Chasing Memories (M/L - Adult) (Complete)

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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by To_Kiss_A_Frog »

Hello everyone, thanks for the feedback!

Jason's Lover

Chapter 19

“Did you and Maria get any sleep at all, last night?” asked Nancy Parker as she watched her daughter tiredly walk through the apartment door. She still wore the large sweatshirt Max had dressed her in the night before but she’d changed into a pair of jeans and piled her chestnut hair into a haphazard bun on top of her head.

Along with the casual attire, her face was devoid of all make up and her eyes were still puffy from all the crying she had done out in the desert.

“I got a little” Liz replied while stifling a yawn behind her hand.

“Well Jose called in sick Agnes just didn’t show up at all” Nancy informed while rolling her eyes heavenward. “So your dad’s downstairs at the grill and you and Maria can draw straws to see who gets to take Agnes’ shift” she said and offered her daughter a sympathetic smile. Even though Liz wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep all day, she hauled herself into her bedroom to get cleaned up because she was too afraid of calling Maria.

Liz knew from her experience with Max that the best thing to do was to give Maria some space.

She hadn’t just heard the truth but she’d witnessed Liz’s angry light display against the boulders near the outcropping. Added to that was the fact that Maria learned the four people closest to her had all been keeping one huge secret. It wasn’t about a crush or a bit of gossip but a life changing truth that the four had always tried to protect in their own ways. It wasn’t something she could share with anyone outside their small circle and it was something she would always have to hold onto.

“Hey” greeted Kyle as Liz opened her bedroom door. She wasn’t surprised to find him or Michael there but she did wish they would have waited.

“Hey” she quietly returned and set her overnight bag down on the floor. “How long have you guys been here?”

“About ten minutes” Michael answered and set the magazine he’d been flipping through down on her desk top. Kyle, who was lounging on her bed, stood up and buried his hands in his front pockets. Both looked like they had so much to say but had no idea where to begin. Liz didn’t blame them. She was the one with all the memories and she still had her fair share of questions.

“Well I know you guys probably have a lot you want to know but I have a shift starting in a half hour” Liz stated tiredly. With everything that had happened, she was both physically and emotionally exhausted, something that she saw getting worse long before it got better. “So can we just talk about a few things now and maybe talk some more later?” It wasn’t that she wanted to hide anything from them, Liz just wasn’t sure if she could handle another emotional pow-wow.

“Okay” Kyle agreed and looked to Michael questioningly before both turned back to Liz. “How do the Whitmans and Mr. Seligman fit into this?”

While they tried to decide what to ask first, Liz had begun digging in her closet for a uniform but as Kyle’s voice drifted to her ears, she looked down uncertainly. She felt guilty for so many secrets that had been kept despite the fact that it had been her former self’s idea and not her own.

“One of the guards that was meant to be a protector ended up betraying our former selves” she quietly responded, finally turning back to face them. “His name was Nasedo and it turned out that he worked for the leader of the rebellion, Khivar.” Speaking both names left a bitter taste in Liz’s mouth as more and more of her past memories continued to resurface. “By the time we found out, Kal was the only protector left so we used the granolith to send for more help. Cero, Larek and Sarina.”

“Wait, what exactly is the granolith?” Kyle questioned. “I know I saw something about it in the flashes but I can’t remember what it was” he admitted.

“Officially it was a religious icon. It was believed to hold a higher power that tied all our people together” Liz stated, knowing that that description alone didn’t do it justice. “It was an oracle, a weapon, a time machine… a ship. No one knows when or how it was created… few have ever been in its presence and even fewer have ever understood how it works.” Her two friends remained silent, listening and taking in all the new information. Liz only wished she could explain it all better but despite having the knowledge, she felt like she didn’t have the words.

“So that’s how you found them? Through the granolith” Michael ventured but even after Liz nodded, he still had another question. “How’d they get here? Was it also through the granolith?”

“No, they flew” Liz shook her head. “Just like we all did but they weren’t as lucky. The rebellion tried to shoot them down on their way out of the atmosphere” she informed, pausing for a moment as she searched her mind for the rest of the story. “They barely made it here before their ship crashed out the desert… near where we were last night.”

“Wait, you mean the crash of ’47… the one this town celebrates every year… actually involved our people?” Kyle quickly interrupted.

“Yes” Liz agreed with a solemn nod.

“So how’d they end up as my foster parents?” Michael was next to ask.

