Roswell Next Generation (Thread 2) (ADULT/UC/CC)

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Post by Fehr'sBear »

repost. and i'm in the middle of writing my michael one now

Once we're in my room sitting on the bed, Danni answers my question, leaving me still confused.

"I... don't know how I lost control... I've been feeling kind of strange lately..." She says, and at the lately, I look up. There's a pained look on her face, and as she tells me not to say anything to the others, I know there's something up.

Changing the subject, she asks about the kiss, and I look at her, my turn to stutter out an answer. "Talan... what was with the kiss? I mean... was it just a way to distract my mind... or?"

"I won't say anything to them if you promise to tell me next time you feel strange, and as for the kiss...I don't know...partly it was to distract you, and partly it was...something else." I look down at my shoes, feeling like an idiot. Danni and I have been friends for years, and I've just...never kissed her before. What if it makes everything different, in a bad way?
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

<center> Oliver </center>
We walked into the Crashdown and Amy, head down, eyes averted, immediately moved to fill an empty seat. I began to follow her, but the weird feeling that had come earlier returned.

"What the hell?" I whispered, confused and a bit scared. What if someone was controlling me or something? I mean, how else could I explain this weird calming thing? Because I certainly wasn't calm. I looked at Amy, who was staring at me strangely.

"You felt it that time, didn't you?" I asked, grabbing her hand and holding it tightly. She made me feel better, like everything would be ok. And she gave me a purpose to worry about; I had to protect her from whatever this was. "That weird, calming thing?"
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by madroswellfan »

Oliver comes and takes the seat next to mine.
"What the hell?" whispers. I look at him startled.

"You felt it that time, didn't you?" he says taking my hand, as though he's trying to protect me. I raise an eyebrow at him. What on earth is he on about? I mean..did I feel what? The wind? I look at him confused. Is he feeling ok?

"That weird, calming thing?"

I freeze. Calming thing?...
Oh God. Don't tell me...don't tell me that trying to calm myself...trying to feel calm within my little part of the world...actually...did something? I tremble. Oh dear God....what the hell is happening to me?!
I look at the floor. I need to tell Oliver. He won't think Im mad or anything...
Will he?

I get off my chair and slide it over so that are chairs as close as possible. I swallow hard and move to whisper in his ear. "I....I...I think I....did that"
I bite my lip. "I was just trying feel at peace...calm...feel like everything around me was..."
I move away slightly so I could look into his eyes. Im trembling. God whats wrong with me?
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Post by magikhands »


After Erik, Sabrina, Christina, and Tyler come in together, my sweet Amy comes in...but then I see Oliver and a grumble threatens to emerge until I feel Liz's hand on my arm and her little squeeze reminding me to keep my tongue. She knows me so well, and I'm very grateful. I can't help but feel this protectiveness over her. She's so kind and caring. She's so much like Liz...but her shyness, she gets from me.

I watch as she enters with her head down, refusing to look at us. I want to go to her and tell her that I love her and that everything will be ok. Or at least I hope it will be. But Oliver moves in beside her. She still won't look over at me and it tears at my heart.

I watch Amy close her eyes and take several deep breaths. And as she does so, I feel my anxiety and worries soothe out. I was more calm about what was about to come out of my mouth. I ease.

Oliver's brows draw together and he whispers something. Amy is startled at his words.

I look to Liz. "Did you feel that? Amy...she was...I don't know. It reminded me of Kyle doing his meditating thing when all the emotions around him gets to be too much. But I think she was calming herself and I felt it. I felt this peace inside of me. I think it was her."
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Post by magikhands »


After Max is feeling better I get some burgers on the grill and fries in the fryers. Some of the kids come in and can't help but wonder where James and Marie are. Keeping myself busy in the kitchen, trying to ignore the anger, anxious, and confusion that is swirling around the cafe, I gather all the fixings and make sure I don't burn any of the food.

That's when something draws my attention. Looking through the pickup window I see Amy sitting, head down, and taking in deep breaths. I feel her emotions calm and relax a little. I smile feeling them wash over me and go back to work.

