Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 84 - Completed - 09/01/2022

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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 72 - 07/12/2022

Post by Parker1947 »


Back in Roswell. While her mother and brother took in a Bulls game. Mariah was still working. As it was now the cusp of the weekend, and she was working all weekend. By her choice. Because Jeff was willing to give her some time off, but it gave her something to do, and she liked the tips, and on this day, Mac had the day off because he would also be working all weekend when she noticed that he had walked into the Crashdown with River. She did not see Jessica, or Sierra. Why spend your time in a place you work in Mariah murmured to herself. But she knew Mac did not spend all his time in this establishment, only a good part of it she smiled as she walked over and noticed the boys. And how they were solo. “Where are the girls?” she asked off handed. Because she had another week of suspension, she had not been back in school all week. So, she had spent the time working or talking to her mother back in Chicago.

Lex had talked endlessly of the prospect of going to the basketball game, and she smiled when she heard the happiness in her brother’s voice. This was the goal she knew in getting her brother out of Roswell, and giving him a breather, although she had worried when her brother had informed her via text before the game started of a paraphrased version of the lunch and the last encounter that their mother had with their grandmother.

Being the older one Mariah knew their mother had a tension riddled relationship with her grandparents. I have one too if I am going to be honest, she muttered. But she knew as she was getting older that her grandparents on her Anthony side was judgmental people, but she loved them anyways, they are my family, crazy as they are she thought. How Dad came from those two people is beyond me.

Anyways, she was still coming to terms with the fact she was now different than she was when she was in Chicago. Although I was always this person even when I was in Chicago, I just did not know it she thought.

Still, she knew she could not tell her grandparents who she was because that would make things worse, and plus she was happy they still loved her even knowing she was not biologically an Anthony, yes, that has come out and imparted to me she thought. Because Liz had been honest with her daughter, and it was something that Mariah appreciated.

So, on this day, Mariah was thinking of everything when she saw Mac and River come in. “It’s rare that I only see the two of you?”

“Jessica is in Arizona,” River said as he looked at Mac who looked away. “Sierra had a dinner thing with her mother and grandparents, who are visiting.”

Mariah nodded. “That is nice. Have you met them?”

“Not yet,” River said with a smile. “That might come another time,” he said. Although Sierra’s mother will be resisting it all the way “How is the work?”

“Lots of juicy gossip,” Mariah commented.

“Yeah, that is what Mom says she most missed from working in this place,” Mac said of his mother’s own teenage time here at the Crashdown. “Me, mostly, I could leave it” he said softly because he was hearing the same things that Mariah was clearly taking in and loving. “The gossip is boring.”

“Unless you are new to this town,” Mariah said.How can this town be boring? “Do you want to order?”

“Why do you think we came here?” Mac muttered.

“Ignore him,” River muttered as he exchanged a glare with his best friend. “Obviously, he is in a mood?” River muttered.

“When has he not been in a mood,” Mariah muttered. “Remember River I work with him,” she said with a smile as she turned to her co-worker. “Whatever is on your mind, deal with it or talk to Jessica if that is what the real issue, because you are annoying and given, I was someone who in my own funk up until a week ago, yours is much more draining.”

Mac only shook his head.

“It is Jessica,” River muttered.

“Then deal with it,” Mariah murmured “Because this can only go on for so much longer,” she sighed. It has gone on way too long she thought as the door opened and she paused when Max walked into the restaurant, and River noticed how Mariah’s face changed, and he turned, and amusingly smiled. “Nice.”

“Not know,” Mariah muttered.

“Have you talked to him at all this week?” River asked. Because he had not really talked to his father much because of school, and work and he and his father had been in a steady unease since his father discovered is night job, which was something he did not have tonight because he would be on the next three nights.

“Nope,” Mariah said. “I have been working, and he’s been I do not know what he was doing.”

River nodded.

“I guess I have to deal with it,” Mariah muttered. Because she knew because she was indeed growing up, well, she had to deal with this and be the almost grown up that she was. “Talk to Jessica.”

“Can’t, Arizona” Mac muttered.

“You do know she has a thing called a cellphone, right?” Mariah advised.

“Leave it be and deal with your own issues,” Mac muttered.

“Right,” Mariah sighed as she walked away. And River only shook his head as Mariah walked away. “Deal with it,” was all she said.


Meanwhile across the room. Max walked in and was acting like he was seeing a vision. A vision from nearly two decades before but this time it was not the girl he fell in love at age nine when he found her on a school yard when he first came to this land and was able to deal with the school system. And later on, when she began working as a waitress here and now many years later their daughter was like a vision of that time.

A brunette and in a waitress uniform.

“Hello,” Max was saying as he watched as his daughter come his way. Which he took as a major step forward because she was coming this way he thought. “You may not want to hear it, but you look exactly like your mother in that uniform.”

“I guess that is a compliment, I guess” Mariah murmured.

Max smiled.

“Do you want something?” Mariah asked.

“I am surprised Jeff is still having the same uniforms after all this time,” Max asked. Even though he had been here enough times over the last few days especially, so he knew that they still had the uniforms, yet seeing it on his daughter, when it was so memorable on her mother when she was her age.

It hit him even more.

“Grandpa says if something is a winner than you might as well keep it,” Mariah murmured. “The customers like it.”

They do, and I do. Max thought although he now had to deal with this being his daughter and not the usual Crashdown waitress. “Yes, I could see is something that Jeff would have might as well.” Max said ever so softly as he was not ready to end their conversation. Because Jeff was all about keeping things the same. “How is it working here?”

“It has its moments,” Mariah murmured. “It is still early days, but so far it is manageable. Did you want to sit down or something?” she asked of the man she still did not know. She considered it was a major step to come here on her own, and not have to be told to do this, but she wanted to do it.

“I am glad,” Max said softly as they walked over to a booth. “The kitchen is still open, right?”

“Yes,” Mariah nodded. “River and Mac just arrived.”

“I am sure they have been doing their thing?” Mac asked. As he and River had spoken much over the last few days so not the say the wrong thing. I have learned that much, haven’t I?

And really River has been working a lot, and between that and going to classes because nothing can come between him and his plans to get out of this town he thought. I did not know how he did it most days, because Michael was not able to before him when he had to battle job and school.

But then Michael could not stand school, and it mostly could not stand him Max thought. He and Isabel were different. Because we loved it.

“Yes, they have although Mac is being annoying” Mariah sighed. “I am getting fed up with his moods…”

“You will get used to if you know them long enough,” Max said softly I know moods, and Mac is someone who is harmless he thought. But still, he was pleased to know that his daughter was becoming friendlier with the family, even if it was still a very unique situation. “You had to know his father when he was Mac’s age. Michael was the same way.”

“Were you that way?” Mariah asked as Max took a seat, and she handed him the menu even though he took it as a mere formality because he knew it so well.

“I had my moods, you can ask your aunt” Max said softly, and winced “Sorry.”

“It is alright, I do know how different it is,” Mariah said softly. “It is not the most ideal life, but it is my life.”

Max nodded.

“Were you going to order something?” Mariah asked once more.

I still do not know why I am here he thought. Because he had been doing nothing special, but he had come this way, not even sure if she would be working because he was not apprised of her schedule, not that I should be he thought. “A milkshake and fries, I guess. Maybe a burger too” Max said softly, knowing he had not eaten much that evening.

Mariah nodded and wrote it down.

“Before you go, can I ask, have you talked to your mother at all?” Max asked. I cannot help it. “I am sure this is the first time you have been apart from your mother and brother?”

“Yes, it is,” Mariah nodded, and of course he would ask about my mother, but she was not bothered by it much she told herself. “Yes, I have been talking to her. She’s doing well. She and Lex are having a good time, and even went to a Chicago Bulls game tonight.”

“Wow,” Max thought of all the times he watched sports on television. Never actually having gone to a single big deal game. “That is special.”

“It is,” Mariah said softly. “Although we were used to it back home because Lex is into sports and so was my dad,” she murmured. “They had that in common, and he would always take him to the big games, and of course Chicago has many teams.”

“They do,” Max nodded.

“I will get that order for you,” Mariah murmured as she walked away, and Max could only see her mother in the way their daughter was.


Liz was never into sports. She was always into academic and where that could take her, and of course she was also working in her restaurant that her parents owned once she became old enough for it to be legal, and de facto manager when my parents were not there she thought. Sports was never my thing she thought. And then the alien invasion happened, and where would I have the time? She thought. But Lex was different. His enthusiasm would lead him into the sporting field as soon as she was old enough and had since kept up as he was joining teams of all sorts over the years. With the hockey team the previous year and therefore he once had a hope of joining whatever Roswell would have to offer, but obviously the crash changed that she thought but she knew her son still enjoyed watching the games, and she saw the awe in her son as he sat there and watch his favorite team live. The team might not be as hot as they once were, I am told she thought by my son. But she relished watching the game because it was with her son.

And now it was over, and they were back in their hotel suite. “I am glad you were enjoying the game,” she said of her son who of course needed the latest souvenirs because he had been at the game. After all last season was last season he told her, and she smiled because it got him away from thinking of the changes in their life. “I know you love the team.”

“I do,” Lex admitted “You have got to admit that it was lot of fun?”

“The game was pretty spirited,” Liz would admit. “It was not dull.”

Lex nodded and this his face frowned as he thought of the one person in his life who had been his partner for these types of nights, and it had never been his mother, until now it was, and had to be. “I wish Dad was here?”

