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Thanks fa da FB. :D Dis part is a lil confusin'.


Chapter: 21

Zan walked through the door and saw his wife asleep on the couch. He motioned for Michael, Max and Alex to go in the Kitchen. He walked over to the couch and knelt down. He touched her shoulder softly and kissed her forehead. A small smile crept up as he looked down at Liz.

“Liz, sweets, ya needs ta get up.” Zan whispered. Liz’s eyes flung open and she jumped to where she was now sitting, causing Zan to fall on ass.

“You found them?” She said looking down at her husband and his shocked face that was soon taken over by a look of sadness. He got back on his knee’s, his head looking towards the ground. He softly shook his head and said, “No. We’s looked all night. No Rath. No Isabel.”
Liz’s eyes started to water. She’s been crying all day. It had been a week since Rath and Isabel were taken and they still haven’t found them. They searched Kyle’s apartment which led to nothing and then they started hounding the streets. Looking down every alley, into every club. Even, though they new they probably wouldn’t be there they still looked. Trying to find some hope.

Zan went and sat next to his wife. Taking her in a hug and rocking her as she sobbed into his chest. He combed his hands through her hair.

“It’ll be ‘aight, Liz. We will find dem. Soona or layta. We will. I’s promise ya. We will.”


“When are we going to tell them, Billy? We can’t keep lying to them. There are friends now. They already know who and what we are, why can’t we tell them this.” Laura asked as she sat next to Vienna on the couch.

Billy looked up at Laura. “Hon, we can’t tell them. They’ll think we’re apart of it.”

“But, we’re not. We had no part in it. We left the Special Unit because we were tired of Khivars orders and plus we never even followed him, he was never our ruler. Zan and Rath were always the one’s we believed in. We need to tell them, Billy. Rath and Isabel could really get hurt!” Laura said standing up now and a few inches away from the couch.

Billy closed his eyes. Thinking about what he should do. He looked up and saw that Vienna was standing next to Laura. “I second it, Billy. We need to tell them, you might have been my brother on Antar and I might have listened to anything you said, but this is Earth and another time. We are no longer the people we once were. I’m not Tajana, your not Kar, and Laura is not Vilia. We are not servants anymore. We’re not the one’s that died in the palace those people are gone. However Haylus is still Haylus. He is a servant that died in the palace. He works with Khivar and we need to warn them. Rath and Isabel’s lives are on the line.” Vienna said staring at Billy.

Billy took in her stare and nodded his head in agreement.


Isabel was sitting in the corner of the dark room. She was waiting for Rath to wake up. This was how it was. They slept. She woke up first. Went to corner and sat there. Waited for Rath to wake. He’d wake up. And join her. They’d wait. Then, a stray of food would slid into the room. They never saw anyone. Or anything. They got used to darkness. They never saw light. Not from a lamp or the sun. Their live’s were now lived in a pitch black darkened room.

Isabel shuttered and Rath put his arm around her. They got closer everyday. Getting to know little things about each other. Now, all they had were each other. And each other is what kept themselves alive.

The door opened and a bright light came through. Causing both, Rath and Isabel to lift their hands to their eyes to shield the brightness. They both stood up and saw three figures.

Kyle, Nickolas, and a man they’d never seen before.

“Who are you?” Isabel asked, as she looked at the unknown man. Rath put a protective arm around her wanting no harm to come to her.

A laugh came out of the unknown man. “God, Vilandra. I thought you’d recognize me. Guess my thought went to shit, huh?” He said smiling.

“Khivar?” Isabel said with disgust.

“There you go.” Khivar said clapping.

Isabel looked away from him to Kyle, “Kyle how could you. I thought you were our friend. We told you we were sorry.” Isabel said tears streaming down her face.

Kyle started laughing, “Well, Is. You see I’m not Kyle. My name is Haylus. Sure Kyle was going to bring you in, but the stupid human didn’t have the guts. His exact words were, ‘I won’t give up my friends.’ So, we knocked him out. He’s in a cell pretty much like this one. But, aside from that. Wasn’t the wedding beautiful. God, don’t remember the last time I’ve been to one of those.”

“It wasn’t Kyle.” Isabel said with relief as she thought back to the fist that had collided with her face.

