Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 (Page 12) - Completed: 07/31/2021

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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 29 - 07/09/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Will Maria ask Liz or Max to go with her if she takes Charlie to see Michael?
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 29 - 07/09/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Of course Charlie wants to see his father. That's only natural.
Max is trying with Liz, how long can she resist??
Great part!
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 30 - 07/11/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Same time,

While Max was putting everything on the line once again and asking Liz to give them a chance. Maria was walking down the hall within the facility. Charlie was playing a game on Serena’ office computer. And probably planning world domination, she could not help but mutter because his son was a pro on the computer. It was unnerving at times. But harmless because he was only six, but a time might come where she might be watching him like a hawk. But Maria was not worrying about that as she could only feel dread as she looked down the hallway. Serena had let them in a short time earlier, and they spent time in the office as Maria found the courage to make the walk that she was taking…

To Michael’s room.

I used to be a lot braver than this Maria told herself. The girl she used to be was always dodging danger on a daily basis because of a boy she loved was different than any other boy her town could offer her. Michael had been someone different. From day one. When he was just a friend of the boy who had been pining after her best friend. From third grade they would learn. Although Maria had not know this except to know Max had always been staring her friend’s way when they were in the Crashdown.

At school Max always blended in. Staying in his corner with Michael and Isabel. Doing their own thing. Doing nothing to bring attention to them. Isabel was able to do her own thing and create an amazing façade that showed a popular girl to the surface, but someone completely different underneath. While her brothers did life their way, and very different as they were left to their devices.

You could usually find Max and Michael together, butting heads but co-existing in this life on similar terms.

Blending in, and just being there. Although Maria could not say she really noticed Michael back then. Abrasive was Michael’s second nature back then. It was hard to be attracted to that. But there was something about Michael when you really got a glimpse of his true nature. She saw that now, especially when it went south with his foster father, Hank she thought. Thank god he’s gone. It was during that time that she had really seen what laid underneath. Despite the gruff her would give to be people.

You did not count out Michael. And as a result. Michael was loyal.

And he would go to the limit if you needed help. That was the Michael that attracted her. The bad boy with a heart.

Max was quiet and studious. The perfect partner for Liz’s need to be in control. Of course, they did not always stay behind those costumes. When they broke out of the labels that were pinned on them. They surprised everyone, and mayhem usually followed.

What else is new Maria now mused. Mayhem always followed.

One look at Michael. When he was his usual self. When he was abrasive, jerkish, and hard to like. But something about those qualities drew her to him when she could have gone different directions. There was side of Michael that was yearning for understanding. It had a lure. It helped that like what Max provided for her friend. Michael was also a mystery man from another planet. Who could so simply get under her skin?

And she had let him.

She did not regret it.

And it took them places. But unlike her friend who was changed when a bullet tore into her. Maria was the same person she had been as a teenager. Just older… She could have walked away I did she remarked. I did not have to let Michael to get to me.

She still did not know why she allowed Michael to get to her. She could blame that she was only fifteen and living in a small town. And something mysterious was happening to their town, and her friend, and she went along for the ride.

And found a love that had changed the fabric of her life.

Yes, she had gone along for the ride and now she stood outside the door hat held the mysterious ex. She did not know why he still made her nervous. She should better than this. I have seven years of barrier around my heart.

But those seven years of wall had been smashed in only seven days since she came back this town. So, she knew she was as fragile as ever. Still though, she opened the door, and saw the man Michael was today.

Who was struggling to regain his life? And it pulled on her heart to see him, so far from the boy who had been so sure of his self. Who had gotten knocked down because of how bad the world can be, but got up, and went on with life, only to be gutted by this newest twist?

As Michael was sitting there at the edge of the bed, trying to take a step. She had known from Serena how Michael was struggling.

She should be waiting yes; I should be waiting she told herself.

But I leave tomorrow, and this cannot wait she thought.

And plus, Charlie is depending on me.

“Are you going to stand there and watch me all day, or are you going to come out of that doorway” came a stubborn brittle voice.

“I did not know if you knew I was here?” Maria muttered as her ex had been staring at the wall, and not at the door. So, she had no idea that he had the ability to see her.

“Then you do not know me” Michael muttered as she swung around and stopped his pursuit to get up from the bed and stayed in the comfort of the soft bed. The room now was less a lab, and more like a room. Max and Serena had moved a television and taken out the lab equipment that had once decorated the room. “I will always be able to sense when I am being watched.”

“You think so?” Maria asked with a smirk.

“Yes, especially when it is you” Michael muttered. “Although you have stayed away…” he had commented as it was not lost on him that the one visitor, he had not been having in recent days has been his former girlfriend.

“It could not be help,” Maria muttered even though I know I could have come she told herself, but she had stayed away because she was a chicken but today, she was not. At least not right now as she walked further into the room. “Are you okay?” she asked as she knew this was awkward between them. She did not want to it to be awkward, but it was, and it made it almost simpler to deal with because of it.

“I wondered if you actually left town?” Michael asked as he did not want to answer the question chose his own diversion from how slow it was to get back to normal. It was always known he was not Max with his little extra healing abilities. Michael had not really come into his own by the time she had left town. Faced with so much baggage. His abilities tended to hide. And only the more destructive, and the easy ones had showed their face by the end. So, while Max could heal, and Isabel could dream walk. But they never did know what Michael specialty was or I did not know because I left.

Because yes, she had left. Yet for Michael, it only meant that the recovery was slower than he would have wanted. Even with Max’s abilities to help. Michael had to do this on her own. Even if Max had miraculously healed him. There was a lot to this world that was new, and he would not know to expect, and so he was taking his time.

Allowing re-entry to be on his terms.

Maria could see that… as she was adjusting to the fact they were talking after so much time. Awkwardly, but talking at least, and not clashing yet. “No, I am still around” Maria muttered. “But I have to leave tomorrow. Work beckons.”

“Are you still in New York?” Michael asked as he fought to remember what he did know of the life that Maria had left him for…

“Yes,” Maria muttered. “I am in a play on Broadway?”

“What happened to that music career?” Michael wondered because he could not remember if he knew this before he muttered.

