Time Heals All Wounds (CC M/L, Mature) Ch.13 pg13 AN [WIP]

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Dream Weaver
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Time Heals All Wounds (CC M/L, Mature) Ch.13 pg13 AN [WIP]

Post by Dream Weaver »

Image by: Behrsgirl77

Title: Time Heals All Wounds
Author: Dream Weaver

Disclamer: I don’t own Roswell or the characters. They belong to Jason Katims, WB and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Category: CC/M/L
Rating: Mature

Author’s Notes: This is my first fanfic ever! :lol: I hope you guys like it. Quotes are taken from Destiny. Please let me know what you think. I will try to post weekly. Hopefully my muse will keep me on track!

Summary: We find Liz 4 years after fleeing Max at the end of Destiny. She is still living in Florida and trying her best to forget Roswell and Max. But can she continue to stay away from Roswell and Max? Or will a new incident give her no choice but to be pulled back to them both!

Time Heals is a Round One nominee at Roswell Heaven! Thanks to all you guys who have supported my first fic! I love you all! :D

Chapter 1
Liz Parker sat on the warm sand watching the waves dance across the black abyss of the ocean. The pale moonlight barely lit her tear stained face. She couldn’t get Max Evans out of her mind. His essence was burned in her every thought, every feeling and covered every inch of her body. She still lived and breathed him even though it had been four years since she had heard from him or even seen him. They say that time heals all wounds but Liz knew that this was not true. In her world, time only opened the wombs further making it at times unbearable to even live. Her world had ended the day the group of four had finally learned their Destiny.

Max: No. Look, everything I told you before is still true.

Liz: Max, you have a destiny. You just heard it. I can’t stand in the way
of that.

Max: But you mean everything to me.

Liz: Goodbye Max.

Their final kiss played through her mind, her grief still burned her sole. She ran from him, ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Her parents were so confused when later that same evening she begged to go spend the summer in Florida with her Aunt. She didn’t have the heart to tell them that she didn’t plan on returning to Roswell. She knew that the only way Max would let go of her and embrace his destiny was for her to stay as far away from Roswell as possible.

She came to the beach often to think. It was her quiet salvation. She peered up at the stars. The stars held different meaning for her now. For most people stars were magical. They were something people wished on or just gazed at with the one they loved. All the stars brought into Liz’s heart was sadness. She couldn’t see that same magic in them that most people did. To her the stars symbolized the pain and emptiness in her heart because among those stars was Max’s world and destiny, a world she didn’t belong in and a destiny she couldn’t follow.

Liz gently wiped away the now drying tears and gave the ocean one last glance before making her way back up the beach. Her small beach cottage came into view. Sarah, her roommate and good friend sat perched on the railing of their deck reading her novel and enjoying her evening cup of hot green tea. She lived by the stuff, saying that it kept your skin cleansed and rejuvenated. Liz smiled at the sight of her friend. She had become the only stable thing in Liz’s life since she had fled Roswell. She reminded her a lot of Maria. Wild and crazy, health conscious and into all those home remedies and herbs, it was like a piece of home was there when she was with Sarah.

She had met Sarah her first day at her new high school. They had been in the same science lab and had become instant friends. She was so nurturing with Liz and took her under her wing. They had a blast hanging out, going to the beach (Liz’s new favorite pastime) and hanging out at the local coffee house on the strip. Florida had been a beautiful place. Soft sandy beaches, breathtaking views of the ocean and fun every where you turn. It was hard at first for Liz to adjust; being from the small town of Roswell, but Sarah made sure Liz felt right at home. After they graduated college, they both decided to attend Florida State together. Liz of course majored in Microbiology and Chemistry and Sarah in Acting. Boy, Liz always thought that her and Maria would have gotten along so well.

“Maria called while you were out moping again.” Sarah said as Liz walked up the ramp to the deck.

“I wasn’t moping.” Liz said softly. “I was looking at the stars.”

“And thinking about Max Evans, right? Honestly Liz, why don’t you just get over him. He moved on, right? Him and that Tess girl are together and living in New Mexico so why do you even think about him. He sure as hell is not thinking about you.”

“Again, I wasn’t moping.” Liz said again. “I haven’t thought of Max Evans in ages.” Liz began tugging at her hair nervously.

“Ok, if you’re telling the truth, then why are you tugging at your hair?” Sarah smirked.

Liz picked up the throw pillow of the wicker couch. “Bite Me!” She laughed and quickly changed the subject. “I guess I need to call Maria back. Did she said what she wanted?”

“Only that she missed you and hadn’t heard from you in a while so she thought she would give you a call.” Sarah said as she settled herself back down with her tea and book.

Liz made her way into the kitchen and picked up the cordless phone. The worst part about leaving Roswell behind was leaving Maria and Alex. They had all been friends since kindergarten and she missed all the times they had shared, before the Czechs invaded their lives. Back when aliens and “out of this world” experiences were only fiction in her mind. Liz’s mind began to wonder:

Max: “I wish I could go back Liz. Back to when things were normal.”

Liz: “Me, too. I just wish that I could have stopped you from saving my life that day in the CrashDown.”

Max: “Don’t say that”

Liz: “Max, the day that you saved my life, your life just ended.

Max: “No, that was the day my life began. Liz, when I was in that room and they did what they did to me. You’re what kept me alive. The thought of you. The way your eyes look into mine. Your smile. The touch of your skin. Your lips. Knowing you has made me human. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same: it’s you. I want to be with you, Liz.

But Max’s destiny had not been her it had been Tess. She shook off the memory and slowly dialed a very familiar number.

Maria’s voice sounded tired as she answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey ‘Ria. Sorry I haven’t called in awhile, but school and work has been really keeping me busy. How are things?”

“Everyone keeps asking if you are ever going to come back for a visit. Alex emails me a lot asking how you are. Are you ever going to let him know where you are? Jeez Liz, he was one of your best friends. He deserves to hear how you are from you not through me.”

“I know, but he and Isabelle are together and I just don’t want to risk her accidentally mentioning to Max that they’d heard from me and then him trying to find me. I just can’t handle that Maria.” Liz stated sadly.

“I still don’t understand you Chica. He loves you and misses you every day. You love him and want to be with him. You both mope around all the time like little lost puppy dogs without a home. You guys belong together. Michael and I are together and Isabelle and Alex are together. Why can’t you let this destiny nonsense go and come back where you belong.” Maria snapped.

Liz felt the tears welling up in her eyes. “Because unlike you and Alex, I don’t want to tempt fate. His destiny lies in a place I can’t follow. He’s a king and Tess was made to be his queen. Do you think his people would accept a normal human girl when they have the Antarian queen? I will not jeopardize his planet and life for my selfish need to be with him. Please ‘Ria let this go.”

“I don’t mean to upset you Liz. I just think that you sacrificing your happiness is not the way to go. He needs you and you need him. Yea, he’s with Tess, but he doesn’t love her. Liz he’ll never love anyone as long as there’s a change you will come to your senses and come back to him. Please just come…”

Liz cut her off. “I am not changing my mind Maria. He needs to move on. I have moved on with my life. I am going to school and interning in the science lab of the University and am settling down fine with my life. He needs to do the same.”

“Fine…Fine. I’ll drop this but just remember, you could have your happy ending.” Maria stated flatly.

“Listen Maria, its getting late and I got an early class in the morning. I promise I will call soon, Ok?”

“You’re off the hook this time Chica but I’ll hold you to your promise. Sweet dreams.”

The two friends hung up. “Maria means well.” Liz thought to herself sadly as she poked her head out to say good night to Sarah. She found her stretched out and asleep on their wicker beach chair. She grabbed the throw off the back of the couch and covered her up. She then made her way to her room and grabbed her PJ’s and headed to take a shower. The hot water ran down Liz’s body, helping to wash away her cares and stresses of the day. She dried off and slipped into her PJ’s. The flannel helped warm her body from the inner cold that just never seemed to go away. As Liz turned off her side table light, she remembered Maria’s last words tonight, “Sweet dreams.” Liz smiled sadly. The only way her dreams would be sweet is if she dreamed of Max. At least she had one place she could still have Max, in her dreams. A single tear fell out of the corner of her eye as sleep found her.
Last edited by Dream Weaver on Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:31 pm, edited 31 times in total.
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Dream Weaver
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Time Heals All Wounds (CC, All, Mature) Ch2 pg1 924/06

Post by Dream Weaver »

Disclamer: I don’t own Roswell or the characters. They belong to Jason Katims, WB and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Author’s notes: Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to read my first fic and left such encouraging feedback! Keep your thoughts coming. I am still playing around with a few ideas for plots, so bear with me and hopefully you continue to like what I write. A special thanks to those of you who caught my mistake of writing wombs instead of wounds…..man I felt stupid! :oops:

All italic areas are dreams/memories and are scenes taken from Season 1 episodes Max to the Max, Tess Lies and Video Tape, Blind Date and Heat Wave……..enjoy!

Chapter 2

She laid down beside Max as the evening moonlight shone through their window. The light eliminated his black hair, making it look silver. He looked so handsome and peaceful lying there. She smiled softly. How had she been so lucky? When she had came to Roswell to find the others she had no idea the impact this man and the group would have on her existence. She had wanted so badly to fit in with them. She needed them to make her feel complete, the Antarian Four Square. She knew what the destiny book had said, they were made to be together, but she never realized just how much they would need her. It was good to feel needed. It was good to feel accepted.

She had been so scared that he wouldn’t want her as his mate and partner. She was so sure that when she told him of their destiny that he’d push her farther away.

MAX: The pictures in the book. The four of us, what do they mean?
TESS: You know what they mean, you feel it.
MAX: I know I’m drawn to you. But I don’t … I don’t know you.
TESS: But you do, because we’re the same. You knew me before you met me.

Max had been conflicted at first because of his infatuation for Liz. He hadn’t understood that they were genetically engineered to be together and his destiny didn’t lie with a human. Their essences and soles were tied together from another life time, their lifetime on Antar. A lifetime they were destined to repeat. Sure, she knew when this all began that it would take him awhile to get over his human infatuation, but it had been a lot easier that she had suspected. Liz left, left him so he could fulfill his destiny. She gave up on him and their love. She had broken his heart and never looked back.

That first month, he was like a lost, love sick fool. He locked himself away in his room listening to Counting Crows, hating the world. Isabel and Michael tried everything, but he didn’t budge from his room, not even to eat or shower. His parents were so worried and even thought about seeking a pyschologist, but Isabelle convinced them he’d get over the break up and to just give him time to heal. Tess had even tried on several occasions, but he angrily pushed her away, saying it was all her fault that Liz had left him. It took Maria to finally break him out of his shell.

“What would Liz think, Max?” She had said. “You have to live for her. She is hurting, too. But you can’t wait for her Max. She’s made her choice and you have to live with that, girlfriend.”

After that, he still probed Maria and tried to get Liz’s location out of her, but she wouldn’t give in. “This is what Liz wants, Max.” Maria told him. “I will not betray her trust, if she wants you to know where she is, then she’ll contact you.” Liz had even sworn her parents to secrecy. Alex had even been kept out of the loop. Liz was afraid he’d tell Isabelle, who would then give in and tell Max.

Then one day after about six months, Max finally stopped asking about Liz and they started hanging out and getting to know her. They had come a long way since then. She knew in her heart that he may never love her the way that he loved Liz, but she knew if she gave him time that he’d accept her and their destiny. And here they were four years later, living together and going to school at the same college. He had finally given up on Liz and they were happy. She yawned. They both had a long school day ahead of them in a few hours. She kissed his cheek softly and turned over to get some sleep.

Max Evans slept. His dreams made him restless at times, but tonight she had entered them, making him smile as he slept. His mind wandered to her, his Liz and a night on her balcony that seemed like it happened so long ago.

Liz watched as he headed to the ladder to leave.
MAX: …if I don't go right now, things are gonna change.
LIZ: Change, how?
MAX: I'm gonna have to touch your hair...cuz it's so soft...and I'd have to tell you that...no matter what we go through, it's all worthwhile for me because we're together.
LIZ: And then?
MAX: And then...I'd have to do this...
Max kisses Liz softly. Liz returns his kiss and the kiss begins to grow until they are passionately kissing. He raps his arms around her and breaths in her scent….god she smells so good………………….


