The Calm Before the Storm - Epilogue - 10/24/07

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the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »


But the Antares knew where to find their prince, and even if they couldn’t see him, they had no doubts he was there, as the apparently riderless horses were taken expertly through their paces. They patiently watched, in the hope of getting at least a glimpse of their hero, even if it was only for the scant seconds Michael treated them to, once every day, and for which they waited as long as it was necessary, never disappointed.

Lunch was a ceremony at the castle, lasting easily two hours, and then they would take a long walk for as long as they wanted, chatting among themselves and with anyone who cared to join them. They needed the exercise mostly because it kept them in good shape. Michael would spend the afternoons riding his beloved horses, needing just a solid shape, saving the visibility to share precious moments, at the end of the workout, with Geehan and Shenti. For them, he had managed to add another hour of lifelike appearance, using the sleeping time he shared with Maria to acquire this extra feat.

Laurie had married Wayne as soon as they returned to Earth and then, between a specialized private tutoring to graduate high school as soon as possible, and her husband, she had no extra time. So, in complicity with Ramthis and Serena, she surprised Michael bringing Moonshadow and Sundown on her next trip to Antar. Michael was thrilled and immediately got them blessed by the Granilith with agelessness and invulnerability like his other three steeds. Geehan loved them as much as the other ones but Shenti kept away, not very keen on their kind, riding them only if Michael had him hop behind him, needing no coaxing to have Michael’s ass pressed against his cock. Geehan just waited for the boy to return with the last horse to have him for himself during the time Michael could spare for him. And if anyone knew the meaning of the word loyalty, to friends, family and loved ones, that was Michael, like no one else could. There was no way he would forget Geehan and Shenti, and not include them in his present kind of existence, as he had also done with his horses. It was no secret, everyone knew about it. They understood it and were ok with it as was expected of them. That was the Antares way of life, and they loved it and fitted in it perfectly, as they had become part of it for eternity.

My very special thanks to those who have taken their time to read this fic. I have never asked for feedback as I enjoy writing and sharing, but just let me know if you liked it, ok?
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the calm before the storm

Post by julamorb »

Well girls, sorry to see it end, you had me waiting for the next surprise while it lasted. It was wonderful, congratulations, you are my winners in every category! And remember I used to do book reviews for the London Times, Esquire, and Penthouse so I know what I'm talking about! Love you!
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Post by singerchic4 »

Viloet (nusta's friend) asked me to post these banners on this thread for her readers. You are free to use it as you please, to remember Maragrita (nusta).

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purple daisy
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the calm before the storm

Post by purple daisy »

Thank you so much Singerchic4 for the awesome banners, and to SER for their comforting pm's. My thanks also to Bixie and Kzinti Killer for their patience and help. Eternally grateful!