Liz felt the sadness in her son. “I know you do, and I wish that too, but I know your father is happy that you are able to see game and have a good time because that is what is important at the end of the day,” she said. “I would want that if it were me.”

“But it is not going to be you, right?” Lex asked as his smile turned into concern.

“Of course not,” Liz said softly. My brush with death was a long time ago, and I got the miracle she thought. “You do not have to worry about me,” she promised. “I am healthy, and you are on the way to better health yourself.”

Lex nodded.

“Tomorrow night is that Blackhawks team, right?” Liz asked of her son. Of the fact she would be treating her son to the local hockey team.

Lex nodded. “If you still want to go?”

“Of course, I do” Liz murmured. I have the tickets to show for it. “You and Steve are still planning on spending the day tomorrow, right” she asked of her son’s best friend. Someone who her son had been able to see because of his own school schedule and hockey practices all week but had a free day the next day because of a cancelled practice, and so they were getting together which was good because Liz had gotten an extra ticket for the Blackhawks game.”

“Sure,” Lex nodded. “Although it will not be the same you know.”

“What won’t be?” Liz asked of her son. Even though she knew what her so was getting at…

Lex sighed because it was something that had been sticking out to him since their arrival earlier in the week. “You know it’s not going to be the same thing to be here and knowing that this is not our homes anymore. We are only visiting here, so it’s not going to be the same thing to see Steve tomorrow and know everything is going to be different.”

“But you are still friends, and that will never change unless of course you two grow apart” Liz said not everyone can be friends like I have with Maria, and even Kyle she thought we have not grown apart even when I lived far away from them.

“I know, but it’s different” Lex muttered as he was finally confronting something that he had known for a while now…

“I know, honey, but it’s the best we can do” Liz said softly, and she even knew that for herself when she had stopped in at her old job to check on a remaining project she was connected too, and it was obvious that so much was different now. Because she was seeing things differently. Of course, she was getting the sympathy because of her own tragedy which of course made its way back here in Chicago. She was almost preferring the anonymously that she had back home in that only her true friends knew what she was going through. Too many people know Brady and me here she thought. I would not be able to start a new life she thought.

Even though she knew the fact they could not was painful for her son because of what he had lost over these months. What we all lost “One day it will get better.” One day definitely Lex will look back and think of it as a growing experience, she thought. One that he should not have had to experience but did.

“I hope so,” Lex muttered but still felt the glow of the game. But he felt something gnawing on him as he glanced at her mother, who did not look happy to be here he thought. She is only doing it for me. And it was not basketball games or hockey games. It much more. “You are happier back in Roswell, aren’t you?” said her son in a blurting out fashion and it surprised his mother, who was not expecting it.

Because she did not know if she was happier or not, but it was certainly a different life back there than the one she had here, and it was apparent with every step she did take here in her old life.

“Why would you say that?” Liz wondered of her son.

It was like things were coming together, all at once for Lex. Even though he did not have any supernatural abilities unlike his mother and sister, he had a good sense of people. “Because you never liked the life Grandma and Grandpa Anthony lived in. I mean Dad rebelled against it too, but we stayed in the life here in Chicago because Dad loved his parents, and wanted to be here, but you never got them, not really, because I mean I could see how Grandma was behaving,” Lex asked of the conversation he had witnessed between his mother and grandmother, and it was obvious that his grandmother did not understand his mother, and me he thought and my wish to be someone different than the name that was given to me he thought. “She does not get you. When you think of it. She does not get Mariah, probably for more reasons that we knew at the time. But she always did say that Mariah was too much like you…

Oh, honey Liz muttered. She never imagined that the kids knew how fragile the relationship she had with her in-laws. Okay I could see Mariah being aware she thought of her daughter because her daughter was older but not Lex, she muttered to herself as she thought of it was It was amazing Brady, and I were able to hold it together for so long she thought. I wish things were different.

“Your grandparents and me are very different people,” Liz murmured. And that is an understatement she thought. “But your father and I never wanted you and your sister to be raised in angst, and we knew how much they cared about you and your sister. Sometimes families cannot help but be different from each other, and yet we always will love each other. I do not always get your grandparents and no, they do not always get people, but they loved your father, and they love you guys so you should not worry about me, okay, because I am going to be okay at the end of the day.”

“But not here in Chicago?” Lex asked.

“No, it will not be here in Chicago,” Liz murmured. “Your father wanted us to be in Roswell, and that was his last wish, and we are going to hold onto that and try to make a new life for ourselves there,” she said even though she felt like the biggest hypocrite on planet earth because she had no idea what would have happened if her husband had lived, and they had run into Max.

Or if they had learned about Mariah, would Brady want to stay? she asked herself. But then it sounds like he had suspicions all these years and still wanted to be there, why, I have no idea she thought.

I am a masochist for wanting this and was her husband. Or did he believe in their love? She wanted to believe the life they had was stronger than the love she had for someone else at age eighteen. But was it?

She could only sense from how she was acting today when she saw Max.

It would have been hell she thought.

“I thought so,” Lex muttered as he felt his mother in her trance, and it brought Liz back to earth. “Mariah wants you to be happy, no matter how it is with, and I guess I want that too.”

“Honey,” Liz muttered. “It is not a matter of whether I am happy or not, and it not up to your sister or even you to make sure I am.”

But maybe it is Lex could not help but think Dad is gone. And we are all alone now, and it is a different life he told himself. “But it is okay,” he said as he looked at the clock on the television, and I guess it is late, and its bedtime” Lex muttered. “I have a long day tomorrow, right, so I better get to sleep?”

“Yes, you do” Liz murmured but did not stop his son because she wanted it to be more carefree for her son, and not one of angst, so she rather he went onto bed, and sleep on whatever he was feeling, tomorrow is a different day, and a new one at that she thought as she watched as her son walked into her room. Oh, honey I wish it was easier for you.

“Good night,” Liz said as she called out to her son.

“Good night, Mom,” Lex murmured. “I love you,” he said as he did. Because he knew how much this week was about him, he thought, and not about his mother. She was only doing it for him because she wants to me to be happy.

But I want her to be happy.

Because being in Chicago was also allowing to see that his dad would want him to be happy too… Still, it was hard to move on.

“I love you too,” Liz said softly as she watched her son walk on, and close the door behind him, sighing, she turned and was going to do the same thing and turn in for the night, and see what the next day would bring them, when her cellphone rang, she picked it, wondering who it was. She was expecting no one to call.

Maria has her own life Liz thought. Maybe it is Mariah? she thought of her daughter. Who after all I left back in Roswell?

What kind of mother am I?

But she knew Mariah was handling and Lex had showed her the picture that her daughter had sent him in the waitress uniform that had been hers once upon a time, when she was younger and freer, and flashes had come to her of that time. When everything seemed so on the cusp, and even later when it brought her to Max…

Max might have seen Liz in the waitress uniform.

But Liz saw Max in Mariah now…

Why did I not see it before she thought, as she answered the phone, “Yes,” she said. “Mariah? she asked because she had not checked to see if she recognized the phone number.

“Liz,” came a familiar voice.

Not Mariah Liz thought.

“Max,” she murmured, and Lex heard that as he was going for a glass of water to put by his bed, and he groaned. Why are they talking to each other?


Max did not know why he was calling. Now at back home he was feeling the glow of being able to spend a little time with his daughter. Firmly knowing that by the fact that she was giving him the time of day was a big improvement of the state of their relations in recent weeks. River was still off doing whatever he was doing, thankfully he was not at work tonight he thought. He still did not know if he approved of the job or not. Being silent about it was better than spoiling for a fight, because any fighting would mean the peacetime between them might well be over, and he liked peacetime, it is much better than being at war with each other he thought even if he did not know how to deal with his son most of the time.

But at least his son was almost eighteen and quite adept at making it through the day, so they were trying to keep the peace between them and really Max knew he did not have a lot of ground to be mad. So, my son has an inappropriate job, but at least it is a bartender he thought. It is on the bar if they did not check his credentials, he thought to make sure he was of legal drinking age to be able to serve alcohol.

Anyway, looking for a way not to thinking or making trouble out of nothing with his son. And given his mind was all about Liz, like it is every moment of the day and after spending some glorious moments with his daughter.

He fell into temptation and dialed a number he only knew because Liz had given it to him in case something happened with their daughter.

Everything is fine on that front he thought, but I cannot help it.

I never can with Liz he thought.

“Hello, Liz” Max was saying…
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 72 - 07/12/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I can just imagine what was running through Max's head seeing Mariah in her Crashdown uniform.
Memories must have been overwhelming.
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 73 - 07/16/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

“Why are you calling me?” Liz was asking from her side of things as she sat on the couch unable to move, and when she did she walked silently not to disrupt her son whose light was now off, and she opened door and she saw the lump on the bed, and relieved to know her son was sleeping for the night, and she stayed silent trying to figure out why her ex was calling as she reached her own bedroom, and she entered it and closed the door.

Standing in front of the mirror, she stopped. “Max, is Mariah alright?”

“Sure,” Max said from his own couch in his home, as she looked out at the darkness of the night. “Mariah is fine, in fact I spent a few minutes with her tonight, which made my night,” he said with a smile. “She’s perfect. She taken after you and was totally in command of the restaurant even though she has only been less than a week.”

‘I wish I could see it,” Liz murmured, and I do she thought. I should not be missing something like this, even if it only a job.

