I Want You to Want Me (AU,M/L, ADULT) Pt 22 - 06/25/04 [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ps_dreamer »

Part 20

The weather is turning cold again.

That means the start of winter is here.

The start of winter means…that’s right folks (insert exciting drum roll here)…the Father’s camping weekend!

Yes, it’s that time of the year again.

I’m *so* excited!


Mosquitoes, pit toilets, and animal droppings. Oh yeah, I’m totally up for it. (can ya hear the sarcasm?)


At first, I had everything planned. I was going to pretend to forget about the weekend, not mentioning anything about it so maybe my dad would forget about it too.

Well, hun. No such luck.

The other day my dad came into my room and started this whole conversation about how I’ve been so busy with school and new friends that we didn’t get a chance to talk. You know the whole guilt thing. That I didn’t have time for him anymore…but (there’s always a but somewhere) we could make up for it this weekend.

Bah! All too predictable!

But…I fell for it anyway.


I know I’m so weak.

So I said that not many people would actually go because they’ve outgrown it. Then my dad did this sad look and said dejectedly, ‘is that how you feel?’ Ack! I felt so bad! I knew that I haven’t spent time with him as much anymore and I still do feel, somewhat guilty about it. But that statement just stomped the fact I was still his little girl so I should spend more time with him. And then, I kind of agreed to go with him.

Okay, so daughters do fall for Father’s tactics too.

But I didn’t say ‘yes’ coz only of that. I also said it for my own peace of mind. The father’s camping weekend has been a tradition for all Roswellian families to follow, ever since before I was born. This year too. It’s inevitable. Like it or not, I have to go. I just hope that I’ll be able to sweet-talk Maria into coming with me again. This girl really needs company.

“Maria?” I approach my best friend (who’s happily flipping through a copy of Cosmo on our usual lunch table) cautiously. Wouldn’t want to scare her off, would I?

“Yeah?” Maria continues to scan through the articles.

“So…do have plans this weekend?”

“No, why?” Maria answers uninterestedly.

“Well…I really need company with weekend Maria. You know it’s the-”

“Oh! The father’s camping weekend!” She puts her magazine down and focuses her attention on me.

“Yes! So would you come with me?” I give her my best pleading smile.

Maria’s face deep in thoughts. Her index finger taps on her chin pensively. She seems to be pondering.

Yes…this is a good sign.


“What?” I ask incredulously. “You can’t do this to me Maria! You’re my best friend! You have to come with me.”


“I need my best friend there please? Who would keep me company? Please? Please?”


“Maria, I am begging you for mercy. Please come with me.”

“Dude, I told you, my idea of the great outdoors is rolling the windows down in my car on the way to the mall. Come on, I love your dad. You love your dad.”

“Yes, I do. I love him, but, like, in the normal father role. Which is like 5 minutes at a time, just a few times a day...not for an entire weekend with no TV.”

“Yeah. I've always found fathers grossly overrated myself,” she replies dryly.

“And, you know, he has been getting so nosy lately. It's like he wants to know like every single detail of my life. He even asks about Max.”

“Oh you poor thing…but the answer’s still no.”

Okay. She has officially forced me to do the most sinful thing on earth.


“I'll pay you.”

“How much?” Maria’s eyebrows raise in question.

“25 bucks.”


WHAT? $100? Has she lost her mind? Half of that’ll do.

“Uh, $50.”



“How do you do that math so quickly?!” She stares at me, eyes wide in amazement. Apparently, she forgot about my calculator-like ability.

“Ok, $62.50 and then I'll do your math homework for an entire week.”

So bargain’s what I’m good at.

“You're good,” Maria gives me one of her happy Cheshire Cat grin as I hand her the money from my purse. “Hey, is lover boy going with his pop too or what?”

Loverboy = Max.


“Hmmm,” I say with a dreamy smile. The memory of my first date with Max comes rushing back to me, filling me with the warm, fuzzy feeling again. Ahhh. Such an unforgettable night…

“Hello? Earth to Lizzie!”


“You can travel to Max-land later. So Max’s not going? Is that why you asked me?”

“Umm…I don’t know,” I answer her, distractedly.

Why distracted?

Well, you would be too if you’ve received all the stares and glares I’ve received today…the exact same ones that I’m receiving now.

What stares? What glares?

