Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 84 - Completed - 09/01/2022

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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 67 - 06/28/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

What will happen next??
Max, I'm glad you realize how happy you make your mother when you spend time with them!
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 68

Post by Parker1947 »

Three days later,
Chicago, Illinois

A car pulled up in front an imposing mansion near the exit of the city. The car had gotten into city limits that morning, after taking a leisurely drive from Roswell and they had stopped by the hotel they would be staying while in the city. After all, their old house was now sold and the new owners were now at home in it, and she figured it was easier to be in a hotel than staying with her in-laws, if they were aware of their pending visit but were not because Liz had not wanted to difficulty that came with talking to her in-laws.

They had talked briefly over the last months, and on both Lex and Mariah’s birthdays. But their relationship had trailed off since the funeral. But she could not come to Chicago without seeing her son’s grandparents, after all she had not been that upfront with her in-laws because of the newest discoveries about Mariah.

She did not know how to tell them, and she did know that her daughter felt the same and she knew that it had been some distance in her relationship with her grandparents which was not the greatest in the first place in comparison to the one they had with their Roswell grandparents even though they rarely had seen them in comparison to Christina and Mitchell.

As she pulled through the gates, wanting to get this over with, as she also had the code as a family member even if she was a distant one at the moment.

She parked the car, and looked at the mansion once more, and was reminded how difference her life in Roswell was from the life Brady had emersed in when they met, and Lex could not help but notice how stark it was for the first time.

After all, he had never been back to Roswell. All he knew was the life they had in Chicago, and when he visited his grandparents and now after four odd months back in Roswell, New Mexico. Life was very different here, whoa he wanted think.

Maybe it is because I am now older, although thirteen was not much older than he had been back in October at Aunt Priscilla’s wedding he told himself. But life is very different here he told himself but did not say anything to his mother.

But they got out of the car, and looked up, as his mother helped him get to his crutches, and he leaned against them and looked up, “We are going in, aren’t we?”

“That we are,” Liz muttered as she looked up at the mansion. “Okay, let us get it over”

Lex nodded, and walked up towards the house, and Liz rang the doorbell. Since neither of his in-laws knew they were coming.

So, she was surprised to see Priscilla opening the door. “Priscilla?”

“Liz,” came her sister-in-law. “We were not expecting to see you, or Lex” Priscilla murmured as she spotted her nephew and his crutches. “I do not see Mariah?”

“She stayed back home,” Lex said. “Aunt Priscilla.”

“Alex,” Priscilla said stiffly.

“Lex,” he muttered.

Priscilla nodded.

“I expected you to still be on your honeymoon?” Liz asked of the cruise she knew her sister-in-law was taking after her marriage. “Is everything alright,” the marriage could not be over, already, could it? she asked herself silently, as she did not dare say those words. Because the relationship she had with her sister-in-law was better than the one she had with her in-laws, but not by much. Because Priscilla had spent so much of the time away from the family, growing up, she was not as close but here she was. Although she could not help but wonder what was going on because she recognized that Priscilla had not returned her call “Are you okay?”

“Everything is alright with me,” Priscilla said. “Come in,” she said to both her sister-in-law and her nephew. “I am sorry Mariah could not come with you?”

“We were hoping to see Mitchell and Christina?” Liz asked of her in-laws.

“You did not tell them you were coming, did you?” Priscilla asked.

“No, we did not know if it would be today, we would be visiting. Lex and I are in town to deal with business, and for him to see some old friends”

Priscilla nodded.

“Where are your parents?” Liz asked, expecting to see the formality of her mother-in-law or father-in-law.

“Father is in the hospital,” Priscilla murmured. “Heart attack…”

“Oh god,” Liz said as she saw concern on her son’s face, while they knew Lex did not have the heart condition, still there was concern that one day he might… “Is he okay?”

“They got to him in time, but it still could go either way” Priscilla murmured. “Christina is at the hospital, and it does not help it was discovered that he had the same condition as Brady, but not as life threatening obviously,” she sighed. “I am clear.”

“The kids are fine too…”

“I am glad,” Priscilla sighed. “Although we both know why Mariah is, don’t we?”

Shit Liz muttered, and Lex looked at his mother a little wearily. I wanted to get away from all of this, and not deal with it…


Same time,

Mariah was working. Despite her wish to find the work too much and find any chance to call it all off. She found the work surprisingly stimulating and she was learning a lot about her new hometown. Because she was finding that her grandparent’s restaurant was a magnet for gossip. Wow, it comes out of the walls it seems as she seemed to be told all the gossip about the love lives of the fellow teenagers, and even the adults. “You can never go unaware in this place?”

Which made her wonder why her grandparents could be so oblivious to it all back in her own mother’s day. As she cleaned off a table that was now emptied, and put that cloth in her bucket, and was preparing to head back into the kitchen where Mac was working. When the door opened and River, Sierra and Jessica walked in.

She had found in the two days she had worked here, that the place was full of teenagers, and even though school was back in session. She was not back in it, because she was still on her suspension and she was working both morning and afternoon shifts, because as her mother warned, she was liking the money that her grandfather promised to pay her. She also liked the tips.

The three walked to the empty table that Mariah had just finished, and she wearily walked back and was back on. “Hello,” she said to the three. “How was school?”

“Boring, the same old same old” Jessica said smiling although her smile turned when she saw Mac through the window of the kitchen. Because Mac only had one class that afternoon, which meant he was on the afternoon shift, and he had not talked much to Mariah and Mariah knew something was going on with Mac.

But she was not asking for Mac to speak.

Because Mac and Jessica had not talked since the kiss. Both had been keeping away from each other, even at school despite having several of the same classes because they were in the same grade and in the same line of classes.

River knew something was going on, even now that he knew that was something brewing but he laid off both his best friend and his cousin and figured something would break eventually.

“How is spending time with your grandparents?” River asked. “I am not sure I would like actually like living with my grandparents,” he muttered our grandparents he thought but did not say it.

“It’s nice enough,” Mariah said. “I am working so much that it has not been a hassle given I am not in school.”

“You miss it?” Sierra asked.

“Not really, but it is early days” Mariah said. “So, you want anything?” she asked of the group.

“The usual,” River nodded. “Which is,” he said as he listed what he wanted and so did Sierra and Jessica.

“I will see to it,” Mariah said as she walked away, and walked up to the window and put the slip on the wheel in front of Mac who glowered, and River noticed it and how Jessica was trying to ignore it.

“What is going on there?” River asked of his cousin.

“Nothing,” Jessica muttered.

“What is going on with you and Mac?” Sierra asked, as she suspected something was also going on. She did not have to be told anything by River because she sensed it at school because Jessica had been staying away from wherever Mac was to be found, assuming Mac could be found at school. And he was currently playing hide and seek.

Showing up to classes occasionally, and certainly sticking around to talk.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Jessica muttered, And I do not she said picking up her phone and getting up from the table and walking off to return a call.

“She’s upset about something,” Sierra commented.

“Yes, she is,” River muttered. “And because of the breakup with Alan,” he said as he knew the breakup had made waves at school.

Meanwhile at the takeout window, “Looking for table order 15,” Maria muttered. But she only got grunts from Mac. “Come on Mac, it’s piling up.”

“You will get the food when you get the food,” Mac muttered.

“Jeez, you are really a grump these days,” Mariah muttered.

“Given the state of mind you were in like a week ago, are you one to talk?” Mac asked as he pushed a plate towards Mariah. “Table 3.”

“Right,” Mariah said and did not answer his bad mood and disappeared with the food. “Why are you such a grouch,” came a familiar voice and Mac turned around and spotted River looking at him. “You are just as bad as Jessica these days?”

“Leave me alone,” Mac muttered.

“Something is going on with you,” River asked. “Do you want to tell me what it is?”

“No,” Mac said. “I have to work, so leave it be.”

“I would if you had done the same with me,” River said with a smile. “I know you have been working a lot, but it seems like you are annoyed for no good reason. You have been the same way at school.”

