Just A Kiss (AU,M/L,TEEN) Author's Note 9/21[WIP]

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Should I continue with this story??

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Just A Kiss (AU,M/L,TEEN) Author's Note 9/21[WIP]

Post by dreamerfrvrp3 »

Title: Just A Kiss…
Author: dreamerfrvrp3
Disclaimer: All the characters of Roswell belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. I don’t own them at all but I wish I did… None of the songs I use belong to me.
Category: M/L & CC.
Rating: Teen
Summary: It started out as “Just a Kiss” but ended up to be so much more. Liz a science geek always had a crush on the hotshot football player Max Evans but never had the guts to admit it. Will it all work out in the end? Or will someone stop them? Can they get their fairytale ending??
Author's Note: The whole story will been in Liz’s POV. This is my very first story so be nice! I will be using different songs throughout the story, which I will identify them as I use them. Thanks to Behrsgirl77 who made the lovely banner, it's the best!




It was a kiss, wasn’t it? I mean Captain of the Football team Max Evans kissed me?

3 Hours Earlier

“Maria, hurry up, if we are late for the game I will seriously hurt you!” I yell. Why can’t she just ever organize herself? Maria and I are the most opposite of people. I’m organized, pretty smart, and just boring, and Maria is the most free-spirited person I’ve ever met.

“Cool your pants babe, we all know you go just to see Max Evans play,” says Maria. She has lost her keys for the fifth time today.

“I don’t,” I gasp. Luckily enough for me, Maria finds the keys and the subject is dropped.

We reach the game at the first quarter. Curse Maria for making me miss Max, wait, I mean the football players marching out onto the field.

Finally we reach half time and we all watch the slutty cheerleaders.

“Chica, I don’t think I can watch those hoes jump up and down anymore. I’m going to get a drink or something. You want anything?” Maria asks.

“No thanks, Maria,” I say with out taking my eyes off Max. Maria leaves and I’m left staring at Max until our eyes meet. I’m not sure he’s looking at me but the intensity of it tells me that he is. Our eye contact is broken when the cheerleaders finish up and Tess comes hurdling into Max’s arms.

Maria returns and we don’t talk at all throughout the rest of the game.


The West Roswell Comets win and I’m pretty sure half of West Roswell’s High School will be getting drunk tonight at Pam Troy’s party.

“Oh, no!” I exclaim.

Maria asked,” what?”

“My Grandma Claudia’s ring it’s missing, I must have dropped it somewhere.” I told her. This is the only thing I have left of my grandma and I lose it.

“Well, where do you think you dropped it?”

We both search the ground by our seats and then it comes to me it probably fell through the bleachers. Note to self, don’t wear jewelry to a football game.

“I’m going to look under the bleachers. Why don’t you head to the party and I’ll meet up with you.”

“Lizzie, I drove, remember?” Maria points out.

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Well I’ll just catch a ride from someone. I mean this is Roswell, nothing bad happens here.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, I’ll be fine, I have my cell. I’ll call you when I get to the party,” I say.
Maria grudgingly leaves but tells me she’ll call every 5 minutes.


It’s already dark out and I’m using my cell phone for a light. All of the sudden, I hear a girl whining and I make out the voice of Tess Harding. She and Pam Troy are neck-in-neck for the honor of being the class bitch.

“Sorry Tess, but I don’t like you anymore and my feelings have changed a lot since I caught you cheating on me with Kyle Valenti,” says a deep voice. I recognize this voice as Max. Wait a minute, did Max really just break up with Tess? I might just have a chance with him!

“You’ll be sorry, Max.” And with that I could hear Tess marching off in a hurry.

I keep wandering around aimlessly under the bleachers until I find the exact spot where Maria and I were sitting.

“Come on, you can’t hide forever,” I hear myself say out loud. Still looking on the ground I don’t notice the newcomer. It’s not until I see football cleats that I realize Max hasn’t left yet.

“What are you doing?” Max says with an annoyed expression on his face. Oh jeez, he must think I’m some homeless person looking for food or something.

“I-I lost my ring, it fell off during the game and I have to find it,” I stammer. Wow, I sound like a complete idiot.

“Is that it there?” Max points out. We both reach down at the same time and our faces are nearly inches apart. I look into his amber eyes and I see his face come closer, not having any clue of what I’m about to do.

He fuses the both of our lips together in a heat-of-the-moment kiss. As soon as the real fun begins, my cell phone goes off and we pull apart quickly. I answer my phone and assure Maria that I’m okay and that I can get a ride. I look up from my cell and find Max has left. I tell Maria a quick good-bye but instead of going to the party I head home.

