City of Damnation (Mature, AU) *Recasting*

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Post by Loxyanissa14 »


"I see you skipped school again." Lexi states as soon as I enter the door. I smile at her.

"I love you Lexi." I say quickly kissing her check as I shoulder past her only to find Valerie a step away.

"Where were you today?"Valerie asks. I smile. She isn't pleased with me and I don't care. She could stand there all day with the look that use to mirror my mothers. I don't even bother to answer her. I push past her as I spot Caleb.

I take the seat next to Caleb. I can't help but grin. My brother is my best friend and I have no idea what I would do with out him. "I missed you Cal. When you going to take me with you?"
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"True," I hear Michael say and see the grin on his face. It simply causes my heart to melt more. "Plus, if we're gonna pay the rent, I need to get a job too."

"I know Kyle's gotta work on his game plan, but Isabelle, Maria, what are you two going to do today?" He continues and I simply listen in silence as the bitch makes her comments.

“Nothing” Her nonchalance is irksome but I've come to be used to that and instead, focus on ignoring her for the moment. “Don’t get your tail into a twist.” Her condescending tone has me wishing that Michael would do something about her... something like... get rid of her.

“Where as you and wifey there prefer to do your canvassing in the day, I on the other hand do my best work at night.” At night, he's mine bitch. I can't help but think to myself but I'm proud of myself for not giving into the urge to cross the room and knock her flat and ram my fist through her chest, yanking out her heart.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by OnDragonflyWings »


At the mention of what I plan on doing, I shrug my shoulders lightly. I hadn't really thought about it yet. I'm not even done with my coffee yet.

I can't help but smirk at Maria and Samara. Sometimes I refer to them as dinner and a show. We honestly all know where Michael stands, so I don't know why the two fight over them so much. It's not like little Ms. Maria really stands a chance against Samara, the one Michael chose out of thousands of women everywhere. Chose from someone else's pack none the less.

I settle onto the couch, next to Kyle, curling my legs under me.

I don't open my mouth to speak until I'm sure that the fire works are done.

"I'm gonna go exploring," I say simply. We all know that my charm seems to attract men easily and most times therefore extract information easily. "Maybe the beach..." I trail off, knowing that they think I'm just gonna loaf around all day and then I grin easily at them, adding on,"See if I can't find a job as a bartender somewhere..."

It was kind of my MO. The thing I did in every town. Got a job as a bartender. And it always seemed to blend me in. The sad widower who moved to forget too many good memories. Bartended back in college...fell back on it when she didn't feel like accepting a job with a lot of responsibility. I'd yet to have a single person call bullshit on me. At least not until I was hunting them. And for some reason it seemed to endear me to people. They just tlaked to me, especially if they were drunk. They just talked and talked and talked.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


“Nothing” Maria says nonchalantly, and I throw her a huge glare. Why does she have to grate on my nerves so much? We are a pack, and we do things as a pack. That means everyone helps with rent. And no one just sits around.

“Don’t get your tail into a twist” she adds stilllooking at me, and I clench a fist and just down the rest of my third cup of coffee quickly. “Where as you and wifey there prefer to do your canvassing in the day, I on the other hand do my best work at night.” Samara looks as though she's jealous, and about to leap across the room and behead Maria, and Isabelle is laughing.

"I'm gonna go exploring, Maybe the beach...See if I can't find a job as a bartender somewhere..." Isabelle says, cutting in, and I breathe a sigh of relief as the tension lessens in the room.

"Good idea Isabelle. And Maria, I think you should go with Kyle or Isabelle today. Actually, I don't think. I want you to," I say a little angrily, my voice louder than usual. She just gets under my skin.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"I missed you Cal. When you going to take me with you?" I hear as Reagan takes a seat beside me. Ah, the little sis. She's so crazy, but I love it. Valerie hates it though, so I have to play it cool in front of her.

"When you stop pissing Valerie off by skipping school," I whisper with a grin, leaning my elbows on the counter. "You little truant."

"Val, can I get something to eat?" I call over to her, smiling. I'm always starving after a long night, and today is no exception.

"School's that boring huh? What've you been up to all day?" I remember when I was her age, and all I wanted to do was get through the day. I can relate. Reagan's so much like me it's almost scary.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »


"School's that boring huh? What've you been up to all day?"Caleb asks. I play with my lip ring with the tip of my tongue. Caleb is the one person who in his eyes I'm perfect. I'm not broken to him. He isn't always trying to fix me like Val. He's just there when I need him. He lets me be me.

"I went to school for a while. Then I went down to the beach for a swim. You want to go back down there tonight. Pratice some hand to hand combos or go for a hike or something?" I ask in hopes of spending more time with Cal but know he most likely has work to do.

I look around the cafe in search of Danya. Maybe she would want to go too. I don't see her any where and come to the conclusion that she's either upstairs or out.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »

I made a new character...Hope ya'll like him...I think he is awesome.....
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Just a quick post to let you know that I will try and get a Tess post up tomorrow. Sorry that its not sooner. I've got a couple of things going on at the moment. :oops:
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Post by emmylala »


"I'm gonna go exploring, Maybe the beach...See if I can't find a job as a bartender somewhere..." Isabelle replies dutifully, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen in the room.

"Good idea Isabelle. And Maria, I think you should go with Kyle or Isabelle today. Actually, I don't think. I want you to," Michael says in a commanding tone.

Being abrasive by nature, I'm used to my comments not being well received and so normally I'm not miffed by my audience's ill response, but the way Michael has just ordered me out, in front of Samara no less, has put this pup in a very very bad mood.

Glaring from Michael to Samara, I can only imagine the glee she must be feeling after Michael has just "put me in my place". Completely disgusted by the entire situation, I turn to Kyle and say "I'll be outside" and without a backwards glance at anyone I get up and leave the house, taking care to slam the door as I exit.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"I went to school for a while. Then I went down to the beach for a swim. You want to go back down there tonight. Pratice some hand to hand combos or go for a hike or something?" Reagan says nonchalantly, though I can tell how bad she wants to. And the beach? I mean, that's a pretty good place to be other than school.

How mad can Valerie be at her? It's not like she was off drinking or doing drugs. Not that I drank when I skipped school back then...much. Okay, I was a bad kid. But the point is Reagan isn't. She's just determined to do what I do, and can't focus on school.

"Actually..."I start, seeing her face fall. But not for long. "I'm tracking someone tonight, wanna come?" I ask, my voice at a whisper again. Then, while I wait for Reagan to respond, I see Danya enter with a sour look on her face.

"Hey guys, Whats up?" Danya says with a smile, and I know it's fake. "Just hungry," I respond, grinning. "How was your day?"
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