And there will be other jobs in the future she thought. But still, it is my daughter’s first job. “I am glad,” she was saying as she stood and saw her expression in the mirror and knew Max had an effect on her, and it should not be like this…

But it is.

“What took you to the Crashdown?” Liz muttered as she willed herself to stop thinking of Max as she was, and to think of why she was here, because of Lex she told herself. You should not be thinking of Max.

But she was.

“I do not know, but often these days I seem to be drawn to that place. I guess it was knowing our daughter was there, and she was working, but she stopped for a minute or two to talk to me and that was the highlight of my night” Max said with a smile as he looked out in the dark night and did not know what to think of about how his life had changed.

Or the fact he had something to look forward too, after so much in a state that was matching of this night.

Liz did not know how to respond this this. “So, you did not have a reason for calling me?” she asked with a small voice unable to understand how she could be responding to this call, a call about nothing, just small talk?

“I never had reason to talk to you,” Max said with a smile. “But I always managed to find a way,” he sighed. “How is Chicago. Any closer to coming home?”

Home Liz thought.

Once upon a time this city was my home Liz thought of Chicago. But now it is only a place I am passing through.

“I do not know,” Liz said softly, and honestly. “All I know my son needs to be here,” she said softly. “I cannot leave yet.”

“How is Lex handling things?” Max asked.

“Okay,” Liz said. “We saw a Bulls game tonight, and we have tickets to the Blackhawks tomorrow night, Lex is taking a good friend of his from when we’re living here, and hopefully he can have a good day because he has not been able to spend much time with his old friends because of the nature of things.”

“Mariah mentioned something you had ticket,” Max said softly. “That is quite the ability to go to those games,” Max murmured. “We do not have any true local teams here, except if you consider Arizona local,” he said. “It’s nice of you to be able to take him.”

“Lex was big into sports,” Liz said softly. “It was a bond he had with his father. Brady was into it too; I was hoping by getting the tickets we could honor in some way although it only is serving to showcase the absence.”

“But I am sure Lex appreciates the gesture,” Max murmured.

“I hope so,” Liz said softly.

“You are a wonderful mother,” Max was muttering when out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a car come towards the house, and it was not long before he knew the driver was his son, finally coming home he thought. It was rare for River to be home these days.

“I am trying,” Liz was saying as Max came back to the conversation if he ever left. But with his son coming home, Max knew he had to end the call, but he could not bear too, it so wonderful to hear her voice.

It has been a dry week he thought.

“Max,” Liz asked

“Sorry,” Max asked as he came back to reality of their phone call. “Did you say something?” he was asking.

“I better go,” Liz said. “It is getting late, and we have a big day tomorrow” she was saying, and Max sighed, I never want to let this go.

“Thank you for speaking to me,” Max said as River walked in, and could sense from the tone of his father on the phone, it was someone important the teenager muttered to himself as he heard his father sound like someone he rarely was, vulnerable River thought. Which means it has to be one person.

One person only River thought because you rarely heard his father talking like this to anyone else, not even Grandpa or Grandma.

“Thank you, Liz,” Max said. “Good night,” he said softly as he dropped the call, as he saw the expression on his son’s face. “What?” he asked of his son.

“You cannot help it, can you?” River asked.

“What?” Max asked, even though he knew.

“You are a puppy dog with her,” River muttered. Because he knew on a normal day, it was not easy to see his father acting like this because it was not about my mother he thought. “It is quite eye opening.”

“I cannot help it,” Max muttered.

“I know you cannot,” River muttered. “You love her that much?”

“Yes,” Max sighed. “It seems like she was the one I was waiting for all these years, ever since I was a kid and I saw her, and I never have felt that about anyone else. No one.”

“Well, that bites,” River muttered. If I did not know it already. But I do.

“Sorry,” Max winced and once more he did recognize how unfortunate it was for his son to know that he and Tess were not one of those love stories. “I wish I could say that I loved your mother, and that she was someone special to me, maybe she was,” he thought. “She did give me you, but still if things had only gone down a slightly different road than so much could have been with someone different, and I cannot help but miss the one I wished I could have been with because she was the best thing in my life.”

Obviously. “Although you sound like you are the one who is a teenager?” River muttered.

“I know,” Max said. And I need to snap out of it because I am no longer that teenager. “I should be better than this, but at least she’s trying to be there for her son, and her daughter before it, so do have to know she has does have her own priorities, and I should not be expecting anything and I don’t, but at least she was here,” Max muttered. “I got to see her again, and that is what matters.”

River nodded.

“Although I do know that I need to try to move on?” Max sighed because he knew the chances of them making it work after so many years, and after so much…

“Can you?” River asked a tad wearily, because he knew his father had been stewing in that relationship for nearly two decades.

“I need to try,” Max muttered.

“Good luck on that,” River muttered as he walked into the kitchen and got a snack from the fridge. “If you love her that much, you might want to give up the charade that you showing to me, and fight for her.”

“Excuse me?” Max asked.

“I mean, I do not necessarily want to support the two of you for obvious reasons,” River muttered. Come on, how could I be a supporter or even a shipper he thought. “But this is all too much. You have always loved her, and she probably loves you, but her husband just died so it would be slightly inappropriate if she were open to it, so you probably need to give it time but come on, you are a little ridiculous, and you be way past this,” he muttered. “I expect it from Mac and Jessica because they are obviously fighting against whatever fate is trying to tell them. But you, you are my father.”

“Yes, I am.”

“Then fight for her or give her up,” River muttered. Let us end all this. “And with that, I am going to bed” he muttered as he walked away from his father.

Leaving Max flustered and wondered if he should be taking romantic advice from his seventeen-year-old son.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 73 - 07/16/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I am very surprised at River's response to his father.
Which will Max do?
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 74 - 07/18/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Is he really serious? Max was asking himself although he and his son would not discuss it anymore that evening or the next, because in fact the weekend flew by in what seemed like a split second and no one was really discussing because everyone has their business that they had to deal with, or not do with Max because he was the only one who did not have a job because for some reason he was pretty self-sufficient and was always able to fund his life, but River was up at the crack of dawn the next morning and off with Sierra and then Mac and before Max knew it was Sunday night, and school was back in session the following day.

As far as Max knew his niece was still in Arizona with her grandmother, honoring her late father, and Max was now meeting up with his sister and Michael for dinner at the house. River naturally was out, either with Sierra or working, Max did not know which was relevant for this night, and he did not care, because his mind was full. “When is Jessica due back?”

“Late tomorrow night,” Isabel said. “I know we have two teenagers at home, but I have to say that it has been pretty quiet without Jessica around and her many moods,” she said with a laugh. I was just getting used to them. “Because Jaime is hardly a bother, although I know that will end eventually but with her new best friend in Lex Anthony also gone, well, Jaime has been house bound all weekend as she has been putting on a show of it, which is of course, one that has her playing the role of a dedicated student, as she apparently is studying for some pop quiz tomorrow in one of her classes."

“Pop quizzes are supposed to be just that, a surprise” Max asked.

“Jaime studies for the sake of studying,” Isabel smiled. “She does not like surprises.”

“Who does,” Michael muttered. Even though our lives are full of them. We were never prepared for anything in our lives. “Mac has the night off, because he worked earlier today, but he has not been much of a presence at home because he has been doing nothing but barricading himself in the room, or he’s out which he is right now. I do not know what it is up with him?”

“Jessica,” Max muttered

“She has been away all weekend,” Isabel muttered.

“River seems to think they are hiding from each other,” Max muttered as they sat in the living room, drinking in the safety of his home, not that we have to worry about anything he thought. We know our limits he thought. My tolerance has certainly built over the years from those high school days he thought.

Same with Michael, but he did not tempt fate as much as Max had over time, but still he was known to drink.

“I am not sure I like that idea,” Isabel muttered as she was still not that much a supporter of that potential as she probably should be, because she knew Mac while a decent boy and a good kid overall, still, he had some rough edges just like his father she muttered to herself. And Michael is also a prime reason to not try she thought.

She loved Michael like a brother, but she would rather Jessica find someone else. Even if staying with the group might be good for the family, so that deal with the secret among the outside world because I know how much Jessica had to tamp down the urge to tell Alan she told herself. It is not easy not to spill she thought. I know from my time with Jesse but then if you do tell, you do not know how they will react.

Prime example was Jesse.

“It’s too early,” Michael muttered. They are too young he muttered and said it out loud.

“Can you really say that?” Isabel asked, “When you and my brother were exactly his age when you fell for Liz and Maria?”

“And it might not mean anything,” Max asked.

“Knowing this family, it will mean a lot if they were to go there” Michael muttered, even though he wanted to ignore the implications. “I cannot see it just being an ordinary relationship. It would mean too much more."

“Which is why they are trying to stay away from it?” Max asked.

“Yes,” Isabel sighed as she subscribed to her friend’s thinking too because too much was on the line if it were to go bad. Too much.

“At least Jessica is away for the moment, you do not have to worry about it” Max asked as he received a smile from his sister, as they moved into other topics, and naturally it came back around to Max.

“So, tell us, what is going on with Liz?”


Max did not know the answer, and neither did Liz. Whom by the way was back in Chicago, and having dinner with her son in a restaurant that had been one of their families favorites, and it was nice to be there, and see something familiar that spoke of the good times, to bring memories of a time that was not rife with changes, but still it was difficult because both knew to be here together, and without either Mariah or especially without Brady? It is odd Liz could not help but recognize. She also knew they had been gone from Roswell for a week now, and she still did not have a timetable for going back. She knew things were going well with her daughter back home. Home, she thought. But yes, it is our home, isn’t it? she asked herself.

