The Calm Before the Storm - Epilogue - 10/24/07

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 34

After almost an hour in the Jacuzzi, they stepped out to the pool and spent the day there, as Michael slept and refreshed himself and Stuart went to check on him at least once an hour. What he had felt when he touched the piercings had given him a clear idea of what Michael was going to feel when he next had sex and the chains were rubbed against him. He had been the lucky first to make contact with them even if it was only his fingertip, and he was keeping it to himself until he could share the experience. He knew Maria hadn’t even got near that area, intimidated by the thought that it would hurt him. He was sure Max would be the one to finally take Michael’s “cherry” this time, though the girls might beat him to it if he didn’t hurry.
Stuart had lost count how many times he had checked on Michael before when he squatted beside the relaxed boy and placed the back of his fingers on his sun warmed cheek. Just as the other times, Michael turned his face and kissed his doctor’s hand smiling and whispering: “I’m ok.”
Stuart was about to straighten up when he noticed the shadow that had fallen across Michael’s legs.

- Is he alright? - Asked Max.

- You’re his healer. - Stuart smiled.

Max squatted by Stuart and pushed his hand up the leg of Michael’s snug black trunks straight on his brand. He closed his eyes in concentrations and then opened them and nodded.

- He’s fine on my side, I can feel no rejection. What about yours? - He gestured towards Michael with his head.

- He’s a fast healer, that’s for sure. No problems on my side either. - He assured him. - Good as new. -

- Have you checked the piercing? - Max locked his eyes on Stuart’s.

- Piercings, actually. Just touched them with my fingertip to make sure the chains hadn’t stuck to the skin, but they were loose and “effective”. - He gave the last word a special emphasis.

- What do you mean? - Max seemed a little pissed.

- I’m sure he felt what Maria’s vibrating toy does to his ass. - Stuart shrugged.

Max pressed his lips together and narrowed his eyes, as if in deep thought.

- Thanks, I need him now. - Max dismissed Stuart as a king getting rid of a lowly subject.

Stuart was tempted to stay just to see what he would do, but Max did something to Michael that made him jerk and gasp and his eyes opened.

- Michael? - He called him, making him turn to look at him. - Let’s go…come with me. - He ordered.

Michael just smirked at him and didn’t move, daring him to do something about it.

- What do you want Max? - He slurred, biting his lower lip, his eyes shining with lust.

- The same thing you want. Find out what that piercing does to you. You need it, you can’t deny it. - He gave him a bruising squeeze on the brand and Michael grunted, shutting his eyes tight and breathing hard.

Stuart felt an involuntary dislike for Max and his empathy kicked it receiving the same message coming from the rest of the group, who had frozen just like Stuart as they got the negative vibes from Max.

- I’m sorry, this is alien related, I mean no offense. Isabel, Ava…- Max warned them as they were about to take a step towards them, being alien themselves too. - Only males allowed! -

Isabel and Ava seethed with fury at the alien version of the hated “guy thing”. That’s when Michael’s vibes hit them with such force that they had to sit down right where they had been standing. Their legs turned to jelly as the lust that came from Michael was as compulsive as that of a bitch in heat at the highest peak. There was no other way to describe it. His reaction came from Max’s index sticking into him facing his front and prodding his prostate as the thumb rolled the chains from side to side. Max grinned and scoffed, nodding and pulling his finger out to turn his hand palm up and bunch up the elastic material nudging Michael up on his hands and knees. A twist of his hand changed the trunks into g-strings, the male equivalent of a girl’s thong, exposing the brands to everyone’s eyes, glowing seductively in the sunshine, like a silver moonbeam in broad daylight. Max wrapped his arm around Michael’s stomach and in one fluid feline movement, the young warrior was standing beside his king. One tanned arm went familiarly around the Max’s shoulders and the other one covered his lover’s hand still on his taut stomach. Michael let himself be led up the back stairs to his bedroom and obediently lay face down on his bed, spreading his legs to expose himself to his king. He ached to feel it all inside him, to burn and hurt as the huge head forced its way into him, rubbing against the pierced skin and the loops holding onto the first link of the chains. As his insides felt ready to burst, the progress of the penetration made the pins holding the chains together tense with the pulling motion and press on the bundle of nerves in that area between the prostate and the penis. Michael was in an agony of pleasure, and when Max’s last shove sent his balls crashing against Michael’s trapping the chains between them, he thought he would pass out when he started coming with such intensity that even after the last drop shot out of him, the feeling kept on going nonstop. Not even a gallon of whisky would have made him as sensitive as he was right then where Max was filling him up and where the chains and pins were torturing his nerves. Cobra had felt like a bumbling retard compared to Max, and every thrust made him reach a high, each one better than the last. Max took his time tormenting Michael, knowing what he was doing to the boy. He could feel every shudder, shiver, moan and whimper he was eliciting out of him. Michael started sobbing and that triggered Max’s orgasm, pounding into the boy until it was over.

- Wow, kid, that was just…- Max exclaimed, expecting Michael to grin in response, but he just lay there with his eyes closed and his lips parted in a slight wince. - Michael? -

Michael was too relaxed, he was…inert! He had fainted? Max placed his hand on the small of his back and shook him not too gently but he didn’t respond. Max didn’t like it at all. He focused solely on Stuart and sent him an urgent call through their empathy. Stuart got it loud and clear, so he discreetly got up and went into the house as if he needed a visit to the loo, and once out of sight, bounded up the stairs to the bedroom.

- What? - He shouted mentally, as Max turned to him looking scared. Stuart paled as he knelt by the boy and Max took hold of himself and four hands scanned all they could of Michael’s body.

- Well, you fucked him till he passed out, how else can I put it? Guess he finally went into an overload of pain and pleasure and it was just too much. That’s all; he’ll be coming to any minute. - Stuart turned to Max and saw they coincided in the diagnosis.

They started running their short nails up and down Michael’s back until he began to writhe slowly under them and sighed.

- Max? - He whispered huskily, feeling Max’s still hard cock inside him, moaning and wincing.

- Keep still and relax, I’m pulling out real slow, ok? - Max told him.

- No…please…- Try as he might, he had no strength to hold him in.

- Oh yes, you have to sit straight tomorrow in school. - Max said.

- I’ll say I fell off the horse and landed on my ass…- Michael pleaded.

- Nice try, but no, Max is right Michael, be a good boy. - Stuart nodded to Max.

- Ungh! - Michael grunted in protest but there wasn’t much he could do against it.

Max placed his hands on Michael’s ass holding him down as Stuart did the same on his back, as Max slowly pulled out of Michael. The smooth friction had the boy shuddering and moaning, almost coming again.

- Michael, we better go back down, they’re beginning to worry…- Stuart said.

- Can you get up? - Max asked.

- Sure. - He pushed up but only got halfway to all fours before he flopped back again. - Shit! -

- Ok, ok, be right back. - Stuart rushed out of the room and was back in seconds flat with his infamous black bag.

- Uh oh! - Max went and immediately regretted it when Stuart glared at him.

- Ouch, pain in the ass, right? - Michael went as he turned his face and saw what Stuart was doing.

- It’ll get you all the way down to the pool, cause I’m just giving you a simple dose, that’s all you need right now. The effect won’t last much longer but it’ll be enough to get you there safely. A couple of hours napping in the sun will charge your batteries back to normal, you’ll see. - Stuart assured him as he wiped him and stabbed the needle in.

Michael gasped and bit his lip hard as the drug burnt into him.

- This works real fast even in the muscle but still I’ll give you a couple of cc’s iv to get you going right away. -

Stuart started pulling the needle out very slowly sucking with the plunger with no luck on the first try.

- Hang on! - He warned and rammed the needle back in.

This time the syringe filled with blood about halfway out and Stuart shot in the rest of the drug. Barely a minute later, Michael was able not only to stand up but to go down the back stairs with Max and Stuart on either side of him ready to hold him if he faltered, but he made it down safely and stretched out by the pool. The gang was splashing around in the water apparently oblivious of their return when Max and Stuart joined in the fun, but Michael knew he was wrong when he felt a wet kiss on his cheek.

- Maria…- He smirked.

- You ok, baby? - Her finger played with his baby soft thick mane of hair.

- Just sleepy…that’s all…- He whispered, smiling.

- Sleep then…- She whispered back against the corner of his mouth. - It should ease the pain too. -

Michael scoffed, knowing he couldn’t keep anything away from her. He felt her lying beside him and he snuggled into her arms. She was the most effective drug he could get, making his pain worth it as it went away. Both him and Maria felt everyone’s eyes on them but what little privacy they had out there was respected and they let them be.

While studies kept the group on Earth busy, things on Antar were giving the two in charge reasons for worry. Someri, their most trusted and infiltrated spy reported saying Khivar had been very angry with Neeklas, known as Nicholas on Earth because of the similarity in the names. He had been summoned by Khivar when Someri was standing guard outside the door, being able to hear them arguing heatedly.

“So you managed to get us rid of the Royal nightmare here, but what good did it do if the whole pack was cloned and taken out of our hands! You failed miserably dispatching the hybrid clone! He is a constant menace, a threat to us! The second group is completely gone, no thanks to you, but the one that really bothers me is still out there. I don’t give a damn about the good for nothing laid back clown of a king or the silly females who think they can stand up to me…” Khivar ranted.

“The Vilandra hybrid sent you back before you could stop her!” Neeklas interrupted him and immediately regretted it when Khivar flushed burgundy.

“There wasn’t much I could do in that weak useless human body! How dare you! You were tricked like an idiot by her and got your just as inadequate body wasted by that stupid cop! Why aren’t you back there doing what is expected of you instead of wasting my time over here?” Khivar screamed.

“Do you think it’s easy to find human bodies suitable for me to fit in? I could only get that snotty brat cause the only other male of that damn family was old and defective and no way I’d get into a female like that other pseudo skin who chose a slut to do his thing! You know we need very special conditions to be able to do it successfully because of the skin conditions! Can’t you remember how long it took me to get you that jerk so you could blow it with Vilandra?” Neeklas yelled back.

“Well it’s long enough now! I need you there and if you fail again, don’t bother to come back!” Khivar’s icy eyes looked like smoldering coals, flashing red.

“I’m almost there! I’m making sure this time nothing will stop me!” Neeklas was shaking with fury.

That’s when Khivar noticed the door was just to, and shut it violently with his powers.

Ramthis and Wyteeah thanked Someri and told him to keep them informed of the smallest detail concerning Neeklas second attempt to reach Earth again. Of course, Serena was being informed as soon as they were, and so far, they knew Neeklas was pulling his hair by the handful as he was unable to find yet what he needed.

Michael returned every school day with Laurie to change and ride. Then it was homework until the rest started returning, depending on their classes. Still, they were all quite happy with what Serena had chosen for them. Michael was very surprised at how well he was doing, specially since he was taking a keen interest in History, studying every battle he came across, before the World Wars, as that would be the kind he would face on Antar. His interest was rewarded, sharing the taste for strategy with his teacher, who would love to taunt him with questions about what he would do under such circumstance. This would take Michael to another battle that fit his answer and the teacher would be delighted to study to the last detail the action of the battle itself which led to the final outcome. His grades in Literature were also outstanding, having begun to also take a liking on Byron, Wilde and Shakespeare of all writers! But James Joyce’s Ulysses was still his favourite and his teacher loved discussing it with him. In spite of his success with the geodesic dome, art wasn’t his thing, but Math certainly was. Michael felt secure in the fact that numbers were always what they seemed, like a 3 was always a 3, as a 7 was always a 7 and a 9 was always a 9. They were totally reliable, true and unchanging, so different from people! He knew where he stood with them and could tackle anything from algebra to trigonometry without the least difficulty. Laurie was overjoyed because that was her weakest subject and Michael could explain it to her with such amazing ease, that she couldn’t believe how simple it was now! Those three very successful subjects boosted Michael’s confidence sky high and he began to get comfortable passing grades even in the ones that weren’t too popular with him. Friday after riding was dedicated to Antar, because he had all the weekend to do school work. Serena would come and watch him ride to then make the intergalactic connection and send him home. Lately, Michael noticed this different expression in his father and aunt’s face though they said it was nothing he should worry about, just internal politics, that was all. Nothing that concerned him at all, but Michael wasn’t convinced. Even Serena had it at times but she was quick to hide it and nothing he did got them sharing the problem. Michael didn’t like it, but had to deal with it, after his father told him off a little drastically the last time he had asked. He would just have to trust them. Ramthis was thrilled when Michael told him how he was studying all these battles and nailing the outcome unfailingly through the strategies. They would go to the presumed battlefield and act out an Earth strategy to the last consequences, sometimes getting so carried away that they barely made it before their invisibility started failing. Geehan and Shenti enjoyed playing the enemy to just sit down when they were defeated. The horse was a joy to ride, the drive of its powerful body different from Moonshadow’s, but just as in sync with Michael. Ramthis was limiting the time for the battle experiences so they would finish earlier, to give Michael some quality time with his alien lovers, which they looked forward to, sworn to secrecy about the piercings, as Ramthis would probably rip the chains off his body if he found out about them and Wyteeah would definitely faint. His two lovers were initially shocked because of the implications, but once they saw how it worked, they were all for them, giving the one waiting for his turn, something to play with and take part in Michael’s ecstasy. So it would be cock and finger, or finger and tongue, to make the sharing physically possible. Earthwise, he preferred to interact with his male lovers separately, though with the girls is was easier to share as he could fuck one while the other one played with him anyway she wanted, and would not be pissed if both participants accidentally touched, as it might happen with the males. They all eventually learnt to enjoy the new toy attached to Michael’s body which had him going even wilder than he usually did.

During the next month, and to Serena’s relief, the gang had apparently been too busy with their studies to worry about the alien issues and seemed to have put it on hold. One afternoon, though, Serena arrived at Laurie’s on a Monday to find everyone busy with their piles of books and Maria was alone. When she asked her about Michael, she said he was checking out the computer for some Literature thing so when she didn’t find him where he should have been, she went to look for him on her own, knowing he had been upset since his last meeting with his father. He had kept it to himself, but she could tell and had expected him to talk it out with her, but had been very disappointed when he hadn’t. She tracked him down to the cabin, where he lay on a sleeping bag, but she could tell he was awake.

- Michael? What’s wrong, honey? - She said gently, wiping away the tears from his cheek in spite of the darkness, sitting beside him.

- Serena, please, I…I just want to be alone…- He whispered.

- Not until you tell me what’s wrong, so I can stop worrying. What is it? I want to help you, I’m sure I can…- She played with his hair, hoping to relax him.

- I’m stuck here! I don’t think I’ll ever leave this stupid planet! My father said last Friday, that he would let me know when they needed me there again, and that I just needed to concentrate of Earth battles for the time being. I’m sick of waiting! I’ve waited all my life for this, why must it take so long? - Michael scoffed, very frustrated.

- Michael, dear, I also waited years to find you, and then one day, there you were! I couldn’t believe it. You gave me back my full powers and I’ll never be able to thank you enough. It will come to you too, and it will be worth the wait, you’ll see! Then all the pieces will fall into their right place, that’s how it is everywhere in the universe. You’ll be a hero again for your people, and this time, you’ll have two women to love you and bear your Royal children. - Serena was glad Michael’s gasp interrupted her, because she had inadvertently gone in “seer mode” and she had already revealed more than she had thought prudent. - I’m sorry, this will have to stay just between us until I consider it safe. I shouldn’t have…-

- I can keep secrets, you know that. We’re not supposed to, but I can tell this one’s a must. I have to know, it’s Maria and Isabel, right? - He asked.

- Michael, I can’t…- She began.

- It’s cause I’m worried about Stuart. He won’t come with us? - He frowned.

- He will, Michael, he has already accepted the possibility of Isabel having Royal children with his consent, remember? - She felt him relax.

- Oh that! Yeah, right, he’ll be with us. - He sighed.

- Yes, of course he will. Your children will be born on Antar so Maria and Isabel will have them the easiest way. They will be beautiful, safe and loved. Everything you would want for them. Now no more questions! - She scolded him because she simply couldn’t go on talking.

- Are you sad? You feel sad…- He wondered.

- I’m sad because you are. So stop it and we’ll both be fine. Follow your father’s advice because those Earth battles will keep you busy and time will go faster. C’mon, let’s go back. - Serena coaxed him up and they started back to the house. - Tell me one of those old battles. -

- We were checking today two famous ones. The battle of Hastings…it was won with the kind of ruses I don’t like. The man had no right to be crowned king. -

- Much like Zan? - Serena noticed a slight bitterness in his comment.

- At least he was a warrior…- There it was again so Serena decided not to pursue it.

- You said two, which was the other one? - She asked.

- It was about Leonidas who tried to hold the pass at Thermopylae with 300 Spartans against a huge Persian army. He became famous for it although they were all killed. - Michael said.

Serena shuddered, imagining the battlefield covered in corpses, remembering that last battle in the human life Ramthis had sent Michael to. It must have looked just the same. She welcomed the steps leading to his bedroom, forgetting about battles and dead soldiers. At least, Michael seemed almost at ease once again, which was as far as he usually got, so it had been worth it. She knew he was already missing his Antar interaction, but she understood both Ramthis and Wyteeah’s reasons for keeping him away while they tried to find a way to stop Neeklas from returning to Earth or in case they couldn’t, to warn them if he did. She was informed that very week, that Someri had reported that Khivar and Neeklas now met in some secret secluded place that no one knew of, so his access to any news about their latest meetings were out of his hands. They told Serena they would have to use invisibility to be able to find out what progress those two were making. Someri would have to be very careful, because they hadn’t been able to combine yet the formula for invisibility with the one for inconsistency, so he wouldn’t be seen, but he could be heard and accidentally touched. That was very dangerous and they couldn’t risk him being found out. No wonder they had stopped Michael’s visits, because it would be very hard for them to disguise the tense atmosphere, and that was the last thing they wanted for Michael to discover. They needed him relaxed and confident to keep him focused and open minded at the same time, if they wanted him to lead them to victory.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 35

Stuart was finding it very hard just allowing himself to do what wouldn’t attract unnecessary attention. He started looking for a suitable place where they would be able to do their thing, so he talked to Serena about putting up a private practice, with everyone’s participation. He was now also a psychologist; he had the PhD and the master’s degree to qualify. He had really been working on it for several years, thanks to his curiosity about his cousin Brody’s “alien dementia”, but hadn’t found it necessary to reveal it until now, when his skills would come in quite handy with the project. He had wanted it to be a pleasant surprise at a time when it would be really needed, like now. He could have students of any level, of his choice, to work with him under his supervision, which incidentally made sure they would continue with their studies. Serena was overjoyed when he told her the whole deal, because, although most of the information from the Antar situation was also being kept away from her, her instincts kept telling her that things would be quite different from what they expected, and a critical choice would be given to them under very unexpected circumstances. Her seer powers along with Michael’s flashes, told her he would bring a crushing victory for Antar, which had her totally confused and baffled by these negative feelings she kept getting without being able to clarify what exactly they meant, so she kept them to herself, mostly for Michael’s sake. This was just what they would need to keep them busy during the exasperating wait, which also had the others on edge, wondering how involved their participation would be. So they let the cat out of the bag that very evening right after the whole group was home, ending in a dinner celebration at the mall. Serena was in charge of finding the perfect place and she took the task quite seriously the very next day. She hadn’t thought it would be so hard, but nothing she found available fitted their needs, and just a week later, when she was really becoming discouraged, she found it right under their noses. Barely a couple of blocks away, on the same Osborne road, there was this huge property that had been divided between the family when the original owners passed away from old age, and one of them was renting an area the exact size they wanted, having married a Japanese lady and living abroad. It was an old fashioned, two story house that could easily be adapted into their dream clinic. It was on the left front corner of the property, surrounded by an adequately sized garden, keeping it absolutely private and isolated from the rest of the family so it wouldn’t interfere with their living styles at all. It was discussed and Uncle Derek got in touch with the owner, who asked for a week’s deadline to talk to the rest of the family. Just two days later, he called back saying his relatives had been ok with it because they were having constant problems with vagrants breaking into the empty house and to be quite honest, they didn’t like his Asian wife, and would feel much better if he stayed as far as possible from them should he decide to come visiting.
Still they had their doubts as to how they would react to a private psychological clinic, so a generous amount of money convinced the “lovely crowd” to allow the current owner to sell his property, solving the problem. Derek recommended a friend of his who was a successful architect and once the project was approved, the man and his team went full into it.

