If all were Different (AU, CC+, Teen) Thread #1

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Post by Liz_Parker »


After my little conversation with Max, Isabel calls shotgun and I get into the drivers seat slipping the keys into the ignition.

The advantage of being the driver of the day, is getting to put the radio on whatever I so please. I hate sharing a car with my brother and sister. Sure, I love 'em and all, but still. I so can't wait to get a good paying job to get my OWN car. One that neither Max or Isabel will ever bother. That may sound a little but harsh, but a girl has to have standards.

As we start down the road I turn to my music and turn it up loud. Isabel glares over at me. "Why must my sister have the worst tastse in music?", she grumbles rolling her eyes.

"Your one to talk sis....you put it on that crap you call music", I smirk looking over at her and then at the road again.

Driving down the road I think about telling Max everything last night. It was really weird, but it was good. For it to not be such a secret anymore. To know there's someone out there that I can actually explain what's going on and not answer the usual "Nothing, don't worry".

We soon pull into the school parking lot. "Ok, everybody out!", I look at Isabel and then snap my fingers in front of Max's face. "Snap out of it Maxie", I laugh and step out of the jeep and lean against it waiting for Isabel to pull her stuff together.

The Original Rivalry that we all love :)
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Post by Luvya »


As I get to school (With out waiting for Tom- why would I?) I catch Serena, Isabel and Max pulling into the carpark and watch them as they all go out.

I need to tell him. A nagging voice in the back of my head reminds me. I walk over there wondering if now was a good time.
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Post by M »

After leaving Alex I walk quickly to the Crashdown to pick up my car and then I check in at home, changing my clothes and grabbing my books. I don't see my dad and he didn't leave me a note- probably didn't even notice I didn't spend the night here.

I get to school really early and I'm sitting on the grass finishing my homework when Max, Iz and Serena pull up in front of me. I quickly throw my books in my bag and walk to where Serena is leaning against the jeep. I smile at her and my internal monologue begins:
'thats normal, right?, I'm smiling because she is my friend, not because we share out-of-this-world ancestry'.
Mentally admonishing myself to shut up and deal I lean next to her.

'Hey! Where were you yesterday afternoon? Iz said something about a study date?'

'Hey guys' I say to Max and Iz not wanting to leave them out, both because they are friends too and because I don't want to greet the only alien in the group.

You have to stop this!

Kyle walks up and I smile at him too, a little unsure as I don't know him very well-
you could know him very well- ARGH! This internal conversation has to stop!

'So? Study date? Spill!' I wait expectantly to hear about Serena's afternoon and what was so important to miss our afternoons shopping yesterday.
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Post by Liz_Parker »


I laugh softly at Tess' ramblings.

"It was just a study date Tess, chill....it's not like I married the guy or anything", I roll my eyes and start walking towards the building.

"Oh come on, at least tell me who you were with!", she hurries to catch up with me and looks on with anticipation.

"Tom Valenti", I look over at her then walk up the steps

The Original Rivalry that we all love :)
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Post by isabelle »

uh, "M"? You forgot to put "Tess" at the top of your post. Sorry, but I don't always remember who's playing who, and that would really help. Thanks. Great post, btw.


I blink as Serena snaps her fingers in front of my face. I'd just decided on a way to try to break this problem with the two secrets. I was thinking to try to talk to Serena but then thought maybe I should try Isabel, first. Get an impartial outsider's view on a coded hypothetical conversation that she'd have no reason to suspect meant aliens.

Nah, she'd probably think I was talking about Tess, or something.

I get out of the jeep, and notice that Kyle is approaching from the left, as Tess comes in from the right. Oh I hope she and my sisters don't start in on all that suggestive talk about me and Tess getting together again. Haven't they figured it out yet? I like Liz.

Well, Isabel at least seemed to be backing off a bit last night. And Serena, well, maybe I can ask her to ease up, in concideration for what we now share. Not that keeping her secret is gonna hinge on it. That stays with me no matter what, unless she tells me I can share.

Thankfully, Tess seems most interested in talking to Serena this morning. I give her a smile and a nod with a quick 'good morning,' before turning towards Kyle. Maybe I can try talking to him as a neutral, uninvolved party. Assuming he isn't still going to be going on about what happened at the Crashdown yesterday. I really don't know what more I can say to satisfy him.

"Hi, Kyle!" I say, quickly walking over in his direction and leaving the girls behind me. "How are ya doing?"
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Post by Luvya »

OOC: Looks like Kyle is going to be come very invovled hehe :-)
Oh and I borrowed Isabel for a while :-)

IC- ~*^*~Kyle~*^*~

"We need to talk" I say firmly not really caring about Isabel, Tess and Serena at the time. I need to tell someone this secrets getting to much for me and Max seems like the most logical person to tell (well not counting Tom of course...)

"Geeze Kyle rude Much?" Isabel asks as I roll my eyes inwardly.

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Post by M »

OOC- SORRY!! I just got so excited :?


All thoughts of inter-planetary everything are immediately erased from my mind.

' Tom Valenti?' Why would you choose to spend a perfectly nice afternoon- one in which you could be spending time and money with your friends at the mall- with Tom Valenti? I mean Kyle would make some sense but Tom?'

We walk to our lockers and get our things for our first class. Serena just smiles at me and leans against her closed locker for a moment. I realise she isn't particularly talkative this morning and calm down a little.

'Are you ok? You seem really quiet... Do you really like Tom? I mean if you do then that changes everything and obviously spending time with him would be good in that instance and... I'm gonna shut up now.'

I just look at Serena who is smiling faintly at me. I'm not really worried I've upset her, we've been friends for way too long to worry about that, but she seems, different this morning. Maybe she really likes Tom, maybe thats whats changed.

and then the alien monologue starts again maybe you are different this morning, not Serena

'Serena?' I prompt 'are you ok?'
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Post by isabelle »


I ignore my sister. It's not like Tess and Serena were going out of their way to include me, anyway. Not that I needed or wanted them to.

Besides, Kyle looks really agitated. Something bothering him and I have a feeling it's not the incident at the Crashdown. He wasn't anywhere near this intense last night when he was asking about that.

"Sure, Kyle," I tell him, walking quickly away from the girls with him. "What's the matter?"
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Post by Liz_Parker »


"Yeah Tess, I'm fine", I close my locker and start walking towards our class.

"You just seem out of it", she says and peers over at me. "But anyway, what about Tom?"

I roll my eyes again. "Tom is a friend ok? Nothing more nothing less..."

The Original Rivalry that we all love :)
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Post by destinysucks »


*He wakes up and groggily looks over at the alarm*

"Crap what is the use of having a brother if he doesint wake you up when you need too be woken" he mumbles to himself

*He gets up and hurridely pulls on a pair of jeans and a tight fitting black T-shirt it's a t shirt he absouloutly hates but it's all he can find he runs into the kitchen and grabs an apple and heads into the only car left a very slow ford mondeo that belonged too his deceased grandfather and that they kkinda inherited and he heads off too school*