Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 84 - Completed - 09/01/2022

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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 79 - 08/22/2022

Post by Superman86 »

Yay!!! Welcome back, Welcome back. I hope Max can get to Liz ok
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 80 - 08/25/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Liz knew this. In many ways she had always known it. As much as she hated the brash and blonde teenager who had stolen Max from her arms, of course it was me who did the lion share of that pushing away she would conceded years later, and probably would have also done so even at the time. It was always something she would regret because of what she had lost at the time. For all the happiness she would find with her husband. Still, the loss of her first love had dug deep and would impact the rest of her life. Because she had chosen the route she would take because she had resented the baby that had come from that time where she had listened to a time traveling version of her greatest love.

I know I should not have Liz would think now, when it was that version telling her to push away the younger version of himself, so yeah, I should not have done it, but she also knew that she would never be able to handle if the worst had taken a hold even though it was years from then, and who knows what would have happened in the between.

But she knew the girl she was, and she knew she would never would have been able to live with herself if indeed the worst had happened, when she had a way to prevent it, and because she did have a way, well, I could not deal with it, and so I would push Max away.

And right in Tess’s arms.

As she would live to regret it, and the result of that decision would be a baby who would be born, and because of that, she would ultimately walk away from the boy she loved.

And now as her eyes opened, and she spotted those eyes she thought, and they were so much like his birth mother, so yeah, if she needed a reminder, seeing those eyes would tell her who was his birth mother and yet know that no one else could have been the father, why could he not have looked a little like Max she would think now, and she could see the bristle in the teenager when she uttered the name she did, and to her dying day she knew the name would have some kind of impact to her, because of what she lost because of the blonde. “I am sorry,” was all she said as her eyes closed, and she slipped back to into unconscious, bringing a cry of despair from her daughter.

“Mom,” Mariah murmured as up at the street level of the darkened road, a few cars raced to a stop, one skidding almost because he was in a rush to make it to Liz. Seeing Sierra waving them, they knew they had found the right spot.

“Where is she?” Max demanded of the teenage girl.

“Down there,” was all Sierra would say as she pointed to where River and Mariah had run off too, and she knew she had stayed because she knew someone had to, she thought, and now knew it was the right decision and as she saw the sense of being frantic in River’s father. And Max wanted to run down the hell but knew he had to be patient. As he looked around and cursed at the situation. And Isabel who had raced after her brother once she got the car parked and unlike her brother, she was the one to notice the absence of two critical people. “Where is my nephew…” and she wanted to say niece, but she did not.

“Down there,” was all Sierra once again said.

Max was not paying attention because all he was doing was looking for a way to give over the busted barrier and go down the hill, but even he was conscious enough to understand what both his son and daughter had done, oh god he whispered to himself. “What?” he said softly, as he comprehended what both teenagers had done.

“Mariah went over first, could not stop her once she was certain that she saw her mother’s car, and of course River went after her to make sure she did not hurt herself.

“Oh god,” Isabel muttered. “Why?”

“There really was not one stopping him once Mariah had gone, and Mariah for whatever reason could not be stopped,” Sierra murmured. “I decided to stay up here.”

At least someone with common sense Isabel thought as she saw her brother and knew her brother was inside himself once more. “Thank you,” as the second car stopped, and it was the Sheriff vehicle because it as a call that Sierra had made, and of course Jim and Michael who was at the station came barreling out of town and using those sirens that had always distilled fear into them because of the secrets that once they held.

Now Jim knew, “What is going on here?” Jim in his official capabilities even though they were out of town limits, and it probably should be the closest department to them, but these are my people he thought. So, he needed to be here. “What have you found?” he asked of Max and Isabel, even though themselves, well, they had only just arrived.

“We only just arrived,” Isabel admitted because Max was still incommunicado. “River and Mariah were here, but they went down the hill after Mariah who was the first to go, I am told.”

And that was stupid Jim thought but did not say it because everyone had the same view of the situation. “Anything more?” he would ask of the teenager on the scene. “You are Sierra Cruise, right?”

“Right,” Sierra nodded.

“The situation?” Jim asked.

“River, Mariah, and I were going to a movie out of town, because of what we wanted to see. And we were driving back when Mariah got a call that went in and out from her brother, and from there, your information led us here…”

Jim nodded. “Any idea of what is going on down there?

“Nope,” Sierra nodded. “River has not come back, so I have to say that they have found the right spot.

Jim nodded.

Which means she’s down there, Max thought as he was going insane with not knowing. “I am going down.”

“I think you should wait until the ambulance gets here,” Jim advised.

“You know as well as I do that, I can handle whatever situation I do find down there,” Max muttered, and I do not need permission, but he was sticking because he knew it was bad news to go against the law. Even if he knew Jim would understand if he did run but that was before what came next, when everyone amassed at the roadside heard a scream come below.

And with that, Max did not wait for permission or to wait to be told to go, as he started to run, as he rushed down the hill.

And no one could have stopped him…


The situation was slipping away from River although it was not for anything he did, but just because the situation was growing beyond his ability to control it or to help. Just as River was preparing himself to carry an unconscious Lex up the main road, to be closer to the pending paramedics. Mariah let out a loud scream, and River was stopped in her tracks. And turned his attention from the unconscious boy to the girl’s mother, the love of his father’s life. Someone who had left his father because of me, and therefore he knew I cannot let her die.

Because he was too smart. He knew that Dad would never forgive me, and that peacetime we are in, might totally erupt. And it will be because of me once more.

“If Mom is breathing, it’s undetectable because I cannot feel her pulse anymore” Mariah insisted.

“I am sure she is fine,” River murmured as he walked over to Mariah, and leaned down and looked at Mariah’s mother.

And she was beginning to lose her coloring, even more so than she was before. “Okay,” he said as he felt for a pulse, and it truly undetectable.

“Mom, come on stay with me” Mariah cried.

“It’s alright” River murmured but knew it was not all right and it was becoming more than he could handle. After all, I am not the one in the family who has a healer’s ability he thought. I can do stuff, but nothing has come out that makes me think I can specialize in anything.

Not yet anyways.

“She’s dying,” Mariah cried. “I cannot lose her River, I cannot” she murmured. She is all I have. My brother and I cannot lose her.

“You are not going too,” came a voice of a rushing individual. A man who had a lot of investment in the group below, as he skidded to a stop. He did not care if he was risking his own health. All he knew he had to come down and see for himself. Oh god Liz he thought, as he did not even look at his own two children.

