Love at Third Sight (M/L, AU, Teen) Part 17 7/29 [WIP]

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Love at Third Sight (M/L, AU, Teen) Part 17 7/29 [WIP]

Post by cassie »

Title: Love At Third Sight

Author: Cassie

Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz and WB. No infringement is intended.

Couples: Max and Liz centered, but also Maria and Michael at this stage.

Rating: Teen at the moment

Summary: Sometimes it takes more than one meeting for people to fall in love at ‘first’ sight

Be aware that this story has two prologues. Feedback is much appreciated. Huge thanks to my first beta Shi, for encouraging me to actually write something of my own, and to my second beta Steph! Also thanks to ChadDude for my awesome banner! And for everyone that left me feedback when this when this was in Sneak Peeks.



Their first encounter…

Sixteen year old Elizabeth Parker sat at an airport terminal, nervously chewing on her lower lip. This was her first time flying and she could feel the butterflies in her stomach bouncing around. It didn’t help that her plane had been delayed. She just wanted the plane ride over and done with, rather than wait around.

Frowning, she forced herself to calm down. Although she was reserved in nature, she certainly could not be considered to be timid nor weak. Letting out a breath, she forced herself to focus on her destination and what lay ahead of her, rather than on the flight itself. She had been thinking so hard, that she didn’t notice the tall young boy approach her until he spoke out loud.

“What’cha thinking about Liz,” her older brother Michael asked.

Although he had startled her, Liz couldn’t help the genuine smile that spread across her face. Michael was even quieter in nature than she, if that was possible, and a fiercely private character. With that in mind, the two siblings were remarkably close, barely needing words to converse as they understood each other so well.

“I just can’t help being amazed that it is going to only take us about 8 hours to get to Albuquerque. It’s amazing how fast planes go and….”

“It will be fine Lizzie. People fly all the time.” Michael could tell that Liz was anxious about flying.

“I know that, but what if…”

“Don’t stress over it,” Michael said, then quickly thought of something to distract his sister. “Did you know that Roswell is the dairy capital of the Southwest?”

“No way! How do you even know that?”

“I was reading this silly brochure Mom gave me. I don’t plan on spending my summer milking cows. I want to explore the desert.”

By doing that Michael was able to keep Liz’s mind occupied with talk of their plans for the upcoming summer. The two of them managed to easily pass the time until the aircraft finally arrived. They, along with their parents Jeff and Nancy, made their way to the check in counter. It was there that an airline representative explained to them that economy class had been overbooked and as a result Liz and Michael were unable to travel in economy on this particular flight.

“Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. However, we are able to upgrade both tickets to first class at no additional charge,” explained the attendant. “But the only two available seats are not together.”

Liz was excited at the prospect of traveling first class but she was a bit hesitant about being alone. The next flight wasn’t until the following morning and they needed to get to Roswell today in order to unpack before they started school tomorrow. There was only two weeks left on the school calendar and Jeff and Nancy had been adamant that Liz and Michael attend, so that they may be able to quickly settle in to their new home town.

“Would that be okay with you Lizzie? None of us is going to mind waiting, so it’s up to you.”

“I’ll be fine Dad. Don’t worry about it,” she told her father

After receiving confirmation from Liz, Jeff turned to the flight attendant, “Yeah, that’s fine. Thank you.”

Before boarding the flight, she picked up a couple of magazines to read to keep her occupied during the flight. Liz and Michael said goodbye to their parents and made their way to the first class section.

As another flight attendant pointed out Michael and Liz’s seats, she was a little disappointed to see how far away Michael was sitting from her.

“I didn’t realise you’d be so far away.”

“We can try and get someone to swap or we can…”

“No. I’ll be fine.”

Michael scrutinised her expression to make sure that she was telling the truth and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Liz walked to her seat with her head held high and quickly settled into it. Once there, she began to examine her surroundings. There weren’t very many people around; her family had been amongst the first passengers to board the plane. Satisfied that nothing looked out of place with the aircraft, Liz sat back and flipped thorough her magazines as people filled the seats around her. She was so engrossed in an article about Pluto, that she hardly even noticed when someone sat down beside her.

Sixteen year old Max Evans barely glanced at the girl sitting next to him. She was obviously busy reading something. He was very tired and was glad he needn’t have to make small talk with someone he didn’t know, and most probably would never see again. He wanted to use his time in the air to catch up on some much needed sleep.

He flew frequently and was quite accustomed to sleeping during flights. Making him self as comfortable as he could in the seat, he closed his eyes and quickly succumbed to the sleep he needed so badly.

Liz anxiously sat through the safety speech, listening attentively, trying not to let her mind focus on horrible scenarios.

She tightly gripped her chair as the plane took off. But once it reached a cruising altitude, she was feeling much better and continued reading her magazines.

Some time later, when the plane hit some rather nasty turbulence, Max was jolted out of his world of dreams abruptly. Max was jolted out of his world of dreams abruptly when the plane shook suddenly. It took him a while to realize where he was and why he was sleeping upright. Looking around he realised that it couldn’t have been anything serious, as all the other passengers were acting as though nothing had happened and there had been no announcements from the pilot.

Just as he was trying to resettle in his seat, intent on continuing his nap, he noticed the petrified look on the girl beside him. Liz’s entire body had become ridged and she was holding on to her armrest as if her life depended upon it.

Max was unsure of what to do. He had no idea what he could say to put her at ease. She looked just like his sister when she saw even a hint of blood. He didn’t even know how to calm an irrational Isabel, let alone a stranger.

In her mind Liz knew that they had probably just experienced some wind turbulence but she couldn’t stop her body’s reaction. Her heart was pounding so hard she was sure everyone could hear it, her palms were sweaty and her knees were shaking. She was much too young to die.

She thought of all the things she had yet to experience; her first kiss, first car, first job, kids. She had no doubts that she was in no immediate danger of dying just yet but she was unable to stop her overactive mind and the thoughts running around in her head. She looked up to find the boy next to her cautiously studying her.

She felt his hand softly touch her lower arm before he spoke. “Breathe deeply. You’ll be fine.”

She loved to analyse people and began to study him. He looked a bit older than her but not much. He had dark brown hair with soulful amber eyes. She didn’t know what it was about him, but he was very reassuring. Realizing that he was waiting for a response, she tried to clear her head.

“I’m okay, thank you…Just a nervous flyer.”

“Everything will be okay,” he soothingly told her. He held out his hand, introducing himself. “Max Evans.”

Liz shook his hand, “Liz Parker.”

She was curious to find out what he was doing traveling first class by himself and wasted no time trying to find out. “Umm, Max. I hope you don’t mind me asking but where are you headed?” she asked.

“I’ve just been to visit my grandfather who lives in New York for the weekend. He’s been quite sick. I’m now heading back home to Roswell,” Max said. He was normally quiet and to himself when he flew, but he felt comfortable talking to Liz. This was most likely because he had already seen her when she was vulnerable.

“So you live in Roswell?” Liz asked.

Max nodded, “Lived there my whole life. Where are you from?”

“New York originally, but my parents just bought a café in Roswell. I guess you and I are going to be neighbours.”

Max smiled, “Does that mean that you’ll be going to West Roswell High?”

They soon discovered that not only would they be attending the same high school, but they even had Chemistry class together. Liz showed Max the article she had been reading earlier and they began to discuss why Pluto had been downgraded to a dwarf planet. Liz found his insight delightful and funny. She knew that they would become good friends.

After what felt like only minutes later, a stewardess voice sounded over the airplane’s P.A system, “Please remain seated and fasten your belts. We will be landing shortly.”

Both Liz and Max were amazed that they were already at their destination. When the airplane landed smoothly, Liz let out a relieved breath. Michael made his way over to her, once it was safe to walk about the cabin. Liz introduced him to Max, hoping that they too would become friends. Her brother didn’t have very many back in New York.

“Max, this is my brother Michael,” Liz said. “And Michael this is Max Evans. He lives in Roswell and goes to the same school that we’re going too.”

“Hi,” Michael mumbled, holding out a hand.

Max shook it smiling, “Glad to meet you.”

Noticing a few passengers giving them annoyed looks for blocking the aisle, Liz quickly led the way off the plane. Jeff and Nancy were waiting for them at the baggage claim.

“Alright guys lets get a move on it,” Jeff said, once they reached them.

Max shook Michael’s hand again and waved goodbye to Liz before they followed their parents out of the airport.

The entire Parker family was exhausted by the time the reached their new home. Lucky for them, Mrs. Parker had set up the furnishings a few weeks before the big move, so they all had soft beds to sleep on tonight instead of hard floors. The unpacking could begin in the morning.

When Liz woke the next morning, the butterflies she had at the airport were back. It didn’t help that she wasn’t settled in yet, and couldn’t find any of her belongings.

As their dad drove them to school both she and Michael were very quiet in the car. They had never changed schools before, but they both knew how hard it can be for new kids to try and fit in, especially since they were starting just before the end of the school year.

The two of them knew their schedules, so that was a relief. The only problem was neither knew where their homerooms were. After a few minutes of searching though, Michael found Liz’s and dropped her off at the door.

“See ya at lunch time,” he said, before walking off to continue his search for his own homeroom.

Liz glanced into the classroom and noticed that it was almost full with students. She knocked quietly on the door jam, gaining the Teacher’s attention.

“Ah, you must be Elizabeth Parker,” Mr. Raddish said, coming over to her.

Liz gave a nod and allowed him to usher her into the classroom, “Class, please welcome our new student, Miss Elizabeth Parker.”

What seemed like a thousand pairs of curious eyes examined Liz, so she quickly sat down in the first empty desk she spotted.

On her right was a bubbly blonde girl, who immediately turned towards her.

“Maria. Who did you kill to end up here?”

“Sorry?” Liz replied.

“My name’s Maria. You new to town? Why did ya move?”

“Oh,” Liz said, understanding now what the girl was talking about. “My Mom used to live around here when she was younger and they wanted out of the hustle and bustle of New York. So here we are.”

“You’re from New York?”

After Liz nodded, Maria let out a squeal. “Chica, you have to tell me everything. Now. Spill.”

Maria seemed nice, if not a bit quirky, and Liz found her nerves disappearing and being replaced enthusiasm. Maria was infectious; it was hard not to get excited around her.

When the first period bell ranged, Liz smiled with anticipation. Not only was her first class of the day her favorite, but Max was in it too. Last night she had trouble falling asleep even though she was exhausted because she was excited about seeing him again. But when she walked into her Chemistry class, she was disappointed to see that Max wasn’t there. Her disappointment grew as time passed. Ten minutes into the class, Max still hadn’t turned up. Liz figured that he was probably jet lagged and too tired to come to school.

At lunch time, she waited by the stairs near the cafeteria for Maria who said she would meet her there. However, Maria was no longer in the good mood she had been in earlier. She hurtled passed Liz mumbling something about an arrogant prick and motioned for Liz to follow.

They sat down at a small table already occupied by a boy with blackish hair. Maria seemed too preoccupied to make introductions, so Liz extended her hand, “Hi. I’m Liz.”

“Alex. Nice to meet you,” he replied. “It’s best to lay low when she’s in one of these moods,” he added in a whisper so Maria couldn’t hear. Liz giggled.

