Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 84 - Completed - 09/01/2022

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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 83 - 08/30/2022

Post by Superman86 »

keepsmiling7 wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:54 am Hate to see this come to the end. I have enjoyed your story so much.
We'll always want Max and Liz together, no matter what happens between.
I'm sure this won't be easy on Lex.......but he'll learn later, won't he? My thoughts precise
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 84 - Completed - 09/01/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Ten months later,

“River Evans, come and get your diploma,” was called into the darken auditorium. Because yes, it was River’s high school graduation today. The eighteen-year-old walked across the stage and prepared to collect his diploma. It was something he had strived to happen and now it was. After all, all his plans had been to finally get to this day and come and collect the piece of paper he had worked and sweated to earn and then once he partied with his fellow classmates and his friends then he would get in the car the next morning and head off into the unknown and not come back until I had to bury my father he admitted. Or his pile of ashes he conceded. And of course, it was something Max had long admitted that was probably his son’s goal.


Everyone in the family had long known it…

And it was the plan.

Once upon a time.

But in the last ten months, and especially the last year. Everything had changed. Nothing was the same as it had been the majority of his life. As he grinned and collected the binding document that ended his high school career, as he went to shake the principal hand and stopped and looked out into the audience as it was full of fellow classmates, seniors who were ready to fulfill their futures and head out into the unknown. Also in the room was family and his friends who were not graduating today.

They were here today to celebrate with them, and they were thrilled for him.

And he did see a sight that until the last eighteen months seen implausible and even a tad unwanted. But that was then, this is now. As he saw that his father was here sitting out in the family section beside his new wife. The woman who was now his wife had been in his heart since he was his son’s age. But were cruelly torn apart by choices they had made or had done to them earlier in their courtship which led them to make faithful decisions.

Max and Liz Evans have only been married three weeks. So, things were still in the adjustment phase.

They all were adjusting. But today was a new day.

One with a lot of hope.

When not rooting for son’s graduation. Max was currently putting his expertise in construction to the build himself and his wife a new home. Next door to the old one. A compound of sorts was being constructed. Foundation was already in the ground, and the walls were currently being fitted, and plans were still a work in progress.

Once it was done, Max planned to move into it with his wife, Liz, and her children. Seventeen-year-old Mariah Christina and 14-year-old Lex Mitchell. But until that day arrived on the horizon, they were living at Liz’s home as a newly formed unit. It was felt that it would provide Mariah and Lex with the best semblance of normal.

Although normal was often overrated they would find. Things had been swirling and changing with a high speed. And one of those changes would be happening the following day when Mariah was leaving the following day to join her boyfriend Henri Boudreau in Paris for the next couple of weeks. For some reason they were making it work. France had not work out the previous summer, Mariah eventually would agree with her mother that it was too quick, and she was little too young at the time, but they had made a long-distance relationship work all year with Henri back in France with his family.

So, Liz had allowed her to go and spend part of the summer in France.

Lex was signed up for the summer sport academy out of Las Cruces, as he had been excelling at his sporting endeavors all year. And had even made the basketball team as a freshman and had shown a real talent for it.

Things were still a little awkward at home between Lex and Max. But things were getting better. Hopefully the kids’ individual pursuits over the summer will help it along.

Despite his clear reservations for the man. Lex could see that Max clearly worshipped the ground his mother walked on, which made things easier. In Lex’s eyes, he could see that to Max Mom is his queen, and nothing will get in the way of that…

And Mariah just wanted to laugh at how surreal this life she was leading. But she wanted her mother happy, and while she and Max were trying. They were never going to be father and daughter. Not the way she had been with Brady. The man they were still missing in many ways. But she wanted her mother to be happy. And she was getting to know the family who were clearly wanting to know her, and she had become closer as a result to River, and to her grandparents on the Evans side.

So, Mariah was now smiling at the newly minted graduate as River walked off stage and went sit next to his girlfriend, Sierra Cruise. Because River and Sierra were still going stronger. And that plan to get out of town was a deferral for the time being as both had applied to the university in Las Cruces because there was a program Sierra really wanted to take, and so River agreed to stay with her. Having enrolled in the pre-law program. The plan was to work for his grandfather while he went to classes.

