that Michael would wake and be able to join them.

Unfortunately, it was a little too late. “You are welcome” Jim said as Maria was saying her thanks to her mother and Jim for entertaining her son for the day. “I do not get to do this often with Kyle busy with his own life, and the station keeps me entertained most days.

“I appreciate it.” Maria muttered as hugged her son. “You had a great day, did you not?” she asked of her son.

“It was a lot of fun,” Charlie said softly to his mother. “It’s bedtime, right?”

“Right,” Maria said with a laugh, but she did not get a defense from her son in his wish to stay up, as she walked her son to his bedroom.

As they walked in. Charlie turned, and made it apparent he had overheard what she had told her mother and stepfather. “Daddy is awake, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” Maria murmured. Unable to lie to her son. Able to do it to others, or keep him from his father, sure, but when Charlie asked her a question. She had a hard time not answering it “But it’s early.”

“Do he know about me?” Charlie asked.

“No,” Maria shook her head and saw the disappointment in her son’s eyes. “I will tell him I promise, and you will get to meet him before we leave…”

“So, we are leaving?” Charlie asked even though he wanted to say I want to stay.

“Honey, I have too. I am keeping my director hanging, and we can stay a few more days but we will have to return, plus, you have to go back to school” she sighed because she had been happy that they were so close to the start of the school year when she allowed Liz to take her son back here to Roswell, and now they were staying longer although the plan was for Liz to drive back, so her son was always going to miss this week of school.

Charlie nodded.

“Can I see Micah before we leave?” Charlie asked.

“Honey, we are not leaving right away, just do not get your hopes that we can stay here because our life is in New York” Maria murmured as she thought of all the sweat and tears, she had put in to build her life to get where it is, and Roswell was a very different life.

“I guess,” Charlie muttered. “But we can come back here, right?”

“I am sure we will not be strangers,” Maria muttered because even if she wanted to stay away. She would never be able to do that to her son, or to the life he clearly had grasped onto while here in Roswell.


Middle of the night,

They were hungry. Hungry for each other still after endless encounters these last few days, which was a blissful occurrence for them and one the knew would be over way too soon. And neither were thinking of it. Even if they should be so that they did not put their heart on the line, which of course, they also knew was hopeless given they knew it was too late. Still, they were hungry for more substance.

So, the were doing some eggs on the stove. Neither were much of a cook since Liz was always on the go, and she was raised over a restaurant, and when she was working. She would always eat down there, unless there was a family dinner, which at times were rare depending on how busy the restaurant was. And Max despite raising a growing girl definitely was not much of a cook, and they spent much of the time also over at the Crashdown or mooching a dinner of hiss parents.

Which Diane gladly made for them.

And Liz still did not have much food in the place despite her unwillingness to leave, but she had eggs, and now they were sharing some.

Not wanting to talk.

“This is becoming too common for us?” Max was asking as the sat at the table. It no longer had Liz’s computer on it, and it was just them eating. “Are we going to do something about it?”

“What are you thinking?” Liz asked, as if she did not already know.

“I think you know what I am thinking,” Max said with a smile as it seemed so simple to be here with her, as if it was all a dream.

All he could say to himself if it was a dream. It was going to burst one of these days, but I am going to ride the dream as far as it was willing to take me.

“I wish I could give you what you want Max,” Liz said softly.

Max brought his hand over to hers, and put it on top of hers, and picked it up, and kissed it, and Liz felt a quiver. I wish he would not do this to me she sighed, but she was not getting up and leaving the room.

Or leaving Max.

“You are giving me exactly what I am seeking Liz” Max murmured. “You?”

“But it cannot last, not in the long run,” Liz sighed. “I do not want to be hurting you. You matter too much for me and you have an incredible daughter who you are doing an amazing job with, and you should be concentrating on her.”

“As I have said before, I can do that and still love you” Max murmured.

“Max,” Liz sighed.

“Honestly, Liz it’s the truth,” Max said as he got up from the table and went around to where Liz was sitting. And pulled her up from the chair she was sitting on. “I love you. I have loved you since third grade. Even before I knew what love was,” he smiled. “We got a chance in high school, and we were give more than we could handle, and I will forever be sorry for that because it was my actions as much as any that did us in” he asked as he was putting his cards out on the table, and in the view of the only woman he had ever loved.

“I helped it along,” Liz muttered.

“So, we both did us in,” Max sighed. “We have a chance now. We should be grabbing it. I know you do not see Roswell as your life, and you might be right, because you have been doing incredible things away from our town. It will be hard to give that up to come back to what Roswell has to offer…”

“I know,” Liz murmured. Although the glory of elsewhere does not give me everything…

“But can we not at least try?” Max asked. “I am not asking you to give everything you have created for you. I might not be able to join you, because I do have my life here, and Micah has her life here. She has grandparents who love her, and I have to figure out what I means for us now that Michael is awake, and it’s not feasible for us to relocate, but I want a chance at us. So that we can capture that elusive something we missed out on in high school?”

“How can we?” Liz asked because every neve ending in her body wanted to take him up on his offer and yet she was resisting....

“I do not know, but isn’t it at least worth a try?” Max asked.

“But how can we do it?” Liz asked as she was trying to figure this out. “My life is where my work is, and you and Micah are here and as you said you cannot even leave. You, Michael and Isabel deserve to stay in close proximity to each other in case things do go bad?” she thought. “I do not want to think of what could have been these years if you were away from Michael and your sister?” she thought. “You and Micah both need this town.”

“Things have not been at our high school level since, well, high school,” Max muttered of the relative peace they had been under since she left town. They had been lucky, and he knew it. “Michael sickness exempted,” he said with a softness that continued to get to Liz. “Which was something totally unrelated, and unexplainable,” he sighed. “But yes, I cannot take Micah away from this town. And we do not know what which is out there is why I should be sticking close to here…” he muttered. “Which is why I told you I could not travel.”

