Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 (Page 12) - Completed: 07/31/2021

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Baby, It's You - Chapter 33 - 07/18/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

The words hung in the air. With them both not knowing how to respond because they both knew that she had not gotten Alex killed. It was Tess. Tess had been the one who had driven Alex to his death. She might not have been driving the vehicle although we do not how the accident truly happened if Alex was already dead. Yes, Alex had already been dead, and the wreck had not been the cause of his death. It was something that was caused by a villainous blonde who had pushed his mind so far, far from any sanity, all in the quest to decode the book that they had been sent with, and he could not handle it anymore. Mind warped too far. All Alex had wanted to do was to help. But Tess had taken that goodness, and in the end had taken him from them. And in the aftermath. Tess used a car accident as cause of death. Using an unwilling and a clearly mind warped Kyle to assist.

An event that would forever change their group.

“Do you really think that you are to blame?” Max wondered. “Because Liz, that is so far from the truth. You are not responsible for what happed to Alex,” he asked as he was forced to remember that time in their lives once again. Although the memories were not far from his mind because of his own actions that paid the price, with consequences that had not been fully met yet since he had yet to meet his son. “Tess is the one, and the only one…”

“Not really,” Liz muttered but she stopped. “Okay, maybe sometimes when I am at my lowest, when I have am drinking too much alcohol. I will ruminate about it. Knowing that it was my actions as much as yours that contributed to it,” she thought back to junior and even senior year. When it was easy to blame Max for succumbing to Tess’s advances. “It was easy to blame you for going there, sleeping with Tess” she sighed even though she did not like any memory of that time.

“I would not have done it if I were not so weak,” Max muttered as he was ruminating over his greatest regret. I was so weak “Alex was dead. We all were dealing with a lot. You and Maria were mourning a lost friend. At the same time Tess was getting into my head, and I was activating my memories from old planet. It was a toxic mix,” he thought. “It was a mix that did not go over well because I was feeling my own burden of that time, and I am sorry for it because if I only had not gone there…”

“How so?” Liz asked as if she did not know.

“I was the de facto leader of our group, and someone was dead” Max muttered. “It was all my fault.”

“You are not to blame Max” Liz sighed. “You were telling me that I was not to blame, and that is true, and if it was true for me, it is for you because no one other than Tess is to blame. But then it was me who brought Alex to the group. I told him the truth, your secret and he ended up dead. If I had just let him walk away. Let him continue to be fed up with my inability to be honest with him, and my lies, maybe he would have still be alive.”

“It was my secret not yours, so you are not to blame,” Max murmured. “I put the pressure on you to keep it at the expense of your friendships. You deserved to have someone who could help you. We saw that with Maria. She was invaluable for us, and so I do not blame you for allowing him to come in. As you were telling him, Isabel was in my ear telling me we should tell him. You just beat us to it. It was probably better coming from you because you were a friend. In the end we knew more because Alex helped, and we needed that help because some of those scrapes, we could not have got out of without his help. I only wish Tess had not happened or had not taken Alex’s willingness to help…” he sighed. “At least we should have seen what she had been up to before it was too late…”

“It was not my secret,” Liz thought.

“Right, but I brought you into a world that was beginning to grow in ways we could not have imagined on that day when I saved your life. You were in my world because I brought you in” Max thought. “You wanted answers and I gave them to you, and I let you into a world that even I did not have any idea of, and we managed to find ourselves in one adventure after another. You deserved to be able to have the support that I could not give you because I was dealing with the weight of all we were finding. It was good for a time, but soon it became too much, even for me, so I do not blame you for leaving” he thought of that time. “I wish you had stayed but I understood. Because I did not know what I was starting by saving your life on that day. All I wanted was for you to live Liz. I needed you to live. I had been pining for you since third grade. From afar, in my little corner, all the while you were working in your father’s restaurant or in Biology class or in any of our classes. I was not thinking I had a chance. And then you were dying, and I could not let you die. I had to help you. I just had no idea what I was starting by just a simple act of jumping in that day…”

“And I thank you” Liz murmured. “If you had not. I would be dead.”

“With that act, I changed your life,” Max muttered. “But I could not have let you die,” he said with all honestly as he picked up her hand, and they could not stop but stare into your eyes. “Not you. Yet I brought you along on an adventure, and I found myself dreaming of how it could be…”

“We both did,” Liz said, and I have managed to achieve a few of them, but one is very lacking “You have not done too bad,” she sighed. “You get to have your family, and to have Micah…” she sighed. “You are settled, and you have used your money for a good cause.”

“Although what good will it be when Michael is officially back on his feet?” Max muttered. “And has no use for the building. Once that happened. All I will have is a huge empty building doing nothing but collecting dust.”

“You can do something with it you know” Liz said softly. “I am sure you; Isabel and Michael will come up with something to use it. Maybe Serena has some ideas?”

“Which is why I need you?” Max confessed. “I need you, all of you, and most of all I need your brain…”

“Huh?” Liz asked she did not know if she were following Max in his train of thinking because he was all over the place and the little, she could hardly make it out, and from the little she could, it was the complete opposite of what was on her agenda for today, tomorrow and for her life in general. What else is new.

“My dream has always been you” Max whispered. “From that day when I saw you on the playground, you were the one who made it possible to get through the days. You gave me a chance. You made me want to believe in us, and I am sorry we screwed it up, even back then, as I told you, one day I wanted to give you a ring, my ring” he whispered. “I wanted you to be my wife, and I still want that. I want you to be my wife. A mother figure for Micah, and you to be here with me, and to work in this facility. Transform it to your vision,” Max muttered. “It would be completely yours to do what you want. Because Isabel and Michael will not care.”

“Max…” Liz asked blown away and knew that Max had to be just free thinking and not thinking it really as a possibility because it was not. This is not my life she thought. Once again, she muttered herself as she was trying to hang onto her resolve. “You know,” she murmured without finishing your sentence….

“I know, I know,” Max muttered. “I am not expecting you to say anything because I know it’s not feasible. I am talking crazy. Therefore, all it is, is my dream. It might not be your dream, and it probably is not but it’s mine, and just like I dreamt it for years that you would give me just an ounce of my dream. I can stay here, and hope one day you will give me everything…”

Oh god Liz whispered. How do I give this up?


