If all were Different (AU, CC+, Teen) Thread #1

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Post by Luvya »


"I honestly don't know, It was just a hunch." I say smiling gently, "If Alex is like us I don't think he would harm us if he knew that others existed, I mean if you suddenly found out that say Max was a you know what would you do? Turn a potentinal relation to the FBI?" I ask Michael.


"Yo Kyle phone for you!" Tom yells to me. I run downstairs hoping that it's Max ringing me back. I know he's lying to me. I have to wonder if Liz healed him. Does that make Liz Parker like Me? Does that Make Michael Parker like Me?

"Yo Speak"

"Why don't you change your greating or something? It's getting boring" Max replies. I roll my eyes as he trys to make light hearted conversation with me.

"Why don't you tell me what happened at the Crash today?"
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Post by isabelle »


"You're assuming he is like us. Being adopted and liking hot sauce isn't exactly a iron-clad case." If he is an alien and he finds out about us, that would probably be okay. But we don't know yet that it's true. If it's not, anything could happen.

Not to mention the assumption that just because he's an alien, too, that makes him a friend. Although if he was born out there in the desert at the same time as the two of us, it might make sense that he is probably from the same ship. Maybe.

"Earlier, you were gonna tell us something-else. Before the shooting. Did something happen with Kyle or Max?"



I sigh at Kyle's question. I was expecting this since I know he didn't seem to accept the story earlier, but it was still frustrating to hear it again. He couldn't even pretend to have another thought on his mind?

At least now I know exactly what I'm covering up for and why. Liz is an alien.

"Kyle, why do you keep asking that? You were there."

"Tell me anyway," Kyle persists.

"The gun went off. I fell down and spilled the ketchup on myself. Liz came over to see if I was okay, and that was it. Why are you so obsessed by this?"

I know my last question was kinda accusatory. I suddenly realize that under other circumstances, I'd probably be talking about it a lot, too. I'd never been anywhere near a wacko waving a gun before. Anyone would be re-viewing it a lot. But I just can't. I don't want to. I wish he would let it be.
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Post by Luvya »

OOC- M don't forget Tess is also an Alien :-)


I suddenly remember my flash with Kyle. The one that happened just before the shooting.

"I..." I pause not knowing if I should share this with Michael and Maria. "It was nothing" I say instead. I should really talk with Kyle aswell.


Max asks me again why I'm so intersterested in Liz Parker. To be honest I just want to know if she's like me. If there's someone else in the world I can talk to.

"A gun goes off in the crashdown aims at you a second after you fall down Liz Parker comes up to you and you expect me to believe that nothing happened? I know somethings up Max Evans and you are going to tell me everything"
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Post by isabelle »


"Kyle, that's all I know!" I say again. Doesn't he hear enough shooting stories from his dad? Maybe not, actually. And even if he did, I guess it's different to actually BE there. Still, I better make sure my story hangs together. The sheriff is the last person I want to be hearing about this.

I take a deep breath and try to figure out what to say. What sort of details will make it real for him?

"It all happened so quick. I wasn't even sure what was going on, at first."



I don't like the way Liz blows of my question about Kyle. Something happened there before the shooting. And then he was there with Max, afterwards. I wonder what Max said to him. Liz swears he won't tell, but he hadn't promised anything then, and well, something might have slipped.

"Listen, Liz. If he's like us, it affects me, too. Did he say something, or do something?"
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Post by Luvya »


"It's nothing Michael, I probably just imagined it anyway" I say wishing he would just drop it. It was probably just my imagination anyway.

"But Liz...." Michael starts up again

"Just DROP IT"


"How about telling me the truth from the start? I've known you since I've came to Roswell Max... I know when your hiding something from me" I say. If Liz is who I think she is then I'll tell Max everything.
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Post by isabelle »


I don't appreciate Liz trying to shut down the conversation like that. The more she denies it, the more I'm sure there's something there I should know. Although it's obvious that this is not the time to push it.

"Fine," I say. "Then let's talk about these other kids. Alex, Tom, Kyle, Serena and ... who was the other?"


Shaking my head, I wonder about that. A possible five others. All our lives we thougth Liz and I were alone. It would be so amazing if even one of these really were like us.

"So, what's the plan? How are we gonna find out?"



I try to hide a sigh. What am I going to say?