“How is your dinner?” Liz asked as she was trying to not think about Roswell, because to think about that place was to remember…


She supposed she could be also thinking of their daughter, and she was, but someone else was on her mind, and she was trying to ignore the implications of that and concentrate on her son.

Whose weekend had been a better morale booster for her son than the week had been because he had been able to spend it with his best friend, Steve.

And they immediately had fallen back into their old rapport, and they had a ball all day, and then at the hockey game. And of course, they had too many hotdogs, and snacks, but Liz liked the glow on her son’s face as he and his friend were doing something they loved, talking smack about the imposing team, and even their friends, or old friends in her son’s case, but that did not take the glow of her son’s face.

And she was happy for that, and now on this day, he had even gone to Steve’s hockey practice, and seen his old team. And while he could not suit up, or put on skates, he sat and watched the practice and then game that took place and when Liz had picked him up and drove Steve home.

All Lex could talk was how he missed the team.

And Liz felt the pain in her son’s voice, as she knew that the interaction among the kids was a positive as she was seeing again how her son was at a disadvantage at being home school. So, she was looking forward to him starting school in September, and hopefully join some activities once he finished with his healing and recovery.

“Love it,” Lex nodded. “They don’t have the same kind of pizza in Roswell?”

“No,” Liz murmured. “The one thing Roswell does not cater well too, is pizza” she smiled. “We have so many other good things, but Chicago does do their pizza justice” she said softly. She never had been into pizza because after all she grew up in a diner type restaurant, serving all kinds of foods but we specialized in burgers she thought, that was easiest to cater too she thought. But life in Chicago had given her a taste for pizza.

“It’s the one thing that has stayed the same,” Lex observed.

“Yes, it has” Liz nodded.

“Maybe we can get Grandpa to put pizza on the menu at the Crashdown?” Lex asked.

“That would be something,” Liz said with a smile of the thought. “The Pizza Pan might be jealous,” she said and got a giggle from her son.

“I am glad you have had a good time this weekend,” Liz said. Because it had done both of them a world of good for her son to be finally enjoying his time in Chicago, but it was not the same she knew. “That you were able to see Steve, and the other kids today.”

“Me too,” Lex said as he dug into his slice of pizza.

“I am sure the team has missed you,” Liz murmured.

“It was great to see the team,” Lex muttered. “Playoffs are coming up,” he said. “And they were having their fun, and it was good to see them, but it just made me know even more that everything is too different now, because I cannot be the same as them.”

“Oh, honey, your injuries are healing. You will one day soon,” Liz muttered cursing the injuries that were inflicted on her son.

“I know they will, as I have said, the pain is not there anymore and the crutches are only a nuisance,” Lex sighed. “I know one day soon they will be gone. But seeing my old team together showed that I am not one of them anymore.”

“Did they make you feel like that?” Liz asked.

“No, they were great. They were happy to see me, but still, it feels like I am different from them too, and even thought it only been like six months since I saw most of them, because we were in the same classes, but still, it was not the same, and it made me realize that I did not feel like I am missing anything except the notion of playing and feel of scoring a goal. But I can do that anywhere, right?” he asked. “Once I get better physically?”

Oh, Lex Liz thought. “Yes, you can.” Anywhere.

Lex nodded as continued to consume the pizza.

And just like that Liz felt like her son was growing up.

“You know…” Lex asked.

“What?” Liz murmured.

“I like hotel living you know but I am starting to miss home,” Lex sighed. “It still not the same as our old house,” he clarified, and Liz could only smile at the clarification because it was so her son. “But it is homey, and I am even beginning to miss Mariah…”

Oh, me too Liz thought. “I am sure your sister misses you too.”

“So, when do you think we can see her again?” Lex asked. As he was still not sure he was comfortable with all the changes his big sister was going through, and how different she was compared to him, but still, she is my big sister and I miss her.

“Sooner than you think,” Liz murmured. As she was beginning to wonder if they should be wrapping up this trip.

Were they ready to head back to Roswell?

Were they ready to head on back home?


They were not the only ones thinking of returning home. Because in fact, Jessica was already home, back in Roswell at least. As the doors opened, and she was waiting to step off the bus, that she had ridden from the outskirts of Phoenix after changing her original plans to fly back here, curtesy of at ticket her grandmother had purchased for her, but this change was her doing my doing she thought as she picked up her purse and walked off the bus and collected her suitcase from the undercarriage of the bus.

She looked around the dead of the night. She was not waiting for a pickup because no one knew she was returning, especially not her mother or Kyle who believed she was due back the following day.

Nope, she was returning today, now in fact.

Prepared to call a taxi once she got over the Crashdown which was a manageable walk from the station. And she could get a bite because she was hungry because she had not had anything since she got on the bus, and she felt the comforts of the Roswell fresh air, as she started.

She almost made it to the Crashdown before she got stopped by a familiar voice.

“Jessica?” came a voice that was surprised to see her. “What are you doing here?” came the voice and she knew it instantly, and it was the last person she wanted to see, because she wanted to deal with getting home before dealing with Mac.

“Mac,” Jessica muttered as she turned around to face her friend.

“What are you doing back here, because I did not think you were due home yet?”

“Nope, not until tomorrow,” Jessica sighed. “I came home earlier than planned.”

“Why?” Mac asked. As he had been at a friend’s house not River’s he thought. I have other friends, and we were watching the game but with the team flailing badly, Mac decided to leave, and head on home and having a similar idea of Jessica, going home via the Crashdown. But he was not prepared to see Jessica.

Or to feel the bush of whatever that he felt for her coming off her, I do not know what I am feeling he thought because this is something I know I have not felt before he thought. And it was the last thing I need.

And from Jessica’s side of things. She did not especially care for the rush of whatever she was feeling as she saw Mac. A weekend away from Roswell had not clarify things as she had hoped and seeing Mac mere moments after arriving back in town limits had not exactly helped things.

“I decided to change my plans,” was all Jessica muttered.

“Why?” Mac asked. No one returns from a trip early he thought. “Is everything alright with your grandmother?” Mac asked. As he knew that while Jessica was not that close with her grandmother, because she lived so far away still, he knew Jessica did go every summer, and it meant enough to her that she honored her grandmother’s wish to come for the weekend.

“Oh, everything is fine with her” Jessica said. “It was only a change in plans, that is all” she said as decided to forgo the sugar rush she could get at the Crashdown and was prepared to head on home. Even if no one at home was expecting her…

“Are you sure?” Mac asked.

“Sure, nothing to see here” Jessica said softly.

“You know you can talk to me,” Mac muttered as he craved getting back to their old rapport with each other, because he knew it was getting too strained between them and it was affecting everything between us, he told himself. I want it to go back to normal he thought.

“I am sure I could, but there is really nothing to deal with here” Jessica muttered. “My trip ended early, test tomorrow at school.”

“Which I know you managed to get an extension to deal with that on Wednesday, after your return, so what is up?” Mac sighed. Only Jessica could get a teacher to give a test extension he thought. I don’t think Ms. Peterson would be so accepting if it were to say, me…

But that is what you get when you have a better attendance record, and grades.

Not that mine are not shabby, at least the grades. Attendance is another story.

“Plans changed,” was all Jessica planned to say because she did not want to get into it, and it did not really mean anything to Mac about why she came back early she muttered. “It does not really matter, or should not for you…”

“I am only curious,” Mac asked. “I have missed you.”

“I doubt you missed me all that much,” Jessica mused.

“You would be surprised how much I did,” Mac sighed. “It has not been the same without you around here…”

“It was not the first time I was gone, and it will not be the last time,” Jessica muttered. You have managed to make it through my prior trips, and it was only a weekend I was gone.

One weekend…

“I am sure it will not, because you have been the lucky one to get to leave town because your grandmother lives out of state…”

“Yeah, real lucky” Jessica muttered.

“Okay, what is going on?” Mackenzie asked. “Because something has…”

“It does not matter,” Jessica sighed as she checked her watched, “I have to get going,” she muttered. “They are expecting me.”

Even though they have no idea I am coming home.

“I wish you would talk to me,” Mac muttered.

“No, you do not,” Jessica asked. “I have to get going.”

“I miss what we were before everything changed,” Mac muttered. Why am I even talking like this he thought? This is not me. Who cares if we are not talking to each other?

Ok, what is up with Mac? Jessica could not help but think.

“You used to talk to me and River, or especially me, and you do not do that anymore or lately” Mac muttered. “I miss it; I miss you telling me what you think I am doing wrong with my life.”

“You never listen to me anyways,” Jessica muttered.

“Yes, I do.” Mac asked. And I like that you do.

“No, you do not” Jessica muttered.

“Yes, I do” Mac muttered.

I cannot believe we are doing this Jessica told herself. Arguing over whether I listen to him, or he listens to me. Which he never does.

“Give it up,” Jessica muttered. “I need to get home,” she muttered. Yes, that is what I need to do. Go home.

“Wait, wait.” Mac muttered.

“What is it?” Jessica sighed. Give a break here, let me go home she muttered to herself. “Let me go,” she sighed. I do not need this.

I need something to make sense she thought. Not after the weekend I have had.

