Sooner or Later (CC/ YTEEN) AN May 2nd- Ch5 (WIP)

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Sooner or Later (CC/ YTEEN) AN May 2nd- Ch5 (WIP)

Post by Beautiful86 »

Name Change!!!! Song is more applicable


Sooner or Later

Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell do not belong to me. They never have. They belong to the UPN, WB, Melinda Metz, and Jason Katims. I own nothing. The song belongs to Sheryl Crow. The new one is by Breaking Benjamin...

Category: All CC. Max and Tess still kissed in HoM but Kyle and Tess never talked about their feelings. Kyle never busted out with his sister feelings.

Timeline: Cry Your Name, It’s Too Late and It’s Too Bad

Summary: Isabel did something very out of character. This story picks up right in the middle of her fight with Max at school in ITLaITB.

Author’s Notes: Ok, I thought about this story last night while I was driving back to the Univ. from home. I bought the Sheryl Crow’s Very Best Of CD and I was just jammin! I listened to this song and then this story just kind of popped into my head. I’m not sure where I’m going to go with it yet, it’s just something that’ll be floating around in my head. I hope yall enjoy!

+ + +

Sooner or Later

I want a normal life
just like a new born child
I am a lover hater
I am an instigater
You are an oversight
Don't try to compromise
I'll learn to love to hate it
I am not integrated

Just call my name
You'll be okay
your scream is burning through my veins

Sooner or later your gonna hate it
Go ahead and throw your life away
Driving me under, leaving me out there
Go ahead and throw your life away

You're like an infantile
I knew it all the while
You sit and try to play me
Just like you see on tv
I am an oversight
Just like a parasite
Why am I so pathetic
I know you won't forget it

Just call my name
You'll be okay
your scream is burning through my veins

Sooner or later you're gonna hate it
Go ahead and throw MY life away
Driving me under, leaving me out there
Go ahead and throw MY life away

Sooner or later you're gonna hate it
Go ahead and throw our life away
Driving me under, leaving me out there
Go ahead and throw our life away

Isabel’s heart was pounding. How could he be so cruel? Max, her dear brother? The boy who held her hand while the pickup truck pulled up to them all those years ago. The quiet shy boy who had dreamt of a life with Liz Parker for ten years. The one who held her so tightly the night that Alex died. How could he be so…alien?

“If you ever try to leave Roswell without my consent, I will physically drag you back.” The tone of his voice made her want to puke on his shoes. Who did he think he was? The great king. Her face betrayed the feeling of her heart shattering as Isabel realized that her brother was alien to her now.

Max and Michael had been all she had for so long. Then there was her beautiful Alex. The wonder that had waited for her to be ready for him. But Alex was gone now. And he was never coming back. That left her with Michael and Max again. Michael was great, but he was too busy with Maria to care about his sister anymore. So that left her brother, whom she loved with all of her heart. And she was losing him too.

“You’re killing me,” she whispered. The pain in her voice would echo for the rest of her life. He truly was a stranger.

“You let it get this far.” The betrayal that rang in her heart shook her entire being. He was blaming her! He was taking all of his freaking insecurities and needs to be in control and he was actually blaming her!

“This Isabel Evans is dead.” She leaned in close to ensure that he understood her completely. “You want to be a leader? Try doing it without any followers.”

And then she walked away from him. He wouldn’t know it until later, but that was the last time he would ever see Isabel Evans. After running home, resisting the urge to blow things up along the way, Isabel stood in her room.

She looked around and suddenly felt completely claustrophobic. She was suffocating. She was dying inside. She had no one. Max? Asshole. Michael? Inexcusably detained. Alex? Well, Alex was never coming back for her. He’d left her in the middle of everything to stand on her own.

Isabel slumped onto her bed, and dropped her head to her hands. All she really ever wanted was to be loved. And she didn’t think she’d ever forgive herself for wasting so much valuable time with Alex. How she’d told him he was suffocating, or it couldn’t be a date, or any of the other crap she’d ever fed him. Now he was gone, and he’d never know that she truly did love him.

And suddenly, she was on her feet. Isabel grabbed a duffel bag from under her bed and packed it quickly, not wanting Max to come home before she could leave. Looking back, she’d never be able to determine what it was that made her snap decision. Perhaps the fear of tomorrow, or the intensity of loneliness. Perhaps it was her body, completely abandoned by her mind, working solely on auto-pilot. Either way, she waver her hands over three sheets of paper, and ink suddenly appeared. A letter for Max, a letter for Michael, and a letter for her parents.

