Roswell Next Generation (CC, Adult) Thread #1

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Post by Spacegirl04 »


Geez what did I do to this guy? he needs to seriously get laid, or get drunk or both, but he ain't getting laid with my sister she doesn't even know how to act at a party let alone drink a beer or have sex, I wouldn't let her have sex in the first place like its my decesion

I just stare at him like he didn't affect me, "Well then I guess, that's your choice, I was going to put in a good word but since she's shy around everyone, I might have to rethink that?" I look at him with evil innocence.

"My sister is a sweet loving and kind person, and its your loss" I grab my cola getting ready to leave the table.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »

OCC- still waiting on a post from Christina Please!


"Well then I guess, that's your choice, I was going to put in a good word but since she's shy around everyone, I might have to rethink that?" Oliver continues, "My sister is a sweet loving and kind person, and its your loss."

"I would love to continue our conversation..."Erik says will leaving a twenty down on the table for his food and Laura's tip, "but the party starts soon and I got to go pick up my sister and see if Lily and Amy needs a ride."

Erik stands up and heads out the front door. Once in side his jeep he calls and leaves a voice mail on Lily's cell phone, "Hey it's Erik, call me back if you need a ride to the old mill for the party. If not I'll see you there."

Erik pulls into his drive way and enters the house quietly. He walks in to his sister's room praying she is not changing. Luckily she is fully clothed and reading a book. "Come on sis we're going to the rave."
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Post by Spacegirl04 »


"Loser" I mutter to myself after he leaves, I walk towards Laura, "I'm going to get ready for the party, you need to come with us, I promise I won't make you stay long, something important we all need to discuss if you don't believe me just ask Amy ok?" I said handing her the twenty that Erik left on the table...

I dial Amy's cell phone, I'm glad dad got me a car at least I don't have to rely on anyone else and its a mustang got to love that...voicemail..."Hey its oli, just wanted to know if you needed me to pick you up for the party otherwise I hope to see you there, I'm bringing Laura." I say eyeing her as I'm speaking into the phone...

I flip the phone shut, "You done, yet I'm heading home to get ready for the party.." he says to Laura...
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Post by Liz_Parker »


I shake my head at Oliver and grab the phone from him quickly. "No he's not bringing me, I didn't say I was going", I glare at him and click the disconnect button.

"I don't care Oliver, I'm not going to some stupid party, I have better things to do with my life. All there's going to be is a bunch of lowlifes who need a real personality and I bet half of those girls there don't own their own bodies anymore. I'm not going, case closed", I shake my head and grab my order pad. "Besides, I offered to work over for another one of the girls tonight".

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Post by Athenea »

ooc: Just thought I'd get us going a little faster to the rave,.


My phone is vibrating and I know I got a message. Sitting here having a family meeting is not really what I wanted to do on a Saturday night. "Umm, Mom, Dad its been a really rougth day. Do you think we could just go to bed I'm really sleepy." I say yawning just to add to the lie.

Dad looks at me unconvinced though and then looks at his watch. "It's only 9:45. Your tired already?"

"Yes, yes....very long day and know alien heritage and all...come on Amy let's got to bed." I grab Amy's hand and we went to our bedroom we shared. I start finding clothes for the both of us to where. For Amy I pull out my black leather pants and a matching corset. She eyes the clothes I hand her warily. "Lilly I'm not wearing this. And I don't think this is a good idea."

"Amy you'll look hot in these trust me and check your messages." She looks at me funny but then she checks and while she's listening her eyes light up. "Oliver called. He wants to know if I'll be at the party. He offered to give me a ride and everything. How did you know." she said with a smile.

"I don't know I just knew. Now try those on we need to get out of here. This house is suffercating me." I pull out a burgedy mini skirt (and I mean MINI) and put on my fish net stockings and my black knee lenght combat boots. I pull on a black tummy bearing hater top to complete the out fit.

Amy comes over to me wearing the outfit I gave her, she looks a little uncomfortable in my clothes but she fills them out well. "You look hot. Oliver will be drooling over you tonight." I say and that gains her confidence back up. I lock our bedroom door and we climb out the window on to the balcony and down the fire escape.

"Now what Lilly we don't have a car and the party's at least ten miles away." Amy says

"Well we'll just have to travel in style." I say to her with a wink and grab her hand. I picture in my mind the dirt driveway that leads to the old rock quary which is where the rave was taking place. And suddenly we are there of course we landed right in front of a pair of headlights and hear the screeching of brakes. "That jerk almost hit us!" I said to Amy and of course she is telling me not to do anything put I stalk over to where the driver's seat and see a very surprised Erik. "Oh its you. Erik give us a ride to the quary. These boots hurt to much to be walking. " I say and me and Amy get in the back seat. "Hey Sabrina." I say and Erik turns around to face me. "So I guess you know about our alieness?" I simply nod my head and we pull up the the party.

