A Christmas Miracle. CC. YTEEN/TEEN. Complete 12/23

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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A Christmas Miracle. CC. YTEEN/TEEN. Complete 12/23

Post by Ti88 »

Title: A Christmas Miracle

Author: Roselle

Email: roswellgoddess2001@yahoo.com

Disclaimer: Roswell, it's books, character's, the show are total property of the show's producers', writers', authors' and anyone else involed in the actual prodution of it. NO infringement is intended. All I get from this is a warm fuzzy feeling.

Category: CC. YTEEN/TEEN

Spoilers: Through Season 3.

Songs are courtesy of elyrics.net ‘My grown up Christmas List – Kelly Clarkson’ and ‘Merry Christmas Darling – Carpenters’

Summary: Tess and Alex come back for Christmas. Our story picks up Christmas Eve season 3. I have changed things to fit into my timeline. Isabel didn’t get married. All your other questions. I really haven’t thought about. I just know it really doesn’t matter in this fic. This is from a different season 3. In fact just pretend the show ended at Departure. Hope you enjoy. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!

Part 1: Someplace on Antar

“Alex. Alex are you ok?” Tess was concerned. She had passed out form the latest mind warping when Kivar troops came in to rough a ‘recovering’ Alex up.

“Tess I’m fine. How are you and little Kyle junior doing?” Alex was amazed at everything that had happened. And saddened at the fact they were up here and the people they loved were down there missing them. Thinking the worst.

“We are good. This little guy is really strong. I don’t think I would have been able to do everything I had done if it hadn’t been for him or her. But Alex we have to get out of here. I’m not sure how much longer we can keep this up. And once the baby’s born, they are going to know the truth. That I messed with it all. Set up the clone to believe she was with Max and pregnant with his child, than transferred the child to me, just to protect my own baby. If they find out, they’ll kill us all.”

Alex looked at Tess. She had come a long way and in the process had found love. “Tess they aren’t going to find out. We’ll be back home by then. Are you ready to try to contact Kyle again? The baby should be able to reach him. And I’m strong enough to reach Isabelle.” Tess nodded her head. They set in to try and make contact with their love ones.

Part 2: Roswell. December.

“Tess” It was a whisper on Kyle’s lips but everyone heard it.

And Isabelle was the first to react. “How dare you?!” She was furious. That murderous tramp killed the love of her life and ran away with her niece or nephew.

Kyle didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t the first time he felt her. Her and something else. Almost as if a contact was being attempted. First time he passed off as a fluke. The second holiday blues. But the third. No they had to deal with this. “I think. I think Tess is trying to contact me.”

Silence. Absolute silence. Isabelle got up and left. Michael could see things were going to get out of hand. “Um Kyle why do you think she is trying to contact you?”

Kyle didn’t know what do. But if he was honest, he missed her. And he still couldn’t believe she had did all she did. That she made him do what she did. And after. He shook his head. No time for that now. “This is the third time. Um I can hear her. Feel her. Just out of reach but her and something else. And it’s real.”

Isabelle had got half a block down when she felt it. “Alex.” She breathed. “Oh God. Alex.” She turned and went back to the Crashdown.

Everyone looked up to see Isabelle come in with tears in her eyes. Kyle thinking he had put them there got up to apologize. “Isabelle I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” But he never got to finish.

“Alex.” It was all she said and pandemonium broke out.

Part 3: Antar

“It worked. We got through.” Tess was excited. She had waited almost 8 months to make real contact.

Alex wouldn’t have to fake being ill this time. It had taken all his energy to make that contact. She was resistant and he didn’t think it would happen. But it worked. Tess and him would rest tonight and then tomorrow they would make the escape and hope the others were waiting for them. Tess and the baby’s lives depended on Max being there.