Something River and Mariah did not take personally. Of course, Mariah was still coming to terms with what he meant to her, but for River with years of resentment build up. It could be easy for this to make things worse, but instead, nothing was happening.

“Dad,” River muttered as he knew no one was going to be able to keep his father from coming down here if he came onto the scene.

“I need to see her,” Max said softly.

“I know,” River muttered.

“What can you do for her?” Mariah asked as she was not ready to see Max. But she was thankful to know someone else was here. “Where are the paramedics?”

“Coming,” Max said. “Big traffic accident in the nearest town that we had them dispatch them from, but they now are on their way,” the curses of being in small town, and in our case still miles from the nearest town, as he did not even want to think about what could happen if the professionals did not get here.

River nodded.

“Why are you here?” Mariah asked. As she did not really want to comprehend why he was here with her mother, this is not what I need now. Not now.

“I needed to see her,” Max said as if that answered everything to his son and to Mariah.

It did not.

Of course, River knew more than Mariah knew about it all, and what their mutual biological father was capable of. Liz had tried to tell their daughter, but there was only so much she could believe because too her it was all stories. How can one man, a teenage boy back when they first became acquainted save someone’s life without the aid of a medical professional? Mariah would think.

Of course, she knew, there was reasons for it, but she still had not comprehended how different she was because she had not seen it for herself. She had seen the powers she had but she believed they were all delusional ramblings of someone who exhausted and overwhelmed in grief. It never seemed real.

Even when it answered those pesky suspicions into her paternity.

“Why?” Mariah wanted to know, but Max did not answer because he was fixated on the one woman in his life that was everything to me, he thought. My reason to still be around. Even though he knew how that sounded which is why he would never say it even though he knew he certainly did not ask like it he told himself. Not even close. But now he was glancing at the woman who held his heart.

And it did not matter to him if she did not love him.

And had love someone else.

All he knew she had to live.

As he was flung back to all those years before, back to when it all began in 1999. When the girl he liked was lying dying, and he had flung into fire, not realizing the danger that would come from such an act. His sister and Michael might have been thinking of it, but I was not, all I needed was to act. To make sure Liz lived.

Although I did not know what I was starting on that day, or that I would be able to love her and for her to love me.

“Liz,” Max whispered as she was back to that day, but instead of a gun shot wound. Her injuries this time was not clear, but it was clear that she was losing the battle with time. And time was running out.

He could not let it run out.

As he felt in his own world. A world that only was of him and her, his dream girl. A girl that had only existed in his dreams, and in the Crashdown when he would come to seek her out, or in the odd biology class that would pair them up, which was not completely certain despite them being on the honor roll, something that would take place until they grow too deep into the paranoia and the craziness that would spring out on that day when he saved her life.

A simple of act of heroism, and it had launched them into something that would change their very fabric of their lives. “Liz,” he whispered once more as he knelt down.

Everyone melted into the background, and they did not need to be there. And they knew it. And River sighed, but did not take it personally this time, because this was bigger than being disgruntled about his father, this was about life and death. But he prepared himself to at least help this along, but picking up Mariah’s brother, and carry the boy up the vast hill to the highway. “You should come with me?” River murmured.

“No,” Mariah muttered as she also felt how Max was suddenly lost to them. Off in his own little world. Something he had never seen before, even in the time he had come to know him, his desire for her mother was evident but he had not know how someone could utterly get lost in himself because of his need to help someone.

Her mother.

Still, she did not want to leave her mother.

“Mariah,” River sighed. This was old hat for him because to him, so often his father would go into his own world of memories, and he was on the outside. Although this had a face now. And he did not take it personally. “I am taking your brother up the main road, you might want to come because if your brother wakes up, he will want his big sister?”

“Should you be moving him?” Mariah asked she took her eyes of her parents, and forced them back on her half brother, River.

“He’s done enough moving so it is pointless for him to stay,” River murmured. “He’s cold, and he is in shock, but I think that is all it is except for bumps and bruises. Your mother is another story,” as he knew they should not be trying to move her.

As if I could he thought. Dad is not going to let me near her… River commented to himself, as he went to the boy in the darkness.

“I should stay with Mom, she needs me.” Mariah murmured in a protest against leaving her mother.

“Your mother needs help, but we cannot be of help. And anyways she is getting the attention she needs,” River murmured and knew he had to get the show on the road. And to prove that point, well, he went and picked up Lex into his arms, and was preparing to go up, and Mariah bent and picked his phone. It was cracked, and definitely was dead. But it did what we needed it to do… she thought as they looked back and saw as Max was staring deeply into her mother’s eyes.

Normally she would turn her head away from such a display because it was not something she wanted to be seeing when she was still mourning the loss of her father. Who was the man who had been everything to him, except her dad by blood?

That was someone else, that was Max, who was staring at her mother like she was his salvation. His only reason for living.

Such a display was confusing for the sixteen-year-old to see. “I should stay.”

“Mariah,” River murmured because he knew neither wanted to stay and see such a display as he knew his father was accessing Mariah’s mother to see how he could help, and he was thinking similar thoughts to his half sister. He should be taking it personally that his father was looking at Mariah’s mother like she was the second coming, and his salvation he thought.

But he knew it was all so much bigger than him.

“Lex,” was all River, and Mariah grumbled something yeah, I know she thought. I have to look out for my little brother, especially if my mother does not come back from this she thought as she was the oldest one.

Mom, you have to come back from this she thought. What happens to us if you do not. She did not like the options, even though she loved both sets of grandparents.

“I need Mom to come back to us,” Mariah demanded.

River did not say anything more, because he knew his father would be no more if Mariah’s mother did not come back.

“I am going up,” River muttered. “You can come, or you choose not too, because it is up to you” he said as he prepared to leave, but that before the glowy stuff happened that made his father special, and he stood in awe of it.

And Mariah could not believe what she was seeing.

And just like that, Lex’s eyes opened while in River’s arms, and he saw what was happening and he was almost in a state of disbelief, “What am I seeing?”

Relief came to River that Lex was simply sleeping, “You would not believe it.”

“Let me down,” Lex muttered.

Which is something River showed no hesitancy in doing, despite the previous state of consciousness the teenage boy, but he knew at least the teenager had spent time being conscious, and in his assessment, the boy appeared in no worse state, when the opposite could be said about his mother so he had no hesitancy in letting Lex down, as they both stood and watched as Max did everything in his capabilities to bring Liz back, would it be enough?

