TAT: Inside Your Heaven, M/L, Mature, Ch8, A/N 03/05/07[WIP]

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TAT: Inside Your Heaven, M/L, Mature, Ch8, A/N 03/05/07[WIP]



Title: Time After Time: Inside Your Heaven
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Max, Liz, Maria, Michael, Isabel, Alex, Tess, and Kyle are the sole property of the powers that be. Although having ownership rights to Kyle would present an interesting idea…
Rating: Mature
Category: M/L, mainly. A healthy dose of all of our favorite Roswellians.
Summary: Max Evans is a sailor on the Santa Maria, and the famous Columbus voyage. Will people he finds in the New World that are just like him make him want to stay behind when the ships set sail back to Spain? Or will the people he finds that are so different from him push him away from someone he was looking for all along?
Author’s Note: The characters, all of them, speak English, and the reasons for that will be explained later. The Mamalu’s also have their own native language, and for my fic, I’ll be using Samoan words, the language of my heritage. I’ll post at the end of the chapter what the words mean.
Thanks:To tequathisy, Neve, my beta. Her FB and help is going to keep this story from turning into a pile of words. To Anniepoo98 for the gorgeous banner. And to Fred, for coming up with the Time After Time Challenge.


Chapter 1

Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, Maxwell Evans inhaled the salty scent of the sea. It was fresh. Clean. Burning to the nose at times, yet refreshing for the soul. It was something he was sure at first he’d never tire of. He opened his eyes, and gazed up at the night sky. It was a clear night, and the thousands of stars that sprinkled the heavens above twinkled with their unearthly light. He sighed as he looked upward. How many times had he been here? Not here as in out in the middle of the ocean here, but here as in, staring up at the night sky, searching the stars? He’d been here countless times, he was sure in numerous lifetimes, searching through the heavens in a vain attempt to find home. He’d known then, though, just as he knew now that the search would be fruitless. He was destined to live on this planet. Destined to stay in a world that wasn’t his own. So that he could find someone that would accept him as he was. So that he could find the woman that would save his planet. So that he could find her, the woman that would be his queen, and provide him with a savior for his people.

Maxwell Evans had been sent to earth for a reason. His people were destined to be massacred. His kingdom was destined to be destroyed. His planet was destined to become an unwilling pawn in an evil opponents plans to take over any and every world he could find. Unless he, Max Evans, the boy King written of in the stars, could find the woman that would prove to be the beginning of the end for his people, his planet, his home. He’d been resigned to the fact, long ago, that his destiny had been written out for him. He’d reluctantly accepted the fact that his life had a plan to it, and since then, his sole focus had been to search for the girl, the other piece of his life, that would make it all come together. He’d searched the streets of Spain. He’d been with the rich, the poor, the young, the old. He’d romanced them, and left them, his heart and his body still pure, and longing for the love of the one person that would complete him. It had been 26 years since he’d been born, and he still hadn’t found her.

He was determined to find her. He was determined to succeed. He was determined to live. This time, at least. He didn’t remember them all. The failed attempts to procure his destiny and secure the future of his throne for his people. He could see some of them. He would sometimes remember things that he knew he’d never experienced. At least, he as in Maxwell Evans, born in 1466, had never experienced them. But he as in Maxwell Evans, boy king of a distant planet, traveler of the stars had experienced them. He wasn’t sure why, or how, but somehow, something had gone wrong in his past attempts. He’d either found her and lost her, never found her at all, or found her, but not accepted his destiny or his fate. He was sure, though, that they’d all failed. Or he’d never have been sent back again. To live it over.

He’d hated his life in Spain. He’d never wanted for anything, for although he and his brother, Michael, had been orphaned, they’d always had enough to get by. But he’d always felt a nagging emptiness in his life, and he knew it wouldn’t be filled until he found his soulmate. The yearning in him had urged him to keep looking, keep searching, for his destiny. He’d never felt content, but had never thought to leave Spain. Until the call had gone out that men were needed to sail on a voyage to discover a New World. The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria were being used to sail an expedition headed by one Christopher Columbus. The boats were staffed with crew members, but they still needed additional people. They would be paid, and set sail from Spain, returning after the expedition was complete. It was supposed to be a trip to discover the new land, so that they could find a westward route to Asia for trade. Max had volunteered, on a whim, some unknown force in his body compelling him to join the expedition. He’d convinced Michael to come along on this temporary trip to another land.

That was how he found himself at the bow of the Santa Maria, hundreds, possibly thousands of miles out to sea, on a clear October night.

They’d made several stops along the way. The first had taken them to the Canary Islands, and the stop had been longer than expected, for repairs had been needed. But now, it was almost two weeks into October, and after more than a month of sailing and no sight of land, he was growing as restless as the rest of the crew.

The rest of the crew had been restless for sometime. The men were itching to find land and step foot on solid ground. There had been signs…falling meteorites, surrounding weeds, other bad omens, that left the men requesting the ships be turned back towards home. Their requests had fallen on deaf ears, and now there were talks and whispers of a mutiny against Columbus, to force him to turn back.

Max shook his head. Christopher Columbus was a man to be admired. He’d began this journey, just a dream in his mind, and just over a month earlier, his dream had come true. He’d been granted permission, and three ships to sail to this New World of his. The ships were now far away from home, and still, it seemed, no closer to land. The men were growing restless, and it was only a matter of time before all the tension among the ranks exploded into a sure disaster.

Just yesterday, Max had walked into a heated conversation between some of the larger and more aggressive men on the ship. Voices had been raised, and tempers were flaring. Max took one look at the men’s faces, and backed himself out of the cabin. The last thing he needed was to be involved in an uprising.

“It’s getting worse.”

Max turned abruptly and looked at the owner of the voice. Michael, his brother stared back at him with narrowed eyes.

“I know, Michael. It has to hold out, though. It has to. Michael, if we don’t make land-“

“Don’t be foolish, Max, we’ll make it.”

Michael and Max turned towards the ocean once more, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the land they’d set sail to find.

The two brothers could not be more alike, yet so different. Both Max and Michael were tall, with broad shoulders and deeply tanned skin. But that was where their physical similarities stopped. Michael had long, dark blond hair, pulled into a neat ponytail. Max had dark unruly hair, that he left loose. They had the same eyes, piercing and swimming with emotion, but Michael’s were a piercing crystal blue, and Max’s an indescribable shade of warm honey.

Michael was a rebellious, smart witted, and cunning. He was a soldier and a protector, and had proven to be a master at both the sword and the gun. Max, on the other hand, was gentle, shy and compassionate, and he’d proven on more than one occasion to be an honorable leader, and someone Michael was fiercely loyal to.

“She’s out there, Michael. I feel it in my bones. In my body, my soul. The books say I will find her. That she is my mission in this world. But if I feel her, if she seems so close, how can she be so far away?”

“How do you know she’s far away, Maxwell?” Michael asked.

Max raised an eyebrow. “You can’t be serious, Michael. We’re on a boat surrounded by nothing but angry men teetering on the edge of a mutiny. Of course she’s far away.”

Michael shook his head. “I didn’t mean in the literal sense, and you know that. I just meant that any day now, Max. Any moment you could happen on the girl of your dreams. You just have to be patient, Max. You will find her. It’s written in the stars, it will come to pass.”

“What if this trip was the wrong thing? What if I’ve just separated myself from her forever?”

Michael rolled his eyes. “You are kidding me, Max?” he asked incredulously. “We will be returning to Spain. She’ll be waiting for you when you get home.”

“I hope you’re right, Michael,” Max said, as he retreated towards the sleeping quarters and his cot in the corner of the lower deck.

“You two always stay up after everyone else has gone to sleep?”

Max whirled around, startled by a voice from the darkness. He squinted his eyes and watched as a figure emerged from the shadows. He stepped back, realizing it was none other than the leader of the expedition. Columbus himself.

“We don’t usually, sir,” Max said respectfully.

Max watched as the man smiled slightly. He raised his chin, and narrowed his eyes, studying Max’s face carefully.

“Should I be scared of you?” he asked.

“I am restless, and weary for land, just as everyone else,” Max replied. “But I assure you, I will cause you no harm.”

Columbus nodded and looked towards the ocean. “The men are plotting against me. They are getting more volatile by the minute, but that is not what I’m asking you.”

Max searched the man’s face. “I don’t believe I understand what it is you’re asking me.”

“You fell yesterday, in the hold, and had a jagged cut down the side of your leg, did you not?”

Max’s eyes widened in realization. He’d thought he was alone yesterday. He’d slipped down to the hold to put an empty box in the dark corner when he slipped, and fell, a rusty nail leaving a jagged bloody cut down the side of his leg. He’d been positive no one had followed him in, and the hold was completely quiet. He’d taken for granted he’d been alone and had healed the cut. Then he removed any traces of the blood and fixed the tear in the leg of his pants. He didn’t know anyone had been there. “I can explain..”

Christopher held up a hand and waved it at Max. “You know, people called me crazy for my beliefs. I know what I know. I have my reasons, but no one will listen. People have ridiculed me, turned against me.” He paused to take a puff from the pipe Max noticed he’d been holding in his hand. “I can’t explain to people who don’t want to listen why I believe the things I do. About life, about this earth. If people would just take me at my word, I know I’m right. I feel it. But still, no one will listen. I learned a long time ago to just take a person’s word. All I want from you is a yes or no. I can take your word.”

Max took a deep breath and raised his chin. “No. You have no reason to be scared of me.”

Columbus nodded his head. “Very well.”

“Please, you can’t—“

Columbus held up a hand. “I can’t tell what I don’t know.”

Max let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” he whispered quietly.

Max could do nothing but nod his head. He took a few steps back towards the bow of the ship and leaned against the railing.

Max watched as Columbus lifted a pipe to his mouth. He took a long drag, and the sweet scented smoke drifted and disappeared into the air. “I fear what will happen if we do not reach land soon. They will kill me, for sure. I’ve narrowly escaped violence already.”

“I beg your pardon, sir, but what does this have to do with me?”

Columbus shook his head. “Nothing and everything. If you have no part in my downfall, so be it. But even so, it will affect you. You’ll be at the mercy of the other men. You have never given me any trouble, sailor. Whatever happens, I wish you luck.”

Max nodded his head. And was about to speak when he stopped short, the other man already leaving.

“If we don’t reach land soon, I may not get to say that to you on dry land.”

Max watched Columbus’ back until he disappeared in the darkness. Then finally, he turned to head downstairs.

It wasn’t until Max was stretched out in the darkness that he felt the odd change in the air…or was it him? He didn’t know what, but he knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that things were about to change.

He replayed his conversation with Christopher Columbus in his mind.

He and Michael had decided long ago to never tell anyone about their differences. Their powers. Their otherworldly home. Their past lives. Their destinies in the fate of the world.

They’d known that if people knew what they really were, that they were visitors from a world far away, that they would be feared. Ridiculed. Maybe even killed. They had come to believe that their lives depended on the importance of the secret they held between them.

But as he lay in the dark, he couldn’t help the comforting feeling swirling inside of him. That someone knew he was different. And that someone hadn’t minded at all.

Some hours later, awakened by something, but not quite sure what, Max strained his ears for the sound that had pulled him from hi s sleep.

He heard the rushing of several pairs of feet above him, and the loud excited shouts that followed, he raised slightly, trying to decipher what they were saying.

It wasn’t until he heard the unmistakable 4 letter word he’d been waiting to hear for weeks that he threw his feet over the side of the bed and said a silent prayer of thanks.

They’d sighted land.

Max jumped out of bed dressed quickly, and wound his way around the room, to find Michael already up and pulling on clothes.

“This is it, Maxwell. He was right. We found the New World,” Michael said excitedly.

“I’m having second thoughts, Michael. What if we were supposed to stay in Spain? What if this trip wasn’t in my destiny?” Max asked hurriedly.

Michael got up, and motioned for Max, as they followed the rest of the crew up on deck. “It’s too late to turn back now, Max. Look,” he said.

Max turned and looked in the direction Michael was pointing.

There, in the distance, were the unmistakable shadows and forms of land. Max had never before been so happy to see something in his entire life. Not until that very moment did he notice just exactly how badly he’d wanted off the ship. His feet were twitching to step food on solid ground, and his legs all but ached to feel the sensation of standing still without swaying side to side with the ocean’s changing movements.

Michael and Max walked to the edge of the deck, and watched, quietly, with the other sailors as the distant landforms slowly grew larger the closer they got.

To Max, it seemed the longer he stared, the slower they went towards the looming forms. But he couldn’t turn away.

Quiet mumbling and sporadic laughter filled the next few hours, as the entire crew, too restless and excited to sleep, waited until they were close enough to row to shore.

Hours later, after the sun’s first rays of light, Christopher Columbus stood on deck, organizing his men into parties.

The first two boats headed out towards shore, the first one carrying Columbus, along with Max, Michael, and more sailors

In the third boat were the remaining sailors, save for the few left on the ships to keep them.

As they neared the beaches ahead, the men craned their necks and rowed sporadically, causing the boats to sway back and forth with movement. They were too excited and intent on where they were going to worry about getting there safely.

As the boats got closer to shore, the men began jumping out to steer them onto the sand. Some men, too eager to wait, jumped out while the water was still past their waist. Most waited until the bottom of the boat hit the sand before they jumped out in the ankle deep water.

Michael raised an eyebrow as one sailor pushed past him and flung himself to the ground. He leaned down, kissed the ground, then picked up handfuls of the sand and let it run through his fingers.

Max stopped and looked around. In either direction, to his right or his left, it looked like the beach went on and on. But, having seen the land from a distance, Michael knew it didn’t. They were on an island, and they’d seen several smaller ones surrounding this one.

“What do you think, Michael?”

Max looked around a moment before dropping to ground and sitting with his legs out in front of him.

“I think it feels like heaven to sit on something that’s not moving.”

Max chuckled. “I was talking about the land.”

Michael looked around. “I think it is heaven. I’ve never been so happy to a little bit of sand and some trees in my entire life.”

Max nodded his head and looked around him. Several of the men had laid down on the ground. Some of the men were sitting, just looking around. Others rested on their knees, and still others stood perfectly still, eyes closed, just happy to be on solid ground. “Well, I think the feeling is mutual.”

Almost an hour later, the men were all up and wandering around. Columbus, just as excited and grateful as his men that they’d reached land, had been all too happy to allow the men time to relax and enjoy the land. But it would be getting dark soon. The land needed to be explored. They needed to find out if there was food, water. Or at the very least, people. This was a new land. Uncharted territory. But they could not assume, safely, that there would be no people here.

Not every man had come armed, but most of them had. Max and Michael had both come with a handgun. They knew that if things got dangerous, they had other means, but they brought the guns along anyway.

Separating into small groups, the men spread out and went in different directions. Max and Michael went along with two other men that they didn’t know well. The men introduced themselves as Nicholas and Sean.

As the men went in the direction they were told, their conversation was sparse. They were either too excited to be on land, or too excited to discover what it was this new land held in store for them.

No words were needed.
Last edited by ISLANDGIRL5 on Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:55 pm, edited 17 times in total.
I once heard that dust is made up of human skin cells. If that's true, I think there's a naked man under my bed!
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Author's notes.....Some of the words in this, that will be 'native' to Liz and her people are Samoan words. You know, I was going to use Spanish, like most fics do, but then I remembered the Max and Michael came from Spain. And that they would know the language, lol. So I used Samoan, the language of my people. The meaning of the words are posted below, as well as at the end of the story. The Samoan words will be in italics.

Mamalu-Dignity, majesty, or honour
Foma’i-Doctor, or more for the purpose of this story, like a Healer, (all knowing kind of witch doctor being…)
Maligaliga -Temple
Savili- Breeze
Tua’oloa- Wind
Nofo -Stay
Vilivilito- Run


She was sitting on the ground, her long tanned legs stretched out in front of her. She’d kicked off her seevaes to wiggle her toes in the air. Her arms hung limply at her sides, her fingers tangling in the cool grass. Sighing, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the trunk of a huge tree she’d found for shade.

She shook her head. It was amazing, really. Her life.