“No. I hit you.” Haylus said.

When Isabel looked up this time she saw a dark haired man, in his early thirties.

“Wat do ya want wit us? Wit Zan and da rest of dem?” Rath asked.

“Oh, we don’t want Zan or any of the others. We just wanted you two.” Nickolas said with pure pleasure showing in his face.

“Why’s dat?” Rath asked.

“Well, we need some lab rats.” Haylus said with a evil grin.
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Thank ya all fa da FB. Here's da next part. :D


Chapter 23

Liz answered the door with Z.J. on her hip. She smiled when she saw Billy, Laura and Vienna and welcomed them in. Liz went and put Z.J. into his crib and went into the living room where Billy, Laura and Vienna were sitting.

“What’s going on?” Liz asked wondering if they had found anything.

“We need to talk.” Billy said seriously, “You need to call everyone here.”

Liz nodded her head and went to the phone calling Zan and telling him that him and everyone else needed to get their. When he asked why Liz just said, “Billy needs to tell us all something.”

Within twenty minuted Zan, Michael, Maria, Max and Tess were all there. Billy stood up not knowing how he was going to tell them. Trying to think of the right approach.

“Billy? What is it?” Maria asked her long time alien friend.

Billy just came out with it, “On our planet my name is Kar. Vienna is my sister, Tajana and Laura is my wife Vilia. We were servants in the castle, as was Haylus. Which is Laura’s brother. We were your friends, at least Vienna, Laura and I were. Haylus however was not. He was sided with Khivar. He’s the one that let Khivar through the gates.” Billy said. Zan was about to say something when Billy started again, “Vilandra was not with Khivar. She never was. Khivar was, however in love with her and because she didn’t love him back he killed her and her family. Before, he killed her he did bad things to her, that I don’t want to mention. Khivar made all the servants watch as he executed the royal family and had his way with Vilandra.” Billy looked away from all of them as the memory flashed through his mind, “Khivar then killed Laura, Vienna, even Haylus, then me. Him killing Haylus, I didn’t understand. But, anyway when they recreated the Royal Four they made two sets, as you already know. But when they made you guys, they thought that you would need us. So we were recreated, too. That you didn’t know.”

“Your hybrids, too?” Michael asked confused.

“Yes. When we ‘hatched’ there was a man he took care of us. Brought us into the unit...”

“Hold on... Unit? What unit?” Liz asked interrupting Billy.

“The Special Unit.” Said Billy.

“Wait a minute. The Special Unit is apart of the FBI.” Michael said standing up not liking where this was going.

“Yes, it is.” Billy said.

“But, that part of the FBI are Alien hunters. How...”

“That part of the FBI are all Aliens.” Billy said which made everyone’s mouths drop.

“Wait, what do you mean?” Asked Max.

“The Special Unit was created by Khivars followers who came down to Earth. Khivar runs everything. He’s got a body and he’s on earth. How I don’t know. But, Nicholas and Haylus are on his side as are a lot of other skins.” Billy replied.

Michael looked away from Billy and then something popped into his head, “Wait a minute, then that means, that means Pierce was an Alien.” Michael said staring at Billy in shock.

“Yes, he was. Pierce was better known as Cillo. Khivars brother. We were raised by him. They thought that maybe they could make us believe and think that we hated the royal four, little did they know we had all of our memories from our other life.”

“How? We don’t even?” Tess stated.

“You don’t have your memories because you don’t choose to have them, all you have to do is choose, would you rather see everything that was once your life or keep it all locked up. That’s it.”

“How did you get out?” Michael asked.

“We escaped. We knew we could never betray you, you are our leaders.” Vienna said.

There was a long silence, then Laura broke it, “Khivar has Rath and Isabel.”

Everyone looked at her. “Oh, god.” Maria started to cry, Liz joining her. Zan went and took his wife and friend in a hug. Michael’s eyes went wide, thinking of the worst. Wanting his Isabel. Tess was crying and Max was comforting her not wanting her to get to upset, when the baby could come any day now and worrying about his older sister.

“We’re going to get them back. If it’s the last thing we ever do.” Laura said.