It makes me feel good to know that Max has passed on another emotional gift. He gave me the abilitity to read emotions...a gift I once thought was a curse. But aparently, Amy inherited the ability to affect the emotions around her. Interesting. I'm sure she and I could share calming techniques once this is all over. That is IF the kids talk to us after finding out the truth.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

<center> Oliver </center>

Her face froze up in fear, and I wondered what I had said to cause it. I immediately became concerned at the confusion on her face, and was about to tell her to forget about it when she said, "I....I...I think I....did that."

She looked away, as if afraid of what she might see in my eyes. I sat back, a little shocked by the confession. Wait, so she can control emotions? I shifted a bit; it sounded to close to being able to control minds. But then I remembered that it was Amy. She wouldn't want to control someone, even if she had the power to.

"Hey," I said quietly, soothingly, "It's ok. We all have weird abilities. We'll just have to ask your dad about that one too."

She still looked worried, so I took her hand and pulled her closer to me, wrapping one of my arms around her shoulders. I knew Mr. Evans was burning a hole in my head with his eyes, but I just couldn't leave Amy like this. It killed me.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by magikhands »


Sitting there waiting was grating on my nerves. I felt Christina's weight on my body and managed to relax...that is until Michael comes walking in the cafe and gives me death looks. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I've known Michael all my life. I look at Christina and know that I will fight for her. She's the one...the one I want to be with. Yes, I know we are young but I can't help but think of Uncle Max. He knew Aunt Liz was the one for him in elementary school. Or at least that's what he says. And weren't my own parents in high school when they figured out how they felt for each other?

Sighing, I wrap an arm around her and kiss her hair while we wait for the others to arrive.

Looking across the table, I meet Sabrina's eyes.

'I wish the others would get here and get this over with. There are so many questions.' I say and she nods her head in understanding. But even as I said this I felt a little at ease with it all. I don't know where this feeling came from but I wasn't going to stop it. Maybe this will help me deal with what our parents had to tell us.
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Post by magikhands »


"So, you wanna go talk to them? Buy them a coffee or something? It could be interesting," Brad asks.

I shrug. "I don't know. Aren't we leaving early tomorrow morning to go back home?"

I look at Brad and see that look and know he's not going to let me out of this. I sigh and shake my head. The blonde was pretty and it's been ages since I've had a date.

"Fine. But promise me that we won't stay out late."
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Relax Michael. At least our children aren't doing what we did. I just hope that neither of them decide to go hot and cold, like someone else I love." Maria says, and I turn to her, a smile on my face regardless of what I'm thinking. Because, what I'm thinking involves locking my daughter in her room until she turns thirty. Its not that I'm worried about her, its just that I remember what it's like to be a teenage boy, and what I remember worries me.

"Come on, let's get going and that way we can get things in motion faster and maybe get back to what we were doing." My wife says, tearing me from my thoughts. She gives me this look accompanied by a wink, and I suddenly wish we were going straight home. Believe me, we did not have enough time alone before. Not at all.

"I'm all for that plan," I tell her at a near whisper, before leading her to the car. We get in and in a few minutes we arrive at the Crashdown. In the parking lot, I stop the car and sit there, the key still in the ignition.

"What are we going to tell the kids?" I ask, before getting out of the car. I wasn't prepared for this, and I doubt Max was either. Oh I hope he's got a plan.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"I don't know. Aren't we leaving early tomorrow morning to go back home?" Andrew asks, being his usual shy, chicken self. Of course we're leaving tomorrow, but we are taking a plane. He can sleep on that if he's worried about being tired.

I flash him a look, and after a minute, his resolve crumbles. "Fine. But promise me that we won't stay out late."

"I promise," I say with a grin, crossing my fingers under the table. We won't stay out late, we'll get in early. "Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to get some shut eye and catch the flight," I add, before rising from my seat.

I walk over to the table once I'm sure Andrew is following me.

"Hello ladies," I say, my prize-winning smile plastered on my face. "Mind if we join you?"

The hot brunette next to the blonde nods, giggling, and I slide into one of the bench booth seats. I motion to Andrew to do the same. "The name's Brad Guerin. Nice to meet you lovely ladies."
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