Max sits up. “Damn alarm.” She says to himself. He reaches over and turns on the radio option. Tess had already gotten out of bed and he could smell bacon and fresh coffee from the kitchen. “Get a move on Max, you have a 9:00 class and you don’t want to be late.”

Max grumbled and pulled the cover down and made his way to the bathroom. He reached up and scratched his head. Man, he hadn’t realized he’d been sweating. What had he been dreaming about? He looked in the mirror and his sullen reflection stared back at him. He saw her face, Liz. His heart sank. That’s right, he remembered now, he had been dreaming about Liz. He could still feel her lips on his and feel how holding her sent his pulse racing and how the smell of her lovely perfume made him ache to be near her. God, how he missed her. Every day she was the first thing on his mind and the last thing he thought of when he closed his eyes.

“Snap out of it Maxwell,” he thought to himself as he splashed cold water on his face, “Don’t let Tess see you like this, she’ll know something’s up.”

He turned on the shower and climbed under the steaming water. He let the hot water run down his back. Max wondered what she was doing right now. Where was she? Did she think of him? Did she ache for him as much as he did for her or did she even remember who he was? God, why did she run from him that day? Why had she felt it necessary to leave Roswell and not come back? He didn’t care about his so-called destiny. In his mind and his heart, she was all he had ever wanted and needed. His mind began to wander…

LIZ: Max! Max, please. We have to stop. Please, we have to stop.
MAX: Let's just keep running, you and me, away from here, away from everything. I see everything so clearly now. We'll go someplace where no one knows us. As long as we're together, nothing else matters.
LIZ: You're drunk. Nothing that you're saying is true.
MAX: It's all true, Liz. It's how I really feel. It's all just magic when I think about you.
(Max touched a lamppost and causes the light to shine in a pattern)
LIZ: Max, turn it off. Anyone can see.
MAX: And when I'm not with you...I go crazy.
(Max touched a car and the car alarm goes off)
LIZ: Max.
MAX: When you're here...
LIZ: Oh, Max. Please.
MAX: You're my dream girl, Liz.
LIZ: And what if I believe you tonight?
MAX: Then we live happily ever after.
LIZ: And then what about tomorrow...when you go back to realizing who you really are, and all of your fantasies go away.
MAX: I'll still have you.

Max slams his fist against the tile wall. It throbbed and burned. Why couldn’t she have just believed in their love and him? They could have made it work. Is and Alex, Maria and Michael, they had made it work. Why did he have to be the one who had to be with someone that he didn’t love? Why did he have to give up on his soul mate?

MAX: Liz.
LIZ: I saw you, Max.
MAX: Liz, it's not what you think.
LIZ: How could you kiss her?
MAX: I don't know. I don't know what's happening.
LIZ: You know all those thing you said to me, Max? Were any of them true?
MAX: Liz... Liz, you've got to believe me. It wasn't me. She was there. She was waiting for me.
LIZ: Oh, so it's her fault.
MAX: Liz, something is going on with her. I'm telling you, something is not right about her.
LIZ: Not right about her, Max! What are you talking about?
MAX: The way I'm drawn to her, it's not just attraction. It's something else. Please, Liz, you have to have faith in me. In us.
LIZ: To have faith?
MAX: Yes. Until I figure out what's going on. I'm telling you, when I kissed her, I saw things. I had a flash.
LIZ: You had a flash when you kissed her, Max? Like when you kissed me? I guess I'm not so special after all, huh?

Liz had been so hurt at seeing him and Tess kissing. He even went to the CrashDown and tried to reassure her.

MAX: I wanna talk.
LIZ: About what?
MAX: Liz, about what Michael said before, about Tess, I just...I want you to know that I don't feel anything for her. I look at you, and I know you're the person I'm supposed to be with. I've always known it. What happened here that day, when you got shot, and how that brought us together...it's fate. You're the one, Liz...the only one. I could never be with anyone else.

Tears slowly began to fall from his eyes. God, he had betrayed her and their love! His Liz! She had already felt so betrayed by him and insecure in their love but then the message from his Antarian mother changed everything forever. Not only did his mother’s message finally give Michael, Is, Tess and him the answers to who they were and what they’d been seeking all their lives but it also strengthened Liz’s worst fears. Max had a destiny and she didn’t feel she had a place in it. How could he blame her for her decision? Liz thought that she was doing the right thing by letting him go to be together with Tess, the right thing for him and his planet.

His body began to shiver under the now cold running shower. He shook off the memories that just didn’t seem to ever go away and stepped out of the shower. He checked the clock. My god, he had been in there for almost an hour. If he didn’t hurry, he’d not only miss his class, but Tess would be worried. He opened his closet door and grabbed a shirt and a pair of khakis and dressed quickly. “Get it together, Max,” he thought to himself as he grabbed his wallet and keys from the nightstand. “Besides it’s been four years. Like Liz is just moping around like your sorry ass is. She’s moved on, so let her go.” Let Liz go? “Easier said than done.” He said out loud as he stepped into the hallway.

“Easier than what, Max?”

“Tess!” Max jumped back. “You scared the living daylights out of me. Is everything ok?”

“I just got worried, that’s all Max. You were up here a long time and your breakfast is getting cold. Also not to mention that you only have fifteen minutes until your class starts. Are you ok?” Tess wrapped her arms around him for a hug.

“I just didn’t sleep well. Midterms are coming up and I just have a lot on my mind. I’ll be fine.” He kissed the top of her head. “I guess I better get to class, see ya tonight?”

“I’ve got class till 3 then Maria and I will be at the studio after that.” Tess kissed him on the cheek. “Have a good day Max, I love you.”

“Me too. See ya.” Max shut the door and got in his car. God he felt so guilty. Tess was such a nice person, and devoted to him one hundred percent. Any man would be lucky to be loved by someone like her. But she just wasn’t Liz. God would he ever be able to let her go? The college came into view. Max found a parking space and headed off to class reluctantly to start another lonely day without her.
Last edited by Dream Weaver on Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Dream Weaver
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Time Heals All Wounds (CC, All, Mature) Ch3 pg2 10/2/06

Post by Dream Weaver »

Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or the characters. They belong to Jason Katims, WB and UPN.
They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Author’s Notes: I am finally getting a plot flowing….hopefully you guys like it. This part is only a transition part into the real story.

I am hoping to possibly post another part later in the week, but I won’t promise in case I get caught up.

Thanks to all of you who are reading.

Eve- I hope I am doing the Liz/Florida story justice and yes, Tess will show her true colors soon :twisted:

Tinie38, Kitten, Clueless, Natz- Glad you are all enjoying the story!

Here’s a small teaser as to what’s to come… What happens when a “new” discovery” accidentally crosses Liz’s path?
Will she be pulled back into Roswell and Max’s life?

Hopefully I won’t make you wait too long for it! :lol:

Chapter 3

Liz blew gently on her mocha chino as she sat down at her table. Thank god finals were almost over! So far she had A’s in her other 3 classes and was hoping for number 4. Advanced Microbiology was her final class and she was confident that she was going to do well. Dr. Alexandria Sparks sat behind her desk reading. So far, Dr. Sparks had been one of her favorite professors. She was everything Liz hoped she’d be once she graduated with her Masters.

Dr. Sparks had a wondrous career that had taken her all over the world from London to Brazil. She had been assigned their class after deciding to stay in Florida to work on some major research project that had been assigned to her at the university. “Ground breaking research” the University paper had written. All that was holding up the continuation of this great project was the grant for the college. From what Liz had heard, the grant should be going through any day now and the college would be able to fund Dr. Spark’s research.

Liz looked up to see Dr. Sparks watching her. Liz smiled. Dr. Sparks stood and started to head in Liz’s direction just as her corner clocked chimed. She smiled at Liz and grabbed the stack of final packets and passed them out.

“Ladies and gentleman, please write legibly. You know how I feel about trying to read an essay and not understanding it because I can’t read your handwriting.”

There were giggles in the room as she handed the final booklet out and stood behind her desk.

“It’s been a pleasure teaching all of you. I am sure I will see you around campus. Remember this is a timed final. Good luck and you have one hour starting now.” Dr. Sparks set her timer and sat back down at her desk and continued her reading.

After about 40 minutes into the class, Liz happily put down her pencil. Done! She smiled to herself, proud of the job she knew she’d did. She picked up her test paper and grabbed her book bag and headed to the front of the class. Dr. Sparks looked up as Liz approached. She handed her the test booklet.

“Thanks, Dr. Sparks. I really enjoyed your class.” Liz smiled and turned to leave.

“Ah, Miss Parker, is it possible for you to wait for me until class is over, I think I may have something that may interest you.” Dr. Sparks smiled.

“S….Sure,” Liz stammered, “I’ll wait outside.”

“Good, see you in about fifteen minutes.”

Liz exited the classroom. She was not sure why Dr. Sparks wanted to meet with her, but her spider sense was on high alert, something she learned from her days in Roswell. She had learnt to never let her guard down. She still was always worried that her old association with the Roswell four could put her in danger.

Liz grabbed her cell phone. She was supposed to meet Sarah at the TeaPot Café for coffee right after class and she didn’t want her to worry if she was running late. Sarah’s voice mail picked up.

“Hey, Sar…..Dr. Sparks wants to speak to me about something, so I am hanging around till after the final. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Later!” She closed her cell phone.

She sat down on the bench just outside the classroom. What could Dr. Sparks want? She checked her clock. There was still ten minutes till class was over. “Well, Liz all you can do is wait to find out.” She said to herself. She grabbed her novel out of her bag and began to read. “She loved him unconditionally and would have done anything for him…”

Her mind wandered to Max. Her heart sank at the thought of him. “Wonder if he ever thanks of me?” Liz thought. She shook her head trying to get his memory out just as the door to the classroom opened. Dr. Sparks walked out.

“Miss Parker thanks for waiting for me. I think I have a proposition for you that you won’t be able to pass up!”

Max walked into the student common area and headed toward the coffee bar. His finals were over and he smiled at the thought of summer. He was relieved that his classes were over and he was ready just for a little relaxation.

“Hey girlfriend!” Maria called from across the room.

He smiled. The petite blonde that headed in his direction had become one of his closest friends. There were times when he could only talk to her. She seemed to understand him, especially when it came to Liz and she always tried to support him. Michael was one lucky guy.

“Hey Maria, how was class?”

“You know…as fun as dissecting a rat can be. I think I prefer FBI chases or even fighting with Michael.” Maria giggled as she gently gave him a squeeze. “You look a little fried, what’s up?”

“I dreamed about Liz again last night.” Max braced himself for hurricane Deluca.

“Max, My god! How many times do we have to have this conversation? You really need to forget about Liz. What would Tess think if she knew you still thought about and even dreamed about Liz? I may not have been a big fan of Tess at first, but she’s been a real sweet person and wonderful to you. Please don’t hurt her.” Maria stared at Max and crossed her arms across her chest.

“God Maria, don’t you think I try to get her out of my head. I sometimes go weeks without dreaming about her, but then something will remind me of her and the dreams start back up. Lately I just sense that she’s hurting. Like she is calling out to me, like she…”

“Max, stop torturing yourself. Liz is fine.” Maria touched his arm lightly.

“You don’t know that.” Max grabbed the back of his neck in frustration.

“Max, yes I do. You know I still occasionally check in on her. I just spoke to her last night. But Max, please don’t ask me anything more.”

Maria flinched as she watched Max’s eyes well up at the thought of Maria hearing the voice of the one person he longed to hear. Her heart ached for him. She felt so caught up in the middle. Both Max and Liz were dying without each other. But her hands were tied. She couldn’t interfere at Liz’s request.

“But….she’s fine.” His voice was almost a whisper as he tried to hold back the pain he was feeling.

“Yea, Max. She’s actually doing well.” She grabbed Max’s hand. “Please, Max forget Liz. You can’t put your life on hold for someone who is not coming back, no matter how much we want her to.”

Maria’s eyes began to show signs of tears also. Max wasn’t the only one who wanted Liz back. She missed her friend so much. It was so hard without her around. It was like the spark in the group was put out when Liz fled Roswell. The spark had never returned.