Making up every excuse in the book for Max’s disappearance after our sweet innocent kiss. Then reality hits me.


Was it a mistake?


Should I continue??
Last edited by dreamerfrvrp3 on Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:10 am, edited 22 times in total.
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Post by dreamerfrvrp3 »

Thanks everyone for the fantastic feedback it made me so happy!!!! This chapter is pretty short but I promise I’ll make it up to you guys sometime.

LairaBehr4- Thanks so much for all the help, you are the world’s best beta!
L-J-L 76

On to the story!

Chapter One

It’s Monday morning and no word from Max. I still haven’t told Maria about the kiss.

I arrive at school and as soon as I walk in the doors, I see Max and his friends walking straight towards me. I feel a glimmer of hope rise within me. But they turn around the corner and I know Max was avoiding me stare. It finally registers in my mind. He wants me to forget the kiss never happened. But I won’t because in my heart I know it means something.

I get to my locker, and find Maria standing there waiting for me. Uh oh, here it comes.

“Liz! Why didn’t you show up for the party?” Maria asks me.

“I just didn’t want to go anymore,” I state quietly.

“That doesn’t explain why you didn’t call me or answer any of my calls,” Maria fires back. Jeez and I didn’t think it was such a big deal. I guess I was wrong. Something must have happened at that party!

“Maria, calm down, I just wasn’t in the mood.”

“What happened at the football field?”

“Nothing happened at all, although I found my ring,” I tell her as I show her my right hand.

“Fine, but I’m on to you Liz Parker,” she says. Luckily for me, the bell rings before Maria can question me more.

I get to the Biology room and I remember that I have this class with Max. Not only that, but I’m his lab partner! I sit down and get a piece of paper out and begin to write.

Meet me in the eraser room after 5th?

I slyly pass the note along the table, making sure I didn’t get caught. I look up at Max and he looks back and nods.

I can’t believe I’m going to be in the eraser room with Max Evans! By the time it gets to 5th period, I’m so nervous. I have no idea what I’m going to say. Part of me wants to kiss him and again and the other part wants me to slap him hard.

I head towards the Eraser room in time to see a couple exit. Fantastic. I step in quickly and quietly shut the door to wait.
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Post by dreamerfrvrp3 »

Thanks everyone for the lovely feedback I enjoy it sooo much! Well here is chapter two!

Sprayadhesive- See if I would have given you guys a hint it would have ruined everything!!! Thanks and I’m waiting for that update of Confidential ;).
hunnibehr505- hehe a temper tantrum??? I’m glad you like it.
LairaBehr4- Aww thanks for all the help you are soooo awesome!
Zanity- You will soon…
behrluv32- He is being a dick, pretty good prediction…
roswell3053- You’ll find out what he has to say sooner or later. I’m very glad your enjoying it.
ShatteredDreamer- Well what can I say; I got to make sure you’ll keep reading.
Anonymousarfan- Wait no more.
aussietrueblue- He surely is one.
dreamer19- Thanks!
RASaero611- Thanks
POM- Awww, thanks that means so much.

Chapter Two

2 Hours Later

I storm out of the Eraser Room and slam the door shut, causing people in the hallway to look at me. I can’t believe that guy! I waited a two whole hours in an ugly, dark room and he didn’t show up! I look at the clock it’s already 4 o’clock and I’m half an hour late for my shift. Oh shit, Maria is going to roast me alive.

I sneak into the break room that’s connected to the alley. I open my locker and get my uniform out only to find Maria glaring at me.

Before Maria blows up at me I get everything out first. “I know I’m late and I’m really sorry but something came up and I’ll tell you about it later,” I rush out.

“Ok,” Maria says.

I look at her weirdly, “Okay?” Something is off. Maria leaves me to get dressed.

I walk into the diner and look up as the door rings signaling a customer. I couldn’t believe it; Max walks in with his arm around no other than the gerbil herself. I walk up to them getting ready to take their order when I get an idea.

“Hey Tess, you wouldn’t mind me borrowing your boyfriend, would you?”

She looks at me with pure hate mixed with suspicion. “Whatever Mousy, I’m sure Maxie will care,” she says with disdain. She sends a look to Max.

“We have nothing to talk about, Parker,” denies Max. He wants to play innocent; well I’m not going to take it. I’m racking my brain for something to say but I decided actions speak louder than words. I grab is his arm and drag him into the back room. I take one final look before I shut the door and I see Maria giving me the thumbs-up. I shift my gaze to Tess and she her shooting death glares at me.

