My So-Called Life (AU,M/L,TEEN) Ch 9 - AN 08/31/04 [WIP]

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My So-Called Life (AU,M/L,TEEN) Ch 9 - AN 08/31/04 [WIP]

Post by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell »

Author: Jill
Rating: TEEN
Disclaimer: i don't own anything associated with Roswell or My So-Called Life just borrowing
Summary: Don't really know where I am taking this
Couples:M/L C/C

Thanks to MrsJBehr for the beautiful banner


Chapter 1

Hi my name is Elizabeth Parker and this is the story of my life. Ok not exactly my life, but at least my 12th grade year in high school. Yep you heard me right high school. That vicious, cruel and downright intolerable place and even though you say you hate it with a passion a part of you loves it and never wants to leave.

So it all started when my parents died two months before the beginning of my 12th grade year. They were so great and so full of life and just the parents every kid wishes for. Well they died in car accident after a drunk driver hit their car. So after their death I was handed over to my grandmother. Claudia Parker very nice lady love her to death (not literally of course) fun and reminds me a lot of myself. She allowed me to stay the last two months in Florida before school started to be with my friends. My friend Rachel’s dad was nice enough to drive me to my grandmothers. Where does she live you ask? Well get this she lives in that crazy little town known as Roswell, New Mexico. You know that town that believes aliens crashed in 1947 and now live among them. Ha yeah right like that would ever happen. Anyways so I drove out to my grandma. My stuff had already been shipped out there. Why? Oh that would be so I could have my car that I absolute love. It’s a white mustang convertible and I got it for my 16th birthday. So as I was saying when I got there it was a late Sunday night and I would be starting school the following morning. See my grandma had already registered me and everything was already set and this is where my life gets really interesting…

Beep Beep Beep

A hand reaches out from the covers and shuts off the alarm. I sit up quickly a little disoriented about where I am. I take a look around my room. It is quite nice, with my own bathroom and own private balcony. I get up and start getting ready for school.

It’s about 7’oclock when I am finally ready and school starts at 7:30. So I decide it is time to jet.

“Hey grams” I say walking into the kitchen

“Lizzie-bear! You startled me.” Claudia said after jumping a half a mile

“Sorry I didn’t mean to”

“Oh no sweetie it’s quite alright just not use to having anyone else in the house that’s all. So you look very cute,” she says looking at knee white Capri pants, orange tee and white platform sandals. “You are going to make all the boys at West Roswell swoon over you.”

“Grandma” I say embarrassed. I am sure my cheeks are flaming red.

“What can’t your Grams make an observation? Now lets get you some breakfast, so you can get on your way………”

So that’s my grandmother. Kind, sweet, loving, caring and well you get the idea. She is just everything a girl wants in a grandma. As I was saying earlier she lives in Roswell the alien capital of the world. And get this she owns her very own alien themed restaurant called The Crashdown Café. It’s really cheesy with alien stuff everywhere and the waitress where like this teal dress with a silver alien head apron and bobbing antennas. Fun huh! Well speaking of waitress’s. Yep that’s right you guessed it! I am going to be one. See I need a job and since my grandmother owns the place it kind of solves a whole lot of problems. So I am now introducing you to Liz Parker, alien waitress. Ok so lets get on with this story…

(I know it's kind of short but I already have chapter 2 and 3 written I just nedd to figure out whether to have aliens or not)
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Chapter 2

When I pull up to the school I notice it is a lot smaller then my old school. It was not one of those little tiny schools but it was about medium size. So this is it my new school. My new life. Yep sure to be.. Oh hey look there is a spot

Honk Honk

I turn around to see who is honking and I see the dreamiest guy I have ever seen sitting inside an old jeep.

“That’s my spot” he yells

What do I do. What do I do

“Uh I don’t see your name on it”

“Well I have parked in that spot for the past two years now!”

“Well I guess you are going to have to find a new spot!” Yes, score one for Parker dreamy guy.

“Fine!” he yells and drive off

“Great my first day and I’m already getting in a fight over a parking space.” I mutter under my breath as I get out of the car.

So once I am out of the car I head to the front office to pick up my schedule.

“Hi I’m Elizabeth Parker. I’m new here and I was told I could pick up my schedule here.”

“Oh yes we were told to expect you.” said a bubbly women in the front office. “I am Miss Johnson and I’m the secretary. Um here is your schedule and if you would um take a seat for a few minutes we will have some show you around school.”

So I sit and wait. About five minutes or so later a tall blonde that looks like she just walk off the runway walks in.

“Morning Miss Johnson” the blonde model says

“Isabel, what a pleasure to have you back. We have a new student over there and if you would be so kind would you show her around”

“Of course I would Miss Johnson”
So the blonde model walks over to me.

“Hi I’m Isabel Evans...........”

Yep that’s me. Let me take it from here Liz ok.. OK.

So hi I am Isabel Evans lived in Roswell since the age of six when I was adopted along with my twin brother by our parents Phillip and Diane Evans. Their the ones that found us that night. Well anyways. So here I am a senior at West Roswell. Former Homecoming Queen, Jr Prom Princess, on the Prom Committee, yearbook staff, Sunshine Committee, National Honors Society, and well you get the point.