“Maxwell…..Maria…..what’s with the waterworks?” Michael stated as he approached. “Don’t tell me…….Liz Parker. Come on Maxwell, give it up. She’s gone. She got out. She had a choice to stay or go and she chose to exit. You can’t blame her, after everything she’d seen and been through. Max, be happy that she’s away and safe.” He hugged Maria and gently kissed her cheek.

God at times, Michael really hated Liz for leaving. He had lost Max the day Liz Parker walked out on him. The man that now stood in front of Michael was just the emotionless shell that was left. It infuriated Michael that the potential Max had had to be a great King and Leader for their planet, if that day ever came, was gone. All he did now was go through the motions with Tess and secretly pine away for Liz.

Maria was another story. He was saddened that she had to go through life without her friend. Maria was lost without her and at times was inconsolable. It broke his heart every time he had to hold her after she spoke to Liz as she cried herself to sleep because Liz wouldn’t come home. Sometimes he blamed himself that he couldn’t find a way to bring Liz back to both of them.

Max and Maria both looked at Michael. Neither one of them spoke. Michael smiled sadly. “Miss her all you want guys, but be happy for her because she is living her life and Max if you are thankful for anything, be thankful that she is alive and safe. Without you Max, she would have never gotten that chance. No matter what happened after, you saved her Max and for one brief moment in time you were able to love her.”

“Oh God Michael, that was beautiful!” Maria said as the tears fell from her eyes. Michael gave her another hug.

Max watched as Michael comforted Maria. He saw the strong bond the two of them shared and it made him happy. Those two had found happiness. Maria brought out a side to Michael that Isabel and Max had always known was there. It was wonderful that he found that special person that brought that side of Michael out. Michael was right, though, if Max hadn’t healed Liz that day in the Crash Down she wouldn’t be alive right now. She may not be with him, but she was out there some where. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A small flicker of her essence crossed his heart. She was far away but at times if he really concentrated he could feel her though the connection they had formed from when he healed her. He felt a small glimmer of happiness cross over the connection. He smiled sadly.

“Ok, enough moping for the day.” Maria sighed as she wiped away the now drying tears. “We’ve got to go celebrate the end of finals! Besides, Tess is waiting for us at the studio. Is and Alex were flying in from Boston at 11:00 and she was picking them up and meeting us there.”

Max smiled. They hadn’t seen Is and Alex in over a month. It was going to be great to have them home for the summer. He hadn’t realized how much he relied on Isabel until her and Alex decided to move up to Boston. He was happy for them, but it had taken a lot of convincing on Isabel’s part for Michael and Max to be comfortable with her moving that far away. But since there had been no immediate threats in over two years, the group had finally decided it was safe for them to begin to think about their lives and began to live them.

“Well, let’s get going, you know how impatient my sister gets when we’re late.” Max said as all three of them headed to the parking lot. They climbed into Max’s car and headed to meet the others.
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Post by Dream Weaver »

Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or the characters. They belong to Jason Katims, WB
and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Author’s Notes: Well, I hope you guys don't kill me but here is a small chapter that is going to take us up right to the begining of the plot of the story. I left a little of a cliff hanger so I hope you guys don't mind. :twisted: I promise the best is yet to come. I am going to work on the other chapter I have written before I post it because its going to be a challenge for me to get the next few right and the way I want them. :? I had a huge chapter and I split it up into a few chapters. I am hoping to post the next part early next week.

Thanks EVE, angeleyes, Timelord31, bringroswellback8604 and Asabetha for the feedback and thanks to everyone who is reading! :D

Chapter 4

Liz followed Dr. Sparks down the long corridor leading to the research wing of the science department. Dr. Sparks grabbed her keys from her white lab coat and stopped at a large steal door marked Authorized Personnel Only. Liz followed her into the door as Dr. Sparks turned on the lights.

“You see Liz,” Dr. Sparks began, “I am so excited about this research project. I have been waiting for months for the grant to go through and now that it’s finally here, I can start getting a staff together to assist me. Your great sense of the world and your studies didn’t go unnoticed in my class and I have decided that I want you to be my research assistant and help me run the project.”

Liz smiled excitedly. This was a once in a life time change, a change she’d always dreamed of, to work on a ground breaking research project and to learn from one of the best in her field. She opened her month to accept her offer when Dr. Sparks cut her off.

“Liz, before you answer, I want to show you a few things. This research is a top secret project and the people funding this project want the utmost discretion. It is going to take up a lot of your time and I don’t want you to commit until you fully understand what the consequences will be. There are two microscopes over there with samples on them. There is also a file sitting next to them. Please look at the samples and the file. If you then still think it’s something that you want to get involved with, then great. If not, then the information in that file is to stay just between us, Deal?

“Sure, Dr. Sparks. I understand completely.” Liz smiled. She was so excited that she almost couldn’t contain herself.

“Good. Then I will leave you to the slides and file. I will give you thirty minutes to look everything over then I’ll check back with you. I need to go over to the storage area anyways. That’s where the real ground breaking work is taking place now. I just know that we’ll work so well together. If I am correct and we can really get the findings I’m anticipating, our whole look on life is going to change and our names will be on the next Noble Piece Prize.” Dr. Sparks clapped her hands together and smiled. She touched Liz lightly on the shoulder and exited the lab, locking the door behind her.

Liz was frozen to the floor. Why was Dr. Sparks this excited? Noble Piece Prize? What was so important that they had reserved the storage area for it? Her stomach was in knots. Something in her gut was telling her that she was about to get the shock of her life, but why? What was she about to get herself into? She shook off her feeling of dread and walked over to the microscopes.

She took a look at the first slide. It was a metallic looking substance, almost like a metal or iron ore type substance. However, this didn’t resemble anything she’d ever seen before.

“I wonder what this could be?” Liz thought to herself. The hairs began to stand on the back of her neck.

“Why am I so on edge?” She thought.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and glared into the second scope. The microscope was a little out of focus, so she adjusted the power knob and took another look. What came into view gave her the shock of her life. Her heart stopped. What she saw on this slide was something that she never expected to see again since that day in the Roswell Chemistry Lab. This sample looked exactly like the sample she had taken from Max’s pencil so long ago. She began to sweat. Her hands began to shake and she felt faint.

“Get a hold of yourself, Liz!” She screamed at herself.

Liz’s stomach tightened and the panic began to build up. She had the sudden urge to flee and to run for the door but she stopped herself. Her stomach churned and she had to run for the sink in the corner. She threw up until she thought that her insides were going to come out too. She braced herself against the wall and slid down until she was sitting on the floor. She placed her head between her knees and tried to calm herself down.

“What the hell is going on?” Liz thought as hot tears began to stream down her face. She glanced back over to the microscopes and saw the white file folder sitting there. Her heart began to pound in her ears and the room began to spin.

“God, please don’t let this be what I think it is.” Liz whispered as she stood up and made her way back over to the table. She grabbed the stool and sat down with the folder. She slowly opened the file and began to read it.

May 13, 2000…Subject A has just been brought in and detained. DNA and blood samples were taken. Samples are not human samples

Liz’s blood ran cold. She was afraid to read any further. Her worst fears were materializing right in the file folder. She swallowed the bile that was creeping up her throat and began to read further.

Subject A will be sent for further observation to Eagle Rock Military Base. Subject A is known as Max Evans from Roswell, New Mexico. Considered dangerous, use extreme caution and any and all measures necessary to detain and interrogate.

Tears begin to well up in her eyes again. The realization of what she was reading hit her. She was reading Max’s file from when the FBI had captured him. As she read a little further, her heart began to break. Everything was documented. Everything he had been through, electro shock, ice baths, being tortured and drugged. What they had done to Max was incomprehensible!

“Get a hold of yourself Liz.” She said to herself.

Liz glanced at the clock. Dr. Sparks would return in about 10 minutes. She grabbed a tissue and dabbed at her eyes then grabbed her bag and touched up her makeup. She had to make herself presentable so as not to give Dr. Sparks any suspicions. She looked around the room, trying to decide what to do and noticed a copier in the corner. She grabbed the file and hurriedly copied the papers inside. She placed the copies in her backpack and was walking back over to the microscopes just as the lock on the door turned. Liz took a deep breath and composed herself. She needed to find out more about what kind of research project she had just stumbled on. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

“So, Liz, what do you think of the information I showed you.” Dr. Sparks said as she shut the door behind her.

“It’s so fascinating. So does this mean that you think you have samples from an actual alien found here on earth?” She smiled and tried to act completely indifferent.

“Oh, possibly. But there is so much more to show you, if you’re up for the job as my assistant.” Dr. Sparks smiled.

“I am very honored that you have chosen me Dr. Sparks. I would be very happy to assist you any way I can. This research is one of a kind and I would like no more that to be apart of history.” Liz stood up and headed toward Dr. Sparks and handed her the file.

“Would you like to see the research area, Liz?”

“You bet!”

Liz smiled the fakest smile she could muster and prayed that her legs would work as she followed Dr. Sparks out of the lab and down the hall a little further. They came to a large garage door with a security code pad on the side. Dr. Sparks typed in the code 1947 and the garage door began to open. A cold breeze hit her face and she froze when the lab came into view.
Last edited by Dream Weaver on Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Dream Weaver
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Post by Dream Weaver »

Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or the characters. They belong to Jason Katims, WB
and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

A special Thank You! Goes out to Tanya (Behrsgirl77) for the awesome banner! Everyone check it out!

Author’s Notes: I am posting two chapters today because I had to break this part up into two sections. Just to remind everyone this fic is based after Destiny on the show and nothing after that episode in the original time line has happened in this one. I am getting really close to the chapter on Liz and Max’s first meeting. I woke up the other night and had to write that down. It’s gonna be good! I hope you all are liking the direction I am taking and I am always up for suggestions from any one of you since after all this is my first crack at fan fiction!

Timelord31: I don’t think at this time Zan has entered the picture of the story, but you never know…

begonia9508: At this time no prisoners, but I hope you like what Liz finds instead :twisted:

sprayadhesive: I LOVE sick thoughts…feel free to PM me and let me in on it. It might be a good idea for the story. :twisted:

Clueless, maxandliz4ever8604 and Buffsteraddict: Thanks for the feed back and hope you like the next chapters. :shock:

Thanks to all of you who keep coming back for more! Enjoy! :D

Chapter 5

The look of shock definitely showed on her face as Liz’s eyes almost popped out of her head. What towered above her in the storage unit was the most magnificent thing she’d ever seen. It was like something out of a science fiction film, but after everything she knew from her life in Roswell and the four aliens she knew what was in front of her was the real deal. She swallowed hard as she walked slightly further into the large storage area that was being set up as the main research lab for the project.

A metallic space ship sat on large lifts in the center of the room. She was in awe at the towering ship. Liz had to tilt her head slightly up to get the full effect of the size of the gigantic space ship.

“It has to be over 50 stories high!” Liz exclaimed quietly to herself.

She took a few seconds and looked around the perimeter of the room. She saw that the right and left walls were lined with small cubicles and work stations. There were two workers setting up various computer equipment and research areas. She glanced over again at the space ship. “This is amazing, Dr. Sparks.”

“So Liz, are you still glad you’ve made the decision to be my assistant.” Dr. Sparks spoke, shaking Liz back into reality.

“Oh yes.” Liz said. “What are the workers setting up?”

“Well, since this project is such a top secret one, security is of the utmost importance. There will be cameras at all the entrances and exits along with alarms. There will be a monitoring system in the corner where we will be able to record surveillance on the lab 24/7. The back two offices over there (Dr. Sparks pointed to the right side where two glass wall rooms were) will be our offices. You and I will have complete security level access to the lab. Our workers, depending on their assignment, will only have limited access. This area is off limits to everyone but a select few.”

Liz’s hair stood on the back of her neck. She walked over to the large ship in the center of the room. The metal seemed to glow and a slight hum was continuously coming from the massive machine. Liz touched it. It was cool to the touch. She began to glance in all directions to get an idea of all the entrances and exits of the lab for future reference.

Dr. Sparks spoke again. “Liz this ship is from the 1947 crash in Roswell New Mexico. All the files are in the small office, which is yours. So far everyone who has tried has not succeeded in finding a way to get inside this ship. There are no doors or access panels. I would like to start looking at the information and see how you think we can tackle this project. There is a small area storage room that can be accessed through the other door at the back of your office. That is where all the artifacts are stored. The code to get into the research lab is 1947 as you already know and here is your access card and identification.”

