Can I Let You Go? 1/1 CC Max POV - MATURE {COMPLETE}

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Can I Let You Go? 1/1 CC Max POV - MATURE {COMPLETE}

Post by liason »

Title: Can I Let You Go?
Author: Aly
Category: Max POV
Disclaimer I Own Nothing
Summary: This is the Sequel to A New Day. This is Max's POV On things after late S2.

How Did My Life become such a mess? hell I dont Even reconise who i am anymore. because I sure as Hell Didnt plan for Anything like this to happen.

All I wanted was to be able to Love Liz Parker with my entire Heart and Soul and live happily ever after.

Of Course Before the healing that would have been a Nice dream. How on earth or any other planet Should I have Guess that she could have loved me back.

And She did. Oh she did and I was the Luckiest half Human on this planet.

I can still feel her lips on mine, the smell of strawberries as I breath into her hair. I can at Night when I close my eyes I can feel her still in My arms.

I dont Know if It is Heaven or hell.

Hell Because I got to do all Those things. but i Lost The Right to. When I betrayed Liz in the Ultimate way.

We were happy as a Couple for what About a week technivally? Then Hell as I knew it came blowing into town, Claiming about destiny.

Destiny. I hate That word. I Really Fucking Do!

Why Couldnt I be Happy? Was that too much? Couldnt I feel at least for a while Normal and in Love? To have My dreamgirl Love me back.

IGuess that wasnt meant to be, Cuz It sure went to hell in a basket pretty fast.

I remember the first time I had an attraction To Tess. Or I shall say a Pull that was later revealed to be a mind trick By the loving Miss harding. i scared me. I didnt want to. I didnt want anyone other then Liz.

And I still Do.

I remember kissing her. I Never Felt so Sick Or so Dirty I My Life/

After Itook off, Iremember actually throwing up in the alley. The feeling of disgust and betaryl was rising threw my throat. How could I do that to Liz? How Could I do that.

Hell if I only Knew what a Huge jackass I would become I wouldnt be so shocked then.

I Had Pleaded with Liz to have faith in Us, To have Faith in me. And being Liz, She did. No matter how much it had Hurt her and I knew It had. She believed in Me.In Our Love.

Too bad I couldnt do the same thing for her.

My heart kept telling me That what i saw was wrong. that there was something more to that then what i saw. Liz wouldnt do that to me. She wouldnt turn her back on our love like that by sleeping with someone she didnt love.

And I was Right. She didnt. My damn pride got in the way and I blocked what my Heart was saying to me.

The Biggest Mistake I ever made.

I Look Up at the balcony that is mocking me. Of good times we had. I remeber Our First kiss there.

I also remember that I broke Her heart for the first time when I took the step back after Michael got sick.

What a Fucking Bastard am I?

I slowly climb the stairs praying that she would see me. Because No matter how Much I Fucked up and I did. I Love Her. I need her to become a better person. A better Leader. After all Dosent this past year say anything to what happens when we are apart?

I finally Reach the top as I climb over. i look around, it remains the same. I dont know what i was expecting. Maybe it was the fact That I really havent spent that much time here anymore.

I walk around at look through her window. No One's Home.

and a Part of me is relieved too. Not that I didnt want to see Liz, I do, It's Just I wasnt Quite Ready to have Liz look at me when I tell her How sorry i am for what i done. i couldnt look into eyes that have nothing but hurt and pain in them.

Put there by her so called Soulmate.

I sit down In the lawn chair in my thoughts almost not seeing the letter On the table next to it.


Liz's handwriting. I grab the evenlope and open. I am curious on what She has to say. But I have a deep feeling in My gut That it isnt going to be good.

Dear Max,

As you are Reading this Note, I have already left Roswell. I don't Know When I will be back. Or even If i will. I Just had to leave, It was killing me slowly each day that passed. I know I should have said this in person, But I couldn't. I couldn't look into your eyes and say this. I would be too chicken, And Max this needs to be said. If there will ever be a chance for us again. So here it is.

The Night You saw me in bed with Kyle, I had recieved a visitor 14 years from the future. He was you Max. Now I know you must be thinking that I am crazy believe me I thought so too. But it was real, he was real.

He told Me that you were coming to play me a song wiht a Marachi bad, and i laughed. I knew you. You didnt like to sing. You wouldnt do something that chessy. but you did.

And i NEVER Loved you more for what you did. It was sweet and Romantic.

So I knew he must be the Real deal. So I believed him. he came back to break us up so we could stop the end of the world. I Know How can a Love like Ours end the world?


She didnt like it so She left and so the Four Square fell apart. by that time Your eniemies were already on earth and the bloodshed began.







My Parents

Your Parents


All died. You didnt know what to do so We came up with this plan, With the help of serena of Course. She's Gonna be a Friend in a few years. So You came here to siy You present you up with Tess. And Guess who had the Glorious Job in helping him?

But I Guess it was all for nothing. Tess betrayed you. Allof us. She killed Alex.

She made love with you. She got the pleasure of having your hands on her, pleasing her. to have you feel her so deep. To have your First Born.

She had what was suppose to be mine.

I Had to Leave Max. I couldnt stay and face you day after day, Looking for the son you made with her. the one You were suppose to make wiht me. So max was it worth it? was she a Great lover? I heard the one Hour Orgasim. I Gues You Got Lucky Then. I mean How could I compete? With that? i couldnt.