“It been for no reason,” Mac muttered. “Look, leave, I have work, and the orders have been piling up and Mariah is already chewing me out and this is only her second day on the job, and she seems like she is a seasoned veteran,” he muttered. “Maybe tonight we will get together.”

“Call me,” River said as he left the kitchen.

Sierra was off in the bathroom, so it was only Jessica at the table when he returned to the table. “What is going on with you and Mac?” River asked. “The two of you can barely look at each other, and barely talk at school, and I have not seen the two of you together in the same presence in days.”

“Leave it alone,” Jessica muttered because she was not ready to talk about it. There is really nothing to talk about she thought.A lot of nothing she told herself.

“Did something happen between the two of you?” River asked. As Jessica’s cousin, they were closer than many other families, and they were more like siblings because they had grown up in the same family and of course because of his dysfunctional home life, they had gravitated together, and it helped that Mac was there too, and the three of them were growing up together despite River’s age difference. So, he knew when his cousin was off. Mac was always unpredictable, so he knew to expect it, although his recent behavior did border on the strange, but then that is Mac he thought. But Jessica, he told himself. This is odd. Even if you factor in the breakup with Alan.

“Nothing happened,” Jessica lied because she had not been able to forget the kiss. And neither she or Mac wanted to talk about it, so it was only allowing a gulf to develop in their friendship and closeness.

“I think something did, and you know you can talk to me. I have certainly told you about stuff I rather not discuss, and you have helped me, so why don’t you let me help you?” River asked because Jessica had done a lot for him. And he had not done enough for her, “Let me help you.”

“I do not need any help,” Jessica muttered. “Let me be,” she said softly as she did not want to think about it, because she already know things were changing, and she hated it because she wanted it to be stay the same as it was.

But it could not.

“I am here if you want to talk” River murmured and Jessica nodded as Sierra came back to the table, and soon the three were going their different ways on their way home. And Mac only stared as Jessica walked away.

“Talk to the girl,” Mariah muttered as she showed her face at the kitchen window, because she had seen the looks between Mac and Jessica, and how Mac’s stare had trailed Jessica’s departure. “Stewing in whatever you are stewing in, will not help you in the end.”

“Are you one to talk?” Mac asked.

“Yes, I am” Mariah said with a smile. “My issues are different than yours but if something is going on with you and Jessica. Nothing is being solved by not talking about. Talk to the girl and see where you are at?”

“What if I do not want to know where we are at?” Mac asked. I rather just ignore it and think everything was alright.

When he knew, everything was not alright he told himself. We cannot speak to each other. That shows us that it is not working he told himself.

“That is up to you, but it will not help the situation” Mariah murmured.

“Yeah,” Mac asked.

“Yeah,” Mariah acknowledged. “Talk to Jessica, see where you are at?”



Talking is better than ignoring your issues and Liz knew that full well because she had a history of not talking about her issues or even running from them most of the time, and back in Chicago. Things did not go well at the house. And Priscilla did not make them feel welcomed, so she and Lex had departed the house almost as soon as they arrived, and now they were back in the hotel room after stopping for dinner at their favorite Italian restaurant. And Liz felt like coming back here was the right decision, despite the unusualness of the visit to her in-law house, “You can pick the movie to watch?” she said to her son as they sat and watched some television. She knew her mind was not in movies, and at least it was something she and her son could do together. They did not talk about what had happened at his grandparents’ house.

Because it had ended when it was clear that Priscilla had a pretty good idea of the paternity issues with her daughter, and she did not want to confirm or deny. And Priscilla just shooed them away, so they stopped for dinner, but did not talk about it because she knew the last thing her son needed was a reminder of how different his life was now…

He was already getting a good glimpse of it, but she felt confident he was having a good time. You cannot not have a good time in a luxury hotel. “I have to stop my old job for a few hours tomorrow, do you want me to drop you off somewhere?”

“No, I can stay here” Lex murmured. “My friends will be at school anyways…” he muttered. “I can do whatever work I have to do; you know on-line like I have to do any other day?”

“Right,” Liz murmured. As she was unsure of what to say. While her son was better since they left but still there was some sort of depression because his reality was currently different than his own friends. Because of how different their situation was, or how different her son’s situation was… “I am sure we will be able to some other stuff you do not get to do,” she sighed “But why do you not pick the movie, and I will be right back” Liz said as she got up and went to the little kitchen they had in their suite and got some wine out of the fridge and poured herself a glass and was preparing to join her son who had picked some action film.

She knew she would hate it, but the choice is not mine when then was a knock on the door. “I will get it,” she said as she was closer to the door.

Opening it up, she was shocked to find her sister-in-law. “Priscilla?”

“Can I come in?” Priscilla asked as she looked at her brother’s wife and looked inside the suite and saw her nephew on the couch. “If I am disturbing you?”

“No come in,” Liz said softly. “Yes, come in” she said inviting her husband’s sister. Someone she did not know as well but it had always been cordial between them, until earlier in the day, “What is it you wanted to talk about?”

“Earlier,” Priscilla muttered. “I know I was curt, and troublesome,” she said softly.

“I am going into my room,” Lex muttered. Because he knew his mother was not going to like the movie he had picked, and he was not in a mood to overhear what his aunt had say in apology for her behavior from earlier in the day. “I will watch the movie on the other television.”

“Go ahead,” Liz said of her son.

Lex nodded. “Aunt Priscilla.”

Lex came Priscilla, honoring her nephew’s chosen moniker, one she knew her parents did not get or approve of but one that her brother accepted, “Nice to see you, sorry about earlier.”

“It is alright,” Lex muttered as he walked into his bedroom, which had a television. And closed the door.

And soon the music of some action pic was starting. “Thank you,” Liz said with a smile. As she wanted to make her sister-in-law feel welcomed. “You got me out of watching some muscle action movie or whatever my son decided to pick.”

Priscilla smiled. “I am sorry about earlier. You arrived at a tense time for me, and well I took it out on you.”

“I know those moments,” Liz said. It is my constant life she told herself. “Is everything alright with you and your husband?” she asked because she did not know how Priscilla’s new marriage was going.

“No, everything is perfect on that front, for that once” Priscilla smiled. “My husband is the best support system for me.”

“Is it Mitchell being in the hospital?” Liz asked. “Luckily my father has been pretty healthy, but I can imagine how it is to have your father in the hospital, and not sure how he is going to come out of this?” she asked because she knew how prickly Priscilla’s relationship was with her father. It seesawed depending on the day of the week.

“It has not helped, but you caught me at an unfortunately period because I am dealing with the company, and they are being annoying and sexist, and I had an unfortunate phone call with the acting CEO right before you arrived.”

“Oh,” Liz sighed. One of the reasons I am a scientist and not in business. She hated dealing with the bosses, and the people who made the decisions at the end of the day. She got a long with most of her bosses over the years but still she knew Mitchell had founded his own company, Anthony Inc. many, many years before and was successful, and it had grown into the big time and he always assumed his son would take over, but Brady’s passion was in somewhere else. Although he would have been an excellent CEO, or president she thought. Brady knew how to make deals which aided his scientific work.

But did not mesh with being what his father wanted him to be. As far as Liz knew. Mitchell was still helming his company, obviously this health scare has changed things. “That is unfortunate.”

“Yes, it is” Priscilla muttered. “I am trying to help out with the company, because obviously Dad cannot and even if he pulls through, the doctors have already indicated he is going to have pull back and basically retire.”

“Mitchell will not be happy,” Liz commented.

“No, and it is not like Christina can run things because she likes the money too much and to shop, and so she is not into the business,” Priscilla sighed.

“So, it is up to you?” Liz asked as she sighed because she knew that Priscilla and her stepmother most decidedly did not get along. Christina was the same way, so it was not a one-sided deal even if was a shame. So, you know why I chose to leave Max she thought. She did not want to be the same way with River.

“Yes, but the current acting CEO who appointed himself when Dad was rushed to the hospital, well, he and I do not see eye and eye and he definitely does not see how I could possibility have any contributions for the company.”

“That is crazy,” Liz said. Because one of the best personality traits of Priscilla was the ability to give orders and in getting results, she thought. Like father, like daughter. And it was one of the reasons her prior marriages did not work out. Because her previous husbands were too easy going. And they were not a matching counter point to her need for stability.