“I don’t know” Liz admitted truthfully. “I mean, Larek and Sarina were a married couple on Antar but as far as them getting custody of you… I have no clue.”

“Actually, I think I do” Kyle added, thinking of his brief conversation with Alex the night before. “Supposedly Alex overheard us talking about healing… well, healing you” he reluctantly informed, loathsome to even bring that particular topic up. “So he told his parents and they got you out of there as soon as they found out.”

Michael had gone through so many different feelings since finding out the truth but one of the most prominent ones had been betrayal. It stung to know what his foster family had kept from him for so many years. From flashes he learned that they had vowed to Liz’s former self not to say anything to any of them until the right time but he’d still been angry. Now learning that in spite of the secrets, they still did their best to protect him, he found that anger lessening a little bit at a time.

“So what about that seal thing?” Michael added. “How’d it activate before you were ready for it to?”

“I’m not sure” Liz lied and turned away from his inquisitive gaze because she hated to do it. She never lied to her friends but this was one instance where she wasn’t willing to admit the truth. Max had already felt guilty and responsible for what happened. The last thing she wanted was for either of her friends to explode about it and make a big deal about something that was going on with her body.

Kyle, on the other hand, was able to guess but chose to remain quiet. He figured it was Liz’s truth to tell, not his.

“Now I really need for the two of you to go so I can take a shower and get ready for my shift” Liz stated when both boys remained quiet.

“Why don’t we feel it?” Michael asked just as Liz had turned towards her bathroom door.

“Feel what?” she asked, confused.

“Last night Alex said that his parents began to feel it… the change or the activation or whatever…” he stated and cleared his throat uncomfortably before continuing. “Its because they’re your protectors, right? But if we were too… how come we didn’t feel the change?”

Because you died.

It was on the tip of her tongue but Liz couldn’t bring herself to say it. “Because you and Kyle have always tried to protect me. So last night didn’t change anything for you” she murmured instead while her hand hovered just above the door knob. “I’ll see you guys later” she quietly uttered and stepped across the threshold before they had a chance to say anything else.

Breathlessly, she leaned against the door and listened for the sounds of them climbing through the window.

It was only after she sensed they were gone did she finally move but rather than step towards the shower, she slid down to the floor and buried her face in her hands instead.

In one day, she’d already lied to her best friends twice.


“You look like you could use an orange soda.” At the sound of her voice, Alex quickly looked up from where he’d been staring at a menu and met the concerned gaze of Isabel Evans. Without waiting for his response, she slid into the booth across from him and reached for her own menu. “Or maybe a Blood of Alien smoothie. That worked for me last night.”

“Did it?” Alex queried once he recovered from the surprise of seeing her again.

“It was either that or the company” she shrugged with a hint of shyness.

He hadn’t wanted to leave her but after receiving a call from his parents, Alex had had no choice but to go out to the desert in their place. “So then… maybe I’ll try that smoothie” Alex responded just as shyly, missing the way Isabel smiled as he turned to find the closest waitress.


Did I do this to you?”

“No” I shake my head. “I was always meant to remember, I just… you helped me open up. My heart… my mind…” I whisper. “My body… it all added up. My soul. This isn’t your fault. You made me whole” I say through the tears that continue to fall. “I love you.”

Several tears fall from the corners of Max’s closed eyes but he makes no move to wipe them away. “You made me whole too” he murmurs and takes my lips in an urgent kiss.

Without hesitation, I kiss him back… pouring all the love I feel for him into that single kiss.

I want him to know… to feel how much he means to me. I need him to know that my past doesn’t matter anymore. Khivar and everything that happened between us is nothing more than a memory. Something I wish I could take back and its something I hope I can one day forget.

“I don’t want to lose you either” he says against my lips.

“You have me” I whisper and reach for the hem of my sweatshirt.

Gone is the shy timidity I had earlier tonight. All my inhibitions have fallen away because I know this is what I want. I have no doubt in my mind that I want to be with Max. “What if something happens to you again” he asks, stilling my hands.

“Nothing’s going to happen to me, Max” I assure and press another kiss to his lips. “I promise.”

Instead of releasing my hands, he helps me lift the obtrusive material away and gently sets it aside. Even with the moon and stars providing the only light, I can still see the way his eyes darken as he silently peruses my body. “So beautiful” he whispers before pulling me close and taking my lips again in another kiss that leaves us both breathless and desperate for more.


