Obsession (M/L AU TEEN) 1/1 COMPLETE 11/19/05

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Obsession (M/L AU TEEN) 1/1 COMPLETE 11/19/05

Post by soypet »

Title: Obsession
Author: Soyphet
Category: M/L, Max POV, AU
Rating: TEEN
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell or anything related. And by the way, I was reading Lolita and it started out with the syllables, and I loved it. I'm borrowing the idea. So... Please don't sue.
Summary: Max hiding behind that tree.
AN: I don't think I'll write anything more to it. I think it fits the way it is.


MY SWEET ELIZABETH with a name rolling off my tongue in four delightful syllables. Many names in one: Liz. Beth. Eliza. Bethany. I could go on but none can match the perfect name of Elizabeth. It is the perfect name that follows the perfect body, one so long and gorgeous. A body that I sleep to dream for, as I did last night. Her golden hair flowing across my mind like a gust of wind caressing my face. I wish to feel her hair, the silky texture that I imagine it to be. Like Romeo once said, ‘It is my lady, o it is my love.’

She is my shining sun, directing me everyday. Her enchanting ways like a guiding light. When she stands tall, I do so as well. When she cries, I weep with her. When she brightens with laughter, I want to jump for joy and excitement. With cupid’s arrows I have been hit at first sight.
I watch her walk proudly down the hall and my head lifts higher, my eyes gazing at the beautiful girl who belongs on the runway among the best of them—Tyra, Naomi, and Giselle. Her neck is slender and her stance is regal. She is the queen gliding down between the sea of followers. I am one of her admiring peasants. My clothes ragged and dirty. Hers satiny and feminine with a divine aura. Elizabeth the sovereign has put a spell on me.

And I am fully captivated.

I can’t go through a single day without thoughts of her. I sit back in class and try to count the strands of her fair-hair, thinking what might be going through her mind. Is she thinking of me too as the pink tongue slips out of her mouth? Does she wish to talk to me every time her silhouette turns its way in my direction? Or is she fantasizing about the day that I would come to her rescue and be her knight in shining armor as her eyes drift close, leaving the pools of color in darkness?

My lids seal shut, praying that one day I will have the strength to kill that deadly dragon. But my prayers are cut short as visions of me and her dance in front of my eyes. I can picture her beautiful visage. Her pouty red lips and bright eyes—an endless drift of ocean waves. I long to touch her as I feel the creamy skin beneath my callused palms.

Palm to palm, I imagine my fingers threading through hers, my lady—my Juliet. Time slips by me. I don’t notice the ringing, the way she effortlessly sits up and glides once more out the door. I’m in my own little heaven with dreams of her.

They soon end.

The day flew by and she is gone. I am only left with the memories—the scent of her lavender skin, the lilting voice, and the miles of lean legs. I know this because I follow her to the dragon’s den, walking quietly in her wake. The dragon’s deep roar fills up the space and I’m hovering away like the coward I am. His large teeth shining reflectively at me in my dark corner while he wraps a scaly appendage around my lady. He pushes pass me without a notice and I’m thankful. I am not yet strong enough.

So I go home and lay in my bed with more dreams of queen Elizabeth. This time I am her king sitting beside her in my throne, our fingers tangled. She says to me, “You, my love.”

Elizabeth—a name rolling off my tongue in four perfect syllables.

How I love thee.