“It is, is it not?” Priscilla muttered.

“So, what are you going to do about it?” Liz wondered.

“I have no idea, but it just was a bad time, but I do appreciate that you did stop by even if you did not know what was going with my father.”

“We didn’t warn your father and Christina,” Liz admitted. “I did not know if would be today until we showed up in the city.”

“You wanted to get it out of the way, get the angst out of the way?” Priscilla asked.

“You can say it is something like that…”

“Anyway, I am glad to have seen you. That you decided to stop by. I got your message you know, but I was on the cruise, and then the health crisis with father came up suddenly, and we rushed back because I missed everything going down with Brady…”

“Your brother would not have wanted you to ruin your honeymoon,” Liz sighed. “He was thrilled that you were happy.”

“I wish I could have said good-bye,” Priscilla muttered. “He was the best baby brother. We might have only been half siblings and did not spend much time here because I could not stand Christina, and Dad did not try any harder than I did to make our relationship work. But I loved Brady, and he was the best. And I miss him every day. It should be Brady who was dealing with all this.”

“He would have hated dealing with the business,” Liz said with a sad smile. “You are much better suited.”

“I wish the asses at the office saw that…” Priscilla muttered.

“Make them,” Liz suggested.

“I plan too, although I only have so many resources” Priscilla sighed.

“Well, I might have a way of helping you” Liz said softly.

Last edited by Parker1947 on Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 68 - 06/30/2022

Post by Superman86 »

Can't wait to find out Liz idea for helping Priscilla. I hope to that Max is taking Liz temporary absence well
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 68 - 06/30/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz has stepped into an interesting situation when she arrived back in Chicago.
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 69 - 07/05/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Trying to help her sister-in-law stage a coup at the company was keeping Liz from thinking of her problems, and it was good to sit and talk to Priscilla as she brought out the bottle of the wine she had started to drink before and now they were talking about how Priscilla could get control of the company, while inside his bedroom Lex was watching the movie, and he had tried to eavesdrop on the conversation that his mother and aunt were having, although to the thirteen year it, it was boring, all that talking about business he thought. He had enough it when at dinner with his grandparents before his relocation, so he did not want to hear it now. So, he went back to the movie, and got into the action, and heard the ding of his phone, and he smiled when he saw a text and selfie picture of his sister in her waitress uniform. Whoa Lex smiled at the sight of the whole ensemble that his sister had to wear for her job.

He almost wished he was back there, so he could witness his older sister dealing with her job Almost he thought. He did not want to deal with the other stuff he told himself and found it too on the nose for his sister to be dressed like she was, but still it was cool. Cool he texted back. Are you finished working?

Yes, came the response.

What are you doing? Lex asked.

Planning on a movie with River and Sierra Mariah wrote back. Being the third wheel tonight, are you in Chicago, yet?

Yeah, Lex text back.

Is it the same place that we left? Mariah asked.

Yes, except Grandpa is in the hospital. Lex texted back, unsure if their mother had already told her but he suspected she would not have unless they had talked. Lex was smart enough to know his mother had been preoccupied with him.

What came the response. What happened?

Heart attack, things might be dicey. Although do not really know. Grandma is at hospital. Aunt Priscilla is here talking to Mom, and staging a coup of the company?

“What the hell,” came Mariah back in Roswell as she was in a running conversation with her little brother and she leaned against her bed, in the room she was staying, which happened to be her mother’s childhood bedroom.

The one with the balcony but knew her Grandfather would have an eagle eye on her so that she did not repeat the stuff her mother had pulled off. But she never expected her brother to text back, about her grandfather. She dropped her phone, and switched off the feature, and dialed her brother’s phone. “Grandpa is in the hospital, and what about the company?” she asked. Am I missing drama? she thought because she knew how much her father had not wanted to follow in the family business and she had heard how disappointed her grandfather was that her father went into another field. I was too young to know what really was happening she told herself.

But now, it felt normal to be talking to her brother about their family.


While back in Chicago, Liz was talking to Priscilla. “You know I had those shares Brady left me in his will.” She said of the shares that all the immediate family members were given, spouses excluded she thought unless you are widowed, she told herself, which meant she was holding onto Brady’s shares. The kids had their own, not as much because they stood to inherit their father’s portion once they come of age. As I am placeholder until Mariah and Lex is 21. but enough to make a move if you wanted to, and because both kids were minors, she controlled both her husband and children shares. “If there is a challenge to the company?”

“You would do that?” Priscilla asked.

“Brady trusted you, and he loved you, and if we trust that you would do right by the company. If you father cannot be a head of it, then it needs to stay in the family, until we know for sure what the kids what to do with their lives,” Mariah is unlikely, but you never know with Lex she was thinking, “and therefore I could help you out, if you wanted me too…”

“Wow, I did not even think of that” Priscilla sighed as she was not sure whether she wanted to go in that direction or not.

“Think about it, and I am prepared to help you, and I know the kids would want to help you too even if I make all their decisions for now, so I definitely would be open to give you, my proxies.”

“I do not know what to think,” Priscilla asked. “Thank you.”

“All I ask is that you continue to make the company a success and prove to your father that he should have been grooming you and not bitching about Brady all this time,” Liz laughed and got a smile out of Priscilla. “I know that your brother did think you had leadership potential because he told me, and he definitely was disappointed when you did not take that job with the company after graduation.”

“I was in my funk period with Dad at the time, and I wanted to be on my own.”

“I know the feeling,” Liz said softly. I definitely know that feeling…

“Still, I don’t know what to say,” Priscilla said once again. “And after all the things I have said or even thought of you over the years…

“I do not take it personally,” Liz said much she laughed. I have had my own opinions of my husband’s sister, but life is changed for all of us now. “I probably deserved it.”

“It sounds like moving back to your hometown has been doing you wonders,” Priscilla asked as they were finally getting to the crucks of the situation, and they both knew it had to come up at some time, right? Liz muttered to herself. And things were going well.

“It has been quite a change,” Liz admitted. “Life is different than the one I was leading here with Brady, but I still wish Brady had not been taken from us,” she sighed. “So much might have been different for us, because he really did not get to experience Roswell in all its glory,” she muttered to herself.

“It could not have been easy,” Priscilla murmured. “Again, I am sorry I did come back for the funeral.”

“I understood,” Liz said softly. “Seeing your family home made me realize how different the life we are leading in Roswell is from this one, and probably is one of the reasons why Brady wanted to get us away.”

“You know, huh?” Priscilla asked.

“That it was Brady who engineered the move to Roswell,” Liz said softly. “I did not for the longest time, but it was my son who filled me in because he heard the two of you talking, and I know now that it was my daughter’s relationship with her ex, Josh that drove the move to New Mexico.”

Priscilla nodded.

She needed to say. Liz needed for it to be out in the open. “Lex also told me that you seemed to have some suspicions about Mariah,” she said softly. “And you basically admitted it earlier when we came over to the house, and the fact that Mariah stayed back in Roswell…”

“I do not know what I was thinking,” Priscilla muttered.

“I think you do…” Liz asked. “You made it sound like you doubted Mariah’s paternity.”

“I would not have said it like that,” Priscilla muttered.

“I know you would not,” Liz said. “And I hope you realize that that I never did know. I always assumed that when I got pregnant back in college that it was Brady who was the father. Which is why we married when we did. And if Brady had any doubts, he never registered them to me,” she muttered I really do not want to be saying this once more, after saying it so many times before…

“How could you have not known?” Priscilla asked.

“It is very long story,” Liz sighed. And I am not going to repeat it now. “I probably should have, but then given the circumstances, it was easy not too…”

“So, Mariah…” Priscilla asked.

“Yes,” Liz sighed. “I wish she was Brady’s, but she is not, and she now knows, and it has been a rough adjustment which is partly why she did not come with us because she needed to stay back home, and deal with the consequences of her actions, and not be rewarded with a road trip back here to Chicago so she could visit her friends.”

“What did she do?” Priscilla asked, curious as to what her studious niece could have done.