The voice startled her back to the present as she jerked away from the counter. In her haste, Liz’s elbow made contact with a stack of plastic cups and sent them flying onto the floor around her. “Damn it” she muttered under her breath and bent down to begin picking them up as everyone turned towards the sound, curious to see what had happened.

“Where were you just then?” Alex queried as he walked around the counter to help.

“Not here, that’s for sure” Liz replied and smiled her thanks for his help. “So what’d you need?” she asked, realizing that he had been the one trying to get her attention.

“Two Blood of Alien Smoothies” he stated after clearing his throat nervously.

Clearly hearing the strangeness in his tone, Liz narrowed her eyes at him playfully before flicking her gaze over at his table. Oblivious to the exchange sat Isabel Evans, toying a straw and its wrapper. “Two smoothies coming right up” she grinned, happy for her friend.

Without another word, Liz whirled around and began filling the order. Only slightly embarrassed, Alex sauntered back to the booth and slid into his seat. “Liz is making them now” he said and nervously wrung his hands together beneath the table top. He’d always had his own shyness to contend with but the night before reminding him just how different he was from most guys. He didn’t actually believe that Isabel Evans could be interested in more than a friendship but if by some chance, she was… Alex wondered if she could accept him for who he really was.

Sure Max had but the jury was still out on Maria. Even then, those were different circumstances. Maria had been a part of the group for years and Max’s life had been saved. Both were things that tied each human to the aliens but Isabel had no ties to them. She didn’t have to accept anything.

“So how’d everything work out last night?” Isabel inquired, causing Alex’s eyes to momentarily widen.

“What?” he quickly asked and couldn’t help the way his gaze darted back at Liz before returning to Isabel.

“Your parents” she slowly elaborated. “When they called… you said they were having car trouble somewhere” Isabel reminded. “Did you have any problem finding them out in the desert?”

“Oh that… yeah… no, I mean…no, I didn’t have any trouble finding them” Alex replied uneasily.

“Here we go. Two Blood of Alien smoothies” Liz said as she appeared and set the two glasses down in front of each occupant. “Can I get either of you anything else?” she politely asked and looked at Isabel first, then Alex.

Both shook their heads, allowing Liz to move on to the next table of customers.


“So…” Isabel repeated and nervously pulled her glass to the edge of the table. “Thanks” she added and took a quick sip of the sweet confection.

“It’s no problem” Alex waved it away. “So um… are you into movies? Because, see there’s this… uh… a Fellini retrospective at um… at the art house theater on… on Friday and maybe you wanted to go” he stuttered and quickly hurried forward before Isabel had the opportunity to say anything either way. “I mean you don’t have to but if… you know, if you wanted to… maybe we could…”

“Actually I’m not really into that” Isabel stated and noticed the way Alex’s face instantly fell.

“Oh. Right… yeah. I understand.”

“How about we just see a regular movie instead” she suggested and barely held in her smile when Alex’s expression turned into one of pleasant surprise.

“Yeah, that would… that’d be great” he agreed and began to drink from his smoothie, feeling considerably more upbeat than he had been when he first walked into the café.


“Do you believe in destiny?”

“Define destiny?” Liz queried and snuggled deeper into Max’s embrace.

With a blanket wrapped around the pair, Max and Liz sat cuddled up on Liz’s lawn chair, staring up at the sky. The sounds from the street were almost distant, giving them a much needed break from the rest of the world. “I guess I’m asking whether or not you believe our lives are already predetermined. Do you think there are certain people were supposed to meet in life… certain things we’re meant to go through before it’s all over?”

“I’m not sure what I believe anymore” she quietly admitted. “I feel like there are two people inside of me. Two sets of ideas and beliefs… two different opinions. I’m not sure which set are mine and which set are hers.” Her eyes closed as she felt Max tighten his hold around her body, making her feel safe and comforted with that single, simple gesture.

“I remember seeing you for the first time on the school playground but I don’t even remember when it was or what you were doing” Max said and in a soft voice while his lips rested just against her ear. Liz felt herself shiver from the deep timber of his voice. “I don’t even think I remembered that again until we were in junior high and we got assigned to work together in science class.” There was amusement in his tone and Liz couldn’t help but smile as she thought back on that day. “I remember thinking that you were the smartest person I knew. Then I remember thinking how pretty you were.”

“Look” she softly interrupted and pointed to the sky as a star fell from the heavens above. “Make a wish” she murmured.