It was an escape that had been months in the planning. They had finally realized they were down the hall from the granolith. Alex had managed with the evil clone’s help to figure out how to completely work the granolith to take them back home. They just were unsure how an extremely pregnant Tess would fair for the trip. They would find out tomorrow. Because Tess was close. If they didn’t leave now while security was at its lowest for Antar’s holiday, they might not get another chance. If they stayed and she gave birth it would be a death sentence. When they get into the granolith tomorrow it might be a death sentence too. One they were willing to take.

Part 4: Roswell

Liz couldn’t take anymore. Everyone was in hysterics. She gave an ear splitting whistle. “Alright. Everyone be quiet. I only want to hear from Kyle and Isabelle.” She pointed for them to choose who would go first.

Kyle motioned for Isabelle. She nodded and accepted. “Um I heard/felt Alex. He’s…he’s alive. And he’s coming home. Tomorrow. Or least they’re going to try.”

Maria piped up. “They who?” Kyle stepped in before it got out of hand again.

“Tess and Alex. And the baby. They are coming home for Christmas. She’s almost ready to deliver and she can’t be there when she does. If she is, it’ll be a death sentence for them all. So…”

Isabelle picked up. “So they are taking the granolith and escaping tonight. There is some festival going on and the security will be at its lowest. Alex knows how to work the granolith. They need us to meet them at the chamber. At the very least Max. Because Alex doesn’t know how the trip will effect Tess and the baby.”

Liz had a question. “Why would they kill them? She gives birth. They have their heir. Why kill the baby?”

Michael answered while looking between Max and Kyle. All the pieces fell into place.
“They are going to kill them, because they will find out the baby Tess carries isn’t your Max but Kyle’s. She won’t be considered trustworthy anymore. They have no use for Kyle child. Alex was probably part of the bargaining chip.” He stopped.

Both guys didn’t know what to say. Max just sat down. He was. Well to be honest relieved. Kyle was scared. “ Oh God. How could she leave knowing she was…and with my child…and make me do.”

Isabelle stepped in. “It wasn’t her, but a clone. Somewhere along the way they were switched. After that it gets bit confusing. Especially hearing this through a one way filtered connection. All I know for sure is clone didn’t really sleep with anyone. Kyle you got Tess pregnant and sometimes after that this whole thing happened. She stuck it out to keep Alex safe. The clone thought she slept with Max. Max you haven’t slept with anyone…unless you’ve slept with Liz.” There was laughter at that.

Part 5: Antar

Alex helped Tess into place. He prayed they would all survive the trip. He prayed their friends would be there to meet them. That they would accept them. Still love them.

“Alex, do you think they heard?” Tess was scared. So very scared. So much to explain and she didn’t know if she would get the chance.

“They heard Tess.” He also answered her unspoken question. “I have to believe they will be there. Have to believe they will get past all the questions and things that don’t make sense and just show up. It’s Christmas back home. And Christmas is a time for miracles. Ready?”

Tess sturdied herself. Sent out a prayer. Grabbed Alex’s hand in hers and placed them on her stomach. A handprint appeared briefly. “Ready.”

Alex took a deep breath. And started the granolith.

Part 6: Roswell

“So what are we going to do?”

Maria looked at Liz like she was crazy. “Um Liz dear, what do you mean what are we going to do. We are going to tell Sheriff Valenti we are going out to the desert to meet Tess and Alex and the baby. We tell our parents we are going to hang out…you know first Christmas without Alex and will be back tomorrow. Or something. Then we are going to gather blankets and supplies and we are going to go and get our best friend, my niece or nephew and his mom. IN short we are going to get our family back.” She paused and looked at Liz. “Why Liz? What do you want to do?”

Liz looked at Maria like she was crazy. “Maria are you saying we just drop everything and go out into the desert? Its isolated. It could be a trap. I mean how? How do we know what Kyle and Isabelle are saying is true?” She crossed to Maria. “Can we afford to take that risk?”