They could only hope so…
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 80 - 08/25/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Will Max do enough??
I sure hope so.
And River and Lex.......this is interesting~
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 80 - 08/25/2022

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Hopefully Max got there in time. Then they will have to deal with the fall out with her kids.
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 81 - 08/26/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Liz was no longer feeling like she was floating. She also did not feel like she was flying, although she did not know what kind of state she was or why she was not willing to open her eyes yet. All she was doing was feeling, and she was liking what she was indeed feeling. She could feel as the sensation of warmth fill her being. Her exhausted body. The sensation was something she had felt once before, and she did not even know what she had been feeling at the time. All she knew at that tine was that life was quickly slipping away from her and this brown hair mystery man out of his dreams was leaning down and prodding her to stay awake, and to come back and she had done just that and willed herself to come back into a very extremely complicated journey that was started on that day and would become filled with drama with every passing day.

Yet she also felt this warmth was the answer to all her prayers. It was something she had not felt like in years, even though she had found love again, and been happy. But that level of happiness had existed in an existence of compromise because she had not been able to have the life she wanted.

The boy she wanted.

Because she had been able to accept the responsibilities with losing that life. So, she went away, and found herself in a different life.

And now she felt the life that had once again slowly draining out of her come back to her, and she wanted to grab onto it, and onto whatever more that was coming her way. And yet her eyes were not opening.

As if she was not ready.

And it did not matter what Max was doing, and what he was doing with all his might to bring her back to him, and to the world.

And to her children.

Who were watching the scene, silently and unsure of what to say because for Mariah this was not completely new to her, but to see her biological father trying with so much effort to bring back her mother to her was a sight to be hold but for her younger brother, well, this was completely new for him, and he was not sure what he was seeing or if he could believe it?

“What am I seeing?” Lex asked once again. As he was slowly gaining the energy that was so recently denied to him.

But no one could tell him, so it was an awe like experience. As he could see what was happening, but it did not make sense. “That cannot be happening, can it?” he asked and when he did not get an answer from River, he chose to ask his sister.

But she was just as mystified as he was.

“It is something that my father can do, that none of us can really do” River muttered. Although most of us have some ability but nothing like dear old Dad.

“It cannot work, can it?” Lex asked. How can it work? “Can it?”

“It did before,” River muttered. “When my father saved your mother’s life.”

“He did that?” Lex asked and River nodded. As he now had a different impression of River’s father than he did before, but he was not sure whether he wanted to have this new impression. Mariah did not know what she was thinking.

“You might be awake, but you need to be seen by someone. We have to go up and see if the paramedics are finally here,” River muttered as if he was giving the two a out if they wanted to take it.

And they did take it, as both decided to follow River up the hill while Max was left with an ailing Liz.

“Liz, come back, please come back to me” was what Mariah could hear as she and her brother followed River up the hill towards the others, who had not come down to the wreck. As she was not sure what was going to happen next, or what she was prepared to accept.

But all she knew was that she needed her mother to survive.


While up the hill, by the road, no one had come down to the wreck because the ambulance had just arrived, and Jim was being gruff with the driver, “Finally,” he muttered to the driver of the vehicle. “We might have a dying woman you know, could you not have been quicker?” although he sensed their patient was probably on the road to recovery by now, because we have Max but then he also knew from personal experience, not everyone can be saved by an alien hybrid he thought as he thought of Alex Whitman, and how that shocking experience had shocked the group.

“Sorry,” said the driver as the paramedics on board came off the vehicle. “But we are a small town, and only have so many ambulances.”

“I know, I know” Jim muttered because he did man a small town and knew the inefficiency of dealing with city services that were supposed to be serving the needed population, and that was the towns ambulance services, and unfortunately the accident had not even been that close to his jurisdiction.

The driver nodded, “So, what do we have here?”

“Car went off the cliff. Mother and son in the car. Looks like a senseless accident. Caught a pothole in the road or something. We were waiting for you people to show up so we could go down and see what we have…”

“You have not tried to go down?” the paramedic asked of Sheriff. Not one of ours the paramedic thought.

“Too treacherous,” was all Jim said even though he would look at Michael as they both knew the truth. It was not treacherous to go down for Max, so Jim knew he had to be somewhat truthful. “Although a few have gone down, but it’s hard to get word up here.”

“One is fine,” came a voice and they turned and saw that it was River who was coming up with both Mariah and Lex. “Although Lex needs to be checked out,” he said as he looked at the brother and sister pair. “To make sure.”

“What went is going on, down there?”

“You do not want to know,” was all River said as if it was code to be quiet, and to not ask too many questions as a car was quick to show up, along with the others, as it carried a man and his daughter, who was insistent on coming even though her father had wanted to stay home for reports.

“Lex,” came Jaime as she rushed out of the car and towards her friend. “You are okay.”

“I am not sure I am okay, but I am alive” Lex said softly as he smiled at Jaime because it was good to actually know someone who was happy to see him, and it was more than just having his sister to greet him. “You did not have to come.”

“Dad wanted to see Isabel,” Jaime lied.

Isabel looked amused by scene as the two friends hugged and could not help but look over at the groans coming from her soon to be husband. Because this was the last thing they needed, was another child with a crush. As it was a reminder to Kyle that his daughter was growing up.

And that things could in change only a minute. A split second more like it.

And there was nothing anyone could do about it.

“Grab the gear,” came the driver to the other paramedics as they began down the hill.

“What happened down there,” Jim was asking Lex as the one remaining paramedic stayed up and was taking the boy to the back of the ambulance and had him sit down and was accessing him for his injuries. And of course, Jaime was trailing nearby, and Kyle was trailing his daughter…

The innocence of it allowed Isabel to smile. It is still so innocent, but it is good that there is something innocent left in this world.

Until of course, she heard the recounting of the accident, and all she could do was pray.



Jessica and Mac were not in the mayhem outside of town because they had elected to not go with River and Jessica and instead, they stayed home. But instead of staying at home as the night wore on, they were now taking up at the Crashdown. But they were being supervised, albeit not very closely because Mac’s mother Maria was nearby because she was talking to Jeff and Nancy who petrified about what was going on, and since there had been no information coming for them. All they knew is when their granddaughter did not show up, well, they started making calls and called Maria to see whether she knew anything. Maria did, and of course she had not wanted to have the conversation by phone, so she and Mac had come to the Crashdown. It was now closed. So, no food was being served, but Mac was sitting waiting for his mother when Jessica walked by because she was restless because she had heard what was going on, so Mac unlocked the door, and they were now talking albeit reluctantly because they were both awkward with each other.