“I don’t need to” Max whispered back. “I’m holding everything I want right here in my arms.”

“No wonder you’ve had so many girlfriends” Liz lightly teased. “Such a smooth talker.”

“No, I mean it Liz” Max stated and shifted Liz around so that she could face him. “I’ve had other relationship but you’re the only girl I’ve ever loved. The only one I feel I can be myself around… the real me… the person no one really ever gets to see. You see him… you help me to be him.” He brushed her lips with his and for a brief moment, everything was simple again.

She was just a girl who loved a boy. No alien entanglements to contend with. No worries, no interruptions. He gave that to her and she desperately wanted to give him something back but she felt like she had nothing to give… so she gave him herself.

Uninhibited… unadulterated.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 7:38 pm

Post by To_Kiss_A_Frog »

Jason's Lover

Chapter 20

It had been almost a week since the night of the homecoming dance. As promised, Michael had stayed true to his word and gave Maria the space she asked for. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, even himself, but it wasn’t easy to walk the other way in school or to keep his gaze on the plates of food at the café. He wanted to talk to her… to ask how she was doing and if she had made a decision but each time he opened his mouth to ask, he somehow found the will to shut it without uttering a word.

For her part, Maria was grateful but she also realized that the time was doing more harm than good. It was almost as if she had too much time. Every conclusion was questioned and thought over again and again. It was frustrating but still, she hadn’t gone to Michael with any of her questions and choices.

“You know you need to talk to him soon, right?”

At the sound of her future step brother’s voice, Maria turned and found him leaning against the door jam. His arms were crossed over his chest but he wore a sympathetic expression that Maria couldn’t ignore. “What do you want, Kyle?” she asked tiredly and resumed the tedious task of unpacking boxes.

Her new bedroom was finally starting to resemble one after nearly a week spent moving furniture and setting out all her personal touches.

“I’m not here to try and talk you into thinking a certain way. I just wanted you to know something” he stated and stepped further into the room so that he could close the door behind him. “You see… I learned something from Alex about being on the receiving end of a secret” he admitted. “We all felt betrayed at first too because this entire time, he knew exactly what we were and could have helped us put the pieces together but… he didn’t. So Mike and I were pretty angry” he said. “But I put it aside long enough to talk to Alex and because I did, I learned why he did it. And I don’t blame him anymore.”

“Well that’s good for you, Kyle but it’s a little different for me” Maria stated without an upward glance in his direction.

“How?” he immediately asked.

“What do you mean, how?” Maria frowned and finally met Kyle’s expectant gaze.

“Look, I’m just gonna say this and then I’ll go back to my room. I won’t try to talk to you about again” Kyle promised and waited for Maria’s agreeing nod before continuing. “The circumstances that brought us here sucked” he bluntly stated. “We were clueless and yeah… kind of scared. It wasn’t easy knowing we were different but not knowing why. So we all agreed to keep it a secret. We’d stick together and take care of each other. That was the plan” he said and shoved his hands in his pockets nervously. “Maybe we screwed up by not saying anything about it sooner but we didn’t exactly know what we were doing. And just so you know… you matter to the three of us.”

Maria stood, at a loss for what to say next. Kyle looked equally uncomfortable for his declaration but he stood his ground and waited for Maria to say something first. “I…” she fumbled and promptly closed her mouth.

“Hey kids, could the two of you help me finish clearing out all the boxes in the living room?” Amy Deluca requested as she poked her head into the room.

“Sure, Mom.”

“Be right there, Amy.”

“Thanks” she added and quietly shut the door behind her.

Maria tried but couldn’t find the words to say anything in response to Kyle’s explanation. So when he realized she wasn’t going to speak, he emitted a quiet sigh of defeat and nodded once. “It’s cool… don’t worry about it” he stated, disappointed. “We better go help Amy” he added and walked out the door without another word or glance.


“Hi, mom. Where’s dad?” Liz queried as she walked into the apartment and found her mother sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. “What are you watching?” she then asked after noticing the way her mother’s eyes were glued to the television.

“Sliders marathon on the Sci-Fi channel” Nancy answered without glancing away. “Oh, could you get that” she added when the phone began to ring.

Rolling her eyes, Liz set her backpack down and hurried into her bedroom to pick up the phone. “Hello” she answered breathlessly and flopped back against her mattress.