She had so much. She was part of the Mamalu tribe. A healthy, thriving tribe with vast land and many riches. Legend has it that the Mamalu tribe was visited long ago by visitors from another world. These visitors taught the Mamalu’s to speak English, which they said would soon be the language of people everywhere. They helped them build elaborate cities, and enlightened them as to the part they were destined to play in the future of the world. Then they left this world to return to their own, waiting for the day when the fate of the two worlds would bring them together. She was the daughter of one of the Tamali’i’s most highly respected advisors. Her sister was a spirited young woman, and her closest confidant. Two of her best friends were the Foma’i’s daughters. Her other two best friends were the children of the Tamali’i.

Yet she still longed for more. She knew that beyond the confines of her island home, there was more to see. More to do. She loved her home, and she was happy. But she couldn’t shake the feeling deep inside that the world had more to offer, more miracles to show her. She couldn’t help but wish she was able to travel beyond the waters that stretched out as far as the eye could see.

Sighing softly, she pushed herself up from the ground. She pushed her feet into her seevaes and stretched her arms over her head.

As the male population, young and old alike, stopped to stare, she threw her head back and closed her eyes, breathing in deeply the smell of the crisp air around her. She was unaware of the natural beauty she possessed. She was unaware of the power she could hold over any man in the tribe, with merely a word. Her long dark hair, shining and streaked blond from years of exposure to the sun, hung to her waist in a dark waterfall of silky strands. Her skin, tanned and golden from the sun was flawless and perfect, soft and inviting. The soft animal skin top she wore was cut short, ragged at the edges, hanging just above her flat stomach. The skirt, the same color, was short adorned with tiny hanging beads of every color, glimmering brightly against long, lean legs. Her large brown eyes beckoned to anyone that stared into them to emerge themselves in their endless depths. She was small and petite, yet her aura was overwhelming. At just 21 years of age, Elizabeth a Savili, simply had no idea how mesmerizing she could be. She was named because of how unlike her older sister she was. She was named because of the gentle way she seemed to ease into people’s lives. It seemed as if she was always there, always calm, and always gentle.

As she brought her arms back to her sides, her eyes automatically searched through the faces of her peers to seek out the ones closest to her.

There was Maria a Tua’oloa, at 22, her older sister, her best friend, her confidant. She’d been given her name because of how messy, unkempt, and startling she could be. Her hair, brown and streaked, but lighter than her sisters was short and curled. Her eyes, as different from her sisters as they could be were a deep jade, though her skin was the same golden tone. She was fast, and jumped head long into your path. She seemed to whirl in, and often left a trail of reckless mischief in her wake.

Next were the 24 year old twin daughters of the Foma’i. Isabel a La’au, given her name because of her awing beauty and elegant grace. She often seemed to stay in the shadows, but her presence was always sure, like the trees that rooted themselves in the forest. Her long golden hair was thick and luxurious, her hazel brown eyes often guarded, but kind. Her sister, Tess a Lagi, was named for the piercing shade of blue her eyes were. As Tess was short and her hair so light it was almost white, it was sometimes a wonder how the two of them had been related at all, much less twins.

Alex a Atulaulau, the Tamali’i’s youngest son, at 25. Alex had been named for his uncanny, ability to use the earth’s resources to his advantage. He had been able to help his people use what the Gods had bestowed upon them to the best of their abilities, and he was always offering new ideas on how to use their resources wisely. He was also one of the tribe’s most spirited warriors, wise and cunning.

Kyle a Manu, the Tamali’i’s oldest son was next, the eldest at the age of 26. He was given his name for his skills in dealing with animals. He was an avid hunter, and one of the best warriors they had. He was the tribe’s best tracker, and was able to sense the animals around him, knowing which one had been near, and how many had been there.

The six friends were well known among the people. As the Tamali’i’s children, the daughters of the Foma’i, and the children of the Tamali’i’s closest advisor, they all but demanded the respect of the people. They had free reign over the city, and were not only respected, but loved by those around them.

The six would disappear for days on end, often spending days on the other side of the island, sleeping on the beaches and living in the open, away from the people and life of their small city. It was for this reason that Liz was searching for her friends, knowing that by night fall, they would all be on the other side of the island, a good day’s trek away, spending time in the wilderness they all loved so much.

“Do you feel the change in the air, Elizabeth?”

Liz, as her friends called her, turned to address the owner of the voice. She turned and bent her knees, bowing her head and raising her hand in a sign of respect to the Foma’i.

He shook his head in response, and motioned for her to lower her hand.

“Elizabeth, dear, you do not bow to me. In fact, you will soon see that you bow to no one.”

She studied the man’s face carefully. His eyes twinkled with amusement, but his air of confidence showed her that his words had a hidden meaning.

“I do not understand,” she said.

His eyes narrowed questioningly. “You have seen nothing?”

Liz lowered her head and looked at the ground. She kicked absently at a stone near her foot.

Her visions.

She’d been blessed, as they called it, since she was a child, with the gift of sight. It was part of the reason she believed she would follow in her father’s footsteps and eventually be one of the Tamali’i’s chief advisors. One of Kyle’s advisors. She knew, as the rest of the tribe knew, that her visions would be of great use, were she to serve as an advisor.

Shaking her head, Liz stayed quiet.

“I can feel it. The time has come, Elizabeth, I’m sure of it.”

Puzzled, Liz looked up into the worn, wise, face. “The time for what?”

Raising a brown hand, he waved it around at the people surrounding them. As he did so, the earthen jewelry around his wrist clattered together, filling her eyes with the soft clinking sounds of the stones and silver that he’d worn for as long as she could remember. “The time for you to play your part. In life. In this.”

Liz took a deep breath and studied the man before her. His face was old and wrinkled, worn with age. But it was kind and gentle, and one she knew well. His long gray hair was pulled back into a pony tail that hung all the way down his back. His small form, wiry and weak with age, was huddled underneath a buffalo skin, his hands and his head the only things not covered by the thick brown fur. The feathers hanging at his neck, the Turquoise to show his stature as an Elder in the tribe, the red to show he was the Healer, the yellow to show that he was a trusted advisor of the Tamali’i, the green to show that he was one of the few people in the village allowed into the sacred rooms of the Maligaliga.

He leaned over quietly and touched the thin brown cord that hung around her neck. “You wear this always, yes?”

Liz’s hand immediately went to her throat, searching out the well worn piece of cord that held her most precious treasure, which hung above her heart.

It was a small piece of silver, smooth and rounded on one edge. It was jagged and rough on the other edge, where a small piece of it had been broken off. There was a black swirling design on it, that seemed to continue on to the other piece, the design broken in half by the jagged edge of the pendant. There was half of a triangle in the center of the swirls, and one could only imagine what the piece of jewelry had looked like when it was created, and whole.

“It’s from my mother. It was the one thing she wished before she died. That I always own this.”

The man shook his head and grief clouded his features for a moment. The look of sadness passed so fast, Liz wasn’t even sure she’d seen it. “That symbol you wear around your neck, it is much more than a piece of silver. For it is within that treasure lies your future.”

Liz looked down at the piece of jewelry and rubbed her finger over it. Her brows furrowed in concentration. What did he mean, that this piece of jewelry held her true destiny? It wasn’t even complete. It was a piece of something her mother had owned long ago. A piece of something that she wondered if she would ever find.

“No worries, my child. It will find you.”

Liz looked at him and tilted her head questioningly. She watched and he nodded his head at her, and she knew this conversation was over.

As she walked away from him, to search for her friends, her mind was swimming with unanswered questions.

Sometime the next day, after nearly a day and a half journey away, the six friends made their camp on the far side of the island. They did this often, came to the far side, where their people had no interest. The far side of the island was remote and barren, almost. Sure, there were trees, but the palms on this side offered little, if any, fruit for eating. When here, they had to rely on forays into the deeper parts of the island to bring back food and water.

But that didn’t stop Liz and her friends. They were young, and adventurous. They didn’t mind having to hunt for their own food. They took these trips often. To the other side. To relax. To have fun. To spend time away from their tribe, and away from the expectations, that they, as children of Tribe Elders, were expected to reach.

As they got to the spot where they always set up camp, they all went about the usual things. Clearing the area up, cleaning out the pit they used for fires, making sure the few supplies they’d brought with them were neatly arranged.

“We need food. We didn’t get it on the way here. I’ll go for it,” Alex said, grabbing a spear and walking towards the trees.

“Oh, I think I’ll go with you,” Isabel said. She pulled her hair behind her back, ran her hands through it and rubbed her hands over her face. “Am I clean?”

Tess turned and looked at her, one eyebrow raised. “Yes, Isabel. Because you really need to be to go hunting.”

Isabel threw her sister a funny smirk, and turned around, taking off through the trees after Alex.

“Why do they always try to hide it?”

Tess turned around and held up a hand. “Wait. Hide what?”

Kyle looked at Liz and raised an eyebrow. Liz shrugged, and he did the same with Maria. Maria raised her hand. He turned back to look at Tess. “You can’t honestly believe you don’t see what’s going on between those two?”

Tess’s brow furrowed in concentration. “What’s going on?”

Kyle rolled his eyes and stepped over towards Tess. He picked up her hand and kissed it gently. “I think you are beautiful when you’re confused.”

Tess batted her eyelashes and smiled at him seductively. “Oh, really? Well, I think you’re beautiful when you—“

“Gag me with a boar’s hoove,” Maria said, making gagging noises and holding her throat. “You two act like children.”

“I’m not beautiful!” Kyle exclaimed, pushing his chest out and standing with one arm on his waist. “I’m manly!”

Tess giggled and stepped away from Kyle’s embrace. “Fine. We need some fire wood. Go do your manly thing. I need some girl time.”

“But, Tess, I—“

“Go!” she stated. She pointed her finger towards the woodline and smirked when Kyle dejectedly turned and headed in the opposite direction.

Her smile fading, Tess turned around, her blue eyes full of concern.

“Liz? Are you ma’i?”

Liz looked up at her friend and shook her head.

Tess frowned. “What’s wrong then? You’ve been very quiet. You know I can feel your uneasiness.”

“Your father,” Liz answered.

“My father? He made you uneasy?”

“No. Yes. I don’t know.” Liz threw her hands up in the air, then plopped down on her butt into the soft sand. “He spoke to me, just before we left the city. He told me some things, but really told me nothing at all.”

Tess kneeled down next to her friend, and listening closely, Maria did the same. “Liz, he did not mean to upset you. He just wants you to be prepared, that is all.”

“But, prepared for what? How can he tell me that he knows my future, yet tell me nothing at all about it?”

“Liz, don’t be upset. Maybe he’s wrong.”

Tess raised an eyebrow. “Wrong? Maria, my father is never wrong. He is a direct descendant of the Visitors, remember?”

Maria nodded her head. “Tess, I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just that he says I will marry a foreign warrior. This island has had no visitors since The Visitors. I will be doomed to marry Brody, the sheep herder, not destined to marry a foreign warrior.”

Fa’atuatua, Maria. Fa’atuatua.”

Maria opened her mouth to respond when the three girls heard a piercing scream from the side of the woods where Alex and Isabel had disappeared. The turned to each other briefly, their faces registering fear, and shock, then all at once turned and ran towards the sounds of Isabel’s frantic screams.

As Liz ran towards the sound of Isabel’s voice, she was aware of Maria and Tess following her. As they came to a clearing where they knew was a small lake, Liz stopped so abruptly that Maria and Tess both ran into her, causing her to stumble forward to her knees.

Leaning on her knees, her hands on the ground to steady herself, she looked up, and found herself staring into the coldest brown eyes she’d ever seen. She yelped when the man walked over to her and kicked the knife she’d been holding in her hands away from her. She could hear Tess and Maria step forward and she threw a hand behind her.

Leai! Nofo!” She hollered. Liz closed her eyes, willing them to listen to her. She’d tried to make her voice sound stern and firm with authority. She didn’t want them coming nearer. If anything happened to her, they might still have a chance.

Looking up into the eyes of the man before her, Liz took a few seconds to study him carefully. He was tall and slender, with coverings much unlike the ones she or anyone else from her tribe wore. His clothing was plain, in shades of white and brown, and there were no beads. No fringes. No animal skin of any kind. His skin was lighter than any she’d ever seen. His face was clean and hair free, and his hair was short and dark. He had a spear pointed at her, dark and gleaming in the sun. It was unlike any spear she’d ever seen, it was round with a hole in the end. It seemed as if it was missing its blade. As she glanced at his eyes, she felt the fear slice through her heart. She knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he could not be trusted. Who was this man? Where was he from? And more importantly, why was he here?

“What are they?” Liz’s eyes focused on the man standing behind the one with the spear for the first time. He was a taller, with light hair and blue eyes. He wasn’t as menacing as the other one, but Liz knew that he too, could not be trusted.

As she stood up, she jumped when the men jumped back from her. She leaned over to brush the dirt and leaves from her legs. The man with the spear brought it up higher, resting it on his shoulder as he continued to point it at her. She wondered how he would use it, seeing as to how it was missing its blade.

“They’re people you idiot!”

The taller man scoffed. “I know that, Nicholas. But what kind of people?”

The man referred to as Nicholas shook his head. “I don’t know.” Stepping forward, he reached out with his spear and touched her shoulder. “I don’t even know what they speak. What is your name?”

Liz narrowed her eyes. They didn’t know she could understand them! Liz didn’t answer.

“Ugghh!” She grunted in response. When she heard movement behind her, the man raised his rifle, and Liz turned around, her eyes wide with anxiety and fear. She shook her head, hoping Tess and Maria would get her message. She sighed, relieved when they visibly relaxed.

Nicholas turned to look at his companion and shrugged. “Cuál es su nombre?”

This time, Liz was genuinely confused, as her eyebrows narrowed in question. She watched, questioningly as the men looked at each other again and shrugged. But when the man called Nicholas turned around to look at her, she cringed at the gleam in her eyes.

“They can’t understand us,” he said over his shoulder. “She’s a pretty little thing, don’t you say?”

Liz’s breathing sped up and she felt her heart rate triple. She had to get away.

The man stepped towards her, and Liz turned suddenly. “Vilivilito!!” she hollered.

As she turned on her heel to run, she was jerked backwards and fell to the ground on her back. Within seconds, he was straddling her, sitting across her abdomen with her arms underneath his knees.

“Go after them!” he yelled to the other man. Without a word, the other man turned on his heel and ran after the other two girls.

“You shouldn’t have tried to run, little lady,” he sneered in her face. “You know,” he said, as he set his spear down at his sides and reached for the buckle of his pants. “I’ve been on a ship for months, and yours is the first pretty face I’ve seen in a while. This is going to be fun,” he sneered he touched her throat with the hand that wasn’t fumbling with his pants. “And the best part is,” he said as he leaned in closer to her ear and licked it. “Is that you don’t even know the word help.”

Liz struggled to get free, but he was bigger than her, and heavier. It was useless. She didn’t even realize until she screamed and he slapped her face that she was even crying.

“Let her go.”

Nicholas jerked around suddenly and narrowed his eyes. He found himself staring into a pair of angry golden eyes. “Max, my friend. I’ve found us a prize. Something worth taking on this God-forsaken trip we’ve been on.”

“I said let her go.”

Nicholas looked at Max and chuckled. “You are not my leader, Max. You are not even my superior, we are equals. Do not order me. ”


Max’s words trailed off as Nicholas interrupted. “Look at her, Max. She’s barely clothed. She doesn’t speak English. She can’t even fight back. This will be fun, and she won’t even be able to tell anyone!” he sneered, his eyes sparkling with lust. He fingered the clothing she was wearing, strong, yet made of thin animal skin of some sort. He let his hand roam over the fur covering the deerskin sheath holding the only weapon she owned around her waist. “This girl is wearing animal skins and bones. She is a savage, we should kill her.”

Nicholas turned back around and grabbed the neck of Liz’s shirt. He pulled on it and smiled at the satisfying noise it made as it ripped down the middle. He was vaguely aware of the beads that went flying in every direction. He let his hand roam down Liz’s chest, pausing over her breasts and the thin piece of lambskin that covered them. He grabbed the piece of cloth, and would have ripped it off of her were it not for the feel of a cold metal blade against his neck.

“I said, let her go, Nicholas.”

Stiffening, Nicholas raised his hands. He started to raise himself up, careful not to move too quickly because of the knife blade scraping at his neck. As soon as she could, Liz jumped up and stumbled to the nearest tree, hiding behind it as best as she could. She turned and watched, fascinated by the man who had come to her rescue.