He’d come looking for her, Isabel was sure. But as good as Max was a finder, Isabel was a hider. And she vowed that he would never find her, ever. Until she was damn good and ready for him too.

And then she left. Quietly, out the window. Waving her hand over the Toyota her parents had bought her, that had broken down, she fixed it. The color went from a sky blue to black, and the license plates changed. They’d never find her. And then, Isabel Evans was gone. She hadn’t lied when she told Max what she’d told him.

Isabel Evans was dead.

+ + +

So? :wink:[/b]
Last edited by Beautiful86 on Mon May 02, 2005 11:32 am, edited 10 times in total.


AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Post by Beautiful86 »

Thanks so much for your feedback. I'm glad to see that yall are enjoying it.

Quick disclaimer: lines from Departure.

Chapter One

Dear Brother of Mine,

Have you ever loved somebody so much you can’t breathe without them? What am I saying, of course you have. Do you remember how devastated you were when she was gone? But see, Liz Parker was never really gone. You still saw her, still loved her, still looked at her, still knew she was ok. I don’t have that. Alex is gone. Dead. He’s never coming back for me.

I look at this room, the one that I used to curl into at night, and fall asleep peacefully, and I can’t breathe anymore. This place, this town, it’s all so full of Alex. Everywhere I turn, I see him walking. I swear I hear him call my name. I feel him around me.

I can’t live like that anymore. I thought I could but I couldn’t. I’m not strong enough. I have to breakaway. I can’t live in Roswell anymore. I just wanted you to know that I love you with all of my heart. You were my rock for the longest time. You’re my Max. You’re my brother. And I love you dearly.

But I can’t live here anymore. You have expressly forbade me from leaving, but the thing is that, it’s not your life. You don’t have to deal with seeing your dead boyfriend. You don’t have to have your heart jump out of reflex every time the phone rings. I still swing open the door. I still think he’ll just come over, like before. I still think that my Alex is alive.

But he isn’t. And I can’t live like this. Under your thumb, in this town, with this pressure. I can’t do it. I’ll never be too far away, and if the time arises, I’ll be back to help you fight. I need to do this for myself. Perhaps someday, I’ll be able to walk back into this town, this life. Perhaps. But this is not that day. So goodbye, Max. Please never forget that I love you.


Max Evans stood still. His hand remained outstretched, letter in it, completely abandoned by his mind.

And suddenly, the room was spinning. His knees started to feel weak while his heart raced in his chest. If someone would just stop spinning the room around, he might be able to think.

Without thinking, he collapsed onto the bed. Sweat beads formed on his hairline, while his mind seemed to be unable to process what he’d just read. His sister. His best friend.

He admitted to himself that he didn’t think she had it in her. He didn’t think she was capable of such defiance. But apparently, he was wrong about a lot of things lately. Because Isabel was gone.

Movement to his left reminded him that he wasn’t alone. His unbelieving eyes looked into the horrified ones of Michael Guerin. Max expected to see anger there, but instead there was only grief. Max realized that Isabel must have not told Michael why she was leaving, that he was the reason. So much like Isabel, always trying to make peace.

The two boys stayed like that for what seemed like forever. Each unable to move, each unable to breathe. Their Four Square was incomplete. Their lives were incomplete.

Isabel was gone.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

She could breathe.

Isabel took deep breath after deep breath, amazed at how easy it was for her. She sat on the hood of her car, watching the sunset at Hoover Dam. She knew inside that her actions had been beyond selfish. But for once, she didn’t give a damn. It was her life, after all. It wasn’t as though she wanted to, but Max had left her with no choice.

She pulled out documents stating who she was and with a wave of her hand, they were all changed. In one moment, Isabel Carla Evans died. She was now Jessica. Jessica Lee-Ann Whitman.

With a new day’s air filling her lungs, Jessica closed her eyes as the warm Nevada breeze hit her. She wasn’t sure where she would go next, or what she would do, but she knew in that moment that she hadn’t made a mistake. You only got one chance to live, after all. Well, Jessica mused, at least in most cases.

Once the sun set, she climbed back into her car. Glancing into the rearview mirror, she decided it was time for another change. A swift wave of her hand and her golden locks morphed into a short brown cut.