“Liz, it’s me. I need your help” Max immediately stated, causing her drooping eyes to snap open again.

“Max, what’s wrong?” she quickly asked while a dozen different scenarios began to play out in her head. Each one of them involved a crazy alien ex-husband trying to use whatever leverage he could in order to get the granolith… something that the Ava inside of her didn’t doubt he’d attempt. “Where are you? Are you still at school?” Liz queried when she didn’t hear the loud sounds of the pep rally going on behind him.

“No, I’m out at the old soap factory” Max nervously replied. “I didn’t know where else to go. I needed someplace close by where no one would find me.”

Now thoroughly afraid, Liz gripped the phone tightly in her hand and forced her voice to sound calm rather than scared and anxious.

“Max, what’s going on? Why did you need to…”

“Because I melted a plate” he stated without preamble, causing Liz to promptly snap her mouth shut.

“You what?”

“I went home to grab something I’d forgotten this morning and there was a plate on the kitchen counter” Max tried to explain but the anxiousness had yet to leave his voice. “This ceramic plate with crumbs on it from breakfast” he added. “So I was gonna pick it up and put it in the sink but as soon as I touched it, the ceramic melted or warped or… something and now it looks like a…I don’t know, a blob or something.”

“Oh god” Liz muttered under her breath.

With all her new knowledge, Liz had realized there was a strong possibility that Max would eventually develop some sort of powers as a result from the healing. But with everything still a little jumbled, she was going to wait before talking to him about it. She had thought she’d had the time to wait but for whatever reason, the effects had fast forwarded significantly.

For a moment, Liz wondered if maybe his powers were appearing ahead of schedule just as her seal had activated early as a result of their first night together.

“Okay, we’re gonna… we’re going to deal with this” she stated, forcing herself to remain calm. “Just stay where you are and I’ll meet you there” she assured while remorse began to consume her. Liz would never regret the choice she made to heal Max but she wished with all her heart that she hadn’t changed him in the process. “Okay?”

“I’ll be here.”


“Thanks for coming in on such short notice, Michael” said Jeff Parker as he hung up his apron. “Jose didn’t even call in. He just didn’t show up.”

“It’s no big deal” Michael waved it off. “Its not like I had any plans tonight, anyway.”

“Well thanks anyway, son” Jeff stated, not noticing the way Michael stiffened slightly at the word before relaxing. “I’d stay down here myself but I have to finish the books and I doubt Nancy will want to crunch numbers with me since there’s a Sliders marathon on TV.”

“It’s no problem.”

With Mr. Parker back up stairs, Michael began filling orders and trying not to think about everything that had changed since the week before.

As far as his relationship with the Whitman family, Michael decided everything was okay. He just tried to put himself into their position and realized he couldn’t exactly be mad at them when he had kept his own secret. A fact Liz pointed out after a long, loud argument.

She had been angry about the way Michael was basically giving Alex the silent treatment and not so kindly declared he was a hypocrite.

Liz also took the majority of the blame for everything that had happened. She tried to explain how her past self was the one who had made the decision for the shape shifters about keeping their origins a secret until the seal was active.

Needless to say, that conversation had been an eye opener and Michael had been trying to get along better with Alex ever since.

As for Gloria and Charles Whitman… they had been absent ever since that night in the desert. They called regularly to check up on things and offer an update if there was one but according to the two shape shifters, they only had three more sources to check out before they could return. So far, there’d been no sign of skins or their leader Nicolas and all parties involved were grateful for the absence of their former enemies.


At the quiet sound of his voice being spoken, Michael’s gaze snapped up and zeroed in on Maria who tentatively stepped into the kitchen. She was clad in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, obviously not at the café for a shift.

“Can we talk?”


“Okay, seriously… this is the last thing I need right now” Tess stated as she struggled to hurry towards the bus with her megaphone in one hand and a heavy blue and gold cheerleading bag slung over her shoulder. Wordlessly, Kyle reached for the bag and lifted it away, bringing Tess to an abrupt stop as she looked up at him with hurt blue eyes. “What? What do you want?” she demanded.

“I just want….”

“What, Kyle? What do you want?” He read her irritation loud and clear but refused to be deterred.

“I’m sorry” he apologized, causing Tess’ frown to turn into a glare of suspicion.


“Because I shouldn’t have avoided you” Kyle replied. “I’ve just been going through a lot of things lately and I needed to sort it all out” he attempted to explain but it didn’t lessen the tumultuous emotions reflected in Tess’ eyes.