"I'm not trying to hide anything. That's just all there is." I know Kyle is about to protest again, so I quickly go on. "I had gone up to Liz to talk to her, because you dared me to. Then the guy was shouting. I hardly even noticed him, 'cause I was concentrating on trying to talk to Liz."

"Yeah," Kyle says. "And then what?"

"Well, then I saw the gun. Everyone was shouting. I remember putting my arm in front of Liz. After that, I guess the gun went off. I don't even remember hearing it, but I was on the ground. For a second, I'd thought someone had pushed me, but I really do think I just fell. I was stunned. Staring at the ceiling, and then, well, Liz was right there. I'd been talking to her. She helped me up."

Last edited by isabelle on Tue Mar 30, 2004 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by M »

OOC~ Thanks for the reminder Luvya. I wasn't sure how to introduce it. I was thinking Alex and Tess could have been siblings ? Let me know if you disagree but thats sort of where I'm headed.
Also, sorry if this is crap, I wrote it once but it got deleted, this is the re-make :wink:

As Alex holds the car door open for me I’m struck with a strange sense of déjà vu. It just seems to be familiar somehow. Nothing I can put my finger on, just, right.
I shake my head to clear the feeling as Alex comes around and gets in himself.

‘Now, if you will fasten your seatbelt, m’lady, I will start my engine.’ Alex smiles over at me. ‘If you are really good I’ll even let you choose the entertainment’

I fasten my seatbelt and grin. ‘What are my choices then?’

‘The Whits demo 1, or The Whits demo 2’

‘Umm, I guess I’ll go with demo 2?’

He pops in a tape and I’m surprised to find I really like it. The music has a good beat, nice melody and interesting instrumentals. I’m surprised at the lack of singing and I ask Alex about it.

‘The guys didn’t really like my vocal stylings, that’s actually what I was just asking Maria about.’

Alex and I have a great time playing golf. He is so funny and nice about my lack of skills. The whole evening though I continue to have that déjà vu feeling. I feel close to him like I haven’t with anyone ever before.

After golf we walk through the park and share a hotdog. I feel so relaxed, like I could be totally honest about anything. I’ve never felt like this with anyone before. Not even Serena. I love her, and at times I’ve been tempted to tell her my secret but I’m not sure how she’d react and so I don’t. Also, there is Isabelle. I like her, and we get along well but sometimes she looks at me like I’m so boring, and other times its like she thinks I’m trying to take Serena away from her. Every time I get close to telling the truth I see Isabelle with that disdainful look she can get and I stop.

Just after we pass the playground I see a bench and sit down. I motion Alex to sit beside me.

‘Alex? Can I ask you a question?’

‘Umm, sure’

‘Have you ever wondered about where you… umm…came from? I mean, who your… real parents are? If you… have any brothers and sisters?’

I wait, holding my breath to see if he will understand my hidden meanings, what I’m really trying to ask, behind the words. He may not, in which case there is no harm done. If he does, and he answers? This evening may have brought much much more then just relieving my boredom.
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Post by FallenMagic »

~*~* Maria *~*~

I bite my lip in obvious discomfort when Liz is adamnt that Michael drop interogating her about Max. For some reason he denial makes me think that something definately did happen and I think even Michael knows that.

Michael reluctantly steers away the conversation to the other five and I'm again startles by the fact that there could be others like Liz and Max here in Roswell.

"So, what's the plan? How are we gonna find out?" Mivhael asks.

"Well, I can always keep an eye out for anything suspicious at practice with Alex." I say. "And Liz can try to keep an eye on Serena since she's going to be seeing Max a lot. That leaves Kyle, Tom and Tess..."
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »


"We need to do more than just watch. If they're like us, they've been hiding for ten years. They're not gonna slip up just because we suspect them."

"Michael, we can't just ask them. They'll simply deny it. We would."

I nod, agreeing with Liz. "But we can't just wait passively. There's got to be something we can do. Some way to make them reveal themselves. Without exposing us."
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Post by destinysucks »


This whole night has been realy fun but I cant help but feel that I've been here before everything feels so familiar, Tess asks me whether I wonder about my family or anything do I tell her about the déjà vu feeling or do I keep it to myself.

"Well sometimes yea I guees I do I mean it would be nice to know why I am like I am but I guess it's never meant to happen".

avoid telling her about the déjà vu feeling as I think she will find it just to weird.

End Alex

Thanks for wwriting that mini golf part for me M I've never actualy played so had no clue how to write it and the siblings idea is a fantastic one