“What the hell is the matter with you Max,” I yell. “I told you to go to the eraser room and you okay it, but then you decide not to show up!”

“Something came up,” he replies calmly. I can’t believe he is being calm about this.

“Oh yeah, did that something come up before or after you decided to kiss me? Also you never explained why you just left me after you kissed me!” I’m rambling on still when I hear a shriek. I look over to find Tess in the doorway with her mouth open wide but I keep going on. “Was this all just a scheme to get rid of Tess? Because it didn’t work obviously!”

Tess screeched, “Oh my god! You kissed Mousy Parker?” Okay, I’m done with her. She has been calling me mousy all my life and I’m sick and tired of it.

“You know what Tess, why don’t you take your bleached blonde hair and your fake boobs and leave. You aren’t wanted here anymore,” I state.

“I’d be happy to but not without something that’s mine,” she says. She looks over at Max and starts walking towards the doors. I throw a dangerous look at Max and see him following after her.

“Come on Maxie we’ve got better places to be,” she calls out. They both leave and I’m left with nothing at all.


Feedback please? Be back Friday!?
Last edited by dreamerfrvrp3 on Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by dreamerfrvrp3 »

Okay, so if you scroll down you will see the shortest chapter ever written. I know and I’m very very very sorry! But this tiny chapter leads up to a lot of big chapters. I’m going to compare my story to a roller coaster ride, I don’t know why, but see there are small hills and big hills. This chapter is the small hill getting ready for the monster hills ahead. Sorry had to explain that probably for my own safety. Enjoy the next part! And one more thing thanks so much for all the feedback it means so much to me and I love reading it!

LairaBehr4- Thanks! There would be no story without your encouragement.
roswell3053- He is a jerk! Lol but there are reasons for that.
ShatteredDreamer- I know I know, but see this is all apart of my very large very confusing plan. Trust me Max knows what he is doing. Must I say there is no such thing as “Just a Kiss” it will always mean something, especially in this story. No there isn’t a bun in the oven for Tess. God forbide.
Sprayadhesive- I’m not a TEASE!!!!!! Lol okay so some might say different after this chapter but hey like I said I’m just plain ol’ evil! I’m telling you there is a reason for Max being dragged around like a dog.
behrluv32 – I know, I do really this is my exact intention for you guys to think this way… But only if you knew. Trust me here I hate Tess more than anyone else and that’s all I’m saying before I let something slip.
anonymousarfan – There is a very good explanation for all of his actions. Stay tuned lol because this story just got better. Sorry had to say that lol. I know Max is a jerk it’s the way I’m portraying him because really he’s like the average guy. But like I keep saying there is a good reason! I’m not making that one up. Hehehe.
dreamer19 – There is! Glad your enjoying this.
Maya- Yay! I’m not the only one feeling bad for the way my Max is! Ha, well anyone who has to put up with Tess is bound to be miserable!
clueless – Thanks I’m glad you like it and Tess is a bitch, indeed.
Rave_girl297 – Awww it makes me happy that you said you love my story! They did break up in the beginning but remember how Tess acted, she wasn’t too happy. It will all be explained soon.

I dedicate this story to all the girls who liked an Ass and got hurt! Okay so maybe that’s only me!

Chapter Three

“Chica, we need to talk,” Maria tells me. Surprisingly, I knew this was coming.

“Okay, after our shifts we can talk but only on one condition; we bring our two guy best friends along?” I don’t even need an answer because we both break out in giggles. We get back to work and before you know it, it’s already 9 o’clock. We both change and head upstairs carrying our cartons of yummy Phish Food and Kaberry Kaboom.

“So Liz, what was that whole exchange between you and Mr. Cutie?” she asks as we sit down.

“One thing - he isn’t Mr. Cutie, he’s Mr. Ass,” I state. She looks at me questioningly and I begin to tell her about the kiss. I end the story and Maria’s reaction is absolutely priceless. She starts stringing off bad words that I didn’t even know that they mean.

“Well I hate to be saying this, but there probably isn’t something we don’t know. I mean you said that he broke it off with her, but then he’s back in her arms again,” she says logically. Maria? Being the reasonable one? No way!

I ask her, “Is something wrong?” She looks at me funny and shakes her head. We talk some more but decide to finish the conversation on Saturday night. We say our goodbyes and she’s out the window. I’m just getting out of the shower when the phone rings. I rush to the phone and pick it up.


“Heeelllpppp,” moans the low voice. I’d know this voice anywhere.