“And I have picked up the torch for both of us, and I have travelled” Liz murmured.

“Yes, you have” Max murmured. “All these years you have been away from me?”

“Max,” Liz sighed.

“I am being honest here,” Max said.

“And you have not before?” Liz asked with a smile. “Seriously, I understand what you are trying to say?”

“I do not think you are,” Max said softly. “I love you…”

“Max,” Liz asked even though her heart told the story, and the I love you even though she could not bare to say it. Because the heartache that could exist behind those words “This is too much?” she murmured but Max was not going to denied.

“I want you to take a chance on me and believe in me” Max asked.

“I will always believe in you,” Liz murmured. “That is not the issue,” she sighed. “It will not do us any good to try again when I will not be able to come back here, and you can come with me, or visit me?”

“You take vacations, right?” Max asked. “I know for a fact your parents have travelled all over the world, visiting you, and you are not always working” he asked as he did remember hearing the elusive name of his ex whenever Jeff and Nancy disappeared for a week or more. Leaving the restaurant to others, or sometimes even closed. When you have used the restaurant to feed your child because you are a terrible cook. You notice when her favorite restaurant is closed.

“Not back here,” Liz muttered. “Until now…”

“Obviously,” Max said with a smile. “You have intentionally staying away?” he asked. “So, why can you not make Roswell your newest vacation spot?”

“Maybe,” Liz agreed. “I travel, yes, but my life is wherever the project is. That is no life for you to be, on standby…”

“Your parents would love for you to visit instead of going to wherever you are next?” Max asked as he was trying everything to try to entice her to come back to him. That could work, could it not?

I know Liz muttered because she knew she was asking her parents for a lot in coming to her, and prior to this past weekend. She knew she had relished being able to show her parents the world. A world they could not enjoy because they had stayed in Roswell, and the restaurant took so much of their time. So, getting the chance to come to her, allows them the possibility to get out of Roswell she thought. And until now, she had not come back into their town limits, and now she was about to exit again without really spending that much time with them because she could not stay out of bed with her sexy ex. Yes, the sex is addicting she muttered to herself.

“Make us your home,” Max asked. “Come back to me, and Roswell instead of going to some foreign local?”

“I do not what to do that to you Max,” Liz muttered. “Long distance is never the answer. It will put both of us on the hook for a lot.”

“As I have told you. All you need to do is look at my life these past years. I have been waiting for you to come home to me even if it were for a weekend, or a week would be much better, and you are not going to see me moving on. If I have not done it before now than I am not going to do it now that I have gotten a chance to love you again,” said with total honestly. “As if I ever really stopped loving you” he asked. I love you. “Which is something I have not done. Could you not think about it? Would not the ability to see your parents more often be a bonus” Max asked. “And the chance to be with me?”

“Low blow,” Liz muttered.

“I will take any opportunity to convince you to try us again,” Max sighed. “We have a chance, Liz. A rare chance. You deserve the world, yes, and I want to be able to give you everything you ever did want?”

“Max,” Liz sighed.

“What?” Max asked.

“It’s not fair,” Liz muttered.

“What is not fair?” Max asked.

“That you should be standing here wanting me to hurt you, because why would you want to be a week or two every couple of months. You deserve to be happiness. Micah deserves to have you happy…” she thought. “She deserves you as her father, but a mother too” she muttered even though she did not want to advocate that she would knowingly go elsewhere to give his daughter a home the child craved.

You are the only one who makes me happy Liz,” Max sighed. “It was always you…” he asked as leaned down and kissed his beloved with a simple kiss that turned fiery and was as intense as the two of them. “It was always only you…” he said with the truth hanging between the two of them. “So, you should stop trying to find someone else,” he asked. “It did not work in high school, and will not work now…”

It worked temporarily in high school Liz muttered to herself as she was forced to remember that period in her and now, Liz did not want to believe that only one man could be capable of bringing the passion out in her, and she knew it was the truth. She had too many examples of adequate nights, but something was missing. There was always an element missing…

She now knew it was because they were not Max…

Yet, she was not yet ready to say they could work once more, but for the moment they did not care as she felt her robe coming off, and they fell to the floor.

Taking in each other…
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 27 - 07/05/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz reading old memories......that's dangerous
Yes, Micah has two fathers......
Charlie has gotten attached to Micah.
What in the world will Max and Liz do now????
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 28 - 07/07/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

The next morning,

The Crashdown,

Liz was not ready to make any decisions. Nor was Max asking her to even though it was now hours later, and they were coming back to the reality of their opposing lives. And it was only magnified by the fact that Max had to drag himself once more out of Liz’s bed to go and face his world. And face his daughter as he had to go over to his parent’s home and pick up Micah and treat her to breakfast. Which given his lack of cooking ability? The Crashdown would be calling their names once more. And given how he had left things the day before. Well, he knew a difficult conversation was going to have to be had, and he did not want to face this particular realization for his daughter. When he would rather spend the day with Liz in bed, but he knew he could not. And they both knew Liz could not.

She was going to spend it focus on other pursuits. Alone time. Alone. Which she had gotten so used to over the years. When she was not in New York or traveling. She needed a little of that now but was again reminded how her quest was turning into a pipe dream because as she walked into her parent’s restaurant and saw how Maria was having breakfast with her son. And how Max and Micah were also there, and that they had somehow ended up at the same table.

And now Liz was walking into the restaurant and saw the group in the booth. She had not known this was happening because she had not spoken to Max since he left her bed, and she had not been able to get in touch with her best friend. Seeing the group together. And her seeing Max in his element, it was a reminder that Max was never going to be able to leave this town. Even if he wanted to, and he was not showing any signs of wanting to. And she did not want him to. This is Max’s life, not my life anymore she muttered to herself, but she spotted Micah’s eyes when she was spotted, as the child smiled, and her face lit up, and called out to her, “Liz, come join us?”