While upstairs, Maria was talking to Jeff and Nancy. “I promise that I will let you know what is going on,” she murmured as she left the apartment, and headed down the stairs, and into the main part of the restaurant. It had been years since she had been in the restaurant this late at night, and not having to work it. She sometimes missed it, but she was happy with the life she had now as she turned the corner and headed out the front, and almost did not want too because she saw her son and Jessica in their awkward dance together.

She remembered that time, and no matter how many reservations she had in regard to her son and Jessica. Still, she did not want this for her son. She knew how close of a friend he and Jessica were. Sometimes, friendship does make it better. It can build a foundation that makes whatever you make of it a lot more stable. But it does not always work like that, and if you stir things up, how can you go back? And she knew their group was too close and incestuous for there to be a fracture between her son and Jessica one day if they were not to work out. So, she watched the scene unsure of what to do. And because she did not know what she wanted to say, as she heard Nancy come out from the back. “I did not think you would come on down here? she asked of the surreal circumstances of this night.

“Someone has to close things up,” Nancy said softly as she knew this was the last thing, she wanted to be doing but given they had no information, it was something she could do until they knew what was going to happen “I did not want that to be Jeff because he’s already overwhelmed because we do not know what is happening.”

Maria sighed as they both looked at Mac and Jessica, and how they were trying to talk. “I do not know if you know?”

“We know a bit, because our granddaughter told us” Nancy said softly of the many tidbits of gossip their granddaughter was sprouting to her and Jeff since she came to stay with them, and one of the things she would miss when her granddaughter went on back home. We will miss her, but everything will work out she told herself. It has too. “We understand it is a complicated time,” she said with a smile young love she thought as she spotted Jessica and Mac and knew how this was a time that should be cherished. “We still do not know everything.”

None of you do Maria thought of all the complications. Only my mother and Phillip and Diane know. “I guess I am being a mother in not wanting my son to fall…” she said with a smile. “Which is hypocritical of me because of I remember my own time as a teenager with Michael,” she thought. “I ignored my own mother’s concerns, and I have no regrets that I went there with him.”

“I might not know everything is going on,” Nancy murmured. Sometimes I am happy I do not “But I would not be that down on your son. Because once upon a time I was the one who fell for a perceived bad boy, and there was a reason I should have thought twice about it, but I did not, and I am grateful for it. Because Jeff for all he had done at one time, he is a good man.” she thought even though she knew Jeff had a rough patch, and any parent, including her own was worried about her getting involved with Jeff. I was only a friend, and then it all changed for us.

“Did you not want Liz to stay away from Max, a perceived bad boy?” Maria asked with a smile and a frown because she had lived through that time. “I distinctly remember how you had a problem with her choice.” A big problem.

“That is a different situation,” Nancy muttered. “I doubt your son has gotten Jessica thrown in jail, with prison a very real possibility.”

Not yet Maria muttered to herself. Give him time.

But that time did not seem to be now as Jessica did not want to talk to Mac, so she was prepared to walk home and wait for news from her mother and Kyle. “I am out of here,” she murmured and got up from the table, and Mac did not know what to do except of course to rush off after her, which was something his mother did see.

Nancy only laughed.

Young love she remarked.

“Yeah,” Maria sighed. “Young love,” and she knew that is something she wanted for her son, to be young and in love.

And not to deal with any of the intensity they had to when they were the kids age.

As she smiled. “I will let you know once I know more” Maria said softly and Nancy nodded and went around and turned off the lights as Maria walked out of the restaurant and Nancy locked the door, and Maria was on the outside, and she felt the cold air and wished that they would find whatever was going on. “Come on Liz, if you are waffling, you need to stop it and come back to us”

I want this over with she thought and thought it so more when she spotted her son and Jessica in a passionate kiss, yeah, I so do not want to be dealing with this, nor did she want to know how it happened, so she did not stay to find out as she turned around and walked away.


Back at the crash site,
Down the hill,

Max was still in the zone. A zone that was all about him and Liz. Nothing else mattered. All he wanted was for her to live, and for her eyes to open and to show that they had some life to them. As he was almost out of willpower because from the earliest of his days healing, well, the ability did have a knack to take all his energy out of him, and he felt the power being drained from him now, and he did not have much more to spend, but he was prepared to spend every ounce of energy if it brought her back to him.

Please Liz, come on Max was willing as he was living in the love that they had shared, and that he still held for her, “Please open your eyes and make me believe I can help you again,” he whispered. “You do not have to even love me; all I need is for you to open your eyes” he murmured, as he continued to kneel down and pray, I need a sign god he asked as he looked up, I know I do not believe, but I need something to believe in and if you take her away from me…

Come on Liz he pleaded, as he felt her still slipping away from him, and then he felt it.

The sign.

A grab of his hand, and the subtle movement of his fingers, and she felt the breathing coming back thank god he murmured, and he did not care if it was inappropriate for the occasion, he just acted, and he kissed her, and planted a passionate kiss on her, determined to bring her back fully, I love you Liz he thought, but did not dare speak

And he felt the kiss being responded too, and he did not know if he was imagining it or not, but he did not care, “Are we interrupting something?” came the paramedic as he walked down. “What do we have here?”

Knowing he was caught, still he was able to steel himself to the situation as he sat up and then stood up, “What took you so long?”

Even though those words could have described him to a tee. What had taken him so long?

“We are here now,” came the paramedic, “Can we have the name of the woman?”

“Elizabeth Parker,” he said instantly but knew he had said it wrong, “I mean, Elizabeth Anthony,” he said as he corrected himself. “Was in the car with her son, and they were victims of a crash. Hit a pothole or something,” he said as he remembered how Liz’s son had been in the car, and River had been his hero. “The boy I believe went up to the road?”

“One of our paramedics is checking him out, now” the paramedic. “What is your name, and what is your relation to the victim?”

“Old friend,” Max lied even though he knew he was way more than that. “She was unconscious since the crash, but only since has started to open her eyes, and hopefully it is a sign.”

“Let us hope,” the paramedic murmured old friend my ass…as he went to work on Liz.

“Mrs. Anthony?” the paramedic asked.