“Life moves on,” Maria said simply. “I found something else…”

That was not here, and not Roswell Michael mused to himself. “Yes, I guess, it does, even when you are in a coma” Michael muttered as he glanced at his former girlfriend and was quick to access her. And Maria could feel the glare on her, and the assessment and how he had gone to her hand, and how it was still empty. No ring he thought.

“You are awake now?” Maria asked.

“Yes, I am” Michael muttered. “And one of these days life will make sense again?”

“You should not rush it,” Michael muttered. “It will not all comes back at once.”

So, I noticed Michael nodded. “So, you are headed home?”

“Yes,” Maria allowed as she did not know what she and Michael were doing. Dancing around the past. Not saying much of anything. She did not know how to say what she had to say. Or how he would be take it.

“So, is this Charlie waiting for you at home?” Michael asked as his mind went back to a stray comment that Serena had made days before, and since had refused to answer Michael’s persistent questions.

“Yes,” Maria muttered as the mention of Charlie was a reminder of why she was here, and it was not to engage in small talk and talk of the past with her former boyfriend. It was for something more serious, and more life changing for the both of them. She did not know how Michael would handle it given he was waking up a new life. But still, it was a reminder of why she was here, and it was tell the truth. But still for the moment, she was fine with having Michael have the wrong impression of who Charlie was to her. “You can say Charlie is waiting for me at home,” she murmured.

“So, Charlie is your boyfriend?” Michael wondered as if it was finally clicking. It is why no one would tell me.

Maria could stop this. She could allow Michael to believe she was spoken for, and Charlie was her boyfriend, and turn around and leave this room, and pick up her son from Serena’s office and head home to New York because they were not going to revisit the past. Too much had gone down. Too much was different. We cannot be the people we were before she told herself. So, she could be leaving now, and putting them both out of their misery.

But something was preventing from turning and leaving and creative this illusion. She also knew she could not do that to her son…

“Did I say something?” Michael asked.

“You can say that?” Maria whispered.

“Seriously Maria,” Michael muttered as he looked at the woman his ex was today. So different from the barely eighteen-year-old who had left his bed, and this town seven years ago. She was older, and she looked like she had experience a lot, and was successful in her right. She looked content with life. I should be that content he thought.

But he knew he was like a baby.

New in the world. Having to figure out where this life was going to today, and the future. But he was no baby.

He was supposed to be an adult…

“I hope you are happy,” Michael said finishing his thought. “I did want that for you. After all the angst we all went through back then. I could not give you want you wanted, and you found a way to give yourself the world you wanted. I never would have wanted for you to feel like you were stuck here, and you would have been if you had not left…”

Maria nodded. “You cannot say that Michael…” she whispered.

“Why do you mean?” Michael asked.

“I was never stuck here,” Maria murmured. “Maybe I was never Liz. I never was going to the big time and set the world on fire with the discoveries she has been making. We had something unique. And I do not know I would have been that unhappy if I had stayed,” she allowed herself even though she knew she had to get out of this town back then. She needed to know what she could be. Three years of a new danger each day had been to much. But even then, she knew it was not because of Michael that she left she told herself. It was never about Michael.

If Michael had been someone else. Anyone else. Then the one on the edge of discovery. Maybe they could have worked. But too much was unknown. They had been too young. They were never Max and Liz.

Max and Liz if life had not been cruel. They would have been together. They would have been happy. They would be married. And living the idyllic life together. Idyllic was never Michael and me.

We were never about smelling the roses. Maria muttered to herself. We were about clashing and the passion that was unleashed by our fighting…

It was quite the three years Maria told herself.

“Anyways, I hope you are happy” Michael murmured. “Maybe if you come by this neck of the woods sometime, I can meet this, Charlie?”

Shit Maria muttered. She knew she had to stop this. She had to bring the truth out into the open, and life with the carnage that resulted.

She had to tell the truth.

Michael, Charlie is our son she wanted to say. But she did not know how to say it. So, she started to feel out the sentence.

“Michael,” Maria murmured.

“What?” Michael asked. Unsure of what she was going to say because this was new territory to him. Everything was since he woke up, and he had no idea what to do now, because all he knew was the girl, he had loved at one time even though you would never have caught me actually saying the words he thought.

Oh god, Michael muttered to herself. I never say the words he told himself. Or did he? he honestly could not remember if he did.

Of course, back then. Whether he had said the words or not… Does it even matter when she did leave me did, she not? he asked himself.

She left. He had lost her. And lost himself as a result. As he did remember how he was completely lost as a result of her leaving. Once Liz had left Max. They had been the band of misery together, until Max cleaned up his act.

He had not, and as result Max had to clean up…

“Charlie is not my boyfriend” Maria murmured ever so softly. And she did not know if she could even hear herself hear the words, or if Michael could hear them?

But Michael had heard the words, and he was mystified “If he is not your boyfriend, then who is he?” Michael asked your husband he thought even with the absence of a ring maybe for work she has to keep it off, and just did not bring it along on this adventure he asked himself as he worked to make sense of the mystery.

“My son,” Maria said again ever so softly.

Michael took an instant double take, as with those words said and taking over his room. Life changed as she knew it. Instantly the room changed. It got cold. The very fabric became more fraught with meaning. And they were both were rendered speechless. Neither knowing what to say, or what could be said because Maria had not finished her truth, but it was as if Michael could sense the truth without being told.

“How old is this, Charlie?” Michael as gruffness.

For Maria. Any tenderness that had been between them in the previous minutes had now vanished, and in its place existed tension, and the truth. She felt the cold stare of his ex on her, and it was so Michael she muttered to herself. She did not know how to handle but she knew she handled it so she could know whether to expose Charlie to this man.

“Six,” Maria said truthfully. He’s coming up to his birthday. Yes, she thought of her son’s birthday coming up in only a few weeks.

“Which means….” Michael asked, as he could count.

“Yes,” was all Maria could say.