He was tall and well built, the shirt he was wearing thing, and taut around the muscles of his arms. His skin was dark, and she could tell, tanned from the sun. His hair was long, brushing his shoulders, and his face had a good day’s stubble on it. The most amazing thing, the one thing about this man that held her attention was his eyes. Not their color, or their shape. But it was what she saw in them. She wasn’t sure what it was about them, but those were not the eyes of any ordinary man.

“Don’t make a mistake you’ll regret, Max,” Nicholas seethed through clenched teeth. “You don’t even know what she is, where she came from. She may kill us. Take your leave.”

Liz watched as the man with the knife raised an eyebrow. “She’s a girl, Nicholas. I don’t care what she is, or where she came from. I will not let you hurt her.”

When Liz crouched lower behind the tree, a twig snapped and both men turned towards the sound. In an instant, Nicholas saw his chance and lunged for Max. But despite the fact that he had moved first, Nicholas was unaware of Max’s keen abilities. Before Liz could gasp in shock, she watched Nicholas fall to the ground as Max’s face contorted in pure rage. His eyes were ablaze with fury, as he grunted, and before Nicholas could do the same to him, buried his knife deep within the other man’s abdomen. Max’s shoulders heaved as he breathed heavily and stared at the body lying near his feet. Shock registered in his mind when he realized what he’d done. He didn’t look away until he noticed movement from the corner of his line of sight.

It was her, the girl he’d seen being attacked. She was easing herself out from behind the tree, studying him with a questioning look on her face. She was holding the torn top of her clothing together, and her hair was rumpled and messy, with little bits of dirt and leaves entangled. He wondered briefly what had caused him to feel so fiercely protective of her the first minute he saw here, that he’d already killed someone to protect her.

“Are you okay?” Max asked hesitantly. His voice was shaking, but he wasn’t sure from what.

Liz was puzzled. Just a mere few seconds ago, she’d seen so much rage, so much anger in his eyes, that she was sure she could see flames. It had all but frightened her, and she’d crouched even lower behind the tree. Now, in just a matter of seconds, his beautiful golden eyes were concerned and questioning, gazing so intently at her. She tilted her head to one side to study him carefully.

As her eyes roamed his body, she stepped forward and reached out to touch his side. There was a long gash there, where Nicholas’s knife had made contact, but not hit its mark.

Grimacing, Max grabbed her hand as she prodded the cut on his side. He knew he could heal it later. He wanted to make sure she wasn’t hurt first.

“It’s okay. It’s just a scratch,” he said softly. “Can…Can you understand me?”

Liz opened her mouth to speak, when they heard a commotion behind them. Both Max and Liz turned to see what had caused the noise.

Without taking another step, as Kyle rounded the corner, he pulled a bone knife from the small sheath on his side and threw it straight at Max.

“NO!” Before anyone realized what happened, Liz had jumped in front of the knife and now lay still at Max’s feet.

Foma’i-Doctor, or more for the purpose of this story, like a Healer, (all knowing kind of witch doctor being…)
Maligaliga -Temple
Savili- Breeze
Tua’oloa- Wind
Nofo -Stay
Vilivilito- Run
Last edited by ISLANDGIRL5 on Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I once heard that dust is made up of human skin cells. If that's true, I think there's a naked man under my bed!
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***** Author's Note.... Special thanks to my beta, Neve on this part. I'm surprised English is my first language, lol. This part needed lots of corrections. huh. Whoever knew that drug wasn't the past tense of drag? It guess it's true what they say....you learn something new every day. Woo Hoo!!!

Thanks for all the feedback. I'm glad you guys like this story. Your feedback is inspiring.


As realization hit them both, Max and Kyle fell to their knees, one on either side of Liz’s crumpled form.

Kyle emitted a guttural cry as he turned Liz over in his arms, choking back a heart wrenching sob when he saw the knife handle protruding from her chest. The large dark stain on the tattered animal skin shirt she was wearing was growing larger by the second.

As he held her close to his chest, Kyle’s tears became more frantic, pleading and urgent. He took no notice of anyone around him, and he even forgot about the man across from him, the reason he had thrown the knife in the first place.

Suddenly, as everything fell into place, Kyle’s eyes widened in horror. His anguished cries intensified as he rocked Liz’s still form back and forth. One hand was tangled in her dark hair, the other holding her cheek as his lips grazed her forehead.

“Liz? Liz? Fa’amolemole, Liz. Fa’anoanoa. Fa’anoanoa.”

As he moved his arm to grasp her hand, his fingers grazed the handle of his knife, and he cried out loudly once again. It was only then that he became aware once more of the other man. He’d rounded the clearing, intent on helping Liz. Maria and Tess had run to him, incoherent and frantic about some one hurting Liz. He hadn’t asked any questions, he’d just run, instinct and his hunting abilities leading him straight to where he needed to be. When he’d come into view, all he saw was a man standing in front of Liz, and Liz holding her torn shirt clean, her appearance disheveled and unkempt. He had grabbed the knife from its deerskin sheath and hurled it straight at the man’s heart, but before it made contact, Liz had jumped in front of it and took the blade instead.

He had thought the man was hurting Liz, and he’d acted on instinct. But as another pair of hands reached up to touch Liz’s face, and he realized that not all the sobs came from himself, he knew he’d been wrong.

Subconsciously, Kyle loosened his grip on Liz’s back as the other man pulled her into his lap. He had one leg bent underneath him, and the other leg drawn up at the knee, providing a surface for him to lean Liz’s frame on. He watched as the man’s breathing intensified. Both men gasped when Liz whimpered, her body convulsing slightly as she gurgled and a thin trickle of blood appeared at the corner of her mouth. Hesitantly, the man reached for the handle of the knife, but paused, his shaking fingers just inches away.

“Trust me, please. I won’t hurt her,” he pleaded.

Kyle looked into the man’s face and all but struggled with the decision on whether or not to let this man touch Liz. Part of him, the rational part, was telling him that this man was a stranger, a foreigner, someone he wasn’t sure wouldn’t hurt him, or Liz any further. But as his heart hammered in his chest, and his mind dully processed the fact that Liz may be dying, he looked into the other man’s eyes and knew that he spoke the truth. He would not hurt Liz. In fact, Kyle was taken aback by the sheer anguish and fierce protectiveness over Liz, someone he didn’t even know, Delete swimming in their teary depths.

Kyle simply nodded, handing over the life of one of his best friends to this stranger.

Max touched Liz’s face and turned it towards him.

“Open your eyes, please. Look at me.” he pleaded softly, but urgently. He begged her, his pleas fierce but gentle. He didn’t have time to wonder why he all of a sudden wanted her so badly to live. He didn’t have a moment to stop and ponder the questions that he’d have later on. Why was it so important to him all of a sudden that this girl live? Why did she jump in front of him and take a blade to the chest so clearly meant for him? Why?

“Please—” Max paused as he looked questioningly at Kyle.

“Liz.” Kyle whispered, almost reverently as he watched the scene taking place before him.

For a second, Max wondered if Kyle had understood him, or if he knew instinctively that he’d been asking her name. “Please, Liz, I need you to look at me. Listen to my voice, and open your eyes.” Max’s breath hitched as a single tear fell from his eye and landed on Liz’s cheek. He smoothed back the hair from her face, and was amazed that even as she lay dying in her arms, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. And all he knew was her name. “Please!” he cried.

Kyle fell back on his knees, as his head jerked upwards from Liz’s closed eyes to Max’s stricken face. He was shocked and surprised at the sheer agony he heard in the other mans’ voice.

Max had almost given up hope that she would open her eyes, so when they finally fluttered open his heart gave a jump of joy. He seized the moment, and pulled the power he needed from deep inside. He stared at her, transfixed by her gazing brown eyes. He was humbled by the fact that even though they’d just met, and he was sure she had some of the same questions he had flowing racing through her mind, he saw her complete trust in him. They were watery, teary and weak. He knew that he only had a matter of seconds before it was too late. He pulled the knife from her stomach in one swift motion, grimacing at the pained shudder that ran through her body. At the same time, he felt the familiar warmth as his hand emitted a deep golden glow.

Max ignored Kyle’s shocked gasp, and didn’t even look up when he heard the sounds of other people approaching. He knew the minute Michael had come near, could sense his brother’s anxious, somber presence.

Concentrating on finding the injuries, Max worked his way through Liz’s body until he sensed the worst of the damage. The knife had gone deep, and there was some internal bleeding. Grasping his powers around the wound through her abdomen, Max concentrated on moving the molecules in her stomach, transferring them and rearranging them, ultimately fusing them back together. When the internal bleeding stopped, he edged his way to the outside of her body, concentrating on the tear in her skin. He pressed his lips together and never once broke contact with her stare as he felt the skin molding itself back together, as he felt the power emanating from his core, reaching out to embrace this stranger and repair the damage the knife had done to her body.

As soon as he felt the last of Liz’s injuries heal, Max let his shoulders relax. He looked up, his eyes pleading for help, as he caught Michael’s shocked, concerned stare. He didn’t need to say anything. Before his head could hit the ground, Michael was behind him, catching him as he fell sideways, still protectively grasping the girl on whose healing he’d expended all his energy.

Maria knelt behind Kyle, her arm protectively slung around her friend’s shoulders. Alex stood behind them, Isabel and Tess on either side of him. Their faces, equally shocked and confused stared at the strangers before them, and Liz's still form.

Looking at each other, but not speaking a word, Tess and Isabel exchanged knowing glances only they could understand. In unison, they lifted their hands towards Michael as he stood up. The air around them charged immediately, and Michael’s eyes widened as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.

“Who are you?” Isabel asked sternly. She was afraid, but she wouldn’t let this stranger see it. It was only the closeness of her sister, of Alex, of her friends, that gave her enough confidence to be strong and firm. Their people had enemies. She knew that. The Visitors had been taken in and protected from their enemies, which is why they had taught the Mamalu’s so much. It was their show of gratitude. They’d been protected and hidden from their enemies, which in turn made their enemies the enemies of the Mamalu’s as well. They knew they couldn’t trust outsiders. Especially ones with abilities.

Michael, shocked that these foreigners, these people dressed in animal skins and holding weapons made of bone, would even know English, stood with his mouth open. But the thing that surprised him the most, the thing that for once in his life made him almost afraid was the fact that these beings standing before him weren’t human.

“Answer me, or I’ll hurt you,” she said again. Her eyes blazed with anger, her fear suddenly forgotten as she watched him staring at her dumbfounded and dazed. “Answer me!” She hollered.

Michael smirked, as the soldier embedded in his soul took control. He raised his arm at the two girls, feeling the swirl of the power deep inside. He concentrated on eliminating the threat, not only against him, but against his brother as well. It didn’t matter if he would be able to win or not. It didn’t matter that the odds were two against one. He was playing the part he was meant to play. He watched as Tess and Isabel, their faces contorted with concentration and resistance, struggled to resist his powers. Their efforts were fruitless. Michael had been given the greatest gifts and strengths that his people had to offer. He’d been chosen as the King’s protector. As Max’s protector. And for that reason, he was given a power that far surpassed that any of their people had ever been given.


Michael lowered his hand immediately and turned to look at his brother. He was awake, but barely. His eyes were open, but he was clearly struggling to regain full consciousness. It usually took several minutes for him to recuperate. His body was adept at rebuilding its energy quickly and easily, but Michael could tell that he was still weak. He tried to rise up, but didn’t even have the strength for that. “For Heaven’s sake, Maxwell! Don’t try to get up,” he hissed.

“Don’t hurt them, please.” Max pleaded with his brother. Max hoped Michael would listen to him, knowing he was still too weak to do anything about it if Michael decided differently.

Michael let out a long sigh and rolled his eyes. He glared at Max once more and then turned to Isabel and Tess. “I’m not going to hurt you.” he said. He’d put his hand down, but he still watched them, not yet willing to trust them.

Tess and Isabel watched him cautiously, lowering their hands but not their guards.

“What did you do to us?” Tess whispered questioningly.

Michael shrugged, covering the surprise on his face that they could speak English. “I just forced your powers back onto you. I used my energy to force the energy you were emitting back into your own body. To prevent you from hurting me.”

Isabel shook her head, still confused.

“Who are you?” Alex asked cautiously.

For the first time, Michael stared at the other people. There was another girl and two boys. He wondered briefly if they were other worldly beings as well. He needed to find out. If things went bad, he and Max would be in danger, and he couldn’t risk that. He eased Max down onto the ground, leaning against a rock in a sitting position. He stood up and faced the group.

“I think the better question,” Michael asked as he narrowed his eyes. “Is who are you?”

Maria scoffed and stomped her foot. She strode purposefully up to Michael and stuck out her hand to poke him in the chest. “Oh no you don’t, you…you…thing! This is our land. This is our home. So you don’t ask questions, got that? We do the asking, and you, imbecile will answer. Is that clear?”

Michael snickered and glared at the girl. He was a bit surprised when she didn’t back down. She stood in front of him, her nose almost to his chest, staring him down with angry green eyes. Her hands were on her hips, and one foot was tapping impatiently against the ground. “Actually, Miss, I think—”

“She’s right, Michael. Answer her.”

Michael turned around as Maria leaned around to look at Max. He was sitting up, his eyes barely open, but open none the less. He was swaying from side to side, yet still had a firm grip on Liz as she lay in his arms.

“But Maxwell-”

“No buts, Michael. Answer her.” Max said forcefully.

“Are you okay?” Michael asked as Max closed his eyes.

Max nodded, almost imperceptibly. “I’m fine. You know I get weak.”

Michael looked a few more seconds at Max, then sighed deeply and turned to Maria. He rolled his eyes when he saw Maria’s satisfied ‘I told you so’ smile.

“I am Michael Evans. This is Maxwell Evans, my brother.”

“Where are you from?”


“What is Spain?” Maria asked.

“Spain is a country. You know, with people, and towns, and cities, and government.” Michael stopped speaking as his eyes roamed Maria’s body. “Oh. And clothes,” he added.

Maria narrowed her eyes and was about to speak when she was pulled back. Isabel stepped in front of her protectively.

“Why do you have abilities?” Isabel asked.

“Why do you?” he fired back.

“We are descendants from The Visitors. Many others like us once lived here, but there’s only a few now. And you?”

“You people sure do ask a lot of questions, don’t you?”

“Michael…” Max admonished.

“Don’t Michael him,” Maria said, focusing on Max instead of Michael. “What did you do to Liz?”

Max took a deep breath and closed his eyes, as if trying to regain his strength. When he opened them, he stared at Liz’s face and brushed her cheek. “He was going to hurt her. I killed him, accidentally. Then she jumped in front of the knife. I healed her. I didn’t want her to die.”

Hearing shouts in the distance, Michael turned to Max, his eyes wide. “We have to get out of here, Max. We have to go.”

Max shook his head, knowing he wouldn’t make it. “No, I can’t.” he said.

Michael shook his head. “Now!”

Max used his free arm in an attempt to push himself up, and he stumbled. Michael leaned down to help him up. “No,” he said. “Help her.”


“Do it. Michael!”

Michael, muttering under his breath did as he was told and took Liz from Max’s arms. The small girl was light and he easily picked her up. He turned to the other group, pleading and for the first time since he’d arrived, scared.

“We need to get out of here, please. I promise you we won’t hurt you. And I promise you he didn’t hurt her.” he said, gesturing with his head towards the girl he held in his arms. “I will answer all your questions. But we need to leave. Quickly.”

Everyone looked at each other, and Kyle nodded in the opposite direction. “Ana’s,” he said. “We’ll take them to the ana’s.” Stepping over Nicholas’s body, Kyle reached down and took one of Max’s arms, then gestured for Alex to do the same.

“Kyle, we don’t even—”

Leiai, Maria. He could have killed her but he didn’t. We help them.”

Maria quit speaking, knowing that it was no use. Kyle, the eldest, and next in line for Tamali’i almost never used his status to get things his way. He was a humble person, and didn’t abuse his status within the tribe. But when Kyle did pull his rank, it was usually for a good reason, and no one ever argued with him. Huffing, Maria turned on her heel and headed towards the ana’s, Michael following close behind.

“That’s the one that tried to hurt Liz,” Kyle said, pausing as he and Alex dragged Max after Michael and Maria. He was standing next to Nicholas’s body. “Take care of him, and meet us there. Fa’avave.”