It was quite a respite for Serena who was lately finding it hard to keep them busy when they weren’t studying and the alien issues unfailingly arose. Now, checking out the progress of their latest distraction, took all of their spare time and Serena was beginning to breathe more freely. But it wouldn’t last. Serena hated to be a pessimist, but all those years on Earth, practically lost to her people, with almost no powers, had taught her that when things started going too well for her, she better beware, and she hated even more the fact that she was always right.

On Antar, Nicholas was gloating on how he had been able to channel his energy into finding humans whose hormones seemed to work differently from the rest, in other words, male homosexuals. Perfect! He had managed to get just a few women too, only those with abnormally high testosterone, but they didn’t interest him at all except…perhaps one certain Laura Cecilia, who happened to be none other than Jesse Ramirez’s current sidekick. No one would have thought or even suspected the man had it in him, keeping it so deep in the closet! And after his marriage to Isabel, who would have guessed? He had to be bisexual to have managed such a feat, and of course his things with Michael had been interpreted as revenge, what else? They made the perfect partners at work, she was as masculine looking as he was, her frustration at not having “what with” made her specially sadistic with her victims’ genitals, and Jesse loved to watch her literally kick balls, her trademark. Nicholas chuckled when he remembered possessing her mind and making her particularly vicious with a wife beater who kind of physically reminded Jesse of Michael and he told her so. She would come handy some time soon he hoped, just as her “blubber lips” pseudo boyfriend, of that he was sure! Nicholas still couldn’t hold those he preyed on, in his mental grip for too long, but once he did it, the idea he planted stayed for easily three days at the most, and he was getting better with practice. He could connect with his victims to send a boost anytime he wanted, but he couldn’t stay in total control for longer than a few minutes, though he could supervise the whole thing from a small subconscious area of the human brain that still couldn’t be accessed by their owners, going in and out as he pleased without giving himself away. Only one thing was totally out of his hands: he couldn’t get them to kill. The few times he had tried it, he had lost the contact on a definite basis, unable to connect with them again, as if they had created a resistance. He had come to suspect what it was, but he wasn’t risking any more mistakes until he found out how to master it. He had been aware of a deeply embedded morality, implanted in human brains during childhood, with strong superstitious religious fears that in most cases could only be overcome in a moment of severe lunatic trauma ending in murder or even murders. Very few remained in this abnormal state, becoming the few unrepentant criminals, but having them reach that rare moment was eluding Nicholas and making him seethe with fury. Khivar was unaware of what “the weasel” was doing, and Nicholas was safe there, because if he was caught in his experimenting as he had been before, he knew he had Khivar in the palm of his hands, pleading he had kept it to himself until he mastered it because of the dangers implied, not risking Khivar to suffer the consequences. It always worked; Khivar was such a wuzz that he bought it every time. Nicholas had no reasons to doubt where he stood, and he badly needed some fun lately.

Serena kept getting these negative vibes and they seemed to be coming from Michael, though not totally. At first she thought it was his frustration at the alien delay, which was constantly in his mind even if he had it in control, but Serena could clearly feel it. She decided to have a talk with the one she completely trusted, so she planned to summon her sister that night. She had been so concentrated in her own fears that she was surprised to get a call from a very upset Isabel asking her to go over immediately. Serena rushed to find all of them at the Jacuzzi by the pool, but couldn’t open the door. Max waved her in and she knew it must be serious. Most of them were actually in the water, but a red eyed Isabel was sitting with just her legs in the water and Stuart sat beside her with his arm around her shoulders. That’s when Serena noticed Michael lay submerged with his face on her lap, his arms around her waist snoozing away.

- Serena! Suzanne Duff was waiting for me today when I dreamwalked her! - Isabel informed her with an anguished look. - She said the FBI is thinking of checking out how we’re doing, just to make sure we’re alright with their best intentions! You can imagine who volunteered to come on their behalf! Jesse and that woman partner he has now! Suzanne said that she was sure Jesse would behave because he had had a real close call that last time, when he was almost kicked out, but she agrees with me he’s a sneaky prick and I’m very scared! -
Isabel started crying and her vibes seemed to wake Michael up.

- Izzy, I won’t let him touch you! - His voice was husky with sleep as he turned to look up at her.

- Michael, I’m so scared for you too! - She sobbed pulling him against her.

- Isabel, c’mon, I can kick the crap out of him, what are you talking about? He wouldn’t dare even try to drug me again, cause he knows there’s no way he can get away with it now. - Michael gently disentangled himself from her arms and knelt wrapping her in his, burying his face in her hair.

- I’m afraid Isabel and Suzanne are right, Michael, he is a tricky bastard, and our safety lies in being as human as possible. That means you can’t remember anything that happened before. Neither of us should even recognize him! We will stick together and never be left alone with him for any reason, or her or both of them. When is he coming? - Serena asked.

- She doesn’t know yet, it’s still going to be programmed. She will be there for me again when she has the information. - Isabel frowned.

- At least that means we’ll have time to get ready for it. Ava and Kyle will be of great help, mind warping you into really not remembering him. Ava will then get Kyle there too. Michael, you’re the only one who will have to act your part, honey, I’m sorry, I know how hard it will be, but there’s nothing we can do, unless we can get you “sick” and Stuart can drug you so you won’t have to go through it. - Serena suggested.

- No, I can’t leave you guys alone unprotected! - Michael exclaimed.

- Michael, you can’t do anything to give yourself away! You wouldn’t be able to do anything anyway, and we would never accept to be separated! I guarantee you that! We can say we are afraid of being possessed again and will not allow to be left alone with anyone, no matter who they say they are! - Isabel assured him. - I don’t want you there! -

- If you say I’m sick, they will insist in taking me to a hospital to make sure it’s not a sign of another possession. You can’t do that, they won’t buy it! - Michael said.

- Alright then, we’ll say you had a riding accident, and we’ll use the one you really had, with the bird excuse, quite credible. - Serena added.

- Er…Excuse me, I know I’m still far from being an expert in these matters, but Isabel, love, aren’t you a little over your head here? Suzanne said she had heard there was a possibility, and if she’s right and there is one, I don’t think the feds will make a decision of that sort overnight. It will probably take months to get revised, approved and planned. Shouldn’t you wait until it’s at least accepted to see what we can do about it? Cause who knows? We might not even be here anymore. - Stuart nodded, arching his eyebrows for emphasis.

- Yes, we wish! That would really be awesome! - Kyle said, not too convinced.

- Stuart is right, we’re just jumping into conclusions, it might not even happen. - Max nodded.

- It’s nice to have an optimist Max, but in our case, I think being ahead is the best way to stay safe. Sorry, I can’t agree with you here. - Liz sighed.

- Why don’t we make sure we’ve got it right? Isabel, you said Suzanne was in a hurry to get to work, so maybe you should dreamwalk her again tonight, with time to spare, and get the whole thing with whatever she may have found out today? - Maria surprised everyone with her rational idea.

- I’m for it! - Said Liz, raising her hand as if a vote had been called for.

She was imitated by all of them leaving only Michael and Ava. He was chewing his lower lip, deep in thought, until he looked up and nodded. They all turned to Ava, who felt a little uncomfortable giving her opinion, being such a short time with them. She did feel honoured though.

- I think she’s right, we may have missed something. - She said quietly.

- Ok, it’s Saturday, you lucky school kids have no classes, but we have to leave. - Stuart helped Isabel up and within seconds they were all dressed and ready to go.

- I need you guys to go check how things are coming along at the clinic. - Serena said to Michael and Laurie.

- Hey, don’t torture me! Under normal circumstances, I would still be sleeping, so give me a break, say, a couple of hours? I’ll catch up with you then. - Michael said stretching like a cat.

And that was it. He went back to bed and Serena and Laurie went to do the checking. Three hours later, just as they were about to begin worrying, they heard a loud whistle from the street, and there was Michael on Moonshadow with Sundown right beside him with a halter over the bridle and the rope in Michael’s hand.

- C’mon sis! I don’t want to ride alone! - He yelled when she looked out the window.

- Go on, Laurie, have a good time! - Serena smiled and watched her run down the stairs.

Serena was glad to see the project was in good hands and at the speed of light! She took a break and called Derek on the cheap simple untraceable cell phones they had begun using lately and told him the latest news. She was standing on the balcony watching the whole team checking over some new pipes as they helped bring them down from the delivery truck, so she was sure she couldn’t be overheard. A few minutes later, Derek called saying he had had a great idea to give the feds something to think about. He had invited Dr. I-Sung to give a lecture at the college where the kids were studying, the following Monday. Once there, they would “convince” him with some alien help to present them as his star students from last summer. He had also called his friend who was the head of the medical studies at the University of Arizona, and the guy was overjoyed at his idea, not only just accepting it but totally embracing it. That would put them off the hook as to where they had been after they left Roswell, except Michael and Laurie, but he and Serena could vouch for them as Laurie’s staff, who would swear to anything, having been told they were all in a life threatening witness protection programme. Almost two hours later, Serena decided to join Michael and Laurie for lunch and they ended at the mall. They went for Thai food which was quite similar to the Chinese they all enjoyed and then Laurie went to the CD store with Michael while Serena waited for them just across at the Ben and Jerry, keeping them in plain view.

She got the latest DVDs but the CDs she wanted would be arriving in three days at the most and Laurie was surprised to see a new attendant checking out his name was Patrick. She remembered the guy from just a few days ago talking with the usual attendant.

- What happened to Timmy? - She asked as she paid.

- Oh, he’s my cousin; he went back to Jersey to take care of my uncle’s store, his dad just passed away. - He said, convincingly looking sad.

- I’m sorry, welcome here, anyway. - She smiled.

- Thank you, I’ll save them for you, you can pick them up Thursday or better still, Friday, to be sure. - He smiled back.

- Hey bro, let’s go! - She called to Michael who was checking out some heavy metal.

Patrick eyed Michael up and down and watched them leave the store.

When they arrived at Laurie’s, Michael went straight to nap by the pool as Serena shared some herbal tea with her host. The gang started arriving soon after and Serena told them Uncle Derek’s news when she had them all together. The idea had their general approval and after relaxing at the pool until it started getting dark, they went to the chimney room to watch the new DVDs Laurie had bought and the guys ended at Michael’s bedroom on the sports channel. At about 10:30 pm, Serena went to get her husband so Isabel could do her thing and she was also hoping to do hers, so they would get together for breakfast to find out how it went. As they retired to their respective bedrooms, Michael saw Kyle and Ava go back down the stairs together. As he was about to go after them to see what they were about, Maria goosed him and then grabbed the waist of his jeans pulling him backwards into the room and closed the door.

- Leave them alone! It’s none of your business! - She reached around him and unfastened his pants, pushing them down to his knees so he had to stay put.

- Maria, she happens to be my sister too…- He began to protest.

- She’s older than you and Kyle’s a great guy, let them be! - She jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around him and crossing her ankles at his butt as she covered his mouth with hers.

It took Michael two steps to reach the bed and kneeling on it first, he eased Maria on her back with him all over her.

Meanwhile, Isabel got ready to try to reach Suzanne and unknown to them, Serena would soon be doing almost the same with her sister on Antar.

Agent Suzanne Duff had arrived dog tired after spending hours at the computer checking out every file that had been entered that day. She had just prepared herself some chamomile tea to relax and was about to go to her small sitting room when she suddenly felt so sleepy that she had to sit down on the kitchen chair. She closed her eyes, leaning her elbows on the table and covering her face with her hands. Isabel realized her dreamwalking was getting so strong that just reaching out for a contact was enough to get the person falling asleep if she or he was still awake. She sat opposite Suzanne and called her softly. Suzanne heard the luring voice and opened her eyes to find her hands were transparent and she could see Isabel through them. She pulled them away and gasped.

“Sorry! It’s just that this morning our contact was too short and I wanted to make sure I had it right.” Isabel apologized for startling her.

“It’s ok, the FBI wants to do a follow up on you guys to check out if you’re still human and doing fine and your ex, Jesse, has insisted he’s the only one that can tell the difference. Of course, his partner is a must, but the top man is not so enthusiastic about the whole thing. Problem is the next in line is being a pain in the neck, nagging at him 24/7 of the need to make sure. He’s secretly an alien freak and he’s taken Jesse under his wing, wanting to know everything about all of you. Jesse has filled his head, like he has his partner’s, of Michael being the really dangerous one, convincing him that if they can find out where the blasts come from, maybe they can be implanted in humans so they can fight like aliens. He doesn’t dare comment his real interest, afraid they will think he’s nuts, so he keeps it to himself, and only shares it with Jesse where they are sure they won’t be heard: the men’s bathroom.” Suzanne nodded.

“So how did you find this out?” Isabel wondered.

“I got the janitor his job, my aunt’s his godmother. He owes me, so I gave him one of the latest mini-bugs to be accessed only through a receptor I have in my office. I can’t risk being discovered so I had him give it back before I left the office, under a mug of coffee, just as he had got it. It looks like one of the thick lines on the scan sticker, even if you pass your finger over it, you can’t feel it. It’s safe.” She smiled.

“So…will they do it?” Isabel had to admit she had overreacted.

“Perhaps, eventually, if Jesse and Marcus manage to convince Rogers that it has to be done, and that’s a long shot, after the graduation fiasco! Might never happen. Sorry I worried you but I thought you had better know. Today, Jesse began the day with his typical frustrated scowl, but as the day went on, he had several small encounters with his new girl, whispering to each other and I don’t like it when she does her smile that’s more like a grimace. They’re up to something but it’s impossible to spy on them. Anyway, it would have to be on their own, and they’re no match for any of you. I’ll keep my eyes open on their whereabouts and let you know if they leave town. How can I contact you in the daytime if it’s urgent?” Suzanne asked.

“I’ll open today an e-mail address at hotmail by the name of grannyduff. Looks real innocent, ok? Write as you would your grandma. She’s alive?” Isabel had to make sure.

“Yes, she is, in a home with Alzheimer’s in the first stage, so it’s quite reasonable.” Suzanne chuckled.

“Bye then, we’ll be in touch.”

The second Isabel faded, Suzanne woke up, and went to watch the news.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 36

After an exasperating wait, Serena finally contacted her sister. Wyteeah had this worried and uncomfortable look about her so Serena asked her what was wrong.
She gave a deep sigh and shook her head, taking her time before she answered.

“You have to promise this information is just between us, I’m glad you came to me.” Wyteeah told her sister.

“I know it has to do with the interruption in Michael’s visits, but he did nothing to cause it, right?”

“No, it’s about some unexplained things that happened to Ramthis and O’Sheeah that we still have to discover before we risk it happening to Rath-Michael. See for yourself.” Wyteeah reached both her hands to her sister.

Serena took hold of them and was flashed the whole incident. It seems both the two Royal blooded ones left on Antar, had had a few sudden splitting headache attacks that only lasted a few seconds, but was enough to make them suspect someone was trying to access their minds so their defense mechanisms kicked in right away and stopped them. They knew Khivar was trying to by pass the components of Royal Blood since they could remember. Could it be he was getting there? Ramthis had immediately stopped Michael’s visits right after they began, and then summoned Someri to find out what he could, using the invisibility formula. Serena used her powers to go straight into their trusted spy’s mind and see what had happened firsthand. Someri was standing guard during the late hours of night till daybreak, so that morning, after being replaced, he went to one of the bathrooms that had a back door to prevent suspicion, and rendering himself invisible, followed Neeklas, expecting him to go to the scientists for the latest news to go tell Khivar, but he was surprised to see “the weasel” sneak out of the citadel to the obscure area of the brothels and disappear into a narrow passage that seemed to join two small streets. He followed him into a barely lit underground room where he sat on a strange looking chair with a metal cap over his head and closed his eyes. He was muttering in a strange language and Serena was shocked to realize it was English! She saw him give a couple of jerks and then scream exasperated: ‘No, no! Not here you idiot. There!’ He was talking to himself! So what was he trying to do? A flash of planet Earth appeared before Serena’s eyes, as Neeklas closed his eyes tight and jerked around some more. ‘Dammit, dammit! NO!’ And then: ‘Yeah, that’s more like it!’ And the mutterings in English began again. This went on several times, with Neeklas screaming his anger when he didn’t get where he wanted to finally succeed. This went on for hours until he seemed to have enough, he wrote some gibberish on a notebook and left. Someri waited until he left to copy what he had written and take it with him, then he followed him back to the citadel. He had already taken three doses and was getting a very tired feeling. When he saw Neeklas just talking everyday stuff with Khivar, he realized whatever he was doing was his secret alone. Someri returned to Ramthis still invisible for both their safeties and told him about what he had seen, asking him for a week to be able to give a reasonable report. Ramthis accepted. Next day Someri had a plan. Now that he knew where Neeklas went, he didn’t need to follow him. He went home after his shift to get his hours’ sleep, locking himself up in his room and ordering his wife to let him be until he came out. He knew there was no way she would disobey him, so he rendered himself invisible and went to “the weasel’s” hideout. He watched him everyday for a week and copied his notes though they meant nothing to him.
What stupid Neeklas didn’t know was that each time he accessed the wrong person, because it was a local, he was actually making Khivar’s dream come true and entering a Royal blooded mind, but their delicate and efficient defense mechanism, didn’t allow him to know who they were or stay in there, so he discarded them as a failure and kept doing it until he got the humans he wanted. Of course Soleri had no way of knowing it either.
By the end of the week, he presented his report with the copies of Neeklas’ notes, and Ramthis was able to transcribe them with Wyteeah’s help through Serena, who identified it as plain English:

- Needs a job, can kick idiot out and take his place.
- Gastroenterologist, lost license for breaking rules and resuscitating one who had signed papers not to go through that procedure.
- Stupid male paramedic sidekick, was fired along with him for backing him up.