“You were pregnant when you left town?” Michael asked as he did remember their last time he though. When I had the mixed-up notion that it meant something to her, and that it might mean we could move on, and get back together but no…

“It would have been new, but yes, but I would not know for a time after that” Maria said softly. As she knew it would have been the only time because they had split up before Christmas, and nothing had happened until Liz was dealing with the side effects of her healing, and both of them were on the cusp of leaving.

“You knew you were pregnant, and you did not come back to me?” Michael asked.

“Would you want me too?” Maria said automatically because it was a question, she did not know the answer to because she certainly had lived by the assumptions she had made of her situation. And in taking it away from Michael to voice his opinion of what he would have wanted if he had known.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 30 - 07/11/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Mayhem following is the "soup of the day" as it appears.
Michael thought Charlie was the boyfriend, was he ever surprised when he counted down the age.
Bet Liz can't leave Max........
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 31 - 07/13/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Would you have wanted to know? Michael heard as the words were flung at him. In a room of a facility that he was recovery in because of a five-year-old coma because of an illness that had no explanation and still did not, and he could only make out that maybe his system got overloaded by all the reckless behaviors he had been engaging at the time. But he did not know, and Serena and Max were also clueless to explain it, so it was one of life’s great mysteries.

In a life filled with them he told himself. I would not be alive if I was not already a walking mystery. And now he was looking at the woman he had had loved at one time, but he had not said the words to before she had left him. Walking out because she was too young. Both of them. And now to discover she would have been pregnant. Even if it was only new, but still she had not come back when she had known.

And so much might have been eliminated if only he had known.

Would he wanted to know?

He did not know the answer to that. He was thinking as someone newly awake. Although he did remember who he had been when it was six years before, seven years. He had wanted Maria. I picked you did not I? he thought. I picked Earth and said as much into the room. “I picked Earth?” he voiced, and Maria could only shake her head. “What?”

“Even if you picked me and picked earth. Would you have been able to have a kid at our age of 18?” she wanted to know. “Tell me the truth?” she asked as she was transported back to those days when everything was a rush, and nothing was simple. It was never easy. It was always jumble of emotion to get through the day in one piece.

“Are you thinking of how I treated Yvonne?” Michael asked as he thought of his fling that he got pregnant, right before he slipped away. “You are using that to justify your decision to not tell me?”

“No,” Maria muttered. “We all make our decisions based on what we are going through at the time,” she sighed. “I know you, Michael. You wanted me. Yes, you did pick this life. Earth, but you could barely hold your head above water at the time. I was no better,” she allowed. “I left to better myself. To try for my dreams. I did not know about our baby when I left. If I had, I would not have left…”

“Would you not have?” Michael asked a little warily. “And give up on the chance at glory?”

“I would not have done that to you,” Maria allowed as she chose to ignore his snide comment about her choices.

“Still, you would eventually have known, and you knew from the start it was mine and you did not come back even though at the time you left. You knew I wanted you. I wanted a chance with us, so, yes, my life was a hard to handle. Not just being who I am, but the nature of how I was living. But you did not give me the chance. Not even a single month Maria. You knew and you did not even tell me in a letter, or email,” he muttered. “You could have stayed there if you desperately wanted to prove yourself. But you could have told me, in the very least,” he muttered and then could not help but remember how bad it had been for him in those days. “Max and Isabel witnessed how bad I was after you left. I was reckless and stupid because you left me but if you had stayed…”

“What?” Maria muttered as she did not like how he was making sense I could have at least written she thought. If I did not want to call or come back. Still those days was a whirlwind. “What would you have done?” she asked. “Tell me honestly. Could you have handled a baby back then?” she asked. “Heck I was in New York, scraping by after I gave up on the chance of my music contract. It was not coming easy in those days. Somehow, I made it but knowing how you were handling the baggage of Hank, and just trying to exist.”

“I tried to make a life here on Earth because of you” Michael spat as he did not even want to think of how it was with Hank.

“You did not graduate Michael,” Maria muttered.

“I tried dammit, but I cannot help if drama finds me. I was trying to graduate but then Max and Liz pull Utah, and that immediately sets me back, and then I had to find a way to pay the rent to make it through the day because my power and heat kept getting turned off because I could not pull it just on the Crashdown paycheck. All the while trying to be a suitable boyfriend to you, so I could try to pay for some of those dates. So, sure, I know my life was not some dream come true. But I loved you, Maria. I picked you. I at least would have wanted to try…”

“A baby Michael?” Maria muttered. “And you did not pay for most of those dates. I did…”

“You did not give me a choice,” Michael asked. “And does that not prove my point? But still, you did not give a choice…”

“I understand Michael, I am sorry,” Maria muttered as she gave her own apology for how she treated their situation. “But yes, maybe knowing what happened with Yvonne gave me some back up, but I did not know that until I came back to this town last week and found out you got another woman pregnant and did not want the baby…”

“That is unfair,” Michael muttered.

“I know what Max was always planning to do Michael,” Maria muttered. “Your illness was an easy way for him to go through with it, and I see him with Micah, and I know he’s an incredible father, and obviously, he made the right choice, but I know you did not want your daughter. And you forced your friend to clean up your mess…”

“Max chose that, and I told Yvonne to have the baby” Michael muttered as he was remembering more of that time.

“Why, since you did not want to be a father…” Maria muttered. “Why have the baby if you did not want to be a father?”

“I did not want to be a father to Yvonne’s baby. I wanted it to be you…” Michael muttered as he remembered muttering to himself why he did not let Yvonne deal with it given she did not want to be a mother. Nor did she want him, and he did not want her, but something pulled him from agreeing with her decision to do away with the pregnancy. Maybe, I could not do that to my child. To dispose of it even though it was a valid choice, and everyone had a right to make it if they chose too but still Yvonne was not Maria. “It was always you” he spat. “I laughed when Max spent from third grade pining over Liz. Unable to do anything about his unrequited crush on her. And even when they gave each other a chance. I thought it was risky, and he should not be putting us in danger like that, simply for a girl, but Max wanted Liz. And once the shooting occurred. Liz wanted Max. As a result, she came into an unbelievably angsty tale, and she brought you…”

“Yes, she did” Maria muttered. “She brought me.”