“What things?” she asked in a considerably calmer tone.

“I… I can’t tell you” he stated and rushed to continue when her angry grimace returned. “It’s not that I don’t want to I just…”

“Save it” Tess all but growled and pulled her bag away. “I’m not some toy you can play with, Kyle. I have real feelings and right now I feel like I want to kick and scream so unless you want to be my punching bag, just leave me alone.” It was the fight or flight in her along with years of hurt she felt as a result of her parents’ neglect. The last thing Tess needed was to feel like she didn’t matter to one more person that meant the world to her.


After speeding the entire way to the Soap Factory, Liz pulled up in front of the old abandoned building and looked around for some sign of Max’s jeep. The air around her was quiet but chilled, causing a shiver to race up her spine. Then just as she was about to pick up her cell phone to call him, she caught a glimpse of his pacing form through one of two grimy windows flanking the closed door.

Without hesitation, Liz pushed the car door open and hurried to the entrance of the warehouse. “Max!” she called out but was stilled when a strong wave of energy hit her the moment she crossed the threshold.

“I was starting to think you didn’t care” he said, unafraid of the raised palm directed towards him.

“If his appearance isn’t the only thing you took, I swear I’ll turn you to ash before you can try to shift back into your form” Liz warned but the sound of another vehicle driving up alerted her to the fact that she was about to be outnumbered.

“Who says I’m a shape shifter?” he asked but refrained from saying anything else when the rest of his people trekked inside the building.

Liz wasn’t scared of going up against the entire group. Her former self had done it before and Liz knew she had that ability and fearlessness somewhere inside of her. It was only her desire to get answers that stopped Liz from firing off the first blast.

“You were a lot scarier before” the Max look alike declared. “I’d be surprised if you knew how to do anything besides heal.”

“You’ll find out if I don’t start getting answers” Liz stated unwaveringly.

“Its five against one, princess” he pointed out. “Even if you get past all of them, you won’t get past me.”

Her eyes involuntarily closed as she was assaulted with a memory. It was one of Ava’s and allowed Liz to realize who she was now dealing with. Yet as her mind briefly relived another time, one of the five took the opportunity to try and send a blast of energy her way… a warning. The hum of energy tingled and with her eyes still shut, she threw up her shield. Her left hand shot a blast of energy through the force field that slammed into her attacker’s chest and sent him hurtling against the back wall.

“Impressive” she heard and opened her eyes. Now that Liz knew who he was, she looked past the mask of her boyfriend and saw the enemy that lay beneath.

“Please don’t tell me that after all these years, you’re still working as Khivar’s lackey” Liz stated, hitting a nerve that was reflected on his face. “Really, Nicolas… aren’t you embarrassed that everyone knows he has you wrapped around his finger?” she baited.

“I see you’re still the same bitch you were on Antar” he stated but the way he curled his fist showed Liz that he was forcing his restraint.

“Well I guess there are some things the years will never change” Liz responded, not in the last bit offended. “For example… you’re still the same pathetic waste of skin you were back then.” She was getting to him and knew that the moment he lost his temper, he’d become careless. “Did you really think I wouldn’t turn you into a pile of dust just because you’re wearing a husk that resembles him?”

“How do you know I’m wearing a husk?” he queried, attempting to make Liz second guess herself. “How do you know I’m not just possessing his body from Antar?”

“The seal isn’t just a group of decorative lights to project at ceremonies… it actually means I can distinguish your energy from a human” Liz stated with absolute certainty. Though what she really meant was that it wasn’t just a human and alien thing, it was a Max thing. After everything they shared… physically and mentally… his energy was a part of her now. She’d recognize it without hesitation because its what she felt inside of herself.

“Too bad that ability doesn’t work through phone lines” Nicolas quipped and reached into his pocket to pull out a small pentagon shaped device.

Liz recognized it and shot a blast out towards Nicolas, aiming for the device but willing to accept it if she hit him instead.

The angered skin barely made it to the ground in time with the pentagon safely encased in his hand. “Wow. You must have gotten either weaker or dumber over the years if you couldn’t even put up a force field to protect yourself” she taunted as more of her former self’s personality began to shine through.

He nodded and three of the remaining four henchmen attacked. Liz easily thwarted their blasts and dusted two in record time. Just as she was about to send a fatal blast at the third one, Nicolas pushed a button on his device that rendered everyone in the room powerless.