Maria was wondering that too as she watched as father and son got used to each other. Under the cloud that Charlie was six years old and getting older with each day and was not a simple baby who was meeting his father for the first time. Obviously, her son was going through a lot of emotions and her heart pulled for the boy because this was her doing. She did not tell Michael, and give him the option of being there, and of course he had been gone for the last five years but who knows what could have been avoided if he only knew.

No one knew.

She knew she had to get her son out of here. As he had experienced too much and still, she could not utter the words because of what she had denied Michael in the beginning, the knowledge of their son. So, she listened as Charlie updated his fathers on the pop culture of their current life.

Michael could not believe they had rebooted the Star Trek franchise with a young Kirk and gang, as Charlie talked about the movie, he had seen yet again but the first time with his mother. And he was gushing about the experience, and about the movie.

Five years Michael mused as he looked at how grown-up Charlie was at six and remembered this was the age that he showed up on this planet, with Max and Isabel. So new to the land, and unable to handle the changes.

And he could almost think he was going through the same thing once again by the simple act of waking up. “What were they thinking?” Michael asked, and Charlie just laughed.

“Money,” Maria said softly. She knew too much of show business and money talks, and the power that cannot help but keep the properties they controlled going decade after decade or generation after generation.

“I bet,” Michael muttered. “That it must have been fun to watch.”

“Charlie likes them,” Maria murmured as she checked her watch and winced at the time. “Honey, it’s time we get going.”

“Oh, Mom” Charlie asked. “Do we have to?”

“We promised Grandma and Grandpa that we would spend some time with them night, and you need to get to bed because it’s going to be an early morning since we have to drive to Santa Fe to catch our flight.”

“Right,” Charlie muttered but it was clear he was not that happy with it.

“Charlie, your mother is right” Michael muttered. “I am still going to be here, for the next time you come, and I hope you do come back” he said as he looked at Maria pointedly who muttered to herself, he has this capacity to get my blood flowing and my mouth but with their young son in the room, she could not mouth off on him.

“We will not be strangers,” Maria assured both her son and Michael.

“I hope not,” Michael whispered. “Call me sometime,” he said to both Charlie and to Maria. “I would like to know what is going on with the both of you” he said.

“I will keep you informed,” Maria said simply as she took Charlie by his hand, and they turned to leave the room, and headed back to Serena’s office to collect his jacket.

Serena stayed behind.

“Are you going to be, okay?” Serena wondered as she accessed for any relapse.

“I do not know,” Michael asked as he was clearly comprehending the dynamics of his present circumstances and clammed up, and therefore Serena took the cue as she would walk out of the room comforted by the notion that her patient would be seeing it through another day because she knew she would need to let out Maria and Charlie from the facility, but Michael on the other hand did not know what he was facing now that he saw that there was someone else in this world because of him.

Two little kids. But one whose mother meant the world to him…. A five-year sleep does not change that he told himself.

And it was making him see that he could not screw this up.


“Can we come back sometime?” Charlie was asking his mother not long after Serena had come back to the office, and they walked along the hallway. “I want to see him again…”

“You should not worry about that,” Maria murmured “We will figure it out when the time comes” but knew she did not know how the future would go now that the pandora’s box was now open, and so much now was out in the open. Yet she was curious about how her son was taking the reunion. “How did you like him honey?”

“I like him,” Charlie muttered without giving his mother anything more.

“Anything more to say?” Maria asked with a smile. As her son knew how much to give and when to hold out on her, and it was truly annoying when it was directed at her. When she was trying to drill for information on how he was handling meeting his father. After all, it was quite the adjustment for someone at any age, and when you are only six.

“No,” Charlie muttered.

“You can tell me you know,” Maria asked as they got in the car, and started to drive to her mother’s home.

“I know I can tell you anything,” Charlie muttered. “Now that you do not have to hide me, can we come back here more often?” he asked. “I want to know everything, and see Grandma and Grandpa, and even Uncle Kyle more often.”

“We can look at our schedule when we get home,” Maria murmured.

“Okay, I guess” Charlie muttered as she knew that was going to be as good an answer as she was going to get as he put on his earphones and listened to his iPod and tuned out his mother. Maria could only shake her head as she wondered how she was going to handle going back to New York, having their whole lives completely changed.

Her job was there, but everything else was so different.


Liz was thinking that too as she did not know why she could not just give into Max’s pleas, because it’s not like her life would be that disappointing. Different she conceded, after several years in Europe and in other locals. Roswell would be a very different life, as it was already as she only been back a week.

Roswell was as an appealing life too. Slower than being in New York, Los Angeles or in Europe. Each place had its own flavor and benefits. She had never been in Switzerland so she could rate it as of yet.

And here was a man who was trying to and was in his handsomeness trying to plead for her to give him a chance. To give up her European life and come back to their hometown and make all their dreams come true.

Dreams she had at sixteen, and even eighteen before she departed this town and found a life outside of these town limits. “Max.”

“Do not say anything okay,” Max asked for fear she was going to dash his hopes. “It’s only something I want, and I have long learned that you can never get all you want in life. You gave me a chance when you should not have because of the complications I brought to your life. I am sorry for that, and you are right, you have a life outside of these town limits, and you should not be giving it up for just anyone.

“It would not for just anyone” Liz muttered. Because in her heart, Max was just not some guy because he was more than. He’s everything I could have ever dreamt to want which is why she had not found it in seven years of looking, and countless men at night, and none of them lasted, and here she was looking at someone who wanted her, even though this was not her town anymore.

She had moved past it.

“It’s your life,” Max murmured. “Just like making sure Micah stays in my life is mine” he allowed. “I am sorry for speaking like this because you are everything Liz. You gave me the time of the day, and I am grateful the little time we had together, and I can certainly go on knowing what a treasure these past days have been…”

“You are certainly too good to be true,” Liz murmured because Max always knew how to say the right thing, and to persuade her to do the impossible.