Some people call me the Ice Queen and I guess to some people I am. I mean I can’t help it, it just sort of happens. When I am with my friends though they would never dream to think that because they know what really going on. Anyways I’m single. I date casually never seriously. Yet to find the man of my dreams. Believe me when I say I’m looking.

So here I am about to show the new girl around. The girl That’s about to become... Well you’ll see......

“Uh hi I’m Elizabeth Parker but you can call me Liz” the girl says while extending her hand to be shake

I shake her hand and smile at her warmly. She is really pretty and she seems to have a great fashion sense. Oh right I’m a huge fashion person. Love fashion and hope to be in the biz later on in life.

“Liz Parker nice to meet you”

Nice to meet you to, Isabel.”

“While why don’t I show you around school?”

Yeah um that would be great.” she says giving me a nervous smile

We head out of the office and I begin my tour. “Ok so welcome to West Roswell. Home of the Comets. We have a great school and everything you would expect. Do you mind if I see your schedule?” I ask

She hands over her schedule and I begin to read over it.

“Ok so first you have AP Biology followed by AP Government then honors English , photograph, calculus and honors Spanish have English and Spanish with you. You will have B lunch. So after English and before photography.”

We end up stopping in front of a class in the science wing. “So here is your first period and home room.” Now right down this way....”

Thirty minutes later and I have showed to all her classes and got to know her a little and hey she seems way cool.

“Here’s your fist again”

“Thanks for everything Isabel”

“Oh your welcome and I’ll see you in third” I tell her as II wave good bye and walk back to the front office....

Ok so I’m back. Yep Liz Parker. Anyways I left off at meeting Isabel. She seems to be a really great gal. I mean she was extremely nice consider she is so tall and beautiful. Not exactly what you expect. She showed me around school and was beyond sweet. I defiantly could see myself becoming friends with a one Isabel Evans, so we are just getting to the good stuff. Isabel has just dropped me off at my first period. Which by the way has already begun and now I have to go in. So here I go....
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Post by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell »

So Thanks for all the feedback it means alot. Thank you!! Also I have made my decsion on whether to have aliens or not. So with out further ado here we go....

Chapter 3

“Can I help you?” a man with round glasses ask me

“Uh yeah I’m in this class” I say nervously I can tell everyone eyes are on me and its making me somewhat uncomfortable.

“Right you must be Elizabeth Parker. I am Mr. Hardy and this is AP Bio. You have an assigned lab partner, so that is where you will sit for the rest of the year. Your partner is Mr. Evans; Mr Evans please raise your hand.

I look over the classroom and towards the back of the room I see the guy. The guy I stole the parking spot from this morning. Great just great, of all people to be stuck with I get him the dream guy.

“Ok so please sit down so I can finish class” Mr Hardy tells me

I do as I am told and walk over to Mr Evans. Wait Evans! Is their any relation to Isabel Evans? Hum interesting. So I take my seat and Mr. Evans turns to me and says...

“Hi I’m Max. Sorry about this morning.”

I turn to look at him and I become paralyzed looking into the most gorgeous face I have ever seen. Man it must run in the family and his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. Their amber with flecks of gold in them and they just make you fall into them. I finally get my composure and I am able to some how spit out my name.

“Uh Liz”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Yeah” I say. Nice to meet you to Max Evans the.....

Ok so I figured that it’s only proper to introduce myself, Max Evans. So you can really get to know me.

I am a Senior here at West Roswell. Straight A student, quarterback of the football team, and captain of the basketball team. I’m popular but I don’t let it get to my head. Just act like an everyday person. So I’m a little shy and a little predictable and I never get myself in a predicament where I am uncomfortable.

Unlike my sister, Isabel Evens I don’t really date. Ooh you already met my sister Isabel. Yep that’s my sister we are really close. I mean who wouldn’t be if you close when you where found in the middle of the desert when you were six. Why were Isabel and me in the desert? Well you see I’m sort of.... Sorry have to go it’s the end of class.

“Well it was nice to meet you” Liz says getting ready to leave

I just look at her for a second. I’m just awestruck by her beauty. With long chocolate brown hair and big expressive eyes.

“Uh yeah you too” I tell her
She smiles sweetly and then turns and leaves. I watch her leave and a part of me wishes I was just able...

So their you met Max Evans. Cute huh? Cute! What am I saying down right sexy with a dreamy voice, dreamy smile and a dreamy body. So you see he’s just dreamy. Well later about him. Ok?
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Post by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell »

So thanks everyone for the feedback!! I didn't think I would have this up today but I do. Also it may be a week or two before I can update again because I graduate next week and will be busy but I will try my hardest to update.

Chapter 4

So I went to second which I have again with Max and then to third with out anything eventful happening. After third Isabel was kind enough to offer for me to have lunch wiht her and her friends. So I agreed...
“Hey guys!” Isabel says as we walk up to a pinic table where there sat 2 blonde girls and 4 guys. One of the guys being Max.

They all look up at Isabel and look at me apprehensively. Ok so why do I have a feeling I am not exactly welcome here.