Dr. Sparks handed Liz the ID badge that had a magnetic strip and her picture on the front.
Liz smiled at her. She needed to think. Her head was spinning and she needed to get Dr. Sparks to leave her alone so she could get more information on what she’d just been pulled into.

Liz had a thought. “Do you mind if I go grab a bite to eat first and return later to start going through things, Dr. Sparks?”

“No Liz. I have given you a lot of information and I am sure it’s been a really big shock as well. It was for me also the first time this project came across my path. I have to go out of town for the evening anyways to meet with the investors of the project and of course you are more that welcome in the lab any time you feel like working. I will meet you here tomorrow morning around 9 to go over the first phase of the project.” Dr. Sparks squeezed her shoulder and headed to the door to leave.

“Thanks again Dr. Sparks for this great opportunity.” Liz spoke.

“No Liz, thank you. I know you’re going to be a tremendous help to me on this project.” With that final statement, Dr. Sparks left the lab.

Liz let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Her palms were sweating and there was still a hint of panic left. She turned back around to face the ship.

”It really is magnificent.” Liz thought to herself. “God I wish Max was here.”

She sighed. Enough about Max. She had to figure out her next move. She crossed the lab and headed back to the room that was to be her office. Inside were a small wooden desk and chair and two filing cabinets. She would get into the files later. What Liz really wanted to check out was the artifact storage. She hit 1-9-4-7 on the number pad and the door clicked. She slid the door open and a fluorescent light kicked on.

Liz shivered at the cool temperature. It had to be at least 40 degrees or lower in here. She glanced around the room. There were several glass cases along one wall on the left and on the right wall two computers were set up and running. A small table was sat in the middle of the room, “Probably for research or handling of the artifacts without having to remove them from this room.” Liz thought.

She walked over to the first case. Her stomach was churning. She had no idea what she was going to find in these cases. Her heart was in her throat. She peered over to look inside the glass case. Inside was a large book. The binding was frayed and it had a large symbol on the front that was similar to the necklaces Max, Isabel and Michael had. She glanced over at the white label on the front of the case. The note on the case said Destiny Book.

“Where do I remember that from?” Liz pondered. She began to try and think back to what she remembered from her time with Max and the others. “Tess had a book that she said held their destinies, but they couldn’t translate it because it was in their native language.” Liz said to herself. “Could this be a similar book or a copy?” Liz was puzzled. The case was locked with a key lock and Dr. Sparks had not given her any keys so she moved onto the next case.

Inside the second case were four primitive stones with symbols on them. They resembled what she remembered to be the healing stones she’d seen them use on Michael that River Dog had given them. “I guess this is another set.” Liz thought to herself. Again this case was also locked so she couldn’t open it.

The other case held a black pentagon shaped item. It looked like some kind of communication device. This box had no lock so Liz opened the lid and reached in for the object. Her hand reached the device. It was cool to the touch. Liz slowly began to raise the object just as a green spark shot out of the top of the device and into her hand. The device then began to beep. Liz felt an electric shock wave hit her, sending her flying backwards into the table in the middle of the room. Dazed and a little confused, she pulled herself into a sitting position.

“God, what the hell just happened?” Liz thought to herself.

Her whole body was tingling from the shock and her legs wobbled as she attempted to stand. “Why would an alien object react to me?” She slowly picked herself up off the floor. Her head was pounding and a feeling of worry was building up inside of her. She walked back over to the case and peered back into the case. The pentagon shaped object sat silent.

“Ok now I am creeped out.” Liz said out loud.

She took special care placing the lid back on the box as to not awaken the object again. She then turned around and walked toward the two computers on the opposite wall. The screens were off so she turned the screens on to see what she could find. On the screen was a screen asking for a password. Again Dr. Sparks had not given her a pass code. She typed in 1-9-4-7 and hit enter.

“Access denied, damn.” Liz spat at the computer.

She then tried ROSWELL, SHIP, NEW MEXICO, SPARKS and ALIEN. None of them worked either. “Man, this is when I could really use Alex.” Liz thought. She smiled at the thought of her long time friend. He was another person she really missed from Roswell.

Liz glanced around the room. “Think Liz….this can’t be hard. Why would they need to hide computers in an artifact room out of reach and away from public access? What could they be using these for?” She said out loud. She drummed her fingers on the desk. The first case holding the Destiny book caught her eye. She typed in D-E-S-T-I-N-Y. The screen went black and came up to a running program.

“I’m in!” Liz smiled. Alex would have been so proud.

She glared at the screen, trying to make sense at what she was looking at. There were hundreds of alien symbols on the left and on the right different symbols were flashing every half second or so.

“Oh duh! Liz you know what this is.” She said as she slapped her forehead.

It was a Language decryption program. Archeologists used it to decode ancient languages so they could translate them into modern languages like English or Spanish so we could read and understand them. There were only about 5 symbols that were highlighted so the computer was still working on the language key. Once a language key was established, they’d be able to incorporate that with any of the symbols or documents and read it.

Realization hit her. “They are translating the Destiny Book!” She choked out. Her mind hit overload. She needed to tell Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess. She needed to contact someone, now. She knew that this was something the Max had always wanted, to be able to decode the book. Now she had accidentally stumbled on a project that was doing just that.

She hit the escape button on the keyboard and the computer defaulted back to the password screen. She walked out of the artifact room and back into her office. She grabbed her back pack and walked back through the main area and out of the lab. She knew she had to get some place safe and to get her head together.

Liz walked out of the Nuclear Research Building and sprinted to her car. She got in and grabbed for her phone in her book bag just as it began to ring. She picked it up. “Hello?”

“Ok, Liz. I know you left me a message that you’d be here soon, but geez, it’s been 2 hours! My last final is getting ready to start and I am heading to it right now. I got worried. Are you ok?” Sarah rambled through the phone.

Liz glanced at the clock. It was already 2:00 in the afternoon. “I am sooo sorry Sar,” Liz said apologetically. “Get to your class and I’ll tell you more about it tonight.”

“You better, girl. I don’t like being stood up unless there’s a damn good reason, so you better have one, chow!” Sarah giggled and the line went dead.

Liz exhaled lightly. She glanced at the phone in silence. Her heart pounded in her chest. She dreaded what she was about to do. She picked up her cell phone and dialed a very familiar number.
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Dream Weaver
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Post by Dream Weaver »

Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or the characters. They belong to Jason Katims, WB
and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Chapter 6

Michael, Maria, Isabel and Alex sat around the table in the studio that Michael and Maria shared. Lunch had been great. Everyone had been so excited to be together again. So much had been going on in everyone’s life and now that classes were over for the summer, they could all just relax and spend time together.

“You should have seen Michael’s face after he saw his costume for our video.” Maria chuckled. “He looked so adorable in green tights!”

Isabel and Alex both laughed as Michael stood up. “Hey it’s not funny. Those things were so uncomfortable and rode up constantly.” Michael grumbled.

“So Michael, would you get terribly upset if I called you the Jolly Green Giant now?” Alex smirked.

“Careful Whitman.” Michael playfully warned. “You never know when you’ll wake up with parts “unknown” smaller than when you went to sleep.”

Alex turned white which made Maria and Isabel laugh harder.

Isabel grabbed a napkin and dabbed the tears away from her eyes and decided to change the subject. “So what’s up with my brother. He seemed a little on the distracted side today.”

“When does King Max ever seem not distracted?” Michael snickered.

“That’s not fair Michael, he’s not been sleeping well.” Maria defended.

“Well, if he’d get Miss Parker out of his mind and dreams, then maybe he’d be able to rest.” Michael stated flatly as he walked over to the couch.

“God guys, are you kidding?” Isabel tapped her foot angrily. Michael and Maria both glanced at each other and smiled weakly while shrugging their shoulders.

Isabel sighed and continued. “When is he going to just forget about Miss goody goody can’t handle the alien club and gotta run away Parker and just move on!”

Maria and Alex exchanged glances. Both were completely aware of how Isabel and Michael felt about Liz, but they still were uncomfortable with these kinds of comments.
Isabel glanced over in their direction and saw the glum expressions both on Alex and Maria’s faces.

Isabel sighed and her tone softened. “No harm intended guys, but you both know he’s hanging on to a lost cause.”

“I’ve told him that a million times Is, but you know our Maxwell. I don’t think he’ll ever let go of her Isabel. Put yourself in his position. Could you fully let Alex go?” Maria added with compassion. She understood Isabel’s point but she knew if she was in Max’s position, she couldn’t just give up on Michael. He meant too much to her.

Isabel gazed over at her Alex. He grabbed her hand and brought it up to his lips and lightly kissed her knuckles. “I sure wouldn’t give up on you Princess Isabel.” Alex smiled.

Isabel leaned over and kissed Alex gently on the lips. He was so kind and sweet to her. He did and always said everything she needed and wanted to hear. He was her knight and he grounded her. He had opened up her ice queen persona and melted her heart. She would never want to live without him.

“I guess I can see your point, Maria.” Isabel took Alex’s hand and continued. “However Liz made the choice to leave. She chose to give Max up. And then Max chose to move on with Tess. He chose that step and I don’t want to see Tess get hurt.”

“Tess knows she’s not his first choice and she is happy with the way they are. She knows the score and that Max will never love her like he loved Liz.” Michael said from the couch as he switched on the television. “Now enough about Maxwell. With a little rest, he’ll be good as new and back to his “chipper” self.”

“I’ll just clear the table.” Maria said, changing the subject yet again.

“Here, we’ll help you, won’t we sweet heart?” Alex said.

“Why not.” Isabel cooed. “It sure beats watching football with Michael.”

Maria and Alex both giggled and Michael threw his hand up and over his shoulder in the “forget you guys” gesture as they began carrying the dishes into the kitchen.

Michael propped his feet up on the coffee table and started watching the game. Maria’s cell phone began to ring in her purse, which was sitting on the coffee table. He reached in and without even looking at the Caller Id, answered it. “Yeah!”

“Mi….Michael?” A woman’s voice softly questioned.

“Well you know my name, can I get yours?” Michael spat back.

There was a slight pause; “It’s me Michael, its Liz.” came the reply.

“Well I’ll get Mar…..”

Liz quickly interrupted him. “NO! Please. I actually called to talk to you. You’re the only one I could think to call. Are you able to talk?”

Michael could hear the urgency in Liz’s voice. “ I guess.”

Liz began to ramble on the other end of the line. “I know I’m not your favorite person, but I didn’t want to call any of the others. Well, you see I have this professor. She’s asked me to assist her by being her research assistant. I accepted and then started finding all this crazy alien stuff and I am so worried and scared and I don’t know what to do and then I thought about calling Max, but you know we’re not on the greatest terns. Then Alex came to mind, but again not on great terms and I didn’t want Isabel to know where I was so then you came to mind and…”

Michael cut her off. He could hear the hints of panic in her voice. “Liz, what’s going on? Did I hear you say alien stuff?”

“Michael,” Liz choked back her tears, “they have Max’s file from the white room and several alien artifacts. One book that I think might be another Destiny book, which they are trying to decode and another set of possible healing stones.”

Michael was on the edge of the couch now. “What do you mean Max’s file?”

Liz began to cry on the other end of the line. “I read it Michael. It has graphic details about what the FBI did to him. There was also this black pentagram thingy that shocked me and threw me back several feet when I touched it. Michael I’m scared and I don’t know what I should do.”

Michael sat stunned and silent as seconds passed. “It reacted to you?”

“Yea, but that’s not all Michael.” Liz paused. “Your ship is here also.”

Michael swallowed hard. Their ship? If what Liz was saying was true, they could all be in a lot of trouble. “I need to call Max and we all need to discuss this.”

“Please Michael. I don’t want anyone to know where I am just yet. I just need to know what you think I should do further here. Please don’t tell Max. If he comes they might capture him and hurt him and it would be all my fault, please Michael.” Liz pleaded.

Michael was starting to get really worried know and knew Liz was most likely in danger.
“Ok Liz, but then I am coming to you. I won’t tell anyone just yet and I’ll make up something, but I need to come check this out. Where are you?”