I Hate You Max. I Hate You. Arent soulmates supposed to Not hate one another. I Guess that isnt In Our case. but the funny thing is Max, i dont hate you for sleeping with that bitch. I Hate You for turning on me when Alex died.

Oh he was Murdered by an alien after all. Your Fucking Lover. I Hope You know You slept wiht a killer? How does it feel? To Know you Goy Alex's killer Pregnaut?

I turned away as the Tears were burning from my eyes. As The spew rising in my throat. I should stop but i can't. This is Liz after all.

Im sorry Max. This is why i am Leaving. I dont ant to do this! I dont want to hate you? I want to be able to look at you and Not feel sick when i look at you. I want to Love you again. Cuz No matter what i say or what i do. I Do Love you. Funny Huh? I Love you and Hate you at the same time? Life's a Bitch.

So Max. I Hope you find your son. I truly do. I know he is inportant to you. I Hope You find happiness. I do.

So I Guess this is Goodbye.

Thank You For saving my Life, And For Loving me. I will always carry that with me. I Do Hope that we see each other again. And I do Hope we ove each other again.

After all we are Soulmates? Aren't we Not? So Take Care of yourself Max.

I Love You,

Liz Parker

I fold the letter up and I cry. I cry Like a baby. She's gone. Liz is out of My life. What the hell have I done?

WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE? i scream Out in the night. sobs wrack my body as I sink down to the floor. After what seems to be like an eternity. I Get up.

I Knew what I had to do. I Needed to get My life together. I needed to do what Liz wanted me too.

I Have To Let her Go.

As I Climb down the latter, I Look one more time at the window to her bedroom.

I Love You Liz Parker. I always will. For eternity.

Then I go.

Five Years Later......

The day has come.

I still can't believe it. After this long Journey. Im Going Home.

Home as In Antar. Kivar and Nicholas was captured and killed, Setting my planet free . Now I am going home.

I remember the day when I concluded to that fact. That i decided to leave. I Remember That day with such Clearity.

It was the day Liz Parker, Became Liz Havins.

Liz Had gone on to Harvard, To make Her dreams come true. She was Now One of the leading Mioculaer Biologists there in Boston.

I am Happy For her. She deserves the best. Even though it is with someone else. Im Just Glad to see her be happy.

To be the Liz I remember so far ago, before the shooting. She was Happy.

As I pack my belongings up I hear a knock at my window. I turn around and i smile.


I open the window. I am in complete shock.

" Liz?"

" Yeas It's me Max."

" What are you doing here?" I ask. I cant think. My dreamgirl Is standing in front of me. What else was i suppose to say?

" I came to see you. I had to see you. Can i come in?'

" Oh Sure," I help her climb in.

" I see It's still the same."

" Yeah It Is."

" It's Nice to see you again Max." Liz smiles. She takes My Breath away.

" Same here, I Missed you Liz." I say I can't hold back.

" I Know Me too. I Hear your leaving?"

" How You Know?"

" Maria and Isabel called me."

" Go Figure, Now Liz I didnt know..." I was trying to apologise when she cut me off, AsShe planted her sweet lips on Mine. At first im blown away that i am kissing liz parker again after all these tears, But Then I cant Fight it. it has been so Long. So Ever So Long. It dosent matter right Now, that she's Married. or That im leaving. We're together and right now that Is all that matters.

We Make Love all Night, The feeling of Her body against mine as I climax is like a Drug i cant describe as I feel her tighten arond me, I shut My eyes In Esctasy. I pour My semen into her Until i coollapse o her. After a few minutes I feel Im crushing her i roll Over to my side. Only Liz continues to hold onto my Sweat covered body. And I hold Her Close.

" Liz.." I try to speak but words fail me Right now.

" I Didn't Marry him Max. I didnt."

I Look at her, I Look Into Her eyes.

" What?"

" I Knew you were there that day Max, I felt you. And I Knew I Couldnt Marry him."

" Liz!..." I was about to apologise. Once again My presence has Messd up her life.

" Max don't! It wasnt Your Fault. it was Mine, I Never should have Agreed to Marry him, When I Still Loved You."

" Liz I dont Know what to say.."

" Say You Love Me. Please Say You Love me."

" You Didnt Have to ask! I Have always Loved You Liz Parker" I say Before taking her lips again. we spent the mourning making Love, hell we Made love till Our Bodies wore out. We Collapsed into each others arms, the covers were thrown off the bed by now, as We lay thier completely bude as I hold her in My arms.

" Im Sorry about Your son, Max. I Truly am." Liz answeres as she snuggles into My arms.

" I Know He's safe. And He's Loved. That was all i cared about. Plus He's with Alex. Who could watch Out for him beter?" I say as I look Up at the ceiling.

" Liz?"

" Yes?"

" Im Not Leaving you and Our baby. I Hope you know that Right?"

Liz sets up quick." Baby?'

" Yeah.. Were going to have a baby. I felt him when we concived him." I say Looking int her eyes as tears were sliding down her face.

I Tilt her Head and Look at her. " You Okay?"

She smiles.

And I Knew. I Couldnt Let her Go.

The End