The force of the Trithium Amplification Generator crumbled Liz, affecting her more than the others.

The more power someone possessed, the harder the blow when it was stripped away.

Achingly, Nicolas and his final guard pulled themselves up and roughly hauled Liz to her feet. “Impressive but I doubt you’d have the same result if you tried fighting us off by hand” Nicolas hissed in her ear. “After all, you know how strong this body is” he taunted, getting even for her earlier barbs. “Now you have a choice. Give up the Granolith and return to your place by Khivar’s side or we’ll kill all your friends and family” he threatened.

“If you touch any of them I will kill you with my bare hands” Liz warned and spat in his face.

Before she could blink, Nicolas slapped her hard across the face, nearly knocking Liz out of the guard’s hold with the force of his blow. “Listen, little girl” he hissed and grabbed a handful of her hair, forcing her to look up at him. “There’s no one here to protect you now. All those powers you have inside of you are useless” he stated and leered at her body.

“If you kill me, you’ll never find the granolith” Liz said in a voice roughed with anger.

“Which is why we’ll kill your parents… your boyfriend… your friends and of course those two incompetent guards, Rath and Zan” Nicolas stated and pulled her hair once more just to hear her pained cry. “Now where is the Granolith?” he demanded once more. “Don’t think for a second that we don’t have someone inside the café right now. A guard or two watching your boyfriend… maybe some across the street from all their houses. Just one call and they’ll all attack at once. Kill their target and whoever gets in the way.”

“You’re bluffing” Liz declared while inside she wasn’t as certain as she sounded.

“Actually, I’m not. But do you really want to take the chance that I am?” Nicolas asked back.

Before Liz could respond, the air around them opened up into a black vortex that looked like something out of the Sci-Fi channel. From it emerged two guards dressed in red, marking them as men loyal to Khivar’s rebellion. “Time has run out, sir. The folds have already begun to separate” he stiffly informed and waited for Nicolas’ nod before stepping back into the vortex.

“Looks like we have more time to convince you to give up the granolith” Nicolas stated and began hauling Liz towards the vortex. She struggled in their grip and squirmed around, trying to break loose.

“No” she yelled and clawed at their hands.

“Shut up!” Nicolas demanded and wrapped his arms around her much smaller body, locking her arms against her sides. “Go!” he said and threw her into the vortex in front of him. “Stay behind and tie up loose ends with the others. If you succeed, we’ll send for you” he instructed the guard before stepping in after Liz.


“What’s wrong?” Isabel asked, concerned about the frown Max wore as he handed back her cell phone. “Is Liz okay?” she asked and tucked the phone back into her purse.

Around them, the crowds cheered, anxiously awaiting the start of the game. While Max was supposed to be warming up with the others, he was instead focused on the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Coupled with the fact that he hadn’t been able to get a hold of Liz all afternoon, his head certainly wasn’t in the game he was about to play.

“She didn’t answer” Max replied, distractedly.

“She’s probably just helping out in the café or something” Isabel shrugged before shooting her brother a teasing grin. “Don’t worry. You’ll survive without Liz Parker.”


Six Years Later

With her arms wrapped around her daughter’s body, cushioning the fall, she fell through the vortex into a dusty, abandoned warehouse. Sun streamed in through grimy windows and the air was warm. Best of all, the swirling blackness closed in front of them without emitting anyone else. “Are you okay?” was the first question she asked and began looking the precious five year old over for any bumps or bruises.

“Where are we mommy?”

“I don’t know, honey” she said and lifted the child back into her arms, ignoring the aches and pains that consumed her body. “But we’re safe now. Everything’s going to be okay” she promised, hoping it wouldn’t be the first one she’d ever have to break.

A/N: Okay, I know that you're all probably wondering WTF did I just do. The truth is that it wasn't something I just thought of but actually something I've wanted to do from the very beginning. I had this story in mind but I felt like I couldn't really tell all of it with the Pod Squad all being kids in school. So I know you might have some questions but there will be a sequel which is already been planned out and begun.

It will be a much more adult tale and will pick up where this one ends.

I want to thank everyone who read this fic... lurkers and feedbackers. I appreciate everyone's support, interest and especially, your patience since I know I'm not a consistent updater. Thank you all again!! And look for the sequel in the near future.. "Forgotten Memories"
Last edited by To_Kiss_A_Frog on Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.