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Dreaming In Purple
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Post by Dreaming In Purple »


Island Girl My Fantasy Series

Author: Tuesday aka Dreaming In Purple

Max and Liz, AU No Aliens (lots of pirates though :D) ADULT

Disclaimer: I don't own roswell or it's characters.

Summary: Lizzie finds a pirate on the beach and decides to keep him.

A/N: Ok this story has two purposes: 1) I am sick of being a fanfic virgin, so i'm poppin the cherry. 2) I have these fantasies that keep recurring in my mind over and over and now that I'm addicted to Roswell the people in them have taken on the faces of the characters from the show. Some of them anyway. So I decided to put them down in digital print to get them outta me head and into yours. Nice of me huh. :twisted: lol I think there will be at least 3 stories in the series, and all will be nookiefied.

Dedicated to my kickass beta and writing partner Steph (aka Strawbehrry Shortcake) and Nookie inspiring sweet girl Katie (aka StrawberryShortcake 17). Yall make writing and reading fic a whole lotta fun.

Also I am still working on When She's With You. I will never quit on my baby. I just know it will take forever to get them to a point where they'll all be together, coughhavesexcough, so I had to find a way to release all the sexual frustration they give me. :oops: :twisted: So now you know why we're here. Have fun:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 1
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lizzie peeked out from the tree line, watching as the strange men rowed their boat to shore. The ship they’d come from sat off the far side of the reef, guarding the cove like a huge beast waiting to pounce. Fear prickled her skin as she watched the men with their knives and scowling faces make their way closer and closer to her beach. If not for her overwhelming curiosity, she’d have run away long ago.

She gasped when the boat landed, and two men got out, dragging a man that was tied and gagged to shore. He struggled against them and yelled behind his gag, but it was useless. They dropped him in a heap in the sand, then hopped back in their boat, making their way back to the menacing ship.

Soon the ship was sailing away, leaving the man behind, tied and helpless. She watched as he struggled to be free of his bonds. Curiosity was eating her alive.

Taking tentative steps from behind the palm, Lizzie inched her way toward him. He must have heard her footsteps, because he turned to her with surprised eyes when he realized he wasn’t alone.

Lizzie’s first instinct was to run, to go back to her village and tell her father of the strange man that had been cast on their beach, but as she looked upon him her fear melted away. He wasn’t scary, he was beautiful. She’d never seen a man like him up close before.

Her eyes ran over him, noting the differences between them. His dark hair was the same as hers, but even though he was tanned, his skin was so pale. Her gaze wandered over his exposed skin as she admired his muscular chest beneath his white linen shirt. She could see he was tall, his long legs covered in soft black pants that were tucked neatly into his boots.

Squinting from the sunlight, he blinked up at her through the mess of hair that had fallen over his eyes. Her curiosity finally winning out, Lizzie knelt before him, blocking the light, and with tentative fingers, she swept the hair from his face.

She gasped when she saw his eyes clearly. They were so light, not dark like hers or anyone she’d ever known. Her eyes roamed over his face, noticing the hair that dusted his chin and lip. None of the men in her village had hair on their faces. What must if feel like?

Biting her lip and glancing up into his eyes again, Lizzie reached out with one finger and touched the soft hair of his goatee. It tickled, but was soft. She giggled when he tried to speak with the gag still in his mouth. He sighed and raised an eyebrow at her.

She knew he wanted her to remove the gag, but she wasn’t so sure it was a good idea to loose him from his bonds yet. But he wasn’t dangerous with just his gag removed, so she slid the rag away from his mouth, and sat back, waiting to see what he’d say.

“Thank you. I thought you’d never take that out.”

His deep accented voice rumbled over her, making her giggle again. She had absolutely no idea what he’d just said, but she loved hearing him say it. She smiled down at him, admiring his handsome features. Tilting her head to the side, she ran her fingers over his eyebrows, and nose. He was so different from the men of her village, and so handsome.

“Are you going to untie me, little one?”

She watched his lips move as he spoke, wondering if they would be as soft as Kalani’s. Kalani had kissed her when they went to the waterfall, would this man’s kisses be as soft as his? While she contemplated this, her fingertips traced his lips. She was surprised when he kissed them when she began to pull away.

Lizzie blinked down at him, not really sure what to do. She couldn’t just leave him here, he’d die in the sun and the birds would peck at him, but she couldn’t untie him, because he was a stranger and… well… because… she didn’t really know why she couldn’t untie him, but the amused smirk on his face made her think she may be better off leaving him to the birds.

“You have me at your mercy, little one. So what are you going to do with me?”

He watched her trying to decide whether or not to untie him, and couldn’t hide the smile she provoked. She was beautiful and innocent, but obviously knew he wasn’t to be trusted, or she would have set him free by now.

She was a petite little thing with beautiful, long, dark hair. She wore only a bit of red material wrapped around her breasts, that tied behind her neck and a matching red sarong. Her skin was darkly tanned and shone in the sunlight. Her and exotic features made her extremely alluring. She was like a little angel created just to rescue hapless sailors like him.

He smiled at that idea, and struggled to a sitting position. Now eye to eye with her, he found her even more beautiful as he stared into her almond shaped brown eyes.

“I’m Max.”

She eyed him warily for a moment, then smiled at him shyly. He looked at her intently, trying to get her to understand.


She just tilted her head and looked at him curiously, her attention drawn away from what he was saying when she caught sight of a sparkle of gold in his left ear. She reached for it, and tugged on it.

“Ow! That’s attached you know!” he said shaking off her probing fingers.

She sat back, looking at him perplexed. She was only trying to get the shiny thing out of his hair. She looked at his frowning face and returned it with a frown of her own. Fine she’d just leave him there then!

She got up with a huff and started making her way back to her fruit gathering. What did she care if he got eaten by hungry crabs and pesky birds.

“Wait! Where are you going? You’re just going to leave me here like this?”

She ignored him and kept walking.


She stopped at the change in his voice, and turned to look at him. He sat there, kneeling in the sand, looking totally helpless and dangerous all at the same time. She sighed and went back to untie him. She couldn’t just leave him out here.

As soon as she’d freed him from his bondage, he jumped up and began hooping and hollering while kicking up his heels, yelling, “I’m rich! I’m rich!”

Lizzie watched the man dancing around, thinking he was totally crazy. This must be why those men had tied him up and left him here. She would have too, if he acted like this all the time.

She was just about to dash off into the trees when he grabbed her up and twirled her around causing her to giggle.

“You are my savior, little one! Thank you!”

He finally let her slide to the ground, but didn’t let her go.

“You, my little angel, are my good luck charm.” He smiled down at her, his light eyes sparkling. The next thing she knew he kissed her.

At first she stiffened, but the soft caress of his lips melted her resistance. Just as she was about to return his kiss he pulled away from her, merrily making his way toward the trees.

Lizzie looked after him, dazed. Her fingers touching her lips as she remembered the feel of his beard tickling her skin. A blush colored her cheeks and she giggled, his kisses were definitely softer than Kalani’s.

Coming out for her daze, she realized he’d wandered into the jungle. If he ran across anyone from her village they’d kill him. She had to hide him before her father found out he was here, or the crazy beautiful man would be dead.

Last edited by Dreaming In Purple on Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:05 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Dreaming In Purple
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Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Part 2

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

Here is part 2 already. I have maybe one more part completed, but it's not ready for posting yet.

Thanks for all the feedback. You guys are the bestest. Yall sure have a lot of questions about Max's craziness, though. All I can say is that to him he seems perfectly sane. But to Lizzie, he's nuts off his rocker. lol Really cute though. lol

Well the big deed is moving ever closer. I'm having the hardest time writing it. I blush like a christmas light bulb sometimes. Steph just shakes her head at me. But I'm determind to write it, embarrassment or no.

Please let me know what yall think. Okie dokie? Alrighty then on with the ficage:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lizzie ran after him, trying to stop him from getting himself killed.