And Jessica drove off into the night, music blaring, singing echoing. She could breathe. And for now, that was enough.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Liz Parker sat across from Tess Harding, basking in the hatred she felt for her. She knew in her gut that something had happened to Alex, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that it had blonde hair all over it.

Max walked in and she noticed his carefully avoiding gaze. He still wouldn’t look at her. Pain invaded her senses and Liz fought hard against it. She wouldn’t give into him. She would be strong. She had to be.

For Alex.

Maria felt her breath catch when Max sat down next to Tess and grab her hand, for comfort. Her eyes flew to Liz, almost being able to hear her heart break a little more.

“Isabel is gone,” Max said simply.

“What do you mean gone?” Tess asked, looking up at Max. The scene made Liz want to puke. How dare that thing look at Max like that? She took deep breaths and tried to calm herself. There was something about the way that Tess had asked. Did she sound relieved? Happy even?

“She left Roswell,” Michael answered. Liz’s eyes flew with Maria’s to Michael’s.

“Left as in…” Liz trailed off, somehow knowing where and why she’d gone. It was Max. Max had driven her away. It didn’t take long for rumors to spread throughout Roswell High, and news of their heated argument traveled quickly.

“Why?” Maria asked.

Tess was trying incredibly hard to fight the smile that was spreading across her face. With Isabel gone, Max would have no human ties to this forsaken rock. He would be easy to convince now. Her plan was working faster and easier than she’d imagined. If only she could get out to that damn house…and get the translation.

Liz knew the answer. She didn’t know, however, that she was voicing it. “Because of her beloved brother, the great King,” she spat out, sarcastically. The anger that registered in Max’s eyes told her that she’d said it out loud.


Max rose to his feet. How dare she? “You don’t know anything about this Liz. But as usual, you’re talking anyway.”

Liz momentarily forgot that there was anyone in the room but him. Memories of such happier times flashed before her eyes and rage roared to life deep within her core. “Me? Not know what I’m talking about? How about the fact that your own damn sister just left because you’re such an ass that you have to have everything your way!”

“My way?” Max yelled, incredulously. “You can’t be serious. Follow your destiny, Max. Follow your destiny. Does that sound familiar? I seem to remember this whiny voice always telling me that. Hmm, gee, Liz, do you know anyone that sounds like that?”

“Yeah!” She screamed back, tears of rage filling her eyes. “The whiny voice belongs to the girl to your right!”

“What’s wrong, Liz? Jealous are we?” Max regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. But Liz would never know that.

“Oh, no. In case you’re forgetting, out of the two of us, you’re the inexperienced one, Max.” Liz was pulling things out of the air. She knew that the reminder of what was Liz’s biggest betrayal would hurt him, and in a moment of weakness, she’d reached for it.

And it worked. Max grew silent as the night his sky fell down came flooding back. Then, as soon as it happened, he found his voice again. “Oh I’m sorry, Liz. I forgot that you’re the town slut so you’d have the upperhand.”

That was it. Liz had sacrificed everything for him. She gave up a future of happiness for him and those he loved. She walked towards him, anger driving her moves. “Who the hell do you think you are?!” she asked as she pushed him backwards, until he reached the wall. “I gave you everything! I jumped off bridges for you, I broke laws for you, I risked getting shot for you. If it hadn’t have been for me, you’d still be in the White Room. I walked away from you, I gave up everything for you. I saved myself for you!”

Max’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “Saved yourself?” he asked, almost too quietly for anyone to hear. “You slept with Kyle!”

Liz’s eyes grew wide as she realized what she’d done. Her legs didn’t want to move, while her mind was sending demand after demand for them to. Liz, regaining control over her body, turned and ran from the house.

The truth was out.



AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Post by Beautiful86 »

+ + +

Chapter Two

The city lights were ablaze with life. Jessica strolled through downtown without a care in the world. She glanced briefly at the map in her hand and her brows furrowed with confusion. The Tower of Americas should be here somewhere, she thought. Her eyes traveled upward and she felt herself begin to flush.

Stupid Is – Jessica, she reprimanded herself. It was right here. As she ventured into the elevator of the Tower of Americas in San Antonio, Texas, she never saw the pair of astonished blue eyes that followed her every move.

+ + +

Max Evans stood below the balcony, gazing up in terror mixed with intense hope. If he followed through with his plan, then this could make or break him. So many questions had run through his mind once Liz fled from the meeting that he had to disband it. Unable to deal with Tess and her questions about their kiss, he drove off into the night where he was sure he’d find answers.