Rath was thrown back into the pitch black room the third time that day. He scrambled to his feet and searched for Isabel. He really wished that his powers weren’t stripped. So, that he could illuminate a light.

When he found her, she was lying on the ground not moving. Rath looked at her face, not being able to make out her features. He looked closer and saw something that made him want to kill Khivar over and over again.

Isabel’s left eyes had a large bruise around it. Her lip was split and her nose seemed to be broken. Rath looked over her body making sure everything else was ok. He looked at her arms and saw dozens of bruises and injection marks. Rath almost cried at how bad she was beaten up. He told her everything would be ok, he promised her, and he broke that promise.
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Chapter 24

Isabel woke up and saw two blurry figures standing in front of her. The room was lit up and she put her hand over her eyes, which caused her to wince in pain. Isabel heard a laugh and she knew who it was. She just heard it yesterday.

“Get her up.” Said a voice which Isabel figured to be Khivars. Two men came and grabbed her by the arms. She gritted her teeth from the pain. They set her in chair and then Khivar and Nickolas sat across from her.

“What do you want?” Isabel asked in pain, which caused Nickolas to smile.

“Your last days on Antar were your post precious. You gave birth to a son, which was Rath’s.” Khivar said with disgust. Isabel eyes widened. Why didn’t she ever know? Isabel wanted to know if he was ok and where he was now. Was he died? Or alive?

“Oh, he’s alive.” Khivar said knowing what she thought. “He’s here on earth, he just doesn’t know you’re his mother and Rath’s his father.”

“Well, then....” Isabel stopped knowing, “You. He thinks you’re his father.” Isabel shook her head. Tears threatened her eyes, “What’s his name?”

“Lythian.” Khivar said with a smile. Isabel nodded her head. “Can I ask you a question?” Isabel asked.

“Why of course.” Khivar said leaning in his chair.

“Why did you take us? And why take Rath and not Michael? I mean I’m married to Michael. Why are we hear? Why do you want us?” Isabel couldn’t help the other questions that flowed out of her.

Khivar laughed, “Well, we took Rath because, he’s more connected to you.”

Isabel sat there shocked. How could Rath be more connected, when she was married to Michael? “What do you mean Rath and I are more connected? And you didn’t answer my other questions.” Isabel stated.

“Let me give you a history lesson. When they recreated you. They made two sets...” Isabel was about to talk when Khivar cut her off, “ Yes, I know, you know let me talk! They didn’t make another set for insurance they made another set because they thought that if ever the war would come down here you would need more help. So they made a powerful batch and a not so powerful batch.” Khivar ended and Nickolas took over the so call ‘history’ lesson. “The powerful batch held you, Tess, Zan and Rath. The not so powerful batch held Lonnie, Ava, Max and Michael. They switched the batches around not wanting one to be useless and the other more powerful. Wanting them each to be equal.”

Isabel couldn’t believe the stuff she was hearing. “So, Michael’s not...really...”Isabel started to say.

“No, Michael isn’t your true mate. Rath is. Although they look same, there not. The ones that made you guys, thought you would awake together and figure it all out. Open your minds and recover your memories, making each of you know who you were supposed to be with.” Nickolas said.

Isabel took a deep breath. Michael wasn’t the one she was supposed to be with. Rath was. “Why are you telling me this?” She asked.

“Because, little do you know, Rath and I were friends. I might of loved you, but you didn’t love me back.” Isabel tried to talk, but was hushed, “My friendship with Rath withered, because he knew how I felt about you. Zan was even my friend for awhile, until Rath told him about my feeling for you. I soon, became enemy, because I tried to get you to love me, which caused you to loose your first child. Rath and Zan were so angry they banished me from Antar. I never hated them, but soon the wanting of you and knowing I could have you, made me want no one else to have you. So, one of my spies in the palace let me through the gates and I killed you all taking your new born son and raising him as my own.”

Isabel gritted her teeth at the knowledge. How could love kill? If he really ever loved her he should have let her go.

“If you loved me so much, why did you kill me?” Isabel asked through clenched teeth.

“Like I said, I didn’t want anyone else to gave you.” Khivar replied with a smile.

They sat there in silence for a long time. Isabel stared at the ground the whole time and didn’t even notice Khivar waving his hand for Nickolas to leave.