“They don’t call her Hurricane Deluca for no reason, you know.”

The reason for Maria’s anger became evident soon. After some ranting and raving she began explaining how some jock, Kyle Valenti, had bumped in to her in the halls without stopping to apologize. She had been thrown against some guy she had never seen before. What he did to make Maria so angry was not discovered because Michael chose that unfortunate moment to walk towards Liz, only to have Maria throw her lunch at him.

Michael stood there looking confused and then headed off, probably towards a bathroom to wash off the remains of Maria’s food.

After she stalked off, Liz and Alex quickly dissolved into laughter. Liz couldn’t help but think to herself, 'Only Michael.' They had only been in Roswell for a day and already Michael had managed to infuriate one of her new friends.

It wasn’t until the next day that Liz thought of Max again. She made a point of mentioning him to Maria, hoping her friend would know him.

“Sure. I’m friends with his twin sister Isabel. Their grandfather hasn’t been doing so well so their parents have decided to move to New York to be closer to him. I think they’re leaving some time today.”

Liz tried not to let the disappointment show on her face as the two of them headed for the cafeteria. She really thought that she could become good friends with Max as they had similar interests and got along so well. Liz thought she would never see Max again…
Last edited by cassie on Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:54 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by cassie »

AN: Just a reminder that this story has two prologues, and this is the second one. Thanks to everyone for their feedback. I really appreciate it. I'm so glad that you are enjoying it, that I'm dropping this off a whole week earlier than planned!
Stargazer's delight: Thanks, I love Michael/Liz sibling fics too!
Al: Hey there. I finally decided it was time to move on. Glad you're enjoying it!
flyawayraven: Thanks
dreamer19: Thank you
begonia9508: Thanks
Alien614: Thanks
clueless: Thanks. You didn't have to wait very long this time.
L-J-L 76: Thanks. And you get this part now, but only cos you begged!
Chrisie1218: Thank you. Hope you enjoy this part too.
Steph: Thanks so much. It feels like I started writing this so long ago.
Emz80m: Thank you
Laira: Thanks for reading!
Alien_Friend: Thanks. Hopefully you're still super super exicted after this part!

Another chance meeting…

4 years later…

At the University of New Mexico, Liz pushed open the door to her dorm room, intent on spending the next few hours before bed studying. Unfortunately, her roommate had other ideas.

“Maria, I don’t want to go,” Liz protested. “I have so much homework to do right now. I have to study for mid-terms and finish an assignment due tomorrow.”

Following close on her heels, Maria snorted…“I’m not listening to any excuses. I will not take ‘no’ for answer chica,” Maria replied. “You know as well as I that you have already finished all of your assignments, and you’ve been studying all week. You need to let off some steam. Let’s go already.”

Knowing it was pointless to argue with her best friend when she was in this kind of mood, Liz gave one last ditch effort hoping to change her mind, “But, I’m not even dressed and besides I have nothing to wear.”

Liz looked at how dressed up Maria was. She was wearing a one shoulder slinky black top with a denim mini skirt. The black top perfectly contrasted her blonde tresses which were swept into a side ponytail.

“I’ve already picked out an outfit for you,” Maria said, pointing at some clothes lying on the end of Liz’s bed.

"WHAT? You have got to be joking Maria. I can’t wear that. It’s much too short.”

“No time to argue or we are going to be late,” Maria said shoving her into the bathroom and shutting the door. “Alex said he’d be here in ten minutes, and you know he’s going to be angry if we’re late.”

Fifteen minutes later, Liz emerged from the bathroom, wearing a deep purple sleeveless top with a low neck line and some very short shorts.

“Let’s move pumpkins. I want to get this show on the road,” Maria declared before she flounced out of the room down to Alex’s car. Both he and Liz shared a glance, before walking after her.

Tonight Maria was anxious to celebrate. She found out that she’d gotten the position of gossip columnist on the college paper. Even though Liz and Maria were such good friends, they couldn’t be more different in terms of temperament and personality.

Maria was always quick to fly off the handle, and spent most of her time bouncing around. She was always trying new things, seeking to experience the most out of life. Liz was more cautious, and was much happier watching, rather than participating in most of Maria’s stunts. She was the voice of reason that had stopped Maria from doing many a crazy thing in the past.

The place was actually hard to spot from the street. In fact, it had no actual street front, just a steep set of stairs leading up into shadows and loud club music.

Liz apprehensively walked up them, trying hard to keep her balance in such high heels. She was unaccustomed to wearing them, preferring the practical comfort that flat shoes provided.

“I can’t believe I let Maria talk me into coming with her,” Liz mumbled to herself.

The stairs led up to a dimly lit rooftop packed with people. It was a warm spring night, so it was nice to be out in the open. Maria quickly ran off, saying over her shoulder, “I’ll get us some drinks. Be back in a minute.”

Liz turned to Alex, “Let’s try and find us a corner, so we can sit and chat.”

After a bit of searching, they managed to find two seats. Alex was attending Yale, but had come home to Roswell for his parent’s 25th wedding anniversary. Since he missed his two girls so much, he extended his trip for a couple of days.

“I can’t believe you have to go back to Connecticut tomorrow,” Liz said.

Alex sighed, “I know. I wish you two could come up and visit me.”

“I would love to but neither of us can afford to do that right now.”

Alex nodded understanding. He was just as broke as they were. His parents had to pay for his plane ticket to come here in the first place. “Oh, I almost forgot. I managed to find a really great deal on a webcam. I bought it for you guys. That way we can talk and see each other more often.”

“That’s great Alex!”

“What’s great?” Maria asked, finding them at last. She handed Liz a cocktail and Alex a beer before sitting on the armrest of Liz’s seat.

“Alex bought us a web cam,” Liz said, taking a sip of her drink.

“Fantabulous,” Maria said, lifting her drink, saluting him.

“I’ll set it up before I leave.”

“Okay enough about electronic gadgets and what not. I want to know about your love life. Who are you seeing in Connecticut?” Maria asked.

“Well, I…” Alex started saying, but before he could continue, someone pushed Maria, sending her glass hurtling through the air, “Are you okay?” he asked her.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just going to get me another drink and get someone to come and clean this up,” she said, getting up.

“Go ahead Alex, you can fill Maria in when she gets back,” Liz told him.

“I went out went out with this girl named Gemma twice. It was all very casual and I thought she was really nice, but now it’s a bit unnerving. Last week she started showing up outside my classes, with coffee, just the way I like it. Three sugars and skim milk.”

Liz lifted a brow, “Why on earth do you drink skim milk?”

“Liz, I just told you that I have a potential stalker, and the only thing you picked up on was the fact that I drink skim milk,” he asked, exasperated.

“Sorry Alex. Maybe she really likes you, and she’s not good at expressing her feelings, so she’s trying to show you.”

Alex let out a sigh, “That’s what I thought too, until she started buying CD’s of my favorite artists, that I never mentioned to her and leaving them on my doorstep. She keeps turning up at my work too, just watching me through the windows for hours.”

“Okay, now that is a little creepy.”

“What do I do? How do I get rid of her?”

Liz shrugged, “Maybe you should try talking to her. Tell her you just want to be friends.”

“Been there, done that,” Alex said, a bit frustrated. “She started coming to all of my classes, even though she doesn’t take any of them.”

Liz suggested that he discourage Gemma by showing her he’s moved on by dating other women, “And if that doesn’t work…I advise you to get a restraining order.”

She then looked around, wondering what was taking Maria so long to come back to their table.

“Where has Maria gone?” Liz asked.

Alex glanced toward the bar, spotting Maria talking with some guy who looked to have taken one to many steroids," She's talking to some guy over near the bar," he told Liz.

“Ouch,” Liz suddenly exclaimed, pulling her arm out from under Michael who had sat on it when he plopped down on her chair’s armrest. She frowned up at him, “What’re you doing here?”

“A little of this and that,” he enigmatically replied.

Michael also attended UNM, which was a surprise to their parents as well as her, seeing how his academic record in high school left a lot to be desired.

“Where’s the other one?” he asked Liz.

She smiled knowing he was referring to Maria, “Oh, she’s over by the bar, I think.”

“You know who else is here,” He asked, glancing over at the bar. “That guy we met in the plane when we were moving to Roswell. What’s his name again? Mitchell?”

A pair of warm amber eyes flashed in Liz’s mind, “Max,” she said, surprised that she remembered his name after all these years.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Michael said, glaring at the guy Maria was dancing with.

“Max what?” Alex asked.

Liz frowned trying to recall Max’s last name, “I don’t remember. Maybe Maria will. She was friends with his sister I think. Oh, and he used to go to West Roswell High. You probably know him too.”

Alex glanced over at Maria who was bumping and grinding with her new friend on the dance floor, “Something tells me we’ll be waiting awhile to find out.”

Liz glanced at her brother who was at the moment glaring at the dancing couple. If looks could kill, the guy Maria was dancing with would be dead as a door nail. Despite Michael’s amazing talent at hiding his feelings, Liz knew he had a thing for Maria and as far as she knew, Maria had feelings for him, but like him, she was stubbornly denying them.

When her best friend chose that moment to put her arms around her dancing partner’s neck and move closer to him, Liz knew that Michael was about to let come of his feelings be known.

“That's it,” he growled, shooting to his feet and walking angrily towards the dance floor. Once he reached it, he roughly pulled the guy away from Maria, sending him stumbling backwards.

MICHAEL!" Maria screeched. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

“What the hell am I doing?! What the hell are you doing?” Michael growled. “You’re making a fool of yourself by throwing yourself at this guy! Don’t you have any decency?”

Maria made a sound of outrage at his audacity… “How dare you! For your information buster,” she poked him in the chest hard, emphasizing the word. “We were having a great conversation before you rudely interrupted us!”

“Really? So what’s his name?” Michael asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Maria looked stumped for a second, “Lance?”

The guy shook his head.


Again, he shook his head.

“Well, I know it starts with L anyway. What right do you have, you arrogant…” before Maria could finish her sentence Michael threw her over his shoulder and headed back towards Liz and Alex.

“PUT ME DOWN!” she screeched, pounding her fist against his back.

Both Alex and Liz had watched the scene with amusement. It was quiet obvious to everyone that these two would be great together, but they seemed to enjoy annoying the hell out of each other too much. Liz quickly stood up and intercepted them by the women’s restroom. After Michael saw Liz was blocking his path, he put Maria down and walked away without so much as a word which only succeeded in pissing her off even more. Liz quickly pulled her friend inside the restroom.

“I don’t know how you put up with him,” Maria said angrily, smoothing down her clothes. “Honestly Liz, does he even let you kiss anyone?”

"Usually when I'm about to kiss someone I try not to think about my brother," Liz shuddered at the idea.

“He’s so infuriating. He’s stubborn, and he’s pig headed and he’s rude. I don’t know why he had to follow us to UNM.”

“Um, Maria? You do realise that Michael started here a year before us, right?”

“Whose side are you on anyway?” Maria asked in outrage.

“Yours, of course,” Liz replied, indulging her best friend.

As they made their way back through the club, Liz heard Maria mumble something about blood being thicker than water under her breath.

She turned around to question Maria, but she wasn’t looking where she was going and walked right into something. Actually, someone. Someone with golden brown eyes, she’d seen before. His name was right on the tip of her tongue. They had been talking about him only moments earlier.

