Miles to Go Before I Sleep(CC/UC, Mature) Completed 09/13/07

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Post by M&M<3 »

Okay so part five and its super super long sorry I just had way too much fun writing and had to stop somewhere lol. But I hope you enjoy it!!

Chapter Five

Kyle closed his eyes and tried to keep his cool, she’s crazy and this this is crazy.

“You have to open your eyes or it won’t work.” Kyle opened his eyes and looked into Serena’s. There was a blinding light…

He was in the back of the Crashdown, his heart exploding with sadness and anger. Maria walks in and jumps back staring at him, “What?”

He looks down at the floor it’s hard for him to watch her when he says this, “Maria…” Its not his voice that comes out, its his fathers‘. “There was an accident tonight and … And Alex was in it.”

She clung to her apron and stared at him waiting for the rest. “Alex? Is he .. Is he ok?” He shook his head as Maria stared at him waiting for the punch line. “NO!!!” She ran from him into the front. He took a deep breath knowing the rest of the group was up front and the bad news needed to be broken once again…

“Liz?” He looked up from the mirror he had been sitting in front of for the last couple hours.

“Hey Max,” he the tension between them, the awkwardness that for some reason made him remember the first time he’d found out about the aliens, but it wasn’t his memory. From everything he’d been told it was Liz’s. “I didn’t think you’d come.” He could feel his hands shaking as they fiddled with the brush.

“Well you invited me, right? Do you want me to leave?” He wouldn’t look at Kyle’s face, little it was too painful for him and just being in the same room was going to kill them both.

“No I mean if you want to stay, please stay. Its going to be a beautiful ceremony.” He could feel his stomach tying itself into knot’s as the beginning an all to familiar fight was about to begin.

Max looked at the door than at Kyle’s dress on the stool behind him. “Ya beautiful with Sean DeLuca. It’ll be what you always wanted won’t it? You’ll get your white picket fence, of course you’ll have to be careful and stay out of the law’s way. We all know old habits die hard.”

Kyle could almost feel the knife going into his chest and rage imminently took over. “Fuck you Max! What the hell made you think you could walk in here on my wedding day and all of a sudden be jealous?! Sean and I have been together for four years while you in the mean time have been with Tess. You have NO right to barge in here and expect me to take this!” His heart was racing as he stood up from the mirror.

“He doesn’t deserve you Liz!” Max stopped and Kyle watched as he chocked back his tears. “I’m only with Tess because you pushed me away. You did this Liz! I LOVE YOU! YOUR ALL THAT I WANTED FROM THE MOMENT I SAW YOU, AND YOU PUSHED ME AWAY!”

Kyle’s full defensiveness kicked in and within seconds he was no longer in control of what he was saying, “I DID WHAT YOU WANTED! WHAT YOU ASKED OF ME! IT WAS DESTINY FOR YOU TO END UP WITH HER! You think I wanted to let you? No I didn’t and once I finally get over you and find someone that makes me happy you come here to ruin it for me!” He felt his heartbreak as the words left Liz’s mouth. He stared at Max and knew what he had to say even if it would kill him. “I’m over you. There is no you and me and there never will be again.. Ever. I’m with Sean, were getting married and I love him.” He watched as Max could no longer control himself and tears were falling down his cheeks ripping her heart out in the process. He turned and walked out the door and Kyle fell into the chair behind him…

Kyle was standing in front of a casket his hands folded in front of him, he looked around at the gang; Max, Isabel and himself on one side of Michael and Liz, Sean, their daughter Lulu and.. Himself on the other. There was something familiar of being in this exact spot. He looked at the gravestone next to where their were standing: Alex Whitman 1983-2001. Guilt came over him, causing him to sway into Max.

“You ok?” Kyle looked up at him and forced a smile.

“Ya its fine, I’m just feeling a little woozy, must be that whole funeral thing that gets to me.” Max put rubbed Kyle’s the tiny bulge coming out of his stomach.

“Mommy,” a small child pulled on his dress and he looked down at him. God he looked like Tess, the hair the eyes, who was this child? Zan. Zan that was his name.

“Yes baby?” He ran his fingers through his hair, thinking about when he was a baby wishing he could always stay that innocent.