“Vilondra?” Khivar said.

“You didn’t answer my other questions!” Isabel said with hatred. Khivar took a deep breath. “Why are we here, Khivar? Can you really carry that much hate that you want to kill us all over again?” Isabel asked.

“I don’t want to kill you.” Khivar said shaking his head.

“Then, why were Rath and I used as punching bags? Why was I injected with some sort of unknown medical crap? Huh. You say you don’t want to kill me or any of us, but what am I supposed to think? Am I suppose to think you still love me? How could I love you? I didn’t love you in my other life, how would this life make any difference? You tell me you were friends with my husband and my brother and then that the love you had for me made you kill them. Wow, how I can love you for that? Huh. I can’t love you, when my heart is already given to someone else.” Isabel said getting up, “I’d like to be taken back to my cell.” She said coldly.

Khivar got up and ran his hand through his hair. He looked over to the wall and nodded. Haylus and Nickolas came in.

“Take her to her room.” Khivar ordered the hurt showing in his voice. Haylus and Nickolas nodded at their leaders order and started to take her when Khivar grabbed Nickolas’s arm. Nickolas looked at him and Khivars eyes told Haylus to keep moving.

“What is, sir?” Nickolas asked.

“Stop the tests. Stop everything. It’s finished.” Khivar said. Nickolas took a moment and stared at his leader. He knew that everything would stop, but he didn’t know it would be this soon.


Isabel was thrown into the cell and for once there was light in there. She looked around and saw it was coming from Rath. Isabel looked at him amazed. She thought their powers were stripped.

“What going on?” She asked.

Rath looked up and smiled, “I’s got my powers back.” Isabel smiled and went and sat next to him.

“Did they tell you, too?” She asked him looking at her hands.

“Yeah, day told me it all. Us. Lythian.” He said looking at her.

“We have son.” Isabel said. “I’m married to one man and have a son with another.” Isabel looked up at Rath. “What are we going to do? If we get, when we get out, what are we going to tell everyone? Michael? Maria? God, when Khivar told me, I was shocked then I was happy, then he told me that Lythian didn’t know me and I was mad. I’d like to meet him.” Isabel said a few tears sliding down her face.

Rath put an arm around her, “I’s likes ta meet ‘em, too. I means he’s my son. Our son. When day told me I was happy, too. I always wanted a lil runt runnin ‘round, after seein Z.J. Maria she tolds me she didn’t want kids. Now, dat I have one, I’s real happy.” Isabel smiled at Rath’s words.

“What if we never meet him?” Isabel asked her smiling fading and hurt in her voice.

“We’ll meets ‘em. I’s got a feelin.” Rath said. He kissed the top of Isabel’s head and they sat there just thinking about everything they were told. What were they going to do?
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Post by Zansgirl »

Ahh! I's forgot alls bout di fic. Sorry guys. I's just spent some time and mades ya all a new chapta. Hope ya likes it.

Chapt. 25

Rath and Isabel were walking with Khivar. He let them get freshened up first letting each, take a shower and gave them both new clothes. They were now walking down the street, towards a high-school. Isabel, Rath and Khivar were standing by the a gate, looking out onto the basketball court. Khivar pointed to the boy that just made a shot into the basket. Isabel gave Khivar a look.

"Yes, Vilandra. That's your son. Antar years are much longer than Earth years, thats why Lythian is only sixteen. He was eight when we first got here. But the Earth years came up to him." Khivar told her.

Isabel could feel the tears prick her eyes, "He's so handsome." She said. Rath nodded in agreement. Looking at his son, for the first time was hard. He looked alot more like his mother, but he could see the features of himself that Lythian carried. He couldn't believe that, that teenager was his own flesh and blood. "Does e have powers?" Rath asked.

Khivar nodded his head, "Yes, but he's been taught not to show signs of them infront of humans." He tells them. "You both know that if you tell him the truth, that it will ruin his and both of your lives? You do know that, right?" Khivar asks, for he had come attached to the boy and feels the tug of sadness on his alien heart, with the thought of him being taken away. Isabel looked at Khivar seeing his sorrowed eyes. He looked back to Lythian.