Why would he find them there? Truth be told, he wasn’t really sure. But there had to be something out there. Max remembered when he was a young boy and had first seen Liz Parker with Maria DeLuca playing rock, paper, scissors on the playground. Even as a child he’d been unable to tear his eyes away from her. She was beautiful. She was unbelievably beautiful.

Now, he stood before her room gazing into the window. As his eyes found her sleeping form on the bed, he realized she was just as beautiful to him as she was that very day. In his ten years, he’d never been able to tear himself away from the light she offered. Even in its smallest measurements, like lately, she was beautiful.

Carefully making his way to her bedside, she stirred quietly. Her large brown eyes opened slowly and for the briefest of moments, he knew that she’d forgotten everything. She didn’t know destiny, she didn’t know Tess, and her beloved Alex was still with them. Love shined back at him in such an immense amount that he felt his heart flutter.

“I’m sorry,” he heard her whisper. Unable to control himself, Max reached out and touched her cheek.

“I’m sorry,” he repeated her words. All he wanted, when the bare essentials came out, was her. If he could have her, then he could do anything. He could fight an alien race, he could save another, he could find Isabel, if she was by him.

And suddenly, Max’s body was moving on its own. His head was moving slowly towards her, aching to feel her warm lips just one more time. Butterflies flew crazily around in his stomach, screaming at him to take flight. He was putting himself on the line here, unable to hold back.

His lips touched hers with such a fierce softness that it stirred her completely from sleep. Until that moment, Liz had been in between reality and dreams. But when his lips reached hers, she was thrown full force back into reality.

And then the memories flooded her. Alex dead. Max and Tess kissing. Isabel gone. Future Max. The end of the world.

And she shoved him away from her.

Max stumbled back with confusion and a sharp stab of pain. She was shutting him out again. Without speaking words, he rose from his crouching position and slowly climbed out the window. Their eyes didn’t meet after that, so neither saw the mutual tears falling from both pairs.

Liz hated him.

She hated him so freaking much that it killed her. She wanted to kill him for lack of being able to kill herself. But if she were being honest, she didn’t hate him at all. She hated herself. She hated herself for not being able to hate him at all. Not for lack of trying, mind you. But she couldn’t.

She couldn’t leave though. She was forever going to be tossed and turned in the alien chaos.

After all, wasn’t she an alien now herself?

+ + +

Blue eyes followed her form everywhere. She looked different, strangely different. But wasn’t she still the same? Why was she here? Where were the rest?

And what did that mean for her?

- - - - -

Thanks for being so patient. I'm sorry that this is short. But OLLU has me by the sack these days.


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Post by Beautiful86 »

Chapter Three

Tess Harding looked around carefully before entering the abandoned warehouse. If anyone saw her here, her entire cover would be blown. As she walked down the familiar corridor, she looked back on how easy it all had been.

Almost too easy, mind you.

Tess Harding was no fool. She was evil, yes and admittedly, but she was the smart kind of evil. She’d been prepared for betrayal at every turn, after all, you can never be too careful.

“I was beginning to wonder about you.” Tess rolled her eyes at the annoying voice that floated over to her ears.

“You always worry about me.” Blue eyes narrowed as her tiny form crossed over to peer into the prisoner’s room.

“How is he today?” The same blue eyes narrowed even farther as her demeanor noticeably changed. This had nothing to do with the prisoner at all. This was all about him.

“He’s beginning to get to you, isn’t he, Tess?” He couldn’t believe his eyes. She stiffened slightly at his question, unknowingly confirming his suspicions. He rose from his slanted position against the wall to grasp her shoulders firmly. “You can’t let him! You have worked too hard for too long. Do you want to see home again?” At her slight nod, he continued. “Then stiffen up. This isn’t like you. Max Evans…” he trailed off as her eyes shot up to his, confusion swimming within them.

And it dawned on him.

“Oh,” was all he could say. Now this was really absurd! Max Evans, the mighty Zan, King of Antar, was one thing. But this…this…this human?! This human had her distracted?

She shook him from her shoulders and looked him squarely in the eyes. “I know! Don’t you think I know that? He’s not getting to me, you’re just being paranoid!”

He wasn’t convinced, but if he got her angry then she might back down from their deal. So he let it go. “I’m sorry,” he said, as he pulled her into his embrace.

“It’s ok, Sean. It’s ok.”