“I’m so sorry, Max.”

Bewildered, Max stared down at the pretty brunette. It was obvious that she knew him. He racked his brain, trying to remember her. He attended a lot of social functions with his parents, and it was always drilled into his head how important it was to remember someone’s name, especially when it could be potential business partner's.

When Max saw the embarrassed uncertainty in the girl’s eyes; it immediately made him think of a time where he’d seen that same expression, “Liz,” he said, remembering the frightened girl on the plane. He gave her a more thorough look. Well, she didn’t look much like that frightened little girl now. Her shapely curves told him she was most definitely a woman.

He felt someone tug on his arm.

“Max, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” a tall blonde asked.

Liz could feel her cheeks begin to colour. She felt so inadequate standing before the beautiful blonde. The flowing dress the girl wore hugged all her curves in exactly the right places, and showed a lot of skin, but not enough to be trashy. Liz tugged at the hem of her shorts, hoping to cover some of her upper thighs.

“Liz, this is my girlfriend Belinda. Belinda this is Liz and ….?”

“Oh, this is my best friend Maria,” Liz said hoping her friend would to take over the conversation. There were never any awkward silences when Maria was around. But Maria wasn’t paying attention to their conversation, as she was currently involved in a glaring match with Michael.

Liz elbowed her gaining her attention. Once she turned and actually looked at who Liz was talking to, she squealed and hugged Max. “Maxine, what in the world are you doing in New Mexico?”

“My name’s not Maxine,” Max replied indignantly.

“You’ll always be little Maxine to me. Remember that time when Isabel made you wear a dress to her birthday party?”

Liz giggled loudly, trying to imagine such a tall well built guy wearing a dress.

“I was five Maria. And how do you still remember my most embarrassing moments? I haven’t seen you in years.”

“How’s Isabel? What are you doing here? I thought you guys moved to New York. Have either of you ever heard of this thing called the postal service or a wonderful new invention called electronic mail? I think most people call it E-MAIL.”

Max chuckled, “I just flew down for Belinda’s birthday. She just transferred here from NYU.”

Alex and Michael came across and Max introduced them to Belinda as well. Alex wanted to get going, because he had an early flight so he left shortly after.

Maria and Max were telling stories of what the other used to do when they were younger. Liz found it amusing to hear all about people and places in Roswell, even though she had never experienced growing up in the town. Belinda didn’t seem very interested in their conversation and had turned around and begun talking to her friends again.

“Remember when I swapped that apple you were going to give to Mr. Raddish with a rotten apple and you got into trouble for giving teachers decomposed fruit,” Max said laughing.

“That was not funny Max!”

He shrugged, “That’s what you get for being such a teacher’s pet.”

“I can’t imagine Maria sucking up to a teacher,” Michael said.

“Shut up Mikey. No one cares about what you think,” Maria replied.

Suddenly, it started pouring down with rain. Maria quickly ran away to find some cover screaming about how the rain was going to ruin her hair.

In all the chaos everyone was separated as people frantically vacated the club, rushing down the narrow staircase. Liz stumbled, and a strong hand reached out to steady her. Glancing back, she saw that it was Max. She gave him a thankful smile as they continued walking down the stairs, hand in hand.

Once they were both out on the street, they spotted Maria and Michael waiting near his car. Maria had Michael’s shirt over her head, protecting her hair. Liz wondered how she managed to convince her brother to willingly hand over his shirt.

Belinda found them shortly after and led Max away. Michael drove her and Maria back to their dorm. Liz had been surprised that she met Max again after all these years, and she certainly didn’t expect it to happen again…
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 49
Joined: Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:05 am
Location: Australia

Post by cassie »

AN: Thanks for all the great feedback guys. We are now up to the third meeting and start of this tale.

Stargazer's Delight: Glad you like the Candy. Luckily for Alex, he managed to get rid of his stalker!
Alien_Friend: I'm glad your enjoying it so far
Laira: Thanks. No early posting this time :(
Steph: Still working on it, hopefully something soon. Hope you're well
begonia9508: Not quite the same way, but you'll find that out below
dreamer19: You don't have to wait long at all
Alien614: It is indeed post college. Thanks for the bump.
Ultimatepickupline: Without giving too much away the falling in love process will definately have its bumps. Thanks, this is the first fic I've started so I'm glad you think so.
Emz80m: Thanks, and there is no Belinda
Clueless: Thanks
flyawayraven: Have delivered, now I want an update too!
Chrissie1218: Thank you, and you'll find out below;

Chapter 1

Four years later…

New York’s Camberwell Medical Center had been extremely busy all day. Dr. Witton, the only other doctor scheduled to work, had called in sick, leaving Max to deal with his patient load as well as his own. So you can imagine he was glad to hear that he only had one patient left to see.

He walked into the reception area to grab Ms. Parker’s file and told his secretary to show the patient into his consulting room. Pam wasn’t very happy that her nail painting was interrupted, but once she saw Max, she didn’t hesitate to jump up and push her breasts into his back whilst she retrieved the file. Max tried stepping away from her.

All she seemed to do was file her nails, gossip on the phone and try to throw herself at him. Max sighed knowing he should do something about her but at the moment he was just happy to let her go home early.

“You can go home for the day Pam, after you get that file for me.”

“Thank you Dr. Evans,” she said breathlessly, giving him a sultry look.

Max ignored it and went to grab himself a cup of coffee.

Meanwhile Liz was patiently waiting in a consulting room waiting to see her doctor.

She was a bit disappointed that her usual doctor, Dr. Witton was not in today. He was kind and gentle. But she couldn’t afford anymore time off work at the moment, so Dr. Evans was going to have to do.

She looked around his consulting room. It was extremely neat, void of the warmth of Dr. Witton’s room, which was full of photos of his family and hand drawn paintings displayed proudly for all his patients to see.

She placed her hands on her belly reassuring her baby that Dr. Evans would take good care of him/her. It was a habit that she had developed as of late. She knew that the baby could hear her but it comforted her that it would know her voice before it was born. Every opportunity she got she would read it nursery rhymes. She knew that her baby couldn’t understand what she was saying, but it always seemed to relax her after a long day.

Outside the room, Max quickly looked through Liz’s file. She was about twenty weeks into her pregnancy and there had not been any complications so far.

He opened the door to the room to find his patient softly talking to her stomach. Her brown hair was covering her face. He cleared his throat to announce his presence. “Ahem.”

Liz looked up startled and somewhat embarrassed. Max instantly knew he had seen those beautiful eyes before. “Liz Parker? What a pleasant surprise.”

“Max, how are you?” Liz replied, just as surprised as he was. For some strange reason she was glad he was there. It helped her to be around a familiar face. This baby meant the world to Liz. She prayed that the stress she’d been in the past few weeks hadn’t harmed it in anyway. If there was anything wrong with her baby, she didn’t know what she would do.

But Liz knew that her pounding heart wasn’t just due to her nervousness. Although she didn’t really know Max that well, she couldn’t stop the rush of butterflies in her stomach. Max had certainly become more attractive since the last time they had met, if that was at all possible. He was just wearing a dark blue cotton shirt with black slacks, but he looked extremely handsome.

“I didn’t know that you worked at this clinic.”

“I’ve only been working here for just over 3 weeks now.”

“I guess that’s why I haven’t seen you here before.”

They spent a couple of minutes on small talk, but it didn’t last long as they didn’t know each other that well.

“So Liz, why have you come in today?”

“Dr. Witton wanted me to come in every four weeks just to monitor the pregnancy.”

Max began to perform a regular check-up, examining her blood pressure, heart beat, etc. He couldn’t help but notice how much she seemed to glow. Some pregnant woman didn’t glow at all whilst others, like Liz, looked like they had swallowed a light globe. Her skin was shiny and she looked great in the casual polo shirt and silky skirt she was wearing.

“Well,” he said, finally sitting down in his chair. “It looks as though everything is progressing normally. You should make another appointment to come again in another four weeks.”

Liz was extremely glad to hear that there was nothing wrong with the baby.

“Liz, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but where is the baby’s father? I couldn’t help but notice that you came alone.” Max couldn’t help asking this. Liz seemed to bring out his protective streak. Most pregnant women that came into the clinic had someone with them, whether it was their partner, friend or mother. It was rare for someone to come in alone.

Although she guessed that he may ask her questions like that, Liz found it difficult to answer. She had been so preoccupied about the baby’s well being that she had forgotten about all of her troubles. All the anxiety and worry of the past weeks caught up with her, she couldn’t stop the silent tears that ran down her cheeks.

Max instantly regretted questioning her. He saw the pain sweep across her face, and now she was crying. Although he wasn’t the reason behind it, he felt ashamed for reducing her to tears. He quickly crossed the room and enveloped her shaking body in his arms.

They sat that way for ten minutes until Liz suddenly pulled away. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

Max quickly silenced her. “No, Liz. It’s entirely my fault. I never should have asked. It’s none of my business.”

Liz shook her head. She had just openly wept in his arms. She felt like she owed him an explanation.

“Nathan died in a car crash just over a week ago.” After a short pause she continued. “I don’t know what to do Max. I just feel so lost now.” She began sobbing in earnest now.

Max didn’t know what else to do but hold her and as he did so he couldn’t help but notice how good it felt. He hadn’t seriously dated anyone in a long time. Frowning at where his train of thought was heading, he immediately berated himself, ‘Get a hold of your self. She’s grieving for her dead boyfriend, maybe even husband. What kind of person are you?’

Max softly stroked her hair. “Calm down Liz. It’s not good for the baby.”

But it had been so long since Liz had felt anything besides numbness and she found herself opening her heart to her doctor.

“I don’t know what to do Max. Nath was my first serious boyfriend and although the pregnancy was unplanned as we hadn’t been together for very long, I was very happy and so was he. But after a few weeks, he started constantly coming over to my house drunk. He was always angry at me too, and very abusive. He…he didn’t think the baby was his.”

“But it is and now he will never know it. My baby will never know its father. What am I going to do? I’m not ready to raise a child by myself. I’m going to be a horrible mother.”

Liz burst into tears again and once she finally stopped, they were enveloped in silence.

Max had stayed silent during her tearful explanation. The anger he felt at Liz’s so called boyfriend burned in his chest. If the fool was still alive, he would kill him. He glanced down at Liz and felt an over powering urge to protect her. She looked so vulnerable, but still beautiful, even with her red watery eyes and blotchy cheeks.

He was the first to speak after her confession, “Liz, let me take you home. You should get some rest.” As a doctor, his concern for her welfare took precedence over the anger he felt towards Nathan.

She was too tired to argue and after quickly closing the clinic Max drove her home. She was sound asleep by the time they got to her place.

Without hesitating Max opened the passenger door and carried Liz to the front door, ringing the doorbell. It opened, after a moments pause, to a very shrill shriek.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by cassie »

AN: Thanks for all the great feedback;
katydid: Yes, she is. Good guess!
dreamer19: You sumed it up pretty well so far.
Laira: She is indeed still her roomate.
begonia9508: Great deduction. It is indeed Maria as you'll find out below.
Alien_Friend: Thanks. And you are very correct, if she trusts him the love may grow.
Clueless: Thanks, and it is indeed Maria.
Alien614: I aim to shock! Thanks
pandas2001: Thanks
Steph: It is a twist indeed. Glad to hear that you're feeling better now. I'm sure that is does suck!
Guel: It is Maria, and you'll find out more info about the exact circumstances in this part and ones to follow. I'm really glad you like the idea of the third sighting.
Blink1lit: Glad you're enjoying. Thanks!