“You made me want to go be better,” Michael asked. “I had a lousy childhood. I know that. Hank is a tough pill to swallow. I have baggage. I know that, but I could have left if Max and Isabel had actually left this planet with Tess and Max’s kid,” he said softly. “But I chose you. I stayed even though I had nothing to give you. You were that important to me,” he said. “You are the one who backed away, and left…”

“Because it was too much,” Maria muttered. “Everything was too much. I could not handle it,” she sighed. “I needed a chance to see if I could go for my dreams. And I was a success…”

“To become a success, you kept my kid from me?” Michael spat.

“I am sorry, I was wrong” Maria muttered. “I know that now. I see that in Charlie as he’s growing up. And he is becoming more like you every day. But once he became a reality. I was afraid to come back and tell you the truth. Honestly, Michael. I had no idea what had happened to you. I cut myself off from here. I did not even tell my mother about Charlie until he was born, and then after that, my mother came to visit us in New York. I never came here. If my mother knew. She did not tell me, but then I am told Max and Isabel did the old Tess rouse and said you left town. So, she did not know. It was only when Liz came back here and brought Charlie because of Kyle and Isabel’s wedding. I was scheduled to work, but that got changed at the last minute, so I came back for our son, and for my mother, only to find out the truth about what was going on…”

“You did not give me a chance,” Michael asked. If only I had known, maybe it could be all so different “I know my life was not easy. It was difficult for even me to get through the day. But I loved you…”

“You did not say the words,” Maria muttered.

“Yes, I did” Michael muttered as he was remembering everything the warts and all of their romance. “When we slept together the first time.”

“That is something people say for sex, and they do not always mean it” Maria muttered even though she knew Michael had meant it otherwise he would not have said it. But he did not want to admit that they could have been Max and Liz who were always about I love you.

“I meant them, and you knew it” Michael muttered.

“Yeah, I knew it,” Maria conceded.

“So, we agree on something” Michael asked. “I do not know how I would have been back then. I mean Max was more of a golden boy than I was,” he muttered which is an understatement he thought. “And even I do not know if he could have been able to handle being a father to that kid he was having with Tess” he sighed. “Given there was no love between them. Only resentment, and obligation. Still, though, that had been the plan until he sent Tess off…”

“I know,” Maria muttered as she hated the mere mention of the blonde, who had taken Alex from them. “If you are going to say I am like Tess?”

“Hell no,” Michael muttered. “You are nothing like Tess, even on your worse day” he sighed. “I was not even trying to say that, even though he did not even know what he was going to say he thought. “All I was going to say is that I know we might not have worked out with a baby depending on us. I know what it meant to grow up in an environment that was stressed out, and in one that had anger in it, and I was older when I came to this planet.”

“I know,” Maria muttered. “I am sorry…”

“I just would have liked a chance, that is all” he sighed. “Yvonne was a different story, and I am sorry I got mixed up with her. She was not evil, or bad, but we were no good for each other and using each other for one thing. She would tell you the same thing, I am sure. We only saw one thing and one thing only. Okay, maybe two things. We had a lot of alcohol in common. But one thing was always clear. I never saw my life with her. Unfortunately, a life did come out of our nights…”

“Micah,” Maria sighed as she thought of the little girl who was the light of Max’s life.

“I am sorry for that, and I am sorry for what she might grow up to know,” Michael muttered. “I would never want that for a child. To feel like they were not wanted. I know what that feels because Hank only wanted me around for the monthly checks. Phillip and Diane love Max and Isabel, and gave them everything, but I did not have that, so I know what it means not to have that love and someone to depend on, which is why I am not anxious to change the life my daughter has with Max…”

“Max is a wonderful father…” Maria muttered as she thought of the little, she had seen of Micah and Max together, and knew the child was incredibly lucky and she could tell that Max was a devoted father to a child that he did not even have to accept because they were not linked, and all he was doing was a favor to a friend but she could tell it did not matter to her friend. Micah was special, and well adjusted because Max loved her.

“I know he is,” Michael agreed. “I mean I never have seen them together, but I know the man Max is, and I know he is the role model that one should have. I did not have that, and maybe you were right to take our child away from me because I grew up with Hank and was on my own way too young,” he thought. “I would not want our child to know that kind of resentment” he thought. “Max had Phillip as a role model. I had Hank. I cannot imagine how I would be for a child to look up to, and see me as their father…”

“You would never be Hank” Maria sighed as she flinched at the mere thought because she had not stayed away because she had thought Michael would a terrible father. She had stayed away because she was afraid, he might want to be there for her, and she did not know how they could be capable to being together and having a child.

“You did not come back, did you?” Michael muttered. “You must have thought maybe the apple does not fall far from the tree, because I look at how Nascedo raised Tess to be, and they were not even blood related.”

“God Michael,” Maria muttered as she could see how messed up things were… “It was never the belief you would be a bad parent that kept me away,” she sighed. “I was trying to protect our child, and maybe I went around it in the wrong way, and I am sorry for that, and maybe next time, things will be different…”

“Next time,” Michael chuckled.

“It was a figure of speech,” Maria was quick to say. “I know I screwed things up and I am sorry for that, because no, I have no idea how it would have been if I came back. I only know how it was for me these six years. Fighting tooth and nail to protect our child, and to go for my dreams. And I have made it, and I am not going to regret it because I have been able to give our son something to believe in, although I grant you that Charlie should have known you…”

Michael nodded. Although if I was still destined to sink into the coma, maybe it was a good thing Charlie did not know me.

“Which is why I have to go back,” Maria muttered. “Charlie has to get back to school, as he has already been out too long” she sighed. “And I have a play that I have already skipped out on, and I have to get back to it, otherwise Steven will have my head and he will see me in court.”

“Steven,” Michael asked. “You are on first name basis with your director?” Michael asked.

“It’s how he wants to be, and you are not to be jealous,” Maria murmured with a muttered. “You do not have any right to be…”

“I know,” Michael agreed. “I am not jealous…” he allowed even though he knew he was…

“Yes, you are” Maria commented.

