Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 (Page 12) - Completed: 07/31/2021

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Baby, It's You - Chapter 36 - 07/25/2021

Post by Parker1947 »


Meanwhile, Max was unfortunately nowhere close to his apartment or the phone as he was presently walking up the staircase of the complex. As he was coming back from an appointment with his father who still had heard nothing from Yvonne. The lawyer said she had left messages describing the situation, and Phillip had sent the petition to Yvonne, asking for her to sign it or to contact them. And if they did not hear from her, that they would be filing it, and getting a judge to start the proceedings, and hopefully a decision favoring Max.

It was draining, and Max just wanted to relax before he had to pick Micah up after her gymnastics practice. The girl was excelling and impressing the instructors and had already moved into the next level. Candy had stopped after a few weeks, realizing it was not her thing. But Micah loved it, and she loved to put on a show. And one of her grandparents or even Isabel was monitoring the practices.

This time it was Max who was to see how impressive his daughter was, and so he just had enough time to get changed, and head over to the gym. And he heard the phone, and talking in the apartment, but did not think anything of it. Probably leaving a message he thought as he unlocked his door.

And walked in and was surprised by who he saw, “What are you doing here?” came Max as he saw Yvonne Simmons as she had no reason to be in her room. “How did you get in my apartment?”

Micah’s birth mother.

“You want my child, so I thought I would show up,” came Yvonne as she watched Max walk into the room. “I used my skills, and was just waiting for you to return,” she muttered. “You certainly were taking your time.”

“She’s not your child anymore,” Max flinched “She has not been your child since you gave her to me when she was born.”

“Still, I gave birth to her, so my lawyer told me you want to adopt her, and I thought I would come and see why…” Yvonne asked. “I thought the idea was you would only raise her until Michael came around and took her into his home?”

“Well, that did not happen,” Max said of the unforeseen events that had put a kybosh on that plan. And he would forever be grateful for being able to raise and love his daughter. Although he would never wish for what had happened to Michael. But his friend was awake, and coming back into society, and so they were all the better… “I want to give my daughter a loving home with a family who wants her, and is willing to protect her…”

“You do not think I love her?” came Yvonne asked. “I gave birth to her…”

“Yes, you did, and I thank you for that, but you also took the money I gave you,” said Max with annoyance at what he had done, but then she had taken the money and obviously that was why she was here once more, or was it?

“Willing to shell out some more for the girl?” Yvonne asked.

“What did you spend the money I gave you in the first place?” Max asked of the money he had given from his pot that her had gotten from Kal’s inheritance, so it had not hurt his financials, much he thought.

“None of your business,” Yvonne muttered. “I was thinking a single guy like you wanting my child would willing to give me some money for her…”

“Dream on,” Max muttered. “I am doing this legally…”

“Unlike last time?” Yvonne threatened.

“The agreement was legally binding, still is,” Max muttered. “My lawyer made it so. All I want is to make sure she stays my daughter. Michael does not have an issue with it, and we have his agreement, so why do you, because you have not conducted Micah, or cared for her welfare in all this time?”

“Micah is a stupid name,” Yvonne muttered.

“Well, its hers, and she loves it”: Max muttered as she thought of the pride his daughter had to have her unusual name, and even to know now the roots of it, and how it came from Michael. But still, she took more of the pride of being named after her beloved aunt. “So, are you going to sign the papers?” Max asked. “We sent them to your lawyer.”

“My lawyer does not speak for me….” Yvonne asked. “I have been doing a little research on you. You have a criminal record.”

“One that is not relevant and was expunged when I was 21,” Max muttered as he remembered that was something his father had made certain of, and the system had not cared since had done anything wrong since those days in Utah. Any crimes are not related to Micah he thought or any other young person.

“Maybe I should raise them with the court,” Yvonne asked.

“Go ahead, but I will raise that you took the money, and you did not care for her until you came back looking for more…” Max murmured as he suspected that was why Yvonne had finally surfaced, to see if he would give her money. He would not he thought. Not this time. He wanted to do this legally. And to have it binding in court. And he had no reason to shell out some more money because he had more of a case than Yvonne did because he had a binding deal, and it was five years later.

“Are you willing to give me money to sign your papers?” Yvonne asked.

“No,” Max said. “This is going to be legal, and there will be no money,” Max said. I do not want Micah thinking I bought her off her parents.

“Then I guess I will see you in court,” muttered Yvonne asked as she walked to the door. “And by the way, some woman called you before you got home. So, who are you letting influence my daughter,” came Micah’s birth mother? “Is it some skank?”

No one he thought because Micah would be better served if she had a role model that was not her grandmother or aunt, he muttered to himself but knew his heart belonged to only one woman and that was how it would stay. “Which is none of your business,” came Max. “Just like who you have been keeping company is none of mine,” he thought even though he might have to do some investigation if Yvonne was serious about causing problems.

“It’s my baby, and my business,” Yvonne said as she disappeared.

“Wait,” Max said choosing to ignore Yvonne’s comment because he was not so sure she was all that invested in their daughter. At the end of the day, she only had come back to cause some trouble or so he hoped. “Some woman called me?” he asked. Liz, he thought.

But Yvonne had already disappeared, and Max was left speechless as he now had to wonder he could win this fight in the end…

What did Liz want?


He would not find out because unfortunately for him it was looking as if Yvonne were meaning business and was contesting the adoption. She was staying in town and getting in Max’s face. Fortunately, Micah had yet to catch sight of her biological mother. Which was fortunate for her father because Micah was still doing well with her gymnastics lessons, and Max was not looking for anything to distract her or bring her down. As he had plenty on his mind, and he did not needed his daughter to be thinking she could lose him.

With the adoption pending. Max knew it was a possibility. Because as he had once told Liz. Until it was finalized, or a decision was rendered than anything could happen, and he did not want his daughter to worry until she had to. She was well adjusted, and happy, and he wanted to keep her that way.

And let him deal with the realities because it was almost a relief now that he was growing used to the fact that Liz had left him.

And would not be coming back.

Not that Max was terribly worried about Yvonne’s return. He prescribed to the overall sentiment that Yvonne was not looking for her daughter. It was more like she did not want Max to win without getting something out of it for herself. Which made Max nervous but his father, Phillip and even Michael were telling to stay out of it, and to take the high moral ground which he was doing simply for the sake of his daughter. Although he would admit in his lowest moments, and there were plenty now that Liz had moved on, well, it was tempting to sink down and play dirty, but to keep his daughter. Max knew he had to stay on the right side of the law.