“This is Liz Parker she just moved here from Florida and I told her she could eat with us. Isabel told them

“Isabel” a guy says to her with a stern look

Ok so something is going on that I don’t know about and they don’t look ready to share. I’m about to turn around and leave when Max stands up.

“Thats a great Izzie. Liz why don’t you sit down.” he says

So I do and all eyes are on me. The tension is so thick you couldn’t cut it with knife.

So you moved from Florida?” a tall lanky guy ask me

Uh yeah I moved from their to live with my grandma. She owns the Crashdown.” I say

“Mrs. P that’s great she’s awesome” says a blonde with long hair

“Uh thanks...” What’s her name I have no clue um! What do I do?

“Maria Deluca” she says with a huge smile

“And that’s Alex” she says pointing to the tall lanky guy “Tess” pointing to a blonde with short hair “Kyle” pointing to a brunette guy “Michael” point to a guy with kind of long hair “And Max” she says finally pointing to Max

“We’ve met already.” Max says speaking up “We have AP Bio and Government together”

“So tell me about yourself Liz.” the girl Tess ask me

“Um well.........
Ok so it is my turn to introduce myself

No wait it’s my turn

Alex please they want to hear about me

Yeah like they want to hear about you Maria!

Hey I resent that!

Ok look I have a solution


We can take turns. Isn’t that fair Maria

Fine but I go first


Ok so like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. I am Maria DeLuca. I have lived all my life here in Roswell. Raised by my single mother Amy Deluca. I’m a senior here, get good grades, work at the Crashdown , and....

Ok my turn! Alex Whitman at your service. I have also lived here all my life like my best friend Maria. I am also a senior but I do not work at the Crashdown Café. I’m a computer geek. Yep that’s me and proud of it! I am a good student a good fri...

Ok enough with Alex, back to me. So I am also a good friend. Oh and a very good girlfriend. That’s right I’m girlfriend to spaceboy, Michael Guerin. We have dated for a year now and I am totally in...

Ok enough, enough my turn.

Wait Alex I wasn’t finished

Well you are now. It is my turn to talk

Why? So you can bore us about how you are head over heels for Isabel

Ssh that’s private information

Ooh yeah right I forgot

Yeah well maybe I will forget about how I promised not to ever bring up the time in seventh grade when you thought you were pregnant because Tommy Jones kissed you on the cheek.

Hey you promised

You promised
I didn’t mean to bring up Isabel. it was an accident.

Well so was this

No it wasn’t

Yes it was

No it wasn’t

Yes it was

Alright enough I am here to save you from those 2. Michael Guerin speaking. Not much to say about me. I was adopted around the age of seven after spending a year in child services. Hank Guerin adopted me and at the age of 16 I got emancipated because of abuse and couldn’t take living with him anymore. I like art. To draw or paint what I am feeling. I work at the Crashdown as a cook. I date Maria and my best friend is Maxwell. I never get close to people. Why you ask? Well I would tell you but see I don’t trust you. So there for it is none of your business

Alright Stonewall Guerin, I believe we have heard enough. You are now speaking to the lovely and charming Tess Harding. I moved to Roswell about 3 years ago with my guardian and protector Ed Harding. He has raised me since.. well since forever. Like all the others I’m in twelve grade and I am also a cheerleader. I use to date Max before we decided we were better off friends. My best friend is Kyle Valenti. Who I now live with. Why do I live with Kyle? Well that’s because Ed my guardian is always away on a... um a ... business yea business. So the Sheriff (Kyle’s dad) offered me to live with them. Also I should probably tell you I sort of have this uh I guess you would call it a crush on Kyle. I know I know shocking, huh? Now I am trusting you not to tell anyone. Promise? So now that you know all about me, why don’t I hand this over to Kyle.

Thanks Tess for the introduction. I am Kyle Valenti. Lived in Roswell my whole life. My father is the Sheriff of the town and my grandfather use to be. I’m the captain of the wrestling team and a star player of the football and basketball team. My best friend is Tess and just to inform all the ladies out there I am single. Also I study Buddhism. See some stuff happen and I had to rethink my life. See I realized it could be over at anytime and over he summer at football camp I kind off got into it. Buddha has defiantly enlightened me to be a better person.

So there you go that’s the how I met the seven of them. Easy huh? While becoming friends and being friends with them was defiantly a lot harder.
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Post by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell »

Ok so sorry it took so long to update I have been busy with graduation and I am also taking a summer college course so I have been extra busy. Anyways I graduate tomorrow morning and I hope to have chapter 6 up by Friday

Behrsgirl77- thanks for all the feed back it means alot. I love both of your stories and it makes me really happy that you like mine

Roswellluver- thank you to for the feedback . It keeps me inspired

And all the lurkers thanks for reading

Chapter 5

So hey your back great. So I was at lunch the last time you were here and here’s how it went.....

“So tell us about yourself Liz” Tess asks me

“Um well I just moved here from Florida to live with my grams. I am uh senior and I hope to get into Harvard.”

