Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 65 2/19 (WIP)

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Re: Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 60 9/4/21 (WIP)

Post by clueless »

Hope you are doing well!
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Re: Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 60 9/4/21 (WIP)

Post by dreamon »

Missing this! Hope you are well.
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 60 9/4/21 (WIP)

Post by MP »

It’s been a while. Hope you are coming back soon!
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Part 61

Post by behrinthecity »

Hi everyone. I am so incredibly sorry for how much time has passed. I ended up having surgery at the beginning of this year and though it went smoothly, the recovery took awhile for me to be able to sit at my computer again.

dreamon, clueless, MP-- thank you all for checking in and the good wishes.
Flamehair- thank you for the wish and comments.
keepsmiling7- thank you for the comments-- glad to hear you liked the tribute. <3

I hope you all are staying safe and well.


[From The White Room]

He had been so close to ending this nightmare. He had surprised Pierce… scared him even. He hadn’t realized just how fast and strong he could be. All he had focused on was Max killing people with the touch of his hand. If it meant getting out of here, Max was ready to try. But his powers had failed him.

Adrenaline dissipated from his system, swallowed by utter despair. He wasn’t ever getting out of here.

He half listened as Pierce explained in a feigned soothing voice the malicious reason of Max’s failure. “Don't even try. Don't even try to use your abilities, Max. The serum we injected you with – very effective in suppressing the neurotransmitters in your cerebral cortex. Experiments on the alien in the forties taught us that that's where most of your powers come from.”

[From Part 11]

When the whirring stopped he found himself able to see who had entered. One of the two agents that had jeered at his pleading earlier, that had been second to welcome him to this hell stood before him.

After studying Max for several moments, the agent finally spoke. “You still seem quite unwell. Perhaps we have been a bit too hard on you” his usually hard tone adopting a feigned soft one. He lightly touched Max’s chest near to where he had been shot at graduation. The touch for once not of a gloved finger caused Max’s breath to hitch abruptly.

He continued to trail along the area where two scars, remains of the near fatal bullet wounds had been. “Do you miss them?” The agent’s face was so close to Max’s now, whispering in his ear.

“I…” he was almost going to admit that he did. That even still surviving in this place he longed to see the physical reminder of why he was in there, why he was there at all. “What are you getting at?” he asked instead, dreading where this interrogation was leading to.

“Such impatience. And here I was going to do something for you.” The agent taunted the insincerity clear in his voice. “You seemed so reluctant to get rid of them before, but now… well let’s just say I can give them back to you.”

Max remained apprehensive, but part of him jumped at the possibility to hope the end was finally coming. “Then why did you bother saving me from choking to death?”

The agent was silent for a second then soon laughed at the absurdity of the question. “We told you Mr. Evans, the fun is only just beginning.” He said no more, but when he spoke his eyes roamed Max’s bare chest once more as his hand reached into his pocket.

“Then wh—” But Max never got to finish his question. A searing pain shot through his chest. His body jerked, and as he cried out, his eyes shut tight. However, instead of darkness, he still saw white, as the electrical shock dispersed throughout his entire body. Its hot white energy caused his nerves to seem on fire. Time and time again he learned the hard way; pain was unending in a place like this. Just when he thought the lesson was over for the moment, it started all over again.

[From Part 47]

Michael flew back, accosted by a shimmering green shield. He landed heavily against the bed, quickly helped to his feet by Isabel and Liz.

“What the hell was that?” Maria cried out, having just joined the others in the room with Kyle.

All three turned to her, their eyes filled with fear. Only Michael’s was devoid of confusion. With another glance at the energy shield flickering in intensity, its shade turning increasingly blue, he answered, “That’s not Max.”

[From Part 60]

Without a word, Max abruptly stood up. Little tremors were visible in his arms. “I need to go.” Ignoring everyone calling out to him, and roughly brushing aside Michael who had reached out to him, Max left the room.