“All I am is a man with a dream,” Max said softly. “Your dream was a life of science. Mine was you.

Jeez Liz murmured softly because Max was totally wrong Yes, my dream was science. But my dream was a life with Max… she mused to herself as they could only look into each other’s eyes like they could not believe it had come to this. It should be easier Liz muttered to herself but then is that basically what this is? she asked herself because nothing was stopping them, okay may something was…

Me Liz mused as they just looked into each other’s eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

With neither promising anything

So, yeah, neither would speak anymore …


Next morning,

Liz rebuttoned her blouse, after untangling herself from Max’s arms. Somehow, they had made a makeshift bed on this roof. Neither getting up or leaving over the previous hours, and now the coldness of the early morning dawn was showing up, and she realized she had to get back and pick up her belongings and meet Maria for the drive to the airport.

Not wanting to wake up Max. Yet stopping and looking on down at the only guy who was thisclose to getting her to give up everything she worked for, but she knew it was not enough. She could not do it.

Not yet…

…and so, she slipped away, away from the arms of someone who was truly everything to her…

And Max could feel her absence of the woman he loved the moment he heard the rattle of the ladder, and he quickly got himself settled, but by the time he made it down the ladder and looked across the street.

Liz was out of his eyesight. Muttering to himself, wishing everything could be easy, but nothing should be easy for us he told himself then I would know we could never work out he thought if were easy. Instead, he focused on talking to himself as he walked upstairs, to his apartment.

He was praying to see that Liz was changing her mind, and waiting for him, but no, he did not see his brunette vision. Instead, though he was seeing an amused blonde with her arms crossed as she stopped and standing by his door, “Oh god,” he remembered now that he never made it to the airport to pick up his sister and her new husband. “Oh, god, I am sorry” he finished. “I guess I did not make it to the airport?”

“No, you did not,” Isabel said with amusement. “When my husband and I’s ride did not come. We called in a replacement, and Dad came and got us” Isabel said with an amused cross look. “It only meant we were much later than we should have been, but why am I surprised by this development. That you could not break yourself away from Liz Parker, could you?” she asked.

“It’s not like that…” Max said in his defence even know he knew it was a lie. It is always about Liz.

“Is it not always with the two of you?” Isabel Evans Valenti asked with her amused smirk on her face. “I love you Max,” she said softly. “And by the rumple state Liz as she walked into the apartment next door, in a trance, not even stopping to say hello to me by the way… well, I have my answers as to why you could not make it to the airport like you promised me.”

“I am sorry,” Max murmured. Because I did want to go to the airport but then it would have meant leaving Liz, and there is no way he would be doing that he thought. Not when he had a chance to convince her to stay.

Of course, I failed he knew but it was worth it. It is always worth it with Liz.

“It’s fine,” Isabel murmured. “At the end of our days, all I want is for you to be happy…”

“I am fine with my life,” Max muttered. “I always have been fine with-it Isabel” he said as he unlocked the door to his apartment as they entered it together, and he remarked how cold it felt despite spending the night hours in the coldness of the dark. But that was warm compared to this apartment. But the heater was working so he knew it was not anything he could fix. Maybe it is, if Liz came back to me but he was prepared for that not to come true.

“No, you are not, but we can deal with that after you tell me what is going on?” Isabel murmured.

“What do you mean?” Max said with an amusement creeping into his face because he did know what his sister was referring to, and it was completely Isabel to be all about what she considered important, and it was not his love life.

“Tell me what is going on with Michael?” was all Isabel murmured and Max was reminded how his life was not all about Liz. Nor even his daughter.

Max had other responsibilities. This was his life.

One that did not have Liz in it.

And he had to make peace with it.

Or did he?
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 33 - 07/18/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Tess always makes a toxic mix.......
So Max needed Liz's brain, and more I believe.
I feel sorry for Charlie, he wants to see his dad again!
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 33 - 07/18/2021

Post by totallizfan »

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Baby, It's You - Chapter 34 - 07/20/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

A few hours later,

“You are really going to do it?” Maria asked as she and Charlie sat next to her best friend in the departure lounge of the Santa Fe airport. The three were waiting for the flight to New York, where Liz would later catch a flight to Geneva where she would return to her normal life. The one who had her rising in the scientific world and finding ground-breaking discoveries. Because it was the life she had had hard earned since she left their hometown, and now she had so much on the tip of her finger.

Same with Maria. She and Charlie were returning to New York where she had the lead in a winning play. Something that would branch her out into the big time if only she capitalized on the chance, and she had already given up too much and she and her son had to return to their home so they could go back to the life they had been leading until the last week or so. Charlie was playing his music and reading a comic book or two.

So, it left the women to talk. On the drive to the airport. Liz had confessed what had gone down with Max, and Maria had stood amazed that Liz gave up such a chance, and such a man. Sure, she knew what Liz had accomplished these past years.

You should not give up your career for a man Maria muttered to herself. I know, I am one to talk but I am returning am I not. To New York, and to our life she thought. But Liz was not Maria, and she had a man who wanted her, and worshipped the very ground they were standing on, and Liz was giving it up.

To go to Europe, and the empty apartments, and the loneliness at night which Maria knew the nights were when her friend was alone, and not working in the many labs. “Why would you do it to yourself?” Maria asked now as they sat and waited for their flight.

“Because the bubble has been great this last week,” Liz murmured. “But the bubble always bursts with us, and we cannot stay in what it feels like to be in each other’s arms.”

“Why the hell not?” Maria asked. “The sex is addicting,” she said from her own experience as she turned to see whether her son was listening and was relieved to know he was not. “He’s down on his knees and asking you to be his wife,” she asked. “And you are giving up for something that might not even happen. Yes, you screwed things up when you were eighteen, but neither of you are eighteen.”

“He was not down on his knees,” Liz murmured. “And that might very well be the case, but I got a good look at how things go wrong, and I do not want that for myself…”

“Does that tiny detail even matter?” Maria asked as she could not help but smile. “When it is you and Max?”