Maria looked at Liz. She shook her head. Liz was right. Calm. Practical Liz was always right. But sometimes you had to go by faith. “Can we afford not to?”

Michael stepped up next to Maria. “She’s right you know. You would never forgive yourself if they came back. No one was there and something happened to them. Nor would you able to sleep wandering if they were there or not. I don’t know how long travel is, but we should get ready and leave now.”

Max turned to his sister and Kyle. “Are you guys sure what you heard was real? Are you willing to risk your lives in case it isn’t?

Isabelle looked at Max and everyone. “I can’t speak for Kyle. But the day Alex died a part of me did too. I made a promise to myself. If there was any chance for him to come back I would take it no matter what. The rest of you do not need to come. I will go by myself.”

Kyle waited for Isabelle to finish. “Me too. It was Tess that contacted me. In fact I think our child was trying to reach out also. So like Isabelle said we would love for you guys to be there with us, but we don’t need it. The choice is yours.”

Liz and Max looked at each other. “Ok. Lets go. We are all in this together. No matter what. You’re right Michael. I would always wander.”

“Michael when did you get to the point where you made sense in a calm fashion?” Max was truly impressed at his best friends demeanor.

“Alex’s death put a lot of things into perspective. At his grave I made a lot of promises to him. One was to take care of Maria, Liz, and Isabelle for him….Don’t snicker Kyle. I know you made the same one. And Max promised to take care of everyone.

The gang made the arrangements that were needed. Kyle called his dad on the cell. They got the supplies that were needed and headed to the wait in the desert for what they hoped would be their Christmas miracle. As Christmas Eve was about to pass into Christmas Day. Maria sang.

The Christmas rush is through
And I still have one wish to make
A special one for you ...
Merry Christmas Darling
We're apart, that's true
But I can dream and in my dreams
I'm Christmassing with you
Holidays are joyful
There's always something new
But every day's a holiday,
When I'm near to you
The lights on my tree
I wish you could see
I wish it every day
Log's on the fire, filled me with desire
To see you and to say ...
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry Christmas Darling)
Happy New Year too ...
I've just one wish on this Christmas Eve
(on this Christmas Eve)
I wish I were with you
Log's on the fire, filled me with desire
To see you and to say ..
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry Christmas Darling)
Happy New Year too ...
I've just one wish on this Christmas Eve
(on this Christmas Eve)
I wish I were with you ...
I wish I were with you
(Merry Merry Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas ... Darling)

Part 7: Space between Antar and Earth.

Alex looked over at Tess. She was holding on…barely. The first trip they remembered nothing, including how long it took. Alex didn’t have a watch or anything. He had no clue to how long they had been traveling. He could see out, but it all looked the same. Pretty but endless. Vast.

Tess met Alex’s eyes and gave him a brave smile. She read the fear and uncertainty and tried to reassure him, she was fine. Although she was almost positive she was about to go into labor. “Alex we are going to make it. Don’t look so worried. Home is not that far away.”

“Me worried? Naw. I was just thinking how great it will be after all this time to have an orange soda with lots of ice, that’s all. Tess that’s all. Go on back to sleep. You need your rest.”

Part 8: Christmas Day Roswell New Mexico the desert.

“Its 10am where are they?” Kyle was getting anxious. Something big was going to happen. He just knew it. He didn’t know if they would be prepared for it.

“Chill man. You’re driving the girls crazy with your pacing.” Michael didn’t want to admit. Kyle was driving him crazy too. Maria was playing nothing but Christmas carols and so far he had almost cried twice. What was a man supposed to do when a kid just wants by some shoes for his mama so she’ll look pretty when she meets Jesus. And the song that was playing now was hitting a little to close to what their lives were like. It could have been any one of their Christmas lists. But Maria does have a beautiful voice.