“Please, none of this makes sense to me” Mac muttered. “I do not know why I am looking at you as if you are someone new to me. We have been friends all our lives. We basically were born within weeks of each other. Yet, you were there with me. So, we are friends. We dealt with the same crap in our families together. You make it all make sense. River was always part of the melodrama given how his home life was, but you were sanity, and I know I have been a little crazy when I have no reason too because of who my parents are, and the fact they are still freaking together, which is something of a miracle, but it always made sense because you and River were in my life.”

“Yeah, it made total sense” Jessica agreed. “We had someone to deal with all the unrealness in our life, and there were tons of it, even if we had a slightly tamer time of it in comparison to our parents.”

Only slightly, that is a good one Jessica she thought.

“So, it is why now, it’s so weird between us because I do not want to be thinking what I am thinking or feeling what I am feeling because it was so much simpler to be how we were before, when we were only friends.”

“I know,” Jessica muttered.

“Then I do not know why I want to do this,” Mac muttered as he grabbed her, and Jessica went willingly, and they kissed.

And a small kiss grew bigger and more passionate.

Neither stopping until they heard a beep from a car behind them, Shit they both thought because they knew they were outside, in the night air. And it might be a small town, but it was still main street, and busy at this time of night.

“Jessica, get in the car, I am here to pick you up” came a voice, and they turned to find it was her stepfather, Kyle Valenti acting as if he had seen what had just happened.

He had.

“Damn it,” came both of them in unison. Neither knowing if it was being busted or because they had screwed up.

Could be both they thought.

“Let us go,” Kyle called out once again. And Jessica nodded and picked up her bag and got in the car…

Leaving Mac speechless in the street behind them…

“I so do not want to talk about it,” Kyle muttered. But I am going to have too…

You think?
Last edited by Parker1947 on Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 74 - 07/18/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Kyle to the rescue......this will be an interesting ride home.
Bet Isabel will give her a good talking to.
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 75 - 07/20/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

“Your grandmother called the house,” was all Kyle was willing to say once his stepdaughter was in the car as it had descended into silence once she had entered the car. Neither wanted to be dealing with this but it was something Kyle had no choice but to take on because the phone call had come earlier in the evening when Jessica’s grandmother, Mrs. Ramirez had called the house to inform them of the change of plans. It was unfortunately for him that the call had come in after Isabel had just left the house for the evening to be spent at her brother’s place.

Where he would assume alcohol would be on the menu. And because it was something he did not want to deny his girlfriend. Because it had been so rare a happening before Max’s sudden emergence into functionally human being, so he knew Isabel was looking forward to a night out with her brother, and so, once the call did come in, well, he decided to be the one to take it on and so once he found out what bus Jessica would be back on, even though she was not supposed to be due back from Phoenix, It had taken some tinkering to figure out the bus schedules because Jesse’s mother had not that knowledgeable about the actual bus, except to inform him of the fact that she had dropped her granddaughter off at the bus station instead of the airport, and Jessica apparently had taken it on herself from there.

When asked a few simple questions. Jessica’s grandmother had not that open to the events that had led to Jessica to come back earlier, and therefore Kyle was in the dark because he knew while Jesse’s mother was nice to him, but the fact that he had moved on with Jesse’s widow sometimes had rubbed her the wrong way, even though they had not really gotten together until years after Jesse’s death. I can understand it he thought because Teri’s parents were uncomfortable with Isabel at times he thought but they had moved to another country so they had to accept that Kyle had moved and their granddaughter had a role model in Isabel so all Kyle did was thank Jessica’s grandmother for calling the house because by the fact Jesse’s mother had shocked him, obviously Jessica had not seen fit to inform them of the change in her itinerary? So, now that he had his stepdaughter in the same car with him. “Do you want to speak about it?” Kyle asked of his stepdaughter, “Why did you come back?” as he preferred to ask that instead of asking her of the Mac thing, he had just had the unfortunate circumstance of witnessing.

“It’s not really that important,” Jessica muttered as she sat in the car and waited as they drove back to the house. “I was feeling the need to come back, test tomorrow in Biology,” she muttered even though I have an extension and was not expected to be at school until Tuesday she thought.

Yeah, you were really studying that biology Kyle thought as he wanted to shake the image out of his mind of the fact that his stepdaughter had progressed further than they had thought possible with Mac Guerin. Not that he did not know his stepdaughter was a beautiful girl. She is he thought. Taking after her mother in that regard he thought. And given that Jessica had been dating, and most notably Alan until a few days prior to this one, well, he knew that he should not be surprised but he was, because he believed that Jessica and Mac were only friends he thought.

Despite all the concern among the parental units in their clan. Kyle had mostly laughed it off, and now they could not laugh it off.

Nope, not anymore Kyle thought.

So, yeah, Kyle did not want to talk about what he had just witnessed as they swung onto the road that contained the house. “You know you can talk to me; you know.”

“I know,” Jessica muttered. “You have been good to me all these years”

“I love both of you, your mother and you” Kyle said. “We have made a good family these last years.”

Jessica nodded.

“So, you know that you could talk to me you know” Kyle muttered as they parked in the driveway.

“I know I could” Jessica sighed as she got her bag out of the car, and walked up to the house, and walked into the house.

“Hey, what are you doing home?” Jaime as had gotten home from her friend’s home after her father vanished and she did not know what was happening. As it was a reminder to Kyle of how both of the girls were too independent for their own good, and he wished they were in their younger days.

When they were on a leash Kyle muttered.

Then we would not have to worry about Jessica and Mac he thought.

“Decided to come home earlier, that is all there is too it” Jessica said as she walked upstairs. “Where is Mom?” she asked for the first time since she got in the car, because in the car, her mind was full of whirlwind, and had wanted to be silent for fear that Kyle would want to question her about what he obviously had seen happen between her and Mac.

Thankfully Kyle had been quiet, and so had she.

“She is spending the evening at your uncle’s,” Kyle murmured. “She had already left when I received the call from your grandmother.”

Jessica nodded, “Let me know when she gets home” was all she said as she walked up to her room and barricaded herself in the room.

“What is up with her?” Jaime asked.

“Maybe you will find out if you ask her, because she refuses to talk to me about it” Kyle muttered and mostly I like being in the dark about the romantic life of the kids he thought. Thankfully Jaime is only fourteen.

Kyle did not know how he would it when she started to date.

Although he could acknowledge that day was coming, and he knew it would likely be sooner rather than later. And he did not relish it. Not in any instance he thought. Boys would have been easier he thought.

But then he thought of Mackenzie Guiren, Yeah, maybe not so much.

Because he had been that boy once before. Even though I got nothing out of it until I met Teri he thought, and then Isabel.

Jaime nodded, because she knew her father was not a fan of them going out and being so independent. Independence is so freeing she thought.

She could not wait until she was older.

“And it did not help that I saw her and Mac exchanging, whatever I do not want to even think about it. So, yeah, you might be able to get something out of her…”

“Whoa,” Jaime smiled. “Go have a drink or something,” she suggested of her father in a fit of laughter, “You might need it.”

“Yeah, I just might” Kyle muttered as Jaime only looked at the stairs and walked upstairs. “Jessica, we have to talk.”

“Not now,” Jessica muttered.

“If you do not want to talk to my father than you can speak to me, even if I do not know all you are going through, but it is better me than anyone, right?”

“Fine, come in” Jessica muttered.

“Then use your abilities and unlock the door,” Jaime said as she had tested the doorknob and knew what Jessica had done. Yeah, one of the distinct problems with being in a house with a second-generation alien hybrid when you were normal.



Mackenzie was still standing in shock over the events of twenty minutes prior. It had come out of the blue. Jessica was obviously hurting about something, and they got talking, and goading each other, and it just happened out of the blue, and now he was trying to make some sense out of it as he walked into the Crashdown once his shock wore off, and he could use his legs and move. Mariah had seen the whole thing and it had greatly amused her and watched as Mac seemed in shock of it.

“You finally came in” Mariah asked as she stood at the door and watched as Mac walked through the doors.

“I did not think you were working tonight?” Mac asked because he knew they had been on the same shift earlier in the day.”

“I wasn’t,” Mariah acknowledged. “But it was getting a tad boring upstairs, and so I wanted a break from it all and so I came downstairs for a snack, because of course my Grandparents don’t keep a lot of extra food upstairs,” she smiled. Why would they, when they own an operating restaurant, so I came downstairs.”

Mac nodded.

“So, you and Jessica?” Mariah asked.

“What did you see?” Mac asked because it suddenly came to him that they had been in the open, and if it was not obvious by the sudden entrance of Jessica’s stepfather, well, it was now when he realized they had been in the plain view of the Crashdown.

“More than you would have wanted people to see,” Mariah smiled. “I didn’t expect the show to be honest with you, but it certainly livened up my Sunday night,” she said with a smile. “So, you and Jessica?”

“Are nothing…”

“It did not look like it from the way the two of you kissed each other,” Mariah murmured. I remember those kisses she thought. She discounted the one with Mac on New Year’s, that was a different breed of one she thought. But she remembered when she and Josh were starting out, and the giddiness in those kisses, yeah, they were memorable.

“It was nothing,” Mac muttered.