“Of course not, because this is where I have to be,” Liz murmured she referred to them here in the airport, away from the insanity of their hometown. “Trying to achieve something that will only lead to pain is something we should be avoiding because we are in two very different places, and Max had someone else to think about because it cannot be what we dream we want, because we are living in reality these days.”

“I am not sure you are,” Maria muttered reality bites sure but to give up on it before you even have a chance. “Yet you want to settle down with a kid or two?” she asked. “Well Max has a kid, and wants you, and that baby you want to have?” she said with a laugh. “And you gave that up to sit here with me and Charlie?”

“How about you?” Liz asked turning the situation on her best friend.

“How about me?” Maria asked as if she did not know what her friend would be asking.

“You are giving up on a chance to give Charlie a father?” Liz asked.

“Low blow,” Maria muttered.

“Is it?” Liz asked. “Michael is awake, and you did not decide to stay to see how it can be with you two now, and today?” she asked.

“I have my career to go back to,” Maria muttered. “You and I are two different people Liz. I cannot be on stage back here in Roswell,” she sighed. “Broadway is the big time. I have had to do a lot to get to the point that I am at today. And you know that as well as anyone because you saw me struggle. And before you go and compare it to your situation, and say that your discoveries are not in Roswell, well, Max has a facility just calling your name to take over and make it your own. Yes, Michael and I created a child together. A fact he’s only beginning to realize and come to terms with, and I am going to let him deal with it from hundred of miles away from him, because the adjustment will be weighty, and he needs to make it without me or Charlie complicating his recovery. And plus, Michael did not want me back, but Max wanted you back.” she muttered. “You left an insanely hot man, and a marriage proposal from the man who captured your heart at fifteen. And who no man can possibly match. I did not…”

“Max did not ask me to marry him,” Liz said defending herself even though it was hollow because she had known that it was exactly what Max had done, just in a different forms.

“Semantics,” Maria muttered. “You left something incredible Petunia. The potential for you and Max are endless, and you walked away from it.”

“Max has different priorities…”

“And you are the number one on his list” Maria murmured. “You should not be turning it down. Yes, you were different people at eighteen. Young and in love. But the times were hard, and I do not blame you for walking away. Since I did the same thing and we both know the waves were too much, and they would have swamped us if we had stayed. But my friend. You are a different person today than you were back then. You can handle it. You know what you are dealing with because you would not be going into it without your eyes being open.”

“He wants to adopt Micah,” Liz sighed.

“So, what,” Maria murmured. “He’s a devoted father. Which is what makes him even more attractive. You know you want his kid. And if you did, you would be passing up on an incredible role model.”

“With a lot of a baggage,” Liz muttered.

“What man does not have a baggage these days,” Maria asked with a smile. “Find me a man who is single who does not have a baggage at our age…”

“And how are you speaking with any authority on the matter,” Liz said laughing. I am the one with a book of men I have slept with. “Are you experienced in that area?” she wondered. “Of course not, you have been celibate since we were in high school…”

“Only because I have been busy,” Maria batted off the criticism because she knew she could have moved on in that area, but she chose not too. “Climbing the ladder…”

“So,” Liz said with a similar smirk to what her friend had been giving her. “You say you and Michael are over, and certainly you were, but you my friend closed up your heart in ways I have not. You could have moved on, but you chose not to. So, yes, I know it does not feel like it, but I have moved on. This past week has simply a trip into the past of what might have been but that is over now, and I am fine with it,” she thought as she flashed to just what kind of a trip it had been, and she knew she was opposite of fine with it. “You on the other hand kept yourself off the market, which tells me it was more than a tiny baby at home or your blooming career…”

“Yeah, I know” Maria murmured as she knew her friend had a point although she could laugh at the suggestion her friend could just easily move on from the past week or classify it as a memory trip when she knew it was more than that for her best friend. While she on the only hand had kept herself off the market for a man. Sure, a tiny baby was a golden reason to be a celibate. but her baby was now in school, and she should not be keeping herself celibate, and yet she was, and she knew why, only one man had captured that desire in her. She knew it was the same for her friend, but her friend was lying to herself and masking it by going out on dates and sleeping with countless men.

Maria did not want that. Although one or two might have felt nice after a particularly stressful time. But she had interest. She lived through her friend and saw the other side of it. Of someone running, masking their feelings. Liz is doing the same thing now she thought. She’s running. Because she believes it can not be right for her when it was not when we were teenagers. She thought. Hell, being a teenager was a hell of a ride. It should have not been right for us back then; it would have been abnormal if it were. We are older and wiser she told herself. Yeah, right, we are still making the same mistakes. “But I have something to return to at night. What will you have when you make it to your new home?” she asked as she was pleading her case for her friend to change her mind.

“I will find a life,” Liz muttered “Which is what is good about the life I have. It’s always something new,” she thought even though she suspected that she would probably be forever changed by this past week. How can I go and find a new guy, when it has been incredible these past week with an insanely handsome guy who got her, and was worshipping the ground she was walking on, and she was giving that up, for a life of a workaholic and a different man every night? she was asking, which was very similar to what her friend had been saying. And yet she was planning on doing such a thing.

And especially in using a sperm bank to create her future children.

“Dream on,” Maria muttered as finally the call for their flight to board. “Petunia I think you are so used to running that you cannot stop yourself and one day you will hit the wall and faced with what you are giving up, and when you come to realize it. It will be too late…”

“So, will you” Liz shot back as they collected Charlie and boarded their flight to New York. Even though she knew a piece of her would stay here in New Mexico. “Maybe you are right. And if you are right, then I know that is what is my destiny, and it will be my lot in my life. And I will be able to deal with it.”

“Oh, Liz” Maria muttered to herself No, you will not she mused to herself as the three of them walked to their seats, and sat down and looked out the window, and the older women knew they were giving up a lot.

And that a piece of both of them would be staying in New Mexico.

And Roswell.


While at the same time. After five years, the three musketeers or more accurately three alien hybrids who had come here together in 1947 but hatched in 1987 were reunited, and it was a blast for the three of them. As it felt like no time at all had lapsed and yet they knew it had, and they were all different in many ways.

But their friendship was able to be picked up. And yet for the men, it was obvious their thoughts were elsewhere, and Isabel thought what else is new.