Chapter 2:

Maria stared at her unconscious friend in the arms of some man and immediately jumped to the conclusion that she was wounded. She opened her mouth to scream again, but the stranger quickly silenced her before she could utter a sound.

“It’s okay, she’s just sleeping.”

Maria looked up at the stranger’s face in surprise. “Max? Is that you?”

It had been a few years since she had last seen him, so she was unsure. He still had the same expressive eyes, but he was taller and more muscular since she had last seen him.

“Hi. Longtime no see,” Max smiled, then glanced behind her. “Point out Liz’s room for me, so I can put her down.”

Maria quickly stepped aside, letting him into the house. “Her room is the last one on the right.”

Max carried Liz into her room and gently placed her on her bed. After covering her with the blanket that was lying one end of her bed, he went in search of Maria. He found her in the kitchen sniffing some Cyprus oil.

“Sorry, it was a big shock to see her in your arms like that,” she muttered. “The last few weeks have been tough on her.”

“She seems very weak, and she needs to eat properly or the baby won’t receive all the nutrients it needs. I’m worried about her.”

“As am I Max, but nothing I do seems to help. I feel powerless.”

“What about her parents and her brother? Aren’t they trying to help her?” Max asked.

“Liz’s parents didn’t approve of Nathan. He was an accountant that had a lot of shady clients. When she moved out here to be closer to him, they practically disowned her.”

Max couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His heart went out to Liz.

“At the moment, I’m all she has. We have a close friend in London, who will be here in two days. As for Michael, no one’s heard from him since Nathan died. Did Liz tell you he was driving the car when they crashed? Nathan turned up at our house drunk trying to apologize to Liz, but she didn’t want to see him.

She was so happy about being pregnant. Liz is going to be a great mother, but then Nathan showed his true colours. It really destroyed her to see him change. I think she seriously thought that they would be together forever.

Michael was driving him home, as he was drunk, when they were hit by a semi-trailer. Michael survived without any major trauma, but Nathan died on impact. Michael holds himself responsible for Nathan’s death. He doesn’t understand that by staying away, he’s making everything worse,” Maria said.

“I don’t know what to do Max,” she lamented. “I don’t know how to help her. She’s my best friend, and I have to do something.”

Max didn’t know what to do either, nor could he think of an adequate response. After a couple of minutes of silence, Maria got up and went into the kitchen, extending him an invitation to stay for dinner. He and Isabel were meant to be having their weekly dinner today, and Max knew that if he ditched her, he would never hear the end of it.

“Hey, is it okay if I use your phone?”

“Yeah, sure…it’s on the side table near the couch.”

Max called Isabel on her cell phone, to tell her about the change in plans.

“Isabel Evans,” she answered in a crisp business voice.

“Hey Izzy.”

“Max, I hope you’re not trying to get out of dinner again. I only see you once a week. Is it really that hard to find a few hours to spend some time with your only sibling?”

“I’m not. Really. It’s just that…”

“You better have a good excuse this time Max. You really need to get out of the house more. You shouldn’t spend all of your time with sick people.”

“Guess where I am,” Max asked, hoping to break Isabel’s tirade.

“I don’t know,” she responded exasperated, “Still at work?”

“No. I’m at Maria’s house.”

Isabel frowned into the receiver and rolled her eyes, “Care to narrow it down? I know like a thousand Maria’s.”

“De Luca.”

“Really?” she asked, some excitement creeping into her voice, “I’m coming over,” she told Max once he finally got to explain that he didn’t want to cancel their dinner plans, just wanted to change location and add some extra company.

After quickly giving her the address, Max hung up and went to check on Liz, as Maria seemed to be happy enough banging pots and pans in the kitchen. She looked so peaceful curled up on the big bed. Not wanting to disturb her, he quietly left the room and headed for the kitchen. He frowned when he smelt something burning. Maria had somehow managed to set fire to whatever she was cooking and was running around frantically trying to set it out. After extinguishing the fire, they moved in to the living room to escape the fumes.

“I think it would be safer to order in tonight. What kind of food do you and Liz normally eat?” he asked.

“We are both big fans of Thai food. There’s a nice place not far from here, I’ll grab the menu.”

It was a 30 minute wait for food to arrive, leaving Max and Maria plenty of time to talk.

“I’m sorry Max. I never should have attempted to cook. I honestly don’t know what possessed me. Liz or Michael usually cook or we order in. Michael has always said that I could manage to burn water, and there is some truth to that.”

“Does Michael live here?” Max asked confused.

“Oh, I’m sorry, you wouldn’t know. We’ve been dating for a while now,” Maria told him.

“Oh. So what is it that you do nowadays?”

“I am currently managing a little boutique. It certainly is a very interesting job. It’s much better than waiting tables at the Crashdown.” They both chuckled when remembering the awful green uniforms the waitresses used to wear.

“Oh, what I wouldn’t do to see you and Iz with those lovely antennas again.” Max’s statement earned him a playful slap on the shoulder.

“Ha ha Max,” Maria retorted sarcastically. “Thank god when Liz’s parents took over, we got a proper uniform.”

Max smiled with surprised, “Liz’s parents bought the Crashdown?”

“Uh-huh,” Maria nodded. “They still own it.”

Their trip down memory lane was thwarted several minutes later by the arrival of Isabel. Both she and Maria squealed loudly before embracing.

“How come you never looked me up when you came to New York, Maria? How long have you been in town?” Isabel asked.

“We’ve been here for close to two months and you never exactly left contact details when you left,” Maria told her, crossing her arms over her chest, “I found a phone number for your parents company, but no one would give home numbers.”

And at that moment Isabel noticed the diamond ring on Maria’s finger, which prompted her to squeal once again.

“No way, Maria. You are getting hitched. Who is the lucky guy?”

“His name is Michael Parker. He’s my best friend Liz’s brother. He proposed a few months ago but we haven’t set a date yet,” Maria replied, with a dreamy look on her face.

Max, left the girls still gushing over Michael’s proposa,l to once again check on Liz. He found her rummaging around her dresser.

“How are you feeling?”

“Oh, Max,” she exclaimed, startled. “Thanks for driving me home.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just wanted to let you know my sister Isabel’s here and food should be arriving shortly.”

“I knew Maria couldn’t possibly be making all that noise all by her lonesome. I’ll be there in just a minute.”

When she joined them in the dining room, Maria was telling Max and Isabel about some documentary she watched on TV the night before. Max stood up to make room for her on the couch.

“Liz, this is my sister Isabel,” he said. “Izzy, this is Liz Parker.”

Liz looked at his immaculately groomed sister, and quickly ran her fingers through her hair trying to get rid of her bed hair. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Isabel.”

Isabel replied with a flash of her perfect white teeth. “Likewise.”

The doorbell rang then, so Liz excused herself and went to go collect the food.

Dinner was a pleasant affair with everyone familiarizing themselves with everyone’s new lives. When ordering they hadn’t factored in Liz’s massive appetite. She had eaten all her food and was now looking longingly at Max’s plate. He had been too busy answering all of Maria’s questions and hadn’t gotten a chance to eat all of his food yet. When he caught Liz looking at his plate, he picked it up and without question, put half of his food onto her plate.

She gave him a grateful smile, “Thank you.”

“I wasn’t that hungry anyway.”

“I don’t understand where you put all that Liz, you are barely showing. How far along are you?” Isabel asked.

“There’s still over four months to go. I couldn’t hold anything down for the first three months, but now I can’t seem to stop eating.”

After a few hours of nice conversation, Max and Isabel had to leave. Maria and Liz walked them to the door.

“We really must do this again,” Maria told them.

Isabel nodded, “Yes, we should. How about lunch sometime this week?”

“Sounds good to me,” Maria replied, opening the door for them.

It was then that they realized that it had been snowing. All four stared in shock and awe as it fell heavily to the ground. It was already well over a month into spring, so seeing snow at this time of year was very unusual. Max and Isabel had to abandon their plans of going home. They could barely see Isabel’s car parked at the end of Liz and Maria’s driveway.

“You guys are welcome to stay here tonight,” Liz told them.

Maria smiled at Isabel, “Oh goody! A sleep over.”

Isabel laughed and followed her into her room. Max and Liz smiled at Maria’s enthusiasm, before Liz walked him to another bedroom.

“It was originally meant to be Michael’s, but he and Maria ended up sharing. All of his stuff is still in here, so help yourself to anything you need, and I’ll grab you a spare toothbrush and a towel.”

“Thank you for letting me stay here for the night Liz,” Max told her.

“It’s no bother Max, really. Thank you, for driving me home and listen to me babble on.”

“It’s fine Liz. No trouble at all.” Max didn’t want this day to end, but he could see that Liz was still tired, even after her nap, so he said, “Well, I better turn in. Good night.”

“Sweet dreams,” Liz murmured after Max shut the bedroom door and she walked down the hall. She passed Maria’s bedroom where she could hear lots of muffled giggles, and finally went in to her own room to sleep. Her last thought before sleep claimed her, was how safe she had felt in Max’s arms.

Max managed to sleep soundly the entire night, not waking up once. This was a rare occurrence for him. He usually spent half his night tossing and turning; waking up at frequent intervals throughout the night. He felt remarkably fresh when he awoke so he decided to go outside to get some fresh air. He quietly made his way around the house, not wanting to wake the sleeping women. As he was shutting the front door, he felt a strong hand grab his shoulder and roughly turn him.

“Who the hell are you, and what do you think your doing in my house?!”
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by cassie »

AN: Am a day late, but better late than never right? A big thanks to Shi for her help with this part. And thanks for all the great feedback
Laira: It certainly isn't.
Alien_Friend: It didn't take Maria and Micheal that long, surprisingly. Thanks
begonia: Perhaps he did jump to conclusions
katydid: Poor Max, with all the screaming going on
dreamer19: It certainly was a good guess. Thanks
Blink1lit: Thank you
Guel: It is. Glad that you're still reading!
confusedfool: Thanks. Hope you like the new part.
Steph: Thanks as always
nibbles2: Thanks, glad you stopped by
Natalie: It's not the best way to greet someone
kay_b: Am now posting in the 'real' world. Glad you're enjoying it. And hopefully Max will be able to handle Michael.
clueless: Thanks
Shatterdreamer: As requested.....

Chapter 3:

Max was quickly swung around and came face to face with a furious Michael. The fury he felt towards the intruder was clearly etched on his face. Max decided to speak up, not wanting to aggravate Michael any further.

“Michael, it’s me, Max.”

“Max?” Michael asked, not recognizing him.

“Max who?” he said clearly getting more and more aggravated by the second.

“Max Evans.”

Recognition dawned on Michael but he was still confused, “Okay, but how does that explain what the hell you are doing in my house?” He’d only met Max twice briefly, so that did not explain his presence at his house.

“Well, I’m a doctor,” Max began.

