A Whisper into the Night ( 1/1 Teen, M/L 6/25/07)

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A Whisper into the Night ( 1/1 Teen, M/L 6/25/07)

Post by tinie38 »

Title:A Whisper into the Night
Disclaimer:"Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."
Summary:I'm not good with summaries so read and find out...

Author's Note:Hello everybody, this is the first thing I have ever had the guts to write and post. So please be gentle with the feedback and also know that I pretty much suck with grammar and things so there may be some mistakes. Anyways please tell me what you all think.

Thanks, Kris

He knew she was there.

He’d felt her and now as he stands outside her window he longs to feel her.

To see her intense chocolate eyes open and directed at him with such love it steals his breath away.

To kiss her full luscious lips tenderly once again.

To run his hands through her dark silky hair as he’d once had the pleasure to.

He longs for her and yet he knows he can never truly have her.

He betrayed her and she would never forgive him.

He’d slept with Tess, his destiny, and betrayed his soul mate, Liz.

Not only that he’d gotten her pregnant.

Pregnant with his child.

A child that’s not Liz’s.


She stirs in her sleep as Max gazes longingly at her, completely enraptured with her beauty in the moonlight.

His Liz

So beautiful and delicate, his eyes roam over her form, memorizing her curves for he will never see her again. That very thought sends a panic through him, he can’t lose Liz she’s everything to him.

Before he knows it he’s through the window and beside her bed. Knowing this is the last time he’ll ever see her he leans in and tenderly kisses her goodbye. He’s out the window before she can wake, leaving only their glowing initials as a tribute to their love.

The only sound heard is “Max” as Liz awakes but it's only a whisper into the night.
I'll always be a dreamer but every once in awhile I'll be awakened.
Beautiful banner thanks to FrenchDreamer!