“Can I ask you something?” Michael asked as he did not know how to take the change in the dynamic of their conversation. The ice was gone, but he did not know what had replaced it. Calm, and a break in the clashing.

“What?” Maria sighed.

“How did you choose our son’s name?” Michael asked.

“Charlie,” Maria murmured as she thought of their son “Charles is Alex’s middle name” she said with a sigh that weight on her and for a minute Michael felt it too because both of them knew how much was robbed when Alex was taken from their planet.

“Right,” Michael nodded as he thought of Alex Whitman and it had escaped him what Alex’s middle name had been, but he supposed Maria and Liz would have known given how close they had been to Alex from childhood on. “I guess that is an appropriate name, I guess” he sighed because he did not know what to say.

As a silence crept up and interrupted them.

“Charlie,” came a voice and a word from behind them and Maria whipped around as they had not heard the door open as their talk had taken over all senses and they had been in their own world. And now they were back into reality. “There you are,” came an exasperated Serena. “Sorry,” she saw to Maria who had whipped around to find their son looking at the both of them.

Neither of them knowing how long he had been there nor how much he had heard.


Charlie had gone wandering as soon as Serena was out of sight. She had left the room do deliver some results across the street and knew Charlie would be safe in a locked facility, with passwords galore protecting him and she figured she would only be gone a short time. Which she was, but she got back and found her office empty, and then it was a search for a six-year-old who was too smart and would have known how to get through at least some of the barriers.

True to her worries. Yes, Charlie had managed to get through a few of them, but he stayed within the facility because he had no reason to venture out of it because he was in search for someone he had been denied knowing. Before it was too late, he wanted to seek out this person, so he was making it a search, and he had found the room he had been looking for not long after his search had begun. After all Charlie had also wanted to find his mother and little did he know that he would be finding his parents shouting at each other.

About him.

And about his half sister, Micah who he would learn his father had not wanted. And allowed Micah’s Dad to step in and raise.

And his Dad was pissed that his Mommy did not tell him about him Charlie muttered to himself. And now he had been discovered.

“How much did you hear?” Maria asking as he turned and spotted her son. An eerily facsimile of the man standing there, stupefied. Which is a fun expression to see on Michael she thought. Because he looked like the ringer of the Michael had been once upon a time.

“Enough,” Charlie muttered.

A child of New York Maria thought. As it was unnerving to know her son at six was way more grown up than she probably was at the age. Given she had grown up in a small town, and with a hippie mother, and protected in the cocoon of this town while her son was growing in New York. A different life. “Honey…”

“It’s okay Mommy,” Charlie muttered.

“Sorry again Maria,” Serena sighed. “I had to step out for a minute, and I thought he was playing computer games in my office, and by the time I was back, well, he was gone.”

“I know the feeling,” Maria thought of her son’s knack of getting in mischief. “Although you should honey mine your elders,” she said. “I trusted Serena to look out for you.”

“It’s not like I can get out,” Charlie muttered. “Or anyone in for that matter,” he thought. “You know all the barriers, that are so awesome and cool.” he said softly as he knew he probably could get through some of them. But he knew he would not be able to get through all of them. And plus, he had wanted to stay, for this moment.

To see his Dad. But now, he did not know for sure whether he wanted to meet him or not. To meet the actual man now that he was awake.

My son Maria thought and his funny sense of humor… “It’s alright Serena,” she said as she focused on Serena and then checked her watch. “Time has obviously gotten away from us,” she said softly. “Honey,” she sighed as she focused on her son and forgot for a moment, her child’s father.

“Yeah,” Charlie asked.

“Michael,” Maria said as she turned and saw that Michael was acting like he was seeing a ghost. She supposed he was because their son was such a mini replica of him when he was a kid. With touches of her of course, but he was all Michael, for good and for bad she mused. “This is Charlie,” she said softly. “Charles Michael Deluca?”

Surprised to know she had given Charlie his name, but not his last name what do you expect he thought. She did not tell you. Did not tell anyone.

“You are my father?” Charlie asked bravely to Michael.

“Apparently,” Michael asked as he glanced over to Maria, and so did to Maria. And she nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, Charlie.”

“Yes, it is” came the six-year-old. “Now that you are awake?” he said of the man who was his father. Someone who was a mystery to him. As both were assessing each other, and the two women knew this and found it funny.

If not heartbreaking for Maria to know so much could have been avoided for both Michael and their son if only, she had been honest. She did not blame Michael. She blamed herself for wanting their breakup to be final in the first place. She was the one who broke them up when Billy came to town, and it was a showcase of how things could have been if she had not been sucked into the alien chaos in the wake of the shooting.

They had lost so much. She had watched her friend change from the girl she had been at one time. She saw her friend seduced into a life. So, had her. But she saw the danger and experienced her fair share of it. And then the topper had been Utah. And still, she loved Michael he had stayed on this Earth because of me she thought. Although they would find out there was a caveat to that departure when they learned the truth of why Tess had wanted to leave. But there was a significance in Michael picking her…

For so long Michael had wanted off the planet, and now he was choosing to stay, and he wanted them. She remembered in the weeks before that, when he had been a model boyfriend after they lost Alex. Staying on the Earth and having to make a life on it became his mission, and he was trying, and she knew it.

But the reality of it crashed into her, she knew now. Before that, they always existed with the idea that Michael had one foot off the planet. It was exciting to be like that, and to know it could all end tomorrow. But the reality of picking her had come down on them, as Michael came to realization that he had to mold a future now on this planet. After not living for a future.

So, Billy coming to town and making her see that it was possible to go for your dreams. And now have to fear that you someone you loved might die because of some enemy of some pothole they might fall into? It was needed. And so, she ended it with Michael.

But because who they were, and their chemistry and their passion for each other. They could not stay apart. And they felt the push and pull of them for the next few months despite her attempts to stay away. Until finally, she left.

But they had created Charlie before she left.

And now their son was growing up, and meeting Michael, and assessing each other and she did not know what was going to happen now…


While Max and Liz knew none of this. As they had gone their separate ways. Although they had spent a leisurely drive together as they went through some of their favorite haunts and taken a drive. And they had found themselves along the old highway, which had ended in an ambulance drive once upon a time. But this time it did not. Instead, it led to a time they could spend together. Liz was not sure how to take it. She had wanted to it alone, and then she was in the car with the man she would be leaving the following day, when she left this town.