Crystal clear contact. Obey like trained dogs, ready to play! Great casting. Still, Nicholas was craving to find a compatible body to pay a visit that would last long enough for his fun lust, but he was finding it incredibly hard. After all, he was practically at home both on Earth as on Antar. Not that he considered Earth “home”, but he had no language barrier and he could handle himself there quite well, to pass as a local with no problems whatsoever, and mostly, because his target was still on Earth. Right now, he was even finding his midget prepubescent old human body not so inadequate, due to the difficulties in getting a new one. He fondly remembered almost getting his wish that time when he had surprised a sleeping Michael and pounced on him tying him to the bed with alien powers before he fully woke up. He began to struggle, so Nicholas had no choice but to warm him up in an invigorating foreplay from shoulders to thighs with a very inspired flogging. It took him an unbelievable amount of energy to get a decent erection and then the size and shape he wanted and needed to carry on the next step. He fucked the crap out of the Royal slut, and he had to give it to him, he took it like the man he still was, in spite of his age, just like the last time. That’s when the star clown and the ringmaster of his own three ring circus came to interrupt the night’s special on the spotlight and he had to run for it, or whatever you could call it in the weakened state he had been left. Where the hell had they come from? Why hadn’t he sensed them? His loathed small body had been an asset for his fast retreat out of the window and he was about to find out another positive side of it.
In spite of everything, it had been very receptive to his alien mind, to the extent that at that time, he was trying to break through the Royal blood’s mechanism of defense, which having a half human hybrid target, should make it easier. Soon after, he had had no problems getting the mini-jock to do his homework and get his very carefully prepared boozed drug cocktail shot into the Royal butt. The timing was precise but the half wit almost ruined it when he found his victim leaving the premises and tried to stop him. He even kicked his ass without getting his head ripped off, thanks to the chemicals’ effects which were holding up nicely. Nicholas was about to use his powers to send him away in a not so nice fashion when the human gave up and left by his own smart choice. Nicholas followed Michael to his place and watched him strip and lie on his tummy like a good little boy ready to take his punishment. He had barely made it on time to restrain him when he started coming out of it, his fury mounting, but this time Nicholas went straight for the kill without allowing himself the luxury of losing time. The high he got from once again impaling his helpless victim was definitely sexual, almost coming every time he twisted and rammed the rod into the hybrid, watching him fight the torture with all he had. And then again, out of nowhere, she arrived: the one and only debutant of the exclusively created “almost Royal” category, very unroyally voicing something about a book, and taking him for granted when she acknowledged his presence. He should have suspected something but no, he stood there like an idiot, staring at her beauty and hating to admit that those two were made for each other. Even in the degrading state the true prince was, he was gorgeous, both in alien and human form, as Nicholas used his alien abilities to keep an eye on her and the other one on him at the same time. He even committed the gross mistake of letting go off the rod to accept her luring invitation. It was just a couple of seconds, three at the most, but it was enough for the geriatric wannabe cowboy to shoot his vulnerable human body to oblivion. In the time it took to do a wild flip and end on its back on the floor, Nicholas realized that the reason for his radar’s malfunction these last two times had been his lack of focus because of lust. He had time to spare to laugh at how powerful he had become, just kicking out of the now useless body to zoom back to Antar where his true body lay in wait for his return.
And now it was time to play. Nicholas had been giving it some thought and perhaps staying at a distance was for the best, maybe that was why he couldn’t find a body that agreed with his essence. Anyway, the three “puppets” had responded beautifully, totally in sync with him, he was so in control of their bodies that he could feel their itches and the relief when they scratched them! Yes, he would be right there, enjoying what they did without the jerks being even aware that those awesome ideas weren’t really theirs. Cool! If they got caught, he couldn’t care less! He had also been nudging the Jesse creep and his female version of Cujo partner, the bitch would be great when and if he needed her. But his pawn to start the game had to be closer, so it would be the clueless human sister, because he couldn’t risk the possibility of the others already being able to sense him. Even with her he would have to be very subtle, close to Serena as she was.

Nicholas spent the next couple of days making sure everything was just like he wanted. His two other “puppets”, Lenny and Fritz, arrived in Roswell on Tuesday, early afternoon in an old van, not as rundown as the one Jesse had got for the runaways, but still far from an SUV. Nicholas directed them to a tacky motel on the outskirts, right on a four road junction, which would give the cops three more possibilities to keep them guessing in case of a fast getaway. Nicholas remembered it because they had stopped there to get some badly needed water that time they had made a private bus tour with “Mommy” and the skin entourage, ending in a fiery fiasco courtesy of Tess. It was beside a service station with a small shop providing the usual essentials. The attending guy was a middle aged balding chain smoker, who seemed to be the owner of the whole deal. Nicholas went with Fritz, who was the ex-doctor and looked more decent than the slob that stayed in the ride. He gave Fritz a clean cut look in a dark suit and shades that screamed FBI, and that’s exactly what the man behind the counter thought he was. In a smooth practiced voice, Nicholas told him through Fritz that he needed a room for him and his partner, for probably two weeks, and didn’t want to be disturbed for any reason whatsoever. He made his cell phone ring and excusing himself, walked a few steps away, where he was sure he could be overheard, making sure the word “undercover” was registered by the impressed towny. He assured him they had come to the right place and took him to number 9, which was discreetly on the far corner of the L shaped building and the only one that opened on the back. He had originally built it for him and his wife, but she had taken off with his army buddy shortly after, and his new woman had a decent place just a few minutes away in the nice side of the city, so he shared the shifts at the job with her and his brother in law. Fritz went with the man to check out the man’s choice and was totally satisfied. The two windows that opened on the front had blackout curtains along with blinds for privacy, a sitting room with a kitchenette, and a bedroom with a bathroom. The last two had high long sliding windows for light and ventilation, and two fairly big closets in both rooms. It had the only garage so they wouldn’t have to park in plain view. They walked back and Fritz made it clear that it was important no one knew they were there, that he just needed the cleaning lady to do the bathroom as early as possible. The man told him the girl that took care of that, was at the cafeteria for the breakfast rush, so if they were willing for her to do it at say, 6:30, she could also bring their breakfast and clean the bathroom as they had it, 20 minutes tops and leave with the empty tray. Fritz told him it was perfect but he just wanted to make sure she wouldn’t disturb his other partner who was arriving later on and who liked to sleep late. The guy said it was no problem, she would be warned, and he assured him she was very discreet, so after paying, Fritz went to drive the van into the garage and get settled. They freshened up and Nicholas decided to have them put the bag with their “stash” under the bed, for safety. It was almost 4:00 pm when they arrived at the CD store and Patrick was sure glad to see them. They talked for a while and then the two new arrivals spend some hours all over the mall, getting dinner and bringing some food over to Patrick, until it was closing time. They went to the room Patrick was renting nearby to get his stuff and they went to the motel to make the plans for the next few days before the real gig.

Maria was surprised that evening, after the girls’ chick flick, not to find Michael with the guys or at the bedroom. When she went back to the chimney room, Liz smiled and told her he was in the large Jacuzzi by the pool. The door was closed and when she opened it, she was shaken by the loud music invading the place. Michael was stretched out with his eyes closed and his relaxed face resting on his crossed forearms were the only parts of his body out of the bubbling water.

- Michael? Are you alright? That’s not Metallica, in case you haven’t noticed. - She shouted, not sure he had heard her.

- It’s concerto in C major for flute and harp, allegro number 1 by Mozart. - He smirked without opening his eyes.

- It was Grandpa Charles’ favourite along with anything by Vivaldi. - Laurie told Maria, from behind her, making her jump.

- Yeah, that’s coming right after. - Michael seemed to whisper in their ears. - Join me, c’mon. -

They went to sit on the edge, dipping their feet in the barely tepid water on either side of him. They realized they had left the door open when the rest of the gang came running hearing the music, not believing their ears.

- Mozart? The boy here does have a good taste in music…apart from Metallica, of course. - Stuart added hurriedly, remembering the Triumphal March from the Aida Opera by Verdi that day they watched Langley’s video, which Michael had also enjoyed.

As a Vivaldi concerto for flute and strings started, Stuart had to chuckle.

- Well, I like this too, it’s the kind of music that can kill my worst depression. - Stuart nodded.

- Amen to that! - Serena agreed.

- Well guys, classes early tomorrow, so I guess it’s bedtime for most of us. - Stuart smiled at Serena who sighed and smiled back.

- Rubén will give you a ride, it’s too dark and you’re not walking alone. - Laurie decided, so she flipped her cell phone out of her pocket and called for the SUV.

The music stopped just as the Allegro finished and the Adagio was beginning. It had definitely been Michael. They walked back to the house and Rubén’s lights were already arriving as they opened the front door.

Wednesday was spent getting a feel of the land by both Lenny and Fritz, roaming all over Tucson, making sure they had everything they would need, and going over and over exactly how they would carry out their plan so there would be no mistakes and nothing would get in their way. They didn’t know how, but they had this total certainty that everything would work out fine. That was Nicholas of course, but they had no way of knowing.

Laurie got the CD store’s phone number from the receipt and called Patrick to remind him of what she wanted and ask him if there was a possibility of getting them the next day. He told her the new CDs wouldn’t arrive until Friday sometime before midday, so she could pick them up after school. He didn’t know how he knew she would call back later on to say she wouldn’t be able to make it so she would send her brother to do it for her. Actually, they all knew. Right after lunch, the principal called Laurie and asked her to give them a hand next Friday for a couple of hours after classes with the decoration of the new art room and she couldn’t say no. Before the last period she called the CD store again. She would ask Michael to get them for her, on the way home, so he could ride and come with Rubén to pick her up at school when he finished. No problem, or so she thought. Michael, of course agreed, when she asked him during their ride, and after supper, watching TV with the girls, she commented it, hoping Michael wouldn’t forget or get the wrong ones.

- Tell me what you want and I’ll make sure he goes and makes no mistakes through our empathy. - Liz told Laurie, so she got a notebook and wrote them down for Liz.

Thursday was Patrick’s day off, so the three of them spent it at a gym, burning out some stress, and then, after a huge lunch at a seafood restaurant, they went to the theatre to watch a double feature of pure violence, terrorists and war, or something of the sort, working back up the stress they had spent most of the morning getting rid of. They preferred to stay put that evening and ordered pizzas, watching TV and discussing the last details for the next day’s gig. They couldn’t remember when they fell asleep, but woke up quite rested next day, sitting on the couch with the TV set still on. The last thing they recalled was how they were teasing the doctor about his silly name, and he told them his dad just loved these stupid jokes about two German friends, the smart Fritz and the stupid Otto, and no way would he name him after the dumb one!

So it was finally the fateful Friday! Patrick went to work and Lenny and Fritz stayed at the motel to have everything ready without last minute surprises. Nicholas had got a lot of information about Michael from everyone’s brains without the least detection, except Serena’s, remembering the powerful seer she was on Antar. He wasn’t risking it with her, just in case. He knew what alcohol did to him, putting his powers on hold, and how the human drugs could have the exact effect he needed on him, tricking and slowing his alien defenses. A big hand for Isabel’s new boyfriend! Damn him! he thought, but it was ridiculous to be jealous of an inferior human because he could enjoy the Royal Prince! He had Fritz prepare the concoction that they would be pumping into Michael as soon as they got their hands on him. Nicholas was already gloating on his perfect plan, unaware that no such thing existed, and though this one had no flaws, Nicholas would be a victim of alien and human timing. He had to leave his “puppets” on their own while he had his everyday meeting with Khivar, receiving a new batch of suicide mercenaries, guaranteed to be unstoppable, because the rumours of an uprising got stronger with each passing day, still not sure how the spineless Antares would grow the balls to face them with their only possible leader so far away. He was getting impatient to go to his hideaway, and Khivar was taking his time checking out each of the beasts that would become part of his army. Whenever Nicholas tried to hurry it up, Khivar would frown and ask him what his rush was about, what was he up to. And Nicholas had to draw patience he didn’t know he had and smile agreeing with everything the jerk said, desperately wishing he could leave to see what was happening on Earth. He had managed to take quick peeks to keep his “puppets” focused but Khivar was growing impatient with his lack of concentration in his matters, so he had had to leave them to their own resources and hope for the best.

Fritz packed a small cart with six boxes of CDs, two on the bottom, two in the middle with a separation wide enough so he could stick his arm through them, and two on top, chest high, enabling him to see where he was going. The loaded syringe lay in the space in the middle, out of sight and ready for action. He put the cart just outside the storage room pushed into the corner, close at hand but out of the way, and then he went to open the rest of the boxes, helping Lenny and Patrick fill the store with the new arrivals.

At the University, the teacher in charge of Liz’s next two classes, who happened to be very pregnant, unexpectedly broke her water more than a month before she was due and had to be rushed to the hospital. The students went to the library to do what research they needed for their other subjects, or those who had not had time, to the cafeteria for a late lunch. Liz decided she had a better way to use her forced free time and took a bus to personally make sure Michael got Laurie’s errand right.

When school was over, Michael raced to the CD store as Rubén waited for him in the SUV reading his newspaper. When he reached the store and saw two other guys opening the CD boxes, he knew Laurie’s had definitely arrived. He went to the attendant behind the counter and asked for his sister’s CDs.

- They’ve just arrived so give me some time to get what she asked me for, ok? Take a look around, you might find something you want. - Patrick smiled.

- Sure. - Michael smirked and turned to do just that.

Patrick told him his sister had said he liked Metallica and those were at the back of the store. Michael growled his thanks and went there. He had the weird sensation of being checked out as he turned his back on him. He thought the guy didn’t look gay, but then, you never knew, so he ignored him. Lenny was in the storage room waiting for his chance, watching Michael in profile a few feet away from him. Then the boy turned to walk away from him. Lenny grabbed the cart and shoved it towards Michael, taking hold of the syringe and aiming it at Michael’s butt.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 37

Fritz had got a large 20 cc’s syringe with a thick needle at the veterinarian store, to make sure it wouldn’t clog with the thick oily substance. It would go in easily through the denim, knowing for certain they wouldn’t have a second chance, and going for his arm might be tricky because of the mobility of the target. He had also cut off one of the metal pieces of the cart so it could easily be bent forwards as a spike and take the blame for the needle. He rushed towards him and covered the small distance in seconds flat, ramming the whole thing into Michael.
Michael went down on his hands and knees, his instincts telling him he had been attacked, and in his confusion, he blocked himself out automatically, thinking it was the feds coming to get them, after changing their minds. He wasn’t leading his friends into their enemies’ hands, trying to help him.
Lenny yanked the needle out and passed the now empty syringe to Fritz who hid it in his duffel bag and fixed the cart’s spike. Patrick rushed over too, all of them apologizing and pretending to help Michael.
Liz was approaching the store when she saw the whole thing through the glass walls, thinking it had been an accident as the guy pushing the cart seemed to be talking to his buddy behind him over his shoulder, without looking where he was going. She watched all the guys go to help Michael standing in front of him so Liz wasn’t able to see exactly what they were doing to him. She ran into the store and ignoring the “closed” sign, she pushed the door open with both hands, sure that she could do it. Then she called him, very alarmed because she had suddenly stopped feeling him and thought he had passed out.

- MICHAEL! - She screamed as she burst in, racing towards them. The three men were getting ready according to plan, to heave Michael over Patrick and Lenny’s shoulders, as Nicholas had seen Max and Stuart do once, and Max had also managed the same feat with Isabel, so for the two guys it should be a piece of cake. The sudden totally unexpected interruption momentarily freaked them out, but Fritz immediately took control and the situation in his hands.

- Michael! Are you alright? What’s wrong with you? - As Liz knelt by the fallen boy, she noticed he was breathing hard and his eyes were half closed, so she was sure he recognized her but he didn’t seem to be completely aware of what was going on.

She noticed a round dark spot on the seat of Michael’s jeans on the left side and when she placed her finger on it, it came up red with unmistakable blood.

- I’m sorry, it was an accident, the cart got snagged on the truck when I went to get the CD boxes, I was going to fix it…- Fritz said apologetically, showing Liz the spike which protruded from the front of the said cart, desperate to get them out of the place before their luck ran out and someone came to the store. - Let me drive you to a hospital, please, I don’t want to lose my job…-

- I just need to take him home, his cousin’s a doctor, he’ll know what to do. - Liz didn’t want them to get suspicious. - Can I make a call so I can have someone come for us? -

Liz knew something was not right and she was getting very worried. She didn’t like the fact that Michael had blocked himself out completely and wasn’t reacting to her like he should. He looked dazed and dizzy, like…drunk? It didn’t make sense. She had this feeling that he couldn’t unblock himself even if he wanted to.

- No, please, my van is right out here at the back…- He pointed to a door that was visible through the storage room. - There’s only one seat behind the front one so he’ll have plenty of room. C’mon, you guys can cope with him, I’ll help you. -

They went on with the drill and the look in Michael’s eyes told her he was trying to say something to her but couldn’t find the right words, as if his coordination wasn’t working at all. He seemed reluctant but he wasn’t fighting them, like he was unable although he wanted to. What the hell was going on? Liz thought.
Fritz hurriedly opened the van’s back door laying Michael down on his side and Liz was helped up to sit with Michael’s face on her lap. Fritz climbed beside her as the other two rushed to the front seat and turned on the engine.

Nicholas had managed to give them a quick check and watch Michael go down as Fritz quickly disposed of the evidence and Lenny planted the ruse. Satisfied, he returned his full attention to Khivar who was already giving him funny looks. He felt the alarm coming from his three puppets and jumped to his feet, excusing himself and leaving the room, not caring what Khivar might think. Once outside, he accessed Fritz, which was the most reliable of the three, and almost had a fit of fury when he saw Liz through his eyes. Where the fuck had she come from? Damn Khivar! It was his fault he hadn’t sensed her. Shit! Nicholas got the whole thing from Fritz and had him take care of the issue right away the best way possible. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise having the nosy girl along because it would give them a very effective lever with the Royal brat! Oh yes! Nicholas thought. He was beginning to think things did happen for a reason. He made sure Fritz had it clear that there was no way Liz would accept taking Michael to a hospital and that their friends and family wouldn’t call the police or any other authority no matter what. He had no need to give him any reasons. He also left some tips on what he should say and do to scare the crap out of her and keep her in hand. He made two last quick visits to the other two planting the idea that they should do what Fritz told them to and follow his lead so everything would be alright. He returned to Khivar’s side, relieved to see his mocking smile, not really caring what he thought the reason for his fast exit had been. At least he wasn’t fuming as he had expected.

Liz knew something was very wrong when she started giving them their address and Fritz interrupted her with a scoff and a knowing look.

- We know where he lives and what he is! - He turned to look at the guy in the shotgun seat and when Liz followed his eyes she gasped when she saw the gun in his hand.

- Now you behave and shut up or he will shoot you in the head and you will be dead so fast you won’t even know what happened. I know how to make you disappear so they’ll never find you! - Fritz threatened her.

- If you try anything, I’ll shoot him too but I won’t kill him because we need him, so it’s up to you! - Lenny looked quite capable of doing just that.

- Please, don’t! I won’t do anything, I promise! - She sounded as scared as she felt.

She watched Fritz take out a big syringe with a thick needle from his duffel bag and after rolling Michael face down, he pulled his jeans down to his thighs. Then he started shooting him between Maria’s upper and lower brands on the right side, not showing even the least interest or curiosity on the “tattoos”, wiping the blood with the wet cotton wool he had just used on the other side to check if he was still bleeding. He tore through the scab and it only bled a drop, then he proceeded to do the same to the new multiple punctures which were also bleeding because of the thick needle. Michael moaned but could barely squirm, and Liz was now sure he had been drugged. Liz wondered how the man seemed to know exactly what to do, and it was obvious by what he had said when he threatened her that he knew he was an alien. Liz was terrified to think they must be rebel FBIs and what they would do to Michael. It was clear she hadn’t been in their plans so they weren’t interested in her at all. Michael kept moaning and whimpering but he remained almost still. She couldn’t understand how it was that the man had used Stuart’s technique to keep him drugged, because that was what he had done. He was clarifying what she suspected had happened at the store; she wasn’t buying anymore the snagged cart excuse. They had been out there to get him!

- What? - Went the guy and Liz realized she was staring at him. - You’re a medicine student, right? -

- How…how do you know? - Liz asked surprised.

- Those who aren’t would look away, not liking needles, but you seem to be making sure I’m doing it right…no need to bother, by the way, I’m a doctor. - He nodded.

- Ok, yes, I am, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. - She didn’t like the wary look in his eyes, as if he knew what she was thinking so she didn’t dare lie to him.

- I’ll make you stop! - He said, unpleasantly, and pulled the needle out, shoving the syringe into his duffle bag to fish inside it for something else.

Liz stiffened looking down, afraid of what he was going to do. She saw him bring out his hand with something black balled up in it and reached over shoving a ski mask over her head the other way round, so her face was completely covered. She sighed with relief but then she was finding it hard to breathe.

- I can’t breathe! - She whispered.

She felt the man fix the thing so that the hole for the mouth ended framing her nose but her eyes were still covered.