Although it did not mean his sister nor Michael were not willing to do some dirty work as the days went by…

And the adoption kept getting bogged down.

Especially since Michael was now fully back to health and had been released by the facility and moved in next door to Max into Liz’s old habitat. With his inheritance paying the rent until he was on his feet financially. And with the knowledge that he had to be responsible and could not rest on his inheritance, completely, Michael was beginning work at the Crashdown as a short fry cook, his old job and not one he relished but it gave him something to do. His first day would be the next day, and he was a little nervous. Despite knowing the job and it was pretty easy for one with his powers, and abilities which were slowly coming back to him, anyways, he and Isabel were meeting for drinks because Kyle was working on this night.

And Isabel was wanting to do something to prevent Yvonne from winning the day. She worried that if the adoption were rejected, they would take
Micah away from her brother, and put her in the system.

Give her to another family.

And given her heritage, and unknown abilities. That was scary for the gang to realize, so they were willing to do just about anything to keep the little girl in the family.

Not only their sake, but for the little girl’s.

All they wanted was Micah to have a love home life and they knew Max could provide it to her. So, Isabel and Michael were talking over the matter over drinks, or iced tea for Michael because he was trying to be good. Turning over a new leaf meant less alcohol because he had no idea if that had led to his time in a coma, but it had not done him any good to sink into those depths, and plus he was coming to terms with Maria being gone.

Or he was trying to, and Isabel could see her friend in a melancholy mood. And had a simple prescription for her friend’s mood “Talk to Maria will you…”

“I do not need too,” Michael muttered. After all, they had heard the commotion from New York here in New Mexico and how Maria was toast of Broadway, and successful and extremely happy. He was still talking to his son most weeks, and knew Charlie was doing well. Extremely happy in his life there, and his school. So, he did not have to be in a mood about Maria. Because they were over, and the only relationship they had, was one of co-parenting.

And that concept was going admittedly well, according to all witnesses.

Isabel applauded her friend’s ability to turn over a new life. After all, for so long he had not have the ability, and she was just happy to have him around and not in a hospital bed. But still, like her brother who was hopeless without Max. But was distracted by trying to keep his daughter. Isabel knew Michael was missing Maria. He is awake and thinking of the last known emotion before his coma she mused. As always, Maria was a reason for it but this time he was not sinking into the depths that he had fallen to before, which Isabel viewed as a positive.

Which was something, at least. But on this night, she was more concerned about keeping her niece in the family.

“Yvonne is only causing noise,” suggested Michael as he was trying to get his best friend away from thinking about his love life. As far as he was concerned. He was doing well. He was back on his two feet which he could have not have a few months before, now he had a roof over his head until the owner of the apartment stopped through Roswell, and at the end of the day, he knew his son was happy. And his daughter, was happy in the home she wanted to be in. So, he would rather focus on making sure Micah stayed in that home as he looked down at the folder in front of him. “My information is she has money issues, and she’s looking at Micah as a cash day.”

“Which is troubling,” Isabel muttered. “I thought Yvonne was better than that?” she asked. “Of course, I did not know her, but you did…” she thought, and she knew her brother only had limited interaction with the woman who had birthed her niece.

“Yes, I did” Michael muttered. “My memories have her looking for the big time, but still willing to have a conscious,” he sighed. “I would think she would know that Micah is happy in the only home she had ever know. And to put an end to it is asking for pain. She had to know this back then. Which is why I have signed my rights over for our daughter to Max, and I am hell not going to pitch a fight on Max’s petition, and really, I doubt Yvonne cares about the baby we conceived together. I am told she’s broke and looking for trouble because her parents disowned her…”

“Because she got pregnant?” Isabel asked.

“No,” Michael shook her head. “Because she could not stay out of trouble, and has been married twice since I knew her…”

“That is some quality there,” Isabel muttered.

“Which is why I do not think she is acting out of some maternal instinct for the child,” Michael muttered. “All she is looking for is some money…” he sighed, “and she is trying to maneuver the situation so she can get us to bend and offer her money.”

“Are you going to give it to her?” Isabel asked as she saw Yvonne coming into the bar and looking like she had a hard life these last five years.

“I am just going to have a talk with her,” Michael muttered. “And plus, I only have certain funds available to me for now,” he smirked as he knew Max still acting as his proxy for his finances until they got his status straightened out with the government because of his absence, and they wanted to know what was going on since he had not been in a registered hospital. So, it helped to say that he had been suffering from a debilitating illness until he recently recovered, and that Max had his power of attorney, which he did albeit a little fudged, after the fact, and to work in tandem with Phillip Evans in his battles to get his status straightened out, as the government wanted to know why he had not paid any taxes. Simple, I was dead to world even though I am sitting on a fortune.

“You want me to stay?” Isabel asked.

“No, because you might hit her, and that will not help matters” Michael muttered.

“And you would not?” Isabel asked.

“I do not hit females, or anyone for that matter” Michael muttered.

“I know you do not,” Isabel said getting up as she had memories of their youth and all the scars her friend still carried over those years, as she laid down the money for her bar bill. “Call Maria…”

“You do not have the remind me of that,” Michael muttered. “It does nothing for me to open that door,” he sighed. “We are doing just fine in the state we are in,” he muttered even though he knew they were in the quicksand of wishing and not acting.

“One day it will be,” Isabel muttered as she walked away only for a few seconds later Yvonne to take her place. “You are not drinking?” she commented when she saw the iced tea by her former partner’s hand.

“I am turning over a new leaf,” came Michael as she was finding that he did not have much of a desire to drink. Still, the temptation was there, as it always would be to be in this kind of establishment but still, he was willing to deal with getting through the day, without a drink. And he was successful to this point. Although dealing with people like Yvonne would not help matters, so he had to muster up as much willpower as possible.

“So, I heard you were gone for a long time, only recently back?” Yvonne asked. “Claiming an illness?”