“She was being a teenager, and she did somethings she now regrets” Liz said softly. She really did not want to have to discuss it all again. “I got her a job at my parent’s restaurant, and so she is working there, and that is why she could not come.”

Priscilla nodded. “Working I am sure will be a good experience for her…”

“I hope so,” Liz sighed. “Can I ask, how did you know, or why did you have suspicions about my daughter?”

“Father,” Priscilla muttered.

“What did Mitchell do?” Liz asked. Because she was imagining a lot. So much could have been done by her father-in-law she knew. Being the President and CEO of a major company, well, you can be capable of some shady stuff. She knew that well enough because of sixteen years within the Brady family and knowing what her father-in-law was capable. To get to the top, you have to be ready to fight.

“He did the same thing with me, and my first husband,” Priscilla muttered. “Hired a private investigator and the man found some stuff, and filled my father in. Now, later on I almost was glad he did with my first husband but even then, I put down my foot and refused to allow him to do with the others, and he has as far as I know largely has cooperated but when Brady met you and married you so quickly. Father hired a private investigator, and they dug up your criminal record, and that you were with someone back in Roswell or the fact that the two of you were even engaged before you came to Chicago. When Mariah was born, there were doubts raised by father about you know her paternity, but Brady refused to deal with them and tore into our father for having hired someone. He said he trusted you, and knew you were with someone, but it was over, and he had no reason to not think that Mariah was his…”

“But did Brady suspect?” Liz asked as she sighed over what Mitchell could have found out. Probably not much, but Utah was always going to be out there…

But there were so much deeper entanglements than misadventure in another state and being drummed out of there with the very real possibility of prison time. Liz was once again greatly relieved to know her husband had not cared about her past, or the stuff I was able to tell him, and she had told him about her record, because it was only a turn on in the way she was in the wake of Roswell, to be the bad girl looking for trouble.

Brady had not cared.

He was a good one.

One of the best.

She was lucky she knew and now Liz was listening to her sister-in-law trying to assure that her husband never doubted her, “If he did, he did not tell me but he knew you had a past in Roswell, and that you got into some shady business back there, and there were warning signs but he refused to believe the doom in my father’s voice, and tried to keep his distance from the family company after that, and of course, because you guys stayed married for so long, I believe father did start to understand that the two of you might have something, but you know father, he has a hard time believing someone is on the up and up.”

Liz nodded.

“I warned him against going back because of our earlier information because it did look like you had a history back here, and we could not help but notice how you did not go back to visit your parents, and because you did not, then there must be a reason why you never went back there or took him or even the kids. So, I warned my brother that he should be wary of that, and why would he want to put himself through the wringer of going back and having to deal whatever your past was. Especially if father’s reports were as accurate as they seemed to be at the time,” Priscilla murmured. Why do it? she thought. Why put himself through it all? she thought. “So, I warned him.”

“But he wanted too,” Liz asked of her husband, and she had a similar question as her sister-in-law. Why would he have wanted to put himself through that…

“He loved you,” Priscilla murmured as if she could read what her sister-in-law was thinking. “That is one thing I never doubted. It is why my marriages did not work out until this one, because I always wished I could love my husband the way he loved you, but he certainly knew that while you loved him, but he was never the one for you.”

“That is crazy…” Liz murmured, but was it?

Be honest Liz. If Brady could even see it.

But he stayed with me… “
Why would he have stayed if he did not believe I loved him like he loved me?”

“Because he did not want to lose you or the kids, so he was prepared to put up with a lot to have you in his life,” Priscilla muttered. “He wanted to make you happy. You gave him the kids. My brother loved being their father. I know for a fact that he loved Mariah from the moment she was born. She was the pride of his life. If he had any doubts about you know than it did not matter to him, and when Alex was born, sorry Lex,” she laughed. “Sorry, but you cannot tell me that it is not a weird name?”

“It is, but he wants to be called it, so we wanted him to be who he wanted to be, and not force anything on him.”

“Which was the life we led. Until Brady was old enough to buck orders, but still it was hard to say no to our father, or both of his parents in the case of my brother, and while I mostly lived with my mother. Father’s presence casts a large shadow, and when he had you in his life. And had his children. He wanted to be a different father, and he was, and I know he had it all, until the day he died.”

Liz nodded.

“He was happy Liz,” Priscilla murmured.

“He was,” Liz agreed.

“The always wanted you and the kids to be happy, which is why I think he wanted to move back to Roswell, to take you home, and allow the kids to know the life you once left” Priscilla said softly. “He was prepared to face the angst, but he knew how much you loved your parents because he always saw you with them when they came to visit you guys, and sure it was Josh, and getting Mariah away from her boyfriend, but it was the change of pace he wanted. Chicago is such a big place. And dealing with our family all our lives. We tend to want freedom, and I had Los Angeles and my mother. Brady had his parents, and they can be a lot to deal with on a good day, so I think finally he needed to be away from it, and even if it meant he was taking you back to the past, and if it were to be true about Mariah…”

“He was risking a lot,” Liz asked. I always knew it, but I said yes.

I took him back to the lion’s den.

“Yes,” Priscilla nodded. “And my brother knew it. But he wanted you to be happy…”

“Your brother did make me happy,” Liz said softly.

“I am glad, and you made him happy” Priscilla admitted. “I do not care what my family thought of the two of you together. You made it work. And I know Brady enjoyed his life, and you made his life worth living, and at the end of the day, that is worth it, and now we all have to figure out a way forward.”

“It never expected it to be this hard,” Liz sighed.

“I know,” Priscilla murmured as she stood up. “Thank you for the drinks," she said with a smile. “I appreciated the talk. Maybe we can get together before you leave town.”

“Let me know what you decide to do about the company,” Liz murmured.

“I will,” Priscilla promised. “And in the meantime, I know life has been unexpected. You never expected to lose my brother in the way you did, and you have the kids to deal with, and now that they are both teenagers, well, I am sure it will not get easier.”

“If the past few months have been any indication,” Liz sighed.

“It will,” Priscilla smiled. “I was the difficult child once, and I am sure the kid’s lives are overwhelming in ways it was not for me, but still, I managed to get through that phase in my life and so will my nephew and niece.”

“Thank you,” Liz said smiling.

As she walked her sister-in-law to the door and watched as Priscilla headed towards the elevator. As she wished that she and the kids could find their happiness…


As she turned, back and found her son looking at her. “What is it?”

“Mariah in the on the phone, I called her, and told her about Grandpa” Lex admitted. As he handed his phone to his mother and did not acknowledge what he had overheard.

Accepting the phone, “Mariah, how are you sweetheart?”



Max was trying not to think of Liz. Nor was he looking to revert back to old patterns and slip away from the world. Of course, he knew so much more than he did at eighteen, when he found himself wanting to ignore his family, and even his son. Now, he had a son who was almost a man, and about to graduate, and a daughter who did not know him and barely wanted to have a relationship with him, but it was not causing him to slip away, instead it was making him continue to engage with the world.

Although it was early days, and early hours and still even though Liz had been gone for three days yes, I am counting he thought. Anyways, with River having plans with Sierra because Mac had changed his mind about wanting to do something after his shift, and before River’s own shift because he had to work at whatever job he was dealing with, which is something I still do not want to know about Max thought as he now at Cow Patties meeting up with his sister and Michael for a drink. “I told you that I would show up.”

“We did not believe you,” Isabel said with a laugh. “Because your rap sheet with commitments is pretty nonexistent,” she murmured before about four months ago. “But we are glad you showed up at all,” she said as she took a beer off the arriving waitress, “Thank you,” she said as she handed the beer to her brother and picked the two off for herself and Michael.

“Still, I am amazed you are here at all,” Isabel admitted

“It’s boring at home,” Max said to the laughs and chuckles of his sister and best friend. “Yes, I know what I am saying.”

“I hope so,” Isabel muttered. “We could not get you out of that house before December,” she sighed, “and now you cannot be there, I wonder why?”

“It does not matter,” Max sighed.