- - -

Liz sat perched on her balcony, reviewing the events of the last week. Day 1, Alex died. Day 2, she lost Max. Day 3, Isabel left. Day 4, she told Max the truth. Day 5, she kissed Max. Day 6, Max was gone again. Day 7, Max was holding hands with Tess in school. Soap opera much?

She sighed as Maria came into her room, her shoulders hanging. Her best friend didn’t believe her about Alex. No one did really. But it was her dream last night that had Maria here right now.

“Let’s just get this over with,” her Maria said. Liz’s heart broke at the indifferent tone of her voice. It was as though she were just humoring her.

“Maria, I think Alex is alive.” Maria’s eyes filled with tears immediately as she hung her head. It shouldn’t be surprising, really. It was always the strong ones who broke under grief. It was always the ones you thought were made of stone that were actually more heartbroken then you were.

“Liz, don’t do this.”

“No, Maria, my dream. It was so real. He came to me and said that he was still here, alive. That I was the only one who could see him, and the only one who could help him. He said that I’d been where he is before, that it’s the place where one of my worst nightmares was brought to life.”


“No, let me finish. He told me to tell you something, because he knew that you wouldn’t just believe me. Oh, what was it? It was something only you and he would know…”


“I remember! He said little birdy, fly away. Even though I wish you’d stay, you’re not really mine anyway. So little birdy fly away, fly away into the day!” she finished excitedly. She looked up into the horror filled eyes of Maria DeLuca and felt her stomach fall through the floor and into the Crashdown. She subconsciously strained her ears for anyone screeching at the sight.

“Oh my God,” Maria whispered. “How did you know that?”

“I don’t understand it. What was it?”

Maria swallowed the lump in her throat. “It was the first song that we wrote together, when we were twelve.” Was Liz right? Could Alex have somehow reached her? Was he alive? She tried to fight the hope that was quickly rising within her, but couldn’t somehow.

Little birdy… that could only mean one thing.

- - -

Tess crept into the cell, not wanting to be noticed by Sean. Her eyes met her prisoner’s limp form and fought hard against the remorse filling her. She was doing him a favor, he should thank her. Well, not really…

“Why didn’t you just kill me?”

She strained her jaw and prepared for his questions. “Because I don’t want to kill you.”

His eyes met hers and she felt like she was going to vomit. Why did her life have to be full of so many difficult choices?

“You should have.”

She backed against the wall at the hate in his eyes. She had to leave, she had to get out. Out of Roswell, out of the country, out of the galaxy. The walls were closing in. She could see them closing in on her. Quickly reaching for the handle on the door, she slid from the room, never once able to tear her eyes away from his.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered against the closed door. “I’m so sorry, Alex.”

- - -

And the plot thickens!!!!!


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Post by Beautiful86 »

<center>Chapter Four</center>

Max Evans found himself once again seated at his favorite booth in the Crashdown. Only, Liz wasn't working. She was instead, get this, sitting across from him, gazing heatedly into her Calculus book. They'd agreed to get together to study for their massive exam on Friday. He'd felt her reluctance to do so, and he felt confused about it. Was she angry with him still over Alex? Was she angry with him for kissing her?

In his usual fashion, he hadn't chased her for anymore answers after that night. Though he'd wanted to, he'd never been able to pursue it in fears that she just blurted something out. That she, in fact, had had sex with Kyle Valenti. That maybe if he connected with her, he'd feel her orgasm, or his touch, or... Max trailed off as bile began to rise in his throat.

One look at Liz told him that he knew her. Through all of their pain and suffering, through their trials and tribulations, he still knew her. He knew that she wasn't capable of giving her love to someone she didn't, in fact, love. Hadn't her behavior towards Kyle for the past year proven that she didn't.

A year.

Two years, actually. That's how long he'd quote, unquote, been with Liz Parker. Amazing, in the least. Back to case and point.

Why hadn't he seen the signs? Before he went to New York, she strangely knew something about the Granolith. How? To this day, she'd still never set foot in the chamber, or laid eyes on the actual cone.

"Liz?" he asked, conjuring what he thought a brilliant plan in his mind.

Her eyes looked up in question. "Would you like to go somewhere? I want to show you something." Her eyes flashed with an unrecognizable emotion as she pondered what he could mean for a few moments.

She finally smiled slightly, letting him know that she was ok with his suggestion. Five minutes later, he found himself on the road to the Pod Chamber.