The music is blaring and there has to be at least two hundred people here. It's definatly my kind of party. I just hope nobody reports us and gets the sheriff involved. But Oh well I am here to have fun.
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Post by CandyDreamQueen »


This is such a bad idea. This is such a bad idea. This is such a bad idea.

I know that my sister thinks that I worry too much, but… This is such a bad idea.

And god this corset is killing me. Whoever invented leather must have had an unnaturally high threshold for discomfort.

How can Lilly possibly be comfortable in this stuff? I feel like I don’t have on any clothes at all.

I adjust my corset for the hundredth time as I try to get comfortable. Then I lean in next to Lilly and whisper.

“God why did I let you drag me here? I know that I’m totally not going to fit in. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I barely cuss, and I sure don’t want to be around a bunch of people who do for the next few hours.

“I can’t believe that the best excuse you could come up with was that we were tiered. I can’t believe that I came here with you. What if something is really wrong with mom? She didn’t look so good. No, I don’t think that this was a good idea at all.”

OOC: I’ll post for Max later, got to go to class.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »


Erik watched Amy fidget in her leather. He could tell Lily had made her wear it. "I didn't know we were dressing as Matrix whores tonight or I would have worn my trench coat." Erik smiled. Tonight was going to be fun.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Oh its you. Erik give us a ride to the quary. These boots hurt to much to be walking. " I hear Lily say and look up. I'd been busy looking at my guitar since the band I'd formed a couple months ago was supposed to be mixing with the other bands and we were going to be playing three numbers. Amy and Lily get in the back seat and Erik continues driving to the quary. "Hey Sabrina."

"Hi." I respond quietly and glance back down at the guitar in my hands. I am hoping that talk of the alieness won't be brought up, but my brother ends up saying something.

"So I guess you know about our alieness?" I glance up to catch Lily's nod in my small mirror and shook my head as I tried not to think of it. As soon as Erik stopped the car, I climbed out and tried not to think about the alieness or how rude my brother was being toward Amy.

With guitar in hand I turn to them, "I've got to check the band orders so I know when we're up. I'll see everyone in there." With that I walk away, my style much more reserved then Lily's or Amy's. I wasn't as comfortable with flaunting my body as most of the girls in school were or even my mother seemed to be at times.

I was kind of hoping to run into Tyler, though I knew that was asking for trouble since he had a habit of really annoying me. Yet there was something about him....

ooc: Where is our Tyler anyway? I don't recall even seeing one post for him since we started.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I loved showing up before the large crowd, I got the best chance at checking out the action for the night and getting an early start on getting drunk. Of course, I helped the drummers set up and such crap as that, but once we were done, I had a bottle of Jack in my hands instead of beer and wandered around.

Of course, I couldn't seem to stop checking the entrances knowing that Lily was likely to show. I'd deliberately worn something that would let my tatt's show and had some of the girls coming up to me to talk, but no matter how hard I tried to focus on them, as soon as I saw Lily walk in it seemed as though there were no other chicks in the room.

Standing there with my drink in hand, I shuffled my feet a bit before grinning and walking over to greet them. "I didn't think they'd let the goody two shoes crew in here." I taunted as I looked at Amy and saw Sabrina walking toward the stage with her guitar. "Erik, I thought your sister was simply a karaoke joke. Hope she doesn't make a fool of herself. She's too sweet for this crowd."

Laughing slightly I look over at Lily, the whiskey already helping me out as I say simply, "Wanna dance, Lily?"
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Athenea »


I spot James as soon as we get out of the car. It amazes me that I always know when he is near. I hope that it doesn't have anything to do with alien powers. I hope its just because I have a thing for him. He looks really hot tonight with a shirt that shows off his tatoos.

“God why did I let you drag me here? I know that I’m totally not going to fit in. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I barely cuss, and I sure don’t want to be around a bunch of people who do for the next few hours."

“I can’t believe that the best excuse you could come up with was that we were tiered. I can’t believe that I came here with you. What if something is really wrong with mom? She didn’t look so good. No, I don’t think that this was a good idea at all.” I barely here Amy ranting because James is heading towards me.

"Relax Amy look I think I see Oliver over there." I say to keep her attention as James walks up to us. I don't really notice what he is saying, I'm to busy watching his sexy lips move as he talks. "Wanna dance, Lily?" he ask me and I can't help but give him a sexy smile.

"Sure lets go I say grabbing his hand and lead im to where everyone has destignated a dance area. The music is blaring and I can't help but notice how our bodies seem to mold perfectly together. James is an awesome dancer even with a little achol in him.