- Hey, how long is it going to take, huh? - Fritz complained.

- Hold it man! I don’t want to call any attention to us when we’re just around the corner! - Lenny protested.

Liz felt the car slowing down but she couldn’t perceive the darkness as they drove into the garage. The car stopped altogether and she heard the back door being opened.

- You wait here with him; I’m taking her in first. - Fritz ordered and grabbing Liz’s hands, he pulled her up to her feet. - Stay down, watch your head. -

Liz walked tentatively as he tugged at her over to the edge and told her to jump. When she didn’t, unsure because of her lack of sight, he yanked her and she gave a small cry as she felt herself airborne. Her feet touched down as he made sure she had her balance back before he made her follow him across the sitting room and into the bedroom. There, he pulled the ski mask off and had her sit on a chair he had brought from the other room, with her back to the wall. Liz now saw she was in this room with a double bed in front of her and a door on the other side of the bed to the right. There was another door facing the foot of the bed, on the left and she correctly suspected it was a bathroom. The man squatted in front of her and tied her ankles together with an expensive silk tie.

- Keep still or I’ll tie your hands too! - He threatened.

- I need some stuff I have in my bag. I’m on my period. - She made herself sound very embarrassed.

- I’ll get it! Be right back. -

It was Liz’s turn to think: “Yes, he is doctor, he didn’t even bat an eye when I mentioned my period as regular guys usually do.”
A couple of minutes later, they appeared at the door carrying Michael again and dumping him sideways on the bed. This time Michael managed very sluggishly, to roll over face down. He moaned and did a strained slow snuggle. Liz didn’t like at all the way the three men froze and stared at Michael in a way she had learnt to recognize lately from Max, Kyle and Stuart. She could only describe it as lustful, almost drooling. “Oh my god! Who are these men?” She asked herself, very worried. Fritz got her out of her thoughts when he tossed her bag on her lap.

- Do you have a cell phone? - He asked.

- It’s here in my pocket. - Liz said, taking it out and handing it to him, wondering if he had gone over her bag, not finding it there.

She began to suspect they were aliens…skins, she sensed just a subtle hint in that direction, but it confused her because it seemed to come from one same source out of the three of them at the same time. It didn’t make sense. She came to the conclusion that she was just imagining it, because she was so scared and nervous that she couldn’t concentrate properly. Every time she thought she was getting there, her mind went blank again! What was wrong with her? But what happened next had her gaping! Two of them pounced on Michael and stripped him, while the doctor placed an iv pole beside the bed. Then he got a typical black bag and right in front of Liz’s eyes, which were popping out of her head, he expertly did a cut down into the back of Michael’s thigh and pushed a thin catheter into a vein, to make sure he wouldn’t lose it. Just like that, he didn’t try a local at all, as if he knew it wouldn’t work. Liz didn’t know how she got that so clearly, but she did. He stitched what was necessary, wiped the blood away and taped it down to make sure it stayed it place no matter what. Michael’s back was beaded with sweat, moaning and whimpering, his muscles tense, but otherwise unmoving as Fritz started the drip and added a large amount of a clear liquid to the bag. Liz could have sworn she got a whiff of liquor, but it could have just been the alcohol from the cotton swab. Then Fritz turned to her and gave her a reassuring smile.

- It’s just PPN (peripheral parenteral nutrition), you know? Water, glucose and saline solution plus my own special treat. - He chuckled tonelessly. - He’ll be fine for what we need him. -

But how did he know that was the best iv access for Michael? It wasn’t the usual approach, but the one that worked for him. It was so weird! She noticed Fritz was giving her this funny look again.

- I know who he is and what he is. - He insisted, repeating exactly what Nicholas had told him would get her frightened and distressed, and nodded knowingly.

He seemed to know a lot about Michael, which made it even worse for Liz, apart from the fact that she felt totally isolated and unable to use her empathy. Liz hated to feel helpless and vulnerable, but even given the choice, she would still rather be where she was than frustrated, scared and angry as she knew her friends were. Why did Michael remain blocked out when now was the time to be connected to try and find a way out of this? What were they pumping into him that he couldn’t overcome it even with his Royal blood? It screamed higher alien powers to her but she didn’t get them directly from the three men. She remembered Khivar had already accessed a human to come to Isabel once, so maybe he was doing it again, changing his target since it hadn’t worked with her. But when she thought “Khivar”, it didn’t click, and she just hated being so accurately intuitive! She didn’t need alien powers for that, she had always been that way! She hoped Serena could find Michael again like she had before, but she had to be a little doubtful and very apprehensive, because this was far more powerful than she had ever sensed, and deceptive at the same time. Her alien powers were off and they hadn’t even touched her! How could this be?

- Hey F…- Nicholas had mindwarped them into using just their initials when it came to names. - Is he going to be like that, totally uncooperative all the time? Cause that’s no fun! - Lenny complained as Patrick nodded, agreeing.

- You idiots! Would you have rather had him able to fight back? Cause he’s a big guy and it wouldn’t take him much to have us sporting shiners, bleeding noses and missing a few teeth apart from a little something extra that none of us could have expected, you know? - He smiled wickedly in Liz’s direction, hinting to her what she most feared and gloating when the girl shuddered. - This will bring him back to us soon enough, but controlled and ready to have fun, you’ll see, a little patience, huh? Trust me, you’ll just love it. -

Fritz shot a set of four ims on each side between Maria’s lower brands, nodding to the other two.
Fritz didn’t have the first idea of where his words were coming from, much less the innuendo behind them. All he knew was that they were flowing out of his mouth and something deep inside told him that if he just let them come out, things would happen the way they were meant to be. All they had to do was play along and enjoy, and they would be sure to receive the reward they had been promised once the fun was over with their precious kidnap victim.
The truth was that before they started getting the cool e-mails with the awesome photos of Michael naked, in the shower, sleeping and fucked by these guys whose heads were an impossible to identify blur, they had never seen or heard of each other at all. Nicholas had sent them a powerful visual mindwarp which only took them one look at the first picture of Michael in profile, dripping wet, hands on the tiles in front of him, butt pushed back and face turned to his right, looking straight at them with one of his deep hypnotic glares, to have them totally hooked. The e-mails told them to get in touch with each other, that they had been chosen because of their skills and personality, boosting their egos sky high, so they started doing some bonding through the web right away. The e-mails were automatically deleted once they were read and closed but the three involved kept a photographic memory of each. Patrick was chosen to travel to Roswell because he had the geekiest and most innocent look, receiving the instructions to visit the CD store where Timmy worked.
He went and sat on the bench just outside the place in plain view, and when Timmy looked his way, he waved and beckoned to him. Nicholas set the ball rolling and Timmy’s curiosity won, so he came out and went over to him, keeping an eye on the empty store. It was lunch time and he was about to go on a lightning fast 20 minutes lunch break because the boss had kicked out the other guy who worked there a month ago when he found him stealing money and CDs. Since Timmy was honest and hard working, he had given him a reasonable raise but decided he could cope with the job by himself. Timmy was hungry and his stomach grumbled at the sight of the KFC boxes the guy had with him.

- Hey, care to join me? I bought more than I can handle cause I’m waiting for a job interview at the Ben and Jerry. - He said, with a charming smile, signaling with his thumb at the ice cream shop behind him.

- I didn’t know they were hiring…- Timmy smiled as he placed the CLOSED sign on the glass door.

- It’s for the other mall actually, but the add gave this address. The guy I have to talk to is late, so…- He shrugged. - I hate to eat alone. Help yourself. -

They ate and had a nice chat. Patrick asked him how come he was the only attendant at the store instead of the usual two and Timmy told him what had happened. Patrick gave him his card in case his boss changed his mind because maybe he didn’t get the job he was applying for, or in case he heard of something else. When his time was up, Timmy went back, flipped the sign to OPEN and after dumping his trash, Patrick joined him, checking out some CDs and buying a few until some customers arrived so he waved and left. That evening, Timmy got a phone call from his father asking him to come home to Jersey in a very compelling way, because he needed his help for about a month, and he couldn’t refuse. His dad said his ticket would be waiting at the airport for a flight at a quarter to 6 am. It was almost midnight and Timmy knew his boss hated to be called that late unless it was a life or death situation, so he remembered Patrick and called the cell phone on the card. He told him what had happened and asked him if he knew of anyone who could replace him until he came back. Patrick said they had given the job to a flirty bitch so he could do him the favour, no sweat. Timmy gave him his address and said he would leave a letter of recommendation under the doormat explaining the whole deal to his boss, saying Patrick was his cousin so he would go for it. Nicholas had every piece fall into place and next day Patrick was right there when Laurie came to the store.
Fritz and Lenny would meet halfway in Phoenix, at the bus terminal, and a van would be waiting for them in the parking lot with the key hidden in a magnetic box for that purpose on the inside of the left back fender.
By the time they finally met at the CD store, Patrick had found out that the kid they would “abduct” was none other than the prodigal and recently discovered grandson of the late Charles Dupree, who had been loaded, as he and his older sister were now, and to be fair, Nicholas had also sent photos of Laurie, knowing for sure that the main reason they had been chosen for the gig, was because they were repressed gays, still in the closet and bugging to come out, so this was their chance to make their porno videos come to life.

Once he had them all together, it was a piece of cake. Nicholas drilled them nonstop on what they could say and what they couldn’t, what they should do and what they shouldn’t, and sent them to work. That was it, and here they were. Liz had been totally out of the programme so he just gave Fritz the newest dos and don’ts where she was concerned and had Lenny and Patrick follow Fritz’s lead. Anyway, he was getting them busy with the boy right away, so not much speaking would be needed until they dropped from exhaustion. He had Fritz totally in control of the other two and he had been instructed to set a timer to check on Michael every hour.

- Excuse me…I need to go…- Liz asked timidly.

Fritz came over and untied her ankles, helping her up.

- Ok, go, but no funny business, and leave the door at least half open. -

Liz was glad the toilet was just behind the door so she could have some degree of privacy. When she returned, Michael started stirring and Fritz nodded smugly at his partners in crime.

- You see? Told you so! - He smiled triumphantly.

Michael was squirming and muttering, kind of waking up but not quite.

- Alright kid, bathroom for you, get up! - They pulled him up on his knees and then slowly backed him off the bed, holding him up from both sides. Fritz nudged him from behind and got him going. Michael obediently trudged towards the bathroom and Liz noticed his legs were not buckling like they should if he were drugged. That effect was definitely over. Now he was erratic, like…drunk? That could be the reason he wasn’t using his empathy, his powers were off! No wonder she couldn’t feel him! It wasn’t her, it was him! But she wasn’t feeling these guys either, not even when Fritz touched her when he untied her. Now, that was weird! It was as if they weren’t in control of their minds, at least not completely, that’s what she was getting. She saw Michael’s muscles reacting when they touched him, his sensitivity in overload. So she was right! The PPN was spiked, straight into his bloodstream! Bastards! She concentrated and heard, but mostly guessed what could be going on in the bathroom, after all, the door was a little more that halfway closed, not for privacy, but because of the lack of space with four guys inside. From her position, she couldn’t see inside the bathroom at all, barely the door. She heard Michael moaning and a few grunts, Fritz’s scowling voice: “Hold still, dammit! What are you two here for? Stop staring at him and help me!” Liz heard water splashing and steps moving to the back of the room towards the shower. More water, now in the tiled stall, Michael cursing, then sighing, some giggling from the guys and Ohs and Ahs from them too. An “Ok, ready?” The rustling of a towel, and finally “Let’s go,” right before they reappeared at the door heading for the bed again. Michael barely made it, sprawling before they could stop him.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 38

Now, when it came to weird things, Liz was an expert in the matter. After being brought back to life by an alien and finding out that Michael and Isabel were also aliens, plus all the stuff they had gone through, she couldn’t think things could get any stranger. Yet now, she seemed to have been sucked into a twilight zone, a double exposure, a parallel world, she couldn’t find the right words to describe what she was seeing and living. Everyone seemed to be two persons at the same time, beginning by herself. One minute she wanted to kill those three guys for what they were doing to Michael, and the next, she was trying to understand what was going on with them. Just like her, they also seemed to be split in two, first fucking the boy like animals and then acting so caring, carefully cleaning him up, caressing him and worrying about him. When they ordered food, Fritz left the other two eating in the sitting room with the TV set full blast and closed the door to the noise bringing Liz pizza and ice cream. He treated Michael like a very special patient, checking on him constantly to make sure he was alright, that he wasn’t running a fever and if he was, he medicated him immediately, supervising him until it was gone, that the drip was working fine, that his muscles were relaxed, massaging him down, concerned if he winced, brushing the hair off his face. He then went to her, sitting on the corner of the bed making small talk, and when Liz asked him anything not welcomed, like why he had brought them there, it just didn’t seem to register and he answered what he had expected her to ask, not what she had. Liz made a couple of experiments pretending to get up from the chair and his expression changed to wary, getting a twitch on his forehead and his eyes got a look that clearly said that if she did get up, he would get nasty. Liz wasn’t risking it, sure that it would be Michael the one to pay for it on the next sexual bout. Liz asked to go to the bathroom again and Fritz consented, staying in the room until she came back out. She had noticed and empty enema bottle in the trash can, and understood what the scuffle at the bathroom had been about. Fritz left the room and brought a chair, sitting at the door of the bedroom so he could watch the sports on TV and the bedroom at the same time. When the match they were watching ended, he ordered the other two to turn off the TV and called them over. Liz had to witness them in action with Michael again for more than an hour. Fritz was aware that Michael was in no condition to get to the bathroom so they brought a plastic bowl with water, towels and soap and the empty enema bottle using it to rinse him and clean him up the best they could on the bed. Then Fritz shot some more stuff into Michael’s butt using the spaces between Maria’s upper brands this time and started the drip again. He went to Liz and brought her to the bed where she was allowed to lie down beside Michael, their wrists cuffed together, knowing for sure that she wouldn’t be able to drag the tall boy with her for a getaway, not in the state he was in. They sat around the bed with their backs against it, one on each side and the other one at the foot, and Fritz ordered Liz to sleep. The timer went off every hour at half past, when Fritz would get up and give Michael a quick check up. The others just gave a start but kept on dozing. Liz only got cat naps hoping to feel Isabel, but it didn’t happen. Then the timer went off again and Fritz uncuffed Liz and took her to the bathroom.

- Hurry up or we will go in whether you are done or not. - He ordered. - Ok, guys, we have only five minutes. -

Liz used the toilet, washed her face and rinsed her mouth in a little over a minute, wondering what the hurry was about, having checked her watch and confirmed the alarm had gone off this time at 6:25 so something was up at 6:30. She ran into the three guys who were keeping their threat as she was coming out. Fritz ordered her to stay in the bedroom and left the door open to make sure she did. As she sat at the foot of the bed, she noticed the iv pole was gone and Michael was covered almost to his waist facing away from the door. She wondered what was going on and noticed at least two of them with their backs to her, taking a leak in the washbasin and the shower. She guessed the third one was doing it at the toilet, thinking they were so disgusting. They rushed out and Fritz took Liz’s arm and dragged her to the sitting room just as the doorbell rang. Fritz handed her over to Lenny who hid with her in the closet so they could open the door. Liz could hear a woman’s voice placing some stuff on the table. Then she heard at least two pairs of footsteps heading for the bedroom.

- Don’t take longer than 20 minutes, and close the door. My partner will be in one hell of a temper if you wake him up. - Fritz said.

- Breakfast and cleaning lady for the bathroom. - Lenny whispered to Liz.

The door opened and Patrick handed them a tray with their breakfast, closing the door again.

They sat on the floor facing each other with the tray in the middle and ate quietly. It was just oj, toast with butter and coffee. When they finished, Lenny opened the door, handed out the empty tray and closed the door again. Liz could understand why they had to hide her, and Lenny was there with her to make sure she didn’t make a run for it or ask the lady for help, as if she would be that stupid. Come to think of it, Lenny’s hair was a near match for Michael’s, who was passing for him on the bed, that’s why he couldn’t be seen either. A few minutes later, she heard the woman come out and leave. Patrick opened the door for Liz and Lenny and she saw left over juice, coffee and toast as if for Michael, so Lenny took the toast as the juice and coffee were offered to Liz but she refused, watching the other two do away with them. They returned to the room and Fritz shot Michael up again. The next half hour was spent in the shower, Liz first, glad that the bathroom was clean, then the three guys. She took ten minutes and the other three took about five minutes each, shaving using the mirror in the room. By then Michael was stirring and now Liz knew for sure that Fritz was giving him a stimulant to have him alive for the sex that followed, and a sedative after to have him out and behaving, which gave them enough time to be able to take him for a rather frisky shower with their “help” and back to bed before it kicked in completely. By 9:30 am she was placed in bed again, and they had a three hour snooze. They called for lunch at 12:30 and received it at the door, since no more cleaning was aloud. Lenny and Patrick ate watching TV and Fritz ate in the bedroom with her. At 1:30, the took another snooze, five hours this time, and when the blasted timer went off at 6:30 pm, Liz surreptitiously watched Fritz do his check up thoroughly and proceed to shoot Michael up with what Liz had already figured out was the stimulant for their fun and games. Then he woke up and sent the other two to the bathroom before he left for the sitting room to do another of his things, most probably spike the next drip bag to have it ready to use. After 9 minutes according to her watch, he came back when he heard his partners coming out of the bathroom, and by the time they were all back together, Michael began to wake up. And it was the same as the night before, off with the drip, two bouts of sex with food and TV in between and a boost of the stimulant for the second one. Then a sedative, the drip back and off to sleep, that was the set routine, at least the bathroom was cleaned everyday.

Fritz used two spiked bags of iv drip per day. Michael was the only one not at that “through the looking glass” world. He was either sleeping, troubled most of the time, or hurting when their captors were in their three times a day sexual sprees. Liz presumed the unusual sleeping schedule was making it impossible for Isabel to get through with her sleepwalking, because after three days, it simply wasn’t happening. She had no way of knowing that they had been trying it at all times and couldn’t understand why they were failing so miserably. So far, all Serena could get was that they were alive, but she couldn’t see them, she couldn’t even summon her people back home for help.
Liz would wake up to the timer and pretend to sleep so she could listen when their captors were having their creepy conversation from where they were sitting, just looking straight ahead, in such mechanical voices that she was ready to freak out, but decided it would be much more helpful to their situation if she paid attention to them. As silently as she could, she managed to bend in two so her head was almost at her feet and focused on their words. She had already thought up the excuse of having an innocent ankle scratch if she was caught.

- It’s about time to give them a call. It’s been three days already and they must be quite ready to give us what we want. - From Fritz.

- Are you ready to give him up? Where are we going to get another piece of ass like that in this world? - Lenny chuckled disgustingly, obviously joking but making Liz getting it the way Nicholas wanted her to. - And with those piercings? Ouch! -

- L is right, the more we keep him with us, the more we can enjoy him and the more they’ll be ready to give us. - Patrick contributed.

- What about the risk? Haven’t you thought of it? - Fritz considered.

- You know I’m kind of psychic, and I don’t feel any threat whatsoever, what’s more, I feel totally protected here. There’s no way they can suspect us, not with what the owner thinks we are. He’d be scared shitless to turn us in. He’s in total awe, you should get an Oscar for your performance, man, congrats! - Lenny assured them.

- I may not be psychic but I feel that way too, like untouchable as long as we have him with us. And I say we should think of ourselves, and how much better it will get with each day, both with the kid as with the ransom. - Patrick’s giggle sounded metallic.