About thirty minutes later, Tess and Isabel showed up at the ana’s. The others had been waiting on them, and Kyle and Alex jumped up and ran to them when they entered.

“It’s taken care of,” Tess whispered.

Kyle nodded his head and turned to the opposite direction. He walked over to Alex, who was now standing over Liz. She was awake, her eyes wide and curious. She stared at Max, unable to take her eyes off him.

Liz looked at Max, questions she would ask later swimming in her mind. What did he do to her? How did he heal the knife wound in her abdomen? What was he, and how did he do it? Was he their enemy? The enemy that they had kept the Visitors safe from, finally coming to take his revenge?

Kyle stepped up to Max and glared at him menacingly. “Talk.” he demanded.

Max glanced at Michael and turned back to Kyle.

“We answer your question, you answer ours.”

“This is no time to be bargaining. We have the advantage here,” Kyle responded.

Max shook his head. “Your friend, Liz. She would be dead if it wasn’t for me. And your other friends,” he said, gesturing towards Isabel and Tess, “they tried to use their powers on Michael. I think we both owe each other an explanation.”

Kyle glanced briefly at Tess and Isabel. His gaze lingered on Tess’s and he saw the uncertainty in her eyes. Not wanting her to see his own uneasiness, he offered her a small smile and nodded in reassurance. “We’ll answer your questions,” he said, turning back to Max. “But you first.”

“Where are you from, and why do you have abilities?”

“That’s two questions,” Michael intervened. He ignored Max’s warning glance. “I said before. My name is Michael Evans. This is my brother, Maxwell. We are from Spain, and sailed here on an expedition with Christopher Columbus to find a New World.” Taking disdainful look at the people around him, not bothering to hide his disgust at their dress and the way they appeared, he scoffed. “Looks like we found it. Your turn. Who are you?”

“I am Kyle. This is Alex, my brother. There’s Isabel, and Tess,” he said, pointing at each girl respectively. “That’s Liz,” he said, pointing at Liz, “and that’s her sister, Maria.”

“That’s it? Just Kyle? You all have one word names? No last names? No Smith or Fernandes, or De Soto?”

Kyle and Alex looked at each other quizzically. “I do not understand A Smith or Fernandes or Desoto,” Kyle said, confused. “What is it?”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Good heavens! You people really are primitive, aren’t you?”

“Michael…” Max said warningly. He broke eye contact with Liz, and turned to look at his brother.

Michael rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak. He didn’t get the chance.

“What did you do to me?”

Everyone turned their attention to Liz.

Max took a deep breath and searched her face. Was that fear in her voice? She was afraid of him? He wouldn’t be able to bear it if she said that he scared her.

Suddenly, Max realized he was scared. Scared of what she would think of him. Scared that she was scared of him. But most of all, scared of the way she had affected him the moment he laid eyes on her. He couldn’t explain the way he felt about her. He didn’t even know her. But yet, he felt like if anything happened to her, he’d die. That was why he’d healed her. He’d risked exposing the secret of his powers to heal a girl he didn’t even know. Because, even the first time he’d laid eyes on her, he couldn’t bear the thought of anything bad happening to her. He didn’t know why he felt so strongly about her, didn’t know why she affected him so deeply. But he did. And she did.

“You were dying,” he said softly. “I healed you. I would not hurt you. I swear I would not.”

Liz’s eyes widened in surprise. A few brief seconds passed, terrifying for Liz because she wasn’t sure what had happened, yet terrifying for Max because he didn’t know how she was going to react. Her face finally relaxed, and both Max and Liz breathed a sigh of relief. “I trust you,” Liz said.

Kyle turned to look at her, his eyes narrowed in question. She trusted him? She didn’t know him, didn’t know why he was here, where he was from. She didn’t know if he was there to hurt her, or their people. Yet she trusted him.

Liz looked at Kyle, and offered him the same smile of reassurance he had given Tess just moments ago. She didn’t know how she knew she could trust this man. Maybe it was because he had saved her life, and she felt she owed him that much. Maybe it was the way his eyes were overflowing with concern, for her. Maybe it was the way his stare was making her feel. She wasn’t sure, but she knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt that he could be trusted. “I trust him,” she whispered softly.

Kyle nodded at Liz. He trusted Liz, and Liz trusted Max. That was good enough for him.

“Why?” she asked, looking back at Max.

“You were dying, he did you a favor! Have a little bit of gratitude! ” Michael exclaimed. He couldn’t believe this girl. Max had done her a favor, healed her and brought her from the brink of death. He’d risked his secret, in a strange new world to save this strange girl, and she couldn’t even say thank you.

“You know what,” Maria said, throwing her hands up in the air. “I don’t care what kind of powers you have. If you don’t quit speaking in that manner to her, I will carve out your throat with a sharpened twig, and feed it to the birds!”

Kyle stepped in quickly and put one arm against Michael’s chest as he stepped to Maria. He put the other arm over Maria’s mouth and glared at her, warning her to keep quiet.

“I am sorry.” Kyle said to Michael. He turned to glare at Maria once more as he felt her mouth moving beneath his fingers and heard her mumbling behind his hand. “Liz seems to judge people well. I have learned to trust in her judgement of people. Her sister on the other hand, tends to be a little less trusting. She is very spirited and doesn’t know when to hold her tongue.” he said. “There will be no more problem from her.”

Kyle turned and shook his head at Maria. Maria saw the flash of authority in his eyes. Once more, Kyle was pulling rank on her, and she knew she should listen. She nodded at him, then stepped back, mumbling and almost inaudibly apology in Michael’s direction.

“I believe what Liz meant,” said Alex from behind her “is why did you heal her?”

Max shook his head, and looked down at his hands for a moment before looking up. “I don’t know. I just didn’t want her to die.”

Liz spoke again. “Isabel and Tess have abilities as well. We have told no one, and they are very careful to hide all that they can do from the people. We do now know how they would react knowing that they have the same abilities as the Visitors who came to our people. We are very careful. You must be cautious. Why chance using your abilities to heal me?”

“I don’t know,” Max replied. “I couldn’t help it. You were dying, and I had to do it. I didn’t think of the consequences. I just did it.”

“Where do your powers come from?” Max asked Tess and Isabel.

“Many, many years, our people,” she said, gesturing between herself and Tess, “visited their people.” With the last part of the sentence, she gestured around the room to her other friends. “Our people are not of this earth. Our people are Visitors, from the heavens. From the stars. From a world much unlike this one. We could do many amazing things. We could tell the future, we could use our minds, we could do things with the wave of a hand that others can not do. There were enemies after our people. But the Mamalu’s took us in. We became indebted to their people….joined to them. We’ve lived here ever since, as the same…people. Why do you have powers?”

“We are visitors to this world, as well. Our home is in the stars. We were sent here, to find and fulfill our destinies.”

“You are visitors from another world as well? A world among the stars, like ours?” Isabel asked incredulously.

Max nodded his head. “There is a terrible fate to befall my people if I…” Max’s word trailed off as he snuck a look at his brother. “If we don’t fulfill our destinies. Here, on Earth.”

“So, did you come to rule Earth?” Maria asked.

Michael rolled his eyes impatiently. “No, woman! We are a King and his protector. A ruler and a warrior, here to find the women that are to lead us to our rightful places in our destiny. We will be unable to fulfill our destinies without finding the ones we are supposed to marry. We are to make friends on this earth. Allies.”

Liz tilted her head to one side. “You say you are a ruler and a warrior? A foreign warrior?”

Liz noticed that her emphasis on the word foreign wasn’t lost on her sister, as she saw Maria instantly stiffen.

“I am—”

Michael interrupted his brother’s sentence. “Maxwell. The Warrior. And I am Michael, the King of Antar.”

Fa’amolemole -- Please
Fa’anoanoa —I’m Sorry.

03/16/07 Edited by Christian to say: Chapter 4 is missing, and I didn't realize it until I got a PM from a reader.....How odd!!! I Have a hardcopy, but don't have it with me here at work. I will repost chapter 4, so the story will not have a huge hole in it. If you want to wait (it should be this weekend), I will have it added to the story by Monday. Sorry, guys! Or you can PM me your e-mail addy, and I will send it to you.

Last edited by ISLANDGIRL5 on Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I once heard that dust is made up of human skin cells. If that's true, I think there's a naked man under my bed!
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Inside Your Heaven
Part 5

Stepping into the cool night air, she stretched her arms high above her head, sighing at how good it felt to her muscles to move them.

As she dropped her arms at her side, her hand landed, subconsciously on her abdomen. She rubbed absentmindedly at the spot where she knew, just earlier today, there had been a knife protruding from her belly. She’d lain in the cave, her eyes wide despite the darkness, as she rubbed her belly. She had asked all her questions, and listened as Max and Michael answered them, then listened as her friends had answered some as well. They’d spent the entire day in the back of the cave, trading questions and answers back and forth until they’d all run out of things to ask. Now, sometime after dusk, when it was late in the evening, Liz was still awake, not being fully able to grasp the events of just hours ago. She’d sat up, intending to stretch her legs and lay back down, when she saw it. She’d stifled a gasp, and quietly got up to go find some privacy. Grabbing the small deerskin patch she kept on her hip, and placing her bone knife in it, she made her way around the huddled bodies, towards the opening of the cave. She stopped only once, when she came to Max and Michael’s huddled forms. She squinted in the darkness, intending to sneak a look at Max once more.

She sighed softly in the darkness when she couldn’t make out anything more than their forms. He was mesmerizing to her. The entire day, she’d done nothing but stare at him, open mouthed, she was sure, as he spoke and she listened. She’d watched him too, as he listened, his eyes darting around the room from person to person as each one spoke. The few times his gaze landed on hers, she’d look away, shyly, embarrassed to be caught staring. Seconds later, unable to help herself, she’d be staring at him again, captivated by his eyes…his strong features…his hands. The hands that had breathed the life back into her body. The hands that had repaired the rip in her skin. The hands that had given her life back. Shaking her head, she’d moved forward, slightly disappointed that she hadn’t been able to see his face. She wanted to watch him sleep.

As quickly as her disappointment had come, she’d found herself feeling guilty. Because she’d known, without a shadow of doubt that this Maxwell, this warrior, was the foreign warrior spoken of in her sister’s destiny. She’d seen her sister’s face this morning, when Michael had announced their names, and their positions. She’d seen the relief, the anxiety, the curiosity in her sister’s gaze as she’d stared at him, wide eyed and wondering.

Shaking her head once again, she squinted her eyes into the darkness, getting back to the task at hand. Moving around to the trees and plants surrounding the ana, she moved, methodically, with a purpose. She checked each plant, and at the base of each tree, moving on to the next one when she didn’t find what she was looking for. She started near the mouth of the ana, but by the time she found what she was looking for, she was several meters away, and near to the water’s edge. Pulling off several large leaves, she seated herself at the base of a large tree and set to work.

Pulling her bone knife from the pouch at her side, she cut across the top of the green leaf and pulled a long string-like fiber from between the layers. She cut the other side of the leaf, and pulled out another fiber. She cut the ends of one more leaf, before she had several long strands. Concentrating carefully, she braided the thin fibers together tightly, pulling it taut between her fingers when she was finished, making sure it was strong enough. Satisfied with her work, she pulled a curved bone with a hole in one end from her pouch. She looped one end of her braided fibers through the hole and tied a knot in the other end. Taking her shirt off, she held it on her lap and pulled the torn edges together, sewing them back into one piece. She pushed the bone through the animal skin, then pulled it tight, weaving it in and out to create a tight, almost seamless stitch. When she was done, she pulled on the fabric, satisfied that it was to her liking. She got up, brushed her legs off, and put the shirt back on, marveling and smiling slightly at her own handiwork.

Her attention was suddenly diverted when she heard a sound in the distance. She cocked her head to the side, her hand poised at her side, the sewing bone still clasped in her slender fingers. When she didn’t hear another sound, she put the bone back in the pouch on her waist and bent her knees, intending to sit back down. Suddenly, it seemed as if there were several people walking in the woods around her. She heard shouts and voices, and saw the flickering flames of fire light dancing on the trees around her. She could tell the voices were urgent, excited, and not at all friendly. She listened, and not recognizing the voices, and knowing that they were not her friends, she momentarily panicked. Looking around her for a place to hide, she was about to turn around and run.

But before she could, a hand clamped over her mouth and a strong arm grabbed her waist, lifting her off the ground as she was carried, kicking and struggling, back into the woods.


“Curse it!”

Maria was awakened by and angry whisper and the sound of rustling fabric. Seeing Michael rustling around frantically on his side of the cave, she eased herself into a standing position and went to stand near the mouth of the ana. She watched as he pulled on his boots, then strapped his belt around his waist. She saw a gleam in the night, and knew he must have put his sword on as well.

She took a deep breath and stepped into his pathway, blocking his exit.

Michael rolled his eyes and scoffed at her. “What are you doing?”

Maria narrowed her eyes. She looked at Michael’s face, searching his features in the dim light. “I could ask you the same question.”

“Move out of my way,” was his gruff reply.

Maria shook her head. “I don’t want to.”

“That wasn’t a request,” he said.

Maria put her hands on her hips. “Look, King Michael” she said. “My friends might trust you, but I don’t trust so easily. I don’t listen easily either. So don’t order me around. If I want to know where you’re going you will tell me. I can hurt you, you know, abilities or not.”

Michael resisted the urge to laugh at her, and instead opted to raise an eyebrow at her. He looked at her, suddenly realizing in the moonlight how pretty she was. Her hair was dark blonde, obviously streaked and lightened by the sun. Her skin was flawless and bronzed, also darkened by days spent in the sun. Her legs were long and slender, and her stomach was flat and toned, from what he could see beneath the edge of her shirt, and underneath the colorful beads hanging across her navel. He suddenly felt a slight stirring in his abdomen, but it dissipated when he noticed the scowl on her face.

He smirked at her, despite her angry expression. “You can’t hurt me, girl. With a flick of my wrist, you would be lying in a pile outside. I’m not scared of you, now move. I’m going to find Max.”

Maria huffed, her eyes wide with angry excitement. “Well, Your Highness,” Maria said, lowering her upper body in a mock bow. “If you try anything, with a flick of my wrist, I’ll have a piece of deer bone embedded in your chest, and your people, wherever they are will be left without a King. And if you’re going to find Max, then I’m going as well. Liz is gone.”

He blew out a breath and turned around. Sure enough, on the side where Maria, Liz and their friends had been, he could see that two forms were missing. Max and Liz. He cursed softly under his breath.

Michael raised his hand at Maria, intending to bind her to the ground if he had to.

Maria’s eyes widened and she glared at the man before her.

“If you think you can try any of your abilities on me, I swear, on Ah Puch, you will go there to meet him tonight!”

Michael’s face took on a puzzled expression. “Who in heaven’s name is Ah Puch, and I’ll go see him right now if he’ll keep you out of my way!”

Maria scoffed at Michael, her eyes taking on an amused expression. “Ah Puch is a god of the Underworld. The God of Death. And if you wish it again, I will send you to meet him.”

“Don’t you understand, woman?” Michael asked roughly. “They are out there, and the men from our ship will be looking for us soon. There is a roll call every evening. We are in a strange island, with strange…” he paused to look her up and down again. “….people. They will be looking for us soon, and it won’t be a pretty thing when they find Nicholas’s body. We have to find them before the men do!”

“Fine,” Maria said, realizing that he was right. “But I’m going, and I’m waking Tess. We might need her.”

“Why in good heaven’s….would we need her? I don’t even need you.”

“Take us, or I will fight you to stay here,” Maria said, putting her foot down.

Michael looked at Maria for several minutes, contemplating his situation. He knew he had the advantage. With a flick of his wrist, he could have her out of his way permanently. But Max would be furious. And if he did anything to her temporarily, he was certain she would make him pay, abilities or not. He sighed, and remembering Max was gone and he didn’t know where, accepted defeat like a man. He huffed again, the pushed past Maria into the night, not bothering to see if she or Tess was following.

“Good grief! Stop biting me!”

Liz relaxed a bit at the voice in her ear, but she continued to try to struggle free from his embrace.

“I’m not letting you down until you stop it and be still!” he hissed gently. “Listen to me. Stop it!” His voice was urgent yet calm, demanding, yet gentle.