Well, let me explain. The minute the news about Max and I as a couple got out, people have been giving me these “looks.” Especially girls who are in the (Unofficial) Max Evans Fan Club. What? You’re surprised that he has a fan club? Don’t be! I’m not. I mean, with those soulful eyes, cute ears, killer smile, great body and charming personality…it’s perfectly normal for him to have adoring fans.

I think it would be abnormal if he doesn’t have any admirers.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the “looks.” So, um, some of these girls think of me as their mortal enemy now. Someone that needs to be wiped out of the face of the earth right away. Yah. Scary, I know. They really creep me out. But then, there are some girls who think of me as their idol, as someone who’s been blessed by God to get a chance to be with Max. The Max Evans. They all ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s over Max and I. Totally frustrating. And these girls have psychotic stalker syndrome. Very annoying! This one girl even got the nerve to ask me if he has a mole on his butt or not!

ARGGHHHHHHHH!!! (pulls hair out in frustration!)


Sorry about that. Just letting all the anger out. I mean, how dare she? Grrr…

Anyhow, so that’s why I’m receiving all these stares and glares. Max’s fans have been watching my every move. It makes me feel very self-conscious and uncomfortable. Please, somebody save me…

I look up to see my personal favorite prince charming comes strolling towards me, parting through the sea of students…saving me.

Seeing him immediately makes my foul mood turns pleasant.

I smile brightly as he comes to sit by me. “Hey,” I greet him.

“Hi,” he leans over to quickly kiss me on the lips. He turns to greet Maria, “Hi Maria.”

“Hey lover boy.” Grinning at Max’s discomfort at being called ‘lover boy,’ she continues, “Sooo…are you going to the Father’s camping trip this weekend?”

“Afraid so. No way my dad’s letting me out of this.”

“What about Michael? Is he going with you?”

“Umm…no I don’t think so. It’s not his kind of thing. He’ll probably spend the weekend watching hockey games in his apartment.”

Did I forget to mention about Michael being an emancipated minor? Well, Michael used to live with his foster dad, Hank Guerin, for as long as I can remember. Last year, Hank’s corpse was found in the desert. The town speculated that it was some sort of accident and nobody thought more of it. Ever since Hank’s death, Mr. Evans helped Michael to become emancipated. Now, he has his own apartment and lives alone.

Maria’s face falls, then brightens up again. I can practically see the wheels in Ms. ‘Evil Scheme’ DeLuca’s head turning.. Hmm…I guess she has come up with a plan to get Michael to go with her…with us to the Father’s camping weekend.

The bell rings, signaling the imminent start of the afternoon classes. We pick up our things and walk towards our class. Maria, to her P.E. class. Max and I, hand in hand, to our Biology class.

Ignoring the stares/glares from the student body, my mind wonders to the up-coming weekend and all the possibilities.

This weekend…I don’t know if it’d be hell or heaven. What I do know is that Max is going with me. And that would make the trip fun already! Well…except both of our fathers are going to be there too…that’ll cramp up the ‘fun.’ Alex and Maria are definitely going to be there. Isabel, for sure coz Max is going. Maybe Kyle too...and Serena…and Sean?

Well, whoever’s going…I know this weekend’s going to be a very interesting one. I can feel it in my bones- the tingling feeling of anticipation. Whatever happens…I’ll be ready for it.

Frazier Woods…here I come!

"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ps_dreamer »

Part 21


Remember how I said that the trip was going to be very interesting?

Scratch that.

That was like, the understatement of the year.

Right now, I’m on a bus on my way to Frazier Woods, sitting between my dad and Max. They’re having a heated discussion about football. Unbelievable huh? Thought so too. At first, my dad was trying to start this ‘get to know my daughter’s boyfriend’ routine with Max. Then somehow the name of some football player came up (don’t ask me, I don’t know who. Didn’t I tell you I’m not interested in sports?)…then…WHOOSH! It was the conversational equivalent of a match to tinder! From that moment on until now (which is…about an hour later), they’ve become pretty buddy-buddy. I don’t know if I should be happy about this development or not. Should I? Hmm.

Behind us are Maria and Michael…who eventually decided to come along. It seems like our Maria used her Deluca charm to get her own way again. Doing what, I don’t dare ask. If Maria’s suggestive and mischievous smile means anything at all…I don’t even want to know! Right now, they’re trying to make out without being noticed by the rest of us. Very amusing to see. Good luck on that! (when has my best friend become a make-out addict?)