“No! Don’t go that way! They’ll see you!”

She pulled on his arm, trying to get him off the path that led to her village, and began pulling him toward the waterfall. She could hide him in her cave until she figured out what to do with him.

“Oh, so you do speak. I thought you were a mute angel.” He teased her, but realized his efforts to amuse may as well have fallen upon deaf ears. She couldn’t understand him any more than he could her. But it was obvious that she didn’t want him to go that way.

He followed her gaze as she took surreptitious glances back down the path. He wondered what had her so worried, but allowed himself to be led through the thin jungle. It wasn’t long before the sound of rushing water could be heard.

She led the way through a thick copes of leaves and ivy. He was amazed by what he saw once they broke through the natural barrier of branches and vines.

A dazzling pool of clear, fresh water lay before him, fed by a heavy cascading waterfall. It was completely hidden by the thick canopy around them. Max was amazed at how beautiful it was. This hidden cove was the perfect sanctuary.

His angel pulled him to the edge of the pool, then with a smile she dove in, surfacing a few feet away. She motioned for him to join her.


He looked at her dubiously for a moment, then down in to the clear water.

“What are you planning, little one?”

When he hesitated, she giggled and splashed water at him.

“You aren’t afraid of a little water are you?”

He didn’t understand what she’d said, but got the distinct feeling she was mocking him. He glared at her playfully, and then dove in, surfacing next to her. No one ever accused Captain Max Evans of running from a challenge. Bobbing in the water next to her, he waited to see what she’d do next.

Lizzie smiled when he dove in with her. She liked him, he was crazy and handsome, and his kiss had made her want another. She’d take him to her hiding place and keep him safe from the men of her village, and maybe she’d let him kiss her again.

She waded toward the falls, gesturing for him to follow her. He looked puzzled, but followed. When they reached the rocks next to the falls Lizzie pointed down, trying to tell him they needed to dive under. When he nodded his understanding, she dove down under the water and made her way to the opening she knew was there a few feet below.

When she found it she looked back to make sure he was ok, then swam into the dark hole. She surfaced moments later in a small dark cavern that had been hidden beneath the falls for centuries. A few seconds later he surfaced next to her.

As far as she knew, she was the only person to ever find the opening in the rocks. The cavern had a ledge and small alcove that sat above the water level, and at the far end of the cavern an opening in the rocks that was covered with heavy vegetation, lead out to the top of the falls. If they removed some of the foliage, sunlight would shine in enough to make everything easily visible. She pulled herself out of the water onto the ledge and motioned for him to do the same.

Max lifted himself onto the ledge and looked around the cave she’d brought him to. The cave was dark, but light seeped in from the far side of the small cavern. The ceiling was just high enough that he could stand, but would hit his head if he was a few inches taller. There was a small niche in the wall where a woven mat and a few small bowls rested. A ring of stones sat to the side of the ledge. There were blackened burn marks around it, showing that it had been used for small fires.

His little angel unrolled the mat and motioned for him to sit. He sat down obediently, wondering why she brought him here.

“Is this were you live, little one?”

She frowned not understanding what he was saying. Shaking her head with a sigh, she dismissed the nonsense that was coming out of his mouth and offered him some of the dried meat she had stashed here.

“Are you hungry?”

Max looked at the food she offered and took a small piece, sniffing it. He licked it a little and smiled as he recognized the salty flavor of pork.

She smiled at his odd behavior. Were all the men where he came from as crazy as him?

“Thank you, little one? I have not had a good meal in weeks.”

He looked at her and decided to give introductions another try.

“My name is Max. What do they call you?”

She just looked at him curiously but didn’t reply. He pointed to himself and tried again.

“I’m Max. Max. What’s your name?”

Comprehension dawned in her eyes and she repeated “Max.”

“Yes! I’m Max, and you are…?” he asked pointing to her.


He smiled triumphantly. Finally they were communicating.


Her smile brightened when he said her name.

“Is this where you live, Lizzie?”

He motioned around the cave, and then at her, trying to explain. She only frowned and looked at him curiously again. With a sigh, she got up and went to the edge of the water, lowering herself in.

“Wait! Where are you going?”

He rose up to go after her, but she raised a hand to get him to stay.

“ Max. You must stay here. I will return soon, but you must stay here. My people will kill you if they find you.”

She tried to make him understand, but all she could do was hope he would stay put until she came back.

Max sat back and watched her slip under the water. Alone, he looked around again at his predicament.

‘Well this is interesting; I get marooned by my crew, and held hostage by a cute little island girl in an underwater cave. Can’t say life isn’t interesting, Maxwell.’

He chuckled to himself, and got up to explore his new surroundings. The ledge was wide enough for him to walk on without fear of falling in the water. He followed it to the source of the light at the far end of the cavern.

There was a large crack between the rocks that was covered with heavy vines and debris. He pulled some of the dead leaves and branches from the hole and tried to see to the other side. The space in the rock went up the cliff side. This was something that definitely needed to be explored. He pulled more of the vines and debris from the hole making a space large enough for him to crawl through. He was going to climb in the hole he’d just made, when Lizzie surfaced from the water and called out for him.


Lizzie looked over the ledge and didn’t see Max. She set the basket of fruit and small bag she’d brought with her on the ledge, and called out for him. She hoped he hadn’t left and wandered off into the jungle alone.

She was pulling herself out of the water when large hands wrapped around her waist, easily lifting her onto solid ground.

She looked up into Max’s light brown eyes and her knees gave out. She would have fallen back into the water had he not been holding her steady and pulled her closer.

“Are you ok, little one? We can’t have you falling and hurting yourself, then who’d rescue me?”

Her eyes fell to his lips as he spoke. She didn’t understand what he’d said, but his soft tone sent shivers over her skin.

“You are shivering, let’s get a fire going to warm us.”

Keeping an arm around her, Max helped Lizzie sit on the mat, then went to get some of the debris and leaves he’d pulled out earlier. She watched him as he prepared everything for a fire then looked around frustrated. She grabbed the small bag she’d brought back with her and went to help him.

She stilled his hands and opened the bag revealing two flint rocks. Max laughed and watched as she gathered a small pile of dried leaves and quickly struck them alit. She fanned the spark and soon it grew. Within a few moments the whole pile of debris was aflame, shedding warmth and light on them both. She smiled at him, pride shining in her eyes.

“I always did love a well prepared woman.”

They moved over to the mat and settled down in front of the fire. Lizzie smiled shyly at her beautiful man and looked away unsure of what to do with him. He couldn’t go running about the island, because sooner or later someone would see him, and they’d all come and hunt down the stranger. Her father had told her many times to stay away from the men that came in boats. He said they were evil, and would take her away on one of their ships, and she’d never be seen again.

She stole a glance at Max, he was sitting next to her staring silently into the fire. He wasn’t evil. He was strange, that was for sure, but not evil. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt her would he?

She noticed his wet clothing clung to his skin and worried he’d grow ill if he didn’t get those wet things off. She reached for his shirt, pulling at it to get him to let her take it off.

Max jumped when he felt her small hands tugging at him. He looked at her surprised, then he realized she was trying to get him to take his wet shirt off. He obliged and let her pull the soaked material from his shoulders. She took it and spread it out next to the fire to dry, then turned back to him, reaching for his boots.

He smiled when she looked at his booted foot curiously, fingering the thick leather. He took the boot off himself and turned it up to let the water that had pooled in it spill out.

Her eyes widened when he handed it to her to examine. She stuck her hand inside, feeling the icky wetness. Something else was in there too, she pulled it out to reveal a folded piece of oiled parchment. Max snatched it away from her with a tsk and tucked into his pants pocket.

She raised an eyebrow at that, but chalked it up as just another oddity about her strange man. She reached for his other boot, following his example and tugged it off his foot. She set the boots next to the fire to dry also.