Liz would have been tempted to scream, if she hadn’t recognized the voice. She knew that voice. She’d spent the entire day enamored by it, and staring at the face of its owner.

It was Max.


Feeling him tense behind her, Liz heard someone approaching from their right, and she felt him stiffen as he pulled himself up flush with the tree they were behind. She stilled herself suddenly, closing her eyes as she willed her heart to stop beating so fast. Although he had her arms pinned at her side, she still had free use of her hands. Without realizing, she reached behind her and grabbed the hem of his shirt, fisting it in her fingers. She sensed his tension, and knew that whoever was coming their way was someone they should be hiding from.

“Three of them. Find them.”

“Sir, you saw the blood back there. They are dead, I fear.”

“I don’t care what you saw. Even if they are dead, their bodies don’t just disappear. I told you I didn’t trust those Evans boys. They are much too secretive for my liking. Now Nicholas is missing as well. If I find that this is Nicholas’s blood, I will kill them myself.”

“But Khivar, we-”

“I don’t care! We will search every inch of this island! Find him!”

Liz closed her eyes when she heard a mumbled reply. She knew, without having to watch, that they were passing just in front of where she and Max were pressed against the base of the tree.

What seemed like hours later, but in reality, was only minutes, Liz felt the arms around her loosen their hold. She felt a warm sensation on the back of her neck as she heard his soft whispers.

“They will be near, still listening. They are trackers, hired for this mission. We mustn’t move at all until we hear them retreat,” he whispered softly.

Liz shivered involuntarily at the feel of his breath against her neck. She nodded, almost imperceptibly.

Standing still for several minutes, Liz strained her ears, and could still hear soft whispers and the snap of twigs and she knew that the men were still close by. She stayed perfectly still, moving only to breath for a minute or two when she felt the arm around her waist start to shake. She realized she was still off the ground, but that he was getting tired of holding her.

She leaned her head back as far as she could, and whispered as softly as possible.

“Put me down.”

Nodding, Max eased her down towards the ground.

The minute Liz’s feet touched the ground, a twig beneath her snapped, and they heard the rustle of nearby leaves. Max cursed softly behind her, and pulled her closer to him. She leaned back, against his chest as she felt one hand rest on her hip, the other placed gently across her abdomen. Both she and Max nearly jumped at the shock of the skin to skin contact his hand made. Unconsciously, Liz closed her eyes and leaned her head back, reveling in the warm feeling the hand across her middle was creating. She felt his hand relax, felt his fingers splay across the taut skin beneath them. Her breathing was slightly raspy, and she felt the heart beating at her back double in time.

Feeling her in his arms, feeling her skin beneath his palm, Max was lost. He couldn’t explain, couldn’t answer his own questions as to why she was making him feel so helpless, but he didn’t care. He was reveling in the feel of her beneath his hands, the pressure of her body against his, the tingling sensation near his hips where her hands were tangled in the hem of her shirt. And he couldn’t stop himself from leaning in to breathe in her scent when he realized her head was against his shoulder and he had perfect access to her neck.

Liz almost sighed, sure she felt a whisper of a kiss against the soft skin of her neck. She didn’t know what was happening, or what she or Max, for that matter, was doing. Part of her, somewhere deep down was crying out in protest against what was happening, and part of her knew she couldn’t stop him. All she knew was that it felt too good to be logical at the moment.

“Liz…” It was barely audible, but as he sighed her name into her ear, she wanted nothing more than to turn into his arms to see his face as her name passed through his lips. She put her right hand over his on her abdomen, intertwining their fingers together. She was about to pull his arm tighter around her, when a torch was suddenly thrown in her face.

Stilling at once, neither Max nor Liz dared to move. Liz pressed her eyes closed, knowing that this was it. They’d found the body, and now they had found them.

“Where did it come from?”

“It was here, someone was here! Look!”

Liz didn’t dare open her eyes to see what the men were talking about. She could smell them and hear them, and knew that they were very close.

“The leaves have been disturbed. This sapling has been stepped on. Someone has been through here.”

Liz heard a soft thump. “It was us, you idiot! Look around, there’s nobody here.”

Liz, stood perfectly still, willing Max silently to do the same.

Liz opened one eye, and almost yelped in surprise. There was a man standing directly in front of her, his torch light right in her face.

Max felt Liz tense up, and still not moving his face from Liz’s neck for fear of making noise, he let her know with a slight brush of his finger against her belly, that he saw them.

Liz watched and held her breath as the men spoke quietly between them. She saw them moving around, kneeling at different trees, and peering behind and underneath bushes.

“Someone was here,” one of the men whispered to the other. Liz watched as he glanced uneasily at another man standing a few feet away. “And I don’t care what he says. It wasn’t us.”

Liz stared, in shock, as the men walked right by her. They were so close, she could feel the warmth of the fire from their torches across her face when they walked past. Several minutes passed, after Max and Liz heard the men’s retreat. They waited a few minutes longer, to make sure they weren’t seen before either of them moved. When she felt Max’s arm drop from around her waist, she spun around.

“Who are they looking for?”


Liz stepped back involuntarily. Until this moment she had trusted him. But the men from the ship were looking for him? Why?

“Why are they looking for you? You killed someone?”

Max nodded his head. “This morning,” was his simple reply.

Everything clicked into place, and Liz fell to the ground at Max’s feet.

“They…they want to kill you because you killed that man? The one that was…the one that…” Liz’s words trailed off as she touched the hem of her shirt. She lifted it up to look at her abdomen, and raised here eyes to meet his. There, on her skin, right where the knife had once been, was a glowing silver handprint. “What is that?” she asked quietly.

Max knelt down next to her, his eyes wide and amazed. “I don’t know. That’s never happened before. I don’t know what it is? Does it hurt?” He reached out to touch her skin gingerly, and pulled his hand away at the shock that passed between them.

Liz shook her head slowly. “It doesn’t hurt.”

“I….I’m….it’s just….”

Max never finished his stuttering sentence, because both Liz and Max were startled as three anxious figures barreled through the bushes straight towards them.






Four heads turned towards Maria in surprise, at the apparent concern in her voice for Max. She asked Liz quickly if she was okay, then ran straight towards Max and grabbed his arm.

“Are you okay? Did they hurt you? What did they do to you? Why is your face so flushed?”

Maria stopped speaking when she noticed Max’s dazed expression, and when she realized that it was completely quiet except for her babbling. Stepping backwards, she realized all attention was on her. “I’m glad you’re okay,” she mumbled. She then stepped over next to Liz and hugged her tightly.

“What are you doing here?” Liz asked incredulously.

Maria nodded towards Michael. “Well, I saw him sneaking out, and he so kindly invited Tess and I to go with him,” she said, smiling sweetly in Michael’s direction.

Michael rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

“Maxwell, if she hadn’t been here,” he said, pointing at Tess, “they would have seen you. She has a power to trick the mind, and change what it sees. She hid you from Khivar. What were you thinking?”

Raising his eyes to look at Liz, they shone with concern, apprehension…apology. For what he wasn’t sure. “I wasn’t thinking,” he replied softly. “I saw her leave and I followed her.”

“Not smart, Maxwell, not smart,” Michael reprimanded.

“I’m sorry,” Max mumbled as he lowered his eyes to the ground.

Liz watched the exchange between the King and his protector with interest. It was obvious Michael was used to speaking to Max with authority. She watched as Max’s demeanor changed. As he fidgeted nervously, and he and Michael spoke quietly, he wouldn’t raise his eyes to meet hers. No longer was he the man who so unashamed had his hands on her body just minutes before. He was now a man, embarrassed and apologetic for doing something he shouldn’t have done.

“Let’s go, Liz,” Maria said. She looped her arm through her sister’s and turned them both in the direction they had come from.

Liz lowered her head as they walked past Max and Michael, apprehensive at his refusal to meet her eyes.

“Liz,” Maria whispered, glancing over her shoulder. Max and Michael had followed behind them, staying a few feet back, but still within hearing distance. Maria and Tess, flanking Liz on either side had walked arm in arm with Liz until they reached their destination. They had talked quietly amongst themselves. “It’s him,” she said excitedly, careful not to be too loud.

“Who?” Tess asked, leaning around from Liz’s other side.

“Him. The foreign warrior. It’s Max.”

Tess turned around to look at Max and Michael, still a few feet behind, then fixed her eyes back on Maria. “You don’t know that, Maria,” Tess whispered back. “You don’t even know them!”

“I feel it. My destined mate is here. It doesn’t matter that we don’t know them. We can trust them. I know we can,” she replied.


“No, she’s right,” Liz said. “They can be trusted, I feel it.” Turning around with a longing but resigned glance at Max only noticed by Tess, she nodded her head slightly. “And Max is the warrior. He’s the foreign warrior. She’s right about that as well. That was written in the stars. He is her destiny.”

Liz stepped back inside and made her way to the far end of the small space. She eased herself back down and put her had on her arm, closing her eyes.

Outside, the remaining four stood in an awkward silence.

“Those men will find us here,” Michael said solemnly. “We must take our leave at once. If they find Nicholas’s body, they will kill us. We will not be able to go back to Spain.”

Tess looked at them questioningly. “Because you killed a man who was harming a woman?”

Max shook his head. “No. Because I killed a man who is part of one of the richest families in Castile. They are a ruthless family, gaining their name and their wealth by force, and violence. They have not come by their reputation in legal ways. They are men and women of the lowest standing, I’m afraid, but they have the money and the resources to back them up. I will not live to see another day when they find out one of their sons was killed by my hand.”

“How will they know?” Tess asked.

“His brother, Khivar, is on this mission as well. He is hunting his brother as we speak, and although he does not know it yet, he is hunting me because I am his brother’s killer.”

“You must stay,” Maria stated.

“We can’t. We don’t belong here,” Michael said.

“That’s nonsense. You may belong here more than the rest of us.” Maria paused as she turned to Tess. “You remember, Tess, the stars, the destinies. The prophecies. Maybe they have come to pass!”

Tess’s eyes widened in realization. Maria was right. There were legends…of more Visitors coming to the tribe, to fight for the tribe’s safety. There was written that there would be a King, come back to thank the people that had helped his people by fighting alongside them when their enemies came waging war.

It was Max and Michael. She was sure of it. The King spoken of in the prophecies was standing before her. And Max was his second in command, his protector.

That meant another thing as well.

Michael and Max were her brothers, family born in another world.
I once heard that dust is made up of human skin cells. If that's true, I think there's a naked man under my bed!
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Thanks to my beta. I'm 25 years old, and have yet to manage the mastery of spelling 'curiosity' right. Good thing she has. Thanks!


Inside Your Heaven
Part 6

“We have to tell them.”

Michael turned to Max briefly, then directed his gaze back to the figures ahead of them. They couldn’t lose sight of the others. The last thing they needed was to be lost on this island. “Tell them what?”

Max sighed and shook his head. “We have to tell them the truth. That I am the King, and you are the warrior.”

Michael stopped in his tracks and turned to face Max. “No.”

Max shook his head. “They trust us, Michael. I trust them. We don’t need to keep up this ruse any longer.”

Michael scoffed and folded his arms across his chest. “You trust them, or you trust her?

Max narrowed his eyes. “What is the meaning of that?”

“I saw you watching her. I saw the way both of you were flushed and fidgeting when we found you in the woods last night. You like her, don’t you?”

Max rolled his eyes, and focused his gaze anywhere but on Michael. He could feel his heart pounding with nervous anticipation. He was sure that Michael could see the tell-tale signs he was trying so desperately to hide. The sweaty hands, the sweat on his brow, the fidgeting fingers, the nervous avoiding glance. He wondered, also, if Michael could hear the pounding of his heart, as it hammered wildly in his chest.

His mind wandered back to the dark-haired vixen Michael was referring to. He had wondered, at first if she was tricking him, or using a power over him to make him feel things for her. He was ashamed at the thought though, knowing instinctively that she would not use tricks against him. It wasn’t normal, though, for him to be so taken with her, when they’d only just met. But most of all, it wasn’t right for him to be so taken with her, when his destiny, his life, his future had already been promised and destined to merge with another’s. As much as he wanted to explore his feelings for her, it simply could not be.

Max rolled his eyes. “I don’t…I don’t like her, Michael.”

The corners of Michael’s mouth turned up in his trademark smirk. “You want her, don’t you? Maxwell, this is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“What is funny?” Max asked.

Michael uncrossed his arms to gesture between Max and the retreating figures ahead of them. “You. Her. This…thing. You don’t take your eyes off of her when she’s in your sight. You can hardly even speak without trembling when you talk to her. And what was that last night? Don’t think I didn’t notice the flushed looks you two gave each other.”

Max rolled his eyes. “Forget your thoughts, Michael. We tell them. We have gained their trust. They have mine.”

“Maxwell, I refuse to let you-”

Max shook his head and looked Michael in the eye. “Don’t make me say it, Michael. I’ve never ordered you to do anything in your life,” he said gently, yet demandingly, “but I will if you don’t do this. This is too important to let it lie.” He paused for a moment, then his face softened as he looked at his brother. “Look, I appreciate you looking out for me, trying to protect me, I do. But this is one thing you are wrong about. They can be trusted, and I need them to know the truth.”

Michael stared at his brother for several seconds, then nodded his head. “If it means that much to you, Max.”

Max nodded, a slight smile gracing his features as he relaxed. He thought he was going to have to argue with him, but he was grateful that it didn’t come to that. He suddenly wondered why Michael had agreed so easily, and why he had practically let himself be ordered by his older brother. True, that although he was King, and Michael was the protective warrior, he and Michael had made an agreement long ago to keep their relationship brotherly, and he’d promised to never order Michael to do anything. He was surprised at the ease in which Michael had relented, especially after he had threatened to break the promise he’d made his brother long ago.

He noticed that his brother wasn’t looking at him, rather over his shoulder. He turned to see what Michael was so intently staring at. He scanned the area in front of him, but saw nothing aside from Maria and Liz huddled together at the base of a large tree. He turned around to look at Michael again, and found Michael looking back at him, wide eyed.

“Let’s go, Maxwell,” he said gruffly, pushing past him. “The last thing we need to do is be lost on this God-forsaken island.”


It was early morning when they’d set out, the sun’s rays just beginning to sweep the sky. But Kyle and Tess had insisted on it, that they get back to their city. They would need help if people came looking for Max and Michael, and their people were the only ones that could help them.

Walking through the forest, it had only been a few hours, and the group was making slow process. Max and Michael weren’t used to long treks, and they definitely weren’t used to the environment, so naturally, they fell behind. They had forced the group to stop several times along the way, so they could rest their legs.

It hadn’t been so much Max as it had been Michael, and much to his chagrin, he concluded that his brother didn’t need to stop, but was doing so because it was riling Maria up. He had watched the interaction between Maria and his brother with an amused eye, wondering for the first time in his life if his brother had met his match when it came to witty remarks and a hot temper.

Kyle was leading the way, with Tess only a footstep behind him. Liz, Isabel and Maria were next. Alex was a few feet behind the girls, and a few feet in front of Max and Michael.

“We have to stop,” Liz said suddenly.

Kyle, who was leading the way back to their village turned abruptly to look at her. “For what?”

“We can’t stop,” Alex said, sprinting ahead to stand next to his brother. “Liz, you know we have to get back to the city. Whoever it is looking for them,” he said, pointing at Max and Michael, “is bound to run across us. We will be outnumbered, and something could happen.”

“Can’t we just hand them over?” Maria asked meekly.

Isabel rolled her eyes. “Maria, we can not just hand them over. They are Visitors. They are the same people as us, don’t forget.”

“No way is that…man…the same people as me!”

Tess stepped up then. “They’re the same as Isabel and I, Maria. As my father. Doesn’t that count for something?”

Maria sighed and stared at her friend. “Tess, if it’s important to you, then I’ll try to behave. But so help me, if you leave me anywhere alone with him, I will claw his eyes out if he so much as looks at me.

Tess snorted at Maria, and Kyle rolled his eyes. His face turned serious, and he looked back at Liz.

“Please, it’s important that we stop,” she pleaded.

“Why, Liz? Did you see something?”

Liz nodded. “There’s a storm coming. I didn’t see it. I can sense it. I know you can too.”