Jessica Whitman walked along the River Walk blindly. She'd felt someone watching her for quite a while now. At first, she'd been unable to determine who it was. But now, after some concentration, she knew without a doubt that it was her.

So why the secrecy? Hadn't she had any guts at all? I mean, for Pete's sake, just walk up already!

Turning around a corner, Jess was ready to confront her stalker. As Ava turned the corner, she intentionally bumped into her. "Why are you following me?"

Jessica took a moment to absorb her appearance. All of her piercing, her blue hair, the fishnet stalkings, it was all gone. Her hair was back to its natural blonde and seemed so much longer now. She hardly wore any makeup. Jessica knew that it was what Tess would look like, if she laid off the eyeliner.

"I had to see if you were really Isa..."

"Jessica," she interuppted. "My name is Jessica Whitman."

"Ok, Jessica. I still go by Ava." She took a minute to look hard into her eyes. There seemed to be a ghost there. Like something was seriously haunting her.

"You wanna get some food? You are, after all, surrounded by restaurants. And who wouldn't want to eat next to the greenest, slimiest, grimiest river in all of North America?" Ava smiled when Jessica laughed. Maybe she wouldn't be so lonely anymore.

On the other side, Jess was happy to see a familiar face. Like a reminder of home, even though she didn't want any. Ava wasn't like any of them back home, or even the ones she'd met from New York. She went untainted by the events of her life, and still held a childish innocence. Maybe, Jess could find the friend that didn't seem to exist anywhere else.


Tess walked to her home with shrugged shoulders. She wasn't as evil as she'd like to be. Her stupid humanity was catching up with her. Why? Because life was funny like that. She looked into the dark sky and met the stars square in the eyes. She lost their game of tug-o-war, as memories of the past two weeks invaded her senses.


"Tess you have to! He'll go to Max, to Kyle! They'll know how you betrayed them!" Sean DeLuca. Her greatest enemy mixed with her greatest ally.


"I'm sorry, Alex. But it was this, or death. What would you have me do?"

"Just tell Isabel that I'm ok! Please. You have no idea what this is doing to her!"

Tess spun on him. "You think this is easy for me? I saw her crying. And I could stop it at any time."

"Then why don't you, Tess?"

"Because if I let you go, he'd just kill us all anyway."

"Who, Tess? Who are you so afraid of?"

Tears in her blue eyes met his. "Khivar." And with that she walked out of the prison. Life wasn't easy, not for her.


Coiled in ropes, blood seeping from her fingers. Confused. So confused. Pain. There was so much pain. Sean DeLuca's cold eyes met hers, with no remorse whatsoever.

Insane. He was truly insane.

"I'll kill them, Tess. I'll kill Max, I'll kill Michael. I'll kill Isabel. And then I'll make you watch as I kill your precious human. I'll rip each limb from his body, and make sure he knows it's your fault!"

End Flashes**

Tess walked into the Valenti house and saw Kyle watching Friday the 13th on TV. He was wrapped in a blanket from head to toe, and looked frightened as ever. A chuckle rose from her throat as she fought back tears.

She'd kill a thousand people if it meant he'd stay alive. She wasn't proud of herself, or the things she'd been forced to do. But she'd do it all again, if it meant that that...thing...would leave Kyle alone.

As she sat next to him, he pulled her into his embrace, forgotten about the movie. They'd never told anyone about their growing relationship. But Kyle knew about her kiss with Max. And he didn't care. He knew that she belonged to him.

As her eyes began to close, the weight of the world finally showing its trump, she inhaled his scent. Yes, she'd kill for him.

After all, weren't those the things you do when you felt a certain way about someone?

TBC~ :twisted:

So what do you guys think? Is it all coming into place yet??


AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Post by Beautiful86 »

Hey guys! I'm baaaaaaaack! Hehehe...I hope y'all still care. :( Hehe...

<center>Chapter Five-Return to the Alien Abyss</center>

Jessica fell into step with her, not really sure why but not doubting it at the same time.

They reached an apartment complex, and Ava opened the door to what was obviously her home. It was cozy, and decently decorated. “C’mon in. Make yourself at home.”

Jessica slowly walked over to the couch and sat down stiffly. “So what have you been doing this whole time?”

Ava had disappeared into the kitchen. But her voice came from around the wall. “I took the test and got my GED. Then I applied to UTSA, under an alias of course. I am officially Evita Gardener.”