“Ok Michael, but come alone. Take a plane out and fly into Tallahassee Florida. Call me with your flight information and I will meet you there at the airport.” Liz sniffled.

“I’ll call you when I land.” Michael went to hang up but then stopped. “Liz?”

“Yeah, Michael.” Liz answered.

He could hear the defeat and desperation in her quivering voice. He could feel her fear for Max. She did still love him “Try to pull yourself together. Stay calm and I’ll be there as soon as I can. We’ll figure this out.”

“Thanks Michael.” Liz hung up.

Michael got up and headed into the kitchen. He had to think of an excuse to tell the others. Alex and Isabel were putting the dry dishes away and Maria was standing at the sink. He walked over and kissed her lightly on the cheek. She put down the dishtowel she was holding and wrapped her arms around him for a hug.

“Who was on the phone?” Maria questioned as she drained the water out of the sink.

Michael paused for a second and then an idea came to him. “My boss, I am going to have to go away for a few days. He needs me to meet with a few of the other partners for the club.”

“When do you leave?”

“As soon as I can get a flight out, probably in a few hours.” Michael said as he grabbed a Snapple out of the fridge. He walked back out to the living room and called the airline. They had a flight out at 4:00. He looked at his watch, 2:30. He would have plenty of time. He booked the flight and headed into his room to pack.

Michael had his bag packed and was ready to go in fifteen minutes. He came back out in the living room and found Maria, Alex and Isabel sitting at the table playing cards. He walked over to Maria and kissed her gently.

“I will call you when I get there.” He stated.

“Here, take my phone.” Maria handed him her cell phone. “That way I can call you and it won’t be long distance.” She paused. “By the way, you didn’t say where it was you are going.”

Michael turned and headed towards the door. “I am not sure, I was just told to meet him at the airport. I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Isabel smiled. “We’ll keep her busy Michael. Be careful.”

Alex stood up. “And don’t have too much fun.”

“I’m sure I won’t.” Michael said as he shut the door behind him.

He walked down to his motorcycle and hooked his bag onto the back and put on his helmet. He turned on the bike and made his way towards the airport. “I sure hope this is not going to be as complicated as it sounds.” Michael said to himself.

But what Michael didn’t know was he was heading towards his destiny. After this trip his life along with the lives of the other people in his life would be changing forever.
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Dream Weaver
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Post by Dream Weaver »

Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or the characters. They belong to Jason Katims, WB
and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Thanks for the feedback guys! Hope you like this part! :? :twisted:

Chapter 7

“Flight 286 from Las Cruces International now arriving at gate 6.” Came over the loud speaker. Liz paced back and forth anxiously waiting for Michael to arrive. She glanced at her watch. It was 8:30 p.m.

Her nerves were shot. She had been panicked and on edge with anticipation ever since speaking with Michael on the phone earlier. Now, six hours later, she was finally going to see one of the faces that she thought she’d never see again. When she had left Roswell she had never expected to see any of them again, especially not Michael. She had been determined to leave that life behind and make a new life for herself in Florida. She sure as hell hadn’t thought in a million years that the alien abyss of her previous life would some how find her.

Michael groggily walked out into the terminal. He was exhausted and aggravated. He hated flying and spending five hours in airports and on airplanes had taken its toll on him. He was not looking forward to what was ahead. He was kind of enjoying his semi normal life. He had always been the one in the group that wanted to know who they were and what they were here for, but the quiet of the last few years had been surprisingly good to Michael.

He sighed as he headed down the ramp into the main part of the terminal. His body was stiff from sitting so long on the flight. It had been a long flight but it had given him a lot of time to think. He was a little unnerved that after three years of nothing alien related happening that this would have to come up now. All the leads that they had followed the first few years after hearing Max and Is’s mother’s message had all ended in dead ends. It was like someone had hit a pause switch.

He stopped to lean on the wall for a minute and dropped his bag down to take a break. He grabbed the back of his neck. Michael’s head was pounding from the migraine he had from trying to figure out how a science research study had gotten all of these alien artifacts and especially the FBI files on Max when they had came up empty. The only thing he knew right now was that this new development couldn’t be good. He had heard the panic and fear in Liz’s voice. This was no joke. After hiding from Max for the last four years, he knew Liz wouldn’t be risking her secrecy for just a minor incident. He just wasn’t sure what they were going to be able to do without the others. He also was not looking forward to Max’s wrath when he found out he’d been keeping this from him. Max was going to furious!

He scanned the crowd for Liz. He didn’t see her anywhere. “Where the hell is she?” He thought to himself aggravated. “I’m tired of this damn airport!” He needed to get out of here. He was starting to feel a little claustrophobic.

He glanced around again, scanning the crowd for any sign of Liz. He was not even sure how Liz looked now. After all, it had been four years since he had laid eyes on the woman. Would she have changed her appearance? He picked up his bag and grumbled to himself as he walked towards the end of the terminal, starting to get even more aggravated that she wasn’t there.

Liz was standing at the entrance of the waiting area scanning the crowd for Michael. She spotted him coming up on the right side glancing in all directions. He hadn’t changed a bit. His golden brown hair still hung to his shoulders and his eyes still held that hardened look Liz remembered. As he approached her direction she stood to greet him, when he walked right past her. She reached out and touched his shoulder, “Michael?”

He swung around, startled and about knocked Liz off her feet. He glanced over at the petite woman and grabbed her shoulder to steady her, realizing it was Liz. He noticed that her hair was shorter, a little above the shoulders and it was a lighter than he remembered with golden blonde highlights. When she looked up at him, she smiled slightly.

“Hello Michael.”

Michael noticed how her smile still lit up her face the way he remembered, but her eyes no longer held the innocence of her youth. She no longer carried herself like the shy, quiet small town girl from Roswell. The person that stood in front of him was now a woman of the world. She carried herself with confidence and he thought this made her prettier than he remembered. He knew that Max would have been speechless at the sight of her.

“Hey Liz.” He answered.

“My cars out front.” Liz said as they began walking to the front of the airport. An uncomfortable silence followed with neither one of them sure of what to do next. Michael moved his bag to his other shoulder and glanced up at the young woman as they walked through the airport. He could see the tension in her eyes. She was also nervously scanning the crowd. She definitely was not taking any chances of being followed.

Liz finally broke the silence as they headed through the exit. “So, what did you tell Maria? I feel really bad that you had to lie to her.”

“I told her I had to go on a business trip.” Michael replied. “ I just didn’t tell her it was an out of this world business trip if you get my drift. But I am sure she’ll kick my ass when she finds out where I’ve been. Man, I sure don’t want Miss Deluca mad at me, so this better be worth it.”

Liz giggled slightly at the thought of Maria kicking Michael and lecturing him on lying and relationships. “Don’t worry. I’ll explain everything to her once we decide what to do. Did you have any luggage?”

“Nope, I travel light. I only needed what’s in this bag.” He stated flatly.

Liz had to smile a little. Michael hadn’t really changed much. He still had the rough around the edges exterior and sarcasm that always made it hard for her to get to know him. He had tended to be pretty stand offish with her. This was actually the first time they’d really had to socialize without one of the others being with them.

They had reached Liz’s car. “Are you hungry?” Liz asked. “We can grab a bite to eat before we discuss the situation at hand.”

“Well, I am a little hungry, but I would prefer to get a few things out of the way before thinking about food.” Michael stated as he climbed in the passenger’s side of her car.

“Well, where do you want to start?” Liz questioned.

“Well, how about at the beginning.” Michael answered.

Liz turned on the car and they headed out of the parking lot. As Liz began to explain the whole situation to Michael, a black unmarked sedan two spaces down pulled out right behind them. The sedan proceeded to then follow them out of the parking area.

The woman’s cell phone rang. “Hello?”

The voice on the other end sounded impatient. “Where are you?”

“I am heading home, why are you calling me? You are only supposed to call me if an emergency arises. We don’t want to attract any additional suspicion.”

“Well, you know things never go the way their planned. I followed her to the airport and you won’t believe who she was picking up.” The voice said gruffly.

A few seconds paused and the woman became impatient. “Don’t beat around the bush with me. Who?”

“That dimwit Michael.” Answered the impatient person on the other end.

“You have got to be kidding. After all the time, energy and careful planning I have put into this project and all the lies and manipulations I have had to pull, she is going to screw it up. I thought you said if we involved her that you had no doubt that Max would be the one that she’d contact. I know for a fact that she hasn’t contacted him or his sister because then he’d have found out and I would have known about it. Liz must be trying to keep her location from Max still. God! This is going to mess up everything!” The girl was furious. Liz Parker was going to mess up everything that it had taken three years to set up.

“What do you want me to do? I am still following them. I am staying several car links away as to not arouse suspicion.” Said the now worried voice.

“Keep an eye on them. Make sure that they don’t do anything stupid. Your life depends on it! And call me with an update in an hour!” The woman spat into the receiver of her cell phone as the line went dead.

The black sedan continued to follow Michael and Liz until they had turned off onto the Florida State campus.

Liz parked in the student parking area behind the Science Department. She glanced down at the clock; it was 11:00. She glanced over at Michael. “Are you sure this is the way you want to do this?”

“You said that they were just working on the camera systems today, so we can only hope that they are not up and running yet. This way we can go in under your access and there will be no record of me because the cameras are not recording. Also with your professor gone for the evening, it’s probably likely that there won’t be anyone in the lab.” Michael got out of the car.

Liz led the way into the Research building and they made their way quickly down the hallway to the east wing and the storage areas. When they reached the door, Liz turned around and held her finger up to her lips and whispered, “I will go in first and check the camera systems and make sure the lab is empty.”

Michael watched as Liz hit the code 1947 and disappeared into the lab. Michael paced the hall in anticipation. It seemed like hours before Liz poked her head back out the door and quietly motioned for him to enter. He took a deep breath and prepared for what he knew to be on the other side of the door.

The minute he walked into the lab, his feet froze to the floor. Even thought Liz had told him it was here, it was hard for his mind to register what he was seeing. There towering in front of him was something he never thought he’d ever find. He stood staring at the large space ship that probably brought him, Isabel, Tess and Max to Earth. He was speechless.

“Michael, I hate to rush you but I don’t think we want you to get caught in here with me. It will get me most definitely thrown off the project and we don’t want unwanted attention drawn to you and the others, so let me show you the artifact room and maybe we can get a few of the files and make a better plan before going any further." Liz said. She was sweating. She had no clue who was working on the project and who might venture into the lab, so the sooner they got a move on the sooner they could get out.

Michael shook his head. “I know Liz, it’s just…I am at a loss for words. I have waited, I mean we all have waiting all our lives for this.”

Liz could see the anguish in his eyes along with pure relief and joy. He was looking at a piece of his home. She felt a little sad at that moment because she knew that Michael was thinking of the others and Liz knew he really wished they were here with him to see this. She touched his arm gently. “My office and the artifact room are back here.”

Michael finally got his body working again and followed her to the back area. When they entered the small office, he saw the door Liz had described to him at the back of this office. She grabbed her ID badge and swiped it and hit the same code 1947 on the number pad. The door clicked and unlocked. Liz reached over and opened it and the fluorescent lighting came on inside. Liz and Michael both glanced in the room and behind them before entering the artifact room and shutting the door behind them.

Michael noticed the three cases and the computer Liz had described to him. He walked over to the cases first. He glanced into the first case and gasped at what he saw in there. “What the hell?” He cursed out loud.

“Is it the Destiny Book?” Liz questioned Michael.

“It sure as hell looks like it.” Michael was totally confused. “My only question is if this is the Destiny Book, is it the same one Tess has? She told us that she hid it in the Pod Chamber before we headed to Las Cruces. So this is either the same one or another copy or addition. Only Tess can answer that question.”

“Well, I am not sure how we can get to it without breaking the lock.” Liz said as she grabbed the lock. “Dr. Alex didn’t give me any keys yet and I don’t want to draw attention to the lab security. Let’s hope that tomorrow she’ll give me keys to the cases and I will be able to get access to it.”

“Yea, we’ll have to figure out a way to get back in here later. Let’s hope the camera systems are not up for a few more days.” Michael answered as he moved over to the next case. “Liz, you were right. These do look like the healing stones.”

“I thought so. I am glad I tend to have a photographic memory.” An idea popped in her head. “Hey Michael, do you have a cell phone with a camera?”