He could see Michael was not being placated easily so he quickly jumped into the reason why he was on his porch. “I bumped into Liz when she came in for a check up. She invited…”

“Is she okay,” Michael interrupted, “Has something happened to her? What about the baby?”

Max held up a hand, stopping his questions, “Everything is fine. Her pregnancy is progressing normally. I drove her home yesterday because she looked a little tired and worn out. My sister and I became stranded here last night because of all the snow. Maria and Liz let us stay the night.” Max explained.

Michael glanced at what Max was wearing, “So that explains what you are doing wearing my clothes.”

“Perhaps we should talk away from the house,” Max suggested, after deciding that Michael had calmed down enough, “I don’t want to wake the girls.”

They moved away from the doorway and made it half way down the snow covered driveway when Max asked him where he’s been all this time. Max wasn’t the kind of person that usually got involved with other people’s business, but if he could somehow take away some of Liz’s sadness he’d be glad to question this man that he barely knew.

“Maria said that neither of them has heard from you since the accident. Where have you been?”

Michael gave him a sidelong glance. He was a bit apprehensive about Max knowing all the details of their lives, but as much as he wouldn’t admit it, he really needed someone to talk to. He didn’t have any real friends nearby, as they’d only moved in two months ago, and he couldn’t face Liz or Maria yet.

“Nowhere really, I’ve been staying in a motel not far from here. I just couldn’t cope with Liz after the accident.”

“Michael you really can’t blame yourself. The car accident was just that – an accident. No one person is to blame,” Max responded, guessing the reason for his absence.

“It’s just… I want to be able to protect her. She’s my little sister, and although she doesn’t admit it, I know the separation with my parents is killing her. They were always very close. I don’t want to be responsible for taking another person away from her.”

“Liz isn’t going to blame you. It was an accident,” Max insisted. He could tell that he wasn’t getting through to Michael so he tried a different tact. “Don’t you think she’s concerned about your welfare? Not hearing from you is placing her under unnecessary stress.”

Michael knew this, but still his first instinct had been to get away from Liz after the accident. When he had woken up in the hospital to find out that Nathan died, he didn’t want to cause Liz any more pain. So he left as soon as they would allow it, before he had seen her or Maria. He thought that deep down his sister would blame him for taking away her child’s father.

They stood in silence for a while, each caught up in their own thoughts.

Max really didn’t know what to say to Michael. As it were, they barely knew each other, but regardless, he had to say something for Liz’s sake. Michael had to see that he was making the situation worse for her by staying away.

“You are well aware, in light of recent events, life is much too short. Don’t waste it hiding from people that love you.”

And with that, he went back inside. It didn’t sound like anyone else was awake, so after showering Max started to make breakfast. It took a while for him to locate things in the kitchen, but he managed to make some scrambled eggs. He wasn’t exactly a good cook himself, but by sheer necessity he learned to make things at least edible. He was searching around for the toaster when Maria waltzed into the kitchen. She helped him finish up.

Liz, wearing a fluffy white robe, walked into the kitchen and immediately froze upon smelling the eggs. Turning a slight shade of green, she hastily whirled around and ran down the hallway. She gave the bathroom door a brief knock to warn Isabel she was coming in. Thankfully though, Isabel was still in the shower, and didn’t seem to hear her, so she rushed to the toilet and emptied out the contents of her stomach.

When she had run from the kitchen, Max gave Maria a puzzled look, but when they heard her in the bathroom, he quickly understood her hasty exit. When Maria moved towards the hallway, Max quickly stopped her.

“I’ll go. I’m more qualified anyway.”

Liz felt someone move her hair out of her face as she continued to empty her stomach. When she was finished, Max grabbed a hand towel that was hanging on a nearby wrack and wiped her face with it. Liz stared thankfully up at him. Once he was finished, he eased her back against him as he sat on the cool bathroom tiled floor.

Softly he patted her back, “Are you feeling better now?”

“I don’t know what came over me. I felt fine when I woke up.”

“I’ll get you some water.”

When he returned, Liz was feeling much better. “Thanks,” she said when he handed over the glass.

In the shower, totally oblivious of what had happened, Isabel shut off the shower and pulled back the curtain to find her brother and Liz on the floor.

“OMG!” She gasped, grabbing the large dry-off towel hanging over the curtain rod, “What’s going on?!”

“I’m sorry, Isabel. I…I wasn’t feeling well,” Liz quickly explained.

Isabel looked at her brother questioningly.

“I just wanted to make sure she was okay,” Max said, quickly clarifying his reasons on being there.

“Uh-huh…well, she certainly looks fine now,” Isabel said, giving her brother a cool look, “You can go now.”

Max gave her annoyed look in return, but left the bathroom. Isabel smiled tightly at Liz, “Do you need help standing?”

“Uh…no,” Liz said, quickly standing. “Sorry.”

“No need to apologize,” Isabel said, moving out of Liz’s way so that she could brush her teeth.

In the kitchen, Maria had thrown out all the eggs, cooked and raw, and aired out the kitchen before Liz came back in. She had hated the smell during the first part of her pregnancy, but had been fine recently.

“I guess we’ll be having toast and cereal today,” she said.

Liz offered her a weak smile, “Yeah, sorry.”

“Don’t be silly, chica. I don’t even like eggs anyway. It’s only Michael that eats them,” Maria said without thinking.

Realizing what she said she glanced nervously at Liz, who gave her hand a squeeze. The mere mentioning of her brother’s name gave her heartache, but she didn’t want her friend to worry about it.

Maria didn’t want Liz to worry anymore than she was already, but she was really worried about Michael. Sure, he tended to disappear at times, especially when they had major blowouts when they were younger. But he had never been gone for so long. Most of all, she missed him and she knew that Liz did too. They had always been close, but ever since the Parkers disowned her, Michael had been acting as a stand-in parent as well.

Max could see that they were both upset about Michael and tried to steer the conversation to other things. “Iz, did you know that Maria owns a boutique?”

“Really?” Isabel gave Maria an excited smile.

“Yes, it’s nothing really…just a small collection of things.”

“Nonsense. How about I come by later in the week to check it out,” Isabel said.

Maria smiled, “Sure.”

Max handed Liz a piece of dry toast and tried to coax her to eat it. “You need to eat something Liz.”

“I just don’t feel hungry now.”

“Remember that you are eating for two…just one piece of toast. You really must.”

Liz obediently ate her food and listened to Isabel and Maria discussing designer collections.

As soon as the snow plough made its way down the street Max was off to work.

With Dr. Witton back, the Center was not as busy as yesterday. This left Max with some spare time in-between patients. He wanted to that time fixing up patient files and doing paperwork but Pam was being especially annoying today. She was wearing a sheer low cut top, and kept leaning over, every chance she got. Max tried to take no notice of her, and focus on his paperwork.

Pam walked past him sitting at a table and ‘accidentally’ bumped one of his pens on to the ground.

“Ooops!” she said. “Let me get that for you Dr. Evans.” She practically stuck her breast in his face as she leant down towards his shoes to pick up his pen.

That was the last straw for Max. “Pam, I am going in to my consulting room. I do not want to be disturbed. Is that clear?”

“Of course,” Pam replied dutifully. Truthfully, she didn’t understand why Max wasn’t interested in her. Deciding that she just needed to try harder, she went back to fixing a chip in the nail of one of her fingers.

Max locked himself in his consulting room. He had just settled in, when there was a knock on the door. Having enough of Pam, he yelled “I thought I told you not to disturb me.”

“Well, I’ll just talk to you later then,” said a soft voice. When Max realized it was Liz’s, he rushed to the door.

“NO. Wait,” he called, frantically trying to unlock it as fast as possible. “Sorry about that. My secretary’s being a bit annoying.”

Liz laughed as he tried to placate her.

“Come in. What’s going on? How are you feeling now?” Max asked as he took a seat in his chair. Liz sat down in the one nearby. They were in exactly the same position they had been in yesterday, but so much had changed since then.

“I’m fine. I totally forgot this morning, but when you drove me home last night, my car was left here. So, Maria dropped me off on her way to work to collect it.”

“Right, I should have brought it home for you.”

“Don’t be silly. How would you get home from my place?”

Max had obviously not thought his plan through, he was too eager to try and please her. Liz laughed at the confused expression on his face.

“I guess you have a point there,” he sheepishly said, “So what are your plans for today? I didn’t get to ask you this morning, since Isabel and Maria were talking so much.”

“Oh, I have to go in to work. At the moment I’ve been supervising a project and am lucky enough to have flexi-time, which means I don’t have to be in at the office all the time,” Liz told him.

“Ah, what are you supervising? I don’t remember you mentioning where you work.”

“I’m a research scientist at a small pharmaceutical company.”

“Really?” asked Max. “That sounds fascinating. Tell me more”

“Oh no,” said Liz, brushing off his suggestion. “That would just bore you to tears.”

She then tried to change the subject completely. It was well known that once Liz started talking about her latest project, she could go on for ages. Maria always used to make fun of her because of that. “Have you already had lunch?” she asked.

“Yes,” Max replied disappointingly. If he had only known she was going to drop by, then he definitely wouldn’t have eaten.

“Not to worry,” Liz replied. “Well, I better be off.” She knew that Max was a very busy man, and didn’t want to keep him from his work, no matter how much she enjoyed his company.

“Sure thing,” he said, standing, “Mind if we exchanged cell phone numbers?”

Liz smiled…”No, not at all.”

While they were trading numbers, Pam showed up with Max’s next appointment. Mrs. Harouche was a frail elderly lady that had recently had a hip replacement and was constantly complaining about her loss of mobility.

“Dr. Evans, Mrs. Harouche is here to see you,” Pam said in her sultriest voice, bending over slightly to give Max another look at her ample cleavage. “Oh,” she said, glaring at Liz. “I didn’t realize you were busy.”

“That’s fine Pam,” Max said in a blunt tone, effectively dismissing her and guiding Mrs. Harouche to the chair that Liz had just vacated.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you around then Max.”

“See you later,” he said, going to the door with her. He softly closed it behind her.

Liz lingered outside his office for a moment, annoyed that her time with him had been cut short, but mostly bothered that she enjoyed spending so much time with him.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by cassie »

AN: Thanks for all the bumps and great feedback. Apologies for the shorter part.
Laira: Lol, I guess Max wasn't listening in that class.
clueless: Thanks
Guel: Michael seems to have actually listened to Max. Glad you liked Isabel.
dreamer19: Thank you
begonia9508: That must have been terrible for you. I'm sure she'll be fine if she stays away from eggs
Steph: It sure is. Anyone that does that is a keeper
Alien_Friend: Michael seems to have actually listened to Max. Thank you.
Natalie36: Thank you
ShatteredDreamer: Thanks for the bump!

Chapter 4:

Two days later…

Coming home late from another busy day at work, Max tiredly dropped his keys in a tray by the phone and pressed the playback button on the answering machine. He headed for the kitchen to get a drink while he listened to the messages. .


“Max honey, how are you? Dad and I are going to London on Saturday for a month. Can you come by and visit before then? Call me and take care of yourself.


“Hi Max its Maria. Liz and I were wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow. We are celebrating our friend, Alex’s return home. Isabel said she’d come, give me a call back and let me know okay? Thanks.”