Once again.

But this time knowing she was leaving. And it was unlikely she was going to come back. Despite Max’s attempts along the way on their drive to try to give them a chance. That he was not asking her to give up Europe. But to know she could go home again.

She was trying to ignore that idea. She wanted to be able to concentrate on her breakthroughs. And not think of Roswell. But she suspected once she did leave. She would be forever changed, once again she thought. Every part of her wanted to take the chance that they were denied back in high school. But it was too much. She did not want that for her, and she did not want that for Max.

To wait, and so after their drive. They had gone their different ways and now she was sitting in the Crashdown having a good-bye meal with her parents. Honoring her parent’s request to spend some time before they left. They were upstairs, although for the moment. Her father had gone down because of some crisis in the kitchen, and now she was sitting up in table in their family apartment. Sharing a drink with her mother. And taking in her family apartment once more. This had been her home since she had been a child when they took over the Crashdown, and moved in, over the place that was her father’s dream.

And had given her a job, and skills and gave her the boy that would still haunt her even years after their officially ended. Nancy could see how her daughter was preoccupied and her mind was elsewhere. “Honey, are you happy?”

The simple question snapped her daughter back as Liz heard it and sighed. “Mom…”

“I see you are obviously elsewhere?” Nancy asked as she sensed her daughter was thinking of more than the end of her vacation the next day, and how she was starting a new job, and relocating to a new place in Europe.

“I am fine,” Liz tried saying but she knew she was not selling it with ease.

“Are you?” Nancy asked. “You are leaving tomorrow, right?”

“Yes,” Liz muttered. “I have my flight scheduled, and I am leaving so if you or Dad think you can stop me?” she asked even though knew that statement was ludicrous because her parents would never stop her, because they loved her…

Nancy said as much. “Why would we stop you?” Nancy asked as she glanced at her daughter. “Your father and I want you to be chasing your dreams. Even if they are on another continent, and million of miles away from us and your home.”

“My home is wherever the job is, or whoever is playing my paycheck” Liz muttered even though she did not sound like she believed it.

“This will always be your home,” Nancy muttered. “We love you.”

“I know Mom, and I love you and Dad” Liz sighed. “And I am sorry that I do not get back here enough…”

“Or at all,” Nancy commented. “Before this last week. And we know it was not about us, why you came…”

“Of course, it is,” Liz mused.

“Honey, you should not kid yourself. We know you came for other purposes,” Nancy asked with a smile. “And I am good with that because I want you to be happy. And your father and I are happy to be able to see you anyway we can…”

“I came back for the wedding, but it was also to see you” Liz said. “I am just sorry I was not able to see you more while I was here…”

“Which is why I am asking, are you sure you want to go tomorrow?” Nancy asked. “Because it seems to be that you have a chance honey. And that you might be missing out on something if you do leave…”

“Mom, my life is not here anymore” Liz said softly.

“Maybe it should be,” Nancy asked as she was finally addressing the elephant in the room. “I have seen you with Max honey, and I am afraid that you are potentially going to cause your even more hurt if you leave…” she asked. “Why would you want to do that to yourself?”

Oh, Mom Liz said.

That thought had not escape her either… Which is why she was determined to leave. She knew she had a chance of a lifetime in Geneva Why would I give it up? she asked herself. For a guy?

An incredible guy she corrected, and mind-blowing sex she thought. How could she cut that off she thought to go back to those days where it was normal yes, but it was boring, and she was gone the next morning or even before the night way out.

Max was something amazing. A chance of a lifetime.

And she was blowing it, and she knew it. But she could not see stopping herself from leaving.

If I am hurt, she mused to herself. It cannot be as bad as it has been these seven years? she wondered to herself. Why end the pain now?

Should she not want the man who was offering her happiness, and companionship and a chance to right a wrong that was done to them.

So, her mind was in turmoil.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 31 - 07/13/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Question, what would have Michael really done if he had know??
"next time" that's interesting
Charlie overheard everything.....
Of course Liz is in turmoil.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 31 - 07/13/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Travel arrangements are made...but will the girls actually leave?
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 32 - 07/15/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Why am I so determined to go back to my life? Liz was asking herself not long after that as Nancy had gone downstairs to help her father close up. Now that the restaurant was closed for the night. She did not know if she liked that she now had her mother on Max’s team, and she was pretty sure her father would also be a member if given the choice. She was not used to being against her parents on the subject of Max.

Not that she had any reason to be for these last years. But for the months prior to her departure. The last thing her parents would have wanted was for her to be with Max. And they probably would have pitched a fit if she had settled down with Max as she was on track to do before everything snowballed towards their ultimate dissolution.

So, for her mother to wonder why she was giving up on a chance with Max.

While it was good to know that her parents actually were looking at Max with positivity compared to how it was. Still though, she wished somehow that her parents could see it from her point of view.

What was her point of her, huh Liz, come on, tell the truth she thought because this was how she was when I was young? I would run she thought.

Claiming it was all too much for her. In the beginning it genuinely was. Who could blame me for not being overwhelmed she muttered to herself? Coming into this world she thought. So foreign and so different from the life she had lived before the shooting. And that first year. Everything was whirlwind, and she needed time. Florida had given it to her, and then some.

Perspective certainly. And she tried to live by that motto that she should not give up on her dreams for a guy. But once home, she had slowly gotten drawn in because she had known. She could help out. And not feel herself drawn back to Max. That was a lie she told herself. She was being the drawn back to him. Especially as Max was so determined to go against what the elders of his planets had deemed appropriate for the King of their land.

He wanted Liz.

He wanted me she thought. He still does. But they were once too young for all this. They were only teenagers even though there was an old soul that lived in the alien hybrids. Part of their former selves existed in them. Which is why Nascedo raised Tess to want Max, and to abide by what the original planet desired.