“Harvard huh?” Alex says

“Yeah I want to study microbiology and I hope to work with Dr. Holtz” I tell them

“Dr. Holtz?” Max ask

“She is this big professor at Harvard and is the head of their research program. Her discovers in microbiology has been amazing”

“Wow that sounds pretty cool” Isabel tells me brightly

“Yeah for a geek” Michael grunts out. All eyes on the table turn and look at him. The next thing I know Maria is smacking Michael

“Michael” she yells


“How can you be so mean?”

“You know Maria it is not a big deal. I mean he is right I am this huge science geek but I have just always loved science.” I tell her

“Fine but that doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk” Maria tells him

“Whatever I am out of here” Michael tells us while getting up and stomping off

“Don’t worry about him he is always like that” Max says giving a tight smile

“Yeah That’s why we call him stonewall Guerin” Kyle puts in

“Oh it’s ok I understand. So what is there to do in this town.”

“Well there is a movie theater, a bowling alley, a night club, a country bar and well that’s about it. The rest is all tourist stuff. You know the museum, the shops, and the restaurants.” Tess tells me

“Wow a whole lot of nothing” I say with a sigh

“Yeah we hear you” Alex says

“I should’ve figured I mean any town that believe’s in aliens has to be pretty boring. I mean couldn’t they have picked a more realistic theme” They all look at me for a few seconds like they are unsure what to say to me. Now I am really confused they can’t seriously believe in aliens.

“Uh do guys believe in you know aliens” I ask

“What are you serious no I mean only freaks believe in that stuff” Isabel tells me with a nervous laugh. I am about to question her about it but the bell rings signaling the end of lunch

“Well it was nice talk to you Liz” Tess tells me

“Uh yeah you to”

“Bye” Kyle says before leaving

“Bye” I tell them then I turn around and walk off to my fourth period

So that was the conclusion of lunch. Interesting huh? I thought so. So nothing else really happen the rest of the day at school. I have Calculus with Tess and Alex, which is pretty cool. So that was my first day at school. Now my first day at work is a whole other story. What happen you ask? Well hear let me show you....

“Ok Liz you excited, you are about to feed the hungry people” Maria ask me cheerfully. So I figured out Maria. She is bubbly, talks none stop, the only one who knows how to handle Michael and she likes aroma therapy.

“I guess, as ready as I will ever be.” I tell her as we walk out of the backroom into the restaurant. I am wearing that ridiculous teal uniform with the stupid bobbling antennas

“Ok so you will take this half of the restaurant and I will take this half and we will share the middle.”

“Ok, lets go” I tell her

So six orders wrong, eight broken items and a wardrobe change later I am finally almost over with my shift. I kept messing up the orders. Who would have thought if you accidental give them a burger with mayo it is the end of the world. I know I didn’t but the customer seemed to care. Oh and I keep dropping stuff. Who knows maybe because of my nerves or something. Oh why did I have to change me uniform? Well see it happened like this......

“Hi welcome to the crashdown my name is Liz and I will be your server tonight. What can I get for you sir?”

“I will take a galaxy sub extra cheese and an alien smoothie” he tells me

“Ok great! I will have your smoothie in a few minutes.” I tell him then leave to make his smoothie

So here I go the first time I ever use the smoothie machine. When all of a sudden I hear Maria shout out

“No Liz don’t use it. It’s broke”

Oh crap.. To late and I now have smoothie covering me and the whole café is laughing at me. Great just wonderful....

So that was why I had to change. So it is now eight o’clock and it’s Monday night so the café closes at eight thirty. I have one customer left as well as Maria(which is Max and all her friends) and I get stuck with the lady with two kids who have been whining the whole time and are now crying for dessert. When the lady finally agrees to dessert I go and make each the kids an ice cream cone.

“Here you two go” the little girl takes the ice cream happily while the boy just looks at me then his mom ad then the ice cream

“I don’t want ice cream”

“While you said you wanted dessert and this is it or nothing” his mom tells him

“I don’t want it” the boy tells his mom and then throws it. And you will never guess where it landed. That’s right it land right on my uniform getting all over me

“Oh I am so sorry” the mom tells me before getting up and dragging her son out the restaurant

Great just frick’in great. What a way to end a perfectly horribly evening. I think as I begin to clean up my uniform and the floor

“Do you need any help?” I hear. I look up to see Max smiling down at me. I look around him to look at the table he was sitting at to see all his friends looking at us.

“Um that would be great Max” I tell him with this big goofy smile

So that was my first day at work. Awful huh? Yeah I thought so to, but their was a brighter note. That the night I started having feels for Max.
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Post by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell »

Thanks for the feedback enjoy the new chapter

Chapter 6

Well I showed you my first day of work and my first day of school. So I am just going to skip you ahead to when things started heating up. It’s been two months now since the first day of highs school here in Roswell and this whole week is homecoming week. Not much as happened since that first day. I hang out with Isabel and her friends at lunch and sometimes after school. Nothing really buddy, buddy. See the thing I don’t understand is that they seem a little closed off when I am around. Like they are on guard or something. And it makes me a little sad that they don’t feel comfortable enough with me to want to be my friend. I mean good friends. You know the ones that you tell everything and feel comfortable to be yourself with. I mean the only time they hang out with me besides at school is when they are hanging at the Crash. I so want this to change. I want true friends. Is that to much to ask? If Isabel would open up to me or want to hangout with me I can see us becoming the best of friends. And Max. What can I say about him. The way I feel when I am with him, it’s amazing. I feel like I am on cloud nine and I never want to leave. When he talks to me or says my name it sends shivers down my spine. I am so attracted to him it almost like Max is magnet and I am a piece of metal that can’t help up be attracted to the force that he creates. The only question is does he feel something.? I mean I never sense anything. Why would he? He is like the most popular guy at school and has women falling all over him. But Max never lets it get to him. He is probably the most laid back and totally in control person I know. In science we have so much fun just laughing and joking around. Is it possible that he could like me? Well there is only one way to find out. Yep that’s right I am going to ask Max to go with me to the Homecoming Dance. I know he been ask by a few people and has turned them all down flat but you never know right. So I am going to seize the moment and ask him...................

“Uh Max do you need a little help?” I ask him well pointing at the experiment he is working on. The one he is about to ruin.

“I thought you would never ask.” he says with a little exasperated sigh. I walk over to start help him. Since the beginning of class I have been building up my confidence to ask Max out.

“So are you excited about the game tonight against East Roswell.”

“Yeah this game is really important considering we are both 8-0. Who every wins tonight goes on being undefeated and considering their our biggest rival this game is an important one.” he tells me

“Yeah so I have been hearing” Ok Liz you can do this. This is it. You will finally have the answer to the question you have been dwelling on for the past two months. Does he or doesn’t he?

“Uh Max can I ask you something”

He freezes for a second like he is unsure before he puts down his experiment and looks at me questionally.

“Um... well you know the .......homecoming dance...what am I saying of course you do’s just I uh don’t have a date and I know that you.... don’t have one.....” I look up at him while biting on my bottom lip well he looks at me expecting me to make a point now.

“Doyouwannagotothedancetogether? I say in a rush

“What?” he ask me

“Um do you wanna go to the dance together?” I say. I don’t even look at him. I know I am holding my breath.

“As in you and me?” No me and Elvis Presley of course you. Duh

“Uh yeah I figured it would you know be fun.” At this point I look up at him

“Liz um I’m sorry I can’t.” he tells me

“Oh” I say “It’s ok it’s not a big deal” I tell him while turning around to pack up my belongings

“Liz I’m really.....” Ring , Ring. Thank God I was saved by the bell.

I turn and look at him. “It’s ok Max. I guess I will talk to you later.” I say before rushing out of the class. Oh my God how could I be so stupid to actually think Max could be attracted to me. Idiot, Idiot. God what is wrong with me....

So you see now that my whole lets see if Max likes me was a bust, but to tell you that homecoming was a complete bust.... Well you will see......

It is now Saturday night and West Roswell won the game last night. So tonight’s the homecoming dance is going to be a huge celebration. I am getting ready in the dress I went to buy yesterday with the money I have earned in tips waitressing. How is that going? Well after my first day mishaps I started getting the hang of it and I am no longer doing any form of damage. So back to the dress. It’s is a dark blue almost black.. It’s a spaghetti strap dress with a low cut back and a slit up my right leg and according to my grandmother I look stellar and going to make all the boys go ga ga. If only Max would go ga ga for me. No I am not going to think about him I am going to go and have the time of my life. I check my hair and makeup one more time before running out the door giving my grams a light peck and telling her not to wait up.

When I arrive at the school the parking lot is already full and I could here the music flowing out of the schools gym. I walk into the blue and gold deck out gym to find couples dancing, friends partying and the football players celebrating. I walk over to the fruit punch. When Tess walks over to me.

“Hey Liz you look amazing.”

“You to” I tell her she is wearing a white tube top dress that flows at the bottom.

“Thanks” she says smiling brightly

“So did you and Kyle come together?”

“What? Um no he came with Vicky Delaney” she tells me before turning and looking around the room

“So he doesn’t know?” I ask

“Huh know what?”

“That you like him” I say

“No he doesn’t know.” She tells me quietly , then turns and looks at me “And I kind of like to keep it that way”

“Well your secret save with me” I say giving her a confident smile

“Thanks and it was good to talk to you. See ya later Bye”

“Bye” I tell her before she turns around and leaves to go dance with some guy

“Liz Parker may I have the pleasure to have a dance with you?” a deep voice behind me ask

I turn around and...............
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Chapter 7

And my face falls. For a moment I thought it was Max and maybe he changed his mind. That he did want to go with me that he did like me. But of courser that would be just my wishful thinking. I mean why would Max be interested in me. There’s nothing special about me really. I mean I am smart and I wouldn’t call myself gorgeous but I wasn’t ugly either. But Max has tons of girls like throwing themself at him. Just me I know, I have eyes.


I am shaken out of my thought by the sound of Lucas’s voice. Lucas is in my photography class. He is a cool guy and we hang out during class but he defiantly wasn’t Max.. He was tall with dirty blonde hair. He was good-looking but yeah you guessed it he wasn’t Max.

“Yeah” I say giving him my attention

“I ask if you wanted to dance?” he says again

“Yeah that would be nice” I tell him

He leads me out to the floor where they are playing the electric slide. We begin dancing and soon Maria and Alex are by me and I start dancing with them to.