Do you remember me
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you
With childhood fantasies

Well, I'm all grown up now
And still need help somehow
I'm not a child
But my heart still can dream

So here's my lifelong wish
My grown up christmas list
Not for myself
But for a world in need

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
and wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown up christmas list

As children we believed
The grandest sight to see
Was something lovely
Wrapped beneath our tree

Well heaven surely knows
That packages and bows
Can never heal
A hurting human soul

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown up christmas list

What is this illusion called the innocence of youth
Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth
(there'd be)

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end, oh
This is my grown up christmas list

This is my grown up christmas list

Part 9: Christmas Day Not to far from Earth

She didn’t want to wake him, but she thought he might want to see this. “Alex. Alex. We’re almost home. You can see Earth. We’re going to make it.” Alex stirred. He looked out the window. Tess was right. He could see Earth. So far things were good. Her color had come back and there were no signs of them being followed. “Ok Tess this is it. I think we are about to enter the Earth’s atmosphere. We should enter right above Roswell. The cloaking device should kick in and keep us hidden. Ready?”

“Do we have a choice?” She laughed. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” And with that they plummeted thorough the atmosphere straight toward their friends.

Part 10: Roswell Christmas Day 1pm

The ground began to rumble. Maria’s radio started going haywire until she just cut it off.

“What is that?”

“I think Michael that is our family returning.” Max couldn’t help but grin. He hoped he was right.

The rumbling stopped and the dust settled. In the spot where it had left from, rested the granolith. Isabel got to the door first. “Alex! Tess! Alex! Tess! Can you guys hear me?”
Kyle was on her heals. He too began to shout. All of a sudden there was a loud swoosh and a door opened.

“Help. We need help. Tess. When we reentered. I don’t know what happened. She lost consciousness. Her water broke. Please.” Alex had carried a completely limp Tess out of the door.

“Tess.” Kyle was trying to get her form Alex. “Max get over here now.”

“Right here Kyle. But you have to let her go. I’ve got her. Her and the baby. Let me help them.”

Maria came up being him and engulfed him in a hug. “I can’t lose them. Everyone I love leaves me. I just can’t.” Kyle completely broke down. Maria continued to rub his back. He finally pulled himself together and went to go rescue Alex from his club of girls.

“Thanks Alex. You kept them safe for me and brought them back.”

“They aren’t out of the woods yet. So I might not have done that good of job.”

“They’re here not there and that’s all that matters.” Alex nodded and understood.

“Oh Alex I missed you so much. And I love you. Before anything else, you have to know that. Know that I love you with everything I have and everything I am.”

“I know Isabelle I feel the same way.”

“Um guys…”

“Yeah Liz?”

“Well I think Tess is awake and just went into full labor.” Pandemonium broke out. But almost 2 hours later it was all over. There was a new beautiful 8lb girl born. Tess looked at Kyle and at her daughter. Her family. Alex and Isabel exchanged similar looks. “What are you going to name her?”

“Liz we never thought about it. Alex wouldn’t help me. Just kept saying Kyle and I would discuss it. And Kyle is in too much shock to think of names coherently. Kyle looked up at that moment and murmured a name.

“Pelaiah…we can call her Laiah for short.” Everyone was looking at him. “It means Lord’s secret or miracle. And that’s just what she is.

Tess tried it out. “Pelaiah. Little Pelaiah. Little Laiah. Well little one, it looks like your daddy has found you a name. And a fitting one at that. For you were both a secret and a miracle. Kyle I love it. Everyone, I would like to introduce to Pelaiah Valenti. Who we call Laiah for short.”

The baby was played with and everyone was caught up on what was going on. Alex and Tess explained bout the clone and Kivar’s plan. How Tess rescued him. They discussed what they were going to tell their parents and decided maybe the truth would be the way to go. They knew despite what their wish may have been or what miracles they had just been blessed with it was not over. But for today as they headed back into town to meet at the Crashdown, where it all started to meet everyone it was just going to be Christmas a time for family, friends, and miracles.

The End.
Last edited by Ti88 on Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.