“No, I guess it does not” Isabel agreed. “Anything from Mac?” she asked of her best friend. “It has been quiet on that front because my daughter refuses to discuss anything about it,” she sighed.

“Nope,” Michael muttered. “Silence.”

“That is not good,” Isabel sighed.

“If something breaks, I am sure you will know it” Max suggested.

“Unfortunately,” Isabel sighed. She did not know how she would feel if something did happen between her daughter and Mac.

Not that I will much of a choice to grin and bear it she told herself. “Roxy split town,” she muttered. I tried to help her, and she left…

“What was her purpose anyways?” Michael asked. “Except to remind of you know, that group we do not like to admit exists,” he thought. Because it means we are not the only ones on this planet, that there are others, exactly like us.

“Who knows,” Max muttered. It does matter to me except it brought my son happiness he thought.

“Let us have another one,” Michael suggested.

“I want to wait,” Isabel sighed.

“I will go head another beer,” Max said with a smile. As it felt like this was something normal, to spend time together, even thought they had not had the experience since they were teenagers because Max had been a hermit, but still it was nice as he got up, and walked to the bar. “Another two beers.”

The bartender nodded as he was talking to someone else behind the bar, “I know you are off, but Evans is going to be late, so you have to wait because it’s busy tonight and we cannot be without someone else,” Max overheard being said behind the bar.

Evans, he thought. Now he knew his last name was not considered odd by any sense of the imagination of the word, but still, he did not know personally of too many Evans in Roswell, New Mexico.

He supposed there could be others…

For all I know.

River is screwing me here, who told him he could be late for his shift” muttered the other bartender, and Max did a doubletake. Excuse me, he thought. Damn it he told himself since he did know River’s name was pretty unusual, and no one could probably have the name, “Excuse me, does River Evans work here?”

‘Whose asking?” came the lead bartender.

“I happen to know him,” Max muttered. I also know my son to be underage he thought. Does the bar know this?

Max knew his son needed money to pay him back, but he did not expect that his son was doing this, of course he had suspicions that his son was up to something, but still he muttered. “I was looking for him, that is all.”

“He’s up later,” came the bartender. “Still need those two beers?” he asked.

“Yes,” Max muttered. Damn it River, what are you doing? he asked as he picked up the two beers and took them back to the table. “What is wrong?” Isabel asked as she saw that her brother that was troubled about something. “Did you get some bad news or something?”

“Something like that,” Max muttered. “Well, I know how my son is getting the money to pay us back for his antics a few months back?”

“Where?” Michael asked, as his own son was dealing with two demanding jobs to get the money. Not that they were not prepared to be lenient at a certain point, but they were not there, yet not so far, he thought. At least Mac is trying to make the money back.

“Here?” Max muttered, unsure of how to react.

“Excuse me,” Isabel asked, surprised because this was not exactly where she assumed her nephew to be working. Although there were not many places, and Mac has a corner at the Crashdown, and I am even sure River would have gone there for a job if he had wanted too, because of the history there… she told herself. Still… “Wow,” she said as it sunk in. “Do they know you know?”

“Probably not,” Max sighed. “And it sounds like he is a bartender.”

“Wow, that is some balls” Michael said with a smile. “I wish I thought of that back in our day.”

“You were way too young,” Isabel commented of Michael’s need to be emancipated at sixteen, “And you were already being watched, I do not know if you could have pulled it off.”

“But still,” Michael thought. “It would have been good for a laugh or two,” he smiled. “So, what are you going to do about your newfound information?”

“What should I do?” Max asked.

“Ignore it,” Michael advised. “As long as he’s not getting into trouble, it’s the fault of this establishment that hired him, but River is a good kid and I would not worry, now if it was my own son, then I would have cause to worry.”

“Because he’s exactly like you,” Isabel muttered.

“In some ways,” Michael commented. “In other ways he is actually like his mother but he’s young and he feels like he’s invincible, and that means he’s open to any challenge out there…”

“Pot meets kettle,” Isabel smiled.

“Yeah, I know” Michael said. “All we want for our kids is to be happy, and I am sure you do not have to worry about River” he allowed. “River knows how to handle himself,” he thought. “I will be right back; I need to check on this text message that I got.”

Max and Isabel nodded.

“I guess if you have something to say, then here is your time to say it, because there is your son” Isabel said as she saw through the crowds of the busy bar, her nephew walking in, solo.

“Perfect,” Max said as he took a big gulp of the beer in front of him. “What do I say?”

“That is up to you,” Isabel said softly. “He’s trying to be responsible. He is not looking to ignore his responsibilities. Same with Mac. But this is probably a more problematic job although he probably would be the best to handle the unruly,” she said softly. We know how to handle those who get out of line.

“That is true,” Max said getting up. “I guess I better show that I am here.”

“Oh, he will know it” Isabel smiled as she watched as her brother walked up to his first born, and River’s smile as he was talking to a co-worker’s turn into a frown. “Dad?”

“River, imagine my surprise in finding out you were working here?” Max asked.

“Yeah, I am sure it would be?” River muttered, unsure of what to say.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 69 - 07/05/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Lots of family matters all the way around.'
Yes, I can imagine Max's surprise learning where River was working!
Great story, thanks.
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 70 - 07/07/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

River had not intended to be here this early after all his boss was right when he told a fellow bartender that he was due into later, but things had changed once Mariah got word that her grandfather was in the hospital. While her mother told her to stay put in Roswell, and she did not have to worry because things were stable in Chicago. Still though Mariah had not been in a mood to go to a movie with her half-brother and Sierra, so she begged off. Which was fine with River. And then Jessica invited Sierra last minute to sleep over at her place. After doing some window shopping around town.

Sierra chose that and so River suddenly had time on his hands and given his best friend had not wanted to do anything, so he had decided to come and uphold his original shift. After all, I could use the money, he told himself. Not wanting to turn down the tips that came with a full shift. He decided to show up, but of course, he was not expecting to see his father at the bar. Shit he murmured to himself. Why do I have to deal with him he thought because he had not told his father about the job. Which made a lot more than Mac’s jobs because you tend to get more because of all the drinking and drunk individuals in one of these places. And he was nearly eighteen, they did not even ask to look at my driver’s license or birth certificate. Because all they cared was that I knew how to work the bar. Sure, he was not all that much up on the different concoctions that a bar offered. But he knew enough after being exposed to his father, and uncles over the years.

And he did not a little research before his first shift. So, he was racking in the money but he also liked spending time with Sierra so he had been hoping to spend of that money on her this evening but that was not to be. Given he knew Jessica was going through something, he figured Sierra could draw it out, and so he showed up, and now he had to deal with his father. “Dad,” was all River could say as he moved away from his colleague. “What are you doing here?”

“Getting a drink or two with your aunt and Michael,” Max muttered. “You work here?”

“It would seem so,” River muttered. “Do you want to make something of it?” he asked challenging his father to go to his boss and reveal that he was only seventeen, and still in high school.

Jesus Max thought. “I thought we were over the drama, and the secrecy between us?” he asked because he knew how that had been the common thread between the two of them over the many years since River had started to grow up and become his own person. But things had been better since Christmas he thought or was that just my dream? he asked himself. “You could have told me?

“I told you I had a job,” River sighed.

“But you did not tell me it was here,” Max reasoned. “If you asked me…”

“What would you have said?” River muttered as they moved further out of the way, away from the drinking population as the teenager now could see his aunt nearby watching the discussion he was having with his father with a level of amusement.

“That there has to be other places you could have found a job?” Max muttered. I was able to find other types of jobs, although the museum was pretty low paying and if it was not for my unusual circumstances, I might have passed on the job he muttered to himself. Although Liz was across the street, so it was hard to be beat a job that gave him daily access to the Crashdown, even when our chances were basically nonexistent.

“There were not too many jobs, with Mac working at two of the most obvious ones,” River muttered. Although I would not have probably picked the Sheriff department one, he told himself.

“I grant you that, but still there are ones out there” Max muttered.

“I get that, but I need a job because you were forcing us to pay off you know what,” River sighed. “So, I could not really doddle about it, could I?”