“Yea, it’s Maria’s. You know how she likes taking pictures. Why?”

“We can use it to take some photos of the artifacts so you have them to show the others.”

Michael smiled. “Hey that’s not a bad idea.”

He handed the camera phone to Liz and she snapped a few pictures of the first two cases.
“There these should help.”

She handed Michael back the phone and he placed it in his pocket as hestarted to go towards the last case. Liz warned, “Remember, that’s that black pentagram thing I told you shocked me, so please be careful Michael.”

Michael grunted. “Don’t worry Liz, I won’t touch the…”

Michael’s sentence was cut off by a blinding green light that shot straight out of the case and threw Michael clear across the room into the wall. The hair on the back of Liz’s neck began to stand up as the energy in the room began to intensify. She could see the black pentagram glowing and a green beam was materializing again above the object. Liz realized that it was preparing to refire. She ran over to the wall where Michael was laying. She touched his neck and felt a pulse.

“Thank god he’s still alive!” Liz thought to herself. She shook him several times but Michael was out cold. She grabbed his wrists and began frantically pulling him towards the door as the black pentagram fired again, sending Liz flying upward and across the room. Liz hit her head hard on the wall as her body slid down the wall and onto the floor. She tried to raise her head but the world was spinning. “Michael?” she whispered as unconsciousness began to take hold of her. She raised her head again and saw a figure towering over her. Panic began to fill her but she was unable to move. Liz felt two hands grab onto her and then the blackness took hold of her.
My all Genres RPG and Fanfiction board: Champagne Wishes and Cocktail Dreams
The Champagne Wishes Luna Lounge Discussion Board: Champagne Luna Lounge
My personal writings, RPG's, and fanart board:Dream Weaver's Web of Fantasy
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Dream Weaver
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Post by Dream Weaver »

Ok guys this chapter is a pretty long one, but necessary. Its gonna get pretty crazy. I am still hoping to post at least one chapter a week if I can keep a little ahead of myself. Now the story will really began to get interesting :twisted: :twisted: . Thanks to everyone who is reading.

roswelldreamer4life & clueless: Glad you guys are lovin it!
tequathisy: Hopefully I keep it interesting for you
Asabetha: The ride is just begining, so sit back and hold on :twisted:
begonia9508: Thanks for the encouraging words. You might be surprised who is behind all of this, but you'll just have to wait and see :D
roswells_angel285: I am so flattered. I hope you continue to love the fic. Crazy things are coming. Hope you keep coming back.

And now get ready.........

Chapter 8

Max was pacing in his dark living room. The moonlight coming in the window was the only light Max had. He had always felt a little more relaxed when he was in the dark. But tonight nothing seemed to calm him. He glanced at the digital clock on his VCR. It read 9:00 p.m. He sighed to himself. No matter what he had done today, nothing seemed to lessen the tenseness that was building inside his already stiff body. This awful feeling of dread and despair that filled him up only seemed to get harder to shake as the day lessened.

“Why am I so damn tense?” Max thought to himself, still a little aggravated at his actions today. He had tried all day to figure out what was bothering him. In his mind there should have been nothing to make him feel this way. His classes were over until the fall and Isabel and Alex were finally back for a visit, so he should have been overjoyed. They had all went out to lunch together today but instead of enjoying their company, his mind had wondered and his concentration was off. He had felt so off kilter that he had even left early because he didn’t want to ruin the nice afternoon everyone was having.

He scolded himself. “What kind of brother are you Max. You haven’t seen your sister in months and you completely ignored her today.” He shook his head, feeling really guilty. “I’ll call Is and Alex in the morning and apologize.”

Max walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. He knew that he should be going up to get some sleep but he just wasn’t tired. He also figured that it was a nice gesture to wait up for Tess. She had been called into work unexpectedly and would be home around 10:30. He took his glass of water and exited their condo through the patio door to get some needed fresh air.

Max noticed that the humidity of summer was starting to kick in. He looked up at the sky, a habit he never got tired of. The sky was so clear tonight and millions of stars filled the sky. Max sighed. He often wondered if Liz was looking at the same sky, thinking of him, too. He felt a pull at his heart as he remembered a sky line like this so long ago, a night with Liz by his side. It seemed like a lifetime ago that he and Liz had gazed at this same skyline together. He could still remember how the gentle summer breeze gently blew through her hair and how the moonlight made her eyes shine just like the stars in the sky he was looking at right now.

Sleepless nights and memories like these were the hardest for Max. The emptiness in his heart left by Liz Parker never seemed to fill up. This only made his loneliness harder to deal with. He was saddened by these feelings of emptiness and loneliness not only because of the loss of his sole mate, but also for Tess. It had been so hard for him to not blame Tess and his alien heritage for running Liz off. He did care for the petite blonde that he now was trying to share his life with, but he knew in his heart that she would never be able to fill the void and emptiness left by Liz. That spot in his heart would always be waiting for her.

A gentle wind blew at the side of Max’s face and a single tear fell from his eyes. He looked up at the sky again. He felt so out of place all the time lately. All his life, he hadn’t had a clue of whom or what he was and never felt like he had truly belonged. Yes, he had had parents that had loved him, but he had never felt as close to them as Isabel had. She had adjusted a lot better to life that he had. All his life, knowing he was different kept Max from getting too close to people. The only thing that drove Max was what Isabel and Michael called “his weird obsession” with Liz Parker. She had given him something to live for, but he had still kept his distance. Then Liz was shot and he had risked everything to save her. The connection that formed between them finally had filled him up. Liz made him feel more human and he finally felt like he belonged somewhere, with her.

Now, that Liz was out of his life he was lost. At times Tess was a sad reminder to him that this planet was not and could not be their home. Tess, Isabel, Michael and Max all belonged on some distant planet named Antar. They were the reincarnations of the Royal Antarian court, destined to find a way home to free their planet and its people. That was their Destiny. He tried not to hate Tess for removing the blinders from his eyes and opening them to their predestined pathway, especially since that’s the main reason Liz had left. He understood that Tess, just like the rest of them, was just a pawn piece on the board that was made for them long before they were born in this lifetime. He understood that Tess had no way of knowing what her coming to Roswell would do. All she wanted was to find the rest of them so she could belong. But no matter how bad Max felt about it at times, he still wondered where he’d be today if Tess hadn’t found them.

The past several years had been disappointing to say the least. The four of them had tried to find any answers that they could about their past or rather their future destinies. It had been extremely difficult because they had no way to translate the Destiny Book that Tess had because they couldn’t remember their Antarian language and Nasedo had never returned or contacted them after rescuing Max from the white room. Last year the four of them had finally decided to give up for a while and try to live their lives here on Earth until something else appeared or found them. So they had settled down to college life here in Las Cruces.

Max scratched his head. He was so keyed up and still couldn’t figure out why. He glanced at his watch and noticed that it was already 10:00. Tess would be coming home soon.

“Maybe a hot shower will calm me down.” Max thought to himself as he moved to the patio door and reached over to open it.

Max felt a sudden waive of panic fill his body. His breath shortened and he felt the sudden urge to flee. The hairs on the back of his neck began to stand up and he felt a sudden tingle inside himself. He felt like he was going to pass out. He placed his hands on his knees and bent slightly over to try and catch his breath. The symptoms started to subside, but his urgency and need to get away was deepening,

“Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing for you to get out of here for a few days.” Max thought to himself. Maybe all the stress he’d been under was taking a toll on him and getting away from everything would do some good. He ran upstairs and packed a small bag. He jotted a quick note and left in on the counter for Tess. He knew that the others would be angry that he had just left, but he felt that it would be the best way for him to clear his head and get his priorities back on line. He grabbed his keys and headed out the door. As he drove towards the airport, unsure as to where he wanted to go, he did notice that the panic within him was beginning to subside slightly.

It took about 45 minutes for him to reach the airport. He parked his car and grabbed his cell phone and bag and walked into the terminal. Only a handful of people were at the airport when Max arrived. He walked over to the counter to a small, petite woman that looked half asleep.

“I need a ticket on the first flight out of here.” Max stated.

The woman clicked on her computer and checked the screen for the current flight information. “Well sir, the next flight out will be 258 heading to……..”

Max cut her off. “I’m sorry to be so rude, but I don’t care where it’s going, I just need to get away. Just get me a seat on the next flight.”

The woman just smiled at Max and printed off the ticket. He paid for it and headed to the boarding area. Fifteen minutes passed and finally the flight was taking off.

“Thank you for choosing flight 258, destination….”

Max grabbed the airplane headphones and decided he really didn’t feel like hearing the usual speech given by the flight attendant. The flight was most likely going to be a quiet one so he figured he could get a little rest before arriving at his destination. He let the music fill his ears and sleep found him.


Maria, Alex and Isabel were sitting around the living room watching a movie on TV. All three of them were tired, but none of them had been ready to go to sleep. The day had been a reminder to Alex and Isabel why they missed being home. The hardest part for both of them was being away from their friends. Alex looked down at Isabel. He had to smile. She looked so beautiful lying next to him with her head in his lap. He never got tired of holding her. He kissed the top of her head and she looked up and smiled at him.

“MICHAEL!” Maria screamed as she suddenly bolted off the couch opposite of where Alex and Isabel had been sitting. Alex and Isabel jumped to their feet quickly and Alex grabbed Maria’s arm. Maria was hysterical and tears were flowing from her eyes.


Alex tried to shake her out of it. “Maria. Talk to me MARIA!”

Maria began to swing her arms out as if trying to protect herself. Her breathing became erratic and she began to scream another familiar name that Alex didn’t expect.

“LIZ! OH MY GOD LIZ! It’s hurting them. Make it stop!”

Isabel began to feel Maria’s panic. She pushed Alex aside.

“Alex let me get inside her head!”

She grabbed Maria and tried to get her to look at her. Maria just kept hysterically yelling Michael’s name. Isabel put her hands on the sides of Maria’s head and connected with her, trying to reach out to Michael. When she was unable to get through to Michael, she got really panicked. Isabel reached out and found Liz. She connected with her and gasped at the images she saw before her. She saw Michael lying limp on the floor and then something picked Liz up and thew her against the wall.

Isabel began to panic. She began to speak out loud and Alex started to panic at the words that were painting a horrific picture of the situation at hand.

“Oh my god, something is attacking them!” Isabel could feel the pain Liz was in. She was hurt badly. Her body felt like she was being fried from the inside out. Isabel reached back out to Michael and screamed at him to wake up.

“Michael you have to get up. You have to save Liz and get the hell out of there!”

Maria called out to him as well. “Michael get up! Get up! Please wake up!”

Alex watched frantically as Maria and Isabel both were screaming at something he couldn’t see.

Michael was lying on the floor. He could hear faint voices in his head but he just was too tired to move. His body was numb and he couldn’t even will his body to get up. He knew that he and Liz were in trouble but something was keeping him from moving. Then he heard the panicked screams of Isabel.

“Michael you have to get up. You have to save Liz and get the hell out of there!”

He tried to answer, but was unable to think straight to do so. Then he heard the frantic screams of Maria as she called out to him as well. “Michael get up! Get up! Please wake up!”

Michael slowly tried to rise up. “Is…. Maria?”

Isabel heard Michael’s soft question. “Michael, Liz is hurt. You have to get up!”

Michael’s energy was completely depleted. “Is, this alien thing hit me and almost sucked the life out of me. I have no energy left and I can’t move.”

He could feel Isabel panicking in his head. “Michael, concentrate on my voice. I am going to try and connect to the others for help.”

They had all learned that through their alien connection, they could sometimes sent out messages to each other, but she had never tried to connect them all this way and then try to transport energy through the connection but she had no other idea. She reached out through their connection and found Tess.

“Tess, Michael needs you!” Isabel called. She could feel Tess’s panic also.

“What’s wrong?” Tess questioned. She had felt the almost overwhelming panic and pain through the connection she shared with the other aliens. She had been driving home from work and had to pull her car over because the feelings were almost too much.

“I need you to use your healing power and try and send it to Michael.”

“Isabel, I am not very good a healing, maybe we should try and reach Max.” Tess was starting to freak out. She didn’t want to make Michael worse.

“Tess we don’t have time. PLEASE!” Maria pleaded.