Everyone was stunned in the wake of Max leaving. Phillip had already stood up and was ready to go after Max. His son’s statement had been vague enough that he may not have meant leave for good, but he still needed to be sure. More worrisome were the tremors in Max’s arms. Were they a sign of shock? Jim had mentioned those… miscreants had used electro-shock on his son— could that have led to Max experiencing seizures? That last thought propelled him to start moving. With a quick brush of Diane’s shoulder, he assured her that he would check it out. As he reached the door of the room, he realized Jim and Michael had joined him. With a solemn nod, the three men went out to check on Max.

~ ~ ~

Max was hardly aware of where he was going. He did not register the ornate living room nor the room he had reunited with his parents.

He just knew he had to get out of there.

Finding the entrance, he opened the door and stepped outside.

He gulped in the fresh air but still felt breathless. The tremors in his arms were becoming increasingly pronounced. Feel the power…

Panicked, he wildly looked around him spying the stone pathway to the side of the driveway.

Taking big strides, he soon came upon a garden with a gazebo at the end of the path. Once more looking around him he was satisfied that no one would know what he was about to do.

Sharp pain began to run down his arms.

Beginning to hyperventilate, he did not register what the voice in his head said.

Unable to withstand the burning trails in his veins he fell to his knees, crying out. Teal coloured energy shot from his hands. Glass from the lamps beside him exploded— raining shattered shards in sparkling arcs. The nearest bench awkwardly flipped away—the loud thunk with each revolution revealing the weight of the bench.

A crackle resounded in the air.

His eyes shot open in panic. His body tensed waiting for the unrelenting pain of electro-shock. Air seemed to desert him as he found it increasingly harder to breathe.

A guttural sound somehow escaped him. It was a sound of a wounded animal pleading for help… for mercy.

But the sound of loose electricity continued.

He squeezed his eyes shut, repeatedly murmuring, “No.”

His hands clenched at his sides. His arms seemed to strain against an invisible force.

He no longer heard his alien side urging him to fight. Instead, sibilous taunts cut through his mind.

Hyperventilating, he was no longer aware of the garden path he knelt on.

You still seem quite unwell…

A cold numbness set into his body.

This specific agent had always derived a perverse pleasure from afflicting pain upon him. Even more so when Max fell for his feigned compassion.

The enraged beatings from the soldiers seemed kind in comparison. He could understand and accept their retaliation. But the agents’ derisiveness… their relentless cruelty… only made him more self-loathing and resentful of his alien heritage.

A slight breeze began to flow around Max.

But as the chilly air brushed past his ears, all Max could see were the suited head agents’ smirks as they leaned closer to him. “Consider this… your crown, one of the agents sneered.

He felt pressure around his head. With growing dread, he knew the leather band jammed onto his head would soon drive thorny stabs of pain into his brain. His temples prickled in meek warning of his impending torture.

Gulping, he desperately wished he could re-enter his delusion of being free and reunited with his loved ones, and above all to see Liz again. He stuttered out a pitiful plea for his captors to stop, “P-ah-puh-leez-se stah-pah.” Gasping sounds were all that escaped him when he tried to plead again.

The harsh laughter of his captors resounded in his mind. Any questions they may have demanded of him to answer would be forgotten once the electricity overtook his senses.

It’s not like they ever believed him.

Fear, dread, and despair tangled into a heavy knot on his chest. Robbed of thought, he remained imprisoned in his mind.

Still kneeling on the garden path, body taut and beginning to shake, he was unaware that someone was approaching him.

~ ~ ~

The three men had gone in different directions to cover more ground in the hopes of finding Max sooner.

Jim found him first.

Having scoured the grounds on security checks before he was familiar with the trail that led to the garden. As he stepped upon the stone path he paused at the taut feeling of electricity in the air. The hairs on his arms and back of his neck rose. Quickly surveying the immediate area, he noticed a bench was missing and the lamp beside it broken.

His senses fully alert, he gingerly stepped forward. Expecting a crunching sound below his feet, he was puzzled to find no shards of glass on the ground.

A feeling of disquiet descended upon him. Attempting to keep his voice calm, he called out with a slight tremble of uncertainty, “Max?”

A soft sniffle met his ears.