When she tugged on his pants, Max’s eyes widened, and he stopped her. ‘What is she doing? She’ll have me sitting here naked as a Jay bird!’

When she looked at him questioningly and motioned to the other clothing she’d spread out to dry, he knew she was right. He needed to get out of these wet clothes before he caught a chill. He finally nodded, and with pink cheeks he rose to undo the ties of his pants.

When they were loose, Lizzie tugged the wet pants down his legs and helped him step out of them. She looked up at the beautiful naked man before her and her heart hammered. A deep blush stained her skin and she looked away, embarrassment shaming her.

She had never seen a man naked before. His lean muscular body was a sight to behold with his manhood raising proudly before her. The image of him burned itself into her mind. Desire to touch him welled in her, and it took all her effort for her not to stare. To distract herself, she turned her back to him and set about laying out his pants to dry.

Lizzie's reaction to him being naked had many different affects on Max. The blush that colored her cheeks told him she wasn't immune to him, and it also told him that his little angel was innocent and probably inexperienced. This aroused him more than he expected. He wasn't used to being around blushing virgins. His women were usually bold and brassy, all he had to do was smile and he'd have a wench ready and waiting. But for some reason this little angel made him want to take his time and savor every moment with her.

When Lizzie turned back, Max had sat down and had the basket of fruit she'd brought in his lap covering himself. He had a wry grin on his face and shrugged.

"How did I get into this situation?" He laughed and shook his head.

Lizzie looked at him wondering what he was talking about. Maybe he was saying he was hungry for some fruit. She reached for a ripe mango from the basket in his lap, making him stiffen for a moment. She pealed the skin away and broke a bit off, offering it to him.

Max was grateful for any food she offered. He opened his mouth, taking a large juicy bite. Some of the sticky sweet juice dribbled down his chin and clung to her fingers. He watched as she took a bite herself then licked and sucked the juice from her hand.

He was thankful for the basket sitting in his lap. His groin hardened even more when he saw Lizzie suck her fingers into her mouth one by one, and lick the sweet nectar from her glistening lips.

The light from the fire cast a soft glow on her skin, making her hair shine as water dripped down her back and shoulders. A trickle of water slipped from her temple and slowly ran down her neck, disappearing between the hollow of her breasts. His eyes followed its path before lifting to hers.

He groaned when she leaned closer to wipe the juice from his chin. Her thumb brushed the stickiness away and lingered, running across his bottom lip. He caught her hand before she pulled away and began licking at the juice. He saw her eyes darken with desire as she watched his tongue swirl and caress her thumb.

She swallowed thickly and looked up to find his light eyes dark and burning. They held hers as he took the bit of mango from her and held it to her lips, smearing the juice over them. He leaned in to only a hair’s breadth from her lips and smiled when her breath hitched in anticipation.


I know I'm evil for leaving it there. :twisted:
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Dreaming In Purple
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Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

Hello. I'm back. So was that last part hot? Well if you thought so then I'm wondering what you'll think of this one. :twisted: Let me know what you think.

From part 2:

She swallowed thickly and looked up to find his light eyes dark and burning. They held hers as he took the bit of mango from her and held it to her lips, smearing the juice over them. He leaned in to only a hair’s breadth from her lips and smiled when her breath hitched in anticipation.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 3
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He finally gave in to his desire to taste her lips, and nipped at them and licked the mango away. Lizzie moaned quietly when she felt his lips caress hers and his warm tongue tickling and teasing her. She wanted more, she wanted to feel more of his sinfully delicious mouth, but he only continued to nip and nibble at her.

It wasn’t very long before Lizzie was deepening the kiss. Impatient with his lite teasing, she reached for him, her hands grasping his shoulders as she leaned into the kiss. Her lips parted, inviting him to explore as he pleased.

Completely forgotten, the mango and basket tumbled to the floor when Max’s hands reached for her, pulling her closer as he rose to his knees. Her arms slid around his neck as he leaned over her and wrapped an arm around her waist, lying her back to give him access to the tender skin of her throat. A whimper escaped her parted lips when his mouth seared a trail over her tender skin.

His hand wandered over her body, molding and squeezing the soft flesh of her behind, then continuing up over the curve of her hip to rest, frustratingly, just below her aching breast.

Lizzie’s fingers tangled in his wet hair, and held him close. She was afraid he might stop what he was doing, and drive her insane with unfulfilled desire if she let him go. The warmth from his hand burned her skin, leaving her throbbing. Why didn’t he continue? She wanted to feel him caress her breast so badly her nipples tingled in anticipation.


His name fell from her lips between shallow breaths that made her chest rise and fall before his eyes. The curve of her breasts and their hard nipples peeked through the material that upon close examination was sheer when wet. He could make out the dark circles of her nipples and groaned from the surge of lust that poured through him.

He couldn’t hold back anymore. His hand closed over her full breast and she moaned in satisfaction and pleasure, arching into his touch. He squeezed her soft breast, enjoying the sounds he’d enticed from her, then pulled the thin material aside, not hesitating to latch onto her hardened nipple.

Lizzie cried out as pleasure shot through her body. Her hands fisted in his hair, her body burning for him. She’d never felt anything like the emotions he brought out of her. She wanted to feel his body making love to her, fulfilling the aching need that was starting to consume her, and with each moment tempting her endurance.

Max savored the sweet taste of her skin. He suckled her nipple until the hard peak pebbled stiffly on his tongue. He tugged the soft material of her sarong from her body, leaving her in only the small bit of cloth that covered her most intimate treasures.

His lips searched out her other breast, his tongue teasing the nipple in torturously slow circles. He nipped at it, coaxing it to stand at attention for him, before sucking it hard into his mouth. Her whimpers of pleasure spurred him on.

He laid his angel down, his large body snuggling between her thighs. Max let her hardened nipple slip from his lips and began kissing his way down her body.

Lizzie writhed beneath him. He looked upon his angel and found her transformed into this sensual creature that tormented his mind with lustful desire. Her eyes were pressed shut and her head thrown back, as his spell of pleasure enraptured her.

He rose to his knees and let his hands trace her every curve, finally coming to rest on the tie of her small skirt. He paused, warring with himself.

Lizzie opened her eyes when Max hesitated. Her desire had pushed all thoughts of anything but hiss solid form pressing into her out of her mind. Why had he stopped touching her and driving her mad with his sensual kisses? She didn’t want him to stop.

Her heavy lidded gaze found him watching her with undisguised hunger. His gaze swept over her body like a caress, leaving her throbbing and aching for his touch. She’d felt his desire for her pressed against her thigh. Why had he stopped?

Max wanted to tear the last thin barrier between them away and feast upon her delicious body, but decorum whispered frustratingly in his ear. Lizzie was an innocent naïve girl, that had no idea how bad a man he was, or what had brought him to this place. For him to take advantage of her this way after all the kindness she’d shown him gnawed at his sense of honor. But when he looked down on her laying beneath him half naked and as desirous of him as he was for her, his resolve to be a gentlemen weakened to almost nonexistence.

The look in Lizzie’s eyes told him she wanted him to continue what he’d started. Her hands slowly swept over her body, cupping her luscious breasts, kneading them lightly before moving down to where his hands lay on her stomach. She caressed his fingers then led them to the knot that kept her skirt from falling from her body.


That one word was filled with such desire, he didn’t have to speak her language to understand what she wanted. Pushing any doubts from his mind, Max began untying the knot, adrenaline rushing through his veins in anticipation of seeing her naked skin in the firelight. His fingers fumbled with the wet cloth, becoming clumsy in his eagerness. When the knot was finally released, Max’s breath caught in his throat as he slowly pulled the wet material away, revealing all of her to his gaze.

Lizzie felt the urge to pull away and cover herself as she watched Max stripping away the last of her clothing. She was completely exposed to him now. That thought was both disturbing and earth shatteringly arousing at the same time. She felt warmth pool between her thighs as his hot gaze greedily swept over her body. As much as she wanted this, she couldn’t suppress her demure nature, and looked away from his hungry stare, covering her breasts in her shyness.