“That might the case,” Max muttered Although you and Mac were the ones who were ones who instigated but he recognized they were trying to protect Mariah, and he had to admire that. “I just wish you would have asked me, and tell me, how did you even get this job?”

“They were looking, and I found it at the perfect time,” River muttered. “They did not ask too many questions, nor did I say too much,” he sighed. “I have to get to work,” he said softly as he walked away not wanting his father to pitch a fight over it, because he was keeping the job, “Are you punching in?” came the bartender who wanted to get home.

“Sure,” River said. “My plans fell through,” he said as he got to work, and Max stayed in the background and had to deal with the fact his son was growing up, and almost an adult, and it had all happened while he had been sleeping on the job. “Impressive is it not?” Isabel asked as she came up from behind her brother, as they watched River at work. Neither willing to rock the boat, because after all, River would be eighteen in a few months despite still being under the legal drinking age for a little while yet.

And it did seem like River did like the job and was good at it.

“He’s good with the customers,” Max commented.

“He engages,” Isabel said softly. “You could be like that you know?” she asked of her brother’s demeanor which was not that engaging, more quiet and reserved and it has always been like that she thought.

“I am who I am,” Max muttered.

“Which is why I love you,” Isabel said with a laugh. “You are trying, but it does not change the past.”

“No, it does not,” Max agreed.

“Have you heard from her?” Isabel asked, and they both knew the only her Isabel could be referring to was someone very special to Max, and totally memorable. Liz. “Have you?”

“No,” Max said bluntly. “And I do not expect too…’

Yeah, right Isabel said. “Let us get out of here, before River thinks you are staying to check up on him,” she suggested and Max nodded, and they soon left the bar and River took that as maybe things might have taken a huge stride between himself and his father because his father had not busted up his job.


Liz had not talked to Max. She had been on the road and now she was in a hotel room, dealing with the fact that she was back in a life she had left not long before, and gone back to her hometown, where everything was foreign to her because she had not existed in that life since she was eighteen, and after only been gone for more than four months, she was finding that Roswell was more her home than Chicago.

While she had talked to Mariah and reassured her things were fine, albeit she really did not know because she had not gone to the hospital. And had not even asked Priscilla for information on her father. Still, she told Mariah that she did not have to worry that she would call her if anything changed, and now she was watching television because Lex was watching that movie he had delayed and had fallen asleep.

She was not really paying attention, but she heard a door open. And she saw that it was her son waking up, “Mom,” asked as Lex had woken up after having a bad dream, and then saw that the television was still on, and he got up to turn it off and heard the other television on, and he saw that his mother was still up.

“Yes, Lex” Liz asked as she switched her attention to her son. “Are you okay?”

“Just a bad dream,” Lex muttered. “It is nothing,” he murmured. “I am sorry if you did not want Mariah to know?” Lex asked.

“Of course, I wanted her to know,” Liz said softly. “I just had not told her because your aunt was here, and things went as they did” she said. “She has a right to know, and you were right to have told her, how are you doing?”

“I am fine,” Lex sighed. “I just could not sleep, or it did not last.”

“I know how that feels,” Liz said softly. “You know it will get better you know, how is the pain with our leg?” she asked as she was reminded how her son current days were changed because of the accident that had changed their lives.

“The pain does not bother me, not anymore” Lex said softly.

“I am glad,” Liz said. “I know it’s been difficult for you,” he sighed. “I have had to spend so much time dealing with your sister in the wake of losing your father,” she murmured “It has been difficult for you?”

“You only had to do that because Mariah went and lost it,” Lex sighed. “Admittedly for a good reason but still.”

“I know,” Liz murmured.

“I hope you believe I did love your father,” Liz asked.

“Did you?” Lex muttered.

God yes. Because it would be too simple to say I did not because I could only love Max she thought. But no, I did love Brady. Just in a different way than I loved Max. “Your father was a very special man Lex, and I will always love him because he loved me and supported me and was an amazing father for you and your sister. I will always be grateful for him.”

“Did you love him more than that other guy?” Lex asked.

Oh god Lex Liz could only think as she was just batting around that very question and knew her son was in no condition to know the truth of it all. He is only thirteen “That is a complicated question. There is so much that went down back then, and you will never know how much, I love your father.”

“I know you love him,” Lex murmured. She had to, right? he wanted to believe as he remembered his father. “Because he’s a great guy but still, you loved Mariah’s father did you not?” Lex asked. “So, did you love him more than you loved my dad?”

“Oh honey,” Liz muttered.

“So, you did?” Lex muttered. “I am right, aren’t I?” Lex asked.

Was he?


Jessica was back at the Crashdown. It was right before closing, and she and Sierra were having milkshakes and talking, and while the girls had never been especially close but then Sierra has only been at school since January she thought. Still, they were sharing a late-night drink teenage style and fries. Because they knew River was at school. “River texted, his father was there at the bar with your mother and Mac’s father. So, he knows where River is now working.”

“Oh boy,” Jessica said smiling. “That must have gone over well.”

“Better than River would have believed it to be” Sierra muttered. “He’s still working, so that is something, right?”

“Or Uncle Max does not want to cause trouble,” Jessica sighed. “Given the history between the two,” she thought. “Anyways, I have qualms about that job for my cousin, but he seems happy, and he’s making the money to pay back for you know what happened.”

“He’s happy,” Sierra agreed. “And his grades have not been impacted by the late shifts,” she sighed.

“It helps that he did not schedule early morning classes this semester,” Jessica smiled of the luck of being in the older grades and at a certain point being able to schedule your own classes, “But still, yeah, he is keeping up his grades because he always had this plan.”

“To get out of town, I know” Sierra sighed. “Because of everything went down with his father, and his home life” she sighed. “Do you think that has changed any?”

“Who knows, our family is a mystery, which of course now you are a part of,” Jessica said with a smile. “Truly I do not, because I think it kept my cousin going that he had this goal to get out of town when he graduated, but now, so much has changed in just a few months, but we all have goals for ourselves although I am a year behind, so I still have plenty of time to go before high school is finished for me.”

“I do not know what I want to do,” Sierra murmured.

“Me either,” Jessica said. “So, I am sure we will know more in the coming months,” she sighed.

“So, that is enough about River, what about you?” Sierra asked.

“What about me?” Jessica asked.

“You have been pretty quiet all night, and that is not you. I know I do not know you as well as River does, but even figures something is going on, and I can see why you would not want to talk to him especially on the heels of you and Alan…”

“Alan and I are over,” Jessica sighed.

“I know,” Sierra sighed. “But you have quiet, and that is odd according to River. So, I cannot help but wonder if it is Mac that is causing you to be in this state. Around school, there have been rumors.”

“What kind of rumors?” Jessica asked. Because usually she was up on the gossip vine that was their social society that was their school. But the last few days she had been disconnected for it, and she did not know who has said what, and who was noticing stuff…

“You and Mac,” Sierra asked.

“Then I know it’s not the school talking,” Jessica muttered with a smile. We have not hit that much of the big time, she thought. Yet she told herself. “No one at school suspects anything about me and Mac,” Jessica muttered. “It’s the whole vine that is our clan, you people are the only ones who have suspicions?”

“Okay, maybe we are,” Sierra smiled. “At this moment. Sure, I am on the outside. I might be in the fraternity, but I am not exactly a treasured member…”

“To River you are,” muttered Jessica.

“That might be it, but I have seen you and Mac together these last days, and it is obviously something going on between the two of you, and even River knows something is going on, because he was talking to Mac, but the two of you have gone radio silent lately, and I want to be some help, a friend if you will. So, why not tell me, because you have to tell someone.”

“Do I?” Jessica asked. Because she was not really feeling the need to confess anything at the moment. Even if it was within their little group.

“Come on, tell me” Sierra muttered. “I will not tell River if you do not want me too, but you need to talk to someone, right?”

Right Jessica muttered to herself.

“So, what is going on?” Sierra asked.

“Fine,” Jessica muttered as she dug into the fries on her plate. And she took a sip of the milkshake, “Mac and I…” she muttered, unable to say the words. Although she did not know why. It was not like she was a little kid.