His steps more assured, he strode up the path where he found Max sitting on the next bench, head bent, and arms wrapped around himself. A shimmer seemed to surround him. Jim blinked, believing his eyes were playing tricks on him. The shimmer seemed to solidify, creating an energy shield that he had witnessed once before.

Taking one more step forward, Jim heard the soft buzz of electricity. Urgency bleeding into his tone, he called out to Max. But Max did not seem to even register his presence.

He had seen this shimmering energy once before. Though the colour surrounding Max was more of a blue than the green he had previously witnessed. He recalled that Max had used the energy shield to stop bullets… successfully.

Knowing nothing could penetrate it, he was at a loss of what to do.

There was a sudden crack of electricity.

Seeing Max double over in pain, Jim rushed forward in alarm. But as with the bullets the shield kept him back.

He attempted to push at the shield, hoping Max would hear him. He did his best to ignore the stinging sensation from touching the shield. “Max!” A hiss of pain escaped him. “Talk to me. What should I do?” He still was out of his depth when it came to displays of alien powers. But Max remained bent over not heeding a word.

Consternated, Jim looked for a way to get Max out of whatever he was trapped within. Finding a twig, he gingerly poked at the swirling energy surrounding Max. In response, a brilliant blue light flickered before him. Max only seemed to withdraw more into himself.

“Max?” he called out uncertainly.

Receiving no response, he continued, “Max? Can you hear me? Max! Are you all right, son?”

Blue energy dimmed in its intensity until finally it dissipated.

For a moment, he observed the resurrected boy. He held his breath expecting the energy to appear. Minutes passed with nary an alien outburst. Releasing a breath, Jim stepped closer once again. He was within touching distancing but refrained from reaching out. While Max didn’t seem injured, he seemed far from fine. Was this an after effect of what he had suffered at the hands of the Special Unit?

He could see no electrical burn on Max’s skin. In fact, there was more colour to Max’s skin compared to the previous night. The dark circles under his eyes, however, were still greatly pronounced.

Max lifted a hand to rub at his nose and released another sniff.

The way Max held himself as small as possible, reminded Jim of past cases when he had interacted with a victim of abuse. Just as he did those times, he pushed down his emotions and focused on how he could help.

Clearing his throat, he asked, “Mind if I join you?”

Max’s head shot up, his eyes wide and frantic. Recognition came to Max gradually as his expression turned wary then finally relieved. Blinking a couple of times, Max seemed to finally register Jim’s question. Softly, he answered, “Sure.”

Jim sat at the opposite side of the bench not wanting to crowd Max. He remembered how skittish other victims had been and did not want Max to flee again.

The two men sat in silence; only the chirping sounds of crickets filled the air.

Max sighed. “I’m not leaving… I just…” He took a deep breath. Shooting a brief glance at Jim, Max returned his head to a bent position. “It’s just too much.” After gesturing while he spoke, Max clasped his hands tightly.

Tilting his head slightly, Jim pondered over Max’s statement. But remembering the horrific dreams Kyle had described to him, he had a guess. Pressing his lips in a grim line, Jim responded carefully, “I can only imagine how big of an adjustment it all is. But you don’t have to pretend everything is fine.”

Jim paused to let the words sink in.

He saw Max’s head lift ever so slightly hinting that Max was listening. But the whiteness of Max’s knuckles made it clear that Max was still far too tense. Seeing this spurred Jim on to remind the boy that he didn’t have to do anything else but rest and heal for now. “Unlike last time you don’t have to be immediately ready to fight. You can and should rest.”

Max’s head lifted fully to regard Jim. Chewing on his bottom lip he seemed to consider Jim’s words.

“What about all of you? Me being here… what you all have to give up…” Max shook his head. His voice resigned, he concluded, “it’s too much.”

Jim sighed. In a morose tone, he replied, “No. Losing you was too much… for all of us.”

Max met Jim’s gaze with eyes full of surprise.