- Alright, but we have to be extra careful and attentive to even the smallest sign of getting any unnecessary attention. I’m not so willing to let him go either, wish we could keep him but I guess we would have to become volunteer astronauts and smuggle him into our ship! - Fritz’s laughter was as far from human as the others had sounded. - Agreed, we keep it up for now until we get different orders, I hope not too soon. -

And just like that, they were again snoring softly, as if they had actually been just talking in their sleep. Liz lay back shuddering at the implications of what she had just heard. At least she hadn’t been mentioned at all, like she was just another piece of Michael’s clothes that had happened to come with him and they hadn’t expected him to wear, but wasn’t in their way at all, nothing they couldn’t cope with. And who were they getting orders from? The FBI seemed the obvious choice, could it be them?

The next day after lunch when the damn timer went off and Fritz walked out of the room to do his thing, Liz had Michael’s unresponsive hand in hers. She could’ve sworn he had given her such a subtle tug along with his protesting moans to almost pass unnoticed when Fritz was shooting him up. When she squeezed, he squeezed back very gently, as if it was all the strength he could muster. Liz turned her face to his, disappointed to find his eyes closed and stretching carefully not to make the least sound, she kissed his parted lips. Michael sighed and she could taste the whiff of cotton candy he passed on to her.

- Michael…- She whispered into his mouth.

But she only received a deeper sigh with the hint of a whimper. He couldn’t even express his pain! She froze, hoping they hadn’t heard him but instead she heard Fritz’s usual humming to himself as he worked.
Liz began to nibble at Michael’s lower lip and she could swear she could feel it softly swelling and getting red. He could’ve done it himself, as far as the “three stooges” were concerned. And then she felt the tip of his tongue against her teeth and she was this close to gasping too loud!

- Michael…- She insisted and this time he did moan.

The guys were coming out of the bathroom so Fritz joined them, shaking Liz “awake” and leading her to the chair. Then he took a short visit to the bathroom and the porno began. Liz went to take a shower, leaving the door wide open as they had instructed her on the first day. The curtain at least kept her from seeing and the sound of the water hid the sounds from the action in the bed. She dried herself and dressed before opening the curtain and washed her teeth with the toothbrush they had got for her. She went to the toilet enjoying the privacy of the half open door in front of her and covering her ears for as long as she could before they got suspicious. There was always one of them staring at the door when she came out and she went to sit on her chair with her hands covering her face and her thumbs plugging her ears not too effectively until they shook her when they were through.

This time, instead of concentrating not to hear, she had gone over the routine, so now she had it! Too late though, she quickly did the math and confirmed she would now have to wait about 24 hours to catch up with Michael while Patrick and Lenny were in the bathroom, and Fritz was in the other room humming and spiking away. That’s when the effect of the sedative they were using on him was waning and the stimulant was beginning to wake him up. Shit! Not much time, but it was something, and she would be ready to go for it the next time, getting Michael in a better state of consciousness. That got her going with the kind of hope she badly needed if she wanted them to come out of this as unscathed as she could manage. Not much on Michael’s side, but it was the best she could do for him. Maybe together they might be able to get even a weak communication through to Serena, which could be enough, absolutely sure that they were on a 24/7 state of surveillance for any sign from them. So it was the game of patience for her.

Nicholas was as uptight as he had ever been in his lousy life. His timing had sucked but it hadn’t been his fault. How was he to know that when he had finally found three perfect idiots to fulfill his lusty plans, the scavenger morons would choose to surprise them with a new batch of filth for their murderous army? And of course Khivar had to check them out himself, one by one, now that he suspected everyone of conspiring against him, and who but the efficient Neeklas could be better to make sure they weren’t Antares spies in disguise! It was tiring and boring even for Khivar, and they had to take breaks every few hours, when they started snapping at each other, tempers on edge. It wasn’t enough but it gave Nicholas just the necessary time to check on his Earth affairs and make sure things weren’t getting out of hand. Khivar was so scared lately that Nicholas barely had any time for himself, eating all meals with him, and only getting what should be a few hours sleep, which of course, he was using to fuck his brains out with Michael inside his puppets brains. Now with the damn girl with them, he had to be extra careful. He had the two smart ones, though Michael was thankfully out of action thanks to the spiked iv and the sedatives. Brilliant on his part and the girl couldn’t do much by herself. Michael had been a master at hiding his abilities and thanks to Max, the few times he made them obvious trying to please him, his stupid attitude got Michael back into his stonewalls. It had been similar on Antar, as Rath-Michael always gave the wrong impression, apparently lazy, lusty, self indulgent, arriving at the training camp half asleep on his horse, but the second he went into action, there was no stopping him, showing his mettle in the battlefield was a sight to see and his lovers could vouch for his passion in bed. His endurance for pain was legendary when it came to battle and love wounds. Now thanks to that bitch of a seer, the Royal prince knew who he was and what he could do, so the only way he dared play with him was in this diminished drugged state.
The girl was a different story, just a human who had had the luck to get alien powers when Max showed his lack of royalty risking their lives to play doctor, and then she smartly wrapped it up fucking the prince himself. At least the geek had shown some spunk when she sent the two timing jerk packing at the first sign of his funny business, good for her, but then the Royal pull was too much and she willingly had accepted the only other choice, to hell with her pride, to be near Michael. Nicholas knew she could be sneaky but she would surely hold back for Michael’s sake.

By the time the whole nightmare was over, Liz was taken to bed and cuffed to Michael as the three men went to sleep. Liz turned back to Michael, feeling her tears running down her cheeks each time she saw him wince, the only sign of his suffering, once the sedative kicked in completely. She closed her eyes hoping to sleep but she kept remembering that time when Max had been taken by Pierce. She had fallen into Michael’s arms, feeling his strength, knowing he would risk his life to bring Max back to her. At least then, they had Nasedo and Tess, who were playing on their side out of interest, and their powers definitely insured the rescue. Max came out in one piece, crying his eyes out thinking she had been killed and with a shallow cut on his chest that took him less time than a blink to heal it without leaving a trace. Pierce had chosen well, Max gave him the two communicators in record time and would have shown him how to use them if he had known how to do it. If they ever arrived in Antar, she was sure there was no way the Antares would accept Max back on the throne, so it would have to be the warrior king, whether Michael liked the idea or not, for his people’s future safety. Did she just say “if”? What was the matter with her, where were the senseless doubts coming from? It only meant she needed to sleep to function correctly, so she took the hint and closed her eyes.

Liz didn’t know how she was able to survive the tension of that next day, until the timer went off at 6.30pm, as she had counted the times it woke her up until Fritz got up. He prepared Michael for the following bout of action and after waking up his two partners and sending them to the bathroom, he finally left the room. Hating herself, she dug her fingers into Michael’s butt where Fritz had just injected him to get his attention and at the same time going “Shhh” against his cheek. Michael winced opening his eyes and saw her right beside him. She pressed her mouth on his and whispered:

- Michael, listen, we don’t have much time. They’re keeping you drugged and spiked up with booze that’s why your powers have been off, but they’ve taken you off the drip and shot you with a stimulant to get you ready for them. You must unblock yourself now before you use all your strength to deal with them. Hurry up cause the one in the other room will be coming in any minute to wake up the two beside us and we’ll have to wait another day for this chance. Do it now! -

Liz moved back and watched Michael nod, wincing again, he bit on his lower lip with the effort to do what she was telling him. He let go of her and grabbed the sheet hard with both hands, his whole body tightening, his muscles standing out. That’s when she heard him in her mind: “Liz…” and her empathy was back.

“Michael! Oh my god, Michael! Please, promise me…” She paused, hoping she was really getting through but afraid it wasn’t so.

“What Liz? Anything you want…” He assured her.

“Don’t block yourself out! I don’t want this to happen again!” Liz pleaded.

“But Liz, I don’t want you to…” He didn’t know how to put it.

“Michael, I’m sitting right here, it’s right in front of my eyes! I don’t need any empathy to know what you’re going through! I need to be in touch with you, to know you’re alright, to know I’m not alone, please!” She felt him give.

“Ok, you’re right, Liz, I’m so sorry you got dragged into this…who the hell are they? What do they want?”

“I don’t know, but they know about you Michael, the one who’s a doctor has been quite clear about it several times, and he’s also mentioned a reward. I think maybe they’re rebel FBIs, I heard him make a call to say they had you but then he closed the door and I couldn’t get the rest.”


“No, nothing, probably because you were…they’re coming back!” Liz wasn’t risking it and she mentally shut up and pretended to sleep.

- Up you go! - Fritz grabbed Liz and took her to the bathroom.
Obsessed Roswellian
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the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 39

Liz had an idea. She half closed the door as usual and stood on the toilet. Still she had to stand on tiptoes to be able to see out of the high window over the shower stall at the back of the room and managed to see a sign reading ‘Desert Inn’ then ‘Gas Station’, ‘Mini-Market’, ‘Rest Rooms’ in a row and the lowest one seemed to be ‘Motel’ because she only got a little less than the upper half. Now she could just hope someone got through and maybe that info could help locate them. She decided to take a shower not to make Michael uncomfortable as long as she could but when she heard Fritz holler: “Do I need to come and get you?” She answered: “Sorry, I washed my hair and it took longer than I thought!” and dunked her head into the spray before she hurriedly dried herself and dressed.

- Alright, I’m coming! - She said, sensing they were beginning to get impatient again.

She was realizing that Michael’s block had been so strong with his fear for her that as the sedative was kicking in, he had used what strength he had left to include her in his denial, canceling her powers and all of those who had got them through him too. She was getting very weak vibes coming from the guys, but they seemed to be using some kind of block themselves. It was as if they were in a bubble that included the three of them even if they weren’t together, like in different rooms. Skins working for the FBI? Perhaps using Michael to pay for their freedom? Were they putting something in her food? This was nuts! She sat on the chair trying to ignore the sick scene on the bed. Toweling her hair dry helped some, and when her arms got tired, she wound the towel not only around her hair but her eyes and ears too. She started thinking Michael was right. Sensing his ordeal was making her want to scream, to beg them to stop, but then she was glad they were too busy to notice her when she jumped as she heard a very small voice in her mind, like very far away: “No Liz, don’t!” At first she thought it was Michael, struggling to calm her down as he dealt with his torture, but she knew Michael’s deep voice too well to make that mistake. It sounded female, too familiar…Maria? Yes and no…she tilted her head to one side, as if it would help and somehow it did. Yes, it was female alright, and yes, it was Maria, and Serena and Isabel and Laurie and Ava, all at the same time! But it was Serena’s connection with Michael, now that it had been opened, that was channeling them together. She focused completely on them and in sparing them from what she was witnessing, she also spared herself. “Not now, dreamwalk me at 3:45 am, it will work this time. I’ll be waiting! I’m being watched.” And she felt them fade away, now she could only hope they would be there for her as she had asked.

That evening, at 10:00 pm, Fritz called the Dupree mansion and the second someone picked up, he let out the whole thing, not caring who was on the other end and hung up. They had all heard it:

- I have Michael Dupree, I know who and what he is, so if you want him back, you will have nothing to do with any of the authorities, and wait for our next call to settle the ransom. If you don’t, you’ll just find his body and the girl’s. - That was all.

They just sat there staring at each other, as empty as before the call.

- We’ve been waiting for three days, and now how many more? - Isabel screamed, ready to kill.

The sniffling from the kitchen door told her Anita and Sylvia with their husbands were just as worried.

- I’m sorry…- Isabel apologized, knowing they were all feeling the same way.

- You were right not calling the cops. - Sylvia said, blowing her nose, her eyes red from crying. - We don’t want to intrude, we’re going to our rooms, if there’s anything we can do for you, just call us, ok? -

- Thank you Sylvia, thanks for everything. We’ll call you if we need you. - Laurie nodded, barely holding back her tears.

- This is so wrong! How far can they be that we can’t get through to them? Why can’t I sense Michael? I’ve always been able to get his attention even when he blocks himself out! - Serena exclaimed in frustration.

Laurie had told the principal at school that Michael had taken a nasty spill riding and had to stay put, nursing a couple of cracked ribs, so they were safe there, and at College, they had said that Liz had had to travel on a family emergency. They felt as helpless as if they were just human, only being able to hope that things would turn out well. It was exasperating and they were not taking it well. Laurie had to go to school and the others to College to make sure they bought their stories, but they were falling apart inside. Uncle Derek was going out of his mind with Serena’s silent crying, wishing he could do something but not knowing what. At least they knew for sure that the FBI had been involved in the other abductions, but this time Suzanne Duff had assured them they had nothing to do with it, adding her grief to theirs.

Liz woke up from her snooze when someone passed too near the chair and accidentally came near to toppling it as they returned for their second evening attack on Michael. The one before the phone call had been preceded by the removal of the PPN and the shot of the strong stimulant that cancelled the sedative but not the continuous effects of the liquor, so that Michael was responsive and ultra sensitive, with no powers. Liz sat watching the day’s third and last session of torture, wishing she had the alien power to block herself out from reality, willing to trade the ones she had for just that one. She couldn’t stand the look in Michael’s eyes when he opened them and locked them on hers. She didn’t need her empathy to feel he was desperately wondering if she was alright, and she tried to reassure him with a shadow of a smile and a nod. Michael knew too well the effects of liquor, and was cursing himself for having blocked himself out before his powers took off. It was taking all his strength to deal with the pain and not pass out, checking on Liz every time he could open his eyes. She looked reasonably well, a little pale but at least she was dressed and her hands weren’t tied, though he thankfully couldn’t see her feet. He could feel this single savage drive behind the three guys, as if they were all hooked to the same energy source. Where the hell was it coming from? They all fucked him until they dropped and then one of them made sure he was ok as if he were his own personal nurse. Who were these guys? He had never seen them before in his life, yet there was a collective familiarity about them. They finally finished! It hurt even to breathe and the idiots dragged him to the shower! He was cooperating all he could, afraid they would take it out on Liz and he wouldn’t be able to help her. He hated the rinsing inside out after each session and once back in the bed, he knew how bad they had ripped him because of the electric burns of the damn instrument, and the needles, and the rubber gloved hand inspecting the damage and the pawing at the brands. He wanted, no, he needed to fight back! Liz surely must be in touch with them! Why hadn’t they rescued her? What were they waiting for? Liz was in danger! He was sure he could muster enough strength to hold the three guys back as Liz was taken away to safety! His alien side was going nuts trying to neutralize the shit that kept dripping into him, and when it was finally getting there at the end of the fuck party, the drip started again. It was a losing battle, it was killing him!

Liz heard the TV set on the sports channel and could picture Max, Kyle and Stuart and even Uncle Derek sitting in front of it and cheering. These guys watched in absolute silence, as if they were living dead. The cable TV went on all night long and they were hooked on it for a couple of hours until about 3:00 am when they turned it off and went to sit around the bed dozing until 6:25 am and breakfast. Then another typical wild fuck, at least twice each, shower, emergency treatment and by 9:30 they laid her in the bed and sat around it to sleep again. At 1:30 pm there was another change of bag and a break for lunch. No sex then because they ran the risk of being heard by the neighbours or the cleaning personnel who went on until 5:00 pm and had instructions, on their request, not to bother them. They had lunch and took another snooze that lasted 4 hours to begin the evening’s double feature with a light dinner and some sports channel in between until they were back at it by 11:00 pm. By 1:30 am it was over and Michael had been taken care of, so Fritz started a new drip that lasted until breakfast time. They watched TV until 3:00 am and were out cold with some of the weird sleep talk until 6:25 am. That went on day after day.

Liz heard the timer go off for the first time after they all went to sleep, so it was 3:30 am. If everything went well, Isabel should dreamwalk her in about fifteen minutes so she relaxed and let herself go. Soon after her mind was flooded with words:

“Where are you? A man called us. Who is he? How many are they?” Isabel’s voice was music to her ears.

“I’m not sure, I think it’s a Motel. I could only see a sign through the high bathroom window. It said ‘Desert Inn’ then ‘Gas Station, ‘Mini-Market’ ‘Rest Rooms’ and I think it was ‘Motel’ under the other. I can’t leave the bedroom, they have me on a chair but I can sleep on the bed and I can use the bathroom leaving the door half open. They feed me and haven’t touched me. I don’t think I’m their thing. They are three but act and speak funny, they call themselves by what I think must be their initials, F,L and P. They took us from the CD store. One is the attendant and the other two were delivering new CDs. Laurie must know the attendant.” Liz told Isabel how it all had happened until they had arrived at the place they were staying. “Isabel, I need to speak to Serena.”

“Ok, wait…” Isabel’s image started blurring.

Liz watched her almost disappearing and coming back again rather transparent. Then she was lifelike again and Serena materialized right beside her.

“Tell me Liz…” Serena nodded.

“Serena, the timer goes off every hour, the next is at 4:30 am I don’t know how much time we’ve got left, so this is the usual schedule…” Liz gave her a detailed description of the routine and she had just started telling her the unusual subtle alien vibes she got from them and the weird way they talked and acted, when the buzz woke her up. By the time she went to sleep again, Isabel didn’t come back.

Isabel spent the rest of the night trying to go back to sleep and to Liz, but flashes of what Liz had told her kept haunting her and kept her awake. By 6:00 am, Stuart’s alarm had him sitting up and turning to Isabel to find her wide awake. She jumped out of bed for a meeting at Laurie’s room and she confirmed the attendant at the CD store was new, and his name was Patrick. That was one of the initials Liz had mentioned. They decided they would go later on to the mall to see what they could find out about him and they would try to locate the “Desert Inn”. They wished they could have Jim Valenti there with them to help them find the place, so maybe Uncle Derek could give them a hand there.

The timer went off twice until Fritz dragged them into the breakfast thing. As Fritz went into action, Liz fled to the bathroom and after she showered, she went to the toilet and checked out the sign again. This time she actually managed to stand on the water tank of the toilet and grabbing at the wall with a little stretching, she could confirm the last word was really “Motel”, big deal, they had already guessed that one, and that was it. Nothing significant enough that could pin point the place to her friends. She almost fell when a hard knock on the door had her scrambling down and walking back into the bedroom. Fritz just shook his head at her and she sighed as she sat on the chair. She felt Serena reaching out for her.

“Liz…They’re all going to the mall to find out about Patrick on their lunch break, Laurie has invented a dentist’s appointment and she will be there too. They are also going to ask around very discreetly about the “Desert Inn.” Serena said.

“It is a motel, I managed to see the whole sign, but we have already guessed that.” She was very disappointed.

“How’s Michael?” Serena asked.

“He’s…they’re…” Liz couldn’t make herself describe what they were doing to him; anyway, Serena was getting it from her.

“Liz, we’re getting you out of there as soon as we can. I’m sure someone at school or at the University must know about the “Desert Inn.” Serena sounded like she was about to break down. - Derek’s helping there too. -

Liz couldn’t stop her tears from falling and she couldn’t help sniffling a little louder than she should have. She looked up alarmed and, uh oh, Fritz was staring at her.

- What’s wrong with you? - Fritz asked, guessing she was in some kind of trance.

- Nothing, I miss home…- Liz sobbed convincingly.

Fritz scoffed and shook his head frowning.

- No, it’s not that, and I know. - He gave Liz one of his knowing looks which got her very worried.

Fritz turned to the bed and took Patrick’s arm. He was sitting down hanging on to Michael’s thigh, watching Lenny giving it to him as he contributed by playing with the piercing, driving the boy wild . Fritz dragged him to the other room and Liz could hear Fritz talking but could only make out a few words: store, visit, sister, present, likes, go. She heard a door open and Fritz shout: hurry! and close it again. Fritz came back and sat where Patrick had been, going for the chains too. It took Lenny quite a few minutes to finish and now Liz had sensed one whole session for the first time. She had felt Michael come twice already and then a third time about a minute before Lenny did and it wasn’t in the normal way he usually did, chains and all. They must be stimulating him sexually, but how? Couldn’t be in the iv drip cause he’d be horny all the time. It had to be something else, like it or not she would have to watch closely the next session to see how they were doing it. Patrick came rushing back and handed Fritz a shopping bag. Fritz received it, peeked inside and smiled, then he headed towards Liz. He took her hand and led her to the bathroom where he handed her the bag.