“So are you,” Michael asked. “So, what is your deal?” he asked. “I know you, Yvonne. I know you did not want the baby, and you were willing to take Max up on his offer without much persuasion. I am told you did not even hold her in the hospital. You were out of there the moment you were medically cleared,” he asked as he knew this from Isabel not that he was around at the time. “And you did not even look back?”

“Maybe I have had a change of heart?” Yvonne asked.

“Or it is more like your bank account is empty, and you think you can leverage our daughter for your gain” Michael asked as from the looks of Yvonne. She did not look like she has had a change of her heart. By the look on her face, it showed one of agenda and figuring out how the leverage the moment to a gain for herself.

“Like you would care,” Yvonne mocked. “After all, it was not me who asked your best friend to step in and clean up your mess,” she asked because she was well aware of how close Michael and Max had been back in the day, and while Max had fallen into some excesses for a time, still he had cleaned his act by the time Yvonne had become involved with his best friend. She knew full well the agreement was only until the time Michael had a change of heart. And now the child was still with Max, and he wanted to adopt her.

“Maybe I was not here for our daughter, but she is my daughter even though Max wants her to be his, and I am okay with that because I know Max cares for our daughter. And that Micah will be happy and healthy and deserves a roof over her head, and a parent who will love and protect her because too many kids do not get that ability, and our daughter should not be one of those unlucky many,” he sighed as he thought of the massive load of baggage he carried because Hank only kept him around for the monthly check.

Michael did not want that for Micah. A child he had yet to meet because Micah had not wanted to, and he was only a out of the facility a matter of days. But he had seen her around the apartment, and at the Crashdown. And the bubbly little girl deserved to be happy, if that meant she was raised by Max, and called him Dad, Michael was fine with it. “Do not tell me you care about our daughter?”

“Maybe I do,” Yvonne asked. “Maybe I have missed her…”

“Then you would have come back before now,” Michael muttered. “Look Yvonne. We both have our reasons for our association five years ago. It was never designed to be a love match. It was not for me, and I doubt it was for you either. I know what love is, and we were not it, but we conceived a child. A child who is now in this world. She deserves to be happy. I know what it means to be raised by a bastard who hates you. I was kept around for the monthly checks. I did not have the life my friends did, and that is probably a large part of why I was the way I was,” he muttered although at the time he was dealing with the end of him and Maria, and so it did not matter if he had gotten a rotten deal during childhood. He wanted to fall into the hole because he did not have Maria in his life. “Because I know this, I do not want that for our daughter,” he thought. “She deserves for us to think about her, and what is best for her. And not use her to gain an advantage.”

“You did not want her in the first place,” Yvonne muttered.

“I was not in the position in my life to want a child, but I did not want the easy way out…” Michael muttered. “I wish I had been in the headspace, but I was not, but I was not going to take it out on an innocent child so you made the right decision in giving our child to someone who care for her, and who could love her.”

“You gave her up,” Yvonne countered.

“So, did you” Michael muttered. “We gave her to a life that was far better one than she could have if the alternative had taken place, and I did not want to just make my problems go away. Although by the time you knew, it was too late for any other course of action.”

“Yeah,” Yvonne muttered.

“Max is a good man. A decent man. And he always has been. Since we were kids together, and he is father that any kid would want, and he is that for our daughter, and we should allow him. We should be letting Micah grow up in an environment of trust, and happiness, and maybe she will come out of her childhood in a good place because I do not want her to have the life I did,” Max muttered. “Do you?”

“No,” Yvonne muttered. “It’s not like she will have two parents, maybe she should…”

“If you think leaving the only house she only knows because she does not have a mother will help her than that is where I disagree. Because having two parents does not always help a situation and it does not make it instantly rosy. Sometimes, it can even ruin a child” Michael muttered. “Just because Max is not with someone does not mean he will not be giving our daughter a happy life, and plenty of role models that any child should be lucky to have.”

“You?” Yvonne asked.

“No, I am not talking about me” Michael murmured. “I do not know what my future is, as recently it has been the definition of murky” he allowed. “Max can give our daughter everything she should want in her life, and I am willing to allow her to have it…”

“Maybe I am not,” Yvonne muttered.

“Do not cause trouble Yvonne,” Michael threatened. “The last thing our daughter needs you to come into her life and play with her emotions. Break her heart, and then depart the field after changing her life. And I will not let you. And I think you remember how I was back before she was born. If you do not leave our daughter alone than you will not like what I am capable of doing…”

“You are bluffing,” Yvonne muttered.

“I do not bluff,” Michael threatened. “What do you want to go away?”

Yvonne named her price.


Four months later,

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Maria was advising her friend as they sat at the airport. “We both know how active my son can be?” she asked as Charlie was raced off in all his enthusiasm to be getting a snacks for their flight. And now it was Maria and Liz sitting next to each other. Talking. Maria had used her connections to get through security, with the promise that she was only escorting her son and his guardian to the gate. She was too high profile to think that someone would not catch her if she did not something, and she was blessedly normal, so she had no worries in the world.

She kept for her son.

And on this day. All she was being was a mother, and a best friend. Taking advantage of her understudy taking the Wednesday matinee, and she was escorting her best friend to airport now that Liz had decided this…

Because her best friend had just gotten out of the hospital where she had been in and out of for the last two months, on the edge of losing her baby.

It was a high-risk pregnancy for some reason, the doctors could not identify a reason, but Maria and Liz knew the reason, because of the baby’s father and the baby was picking a fight and giving its mother tons of trouble. As if they were making a point. A point to where to their mother was now finally giving in and listening. As she had spent the last month here in New York at the hospital after going on sick leave from her job for the duration of the pregnancy. On a small trip here to New York. With her ultimate destination always being Roswell but unfortunately, on a small trip to New York.

She landed in the hospital and stayed there.

She did not know if she was going back to Europe. All she knew she had to be on bed rest so Maria did not understand why she was getting on a plane when she could sent her son out on his own and have his grandparents pick him up…

Because Charlie was spending the rest of the semester in Roswell with his father, getting to know the man he was today. Going to an elementary school in Roswell. After a successful Christmas visit which Maria could only go for a few days because of her schedule. But she had a contract, she was scheduled to play the part until the end of it. Fortunately, she only had about six weeks left, and then she would come out and spend time in Roswell until she picked her next project.