Jim’s eyes stung as he recalled graduation, but he still held Max’s gaze. “You made a choice to save all of us.” Jim breathed in deeply, stifling a year’s worth of grief. His voice was low and anguished as he forged on with his confession. “We’ll forever be grateful for you and that choice. But we’ve all regretted that we couldn’t change what happened.” Jim’s last words had a hardened edge coloured by his guilt and anger at his inability to prevent Max being shot.

Max opened his mouth to respond— likely absolving everyone or, more ridiculously, apologizing for something he had no control over. And so, Jim continued speaking before Max had a chance to utter a word.

“You being back is the miracle we all prayed for.” Though Jim had looked off into the distance at first, his gaze returned to Max. He saw Max clearly emotionally affected by his words. And so, Jim drew on his inner strength to drive his point home.

“We want you around Max. And you can ask everyone in that room…” he pointed in the general direction of the house, “…on what they believe is worth to make that happen.” Letting those words sink in he finished after an extended pause, “I can assure you they haven’t hit their limit.”

Seeing the protest in Max’s eyes, Jim forged on. “Cal is making this a lot easier of a transition. And as with all big changes, we need to take it slow and steady.” Spying the mulish expression on Max’s face, Jim added pointedly, “career aspirations can change. She’s young.” Jim thought to add that so was Max, but seeing the aged weariness in Max’s eyes, he decided against it for the moment. “After she’s settled, she may pursue it again after all. But that’s her choice.”

Max’s mouth opened slightly as if to speak, but instead he released a breath. With a nod, he signalled that he understood. Most promising was that Max had finally unclasped his hands.

The two sat in companionable silence. Jim admired the garden, while Max looked down at his now open hands.

Timidly, Max spoke, “thank you.”

With a warm smile, Jim responded, “you’re welcome.”

At that point Phillip walked up to them.



Nodding briefly at Jim, Phillip greeted him before turning back to his son.

“What happened? Is everything all right?” His eyes roved over Max’s body, pleased to see the tremors had calmed.

“I’m okay. I’m sorry for leaving so abruptly… it was…” Max looked at both Phillip and Jim still not that comfortable talking about his extra-terrestrial related issues. “I just needed to… release some pent-up energy.”

He internally cringed at the lame explanation but was grateful both men seemed bemused at his wording.

Jim, though, was pensive— still perturbed at how that shield had seemed to cause Max pain. He caught Phillip’s eye over Max’s bent head and silently conveyed that he would fill him in later.

Phillip once again studied his son. His voice full of concern, he asked, “Are you in any pain?”

Startled by the question, Max mentally assessed himself. With a slow shake of his head, he assured his father, “No… I’m okay.”

Phillip looked dubious but said nothing.

“Do you want to stay here awhile longer?” Jim asked kindly.

Turning to Jim, Max seemed to have a mental debate with himself. Finally, he answered, “No, it’s ok. Let’s head back.” Max stood up, feeling some protest in his legs. He slightly wobbled in place, impelling Phillip to immediately reach out and steady him.

“I’ve got you,” Phillip softly assured Max.

Flashing him a small smile of gratitude, Max focused on standing straight. His hands briefly clenched, but he managed to stand to his full height. Glancing at the broken lamps, he wondered if he should fix them. But then his attention was stolen by Jim’s exclamation.

“Over here, Michael!”

Michael strode towards them. The closer he got, the relief on his face was more and more apparent. But the pointed look he shot at Max indicated that something was amiss.

“You okay? Michael uttered in a gruff voice.

Max could only nod as he observed Michael’s tense shoulders and fidgeting hands. Clearly, there was something Michael wanted to tell him. Gesturing for his father and Jim to lead the way, Max walked next to Michael. He placed a hand on his arm, signalling non-verbally for him to hang back a bit.

Satisfied they were out of ear shot of his dad, Max murmured, “what happened?”

Michael stopped for a moment to face Max head on. His gaze was unreadable.

After an extended beat, he answered with his own question, “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

With a frustrated sigh, Max shook his head. “I just needed… to blow off some steam.”

His arms crossed Michael studied Max for a moment. He could see the evident strain on Max’s face of whatever episode he just had. Not wanting to burden him with his suspicions until he knew more, he chose to hedge Max’s question for the moment.