Max’s eyes went to Liz even though they had not strayed from them as she had entered the restaurant. The intensity of his stare, oh god “Yes, join us.”

A light moment for Maria as she spotted the two hopeless, she mused to herself. Although she knew it was chiefly her best friend who was causing any delay in an official reunion. Liz, you are a fool for wanting to give up Max she thought. She knew her friend had a career. But careers can be molded. Although I am one to talk, she sighed as just this morning she had called and made the dreaded flight reservations for Sunday.

Charlie had to be back at school on Monday, and she had to be back at work. After giving her understudy the chance to take over for the weekend shows, so, yes, she had to get back to the big city and reclaim her role, and yet she did not feel good about her decision. She still had to figure out how to handle Michael.

And most of that was figuring out how she was going to be telling him about Charlie because she could not leave their town without telling him the truth, and letting whatever fallout fall out into the world because she deserved it by allowing the situation to manifest to the extent it had, and it was not lost on her how messy the fallout could be.

But Max and Liz did not have nearly as many obstacles surrounding them and yet Liz was being stubborn. Even though she could not stay out of bed with her sexy ex. She was resisting the urge to go back to her sexy ex and mold her life around the life they could have together, along with his adorable little girl who did not have any role in any of their drama that they had going when they were sixteen and even eighteen. No, it could be a completely different life she told herself, but she knew she was resisting it because she did not believe she could be happy.

Micah was observing that her father seemed different, even though her five-year-old brain could not put a finger on why. But she connected it to her friend, Liz who had helped her, and even though she and her father had not had more of a talk. Liz had helped her, and therefore, Micah was okay with her father’s friend.

Charlie was trying to get her mother’s attention. And Maria knew that both kids knew more than they the adults had believed they did over their ties. Maria was trying to ignore it, but she knew the discussion was coming. “Mommy,” Charlie muttered as his mother seemed distracted.

And Maria was because Michael was on her brain.

“Daddy,” Micah asked, and his daughter’s words got Max’s attention away from Liz, as he got up and let out a chair, for her to sit down, thank you she said softly.

“You are welcome,” Max said softly and then heard his daughter’s words. “Yes, honey?”

“You were going to tell me something?” Micah asked of her father. “You know about last night?” she asked. “Before I went to Grandpa and Grandma’s?”

“Right,” Max said as his eyes tore away from his own sexy ex, and back on his precious little girl. “I was going to answer your questions. I promised you, did I not?” he asked of his daughter who had started to pester him at his parents’ home. But Max did not want to have the heavy conversation there and felt breakfast at the Crashdown worked.

And it so happened they happened onto Maria as they were arriving. And yes, they all ended up at the same table in the corner of the room. And now Liz had joined the fun.

But it was not fun to be having this discussion with his daughter before she fully could understand what it means but he could not deny she needed to know. And it was not like the children had not already pieced some the pieces together already.

Especially Micah.

Max knew his daughter was smart.

“Honey, yes, it true that you and Charlie are half brother and sister” Max muttered as he looked at Maria who nodded at both kids. Liz was only a spectator in this conversation but felt for both kids, and the two adults. “You have different mothers, but the same father?”

“Not you?” Micah asked.

“No,” Max asked and saw the disappointment in his daughter’s face as he also glanced at the concern look on Liz. “I have custody of you Micah, and you have been my daughter since the day you were born, but no, you are not biologically linked to me?”

Micah nodded. “But you are linked to some other kid?” she asked, and Max looked surprised because he had no idea that Micah was aware of that detour in his life and any potential kid he was destined to have with Liz if only she would follow through on his offer was not even born yet.

Liz felt for her ex. Because his daughter had blindsided him on something he did not know or could not know “Max, sorry about that,” she sighed as she sighed. “Micah heard your father and I discussing it last night before she headed with Phillip to his place” Liz said softly. “Your father and I were casually discussing the past, and it came up…”

“Oh,” Max said naturally it would come up he thought because it was his past. He did not know what to say or could say since he had no idea where his son was, or if he was okay. It was all assumptions at this point. “It’s part of my past, yes, I do have a son out there,” he said to his daughter who stared like she could not believe it. “I am not part of his life. Because he is living with his mother,” he said softly as he looked at Liz who turned away. “It’s a complicated story Micah, and you are too young for me to get into it now, but one day you will know. But I love you and you have been my daughter and nothing that happens will change that, okay?”

“Okay,” Micah muttered but it was clear that Max knew she did not believe in his words because to the child, her biological father was still out there. “And so, yes, you and Charlie share the same father, Maria, right?”

“Right.” Maria muttered. “I did not know of you Micah because I moved away before you were born. I was in a relationship with Charlie’s father, but we broke up before I moved away, and Charlie was born as a result when I was living in New York. The father the both of you share only knew of you Micah, but he got sick before you were born. Right, Max” Maria asked as she moved the conversation right back to Max.

“Right.” Max nodded. “The intention was always for you to live with me Micah,” Max sighed as he looked at the distrust on his daughter’s face. “Your birth mother turned over custody to me, and it is legal and it’s binding.”

“Because my real Daddy did not want me?” Micah asked with a softness that tug on all the adults. “Would he have wanted Charlie?”

Shit both Maria and Max were saying to themselves.

Neither knew what to say.


While the subject of their very conversation was dealing with the results of his recovery, and the side effects of being in a deep coma for five years. The day before, he had not gotten out of his bed, and now he was trying, and finding his legs had seen better days, and he could barely move. Finally, Serena had brought a wheelchair for him to get out of the bed and move around. “So, my miraculous recovery did not extend to my legs?” Michael was asking of his doctor who only laughed at how quick Michael expected it to be.

