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Post by isabelle »


I thought I’d caught the scent of Michael and another as I nearly flew down the stair, but I didn’t see them at that moment. I did see the wolf coming up behind me as I ran outside. Then just as I spot the car that seems to fit Jess’ description, the wolf sudden races in front of me and stops. In an instant, I decide that trying to stop at that speed would like cause injury to myself or Jess. Instead, I leap into the air, soaring over the wolf and landing on the other side near the car. I casually transform back into a girl, straightening up so I’m leaning against the car with both elbows.

“You make a pretty cute wolf,” I say with a wild grin. “And by the way -- I win.”
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


As I'm still watching, Maria jumps over me, her lion form much more graceful than that of my wolf. In mere seconds, she's back to her human form, leaning against the car casually. How is it that she can make me feel clumsy an awkward even in the shape of a wolf? The girl's smooth.

“You make a pretty cute wolf,” she says grinning, as I change back before her eyes. Well, that's an interesting compliment I've never heard before. “And by the way -- I win.” Grinning almost defeatedly, I get out my keys and press the unlock button.

"Well, Miss I-got-a-head-start, you did a good job of finding the right car," I tell her as the headlights blink next to her. "Ready for that tour?"
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Post by isabelle »


It's interesting to watch someone-else change shape. I've tried to watch myself in the mirror, but it's hard. There's so many distracting feelings going on inside. Watching Jess is ... amazing.

I have to grin as Jess complains about my head start. Well, he still caught up with me, didn't he? Of course, it wasn't like I was really going all out. He probably wasn't either. It was just goofing off. Of course, that kind of goofing off ends as soon as we leave the property here.

"Ready for that tour?" he asks.

"Absolutely," I say. I move around to the other side of the car and let myself into the passenger seat. After buckling in, I turn and smile at Jess again. "All set!" I tell him. "Start off to the left after you get to the gate."

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Post by KatnotKath »


"I don't think that I have to. I think that I want to..." Max assures me in that smooth, gentle voice of his, picking up the tin of cocoa in his hands. "And if you say I'm still welcomed, then I say we should go on and do it..."

"You're still welcome..." My response as he opens the door and looks back at me is simple. Of course he's worry was that he might have changed his mind, or started thinking more about why most of the others tend to avoid me... That's happened before - sometimes with the new kids... They start to get friendly, and then they find out about what I can do and while they might say it doesn't matter at first, it doesn't take them long to change their minds and start to pull away...

But he hasn't...well, not yet anyway... Picking up my cup from the side, I nod slightly and step forward. "Okay, let's go..." Walking back out onto the corridor I wait for him to join me and then begin to walk down the corridor towards the stairs. "So...I wanted to thank you, for giving me a chance..."

As soon as I say it, I know that I've made a mistake because there are so many ways that can be taken... "I mean, for not judging me on my powers you know..." I try to clarify quickly, not wanting him to think I'm reading something into this that I'm not... I mean not that he isn't nice, he really is, and he looks great... In fact, thats the thing there...I know he wouldn't be interested in me, he's so out of my league, and I don't want him to think I'm making something more out of this than it is... Its just cocoa, cookies and talking...
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Absolutely," is Maria's response as she just as gracefully and quickly settles herself in the passenger seat and buckles up. "All set!" she tells me once I'm buckled in and have the car started. I've never had a girl so eager to go for a ride in this piece of crap car. But I'm not complaining.

"Start off to the left after you get to the gate," she adds, directing me, and I pull out of the parking lot maybe a little faster than I should have, and turn left.

"Where to first?" I ask, driving down the long straight street that is right outside of the school. Hopefully there are some interesting places in town.
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Post by Zansgirl »


“Kyle…” She moans my name and moves her head to the side, slightly. I devour her pulse. I kiss back up her jaw line and I capture her lips into a passionate kiss. Bringing my hands to the front clasp of her bra.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


Kyle kisses my jaw line some more and I feel like my whole entire body was going to over power me. It was burning inside of me and all I wanted is to make burn of this fire that was inside of me.

I felt Kyle’s hands reach my bra to unhook it. I run my hands down his neck to his chest… “Kyle….” I moan so much, wanting every inch of him.
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Post by isabelle »


"Where to first?" Jess asks.

"Hmmm," I say, wondering what sort of thing he'd like most. He hadn't had time to get any posters up on the wall or anything so I don't know what he's into, exactly. "Well, if you'd like a club, there's 'The Dirt Club' -- it's named after the owner's collection of dirt from a lot of different places. Or 'Time and Passion.' "

"Or if you're into activities, we got a bowling alley, an arcade, and a rock-climbing wall. Or if you want the tourista stuff, there's an inclined plane with a little restaurant and a really nice view of the town. What's your pleasure, wolf-boy?" I ask.
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Post by isabelle »


"So...I wanted to thank you, for giving me a chance... I mean, for not judging me on my powers you know..." Liz says, still sounding really uncertain and almost ... scared. I sure hope she doesn't think I'm some sort of dork, or monster.

"Same here," I counter. I'm sure I don't get as much of it as she does, but it's not all that different. It hasn't happened in years, but I'm still afraid of hurting people without meaning to. It's not an easy thing.

We arrive at her door and I pause, letting her take the lead. "It's nice to hang out and just ... talk." I tell her.
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Post by KatnotKath »


"Same here..."

"We mutants have to stick together, right?" I respond lightly although Max's response makes the point once more that he's one of the few people around who can actually truly understand what I mean... Its one thing as for most for it to be that you're judged and feared by anyone normal, but quite another to be feared by others in the school. Others who in essence are supposed to be like us, except that our powers set us apart from them...

Up the stairs and along the corridor we go, then arrive outside the door to my room where Max stops as though letting me go first. "It's nice to hang out and"

"Yeah...that's what I think...nice and...normal I guess..." I give a wry smile at the how silly that sounds considering as I open the door, stepping inside, setting my mug down on my bedside table and the dropping down onto the bed, motioning to show Max he's welcome to join me. Despite my words, I find myself experiencing a certain feeling of disappointment. Talking and hanging out is all that was intended, but still...

But that's not what this is, there's nothing going on except a couple of friends having a drink and cookies...which reminds me. "Cookies..." I hardly realise that I've said it outloud as I stand up, crossing my room to retrieve the jar from the shelving unit which stands opposite my bed against the wall. "Can't forget these after all that can I?" I comment softly, grabbing a couple of tissues on the way out to try and minimise mess and removing the lid of the jar before offering it in Max's direction with a smile as I sit back down. "Want one? - they're good I promise you!"
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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