She was being thrown a lot of ideas, and pitched a lot of projects, and she was being picky. Which is what she wanted to be. She had climbed the ladder to get today, and she did not want to give it up, but her son was being drawn back to Roswell, and this would be the longest they would be apart.

She did not know how to deal with it, especially since her best friend would be spending the rest of her pregnancy in Roswell because once Jeff and Nancy found out their daughter was in the hospital and was being prescribed bed rest as the only way to get out of it. They insisted she come to Roswell and take it easy.

A small town was just what her friend needed.

Maria agreed whole heartedly…

Especially since the baby’s father was there, even though he did not know because Liz began to have pregnancy complications soon after getting the pregnancy confirmed. And told to keep her stress levels down.

So, Max did not know, and Maria knew he was still up to his head in his adoption. But it was finally getting in front of a judge within days, and hopefully he would be able to still be Micah’s father soon.

It did not mean she wanted her friend to stress herself out by taking her seven-year-old son to Roswell.

But for Liz. She needed this. Charlie was something normal. Plus, they would be in first class. The benefits of Maria’s greatly enhanced career, and the perks that came with it. And Maria had used an upgrade on her best friend and son.

She had wanted out of the hospital. And the baby was doing better, and hanging in there, as she looked down and patted her stomach. Maybe one of the stresses will come off when she finally told Max.

She was planning on doing it.

“I need this,” Liz promised. “And Charlie will be fine,” she sighed. “The stresses come from other parts of my life, and this will be a simple plane ride.”

“I hope so,” Maria muttered as the flight was soon called and she watched as Liz walked onto the flight with her son.

She prayed for both her son and best friend.

And turned and picked up her cellphone, “She’s coming…” she told the person on the other end of the phone, and she walked back out of the exit, signing autographs on the way out of the airport.

How can I leave this life?


Hours later,

They were now in Roswell. The flight was blessedly easy. She had experienced rougher seas during this pregnancy, and she just wanted to take it easy, and not stress out so much. “Are you ready?” Liz asked her companion as she disembarked from the planed and headed into the terminal.

Charlie could only smile and nod because he was back in someplace familiar, even though this airport had only recently opened and they were one of the first flights from New York landing at it, and it had the air of being brand new. As they walked out and saw the terminal of people. And Charlie’s attention landed on one person. And he smiled when he saw his father.

“Daddy,” he ran to Michael who was waiting with Amy and Jim for them. While he would be spending time with Michael. Charlie would be staying with his grandparents until Maria came to town, and they would find something temporary because the plan would be to be back in New York for the next school year. This was only temporary Maria had warned Michael, and Michael was okay with it. As he was still getting his equilibrium back of his new reality. Even though Michael still was in the apartment he had moved into once he was out of the facility. But a growing boy needed space. And Michael and Charlie needed time to bond.

“Hello, son” Michael asked as he greeted his son as he and Charlie had grown close over the holidays, and now Michael was going to get a hands-on lesson on how to be a parent. And while the nerves were fluttering around. Still, he needed to do be doing this. It was nerve wracking but part of his quest to turn over his new leaf.

As he also adjusted to being back in the land of living. As his job at the Crashdown was going well and was even talking about getting his private investigators license and setting up his own business. But that was in the early days of formation.

For the time being he was working on living and on his son and was surprised to see Liz for the first time in nearly eight years because he had not seen Liz during that memorable week five months prior.

And he was shocked to see Liz now…

Even though he was fully apprised to all that happened, to the point that anyone back here in town knew. They certainly did not know everything he thought as it was something his friend definitely did not know. Max is going to be shocked he thought as he nodded to his former friend. “Hello Liz…”

“Hello Michael,” came Liz as she knew he knew, because it was pretty noticeable at his stage. After all, she knew coming back to Roswell would be letting a lot of secrets out of the closet. Just like it did last time she was in town. She had known the secret of Charlie would be coming out into the world. And now she knew her little secret would be coming out.

But at least this time, her baby was yet to be born. But obviously was telling its mother that it wanted to come to Roswell because since they arrived on the ground. She had felt never better. I have not felt this good in months she thought. Even though she had been in the air. She did not feel queasy. Almost like everything was settled. Now that they were on the ground of their hometown. Or the outskirts of it because that is where this new airport was located. I know sweetie that you are telling me something she told herself and the baby.

“Does Max know?” was all Michael could say even though they both knew the answer If Max knew, then Michael would have known they both thought. And the whole circle would have known.

“No, but he will” was all Liz said.

“Good,” Michael said as he and Charlie went to pick up this luggage as it arrived. And Liz acknowledged her drive who stood next to his father, and stepmother. After Jim and Amy had amusedly walked away without comment. Thank you she thought. As she acknowledged her ride. “I assume Maria called?”

“Yes,” Kyle smiled. “So, the drama continues…” was he could say as he stood greatly amused. Because yes, no one back here had known what was going on. “You were pretty evasive when we would speak.”

“Does it ever end?” Liz cracked. “And I am always evasive. That is what this town has made me, but she knew she could never leave this town even when she wanted too.

She was too tied to it.

Where that would take her, she had no idea.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 36 - 07/25/2021

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I'm glad Liz went back home to Roswell. Now, we have to wait for the reunion.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 36 - 07/25/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

What's gonna happen next?????
Yvonne wants more money.
Maria let's Charley spend time with his dad, good for her.
And Liz has a big surprise for Max!
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 36 - 07/25/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Liz's news will make Max happy.
Yvonne must go.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 36 - 07/25/2021

Post by Superman86 »

totallizfan wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:06 pm Liz's news will make Max happy.
Yvonne must go.
Maybe, Maybe not I think Max can take the news either way. He most certainly will, most likely be excited but then again he could be a bit hurt or disappointed that Liz didn't tell him earlier. This could of been his chance to experience a pregnancy, not only with the woman he loves but his first real parental experience of having a child, early stages and all. The 1st time stolen from him and Second time not biological. So I guess we'll have to see.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 36 - 07/25/2021

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Superman86 wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 8:50 pm
totallizfan wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:06 pm Liz's news will make Max happy.
Yvonne must go.
Maybe, Maybe not I think Max can take the news either way. He most certainly will, most likely be excited but then again he could be a bit hurt or disappointed that Liz didn't tell him earlier. This could of been his chance to experience a pregnancy, not only with the woman he loves but his first real parental experience of having a child, early stages and all. The 1st time stolen from him and Second time not biological. So I guess we'll have to see.
Once Max finds out Liz has been on bed rest, he may feel guilty that his child caused it.
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 37 - 07/28/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Days later,

Max sat out of the judge’s chambers. Today was the big day. Today was the day he would know whether he was going to be father, officially. After weeks, months of inaction and delay. Finally, today was the day the judge would make her final determination of whether he merited adopting Micah Isabel, and whether the child would become truly an Evans.