“It is going to take time?” Serena muttered as she was marvelling at the steady progress Michael had been making since he woke up. As her patient had barely slept the night before but given, he had been sleeping for five years. It was only natural, and so he was little cranky although Serena suspected that Michael came by his crankiness naturally. Especially when it was clear she was not filling him on Maria’s secrets.

Max had not been back as of yet. Although Serena did know he was meeting with his daughter for breakfast before she had to be at school. Then he was planning to come over if he can tear himself away from his ex she thought.

“I do not have time,” Michael muttered.

“I think you have lots of time,” Serena smiled. “You only woke up yesterday so yes, you do not have to rush it. All you have to know that it does not come easily, and it will take time.”

“Unless Max heals me?” Michael asked.

And Serena smiled, and all Michael’s suspicions were confirmed. “Yes, I know all your little secrets,” she said with a degree of honestly that surprised her patient. “You have been asleep a long time, and your friends were desperate to find a way for you to come out of it?”

“But they did not have any luck?” Michael asked.

“Nope,” Serena nodded. “But I came by your secrets, but unfortunately you have been very unique, and we were never able to crack your coma, but I guess you had to wake up on your own?”

“It certainly took me a long time?” Michael asked.

“Yes,” Serena confirmed. “It’s not going to mean you are going to magically be able to do everything when you only woke up only yesterday. So, yes, you will have take your time and that is that the things in your life that you have been taking for granted for being stricken are going to be a little harder for the time being.”

“You were never able to find out why?” Michael asked.

“You are one mystery after another” Serena confirmed.

“And I left my friends in the lurch, right?” Michael asked and Serena nodded. “I would never have wanted to vanish for all these years without a good reason.”

“No one does,” Serena admitted.

“If you know my secrets than you must think I am scum for making Max take in my own child?” Michael asked. “Assuming I was conscious when she was born but given the circumstances. I was not…”

“No, you were not, although I did not come onto your case until after you became unconscious and after of course Micah was born. I have come to know Max over these years, and I doubt Max was forced to do anything he did not want to do” Serena murmured. “I have seen him and his daughter together, and they are wonderful together, and he is a caring father.”

“I am glad,” Michael muttered. “I know what it means to be raised by someone who does not want a kid to be around,” he sighed as he thought of his baggage with Hank. “And I was in no place back then, and who knows if I would be today” he asked as he tried to shake out his legs and found her had sensation and movement, but he just could not put two feet together to keep him upright. “When can I get started on this rehab?”

“As soon as you want to?” Serena murmured as she had no idea whether Michael was going to be able to handle the little discovery about Charlie.

“Then let us get started” Michael muttered.


“Your father is a complicated man Charlie” Max was trying to say to Charlie as he was coming to terms the newest realities in their life. And it was clear to him that his daughter, Micah was listening with one ear but mostly, but she was tuned out. All she knew was that she did not want to leave her Daddy, and Liz could sense that this was not easy for her to hear. Charlie was a little more prepared because he was living with this for a few days. It was all new for the little girl. Even then she knew it was not easy for either kid as they had no idea what it meant. So, she had an offer for the little girl. “Micah, why do we not go upstairs and check out my old bedroom.”

“Can I?” Micah asked.

“Sure,” Liz smiled. “You still have a little bit of time before you have to be at school, right?” she asked as she knew she was causing even more angst for herself by allowing Micah to attach to her, but she could tell the girl was overwhelmed. Micah wanted to know, but she did not want to know at the same time.

And plus, she was only five. It was enough to know who her father was, but to know she was loved by the only father she had known. One day she would know rest. That did that exist within that letter she knew that Yvonne supposedly had written to Max. The child one day would know, but she knew enough… for now.

Max knew his daughter was overwhelmed. “You do not have too; we can shelve this talk to another time?”

“No, it’s fine. Charlie clearly wants to know more, and I am not a party to this,” Liz sighed as Maria could not help but laugh dream on, her friend wanted to say, and Liz knew what her friend was thinking because she was thinking the same.

“Thank you, Liz.”

“No problem,” as Liz got up and took the child by the hand and went through the swinging doors, and Maria was only chuckling as her saw Max’s eyes following his daughter and the woman he clearly still loved.

“Any closer to convincing her to stay?” Maria asked.

“She’s being stubborn,” Max muttered. “She does not believe in what I have to offer or that she can have her career, and still be with me.”

“You think you want that?” Maria asked.

“I want anything to be able to have her in my life,” Max murmured I will put up with anything if it allows her to be with me as they focused then on Charlie. “I understand you have questions?”

“All I want to know is do I want to know my father?” Charlie muttered and Max marvelled again how world both kids were, and truly smart was. Michael was never one for school and spent most of his time avoiding it, but he had a high intelligence, and it was clear both kids were a chip of their father’s block. And Charlie obviously had the added intensity of Maria’s spark. It made a unique combination.


Upstairs, Liz was showing Micah her old apartment. And her old bedroom. Once in her old room, where she had only seen a handful of times since coming back to her hometown. “Are you okay?” she asked of the child who was taking it in, and her eyes went wide at the window that went out onto the balcony, and soon they were out there as Micah took it in. “I know that had to be a lot for you to hear downstairs.”

“I wanted to know but I didn’t either, you know” the five-year-old muttered.

“I know,” Liz muttered as she still found it was remarkable the child was only five and yet it was clear the child had reached her limit. Which was very childlike, she told herself as she had seen the same thing in Charlie. When enough was enough “You are being a big girl about it though because it cannot be easy?”

“I love my Daddy,” Micah muttered as she thought of her Daddy, and her aunt, and especially her grandparents. “And I love my family, and I do not want to lose them.”