In front of the bus, I see Sean, Kyle and Alex are fighting for Serena’s attention by giving her a guided of the passing scenery. I can see Sean shooting eye daggers at Alex and Kyle. Interesting! Maybe a romance is budding under my nose! I need to talk to Maria about this.

And then, there’s the Ice Queen. Isabel’s sitting in a corner, quietly reading her magazines. But every now and then I can see her glaring at us, the lowly people.

Finally, after the long (it wasn’t that long, but it felt so much longer since my dad and Max are talking over me like I don’t exist. Hhmmpff. MEN!!!) bus ride, we arrive at Frazier woods, near the Indian reservation. We get out and retrieve our bags. I notice Michael and Maria’s antsy attitude...looking every bit like sexually frustrated teenagers. Trust me. I know a sexual frustrated teen when I see one. And I happen to see two. They probably can’t wait to be alone.

We spend the next couple of hours putting up the tents and preparing for dinner. Before I know it, it’s nightfall and the woods seem so much more dangerous in the eerie darkness. The cold air doesn’t help either. It only fuels that spine-chilling feeling. Especially when I’m sitting by the fire with the small kids, listening Kyle tells his scary stories. Maria ran off with Michael a long time ago. Alex, Serena and Sean…I don’t know where they are.

“That summer, they found 5 cows, all of them mutilated with surgical precision on Haddie Wexler's farm.” Kyle looks at the kids menacingly. “When she died 2 months later they did an autopsy, and sure enough, they found perfectly bored holes in her skull…” Kyle pauses, glancing around evilly, then continues with his tale, “…just where she claims the aliens made them when they abducted her that night. That skull is now buried deep somewhere within area 51.”

“Whoa!” come the boys respond in awe. The girls shriek loudly.

I inwardly roll my eyes. This is scary? Puh-leese.


I’m bored!

Where’s Max when I need him?

“Hey Liz.” Max greets me warmly with a kiss on my cheek, then sits next to me.

“Hey,” I smile back.

I swear, this guy can read my mind! Sometimes I wonder if he’s an alien from outer space with the ability to mind-read.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Hmm…listening to Kyle’s supposingly scary stories…” Okay, I admit. His close proximity always has this effect on me. Hearing his sexy voice makes my stomach feel funny. Good funny. Not the retching kind. “What about you? Where were you?”

“Hmm…playing poker with the dads…” He absently toys with my French braid. Looking at him makes me wonder if I’m affecting him too? Is he feeling the same things as I am?

“Yeah? Did you win?”

“I won four times.”

“Only four?”

“Yeah, your dad beat me…which is probably a good thing. Since I’m dating his daughter and everything.” He smiles good-naturedly.

“Hmm…wouldn’t want him to come after you with a shot gun would we?” I tease back. Max traces his finger on the side of my neck. I shiver.

“Are you cold Liz?” Max asks in concern. He put his arms around me, rubbing my arms to create friction.

“Yeah…just a little bit.”

“Come on,” Max stands up and pulls me with him. “Let’s take a walk…I’ll keep you warm.”

I stare at him.

Did he…?

Did Max just…?

Do my ears deceive me or was he suggesting something?

“Are you coming?” Max asks, his eyes gentle.

“Yeah.” Hell with that! Whether Max was implying…you know (not YOU KNOW, but you know)…or not, I don’t care. I trust Max. And well, I trust that he’ll be a perfect gentleman. Not too perfect though. (insert giggle here)

We walk with his arm slung across my shoulders, towards the forests- where it’s quieter and more peaceful. After a good, comfortable ten-minutes walk, Max turns to me. “Are you still cold?”

From the way he’s holding me in warm bear hug…no. From the way he’s looking at me with his hot intense gaze…I’m far from cold. But I answer yes anyway, then I add, “and you what would make me warm?”



Holy Moley!!! I didn’t just say that!!! Oh Lord, I did!!! Somebody help me!!! Liz Parker is being possessed by some outspoken alien who has no filter between its brain and its mouth. Help meeee!!!

At Max’s slightly surprise face, I guess he wasn’t expecting me to say that. Well, me neither!!!

After the shock wore off, he smiles and he looks sexier (is that even possible?). His eyes droop, his gaze is focusing somewhere on my chin. “Well, if you put it that way…then I have to keep you warm. Otherwise I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend…” His voice at the end of that sentence drops about an octave lower.