Kyle narrowed his eyes and tilted his head towards the sky. He raised his hand when Tess started to speak, signaling her he needed quite. Turning once more, he strained his ears and his eyes for any signs of a coming storm. Finally, he looked at Liz, then the rest of the group, his face resigned. “She’s right. The animals have already taken cover. They know. We must find a shelter.”

“There’s nothing here!” Isabel exclaimed.

“Why have we stopped?” Max asked as the two stragglers and Alex approached the rest of the group.

“There’s a storm coming,” Kyle said.

Max and Michael both looked to the sky. They saw nothing but white fluffy clouds, and sunshine.

“Are you serious? There’s not a dark cloud in sight!” Michael said.

“He says there’s a storm, there’s a storm,” Maria said.

“Why do you do that? Why can’t you have a pleasant attitude? Like a lady?”

“It’s the air,” Liz said, interrupting Michael.

“You can tell that there’s a storm coming from the air?” Max asked.

Liz shook her head. “It’s…it’s a change. In the air. It’s thick, it’s heavy. It’s…”

“Quiet,” Kyle finished for her. “There are not even any animals around. They have taken shelter, from what’s on its way.”

“That’s interesting,” Max said. “We have powers, but you can…you know the future,” he said.

Liz sighed. “You have no idea,” she said quietly.

“We need to find shelter,” Isabel said.

“There’s an embankment at the edge of the river. It’s an overhang, and we can stay dry underneath it. It’s hidden, too. No one can see us unless they are on the river,” Alex said.

“We’ll stay there, until the storm has passed,” Kyle said. “Let’s go.”

As he followed Kyle, the others scrambled behind him.


“Maxwell, I’m not sure that we should be stopping,” Michael said as he and Max followed the others.

“We have no choice, Michael. We don’t know this land. They do. We can’t go on without them. And I believe them that a storm is coming.”

Michael clicked his teeth. “What will we do, Max? The sailors, the other men that were on the boats. They have guns. They have weapons that these people have never even seen. We have nothing. We are highly outnumbered. We need to get back to their village. The people can help us.”

Max nodded slightly. “Michael, I’m not so sure it’s a good idea to go back to their village. We’ll be leaving soon,” he said softly, his eyes downcast, staring at the ground as he walked. “We shouldn’t disrupt their lives anymore. But we do have to figure out what to do about Khivar.”

Michael’s eyes widened. “You still plan on going back with them?”

Max shifted his gaze upwards to meet Michael’s eyes. “You don’t?”

“Well, I just thought…I mean…”

“Michael, we have nothing holding us here. But what about the prophecies? My destiny? What about finding…” Max’s voice faltered as he realized his thoughts. “Her, Michael. What about me finding her? I can’t stay.”

Michael watched as Max’s face clouded over. He realized in that moment, just how strong Max really was, and just how truth his remarks about Max and Liz earlier this morning had been. Max did like her. And as evident as his feelings were, it was hurting him to know that he’d have to leave her behind.

Max struggled to keep his emotions in check. He’d realized the reality of his feelings, thanks to Michael. How could he have, in a matter of a day and a few hours, developed feelings for a girl he knew nothing about, and hardly knew at all? He wondered briefly, once again, if it was trickery, because he couldn’t explain it. But as soon as the thought crossed his mind, he pushed it away, once again ashamed that he had even thought it. He knew, somehow, instinctively, that she would not resort to trickery or magic to make him want her. But even now, if he closed his eyes, he could feel her skin, tingling beneath his fingertips. He could feel the softness of the skin at her neck pulsing beneath his lips. He could smell the sweetness of everything about her. And he could feel the beating of his own heart as he held her pressed tightly against him.

But what was it? How had she pulled him in so quickly? What was it about the dark haired beauty that had captured his attention and captivated his senses? Why was he so inexplicably drawn to her?

As the truth dawned on him, he felt the unmistakable pang of bittersweet reality. He felt the ultimate joy and perfection of being in love.

He had also, however, felt the recognizable spearing pain of heartbreak. Because he realized that no matter how much he felt for her, that he could not stay with her. That he could not act on his feelings. He was in love with someone he could never have, someone he would never be able to stay with. Because at the end of it all, his destiny belonged to someone else.

Max sighed deeply and shook his head. He would have liked to stop, and fallen to the ground in defeat. But as he felt Michael lay a comforting hand on his shoulder, he knew he could not. He had to make it off of this island, no matter what the consequences, or how badly he wished he could stay. His people were depending on their King.


An hour later, the group had nestled as comfortably as they could underneath a small embankment at the edge of the river. It was large enough for all of them to fit under comfortably, with quiet a bit of room to move around. They’d managed to find some fruit and nuts on surrounding trees, and had gathered enough to satisfy their appetites.

As everyone settled down to relax, they noticed that it was getting darker. Liz and Kyle had been right. A storm was coming, and it looked as if they’d found shelter and gotten comfortable just in time.


Liz pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly. She put her head on her arms, and was unable to stop the tears as they fell silently.

It was a sin. She was having thoughts about the man destined to marry her sister. No thoughts that any woman should have about the man that would be her sister’s husband. It had slipped her mind, for one precious moment, that the man whose face had invaded her thoughts since she first laid eyes on him, was the man whose destiny lie with her sister. She shivered unconsciously, remembering the feel of his hands against her skin. She could feel it, even now, the warmth of his touch, so different from the cool air of the night that had surrounded them. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up on end, remembering the warm puffs of air from his lips as they whispered against her.

Looking around her, Liz head shot up from its resting place as she brought a hand to her mouth to stifle a sob. The realization hit her so hard, and so abruptly, that it nearly knocked the breath out of her.

She loved him. She had loved him the moment she had set eyes on him, in the forest, when he had come to her rescue and defended her. Without even realizing, all it had taken was one look, and her fate had been sealed. She’d found the man that would own her heart, and she barely knew him at all. But she knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt that with merely a heated glance and wandering hands, Max Evans, the foreign warrior from another world, had claimed her heart.

But as the realization hit her, so did the guilt, the shame, the remorse. For what could never be. She hadn’t missed the concern on her sister’s face when they’d found them after the men had left. Maria had run straight to Max, her features etched with concern and worry for the man that she knew she was destined to marry. Her heart constricted with the knowledge that she was in love with her sister’s future husband, and that she would never be able to know him, to hold him, to love him.

The knowledge was too much for her. Unable to hold back, she let out a strangled sob as she felt the invisible walls of despair close in around her. Her heart belonged to another, a man she knew she could not have. She didn’t know anything about him, hadn’t had the pleasure of getting to know him. But with a heated look, a healing touch, and a brush of his fingers across her abdomen, he’d stolen her heart and taken ownership of her emotions.

She would live the rest of her life in solitude, alone, and in love with another woman’s husband.

Bringing her hand to her mouth, Liz closed her eyes and whimpered into her palm, praying silently that the other people around her were too busy to notice her alone on the far side.

“Liz? Are you okay?”

Liz’s head shot up. Alex. She should have known. Alex had always been like her brother, always been someone that understood her just as much, if not more in a different way, then her own sister.


Liz didn’t say a word, but as she turned to look at Alex, her eyes filled with sadness and brimming with tears, he dropped to the ground beside her and pulled her to her feet. He knew that she needed to be away from the prying eyes of their friends. Leading her to the edge of the embankment, he motioned to Kyle that they would be just outside.

“We’ll be right back,” he said softly.

Kyle nodded, and watched, concerned, as his brother led Liz towards the riverbank.

Neither Alex nor Liz noticed as Max looked up at them, his face etched with concern and question.

“I…I love him, Alex!” Liz cried desperately once they were out of earshot of anyone else. “I don’t know him, yet I love him, and he is the man my sister will marry!”

Saying the words out loud brought a bit of finality to her situation, and she let herself fall into Alex’s comforting embrace.

“Shhhh, Liz. It will work out. Your heart will work this out for you,” he whispered. He didn’t say anything else. He just let Liz cry into his shoulder.


Michael and Max sat at one far end of the small shelter. They were both a bit surprised when Isabel and Tess came over to them. Max had been about to follow Liz and Alex, his emotions spiraling out of control. He felt so much pain and anxiety coming from them that he was compelled to follow them out. However, as Liz and Isabel sat down across from him, he stopped.

“Umm…we just wanted to say, that it’s…it’s, good, to meet someone else like us,” Tess said quietly.

Max looked up at the two girls. He opened his mouth to say something, then stopped and looked at Michael. Michael stared back, and after a few seconds offered Max a small smile and nodded his head. He knew that Max was going to tell them.

“Uh, Michael and I, we haven’t exactly been honest with you about who we are.”

Isabel, immediately on guard felt her breath speed up. “What?”

“We haven’t been truthful with you. About us being Michael, King of Antar, and Max, his Protector. We-”

Tess jumped up and raised her hand at Max and Michael. “You lied to us!”

She stood, her eyes watering with tears. It hadn’t even been two days, but in the few hours that they’d known Max and Michael, even without knowing them at all, she’d formed an emotional attachment to them, the two people who were part of a family she hadn’t known existed. She watched them both, as their faces registered their shock at the fact that she was poised and ready to use her abilities on them.

Max shook his head, and smiled softly. “We are a King and his protector,” Max said. “We just aren’t the ones we said we were.”

Isabel shook her head in confusion.

Emotions flickered across Isabel’s face, the same ones dancing across her sister’s equally confused expression. Confusion, because they didn’t quite understand what they were being told. Hurt, because they knew they’d been lied to. Sadness, because they’d thought they could trust these two foreigners, these two people so like them.

“It is not Michael, Isabel. I am the King of Antar. Maxwell Evans, known to…” he paused, as if he were savoring the moment when he realized he’d found his family. “Known to our ancestors as Zan.” He smiled as realization dawned in her eyes.

“You are the King spoken of in the prophecies,” she said, her eyes welling up with tears. This was a defining moment for their people. The prophecies that had been spoken of and passed down from generation to generation were to be put in effect by one thing, and one thing only. The arrival of the King that would save their people.

She’d suspected, as they all had, that Michael and Max were the ones they’d been waiting for, but now, as he told them who he was, they knew that it was true.


Tess smiled softly as she looked up at him. “We are direct descendants of the Visitors. Our father is the Foma’I. We are not born of the Mamalu race, yet we belong with them. He said you would come. He’s always told us that you were alive.”

Michael shook his head. “I do not understand,” he said.

This time it was Isabel who spoke. “I am Isabel, but my name among my ancestors is Vilandra. You are the King that is spoken of that would one day save our people,” she said softly. Then bowing her head once more. “I am your sister, the Princess of Antar, and this,” she said, grabbing Tess’s hand, “Is Ava, Princess of Antar.”

Then, without warning, Tess dropped to one knee, Isabel following her lead.

Max momentarily panicked, turning back to look at Michael. Michael shrugged his shoulders and looked around Max to the two women kneeling before him. If it weren’t for the fact that he knew this wasn’t the time for joking, he would have laughed at the awkward expression on Max’s face. He’d always accepted his role as King, he’d just never embraced it, and certainly never wanted people to treat him any different because of it. Now he had two Princesses bowing at his feet.

Silently, Max reached for Isabel’s shoulders, and pulled her up as he stood, so that they stood side by side. “I am your King, but you, Princess, do not bow to me. You are my sisters.”

Maria, gasped and stepped backwards watching the scene unfold before her. Her eyes flew up to meet Max’s, but his gaze was settled on Isabel’s.

“That’s something he’s always done. It is his destiny to protect me, and he was just trying to do that. He had to make sure you could be trusted. We did not mean to deceive you.”

“Oh! Wait one minute!”

Max leaned around Isabel, who had turned to watch as Maria stomped up next to them.

“You’re lying again! Tell the truth!” Maria said angrily. When he only stared at her in shock at her outburst, Maria slapped Max across the cheek.

“Maria!” Tess exclaimed.

“Tell the truth, Max! I don’t believe you. Take it back!”

“That is the truth, Maria,” Max said softly. “I have no reason to lie to you.”

“You did it once. You said Michael was the King. You were the protector, the warrior. You lied once.”

“I am sorry,” Max said. “But this is the truth.”

Maria shook her head as her eyes filled with tears. “You are not, Max! You are the Protector, you have to be!”

“Why?” he asked, wondering where her concern was coming from.

“Because, there is no way in this world, or yours, for that matter,” she added as an afterthought. Shaking, she jabbed her finger in Michael’s direction. “That I am marrying him!”

Shocked, yet amused, Max watched at Maria turned around and stomped to the other side of the cave, plopping herself down beside a bewildered Kyle, who had watched the entire exchange with curiosity.

“I am so sorry, Max,” Isabel said.

Max shook his head. “She has a right to be upset. You answered all our questions about you. We should have been honest with you. Maybe you should to talk to her?” he suggested.

Isabel nodded, then turned to offer Michael a slight smile. Then she and Tess turned around and went after Maria.

“She wants to marry me?”

Max smirked. “Apparently not.”

“Well, she just…I mean, she said that I…”

“Michael Evans, are you blushing?” Max asked, the humor evident in his voice. He knew that things had probably gotten a whole lot more complicated, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he should be happy. He and Michael had just found their sisters. Granted, they still had a lot of talking to do, and a lot of questions to ask and answer, but that didn’t matter.

“We have a family, Max,” Michael said, changing the subject. He stepped up to Max and grabbed his shoulder. “All these years, we thought it was you and I, but it’s not. We have sisters.”

Max shook his head. “How is this possible, Michael? We live in another country. Thousands of miles away. We don’t even have parents. How can it be that here, in this…” he paused as he looked around. Then he raised his arms to motion to their surroundings. “This New World, this strange land that we will soon leave behind, that we have found people of our own kind?”
I once heard that dust is made up of human skin cells. If that's true, I think there's a naked man under my bed!
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*GASP* Yes, that was a pig you saw flying by your window just now. hee. Sorry for the long wait. I had to threaten my muse with bodily harm to get this part finished. NOt much going on, this is pretty much a transition part to get them back to the village. *SPOILER* The next part is already in the works. THere's a celebration, a dance that has both of our (VISITOR) menfolk feeling uncomfortable for different reasons, and some time alone with Maria and Liz for MIchael and Max, respectively.

Thanks for sticking around, guys. I think I'm out of my rut.

And thanks to Neve for never letting me forget people were waiting for this. She's a great beta, and she rocks!


Inside Your Heaven,
Part 7

Opening his eyes, Max lay still in the duskiness for only a second before everything was lit with a brilliant streak of blue lightning from above.

He didn’t make any sort of move, his arms and legs still heavy with sleep. He wondered briefly what had woken him up. He listened intently, to hear past the sound of the storm raging. When a roaring clap of thunder made him jump, he began to close his eyes again. No wonder he had awoken. It sounded as if the earth was falling around them. When Kyle and Liz had said there was a storm coming, they had not been exaggerating to say that it was a bad one.

Suddenly, he heard a shrill shriek and his eyes flew open again. That was it. It hadn’t been the thunder that had woken him, it was a scream.

Listening in the dark, trying to hear anything over the clap of the thunder and the sound of falling rain, he listened intently. He raised up trying to hear better when his eyes landed on the sleeping bodies just across from him.

Panicked, he spun around, and saw Michael lying a few inches behind him, his eyes shut tight.

He turned back around, and counted silently to three until the next flash of lightning.

But it didn’t help. The spot where Liz had fallen asleep was empty, and she was nowhere in sight.

Cursing softly Max jumped up ran into the rain. He swore again when the icy water hit his skin.

Stepping forward slowly, he strained his ears to hear anything other than the thunder and rain. He took a step in one direction, but when he thought he heard another muffled scream from the other direction, he turned around and ran towards it. He stopped short when he realized he’d come to the edge of a cliff. He looked over the edge. He could see a steep waterfall, and the raging river beneath it. The storm had clearly agitated the water, making it rough and choppy where the rainfall was pouring into it. The wind wasn’t helping matters, either.

He wondered briefly why they hadn’t heard it earlier in the day before the storm had come. It couldn’t have been more than a couple hundred feet, if at all that much, from the small embankment they’d been sleeping under. Then again, his mind had been on Liz, and other things all day long, and he may have been the only one that didn’t realize there was a waterfall nearby.