“I do not think you have to worry about that,” came Liz with a smile. “They love you, you know, and anyways your grandparents adopted your father and aunt, did you know that?” she asked as she was not sure if Max was that open with his past yet with Micah, and it was clear that Micah was surprised by the revelation and yet she motored on.

“They were?” Micah asked.

“Yes,” Liz nodded. “They were a little older than you are currently when they came to live with your grandparents, so know that you do not have to be biologically linked to a family to be loved,” she said with a smile. “Love comes in all shapes and sizes, and families” she said with a smile. “Your father does love you, and that will not change You just happen to know more about where you come from then most kids, and you will know more as you grow up.”

“Thank you, Liz,” Micah muttered of the nice lady Liz was being to her. It felt right to be with Liz and know how much her Daddy cared for the woman who answered the questions she had and could not ask her Dad. “So, what about you?”

“What about me?” Liz asked as they stood out in the daylight, as she checked her watch and knew it was getting later…

“Do you care about my Daddy?” Micah asked.

“Not this again,” Liz murmured. “I am not going to be hurting your father, if you are worried about that, then do not be, because it will be fine between the two of us.”

“No, not this time” Micah murmured. “It is that I see you with my Daddy, and he wants to be happy but he’s not, and I want him to be happy,” Micah murmured she asked of the man who had given her a home, and tons of love. Max knew how to give a face to people one happiness, but you really had to know him to know how he ticked, and very few people could see the true Max. And she wondered if Micah at only five years old could be one of those people. And she wondered if it was because of the little girl’s special abilities.

“When he’s with you, he’s happy” Liz muttered as she knew she did not need Max’s five-year-old advocating for her father to her, “Whatever happens between the two of us is for us to decide okay?”

“Okay,” Micah murmured as if she wanted to know more but knew when she was not going to get the answers she wanted.

“Let’s get you to school,” Liz muttered as they climbed through the window, and left the room, and walked downstairs and she could not help but notice how immediately Max’s attention swung to her as she was entering the room with his daughter.

Holding Micah’s hand. It seemed so natural to do. She had not been thinking. She had just done it.

But of course, anything to do with Max was automatic. She had not had to think. She just did. Now she was on the cusp of everything she wanted.
If she could only decide on what she wanted?


“Thank you, Mr. Evans,” Charlie Michael Deluca said ever so polite even though the remaining adults at the table at dodged through the question he had posed. He did not even know if he wanted to know the answer. But he had answered it but eventually Max had to get going to get his daughter to school on time. And now they were finishing up as Liz having used the sideway, came into the restaurant with Micah. As always. Max’s eyes went to Liz, and Maria stood amused. As Liz and the little girl walked up.

“I think you can call me Max,” Max said softly. “Your father and I are family,” he said “And regardless of whether you are headed home or not. I am sure we will be seeing you here in Roswell more often, right Maria.”

“Oh, I am sure we will be seeing you,” Maria muttered as she did not specifically answer the question. “One way or another…”

“Right, would you like to come with us” Max smiled as he asked Liz.

Liz only shook her head, “No, I think I will spend some time with Maria and Charlie” she said as the last thing she should be doing was getting more involved with Max or Micah. Max did not say anything more as he took his daughter by the hand and Liz could tell that Micah was happy to hold her father’s hand, and it made Liz sigh even more…

“You are hopeless my friend,” Maria said with a mutter.

“It’s fine Maria,” Liz tried.

“No, it is not,” Maria muttered. “That man worships you,” she commented. “Seven years later, and he wants every bit of what you have to offer,” she asked. “So, when are you going to take his offer up and marry the man?”

“Maria, I wish you would not say things like that” Liz muttered. “Max has not asked me to marry him, and I doubt it will happen” she sighed. “I am leaving…”

“You say that often, but you are still here” Maria asked. “And maybe you will one of these days. But if you do, you will be giving up a lot for a life of loneliness, and a lot of regret one of these days” she allowed because she knew something about it. She might not have a lot of regret about giving up Roswell for life in New York because she had a successful career and her son, but still she had some regrets if only things had been different, she thought but then Michael wanted me, and I walked away she thought. Max wants Liz, and worships her, why give that up to come home at the end of a long day of being in the lab, and be alone, and string along strings of men? she thought. “Look into those eyes and say he does not want you, and your ring on his finger” she said with a smile.

“I still have a lot in my life,” Liz murmured as she focused tried to ignore her friend’s arguments, and whether some of them were valid, and concentrated on her godson. “So, what do you want to do Charlie?”

“I do not know,” Charlie admitted as he looked at the amusement on his mother’s face as she was clearly having fun teasing his aunt.

“Then I think we can think of something,” Maria said as she and Liz worked to keep the boy amused and off thinking about how complicated life was… “And Liz…”

“I am not going to marry Max, Maria” Liz sighed as they walked out of the Crashdown.

“I think I will still start planning the wedding,” Maria laughed as they allowed the next few hours to go without thinking of their personal life.

She was joking. But maybe not? Maria could not be so sure.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 28 - 07/07/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Will Maria be able to leave Michael???
Smart little Micah.....she is aware of Max's detour in life.
The kids had great questions, and deserved answers.
What about Michael's leg problems???
Liz was wise to let Micah know Max and Isabel were adopted!
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 29 - 07/09/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

And they were trying with all their might to spend the next few days ignoring the realities of their love lives. For once during her trip back home. Liz was being successful in staying out of bed with Max. She had largely accomplished this feat by mostly staying away from her rental apartment. While Max’s eyes could not help but go towards it whenever he walked down the hall with his daughter or was alone. And while he did strike up the nerve to knocked once or twice since that day. There was no response. Getting such a response was a reminder to Max that she was not going to always be in that apartment, and he needed to come back to the land of hard knocks and get used to not having her around.