“Yeah, well, recently I’ve gotten into Madonna. And I watched that movie and knew that it was worth while. According to the law, I’m 19, an orphan, and a freshman at UTSA. Works pretty well, actually. My…well…advantages make life a lot easier.”

Jessica leaned back. Ava brought her a glass of Cherry Kool-Aid with a bottle of Tobasco. “Yeah, my name isn’t Isabel. It’s Jessica, Jessica Whitman. Thanks to my…uh…advantages as well. Isabel Evans has seemed to disappear.”

“You mentioned that.” Ava chuckled as she gulped down a large helping of her Kool-Aid. “Nothing like relaxing in Texas on a warm day huh?”

“I sort of like Texas so far. It seems homey.”

Blue eyes crept up to meet soft brown ones, and Ava sighed. “Personal question?”


“Why did you leave? I mean, it looks like you left everything. The Royal Four, Roswell, your family…”

Jessica fought back tears of resentment at the last memories of Roswell. If you ever try leave Roswell without my consent, I will physically drag you back. Her beloved brother, the asshole of the year, the extreme lover, and the hated bastard…all rolled into one.

“Alex died.”

“Alex?” Ava frowned in thought, she knew she’d met him, but it was only briefly.

“The dorky one who tried too hard.”

Ava shook her head immediately. “I remember.”

This time the tears fell over. “Yeah, well, he died. And everything changed. Roswell was suddenly so small, you know? And everywhere I turned, I would see the back of his head, or hear his voice. I was going insane. So I tried to leave to go to college and well…Max had a-a problem with it. So I just said to hell with you all and left.”

Jessica collected herself and smiled sheepishly. But Ava only smiled comfortingly. “That’s a brave thing to do. Start over, I mean. It’s scary out here, but I don’t know…I think you’ll do ok.” Jessica yawned and Ava smiled again.

“You can crash here for a while, I have another bedroom in the back. It’s furnished with just a bed and a dresser, but it’s cool with me if it’s cool with you.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

Jessica walked down the hallway and found herself lying on a comfortable bed. She could see herself being friends with Ava. Perhaps it was a good thing that she’d moved to Texas, or chosen Texas rather. Maybe she’d even move in with her, who knows?

Down the hall, Ava was thinking the same. She knew what it was like to live without the person you loved, and if anyone could help her, it was Ava.

+ + +

Liz felt her heart drop. Why did she let him bring her here? How did she not see his plan? One look at the inverted cone, and memories flew in front of her eyes. Memories of an older Max, a wiser Max…a more selfish Max. She knew her thoughts were irrational, but she had no way of fighting them.

“You can touch it.” Liz met Max’s eyes and immediately regretted it. It was the old Max, it was her Max, looking back into hers.

A few steps forward and she was reaching for the Granolith. Without warning, she was slaughtered with images.

I won’t leave you.

It was future Max.

No, no, no Max, you have to.

If I do this, if I’m successful, you and I won’t exist. Not as we do now.

Max, if you don’t do this we’re going to die, everyone will.

I’ll never see you again.

Tears flooded her closed eyes. It had been her to encourage him. All this time, she’d placed the blame squarely on his shoulders. But she’d been the one to push him. Figures, he’d have done anything she’d asked him to…once upon a time.

The images kept coming, as Liz couldn’t tear her hand away.

Thank you.

For what?

For every smile, every kiss.

Max…I don’t have any regrets.

She saw her future self fall to her knees as her husband was whisked away to save the planet, to save lives, while hers was ending.

The chamber crashed into itself and future Liz died.

Max’s voice cut into her thoughts like a knife would cut into a peeled banana. “Are you ok? Did you see something?”

Quickly blinking away her tears and throwing up her defenses, she shook her head. “No. No, Max. I didn’t see anything.”



AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>
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Post by Beautiful86 »

Hi all!

So guess what? Finals week! Otherwise known to fellow college students, ARMAGEDDON!

I'm swamped between studying, calculating the EXACT score I can get on any given final to maintain a 3.0, and working. So I'll try to have the next chapter out by Wednesday. Thanks so much for sticking with me through all of this guys. I really appreciate all of it, from the bottom of my Kyrie-lovin heart!

I promise to be back with at least half a chapter no later than Friday. Thanks again and wish me luck. Lord knows, I'm going to need all the help I can get come Friday. It's Biology final... yes, in case you're wondering, there IS scary music playing in the background. :shock:


AU/No Aliens-Max and Liz...with realistic complications...</center>