“Try telling you that some more will you,” Mariah sighed. “Look I know a little of how complicated it would be for the two of you, although certainly I am new to this all this, and I do not know all the history there is to the dynamic of the family, and certainly it would be unique, but you cannot deny love. Even before it might be love,” she said as she tamped down the outrage on Mac’s face. “Hold it, I did not say you two loved each other. Obviously, you two do care about each other, and really, who knows what you feel for you, and I definitely do not know what you do feel for her, but I know a little something about it, but then Josh and I did not work out, and I am not very much missing it except maybe the companionship,” she muttered. “You and Jessica are a lot closer, and here is a lot at stake.”

“Yes, there is” Mac muttered. “Which is why we should not go for it.”

“All I can say because I do not know the stakes, but sometimes when you try to prevent something, you want it even more. So, you might as well not fight it, and surrender to it, and only then you will know if you have something. Because if you keep hiding it from it, well, it will not get you anywhere.”

“Yeah,” Mac asked.

“Yeah,” Mariah nodded.

“Does that go for everyone?” Mac wondered.

Mariah knew what he was getting at, and she sighed, yeah it does but was not ready to speak of it. “Only giving you some advice.”

“And I appreciate that, and I am just curious to know if you would accept that with everyone, or specifically your mother and you know Max.”

Mariah did not know, but was prevented from having to answer it, when the phone rang, “Mom,” she said as she recognized the name on her phone. “What’s wrong?” as she walked away from a still reeling Mackenzie, unsure of what he was going to do.


The next morning,

Isabel had gotten in the early hours of the morning once she woke up on the hard couch, with Michael having fallen asleep the armchair that they had been in while talking, and sanely her mother had taken the bed. After all, it was not a big house because it had not suited the needs of a single Max back in the day when it was under construction. All he had was a young son, and he was not planning to marry, so all they really needed was two bedrooms. And the third room was an extra television room and office, when it suited the needs.

So, there was never a need for a spare bedroom. Plus, no one spent the night until now she thought as she woke up and headed on home when she knew the alcohol had worn off. And she was safe to drive.

Kyle was up when walked in the house. “You are up early?” Isabel asked.

“Well, you were not in the bed next to me,” Kyle said with a smile. “So, it got a little lonely,” he said as he got up and gave Isabel a kiss. Which was a kiss that she willingly took in and loved. “How was your night with the boys?” because he knew how happy his fiancé was to have her brother engaging and wanting to spend time together.

So, much of the time he had not wanted that…

“It was fun,” Isabel said softly, “We were good.”

“I am glad,” Kyle said. And he was. Isabel needs to be able to let loose “Although by the way, your daughter is upstairs asleep. Because she came home last night.”

“What on earth?” Isabel asked. “She was not expected back to tonight?”

“I know,” Kyle acknowledged. “But Jesse’s mother called, and she informed me that she had dropped Jessica off at the bus station, so I picked her up last night.”

Oh god Isabel muttered. “What happened?”

“Jessica’s grandmother was not that specific,” Kyle murmured. “Seems it might have been Jessica’s idea although she will not tell me anything about it, but that was not your biggest issue, because I interrupted a moment between Jessica and Mac.”

“God,” Isabel muttered. “Do I even want to know?”

“Let us say you did not want to see it,” Kyle murmured. “I wish I had not seen it.”

“I guess I better talk to her,” Isabel asked as never in any of her daughter’s visits to her grandmother did Jessica come home early, and in fact a few times had wanted to stay longer because Isabel knew that her daughter liked occasionally to be among the normal people that being able to visit her grandmother allowed her…

Because she did not have to be among her family. Jesse’s mother represented a different kind of life.

“She’s in bed,” Kyle muttered. “I would wait until she wakes up.”

Isabel nodded, “I better have that shower, and get dressed because sleeping on my brother’s couch is not the easiest of sleeps,” she smiled as she kissed Kyle once more, “I need a wake up, so I guess Jessica can provide me that.”

Kyle nodded as he watched as Isabel walked off…


While at the same time Jessica took in the comforts of her bed. Although she had a restless sleep. Unable to sleep and tossing and turning for the bulk of the night, and now the sun was coming through the window despite the curtains being almost fully drawn. As she did not like what she was dreaming of, or her reaction to the dream. She checked the alarm clock next to her bed, and she winced at the time.

It was Monday. She had school. It is why I come back, right? Jessica thought. Or that is the excuse she was giving but she did have a day off if I were to take it but maybe school will do be some good, she thought.

She was a good student. She liked school. She wanted to make something of herself, so, yeah that is what I want to do. Get up and get going she thought even though her first class was not until later in the morning. One of the reasons I knew I could stay with Grandma she thought. That did not go well.

It was on me as much as it was on Grandma she thought. My headspace was not a good one she thought.

Getting out of bed, and she was mumbling to herself and wondered if her mother actually made it home from her uncle’s place because she knew even though it was rare, still if there was alcohol involved, she usually stayed the night. And she had not seen her mother when she went to bed the night.

She had not wanted to talk anyways, so she was glad her mother had not come home. Jaime had been no help.

Now it was a new day, and she was determined to move on, and try to figure out where her life was going, yeah that is the ticket she thought as she was planning on a quick shower, and was preparing to head to the bathroom, which was free because Jaime’s door was open, which meant she was already downstairs.

She returned to her room to get something, and she stopped. Shit she thought. Because someone who was not supposed to be there, was at her window.

Mac, she thought. He never comes here she thought.

She did not go for her window, but unfortunately for her, the guy had his ways and before he knew it, he was in her bedroom. “What are you doing here?”

“I needed to talk to you,” muttered Mac. Who had also been unable to sleep because all he could think was, Jessica and he had been out of the house early, even before his parents were up? Which was different for him because he was usually the one who was straggling, and his parents were the early risers. “We need to talk.”

“Is there any reason we could not talk at school?” Jessica asked.

“Nope, because I was not convinced you would show up at school,” Mac muttered.

“Which is a cop out you know because I was going to show up at school, but you do not always do the same. It was you who did not want to show up at school, huh?” Jessica asked.

“Maybe, but anyways, I was walking past the house, and I acted.”

“We do not live anywhere near each other,” Jessica muttered. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

Whether we do or not, does not matter Mac muttered choosing to ignore the situation or her question.

“We have to talk,” Mac muttered.

“You keep on saying that but why are you here, because you know as well as I do that my mother and Kyle will have a big problem with you coming here, and like this, and I am sure your parents will also have something to say about it, if they knew.”

“They do not know,” Mac muttered. “There is no reason for them to know, because I needed to talk to you and this was the only place I knew where you would not be able to find a way to ignore not, and walk away when I come near,” he said as he was trying to ignore that he was here in the morning, and Jessica was only in her robe, with her pajamas beneath the robe, and what those images would bring to him.

“We could have talked anywhere but here,” Jessica muttered. As she knew very well how dangerous this situation was. Not even Alan was in my bedroom she thought. “You better go,” she said. “I will be at school. And we can have that talk that you obviously want to have…”

“Are you sure?” Mac asked.

“Yes,” Jessica murmured.

“Then fine,” Mac muttered. Because he knew he had taken a gamble in coming here, and he still did not know why he had done that. “You know you do look good in that robe?”

Augh Mac Jessica muttered. “Give your filthy mind a rest.”

“I wish I could, but somehow, somewhere you have infiltrated it, and I cannot stop thinking of you” Mac muttered. “I am fifteen, we will both be sixteen in a span of weeks and months, but for some reason I cannot stop thinking about you” he sighed. “I wish I could because you know me, I like my life.”

“I know you do,” Jessica muttered. I know you do.

“I wish I could you know. Because it would solve a lot of our problems, and I know our parents would be happy you know if they did not have to deal with this,” Mac muttered. “Because I mean they already have enough to handle, they don’t need to be dealing with us.”

“You are right, you are already giving your parents enough to think about” Jessica sighed.

“Hey, I am being honest with you, and I do not need your commentary coming at me, for trying to be genuine and honest.”

“I need you to be you,” Jessica muttered. “I never wanted you to be anything other than who you are.”

“Yes, you have,” Mac muttered. “You hate it.”

“Maybe I do, but I see that you have potential, and you are wasting it on people like Roxy…”

“Christ, forget about Roxy” Mac muttered. “I went there once and I regret it, and I did not want to repeat it, and you know but you are stuck on it.”

“No, I am not” Jessica muttered.

“You are stuck on it because you do not want to be speaking about last night,” Mac muttered. “That you liked it, and if your stepdad had not busted us, who knows where it might have gone.”

“It would not have gone anywhere, because it was a mistake” Jessica sighed. A big mistake to even cross that blaring red line.

“Was it?” Mac asked.

“Yes,” Jessica muttered.

“You did not want this,” Mac asked as he came closer, and they of course ended up in a sizzling kiss, that neither of them wanted to end…

…and if it were not for something else, then things might have escalated even more because suddenly they got, “Jessica are you awake because we need to talk?” came a concerned Isabel as she opened the door and walked in, because her daughter had not shown up downstairs. “I know you have school”

“Oh, shit” Isabel muttered. “I so did not want to see this,” she muttered and then the reality of the situation she was encountering hit her. “What the hell is going on here?” she said loudly, not as much in a yell or a shout, but in such a way that it sure got the kids attention. “What the hell?”
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 75 - 07/20/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

The parents are going to have their hands full from now on......
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 76 - 07/22/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Three days later,

Things were eerily quiet, and no one knew what that meant for anyone. No one was talking to each other. Which meant nothing was getting settled because Isabel was not talking to her daughter, and Jessica was not talking to her mother. Within the Evans-Valenti household. Kyle and Jaime were on the sidelines. No one even knew why Jessica had come home from Arizona early. She was being quiet on that front. Spilling to no one. And answering no one’s enquiries. While over at the Guerin household, Michael and Maria were trying to come to terms with this change of events. Although to them, they knew that none of his was the end of the world. It was a lot tamer than anything we ever did when we were their age Max muttered to himself as he stood on the sidelines too because it was not something he had to deal with because it did not affect him for once. Even if he was aware of the sensitivities of the situation. Although who cares if Mac and Jessica like each other a little too much, it’s not against the law?