After all, I have been successful in that regard for these last seven years he thought to himself. So, Max spent his free time with Micah when she was not at school or at his parent’s home. And also, in other pursuits as they were both gaining prospective although there was a stray sighting. Mostly at the Crashdown, but they resisted spending time together.

Maria could not help thinking that her friend was a fool. Not that she did not think her friend had a good argument for leaving. She did have a remarkable career that she had carved for herself. It is hard to give it up and come back to such a small town. Roswell had grown over time, but still it was a small town in its heart. But Maria was not thinking that as time went on because she knew she had problems of her own. Michael Maria mused to herself on one of those days that passed by. She had not been to see her ex since he had come out of his coma and their combative first encounter. She still kept up to date on what was going on. Mostly from conversations with Max but mostly Serena. She knew that Michael was going through a form of rehab and was staying at the facility to aide in that recovery.

It was not like he had life outside those walls. Not in five years. Everything about his life was inside those walls.

Twenty-four hours that was all they had before they headed back to New York. And it did seem like Charlie wanted to go because it was normal. New York was his life. Where his friends were. Roswell is not our life she told herself. This was good for a holiday, but it’s time to go home she thought, and her son agreed. Because unlike Liz, Maria felt she had to give up too much if she were to return to this town. Or stay.

Roswell did not have a bustling show business scene. Or theatre scene. Liz could mold her skills to anywhere. Not that Liz is seeing that Maria thought to herself.

But she could not. And she was not ready to give up all she accomplished these years. Still, she shared a son with Michael. Which is something Michael did not know.

But Michael was also complicated.

She could not handle complicated, not now she told herself. She also knew she was lying to herself as she and Charlie walked out of the local movie theatre. They were planning to gather with her mother and Jim for a good-bye dinner that night at the house. And they were amusing themselves because they did not have to do much packing.

“Mommy?” Charlie asked.

“Yes, honey” Maria asked as they walked down the main stretch as they were walking back to the house. After discussing the movie, they had seen. Star Trek yet again she muttered as her son loved the movie back home when it was released in the summer, but because it was playing here in Roswell. Charlie had dragged his mother to it once again Not my thing, but it was to see it with her son because she could ogle the men and back home, he had seen it with his friend. Now, they were discussing it.

While Maria took in the chance to spend time with her son because it would be coming to an end too soon when she was scheduled to return to work.

“Can I see him?” Charlie asked, ever so simply and it stopped Maria in her tracks. Because there was only one him when it was her son who was doing the asking.

“Honey,” Maria muttered oh great she moaned to herself.

“We are leaving tomorrow, right?” Charlie asked as he knew that was the plan. And mostly, he was okay with it. He did miss school and especially his friends. It was close to the beginning of the school year, so he was not missing much, but it was progressing without him, and he wanted to get home.

“Right, we are” Maria acknowledged.

“That means we will not be here anymore. So, I need to see him again” Charlie asked because it was something he did want. Something he could do, to make sense of it. “Or does he not want to see me?” he asked as he stopped and looked up at his mother, as he feared that she might give the answer he did not want.

He does not who you are Maria muttered to herself. She knew all her secrets were coming back to haunt her. How could she honor her son’s request when Michael did not even know Charlie existed? I should have gone there before now and told him. “Honey.”

“You did not tell him,” Charlie asked as he read her mind.

I wish he did not do that Maria muttered as her son’s ability to read the angst in her mind and use that time to ask for something that Maria did not want to do. Usually before this, it was small and mundane stuff.

Now it was something big, and Maria did not know how to handle because her son could read her. “It is not as simple as that…”

“Then what is it?” Charlie asked.

She knew she was scared. She did not know how Michael would react, and she did not want to see the rejection on her face or most importantly on Charlie’s face. She could not help but think of Micah. Living a completely different life now, but once upon a time. Michael had not wanted her, and Max stepped in and had given everything she deserved.

She did not know what Michael’s reaction would be regarding Charlie.

She could not handle that rejection.

Yes, she knew that she could handle it in her chosen career. You need thick skin to make it that world she thought. She knew she was thin skinned with Michael. So much had been exposed at one time. She did not want to be inflicted onto her son.

“I…” Maria sighed.

“Can I see my father?” Charlie asked. He might be only almost seven. But he needed to see his father for himself. Awake… So, that he could go back home and know who his father was, and to know something at least about the man.

“I guess…” Maria muttered as she he did not know how to get through this one as they continued to walk back to her mother’s home.

As she was lost in her thoughts.


Max felt the same. As he and his daughter were spending the afternoon at his parent’s home. Diane Evans was going all out in spoiling both her son and granddaughter. Micah was soaking up the attention, but it was clear to Max that the girl was still feeling the weight of the disclosures about her biology. The girl was only five years old. So, there is much she did not understand.

Max took solace in that. But the girl was intelligent and knew the basics. And she was also becoming needy and clinging to Max, and he could tell a lot was on her mind. Even though she was still the peppy and go getter she always was, as she was talking about how she could not wait until she started her gymnastics lessons. Which was to start on Monday once her schooling was finished for the day. Max knew this because he had spent the morning with Serena at the local mall, getting his daughter fitted for what she needed.

Serena was being his female friend. Who could give him advice and the female prospective because for his daughter’s lifetime he had his sister for that role, but Isabel was not available, so Serena stepped into the role? It was a fun time for the three of them. Serena was slowly transferring over the facility across the street because with Michael was awake. There was nothing to do. So, she was taking more responsibility across the street because she planned to stay in Roswell.

She liked the town. So, getting out and helping Max with Micah had been an adventure. She was even looking for an apartment because she no longer had to stay at the facility, night, and day. She was becoming acclimatized to life in Roswell and become a citizen of the town. She was planning on staying.