Just as Max was starting to get self-conscious under his stare, Michael commented, “I found a basketball court while I was looking for you.” In a slightly goading tone, he asked, “You ready to lose again?”

Though them horsing around on the basketball court felt like a lifetime ago, Max’s competitive side instantly surfaced as he retorted with a smirk, “I believe that was you. But… we can start afresh…” Max magnanimously offered before adding “…it won’t take me long to prove that I’m the undisputed champ.”

A soft smile tugged at Michael’s lips at the sly expression on Max’s face. It was a glimpse of the real Max—before the events of the last four years. Max jibing him back was a glimmer of his brother being back.

Placing an arm over Max, he pulled him closer and teased, “We’ll see.”

Max released a huff of laughter but did not shrug off Michael’s arm.

~ ~ ~

At the same time

“What happened when you found Max?”

Looking straight ahead so as not to raise Max’s suspicions, Jim answered, “There was an energy shield around him.”

Slowing a step, Phillip reached for Jim’s arm. “What?”

“One of Max’s powers is he can form an energy shield that not even a bullet can penetrate.”

Phillip’s eyebrows raised in surprise and awe.

“But this time he seemed to be in pain when it was there.”

Phillip surreptitiously looked back at Max who was busy joshing with Michael.

Deep concern was etched into Phillip’s face as he mulled over Jim’s words.

Thinking out loud, he asked, “Could it be because he hasn’t used his powers in a long time?”

Cocking his head to the side, Jim considered the suggestion. “Possibly. Though I think we should still keep an eye on him.”

Phillip nodded grimly. “Agreed.”

~ ~ ~

The two brothers quickly caught up to Phillip and Jim. As they all approached the pool, they were surprised to see everyone sitting out there.

Max momentarily halted in his steps.

The others greeted them with a cacophonous chorus of exclamations: There you are! Where have you been? We were thinking of sending a search party to look for all of you!

All of them looked contrite, humbly accepting the admonishments.

Internally, Max was a tumultuous storm of emotions. Seeing everyone alive and healthy always stunned him. His breathing shallow, he silently reminded himself that real or not, this was the reality he chose to believe.

Michael brushed his arm, “You okay?” he asked.

Blinking away the tears that had risen to the surface, he quickly nodded.

His mother and Isabel got up and met him. They studied him closely.

Heat crept up his neck under the scrutiny. Noticing the concern on their faces, guilt took over any embarrassment he felt. “I’m sorry for leaving so abruptly. But I’m fine now.”

Isabel shared a dubious look with Michael but chose to stay quiet.

Diane fussed with Max’s shirt, brushing off any debris. She intoned disapproval at his unkempt state, her lips drawing into a tight line at the evidence something troubling had happened.

Max placed his hands on his mother’s stilling her tender movements. “I’m okay,” he assured her. Glancing at Isabel he added, “Really.”

Both ladies sighed and begrudgingly accepted what Max insisted.

Offering them a grateful smile, he moved towards the others. Waving awkwardly, he greeted them all. He was relieved that they did not choose to interrogate him on what had happened. He honestly, wasn’t sure anymore.

Images flitted in his mind in a confusing disarray. White light flickered throughout, interrupted with the blue glow of his seal, a shadowy man stooping before him, and Liz’s teary face.

Refocusing on the present he began to search for Liz. He spied her exiting the kitchen to join them all, drink in hand.

In moments he stood before her. He could see the sorrow in her features. Her brown eyes seemed guarded; the corners tight as she watched him. His initial words deserted him as shame filled him with causing her such distress.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, he apologized, “I’m sorry for that outburst.” He scuffed his shoe to keep him from seeing the expected disappointment on Liz’s face.

Feeling her hand on his arm, his foot stilled.

“Max,” Liz called out to him so he would look at her.

His eyes darted to her face, before returning to the ground.

He heard her sigh.

He lifted his head slightly, but his eyes kept lowering in shame.