Parker Liz wanted to say, but she thought better of it as she heard Max call himself an old friend yeah, right, an old friend she muttered to herself. She knew she needed to answer so that the paramedic would not think the worst, so she nodded, barely, yes, she said weakly as she tried to t turn her head and felt pain, awful pain. “Where am I?”

“On the bottom of a hill, ravine on the highway, 25 miles from Roswell.”

Oh God Liz thought as the flashes of the crash circled her brain and she thought of her son. “Lex, my son, Lex where is he?”

“He’s fine Liz,” Max said softly as he heartened to hear the concern in her weak voice for her son, it means she is coming back to us. “He was the one who called for the help.”

“I need to see him, let me see him” Liz said softly as she tried to sit but only felt pain, and knew because of how attentive Max was being with her, that he must have done a little aiding in her health, but she felt pain, and stopped herself.

“Let us take care of you, and you can worry about your son later…” the paramedic said. “You are very fortunate to still be talking because of how bad that crash looked, and the fact from the looks of it that you were flung from the car.

Liz nodded as her eyes went directly to Max and wanted to say thank you and Max nodded and took it without any words being said, the eye contact said enough and even more than probably the others would have known unless they knew them intimately, and of course they did not and the group at the bottom of the hill did not know what Max and Liz had gone through, and how this was the second time Max had kept her alive.

“Let us help you out,” the lead paramedic said as he and his partners worked to move Liz to a backboard, and prepare her for transport up the ravine, and never did her eyes leave Max nor did he leave her.

As she soon was carried up the hill, and placed in the ambulance, and headed back to a new world.

And a new life.

“So, what is going to happen now?” Michael asked his friend as they watched as the ambulance drive off, and all Max could think of was the kiss.

“Hell, if I know,” Max muttered.

But it was all concluding, so how…
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 82 - 08/28/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Three weeks later,

And no one would know if one had been made because it was now nearly a month later and a lot had changed. Everything was different. Nothing was the same. Mostly it was all for the better, but still everything was completely changed from the beginning of this saga. As a house in Roswell contained a woman and two teenagers, a widow and single mother for almost a half of a year, and so it could not be denied that so much was different now than it was just three weeks before when calamity had changed things once more, and still they knew they could not be who they were before, as three people were bustling around in three different directions.

Two of the oldest needing to head to work, and the youngest was headed out to with friends.

Mariah who covering a shift for a colleagues and then she had to get the baseball game because her new boyfriend was playing in it. As she was dating a fellow sophomore who was playing for the school team. Because yes, she was now back at school. And excelling finally. Living up to her potential and impressing all the teachers who had expected great things from her back in January when she began at the school because of her previous school record.

Finally, she was becoming her own person.

And not caring what other people thought.

Okay, she did care a little about what other people thought. But it was only my mother and my brother; Lex if you are asking.

Although River might be a close.

While her brother Lex was now out of his cast, but unbelievably had a cast on his hand because of the incident three weeks prior. A fracture found at the hospital. But it did not stop his movement around the house or out with friends, friends he had finally made which was a relief to his mother. Leading that group was Jaime Valenti but he had made friends with two local’s kids, and he was better for it. Everyone could see that Jaime had a crush, but she was keeping it easy going because of her age, and the fact at the moment, Lex was only seeing Jaime as a friend.

Their parents were happy about that fact.

It would get complicated, eventually, but time was on their side. So, on this day he was on his way to a hockey game with some friends. He was already scouting out the teams for the following season, and had all the information for when tryouts begin, and he was even going to tryout for the basketball team when he arrived at West Roswell. A long shot he knew, but he was finally feeling like he had the ability to plan.

“Mom, Wes is here,” Lex called up the stairs, “I am out of here.”

“Wait Lex,” came the call from upstairs. “Are you sure you are all set?” came his worried mother as she stood at the top of the stairs, using a cane.

“We are only going to a game,” Lex murmured. “It is all going to be fine, you do not have to worry,” he sighed with a exaggerated groan that got some amusement out of his sister who was watching the display although she was not laughing by the fact their mother had to use a cane to walk because fortunately she had escaped major injury because of Max’s abilities, but she came through the accident with some lingering impairments because she could not heal completely, could she, how would I explain it too people?

She was nearly healed, as her mother had stayed with them at the house until she was on the road to recovery. Because she had not wanted to be back at home, and the Crashdown apartment was too small. So, Nancy had offered, and Liz wanted out of the hospital, so she took her mother up on the offer.

But now Nancy was back at home.

And Liz was back to being a fulltime single mother to her children. And they were getting used to their life in Roswell and were become more adjusted as time went on.

“Do you need help Mom?” Mariah asked.

“No, honey, I am fine” Liz said as she walked down the stairs with the cane. A sight better than crutches but not much, but she was closer to total recovery with each day, although she did not know what was coming next. Because they had been in a suspended automation with her recovery and having her mother here at the house had allowed her to ignore everything else.

Including Max.

I should not be thinking of Max she thought “I just want to make sure you have everything.”

“I am fine Mom,” Lex said as he had grown up even more than she had thought possible in only three weeks since the accident. He is looking so much like Brady with every day she thought, “Are you sure you will be alright?”

“I am fine Mom,” Lex said as there was a honk of a horn out front, “I will call if I need a pickup.”

“Your sister will be able to pick you up if need one,” Liz said softly as she looked at her daughter who nodded. “You are doing the morning shift and nothing more, right?”

“Right,” Mariah nodded as in the time since the accident. She had scheduled her driver’s test and she had taken it and passed with flying colors, although she sometimes was hesitant behind the wheel because of her family’s bad history but she was always careful, and she has been able to help out her mother, which was one of the reasons I had taken the test to begin with she thought because she needed to help out her mother with her brother.

“I have my physical therapy session,” Liz nodded.

Both children nodded.

As Lex did not want for his mother to interrupt his plans anymore and he rushed out of the house, and soon they heard the car leave. “I guess I better get going, I could take the bus if you need the car?”

“I need you to be able to pick up your brother,” Liz said softly. “The therapist is coming to the house.”

Mariah nodded. “I guess I am ready,” she said softly.

“Yes, you are” Liz said softly as it was not getting over the fact that she was seeing her daughter in the uniform that she had once occupied so many years before. “I am proud of you honey,” she said of her daughter as her daughter had taken on the job and was doing a remarkable job, and especially since she was back at school, and has not been letting her studies slide.