To Max she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in all his life. Her hair spread around her, framing her body in dark silky locks. Her breasts were perfectly sculpted, small and firm. His mouth watered at the sight of them. The curve of her hips led into slender thighs that he could easily imagine wrapped around him. Lizzie was the epitome of beauty. Natural and pure.

Max didn’t want Lizzie to shy away from him. He wanted her sighing his name in pleasure, not hiding herself from his sight. He took her hand from her breast, kissing it while he tried to ease her fear.

“You are beautiful Lizzie. More precious than any jewel, more vibrant than any pearl.” He kissed the tips of her fingers, and swiped his tongue over her palm and down to her wrist. He kissed his way up her arm, sending shocks of pleasure though her body.

Lizzie didn’t understand him, but his soothing tone and gentle caresses eased the nervousness that had begun to grip her. Everywhere he touched seemed to be connected to her center. Each kiss along her arm caused a throbbing ache in her core. She rubbed her legs together trying to ease the ache that he had built in her, forgetting that moments before she had been embarrassed to be naked before him. Now she was longing for his touch.

He kissed his way across the delicate skin of her throat and whispered in her ear. “I’m going to make love to you, Lizzie. I’m going to show you pleasure beyond anything you could imagine.”

His hand trailed down to the dark curls between her legs. Her tongue swept across her dry lips, and she swallowed. He was so close, her hips rose of their own will, trying to get him to touch her were she throbbed and ached for him. Max kissed her, smothering the high pitched moan that tore from her throat when his fingers parted her and slipped into her core.

Lizzie’s hips arched off the stone floor as his fingers slid into her body. She was beyond thought, speech left her, and all that was left was the waves of pleasure that shook her. His fingers stroked her, sliding in and out of her body. Lizzie thrashed beneath him. Her hands clutched at him, her nails digging into his skin as she rose higher and higher with the pleasure.

“Yes, that’s it my angel. Come for me.” Max whispered, sucking on the tender flesh of her neck , sure he would leave a mark. He stroked her faster, sliding his thumb in small circles over the soft bundle nerves at her cleft.

Lizzie couldn’t breathe. Her body burned, and pleasure coursed through her veins. It built, pushing her higher and higher. Her hips rose to meet his fingers as they pierced her over and over. She was going to burst, she could feel it. She bit into Max’s shoulder, clutching his body to hers moments before her body exploded. Her head flew back and she screamed as wave upon wave of pleasure wracked her body. Breathing became something that was only a distant memory. And every muscle in her body tingled as her climax washed through her. It was unbelievable that she could feel this way.

Max slid his fingers from her body, bringing them to his lips. He held her gaze as he sucked them into his mouth and licked them clean. He trailed a moist finger over her lips and down her chin, before capturing her lips in a fiery kiss.

Max slipped his body between her legs and settled his manhood against her opening. She was so hot and wet. He wanted to just slide himself into her to the hilt, but he would do nothing to hurt his angel. He linked their hands and held them above her head. Slowly he began easing himself into her body. A deep groan shook him when he felt her soft heated flesh yield to him.


Lizzie and Max both stilled as the sound of a man calling Lizzie’s name wafted through the cavern in a muffled echo.

“Lizzie, where are you?!”

Lizzie’s mouth fell open in horrified shock.


Max looked on in confusion as Lizzie pushed him away and scrambled to replace her clothing with shaking hands. She looked at him with shame filled eyes.

Max stilled her busy hands with his. “Lizzie, what’s the matter? What’s happening?”

She could see the confusion in Max’s eyes. She wanted to explain that Kalani had come looking for her because she’d been gone to long. Her family was probably worried about her. She just didn’t know how to make him understand.

“I must go.”

With her clothes back in their proper place, Lizzie moved to the edge of the water ready to dive in. Max grasped her shoulder halting her hasty departure.

“Lizzie, tell me what’s wrong. Why are you leaving? Should I come with you?” He reached for his drying pants intending to follow her. Lizzie hurried to stop him.

“No, you must stay, Max! You cannot leave this place. I’ll be back for you soon. When the village goes to sleep I’ll return. Max, you must stay here.”

The desperate note in her sweet voice made him understand that she wanted him to stay, but also made him worry more than before. Lizzie cupped his cheek, and kissed him lightly before moving back to the water. She looked back at him one last time, hoping he would understand.

“You must stay here, Max. Please. I’ll return soon.” With that, she dove into the water and was gone.

Max sat there alone and extremely frustrated. Why had Lizzie rushed off so quickly and in such a nervous state? Who was it that had called her?

If he didn’t know better, he’d say Lizzie acted as if she’d been caught sneaking around on her husband. At that thought a impish smile stole across his lips. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d been caught in a married woman’s bed.

She seemed adamant about him staying here, but he had his treasure to find and Michael would be waiting for him by now. He glanced at the hole in the rock he’d found earlier, then down at his still hard shaft. Choices choices. With a grin put his clothes back on. It was time for a treasure hunt.


So did that count? Am I still a virgin?
Last edited by Dreaming In Purple on Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:07 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Dreaming In Purple
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 55
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Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

Well I'm back finally. :oops: SO sorry to take so long to post again. Major life changes have cut into my nookie inspiration.

This part is kinda like transition, but a lot happens. I beleive the next chap will be the last. If not then only one more after that. I know the long awaited, at least on my part, love making is in the next chap. I'm looking forward to it. A barrier I entind to break through. Lol I know, bad pun. Ok so have fun. Leave me feed back. See you soon.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 4
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lizzie crept through the trees as quietly as she could. It had taken longer than she’d hoped for her village to settle down for the night. She pulled the flower from her hair and looked at it in disgust. Tonight her father and Kalani’s father, the chief of the village, had announced at the feast that she and Kalani were being betrothed. She had to sit there and accept the congratulations of everyone, and smile as the women whispered about how handsome and viral a husband Kalani would be.

She wanted to cry when Kalani placed the white orchid in her hair, showing to the whole village that she was taken. She liked Kalani, she really did, but she didn’t want to marry him. Her thoughts had continually stayed on Max. Through out the night she’d wanted to run back to the cave and to be with him. Oh, how she burned for that man. She wouldn’t be dreading a marriage to Max. She’d be elated and walking on clouds if he was the one she was being forced to marry. They wouldn’t have to force her.

When she made it to the waterfall her heart began to flutter. Things had gotten so intense between them before she’d had to leave. Would they continue where they’d left off? Would Max still want her? Betrothal to Kalani be damned, she wanted to be with Max. She wouldn’t spend her life bound to a man she didn’t love.

Lizzie paused at that thought. She had known Max less than a day and already she could see herself by his side for the rest of her life. Could she truly love someone so quickly? She’d known Kalani all her life and she didn’t feel for him at all what she felt for Max. She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anything. She was breaking tribal law by hiding him and defying her father’s wishes to be with him, risking everything that was important to her for him.

She closed her eyes and saw his passionate honey gaze looking down at her. Her body tingled to life just thinking about it. Without another moments hesitation she dove in the water and headed straight for her cave.

She surfaced in darkness and called out to him.


Lizzie felt her way to the ledge and pulled herself out of the water. There were only glowing embers left of their fire. She went to the alcove hoping to find Max there sleeping, but felt nothing but hard stone. Fear gripped her.


Again she heard nothing. She felt her way along the ledge to the mass of dead leaves and debris they used for kindling, and was surprised to find a large hole. Dread swept through her. Max had gone out into the jungle. He could get killed. There was no telling what he’d run into out there alone, the crazy fool.