“Where Michael and Isabel?” I ask practical screaming so they can hear me over the music

“Well Michael doesn’t dance to fast songs so he over there hanging out with Max..” she says pointing over in the direction where they were hanging out. So Max did come and dam he looks sexy. I think as I check him out. He is wearing tan dockers, a white button up shirt and a tan jacket to match.. He just oozing sex appeal and I can’t help but stare. Max turns around just then and he looks at me. Before turning back around..Just in time to hear Alex tell Isabel off getting ready for the homecoming announcements. I continue to dance with the three of them and just having a good time.

“Can I have you attention please” A man called out from stage “ It’s time to announce this years homecoming King and Queen. Oks so for the king: Alex Whitman!”

The spot light shines down on Alex . Who is standing stunned next to me. Maria pushes him towards the stage. “And the Homecoming queen is Isabel Evans!” Isabel comes walking over from where her and Tess were talking. “Now clear the floor to let the couple dance.” Everyone cleared the floor as Alex and Isabel danced. They look so cute together. When the song ended they didn’t even notice they keep on dancing as the next slow song started. Lucas walks over to me and we started dancing to the song.

“May I cut in” a voice says I turn to look at Max and then Lucas

“Um yeah sure” Lucas says. I give him a reassuring smile as he walks off.

Max takes me into his arms and I feel like I am about to melt in a big puddle of goo. I rest my head on his shoulders and he smells so good with what smells like old spice colony. He smells so yummy I could almost eat him. I smile at myself at this thought and I snuggle a little closer. His hand is rubbing up and down my back and through my hair and it the best feeling I have ever had. The song ends and Max stops and just stares at me for a few moments.

“Do you want to go for walk?” Max ask me softly


He grabs me by the hand and leads me towards the back of the gym doors. We walk outside and start walking around the track. I shiver and Max takes off his coat and gives it to me.

“You look really beautiful tonight” he says a little hesitant
“Thanks” I tell him There is a long uncomfortable pause

“So Isabel and Alex made homecoming king and queen.” I say

“Yeah I know that it makes Isabel really excited and Alex seemed shocked to have won”

“Yeah and shocked would be an understatement.” We laugh at this and Max turns to me

“Sorry that I said no to coming with it’s just something that you....”

“No Max it’s ok I understand really” I tell him. Max looks at me and is about to say something but I put my finger to his lips to stop him. He looks at me with this innocents and then his eyes avert down to my lips and back to my eyes. His head slowly leans in towards me his lips a half an inch from me. He was so close

“Maxwell were leaving” Michael yells from the gym

Max turns back to me “Uh I have to go. It seems like him and Maria had a fight” I just nod not able to say anything. Max gives me one more smile before turning and leaving. I let out a breath that I didn’t even know I was holding. Michael has to got the worst timing in history.
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Post by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell »

Chapter 8

Ok so lets get back to my life.... Sorry for the delay... You know things just end happen causing distractions.......... Especially in my life... Anyways we left off at Michael’s extremely bad timing. Remember? Yeah I do to. So let’s see what everyone’s up to.

Homecoming Dance After Near Kiss

“Michael you are aware that you have the worst timing in history” Max informed him

“Yeah well I was just saving your ass” Michael said while climbing into the jeep

“What” Max nearly screamed

“I don’t know what you are thinking. We promised not to involve anyone else especially after what happen last year when you were taken” Michael tells him in almost disbelieve “You’re the one that says we have to be normal teenagers”

“That’s what I was trying to do two seconds ago.”

“By what getting involved with Liz. We already discussed this and we agreed not to let her in because it wasn’t safe”
“No you and everyone else agreed. Me and Isabel believe we should tell her. I really like Liz and what am I suppose to do the rest of my life never be with anyone. I don’t know why but there is just something about her. I think we should trust her.”

“Max the group put it to a vote”

“Yeah I heard it loud and clear”

The Valenti and Harding Residence

Tess is sitting quietly on the couch reading a book and drinking some tea. She not really paying attention to the book but rather to the thoughts of what Kyle and his date are doing. The dance ended at 12 a.m. and it is now 1 a.m. Where was Kyle? She couldn’t help wonder. Are they at her place or they in the back of his car steaming up the windows. Is Vicky running her hands over Kyle’s nice tone body? Is she kissing his beautiful lips? Is she.... Ok enough back to the book......... Which is hard to concentrate on I mean who would actually want to read this book. I mean why is it that we always have to read old books in English. Like this stupid and confusing book Pride and Prejudice. I mean seriously everyone has pride and everyone is prejudice. So what’s the big deal!

“God I can’t concentrate” I say in frustration. All I can think about is Kyle. I have never told anyone I like Kyle until tonight. Liz figured it out. So the question is. Is it that obvious to everyone else? I mean when the look at me do they see I am in love with Kyle stamped on my forehead and if they do is Kyle like completely blind to it? What did I say love? Am I in love with Kyle? I have no idea I mean is love the feeling when you never want to miss a day seeing them everyday. Is it the butterflies in your stomach you get when they touch you or the feeling that everything is going to be ok from just one laugh from them. Is that love? You go ahead and ponder that for awhile then get back to. Ok?