Even though Serena knew the female Max wanted on this day was not her, but Liz she thought, and it did not matter to her because they only looked at each other as friends, and nothing more. She had quickly seen that Max had closed off his heart. And it was only now and the last week that she found out why.

On Max’s side. As always, he wanted Liz with him and even had wanted to make the request, but he knew her answer. And so, he did not go forth with the request. Even though he knew she was leaving the next day.

On the same flight with Maria and Charlie. Transferring through New York, on the way to Europe, and back to her life…

She had not told him face to face. He had found out about it from Maria of all people.

Just like when she left before he would always find it out in other methods. Either in letter or from Maria he muttered to himself.

At least she had not left yet he thought as he watched his daughter get a cooking lesson from his mother. Diane was in her glory. Having someone to teach her cooking abilities. They never truly had translated to Isabel.

Isabel, he thought.

She had made the phone call. And Isabel had gone berserk when she found out Michael was awake. How could you wait to tell me? she had cursed on the phone Being hundreds of miles, and oceans away could not stop the power of my sister curse he muttered. He had insisted she stay This is your chance to have a honeymoon of your dreams he answered to her determination on coming back. It is Michael she muttered over the phone but talked it over with her new husband. Kyle was okay with coming back, and she was determined to come back and make sure it was not some hoax.

As a result. She was due back today because of storms and flight delays had kept her and Kyle from getting off the island until now, and he knew they were on the plane as he stood in their parent’s home.

A home that had given him warmth, and a lot of love despite some rocky times when he was growing up, and he was truly happy that he had been able to repair the damage of those months. Because Micah deserved the love of his parents.

She loved her grandparents, and it was clear Phillip and Diane loved their granddaughter.

So, he was thinking of many things as he turned from observing what was going on in the kitchen and turned back to his father in the living room. Phillip Evans was giving him his advice on his legal situation. As they had been talking over Max’s legal situation in regard to Micah. Not that he thought Michael would change their arrangement.

Max did not get that sense. But one never can be too careful.

Because in his conversations with his newly returned friend. They had not talked about Micah at all. Mostly it was Michael pestering Max about what was lifelike outside the walls that cocooned him, or about Maria.

And Max could only laugh at how insistent Michael was to know about Maria because the last time the two were in the same room. They clashed like oil and water.

But that was them…

And that was the attraction.

“Anything you can see Dad?” Max asked as he sat down in a chair near his father as he focused on clarifying his situation. And maybe solidifying it because he loved his daughter. She was his.

“You have custody of Micah. It was approved by her biological mother. Michael signed off on the initial arrangement, but he became sick and unconscious before you could formalize anything,” Phillip was confirming Max’s initial opinion.

The television was on, but neither he nor his father were watching the baseball game on screen. Phillip had been focused on the legal document that his son had brought over for his consideration. “I see nothing that could prevent you from keeping custody of Micah,” Phillip was saying as he read over the document. “Now or in the future.”

“Really?” Max wondered as if that was not his own opinion. But he liked hearing it from someone else.

“You have not heard from Yvonne in these five years?” Phillip asked.

“No,” Max confirmed. “She wrote a letter that Micah apparently found but I have not received any communication since she signed off on the custody arrangement.”

“And Michael?” Phillip as he was still coming to terms with what his son had been telling him over the last number of days about the situation. And what his children held back from his wife and himself. Not that I should be surprised, he told himself. He was not because he had long had to deal with his children’s secretive nature.

Sure, time had softened that nature by Max and Isabel’s willingness to open up, but they had told the truth about everything.

Mostly the laws they had broken. Because they did not want to change their parent’s opinion of them. But they had just said Michael had gone off…

Now Phillip was finding out there was more to the story. Much more.

“He has indicated he does want anything to change,” Max murmured. “But then he’s coming back, and nothing is normal for him” he sighed. “What happens if I were try to solidify my custody of Micah?” he murmured. “More formally than I have now…”

“You mean adoption?” Phillip asked.

“Yes,” Max asked as if it was not as he had not thought of it over the years. I have he thought. But he had no real reason to do it. To make it formal. And especially since Michael had been stuck in the ether, and it would take it court to formalize his ties to Micah. Michael had not signed off anything more custody, and he had not signed the actual papers before his vanishing. Now is a different story he thought.

He had five years of being Micah’s father.

He was not going to lose both Liz and Micah…

“Is it possible?” Max asked.

“Yes,” Phillip murmured. “But you will need to track down Yvonne to get her agreement on such an adoption. And get Michael to sign off this time, and you will have to know what you will doing, and you will be responsible for Micah until she’s eighteen, and even for years after that?” he murmured. “Would you want to do that?”

“I think you the answer to that question,” Max said softly. “And Dad, I know what I will be asking of myself,” Max muttered. “I have had five years with her. She is my daughter. She might not be my blood. But she’s my daughter in every other way, and she is family.”

“Just like you and your sister are that to your mother and me” Phillip murmured. “Yes, Micah is indeed family. But of course, son. If you choose to go down that road. By making it official, you will be activating the authorities to want to check you out, to have their sign off on the adoption and they might have an opinion. Since you are a single male looking to adopt a young girl, and you have no biological ties to her?”

Crap which is why the direct custody arrangement he had struck with Yvonne had worked so well. It had prevented him from going through the legal channels except to use his father to come up with the agreement, and to file it, but now it would be putting a boat load of risk on him, and on his daughter. Did he want to do it? he asked of himself.

He knew the answer.

“Yes,” Max muttered without any preamble.

“Then if want, I can start the process” Phillip murmured as he wanted to do this for his son and his granddaughter. “But of course, to help your situation, if you can track down Yvonne and get her permission for the adoption?” he said. “It will help your situation if you have the parents on record as agreeing to your request.”