Last edited by dreamerfrvrp3 on Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dreamerfrvrp3 »

Hey guys,
I finally finished chapter four as of 2 a.m. this morning. Sorry it took me a while to finish this part I was having trouble with the first scene. One thing I advise anybody who is writing a story not to write at two in the morning, its not a good idea. Oh and the song in this chapter was on the radio and it made me think of this story somewhat. You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This by Toby Keith.

I just wanted to say hi to all the lukers because you guys are just as awesome as my feedbackers!

– Once again you are awesome!!!!
roswell3053- Thanks im glad you liked my very small update! Lol well this chapter is s small hill but I’m getting to the big hill soon!
dreamer19 – It was very short, probably the shortest chapter in the history of Roswell fanatics.
sprayadhesive – lol well see you’ll find out sooner or later…
clueless- I know, I know kinda sad but this part is longer!!!
aussietrueblue – You shall find out sooner or later. Read on please!
anonymousarfan – I could tell you but there would be no point. Like I said read on!!!!!!!!!!!
Icequeen wrote:Humm maybe Max is bi-polar or something? LOL he's acting strange and i'm curious to know why he lets Tess drag him around like that. :?

Hopefully that was him playing a joke and not really needing help from Liz.
Icequeen- Wow, seriously, a bi-polar Max umm you know I’ll get back to you on that one. Your feedback is so enjoyable to read. And hey I’m waiting for an update When in Vegas.

Here it is for ya guys!!!

Chapter Four

I ask, “Max, is that you?” His breathing is shallow and he sounds like he is in pain. I look at the clock and its 11:00 at night.

“I need you to come get me,” he croaks out. Now I’m really worried.

“Um okay, where are you?” He tells me that he’s on the old highway. I run out of the house and jump into my mini coop. Good thing my parents are gone for the weekend. As I drive, all these thoughts pass through me, like what if something really bad has happened to Max? I’m heading down the old highway and in the distance I can see Max’s jeep off in the brush. I drive up there quickly and pull over. I jump out of the car and race over to where he is.

“Max!” I cry out. His car is all dented up. I throw open his door and take a good look at him.

“L-Liz, you came,” he wheezed. His face is all bruised and beaten up. I know he hurt me but he looks so weak.

“Max, what happened?” I exclaim. I take a good look around and see no other cars.

“Someone guy hit my car and,” He got out before he groaned in pain.

“It’s okay, Max. Let me get you out of here,” I said quietly. I successfully pull him out of the car. I drag him to the passenger side of my car and get him in.

We are on are way back to my house and Max hasn’t said one word. He’s been staring out the window the entire time. To cut away some tension I turn on the radio.

I got a funny feeling
The moment that your lips touched mine
Something shot right through me
My heart skipped a beat in time

“Wow,” I breathe. Max looks at me funny probably wondering what I’m thinking about. Is it possible that this song might be made for Max and I?

There's a different feel about you tonight
It's got me thinkin' lots of crazy things
I even think I saw a flash of light
It felt like electricity

Could this song get any closer to that night of the kiss? I look over at Max again and he returns my gaze with a small but painful smile.

You shouldn't kiss me like this
Unless you mean it like that
Cause I'll just close my eyes
And I won't know where I'm at
We'll get lost on this dance floor
Spinnin' around
And around
And around
And around

Okay, so besides the part about the dance floor. Maybe we do share something. So I admit I’m falling for a certain dark haired football player.

They're all watchin' us now
They think we're falling in love
They'd never believe we're just friends
When you kiss me like this
I think you mean it like that
If you do baby kiss me again

As I listen to the song, I do wish that Max would kiss me again. When he kissed me, my world stopped…

Everybody swears we make the perfect pair
But dancing is as far as it goes
Girl you've never moved me quite
The way you moved me tonight
I just wanted you to know
I just wanted you to know

I sneak another look at Max and find him staring out the window again. I wonder what it takes to make a guy really notice you?

You shouldn't kiss me like this
Unless you mean it like that
Cause I'll just close my eyes
And I won't know where I'm at
And We'll get lost on this dance floor
Spinnin' around
And around
And around
And around

They're all watchin' us now
They think we're falling in love
They'd never believe we're just friends
When you kiss me like this
I think you mean it like that
If you do baby kiss me again
Kiss me again

We are now going down Main Street and I pull up in the alley behind the Crashdown. I listen to the last bit of the song then turn off the car. I get out of the car and run around to help Max out. I smile to myself thinking that this is all backwards - the guy is supposed to help the girl put of the car. We go in through the back entrance and I lead him up to my bedroom.

I ask him, “Well, Max, do you want me to clean up those cuts?” He nods and I leave him on my bed. I search the kitchen for anything that would help and I start cleaning his cuts. I get a good look at him in the light and notice his shirt is torn up too.