It’s around 1:30 a.m when I hear Kyle’s car pull up. Kyle walks in with his jacket thrown over his shoulder and a frown.

“Hey” he says when he walks in

“Hey, how was the date?” I can’t help but ask

“Yeah we realized we had nothing in common” Kyle tells me. Not like I didn’t know it already

“I’m sorry Kyle” I say sincerely

“Hey you can’t win them all.”

“You tell um Buddha Boy” I tell Kyle

“Yeah well I am hitting the shower and when I get back you better be off my couch”

“Yeas sir” I say giving him a small salute. I watch him leave before getting up and heading to my room. When I moved in Kyle gave me his room and we recently started putting up the spare room for him. It should be done next month but for now Kyle sleeps on the couch. As I get into to bed I begin to wonder if I should just tell him how I feel......... Nah!

The DeLuca Residence

“Can you believe he just left me there I mean he has got some nerve. Especially after I went so out of my way to make it perfect for us but no he has to be the stupid pig head he is”

“Maria as much as I love to hear you rant. I would like to get to sleep sometime in the millennium.” Alex told his best bud. Alex was currently lay on the floor of Miss Deluca’s floor a tradition. After dropping Isabel off at home Maria offered for him to stay at her house and eat some ice cream. Ever since they got here Maria was talking none stop about Michael and their argument. Like that was anything new. These two were on again off again more then any one has ever been. It has gotten to the point where none of their friends don’t even try to figure it out. She had been talking so much he hadn’t even had time to think about Isabel until now.

Isabel! God she was gorgeous in the red silk gown with her hair pulled up. She was absolutely breath taking. I still have no idea how I became such a blessed man. Yes I do and I owe it all to Maria. I mean that’s kind of mean and all considering she got shot and all but a year and a half ago in May she got us together in some weird way. It took a little longer to break through Isabel’s walls but I finally accomplished it. When last week she finally admitted that she want to be more then friends and I became the happiest man on earth. Now me Alex Whitman is homecoming king. That’s just wow! God Isabel makes me feel.....

“Alex are you even listening to me. You are suppose to help me deal with my idiotic boyfriend.” Maria said breaking through Alex’s thoughts

“Yeah Maria I am listening”

The Evans Residents

Knock, Knock

“Come in!”

“Hey what’s up?”

“Nothing just lying here and thinking.”

“Thinking huh? What about?

“Nothing really.”

“Yeah right let me guess it is probably the same thing you have been thinking about for the past two months. Liz right?”

“What! No..” Max told her

“Yeah like I really believe that one” Isabel said rolling her eyes

“Yeah ok fine I was thinking about Liz but I have good reason to.” Max told her point blank

“Does this have anything to with when you and Liz went off for some alone time? Isabel asked questionably. “Did you guys kiss?”

“Yes.... No we almost kissed but I guess Michael was keeping on eye on me and just happen to want to leave right then”

“That bozo he so worried about keeping are secret that he doesn’t see that we can trust her.”

“Yeah I think we can trust her to. So what do we do about it?” Max asked his sister

“Well we just have to prove to Michael and Tess that she trust worthy. I mean I will want her to know. I mean everyone else has a best friend and I just want one to.”

“Yeah well at least you have Alex and well I don’t have anyone in that way.”

“So we have to proof Liz is trust worthy” Isabel said enthusiastically


Monday- Two Days Later

In Liz’s Mustang after school

So I am beyond obsessed. I am stalker worthy really. I have Max on my brain like 24 hours. All I keep thinking about is how we almost kissed. How he almost kissed me. I mean what do we mean to each other now? Where do we go from that almost near kiss? Do we just ignore that it was about to happen or what? I really don’t know where we are at this point and it is driving me insane. I saw him today in class but we didn’t have anytime to talk but he seemed a little unsure of how to act around me. Is that a good thing? I am not sure I mean what is going on in his head. What does he think about me? Did I mentioned I was obsessed? I mean ok get this I still have Max’s jacket. You know the one he wore to the homecoming dance. Yeah well did I tell you that I sleep with it every night. Yeah I know I am pathetic. Ok so here I am driving to his house to return his jacket. I know I could just give him it at school or in the café, but I just want tp see him alone you know. I pull up to Max’s house and see his jeep parked on the curb. “Good he is here?” I walk up to his house and knock on the door and I stand and wait there patiently.

“Hello” says a middle age women that I assume is Max and Isabel’s mom. Not their biological mom. I discovered early that the two were adopted after the Evans found them when they around six.

“Hi Mrs. Evans I’m Liz Parker. I am a friend of Isabel and Max.”

“Oh hi it’s nice to meet you. Come in come in.” she tells me in a warm wholesome manner

“I just wanted to return Max’s coat. He um left it at the dance on Saturday.” I tell her

“Oh ok he is in his room. Just go up the stairs and it’s the second door on the left”

“Ok thank you. It was nice meeting you”

“You too Liz.” she tells me before walking away

I begin to climb up the stairs and head to Max’s room. His door is partially open and I am about to knock when something catches my eye. What in the world? There is like this green barrier coming from Max’s hand an it just disappeared.