Diane and her daughter were planning a celebration at the house. Max had not wanted an official one because he did know which way the judge would come down on it. Even though Yvonne had vanished as quickly as she had arrived. She registered her distaste for the arrangement in her refusal to sign off, which meant it had to go to a judge for a final determination, and to severe Yvonne’s rights.

Michael had signed off. But Yvonne refused too as if were revenge against the threats that came from Michael. And the refusal for anyone in the circle not to pay anymore money to her, money she thought she deserved for giving birth. Michael had done his level best to threaten that they would bring up her skeletons if she caused trouble.

She took the threats and vanished but paid them back with her refusing the sign the papers, and now Max stood outside as he got up and paced the room.

Thinking of Liz had vanished these past months because he was worried about whether he would be able to keep his daughter. Social services had signed off on his quest even though they had not been happy that they had not been involved in the first place. But it was a private deal between Yvonne and Max, and there was not a need to raise the attention of the agency. But he knew the judge had heard that money had changed hands.

And was not happy.

But he did not know if it would scuttle the whole quest. And he would find out today. “Are you okay?” Isabel asked as she sat by her brother. Her mother was handling the dinner back at the house. And she was giving her support to her brother, and her father.

Michael was working and spending time with Charlie so he could not be there.

A committed father who would ever thought Max thought as he sat waited to see whether he could get to raise Michael’s other child.
Micah had officially met Michael at Charlie’s welcome party. After months of being stubborn about meeting her father’s best friend, and biological father. The first meet had gone well enough because Micah was happy to see her friend in Charlie, and the two children were thick of thieves, and spending plenty of time together.

Charlie was going to Micah’s school, but in a higher grade, but it gave Micah someone to see during the school day.

“I am just nervous,” Max admitted.

“You know this is just a formality?” Isabel asked even though she knew it was not. They both knew it was a pretty big deal because he knew the judge had a sticking point in that he was not married. They tried to say that his daughter had plenty of influences, and she was not shy, and she was outgoing, and she was not affected by being raised by a single father, to date.

What had helped this far was that he was raising Micah currently had been the only parent she has known since the day she was born. That she knew where she came from, at six-year-old level he thought Micah is now six. Time is flying he thought.

“You are already her father; no judge is going to say no to you” Isabel said as she was trying to be encouraging.

“I hope not,” Max said as they continued to wait.


“I am prepared to make a final ruling,” came the judge as the stood in the chambers as this was not a formal hearing, and it did not have to take place in the courtroom. Instead, the judge wanted to stay behind her doors, and that was fine with Max. Which meant the only other audience today was his sister and Michael in the back of the room, in a set of chairs, watching the events of the hearing after he was a late arrival. After some deliberations with himself, he felt it was right to be here, and to show his support for the quest Max was on. And of course, Isabel wanted to support her brother. And Michael felt if the judge had any qualms at least he could speak up.

And Max was now standing before the judge’s desk, and beside his lawyer.


Although like his daughter. He suspected a green light would be given but he knew too often with judges, you never know until they finally give the judgment. After all he had enough experience. Although not in many years.

“You know I am not thrilled by the notion that you are unmarried, and you have indicated that you do not have any plans to be…” came the judge to Max as the hearing was proceeding on schedule.

“Your honor. I love my daughter. She has been with me since she was born. I know she would thrive in a two-parent household, but that is not what I have right now, but I gave my daughter a life that she needs, and she will have a lot of outside influences to help her along the way. Both male, and female…”

The judge nodded.

“I would love to give her both a mother and a father, but I do not want to be with anyone for the sake of Micah, because that would do more harm to than good and so I think I can provide her a home and life she deserves, where she will be my number one priority.”

“You know I was hesitant,” came the judge. “I am aware of your criminal record.”

“I have done thing I was not proud of in my youth, and I will forever be sorry for that, and nothing can undo what I have done in those days” Max murmured because there a backstory to that arrest in Utah he thought, I was trying to find my son he thought. It was all in the pursuit of my child he thought. It was not a simple crime spree he thought. There is so much more to the story he thought but wisely kept it quiet, and made it appeared he recognized what he had done was wrong It was, but it was something I would do again tomorrow.

He just wished that he had not dragged Liz in the mix.

“And you have led a productive life since then,” came the judge. “The child’s biological father has no reserve in signing over his rights, as he says you are the best person to be the father to his child.”

“Yes, your honor.”

“The girl’s biological mother is another story,” came the judge.

“Yes, your honor” Max muttered Yvonne. “I am grateful for both Yvonne and Michael for giving me their child back in the beginning, but I was not prepared to give Yvonne what she desired for her to sign the papers, which is why we had to come to you.”

“She wanted money you say?” the judge asked.

“Yes.” Max said simply.

“She disputes that characterization. She said she was threatened…” the judge asked as she looked over at Michael at the back of the room and Michael did not hesitate to keep his stare and not react.

“Which is something I did not do, nor did anyone I know do” Max said as he knew because Michael had told him so, that all he did was toss some threats, but never acted on them which Max knew was the truth because Michael would never lay a hand on someone else unless they deserved it. “I simply was not prepared to give her money for her child” he sighed. “And I made my intention of that fact to Yvonne personally and never acted on impulses I might have had because I know it would not have solved anything. I wanted this time to be different.”

“You did the first time you came to an agreement,” the judge asked as Isabel sitting in the back of the room had no idea whether this was leading to something good or bad.

“I was helping her move on with her life,” Max muttered. “Yes, it was a sizable amount, but it was the only amount that I have given her since she left my life once Micah was born. We have shown you my financials…” he sighed. “To indicate that no more monetary gifts have been exchanged after that day, when we came to an agreement.”

“Your financial state is primarily funded because of a sizable inheritance you have received?” the judge asked.