“Auntie Maria’s in heaven with the angels now right?”

“Yes Zan, Auntie Maria is with the angels now.” Kyle pulled the little boy closer to him and looked over at Michael trying to understand what might be going through his mind…

“Michael,” Kyle stepped into the doorway, or what was left of it. He got through the rumble that was the living room making his way to the bedroom. Michael was standing beside the bed. “So I was thinking you know if your up to it, why don’t you move in with me this place is beyond salvation.”

“This is where it happened.” Michael looked over at him, “this is were she was killed. And I wasn’t here to save her.” His face hardened recreating that little boy bouncing from home to home.

Kyle stood behind Michael, trying to fight the urge to wrap his arms around him and hold him till he‘s himself again, “this isn’t your fault. It was an accident.”

“An accident? No this is my fault. If we would’ve left when we were going to the Skin’s wouldn’t have attacked Earth! And Maria wouldn’t be dead!” His voice rose till it echoed through the house, ashes falling from the ceiling and walls.

Kyle’s heart was beating quickly, “No Michael if we would have left then, we’d be dead. The Skin’s would have came anyways. At least were here where we have a fighting chance!”

Michael looked down at the floor not trying to hide the tears that were falling from his eyes. Kyle took a step forward wrapping Michael in his arms. “Oh God Isabel she’s gone. She’s really gone and she’s never coming back!”

“Its okay Michael its all going to be okay. Remember when Alex died and.. It almost killed me? I survived and I‘ll help you…”

Kyle looked down at the baby girl in his arms, just seeing her brought him all the pain and joy in the world. Her smile looked like hers, her hair, her eyes. She looked like Isabel so much it hurt him knowing what he did. He loved Isabel of course but.. Maria. He loved her enough to let her in, and she died. He’ll never make a mistake like that again. He’ll protect his baby girl and Isabel from anything, lay down his life if that was needed, but he couldn’t let them get too close. People die. Its as simple as that. And he wasn’t going to be responsible for any pain that his daughter would feel or his wife. Kyle was pulled from his thoughts as the baby in his arms began crying. Slowly he rocked her back and forth, “shhh its ok Serena, your okay, daddy’s here. Come on baby it’s ok it ok …”

Isabel came out from the bedroom, her bathroom still on. Kyle winced, the baby woke her up again. She took a deep breath and took Serena out of Michaels arms, “you said you’d keep her quiet.”

He could feel the argument they’d had so many times and in the spirit he decided to attack first this time, “ ya and I was she just started crying you don’t have to freak out. Just give her back to me and go back to sleep.” He put his arms out in front of him for Serena.

Isabel only pulled the crying baby closer and look at Kyle staring daggers into his chest. “I’m up now Michael, I’ll take care of her. Besides don’t you have that meeting with Max and the council committee to prepare for?”

He signed and walked over to his girls, he leaned down and kissed the crying baby on the forehead. “I love you Serena, don’t you ever forget that.”

“Maria.” Kyle frozen in his steps and stared at Isabel. “Well that’s her name maybe we should use it instead of her middle name all the time.”

“You know why we don’t use that name.” His jaw was clenched as he tried not to say anything he’d regret later.

“Maybe you could pull yourself away from the her and see that you have a family that needs you here!’ Isabel walked to the crib in the other room and put Serena in it.

Kyle could feel his heart crumpling into pieces all over again at the mention of her. “I’m here aren’t I? I have always been here when Serena needed me and I always will. She is my everything, and I will make sure she is never in harms way.” Him and Isabel were almost nose to nose now, trying not to disturb the baby.

“Ya for her Michael. And me? What am I nothing to you? For God sake we’re married I’m your wife and the mother of your child and…” she chocked back the tears the best she could knowing if she let him see her cry it wouldn’t help, “ and you don’t care about me at all. It’s like you will never love again.” She couldn’t stop the tears anymore as they fell from her cheeks on to the floor. She brought her hands up to her face, so she wouldn’t have see Michael’s face.

Kyle watched Isabel cry and all he could think about was going over to her and holding her. Telling her everything was going to be okay, but if he did that he would have to let her in and couldn’t go through that pain again. “I have to go. We’ll talk about this later.” he grabbed the army jacket off the table and walked towards the door.