She had been dealing with this since the beginning of their adventures. Certainly, since that day when my brother saved his Juliet. And now Max was out of the room. Gone outside to take to check in with Micah who was calling her father before her birthday party started. She had slept over at Candy’s, and so Max had yet to see his daughter since the previous morning.

It was a different life. One that he had now that Liz had left his life. And he knew the plane had taken off because he had tracked it. Or had Serena track it and relay to him and Michael that both of the women they had loved, and truthfully still did had indeed left New Mexico airspace.

“I cannot believe it Liz is back or was back” Michael was talking to Isabel who was clearing loving having her honorary brother back. Sure, their original planet might have had different ideas for them but still here on this planet, they were siblings. And best of friends. Something rare. And she would not trade it for anything.

“What can I say. Life has ways of playing tricks on us,” Isabel murmured. “I truly hope Max can take it now that she has left his life again.”

“Something tells me he can handle it,” Michael murmured. Max was always stronger than he looks, and certainly more than me “And they do,”
Michael conceded of the tricks that life had a knack of playing with them….

Isabel felt her friend. “How are you handling that bomb of Maria’s?” Isabel wondered. Charlie, she thought. Someone she had not gotten to spend a lot of time because of her wedding, and now he had town with his mother, but the memories were deep of both the little boy who had reminded her so much of Michael that it hurt to see him before she departed for her honeymoon.

“You knew?” Michael asked.

“Only when Charlie came to town with Liz last week, just prior to the wedding. It was something none of us knew. Only Amy knew, and I think Kyle’s father did know but it was not something she told any of us except Kyle knew that Charlie had been born, but he had no idea of his parentage…”

“And, neither did I?” Michael muttered.

“Would it have made any difference if you had?” Isabel asked. As she knew she could hold it against Maria for not telling them all this time but still they all remembered that time before and after Maria left the first time.

“As I told Maria. I wanted to know,” Michael muttered. “All I wanted was to know,” he told himself. “I do not know how I would have reacted but not to know, and to take it all on her own?” he muttered. “At least tell me and give me the chance. That is what Yvonne at least did…”

“Comparing Yvonne to Maria is not a good move,” Isabel warned despite her earlier resistance still Maria was ranked higher on the scale of Michael’s women “Yvonne did not want Micah,” she thought of her adorable niece. “So, you know, while I do not necessarily agree with what Maria did to you, by not telling you back in the beginning. But still, I can at least see that she did it out of a sense of protection of your son because she did not know how you would handle it. And she knew how big of a deal it was. Yvonne is different, and we both know it, and since we know both of you did not want the baby who would turn out to be my brother’s daughter.”

“I was not in the right headspace to be a father,” Michael argued.

“Are you any better now?” Isabel asked. “You are out of a long-term coma. You are in a new world, quite literally, and having to make a way in it, as if it were completely new to you…”

“I would hope so,” Michael muttered. “But it’s not like I am stopping Max from making his arrangement with Micah official,” he said as Max had already spoken to him about adopting Micah officially, and it was not like Michael knew the little girl. Or had any affection for Yvonne. And knew the little girl needed something stable, and Max is the definition of stable Michael thought. I am not.

“I am sure you feel for both kids, but you need time to get your life in order before you even try to be a father to Charlie, because we all know what happens when you do not have your act together” Isabel cautioned her friend because she knew her friend had lifelong scars because of his time with Hank Guerin.

“You are right,” Michael conceded as Max returned to the room. “Is everything okay?”

“All is fine,” Max said softly knowing the circumstances at hand. “Micah is having a fun time at Candy’s party,” he said content that at least somethings are going right in my world he thought. Michael is awake, and my daughter is safe and sound.

“I am glad,’ Michael said, and he meant it. Obviously, I woke up for a reason he told himself. I need to turn over a new leaf.

“Just so you two are warned, and especially you Michael” Max said softly. “If I am going to make this adoption official. It means that some flags might get raised and I am going to have to find Yvonne…”

“Yeah, you would” Michael nodded. “Do you know where she is these days?”

“Nope,” Max muttered. “Not since the day Micah was born, and she signed the official papers, and she disappeared soon after. She wrote a letter to me that I forgot I had received until it turns out Micah found it, but that was years ago, so she could be anywhere. But if do go down this route of an adoption. I am going to need both of you to sign off, and then get the official designation from the authorities…”

“Which could raise problems,” Isabel asked.

“Lots,” Max nodded.

“You have my okay,” Michael murmured “Of course I barely remember Yvonne, so I cannot say how she would deal with it. But she gave you the baby. I do not know Micah today, and not even when she was born but I am not about to upset her life when she does not know me, and she better off in a stable environment and I know you and your family can provide her that,” he sighed. “And I know Maria has provided that for my son.”

“I am grateful,” Max said something. “So, what are you going to do about Charlie?”

“Who knows, but I know he’s safe until I do know what my future will be” Michael murmured. “I just wish he and Maria were not so far away…”

“Yeah,” Max agreed as he could not think about Liz.

Hopeless Isabel thought of her two brothers.


New York,

“Well, we have done it now, huh?” Maria asked as she and her best friend along with Charlie walked into Maria and Charlie’s palatial apartment over Central Parker. Charlie rushed to his room after being gone for two weeks, and Maria and Liz could only smile as they heard the television go in the boy’s room. It was still light out, after a day full of flying back from out east. They had stopped on the way back the apartment for dinner, and now they were tired, but Charlie was wired.

Liz was staying overnight before she caught her flight to Geneva early in the morning. Both of them were tired, and they should be turning in for the night, because it was going to an early morning, yet another one. But they were like the six years old, and too wired. And they needed to come down from their experiences of the past week.

“I guess there is no going back now, huh” Liz commented.

“Oh, there is, and the flight is shorter than the one from Geneva when you go and change your mind” Maria quipped. “You know you could change your mind you know?”

“And you cannot?” Liz asked.