Max had wanted to see Liz again, but couldn’t think of a convenient reason to do so. Therefore, he wasn’t going to miss this opportunity to see her again.

To get the ball rolling, Max quickly picked up the phone to call Maria to let her know he could come to dinner.


Max smiled hearing Liz’s voice, “Hi Liz, it’s Max. I was just calling to let you know that I can come to dinner tomorrow.”

“Oh, good,” she replied. “I am really looking forward to having you…I-I mean…we look forward to seeing you.”

Max’s smile grew wider, “Well, I’ll see you guys around…?”

“Oh uh…seven,” Liz quickly told him.

“Alright, see you around seven.”

Liz smacked her forehead once she hung up the phone. She had sounded so dumb. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Getting up to go see who it could be, she came face to face with her brother.

“Michael,” she screamed, running to him. “You’re back! Are you okay? Where did you go? What happened to you? We’ve looked for you everywhere.”

Looking into his troubled eyes instantly brought back the painful memories of why her brother left and stayed away. She started to sway.

“Liz, please sit down,” Michael said, guiding her over to the couch.

“I want to know why Michael. I want to know why you stayed away for so long. You and I made a promise to stick by each other no matter what. Why did you leave me?” As Liz spoke, tears trailed down her face.

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerve, Michael told her about his guilt of Nathan’s death and about how he didn’t want to cause her anymore pain by sticking around, reminding her of why her child wouldn’t have a father.

“But I couldn’t help worrying about you and Maria though. I would come and check on you both while you were sleeping.”

A sheepish grin crossed his face then. “It was during one of those days that I ran into Max. He and I discussed some things that helped me realize that Nathan’s death had been an accident and that I should stop blaming myself for it.”

Now Liz had one more reason to be thankful for Max. He had brought Michael home. She had no doubt that he would come home eventually, but it was hard for her to believe he was actually back. He had a tendency to disappear for a few days to clear his head at times, but this was the longest he had been gone. She started crying again, hugging him, and that’s how Maria found them not long after when she got home from work.

“Michael,” she gasped. She dropped her purse and keys and ran over to him. He caught her as she leaped for him.

Liz blushed and smiled at their passionate kisses then gawked in total surprised when Maria leaned back and gave her brother a sound slap.

“That’s for leaving without telling me where the hell you were going!” Maria exclaimed before giving him a soft kiss on the cheek to ease the sting of the blow.

Michael gave her a hard squeeze. “Let’s get married.”

“We already are cheese-head. Remember this ring that you gave me. It means that…”

“I know what it means Maria,” Michael said, stopping her before she could truly begin her explanation. “I don’t want to wait. Let’s get married now.”

Shocked, Maria blinked at him, “Are you sure about this Michael? How do I know you’re not going to leave me when things get rough?”

“My running days are over. Let’s not wait to start our life together,” he told her.

“I love you,” Maria whispered, kissing him softly.

“I love you too.”

Suddenly she pushed away from him. ”Oh, my gosh! I gotta tell Liz. We have a wedding to plan!” She ran towards the kitchen where her future sister-in-law had gone to go start dinner. “I AM GETTING MARRIED!”
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Post by cassie »

AN: Thanks for all the great feedback. Hope that all the lurkers are enjoying this too.
Natalie36: Thanks
Guel: Thank you. Hopefully you do
begonia: Max is not very confident with the women at all
Alien_Friend: Michael's back! Thank you.
Laira: Lol. It sure does!
Steph: Thanks for your wonderful help
Allie Xie: Lol, I enjoy her parts too, even if it is a bit exaggerated.

Chapter 5:

Max arrived at the Parker and DeLuca residence promptly the following day. He was quite surprised when Michael answered the door.

“Hey. So you came back home.”

“Yeah,” Michael replied sheepishly. “You were right. I shouldn’t haven hidden from my problems.”

“Glad to be of service,” Max said, whilst giving Michael a mock bow.

“Thanks,” said Michael.

Liz came out of the kitchen seeing them still standing in the doorway and quickly admonished Michael.

“What are you doing Michael?” she asked with her hands on her hips. “Let the poor guy into the house at least.”

She held out her hand to Max, “Let me take you coat.” He took off his warm black woollen coat and handed it to her, with his fingers brushing her arm slightly. She felt a rush of butterflies in her stomach and swallowed soundly. ‘I must really be hungry.’

“How are you Max?” she asked leading him towards the lounge room. He was wearing a shirt, with the cuffs rolled up and jeans that sat low on his hips. She couldn’t help but notice how good he looked.

“Great. But how are you doing?” Max asked his voice clouding with concern.

“I’m great. The baby’s been kicking a lot recently. It took me ages to get to sleep last night,” she replied in an exasperated tone, but the smile on her face betrayed her true feelings. She was obviously happy.

She held out her hand, “Do you want to feel it?”

In the two years, since he got out of medical school, Max had heard plenty of heartbeats, but as he held out his hand to Liz, he felt almost nervous. It hadn’t really hit him before, but there was a baby growing inside Liz. A baby that wasn’t his.

She guided his hand on to her stomach. He could feel the softness of her skin through the fabric, and waited patiently.

Liz laughed moments later. “Well I know what to do, next time the baby kicks. Get you to come around.”

A bit disappointed he dropped his hand. Sensing his disappointment, Liz said, “Don’t worry. There will be plenty of times to feel her kick.”

“Her?” Michael asked in surprise. “I thought you decided not to find out the sex of the child.”

“I haven’t. I don’t know. It’s hard to explain, but I just know that it’s a girl.”

A picture of a toddler with cute pigtails and Liz’s smile flashed in Max’s mind. But before he got the chance to respond, an excited Maria flew in the door, flinging herself on to the couch.

Alex followed behind her carrying about two dozen shopping bags. He had filled out quite considerably since Max had last seen him. He was no longer tall and gangly. He dropped them on the floor, where they landed with a thud, before joining Maria on the couch.

“I thought you were just going to pick up a couple of things for Alex, since his suitcase got lost. You’ve been gone all day. Where were you?” Liz asked.

“Don’t ask,” Alex said emitted a groan.

“What’s with all the bags?” Michael asked. “I don’t think I even own that many clothes.”

“Just because you insist upon wearing the same tasteless clothes, day in and day out, doesn’t mean that everyone else should,” Maria replied.

“There’s nothing wrong with the way I dress,” he replied adamantly.

“Whatever,” she replied dismissing him. “You should see some of the stuff I got him Liz. He is going to look super hot!”

“Whatever,” replied Alex. “Max, do not go shopping with either of these girls. I think I pulled a muscle in my calf.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve had lots of practice, unfortunately. Isabel can out shop anyone.”

Alex reached down and tried to massage his upper left leg, when he saw his right hand. It had turned red and raw from carrying all the bags.

“Oh my god, look at your hand Alex,” said Liz. “Come with me, and I’ll put some cream on it for you.”

As he followed Liz out of the room, Maria stuck her tongue out at him, muttering, “What a pussy. No stamina.”

Max chuckled at her antics and joined her on the sofa.

“Isabel called. She’s going to be a bit late.”

“No worries,” Maria replied. “Can you help me carry all the bags to Michael’s room?” she asked them both.

In no time at all, the living room had been cleared of the products of the day’s shopping. They were still in Michael’s room when the doorbell rang.

“That’ll be Iz,” said Maria bounding towards the door to let her in.

After introducing her to Michael, they all sat down to dinner at Michael’s whining.

“How long are you staying for?” Max asked Alex.

“I’m not sure yet.”

“Don’t you have to go back to work? Or do you not work?” Isabel asked. It seemed as though Isabel’s disdain of Alex had carried through from high school.

“Actually Alex owns his own company, so he doesn’t really need to worry about getting back,” Maria answered.

“A company that recently listed on the stock exchange,” Liz said with pride.

“Is that why you couldn’t get here earlier?” Max asked.

“I wanted to postpone the listing, but Liz insisted that I wait. As soon as I could, I got the first flight out.”

Isabel was shocked to hear that the nerd from high school was doing well. Feeling out of her depths, with all the financial talk, she tried to change the conversation to something she was more comfortable with.

“Have you heard that Stella McCartney is doing a line for H&M in Europe?” Isabel asked Maria.

“Really? That’s so great. I love her work.”

Isabel and Maria continued to chat about fashion, again, while the boys talked about some new computer game. Liz felt like the outsider in her own home. ‘Oh well. At least the food is good,’ she thought, trying to savour the taste.

Liz had never been one of those people that were interested in trying new foods, but ever since she became pregnant she was reading dozens of cookbooks, trying out different recipes. For dinner tonight she made a red Thai curry, remembering from earlier in the week how much Max also enjoyed Thai food.

Noticing Liz’s bored looks Max started questioning her about her work. “So Liz, are you at liberty to divulge any other information about your workplace?”

Trying to keep her face straight, she replied, “No sir. Not to an Evans.”

They both burst out laughing. “At liberty?” she questioned him.

“Hey!” he proclaimed in mock outrage. “Both my parents are lawyers. I guess I really did pick up some legal jargon growing up.

“Seriously, though, you never ended up telling me what you actually do.”

“I work for a very small pharmaceutical company called PRG. It’s right near the Civic Centre on Wentworth Avenue.”

“So what do they do?” he asked.

“Basically, clients contract us to investigate the pharmacological properties of compounds they are designing. And we tell them if they will work, and do some of the preliminary testing.”

“Wow. That sounds really fascinating. What sort of compounds are you working on at the moment?”

“A new ACE inhibitor to treat blood pressure. It hopefully will eradicate the bad side effects of other drugs in its family, currently on the market.”

“That’s fantastic Liz. I know of a lot of patients that I treat that have to go on extra medication to counteract all those effects. It must really be rewarding to know that your work will make an impact on so many people.”

Liz blushed, “Well when you put it like that. I’m very lucky. I really like what I am doing. And you can’t talk, Dr. Evans.”

Isabel caught on to the way that her brother was hanging on every word that came out of Liz’s mouth. She couldn’t believe that he was interested in someone like Liz Parker. He never seemed to pay any interest to the girls she constantly introduced him to.

She didn’t like it one bit. Liz wasn’t even what Isabel would consider to be beautiful. Her hair had not been styled, and she wasn’t wearing any make up at all. But worst of all, Liz was wearing track suit pants.

“So Liz, when are we going to meet the baby’s father?” Isabel asked with a sugar coated smile.

Liz faltered, her eyes falling down towards her plate. She didn’t really know how to answer that. It was obvious to her by now that Isabel didn’t like her, no matter how much Liz had tried to make conversation with her.

“He… Actually he…”

“You don’t have to answer that Lizzie,” said Alex jumping to her defensive.

“It’s okay Alex,” replied Liz.

“He’s dead,” she said looking Isabel straight in the eyes.

Isabel flinched at her tone, obviously not expecting that response. She saw the reproachful look in Max’s face, and the anger in Michael’s and Alex’s and instantly regretted saying anything at all.

And that ruined the great conversation from before. Everyone sat around the table, not knowing where to look or what to say. Liz stared down at her plate, not wanting to meet anyone’s eyes.

Maria stood up and begun clearing plates and taking them in to the kitchen, and Michael followed her in.

“What in the hell did you do that for?” Alex asked Isabel once Liz had left the room.