After all he had to make a living because he and Sierra were now living together in the home he and Max had shared until he had moved in with Liz and her children. While he did not have to pay rent because the house was completely paid off and was just an investment property to Max at this moment. Still, River and Sierra had to pay for everything else, and so they were making their own way in the world.

Which is the way they wanted it.

Sierra’s mother was not thrilled at that the development, but she had to bite her tongue and allow her daughter to choose her own path in life because Sierra was eighteen and could make her own decisions. And she had to admit that River was a good kid.

So, she was slowly coming around. Sierra had not talked to her father in more than a year.

Neither Rath nor Lonnie for that matter, had come to Roswell. So, it was only the fear of them that had taken the game by storm the year before. Roxy had also stayed away, although they had learned that it looked like she had settled in New York, and seem to be productive there, and seem to be turning over a new leaf.

Isabel sometimes would get letters from the teenager.

A new leaf was clearly also on Mackenzie Guerin’s side as he and Jessica Ramirez Evans were sitting in the auditorium side by side as they were now officially dating, and after months of saying they were only friends, or at the most saying it was casual. Well, the school year had taken them to a new seriousness, and Mac did not seem to care that he was headed down the road he did not want his best friend to be going on down. And Jessica was happy at home too as her mother and Kyle were extremely happy. As Isabel and Kyle were expecting a baby together. Isabel was now showing and would be due later in the year.

They wanted it to be a surprise. The girls Jessica and Jaime were thrilled. They were convinced it was going to be a boy, but no one knew for sure. as today Jaime was sitting by their side, next to Lex.

As the two of them were still only friends.

Time would tell if that would change.

As things would start to change, “I am proud of you son” Max said to his son once the ceremony was over, and both knew it was true. A new level of contentment had settled into their relationship. Nothing could fix all the missed time, or the damage of earlier days and years, but it was clear Max was a different person today and River felt relieved that his father had someone to love, and it was clear Liz had changed his father.

“Thank you, Dad,” River said, and he meant it.

“You and Sierra are welcome to come over to dinner. Although I am sure you will want to have fun with your friends?”

“That is the plan,” River murmured as he grabbed Sierra’s hand.

“Anytime you want to come over…” Liz murmured at her new stepson as a lot had changed in the last year. And a new degree of acceptance had taken place. On all sides of the complex family dynamic that was being created because Max and Liz loved each other so much that they wanted to try to make it work as they tried to merge their families together. As for Liz, she had to acknowledge that she was a different person than she was before, and while she would never have warm feelings about Tess for obvious reasons, but River is not Tess.

“Thank you, Liz,” River said of his new stepmother as she and his father walked off and Mariah came up, “All packed?” he asked of his half sister.

“Almost,” Mariah said with a smile. “Congratulations,” she said as she gave River a meaningful hug. “It is going to be weird to be leave after spending so much time here in Roswell,” she said with a smile. “You are so lucky, because I cannot wait until I graduate next year, and then I will definitely be out of here,” she said of her entrance into the real world.

Which was a year away.

As she entered senior year come the fall.

River could only smile. I bet your mother and our father are happy about that River mused to himself Not likely, but this summer will probably be a test event to that ultimate departure next year he thought although he knew she was already scouting out universities, and yes, she definitely is looking to get out of New Mexico. “Of course, that is what I once thought,” he said as he glanced at Sierra who smiled.

“Well, I have Henri,” Mariah said of her boyfriend, and River could only groan because he knew not everyone liked the French kid, but they did not have a voice in the relationship and he could not if he wanted people to accept himself and Sierra, and River knew that Mariah could be trusted to run her own love life. “And I cannot wait until I see him,” she said of her boyfriend. She had not seen him since he had gone back to France after the previous summer. So, she knew it was going to be a test to be there with him for three weeks, but she wanted to travel and get away from the normal.

Even if her life was anything but normal.

“Then take Paris by storm,” River said as they hugged again and then he and Sierra walked up to Mac and Jessica who were holding hands. “And here I thought you had a rule against the sappy?” he asked of his best friend who only smiled. “I almost glad I am not going anywhere because someone obviously has to keep an eye on the two of you?”