“Oh jeez, how did this happen?” I question. He looks up at me and begins to tell me how a car swerved in to his but he knows for a fact that it wasn’t an accident.

“Liz, I’m sorry for calling you like this,” he apologizes. Not the apology I really wanted.

“It’s okay Max, I’m here for you,” I tell him. He smiles at me and my stomach does a flip.

“I think I know who hit me Liz,” he confesses. “This isn’t good at all.”

I ask him quietly, “Max can you do something for me?” He nods. “ Take off you s-shirt, I need to clean those wounds too,” I say all in one breath. He slowly takes off his shirt and I swear I’m in heaven. I start cleaning those cuts and once again our faces are inches apart. I lean in and Max puts his hand on my cheek attempting to stop me. But it doesn’t work; we share one more sweet and passionate kiss.

“We can’t do this Liz. I want to but I can’t,” he pants. With those final words he gets up and leaves me again…


feedback pleasie...
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Post by dreamerfrvrp3 »

I wanted to remind you all again that I have an Author’s Chat Monday August 21, at 8PM EST at Roswell Heaven board. PM me if you have any questions about the chat. .As of last chapter I didn’t mean to have Max and Liz kiss totally accidental that’s what happens when you stay up writing into the wee hours of the morn. Okay sorry my Irish blood got to me on that one. But thanks for all the feedback and I hope you will all come to my author chat. Maybe I can give out some spoilers or answer questions then. One last thing right now on SCI-FI there is a Roswell Marathon on until 4p.m. I think.

Sprayadhesive- Thanks; I’m glad you love it. Does it have something to do with Tess??? Maybe, maybe not? Do you really have to beg and whine, I mean really I have started begging for that part of Confidential, have I?

roswell3053- Well I don’t think I can you give you their address because I don’t have it. I must say one thing you will get closer to finding out who tried to crash into him. Why is it that everyone believes Tess is involved??? I mustn’t say just read on. Coming from the author, I think Max telling her that he wanted to be with her was the only good thing he has done so far.

bballchick_121 – Yay, new reader!!! Hm, I can’t say whether your right or you wrong. Good theory though.

Clueless- Thanks!

hunnibehr505 – lolololol!!!! Well obviously someone tried to ruin his sexy looks, considering he has bump and scratches all over. Someone’s jealous?? Lol kidding. I could have sworn I had Liz take off Max’s shirt did I not? I think I did well that says it all…

dreamerfrvrp3- I’m not stupid I know this is my username. So I am going to tell myself to stop, stop, stop leaving feedback for myself!

candycane14 – We aren’t begging yet! Lol in a couple more chapters yes you may beg and whine.

anonymousarfan – I can’t say, but if you read this chapter you will get a pretty good idea! Well I’m glad your liking it so far…

POM – Well, I wish I could tell you but it just wouldn’t be fair. But there are some hints to who hit Max at the end of the chapter!!!! Thanks!

LairaBehr4 – Thanks for the bump and for beta-ing my story.

Michelle- Yay, new reader again! And it does have something to do with it I think! Lol Read please!

aussietrueblue – Very welcome, and I’m sure I won’t enjoy school!

L-J-L 76 – I’m glad you like it!

Here we go again!!!!

Chapter Five

I get to school early and wait at Maria’s locker. I really need to talk to someone. I’m more confused and sad than ever. Finally Maria shows up fifteen minutes later.

She asks, “Babe, what’s wrong?” Her face is mixed with question and worry. I look down quickly to mask my feelings.

“It’s Max isn’t it?” she says. I look up at her and nod.

“He got in a car crash last night,” I begin to explain. “ He wasn’t hurt that bad, just some bumps and scratches, nothing serious. He thinks someone crashed into him on purpose and well, he um, kissed me again. But that was before he told me he wants to see me but can’t,” I finish explaining.

“Aw, I’m sorry Lizzie,” she comforts me as tears begin to well up in my eyes. I’m telling myself over and over again I can’t cry, not here. This isn’t the time to break down, Max needs me. The first bell rings, signaling five minutes till homeroom.

“It’s okay, everything will work out in the end,” she says as she hugs me good-bye.

“I hope so, you’re the best Maria,” I share with her. She smiles at me in a knowing way and heads off in the other direction.

Finally school ends and I’m ready for the weekend. Before I leave the school grounds I have the need to go visit a special place.

So here I am sitting right above where everything started, the bleachers. I get out my journal and begin to write.