"He is my son, Khivar. He has the right to know. You have kept him from my life and now you've brought him back into it." Isabel states, "And now, the only thing I think of is that I have to let him go. I feel the love for him in my heart, but...." She trails off and tears fall.

"But....E's betta off." Rath finished her sentence. Isabel nodded in agreement. Khivar for a minute felt joy sweep over him, but it was taken away by Isabel crying into Rath's chest.

"I know, that I was nothing but, horrible to the both of you. And I'm sorry." Khivar has no idea where this soft side was coming from. It was totally foreign to him. "Vilandra, I've always known that you could never love me. Not when your love goes towards Rath....I mean Michael. Rath, I should have never betrayed are friendship, for you would still be on Antar to take care of your son. I'm sorry for everything." See, see the foreign soft side.

Isabel turned to Khivar, "I could never forgive you for what you have done to me and my family. To tell the truth you have ruined everything. I don't understand how someone could be so selfish and cruel. I've never hated anyone, as much as I hate you. Your words mean nothing to me. You can tell me your sorry, for however long a century is on Antar. I still won't forgive you. Plus, Antar isn't my home anymore. Earth is. This, is my planet and I want you the hell off it. You might be a power man, but I have my powers back and let me tell you, all the hate will come out, making you dead in the process. You might be leaving with my son. But remember he's my son and someday he will find out and I'll be there. No matter what. If it on Antar or across this very street I will be there." She tells Khivar and steps closer to him, "Now, get the hell. Off. My planet." She says through clenched teeth.

Khivar nods and suddenly he's gone. Rath and Isabel look to Lythian and find that he, too....Is gone.


Kyle stand up as the door opens and in stands Isabel and Rath. Isabel takes Kyle into a hug. Kyle can't help it, he may be a man and all, but he just can't help the tears that fall, "Isabel, I'm so sorry. I couldn't let them take you and then I blacked out. I heard you crying. And I thought that you both were.....Dead." Kyle tells her in sobs.

Isabel breaks the hug and looks into Kyles eyes. "I can't die Kyle, I could never die, when I know that your locked up in a place like this. Your my best friend and just I couldn't." Isabel tells him a few tears running down her face. Rath walked over to them, "Yo, lets get out ofs dis place." He said.

"Yeah, I can't stay in here any longer." Said Isabel.


There's a knock on the door. Zan gets up and places Z.J. into his play pin. He runs over to the door thinking it's Jim and Alex. But, when he opens the door he gets the surprise of his life. His eys widen and then he goes and helps Rath with Kyle. Walking over to the couch and setting Kyle down. "Duke, ya need ta heel his leg." Rath said. Zan gave Rath a look, but as he looked into his seconds eyes, he saw. Zan went and healed Kyles leg.

"Zan?" Isabel said and Zan looked up he could feel the corners of his eyes sting with tears. He got up and walked over to her embracing her with hug. "Isabel. Ya all aight. Max n I's been worried sick." Isabel wrapped her arms around him.

"Where is he Zan? Max? Michael? Everyone?" Isabel asked.

Zan backed away, "Tess went inta laba earlia. Max couldn't stop da bleedin day took her ta Ina's. Liz made me stay 'ere. Jus incase." Zan told her and then took her into another hug. "Isabel, I'ms so glad ya all aight." He back away again and looked her over, "ya need any healin." He asked. Isabel laughed.

"No." She said, for she was healed earlier.

"Did Khivar do somethin bad ta ya? Both ofs ya?" He asked looking at his second and then back to Isabel.

"We's were beatin ups pretty bad, but we's fine, now. Khivar went back ta Antar. He won't be comin back." Rath told Zan. Zan was about to say something, "Believes me, from da lecture Isabel gave 'em. He's won't wants ta lay as mush as a single toe on dis planet." Rath said with a chuckle. Isabel smiled as she remembered her little speech, then she remembered the talk her and Rath had about not telling anyone about their true destiny. Because then again, Liz would get her heart broken my Tess taking, yet another love of her life, and Maria would also, by Isabel taking Rath. Not to mention Michael. Isabel loved him deeply, she only thought of Rath as her brother, not lover. He might have been the father of her son, but that was it. Rath felt the same way. He loved Maria and Maria alone. No one could separate him from her. She was the one for him and that was it.