“That’s right Mickey leave, do what you do best.” Isabel didn’t bother to look at him. She walked to the bathroom and waited for him to leave.

Kyle opened the door to see himself standing there. He looked so different, it was hard to believe who he was seeing. But it wasn’t him[.b], right now he was Michael not Kyle.

“I just got here.”

“Whatever. Lets get to the meeting, we’re going to be late.” He closed the door behind him and started walking toward the car…

Kyle held the little girls hand as they walked through the New Roswell. Most of the houses had been destroyed leaving behind a ghost town of the once alien obsessed town.

“Uncle Kyle, when’s mommy coming home?” The little girl stopped walking and looked up at him. For some reason he knew he could never lie to her. He loved her like his daughter he felt it in his bones. He would have given up the world for her.

He signed and kneed down so he could talk to her eye to eye. “I’m sorry sweetie, mommy’s not coming home.” He could see her face braking up and all he wanted to do was hold on to her and protect her from the world for the rest of her life.

“Is she not coming home because of the boy?”

Kyle ran his fingers thru her curls pushing it out of her face, “because of what boy?”

“Alex. The boy from mommy’s mind. The boy mommy loved very much.”

“You saw him when you connected with your mommy Serena?” He wasn’t sure of what to say to her, she was a connector; a hybrid that was able to take memories and emotions from your mind with a single touch. Sometimes they were good ones, but all their lives had been filled with so much destruction and hurt, Serena seemed to grab the dark ones.

She nodded her head, and he knew she could feel the regret he had in him right now about Alex. He tried to push it away just for this moment while she would have to feel it too. He could deal with his own regrets and emotions but a six year old never should deal with adults problems. His guilt was eating at him for exposing her to this.

Serena put her hands on his face, “always and forever?”

He smiled and take her into his arms, “I will never leave you kid, your stuck with me always and forever…”

Kyle felt the knife in his hand as his dug it into her chest, and pulled her closer. “I knew you killed Alex and Max may not have been able to make you suffer the way you deserve to but I am.” He could feel her life slipping away as he pulled the knife out slowly and let her fall to the floor. “Rot in hell Tess.” He stepped over the body dropping the knife beside her and towards the open door.


He turned around to see Devon and for the first time his regret sank in; not for the murder he’d just committed but because Tess’ son would have to see her like that.

“Liz did you.. Did you do this?” Kyle stared at the boy what was the right thing to say after you killed someone’s mother? “DID YOU KILLED MY MOM?! ANSWER ME!”

Anything he could have said in that moment would have meant nothing to him. Kyle stood in front of Devon unable to comprehend what he was doing with the knife until it was already in his chest…

His heart felt like it was tearing itself apart. He looked down at the blood that covered his small hands with only feelings of dismay and regret. How could he have let this happen? Why didn’t he know they were coming? How could he have frozen, he could have saved him.

“Serena,” he looked up at the man calling his name to see Kyle, not himself this time but the Kyle who’d looked after him and taken care of him after every bad thing that ever happened. “We need to kept going, their gonna catch up and assume where we‘re going. The Pod Chamber is the only safe place right now.” He nodded and started walking the short distance up the side of the mountain.

The place my parents were born, a perfect place to end everything. It’s our last hope, using the strength of the Granilith to destroy the Skin’s and replenish the Earth. It’s a long shot but it had to work or everything my family has sacrificed and died for was worth nothing.

The rocks cut into the holes in the bottom of his old army boots as he crawled the final couple feet to the entrance. He placed his hand over the small rock in front and waited till the small green glow subsided and the rocks moved aside, opening the secret hide away. He stepped through first and lead the way to the powerful diamond they needed. He pulled the history book out of it’s hiding place and began flipping through it.

The King, yah yah yah, the warrior, yah yah yah, power of the Granilith. That’s it.

He stopped flipping and watched as an envelope fell from the back of the book and to the floor.

He picked it up filled with curiosity at the words written across it in Lizs’ handwriting.