Dear Journal,

It has been a long week, so many things have happened. All these things with Max, the kisses, the fight, and last night. All these feelings I have they are intense. I haven’t seen Max all morning. He wasn’t even at Biology. I don’t think he regrets kissing me, like Maria said there is more to it. He said last night that he wants to be with me but he can’t. I wonder what is stopping him. I still don’t understand why he called me last night. He was in a car crash and didn’t call his family or the paramedics.

All of the sudden I hear loud voices under me discussing something important.

“Last night was a warning Max, you’re walking on thin ice,” she threatens. I peak through the bleachers and see Max and Tess hovering over each other.

“Tess, do you understand that I almost died last night?” Max tells her. She feigns shock.

“Oh, really? Well you see Max when you screw up like you did, you make me a very unhappy person. When I’m unhappy he’ll know about it and something will be done,” Tess states.

I gasp in shock. Tess has something on Max and it must be something big. I’ve got to talk to Max and figure out what’s going on.


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Post by dreamerfrvrp3 »

I’m so very sorry for making you guys all wait. But I made this part pretty long and it introduces a new guy but don’t worry I’m a dreamer all the way! I just want to thank everyone for waiting and for all the bumps and feedback. JAK being my first story it makes me feel very good that someone is actually reading this. I’m not gonna make you wait any longer so here ya go!

L-J-L 76

I would leave individual responses but I wanted to get this out as fast as possible!

I dedicate this chapter to Spray and Laira love you guys too!

Chapter Six

I’m not sure what to do. Part of me wants to talk to him, though I’m not sure he’ll tell me. The other part wants to mull Tess and rip her fake blonde hair out. Then I think about what he said last night, his words keep echoing in my head,

“We can’t do this Liz. I want to but I can’t…”

I guess its okay for me to blame all of Max and me problems on Tess.


So here I am driving home trying to formulate a plan. Who should I talk to Max or Tess? I still don’t think Max will tell me, and I don’t know if I can trust Tess’s word. Maybe I could demand an answer from Max and say if he doesn’t tell me I’ll go to the police. But wait, I’m not Tess, I can’t threaten him!

What am I to do?


*Couple Days Later…Friday*

It’s finally Friday, and for the past couple of days Max and Tess have been missing.

Wait, I take that back, I just saw Max get out of his car. I run over to him and he runs the other way. I exclaim, “Wait, Max!” He just looks at me and gives me an apologetic smile. Then I turn and see Tess grinning at me like a Cheshire cat. Oh geesh, I can’t do this anymore. I sink onto the grass under a big oak tree in front of the school.

Driving away from the wreck of the day
And the light's always red in the rear-view
Desperately close to a coffin of hope
I'd cheat destiny just to be near you
If this is giving up, then I'm giving up
If this is giving up, then I'm giving up, giving up
On love, On love

I hold back the tears that are threatening to spill.

Driving away from the wreck of the day
And I'm thinking 'bout calling on Jesus
'Cause love doesn't hurt so I know I'm not falling in love
I'm just falling to pieces

Wow, I think this is my new favorite song.

And if this is giving up then I'm giving up
If this is giving up then I'm giving up, giving up
On love, On love

One thing though; I’m not giving up.

And maybe I'm not up for being a victim of love
When all my resistance will never be distance enough

Driving away from the wreck of the day
And it's finally quiet in my head
Driving alone, finally on my way home to the comfort of my bed

I wipe my eyes and get up to find Maria. Maybe she can make me feel better.

And if this is giving up, then I'm giving up
If this is giving up, then I'm giving up, giving up
On love, On love


I get to Maria’s locker and she’s there flirting up a storm with Michael. As in Michael Guerin, Max’s best friend. All of the sudden she looks up and sees me, she pushes Michael back and he scurries away. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights; well, now I know. I walk up to her and ask, “So this is what you have been hiding from me?”

“I’m so sorry, Liz. Ever since this thing with you and Max started I didn’t want to make everything worse, and he’s Max’s best friend. I just didn’t want to—“

“Maria! Um, you are rambling again, but it’s fine, seriously! I mean, you two look great together,” I smile weakly. Finally she looks at me suspiciously and reads my expression.

“Awww Lizzie, I’m guessing it’s Max again.” I nod then she adds, “Well, I know just the cure! There’s a party at Kim’s tonight.”

I think about it and I need some fun. I question, “I guess so, actually sounds fun. And it’s at Kim’s?”

“I know, I thought it was a bit weird. I mean seriously its Kim we are talking about!”

“Hm, well I better get to biology; oh crap, Max is in that class.” She smiles at me and then winks. Before I can ask her what that’s supposed to mean, she runs off.