Slowly, he leans down to kiss me. If his goal were to make me warm, I say he has reached his goal and beyond! The moment our lips fuse together, the internal fire in my body explodes, making my blood boil. I open my mouth in a simple invitation, which Max heartily accepts. He pulls me closer as I slide my hands up his muscular arms, shoulders and hook them behind his neck. Our tongues duel in a heated battle. I don’t have much experience with kissing. But I have to say that Max is a great kisser.

Distantly, I hear some sort of wailing sound…moaning? And NO, before you even think it. It’s not my moaning. It’s not even Max’s. All those ghost stories that Kyle told me come rushing back to my memory. I reluctantly pull out from the passionate kiss and grip Max’s arm tightly. I look around fearfully. “Did you hear that Max?”

“Hear what?”


The sound rings out again. This time follows by a rustling noise. I cautiously walk towards the source.

Wanna know what I see? Or who?

It’s Michael and Maria making out in the bushes again!


I watch in amusement as they quickly pull apart, composing themselves.

“Gosh, what’s with you guys and the bushes?” That earned me death glares from both of them.

“What’s with you and interrupting us?” She shoots back.

“Well, it’s not my problem that you’re so loud.”

Maria sends me another death glare before asking, “So what are you lovebirds doing here?”

“Just taking a walk,” Max answers.

“Yeah,” Michael snorts. “Some walk.”

Before I could argue back, I hear Kyle’s voice.

“Yo guys!” Kyle, Sean and Serena appear out of nowhere. “Hey are you guys interested in going with us?”

“Going where?” Maria asks.

“Well,” Serena says enthusiastically, “we’re going exploring the Indian reservation.”

“Yeah!” Sean adds, “and you know that rumor about UFO sighting last year? We’re going to go check it out. Maybe we’ll find ourselves a little green man or two.”

See, last year…when I was still a Sophomore. There was a rumor about a UFO sighting near the American Indian reservation. Milton, a guy that owns the UFO center (opposite of the Crashdown) said he saw an ‘extraordinary flash.’ Nobody believes him though because that man is known to be a UFO nut.

“Come on Liz! Maria! It’ll be fun!” Serena exclaims excitedly.

I look at Max. He shrugs. So I say, “Okay, we’re in.”

“Yey! What about you Maria?”

“Sure why not. We’re going too.”

“Like hell. I’m not going.” Michael roars. “Stupid aliens. Who’d believe in it anyway?”

“Come on Michael, have some spirit,” says Sean. “We’re in Roswell. Home of aliens, remember?”

“Come with me Michael? Please?” Maria turns on her Deluca charm and as expected, it works.

“Okay…” Michael relents. “But we’re not doing anything weird, got it?”

“Got it!” Maria squeals.

Kyle tosses a flashlight to Michael. “Here you take this.” With that, we set off on our adventure- a trip to the Indian Reservation. About 20 minutes later, Kyle stops, which causes us to stop. He looks at the map in his hands, looking confused.

“What’s wrong Kyle?” Serena asks the leader of this operation.

“Um…I think we were here already. I remember that pine tree,” Kyle points to the tree 3 meters away.

“Let me see,” Sean takes over. “Let’s go this away.”

We follow Sean. Five minutes later, we end up at the place we started. I remember the pine tree that Kyle pointed out.

I say one thing that’s on my mind.

“Umm…guys…I think we’re lost.”

"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Post by ps_dreamer »

Part 22

The last part of that statement echoes throughout the forest like a broken record.

We’re lost. We’re lost.

We’re lost…lost…lost...lost…lost.

After my announcement, everyone is silent. It’s so quiet that it’s unnerving. It seems like they are still in shock.


“What?” Maria screeches. “We’re lost?”

“Let me see,” Michael grabs the map from Sean. “Maxwell, come here.” Together, they lead the way. Another 5 minutes pass by and we, once again, end up where we started.

“That tree again!” Kyle accuses an innocent pine tree. “We going around in circles!”

“Let me see,” Maria snatches the map from her boyfriend, muttering, “And they say men have a better sense of direction than women. What a load of nonsense! I’ll show them what women are capable of!”

This time, Maria leads the way. After a couple of left and right turns, we reach our destination. The Indian Reservation is situated near a small, placid lake. From where I’m standing, I can see many cottages scattered around the area, indicating inhabitants. The lake is on my right side and the site on the left, in front of a cave.

“We’re here!” Maria shouts in happiness. The guys just stand frozen in place, mouths wide open, gaping at Maria’s unexpected ability. That’s my girl! I’m so proud of her. (wipes away a tear) All grown up.

Suddenly, all four guys speak at once.