Tess swallowed hard and closed her eyes. “Ok Is, but please shut me out if I hurt him.”

Isabel answered, “Fine, Just hurry!”

Tess closed her eyes and reached out to Michael through Isabel. She could feel how weak he was. She imagined in her mind pushing energy through Michael. She imagined her hands touching Michael and sending energy through her fingers and willed his muscles to move. She felt Michael stir and he sat straight up. Tess collapsed back against the back of the seat of her car where she had been when Isabel had found her. She felt Michael spring to life and she was pushed out.

Isabel and Maria both felt Michael rise up and felt his panic. He pushed both of them out of his mind. He couldn’t concentrate with everyone in his head. He looked over and found Liz’s crumbled body lying on the floor. He crawled over to her trying to avoid the green light that was still firing throughout the room. He reached Liz and grabbed her arm. He glanced up at him but her eyes were already beginning to close. He pulled her toward the door and used what power he had left to push open the door. Once he had Liz pulled through the door he slammed it shut. He pulled Liz into his lap.

“Liz? Please wake up. Please!” He toughed her forehead. She was burning up. He began to freak out. He started to reach back out to find Isabel when Liz began to stir. She weakly opened her eyes. “Michael?”

Michael swallowed hard when he noticed her eyes. They had turned to pitch black pools and green sparks kept sparking through them. What the hell was happening? He reached out and found Isabel, pissed off and angrily waiting for him. Her voice boomed in his head.

“Michael, how the hell could you do that to us and just push us out like that? We were so worried, what the hell is going on? How the hell did you get to be with Liz? Where the hell are you?”

“I don’t have time to answer. You guys need to get the hell down here now! We have problems. I’ll explain everything once you get here. I don’t care how you get here but get everyone here!” Michael ordered.

Isabel could feel his fear. “Where are you?”

“I came out here to see Liz. Maria knows the address. Take the next flight out.” He had known this was going to be a bad situation.

Isabel broke their connection. Alex could see the worry in her eyes. Maria took her hand.

“Are they ok?” Maria had seen Liz fly across the room and had felt Michael slipping away. She needed to know what was going on.

“For know, he got Liz out but I get the feeling something’s wrong. He wants us to all come to them. He went to see Liz and said you’d know how to get to her Maria.”

Maria swallowed hard. She had kept Liz’s secret for four years and hoped she’d understand and forgive her for what she was about to do. “Yea, she’s been living in Florida all this time, about an hour from Florida State where she’s been going to school.”

Alex felt almost happy to finally hear where his friend had been. “So when do we leave?”

“Immediately, I just need to get a hold of Tess and Max and have them meet us there.” Isabel answered as she took Alex’s hand. She had needed to feel his touch. Her heart was about to pound out of her chest.

Alex looked at both girls and decided he’d call Tess. “You guys run and pack and I’ll call Tess and Max and then we’ll get on our way.”

Isabel kissed him lightly and Maria handed him her phone, hitting speed dial #1 which was Tess and Max’s number as she ran down the hall to pack.

Tess weakly picked up the phone when she saw Maria’s number. “What the hell is going on Maria?”

Alex answered back. “Maria and Isabel are packing. It looks like Michael and Liz are in trouble.”

“How the hell did Michael and Liz wind up together?” Tess asked Alex.

“I’m not sure but Michael and Liz were attacked and he needs us down there immediately. Isabel wants you to go home and get Max and meet us at the airport. Michael didn’t say much, but it’s not good.”

Tess was just turning down her street. “I’m two minutes away and we can be there in less than an hour. We’ll see you then.”

Alex heard the line go dead. Isabel and Maria were coming out of the back rooms with the suit cases in their hands.

“Tess said they’d meet us there. She was just getting home.”

“Good, let’s get a move on!” Maria frantically called over her shoulder as she grabbed her keys to leave. She was worried sick. Why was Michael with Liz? Had Liz called him? Maria knew that something big had to be up for her to have not been kept in the loop and for both of them to lie to her. Her blood ran cold.

“God what are we in for?” Maria thought to herself as the three of them climbed into her SUV. Maria pulled out of the parking garage and sped towards the airport. All three of them were silently praying that they got to Michael and Liz quickly and both of them were safe.
My all Genres RPG and Fanfiction board: Champagne Wishes and Cocktail Dreams
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Dream Weaver
Addicted Roswellian
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Location: St. Louis, Missouri

Post by Dream Weaver »

Disclamer: I don’t own Roswell or the characters. They belong to Jason Katims, WB and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Thanks so much for everyone who is enjoying my story. It's great to see the new readers and new feedback! It keeps me going. Here is the part that everyone has been waiting for! :D

begonia9508: Here is your answer to where Max is headed :)
L-J-L 76:Welcome! Here are some of your anwers. You'll have to stick around for more later! :twisted:
clueless: Hopefully this part is great for you also!
roswells_angel285: Glad your hooked. I am sure you'll like this part :twisted:
roswelldreamer4life: Is Max on the flight to Florida? Read and you'll see...
nibbles2, tequathisy and Timelord31: Thanks for reading and hope you like the next part! :D :D :D
kittens: Yes it would be a dig at Tess, huh.... :twisted:

And now without further adue.........

Chapter 9

Liz began to stir in the passenger seat. She weakly opened her eyes and tried to focus on the darkness outside her window. Her head was pounding and her clothes were drenched. She shivered at the chill that ran up her body. She tried to recall where she was. She was not sure what had happened. She slowly turned her head and focused on the driver of the car.

Michael sat stiffly behind the steering wheel with both eyes on the road. Liz felt a sense of calm wash over her. She knew for now she was safe.

“Michael?” she spoke his name, but it was almost too soft for him to hear.

Michael glanced over to see Liz’s eyes, now back to her normal shade, peaking at him. A sense of relief washed over him. Whatever had effected Liz seemed to be fading and he figured that they could all try and figure out what was happening to her once the others arrived. He reached over and placed his hand on her forehead. Her fever had also subsided.

“How do you feel Liz?

Liz tried to sit up but the world swirled around her. She grabbed the back of her head and had a flash, remembering flying backwards and hitting the wall when the black pentagram object had attacked them. She felt the large tender knot on her head.

“I am still pretty dizzy.” She closed her eyes and rested her head back against the seat. “How did we get out?”

“It’s a long story, but I have to tell you something that you’re not going to like. The others are on their way out.” Michael gripped the steering wheel. He knew Liz was going to be upset.

Michael’s words sunk in and Liz sighed. “I guess I knew we wouldn’t be able to keep this a secret for long. Where are we headed?

“I got a call from Maria. They boarded the flight about 45 minutes ago. They should just about be landing. She gave me your address and called Sarah to get directions. They will meet us at your place. I figured you’d need a little rest before dealing with everyone.”

Michael watched as Liz began to shift nervously in her seat. He knew the only person in her mind was Max. He figured he’d set her mind at ease. “But you don’t need to worry, Max is not with them. Tess said something about an unexpected trip. We’ll have to fill him in once he contacts Tess”

Liz let out the breath she didn’t know she had been holding. She glanced out her window and saw the familiar sight of her cottage. They pulled in the driveway. Michael climbed out and came around to the passenger’s side to help Liz out. She tried to stand but her wobbly legs just kept giving out. Michael picked her up and carried her to the door and into the house. The rooms were dark, which relieved Liz. She didn’t know how she was going to explain everything to Sarah. Michael placed Liz gently on the couch and turned on the side table lamp.

“Thanks Michael.” Liz said shyly. She had a new prospective on Michael and now saw the soft side Maria was always talking about.

Michael blushed a little. He was not used to gratitude being bestowed on him. “Can I get you anything?” He replied.

“I think I am just going to go lie down.” Liz responded. She slowly rose off the couch, finding that her wobbly legs were now working and Michael watched her as she made her way towards the hall. She turned and smiled slightly. “The spare bedroom is this first door on the right. Make yourself at home and my room is right next door so let me know when the others arrive.”

“I will and try and rest Liz. It’s been a long few hours.” Michael watched as Liz nodded and entered her room.


Max had been driving about 45 minutes now and was still not sure where in the hell he was headed. Once his plane landed he had immediately went and secured a rental car and began driving. He figured that he’d eventually figure out where he wanted to go.

The air blowing in his car window was warm and calming. He was finding that the longer he drove the more at peace he was feeling. He looked over to his left and saw the most beautiful star filled sky he’d ever saw. It was more breathtaking than the one he loved to stare at in New Mexico.

Something inside his instinctly told him he needed to stop, so he pulled over to the side of the road. He got out of the car and started walking down the boardwalk, almost in a trance, not sure where he was heading.

Michael sat up on the couch, startled. He glanced at the clock. He’d only dozed off for about fifteen minutes. “Man I must be more tired than I thought.” He said to himself. He walked into the kitchen and found a blonde female standing at the counter drinking a glass of water.

“You must be Michael.” Sarah acknowledged.

“And you must be Sarah.” He responded.

Sarah smirked. “Well, since I am not Liz and the only other person that lives here is named Sarah, then that must be me.”

Michael looked at her oddly. “So you’re another one of those smart-alecky types, huh?”

Sarah laughed. She liked this Michael. He was exactly the way Liz had described him. “It’s the only way to enjoy life.”

Michael smiled weakly. She reminded him a little bit of Maria. “Maybe that’s why Liz became friends with her. A reminder of home.” Michael thought to himself.

After a few seconds of staring at her uncomfortably he figured he’d go check on Liz. “I think I will go check on Liz.”

He turned and walked down to Liz’s door and knocked lightly. “Liz?”

When Liz didn’t answer, he slowly opened the door as to not startle her or see anything he didn’t want to see. He peered in the dark and noticed that Liz was not in the room and her bed was still made. Michael began to panic. He ran out into the kitchen to find Sarah still sitting at the counter.

“Is everything ok?” Sarah asked noticing the slight hint of panic on Michael’s face.

“Liz is not in her room and she wasn’t feeling the greatest when we got home.” Michael stated, trying to hold in his fear. He sure as hell didn’t know this Sarah girl and didn’t want her to get involved.

Sarah sighed. “Liz is probably just out walking the beach. She does that a lot when she can’t sleep.”

Michael walked over to the door that led outside. Sarah stopped him. “Liz hates it when I follow her. She likes her private time. She’ll come back in awhile.”

Michael glared at her. “Look, I’ll take my chances. I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to be outside by herself right now. She really was feeling badly and having dizzy spells. So if you don’t mind, save me the lectures and point me in the right direction.”

Sarah shrugged. “It’s your funeral. Go outside and turn right. About half a mile up is usually where she goes. There’s a nice view of the skyline there.”

Michael opened the door and headed out to find Liz.


Max had never seen so many stars. He loved the way they glistened on the water. He’d been walking for what seemed like forever. The stars seemed to be hypnotizing him, pulling him onward. The calming peace inside him was something he hadn’t felt since Liz had been in his life. It was like she was walking right beside him. “But she’s not.” He sadly thought to himself.

He glanced up from his feet only to notice a shadow moving in the distance. He stopped suddenly. His breath caught in his chest. Something about that shadow seemed familiar but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He shook his head trying to get clear his mind.

He was still unsure as to why this place was calling out to him. His body almost didn’t want to move as he continued towards the shadow. The shadow, seeming to sense him, turned. Max swallowed hard as the vision in front of him became clear. Was this real? In one instant and with one word, Max’s world came crashing down.


Max was rendered speechless and all he could do was stand still because he’d lost all motion in his legs. “Liz?”

That name rolled off his tongue so easily and his voice was filled with such bittersweet emotion. He held his breath afraid to breathe, afraid to move, afraid that the shadow in front of him was just another figment of his imagination. She was sitting on a rock, staring at him, seeming to be completely in shock. Her hair flowed lightly in the breeze and the light sundress clung tightly to her slender form. The way the moonlight hit her face was breathtaking. Max tried to open his mouth to speak, but nothing would come out.

As he closed the distance between them, their gazes met and their eyes locked onto one another. An old connection inside him began to flicker to life. In that moment, everything inside him that had died when she had left him crashed into him all at once, reignited into a searing need. He fought the urge to run to her and pull her close. All he wanted to do was breathe in every smell of her, feel every inch of her against him, to kiss her soft, tender lips. His heart ached; Oh how he’d missed her.