Clearly hearing another yelp, he dropped to his stomach and peered over the edge of the cliff. It was hard to see anything, but just a couple feet below the top of the cliff, he could see Liz, and his heart skipped a beat.

She was hanging from a tree limb jutting out from the rocky earth. Her feet were dangling in the air, and it was obvious she couldn’t get her footing. She was grunting and yelping, her frantic thrashing causing the rocks near the root of the tree to fall around. It wasn’t going to hold.

“Liz!” Max hollered over the roar of the thunder.

Liz looked up suddenly, her face registering momentary shock at seeing him there. It only took her a second to realize that he was reaching his hand out towards her. She visibly relaxed, her body weak and spent from having been dangling from the tree branch.

“Grab my hand!” he hollered at her.

She looked at him panicked, and shook her head. “Leiai!” she hollered back. “I’ll fall!”

“You won’t,” he said. “Just lift up your hand, and I’ll grab it!”

Liz shook her head. “I can’t do it, Max,” she sobbed. He noticed now that her eyes were red and swollen, and even in the pouring rain, he could tell she’d been crying.

Stretching his hand out behind him, he used his powers to root his feet to the trunk of a tree. Then turning around, he stretched out as far as he could, coming within inches of Liz’s hands.

“Liz, you have to take my hand! I won’t let you go!”

Liz shook her head again. “I’m scared!”

“Liz, look at me,” he said. He watched as she closed her eyes, her body heaving with sobs. “Liz, please, look at me.”

Liz took a deep breath and then opened her eyes. Max was taken back by the sheer panic and fear he saw there.

“Liz,” he said as softly as he could with still being heard. “Liz, I promise I’m not going to drop you.”

Nodding her head, Liz seemed to stare at Max while she debated whether or not to take one of her hands off the branch she was holding on to and holding it out for Max. Finally, realizing she had no other option, she let one hand go and immediately thrust it towards Max.

Max reached as far as he could, stretching his fingers to grasp Liz’s shaking hand.

“Max, Fa’amolemole!” she pleaded.

He wasn’t sure what the word meant, but the desperation in her voice was enough to make Max push a bit farther. Relief coursed through his body when he felt her fingers in his.

He pulled her up a few inches until he could swing his other hand around, and she let go of the branch completely, and let him pull her up.

They lay there for several minutes, Max on his back and Liz on her stomach, her head resting on his forearm.

“You have a way of getting yourself into trouble,” Max said finally.

The rain had died down to a light sprinkle, and there was no thunder or lightning anymore. He was able to talk softly, and still be heard.

Liz smiled unconsciously. “You have a way of saving me,” she said softly. “Thank you.”

Max gently pulled his arm from underneath Liz’s head and turned over on his side. He reached out and caressed the back of her head, as her head was still resting on the ground. “I hope I’ll always be there to save you,” he said.

Liz closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of his hand in her hair. She turned slowly towards him, intent on telling him that they should stay away from each other. But she turned, and saw him staring at her, his eyes wide, searching…hopeful, and her intentions dissolved.

“Liz,” he whispered hoarsely. “You’re so beautiful,” he said softly.

And before she realized it, his lips were on hers, and he’d pulled her towards him so that the entire lengths of their bodies touched.

Liz closed her eyes, mesmerized by the feel of his lips on hers and the sweet burn of his hand against her back as he held her close to him. She whimpered in response when his tongue swept across her bottom lip. She heard Max groan softly, and the sound jolted her into reality.

She pushed herself away from Max, startling him when he landed flat on the ground again.


“Don’t do that,” Liz said sharply. Her eyes welled up with a different kind of tears this time, and she rubbed at her lips with her fingertips. “Don’t save me, don’t touch me, don’t kiss me!”

Max shook his head, confused. “I don’t understand,” he said.

“You shouldn’t have kissed me, Max,” she said sharply, her voice breaking.

“I’m sorry,” he said hastily. “I thought, I mean…Liz, what’s wrong?”

Liz jumped up from the ground then, intent on running away, but Max was quick on her heels, and he grabbed her arm.

“Liz, I can’t get you out of my mind,” he said. “I have these feelings for you, these feelings around you that I know I shouldn’t have. When you’re near, I can’t take my eyes off of you, and heaven forbid, that I want to put my hands on you!”

Liz shook her head. “You can’t do this, Max. We can’t do this.”

“Do what?” he asked.

“Don’t you see? You said it yourself. You shouldn’t have feelings for me. You shouldn’t want to touch me, you shouldn’t want to be near me! You shouldn’t be…you shouldn’t be kissing me! It should be Maria, you should have these feelings for her!”

“Maria? What are you talking about?”

“The prophecies,” she said. “It’s Michael, the King that will save our people. And it’s you, the warrior destined….destined to…to marry Maria!” Liz let her tears fall then, and wrapped her arms around her self.

Liz didn’t even notice Max walk up to her until he’d put his finger under her chin and forced her head up to face him. She saw the tenderness, the relief, the complete adoration in his eyes as he stared at her, and she was slightly taken aback. She shivered involuntarily, not from cold, but from the heated gaze in Max’s brown eyes.

Stop it, Liz! She chided herself. Stop looking at him looking at you that way! Stop thinking of him, and how he makes you feel. Maria, think of Maria!

“Liz, I am not destined to be with Maria, and Michael is not destined to save your people.”

Liz shook her head, unable to speak. There was a ringing in her ears, and she knew that the news she was about to hear was going to change things. But it was them! It had to be. The King and his Warrior spoken of in every story, every prophecy, every legend their people held sacred.

“We were untruthful, and I’m sorry,” he told her.

“I don’t…” Liz’s words trailed off as she shook her head, confused and unsure. Her thoughts were racing through her mind, trying to comprehend what Max was telling her. “What are you saying?”

Max smiled at her then and let out a deep breath. “I’m saying you’re wrong. And I can kiss you if I want to.”

Max leaned into her, his mouth slightly open, his breathing slightly ragged.

“No!” Liz pushed with both hands against Max’s chest.


She barely had time to see the hurt look on his face before Max was interrupted.

“Liz! Max!”

Liz and Max sprung apart, as Tess, and Kyle made their way over to them.

“We’ve been looking for you. Alex woke up, and you were gone, Liz,” Tess said. “He woke us up and told us you were gone.”

“I went out looking for a place to be by myself,” she said, momentarily forgetting how close she and Max
had come to being wrapped up in the moment, and she forgot that Max had been in the middle of telling her something important. “I slipped in the mud, and slid off the side of the cliff.”

“Liz!” Tess cried. “Are you crazy? Wandering out in the middle of a storm! You yourself knew it would be a bad storm. What were you thinking?”

Liz shook her head and stared at the ground. “I wasn’t,” she said softly.

“Liz, you could have been hurt. You could have fallen off that cliff and gotten killed,” Kyle said softly.

Liz shook her head. “No, Max pulled me back up.”

And just like that, the events of the last few minutes came rushing to her full force. The kiss. The heated stare. The important revelation he was going to make, and the second kiss they almost shared. The wounded look in his eyes when she rejected him yet again.

She looked towards Max, only to find him staring at her, his eyes beckoning her to talk to him. Her brow wrinkled in concentration. What had just happened? What was he talking about, and what was she wrong about?

“There’s no point in discussing it over and over,” Kyle said. “Liz, next time you need time to yourself, wait until the storm is over. Walking out into the middle of this one was obviously not the best choice.”

Liz nodded her head, knowing he was right.

“Let’s go,” Kyle said. “Maria is valea without you there.”

Kyle placed his hand at the small of Liz’s back to guide her in the other direction, and she tore her eyes away from Max’s intense gaze.

Tess and Max followed quietly behind.


The next morning, the group woke, well rested and ready to make the last leg of their short journey back to the Mamalu tribe. The journey started out slow and easy, as the weather was cool and the air light from the storm that had raged most of the night.

“It’s not Max.”

Liz turned her head to look at her sister, a confused expression on her face.

“What is not Max?” Liz asked.

“The one in the prophecies. It’s not him. I’m not destined to be with Max.”

I am not destined to be with Maria.

Liz was quiet as she looked at her sister with her brows knitted together. Max’s words rang in her ears.

“What do you mean, Maria? What does that mean?”

Liz didn’t get an answer, and when she looked over at Maria, her eyes were trained on her feet, watching as they padded silently along the forest floor.


Liz wondered what was wrong when Maria suddenly turned to her, her green eyes misty and full of unshed tears.

“It’s not Max, Liz,” Maria said. “They lied to us,” she said. She looked down in front of her for a few seconds, then looked at Liz, with a tear running down her cheek. “I have to marry Michael!”

Liz felt her head spin as she felt lightheaded and dizzy all at once.

Maria wasn’t destined to be with Max.

Max wasn’t destined to marry Maria.

Max wasn’t her sister’s destiny.

Max wasn’t anyone’s destiny.

Max was free.

Liz’s head swam with the possibilities. She’d spent every minute since he’d found her on her hands and knees on the ground fighting the overwhelming feelings he conjured in her heart. She’d resisted the urges to think of him, to allow herself to want to be with him, believing that it would be wrong, he was Maria’s destined husband. She’d dealt with the guilt, and chastised herself for falling for someone she should not have feelings for.

But suddenly, it was possible.

She didn’t have to feel guilty. She didn’t have to berate herself for feeling things for Max.

The invisible barriers that had kept her from acting on her feelings for Max were gone, they no longer existed.

And that knowledge was almost too much to handle.


“They’re staring at us.”

Max looked around, at the village people that had stopped to look at the group of travelers that were walking by.

“We’re strangers to them, Michael.”

“They’re wearing animal skins.”

“Michael, where do you think the fabric we have on comes from?”

Michael opened his mouth to argue, then shut it with a frown. Max was right. “But they took it off the animal and put it on!” Michael said. “It’s…disturbing me.”

“Relax, soldier,” Max whispered softly. He nodded his head politely at an old woman as he passed her. Then he turned back to Michael. “Surely you are not scared of them?”

“Scared, no,” he said. “Apprehensive, a bit, maybe.”

“We must go in here.”

Max and Michael stopped staring at the people long enough to look across the clearing. They followed the direction Kyle was pointing them in, and both sets of eyes widened in amusement.

“What in Holy Antar’s name is that?” Michael exclaimed.

He stepped back as he peered upwards, at the massive structure ahead of them. It was a triangle shaped…building, made with red earthen mud-bricks. It was wide, and obviously very large at the bottom, and the higher it got, the smaller it became.

“Michael!” Max hissed.

“It’s the Maligaliga,” Kyle answered proudly.

“The what?” Michael asked again.

“The Maligaliga,” Kyle answered. “It’s where we go to worship. To pray.”

“It’s your church,” Max stated.

Kyle looked at Max and shook his head. “What is this church?”

“You go in there to pray?” Michael asked sarcastically. “It looks like a pile of building blocks you give a child to play with. That’s not a church! It’s so…crude!”

“Michael,” Max said warningly.

“I’m not going in there, Max. It looks like it may fall in on us!”

Maria lifted her chin and glared at Michael. “Listen, Michael,” Maria said. “It may be crude. But to us, this building and its purpose demands respect,” she said. “You are the guest here, and it would be wise of you to treat it so,” she said haughtily.

“Maria,” Kyle said condescendingly.

Max watched with interest at Michael and Maria exchanged heated glances, and smug smirks.

“The church,” Max said. “It’s where we go to pray and worship,” Max said.

Kyle nodded in understanding. “We may speak the same language, but we still have a lot to learn,” he said. “That is why our speech is mixed. We do not know all the English words,” he said.

“I fear we do not either,” Max said, a small smile playing on his lips.

“The Elders are in council," Kyle said. "Our Fathers," he added, as he motioned to Liz, Maria, Tess, Isabel, and Alex. "We must take you to them.”

“Is that a nice way of saying ‘Take me to your leader’?”

Kyle turned and looked at Michael with a confused look. “If I was taking you to my leader, I would tell you,” he replied curtly.

Michael frowned at Max’s amused smirk.

As they walked beneath the stone doorway into the Maligaliga, Michael couldn’t stop the surprised gasp. “This is what that pile of stone looks like inside?”

Alex smiled proudly as he stood in front of the two new comers. “We take great pride in our Worship,” he said.

“I can’t believe your people put all this into such a…”

“Crude building?” Maria asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Maria!” Liz said, touching her sister’s arm.

Maria rolled her eyes, and sighed loudly.

“Maria and I will get all of our fathers,” Liz said quietly. She walked past Max, determined not to look at him, for fear she would lose her resolve.

She’d been itching to talk to Max privately all day, since she’d talked with her sister. The more she thought about it, the more restless she had become. She’d purposely avoided Max all day long, knowing that once they were alone, once she was near enough, and able to touch him and speak to him, her resolve would be lost. She wanted to tell him that she was wrong, that he could kiss her, that he could touch her. But so far, they’d all been together as a group since daybreak, and the time just hadn’t come. She was determined to speak to him in private.

She knew that the minute she let herself feel the feelings she had for Max, that there would be no going back. And she didn’t want an audience around.

Max and Michael watched the two sisters as they headed towards the sacred rooms of the Maligaliga, the rooms that only the elders and their families were allowed in.

Several minutes later, there was a great shuffling sound, and the group that had remained in the main room turned towards the back, where Maria and Liz had disappeared minutes ago.

Max and Michael stood tall and proud as several older looking men filed towards them, but there was one in particular that caught their eye.

The last man in the line was frail and old, but his presence demanded their attention. His long gray hair was pulled back away from his face, and Max and Michael both noticed the colorful feathers around his neck, and the colorful bracelets on his arm. However, it was his eyes that made them gasp.


“I know, Michael,” Max whispered. “He looks so…familiar.”

“He is, Max. We know him.”

Max turned towards his brother, his brow wrinkled in confusion. “What?”

Michael shook his head, knowing his brother’s thoughts. “Not here, Max. At home.”

Max turned to look at the old man, certain that he had never seen him in Spain before. “No, Michael, I’m sure he’s never been to Spain.”

“Not Spain,” Michael said.

“Well, what do you mean?” Max asked quietly, as the man stopped in front of them.

Michael and Max watched with baited breath as the man bowed his head before them, and his shoulders shook quietly. Isabel and Tess both walked to him, placing a comforting hand on either shoulder.

It was at that moment that Max realized who this man was. Why he looked so familiar, and why his presence was so demanding.

Sighing softly, Max Evans, also Zan, King of Antar dropped to one knee and bowed before his father.

Leiai - No
Fa'amolemole - Please
Valea - Crazy
Maligaliga - Temple
I once heard that dust is made up of human skin cells. If that's true, I think there's a naked man under my bed!
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A big Thank You to the readers, for sticking around through this. Thanks for the e-mails, the PM's, and the requests for a new part. My muse is seriously going to get her butt kicked for not being able to form a decent part for this story. The next part is in the works. Again. And a big thanks to tequathisy for being a great beta, and for sticking around!

Inside Your Heaven
Part 8

Max watched quietly as the festivities began. They were seated on the ground, a small table and many wooden dishes placed in front of them. They smiled and nodded politely as the villagers trickled by, all anxious to see the faces of the prophesied King and his Second. Some brought gifts, and laid them on the table, some merely nodded and smiled. It was all very ceremonial, and everything had been explained to him over the course of the entire ceremony.

Hours earlier, after they’d been reunited with their father, he had sat them down with Isabel and Tess, and answered all their questions. He had some questions for Michael and Max, who too answered everything the other wanted to know. When they emerged from the Maligaliga, they knew where they had come from, why they were here, and exactly how life had gone for the separated family. It was upon emerging that they were informed a feast was being prepared in their honor. Max, always one to shy away from attention, had attempted to talk the people out of honoring him. But they’d refused. The long awaited prophesied King and his second in command had returned. There was no question of the festivities that would be celebrated.

“I swear, Max, it’s a dress.”

“It’s not a dress, Michael,” Max said, Michael’s voice breaking him out of his thoughts. “At least…I don’t think it is.”

Michael frowned at his brother, and went back to watching the men in front of them, wrapped in garments much like the ones they now wore, preparing to remove the ceremonial pig, which had been wrapped in tea leaves and roasted in the ground, from the hole it had been in all day as it cooked.

“Ten thousand different timelines those idiots on our home planet could have sent us to, and they sent us back to one where the men wear dresses. Unbelievable!”