"Oh, my god." Everyone looked to the door and found Maria and Michael. Maria slowly walked to Rath and once she was an inch from him, he grabbed her arm and brought her into his embrace, kissing her like it was his last day on Earth. She wrapped her arms around him and tears fell as they kissed, from both eyes tears fell.Rath didn't care, he was just reunited with the love of his life. "You're really here?" Maria asked, "This isn't some sort of dream." Rath shook his head and Maria hugged him. "Oh, my god, my baby's home." She said, sobbing into his chest. Rath combed a hand through her hair and kissed the top of her head. "And I'ms home fa good." He tells her, soothing her.

Michael and Isabel stared at each other for a moment before he ran to her lifting her in his arms and kissing her hard. His Isabel was home. She was safe and home. Isabel cried happy tears as her husband kissed her. He broke the kiss and placed his forehead against hers, "I missed you so much" he tells her.

"I missed you, too Michael. I missed you so, much." Isabel said. Michael put a hand to Isabels cheek and caressed it. "I felt empty without you, Isabel. It was like I was never going to see you, again. But I never slept, I always searched the streets for you." He said and kiss her softly. "Now, your home. Lets stay fixed on the, now." Isabel nodded and kissed him.

Michael then, look to Kyle. His eyes filled with rage and he tried to move but, was stopped by Isabel, "He didn't betray us. It was a shapeshifter." Isabel confirmed him. "Kyle was an agent, but refused to bring us in, so they knocked him out and put him in a cell like us." Isabel told him, a hand on his chest. Michael nodded.

"It's good to know that." He said and returned his attention back to Isabel. "I love you so much." He said. Isabel nodded, "And I love you, too. You have no clue how much." Said Isabel. Michael smirked, "Oh, I bet I do." He tells her.


Two months later

Tess sat on the couch holding her daughter in her hands. Sicily, was the babies name. Tess kissed Sicily's little nose. Tess was almost going to leave the world, but she couldn't. She wanted to see her babies grow up. Yes, babies. Max walked in with Nathan and set down next to his wife. Twins, Tess had twins. Nathan and Sicily. Nathan was older by 30 minutes. He was the big brother. Tess was happy that her baby boy was older, for he could care for Sicily.

There was a knock on the door, "Come in." Both Max and Tess yelled out. The door opened and Liz, Zan, with Z.J, Maria, Rath, Isabel and Michael all walked in. "Hey, Liz said going up to Tess and went to grab Sicily, but looked to Tess for permission. Tess laughed and nodded her head. Liz smiled and grabbed the beautiful baby girl. "Zan I want a girl, too." Liz said playing with Sicily. Zan's smile turned upside down. "Well, lets jus waits fa awhile. Likes a year or two." Zan said, which made everyone laugh.

Liz laughed, too. "You are so cute, yes you are." Liz said to Sicily. Sicily made a small smile. "Aw.." Said Liz. "I love my little daughter In-Law. Yes, I do." Liz said in a baby voice.

"Liz, ya already gots our son hitched." Zan said shaking his head. "He's gonna be so, weird as a teenaga, all because e's mother mades him get married at 5 months. And poor Sicily, she's onlys 2 month old." Zan said sarcastically. Again, everyone laughed.

"Hey, our babies won't be weird." Tess said. "They'd be the cutest couple." She adds.

"Yeah, Z.J. will have his fathers spiked hair and the New Yorker accent." Liz said smiling.

"And Sis, will have her blonde locks all dyed to some color like, pink or purple." Tess says laughing as Liz places Sicily back into her mothers arms.

After a little more exageration of what Z.J. and Sicily would look like they all went out a celebrated the good news that Rath and Maria had. Maria was pregnant and was the happiest woman in the world. At first she didn't think it would be for her, the whole mother thing, but she changed her mind as her daughter connected with her one day.
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Post by Zansgirl »


So, I'm thinking that this is simply finished. I know how much you guys liked/like this fic so.....I'm thinking about doing a sequel, since some unanswered questions need answers.

I just need to know how much you guys want this sequel. :wink:

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