“Thank you, Mom,” Mariah asked softly as she went the door, and was able to open it when she heard the doorbell. “Is the therapist already here?”

“She was not scheduled until later,” Liz asked softly.

“Then who it is?” Mariah asked as she opened the door, and even she was shocked by who it was, and who it was not. It definitely was not the person she had been expecting although she did not know if her mother had been seeing him when she was at work. Because when she or her brother had been home, he had not been around.

And especially not when her grandmother was still around the house.

So, she expected he would be coming around. But the person at the door was not the person she was expecting.

It was… “River,” Mariah asked. This is definitely a surprise. “If you are here to see me, I am off to work?” she asked as Liz looked shocked to find her former boyfriend’s teenage son at the door, and the fact that he was her daughter’s biological half brother still was shocking to her, as it was a link she still had not fully comprehended.

She had not spent much time with River.

Or anytime she thought. Why would I? When he brings memories of a time I like to forget.

But I cannot forget it she thought because when she looked at her daughter, who was right there, in a Crashdown uniform, who was still a link of an association. “River?” she asked of River Evans.

Max Evans’ son and whose mother was definitely Tess Harding.

“It was not you who I was hoping to talk to,” River admitted as she looked at his half sister. They were getting closer, but more like friends but not siblings.

Definitely not siblings he thought.

When she barely looked at my father he thought.

“Oh,” Mariah murmured as she looked at the woman who birthed her, and back at her half brother, a link to a man she did not know and was her mother’s past. “Mom?”

“Go, you are going to be late” Liz said softly. “Your grandfather is expecting you,” she said of her father. “You should be there, not here when I can care for myself.”

Mariah nodded, “River,” was all she could say as she rushed off, and they soon heard the car zooming off.

“River,” Liz acknowledged. “How can I help you?”

“I came to talk to you about my father?”

Max Liz thought. Why?

“Is he okay, is your father is alright?” Liz asked as she fully acknowledged that she had not seen Max since that fateful night. When so much changed. At the hospital, she had been surrounded by professionals and then her parents and Maria, and Max had not come near her, and had not even tried.

“He’s fine,” River said. Barely he thought.

“Then what is it?” Liz asked.

“I hope you are not staying away from him because of me?” River murmured. “Because of whom my mother is,” he said softly as he still felt stung by that night. And by the evidence of the past, and how she had walked away from his father, because of me.

I cannot deal with this Liz thought. This is not happening.

But it was. But she knew she felt sorry for what he was feeling.

Did she?

Because could she see River for who he was, and was not? That he was not his mother?


“I do not see your mother when I look at you?” Liz muttered a few minutes later as she stared in the eyes of Max and Tess’s son. She was not stupid or ignorant to know that her statement was completely true. Because of course whenever she looked at River. She could not help but remember his birth mother. Even in death, Tess remains with us. Even though she knew it was not fair to the boy or even herself to be stuck in that time. “All I can say is that it was a complicated time, just like this one. But no, I am not staying away from your father because of you or anyone for that matter,” she murmured and neither of them knew if she was telling the truth or not.

Because yes, River did not know if that was true or not. Because of course, he did not know his birth mother and therefore he knew she carried a long shadow. One that he did not know if it were true or not because he was only a baby when she was killed in that army base explosion. Something that his own family did not even admit too because of how complicated it was for his father. All they told him was that she had died when he was a baby. Only later did he learn the manner of how she died.

Which is why to this day he still had conflicted feelings about the woman who had given birth to him.

And it had not been easy to come here, knowing the shadow his mother had with the woman who held his father’s heart, to this day he thought. And he might have done it except that his father had been extra mopey at home these past weeks, and that was saying something. And while sure his father was not a shut-in compared to his behavior before December. Still, he was tense and sometime argumentative and if River had not had a life filled of experiences with his father, well, he might have left home, so he was able to ignore it until now, and finally he braved up and come calling. “Are you sure?” River asked.

“That was a very trying time. I was only a teenager. So, was your father” Liz said softly as she invited River into the house. Something she had not expected she ever would do given the circumstances.

“My being born completely changed everything for my father, and for the two of you?” River murmured. “I can see why you did want to deal with me?”

“It was not your father’s fault, because a lot of it was on me too” Liz said softly. So much was because I pushed him away. “Whatever my feeling about your mother is not all about what happened with your father,” she said. “It’s about events that were a lot bigger than your father and me, and even then, it was on me as much as it was your father that things went there to that level between your mother and father” she muttered as flashes of that time came to her. Of the pain. And how young she felt. Still, she knew what she had done at the time, and how she had been the one to push Max at Tess. Maybe he should have went there, but I cannot totally blame him “I pushed him away. So, I should not be upset about the fact he moved on, or went there with your mother,” she sighed because I did use Tess to push him away, so why should I be pissed that he actually listened. “But there was something else that happened that marred everything, and it was hard to deal with…” she sighed. “So, my feelings about your mother are a large part because of that other event.”

“You mean, in terms of what my mother did to your friend?” River asked as he still winced at the knowledge of what his mother had done to Alexander Whitman. “I have heard about that?”

“Yes,” Liz said softly as it was still painful to think of Alex. I miss you, Alex. “But I do not want to get into that,” she sighed. It is in the past. “But just know your father was very important to me at one time in my life. We shared something intense, and I will always feel partial to him,” she sighed. “About now, well, a lot has been going on…”

“I know, but it just feels like because of me, you are having a hard time with my father when you would want to go there. You have a right to feel what you do about my mother. And because she is dead, I cannot know for sure whether it’s warranted. Still, if I was not around, and if that is the case. I am graduating next year, and soon I will not be a problem?”

No, no, no “You do not have to think like that. No one is getting in the way of your father and me. And certainly, it is not you. Yes, it might have been that way once upon a time. When I was 18, and too young to want to be a mother to you, because so much was out there in front of me, but not now. And you do not have to leave, or even think of leaving. You will be graduating, and you should be doing what you want to do with my life.”

“For so long I wanted out of this town,” River admitted.

“So, did I” Liz murmured.

“You got out,” River murmured.

“Yes, I did and for a time I did not that think that was going to happen. But I am glad I did get out of this town. I did love your father. We shared something incredible, and little did I know at the time that would lead to Mariah, so yes, I did leave, and I am glad I left. Because I needed to see what was out there.”

River nodded. “Which is what I wanted too,” he sighed. And there were other reasons for wanting to get out of this town. “Yet, there is now someone.”