“If I were you, I would keep that attention on your girlfriend,” Mac said with a mutter as he was not totally on board with Sierra, and Sierra knew this and just batted off the distrust, as Mac being Mac and she had gotten used to Mac being this way, but still, he was a great degree better than he had been in the beginning. And that had a lot to do with Jessica’s influence he knew, because otherwise his friend might have not gotten there, and River was grateful for his cousin’s influence.

Yeah, it’s a very small world he thought of their complicated little world. And I loved every minute of it he thought. Even if he knew, not so long before, he would not have been able to say that…

“Mom and Kyle are waiting,” Jessica said as she glanced over at her mother and stepfather. “Congratulations again River, you have worked to get here…” she said of her cousin and knew River had worked harder than most people to get to this day, and River deserved every accolade he had been able to earn.

“I know,” River said as he hugged his cousin and watched as she walked off to join her mother and stepfather and turned to face his best friend. “Will you be at the party later?”

“Yup,” Mac muttered “Along with Jessica,” he said with a sly smile a tad automatically as they both knew for him that a lot was different today than it was a year before, as his parents largely trusted him and he had not really wanted to stray the line, and with senior year was beckoning, which meant he had to figure out what was going on with his own future. Which was still a mystery to him. But he knew, a lot is on the line, and I need to figure out what I want from my life.

“See you later,” River said with a smile as she leaned into kiss Sierra before they walked off with Sierra because they were having a drink with Sierra’s mother’s family who was in town for the graduation.

As Mac looked around and then walked back to his friends.

While on the other side of the room. Max was watching it all unfold and how his son had walked off with his girlfriend, and yes, he knew how so much was different, and he would take it everyday of the week as he only smiled at how proud his son was of his accomplishments he should be, he earned it and will be doing something I never did he thought. Go to university. Sighing, he walked back towards Michael to discuss something about the new house. While Maria could only smile at her friend.

This is some life she asked of her best friend.

“Yes, it is,” Liz said softly as she saw her family. And there were no regrets to go around. She and Max were happy, and everything was starting to stabilize. “Whoever thought back in the beginning, this would be our life?” she asked of her friend.

Liz laughed.

It took a while to get here they both thought as they just took it in.

As Max walked over to his new wife, and they leaned in for a kiss. “Are we ready to go home?” he asked of the only woman for him.

“Let us go home,” Liz said softly as they collected their kids, and they went back to the life they had worked hard to create, and knew it was only the beginning.

Whatever happened next, it would be together.


The End
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 83 - 08/30/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Author's Note

Thank you for the support of this story. The first half wrote itself. But once the secret was out, it became more of a challenge. And 2021 was a not so easy environment to be writing in with one thing after another, personally, unfortunately. But I liked creating a story where Liz was happy with her new life, and she could have gone on and been happy, although it is indeed debatable if her husband had lived, whether being in Roswell would have allowed for a happy marriage. But I needed a way to out the secret of Mariah. So, her husband had to go. And of course, I needed a link for Max and Liz to reconnect, which is why there was a paternity twist.

And I liked the idea of exploring the untapped idea of the original Antar destinies, about Michael and Isabel without actually going there, so I used their children.

And I used Lonnie and Rath, simply because the circle is way to small. I wanted to give River a love interest (that is not related to him by any concoction of blood LOL) so there were very few options, so he could have some happiness because his life at home was unhappy to a certain point, and he deserved some happiness. And it wrote itself in that it gave some drama for him, and Sierra. And Roxy, well, we needed some drama. Using the dupes, without actually bringing Rath and Lonnie back to town.

I hope you enjoyed it. And my next one is currently in the writing stage. It is a more current day one. Still, not sure where it is going or what it is trying to tell me, so I have no idea how long it will be before it is completed, but I am working on some new ideas.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 84 - Completed - 09/01/2022

Post by Superman86 »

As always, I really enjoy reading your work. I can't wait until your next adventure. Hopefully it will be a Happy, lovey dovey Max and Liz influenced fic. Favorite couple, obviously :D. Anyhow, keep up the awesome writings. Always a fan :wink:
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 84 - Completed - 09/01/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Well, finally Liz and Max are together, and the family seems to be coming together. Of course River is out to find his way, with his father's blessing. It's good to see he would be working at his grandfather's law office when available.

Now, I am looking forward to your next story. I love your writing!
Thanks for your time and talent!
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