Although he knew that it is just funky to have to acknowledge it.

Our little group is already small enough Max would think we do not need it even smaller he thought although it would save the issues that come with someone from the outside coming in, so yeah, it was keeping the amusement high and he knew River was trying to play both sides, be a friend to both Mac and his cousin Jessica. After all he knew how close his son was to his cousin, and his best friend. Still, Max felt for his sister and was trying to be a shoulder and the brother Isabel needed. And at the moment, was back into the Crashdown after not being in the establishment in a few days and could see that his daughter was working.

It still took everything he had not to see her mother in that uniform, but more and more Mariah was becoming her own person and it did seem like she was becoming used to the town, and the town was starting to accept her, even if most would not know the unusual circumstances of her paternity he thought. They think of her as Mariah Anthony, not Evans he reminded himself. And he was beginning to be find with that because at least I know she is my daughter and even if I have to keep it a secret than as long as we can have some kind of relationship.

Which is why he had not been in the establishment since the weekend because he had wanted to give her space, and also, he had been dealing with his sister’s rants about her daughter’s love life. The fact she had allowed her daughter to date Alan and did not seem to care if they had gotten serious did not deter that she was wishing she could ground her daughter now.

After all, not every parent wanted to find a boy in their daughter’s bedroom first thing in the morning.

Max knew he had a complicated relationship with his own son, but he knew his son would never try that which is why he and Sierra go elsewhere with the exception of that one night when I walked too early, he thought.

And of course, Max knew on the Guerin sideline, Michael and Maria could not exactly rain down punishment on their son because of their own youthful moment where Michael had gotten caught asleep with Maria in the same bed back when they were basically nothing together, except a passionate kiss or two. So, this was not exactly the same thing, but still it was pretty bad in the view of the parents, who wanted to be protective of their kids.

Max also knew he probably would not be that coherent if it were him in the same position, with Mariah, but my situation is very different he thought. “So, your mother is returning tomorrow, huh? came Sierra who was sitting alone. “You must be excited to go home?” she was asking before her eyes traveled the door and saw Max.

Wait, Liz is coming back? Max asked silently as he waited for Mariah’s answer.

Mariah had seen Max come in and knew he had overheard Sierra innocent question. And she did not know whether he knew or not, because she had not talked to her mother since the other night when she called to say she and Lex had decided to come back, and would be taking their time, and should be back sometime the next day.

“My grandparents are great, although it will be nice to be back at home” Mariah stated as she knew she had to answer the question.

“Hello,” Mariah then said as he saw Max walk her way. “So, you heard?”

“Is it true?” Max asked.

“Yes, it is,” Mariah acknowledged. “Mom called the other night to say she and Lex have decided to come home, and so they are on their way, so, assuming everything goes as it is expected. They should be back sometime tomorrow?”

“Was everything alright?” Max asked as he immediately wondered if something was bringing Liz back into their orbit.

“Sure,” Mariah muttered with a smile. Why is it in everyone’s first inclination for there to be trouble. Why cannot anything ever be on the up on the up. “They just decided it was time, and my brother was finding that nothing was the same in Chicago anymore, and so they wanted to come back to Roswell.”

Nothing was the same Max murmured to himself. Interesting he thought and Mariah and even Sierra knew that the news had the requisite effect on River’s father. “I am glad you…will be able to get home to your mother and brother?”

“Me too,” Mariah muttered. It will be good to go home to somewhere different after work. “Do you need anything?”

“Nothing great,” Max said softly. “I wanted to check in on you and make sure you were alright,” she asked and got a smile back, “I am only doing what your mother asked me to do.”

“I know you are,” Mariah smiled. “I am fine, I am beginning to miss school. I am almost looking forward to going back on Monday.”

Max nodded.

“I know you want to be saying to me that I should think of that next time that I listen to the Roxy types and do something that does not serve my interests,” Mariah asked with a smile. Even though it seems like last year that I got suspended, definitely does not feel like it was only two weeks ago.

A lot has gone on.

“Something like that,” Max said without elaborating which was something that Mariah appreciated. “So, where is my son tonight?”

“Working,” Sierra answered. Knowing full well that Max did not approve of things.

“He better show up at school in the morning,” Max muttered when have I ever cared about his education? Sierra and Mariah only laughed, “I will leave you two to talk.”

“I have to get back to work anyways,” Mariah muttered as Max walked to the booth. “I will get that menu.”

“No rush,” Max said softly as he walked away.

“A lot has happened has it not?” Sierra asked as she could see that Mariah was more open to the changes in her life.

“It has,” Mariah agreed. “But he’s trying, and I had to accept that, and therefore I am trying. There are never any guarantees of course, but it’s half the battle at least,” she sighed. “I do not know where this ends up, but it has to be somewhere, right?”

“Right,” Sierra nodded almost wishing she had a better relationship with her own father than she did, but she also knew Max was trying and her own father definitely was not.

As Mariah got back to work and delivered a menu Max and it was almost like a déjà vu moment for him because once upon a time he had sat in the same booth and watched as the love of his life worked, and hustle around the restaurant and now it was their daughter.

Oh Liz, you should be seeing this Max thought as Mariah delivered the items he had ordered, and he just sat and watched.

And once more Sierra wished for the life, but knew she had a pretty good one as she left the restaurant and went on home.


Meanwhile it was a war of wills over the Evans-Valenti home, as mother and daughter were testing each other with their silence and neither of them were truly buckling but Isabel knew she had to be the bigger person, and that was her, because she was the adult. And her daughter was the kid in this scenario, and she needed to figure where they went from here. “Do you want to talk to me?” Isabel asked as she walked into her daughter’s room.

Which had not been locked, or even attempted too which Isabel took as a climb down from the earlier behavior of her daughter. And she knew none of this made sense. She should not be this pissed off by any of the choices her daughter was making. Jessica had been the model of a child so far in her life, and Isabel should be proud of that because it could have gone the other way because of the circumstances they had started out.

Dead father, who died even before she was born and a mother who was moving on, but Jessica had taken it all in stride, and now she was reacting like any teenager would and Isabel was feeling out of her depths. I wish it was easier.

Any parent did.

“Are you?” Isabel was asking again as she was trying to get some answers.

No Jessica wanted to say but did not, wisely. She knew she was testing her mother, and she knew why her mother was disturbed. All I want is something to make sense she was telling herself because her attraction to Mac did not make sense.

Maybe it was the bad boy in Mac Jessica was thinking, and yet Mac had a good heart she thought.

And we are both young. Why can I not go with temptation.

“Well, I want to talk” Isabel murmured

“Good for you,” Jessica muttered.

“Listen, I know I overreacted the other morning?” Isabel muttered, ignoring her daughter’s willful words, as she could not help but think back of her reaction to the events of Monday morning. “Everything was hitting at once. I did not even know you had come home until Kyle told me that morning, and well, I expected to be able to talk to you and when I walked in, and I saw that...”

“Which was normal,” Jessica muttered.

“Yes, it was normal, but it also was not normal to see in my fifteen-year-old daughter’s room even if it was a trusted friend of my daughter’s, trusted being the operative world. I know this was not an earth-shattering moment because there were warnings but Jessica, you have to understand what it was to see that image, and to know if I had not come in, what could have happened?"

“Nothing would have happened,” Jessica muttered Am I really that sure?

“Are you sure?” Isabel asked as if she could read her daughter’s mind.

Will you stop that Jessica muttered? “It surprised me; Mac came over because we needed to talk.”

“Which could have happened at school?” Isabel muttered.

“It could have but Mac did not want too, and it just happened and neither of us were looking for it to have happened” Isabel muttered.

“And the night before?” Isabel asked.

“So, what, there was a track record.” Jessica conceded.

“Which makes me confused about it,” Isabel said first it is Mac not a strange, and second it is unnerving she thought. “I know you were dating Alan…”

“And kissing up a storm with him,” Jessica sighed. “I was not exactly a virgin in that sense…

Oh god Isabel muttered. I waited until Jesse she thought of something she did not even want to have to fathom that thought. “Are you?”

“Oh god Mom, yes, of course” Jessica muttered as she paced around her room. “Would I have been that pissed off at Alan if I he cheated on me, if I had already gone there, no, of course not because I know Alan would not have cheated on me with that skank if I had given it up to him, but I did not because I was not ready” she muttered. “I am still not ready, and with Mac and me, all there have been, well, a few kisses between the two of us and I do not know where it is going, or if I want it to go somewhere…”

“Well then…” Isabel murmured.

“And who cares if there have been more, it’s not the end of the world if we were to go there, right?”

“Of course not,” Isabel muttered.

“Then leave us alone to figure out if we want to go there or not” Jessica muttered. “I know what it means if we were to do anything, but it is for us to decide, and only us, because we are both the same ages.”

“Yes, you are, you are both fifteen, and could wait.”