“Yes,” Max muttered. “I have done other jobs, but the reason I have done those jobs are not for the money I would have received. It was a bonus, but it has also allowed me to be there for my daughter when she needs me because of the inheritance and because I have used it for good…”

“You funded a medical research facility here in town?” the judge asked. “It sits empty?”

“It was being used for private matter that has since resolved itself, and myself and my partners in the endeavor are looking for someone to take it on for their pursuits,” Max muttered. If it were only Liz, he thought. “Your honor. I understand your skepticism, and I am sure I would share it if I were in your place but know I love Micah. Yes, I took her into my home thinking it was a temporary arrangement, but she became my daughter in every way manageable, and I love to watch her get up in the morning and run off to whatever the day has to offer her, and to hear her stories. She’s currently doing gymnastics, and she loves to show me what she’s learning. And I am loving the everyday challenges that comes with raising a growing child.”

The judge nodded.

“I promise she will be happy and thriving” Max promised.

“I hope so, because I am going to allow the adoption to go forth because I believe your daughter will be well taken care for because I have talked to her, and she wants to stay with you, and the last thing she needs is to have to adjust to a new home, when she has been with you all this time.”

“Thank you, your honor,” came Max with a giant smile.

“You are welcome Mr. Evans,” came the judge. “Just so you know. I am doing to this because it is in the best interest of the minor child. Therefore, the parental rights of both biological parents will be stripped, and the adoption can proceed. You have had your supporters, and I admire that. It is very apparent both you and your daughter will be supported in every way that you will need today and in the future.”

“I know I will need every bit of the support,” Max said. “I know it will not be easy, but I do not expect it to be,” he said softly.

“And it does not hurt that you had a Tony Award nominated Broadway actress on your side, nor a recent award-winning scientist who went to bat with you, in letter and in person” came the judge. Shocking Max as it slowly sunk in. Knowing Maria was still in New York. He knew she could not possibility be the person who had come in person. Otherwise, he would have heard the shrieking of Charlie at his mother’s arrival.

It left only one other person. Liz, he thought. As Max was aware Liz had recently won an award for some breakthrough she had and knew it had helped solidify why he was not here in Roswell with him.

Nor why he had not heard from her. Max had tried to call her after getting her number from Maria, but Liz had never come to the phone, and so he took that as a message, and he stopped calling.

And concentrated on finalizing the adoption.

And now his jaw dropped, in surprise. Phillip could only smile, and Isabel only smirked because she had been aware that Liz was back in town although she had personally not seen her because she was staying with her parents over the Crashdown and had not been seen by her whenever she and Kyle were in.

She was aware something was going on, but she did not know what.

Kyle assured her that she would know when it hit the fan. Which told her everything she needed to know or almost everything she thought.

She trusted her husband.

“Yes, Ms. Parker was very determined to come here personally to attest to your excellence character and your ability to take care of your daughter,” came the judge. “Everyone has been singing your praises.

Max went into a trance at the thought of Liz being back. Somehow, he had missed this, in recent days and despite his daughter’s love for the cuisine of the Crashdown. No one thought it was important to tell him, and now he was finding out Wait, Liz is back? he asked of himself as it was dawning on him.

“She tried to tell me the two of you were engaged even though everything about your application tells me you were and are single?” came the judge who was slightly amused by Max’s reaction. Something is going on there thought the judge.

“She did not give me an answer, so I just assumed…” Max said softly. What does this all mean?

“I will leave you to deal with your personal life,” came the judge as she stood up to leave her chambers. “Congratulations again Mr. Evans, take care of that little girl of yours.”

“I will,” Max said softly as he exited the chambers with his father, and sister trailing along. “Call Mom, and tell her we will be there shortly…”

“I will,” came Phillip as he left the area, which left Isabel and Max to talk.

“You did it,” came Isabel who smiled. “I am thrilled this happened.”

“Me too,” Max said softly. “Although there were times like it did feel like it was going to happen,” he muttered as his thought of his little girl who would be officially his once the adoption was legal and had been filed.

“She’s going to be a true Evans,” Isabel murmured and then she stopped because she saw that his father had gone into one of his trances once again, and usually the cause of it was one brunette that had captured his heart back in grade school. Liz Parker, she thought. No one else could do it without mind control she thought.

“She already is,” came a voice that was coming closer to them, and yes, they both turned and spotted someone they both knew coming down their way.

Liz Max said simply. And then it dawned on both of them just what they were seeing Kyle was right, the shit was going to really hit the fan Isabel said as it dawned on her first and she saw her brother was still too far gone to truly see what was going on.

Liz Max said once again.

“Yes,” Liz said softly. “Hello Max…”


“You are pregnant?” Isabel said briskly as she glanced between her brother and Liz and knew the effects of five months ago was now even greater than she ever could have imagined twenty minutes before.

“It would seems so,” was all Liz could say because Max was not paying attention to much in the world. It would seem as if he were in his other world. One of his own creation. Whenever she was in the room. It could be unnerving to anyone who was not used to it, but for Isabel and Liz, well they were old hands at it,

“Max,” Liz said softly.

Max was rendered speechless and was unable to say anything of any consequence. Nothing was registering to him. All he could think was he had gotten a giant victory in being able to keep his daughter, and now the love of his life had walked back into his world. “Say something you idiot,” Isabel prodded of her brother.

Finally, it seems like that got Max’s attention as he morphed back into reality and all he still could see was Liz staring at him.

Obviously pregnant.

Oh god, he sighed. “You did not tell me…”

“I tried,” Liz said in defence of herself. “But I called, and some woman answered your phone and I got jealous, as I had just found out. But I never could find the time to call you back,” she admitted even though it was a shitty excuse.

But it was one.

“Why not?” Isabel asked because she was curious and because Max was not going to say anything negative about the woman he loved.

“I was in and out of the hospital, and just plain sick most of the time” Liz said. “They said to keep my stress level down, and once Mom and Dad learned about my more recent hospital stay, they insisted I come home for the duration of the pregnancy, and have my baby born here in our hometown.”

Sick, baby, hospital… it seemed like it finally broke through whatever wall that was surrounding Max, and all he could remember was a time before, when things were bad for him, and Liz and he fell into a deep hole and did something that would have consequences.

Got Tess pregnant. The baby was still out there, or so he would assume. Assume, that is all I can do he thought because he did not know.