I walk into class and take a sit next to Max. He quietly asks, “Hey, did I miss much this week?”

“Nope, just some labs,” I reply quickly. If I talk to him any longer I swear I will most definitely break down. I just keep on reminding myself about how much fun I will be having tonight.

We start our lab and keep finding ourselves in awkward positions. Who ever thought it was a good idea to be lab partners with your crush? Well whoever did was stupid! The lab was finished in absolute silence. Neither of us spoke and I’m glad we didn’t, made my job much easier.

I get through all my classes and now it’s time for lunch. Maria asked me 3rd period if it was okay if Michael joined us for lunch and I said it was all right. I guess it is all right. I never thought about asking Michael about what’s up with Max. Well, maybe now I have another option. I get to our lunch table and find Maria and Michael in a deep conversation.

“Um, hey Liz,” she says nervously. I look at her strangely and I think they were talking about me, which would explain a lot.

I greet them both, “Hey Maria, Michael so what are you guys talking about?”

“Nothing at all, just stuff you know,” Michael answers quickly. I nod silently and gave them my best questioning look.

I change the subject, “So Maria you’re coming home with me after school, right?”

“Yup, we are going to foxy ourselves up,” she winks at me.

“You know I’m going to go find some guys to talk to about guy stuff,” Michael says uncomfortably. He kisses Maria on the cheek and waves at me. Oh I almost forgot, this is my chance! I run after him.

“Michael, wait!” He turns around and waits for me to catch up.

“I know what you are going to ask and I just want to say this: I know what’s going on with Max and I wish I could tell you but I can’t,” he tells me.

I look up at him sadly and ask,” Is it bad?” He nods and walks away, closing the case.


I’m throwing clothes in every direction as Maria and I try and find something hot for me to wear. Finally, she finds a pair of ultra low rise jeans and a chiffon scarf top from Victoria’s Secret which I got from her a while back. I can’t even begin to describe the shoes that Maria bought for herself last week; they are the hottest stiletto boots ever! Maria puts together my makeup, with consists of smoky colors and a dark red lipstick, for my hair I put it up in a loose pony tail that shows off my amazing back. We are both ready to party!


We arrive at Kim’s mansion; I think it got bigger since the last time Maria and I were here for a sleepover 5 years ago. See, the story behind Kim is, we were best friends before she moved to Georgia and then moved back about a month ago. But then after that Alex came along and I guess we sort of replaced her.

Kim greets, “I’m so glad you too could make it, and I must say you two look gorgeous!”

“Thanks for the invite, we must get together and catch up sometime,” I tell her.

I step inside the door and am greeted by flashing lights and loud music. I look ahead of me and find Max staring at me intently, his eyes roaming over my body. Then I see Tess put her arms around him and start dancing close… very close. Okay, so maybe I shouldn’t do what I’m going to do next but I do it anyways. I head over to the table with all the beer, not a good idea I know. I take a couple of sips of my beer and begin to feel it working through my body. I accidentally bump into a really cute guy and cause my beer to spill all over his shirt.

“Oh shit! I’m so sorry,” I exclaim. Wow he’s really cute.

“It’s okay just as along as you dance with me. By the way I’m Charlie,” he tells me.

“I’m Liz, and I’d love to dance with you.” Just for a minute I forget all about Max as Charlie leads me out onto the dance floor.

Now as the drinks start pouring and my speech start slurring, everybody start
looking real good
Oh Sh**!

Man, and I thought I was jealous when I saw Tess and Max dancing, but seeing Max’s face just a second ago makes me feel much better.

Grey Goose got your girl feeling loose
Now I’m wishing that I didn’t wear these shoes
(I hate heels)
Its like every time I get up on the dude,
Paparazzi put my business in the news
And I’m like get up out my face,
Before I turn around and spray your ass with mace
My lips make you want to have a taste
You got that.
I got the bass.

We keep on dancing until I see Max headed over here and all of a sudden Charlie stops.

How come every time you come around,
My London, London bridge want to go down, like
London, London, London
Want to go down like
London, London, London
We goin down like
How come every time you come around,
My London, London bridge want to go down, like
London, London, London
Want to go down like
London, London, London
We goin down like

Before I know what’s happening Max’s fist connects with Charlie's jaw and he’s knocked to the ground.

I seethe, “What the hell was that I for?” Max looks at me and back at Charlie. As soon as Charlie gets up, he says something I never saw coming.

“Well, that wasn’t the welcome was expecting.”