“I have always been a different bird,” Maria commented. Now back in the soil of the Big Apple. She felt concrete in her desire for this to be her life as she looked around her apartment. “Look at the place. I would be a fool to give this up for a small town that cannot give me my dreams,” she muttered as she thought of Michael as he flashed through her mind. “Sure, my man might give me all the hot alien sex possible, if I were to go back down that road, which unlike you, and your hot alien, I have not, since I was eighteen, but still to give this up for something Roswell only partly can give me?”

“Dreams are always malleable,” Liz commented.

“So, says the girl who ran our on her dream come true?” Maria quipped. “This is me, today, and now” she muttered. “One day Michael might be able to be a father that Charlie needs, and I hope that happens, but I am not going to give up on my dreams when they are out there waiting for me, to be sitting at home with my sexy alien and doing nothing, or not even with my sexy alien. I will have to give up a heck of a lot more than you will if you change your mind.”

“I will not be changing my mind,” Liz declared.

“Then you better not bet money on that,” cautioned Maria as they both sat down and started to watch a movie on television before Maria did go and checked to make sure her son was in bed, which he was, as he was passed out, and she was reminded again that this was a different life she was in as she walked out of his bedroom and observed her apartment. So different she muttered to herself as she thought of how different her life was now…

This is the life I want, right? She asked herself.

It is she told herself as went back to her best friend as they both worked to bury their true feelings.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 34 - 07/20/2021

Post by totallizfan »

I agree with Maria....Liz....could....have it all.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 34 - 07/20/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Can't believe the bubble burst......both Liz and Maria left Roswell.
(and the hot alien sex)
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 35 - 07/22/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Liz was asking herself the same question hours later as she found the courage to board her scheduled flight the next morning instead of changing her destination back to the state she had just left. Instead, she boarded the flight to Geneva. Sitting down in her assigned seat, and getting out her laptop, and getting to work. Trying to bombard herself with science, and work. She knew this was her dream. This has been a fantasy these last week or so she thought. As she stared down at the screen as the planed taxied to the take off zone. She closed up the laptop and made sure she had all the documents she would need. As she waited for the flight to take off, and once it did, she knew there was no turning back now.

Max will be a fading memory she promised herself Yeah right, her other side told her. But she was sure this was the right decision for her, and as she waited for the final signs to go off, and once they did. She concentrated on the work on her laptop, and she did not look back to yesterday or to Roswell. Or she tried not to. She was focused on the breakthroughs to come. She was looking at the promising test results her boss had already sent her. This is what I should be concentrating on she thought. She did not need any breakthroughs to come from her personal life.

So, she sat and worked as the hours of her flight flew by as she set on this course of action, and she was not going to look back, when only the future was in front of her, as the plane continued towards its destination.

While back on the ground of New York. Maria was up way too early after tossing and turning. Liz had taken the taxi to the airport, so she had not had to drive her. Instead, she was groggy, as she dropped her son off at his school and watched as he ran towards his friends. Satisfied that Charlie was happy to be back home, and at school and with his friends again. Getting into the car, she stopped by for a coffee at her favorite diner, and then drove across the town to the theatre and threw herself into rehearsals, shaking off the grogginess as they had a day off before she took back her role the next day.

She was gave it her all. As she was determined that this was the right thing for her, and like Liz she was not looking back. “The time away has obviously given you more of a commitment to the role” Steven commented as they stopped for a break later in the morning as he was reflecting on how distracted the last time, they had done work on the production together.

“This part is made for me,” Maria murmured. “You can say I have lived the part…”

“So, you will not be taking anymore unannounced trips,” Steven asked. “How is your mother by the way?”

“Much better,” Maria lied because she had known her mother had always been healthy, and she had lied to get the time to stay back in Roswell. “She appreciated my visit…” she murmured. “Thank you for giving me the time off.”

“I am glad,” Steven said smiling. “Family is always important,” he commented and then back to his cast. “Okay, folks break is over, let’s get back to work,” he muttered as they got back to incorporating the changes her made from the opening weekend of previews before they were due back on stage the following day as they transitioned back to Maria in the lead role.



Max got back into the tradition of life. A life that did not have the love of his life in it. Still, it was a life that had his daughter in it. And as he dropped her off at school. She was excited about her gymnastics practice. And Max took comfort in listening to her babble about it, and how Candy’s mother was going to be dropping them off after school. Max did not have a whole lot he had to do now.

Now that Liz has left me once again, he thought. And most of all, Michael is now awake he thought. But he did have an appointment with his father to work on the adoption. He had broached the subject with his daughter the night before after she came home from the party. “Can you really do that? Micah Isabel asked her father as she looked up with her big eyes, opened wide at the thought.

“It’s something I am working on,” Max conceded to his daughter. While he knew Micah was only five. But obviously she was aware of some of the facts of her life. And she needed some stability and to know she was loved and wanted into this world.

“What about him?” Micah asked of her birth father.

“I have asked, and he is okay with it” Max murmured. “He wants you to be happy. And he knows you are that with me, your aunt, and grandparents.

You are, are you not?”

“Of course, Daddy, I love you” Micah whispered as she could not believe it.

“Would you want to meet Michael?” Max braved as he had this sense that maybe it would be important for the little girl to know the man, now that it was possible to interact with him while he was awake, when she knew it was not threatening her living arrangements.

“No,” Micah said just as bravely. She did not want to meet the man who did not want her, and all she knew was the letter from her birth mother, and how dismissive both sounded of her. She could not take the disappointment. She knew Charlie’s mother had a better relationship their father, from the little eavesdropping she could do on the matter over the last few days.

“Are you sure?” Max asked.

“Yes Daddy,” Micah muttered, and Max knew the discussion was over, and Micah then went and got ready for bed, and he read one of her favorite books and she fell fast asleep, and Max knew he would do anything to make sure she stayed his daughter.

As he got out of his car and walked up into his father’s office. While his father was not taking as many clients as he did in years past. Still, he kept his office, and spent a lot of time there because he was not ready for retirement yet and Diane did not want him home all the time. Max was happy to know his father was happy.

“Daisy,” Max said.

“Max,” said Phillip Evans’s secretary as she spotted her boss’s son. Someone who rarely came to the office, so this was a surprise “Are you here for something in particular?”