She cowered when she saw how angry he was. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” When she saw Max glaring at her as well, she tried to make her apology seem more real. “I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I just…”

“I think you should leave,” Michael said walking back into the room.

Isabel laughed at the thought, but once she realised he was serious, she stormed past them to go say goodbye to Maria, who was still in the kitchen.

“I’m so sorry,” Max said looking at both Alex and Michael. “She has a habit of talking before thinking.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Alex said. “I’m going to go and check on Liz,” he said before walking down the hall.

He found her sitting on the edge of her bed, folding and refolding, what looked like a fluffy white towel.

He sat down next to her, and she gave him a weak smile. He reached out to take the item out of her hands.

“What is this Liz?”

“My baby blanket,” she said. “I want to use it for my baby as well.”

“It’s so soft,” Alex said stroking the blanket.

“I took it with me, when I left for college. I never guessed I would need it so soon. Or that I wouldn’t be able to go home…”

“Oh, Lizzie,” Alex said engulfing her in his arms. No one could fathom how hard the separation must be on Liz. She had always been the apple of her parents’ eyes. She tried her hardest to live up to their expectations. Throughout high school, she worked in their restaurant, was president of the science club, and maintained one of the highest grades in her year level. She didn’t party too hard; she wore clothing that they didn’t consider scandalous. And after all that, they turned their backs on her, in her time of need.

Max came in to say goodbye and found them like that. Not wanting to intrude, he tried to turn around, but Liz saw him.

“Max,” she said, standing up and straightening her clothes.

“I-I was just leaving. I came to say goodbye,” he finished meekly.

“Thanks for coming to dinner,” she said.

“Thanks for having me,” he bantered back.

“It was a pleasure.”

“No. The pleasure was all mine. Dinner was delicious.”

“Thank you.”

Alex was still sitting on the bed looking between the two of them talking back and forth like a tennis match. “Urrggghhh,” he said clutching his head. “Stop it. You are making me dizzy.”

“Well, I better be off then,” Max said. “Goodnight Liz.” He hugged her, and brushed a soft kiss on her forehead before following Alex out of the room.

The following Monday Liz was hard at work in the lab. She didn’t often get to do too much lab work any more. She was now in a supervising role, which made it a lot easier for her during her pregnancy and hopefully in the future. But to Liz, there was nothing like hands on work.

She was engrossed in an experiment when a fellow lab member, Katherine, interrupted her. “Liz, there is someone asking for you at reception. Shannen didn’t want to let them up unless she cleared it with you first.”

Liz looked up in surprise. If it was something urgent Michael and Maria both had her lab number, and she kept her cell on her when she was work, so Liz didn’t know who it could be.

“Did she say who it was?”

“Nah,” said Katherine shaking her head. “But she did mention that he was quite a looker.”

“Oh, I was just in the middle of something,” says Liz, looking down at all the tubes on the bench in front of her.

“No need. Just tell me what needs to be done. You go right ahead.”

“Thanks Katherine,” Liz said appreciatively.

Still confused about who had come to see her, she passed on instructions for completing the experiment and made her way down to reception quickly.

As the reception desk came in to view, she saw Max leaning over it talking to Shannen. Shannen wasn’t really very friendly, so Liz was reasonably surprised to see her chatting away comfortably to Max.

She cleared her throat, and Shannen went back to typing. When she met Max’s eyes, she was rewarded by a full blown smile from him.

“Max,” she said, trying to keep her tone neutral. She didn’t want to scare him off by being too enthusiastic. And she didn’t even know what he was doing there.

“How are you Liz?” he asked moving towards her.

“Good thanks. What are you doing here?” she asked looking around the foyer, wondering if maybe he came with someone else.

“I had to do a home visit for an elderly patient nearby, and I remembered you told me where you work, so I thought that I’d just drop in, on the off chance, that you haven’t had lunch yet.”

“Actually I haven’t,” she replied, glad that she hadn’t.

“I know just the place we can go,” he said guiding her towards to the exit.

“Wait a sec Max,” said Liz, going over to Shannen. “Can you please let anyone that needs me know that they can reach me on my cell. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone for.”

“No worries, Miss Parker,” replied Shannen.

They made their way to Max’s silver coupe in the parking lot outside. Liz went to open the passenger side door, but Max was too quick. He opened it for her and bowed with a flourish before guiding her into her seat. In no time at all, they were cruising down the busy streets.

Liz was excited about finally spending some time alone with Max, as was he…
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Re: Love at Third Sight (M/L, AU, Teen) Part Five 12/16/07

Post by cassie »

AN: Hope everyone had a great start to 08! Thanks for the great feedback.
Steph: Thank you!
Alien_Friend: It's surprising how shallow people can be. Thanks, hope you had good new years too and here we are....
begonia9508: Lol, Alex should be able to support her spending habits.
uw51: She sure does. Thanks
Natalie36: If only it were that easy. Thanks
clueless: Thanks
Guel: That's very good of you. Hopefully she will!
Michelle in Yonkers: lol, I think if Max were a gynecologist he'd have a lot of patients with high blood pressures! Oh, I totally agree about the parents. They certainly overlooked certain things, and weren't really around to know what their kids were doing. Isabel is and I think always will be controlling to an extent. People get used to having their own way. I don't think she's take very well to Max interfering in her relationships, just like she didn't with Jesse on the show. Thanks so much!
SmileeUk: Thanks. Liz's parents are a tad old fashioned, but they 'disowned' her because she dated Nathan.
keepsmiling7: Thanks

Chapter 6:

Neither spoke much during the car ride; both Max and Liz were content to sit quietly in the sunshine. The trip wasn’t very long and about 10 minutes after leaving they pulled up in front of a small building. Max quickly walked around to help Liz get out of his car. She smiled up at him gratefully and he led her towards the restaurant entrance.

Liz looked up before entering, “Perscrei,” she mumbled to herself, reading the name written in tacky neon lights up across the top.

They were quickly ushered to a table, and Liz looked around hesitantly. The restaurant was fairly small, and not very well lit. The walls were surrounded by framed pictures of cars. Fairly nice cars really, but Liz wasn’t really a motor head. Her car was functional, it took her places, and that was its most important feature for her.

The table next to theirs had a bright red vinyl table top that caught Liz’s eye. The diners seated at that table were bulky men with scraggily hair and unkempt clothes.

Looking around once again, she noticed that the table next to that was wooden, and the other table in the place was metal. There was a young mother sitting at that table trying to feed her children; one in a pram, with the other one trying to run away from her.

‘What a strange place,’ Liz thought. Max saw her apprehension and confusion.

“Trust me,” he said, placing his hand over hers on their glass table they were sitting at. “I know it’s a bit quirky, but the food’s delicious.”

At the mention of food, Liz suddenly remembered how hungry she was. She had been so caught up in the fact that she had a visitor and that Max had come to visit her in the flesh, she’d forgotten how hungry she was.

A waiter came past then, putting down two napkins in front of each of them. Liz noticed Max reading his, and looked down at her own. There was barely legible black writing covering most of it. The menu was written on her napkin. Again, Liz couldn’t help thinking that this place really was peculiar.

Max chuckled when he saw her peering at her napkin.

“Isn’t it neat?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Liz replied. “I’ve never been anywhere that does this before. I hope they don’t re-use them.”

Max laughed out loud. “I don’t think they do.”

As Liz struggled to decipher the writing, they discussed the merits of the three dishes on the menu. As Max had been to Perscrei before, he had already tried two of the dishes.

After finally deciding what they were going to eat, their waiter materialised out of thin air, behind Max and took down their orders.

“This is actually their spring menu. They change it seasonally.”

“Really?” Liz asked surprised.

“They had really filling food and soups in winter, and when I came in summer they had light salads.”

“Hmm…..” Liz pondered.

“I guess that does make sense. You don’t want rich food in summer.”

“Yeah, I thought you might like it here, especially since you mentioned how much interest you have recently developed in food.”

“Thanks Max,” Liz said, again surprised by his thoughtfulness.

“If you could be any superhero, who would it be?” Max asked.

Liz laughed at the abrupt change in conversation, but after Max’s prodding she seriously thought about the question.

“Hmmm…” she muttered. Thanks to Alex, Liz was quite educated about superheroes and comic book characters.

“Well, not Superman or Spiderman. I don’t really know what I would do with their powers.

”I guess, Invisible Woman. You would be able to get away with a lot more.”

Many times during her life, Liz had felt that she was invisible, but after moving to Roswell and forming such great friendships with Maria and Alex, she no longer cared. She didn’t have any ambitions to try and be in the popular group. She preferred to spend her time with people that she was comfortable with, who didn’t judge her. She was sure that she had been considered snooty by some, but hopefully once they got to know her, they realised she wasn’t.

She was broken out of her self analysis by Max’s hearty chuckle.

“I know why there was an invisible woman. Any guy would abuse that power,” he said while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Liz laughed harder than she had in a long time, after that remark.

“Well who would you be?” Liz questioned, after she finally stopped laughing.

“Batman,” Max answered promptly.

“Batman?” Liz asked. “Why?” Liz was surprised that he didn’t even have to consider his options.

“I don’t know. There is just something about that name. Bat - man.”

Liz looked at him quizzically.

He continued, “And I like both sides of his persona, he’s got a cool car, and a butler. What’s not to like? And he’s got charisma.”

Thinking of George Clooney in the movie Batman and Robin, Liz readily agreed.

Their food arrived then, and the only sounds made for a while were the clinking of cutlery.

Liz asked, “If you could be any super villain, who would it be?”

They continued to discuss the respective merits of super villain and superhero powers for the remainder of the meal.

As they made their way out of the restaurant, a newsstand caught Max’s eye.

“Do you mind?” he asked Liz.

“No, not at all. Go ahead.”

Max went to collect a copy of the New York Times and after paying turned around bumped right into someone.

“Oh, I am so sorry,” Max said apologetically, making sure they were okay.

“I’m fine,” said the stranger, finally looking up at Max.

Once they lifted their head, and Max could actually see their face, which was previously hidden by a Dodgers baseball cap, he was bewildered.

They looked very familiar, and Max couldn’t place him. In the end, he didn’t have to, with the guy pulling him in to a manly hug, slapping him on the back.

“Max, how you doin’?” he asked.


“The one and only.”

“Wow, what are you doing out here?”

“Oh, I came out for a conference for work.”

Seeing that Max hadn’t returned, Liz made her way over to the two.

“Liz?” Kyle asked in surprise as she came up beside Max.

“Kyle,” Liz said happily. “How are you? I haven’t seen you in months.”

“I’m great,” he said pulling her into a hug as well.

A pang of jealousy coursed through Max as he saw Liz enveloped in the arms of another guy. It didn’t help that they seemed genuinely happy to see each other. And they didn’t seem too eager to let go. ‘Was it normal for a hug to go on this long? That’s almost four seconds,’ he thought.

After pulling back and noticing Max’s red face, Kyle asked, “Are you okay Max?”

“Huh?” Max asked. He was pulled out of his daydream where he had forcibly thrown Kyle off Liz, with Kyle ending up on his backside on the pavement.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts. “What?” Oh, I’m fine.”

Liz looked up at him questioningly, and moved closer to him. “Are you sure Max?”