Songs I Used(Italics):
Wreck of the Day by Anna Nalick
London Bridge by Fergie
Last edited by dreamerfrvrp3 on Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dreamerfrvrp3 »

Well I just kinda went with the flow on this chapter...so i think it sucks but i don't. I'm going to apologize in advance for the way things turn out... I'M REALLY SORRY! I'm a little lazy tonight so I will get back to your feedback next chapter and double the responses. Thanks for everything.

Also I want to thanks Laira and Spray. Without them there would be no story and this part wouldn't have gotten out on time. I love you two!

Chapter Seven

Oh great, I think Max knows Charlie. Before I know what is happening, Max drags me to an empty bedroom, leaving Charlie just standing there bleeding.

“Max, who is he?”

“He’s nothing, just some guy from my past, no one important,” he answers. I knew it! He doesn’t want to tell me anything!

“Why won’t you talk to me? And don’t give me any of that you-want-to-protect-me shit,” I yell. I think I just felt the room shake. I wish I hadn't said that, the look on Max’s face. He just looks at me with these sad eyes. For a second I thought I saw them water up. It can’t be that bad, and guys don’t cry, right?

“I really want to, trust me I do, but you can’t get involved, it’s already bad enough. But if you got hurt I don’t know what I would do with myself,” he tells me in a low voice.

“Max, don’t you think I should be the one to make that decision?”

“I can’t let anyone else get hurt because of me!” he exclaims. What’s that suppose to mean, I silently ask myself.

“Liz I want you to promise me one thing; no matter what happens between us stay away from Charlie.”

“You clue me in Max or I’m done, I’m just going to walk away,” I state matter of factly. He looks at me with pleading eyes and I can’t help but feel so bad for him, but I hold my ground. “And I can’t make that promise.” I turn around and head out the door. I can’t believe I just did that.


I head over to the bar and find Charlie just sitting there holding up a bag of peas to his face.

“Ouch, that looks like its hurts,” I comment on. He looks back at me then looks down at his drink.

“Yeah, so you know who I am?”

“No Max, didn’t exactly fill in the blanks, which leads me to my next question: who the hell are you?”

“You know I’d love to tell you who I am but I think its best we keep that a secret for the moment,” he replies secretively. Why isn’t anyone telling me anything, maybe I can get it out of him? Well here goes Plan A.

“So what are you doing for the rest of the night?” He looks at me a bit surprised and yes I know I just asked him out. I just have to keep in mind that I am doing this for Max.

“Nothing, what did you have in mind?” Hmm, I guess this might work out after all.

“My ‘rents are out of town, so we could go back to my house,” I suggest. He grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd.

“Hey! Where are you going?” I hear someone scream to the left of me. I turn around and find Maria and Michael staring at me.

“Well I’m kind of just going to, you know, go home,” I stutter out.

“Oh I see, so is this hottie going with you?” she raises her eyebrow at me.

“Ah no, he’s not,” says Michael. We both spin around and I find myself glaring at Michael.

Before I can yell at Michael I hear a voice from beside me that’s dripping with sarcasm, “Michael Guerin, the pleasure is mine. Now why aren’t you following Master Max around?” Wow, shocker, they know each other too. This is just freaking fantastic. But then, surprisingly, I find Maria holding Michael back.

“Hey you two, please break it up, you’re giving me a huge headache. Plus you know Michael, I think I’m capable of making my own decisions, and unless you or Max want to fill me in on what’s going on, Charlie and I are leaving,” I practically yell.


We reach the car and silence over takes us both once again. I only open my mouth to give him directions. We reach my house and enter through the balcony. I still have no idea to what I am doing.

“Nice balcony, this must come in handy all the time,” Charlie adds, I scoff at that comment. There’s only one guy for me and that’s Max, I just hope Charlie gets that.

“I’m just going to ignore that last comment, so do you want anything to drink?”

“Nah, I’m good. So I’m guessing this is all part of the plan - getting me here and trying to seduce me into saying something?” says with a cocky grin. Well that worked out fine now he knows my plan. Two can play this game…

“Whoever said anything about seducing you?” It might just come down to that.

“Right, well you know what? It’s not going to work unless you can figure out a way to convince me.” Here goes nothing, just think this is for Max. I wrap my arms around his neck and gently pull his face towards me. I close my own eyes because I don’t want to watch, I know what I’m doing is terribly wrong. Our lips meet and I know I must be dreaming because I really shouldn’t be doing this. The kiss is interrupted by the sound of raping on the door and before I know it someone’s yelling through the door.

“Lizzzzzie, c’mon please open the dooor we need to have a little talky,” slurs Max. Just my luck, he’s drunk…



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