“I’ll support you in whatever you want to pursue, Liz. But don’t let me be an obstacle to any of them.” Releasing a breath, he straightened his back and faced Liz directly. Infusing his words with conviction, he asserted, “you’re destined for so much more.”

Taking his hands in hers, Liz smiled benignly. “Destiny is what we make of it. And whatever I may pursue… I want you there. You’re—” she gazed into Max’s eyes debating her next words—a part of me… my life… “—everything to me. The last year, I tried, but…” she trailed off remembering the emptiness that had consumed her. Refocusing on Max, she noticed the sheen of tears in his eyes. In a gentle but firm tone, she completed her statement. “…a world without you was… is incomplete.”

A soft sob escaped Max as he pulled Liz into a hug. Liz’s words were a balm on his soul quieting any fears of never seeing her again.

Resting her head over his heart, Liz murmured, “I love you.”

Placing a reverent kiss on her head, Max whispered, “I love you.”

All the parents smiled. They were deeply touched by the tenderness and care Max and Liz had displayed. Jeff and Diane leaned into each other, while Diane lifted a hand to her heart. Phillip, however, was once again studying Max.

Max’s tension seemed to melt as he embraced Liz. But the exhaustion emanating from him was undeniable.

Phillip suggested for Max to go rest.

Though Max was about to insist he was fine, Liz spoke, “That’s a good idea.”

Tugging at Max’s hand, she coaxed him to follow her. “This way Mr. Jones…” she whispered in a sultry tone.

Catching a glimmer in her eye, Max filled with heat and anticipation. Solemnly, he turned to the others and bid everyone goodnight.

Liz did as well but offered a smile of reassurance that she would make sure Max rested. Mentally she added, after she found out what happened.

~ ~ ~
In Liz and Max’s room

As soon as they had entered the room, Max had Liz locked in a passionate kiss. Though, there was a sense of desperation to his act. His arms pulled her tighter towards his chest as if to ensure she wouldn’t disappear.

Ending the kiss to take a breath, she observed Max’s face. His eyes simmered with desire but could not hide the strain and tension from whatever had happened.

And so, when he leaned in for another kiss, she placed a hand on his chest to stop him.

The flash of disappointed hurt on his face almost made her change her mind. But she had to know what happened.

Her voice soft and compassionate, she asked, “What happened?”

With a sigh, Max’s arms lowered to his side.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he answered honestly, “I’m not actually sure.”

Astute as ever, Liz pointedly asked, “Zan took over?”

Rubbing the back of his neck, Max commented, “I wasn’t aware exactly, but I must have released some energy, because the garden lamps were broken.”

Liz nodded her head slowly. She moved to sit by Max’s side when she spied some blood on Max’s hand.

With a gasp, she exclaimed, “Max, you’re bleeding!”

In a daze, Max glanced at his hand.

He was dumbfounded at where the blood came from.

Taking charge, Liz offered, “Here, let me help you.”

Grabbing some tissues, she began to blot the wound.

Her vision filled with shadowed white tile, and she could hear a muffled sound of distress. Then a blueprint flashed in front of her revealing what looked like a design for a complex computer chip controlled by radio waves.

Feeling a warmth and weight on her hand, Liz opened her eyes.

Max lifted his hand from hers. Removing the tissue she saw that he had healed the wound, dissipating any blood that might have been there.

Forgetting the flash for the moment, she owlishly looked at Max. “H—wh--how did you get a cut there?”

Thinking for a moment, Max remembered the broken lamps and piles of broken glass. “I think… I somehow broke the lamps in the garden… and maybe a piece of glass must have…” he trailed off still wondering what had happened after he released the energy blast. He only could remember Jim on the bench beside him.

Liz nodded, her mind returning to the odd and disturbing images she had seen.

She chewed her lip thinking how to broach her question.

Max watched her pensively. “What do you want to tell me?”

Releasing her now bruised lower lip, Liz huffed a breath out in surprise.

After an extended moment, Liz forced out another breath. Resolute, she faced Max to tell him. “When I touched your neck, I saw something… did they… do any surgery on you?”

Max looked stricken. He never had wanted Liz to witness what they had done to him.