“I am here to meet with my father, about a legal matter” he said of the reason he was here to see his father as it was time to start the process. Now that Liz is gone, he thought. I have nothing but time to get this done, so that I will always be Micah’s father.

“Oh, right, the adoption request?” Daisy asked as she looked at the appointment calendar. “Your father asked me to type up the petition. You are asking for permanent custody of your daughter?” she asked of the little girl who she knew Max had taken in five years before. Like most in this town.

She was born within their town limits, and while she was several years behind the original gang, she grew up knowing the history between Max and his high school girlfriend, and how she left, and he eventually fostered a little girl who Phillip considered his granddaughter.

“Right,” Max nodded.

“You did not go through the regular system?” Daisy asked as she thought of the file.

“It was an agreement made between her birth mother and me,” Max agreed. “There was no need too, so, is my father available?”

“He will be a few minutes as he’s finishing up with a client,” said Daisy.

“I am fine with waiting,” Max said. After all, he had all the time in the world.

“So, I take it Elizabeth Parker left town once again?” Daisy asked. “The talk around town was that you were spending time with her again?”

“Liz,” was all Max said as he was well aware that the two of them had been subject of the town water cooler, and the gossip vine, you could not get picked up for robbing a convenience store out of state and not be considered gossip. Especially when you lived in a small town, who felt it was their business to know what everyone was up to, so they could know whether to judge or not. Max had long come to terms with being the center of scrutiny. Fortunately, it had died down over the years. And it was hell of a lot better than scrutiny from government officials he thought. Although I guess I am opening myself for more, now… he thought of his quest to adopt his daughter.

“Right,” Daisy smiled as she picked up the phone, and called through into her boss’s office. “Mr. Evans, your son is here for his appointment, I will let him know” came Daisy as she hung up. “You can go in.”

“Thank you, Daisy,” came Max as he walked into his father’s office.

“Hello, son” came Phillip as he was placing the phone back on the cradle after finishing up a call with a client. “Are you ready to make sure your daughter stays in the family?” asked his father.

“Yes,” Max murmured.

“Then let us get to work…” Phillip nodded as he brought out the file that he had already had Daisy start, and the petition was on the top. “I contacted Yvonne legal representation and I was successful, but she said Yvonne is out of the country for the next month,” said Phillip. “So, sounds like we can only start the process, and it might be a while before you know one way or another.”

“Any clue what Yvonne would think?” Max asked.

“The lawyer did not know,” came Phillip. “She has not had contact with Yvonne much in recent years. But we can talk over how you want to deal with it,” he murmured.

“Thank you, Dad, for your help with this matter,” Max murmured. “All I want is Micah to be happy. That is my only goal.”

“Just like you, we want to make sure Micah stays with you” came Phillip because he loved his granddaughter, and that would not change things.


It was nearly midnight before Liz got to the apartment flat that would be her home for the foreseeable future. She walked through the doors, and immediately felt out of place. She knew this was normal because it was often with something new. Usually, it became home after a day at two. But this feeling was all new. The level of detachment was something she had not experienced in any of the new apartments she had been in over the years. This gave her a off sentiment. Sure, it was not New York. It could never meet Maria’s palatial place. But she was okay with that because her life was about the lab. And if she was not dating, she was never usually home. Which is why the place in Roswell was perfect because it met the needs that were limited. This was place was completely new, which was normal but how out of place she was, was not normal. But this is my life now, she thought. As she put down her suitcase and surveyed the place.

The rest of her stuff would be delivered from Paris within the next week. But she had enough to last her until her belongings started to arrive. She was tired because she could barely sleep on the plane. She was determined to be prepared for the lab, and obsessing about the numbers of the sheets and the reading material was something to keep her thoughts off Max.

Mostly it had failed, but she got enough done on the flight over, so she felt prepared enough to deal with the lab in the morning.

I wonder what Max and Micah are doing right now? Liz asked as she shook her head. Come on Liz do not do this yourself. She concentrated on the clock and saw the time. Wincing at the hour, she picked up the phone.

Instead of calling home to New Mexico, or even Max. She called New York. I am here, she reported to a laughing Maria who had just gotten home from the rehearsals. She was eating dinner with her son, and then they were heading the gym for the boy to do some swimming. As Charlie had a swim test the next day because of a class trip coming up, and they had not practiced any these past weeks, and Maria wanted to make sure her son knew how to.

Of course, he did, but it was a chance to get their minds off Roswell. So, she had a few minutes before they had to leave when Liz called. “No, I did not change my mind,” Liz muttered. “How were rehearsals?” she asked. “I am glad. I am sorry I could not stay for your opening night, but maybe the next time I am in the city,” she said softly as she looked at the time. “It’s midnight my time, so I have to get to bed.”

She ended the call a moment later, and she turned in for herself, and yet her mind was full of memories of Max.

As she sat in bed, unable to sleep, so she got up and opened one of the pockets of her briefcase and took out the famous journal and read some of those adventures, as she had not wanted to burn it. But it was not like she could have kept it in Roswell, unprotected especially since her parents were going to do something with her childhood bedroom now that she had vacated it. Burning it seemed out of the question because she could not allow those memories to go up in flames, and so, she brought it with her even though it was more proof to herself that she was torturing herself with those memories.

Why am I doing this to myself? She asked herself.

She did not have any answers, but she did know she had given a good thing.

Would she regret it?


A month later,

As it has a habit of doing. Time flew by for everyone. And for Liz in particular. As she showed up at the lab before even her boss and got to work, and she quickly got acclimatized to the lab and to the environment she would be working in, and she hit it off with her new colleagues and they were impressed with her abilities, and she was pleased with her. And despite memories of Max. She found it possible to move on, and to concentrate on her work responsibilities. She was always calling New York and hearing the glow in Maria’s voice as she talked about her success on Broadway.

She was a hit. The papers doing their reviews sang her praise, she was talk of the industry. Charlie was excelling as usual at his school. He was exchanging weekly calls with his grandparents back home. And even had talked a few times with Michael. As Michael was slowing returning to normal.