Max swallowed hard. The pain and tightness of anticipation only grew stronger as he inched towards her in what seemed like slow motion. “God, please don’t let this be a dream.” He pleaded to himself.

“Oh my God, am I dreaming?” Liz thought. She had felt a familiar pull, but never imagined that when she turned her head that she’d see the man she had always longed to see standing here on this beach, walking in her direction. His black hair glowed like the beacon of hope Liz always wanted to be there waiting for her. Her eyes began to shed tears of joy, sadness and longing all at the same time. The moonlight hit his face and his eyes sparkled with just a hint of unshed tears. His eyes held so many unspoken words that Liz became overwhelmed. Her eyes met his gaze and she felt their connection flair to life. Her breath caught in her chest.

Max moved slowly, afraid that if he moved too quickly that she would disappear. Liz was glued to her spot and couldn’t get her body to respond to her brain. Liz spoke out loud, almost in a whisper. “This isn’t real. Wake up Liz.”

As Max closed the distance between them the connection they shared only grew stronger. Max finally realized what had driven him to flee New Mexico and travel hundreds of miles to this exact spot. The only way Max could describe the feeling to himself was like when the beacon of a lighthouse called out to a distant ship. He had no other choice but to follow the call. There in front of him was the mistress who had been calling out to him. She had called out to him through their shared connection, maybe without even realizing it. She had been screaming for him and all the emotions he’d been feeling for the past day or so where hers.

They were only inches apart now. He could see her tear stained face. He knew she’d been crying awhile by the puffiness around her eyes. He reached out to her and lightly touched her face. He held her gaze, afraid to blink because she might disappear. Her warm tears fell hot on his chilled hands.

“How did you find me, Max?” Liz whispered, afraid to move from the touch that felt so real.

Realization hit him. She was real. “I heard your call, Liz. I think I have always heard it, but I just had to listen.”

Max closed the distance between them by wrapping his shaking arms around her. In this moment, every thought, feeling and regret from both of them melded into raw passion. He lifted her chin slightly to glance into her eyes. He began to drown into those beautiful pools. Her scent was intoxicating. He leaned in to remove the final inch of distance between them. Liz held her breath and closed her eyes as their connection burst open as their lips touched, lightly at first then harder as their passion reignited. Neither one noticed the man approaching them.

The outsider standing a few feet away could see the glimmer radiate off the two as they kissed. He grunted loudly to announce his entrance.

“Well, I hate to interrupt a Kodak moment, but I didn’t expect to find you out here Maxwell.”

The familiar voice pulled Max and Liz out of the trance they were in. Liz pulled away and took a few steps back.

“Michael? What the hell are you doing here?” Max demanded. He was completely confused. He glanced at his best friend and then at Liz, who was now shifting nervously while staring at the man who had just interrupted them. She was beginning to feel faint.

Michael looked at Max, then at Liz. “Well, Liz, should you explain, or shall I?”

Panic began to fill her up again. Her head pounded and the hairs on the back of her neck began to stand on end. Her head was swimming. Liz was so confused and overwhelmed. She looked up at Michael and Max, unsure what to say. The world began to spin and she felt as though she was going to faint.

Michael watched Liz closely as she seemed to sway back and forth. He then saw her eyes began to turn back to those black pools that he had seen earlier. He glanced down and saw the flicker of green materialize on her hands.

Liz felt her hands began to tingle, like when you get a minor electric shock. Liz glanced at her hands and saw green flickering around them. Her panic began to turn to fear.

Michael instinctly jumped towards her. “Maxwell, duck!”

Max, watching the scene in front of him dropped to the ground as Michael jumped towards Liz as she felt the sudden burst of green electricity shoot from her hands. Liz screamed out in pain as she passed out in Michael’s arms.

Max collected himself and raced towards Liz. “Michael, what the hell is going on?”

“It’s a long story, but we need to get her back to the cottage now.” Michael hollered as he felt the almost burning sensation on his arms from the feverish Liz. “The fever is returning. We have to move now!”

Max ran after Michael as they headed in the direction of several small cottages. He sure as hell didn’t know he’d end up here when he’d left Las Cruses, but he hoped that what ever was ailing Liz was something he could heal.
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Dream Weaver
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 275
Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:32 pm
Location: St. Louis, Missouri

Post by Dream Weaver »

Disclaimer: As always I own nothing and stake no claims on any of the Roswell story line or characters. :D :D

Hey guys.....I'm back! I am so happy to finally get this part out for you! I want to give a SPECIAL THANK YOU out to my new BETA Steph (thetvgeneral). She's going to be a great help to me! :D

L-J-L 76- This will answer some of those burning questions for now, but to find out the rest, you'll need to come back :twisted:
tigerr100- Welcome! I am glad you like the story!
roswelldreamer4life-Yes I am glad for the Max/Liz reunioness! I had that part written before the other 8 chapters so I couldn't wait until I was able to post it! :D
Timelord31 and tequathisy: Glad you are liking the story! There is alot more to come!
Addicted2AmberEyes- I loved that Kodak line too! :)
raemac- hope the wait hasn't been too long! :(
begonia9508- as always thank you so much for your feedback! I am glad you liked the Max/Liz reunion! Hope you enjoy the next part!

And a special thank you to all of you lerkers and readers that keep coming back!

And Now…….on with the show!!!!
:D :D :D

Chapter 10

Sarah was sitting at the counter finishing her warm tea that she had made to try and calm her already unsettled nerves so that she could sleep. She glanced at the clock. Michael had been gone about thirty minutes. She smirked as she thought about Liz smacking him around for interrupting her normal nightly trip to the beach to pine over Max.

Sometimes it made Sarah sick at the fact that after all these years Liz had not moved on and forgot about him. Sarah had watched painfully as Liz had passed up so many opportunities to date but never could let the fantasy that was wrapped up in Max Evans go long enough to give anyone else a chance. It angered Sarah that he had moved on with his life and Liz’s life seemed frozen while she waited on the hope that Max would somehow come back to her.

There was very little Sarah knew about Liz’s former life. She had never spoken to anyone from Roswell but Maria the entire time she had known Liz. Sarah never understood why Liz was so adamant about not speaking about it and Sarah had spent several years trying to get her to talk about her life in Roswell. But all Sarah got for her effort was Liz telling her over and over that Roswell and the people there were her past and she was moving on. Sometimes Sarah got the feeling that there was something strange and secretive that Liz tried to hide, but she never felt it was her place to pry.

Sarah sighed as she placed her mug down on the counter. She knew that she had a long day ahead of her. She was about to meet several people from Liz’s past and she figured she needed some rest before that happened so she headed towards her room. Sarah scratched her head and began to seriously ponder why after all these years, after virtually no contact with her former friends that they were all arriving for a visit.

Sarah opened the door to her bedroom and closed it behind her. She was beginning to feel really tired. The tea was working. “I’ll just talk to Liz tomorrow.” She thought to herself as she climbed in bed and turned off the light.

Alex, Maria, Isabel and Tess were pulling onto Liz’s street when Isabel heard Michael in her head. “Is where are you guys?”

Isabel could feel Michael’s panic. She answered him with her thoughts as to not worry anyone for nothing. “We’re about five minutes away. What is going on?”

“Liz is having that reaction again. She is burning up. It feels like she’s boiling herself from the inside. Please hurry!”

Michael broke the connection with Isabel as he burst through the door still carrying Liz with Max quickly trailing behind him. He placed her on the couch and frantically looked down to find that her clothes were soaked from sweat. Her body shook painfully like she was freezing yet when he placed his hand on her head he had to pull back to avoid being burned. Her eyes were open but she was completely incoherent and her eyes were as black as coal. He could see the green electricity lightly jumping from her body. His heart was in his chest.

Max was standing behind Michael painfully looking at Liz. Michael had not said a word to him the whole way back and he could see the worried expression plastered across his face. Michael was panicking. God, what was happening to her.

“Michael, what the hell is going on?”

Michael glanced over his shoulder. He could see the anger and worry in Max’s eyes. “It’s a long story, but I can fill you in as soon as we can figure out a way to fix her. Max, if we don’t get her fever down, she’s going to go into a coma.”

“Let me try to heal her.” Max said as he touched Michael’s shoulder.

Michael looked down at Liz. He had a bad feeling about this, but couldn’t think of any other option but to let Max try. It was better than watching her die so Michael reluctantly rose to his feet and Max knelt in his vacated place. Tears began to form in his eyes, as he finally was able to get a good look at Liz. Her eyes were void of any human coloring. They looked completely alien. He could see the green electricity dancing along the surface of her skin.

“Liz, can you hear me?” Max felt the tears sliding down his cheeks.

He locked onto her vacant eyes and she made no attempt to speak or move. He could see the green electricity dancing across her cheeks and face. He reached over and placed his now shaking hand on her head, hoping to gain any kind of connection to try and heal her.

He closed his eyes and began to picture her in his mind. He focused on sending his power into her. His arm began to tingle but not like it normally did. It felt painful. Something wasn’t right. He felt like he was burning on the inside.

Michael watched as Max placed his hand on Liz’s forehead. He noticed that the green electricity started climbing onto Max’s arm. Something told Michael that this wasn’t good. He watched Max and noticed that his face was showing slight signs of pain.

Max began to panic. He couldn’t break the connection he had formed with Liz and he felt like the life was being sucked out of him. What the hell was going on?

Michael watched helplessly as the green electricity surrounded both Liz and Max. A small gasp escaped Max’s lips and Michael watched helplessly as Max was blasted across the room as Isabel and Tess entered the house. Isabel instinctually through up her arm and her purple shield materialized around her and Tess. Michael ran over to where Max had fallen.

When he saw that Max was not moving he began to panic. “Tess get your ass over here now!”

Isabel dropped the shield and her and Tess ran over to where Max and Michael were. Isabel saw Max crumbled on the floor and was gasping for air. His arm was hanging loosely against his side and blood was running from the right side of his head.

Tess collapsed next to Max. Fear began to build up inside her as she carefully laid her hand on Max’s chest and called out to him. “Max, you need to open your eyes.”

Max weakly opened his lids slightly and Tess connected to him. She sent her power into him and found the broken ribs and a broken arm and healed it along with the slight concussion he had incurred when he hit the wall. She opened her eyes and smiled slightly as she watched Max sit up. He jumped up quickly to his feet. “Liz.” He said out loud.

Michael grabbed his shoulder, steadying him and stopping him from moving in Liz’s direction. “Max, she almost killed you. You are too weak to help her. Please keep your distance until we can figure out was is going on.”

“But Michael, she needs me.” Max said angrily trying to remove his arm from Michael’s grip.

“Don’t make me knock you out Maxwell. Let me handle this. Whatever is happening to her had a bad reaction to your attempt in trying to heal her. For her sake and yours, keep your distance.”

Max helplessly watched as Michael slowly walked back over towards Liz. Isabel, still completely confused as to what the hell she had walked in on moved her hands up, ready to attack or protect if needed. She could see green sparks jumping from Liz’s body and was starting to panic. If Max couldn’t get near Liz to heal her then what would Michael be able to do.

Michael approached Liz and knelt down next to her. He eased his hand out towards her and when nothing happened, he placed his nervous hand on her head. She felt cool to the touch and he glanced towards her face and saw the color returning to them. The green electricity was no longer present and Liz blinked and lazily turned her head towards Michael.

Michael rubbed his hand over her head, sending a slight calming pulse to help her rest. He spoke softly to her. “Your safe Liz, rest.”

He watched as her eyes closed and she passed out from exhaustion. He touched her forehead again and found that her body temperature seemed back to normal. He turned to the others and stood.

“Oh my god, Liz!” He heard Maria exclaim as he watched her try and push her way through Tess and Isabel. “Michael what the hell happened to her!”

Michael approached the others with his arms crossed and sighed slightly. “Maria, Liz is ok for now. She is resting. As for the rest of you, I think you all need to sit down, because what I am about to tell you is going to give you the shock of your lives.”
My all Genres RPG and Fanfiction board: Champagne Wishes and Cocktail Dreams
The Champagne Wishes Luna Lounge Discussion Board: Champagne Luna Lounge
My personal writings, RPG's, and fanart board:Dream Weaver's Web of Fantasy