And he remembered the beginning of Tess’s pregnancy and how sick she had been. And how it had almost taken him off the planet before sanity reigned and Liz had saved the day, but he believed his son was better off the planet, so he had sent him up with Tess.

And now someone else was pregnant, by him and said she had been sick.

Liz could see that Max was feeling guilty. “The baby is fine,” she said simply and the point out loud. “Max, I just came from appointment, and the baby is hanging on, and doing perfectly well. It is doing remarkably well given the rough early months. In fact since I have been in town. The baby seems to be liking the conditions of this town more than when I was in Geneva and New York.”

“You were in New York?” Max asked.

“Yes,” Liz said softly. “I was visiting Maria, intending to come back here when I had another hospital stay. And that is what brought me here…”

“Are you okay?” Max as softly, as softly as he could given the situation.

“Yes,” Liz said softly. “I am fine Max. The baby is as healthy as we can know at this moment. History is not repeating itself,” she said, and she even had doubts about Tess’s sudden sickness she thought. It was all too convenient way too convenient she thought. They would learn that she needed off the planet. So, the excuse was simple and to the point. When she knew this baby, she was carrying seemed to want to be close to its father, not farther away she thought. This baby wanted her to come to Roswell.

Not stay away.

“Are you sure?” Max asked softly.

“Perfect,” Liz promised. “So, I take it the meeting with the judge was successful?”

“I get to keep Micah…” Max said softly. “The adoption will proceed.”

“I am so glad Max, so glad” Liz said softly. “She deserves you to be her father…” she murmured as she smiled, and the smile lit up the room.

Making everything alright.


“So, I was wondering….”

“I am out of here,” came Isabel said as she knew she was intruding, and she needed to go and find her husband because she had some news for him of her own…

Neither Max nor Liz even noticed that she had disappeared.

“You were saying?” Max asked as this was a topped to an incredible day. Sure, it had not even started to sink in the life altering news.

“Is that proposal you were offering open for discussion?” Liz wondered as she knew they were crazy. She was crazy. She had walked out on him. She had not even told him, until now, when she showed up on his doorstep. And now she was acting like he wanted her back. She knew she took his love for her for granted.

She expected it to be still there, here, for her to return to…

“Assuming you want me back?” Liz added. “If you have changed your mind than we can figure it out like Michael and Maria are with Charlie. We will make it work for the baby, and for Micah, and make it seem….” But she was stopped from speaking anymore as Max stopped his trance and came forward, and took her into his arms, and they kissed.

“Yes,” Max said simply. “It is always you… and will always be you…”


Yes, we are at the end. But find out how it turns out with one final chapter...
Last edited by Parker1947 on Wed Jul 28, 2021 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 37 - 07/28/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Happy day.......Yvonne's right's have been severed with Micah!
This was best for the child.
Liz is this going to turn out????
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 37 - 07/28/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Max seems to be having... a very good day.
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 38 - 07/31/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Three months later,

A wedding was being planned. But a certain baby’s birth, took precedence. As Max and Liz took time to adjust the change in their relationship. And to give Micah time to adjust but that was needless because the little girl was on cloud nine ever since she was told first that she was officially going to be Max’s daughter, with the adoption waiting to be finalized. Even though that was only a formality as they needed to wait for the official paperwork to be processed. And then of course once she was told she would be a big sister.

That little nugget took precedence over everything.

Most of all. She was thrilled by Liz joining their family, and of course that there would be a new baby. Especially once it was learned Isabel was also expecting, so Phillip and Diane were thrilled to be adding to their collection of grandchildren.

The family was expanding in so many ways.

So, that wedding was being planned for the summer once the baby came.

But then on this day, Maria was now back in town. Having finished her commitment with the show. And living with Charlie in a little house near the apartment complex. Michael was suspiciously spending a lot of time there. And Max and Isabel knew things were changing. Michael was now formally going for his private investigator’s license with the intention of using some of his inheritance for the business.

Max would be a silent partner when it got up and running.

But for now, he was waiting in the waiting area for the nurse to come and get him because Liz was taken into surgery for the delivery of the baby. Because it had come early and had its own mind.

Max would be there for the birth, but now he had to wait, and had to deal with an excited Micah. Whose adoption would be final the next day.

Isabel was in the corner talking wedding plans with Maria, Diane, and Nancy. Maria doing what she had always said she would. Planning the wedding. The women were eagerly hatching plans.

While Max and Liz were insisting on a small wedding, but no one had any belief that it would stay small. Not when you such an eagerly awaited event…

So, naturally the wedding was becoming a bigger deal by the day.
As the door opened, and out came a nurse… “Mr. Evans, it’s time” came the nurse as she came into the room and Max went running…

Two hours later…

Liz was in recovery. And her fiancé, Max and his daughter Micah were checking out the baby cradle in the nursery. Micah was amazed at all the small children all around the room. “Are you sure I was that small once…” she was asking her Dad, in awe.

“Yes, and I have the pictures if you do not believe me” Max said softly as the nurse came into the room, with cradles.

Yes, it was a girl.

On the basket. The name, Geneva Parker Evans aka Gena. “She is so tiny,” came their older sister. “This is so cool,” she said of having a baby sister. She knew her baby’s sister name came from the place Liz was going to be working, but also because of her works in genes, and other genetic breakthroughs.

“Yes, it is…” Max said simply as he had everything he had ever wanted, and he did not plan on taking it for granted ever again as he let his daughter stay behind by the window with his mother Diane who keeping watch over the nursery with her husband as he walked down the hallway to the where the woman he loved was.

Maria was sitting by her best friend’s bed, and they were talking. Liz’s face lit up when Max walked into the room. “Where is Micah?”

“Checking out her new baby sister,” Max said softly as he walked over to the bed and bent down and kissed the woman who had given him everything.

Sick Maria said softly but she loved every minute of it as Michael walked in and Maria blushed, and Liz had seen it, and knew things were changing for her best friend as well. If anything was changing for them, well, it was coming slowly, but Liz knew that was fine for her friend because Charlie was in seventh heaven.

As he was growing closer to his father every day. And he and Micah were best for friends and they both were now enrolled at the same school.
Maria had intentions at one time of going back to New York, but she was interviewing to take over the theatre department at the university at Las Cruces. And seemed fine with it, and content with the choice to concentrate on her son.