“Oh My God” and then everything went black
Last edited by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell on Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell »

Chapter 9

"Liz?" I hear it not very clear. My head is spin a little and I realize that my eyes are closed and I am laying down on something soft. I hope my eyes quickly to see Max Evans staring back at me. His face is so close to mine that if I moved a millimeter his lips would touch his. I sit up quickly causing Max to jump back.

"What.... What happen?" I ask Max my head is still a little fuzzy

"You ...You um... fainted." Max gets out

"I did?" I ask a little unsure the last thing I remeber was looking in Max's room and then seeing... the greenish wall thing. My head goes up in shock and I know my eyes have huge.

"What where you doing before I fainted?" I ask him as I begin to stand

"What? Nothing just cleaning my room" he tells me as I look around his room that is completely spotless

"Then.. Then what was the green flash I seen?"

"The what? Liz I have absolulty no idea what you are talking about" he informs before walking to the window and opening

"I don't believe you. This has to do with that secret you are keeping. Doesn't it?"

"What secret" he replies back weakly

"What secret the secret that you and Isabel aren't telling me. The women that when ever I am around you and the rest of the gang act like I am always inturupting. Max what is going on?" I begin pleading with him

Max looks at me like he is studying me and I know he is starting to waver. He final going to let me in and trust me. The fact that he is willing to trust me means so much to. It's making this warm tingle feeling inside spread to the top of my to the tip of my toes.

"I'm...... I'm ... an alien" he final blurts out

I just stare at him for a few minutes before I burst out laughing. I am laughing so hard that their are tears coming out of my eyes. All the while Max is just stare at my as if I was this new species just being seen for the first time. "That is the funniest thing I have ever heard" I am finally able to choke out

"You don't believe me?" he ask cautiously

"No! i mean you want me to believe that you are a 3 foot marshin." I say as I continue laugh "Next thing you are going to tell me is that you are trying to phone home." Max just continues to look at me and the when I realize Max isn't joking around. I stop laughing and just stare at him.

"Your serious?" I ask him. Max looks up from the carpet and then at me

"As a heat attack." he tells me " You know I never really got the meaning of that statement. You know why couldn't it be as serious as some other medical problem."

I just keep looking at him unsure what to say.

"So is ah Isabel alien to?

"Yes as well as Tess and Michael." He tells me

"Oh" I say " You know I just remeber I promised my Grams I would clean the house with her today" I begin leaving grabbing my purse and running out of the house before Max can catch me

Later That Evening

"What you told her?" Michael yells from his seat. Max called a meeting as soon as I got home from my date with Alex. Alex there is a person I never believed that I would be going out with but lately I have been getting these feelings for him and I really want to see where they are leading.

"Look I didn't have a choice" Max tells Michael from his spot on the counter he sitting on. We all gathered at Michael to discuss what was going on. "She say me use my powers. How do I lie about that?"

"I don't know you could have said something. Anything but the truth. Why was she their in the first place?" Michael say with accusation in his tone

"I didn't know she was coming over. After she left my mom said that she want to drop off my jacket that I lended to her at the dance." Max explains

"Hmmp" Michael grunts out

"How did she take it?" I ask. I am really curious to know. When Maria and Alex found out they were a little leery at first but they soon felt comfortable around especially consider Max saved Maria's life. Liz I hope takes it well because I really like her and I think me and Liz could really become great friends.

Max kind of laughs to himself then sighs "Well at first she didn't believe me."

"She didn't?" Maria ask. Maria has been quiet the whole night which I believe is a real shocker. I think she is still peeved at Michael about the dance

"No she thought I was making a joke. She was laughing so hard that she had tears coming out. When she realized I was being serious she got quiet. Then she made some lame excuse about how she had to help her grandma and she hightailed out of there." Max informs us

"I guess I could see why she thought you were messing with her." Alex puts out

"Yeah it's a pretty hard thing to deal with believe me." Kyle says. I think Kyle had the hardest time dealing. Max also saved his life by healing him. Afterwards he left town and came home a new man. A man of Buddha.

"Do you think you can trust her?" the Sheriff ask Max

Max just looks around the room and is about to say something when he is inturupted by Tess "I think we can."

"Weren't you opposed to the idea?" Alex ask

"Yeah but now I don't think that. Liz seems nice and she might have freaked at first but I'm sure she'll come around." Tess tells us

"Or turn us back into the FBI. We just got rid of them! " Michael grunts out

"I don't think Liz will do that." Max tells Michael in a calm voice

"And what if your wrong and if you get sent back to the white room Max. Think of our safety!" Michael yells as he stands up and begins pacing

"Think of your safety thats all I ever do Michael!" Max says standing up and getting in Michael's face. They look nearly ready to rip each others head off when their is a knock at Michael's door. We all just stare at the door a minute. Everyone Michael knows is in this room right now. Michael stomps over to the door and throws it open and standing on the other side is none other then Liz Parker
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Post by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell »

A/N: Ok so this story is going on hold for about a month or two while I work on Beautiful and The Law of Fate. I don't really know where exactly want to go with this so until I get an outline I won't be back. Look for me to start reposting sometime around mid-October