She quickly scrambled through the hole and tried to find any sign of where he’d gone. She called out to him in a loud whisper, hoping he’d hear her, and stopped to listen for him. There was nothing for a moment but the sounds of the jungle, but then she heard an unusual sound for this time of night. A monkey screeching widely. She ran toward it praying that Max was there. She heard other odd sounds as she grew closer. A thud and a man’s voice… Max!

She broke the underbrush to see Max throwing rocks at a monkey that was sitting high on a branch, safely out of his reach. The monkey had something in his grip and wasn’t very happy about the rocks being thrown at him. Max hadn’t noticed her arrival and was fussing angrily at the little thing.

“Give it back you little thief! When I catch you I’m gonna cut off your tail and hang you with it!” He tossed another rock at the monkey making the little thing screech even more and swipe at him in anger.

Lizzie smiled at the scene in front of her. Big strong Max was fighting with a poor defenseless little monkey, and the monkey was winning. Lizzie glanced around and saw a papaya tree. She went and plucked one of the fruits from the tree and walked over to Max, tapping him on the shoulder.

Max about jumped out of his skin when he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder. He turned around and saw his Lizzie smiling at him. A grin covered his face at the sight of her. He watched as Lizzie walked up to the monkey and held the papaya out to it. The monkey shuffled back and forth on the branch, indecisively for a minute, but soon scrambled down to reach for the fruit. It snatched it from her hand dropping what it held in favor of the sweet papaya.

Lizzie picked it up and saw it was the oiled parchment she’d seen earlier crumpled but still whole. She smoothed it out and saw that it was covered with drawings and words she didn’t understand. She handed it to Max with a smirk on her beautiful face.

Max was so happy she’d gotten his treasure map back, he grabbed Lizzie up and kissed her. Then he remembered how she’d left him so quickly and so frustrated before, and broke their kiss.

Lizzie felt Max stiffen and pull away from her. He set her back on her feet and crossed his muscular arms over his chest, glaring at her slightly. He was angry. She bit her lip and looked up at him contritely through her lashes.

“You ran off on me, Lizzie. Left me cold and alone, to go off with some other man. And just when things were getting so interesting.”

Lizzie could tell she was being scolded. She didn’t like having Max angry with her. Her bottom lip trembled and she could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She looked down trying to hide the hurt his tone caused.

Max cursed himself for making her cry. “Aw, Lizzie… I’m sorry, my angel.” He tucked her hair behind her ear and lifted her chin so he could see her face. “Don’t cry, little one. I’m not angry. I just missed you.” He wiped the tear that had escaped down her cheek and kissed her.

Lizzie felt so silly crying just because he’d been angry at her, but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t stand him looking at her with anything other than love in his eyes. If he didn’t want her she didn’t know what she’d do.

He kissed her sweetly, and she melted against him with a sigh. Any hurt she felt vanished in the heat of his kiss. He wrapped her in his arms as their kiss turned passionate. His tongue teased and caressed her, coaxing her to play with him. A deep moan came from her when he pulled her body flush with his. She could feel Max growing hard for her and snuggled against him more, savoring the feel of him.

Max could feel things heating up between them and knew he should stop things now before he lost himself in her again. What was it about this little creature that seared him so? The slightest touch from her had him starving for more. He wanted nothing more than to lay with her now and sink into her welcoming body, but time was of the essence. Michael would leave at low tide, with or without him.

He and his first mate had made a plan in case something like this happened. They’d overheard some of the crew whispering about Max being obsessed, and not believing there really was a treasure. He’d played up to that, trying to draw out the mutineers. If they didn’t want a share in the treasure, then bah on them.

Michael had felt out the loyal crew and let them in on the plan. He had talked the mutinous bastards into leaving Max on the island he’d been obsessing about, instead of killing him, claiming he’d be happy and out of their hair. Then when things calmed, Michael and those loyal to Max would ambush the scurvy dogs that tried to maroon him, and they’d come back for him. In the meantime Max would find the treasure and lead them straight to it. Only things had gone slightly awry when he’d met a beautiful island girl.

Max pulled away from Lizzie’s addictive lips and looked down into her beautiful shining eyes. “What you do to me, Lizzie.” He kissed her again lightly. “You’re a treasure a man would die for.” He captured her lips in one last lingering kiss and pulled away to get control of himself.

Glancing down at his map, an idea came to him. “Lizzie do you know where this is?” He pointed to a picture of a cliff that looked like a skull on his map.

Lizzie frowned in confusion. What was he telling her? She looked at what he was pointing at and saw a drawing of the head of Rata-tuii, the ocean god.

"Rata-tuii?” asked in confusion.

“You know it?” Max asked getting excited. He grabbed her by the shoulders in his excitement. “Where is it? Show it to me!”

Lizzie wanted to scream, she was so frustrated. What was he saying? Giving up, she tried to get him go back toward her cave. They didn’t have for this. By sunrise the people of her village would begin to stir and if her family found her gone they’d come looking for her. She had to get him hidden before everyone woke up.

"Max, we must go! You must hide! Don’t you understand they’ll kill you!” pulled on his arm trying to get him to follow her but he was resisting.

“Lizzie, wait? I have to find this Rata-tuiid I have to get back to my ship.” He pulled her to a stop and pointed Rata-tuii again.

Ship… she knew that word. Was he trying to get to his ship?

“Ship?” she asked tentatively.

A grin broke out over Max’s face. She understood something.

“Yes! Ship! I need to find my ship.” He pointed to the map where a cove sat on the far side of the island. “This is where my ship is waiting, Lizzie. But I need to find this place first.” He pointed to the skull again.

Lizzie’s eyes widened in fear when she realized where he wanted to go. She shook her head and backed away. "No, Max! Evil spirits live there! No one who goes there ever comes back!”

Max was excited and frustrated all mixed together. Lizzie knew the place where the treasure was hidden, but was obviously afraid to go there. Damn, he wished she could understand him! He wished he could tell her how much he needed her help… that wasn’t true. He just really wanted her to come with him.

Half of him was tempted to make her show him, the part of him that brought him to this island in the first place. But the other half would never do anything to make her look at him in fear. He’d plundered and terrorized the Caribbean, taken what he pleased from whoever he pleased, and hadn’t cared at all about the people he left in his wake. But the thought of Lizzie, his little angel, cowering from him with fear in her eyes strangled him. No, he couldn’t bare the thought of Lizzie afraid of him.

Max pulled her into his arms, and looked down into her beautiful brown eyes. “I have to go Lizzie. My treasure is at hand.” He ran his hand through her hair trying to remember the silkiness of it. He kissed her again, savoring the sweet taste of her, and trying to hold on to the memory. “Good bye, my little angel.”

Lizzie felt the change in him. What was wrong? All of a sudden she felt a ball of cold fear in her stomach. He was leaving. She knew it. She pulled him into a tight hug, not wanting to let him go.

“Don’t go, Max. Please. Stay here with me. I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”

Max held her tightly against him trying to remember everything about her. She was perfect and beautiful and he would remember her this way forever. Finally he pulled away and removed her arms from around his neck. He cupped Lizzie’s cheek and wipe away her tears for the second time that night.

“I’ll miss you, my angel.” He dropped his hand and backed away. With a smile, he turned and walked into the jungle, the trees and foliage swallowing him up.

Lizzie’s heart was breaking. She wanted to go after him. She looked back toward her village. If she went back to her family now, none would be the wiser. Torn, she looked for Max through the trees. She wanted nothing more than to have him holding her close and whispering reassuringly in her ear.

There was the crux of it. She wanted to be with Max. Even with his odd foreign behavior and the fact she couldn’t understand a word he said, she wanted to be with him, and if she let him leave without her, she’d regret it the rest of her life. Lizzie dashed into the trees calling out to him.


Lizzie caught up to Max and threw herself into his arms. She kissed him happily, before excitedly pointing to the skull cliff and motioning for him to follow her. Max was happy to see her, and even happier to find that she was going to lead him to the skull cliff. She led him through dense jungle, showed him pitfalls and dangers he never would have seen, and just at dawn they found themselves at the base of the skull cliff.

Up close the wall of rock was merely a set of caves and crevices, but from far away they formed a massive skull staring out at the ocean. Max read his map and followed the detailed instructions on what path to take to reach the right cave that held the treasure deep inside.

They climbed the cliff face, moving steadily higher. Max made sure to follow the right path, but instead of it leading to them to the cave he knew held the treasure, it seemed to take them farther away. He soon grew frustrated, and was temped to forget the erroneous instructions. Just as he was about to try his luck on a different path, the map had them heading for the cave that would be the skulls right eye. His destination finally in sight, Max hurried Lizzie along until they were standing at the opening to the large dark cave.

Max’s heart pounded in excitement. Somewhere inside this cave was a treasure he’d been searching for, for the last 5 years of his life. He looked over at Lizzie and saw the fear in her eyes. He followed her gaze to find a skeleton with a sword in his gullet laying in the shadows.

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Dreaming In Purple
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 55
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Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

Hello beautiful ones. I am posting this part now because the love scene was getting really long, and it would have been over 10 pages before I posted the next part. So, here is the next chapter minus the nookie. The next chapter will definitely be the last though. It's more than half way finished now and only needs a few more scenes to be done. I hope you all enjoy this chap. It's really mostly action and some lovey dovey stuff. Here you go:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chap 5
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Lizzie, it’s ok. That’s probably a crewmen that got betrayed. Actually that’s a good sign. It means we’re on the right track.”

His soothing tone did nothing to allay her fears. This place was cursed and they were going to die for trespassing on Rata-tuii’s land. Youths that wanted to prove they were the bravest would try to climb the cliffs and would always fall to their deaths. None had ever returned alive. It was forbidden for anyone to come near Rata-tuii now. It was feared that his wrath would send a plague down on her people for someone trespassing on his cursed land, thus making them all barren and cursed as well. There was nothing Max could say to make her feel better right now other than, we are leaving.

Max found an old burned out torch in the shadows and picked it up. He pulled the sword out of the skeleton and struck it against the wall, causing sparks to fly. He did this again and again until the torch caught alight and began burning brightly. He dropped the sword and read the next set of instructions on the map. There were two traps set to kill anyone who didn’t know to look for them. Luckily for him, he’d stolen the map from the man who’d hidden this treasure himself, Khivar.

Max had heard tales of a great treasure hidden in the Caribbean islands large enough to fill a ship’s hold. Max had talked to any sailor he came across asking about this treasure and found out it was Khivar’s, the captain of The Wraith. He’d joined Khivar’s crew and gotten close to the old bastard over 3 years. He found the old pirate was dangerous and lethal with a sword, but stupid when drunk.

One night they’d been drinking brandy into the early morning hours while out at sea, and Khivar had drunken himself into a stupor. He began mumbling about his treasure. He’d clutched his medallion around his neck like it was his lifeline and whispered, “Gotta keep it safe… my map…” and passed out. While he lay passed out on the deck and no one was looking, Max took the large medallion from around Khivar’s neck and stabbed the man in the belly with his own dagger.

The next morning the crew was in a frenzy over the captain being dead, and there was sure to be a fight over who would be the next captain. Max kept quiet and to himself until they reached the next port, then took everything he owned and bought his own ship. She was a small vessel but she was fast and sturdy. He gathered a crew and that is how he met Michael. They quickly became friends and he made Michael his first mate. Once he had everything he needed to find his treasure, he revealed his real reason for setting sail for the Caribbean, and offered the men a share of the booty. They’d traveled hard and found their way here after 2 years of searching for the right island. If not for the attempted mutiny, they’d have had their treasure now, but providence had a way of working things out for the best.

He looked over at his fearful angel and was glad things had turned out this way, he had a crew he could trust now, and a beautiful woman by his side…

He couldn’t believe he was thinking of love at a time like this, but from the moment he’d met Lizzie, she hadn’t strayed far from his thoughts. He reached out a hand to her with a comforting smile. “Are you ready my angel?”

Lizzie took it, and with a deep breath, they walked further into the cave. Max counted his footsteps and stopped when he reached 26. He knelt down and felt behind a large rock for a spring trap that would blow poison darts at anyone who set foot on the floor for the next five paces. He found the trigger and made sure Lizzie was safely back before tripping it.

A barrage of poison darts flew past each other in the air and clattered to the ground. Max took a tentative step forward and when nothing happened he swept the darts away with his boot, and motioned Lizzie to come to him. Lizzie was scared out of her mind, but followed Max further into the cave.

Max was reading the map as he walked and wasn’t paying attention to where he stepped, because he realized that it was only 15 steps after this last trap to his long sought after goal… Before he could finish his thought, Max lost his footing and felt himself falling forward. Dropping everything in the effort to save his life, Max reached for anything that would stop his fall. His hands grasped the ledge of a drop off that wasn’t shown on the map. The torch fell to the jagged rocks below and it’s sputtering light showed how the ground had caved in and left a large gaping hole in it’s place.

“MAAAXXX!” Lizzie grabbed his arm before he could slid over the edge, and pulled with all her strength to give him a chance to catch his footing on the jagged ledge. With her help Max halted his decent down the crevice, and with much effort they were able to lift him back to safety.

Once he was safely on solid ground, Lizzie flung herself into Max’s arms and cried uncontrollably. She clung to him, burying her face in his chest. “Max, can we just leave? Please? We’re going to die here! Rata-tuii’s revenge will be terrible if we dare go any farther! Please, Max? I couldn’t bear to lose you!. Please…...”

“Shhhh, my angel. I’m ok.” He held her close and tried to sooth her tears as much as he could. “Lizzie… I’m ok. See look, I’m fine.” Max pulled away trying to look into her eyes. “My love, I’m fine. Please don’t cry.” He wiped her nonstop tears from her eyes, but it was useless. He could do nothing to calm her, but then a thought struck him.

Without any warning, He kissed her. The moment their lips touched all the fear and turmoil they’d been feeling vanished. As they kissed, Lizzie’s tears ceased, and her death grip on him eased. Soon things deepened, became sensual, and it wasn’t long before Max forgot about trying to calm her down. It was only for need of air that they broke their kiss.

“You saved me, Lizzie. If you hadn’t come here with me I would have fallen to my death.” He tucked a lock of her luxurious hair behind her ear. “Thank you. Thank you for caring so much about me that you’re braving one of your greatest fears to help me. From the moment you found me, nothing but good has happened to me. I’d be lost or dead in the jungle now or still lying tied up on that beach. God must have sent you to be my guardian angel.” They kissed again, with less urgency this time, before Max hauled them both to their feet.

“We’re in need of light again.” He glanced around for something to use as a light source, then remembered the skeleton near the entrance. “Wait here for me, Lizzie. I’ll be right back.”

Max took off back down the tunnel and soon Lizzie could hear the sound of the sword banging against the rocks again. She began wondering what he was doing, when suddenly Max appeared holding the arm of the skeleton wrapped in it’s burning rags as a torch. A tentative smile crossed her face at the sight of him bathed in the firelight walking toward her. He was such a beautiful man. She wished his insane tendencies would go away soon so they could get out of this miserable place. What was he looking for in this cave anyway. It had to be important for someone to go through so much trouble to keep them away.

When Max reached her side, he handed her the torch. Lizzie took it reluctantly and waited to see what he was going to do next. Max examined the hole in the floor and noticed the map hadn’t fallen into the hole. Laying on the ground near the edge of the hole it teetered precariously. He grabbed it up quickly, before a gust of air could knock it down the hole out of reach. He looked up at the ceiling and whispered a silent, “Thank you,” and kissed the map before tucking it safely in his belt.

“Lizzie, I think we can jump it. It’s not to far across. Want to give it a go?” Lizzie just stared at him blankly and he chuckled to himself. With a sigh he turned and took a running leap over the hole, landing safely on the other side. He turned and called out to Lizzie.

“Toss me the torch, Lizzie, and jump.” He stood there with his arms open ready to catch her, and she understood. Lizzie walked to the edge of the hole and looked down, then back up at Max. She wanted to curse him for making her do this. She tossed him the torch, which he caught easily, and took a few steps back. With a deep breath she ran and jumped over the hole, landing safely in Max’s arms. Max was so happy she’d done it he swung her around, laughing, and kissed her again.

Once over his overenthusiastic display, Max pulled out his map again, and realized they were standing right in the middle of where the next trap was supposed to be. He searched the ground carefully for the catch that triggered the swinging sword intended to cut off the head of anyone who tripped it, but he found nothing. They were very close the edge, maybe the trap was pulled down the hole with the rocks.

Max took Lizzie’s hand and carefully walked through the corridor. He felt uneasy, as did Lizzie. The only thing that kept him moving forward was the knowledge that mere steps away lay the treasure of his dreams. Lizzie followed closely behind, taking careful steps as well. Her foot got caught on something, causing her to fall forward into Max. They both fell to the ground as a sword swung out from the wall and sliced at them.

Max cried out as the sharp blade cut his shoulder, just missing his neck. 'Thank god Lizzie had fallen, or I’d have been decapitated.' Once they’d gained their feet again, Lizzie saw the red stain of blood seeping through his shirt and panicked.

“Max, oh my goodness, you’ve been cut. Oh my god, no! We’ve got to stop the bleeding.” She tried getting Max to sit down and let her tend his wound but he wouldn’t have it.

“Lizzie I’m fine. It’s just a little scratch. I’ve had worse.” He shooed her hands away from his wound, and began moving further into the cave. “Come the treasure is just through here. Come on!”

Lizzie followed after him, unhappy that he’d rather find what ever it was that brought them here than tend his bleeding body. Nothing was worth all this. They’d almost died many times over, and he was now more interested in what ever it was than….

Lizzie’s angry thoughts came to a halt when light illuminated the cavern they’d walked in to as Max hurriedly lit torches hanging from the walls. Her mouth fell open in awe when her eyes fell on piles and piles of sparkling gold. There were coins, and chests filled with more and more, and their were sparkles, like the one in Max’s ear, hundreds of them. She watched as Max fell to his knees and scooped up handfuls and handfuls, tossing them in the air to fall like sparkling golden rain.

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Dreaming In Purple
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 55
Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2001 10:20 am
Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

Well everyone this is it. Here is the last part. I"m really happy and really sad all at the same time. I loved writing about them, it was so much fun. This is my first completed fic so, it's like passing a milestone for me. I'm all proud of myself for sticking with it and finishing something. It feels amazing.

I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Please let me know what you think of the love scene too. This is the first time I've ever writen a complete love scene. Thanks for reading yall. I love ya.


P.S. A giant sized THANK YOU goes out to Strawberhy Shortcake, my beta, cause without her, I'd be bald from pulling out my hair and bangin my head against the computer screen. lol Thanks Steph I love ya.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
part 6
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Now she understood his madness. All his efforts had been to find this horde of gold. She walked closer and picked up a sting of clear rocks that reflected the fire light. It was beautiful. Lizzie dropped the stones and moved away.

This is what he’d wanted all along? She had the urge to leave him to his gold. She’d left her family to worry about her and endangered her village to come here and for a pile of sparkling rocks and gold? Well if that’s what he wanted then he could have it. She just wondered if he’d leave once he took it all to his ship? What would become of her? She could always say he’d kidnapped her… but she wouldn’t that. She’d tell her family the truth. She’d fallen in love with a man from a ship and helped him, and once he’d found what he wanted he left her behind.

How foolish she’d been to think he’d have stayed with her in her little cave. It was a childish dream. He had his own life to lead, probably had a woman waiting for him back on his ship. She wouldn’t cry though. No, she’d do what she’d said, help him to find his gold and take him to his ship. Then she’d go back to her life… and marry Kalani. A tear escaped no matter how hard she’d tried to hold it back. She sniffed and wiped it away.

She noticed that from all the exertion he’d been doing, the wound on Max’s shoulder was getting steadily worse. If he’ wouldn’t sit still and take care of himself she’d just have to do it for him. Silly Man. She walked over and knelt next to him. She grabbed his arm and began tearing the cloth away from his wound. It was bleeding badly, but it wasn’t life threatening.

Max stilled his gleeful perusal of the treasure when Lizzie began tending to his wound again. He sensed her melancholy and wondered at it. They had just discovered one of the richest treasures in history and she was sad. He tried looking into her eyes, but Lizzie avoided him. She was hiding behind the pretense of tending his wound, but he could tell she wasn’t happy. That bothered him terribly. He wanted to share all this with her and wanted her to share in his joy. What could be bothering her so? Was she still afraid? No she wasn’t afraid, just quiet and reserved, and she seemed to be distancing herself from him now. What could have caused this?

Then he realized why. Somehow since they’d met, she had come to care for him. And now that he’d found what he’d been searching for, she worried he would be leaving her behind. The thought of leaving her behind was the furthest thing from his mind. He’d found someone who cared for him despite himself. She care for him, not for his ship, not for his treasure, not for what she could gain from him, but for him. She’d freed him and taken care of him, shared herself with him, and faced her fears for him. What had he done to deserve such a wonderful gift? Nothing. She gave of herself to him freely and asked nothing in return, and he loved her for it. Yes, he loved her and he was glad of it. She made him feel like he’d already had his treasure when they were together. He wanted to thank her for all that she’d done, but there was no thing worth what she’d given to him, because without her he would be dead. He planned to spend the rest of his life trying to thank her.

He sat there and let Lizzie tend his wound. If it would make her happy, he’d let her bandage him from head to toe. He watched as she tore the sleeve of his shirt into strips and bandaged his arm with it. It was feeling better already.

Once she was done, she looked up at him timidly, but wouldn’t hold eye contact with him. Max used his finger under her chin to make her look at him.

“Thank you.”

There was no translation needed. She understood him perfectly, and on all the many different levels that he meant it. A soft smile crept over her lips even though she tried not to smile. Max had a way of making her feel things even when she didn’t want to.

She went to move away from him, but he stopped her with a hand on her arm. She looked back at him curiously, and saw the fire reflected in his amber colored eyes. She swallowed as the beauty of them and their heat scorched her.

Max leaned in and kissed her with a feather soft caress, and again he whispered, “Thank you.” One of his hands came up and slid through her hair, resting on her neck and pulling her closer as he deepened their kiss. “Thank you,” he whispered over and over between kisses, then finally he pulled her into his arms and covered her mouth with his own.

All the excitement of the past few hours ignited their emotions, and they kissed passionately. Lizzie’s arms slid around Max’s neck as he leaned her back on the pile of gold coins beneath them. The tinkle of coins scattering could be heard as they lay among the riches.

Max pulled his lips from hers and burned a trail of kisses across her throat. “Lizzie, I want to make you mine forever.” Lizzie’s hands speared through his hair, holding him close. She spared a moment to wonder what he was saying, but her train of thought vanished the moment his lips covered her already hard nipple through her sarong. Lizzie’s head fell back, and her back arched, pushing her breast further into his hot mouth. “Maaaxxx…”

There was no hesitation between them now. Max pulled Lizzie’s sarong aside and licked a hot trail around her breast before sucking her nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard, causing her to moan and writhe beneath him. Soon Lizzie’s entire top was gone, as Max lavished attention on both of her breasts.

Lizzie was becoming incoherent with the pleasure. She knew she’d been listing reasons to stay away from Max moments ago, but now she couldn’t remember them. The only thing that registered was his lips on her breasts and the feel of his hardness pressing into her thigh.

He wasn’t close enough, she had to have him closer. Stripping his shirt from his shoulders, Lizzie pulled Max up for a scorching kiss. Her legs wrapped around his and held his body close to hers as she rocked her hips against him.

“Max, please… I need to feel you. I need to… Please…”

Lizzie pushed at her skirt, trying in vain to remove the obstacle between them. Max too was feeling the hurried need to be inside her, but tried to calm her movements by lifting her hands above her head and kissing her breathless. Holding her hands there, he slid himself down her body, leaving a trail of kisses that led to the tie of her skirt. He released her hands and trailed his fingers over her body, while his tongue delved into her navel. He loved the taste of her skin, she was so sweet and delicious, she made his mouth water. Once the knot was undone, without hesitation, Max pushed the material aside, leaving Lizzie completely naked before him. His eyes feasted upon her naked flesh in the firelight. He was once again awed by her beauty.

Lizzie was becoming impatient and took things into her own hands. Sliding out from under him, she laid Max back and began her own perusal of his body. She was unsure of herself at first, but learned from his actions what to do to pleasure him. She let her hands trace the hard curves of his chest, circling his nipples and unable to resist tasting them as well. She’d learned from him the best way to get where you were going was with kisses, and began kissing her way down his abdomen, stopping to swirl her tongue in his navel. While her mouth was occupied, she began untying his pants, and hesitated only long enough to look into his eyes before yanking them down his hips.

Lizzie’s eyes widened as she saw his manhood standing stiff before her eyes. He’d grown larger since she’d last seen him, and it amazed her. Tentatively she caressed his shaft, eliciting a moan from Max. She smiled, feeling proud that in her inexperience she could bring him pleasure as well. She closed her hand around his shaft, feeling the hardness and wondering at the silky softness she found at the same time.

Biting her lip, she glanced up at Max before slipping him into her mouth and tasting him. Max bowed off the ground with a growl that made her think she’d caused him horrible pain. He pulled her up with him and kissed her with all that was in him. “My god, woman! Are you trying to kill me?” he asked raggedly. Turning over so that he was now laying on top of her, he slid himself between her thighs. “Lizzie, I want you so badly.” He led himself to her center and pushed forward gently, hissing as the feeling of her warm body began surrounding him.

Lizzie moaned in pleasure as she felt him begin to fill her. Her heart raced in a mixture of passion and fear. She’d never felt anything like this, so complete but still wanting… needing more. Max found her hands again and raised them above her head. He began rocking his hips, moving himself further into her body, inch by inch. He felt her maiden barrier and stopped.

Taking her lips in a loving kiss that expressed everything he felt, he whispered, “I love you, Lizzie,” and pierced the last true barrier between them.

Lizzie cried out as the pain of his penetration struck her. For the moment, she was unable to breath and closed her eyes. She bit her lip and wrapped her arms around his neck, as she tried to fend off tears that wanted to fall.

“Shhhh, my love. It will be alright.”

He kissed along her neck and jaw trying to soothe her. After a few moments he felt Lizzie responding to his kisses and felt her hands playing in his hair. He leaned back to look in her eyes and began to rock slowly within her. A deep moan escaped his lips as pleasure shot through his body. Lizzie was so tight, and so hot… he could already feel his release building.

Her hips began rising to meet him as he slid into her body. Her whimpered cries of pleasure spurred him to go faster. He felt himself loosing control. He was no longer sure he wasn’t hurting her, but he couldn’t stop himself.

Lizzie wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into her body. She felt Max’s muscles tighten, and if she didn’t know better he was growing even harder than before. She moaned at how good he felt. A fiery tingle began building inside her, making her feel like she'd explode at any moment. The tingle grew to be almost painful, then it happened. Her body stiffened and her ability to breathe vanished as pleasure beyond anything she’d ever known washed over her. Max pushed himself deep inside her and groaned. She felt his arousal pulsing and a high pitched keening scream tore from her throat as wave after wave of ecstasy hit her. Her body quivered and a shiver swept over him as they reached the pinnacle of their climax.

It wasn’t long before their breathing returned to normal. Max leaned in and kissed her deeply. He was reluctant to move. He loved the feeling of her body surrounding him. If he could stay here forever he’d die a happy man.

Lizzie was awed by what they'd just done. They'd made love, and she'd never imagined how wonderful it would be. Making love to Max had been a glorious experience in passion and love, but now the fear of what was to come was tainting it. Would Max make love to her and leave her behind? She felt as if she would die if he left her. Her heart would shatter into pieces. She couldn’t go on without him, she didn’t know how. A loving kiss from Max softened her fears, but they lingered in the back of her mind as he moved away from her and began to search through the treasure for something.

Lizzie rose and watched as he found something small and examined it closely. Then he turned to her with a smile and put her hand on his heart and held it there.

“Lizzie, I can’t imagine my life without you anymore. I don’t want to know what it’s like not to have you by my side. I want to share the rest of my life with you. I know you don’t understand, but what I’m saying is… I want to make you my wife.” He slipped the ring he held on her finger and kissed her lovingly.

Lizzie looked at the ring he’d placed on her finger and saw that It was a gold rose with a diamond center. He’d given her his token. He was claiming her! Lizzie’s heart leaped in joy. Max wanted her! She was so happy she jumped into his arms laughing and kissing his face. Max caught her and they fell back into the the pile of gold together.


Later that day, Lizzie and Max found the ship that had been waiting for him without much difficulty. Max signaled to the ship and a small boat full of men came to shore to greet him. Lizzie watched as Max talked to the men as if he were a leader, using commanding tones and gestures. He stood tall and proud and the men obeyed his commands. She was awed by the fact that the men she’d been so afraid of before, listened to him and didn’t bother her at all. Max had led the men back to Rata-tuii and some of them climbed up and began lowering the gold down the cliff to be stored in barrels that where then set on carts with wheels and hauled back to the boat.

It took most of the day to complete the task, and while she was standing to the side watching the activities, Lizzie heard the sound of rustling bushes. When she turned to see where the sound was coming from, A hand covered her mouth and pulled her into a near by bush.

Her first instinct was to scream, but her assailant showed his face and Lizzie sighed in relief. “Kalani, what are you doing here?”

Kalani looked at her incredulously. “Lizzie, I’m rescuing you! Come away from here now, before they find us,” he whispered harshly.

Lizzie realized he was trying to save her from what he thought was danger and her anger softened into regret.

“What?! Lizzie we must go now. Who knows what these men will do to you. Come now, before they catch us.” He tried to drag her away, but she wouldn’t budge.

“Kalani, no! I’m not going. I’m sorry.” She plucked a bloom from the foliage around them and held it out to him. “Here, Kalani. Take back your token. I can not marry you.” She stood tall, trying to show a confidence she didn’t feel, and looked him in the eye. “I’m sorry, Kalani,” she whispered when he stood staring at her in shock.

“But… I don’t understand, Lizzie.”

She looked over her shoulder to where Max was supervising his men. “I love another, Kalani. I have to follow my heart.” His eyes followed hers and realization hit him. Lizzie had fallen in love with one of the men from the ships.

“Lizzie, please… think about this. What about your family? What would your father say?” He was desperate to change her mind. He loved Lizzie and had convinced his father to set up the betrothal between them. Now his dream of a happy life with Lizzie as his bride were shattering.

Lizzie felt bad for having to tell him this way, but there was no other choice. Max and his men would be ready to leave any time now, and she was going with them. “Kalani, tell my father I love him. Tell my mother I found my soulmate. And Kalani, thank you.” She pressed the flower she held into his hand. “You would have made a wonderful husband.” With that she walked back into the clearing and next to Max, who wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

He watched as they climbed aboard a boat loaded with gold. All the men that had come ashore rowed them to the ship that sat waiting in the bay. "Be happy, Lizzie,” Kalani whispered as he watched Lizzie wave goodbye to him as the ship sailed away. “You’ll make your soulmate a wonderful wife.”

Last edited by Dreaming In Purple on Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.