- Change into this. - He said and smiled again, totally human.

Liz was intrigued as she half closed the door and got behind it. She looked inside the bag and saw some silky flowery material predominantly pink. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the colour, but it wasn’t what she would choose, favouring other colours that would suit her better. She pulled it out, and it was a light robe, buttoned in front, sleeveless and knee high. Now she was not only intrigued but also a little frightened. Why would they want her in that? A knock on the door had her quickly changing into it, asking for an extra minute before she came out, very apprehensive. Fritz was right there at the other side of the door with his nice smile. He took her hand again and took her to the bed. As she approached it, she couldn’t help noticing Michael looked quite relaxed, and the iv wasn’t in yet. She realized Michael was enjoying his aftermath by himself, blocking it out of his torturers. Fritz grabbed Lenny’s arm and literally pulled him out of Michael, watching the outraged expression on his face.

- This is what you miss, you really miss him. - Fritz nodded. - It’s alright, I understand. He must need you too. -

Liz was at a loss for words, wondering what would happen if she refused, Fritz might not take it kindly. From what she had seen, he seemed to enjoy feeling in control and ordering everyone around, reminding her of Max in his “I’m the king” thing.

- Out with you, go on! - He bossed Patrick and Lenny to the next room as he went to turn on the TV and bring a chair. He sat at the very door, watching TV but turning his head their way every now and then to make sure they were doing what they had been told to.

- Go on, I’m a doctor remember? No need to be shy! - He chuckled, sounding quite normal.

“We better obey him, but we can just pretend to do it, Michael, it’s alright!”

“Sure Liz, whatever you say.” Michael said rolling on his side biting down a gasp so she could lie by him.

Then he covered her with his body and rubbed against her pretending to have sex. Fritz wasn’t fooled though, and quietly walked over taking a peek between Michael’s thighs.

- I’m sorry, I see the problem, it’s our fault. I’ll give you guys a hand. - He said, patting Michael’s ass and going to get his bag.

“Shit! He won’t buy it if you’re all buttoned up.” Michael observed, pushing up a little and passing his hand between them to unfasten the robe and open it so that they were in contact.

“Michael!” She gasped, feeling his warm skin on hers and shivering with pleasure.

Liz started feeling wet in a matter of seconds and she felt Michael’s cock give a start as she sensed him struggling against a hard on. Fritz returned and slid his hand under Michael, feeling him not quite ready. He scoffed and Liz watched him over Michael’s shoulder, using his hair to cover most of her face but having a clear view herself. She saw Fritz looking in her direction and she guiltily closed her eyes, hearing the too well known snap of rubber as it was successfully donned. She regretted having lost those precious seconds of sight when she opened them again to see Fritz’s now gloved hand disappear in the direction of Michael’s ass, as the boy grunted and jerked. Liz sensed Fritz had done something to him, pushed something into him, actually.

- No shame, kid, you just need an extra boost for your girlfriend too, after dealing with us. Just give it a minute or two and you’ll be making her real happy, you know how fast this works! - He was quite obviously giving him also a prostate massage and Liz could feel Michael’s erection bloating with each prod.

So that’s what he was doing to him! The sneaky bastard!

Nicholas had managed to get some time to himself after Khivar almost threw a fit when one of the beasts he was checking out happened to have three eyes, one in the middle like a Cyclops and the word “tricycle” flashed in Nicholas’ mind and sent him laughing so hard he had to excuse himself and leave the room. He mindwarped the guard into informing Khivar that he was puking his guts out when he was actually sitting very relaxed against a tree and checking out how his human puppets were doing. He went into Fritz’s mind when he was in full action, and Nicholas was glad he had been able to flee the damn room with perfect timing. It had been so intense, that he took a break while Patrick did it and returned for a second helping using Lenny’s mind. Fritz was a little too clinical for his taste and Patrick too unimaginative. Lenny was giving him one hell of a ride, the guy really let himself go, the hell with everything, this guy wasn’t coming out of the closet, he was shooting out of it as if his life depended on it, his kind of guy when it came to the moment of truth. He had just finished when Fritz dragged him away protesting and Nicholas almost blasted him to oblivion. Nicholas detached himself from Lenny and hid in Fritz’s mind without interfering with his actions, just watching without taking part, to see what the human was up to. He was actually enjoying himself, watching the couple easily tricking the gullible Fritz and almost getting away with it, so Nicholas just gave Fritz a nudge and without revealing the whole thing, he had him giving Michael a “hand”.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 40

He just gloated when Liz called him “sneaky bastard”, and though it was directed at Fritz, Nicholas was honoured to take the credit. Liz had no way of knowing how sneaky he really was and how he had got the formula for what had just been shoved up Michael’s ass. He didn’t feel like watching a heterosexual rutting, so he launched himself into a flashback he just loved to remember. When the Grunter witch had been brought up to the stupid Khivar who was sure no one could be smarter than he was, Nicholas was ready to prove him wrong. The second the crone came into view, Nicholas pounced into her brain and hurriedly got what she was ready to hide before he was violently kicked out. He grinned smugly and the bitch shot him a glance that even he wasn’t sure if it was fury or cunningly concealed triumph. No way, he thought, he had easily identified the herbs which he was sure were the common factor for the invisibility formula, and he wasn’t sharing it with Khivar, keeping it as an ace up his sleeve to save him from one of the tight spots he could easily get into, like a life threatening one, for example. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t do some serious experimenting on his own. This time his small frame was an asset, since the Andes people weren’t taller than he was. He had one of his trusted spies follow one of them and find a ruse to lure him into his claws. The man didn’t know what hit him. He was safely mindwarped into thinking he was still going to his “andenes” where he would get the herbs the shaman had asked him to. Nicholas was going to take his clothes and go in his stead, linked with his mind to do just what he would, but then he realized there was no need to put himself at risk. So Nicholas sent the man on his task but had him report back to him, sure it was the shaman. Then he was sent back to repeat the whole deal, but this time taking it to the real shaman slyly avoiding suspicion. Nicholas went through every combination of measures possible but wasn’t able to make anything invisible. Instead he got the granddaddy of the hard ons that had him jerking himself off until it was ready to fall off by itself. Now it was Nicholas the one pulling his hair by the roots and kicking the crap out of everything that crossed his path, cursing the ugly fat old cow who had dared to effectively outwit him. He had been laughed at along with Khivar, but everything wasn’t lost and he was confident his blunder would come extremely useful when he least expect it to…like now!

Liz and Michael were using their sexual contact to communicate in a much higher level.

“How did the doctor know exactly what to do and what would work with you? He even had the right kind of thermometer! Everyone’s on digital ones now, how did he know they wouldn’t be any good with you? What the hell does he shove into you to turn you on?” Liz was flooding Michael’s mind with her questions.

He had no idea of the answer to most of them but at least he knew the last one.

“It’s Illimar’s aphrodisiac. It was made with the herbs from the Andes people on Antar so I guess you can get them here on Earth too. Geehan and Shenti have been using them lately, but I’m trying to figure out how these guys got their hands on it. Maybe there is an alien link after all or it’s just a coincidence.”

“It would be too much of a coincidence. I had a chat with Isabel and Serena yesterday. I’ll be dreamwalked again at 3:45 am but the timer goes too soon. I’ll go straight to the point not to lose time, about the alien thing with Serena. I’ll let you know tomorrow, when they leave us alone. It’s the only safe time.” Liz gasped as she began to come.

Michael tried to hold back as he always did, but Fritz’s finger sliding in his ass started pushing hard against his g-spot on the way in and out, as the pinkie of his other hand went under the chains of his piercing and the tugs coincided with the prods to his prostate. Michael came the next time Liz clenched, and his ass did the same to the finger inside him. Fritz went on with it until Michael stopped thrusting and just shuddered. He twisted his finger a few times left and right before he slowly pulled it out, grinning at Michael’s whimpers. He peeled off the rubber glove and called the other two. Liz felt Michael sliding out of her and was wondering why he just didn’t go for the aftermath with her when she felt he was being lifted off her. She quickly closed the robe to cover her nudity but noticed they were looking anywhere but at her. They took Michael to the bathroom and from the sounds that reached her ears, Liz could tell they were having some extra fun with him. As they eased him back on the bed beside her, she heard Michael breathing hard and she shut her eyes tight, not wanting to see.

- Shit man, he’s bleeding! You better take care of that, F. - One of them said, Liz wasn’t sure if it was Patrick of Lenny.

- I need a shower! - She whispered and rushed to the bathroom, not wanting to hear either.

Liz sat on the floor of the shower stall, letting the spray run over her as she hugged her knees and sobbed. For the first time in her life, she was sure that if she had a gun, she wouldn’t hesitate to shoot the three men in the head, over and over until she was sure they were dead. She remembered Maria saying something similar that time a drunken Kyle and his two football friends had behaved as total pigs to Michael while Maria had watched all from the safety of the closet. She now understood how her friend had felt, which had not been the case at that time. It’s always so much worse when it happens to you.

- Hey, you ok there? - Again Liz failed to identify the owner of the voice.

- Sure, just finishing. - She managed not to let her voice tremble.

She quickly rinsed Michael’s fluids away the best and fastest she could, and turned off the shower to dry herself and dress. When she went back to the room, the drip was back and Michael was tossing in his sleep. Liz looked down at him as she sat on the bed, fighting the tears, and felt a hand on her arm.

- I’ve given him a sedative, it should be kicking in any minute. He’ll be fine tomorrow. - Fritz squeezed her arm reassuringly and Liz couldn’t help doubting if he or the other two realized what they were really doing. She needed to talk to Serena and couldn’t wait until Isabel dreamwalked her. She closed her eyes and forced herself to relax, turning her hand and holding Michael’s, hoping whatever reassurance she got from the dreamwalk she could at least pass some on to him. She wasn’t even aware that she had fallen asleep when she heard her name whispered in her ear. She sat up and saw Isabel smiling at her. Liz started feeling several different energies surrounding her and began to recognize each one of them. One by one they became visible until the whole gang was sitting around her on the bed. She could see Maria, Ava and Laurie joining Isabel and Serena in caressing Michael’s sleeping body, sorry that the sedative wasn’t allowing him to share some time with them. Max, Stuart and Kyle were sitting by her on the edge of the bed.

- Oh my god! How did you do this? - Liz asked surprised.

- We’ve been practicing for hours, getting all our energies in sync to be able to be here with you. We desperately needed to see Michael too. - Isabel said, looking sadly at the sleeping boy.

- Alright, let’s share our news with you…- Serena said.

- Sorry to interrupt but I suspect this will take longer than the timer will allow. Ava, can you mindwarp me into not hearing the timer until we finish talking? I have to wake up to the 6:25 one, for the breakfast thing. - Liz asked, having told Serena the whole routine in every painstaking detail.

- Hey! I can do it too! - Kyle frowned.

- Done! - Said Ava, holding Kyle’s hand and passing them in front of Liz’s face, just for emphasis because it wasn’t needed.

- Fine then, now, listen: The Desert Inn is really one of a chain of motels, they’re well known to be the hideaway for couples who want to stay private. They were all laughed at when they asked, both at college and at school because of that. Even Derek felt uncomfortable for the same reason. We had no way of knowing! The problem is that there are 18 of them all over this area, so if you could give us anything, no matter how small to be able to identify the one you’re in…- Serena pleaded.

Liz shook her head, then she shut her eyes tight trying to find something that might help them. She sighed and then she opened them again wondering if the breakfast thing might help, so she went for it.

- A waitress brings breakfast everyday at 6:30 am from the cafeteria. It’s not much, but…- She looked down disappointed and then she gasped. - The robe! One of them got it for me at the store by the cafeteria! The doctor, the one who seems to be in charge, they call him F, he sent the geeky one they call P…- Liz explained.

- Patrick, the CD store attendant…- Laurie confirmed.

- I heard F tell P something about sister, visit, present, so I guess he was to say he was buying a present for his sister, who was visiting, or whom he was going to visit…- Liz continued.

- Ok, listen, we have a map with all the Desert Inns in the area marked down. If we spread out and each one of us checks out one at 6:30 am we might be able to see if breakfast is taken to one of the rooms. If it is, Serena will go back at about 10:00 am pretending to get a robe like the one her son told her he had bought there for his sister, because she just loved it and wants one too. If we get it all right, then we will be coming to rescue you as soon as you can assure us they’ll be asleep so I can keep them there with Ava’s and Kyle’s help. We’re…- Isabel paused to count how many they were. - 9, so that means we can cover half the Desert Inns. If we’re not lucky, we will the next day, cause by then we will be covering the rest of them. So it will be two more days at the most. Now, tell us the best time to do it. -

- That should be 4:00 am. They’re asleep for sure after they’ve been at Michael twice in the evening...- Liz whispered the second sentence, finding every word so hard to utter, looking at her hands, unable to meet their eyes.

Her empathy told them they were feeling the same way too. Maria was struggling so her voice wouldn’t break when she spoke, but didn’t quite make it.

- Hang on bestfriend, and make sure Spaceboy knows we’ll be there for you guys as soon as we can. - She sniffed.

- Liz, dear, is that the door? Why is it open? - Serena asked pointing to the door by the bed.

- No, that leads to the sitting room. There are two doors there, one opens outside and the other must open to the garage. I was blindfolded when they brought us here, so I’m kind of guessing. I’ve seen the doors when they take me out there to lock me in the closet so the breakfast lady doesn’t see me. - Liz told them.

- We need to see that other room, but I don’t know if our energy will hold up if we move around. We’ll have to give it a shot anyway. If we don’t make it and we wake up, your description will have to do, and the plan still goes. Ok, guys, here we go…on three. - Isabel counted and they all got up.

Then, ghostlike, they glided to the door by the bed and peeked into the other room, nodding. The way back was even slower and Liz could see they were having some difficulties as they started to fade.

- We’ll be back tomorrow at this same time if we need another day, if we don’t come, it means we’ll be here by 4 to get you out…- The underwater sound was in Serena’s voice and Liz knew it was over.

- Ava! - She called, remembering the mindwarp, and she saw her smile and nod just before she disappeared, bringing her back to normal.

Liz tried desperately to get into Michael’s mind, but it was useless. She knew she only needed a couple of seconds to fill him in on what she had found out, so she might be able to do it just after breakfast. She was going through the routine of the other days so far and she had an idea. The timer made her jump, waiting for F to shake her, but he just did his check up and sat back again. As soon as she heard his soft snores, she checked her watch and it was 5:30, she still had an hour to go over her plan to perfection. The next buzz caught her dozing and by the time she went back to the bedroom after breakfast, she took her chance, knowing Michael was already waking up. She rushed to the bed before they could stop her and kissed Michael lingeringly on the mouth. That’s all she needed, and felt he had got it all loud and clear. She had expected them to pull her away from Michael, but when it didn’t happen and she did it herself, she found them all watching her and Michael with a smile. It was a creepy smile. She knew what she had to do so she hurried to the bathroom.
Liz thought it had been the longest day of her life when they were finally all in the room with the three guys snoring. She was praying they would not dreamwalk her because that would mean they’d be rescued before the break of day. She had almost freaked out when she heard P suggest they should get some sex toys but L asked him in a mocking tone if he was having problems getting it up to need the stuff. P said they would be for her, and F thankfully thought it was a stupid idea, the boy was getting three great cocks, why would he want a fake one? He said the girl didn’t need to act the man when the kid had the real thing. Liz felt so relieved that it had all ended there. If she used a toy again with Michael, she wanted it to be with Maria, sure he was enjoying it, not in a forced situation. But then she noticed the strange way Fritz was grinning and she didn’t like it at all. They had just finished lunch when the whole thing had come up as Patrick and Lenny came back into the bedroom. They went for their snooze and when the timer went off, Liz saw Fritz leave for the other room and shut the door after he checked up Michael. She heard him make a phone call but couldn’t get what it was about. He had the creepy grin as she watched him sit down and start dozing.
Liz was going out of her mind. Every sound and squirm that Michael made during the evening’s ordeal made her cringe. She couldn’t sleep, she *almost screamed when the 3:30 am timer went off, and her eyes filled with tears when she felt Isabel dreamwalk her. She apologized and assured her it would have to be the next day. None of the 9 Desert Inns they had been to that early morning had sent breakfast to any room and Liz assured her they had got theirs so they were sure to nail it this time. Isabel came alone, and smiled weakly as she left, no need staying any longer, both feeling as disappointed as they did.

Isabel’s dreamwalked Agent Suzanne Duff right after she came back from Liz, and she had some interesting news for them. She told Isabel Jesse Ramirez and his canine looking partner had been in NY about a month or so ago and had returned looking quite smug, but try as she might, she hadn’t been able to find out why. Isabel worked it out and she suspected it kind of coincided with Michael’s piercing trip.

Max drove everyone again to their corresponding Desert Inn cafeteria, landing his at 6: 21 with time to spare. By 6:45 he left and started picking them all up. It was Kyle the one who got the lucky pick. After watching the girl take the covered tray to the room at the end across from the cafeteria, Kyle finished his breakfast, eating as slowly as he could waiting for the waitress to return, and when she still hadn’t 15 minutes later, he took a stroll towards the closed shop next door and pretended to check out the displays on the window, calling Max and telling him what he had found out and to pick him up last. He had seen the girl walk around the corner so that meant the room didn’t open in the front of the building like they all did. About 5 minutes later, at exactly 6: 51, he saw her coming back and as she passed him he smiled and asked her what time the shop opened. She smiled back and pointed to the info he was asking for written on the door. He nodded, looking foolish and turned back to the shop window until she was gone. Just in case, he kept checking his watch and looking impatient, pacing around, and walking the way she had been to, as if just keeping himself busy while he waited. He peeked around the corner and saw two doors opening on the other side. The first one was clearly a garage from the size of it, and because it had no windows. The next one had a window on the opposite side of the garage and the curtains were closed. Jackpot! He heard a car heading his way and saw Max in the full SUV. He rushed over and climbed in to report what he had seen.