“Go ahead,” Sierra murmured.

“Fine,” Jessica said once again. “Mac and I kissed.”

“Whoa,” Sierra smiled this is going to get good she thought. “Go ahead, what happened next?”

“Nothing,” Jessica muttered. “What else do you think happened, I ran off, and we parted, and we have not talked about it since…”

“Should you not talk about it?” Sierra asked. “Why are you so weirded out about it?” she wondered. “You are two are friends, right? It is not like you are two some strangers, when you actually know each other really well.”

“That is why it’s weird because we do know each other. We have grown up with each other. It’s not like you and River because you two just met, and while you have tied to crazy story, still, you did not know him and he did not know you, but I know Mac. We basically were babies together, raised by an especially closed knit family. Parents who are friends, and practically family, and now this happened, why would it not be weird?”

“I never said it would not be weird,” Sierra smiled. “I can imagine why it would be,” she murmured. “I don’t know what it is like because as you said, I have just met River, and we do not have a long association unlike you and Mac but still you are friends, and you know what kind of guy Mac is and the same can be said for him, he knows you.”

“And maybe it would be that easy,” Jessica said. “But then when you factor in Roxy.”

“Are you still upset that he and Roxy were involved once upon a time?” Sierra asked. “That is a reason to be concerned, but I believe Mac when he says he is not involved with her now, and he finds her pretty repellant.”

“I do believe it,” Jessica murmured.

“Do you?” Sierra asked.

“Yes,” Jessica said. “But given the history that involves our families, it makes it so weird you know to think of even trying to have something with him, and Roxy is getting into our heads and making it seem like it is destiny, and it’s basically encoded in us, and we do not have any choice in it.”

“We all have a choice,” Sierra muttered. “Look I know the backstory,” she sighed. “It is not that hard not too because of who my father is, and I do know it was not my mother he truly wanted. Although he fell for her, and married her, which enraged Roxy’s mother I am told,” she sighed. “Things did not end well for the two of them, and Roxy’s mother Lonnie held onto that and made it difficult for my father, but then my father is not a prince either, as he knows how to give as good as he’s given. He married my mother, and then made her life a living hell because he was a different breed and she did not know what she was getting into except she was young and she fell for the rebellious boy,” she allowed. “Which is why she has qualms about me and River.”

“River is as far as you can get from being rebellious. He’s a choir boy,” Jessica muttered [i\compared to Mac which is why I should be having doubts[/i] she told herself.

“I know, but it hard to convince my mother of that because when you are burned once, it’s hard to trust and given she does not know everything about me.”

“Why not tell her?” Jessica asked. Owning the fact, she knew she was in a very different scenario. A family who knew everything about her and even Mac was in one too because his mother did know about who he was, and the warts and all of being who they were. But he knew not everyone was.

“She has already had to deal with my father, so I do not want to deal with her having questions.” Sierra muttered. “That might change one day but it is not now, but back to my father. I know the backstory, so I know how unique the situation is” she sighed. “Although I have not begun to even comprehend it or deal with it.”

“The fact Mac’s father….” Jessica asked.

“Is basically a copy of my father, except he has a soul and a brain that is not being used to hurt people?” Sierra asked with a smile as the glanced around and took solace that it was near empty, and they were basically the twosome in the place. So, there were not too many people looking to overhear what they were saying.

“It is pretty crazy,” Jessica said softly. “I mean I have never met my mother’s other half,” she said with a laugh. “But I have heard bad stuff about her… even before we met Roxy.”

“So, as I was saying, I know the backstory, but you and Mac are different” Sierra sighed. “I mean, you are the next generation, like me, so why would you be encoded to follow some destiny crap, that your own parents did not even follow?” she wondered. “You are more human than even your parents, so I do not see how it’s in the stars except that you and Mac might happen to be attracted to each other, and if you are, why not go for it.”

“Our clan?” Jessica muttered. “If it were to go bad, which is a sincere possibility given who Mac is, and we are still pretty young?”

“So,” Sierra asked.

“If it goes bad, how can we still see each other within the family structure that our lives revolve around.”

“You never start a relationship thinking it will go bad,” Sierra smiled. I do not know anyone who would think that “If you want to go there, try, and see where it goes, and go from there.”

“I guess,” Jessica sighed.

“Was the kiss good,” Sierra asked.

“Yes,” Jessica admitted. It was amazing.

“Then hold on to that and see where it goes…” Sierra consoled as they finished with their late-night snack, and paid for the bill, and got up from the table and soon left the restaurant and soon the Crashdown was shut down for the night.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 70 - 07/07/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

The next generation has their own set of problems.....
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 71 - 07/09/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

No one goes in looking at the end was of course the common belief, but Liz knew that the end was what Max had feared when we were in the beginning, she thought. And Max’s prophecy had us ending bad, she thought. She had wanted to poopoo that notion, but then things escalated in ways we would never have been able to imagine when we were simply beginning, and here she was nearly twenty years later from those days when it all seemed so easy, and so simple. Only to find that it was not very simple in the end. So, she could not help but flash back to those days, when she was not seeing the magnitude of what it all meant because all she had been seeing was how Michael and Maria were trying for that first stab of whatever they shared together, so, why could we not do it?

Why is it okay for them and not okay for us? Liz remembered asking Max that day in the classroom, only for Max to explain to her that he feared hurting her, because he feared one day it would all end, and he could live with the despair in himself, and he did not dare hurt her, and that was what he was fearing would happen because it might seem to be a good thing, and then it would go bad.

Now, Liz could relate as she was seeing her son and knowing all the questions she had. It had ended badly. Yet, I still loved him she muttered to herself. But I also loved Brady, but it was always going to be a different love.

Now to know that her husband knew, or at least suspected but was okay with it because he was willing to take whatever I could provide him she thought. To know this, it was for Liz, it was a hard pill to swallow because she knew it was never going to be the same as I had back in those days, and it almost seemed like her son knew it.

“I loved your father,” Liz said as they were still up. She should be telling her son to go to bed and dream all the dreams he should be dreaming. School, friends, sports and all the dreams he had for himself, instead of questioning how stable their family had been, when she had not left Brady for Max.

She never would have, right? What would have happened if Brady had survived and we had stayed in Roswell, and I had seen Max?

But that did not happen.

“As I said, I know you loved Dad, but not more than you loved the other guy, right?” Lex was asking. How can I support that because my father was who he was and he felt he needed to defend their family, and his father? Now that he was dead.

“As I said, it was complicated,” Liz muttered.

“So, you did?” Lex muttered.

“Honey,” Liz sighed. “I could never rate the two relationships,” yes, you can, and you have she told herself silently. You truly do know the answer if you were being honest with yourself or even your son. “I was a teenager when I was with Mariah’s biological father,” she said softly. “And I was older when I met your father, and they were two extremely different relationships. I did love your father.”

“You were still young when you met Dad?” Lex muttered.

“Yes, I was” Liz admitted. “But still the time I met and was a in relationship with your father was a different time, and a different atmosphere,” she said. “I had left my home, and I was in a new city, and your father was someone special who loved me, and we managed to fall in love” she sighed why am I defending myself to my thirteen-year-old she muttered.

“So, you will not tell me?” Lex asked.

“Honey, you can love more than one person in your life. The relationship I had with your father was something special. Very adult, and he was there for me, and I never wanted it to end, and if things had happened as they did, then we would have stayed together.”

“So, you have yourself believing?” Lex muttered.

“Honey, you should stop watching so much television. They are giving you some ideas on love,” Liz said softly.

“I miss Dad,” Lex said.

And that is getting the crucks of the situation, he is a boy mourning the loss of his father, she thought. Someone who should not have died in the manner he did. “I know,” Liz murmured. “We all do. You have had a rough couple of months, and I am sorry for that. You had to live while we lost your father,” she said of horrible situation they were in, and Lex lived through the crash, and the fire. “He was someone to admire, and he loved you and your sister.”

“It is no fair,” Lex muttered.