She had gotten the success she wanted, and she won the Tony Award she had been nominated for and win made the university trumpeting her success, and were trying to woo her for the chance of getting to teach, and take over the program…

“Congratulations, you guys,” Michael said softly as Maria got up from the chair and walked closer to Michael. “Life seems to be rapidly changing is it not?”

“I would not have it any other way…” Max said softly as he looked at the woman, he loved…

Six months later,

The days were grueling, but Liz did not care. She parked in the parking lot out of the complex where she was sharing her life with her husband and their two daughters. She was currently working at the facility that her husband had founded with Serena, as they were coming up with a plan to transform the facility into a leading research and treatment center that one day would lead New Mexico, and maybe the country.

But one step at a time.

At the moment Serena was taking lead because Liz was going back to school. To get her PhD to be able to lead the facility to all what they wanted it to be and being in school while the kids were small was a benefit because she could schedule her classes around her schedule along with her husband’s.

So, she was leading a double life of sorts. One of her own making. She was going to school during the day, and working when she did not have class, and spending even more time with Max and the kids. And each day it was all the more apparent that Micah was growing at a rapid rate.

And little Gena was the apple of her parent’s eye, as she was growing as she spent the time with her father, who was at home taking care of the kids. Or doing some freelance jobs for Michael’s private investigating firm when the case was interesting, but Michael had found his calling. But on this day, Max had been home with the kids, and she was getting out of her night class which was a lab, and it was being held at night which was good because she could see the kids briefly once Micah got out of school.

But by now, she was tired, but she was anxious to see her kids.

Because she knew she had everything in the world.

She did not care if she could have gone for the glory and the fame in Switzerland or elsewhere. Although she suspected she would find a lot more once she had her degree, and she could lead the facility to everything it deserved and remake Roswell into a leading destination for discovery.

But that was for the future…

Today was about her husband and her kids. As she entered the door. And smiled because Max had used some of his wealth to buy the condo building, and they were planning on knocking the walls between the two apartments and make it one large one…

And maybe one day get a large home, but they did not want to leave building. And they could do this because Michael has officially moved in with Maria and Charlie, and they were becoming their own little family.

And Max and Liz had plans for the lower half of the building. It might have brought them together at one time, but now that they were older, well, it had helped bring them closer together but, on this day, it was still only one apartment.

The plans were being built for the bigger apartment…

They were taking it one step at a time. And enjoying being a family at the moment.

It was dark, and she was tired, but her mood brightened when she saw her husband sleeping on the couch, with the baby on his chest. Geneva passed out on her father’s chest… Liz knew Gena had a hard time sleeping, as she was a fussy baby and sometimes only would fall asleep in her father’s arms.

It all made for a sweet picture, as she dropped her bag and walked and kissed her husband on the lips, and his eyes opened and grinned at her when he felt the warmth of her lips. “The baby could not sleep?” was all she asked.

“Nope,” Max said softly as Liz lifted their daughter into her arms. “We were watching the game…”

“Which by the sounds of the news, is over…” Liz asked.

“I guess so,” Max said softly as he spotted the noise of the television yes, signaling the game was over. “Micah was asking for you…”

“I will put Geneva down, and go see what she wants,” Liz said softly as I know she will be awake and waiting as she glanced down and could see Max’s eyes in Geneva. And knew Alex would be watching from above, and knew she and Maria were living their lives for Alex…

Putting the baby down in her crib, and watched as the baby fell back to sleep, as she was content for the moment. And her mother was even more content as she turned out night light, and the mobile windmill that Micah had built personally of family pictures, and stars.

She had gifted it to her sister when she came home from the hospital.

It was perfect…

She turned out the light, after she watched her daughter continue to sleep…

Walking next door, she opened the door and saw a glow of light from below the covers. Sighing but also smiling at the sight because it was clear Micah was going to be a mischievous child and she and Max would want nothing but as she walked into the room, “You should not be doing that…” she said of her daughter.

As Micah was every bit her daughter. And it did not take a court to tell her that but to make it official. She and Max had put in her request to adopt the little girl. And it was going to be approved any day now.

“No fair,” came the six-year-old as Micah popped her head out of the covers, and she saw the green light turn off, and the child was clearly using her emerging talents to read at night. “You could use your lamp you know, and it’s past your bedtime. As you have school tomorrow, and a gymnastic tournament once it’s over.”

“I know Mom,” Micah said as she glowed not because of her talent. But because she was happy. After all, she had the family she wanted, and she loved every bit of it. “It’s more fun this way.”

“You have to be very carful you know,” Liz said softly as she knew she and Max had given Micah and Charlie both this lecture as they were getting older, and their abilities were becoming to be more apparent with each day. “You have to protect your Dad and your little sister…”

“I know,” Micah said in all seriousness. “I know what to do…” she said with a smirk. “But this is home, and no one is going to catch me, here are they?”

“No,” Liz said softly. “You are safe here with your Dad and I,” she said as she and Max were striving to give both kids a normal childhood. “How was school today…”

“Lots of fun,” Micah said as she recounted her day, and Liz could only listen with a smile because this was the life she wanted. To be able to be there for her kids as she watched as the child fell asleep as Liz recounted some of days’ adventures at the facility. As Max was certain they had a budding scientist on their hands. Liz was not too sure, because their daughter could be capable of anything when she grew up, but it was going to be fun to watch as there was already a Harvard University poster on her wall, and posters of places all over the world. Because Micah wanted to travel one day, and both of her parents wanted that for their child.

“She could not wait for you to come home,” Max said softly as Liz finally noticed that her sexy husband was waiting for her, with no shirt on, as she smiled right back, as she got up from the bed. And walked to him, as they closed the door behind them.

“We have everything, do we not?” Liz asked.

“Thanks to you,” Max said simply…

“Why, thanks to me?” Liz asked.

“Because it was always you,” Max said. “Thank you for being you…” he said as he kissed his wife and she led him to their bedroom…


Nine months later they were joined by a little boy named JJ after his grandfather Jeff. JJ Evans joined a family that included Isabel and Kyle’s son, Cooper James Valenti and later their daughter, Poppy.

Michael and Maria would eventually have a daughter, Antonia aka Toni.

Everyone lived happily ever after
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