Once all together, Isabel told them about Agent Duff’s info. The tension as they left on their mission had made her choose the way back, successful or not, to tell them about it. The joy of finding where Liz and Michael were being held, now became the need to plan the rescue. Their main worry was that they might run into the feds, and perhaps Jesse and his new chick with them. There was also the freaky business about the “doctor” that knew so much about Michael. Once back home, Maria told them she had a card from the infamous Cobra which she had found in Michael’s jeans. The “artist” must have slipped it there without him noticing. She called saying she was Michael’s cousin, that Michael was tied up with some courses and had asked her to call him. Cobra sounded a little pissed, maybe at the early hour, but Michael’s name and Maria’s description of his “masterpiece” were enough to get him interested. She told him Michael wanted to know if anyone had been asking about him after his last “visit”, and the man just couldn’t stop talking. He said this guy with his bitch of a partner had come real hard on him as he was taking a break. When Maria asked him what he looked like, he gave this description:

- A fish mouthed cholo, you know? I could tell he was just a plain clothes cop, putting on airs, trying to pass for a fed, but he didn’t fool me. His bitch was just like him, the cheap Latino type, looked like a pit bull, every time she opened her snout, I expected her to snarl, and she came quite close to it. They wanted to know how often he came. I told him the truth, I hadn’t seen him in quite a while before that last time, and I’d known him for years, when he kept coming with his buddy, a disgusting rancid smelling creep, who bossed everyone around as if he were the king of the world or something. They came with their bitches, one short and one taller, to get mostly face piercings and a quite a few tats. I got bad vibes from the stinker and the pretty taller bitch. The other one seemed scared to death all the time. They behaved, except one day when stinky did something that pissed my man off and…Michael pounced on him. He tried to back away but ended pressed against the wall so there wasn’t much he could do about it. At first the jerk tried to pry Michael’s hands from his throat, but when he couldn’t, he just wrapped his arms around him and scratched at Michael’s back till he bled, cause he was shirtless, getting a tat low across his spine. By the time the girls saw what was going on and came running, the dude’s eyes were popping out of his head, his tongue was hanging out and his face was turning blue. I was scared shitless! A stiff is always bad news, but the girls managed to convince Michael to let him go, and they asked me to get the guy some water, as he was gagging and choking. By the time I came back, he was fine, as if nothing had happened! The fastest recovery I’ve seen in my life! They had been coming for years, but I just started working on them when they looked old enough not to get me in trouble and their ids checked out, though I could tell they were phonies, good enough to fool the cops, though. The stupid pig didn’t believe me, insisted I was getting him mixed up with someone else, so I had to admit he did look quite changed that last time, but he said he had moved to the West coast and taken a new look. Then he just nodded, as if he had suddenly seen the light, and they left, with the bitch bickering like nuts saying she was sure there was much more to it, so he shut her up almost biting her head off, saying he knew exactly what it was about. That’s the last I saw of them, glad to say so. -

Maria thanked him and they were off to find that day also one of the longest in their lives. Later on, as programmed, Serena would confirm the purchase so she sent all of them a message on their cell phones about her success at the Desert Inn shop confirming they were on the right track. The second they were all back together at home, the planning continued, even Stuart was there, under some obscure excuse at the hospital that had worked just fine. Once they had it down to the last detail, they went for a snooze to be as refreshed as possible, and ready to leave at 3:30, just as the timer was going off at the nightstand by the bed where Liz lay with Michael. She knew they were coming, pretending to be fast asleep, but going over nonstop what she would do once they were there. Isabel dreamwalked Suzanne Duff that very evening at 11:45, which was the time they had accorded on if something urgent came up during the daytime and too suspicious for a “grannyduff” e-mail. Suzanne told them Jesse and his girl were behaving and buttering up the boss everyway they could, to try to get what they wanted. That meant they had nothing to do with the actual problem, so Isabel briefed Suzanne on what they were up to later on and assuring her she would send her a Merry Xmas e-mail from her misguided granny, meaning everything had gone well, and a Happy New Year one if it hadn’t. They parted with Suzanne wishing them luck and hoping for the positive e-mail asap.

At exactly 3:20 they met at Laurie’s chimney room, all dressed in black with ski masks of the same colour in their pockets. They got into the SUV already running at the front door, and Rubén left the driver’s seat to Stuart. The two couples that were staying back just nodded grimly to them as they left. They turned left and picked up Serena and Derek from their gate dressed just as them and headed for the Desert Inn Motel which was barely twenty minutes away.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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the calm before the storm

Post by julamorb »

Hey luv, remebering you from Mont Saint Michel and off to Greece before London! Haven't missed a chapter yet, got myself the latest laptop to keep up with you and it's truly worth it.Can't wait for the next post, you're
brilliant as usual!
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Hey Jules, WOW! Wish I were there with you, in my three favourite haunts, lucky you! Thanks for your feedback!

A huge apology to those reading this. I've been posting daily, but my translator has a deadline for an important medical translation. She will be helping me the best she can, so I might be posting a little not so often, perhaps every two days or so. Sorry, but it's out of my hands.

Chapter 41

As she waited, Liz went over the hell this last day had been. Many unexpected things had happened to make it the worse so far. Right after she kissed Michael and shared last night’s surprise dreamwalk, she remembered she should have discussed with Serena the high possibility of alien intervention from the way the three guys behaved. She had forgotten completely! She was so stupid, how could she have forgotten something so important? She was furious with herself but then realized that would do no good, she needed to be relaxed and positive and this wasn’t helping. The day came flashing back in all its cruelty, from the moment the waitress brought breakfast and she could hear her telling Fritz: “This arrived for you.” When she was gone to do her cleaning, Patrick started laughing his head off and calling Fritz a sneaky bastard. Just what she had called Nicholas! Lenny burst out of the closet and Liz got a glimpse of a white box on the table and the rumpled brown paper it had been wrapped in. Lenny went: “Wow, man! You rule!” before he was pushed back into the closet giggling like an idiot. “What is it?” She asked him and he went: “It’s a surprise, but your boyfriend will sure love it, you’ll see!” Liz was more scared than intrigued when she heard Fritz announce: “It’s my goodbye present to all of you, cause tonight, once we’ve finished with him, I’m calling back his sister to ask for the ransom. We should be getting it in first time the next morning and leave these two tied up for her to find them. We’ll be out of here so fast, no one will know which way we left. Yeah, I know, wish we could keep the kid, but that would mean no money. That was the gig, and we knew it was going to be a week at the most or we’ll be risking getting caught.” Liz began to think she needed to inform all this to Isabel or Serena, whoever she might get through concentrating until smoke came out of her ears, but then she changed her mind, because if they rescued them tonight, the jerks’ plans would go down the drain anyway. By the time the woman left and they went back to the room. Liz wondered if she could get away with another kiss, but she didn’t want to alarm Michael with what she had heard from the closet. They said he would enjoy it, right? Maybe it wasn’t so bad. They went on as usual, but after they brought him back from the shower, Fritz sent Lenny to get the box. He brought out what looked liked three metal balls joined by a thick string with a ring at the end. There was something written on the inside of lid of the open box but though it wasn’t in Chinese script, it sounded Chinese. They looked like Maria’s beads, but not exactly the same. She watched Fritz stick the first one into Michael as he writhed and moaned. Patrick pushed in the next one and Lenny wrapped it up. “Now what?” He asked as they watched the rest of the string disappearing into Michael to be stopped by the ring.
“Now we let him sleep.” Said Fritz. “Huh?” Went Patrick. “They will move around inside him making him squeeze and keep them moving, giving him one hell of a wet dream after the other. Those smart chinks knew what they were doing when they invented them.” Fritz chuckled. “He’ll be damn hot for a cock when we get him tonight and give us one hell of a ride. We’ll all love it, the kid included.” They shrugged guessing Fritz knew what he was talking about as they watched Michael squirm and gasp. Then obediently, they went to sit at their appointed places and passed out. Each time the timer buzzed, Liz watched Fritz do his usual check up plus push his finger through the ring and pull at the string until the knot before the ball came out. Then he let it slide in again, as Michael grunted and sighed, pushing his hips up, clearly wanting more of whatever Fritz was making him feel. Though Fritz’s face was strangely expressionless, his mouth was open and Liz could see the drool gliding over his lip. It was so sick! Then before he went back to sit and doze, Fritz leant over and whispered something to Michael. Liz’s proximity allowed her to hear the word that came out of Fritz’s mouth and she could have sworn it was “Geehan”. She convinced herself she was imagining it, but the next time, the word Fritz whispered was “Shenti” and Liz felt the hair on the back or her neck rise as she shivered at the thought of what this might mean. Fritz was purposely inducing Michael into having wet dreams with his alien lovers! No, no, that was impossible, she was just imagining it, she was really going nuts, it was the stress of the rescue that was making her hear this nonsense. She went into complete denial, just watching it happen over and over again, repeating itself in the long after lunch nap, and then the most animalistic sex that they’d had so far, with Michael going wild from the day long stimulation. She lost count how many times she felt him coming, digging her nails into her palms not to give herself away. And then again, they gave her to him, after they couldn’t get it up again from exhaustion. Fritz shoved the balls back in using their own cum inside Michael as lubrication. When Lenny and Patrick went to watch TV and rest, she saw Fritz tip a bottle into their hands and they each popped a number of pills just as Fritz did too. Definitely to build up their strength for the next bout. They must’ve been doing it all the time, but this was the first time they did it in front of her and she saw it. Fritz sat at the door and he kept dozing off, and though each time he did so Liz was sure he would topple over, he never did. Their sex was amazing, and when she started coming, what she was getting from Michael, as the balls roamed inside him was so intense, she couldn’t help cry out his name and wrap her legs over his butt. The other time she had kept her legs flexed hugging his hips, but this time she just couldn’t stop herself. Michael came with such violent shudders that she had to open her eyes, and she saw Fritz, drooling again as he pulled the last ball out of him. Liz drew her legs away and flexed them at Michael’s sides as the other time. She had no complaints; Michael had been as gentle with her as he always was, speeding up his pace as he felt her coming knowing exactly what she wanted. He was finally beginning to relax when he grunted and Liz watched Fritz stick the three balls back into him before he returned to his chair and his dozing. That gave them an awesome aftermath until the three came back for their second helping thankfully when they had just finished. Liz could have sent Michael so many things that were on her mind, but she didn’t want to spoil those wonderful moments of peaceful bliss he was having, away from the cruel reality of his situation. She hated to think he would have to repeat the whole thing much too soon, so she preferred to let him enjoy those moments with her.
Michael was rolled off her just long enough to get her off the bed and to the bathroom. This time she couldn’t stop herself from watching from the shower, opening the cheap curtain just enough to see what was going on. She couldn’t understand how she could be revolted and attracted at the same time.
She hurriedly rinsed herself as her eyes couldn’t leave the action scene on the bed and donned the robe without losing time to dry herself, her feet left puddles all the way to the chair and she felt so hot watching them, that by the time the first one finished, even the soaked robe was drying on her.

In spite of the unexpected interferences on his plans, Nicholas was having a great time. He fitted everything according to Khivar’s new schedules and it was going fine. So far, early every morning, he and Khivar would receive the scavengers and have them bring up each mercenary to have them give a spoken résumé using the translating gadget, trying to impress the Antar King into accepting him into his army. They took about five minutes praising their battle feats, and they were at least 20 per day. Of course the scavengers would provide something extra when the warrior finished speaking so it took most of the morning. Nicholas made it coincide with the long actions of the evenings, while he just had to sit there and listen until it was over, so Khivar didn’t even notice his empty eyes as his mind was gone to skip from one human mind to the other, having several mental orgasms which totally blew his mind without taking away his energy. The human hosts didn’t even know he was there, enjoying along with them and they were the only ones who were ready to drop when it was over. Nicholas just opened his eyes and smiled, fully satisfied, to have lunch with the worthless “guests” who ate like pigs with no manners whatsoever. Nicholas just picked at this food, totally nauseated; he could see that having lunch at all was a luxury to them. When they finally wiped out the table, giving the impression that to them, leaving a crumb was an insult, they proceeded to meet the filthy group of mercenaries who had already been fed and were ready to show what they were good for. The private show was performed in the just as private field within the castle, where incidentally, the Roswell gang had first flashed back to see a very young Rath-Michael riding a horse to convince Zan to do it too and which never happened. The mock battle was to prove each warrior’s worth, and not even the least contact was allowed, stopping their weapons at the very last second but still doing it as realistic as possible. They fought in pairs, as gladiators while they watched the winner fight another until he was defeated and the new winner move on to another fake enemy. That gave Nicholas the chance to attend the next performance of the evening, leaving him again smiling like the Cheshire cat. Of course Khivar thought he was as pleased with the show as he was, calling up to him the chosen ones, usually 5 and at a very good day perhaps 7. He would turn to Nicholas arching his brows in a silent question, and Nicholas would nod, agreeing with his choice. He really couldn’t care less. None of them had any brains at all, just brute force. None of them could stand up to Rath-Michael in combat, who was as cunning and sly as they came, and strategy was his thing. The Royal boy would have any of them flat on his back with his throat slashed from ear to ear and missing a foot before he knew what hit him. The strength of the Royal blood made them no match for true Prince in spite of his youth, so Khivar could choose any one he bloody well wanted, it was all the same to Nicholas.
While the humans rested and regained their stamina popping pills like crazy, Nicholas gave Khivar all the time he needed to rant and express his fears and anger at the ungrateful idiots who were deserting him and didn’t want him on the throne anymore after he had rid them of an unworthy king who was on the throne by pure chance. This was brought on by the stack of reports from the guards he had all over the kingdom using spies to find out all that went on each day. By the time he had finished bitching at the last report, he was tired and had worked an appetite, screaming at the current guard for his evening meal. Nicholas ate with him and left for the night. He arrived at his rooms, lay down with his arms crossed over his chest and the second he closed his eyes, he was zooming into Fritz’s head, just as he was ready to start the fun. The post-breakfast action was the perfect distraction Nicholas badly needed after having had to stay alert for Khivar’s daily outburst. For five days, Nicholas had managed to fool Khivar, but the man was no fool, and although he trusted his cousin, this last day he had began to suspect something funny was going on with him. Nicholas was using all his concentration in getting his kicks through his human puppets, not giving a damn about the Roswell gang or what they were about. He hadn’t noticed at all the way Khivar kept glaring at him, his lack of reaction confirming his mind was somewhere else. Khivar knew that if he tried to get an articulate answer from him, Nicholas would look like a fool and make a fool out of him too, so he let him get away with it for the time being. As the scavengers finally left after the staged combats, Khivar got up and Nicholas’ empty eyes kept staring in front of him, not registering the danger he was getting himself into. Khivar walked around him and wrapped his hands around Nicholas’ head, digging his fingers into his skull. Nicholas’ eyes opened so wide, they were about to fall off his head. He felt Khivar connecting with his unsuspecting exposed brain, and by then, there was nothing he could do about it. Khivar had seen it all. Khivar moved away, livid with fury as Nicholas slumped like a spineless slug on the table before him.

- What the hell do you think you’re doing? Are you so stupid that you don’t realize the seriousness of our situation? How dare you keep away from me that you have contacted the Royal brat? HOW DARE YOU! - Khivar screamed as he hit the table with both fists, making Nicholas jump and sit up.

- I’m not in contact with him! I can’t, dammit! If I could you’d have been the first to know! I’m just having fun with him out of frustration! I can’t even find a human body to go there and do it myself, I have to do it through these three idiots that I can handle and they were so hard to find! Human bodies are not compatible in spite of their likeness with ours, the stupid things can’t even shapeshift! Fuck off Khivar! I’m your cousin! Our fathers were brothers, doesn’t that mean anything to you? And look at me! Look at all I have to do for you, and what is my status here? Just sit and nod like an idiot to everything you say! I need a life too! -

- There won’t be a life left for us if they bring Rath-Michael back! You should be concentrating in beating them to it and bringing him here to throw him at my feet, so I can watch you kill him again! I want him dead this time for good! I want Vilandra here with me! Now you fix this mess. The only human I allow you to go into is the one who will kill Rath-Michael if you can’t do it by yourself! After that, I don’t care what you do, you can go on with your miserable life anywhere and anyway you want with my blessing. Until then, you will be supervised every second, to make sure you don’t go where you shouldn’t! - Khivar roared.

- Do what you want Khivar, but remember that whenever you need someone to do your dirty work, I’m always there for you. - Nicholas shrugged, wishing there was a way to get back at his pompous cousin.

As he walked back to his rooms, he fought the urge to return and rub into him that at least Rath-Michael was loyal to his useless cousin to his death, in case he didn’t know what the meaning of “family” was. He wouldn’t get the idea through to him if he made it burst in his face, he was so full of shit, he would drown the whole planet in it if he ever dared explode! Oh well, he’d had one hell of a week and he was tired of the tension to keep it to himself. Guess it was time to let go and concentrate in getting himself a human body to get down to the real thing. The humans would have to fend for themselves. He had had no time the last three days to contact them, just letting them do what he had filled their almost empty heads with before he left them on their own and they hadn’t let him down. “Sorry guys, tough luck, perhaps eventually I will find out how you got out of this one! Got to do some real work now!”

Liz was a little surprised when the three men came back from the sitting room after just twenty minutes at the most. They automatically went to sit around the bed but they fell asleep fidgeting and grumbling and Fritz lashed out at them to shut up. Something was definitely different and Liz began to wonder what was happening when the timer went off and Fritz got up very pissed and looked around the room as if wondering what had waken him up and what for. Then he noticed the couple on the bed, going over to Michael, mechanically taking his temperature, checking the iv drip and his pulse. He shook his head and brought a syringe from the sitting room and as he injected it into Michael, he seemed to notice the brands for the first time, his eyes going wide and using his free hand to trace them with his fingers as he shot the drug into Michael. Liz presumed it was an antipyretic, having found him feverish. Then she began to worry when Fritz went back to sleep and she realized he had totally forgotten about the timer! The change was scaring her and she went into a full concentration focusing on Serena. She freaked out when it wasn’t working but then a rainbow flash crossed in front of her closed eyes and she felt the seer in her head.

- Liz? We’re going for you in a couple of hours! What is it? You’re upset! - Serena immediately sensed what Liz was going through.

- Serena, something’s come up! I don’t understand it! - Liz told her everything that was bothering her in excruciating detail, then waited a few seconds as Serena focused in finding out what Liz had described.

- Whatever was influencing them has left and they’re confused. They’re still functioning on what’s left of the controlling force they were submitted to, but the lack of support is heading them for a fall, a big one. Are they fast asleep now? - She asked, quite concerned.

- Snoring! Without the timer, I doubt they will wake up at all! Perhaps it’s for the best; you might be able to get us out without their noticing! - Liz said hopefully.

- No Liz, I wouldn’t expect so much. We’ll just go on with your rescue as if nothing has changed. Let’s just keep this to ourselves until we have you safely out of there, it’s not a good time to go for a change of plans at the last minute, it will upset everything. It will work just the same, who knows? Maybe even better still, with them back to normal. Try to sleep and we’ll be there sooner than you think, please? Just relax and feel Michael beside you. I don’t feel anything wrong, so trust me. Sleep Liz, sleep…-
The underwater quality was there for the last three words and Liz’s body could only obey as her mind went absolutely blank.

Serena shuddered. She couldn’t believe it! It had taken her everything she had to be able to go into the three minds blocking herself out completely from any living thing, human or alien, and the leering face that had jumped at her made the colour drain from her face. It was Neeklas! She would recognize those grotesque features anywhere in both worlds! Even as a baby, Neeklas had had an old man’s face. It made his life miserable, as a child, he was either laughed at or shunned and the one who was absolutely ruthless, was none other than his cousin Khivar. Everyone knew it was out of bitterness, as he was the target for sick jokes too because of his being an albino. She let go before Neeklas could suspect he wasn’t there alone, and observed the men to come to a conclusion. She saw what Liz hadn’t: after Fritz medicated Michael, he turned to look at the timer but it didn’t seem to register what it was there for, so he ignored it and went to sit on the floor like the other two with his back against the bed. Then the three gave a start at the same time, opened their eyes wide, blinked, and closed them again to resume their soft snoring. Serena had no way of knowing the reason for what had just happened, but what she did know was that Neeklas had abandoned them on a definite basis.

At 3:40, the SUV left the Osborne Road Dupree mansion and headed for the chosen Desert Inn. As they came to it, they killed the engine and took a narrow alley that ran behind the all night open cafeteria and store, out of sight of the only waitress and cook who sat snoozing in one of the booths. They stopped silently at the garage door and did a last minute quick check of what they had decided on. Isabel, Serena, Ava, Max and Kyle would go in because of their powers, while Uncle Derek, Laurie, Maria and Stuart at the wheel, would stay in the vehicle for a fast getaway if it was necessary and it came to that. Max opened both doors and they tiptoed into the sitting room. The TV set was on in mute mode, as a dirt bike race went on giving the otherwise dark room and eerie glow. They entered the bedroom to find them all asleep as they had expected, so they went back to the other room for Isabel to lie on the couch and close her eyes with Serena’s hand on her head, giving her an extra boost of alien strength. Ava, Max and Kyle stood at the door of the bedroom ready for action. Isabel was simultaneously in their heads, finding them in a total state of confusion. She was baffled, so she went for Fritz, whom Liz had told her seemed to be the one in charge.

“What are you doing here?” She asked him, watching him stare at her with fear.