“That’s impossible!”


Maria steps towards the guys, reaches out her hand and closes their open mouths, one by one. “Stop gawking. I know I’m good. Now come on, move! Are we still going to the cave or what?”

Slowly, the guys trudge after Maria. I walk alongside Max. Poor baby. I think Maria just bruised his male ego. It’s okay. I rub his back softly, conveying my deepest sympathy. I know how men value their egos.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the site.

“So here we are!” Maria announces. I have no idea when exactly she became the tour guide here. But we finally got here. I guess it’s all that matters. Beats getting lost in the woods. “The so called ‘UFO site’ is up there on that slope.” She points upwards.

“This is so cool!” Serena says in awe. She unintentionally grabs the nearest hand, which happens to be Kyle’s, and pulls him up the slope excitedly. I can see Sean glaring at Kyle, his face turning red as he follows closely behind the couple. Probably doesn’t want Serena to be alone with Kyle. Interesting! Very interesting!

Then as the others start to walk up the small hill, Maria stops me from following the group. “Hey Liz. Look. Who’s that?” She points out a dark figure, standing among the trees.

“Hmm…I don’t know,” I reply. Curiosity gets the better of us (as always), and we both walk towards the figure to get a closer look.

Maria squints her eyes, trying to see in the black darkness. “That’s Alex! Come on, let’s go see what he’s doing.”

Being the two little devils we are, we quietly sneak up behind him, hoping to scare the crap out of the poor guy. “Hey Alex!” We chirp in unison.

“Oh geez! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Alex clutches his chest in a very dramatic pose (Well, to me at least. Hmm…must be Maria rubbing off on him.). From the way he spun around, I think he’s going to have whiplash. The look on his face is just too funny. I start to giggle, which in turn causes Maria to burst out laughing, too.

“What are you guys doing here?” he demands in a loud whisper.

“Well, we’re here to see the rumored UFO site. What are YOU doing here?” I question. This has me curious. What is Alex doing here in the middle of the woods alone? And why the heck is he whispering?

“Yeah, what are you doing here?” Maria whispers.

“Alex, why are you whispering? Maria, why are you whispering too?” Damn! I realize that I just whispered too. “And why am I whispering?” I mutter.

“Well, Liz,” Maria continues her whispering. “I think your whispering might be caused by the lack of-”

“THAT,” I cut Maria off, “was a hypothetical question.”


“So you didn’t answer me yet Alex. What are you doing here alone? And why are you whispering?” Damn! I am STILL whispering! What’s wrong with me?

“Umm…well, I…uhh…”

“This doesn’t have to do with a certain someone does it?” Please don’t let this be about Isabel. Please don’t let this be about Isabel. Please, please, please! Alex’s reckless accusations were bad enough. I hope my instincts are wrong. I do hope so…

“Oh look!” Maria says in surprise. “Isn’t that Isabel over there?”

With that one sentence, Maria tears away my last shred of hope.

No kidding. It’s the Ice Queen herself and she’s not too far away from us. Apparently, she’s stargazing in the middle of the woods alone. I glance at Alex. He averts his eyes guiltily.


Alex and Isabel?

Is there a connection? Why does he look so guilty?


Is he doing what I think he’s doing?

I hope not! Please no…

But I think he is…

And my instincts were right. Alex’s sheepish expression confirms it. I should’ve known. I should! There were signs! The way Alex’s eyes shone that day at the hospital…I knew he wouldn’t drop the subject. And somehow, he’s taking the matter to his own, incapable hands. Damn him!

I pull Alex by his arm and hiss, “You were spying on Isabel! I knew it!”

“I was not,” he protests. But his facial expression says otherwise.

“Omigosh! Alex! You were spying on Isabel?” Maria shrieks.

Uh-oh. She said that a little bit too loudly.

No, scratch that. She said it way too loudly!

“Maria!” I clamp my hand over her mouth, preventing her from saying anything else. I love Maria. I really do. But sometimes, I swear this girl doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘tact’. I don’t think she’s ever heard of volume control either.

Before we can sneak off, we hear a menacing voice behind us, “You were spying on me?”

Oh crap.

The voice belongs to no other than her majesty the Ice Queen herself. Isabel’s hands are on her hips, and she looks furious. She’s pissed. Really pissed.

We, the three musketeers, just freeze in our places, mouths agape, not knowing what to do…except wait for the inevitable blow. Some musketeers we are.

This is not good.


Not at all.

"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle