Despite the Pain (CC,M/L,MATURE/ADULT) 1/25/05 PART 5 [WIP]

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Despite the Pain (CC,M/L,MATURE/ADULT) 1/25/05 PART 5 [WIP]

Post by Temptation_K »

This is my first Fic guys!! Please be gentle! haha! Any and all feedback is appreciated! I hope you guys enjoy the first part!

Despite the Pain
Author: Temptation_K
Rating: MATURE…Okay fine…ADULT
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell or any of the characters!!! I wish I did…But I don’t! So here you go! Take my pride!!!
Summary: Takes place right after Liz leaves the Valenti’s when her and Max got into the argument about Tess killing Alex. “Baby it’s You”. Max gets pissed at Liz when she leaves and decides he is going to settle this once and for all.
Author’s Note: I AM A DREAMER!!! This fic is for all dreamers, however, the first part is totally not dreamer material. But, I promise, if you bare with me, it will end in delight.
This story contains contents of abuse (Verbal & Physical)

Prologue: (here is the episode script that I’m pulling from)

Liz is knocking on Valenti's door when Tess greets her.
TESS: Liz.
LIZ: Hi, Tess.
TESS: So, are you here about me and Max?
LIZ: No, um, I....well, I wanted to talk to you, actually.
TESS: Oh, sure.
LIZ: Um, I just um, you know I have questions about your powers, mind control especially.
TESS: What kind of questions?
LIZ: You know, um, anything that you can tell me, but um, like...
MAX: : Hey, your door's...
He finds Liz with Tess, who he is unhappy to see.
MAX: : What are you doing here?
LIZ: Um, nothing, you know, we were just...we're talking, I should go.
MAX: : Talking about what?
LIZ: Nothing.
TESS: Max, you know, it's ok, forget about it.
MAX: : No, I wanna know.
LIZ: We'll just talk later.
MAX: : No, please don't go on my account. Go ahead and ask your questions.
TESS: Max, she's just had a few questions about my powers, that's all.
MAX: : New theory?
LIZ: I just wanted to know some things about mind control and I thought--
MAX: : Oh, so Tess killed Alex. Is that your theory?
LIZ: No.
TESS: Max, she didn't say that.
MAX: : That's what you're thinking, why don't you just ask it?!
LIZ: Max, of course that's not what I'm thinking!
MAX: : Tess, did you kill Alex?
TESS: Max.
MAX: : What were you doing on the night that he died?
LIZ: Will you stop it?!
MAX: : Go ahead! what were you doing?!
KYLE: She was with me. We were watching Gladiator on video.
MAX: : An alibi. From one of your own.
LIZ: Can I leave now?
MAX: : Yep.
Liz quickly leaves and Max shuts the door.

Chapter 1

Max’s POV

As soon as she walked out the door I knew this was only beginning. Her carelessness in this pursuit to uncover the truth has got to stop! She got caught in the school, she’s calling embassies, and now she’s accusing Tess! I leave right after she did. Knowing I could take another road and get to the Crashdown before her unnoticed. This is all about to end. Tolerance slips from me as I hop into the jeep and start the engine. I’m going to take care of her little fucking drama once and for all! No more of this Alex was murdered bullshit!

I put the jeep in gear and head toward the Crashdown, she should be returning any time now. And I plan to be there. Waiting…yes…I’ll make sure she feels the fire she’s playing with.

It’s a couple of miles to the Crashdown from Valenti’s, but at my speed, It didn’t take long. When I get there, I pull around to a back parking lot and kill the engine. I jump out of the jeep and in a sneaky sprint, head into the alley to wait on her. It’s a lot darker here tonight. I look up at her usually lit balcony and shudder as the sweet memories cascade over me. Our first kiss…God how I had waited for that moment. To feel her lips on mine, to feel the softness of her skin, her hair…STOP…None of that matters now. She betrayed me with Kyle, and now she’s blaming us for Alex’s death! Love is no longer an issue…Lessons are! I’m going to make sure she gets a little bit of sense! I don’t care if I have to physically beat it into her. She cannot keep putting us on the line!

My thoughts are broken when I hear her footsteps. I jump behind a dumpster and watch as she moves towards the ladder. I used to be mesmerized with the gracefulness of her sway, but not tonight. All I feel now is disgust. Disgust that a girl that I once saved, loved, and cherished could push away my rules, as if they are nothing! I am the goddamn king!

She puts her purse on her shoulder and pulls herself onto the ladder, but before she can even ascend the first rung, I run up and grab a handful of her shirt, jerking her back down with all the force I can supress. She falls hard on the ground and a large gasp escapes her lips. Before she can even look up, I put my hand over her mouth and use my other hand to grab the hair at the nape of her neck and pull her up to me.

“This is stopping tonight?” I whisper in her ear. My tone is cold, and though her back is against my chest, and she cannot see me, I know without a doubt she knows its me. She hasn’t even tried to speak, but judging by the way her frame is shaking, I know she’s hearing me.

I Release my hold on her hair and slip my hand around her neck and to her chin. I force her head backwards, until it is painfully obvious in her eyes that her neck cannot bend any further. Her eyes meet mine, but only for a second, as her vision is blurred with tears.

“So which one of us killed Alex tonight, Liz?” I ask, emphasizing the demand with one last pull to her chin. I push her head back up, but keep my hand on her mouth. “I’m going to remove my hand off your mouth, and we’re going to discuss this. If you try anything stupid, I swear with everything I am, you’ll regret it.”

I slowly move my hand and turn her around. As soon as my hands reach my side, Liz turns and runs. Without an ounce of hesitation and with full awareness that she won’t get far, I bolt after her.

Last edited by Temptation_K on Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:18 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Touch if u will my stomach
Feel how it trembles inside
You've got the butterflies all tied up
Don't make me chase you
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Post by Temptation_K »

Sorry it took so long...midterms about killed me...thanks for all the wonderful feedback. You guys are fantastic! Hope you enjoy!
Dreamers, stay with me!!!

Chapter 2

Liz’s POV

I know he’s going to catch me, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to try! Tears sting my eyes as I run around the corner and into the back parking lot! I realize my error in judgment when I see his jeep parked back there. But, knowing it’s to late to change directions, I keep running and pray that he calms down.

“HELP ME! SOMEBODY PLEASE, ” I scream. He’s right behind me now and I know that cry for help will not go unpunished. With one last attempt, I try and scream again, but before I could even open my mouth, I am plowed into the pavement with Max on top of me. All the air is pushed out of my body, and for a moment my vision goes black. Before I even regain coherent thought, Max presses his knees into my back, then touches my neck, sending a bolt through me, rendering me of all movement.

“Stupid move Liz!” He whispers coldly into my ear as he pulls me by my arms and throws me into the jeep. I try and move my lips to scream, but I can’t. I just lay there limply in the seat, not even able to move my head. He straps the seat belt around my shoulders and waist and walks around the jeep and gets in. I feel the engine start and we peel out of the parking lot, heading toward the desert.

My head dances with question. Where is he taking me? What is he going to do to me? What has gotten in to him? I’ve never feared Max, in fact, here lately I’ve become very brave and bold with him. Maybe a little to bold at times, during our little arguments, but never did I think it would get physical. When he grabbed me in the hallway at school, I was a little frightened at his aggression, and hid the small bruise his hand had created, but I never thought he would man handle me like he just did. We’ve certainly been at war in the last couple of weeks, and getting into each others face has been nothing out of the norm.
My thoughts are silenced when Max makes a sharp turn onto the desert floor. I’m unable to move my head to look, but from the corner of my eye, I can see that we are headed toward the pod chamber. Fear consumes me as I realize the complete isolation. A year ago, I would of loved to been alone with him, to have him bring me deep into the desert. Now, It terrifies me beyond words. Tears begin to fall, as the jeep is parked and he comes around to my side. He unbuckles my seat belt and throws me ungracefully onto his shoulder. Then he climbs the rocks, and opens the chamber door. When we enter, he lifts me off his shoulder and intentionally drops me. I groan as my ribs make impact with the hard floor. He then reaches down and sends another bolt to my neck. Power surges through my limbs and I am once again able to function.

“You can scream all you want now,” He states coldly, “no one will even hear you.” He paces in front of me, heat radiates off his body.

I struggle to my feet and look up at him, “Max…why are you doing this? Why did you bring me here?” I ask, trying to keep the fear out of my tone, but failing miserably.

He looks at me without an ounce of concern or sincerity. “I brought you here to tell you that this is going to stop!” He screams walking up to me, “I’m not going to have you jeopardizing all of our fucking lives just so you can parade around and claim that Alex’s death was our fault.” Venom is leaking from his words. “And to break into the school??? What the hell were you thinking?” He screams, shaking me for emphasis.

My first thought was to apologize, I didn’t want this to get out of hand. I just wanted to go home. But, when I see the look of belittlement he’s given me, I know I’m in to fight.

“Max you don’t know what the hell your talking about! You are not my fucking king and I will not be treated as if demands from you are mandatory.” I scream back at him, immediately regretting that move.

“You WILL go by my demands, Liz! And right now, I’m telling you to stop with this shit!” He yells, while tightening his grip on my arms. It’s not long before my arms start to tingle with that sensation you get when your hand falls asleep. I try to pull free, but he only pulls me harder against him.

“Let me go!” I demand, surprised at the lack of fear in my voice. I look him in the eye to show I’m not afraid, though my insides are shaking viciously.

“Not until you listen and do as I say,” he replies sternly. I look at his hands on my arms, and think of the weeks of hell he’s been putting me through. Do as he says? What is this…a monarchy? I’m fed up. Since when do I have to do what he says? I’m not his fucking dog! I look up into his eyes, and I’m met with the coldest look I think he’s ever possessed. Who is he? This is not the Max I fell in love with. Nor is he the Max I once couldn’t live without. This is some psycho version of the man I once considered my soul mate.

“Who are you?” I ask dryly. Squirming to get a little feeling back in my arms. His eyes are distant, and for a moment I don’t think he heard me.

“I said who …” I ask again only to be cut off.

“I heard you the first time,” He bellows. I jump at the volume of his voice. This did not go unnoticed by him. He releases my arms only to put both hands on either side of my head, holding me tightly.

“Your shaking Liz,” he states softly with almost a hint of concern. “Am I scaring you?” He asks again with the same tone. It is now I realize the tone is one of mockery. He holds my head tighter and pulls me within inches from his face, making my feet almost come off the ground. I stand on my tiptoes while he begins to scream in my face.

“Who am I Liz? I’m Max Evans. I’m the man that saved your life, fell in love with you, then saw the aftermath of you fucking another guy. I’m the man that got over it, tried to make things work, and bring you back to me. I’m the EXACT same man that brought you into my home, after Alex died, to comfort you, only to have you turn around and blame me for his death. And I’m also the same fucking man that watched as you relentlessly pursued some bullshit quest to accuse us of a death, when all the while putting everyone of our lives on the line.”

My ears are ringing from the volume of his voice and tears are streaming down my face. I so badly want to tell him everything. Future Max, the set up with Kyle, the discovery I made about Alex never being in Sweden, everything. But, I can’t even muster up enough air to breath right now. I’m just to weak. To heartbroken.
“Now…who are you?” He asks, finally lowering the volume of his voice. He releases the hold on my head and I fall back. I don’t even know how to answer that. I tilt my head and look at the ground. I didn’t want to coward down to him, but I’m to scared I’ll say something wrong.

“I SAID WHO ARE YOU?” He screams suddenly, wakening me from my cowardly slump. I lift my head as I try and formulate the right words.

“ANSWER ME GOD DAMN IT!” He screams again, forcefully reaching to grab me. I step backwards causing him to grab at nothing and stumble forward. Just as soon as I make the move, I regret it.

“Stupid move Liz,” he says all to calmly, “Really stupid move.” I back up into the granolith wall as he advances towards me.

“Max…Please!” I whimper. “Please!” When I hear the evil laugh come from him, I know it’s to late. I back up even further into the wall if at all possible. As soon as he comes within striking distance he stops. I look up and meet his eyes. They’re cold. Livid. His jaw is clenched and I honestly can’t tell whether or not he’s about to kill me or just beat me within inches of my life. I look down to ponder the questions that are racing through my mind. No. He won’t kill me. Max would never do anything like that. As for a couple of more jerks, grabs, and violent shakes, I’m not to sure.

“Look at you,” he mutters in disgust, “what the hell was I thinking when I kept you alive that day?” He moves in closer and uses his hand to tilt my chin up to look at him. This is different from those head tilts engaged in during a soul searing kiss, this was painful. Physically and emotionally. His fingers dug into to my jaw causing me to stand on my tiptoes while he continued.

“What did I see in little miss Liz Parker?” he asks mockingly. “Your defiantly nothing compared to what I can and will have,” he says coldly, then begins to laugh. “Oh wait, what I already have had.” He continues laughing as I stand there wide eyed and confused. I realize what he means and try to step back. He tightens his grip on my jaw and I let out a sharp cry. “Oh, Liz, are you not happy about that?” he asks raising his voice, “Does it make you sick to know that I fucked her?” He leans in closer tightening the grip unbearably more. I whimper out again, this time feeling blood trickle out of my lips. “It made me sick when you fucked Kyle, Liz,” he bellows, “To know that you gave him something that should have been mine”, he screams releasing his vice grip, sending me to the floor.

“Max,” I cry out, holding my presumed crushed jaw. I know now that if I want to come out of this place walking I need to tell him everything. I don’t want to ruin the future, I don’t want to let the others down, but I’ll be damned if I allow him to treat me like this any longer. “I need to tell you every…” Before I can finish he jerks me up by the arm.

“Get up,” he screams, “I’m far from being done.” When he gets me back up to my feet he presses me into the wall, pinning my shoulders down. I try to tell him again, “The whole thing with Kyle, it was…” He cuts me off once again.

“Shut the fuck up, Liz.” His face is red with anger, “ I’m the one who’s going to talk here! NOT YOU!.” He pushes my shoulders back even further and with one last attempt I try, “Max a person from the…”

My arms are released and I didn’t see it coming. All I saw was his form turn as he pulled his right shoulder back, then without warning his fist comes down on me. It happened so fast. I didn’t feel the pain until I was clearly knocked several feet away from him. My head was throbbing and I felt heat radiating from my left cheekbone and eye. I close my eyes and put my hand over the pain, not exactly sure what it’s stemming from. I can’t speak, and I don’t believe I’m even thinking clearly. I fall down from my propped position on my elbows. Laying on my side I try to open my eyes, but when the strain felt to great to do so I simply put my head down on my arm and laid there. I feel myself slipping into oblivion, as I hear his footsteps come closer. I hear him call out my name, but I’m to far gone to answer.

Last edited by Temptation_K on Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Touch if u will my stomach
Feel how it trembles inside
You've got the butterflies all tied up
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Post by Temptation_K »

Thanks so much for the feedback guys! Here's Chapter 3! I made this a quick one cause i'm to excited about starting on Chapter 4!

Chapter 3

I hear him. He’s distant, but I still here him. I try to relay on the events that had taken place, so I can fully comprehend what was going on. Max.

The initial blow took me by surprise, sending me into a antithetical state. I remember hearing him calling my name several times as I laid there. But, after that, nothing.

I don’t know how long I’ve been out. I struggle to open my eyes, feeling pain sear through my head when light enters. I shut them quickly. What time is it? I roll over and almost cry out as my ribs make contact with the floor. Then I relay back to him dropping me when we first entered the pod chamber. I’m pretty sure a couple of them are either cracked or broken.

I attempt to open my eyes once more. I pan around the pod chamber, unable to move my throbbing head. That’s when I see him.

He’s huddled on the rock just out side of the chamber. I watch him for a couple of seconds as he lays his head on his knees. Then I see him look out into the desert, and stand up. Immediately I’m met with fear. Afraid that he is going to come in here and start his thrashings. Then I hear a car door slam, and loud footsteps pounding up the mountain. Then I here it. It’s Michael.

“Max! What happened? I got your message this morning, but your cell phone signal must have been weak, because I only got a little bit of it.” I watch as Michael stands in front of Max, eyeing him for an answer.

“I…my head is…,” Max replies, “Something is…wrong” He’s interrupted by Michael impatience.

“Spit it out Maxwell!” Michael presses turning to the pod chamber. It is then that I hear the screaming.

“Oh my God! Liz!” Michael screams running over to me, “What the fuck happened?” He quickly kneels by my body and looks down at me, placing his hand gently on my face. “Liz, what happened?” he asks gently, a more gentle Michael than I have ever seen. I look at him. Concern is etched on his face. I try and speak, but I can’t. I just have no idea what’s going on. I watch as he turns to Max.

“What the fuck did you do to her?” He screams. Max just stares at him blankly. Michael looks back down at me. “Liz, can you hear me?” He asks gently. I‘m not sure if I hear him or not. My mind is going crazy with emotion. “Liz, if you can hear me, blink.” I know I hear him this time and follow his command and blink. “Listen I’m going to pick you up and take you to the car…” Before he can finish I hear Maria.

“Liz! What happened? Oh God… Michael what happened?” She asks panicked, “Max what happened to her,” she asks turning away from me towards Max.

“Maria not now,” Michael says urgently, “I’ll take care of it, just help me get her to the car.” With that Michael lifts me up into his arms, and begins walking out of the cave. I close my eyes as we go out into the bright sunlight. I feel Michael’s body turn as he carries me down the mountain. I’m not really sure what or if I feel right now. My mind is in a blank. I try to open my eyes when I feel him step down onto the desert floor, but suddenly I feel weary again, and I drift away.


Touch if u will my stomach
Feel how it trembles inside
You've got the butterflies all tied up
Don't make me chase you
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Post by Temptation_K »

Guys, your feedback has been unbeleivable!! Thanks so much...hope you enjoy the new part!

Dreamers...continue to stay with me!

Chapter 4

Max’s POV

I watch as Michael carries her down the side of the mountain. My stomach turns as I look at her still frame in his arms. What have I done? I spent most of the night crying, but now there is nothing left. I was just so angry. I wanted so bad to make her hurt, to feel pain that would cause her to never disrespect me ever again. And I did. I saw more pain in her eyes than I’ve ever wanted to see. She doesn’t deserve to hurt, ever! Not after what I’ve seen. Not after what she’s been through, all I’ve done. I saw everything when I tried to heal her early this morning.

After she passed out from me hitting her, I walked over and kicked her chest, right where I thought her heart was. It was then that her body began to convulse and her breathing became eradicated. That’s when I knew I had went to far. I was pretty sure she was going into cardiac arrest, so immediately I was on my knees forcing a connection to heal her. That’s when the flashes started.


Liz dancing in the mirror with a bridal veil.


Future me telling Liz that the world depended on our sperartion.


Liz’s smile as future me told her of our wedding


Liz setting up the scene with Kyle


Liz dancing on the balcony with me


Liz crying as future me vanished


Liz in bed crying almost every night


Liz telling Maria everything, making her swear not to tell me


Liz’s brave front as she acts as if she slept with Kyle


Her watching as I kissed Tess at prom


Her pain as she coped with Alex’s death


Liz in the bathroom mirror looking at the bruise I caused on her arm when I grabbed her


Liz’s discovery of Alex never being in Sweden


Liz crying as she walked home from Valinti’s last night right before I attacked her

End of flashes

After I healed her to the point where I knew she was okay, my body gave out. I crawled across the room and wept in the corner for what seemed like hours, afraid to look at the damage I had caused to her beautiful body. I contemplated suicide, but knowing I would never again let Liz be touched in a way that would cause her pain, I knew I had to stay and protect her. But, from who? Myself? I continued crying as I thought of her sacrifice for out lives. She’s so brave, so pure. And this is how I treat her? She will never forgive me. I will never forgive myself.

Feeling a wave of nausea come through me I crawl to the chamber door. I stand up and lean against the door as dry heaves rack my body. I turn and look at her, and another wave hits me. When the final one shakes through me I stumble towards her. Her body was still badly beaten, but my powers were to weak to heal her after our connection. I get down on my knees then lower myself down to her. I lay my lips down softly on hers and let my tears fall on her face. Then I bury my face in the crook o f her neck and confess to her every ounce of love, anger, and sadness I’ve ever known. When it seemed my voice was inaudible I lean up and go outside the cave, and call Michael. I knew I’d need help regaining my strength to heal her, and only he and I can form enough energy to heal her battered body.
Last edited by Temptation_K on Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Touch if u will my stomach
Feel how it trembles inside
You've got the butterflies all tied up
Don't make me chase you
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Post by Temptation_K »

I'm BACK!!!! Thanks guys for the encouragement! I can't wait to get started with this story writing process again! This part is fairly short, but i'll be posting more very soon! And as a reminder like always...DREAMERS STAY WITH ME!!!

Part 5
Liz’s POV

“…That’s when we got there.” I hear Michael’s voice coming from across the room. “Max was sitting outside, waiting for us. He had already healed her somewhat, but she’s still pretty bad off.” His voice gets closer and I feel him sit next to me on the bed.

“So you’re sure it’s him?” Isabel. “He did this to her?” Her voice cracks with disbelief. “Max would never hurt her like this. Michael this can’t be ri…”

“Michael and I were there Isabel. Maria shouts from across the room, “Max didn’t have to say shit, the guilt was written all over his face.”
The room got quiet. And I heard Maria start to cry. I feel Michael’s weight shift as he gets up to go comfort her.

“We’re all in a lot of shock right now,” Michael said softly. “The best thing we can do is just get her some help and keep this low until I find Max.”

At the sound of his name my heart jumps. Regret and confusion consume me as the thoughts of last night parade through my mind. I never ever thought Max would be capable of hurting anything or anyone. The icy glares he pierced me with last night still haunt me. I really should have just told him everything about future Max, before it got to far. This far. Maybe I should have never kept the secret. This might be the consequence of trying to hold the world together myself. I can only assume my course of action is the reason my best friend died. That should have been every indication I needed. I probably should of told Max everything immediately. Then maybe we could have worked together and Alex would be alive. Everything is so complicated now. I’ve uncovered hidden secrets about Alex and I know for a fact now that he was murdered. Is it alien related? Yes! Do I think someone in the group might have something to do with it? At the funeral I had suspensions, but after the way I was handled last night, I know that it’s very possible. I know Max would never do it, nor would Michael or Isabel. However, Tess gives me the only bad vibe. The way she acts so nonchalant when I even mention Alex, it’s enough to make me call the verdict.

“Maria, do you think you can stay here with Liz while Iz and I go find Max?” Michael’s voice interrupts my thoughts. “We should be back here soon if he’s still where we left him. Just keep her forehead iced and if she wakes up then…”Michael’s voice fades.

“I got it Michael, just go find the son of a bitch,” Maria’s voice is soft, but the harsh reality of her words scream out.

I hear feet scramble as Michael and Isabel exit the room. I choose this time to open my eyes. Slowly light leaked through and my head started pounding. I lifted my hand to shield them from the pain.

“Liz! Oh my God your awake!” I groan as Maria hops onto the bed beside me, “Are you okay?” The concern in her voice is none other than that of my best friend. I love her for that. She’s always been at my side.

“I think so Maria.” I barely recognize my voice, it’s so dry and hoarse. “I’m really thirsty.” I sit up a bit only to be pushed back down.

“Liz babe, lie back down. We don’t know what kind of injuries you have,” She says softly, handing me a bottled water. I lie back on the pillow while my eyes adjust to my surroundings. My eyes begin to focus on the bottled varieties of aroma oils. Yep, definitely Maria’s room. I take a few sips of the water as Maria just stares.

“Liz…I…what happened?” She says, breaking her own unusual silence.

I look away from her as tears fill my eyes. How am I supposed to explain what happened? How do I tell her that I was beaten nearly inches of my life by the man who I had once claimed as my soul mate? I really don’t even know what happened myself. It went so fast.

“He followed me home last night.” I manage to let out as the tears begin to fall.

“Where were you going home from?” She asks hesitantly as she lays her hand on mine.

“Valenti’s. I had gone to speak with Tess about mind control. He came in while we were talking and got really pissed that I was even there, so after some heated words I left.” My mind travels back to the pain I felt as Max slammed the door behind me, little did I know that pain would be much worse later that night.

“And he followed you home. Then what?” She asks. I can tell by the way she’s moving her hand that she’s nervous, almost afraid to hear the story.

“I got to the alley and began to climb the ladder and he was there.” I clear my throat. “He jerked me off the ladder and held me by the chin as he informed me that we’d be speaking. Then when he released me and I ran and,” My voice cracks, “he caught me.” I wipe at my tears only to reveal the familiar sharp pain in my left eye. I can only imagine it’s bruised.

“Then he took you to the desert?” She begins fidgeting with the covers.

“Yeah…” I say exhaustedly, “I let it go to far. I should have told him the truth way before all this.” I look down at the covers and begin to cry.

“Liz, I’m so sorry. If I would have known this, I would have never kept the secret. God Liz, but this isn’t your fault; don’t even blame yourself for keeping the truth. You did it for a reason. It’s Max who went ballistic, not you.” She wipes the tears off my eyes as I sit up to hug her. What would I do without her. How do I even begin to tell her that the story was far from ending? That Max revealed more to me than physical pain…but brought upon revelations of betrayal, even if it were just to spite me.
Touch if u will my stomach
Feel how it trembles inside
You've got the butterflies all tied up
Don't make me chase you
Even doves have pride