“Who are you?” He frowned, anger taking over.

“A friend who wants to get you out of trouble. Please answer me so I can help you.” Isabel coaxed.

“I don’t know…he told us to bring the boy here so we could enjoy him, but we had to take good care of him, and in the end we would be paid handsomely for it.” He sounded doubtful.

“You don’t seem to believe him, who is he?” She pursued.

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen him, just heard him, here in my head, he sent us e-mails showing us all these hot pictures and videos of the boy and got us bugging to do it. We’ve done everything he told us, the kid exceeded expectations, it was great, he is great, but we know he has a family and friends who want him back. I should have called tonight about the money, but it suddenly seemed wrong, so I didn’t. We should just let him and his girlfriend go.” He nodded.

“Yes, you’re right, that would get you and your friends out of trouble…” Isabel was interrupted by the man.

“They’re not my friends. I got fired from the hospital I was working at because I was caught helping the families of terminal cancer patients smuggle in sweets and chocolates and other stuff which wouldn’t make a difference and made them feel good. It was unfair. Then out of the blue, this guy, Lenny, comes into the room and starts defending me and gets kicked out along with me. As we went to clean up our lockers, we discovered we worked in the same place and had never seen each other before. I was in the geriatric cancer ward and Lenny was in the terminal aids ward, doing the same thing I was, and getting fired just minutes before I did. He heard what was going on with me as he passed by when he was leaving and came in to my defense because it was as unfair as it had been with him. We went to a bar and found out we were both receiving the erotic e-mails telling us to go get this van and travel to Tucson to join Patrick for this gig. We didn’t even know who he was, but once we got together, we were so totally in sync that it was as if we had known each other all our lives. Now that I think of it, it’s so weird! Come to think of it, the boy hasn’t had much of a choice, half drugged half drunk all the time, so I guess it’s been a kind of…rape? Oh my god! What have we done? We’ve hurt him so much! We’ll all go to jail!” He looked quite scared and Isabel thought she had already made her point so there was no need to press any further because he might snap. Anyway what they had been doing had not been their choice or fault.

“Hey, it’s ok, it’s just been a collective nightmare, you two guys met Patrick by chance in a bar as you got together under the same circumstances, got drunk with a little something extra and that led to the hallucination. That’s all! You will just remember that booze and drugs can make you want to do bad things, so stay away from them. You need to get a good lawyer to get your jobs back and then you can help Patrick get a good job too. Do you know who the boy is?” Isabel needed to make sure how much they knew.

“Some rich kid, Michael? Yes, that’s what the girl calls him, Michael…” He shook his head. “I called his family the other day, their name is…why the hell can’t I remember it?”

“Don’t worry, just relax and my friends here will help you.” She smiled, relieved that he was forgetting by himself as his partners in crime must be too.

Isabel beckoned to Ava and Kyle who immediately began their mindwarp and once it was accomplished, Serena gave an extra push to make it real and permanent. They would have loved to see them the next time they opened their e-mails, how shocked they were at the pictures of the naked Michael and erased them right away. Not that they didn’t like them, they were really gay, but as far as they were concerned, they still hadn’t come out of the closet and were terrified that someone might find the pictures in their inbox and suspect what they were.

“Now, Fritz, you’re going to get up and go to the couch by the TV. You will just sleepwalk, you won’t wake up. Tomorrow you will be up at 9 and have the other two guys pack up your van with all your stuff as you go and pay for the room. Do you have money for that?” She didn’t want them to get in any more trouble by calling the police’s attention to them, because it could leak to the FBI and Jesse might make the connection.

“I have almost a thousand in my card and we should be calling about our checks from the hospital.” He droned.

“Ok then, you’re driving back home to do what I told you could get your jobs back and don’t forget taking Patrick and helping him too. You’ll be pals for life now. You guys met on a drinking and drug spree after getting sacked and ended shacked up here in this motel. It’s time to go home and go on with your lives. Now, off to the couch!”

Isabel opened her eyes and got up. She got them all out of the way as Fritz came into the room and sat on the couch relaxing.

- Kyle, go get Stuart, quick. - Isabel led the way to the bedroom.

Serena woke Liz up and Max rushed to her taking her in his arms. Kyle and Stuart burst into the room and Isabel told him there was a lot of stuff on the table in the other room. He had to get Michael going, so he went to see what he could do as Liz let go of Max and told him to check on Michael. Max confirmed he was heavily sedated and only a stimulant would get him out of it. Stuart came with the fix Michael needed and in less than minute he had him waking up, very groggy, but able to move and get to the SUV with their help. Maria was all over him, well, they were actually all over each other, as Maria wept openly and Michael tried to calm her down. Once they were settled in their usual back seat, Serena decided it was time for her to drop the bomb.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 42

Serena was finding it hard to decide where to start, looking around the van to see how nicely they had all settled, glad to be all together again. Isabel sat beside Stuart as he drove, her head on his shoulder, Laurie sat beside her with her face leaning out on the open window, enjoying the early breeze. Serena sat with Derek who had his arm around her shoulders, right behind the driver’s seat. Across from them sat Kyle chatting quietly with Ava, who kept stealing looks towards the back seat, as if making sure Michael was really there and still alive. Serena took advantage of her position by the window to lean her head back over Derek’s arm and turning a little, she could see the couple sitting behind Kyle and Ava. Liz was sitting on Max’s lap, her legs hanging over the side of the seat and her arms around Max’s neck as his arms were wrapped around her waist. Serena could feel Liz’s eyes were open and focused on Michael, who had finally settled down stretched on the seat with his head on Maria’s lap with his back to them, clothed in soft sweats with some alien magic. She sensed this wistfulness and she knew how hard it must have been for her to be able to have Michael again all to herself without being able to feel completely at ease because of the lack of privacy. She felt sorry for the girl, but it had been her choice. It was very much like the Zan/Ava/Rath-Michael triangle back on Antar though Rath-Michael wasn’t aware it existed, being totally into Vilandra without the least interest in Ava. Anyway, Liz would never force herself on Michael with deceit, she was Maria’s best friend and that was very important to her. Their Enigma encounter had been opportunity with a little booze, Liz had never planned it that way, it just happened, Maria had broken up with Michael and she had preferred to go with Max to find the mysterious party instead of staying to take care of Michael. Liz would have never left him if he had been her boyfriend and was in pain, still she was thankful it had come out in the open and she had been forgiven for…being there for him? Things really had a weird way of working out in this planet! Serena chuckled and Derek looked at her with arched eyebrows to which she just smiled and shook her head. The bomb would have to wait until they arrived at Laurie’s which couldn’t be more than a few minutes away. Then she heard the siren and Stuart stopped at the side of the road. The policeman very politely asked for Stuart’s license and registration and Laurie handed over the second request to him saying she was the owner of the vehicle. The policeman recognized her mostly by the name he was reading on the registration, asked them if anything was wrong addressing Stuart as “doctor” according to his license. They answered nothing was, just out for an early drive and smiled and the policeman saluted and left. Just routine stuff. The next turn took them to Osborne Road and by the time they parked in front of the house, Rubén, Anita, Javi and Sylvia were bursting through the front door. As they climbed down, Liz was smothered in hugs and when Michael finally made it out hanging on to Maria, both Silvia and Anita pounced on him from both sides as Maria steadied him from behind. Rubén and Javi stood in front of him nodding with big grins and patting his shoulders. That’s when Stuart came to the rescue.

- Excuse me please, Michael, I need you in bed to check you up. -

They let go of him as Michael whispered his “thanks” to them and this time the guys took over. Stuart and Max flanked Michael and Kyle took the rear. They made it up the stairs just in time. The stimulant was almost out of his system and although he had been on an iv drip, the sexual encounters had been physically intense, taking a lot of his energy. They managed to drag him stumbling to bed and when he got there he sprawled and lay still with a sigh. He felt Max’s subtle touch as his clothes disappeared and couldn’t believe he was at home in his bed!

- Liz…- He just whispered it and she was running to his side.

- I’m fine, Michael, I’m right here. - She sat beside him and took his hand in both of hers.

Max and Maria turned to each other with a wary look that ended in a weak smile. They both knew how Liz felt about Michael but her place was with Max and they also knew Liz accepted and had chosen it too. They watched her turn to Max with such concern in her eyes that Max went to sit beside her and covered her hands with his, as they captured Michael’s together. She got from their touch how desperate Max had been about them, how much he had missed having sex with them. How he had spent the days and nights sitting in front of the tube, not to break down, and just lying back for his three hours’ sleep. It was usually Kyle who would get him to go for a walk with him and the others joined in. It was awkward trying to find something to talk about without mentioning Michael or Liz, so he didn’t care about anything else except for the fact that they were back with him. He loved them both, one part of him wanted the girl, the woman, who would one day bear him children, who would share his bed to please his gentle side, making love with her in charge, letting her set the pace she liked with him. The other part wanted the boy, who enjoyed his darker side, rough and demanding, knowing he was hurting him but at the same time knowing he could take it and meet his thrusts man to man. He loved to submit his warrior, to feel in charge of someone as powerful as the true Royal prince, even if he was aware it only happened because Michael allowed it, out of mutual need. Michael wanted pain, Max gave it to him. Yet sometimes Max just wanted to love him, and Michael would comply to please him. He knew how lucky he was to have Liz understand and accept this side of him, because if she didn’t, he would be forced to do it behind her back, not proud of it, but there was no way he could give Michael up. What Max felt when he was inside Michael, just couldn’t be matched and Liz knew it, Michael’s energy was intoxicating, ask anyone who had had sex with him!

- Hey, ready to land? - Liz said softly, kissing his forehead.

Max tilted his head and kissed her chin. They shared a smile and he knew she had shared his thoughts. That’s why they clicked, because they knew their every need, because there was nothing to hide, because they were ok with it, because they didn’t keep anything from each other. Max knew Liz and Michael had been together, he sensed the strong energy emanating from Liz and such power could only come from Michael. Having sex with Liz now, feeling Michael in her, would be awesome! His eyes locked with hers and her look told him she had received his every thought through her empathy, nodding and agreeing with him. Maria was sitting opposite them, taking Michael’s other hand in hers, while Laurie and Ava knelt at the head of the bed, one on either side, their hands on their brother’s shoulders. Stuart knelt between Michael’s legs working on removing the catheter which he had just taped closed after removing the drip and shooting in part of the stimulant, in their haste to leave the place. He had to admit it was very professional, as he slid it out of the vein. The normal procedure would be to cauterize the vein so collaterals would immediately form to bypass the suddenly interrupted vessel, but he had his new powers and Max, to back them up.

- Ok Max, need a hand here. - Stuart called him.

Max let go of Liz’s hands and sat by Michael’s thigh seeing what Stuart was aiming to do. He placed his hand over Stuart’s and the white healing light did its job. Michael gasped and the blood that had spilled disappeared, then the small wound healed completely, leaving only the scars from the stitches Fritz had used to mend the cut down. Now for the internal exploration: normally, Stuart would have used a rubber glove for a rectal probe to assess the damage but in this case the glove would just prevent him from feeling it. He preferred KY over Vaseline in this particular case and his eyes opened wide when he spread his patient and found the ring just outside of him.

- What the…- He stopped trying not to get unwanted attention but it was too late.

By the time he hooked his finger and pulled, every eye in the room was right there. Liz knew what it was and her empathy automatically shared her knowledge and grimace also before she could stop herself. The thick chord slid out, then the knot, the metal globe, another knot and it went on exactly two more times. Michael’s face was buried into the pillow as he failed to keep his shudders in control, and by the time the last globe left his body, he sighed and relaxed. Disgust remained on the faces of the audience and Stuart felt bad at having to be responsible for keeping it there as he carefully went on with his original procedure. Michael tightened from reflex to the burning pain the invasion was causing to his severely chafed tissues. Stuart of course, wanted this to be done as quickly and efficiently as possible so he stepped back for Max to take over. The second exploratory digital probe showed Max with ecstatic effects exactly what Stuart had just discovered and the two “doctors” locked eyes and nodded solemnly. Liz’s empathy informed her what Max would have to do and what he was hoping she could accomplish for him. Liz’s eyes did with Serena’s what Max and Stuart had just done, and together they emphasized the importance of giving Max and Michael the privacy they deserved. At the same time, Liz realized part of it was because of Ava, who was still so new to this, and neither Max nor Serena thought she would be able to deal with it yet, but if everyone else stayed, how could Ava be convinced she shouldn’t? It wouldn’t be fair to her even if they were sure she wasn’t ready for it. So the request went for everyone, and even Stuart complied though he would have been the only one allowed to stay. Serena and Liz got them to obediently and resignedly leave the room and enjoy a much needed relaxing pool day like they hadn’t had for the last horrid week.

Max couldn’t describe the relief he felt to be left alone with Michael. He had lost him too many times. For three long years, when he was taken away from the desert with Isabel by the Evans, when they found him again in school and had to live in separate homes, when Michael decided to leave Roswell after Hank disappeared though it was only for a few hours, this last time for an unending week, not knowing what he was going through for days or if they would get him back at all. His eyes filled with tears remembering two other occasions in their previous life, when Rath-Michael was taken by the Grunters and Serena had got him back. Max realized he owed her big for that time, and then watching him murdered in front of his eyes in such an unspeakable way, that had been devastating! How could he possibly live without Michael, without his powerful strength, without his body? No, he couldn’t bear to think it would ever happen! He shook his frightening thoughts away and concentrated on the tempting body in front of his eyes begging for his attention.

- Michael…- He tasted his name on his dry lips and reached out to touch him, afraid he was just hallucinating.

When his fingertips touched his warm flesh, he almost cried out in surprise, afraid they would go through thin air. But no, not this time, he wasn’t being fooled with. The electric shocks running up his fingers straight to his brain were nine times stronger than what his single index had experienced just before, and it was by some miracle that he hadn’t come both times, specially this last one. His hands were trembling and he felt like a Parkinson’s patient for the few seconds it lasted, he couldn’t control them. Michael’s moan and squirm did the trick and he was able to pull back.

- Michael…- He repeated, not sure if he had been heard the first time, as if that could have been possible!

Michael’s reactions and husky whisper proved him completely wrong.

- Max…yes…please…-

It wasn’t Liz anymore, or Maria or even Isabel he was calling for but him…Max! Now his whole body was shaking with anticipation. He waved his clothes away and couldn’t wait to feel Michael’s strong firm muscles against his hard sinewy ones, complementing each other to perfection, like the yin yang. Michael’s taking was physical while his giving was psychological, while Max was exactly the other way round. Max did the fucking and received the utmost pleasure from it. Michael took Max into his body and gave back to him the sublime ecstasy he was receiving. To them, it was Nirvana, paradise, completion, the utmost sexual experience. Michael felt Max branching out all over his insides, beginning with the healing light which entered the damaged tissues and the blood vessels themselves, running through his whole body with the beat of his heart. That’s all it took him to feel full of Max. Max entered Michael very carefully, very gently, sensing how hurt he was. The exquisite quality of the pain made him shiver and Max was tempted to stop, but decided against it and pressed on slower still. The fact that Michael lay still and took it, told Max that Michael was hurt much worse than he was letting him see. Max felt him trying not to clench, this time not searching for his kind of pleasure but for relief, showing it was definitely not the kind he enjoyed. Once Max was all the way in, frustrated because he knew what he was putting Michael through, he stalled, using his powers to just swivel inside him, taking care of repairing every tear, sore and wound. Max couldn’t believe how drained he felt and how extensive his healing had been! He heard Michael give a long low groan followed by a subtle squeeze. The pain must have been pleasant again because he did it again, a little harder and purred. Max slid out an inch and slid back in getting the typical Michael response: he bucked asking for more. Unfortunately, none of them could hold back much longer and they were coming in seconds, this time Michael just a fraction of a second before Max. The flashing light had Max expecting the awesome aftermath which he was used to getting with Michael, but his eyes flew open as he jumped in alarm at the familiar roaring voice. Right there, standing beside them like an apparition, was his uncle Ramthis with his usual scowl reaching out to them.

“The origin of his distress comes from our planet, so it’s there he must recover.”

Max heard the alien words booming in his head as he got the unmistakable meaning, but by the time it really dawned on him, he screamed in denial as he was left kneeling on the empty bed.

“Zan, my son, it’s for the best, we aren’t taking him away from you. You know where he is and that he will be lovingly taken care of until he’s ready to be returned to you and his human “family”. It will be very soon for you, but thankfully longer for us. I know you love him, Zan, so you know this is what he needs.”

His mother’s words failed to bring him the resignation they had tried to convey. He could register the quotation marks in the word “family”. He hated the way his alien side kept telling him his mother was right and Michael would be gone for perhaps just a day or two, thanks to the different time space and as good as new physically and psychologically, specially the last one, which was still suffering and Max had no skills to carry on with that kind of healing. He felt like a pampered child whose favourite toy had been taken away just for mending. He knew he would have it back in better conditions, but he wanted it right there and then!

Max went on screaming his denial, not caring that he was bringing the house down.

The group climbed down the stairs and went to the pool area, deciding a Jacuzzi would be the best place for them to be, bringing their disrupted lives back to normal. Thankful of their powers, they were all in the water, changed into the correct apparel for the occasion, when 10 minutes later, at the most, just when Serena had got it all nicely wrapped to deliver, Max’s screams had them all running out of the room and up the back stairs expecting the worst.

- Max! Where’s Michael? - Isabel shouted, apparently the only one who had found her voice.

Max was sitting on the bed banging his fists on both sides, silently into the bed with his legs sharply flexed against his chest, his crossed feet thankfully covering his nudity where it was mostly needed and his face distorted with weeping, full into his tantrum.

Serena made her appearance, having found no reason to run, as his sister had already informed her of their wise decision just seconds before the wailing began.

- Snap out of it Max, you’re too old for this! - She scolded, frustrated at having had to stall her important information yet again, as she was fed with a new one.
- Everything is fine. We need to talk…-

She had just done Max the service of getting him into shorts when she was interrupted by the persistent knocking on the door and two female voices demanding to be answered.

Laurie rushed to the closed door but Isabel overtook her and stopped her with her hand. She found Anita and Sylvia pale as ghosts, the words dying in their mouths as the door opened.

- It’s alright, sorry about the scare, just another of my stupid brother Max’s sick jokes. I’m very sorry. -

Sylvia sighed regaining some of her colour as her mother’s hands were pressed against her ample bosom growing red in the face and looking furious as she let out a string of gibberish that set Laurie and Serena covering their mouths not to offend her by laughing out loud.

- Ay por dios! Voy a matar a ese flaco orejón de mierda, la proxima vez que lo vea te juro que si no me agarran le corto los huevos…- Her voice started fading as she climbed down the stairs hidden by Sylvia’s giggles and Rubén and Javi’s chuckles.

- What the hell was that about? She had murder in her eyes! - Kyle exclaimed.

- She said that for god’s sake, she was going to kill that fucking skinny big eared boy the next time she saw him and that if they didn’t hold her down she would cut off his balls. What can I say, I might even help her. - Serena translated, giving Max a look that mirrored Anita’s.

Max covered his now beet red face with his hands and he mumbled into them that he should go and apologize to Anita.

- Let her simmer down, man, or be ready to run for it in case she decides not to forgive you and keep her promise! - Kyle wisely advised.

Max just nodded with his face still covered, and had them wondering at which of the two pieces of advice Kyle had given him he was nodding to. When he didn’t move, it was obvious he was going for the first and let the woman calm down for his safety.

- We need to talk. - Serena said for the second time that day. - This can’t wait any longer. I’m serious. Back to the whirlpool, NOW! -

She led them back to the Jacuzzi room where they once again settled down, and though they trusted Serena, they were desperately trying to understand why Michael’s new disappearance shouldn’t worry them.