“No, it is not” Liz agreed. “But he would want you and your sister to be happy. That goes for me too, but I am not there yet, no matter who is there in my life,” she said to her son. “Your father was important to me, and I am not just going to move on because I am back in my hometown. But your father would want us to move on, and when that day comes, I will take it slow. I am not going to rush into anything, no matter who it is with, or if we have a past or not.”

“So, you want too?” Lex asked. “Mariah’s biological father?” he said getting up from the couch and reaching for his crutches. “I knew it.”

“Honey, I am not moving on,” Liz said softly.

“Whatever,” Lex sighed.

“Honey,” Liz said softly because she knew her son was too young for this. Despite being thirteen, he had gone through too much, and he needed time. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Lex said.

Liz nodded. “I have said I have to do stuff tomorrow,” she said of her plans for the next morning. “But while we are in Chicago, I will take you to the hospital to see your grandfather if he’s up to visitors, and maybe we can see some games this weekend. Maybe, I can swing some tickets?”

“Really?” Lex asked.

“You loved going to the games with your father,” Liz said softly. “I know I am not him, and I am not nearly the fan the two of you were, but maybe we can do some of that together, in memory of your father?”

“Maybe,” Lex said as he walked to his bedroom.

“Goodnight, sweetheart” Liz said.

“Good-night Mom,” Lex sighed as he walked into the room, and closed the door and she sighed, and her new reality was still something she needed to get over, as she walked to her own bedroom and soon was sleeping.

And the following day, she did her work-related duties that she needed to be showing that she was keeping track of while in Chicago. And made plans with Priscilla for Lex to visit with his grandfather.

A visit that went well enough, but it was a bit much to see his once vibrant grandfather so pale in the hospital. But his condition was getting better ever so slowly, and Christina was happy to see her grandson. And that he was getting better from his own issues.

And they took her son to lunch. “Thank you for bringing him to see his grandfather,” Christina Anthony murmured as Lex had gone to the bathroom while they waited for their dessert to arrive. Liz and her son had plans to see the Bulls that night, as she promised, and Lex was excited to go to the game.

“I do want the kids to keep some form of a relationship with the two of you, you know” Liz was saying to her mother-in-law. “We might be living in New Mexico now, but they are your grandchildren, and they love you.”

“Did you really have to move to that town,” Christina muttered as she thought of the town she had visited for her son’s funeral.

“Your son wanted to move there Christina,” Liz murmured. “I would have rather we had stayed in Chicago, but it was your son who wanted to move our family, and we are honoring your son’s wish for us to move there,” that is some kind of rationalization Liz, she told herself.

“Really, you wanted to stay here?” Christina asked a little wearily at her daughter-in-law.

“Yes,” Liz said for so many reasons she thought. “We had a life here.”

“Then why will you not bring the children back here,” Christina muttered. “If it’s the money, you know that Mitchell and I would be helping out. We could provide you with an excellent name for a nanny because of your job?”

No way a nanny would be raising my kids she thought to herself that was never us she told herself because she and Brady had strived to find a way to raise their kids themselves because Brady had not wanted to repeat his own childhood and what he knew Priscilla’s life to be with her mother, and they wanted to be there for their kids. Of course, she knew she was fortunate that her husband chose to spend the time at home.

As the kids grew up.

So, we never needed a nanny she told herself and now she bristled at the suggestion of her mother-in-law that she should hire one or that her in-laws would do it for her, “No,” she said softly. “Mariah is 16 now, and Lex is not much younger, and they have their own activities. They do not need a nanny. Staying in Roswell is about establishing a routine for them, and one that I know Brady would want for them. Disrupting that would be too much,” she muttered to her mother-in-law. “Staying in Roswell is where we are now, and they have a chance to see their other grandparents.”

“But they will not see us,” Christina muttered.

“That is up to you,” Liz said as she saw her son coming out of the washroom and knew they would have to talk about other things. “What kind of relationship you have with your grandson is up to you, but we have begun to make a life in New Mexico. It might not be where I wanted to be at the time, but it’s where we are now, and Mariah is now working, and she and her brother will be better off there, and especially Mariah only had a few years left.”

“You kept her from us on purpose did you not,” Christina accused as she saw that her grandson was coming their way.

“Of course not,” Liz muttered. “Your granddaughter has gone through a lot these last months since her father passed away,” she sighed. “She was beginning a job, and she could not come with me and my son,” she said softly. “If you want to see her, call her up, and schedule a visit if you want.”

“Priscilla told me she talked to you,” Christina muttered.

Oh god, Liz thought. She knew Priscilla would not have told her stepmother everything they would have talked about, thank you Priscilla she thought.

“Mom,” Lex muttered as he came over and heard the agitation in his grandmother’s voice. “Is everything alright?”

“Everything is fine Lex,” Liz said. “We probably should be getting going so you have a chance to rest before we go to the game tonight.”

Lex nodded.

“Just one more thing,” Christina muttered.

“What is it,” Liz said as she could feel a migraine coming on, and she knew she needed the rest back at the hotel to get over her experience with her mother-in-law. This is always the way it has been she thought.

Which is why I am sticking in Roswell she thought. Because she knew she could not handle being back here and having to deal with her in-laws without her husband as a buffer.

“So, you know that Mitchell and I have always known about Mariah,” Christina said as she got up from the table and put down the money for the lunch since she had promised to treat her grandson and his mother.

“What do you mean?” Liz asked, even though she knew.

“I think you know,” Christina muttered. “But we will not be taking it out on Mariah because our son made us promise, and we will be not going back on it” she said. “Thank you for visiting your grandfather, Alex,” she said, and Lex bristled.

“It’s Lex,” Lex muttered, and Liz winced.

“I do not know why you younger generations insist on giving yourself names that you were not given at birth?” Christina muttered. “I will never ever get it.”

“We know you won’t,” Liz muttered at her mother-in-law’s tangent. You do not wish to get it she thought of her mother-in-law’s very old fashion views. Liz knew she should be grateful that her in-laws were not putting up a stink about their granddaughter’s paternity and her stake in her grandfather’s estate. Which to Liz now, that it did sound like Brady knew his parents would cause problems and made them promise, and Christina was now upholding it because her son was now dead. If Brady was still alive? But still she flinched that it was totally Christina to not get who her grandchildren were she thought. And therefore, it was probably wise not to fill them in on Mariah’s true essence she thought. “It is about allowing our son to be who he wants to be, even if it is just his name?”

“As I said, I do not understand it,” Christina muttered.

“Goodbye Grandma,” Lex said stiffly, of course you do not get me or even Mariah for that matter the newly crowned teenager muttered to himself. No wonder Mariah stayed behind he thought. Why would she want to be here, knowing how our grandparents thought of her, if they wanted to disown my own name. “Thank you for lunch” he said carefully because he was raised to have manners.

Christina Anthony nodded and walked away, leaving a son and his mother. “Should we go?” she asked of her son as they looked at the departing older woman. And now it was only Liz and her son, and they were both beginning to understand just how different their life was today.

“You wanted to hit her, did you not?” Lex asked with his smirk because he had seen the amazing restraint his mother had shown with his grandmother.

“I had to resist that temptation, yes, I did” Liz said with a smile and that made her son smile. “Your grandparents are of a different generation, and money class.”

“I know,” Lex said softly. And I am beginning to see it in a way that I did not only six months ago he thought. I was only twelve then he thought. And then it hit him just what it meant for their family, and his older sister. “Which is why it’s better they do not the full truth about Mariah, huh?” he asked of his older sister.

“That will be for your sister to ultimately decide on, in terms of what she will want to tell them,” Liz said softly. “Honestly is always important, but sometimes other people’s worlds are greater than our own, and therefore we have to protect it for them, because not everyone is going to be as understanding as we might be?”

“So, that is basically telling me I should be nicer to my sister?” Lex asked of his mother.

Liz could only smile as they left the restaurant and got back in the car and headed back to the hotel where they did rest, before going to the basketball game and Lex had the time of his life.

And for a few hours Liz could be in a world that was not about hiding the truth about who you are, and who you might love.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 71 - 07/09/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Interesting meeting with the grandparents.
Wonder how I would have reacted in the same situation?
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