His eyes fluttered close in resignation. His voice thick with tears he answered, “Yes.”

Liz covered her mouth as she gasped silently.

“I don’t know what they did, but I had to lie face down,” Max mumbled.

Liz grabbed Max’s closest hand within both of hers for support and comfort.

“They had put something on my neck to numb the pain, but I could still feel the cut… I don’t know what they did exactly.”

“I saw a blueprint of a radio-controlled computer chip,” Liz supplied. Her words were tense as she realized the extent of the agents' violation of Max.

Max turned to Liz in surprise. “I’ve never had a flash like that.”

“I think it’s a new power of mine.”

Despite the tense topic at hand, Max’s lip curled slightly as he marvelled at Liz’s abilities.

“Max, do you remember if they tested your powers after this was done?”

Max began to slowly shake his head when he suddenly stilled. His eyes widened as he met Liz’s concerned face.

“What is it?”

“During the surgery, they asked me to use my powers. I didn’t realize they weren’t disabled before it…” Max suddenly clapped his hands over his ears.

A high-pitched tone pierced through his skull.

“Max? Max!”

The sound dropped suddenly leaving a vacuum pressure in his ears.

Blinking back into alertness he registered Liz’s hands on his arms.

In a hushed voice he revealed the terrifying truth, “They can control my powers.”
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Re: Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 61 2/26/22 (WIP)

Post by dreamon »

Umm wow! Just when I think I’ve read it all you surprise me again.

Glad to see you back, but most importantly I’m very happy to hear that you are doing well!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 61 2/26/22 (WIP)

Post by clueless »

Glad to have you back and to hear you are doing better!

This is the only reason I come to this site and I was so thrilled to see an amazing new part.
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Re: Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 61 2/26/22 (WIP)

Post by MP »

Thank you for another great part! Please don’t keep us waiting for another part :D
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Re: Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 61 2/26/22 (WIP)

Post by behrinthecity »

dreamon- Wow! Thank you for your comments. I am so pleased the part had something not seen in Roswell fanfic, thus far!

Just to confirm, was it the revelation at the end of the part?

Thank you for wishes.

clueless- Thank you for the wishes and comment! Am totally blushing knowing my story is the reason you come to the site still. :oops: Thank you for you continued interest in the story!

MP- Thank you for your comment. I will do my best. Though reading readers' reactions and questions to what happened in the part help me write faster. :wink:

So I'm curious, dear readers, any favourite moment in Part 61? :)
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Re: Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 61 2/26/22 (WIP)

Post by MP »

behrinthecity wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:13 am dreamon- Wow! Thank you for your comments. I am so pleased the part had something not seen in Roswell fanfic, thus far!

Just to confirm, was it the revelation at the end of the part?

Thank you for wishes.

clueless- Thank you for the wishes and comment! Am totally blushing knowing my story is the reason you come to the site still. :oops: Thank you for you continued interest in the story!

MP- Thank you for your comment. I will do my best. Though reading readers' reactions and questions to what happened in the part help me write faster. :wink:

So I'm curious, dear readers, any favourite moment in Part 61? :)
Any dreamer moment is my favorite part! Lol
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Re: Scars of White (AA, CC, MATURE) Part 61 2/26/22 (WIP)

Post by dreamon »

behrinthecity wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:13 am dreamon- Wow! Thank you for your comments. I am so pleased the part had something not seen in Roswell fanfic, thus far!

Just to confirm, was it the revelation at the end of the part?

Thank you for wishes.

clueless- Thank you for the wishes and comment! Am totally blushing knowing my story is the reason you come to the site still. :oops: Thank you for you continued interest in the story!

MP- Thank you for your comment. I will do my best. Though reading readers' reactions and questions to what happened in the part help me write faster. :wink:

So I'm curious, dear readers, any favourite moment in Part 61? :)
OMG, yes it was! Now I’m thinking does anyone still have access to the chip? What ramifications does it have on Max not just mentally but physically too. And who’s going to take it out and will there be any negative effects with taking it out? So many questions…so this just means that we need longer parts :wink:
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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