Max nodded.

And made a note to track down Yvonne.


She was leaving. Liz knew this. After all, she had flight reservations for tomorrow. From New Mexico to New York, and then New York to Geneva. She would be a day late, but she had gotten permission. She had slightly lied to her boss into getting the greenlight to be delayed. She had used the excuse, family emergency which was an old standby. But it was not something she had to use in many years. And now she had, because she could have left before now, but she was not.

But she would be, tomorrow whether she wanted to or not.

And she was not so sure she wanted to, but she had to. She knew she had to do it. She had to leave. She could not keep in this life anymore. It was not hers. Hers was a life devoted to science and finding new discoveries and breakthroughs. That should be what my life should be about she muttered to herself as she was checking her email. I am good at it. And after tracking her flight one more time to make sure it would be leaving as it was scheduled, before she closed up her laptop.

Getting up.

She went into the bedroom and started to pack. It meant she was actually going to leave. She would tell herself this multiple times so she could believe it.

Getting bored and knowing that she had promised her parents she would come to the restaurant for a dinner with the two of them. She started down towards the lobby, and remembered how different this place was once before, and was reminded how much she was different.

But then one man still had the capacity to take her back in time.

Where this place was the ironic display of who Max had been and was trying to hide. And how they had spent so much time here, and now it was completely different.

And it was foolish to think that you can go back?

So, she had a lot on her mind as she walked downstairs because she was going for a drive before she showed her face to her parents, then she saw Max out of the corner of her eye getting out of the car. “Oh god,” she could not help but mutter out loud and of course her words got noticed.

Max noticed them, as if she could avoid it because she had to bypass his car to get into her own, a rental. A reminder that she was leaving this town before.

“Liz,” Max said. “It’s been a long time?”

“Not really,” Liz said softly. “Only a few days,” she murmured even though they had caught the odd sign of each other during the period that they had not seen each other.

“It seems like a lifetime,” Max said softly. It was definitely a lifetime.

“I was gone seven years; a few days is not anything to write home for” Liz said equally as softly as she felt awkward around him when she knew she should not. Given how intimate they had been just days ago, and now she did not know how to handle him. It was unnerving to her, and she did not know how to approach it.

“With you, it matters” Max said. It always matters “Are you going somewhere?” as he had seen her come out of the complex, and now she had been approaching him.

“For a drive,” Liz said. “Seeing the sights, taking it all in, before I leave tomorrow” she muttered as she needed to get out of her room, and go somewhere, anywhere, and feel the fresh air and now she was doubting those plans because her plans did not mean seeing Max. Because it only meant that she was leaving.

And it was hard to leave when she saw him. Which is why I did not come back after senior year.

“Right,” Max muttered because he did not want the reminders. “So, you finally made those reservations?” Max asked as if it was not a reality that he had been slowly making terms with.

“My departure always had a date of departure,” Liz asked. Albeit one that kept being changed.

“And maybe your return?” Max asked. “Could it have a date too?”

“Max,” Liz sighed please do not do this to me. “Where is Micah?” she asked as she chose to answer his plea and instead pick up on a lifeline that was his precious little girl, who was not around to interfere in them spending time together.

“We were at my parents,” Max muttered as he thought of his daughter, and the decisions he was making that would transform his life. “And now she is with her best friend Candy. It’s Candy’s birthday, and the party is tomorrow but today they are going bowling, and Micah is going with Candy and her family, as she has personally been invited. So, she naturally she is quite excited.”

“Can she bowl?” Liz asked. “Are not the balls not too heavy?” she wondered as she had not gone bowling in many years.

“Kid ones are a godsent,” Max murmured.

“You have taken her bowling?” Liz asked as she could not picture the scene, even if she tried, but she wanted to.

“It helps get out of that excess energy,” Max murmured. “She needs to feel on the go, and she likes the competition, and it’s fun,” Max said as they stood and talked. “She keeps me busy,” he muttered.

“I bet,” Liz sighed as she saw once more the life he had now, one of a devoted father who loved his daughter, and it was quite the contrast to her solitary life. Which is why she had wanted a child to begin with, someone to giver her some meaning to life. Max had that, and she wanted a little of that.

“Would you like some company?” Max wondered. “On your sightseeing mission?” he asked as he had been planning on changing, and then going to visit Michael before heading to the airport to pick his sister and Kyle up, but now, he had no desire to do any of those things. All he wanted to do was spend time with Liz.

“I think that is the last thing we should be doing Max,” Liz asked. “You know what is happening tomorrow?”

“But it is not until tomorrow, so I have time…” Max ventured.

“For what?” Liz asked.

“What do you think?” Max asked. “To convince you come to back to me someday,” he asked softly as he took the hand of his beloved. And Liz knew she should have walked past Max minutes before, and instead she stayed and engaged, and now her stomach was a mess. All fluttering. “I am not asking you to give up your chance at scientific wonderment, but I want you to know I am here waiting for you…” Max murmured with all the meaning in the world.

“Max…” Liz asked softly.

“Do you not think about it?” Max asked.

“Think about what?” Liz asked, and this time she had no idea what he might want to say to her. It could be anything.

“What it could be like?” Max asked. “If we took a chance at each other and won this time?” he wondered. “They took everything from us all those years ago. Sure, we had a chance, and we gave it up because it was too hard. We were young. Too young. I do not blame you for leaving. You needed to take the time to better yourself, yes, I wish you could have stayed here and if we only had taken that chance, but you got away, and you were able to achieve the normal that I took from you. Maybe this is our time. Our chance? We are different people and should not take this chance for granted. Because it is so rare, and if we took it, maybe we could see if we could work this time?”

Oh god Liz murmured to herself.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Mon Jan 24, 2022 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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