She ended up throwing a bomb on what Max wanted and changing his life. Sending everyone into a different timeline. One with hurt, and death, and the loss of someone dear to them. She thought she was doing it for the greater good. To keep Michael and Isabel alive. It worked, but it cost her the boy she loved.

Even though he never lost his love for her. Still, consequences for what she did with Future Max would be dealt, and they were forever changed because of that. They would try to pick up the pieces, but they were forever changed because of it.

And they were never the same.

So, she had run to boarding school. To regain her normal. Or at least to see if she could. It had worked, and she went from there. She did not come back because she knew it was going to be like Florida. She would come home, and take one look at Max. And forego the plans for her life and sink into a life with him. A desirable life, and she could see now that they would have been compatible.

But she was now older, wiser, right?

Yeah, right Liz thought now. Coming back in never the answer she thought. Which is why she had now, and seen how it was transforming her, and she had to get out before she did something she would regret.

Or was it too late. And could she regret a life with Max?

As she walked into her childhood bedroom one more time and seen the girl who she had been at time, and now was so different from. During her dinner, her father said if she really were planning on leaving than she should tell them what they could pack up, because she was never going come back and live here.

So, now she walked around and saw the dreams she one had. Posters still on a wall. Books in the bookshelf. Of science, but also of aliens, she saw the wall her diary had been on once before, my journal she corrected herself as she thought of the book back in the safe back in the room, she would be vacating the following day.

She did not know if she would be taking it with her or burning for it. Although the adventures in that book had three years of memories in them…She pushed open the window and walked out on her roof. And remembered the recent time she had been with Max on this part of her parent’s property. The night was turning cooler, and it was as if the glow of the past week was over. It was late September, time was flying, and she was knowing it was time to say goodbye to this part of her life.

“You cannot help it, can you?” came a voice and she twisted and saw someone by the edge, where the ladder was.

“And how about you?” Liz asked as she turned and saw the man of her dreams, and then some. “I have a reason to be here?”

“Do you?” Max asked as he made his presence one last time. He did not have much time before he had to leave for the airport to pick up his sister and Kyle. But he could not stay away, especially knowing she would be downstairs. As Micah was spending the night at Candy’s because of the party being the next day and the girls wanted a slumber party, and it would save the time for Max, so he was not about to say No.

But he thought he would be alone. As he figured she would still be with her parents. At least he figured it would give him time to adjust to be back to how it had been before she came back to town.

But nope, she was here, and it was going to be hopeless to begin to get over her.

As if it was that was ever a possibility.

“It’s my roof,” Liz said softly.

“It’s our roof” Max said softly as he had not expected her to be coming out after all he suspected that he would alone. Which was fine. He could ruminate about the events of this roof, and remember fondly, but now she was here, his dream girl. “I figured you would be inside with your parents?”

“I was, but they had to close up” Liz asked as she chose to ignore the fact that he said that this was their place it was she thought the memories are intense. “And I thought you would be heading to airport to pick your sister up?” he asked of the reality that Max was facing in the knowledge Michael was back in this world. Max would have different priorities, which is why I should leave she told herself.

“Flight does not get into late tonight,” Max said. “Delay out of San Francisco”

“Oh,” Liz murmured.

“So, you are really going to do it?” Max asked. “Leave?”

“Yes,” Liz said softly. “I was just in my room, thinking of what I want to pack up and have transferred overseas to where I will be for the foreseeable future…” she thought as she knew this new project of hers was a pretty big deal, and would be taking up a lot of her time once she actually did make it to Geneva. I will need the diversion she thought. Given that she knew what she was giving up here.

“You really want to close down your room?” Max asked as he did not know how to deal with the idea that he would not be able to come here, and look into the room, and see the girl he had loved in high school. Or her room at least he thought. It had been a life saving for him over these years.

“We cannot exist in the past forever, can we?” Liz asked. “Our childhoods only last so long”

“Why not?” Max asked. “The past was special…”

“Yes, it was, but we eventually grow up and move on” Liz asked as she looked around the roof, and into the room that that had been her home until senior year. “This is not my home anymore. Even if I were not leaving town tomorrow, this place will never be my home again. It will only be someplace I visit from time to time. I will have my own place…” she sighed. “My parents do not need to keep it as a tomb of the past…”

“I guess we do grow up,” Max allowed with a sigh. Still, he was not happy to know she was packing up some of those memories and moving them elsewhere, and it would be an empty shell of a room, even if she will never be able to pack up this roof. So, the memories will continue…

“Yes, we do” Liz agreed. “You are a father…” she sighed as she thought of how far they had come in the last seven years. Sure, the last week had a lot of fun, and some intense passion to go along with it, but still, they were no longer eighteen. Max needed to think of Micah, and she needed to think of her future, the one on the tip of her finger if she chose to take it.

“Yes, I am” Max said as he thought of his daughter. “You might want to know. But I am working on the premise of adopting Micah, and making her my daughter, officially?” he said of the decision he was in the process of making.

“You are?” Liz asked clearly surprised, even though she did not know. He is her father in every other way so it should not surprise me she asked, but it did.

“Micah is clearly worried about losing me,” Max murmured. “And I do not want to lose her either, and while yes, the agreement I have with Yvonne is binding until she turns 18. When she can decide whether she wants to know her birth mother. It was never something I thought of because I was thinking of it as temporary to see if Michael would eventually change her mind. But then of course Michael’s illness changed it all for the both of us, but now that he is awake, and it’s leading me to want to make our ties permanent.”

“Good for you,” Liz said. “You will be an amazing father” she said. “And I know that because I already know you are one…”
Max nodded.

“So, what does it mean?” Liz asked. “If you are going to be taking this step?”

“It means I have to start the process and if I want to do it, then I have to get Micah’s biological parents’ permission, both of them” Max said softly. “And go through the system which will of course have its own set of challenges, because of the flags it might bring up for us, but I have to do it. For Micah and for me. I love being her father. It’s one thing that brings purpose to my life. And now that Michael is awake,” he said and knowing you are leaving me he muttered to himself. “As you said, it’s time to move on with our lives.”

“I would not think that Michael will have an issue?” Liz asked.