Liz smiled.

“Which is not about you,” River sight. “I am sorry about this. I did not know what I was doing until I came here…”

Liz nodded. “I promise you that whatever is happening now, is not about you…”

River nodded, as they walked to the door, and she opened and was once again shocked by a visitor. But this time it was because it was…


“Max?” Liz asked.

“Hello,” Max said softly. “I was making a spur of a minute decision,” he said as he was surprised to see his son. “River?”

“Hello Dad,” River said. “I am going. Thank you, Mrs. Anthony, for speaking to me.”

“Call me Liz,” Liz said softly as she looked at father and son, and knew so much had changed in these years, and maybe it was time to put the past in what it was, the past.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 82 - 08/28/2022

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Liz and River had a good conversation. Looking forward to what brought Max to Liz's house.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 82 - 08/28/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Max just couldn't resist kissing Liz.
River is not his mother, and EVERYONE needs to remember that.
I'm so glad Liz admitted to River that she was to blame for pushing Max to Tess.
I see a brighter future now, but at least the first steps were taken.
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 83 - 08/30/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Three months later,
Isabel and Kyle’s wedding

The bride and groom were blissfully happy, and happily and legally committed to each other, finally and they knew they would be very happy with their little family, and their daughters. The wedding was a glorious affair held in Isabel’s dream venue that unfortunately until the last minute was booked, which led them to delay their wedding until the fall, but when a cancellation came in. The venue knowing that they were the first choice, well, they contacted Isabel, and she and Kyle did not hesitate, and they grabbed it and planned the wedding in a manner of only weeks. Which was a challenge for the consummate planner that Isabel was, and of course she had done it once before she was up to the challenge this time to make it much more memorable. And her family was much more accepting of this wedding.

And marriage. So, they were all on board to make it Isabel’s dream day.

And it was.

And so, the ceremony went off without a hitch. And now their family and friends were celebrating up a storm. Jessica and Jaime had been the only bridesmaids in the ceremony, and Max had been Isabel’s best person. Michael had been an usher. Because Jim had been Kyle’s best man. And the vows were said with a lot of meaning, and it was a romantic day for all involved.

And now they were partying before Isabel and Kyle headed off on a honeymoon in Tahiti for two weeks. The girls would be off on their own individual adventures.

Jaime was going to camp, and Jessica was going to visit a friend’s cabin because she had not wanted to go to Arizona to visit her grandmother. She had never spilled what had brought her back to town after the shortened trip back in April. And when it came time to plan her time with her grandmother, she said she wanted to go her friend Sue’s cottage.

All parties agreed to the change. Even though at the time, Isabel had not been planning her wedding.

Of course, that was assuming Jessica and Mac were able to part from each other, which was no given because things had been progressing in the direction of something personal for the twosome. Even if they were indicating to River and Sierra and anyone else that asked, namely their parents, that they were only friends, but no one believed it or them for a minute.

And anyone seeing them dance at the wedding would know something was up. But tonight, was about celebration, and no one was going to question anything to the teens.

Although Maria was still concerned and as she and her best friend were sharing a drink while they watched the dance floor because Michael was upholding tradition in only wanting to dance one or two dances, and nothing more, and so they were taking a break. While Michael was talking to Max. And so, Maria and Liz were talking.

While Mariah was on the dance floor with her boyfriend, Henri, a French exchange student at their high school. And the third boyfriend since the baseball player, and Liz was fine with her daughter not settling down, yet because she has time she thought. Although she wondered if this one was more real because Mariah was talking about going to France with Henri before school started up but had not out and out asked yet if Liz would give permission. Liz was not sure. After all her daughter was still only sixteen. She wanted her daughter to be carefree, because she was seeing the issues Maria was facing with her son. But carefree to a point? “Any better with that pairing?” Liz was asking as she and Maria sat at the table and watched as the bride and groom were on the dance floor, and Mariah and Henri were on the dance floor.

Jaime and Lex were dancing and were still at a friend’s stage which suited their parents well because they did not want the kids to grow up too much.

“Barely,” Maria sighed as she watched as Mac and Jessica danced. “But I give my son credit. He does seem taken with Jessica. And it does not seem to be causing trouble. I guess we will see what happens when they are apart for two weeks, and then with the upcoming school term?” she sighed. “I want them to be happy, but happiness has a price?”

“Yes, it does” Liz agreed as she spotted her daughter and Henri, and then she looked over at Max who of course had his eyes on Liz.

Maria could not help but notice. “And how about you?”

“What about me?” Liz asked as she took a deep sip of her drink. “I told you that I have qualms about Mariah and Henri, and her newest hair brain scheme to go back to France together before classes begin, so she can meet his parents.”

“No, I do not mean Mariah,” Maria smiled as she spotted her namesake. “I not sure about that one,” she muttered because she was still convinced that her goddaughter was blowing off steam and not taking relationships all that seriously, and was all talk about going to France, but we will see she thought. “But I am more talking about you know your love life?”

“My, what…it’s nothing,” Liz said softly as she spotted Max once more.

“I see the way you and Max are acting,” Maria asked as she had spotted the look and was amused by it, as they glanced at the dance floor, and spotted the party fully engaged, and having a good time. And it was certainly nice to be here and not having to question anything and to worry about anything. Those worries would return tomorrow, or maybe not. It was nice to cut loose. “I hear that Max is spending more time at your house than not these days. And not always leaving at night?” she asked of the rumors, of it usually happening when Mariah and Lex were spending the night with friends, or relatives.

“Oh really?” Maria asked with a laugh. “Petunia. You two have never been one to be subtle. Neither of you have been, so you should just own up to it, and embrace it.”

“It’s nothing,” Liz said softly. As she was unsure of what she and Max were doing. Or whether it was going to lead to anything. And did she want it to lead anything, or are we just having some fun? But can we really have fun at this stage in life?

But all she knew was that there had been so much angst, and everything was new, and she did not know what was going to happen. And Max had been her hero once again, and the lure of them was so great.

Who knows?

“Petunia, you are hopeless, and you might as well face it” Maria said as she as Kyle walked over, “And now, a toast to the groom, welcome to the hellmouth” she said as she took her glass and burst out laughing as Liz spit out her wine.

“Have I not been here all these years?” Kyle teased his stepsister and friend.

“You are not fully in until you marry one of them, unless you are like Liz and you literally have to die to become one of us” Maria said with a laugh, and the three could not help but smile and toast the future.