“Did you say that when it was Uncle Max or even Michael?” Jessica muttered.

“I was not the happiest of campers,” Isabel murmured. “Your uncle could tell you that personally,” she thought of the many battles she had with her brother over his choice of Liz Parker she thought. “I was not an early supporter.”

“Were you jealous when it was Michael falling for Maria, and not you?” Jessica blurted even though she by now knew the true answer.

“Of course not, and we have talked it over before,” Isabel muttered as she was not eager to go over territory that they had already discussed. “Michael and I were nothing, but some wish another planet may have wanted for us, or I should qualify that as of our former selves and we would have had to act on it here, and neither of us did, and I do not regret it. Because I eventually would find your father, and I would find something real with Kyle and therefore I know what it means to find someone who knows me, all of me, and I do not have to hide anything from him, and he loves me for all my quirks.

Jessica nodded.

“I am not thrilled about you and Mac simply because you are too young to go there, because I know what it means to go there, as it can be intense, and you both do not need it. Concentrate on your schoolwork, and plan on your future.”

“Are we not the next generation, whose is it to say it will not be better for us?”

“Which is something I want for you,” Isabel muttered. “To not face the battles, because we had to deal with when we did when we were your age and it was all so that you guys, our children would not have to deal with it now.”

Jessica nodded.

Isabel sighed. “But if you were to want to go there, I would be supportive of you because I will always be supportive of anything you would do in your life.”

“Really, anything?” Jessica asked with a smile.

Isabel smiled. “Okay, maybe there is a line there, but I love you and I love being your mother and yes, I wish it was someone else because dealing with it, would not be easy…”

“At least Mac would know,” Jessica muttered. “It has always been different with Alan.”

“I know it would be” Isabel murmured. It has always been a weight of my back to be with someone who knows all, and there were not any secrets she thought. Because I saw the other side of it with Jesse “I just wish you would protect your heart a little bit longer.”

“Too late,” Jessica muttered, and she saw the frown on her mother’s face “I mean with Alan Mom.”

“I know,” Isabel nodded. Although I am sure a bit of Mac is already in there with whatever remnants that Alan has left… she thought. But that is for another day. “At least you are talking to me, that is progress” Isabel muttered.

Jessica nodded.

“Would you like to talk to me about what happened with your grandmother?” Isabel wondered because she had not gotten an answer from either her daughter to this point, or her mother-in-law.

“Not really,” Jessica muttered.



“I wish you would not look at me like it was the worst thing in the world” was being said over at the Guerin household. Mac was at home. For once he did not have to work at either of his jobs, and now he was home dealing with his mother because his father was off dealing with a case, and his mother had forced him to stay home. Ever since the morning in Jessica’s bedroom things at home was frosty at best back at home.

“I wish I could,” Maria muttered.

“Would it really have been the worst thing?” Mac muttered. Which was the first time he had really addressed it all.

Although it was not with the person that he wanted to be addressing it with… If I had to discuss it at all.

Not really.

“Mom,” Mac muttered.

Maria frowned because she knew she should be leaving to her son to conduct his own love life. There is only so much I want to know she thought and thought of her own mother having to deal with her when she fell for Michael. “No, but you need to be serious about this Mac,” she muttered. “I know that most of the time your father and I have been letting you handle your own love life because you are growing up and we really do not have any right to interfere because I did not like your grandmother interfering when I was your age, and I was trying to figure out where to take it, with your father. So, we know you have a right to your own privacy, so we have not said much about it all.”

“You haven’t?” Mac asked, a little warily because he had heard over time their input on the way he was conducting his life. No, they have not been shy he thought.

“We could have posed really big problems for you,” Maria muttered. “We have let you deal with it on your own, but now…”

“Now what?” Mac asked.

“All I am saying you really need to be serious about this Mac because this would not be your relationship,” Maria muttered. “I love you and you cannot help but remind me a lot of your father back when he was your age, even though your life is a lot more stable…”

‘I know Dad got a rough deal,” Mackenzie murmured. And yes, I know I have had a much better life and I should not be wasting it “While River and Jessica’s parents got a better road out of it.”

“Right, although it was not easy for any of them, but yes, your father life was unstable to describe it best, and he does not begrudge anything that happened except that I am the one who wishes it could have been better for him, because the only family he could rely on is Max and yes, Isabel.”

‘And I am risking it, right?” Mac muttered. By whatever is going on with Jessica?

“You said it, I did not” Maria batted right back.

“But you wanted to say it. I know how much dad thinks of River’s dad and Jessica’s mother as family. And that you do not have to be blood to be family, which makes all this a lot of craziness, and I know it Mom, you do not have to remind me that because both Jessica and I know that, and which is why we probably have not gone there before now, but still, we are not family in the strictest of any laws, and yeah, no laws are being broken here,” Mac muttered. “We are being careful. Neither of us want to hurt the other,” he said as he knew how complicated it was, and the line they were walking which was exceedingly blurry.

“Jessica would not be anywhere close to your usual relationship Mac,” Maria muttered.

“How would you even know?” Mac asked as he challenged his mother.

“This town is small Mac,” Maria muttered. “And the fact is, I grew up here too you know, and I know how the gossip circle works, and we do not have to hear from the others in our little close circle to know what is going on with you, and your romantic life. We do not always say it, because as I said, we do leave it you most of the time, but this would not be the same as your usual ones Mac. We know most of whatever you are doing ends after twenty-four hours or a few weeks, they do not go on and on, and Jessica would not be the type you usually fall for. She is different.”

“I know she is different okay,” Mac muttered. “Maybe that makes me curious, but yeah, I know what I am doing if we were to start anything. We know the risk we are taking because our families are all so close.”

There is close, and then there is our family Maria muttered to herself. We are a different definition of close. “And we do not have a choice about that Mac, so it’s not well if things go bad between you and Jessica then fine, then we can walk away and force you not to see each other, because we cannot all go our own way you know and separate the two of you because we are not an average family. We are going to be together through thick and thin because it is not like we can go off, because Max, Isabel, and your father along with you kids are needing to stick together because who knows what the future will hold. We have gotten lucky so far, but I know from my own teenage life, that you never know for certain what life will bring you. Therefore, if you and Jessica strike something up, and it does not lead to anything, and there were to be any hurt feelings. The stakes are high in any of them, okay.”

‘Which is something I know,” Mac muttered. It is not some surprise or anything. I know our families are unusual. Which is why I might be playing it close to the blurry line because I know how much is on the line, he muttered to himself. “We will be thinking about it.”

“That is all we want, because we like Jessica Mackenzie. She is exactly the girl we would have loved you to be with because we want you to settle down and to be happy one of these days. But you have to be careful.”

I know Mac muttered without another word as he walked away from his mother and stormed out of the house. That went well Maria told herself.



“Are you okay?” Mackenzie was asking not long after he met up with Jessica outside of where else, The Crashdown but she had not been inside, but only passing by when she spotted Mac coming her way perfect, she had thought when she had seen him. After spending the last few days out of the spotlight and trying to keep away from him at school. Which she knew had turned the Gossip Central at school turning, and there were rumors all around. Spanning all types of degrees. But the funny, to the downright stupid, but none of them really got to the heart of the situation.

Most would wonder why she would not put them all out of the misery and jump in and try it, because the school knew Mac’s track record, and no one was betting that it could last. And Jessica probably would not even bet on it, because she knew what she would put her wager on, and it was not on them lasting.

How can we? Jessica was asking herself when she saw Mac coming at her after just finishing up a study date with some friends. With no romance on the horizon, I am resorting to study dates she thought.

“Fine, why would I not be?” Jessica asked as she finally stopped to talk to Mac.

“You have tried to stay far away from me ever since you know…” Mac asked.

“You mean, when my mother busted things up and threw you out of the house” Jessica asked, because she had rarely seen her mother that frustrated and angry than that morning. That is saying something she thought.

“Think I am any more welcome?” Mac asked with a sly smile that made Jessica tingle all over where is this coming from.

“If you come through the front door and stay out of my bedroom” Jessica smiled with a laugh.

“I know not to do that in the future,” Mac suggested.

Jessica could only sigh.

As they walked away, together.


While Maria was back at her house wanting to take a drink, but she did not because she did not know if she could get through three more years of this before her son was eighteen and able to take care of his own life. Until then, she and Michael would be on duty, and she did not know how the next couple of years would go if the last few months were a thrill a minute. Sighing, she wondered how her mother did it.

As if the gods were wanting to make a point, well, there was a doorbell ring just as she was about to leave a message for Liz because she desperately wished her best friend could be here right now, why can she not fly? Maria asked herself. But knew flying posed issues for Lex as he was still recovering but driving takes time.

And she did not want to wait, but still she was leaving a message when there was a doorbell ring. She went to the phone. “Call me back, kids are the devil” she muttered. “I need your advice, call me” she was saying when she opened the door and found her mother.


“I figured I was needed?” Amy Deluca Valenti asked of her daughter.

“Come in,” Maria murmured. “Michael is on a case.”

“Where is Mac?” Amy asked of her grandson.

“Where do you think?” Maria muttered.

“I figured,” Amy said walking in and giving her daughter a hug. “How can I help?”

“Make it make sense,” was all Maria could say.

“I wish I could,” Amy sighed. “You have to let him deal with it himself”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Roswell Fanatic
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 76 - 07/22/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

No body has a magic answer for all of the problems existing here.
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