“Me either, but it means I have to also get Yvonne on board” Max muttered. “I have not seen her in five years, so I do not know what that will bring into my life…” he allowed. “But before I deal with that, I have to find her…”

“Has she not come back in all this time,” Liz asked and acknowledged Max’s shake of his head. “If she has not come back than you will not have to worry about her changing her mind” Liz asked.

“She is her mother,” Max muttered. “Until the adoption is finalized, there is always that worry. And the courts will always take biology in the debate over what is best for a growing child,” he sighed. “I might have had her in my life these last five years, but we are not blood” he muttered. “To them, I am only her foster father,” he murmured. “We just did not go through the system in the first place, and they might have an issue with that…” he though of the decision to circumvent the system in the beginning. I paid Yvonne off, but I never registered Micah with the system, or did it formally. I did not want to be accused of doing what Hank was doing with Michael. Keeping him around for the monthly checks. No,” Max thought. It was never about the money he allowed to himself. I wanted to help my friend, and in the end, I fell in love with his child.

“But you love each other, and you have done everything you can for that child” Liz murmured. “I cannot see how a judge would consider anything else when considering your application?” she muttered. “Have you asked your father?”

“Yes,” Max nodded. “He’s drawing up the papers as we speak,” he murmured. “He says I have a good shot, but until I hear it from the judge, I will always have my doubts” he sighed. “And he did warn me that I could be opening myself to a lot of red flags since it does have to go through the authorities.”

“Oh, Max” Liz whispered as she knew just what kind of worries, he might be having, and her heart tugged even more. “You are not really that worried, are you?”

“I do like putting my fate into the hands of the authorities, because you never know and especially with Micah to consider” Max wondered. “She’s a blank slate, and there is so much that is unknown,” he thought of how much they did not know of the little girl. “And if it goes against us?”

“As with any kid I suppose?” Liz said softly.

“I want to protect her,” Max murmured. “Which is why I am doing this, but it opens up a lot of unknowns…”

“I am sure you will not have to worry,” Liz asked.

“I hope not,” Max said softly. “Although Dad has already warned me that being single is not the greatest thing for my application…”

It is to me Liz thought as she would shudder to know that he was with any else. But she knew that was only her, and she knew not many single men would move to adopt. She tried to shrug the sensation of ownership towards Max. I do not own him she thought. Just like I did not when we were teenagers, even though it had hurt deeply to see him get involved with someone else once she had pushed him away.

Of course, it could have been the someone he did get involved but she suspected if it had someone nameless in their little drama. She still would not like it.

As she had told herself, she would have been caught dead in Roswell if it was Max having gotten married. She would have stayed in Europe. Or New York. She would be nowhere close to Roswell.

Max could see the conflict in his ex and detected just a little jealousy and he liked the sensation. To think that he could move on Of course he would never do such a thing. No other female could capture what Liz gives me, or even if she only lives in my dreams. I rather be celibate, but she knew he was rejecting providing Micah something she needed a female support system she thought. Which is why he suspected his daughter had attached herself to Liz in their interaction this past week. “Do you have anything to say?”

“What would I say if I did?” Liz asked.

“The idea of my being not married, and how a judge would see that?” Max asked softly as he knew he was provoking his ex to get something, some kind of reaction out of her.

“I am not a lawyer,” Liz said with a smile. Just a scientist. “So, I cannot say I know the system. I know it has its issues. I see how you and Isabel were lucky when you found your parents. And then we both know what Michael had to face, which is the complete opposite of how things went for you and your sister so, I cannot claim to know,” she murmured. “But I would think any judge will see that you love your daughter,” Liz murmured. “She’s yours. Yvonne and Michael might be her birth parents, but you have loved her, and raised her from the day she was born, and I cannot think the judge will look at any other factors.”

“I hope so,” Max murmured.

“Although at the end of the day. All I want is happiness for you Max,” Liz murmured. “I might be leaving tomorrow, but that does not change that I can see that Micah gives you happiness, and I want that for you, and I happy for both of you…” she smiled. “And if one day, you find that perfect person for you. I am sure you and Micah will be happy.”

“Thank you,” Max murmured. “Although I doubt that I will find that perfect woman,” he sighed. “Or marry anyone,” he murmured. “Especially since I have already found my perfect woman. The woman who I would want to marry me, but who does not want me?” he said softly and mostly offhanded. As he had just blurted it out and did not really think of what he had just said until it was said and had registered.

“Excuse me?” Liz asked.

“It’s me being honest, for a change” Max murmured. “You are the only woman period who I would I want to be my wife, and you do not to be with me… or be my wife?”

“Whatever gave you that idea?” Liz asked. “And when was marriage even an option for us?” she asked even though she knew it was a lie because she knew marriage was likely their ultimate end point if she had only come back to Roswell after boarding school or had not gone in the first place she thought. And yet she did not know. How would I know he would have not left me one day? she thought. Sure, he stuck around in the first place after Tess left, but he was planning on leaving in the first place?

“You left me seven years ago?” Max muttered. “I told you that I wanted to give you a ring when we graduated?”

Liz only could shake her head at those memories “At that time, you were one foot off the planet, because you were with someone else” Liz muttered. “Who you had gotten pregnant,” she muttered, and Max flinched at the memories and both of them knew they were still too close to the surface for both of them. They might not have been together at the end but still time does not always take away all the bad memories.

“Still, it was the truth, and it was my dream” Max muttered. “I would never have been with Tess if…” he uttered even though he knew it was still so deeply personal for both of them. He owned what he did but still it did not make it any easier to know that if she had not pushed him away, than he might not have screwed up his future with her, so royally.

“If I had not pushed you, I know” Liz muttered as flashes of that time popped into her brain as if it replayed the most painful hits why cannot I let this go. It’s over. What is done is done and cannot be fixed. As it was her burden to deal with. “By doing what I did, I pushed you at Tess and I got Alex killed…”
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 32 - 07/15/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I've never thought of Max as the "foster" dad......he is Micah's father in every way.
Well, at last the TESS situation is on the table. It's about time both Max and Liz faced that.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 32 - 07/15/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Still waiting....will they stay...or...will they go?
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