“Michael…” Max said condescendingly.

“Don’t the Scottish wear skirts?”

“Michael, they are not skirts. They are….Well, I forgot what he said they are called, but they’re not skirts. It’s traditional Mamalu dress.”

“It’s a ya-ya, or something,” Michael mumbled. “Could have fooled me.”

“It is called an Ie Lava Lava.”

Max and Michael scrambled to stand up from their seated positions on the ground, but the old man waved them off as he took a seat in between them.

“Don’t stand. I am a feeble old man. I wish to sit with my sons.”

Max and Michael moved further apart to make room for the old man to sit between them.

“It’s a practical garment,” he said, patting the brightly covered cloth covering the lower portion of his own body. “The men may wear them to cover the lower body. The women may tie them behind their necks to cover the entire body.”

“It’s still a skirt,” Michael muttered under his breath.

The old man smiled at his son. “It is a tradition.”

At that moment, the three men turned their attention toward the far corner of the clearing in front of them. There was a sudden eruption of noise and hollering, and on instinct, Michael and Max both stood up, hands raised protectively.

“Sit down,” the old man commanded with a gentle, amused smile. “It’s a traditional dance.”

Michael and Max sat back, and once they realized that the shouts and abrupt movement were indeed part of a dance, they looked at each other with amused smiles.

Michael and Max sat back and watched the dance, as the dancers came to face their table, and dance in front of them, the guests of honor. Michael was amazed when they men danced with sticks lit on fire. They all but let the lit torches touch their skin, and he gasped when the men started swinging the sticks so fast, that it looked like they had their fingers in the flames.

“This is the Siva Afi,” the old man said. “It is the Fire Dance. Only a few of the men are ever lucky enough to be trained to perform this dance.”

“Are those…rocks around their necks?” Max asked.

The old man turned to look at the stone-like pieces around the men’s necks. “That’s a Kukui Nut,” he said. “We take them, hollow them out, and string them to make an ula. A necklace.”

“Is it over?” Michael asked when the music abruptly ended.

The old man simply shook his head and motioned towards the opposite end, where the fire dancers had emerged from minutes before.

A loud lively song started once again, but this one not as harsh and edgy sounding as the last.

Max and Michael watched with bated breath as several women, four of whom were Isabel, Tess, Maria, and Liz emerged from the corner, performing as they went along. The women were graceful in their movements, despite the fast paced music.

Michael watched, confused by the way he couldn’t take his eyes off of Maria. He watched her as she swayed back and forth, her hips, and her legs moving in a graceful rhythm along with the music. Her eyes sparkled with determination as she glanced in his direction, and he turned away. Unable to keep his eyes away from her, he turned them back to her and let his gaze roam down her body. She was short, but what she lacked in height, her body made up for in other ways. Her hair was golden and shining, catching the glowing firelight every time she moved. Her skin was tanned and bronze, glistening as she moved. He watched the firmness of her abdomen as she twisted and turned to the beat of the music. Simply put, he was mesmerized.

Max swallowed thickly as Liz came to a stop right in front of him, and looked at him, smiling shyly before moving in time to the music, and with the rest of the women as they sat down, legs crossed in front of the men. He took a moment to look Liz’s attire. She was wearing some sort of thick fabric, wrapped around their bodies just below her arms. It was a heavy beige fabric, with dark brown designs on it, and it seemed to make her skin glow with a golden light. There was a wide brown belt around her middle, adorned with pink and red feathers, and dangling beads. Perched on top of her head was a high headdress, adorned with brightly colored feathers, beads of all sizes, more of the Kukui Nuts they had asked about earlier, and bright silvery colored shells. He wondered briefly how she was able to hold her head high with such a massive head piece on.

He watched, in fascination, as the girls raised their arms high above their heads, their fists twisting and turning against each other as if imitating someone wringing out a wet rag. He was fascinated by Liz, watched her expressive eyes as they followed her hands and looked anywhere but at him. He followed her hands as well, until he was distracted by the golden glow of her skin. He let his eyes roam further down, until his gaze swept over her bare shoulders and across her neck. His gaze would have roamed even lower, and his thoughts would have run rampant with desire, had the song not abruptly ended.

The girls stood slowly, and brought up their arms, and Max noticed for the first time that they had small wooden bowls in their hands. When Liz reached out and set her bowl down in front of him, she nodded, almost imperceptibly, and backed away.

“Uh, what now?” Michael leaned over to ask.

“Now, you taste. This is Kava Juice. No important ceremony takes place without the Kava. The dance the girls just performed, it imitates the making of the kava juice. It’s a very important juice, a very precious fruit, that doesn’t grow everywhere. Only people of importance are given this juice.”

Max and Michael took the small wooden bowls offered to them.

“It smells like medicine,” Michael remarked lamely.

The old man chuckled, and his eyes crinkled with laughter. “That it does, my child. And it tastes no better, I’m afraid.”

“Is it safe to drink?” Max asked, swirling the murky liquid around in the bowl.

“You don’t drink it,” the man replied with a smile. “You taste it. That’s it. Take a sip, taste it, then turn, and spit it over your shoulder. Then you rub it into the dirt with your foot.”

“We have to put our foot in it?” Michael asked, disgusted. “We have no shoes on!”

“It’s only something that’s come out of your mouth,” the man said. “It shows respect. That you respect the earth, and all it has to offer. From the earth, to your mouth, back to the earth.”

“Michael, just do it,” Max said.

“Oh no, Maxwell. You try it first.”

“It would be a sign of disrespect to the people, and to the women if you did not taste it.”

Max sighed loudly, and looked at Michael. “We’ll do it on three,” he said.

Michael looked at the liquid hesitantly. “If we must. One, two…”

“Three!” Max said suddenly.

Michael and Max tipped the wooden bowls to their mouth, and both immediately turned over their shoulder and spit the liquid to the ground.

“I am glad we didn’t have to swallow it!” Michael exclaimed.

“Now, use your foot, to cover it with the dirt.”

Both Max and Michael moved their foot around behind them, watching to make sure they covered what they had spit out with the dirt. As they both finished, and looked back towards the women, the crowd erupted into a cheer, and the festivities had officially begun.


“You are a very beautiful dancer.”

Startled by the voice, Liz turned around, and found herself too close to Max for comfort.

“I’ve been dancing since I was a small child,” was her simple reply.

“It shows,” he answered. “What is this?” Max asked, fingering the rough fabric of the outfit Liz was wearing.

“It’s tapa cloth. It’s made from the bark of a tree.”

“It’s very beautiful,” he whispered.

“It’s very…” Liz took a deep breath, her mind swirling, and her senses on overload with Max so close. “…hot.”

“Why do you wear it?” Max asked.

Liz shrugged her shoulders. “Our people have been wearing these garments since…well, since the beginning of our people.”

Max watched, mesmerized by Liz’s voice, the way she moved her hands when she talked. She talked more, explaining to him the traditions involving the unique cloth, and how important traditions are to the Mamalu people. Unable to look away from her, he hadn’t realized he was staring at her until she was waving her hand in front of her face.

“Are you okay?”

Max nodded his head, embarrassed at having been caught. “Do you want to take a walk?” Max asked.

Liz nodded. This was her chance to tell Max how she really felt.


“Don’t you ever smile?”

Michael narrowed his eyes as Maria came up to stand beside him. He didn’t want to speak to her. His father had told him that he was the warrior spoken of in Maria’s destiny, and that he would marry her. Michael had been far from happy upon hearing that news. And as he had watched her dance earlier, the thought that he had been…attracted to her had unnerved him. He was not going to let his…mind, his body, feel things for her. That was destiny’s way of trying to put him on the right track.

Maria, on the other hand, was trying to make the best of the situation. She’d had a long talk with Liz, and her sister had made her see the point. Maria’s marriage to a foreign warrior would strengthen an alliance that would bring peace and prosperity to the Mamalu people. It would also prove to be the saving grace for the Mamalu people when their enemies came to fulfill the prophecy of a war.

“You wouldn’t be smiling if you were in my position.”

“And you’d be smiling if you were in mine?” Maria asked, one eyebrow raised.

Michael glared at her, then turned away.

“Look,” Maria said. “I don’t like you. You don’t like me. That much is obvious. But we can try to be civil, can’t we?” Maria asked. “For the sake of our…situation.”

“This is your situation,” Michael replied curtly. He turned towards her, and leaned down, so that he was glaring into her eyes. He was so close, he could feel her surprised breath on his cheeks. “Not mine, not ours. This is your destiny that I’m supposed to take a part in. I don’t want to be a pawn in someone else’s plan for my life. I don’t like it, and I don’t have to be civil about it.”

Michael turned away from her suddenly, cursing fate for making him it’s playing piece. He had a fleeting regretful moment, seeing the surprised, almost forlorn look in her eyes, but he quashed it almost immediately.

There were a few minutes of silence, as Michael and Maria both looked at the people around them.

Maria was fretful and frustrated, angry at the fate she’d been given. He had been nothing but rude and obnoxious since he’d arrived. When she had thought she was marrying Max, she was able to handle it. Max was kind, and charming. Michael was…not. She was being forced into marrying him, someone she didn’t even like, much less love, and he couldn’t even be civil to her.

Michael watched the people move around him, watched Max talking to Liz, and cursed himself for being in this situation. He loved his old life. He loved Spain. He loved…the women, the food, the people. And now, because some one on his home planet years ago, decided to send him to Earth, but somehow or another messed up so badly that he ended up in the wrong place, he was going to have to uproot his life so that he could start over in the right place. It wasn’t fair.

“I can’t do this,” Maria said softly. She turned to leave, but whirled around again, anger flashing in her eyes. “Someone somewhere made a plan for my life before I even existed. I didn’t ask for it. I never had a choice in the matter, Michael. Someone told me one day how my life would turn out, and who I would marry. It never seemed so unfair to me until this moment. I shouldn’t have to marry someone who hates me. I shouldn’t have to follow a path with my life that I didn’t choose. But someone somewhere decided that I have to. I tried. I tried to accept, I tried to make the best of a situation we both despise. But I won’t do it. I won’t spend the rest of my life miserable and unhappy. I won’t spend my life trying to love a husband that won’t ever love me back.”

Michael, watched open mouthed and shocked, as Maria turned on her heels, her eyes filled with unshed tears, and ran from him.

Michael realized, watching her, that beneath her smart mouthed exterior, that under all her independence was, indeed a woman. A woman who, like him, had had her life written out for her, her path chosen before her time. A woman who was trying to make the best of something she had no choice in. A woman who, he suddenly realized, was getting underneath his skin.

Without giving himself the time to change his mind, he went after her.

Max and Liz stared up at the clear night sky above them. They had walked to a small clearing in the trees, and stopped to climb a cluster of boulders that sat in the clearing. They talked softly, and eventually found themselves lying on their backs, side by side, as they stared up at the stars.

“Does it look the same?” Liz asked, breaking the silence.

“Does what look the same?” Max asked.

“The heavens.”

Max was silent for a minute.

“I’m not sure I’d describe that as heaven,” Max said, lifting an arm to gesture towards the sky. “There’s life there, Liz. There’s a war there, and people have died. Those same people sent me, Michael, Isabel and Tess back here because we are crucial to saving them. Someone wants to kill us so badly that people had to…make us all over again, and send us to another planet. That’s not my idea of heaven.”

“Oh, Max, it doesn’t have to be that world. Heaven is what you make of it.” Liz raised up then, on her elbows and looked around. “This,” she said, moving her arm in a wide arc around her body to emphasize her point. “This is my heaven. The earth, the animals, the plants, the trees. It’s all so beautiful, and amazing, and…big. There’s so much here, so much left to see. Who could ask for anything more?”

After a minute or two, Liz let her self back down on her back. She stared up at the night sky, and smiled when saw a star shoot across the sky. She felt her skin tingling, and a warm sensation spread across her body, and when she looked up she saw that Max had turned his head, and was watching her. His eyes were dark, his gaze intense. As she looked back at him, she saw his expression soften, and could have sworn she saw his eyes spark. He reached a hand towards her face. “I like your Heaven,” he said softly, running a finger down her cheek.

Suddenly unsure of being so close to him, Liz wanted to lighten the subject. “Maria was very disappointed when she found out her true destiny,” she said.

Max took a deep breath, confused at Liz’s abrupt change of subject. He had been about to kiss her, and he thought that she had wanted him to. “Her true destiny?” Max questioned hesitantly. Staring at her a few seconds longer, he sighed deeply and turned back towards the sky. “Do you mean that marrying Michael is not her true destiny? My father said that Michael was the foreign warrior spoke of in Maria’s destiny. That’s not true?”

“It’s true,” Liz said.

“I don’t understand.”

“She thought it was you. When you first told us who you were, when Michael said he was the King, Maria let herself believe that you were the foreign warrior she was supposed to marry. You were kind to her, to us. You are trust worthy, and Maria was glad it was you, and not Michael. Now that we know the truth…”

Max chuckled, a low rumbling sound in his chest that made Liz smile. “You think this is funny?”

“Michael’s not…well, he doesn’t come off as the marrying type,” Max said. “Before tonight, he was happy thinking that he would be unmarried, and a soldier all his life. Now he too, is dealing with the fact that he has a bigger part to play in life.”

“He’s not happy either?”

Max shook his head. “No, he’s not. But Michael will accept it. It’s what he does. He is not as unfeeling and harsh as he seems. Michael doesn’t trust people easily . It’s the soldier, the protector in him kicking in. It’s his nature to not trust anyone or anything at first. He doesn’t trust destiny for making him a part of its plan. But they both seem very stubborn. Perhaps they are the perfect match after all.”

“They hate each other.”

“They’ll learn to love each other.”

Max and Liz giggled briefly at themselves, both having spoken at the same time.

Feeling the mood in the air shift, Liz once again realized that Max was staring at her. She didn’t know how she knew, but somehow, she knew his gaze was fixed on her.

“I must follow a destiny too,” Max said, breaking the silence. “There is a woman out there. A girl. That is written of. She will help me bring an end to the war on my planet. She is going to become a beloved queen one day, to the people of Antar. It is my destiny to find her, and make her my queen.”

As Liz listened to Max talk, her heart broke. She knew what it meant to have a destiny. She’d never been told she had a destiny. Never been a part of anyone’s plan. Never been important enough to have her life planned for her. She’d always longed for that, longed to be a part of something bigger, something…great. And it had always been Maria. It had been Maria that was destined for greatness, Maria that had been prophesied to marry a foreign warrior, and she’d always longed for that. But it had never been in the stars for her. And it was only at this point, as she was listening to Max talk of his destiny, that destiny seemed so unfair. That destiny would plan someone’s life, giving them no choice in the matter. Max had a destiny. A purpose, an important part to play in the future of his people. He had a destiny that would save his home, and his people. And that destiny didn’t include her.

As Max spoke, his thoughts were running wild. For the first time in his life, he was having a hard time dealing with having a destiny. Suddenly, it wasn’t fair that he couldn’t make his own decisions. That his life couldn’t take it’s own path, not one someone else had set aside for him. He didn’t want a queen, he didn’t want a prophecy, and for the first time in his entire life, he didn’t want to be King. He wanted to be Max Evans, a sailor from Spain, intent on discovering a new world. He wanted to be Max Evans, brother to Michael, and Tess, and Isabel. He wanted to be Max Evans, who was learning to know his father. But most of all, he wanted to Max Evans, the man who wanted to be with Elizabeth a Savili, the woman that had claimed his heart in a matter of days.

He turned to Liz and reached his hand out to grasp hers, but he didn’t have a chance.

Before he knew what was happening, she had jumped up and run.

She was gone.

I once heard that dust is made up of human skin cells. If that's true, I think there's a naked man under my bed!
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Okay, I'm leaving this A/N up for a few days, just so people see it....

....then I'm moving this story to Dead and Buried.

It' won't be deleted, because it's got enough parts to stay up. But I'm putting this fic on hiatus, temporarily. I've just got so much going on, and I can't even finish the next chapter, which is halfway done already. I swear, my muse has taken a vacation. Sneaky little thing.

But, I am determined to finish this story.

It just won't be right away. Dont' forget it, don't forget me.

I'm hoping this will be back up and running by summer.

I once heard that dust is made up of human skin cells. If that's true, I think there's a naked man under my bed!