While across the room. Michael and Max were doing their own toast with the bride as Isabel come over to join their fun. She was still in her dream wedding dress. A dress that had made it in time for the ceremony. As he hugged his sister, I am proud of you sis,” Max said softly as he was truly not to turn his glaze over to Liz who was with Maria and Kyle and toasting for some reason. “You have been able to have the family that you deserve. You and Kyle are great together, and you will have a wonderful marriage.”

“I hope so,” Isabel said as she spotted her new husband over with Maria and Liz, and it was not escaping her notice, or Michael’s that Max was always keeping his eyes trained in Liz’s direction. “So, what about you?”

“What about me?” Max asked.

“You and Liz,” Michael muttered. “We live in too small of a town not to know what you and Liz have been doing most nights when she’s free,” he asked with a smile. “When your vehicle does not leave until the next morning. It’s noticeable in town where everyone knows your name,” he added with a laugh. “Especially since it is such a classic of a vehicle?” she mused of Max’s car he had been driving most everywhere, it is back in fashion

For some reason.

She knew the reason. Liz, she thought.

As she also was thinking of how their town was a bunch of nosey bodies, because too many people know what we are doing with our time he thought. Or most of the time they do…

“We are only friends, and I have only been helping out” Max asked with a smile. “At all times of the day,” he said with a smile. And night.

“What have you been doing to help out?” Isabel asked with a smile.

“It does not matter,” Max muttered. As he did not want to stand the grilling. Not tonight. Not when everything was on the tip of their fingertips, and things were starting to turn around and he did not want to dwell in anything as he walked away from his sister, and best friend who only grinned, and gave each other a high five.

While Max watched the dance floor fill up once more and spotted his daughter and her new boyfriend. Like Maria, he was not sure about Henri Boudreau, but it is not like I have an opinion he thought.

Things were still tentative between himself, and his daughter and he did not want to rock the boat.

So, he went back to looking at the opposite of his desire.


“What is going on between you and my mother?” came a question that startled Max out of the Liz fueled obsession of Max’s as he turned and glanced down and knew he found who had asked him the question. Which was of course, Liz’s son.


“Excuse me,” Max asked. Not sure he wanted to have to answer to Liz’s teenage son.

After all he had his own teenage son, he had to keep in front of as he spotted River and Sierra dancing on the dance floor. As they were still, going strong, and he was beginning to believe they might be in for the long haul.

River deserves it.

And now he was forced back to the teenager looking at his with concern on his face. Despite everything had Liz had been doing together over the last few months, well, he had not spent a lot of time with Lex.

Especially not since the accident.

But he knew the accident had been a turning point between everyone associated to the story. Things had been different but still Lex was cautious about him, and Max was cautious about Lex because he knew how much her children meant to Liz. And it was a different life to be in, to have to be concerned about the welfare of your children.

“Mr. Evans?” Lex muttered.

“Call me Max?” Max offered.

“I rather not,” Lex muttered. As he knew he was still very unsure of Max Evans. But knew he mattered to his mother, but his mother was being secretive about whatever she was having with him, and he knew from his school friends what goes on with adult relationships. He had only cared about the gossip because he had a mother and father who were happily married and did not have to care.

Now, he did have to care.

“Look Lex,” Max said softly.

“Yeah,” Lex muttered.

“I care a lot about your mother and sister, but your mother matters greatly to me, and I will never knowingly hurt her again, do you hear me?"

You hurt her once before or, so I am told Lex wanted to say but did not, but he also did not want to get into a big to do about his mother’s love life, I want to ignore it he thought. “I hear you,” Lex muttered. “And if you do hurt her, you will have to answer to me, do you hear me?” he said in a threatening manner that only a thirteen-year-old growing up in a confused world could do, and Max did not take it personally as across the room. Mariah who had been dancing with her boyfriend spotted her brother talking to Max.

Someone she had an uneasy relationship with…

Uh oh, Mariah muttered. “I have to deal with this,” she told her boyfriend who nodded.

“I promise that I will make sure your mother is safe,” Max said softly as he spotted his daughter approaching, and knew she probably had the trait of a peacemaker in her, “You do not have to worry about me, because I know how important you are to her, and I would never want to get in the way.”

Lex nodded, “I am out of here,” he muttered as he spotted his sister and did not want to stay for the conversation as he went and found Jaime again.

“Sorry about that,” Mariah muttered.

“That is okay,” Max said softly. Because it was a fact of life when the woman you love has children who were still an age where you had to worry about them, when on the other side of things. River was now 18, and therefore he controlled his own life and destiny although Max was still a little concerned. And wished her had been more attentive of him when it had mattered, but River generally is a good kid.

No thanks to me.

But he had another child, as he stared at Mariah. Who was still the vision of the younger version of her mother, and it was a pleasure to see her grow up, even though he did not have any input in how she was raised because of circumstance?

“Are you okay?” Max asked of his daughter.

“Sure, fine” Mariah said with a smile. And Max was in heaven because the smile was directed at him and it was such a picture of both her own, and of her mother. Mariah was indeed fine. Finally, things were working out for her, and she was having a chance to be a teenager my way she thought, and the past did not bother or even the present. It will all work she thought. Somehow.

“I am glad,” Max said as Liz got up from the table after growing concern at the sight of her son with Max. And how her daughter had to rush over. So, she put down her drink, and started to approach and Max nodded and smile.

Mariah acknowledged it, “I am going back to Henri?”

“Go ahead,” Max said softly. As Mariah vanished from his sight, and Liz continued her approach. “Coming to rescue me?”

“No,” Liz said with a smile. Maybe yes.

“You do not have too,” Max said softly. “I got out of it without any injuries,” he said softly of his talk with her son, and it got a smile out of the love of his life. A woman who still took his breath away. “Do you want to dance?”

“Maybe I do,” Liz said softly as she knew she was taking a chance.

And a huge leap of faith.

“Then come on,” Max said softly as they took the leap together as they walked to the dance floor together and spent the rest of the night together…

With Mariah and Lex staying at the Crashdown with their grandparents.


It is all coming to a end with the following chapter. As we find out what is in the immediate future for our characters.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Tue Aug 30, 2022 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 83 - 08/30/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Hate to see this come to the end. I have enjoyed your story so much.
We'll always want Max and Liz together, no matter what happens between.
I'm sure this won't be easy on Lex.......but he'll learn later, won't he?
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