He was still making the facility a home because he did not have the ability to get around with abandon, and he still had to figure out how he was going to make a living once he was out of the facility. So, he was taking it slow, and therefore was not allowing Max to aide in his recovery. As Michael wanted to do it on his own.

It gave him time to think, and yes, he talked Charlie. And Maria was agreeable about Charlie coming to New Mexico for Christmas. She did not know if she could take time off from the production because they did not know the holiday schedule yet. But she promised their son could come and stay with his grandparents and spend time with Michael.

Max was still working on the process to adopt Micah. It was going slow because Yvonne had not shown yet.

Liz knew this in the calls to her parents, but she did not try to call Max. Because it would be too tempting to fall into old habits, too tempting she thought. So, she buried herself in work. Until one Sunday, one a rare day off.

Because unlike the others, she had no life. So, she always lived in the lab.

She woke up with a start. It had been late once she got home from the lab. Because she was basically living in the lab, she was not dating.

She was celibate since that week with Max. She did not even want to entertain the thought of dating, and she had turned down a few of her male colleagues’ invitations for drinks. She stayed in the lab and concentrated on the work she should be doing given that she knew she had given up a good thing by once again walking away from Max.

I need to make this count because I blew it, she thought. Maria was right but she was not going to give her right to say I told you so even though she knew with each call to New York. Maria felt it. But wisely did not say it, and now on this morning, on a day off, she woke up feeling terrible, and slightly queasy. Oh great, she told herself.

She blamed on the fish she had eaten the night before, or too much chocolate which was her go to for stress eating when she was working and needed nourishment. And did not have time for a more balanced meal and being in Switzerland, there was plenty of mouth-watering Swiss chocolate to go around.

So, she had stocked up and even had sent a care package to Max in Roswell for Micah. She might have cut off contact, but she wanted the little girl to experience some treats from other parts of the world.

She tried not to think of Roswell as laid in bed, all day and did not get up.

A week later,

Liz was still feeling terrible. She had taken the week off work because she could barely be away from the bathroom without throwing up, and she was losing weight because she could barely make anything stay done. And now she was trying some chicken noodle soup, and so far, today was a little bit better than the last week.

Once she ruled out food poisoning and some kind of virus out as a cause for feeling so terrible, and she knew she had to get back to work the next day.

She could only take off so much time, and it was clear that whatever she had was not transferable to her colleagues so she was watching some terrible television and hoping she would feel better.

When she saw she had missed a call, and she checked it, and smiled when she heard her best friend’s voice. She would have liked to talk to Maria.

But Maria was off today, and Liz was not going to interrupt her day off with her son. So, Liz laid in her misery, and listened to Maria and Charlie babble on, and then once Charlie left the call, Maria muttered the words that got Liz thinking, are you pregnant? came a simple question from Maria once she had outlined her symptoms and that it was not food poisoning since it had lasted longer than a day or two.

The simple words made Liz sit up and take notice as she quickly remembered the memorable events of the previous month, or how she had not gotten her period yet because she had been feeling so terrible, and she had not been tracking it because she had yet to decide on what to do about the sperm bank.

The idea of an anonymous father for her baby did not sound right after a life-altering week back in Roswell. So, she had paused her quest, but she did not know if she would wait until the next time, she was back in the States or go forth here in Geneva. But she did know, she was going to wait.

And now did human nature had given the answer?

She hung up the phone, and she counted back, and whispered, oh god she thought. And she sat up, and got changed, and went out and got a test.

Multiple tests.

And the next morning, she did them, and they all turned, positive, not a negative one in the bunch.

Uh-oh, she told herself. She knew she had been playing with fire back with Max. And yet it felt too good not to continue when they should have stepped back because she was doing what she had always promised.

Leave him and leave Roswell behind.

And now she had a memory….

A lasting memory.

Fuck, she muttered to herself. “What am I going to do?” she asked herself as she stood, and it seem like knowing made her feel instantly better.

And she went to work and tried to forget. But she could not forget, and a few days later, when a doctor’s appointment confirmed it was a false positive, and she was actually pregnant. She had an hour to kill before she had to be at a work commitment, a conference.

So, she went to phone in her apartment. A place that still felt foreign to her even though it held all her belongings and all her other furniture she had collected over years of travelling. But this one was meshing with her.

Still, she knew she had to tell him.

“I have to tell Max,” Liz said softly as she went to the phone and made the call she had not made since arriving here…

Thinking no one was home, checking the time, and calculating the time difference. Which meant she had no idea if he was home or not.

And then he got a voice, “Hello?”

“Is Max there,” came Liz.

But it was a woman’s voice. And one she did not recognize. Who is this? she asked in her mind, and by her own voice.

“None of your business,” came the voice. “Max is not here, who should I say called” came the woman. And Liz bristled and memories of Tess came to her mind, even though they should not because it was years past that trauma, and they had grown up. But still, the blonde was not far from her mind because of who they had lost because of her…

Liz knew all the woman in Max’s life. She knew Micah’s small voice. She knew Isabel’s voice. She also knew Diane Evans voice. She even knew Serena’s voice. So, this one was new, and it was unwelcoming.

“Just someone Max knows, I’ll call back later” Liz asked as she slammed down the phone, and memories of Tess rang through her mind, and she walked out of the apartment, and did not call Max back.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 35 - 07/22/2021

Post by RoswellFan68 »

It doesn't matter what bimbo Max has at his place. She could never replace Liz in Max's heart. Liz needs to track Max down and let him know she needs to talk to him or come back to Roswell and tell him face to face.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 35 - 07/22/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Maria is back on Broadway.......after her mother's "illness"........
It appears that everyone is going on with their life.
Max is anxious about the adoption.
Big surprise Liz?????
What did you think would result in that great sex???
And who's in Max's apartment????
Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 35 - 07/22/2021

Post by RoswellFan68 »

keepsmiling7 wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:08 pm Maria is back on Broadway.......after her mother's "illness"........
It appears that everyone is going on with their life.
Max is anxious about the adoption.
Big surprise Liz?????
What did you think would result in that great sex???
And who's in Max's apartment????
Maybe it's Yvonne.
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