He looked over at Kyle, tearing up the chamber for the crystal. After assuring himself Kyle was distracted he opened the letter, unfolding the paper quickly he began to read the letter:

I guess if your reading this I‘m not there to stop you, which means I‘m probably gone. I should tell you I’m not crazy and everything I’m about to tell you is the truth. I should start with Max, well not my Max but a future Max came to me one day so long ago, he told me of what my life was going to be. But together we had to change it. The future we were destined to have was one of destruction and war at the hands of evil aliens from Antar called Skins. We changed it at least we thought we did; I pushed Max towards Tess, his destiny and I found myself being drawn to Sean and found I loved him.

But the future Max told me about has caught up to us. The war began a couple months ago. I write this letter after the death of my best friend Maria DeLuca; fearing if she could be killed it is possible that I may be next and wanted this story to be told. I decided a long time ago not to live my life with regrets that’s why I never tried to use the Granilit myself to change the past to correct the mistakes that ended with this war. But if you’re here, and it’s a last resort you now know the Granilit holds this power. I do not regret my life; I love my husband and my children are everything to me. Its hard to understand the thoughts you will have if you choose to go back, but understand if you do you have to understand you could cause more pain and destruction then good. Trust me, I’ve had a hand or two in changing the future. Good luck.

Elizabeth Parker

Holding the letter in his hand he knew what he had to do, no matter what the consequence was going to be. He knew if it worked he’d never be born and his family might not be able seek happiness without the children they had claimed. But there might not be any war or if there is maybe they’ll be able to protect themselves and people who were meant to be together would survive maybe even grow old together.

He took the letter in one hand as he ran past Kyle and grabbed the silk bag hidden beneath the diamond and pulled out the crystal.

“I’ve been looking for that.” Kyle looked him up and down taking a step toward him. “You said you haven’t been up here before.”

He looked up at the man he was destined to become feeling only respect and love for him. “I haven’t. I saw it in Max when I was a kid. I’ve been thinking about this whole destroying the Earth thing.”

Kyle stared at him almost relief and fear creeping across his face, “ok thank God cause I thought that whole lets-kill-everything-on-Earth plan was a bad idea from the beginning. So new plan?”

“Yeah new plan.“ He nodded glad Kyle agreed with him and handed him the letter. “Read this.”

Kyle looked back up with him a shocked looked across his face, “ please tell me this isn’t your plan?”

“Yeah it is, I’m gonna go back and save Alex. And hopefully stop this war from happening,” he could already see the argument Kyle was preparing and decided to step in before he had a chance to start it. “Kyle I’m doing this I’ve made up my mind…”


Kyle : Great. So Michael's the boss-man? Think he'll offer a benefits plan? ...I for one am panicking here. I love the guy, but I don't want to be a member of any club where he's the leader.
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Post by M&M<3 »

Thats everyone! I had so much fun writing that last part that I was thinking about turning this last part that I was thinking of turning this story into a trilogy as a prequel like what it was like growing up in Serena's world and then the last one being how the future was changed for the better or worst haven't decided yet... what do you guys think?

Kyle : Great. So Michael's the boss-man? Think he'll offer a benefits plan? ...I for one am panicking here. I love the guy, but I don't want to be a member of any club where he's the leader.
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Chapter Six Part A

Kyle stared at Serena as her hands dropped from his face. How could this have happened? How could she have the strength to come here knowing she would never exist if she succeeded? Why would Tess kill Alex? How could she have destroyed their lives in a single act so much that Liz would in turn kill her? His mind reeled with questions and slowly his mind would answer them with the memories from Serena’s past. He watched as she clung onto him, her arms wrapped around is stomach and her head resting on his chest.

“Serena.. I.. ah...”

She looked up at his face and could feel the sadness within him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shown you any of this.”

“No Serena’s its just.. I don’t understand how you could risk yourself for.. For us.” He could bring himself to stop looking at her. He remembered everything from the time she was born to the time she left him to come here. He felt the love he carried for her inside of himself and how proud of her he always was no matter what she could have done. He found his arms automatically wrap around her and pull her closer feeling the need to protect against the world. “Why did you show me all this?”

Serena stiffened in his arms feeling the shock that was coursing through his body. “I guess I.. “ She took a deep breath as her body began to shake next to him, the thought of saying she needed someone even Kyle was hard for her to say out loud. “I need someone to know how bad things will get of this fails. They need someone to watch out for them and I won’t be here anymore to do it. And.. I need to be remembered if only by one person.” Serena looked away from him and put her arms on her knees. She stared into the dark past across from them and sighed. “I saw her once when I was kid. I just.. I didn’t think she’d be that beautiful.”

“Who? Maria?” Kyle asked the question as the answer came to his mind; Maria laying her head on Michael’s chest and his hand running thru her hair.

“Ya Maria. When I was a kid I hated her.” Serena laughed under her breath, “I hated her so much because my father seemed to always be saving himself for her. Its like he never had enough love left in him for mom after Maria died. I know he loved me but I.. I always saw her when I touched him.” She could feel the hot tears begin to fall down her cheeks. “Now that I’m here, I’m scared. I’m scared because if Maria lives my parents will never get married and I’ll never be born. I’ll never exist. And I know that Maria and my father are meant to be but I… I don’t know if I can do this.” Serena rested her head in her hands trying to hide the tears Kyle could see falling onto her legs.

He put his arm around her and drew her near once again, his mind going through the words to say to make her decision a little easier. “All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.” He waited till she looked up at him to continued, “if you decide that changing Alex’s death is the way to change the future for the positive, you have to understand that while you have doubts at least you had the courage to do what you thought was right. Some of the biggest risks taken throughout history have turned out with the best possible outcomes.” She smiled at him, his warmth and faith in her was unwavering.

“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to life; not going all the way, and not starting.” Serena knew what she had to ask of him. “Can you gimmie some time with Tess? I think we will have a lot to talk about.” Kyle nodded his head and Serena turned into his chest ago for one more embrace. She left the bench but turned around before she continued on her way, “I need one more thing of you. Never forget the future that’s destined to be. But remember the love you have for Tess and your friends, and that if this works it wouldn’t be nothing will be as it was destined to be. Don’t punish them for the things that they would have done.” Serena turned and began to walk away, her heart beating faster and her hands shaking with fear.

“Serena wait.” She turned around to take a last look at Kyle as he stood by the bench. “I.. ah.. Always and forever.”


Kyle : Great. So Michael's the boss-man? Think he'll offer a benefits plan? ...I for one am panicking here. I love the guy, but I don't want to be a member of any club where he's the leader.
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Post by M&M<3 »

Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I have two more parts after this then saddly its the end!

Chapter Six Part B

Serena stood in front of the door as Tess pulled it open. “Hey, Serena right? Your Alex’s cousin?”

“Ya… well no not really. Look Tess I need to talk to you and its kind of important if I could come in.” Tess stepped aside allowing Serena into the house and closed the door behind her.

“So… you said it was important?” Tess put her hands in her pocket and was staring at Serena now, her curiosity at what this stranger had to tell her.

“Ya it is and well here it goes.’ Serena took a deep breath, this wasn’t going to be easy but she had to get it over with. “I know what your planning to do and it’s a big mistake.”

“What are you talking about?” Tess could feel her heart as it pounded harder and harder in her chest, how could this girl know anything about her?

“Alex, I know your going to mind wrap him and send him to Las Cruces to decode the book. What you don’t know is your mind wrap has a weakness. It wouldn’t hold up and when he comes back to tell you what he found, he’ll remember everything. And.. You’ll kill him.”

“No no your crazy! I’d NEVER KILL ALEX!!” Tess was shaking her head trying to convince herself she’d never do a thing like that, trying to forget about the deal that had been made for her so long ago.

Serena walked towards her grabbing Tess’ shoulders. “You wouldn’t mean to but it’ll happen, and you and everyone you know will never be the same!”

Tess was still fighting her, trying to get out of the situation she found herself in. “I would NEVER do that! You don’t even know me or my friends! How dare you come here and think you can scare me! GET OFF OF ME!!”

Serena tightened her grip on the teenage girl she had feared so much throughout her life. “If you don’t believe what I’m telling you I guess I’ll have to show you…” She pulled the girls face toward her own and staring into her baby blue eyes until a bright light began to fill them…

“You did this to me, you sent me to Las Cruces! You mindwarped me for two months while I decoded that silly book for you and now there's nothing left for you to mindwarp. You destroyed my mind! How could you do this to me?!” She stared at Alex tearing falling off his face how could he remember all this? He wasn’t suppose to know.

“Okay, Alex, Alex let me fix your mind, you're not thinking straight.” She put her hands to his head as he pushed her into the bed. He looked crazy, his mind was in pieces. She had to fix it before he told anyone what she did.

Alex was looking down on her on his hands on his head like it was going to fall apart without them there. “I have nothing, I might as well be dead!”

“Calm down! Just calm down!” She could feel the situation getting away from her, the fear of Max finding out what she did was clawing at her throat.

“No, you can't mindwarp me. NO!!!!” Tess knew she has no choice she closed her eyes and focused on Alex’s mind, at repairing the pieces that were falling apart. She opened them again to see Alex lying awkwardly on the floor.

“Oh God… I killed him…”

Tess was looking at a Liz she didn’t recognize. She looked older, her hair was shorter and her face was straight as the blade to a razor. “Liz.. What are you doing here? I don’t think you’ve ever been to our house.” She remembered everything at that point, her and Max were married with two sons. The war had come so many years before. “Well come in,” she walked with her back to the woman into the living room then turned around and waited for Liz to say what she’d come there for. “So? Liz whats this about?”

In a second she felt Liz pull her closer as she dug the knife into her chest. “I knew you killed Alex and Max may not have been able to make you suffer the way you deserve to but I am.” She could feel her life source spiralling away from her body as Liz pulled the knife out allowing her to fall to the ground. “Rot in hell Tess.” She saw the knife drop beside her as Liz began to walk toward the door.

Regrets of the way she had lived her life were flashing like a movie through her head. Killing Alex, marring Max, Maria’s death… how could she have committed these crimes with no thoughts of the consciences?


The last thing she saw before everything went black was Devon, her youngest looking into her face then toward the door…


Kyle : Great. So Michael's the boss-man? Think he'll offer a benefits plan? ...I for one am panicking here. I love the guy, but I don't want to be a member of any club where he's the leader.
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Post by M&M<3 »

Thanks for the comments everyone! I have one more chapter that should be up nbu thursday night, Sunday by the latest!

Chapter Seven

Tess stopped fighting, and her body went limp, falling to the floor. She looked up at the girl standing over her; with her blonde curls and deep brown eyes, there was something comforting about her. But, in that moment, comfort was the last thing Tess could feel from this stranger. “Who are you?” The words came out a whimper as she felt fear throughout her body.

“A friend.” Serena's mouth was dry, and weakness was sweeping through her body. She’d never used that much power is so little time, and it was taking its toll on her.

“Trust me when I say I have more to lose than you have to gain by not sending Alex to Las Cruces. You’ll get Max and have two sons, but you’ll always know what you did to get them, and it’ll torture you. Eventually someone will come along who will be able to see through you, and you’ll fear them. With every touch, you‘ll convince yourself they‘ve seen your secret. You‘ll live in fear of your friends, your family finding out what you did to ensure that destiny would have its way.” Serena knelt in front of Tess, trying to make her point so the girl would think about what her future was to consist of. “You kill so much that you start not to feel it anymore. Your enemies, your friends, and family, they have the same faces. And eventually you forget why you needed destiny to happen.” Serena stopped and waited for a response from Tess. When nothing came, she decided to continue. “Max is in love with Liz. He needs that love for something to fight for. Give up on him. Go for the one person you know you will love forever, no matter what he could ever do. You know he loves you more than anything.”

Tess looked at the girl sitting in front of her, half believing everything she said and half hoping it was a lie. “What do you have to lose?”

“Life. If you don’t push for destiny, I won't be born.” She could see Tess rethinking her plans and decided to press on. “It's ok. I’m born as long as my family and friends have a chance to really live… because they don’t... you don’t know where I’m from.” She could see the tears running down Tess’ face and put her hand up to wipe them away, only for it go transparent and through her face. Serena starred at her hand, not believing that her plan was working already.

“What’s happening?” Tess asked in disbelief.

“You’re not going to send Alex away. You’re going to change everything.” Serena looked down as her legs disappeared and the rest of her was starting to vanish. “I’ve never been born, so I can’t be here… Thank you…” Serena disappeared, leaving Tess on the floor with only her thoughts to comfort her.


Tess knocked on the window lightly, hoping the girl was still awake. Liz pulled the curtains back, first looking annoyed and then shocked as she pulled up the window. “Tess, what are you doing here?”

“I had to talk to you. Actually, I had to apologize to you...if you’ll let me.”

Liz looked at the door to her room before she climbed out the window to talk to the girl face to face. “What do you have to apologize for?”

Tess stared at her, surprised she had to ask, “Ever since I got to town, I’ve been all over Max, even when you two were together. I thought that I had to carry out the destiny that I’d been told about since I was a kid, no matter how I felt about it.”

“Tess, I was the one that helped you get together with him. You don’t have to apologize for it.” Liz felt like she’d been hit with a sledge hammer. She knew she could never have Max back. Future Max had proven that point.

“No, please just let me finish. Max and I are finished. I see the way he looks at you, Liz. He loves you more than he could ever love me. You have that on your side. All I have is the past. It is Max’s destiny to be with you, not me. And, I don’t love him like you do. I never can. I screwed up destiny and chose the wrong one. Please don’t make the same mistake I did.” Tess took a deep breath, recounting the conversation she’d just had with Max. “Don’t push him away anymore. He’ll always be there for you, and he’ll always love you. That’s all I wanted to say.” Tess walked to the fire escape, only taking a few steps before Liz called to her.

“Tess.” She stopped and turned around, looking at Liz. “Thanks.”

Kyle : Great. So Michael's the boss-man? Think he'll offer a benefits plan? ...I for one am panicking here. I love the guy, but I don't want to be a member of any club where he's the leader.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by M&M<3 »

Ok guys the last chapter of Miles to Go Before I Sleep. I loved this story and writing it was alot of fun so I've decided to finish Serena's story with a new story To Live is My Fortune. So I hope this resolves most of your questions and thanks for all the comments guys!!!

Roswell April 27, 2028

Kyle pulled his daughter close to his side. Trying to protect her from the war had been a lost cause, considering the casualties they had suffered over the years, but he never stopped trying. She greatly reminded him of that girl that had changed his life, and his wife's, so many years ago.

“Dad, what are you thinking about?” Her voice was the sound of an angel, and her long blonde hair was like gold.

He took a deep breath and looked down at her, wondering how she could have grown up so fast. “I’m just thinking about your mother and how proud she’d be of you if she was here right now.” He knew the smile that came to her face when he talked about her mother.

She leaned into him, putting her arm around his back, as she looked at the gravestone that held her mother's name. “Did you always love her?”

Kyle smiled at his daughter as he pushed the hair out of her face. “Yup, she was the love of my life. I will never love anyone like I loved your mom, except you and your brother, of course.” He could feel his daughter tighten at the mention of her big brother.

“When’s Lukas coming home?” Her smiled faded within seconds.

“Serena, he’s only been gone a couple of days. He’ll be back as soon as he can. You know that.” Kyle looked at his wife’s headstone and felt a loneliness he hadn’t felt since his first year alone. Serena was two, and Lukas was seven. Luke understood what had happened and stopped asking where mommy was a day or so after he had told them. Serena, though, was the sensitive one. She was too young at that point to understand that Tess was dead. She would cry for hours on end, screaming for her mommy for months. It got to a point where Kyle didn’t know what to do. He called Maria and Liz, who would come over and try to calm her down with no success. Then one day she stopped. She didn’t cry, she didn’t scream, she just...stopped.

“Mom was only gone a couple of days, too..” her voice trailed off.

“I know, kiddo. I know.” He kissed the top of her head, keeping his arms around her. It was hard to protect that person who chose a long time ago that feeling wasn’t worth the pain it caused. He thought about the irony of it all. The one she was named for felt so deeply that she gave up everything, and she wouldn't let herself feel anything for fear that she would lose it all.

Kyle : Great. So Michael's the boss-man? Think he'll offer a benefits plan? ...I for one am panicking here. I love the guy, but I don't want to be a member of any club where he's the leader.