Throwing in some coughs to make it believable, he cleared his throat. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“So, Max. What you been doing with yourself here in New York?” Kyle continued, oblivious to the death stares Max was sending his way.

“Max here is a doctor,” Liz piped up.

“Really?” Kyle asked in mild surprise. Back in high school, Max had been quite a jock like Kyle. They had been on the basketball and football teams together at Roswell High. If anything, Kyle had thought Max would follow in his parents’ footsteps and become a lawyer.

“I wouldn’t have picked that. Oh, look at the time,” he exclaimed looking down at his watch.

“I’m late for an important meeting so I have to go. But Max, Dad and Amy are having a huge first wedding anniversary party next week in Roswell, you should come down. I know that Pauly and Sean would love to see you again,” said Kyle.

He gave Liz another hug, while Max clenched his jaw.

“See you next week,” he said to Liz.

“Bye Kyle,” said Liz.

After shaking Max’s hand, he disappeared.

“You’re going to Roswell next week?” Max asked.

“I don’t know,” Liz said. “Amy’s like my second mum. In fact, she’s the only ‘parent’ I have at the moment.” A wistful look spread across her face. But she quickly masked it and turned to Max, “But I don’t know if I’m ready to go back there.”

Not knowing what to say to comfort Liz, he guided her back towards the car, resting his right hand on her back.

After helping Liz in to the car, he raced around to the driver’s side and they were off.

Liz had had a fantastic time, finally spending some time alone with Max. He was so thoughtful and kind and she felt so comfortable around him. She couldn’t believe that lunch was already over, and they had to go their separate ways.

But Max wasn’t thinking about the lunch he shared with Liz, even though he did have a fantastic time. A plan had formed in his head, and he was frantically trying work out the details.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: Love at Third Sight (M/L, AU, Teen) Part Six 1/6/08

Post by cassie »

AN: Sorry about the wait. I think all of my technical problems are fixed, fingers crossed. I'll update again on Sunday to make it up. Thanks to everyone that has left feeback, and to Steph.
Alien_Friend: Kyle does bring out Max's big green monster. You'll find out about the trip in the next part.
Natalie36: Thanks
begonia9508: Yeah, I think George Clooney was the best Batman. You'll find about Roswell in this part.
Guel: He sure is. I'm a big Clooney fan. Thanks!
Steph: Thank you! I have a new part for you.
clueless: Thanks.
SmileeUk: Lol, I have no idea. U'll find about the plan in this part.
ShatteredDreamer: That will be revealed below
Blink1lit: Thank you
And thanks for the bumps keepsmiling7, Guel and Alien_Friend.

Chapter 7

Next week

On the way home from work Max found himself drawn towards Liz’s house. His day at work had been long, even more so because Pam was always finding excuses to stand next to him, and press her fake breasts into him. Liz’s presence seemed to calm him and more and more Max disliked going home to his empty apartment. Liz’s house was so warm and inviting, and Max enjoyed spending time with her and the others.

Although both Maria and Alex had grown up since high school Max still felt like he identified with them. They were finding more and more things in common with each other everyday.

Max had gotten off to a good start with Michael, but they soon realised that they didn’t really have much to talk about, until one day Max came over when Michael was watching a hockey game. Michael was impressed when he found out all the hockey stats Max knew off the top of his head, and they had made plans to watch a match together the next weekend.

When Max arrived Maria opened the door.

“Max, what a pleasant surprise,” she said. “Come on in. We’re going to need to get you keys soon, you’re here so often.”

Max blushed when she said this, and she poked him in the ribs. “You know I’m only kidding. We all love having you here.”

“Thanks Maria,” said Max. Looking around he noticed that no one else was around.

“Where is everyone?” he asked.

“Oh, Alex went home to visit the parents. If he didn’t go and see them, his mum was threatening to come up here and give him a spanking.”

“A spanking?” Max spluttered.

“She wouldn’t really, but they haven’t seen Alex in awhile, so he left the night before last.”

“And Michael’s gone for a walk.”

“And what about Liz?” he asked, trying not to appear too enthusiastic.

Maria turned and studied him, but without commenting further, she replied, “Oh, she went with him.”

‘Perfect,’ thought Max. He would be able to discuss his plan with Maria, without Liz or anyone else over hearing.

Max confided in Maria about his hopes to reconcile Liz with her parents. Her face became visibly pale at the mere suggestion of visiting them.

“I know that you are only trying to help out Max, but I don’t think you understand the depth of betrayal and hurt that Liz feels. Not only that but you also should have seen her parents when they found out. They have always been so supportive and I have never even seen them even raise their voices at Liz before. It was terrible. It took Michael almost three hours to get her to stop crying.”

“I am aware that she has been hurt Maria, but look at her. She looks so sad and she’s all alone. I don’t know why, but I just want to help her. I really think that she should talk to them.”

Maria stared at Max for almost a minute before she spoke again.

“I want to help her Max. Sometimes she’s so quiet that I can’t even tell if she’s in the same room as me. She is losing her sparkle, and I would do anything in the world to bring it back. That’s why I’ll help you with this. You don’t know Liz like I do.”

“That’s fantastic Maria! Now all we have to do is convince Liz to go to Roswell.”

“That should be easy enough. I can just tell her that I need moral support for the wedding anniversary party because Kyle’s always such an ass towards me. Besides she loves my mum.”

“I really hope this works Max.”

“So do I Maria.”

Max and Maria were interrupted by the return of Liz and Michael.

Michael laughed when he saw Max there again, “This is becoming quite a custom for you Maxie boy. Too lazy to cook for yourself?”

“Leave him alone, Michael,” said Liz as she shyly smiled at him. “You are always welcome here Max.”

Max was entranced as he watched Liz smile. He was so glad that they had met again after all of this time and although they were never really friends, he knew that he was slowly but surely beginning to feel like more than just friends. ‘But what if she doesn’t like me?’ he thought. ‘I am her doctor after all. She needs someone to trust and rely on, not someone to take advantage of how vulnerable she is at the moment.’

Max snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Maria pat him on the back and whisper in his ear, “Enjoying the view?”

Max blushed at being caught gawking at Liz, but neither she nor Michael seemed to have noticed. He couldn’t believe that Maria was so perceptive, but she didn’t seem mad or upset. In fact her eyes twinkled mischievously as she sent Max and Liz in to the living room to rest up while she helped Michael order more takeout.

Max and Liz talked animatedly about the upcoming release of I Am Legend. It seemed that Max was the only person with which Liz felt comfortable with lately.

Whenever she was with Michael, she could see the guilt in his eyes, no longer due to Nathan’s death, but because he had abandoned her. It had always been the two of them against whatever the world brought their way, and Liz was still sad that he had run from her. Maria acted normally most of the time, but sometimes she could catch her looking at her, in what could only be described as pity. Maria was her best friend in the world, but she didn’t realise that Liz was tired. Tired of talking. Tired of pretending she was fine.

Max allowed her to listen and contemplate on what he said, without requiring too much of her input or energy. Energy was one thing that Liz was lacking, even though she was eating so much.

It was with surprising sadness that she said goodbye to Max after dinner. In such a short time he had managed to integrate himself within their tight-knit group.

As she was preparing to sleep Maria came in to see Liz to set the plan in to motion.

“Liz, Mum was asking if you are going to go down to Roswell?”

“Maria, do you really think that’s such a good idea? I don’t think I can go back there.”

“Please Liz… Mum really wants you to come, and who is going to save me from Kyle.”

Liz laughed at the pleading look on her face. “Don’t you mean who is going to save Kyle from you?”

Maria let out a gasp of surprise. “Liz. You don’t know how he picks on me.”

“Right, and who shaved off his eyebrows, the day before his first job interview?”

“But he kept using my razors to shave his beard.”

Liz laughed at her logic. “Come on, Liz. You have to come with me. I won’t let you out of my sight. And we’ll spend all of our time at Mum and Jim’s.”

Maria was very persuasive, but Liz was still a bit wary of travelling to Roswell.

“I promise countless hours of babysitting. Please Liz….”

Knowing that Maria would continue to badger her until she agreed to go, Liz said, “Fine. I’ll go. Are you happy now?”

Maria jumped up and down, giving Liz a big hug before leaving her room. “Good night chica.”

“Nite Maria.”

As apprehensive as she was about going back to Roswell again, Liz couldn’t wait to see Amy again.

Liz was more than surprised when on the way to the airport on Friday, they stopped by Max’s apartment. She longed to see where he lived, but Max was waiting for them at the sidewalk.

“How come you didn’t tell me Max was coming with us Maria?”

“Oopps! It must have slipped my mind chica.”

The ride to the airport was quiet, and Liz was becoming more and more apprehensive. She had such bad memories of the last time that she had been there. Although she tried not to, she found herself thinking about the last time she saw her parents and the horrible things that they said to her, and shuddered. But this time she wasn’t going to see her parents. She was actually excited about seeing Amy and the Sheriff, even Kyle, unlike Maria.

Max noticed how quiet she was. He was wondering if the trip was such a good idea, especially considering how distressed Liz looked. But he knew that she needed to at least attempt to make up with her parents otherwise she would find no peace. When he felt her shudder, without thinking he put his hand upon hers and began to caress her soft skin.

Liz was surprised by his soft touch and the tingles she felt. She was reminded of another time, years ago, when he had soothed her fears about flying. She smiled up at him, glad to have an excuse to touch him. And they were at the airport at no time at all.

Michael helped them to unload their luggage. He wasn’t able to get the time off work to go down. Something he was glad for. He didn’t want to hear another lecture from Amy, about how long he was taking to make an honest woman out of her daughter.

As they made their way to the check in counter Liz felt a bit calmer. Luckily they were able to get their seats together, even though they weren’t purchased at the same time.

As they still had about an hour, before they needed to board, they spent their time browsing through the various shops at the airport. Maria bought a couple of fashion magazines, Liz bought some gum to chew on during the flight and Max bought some wine to give to the Valenti’s.

As they boarded their plane, Liz’s nervousness kicked back in. But she was determined not to show it. Maria looked at her, once they were seated. “Are you okay Liz?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“I know how you don’t really enjoy flying, so I’m really grateful that you decided to come with me.”

“It’s not like you gave me any choice,” Liz replied. After looking at Maria’s indignation, she hastily said, “Of course, I’d come. You know how much I love Amy.”

“Thank you.”

Forcing her body to calm, Liz listened to the music she had preloaded on to her mp3 player, once they’d gotten through the safety talks. She felt herself dozing off slightly. On her left, Maria was already fast asleep, but on her right Max was busy reading a book.

Just as it had happened years ago, Liz was woken from her slumber by a jolt. Her panic set on immediately, looking at Maria, who was still sleeping soundly, she considered waking her. But before she could, she felt a hand on her thigh, and looked up at Max. She tried to control her rapid breathing. Her heart was pounding so fast, she struggled to hear what he said.

“What?” she practically screamed. Seeing Max jerk back, she said softer, “Sorry, what did you say?”

“Talk about déjà vu,” he responded.

They shared a quiet moment, as they both thought back to their first meeting. Liz looked up at Max through her lashes, unsure of how to proceed now.

Maria snorted loudly in her sleep, murmuring, “Michael.”

Liz and Max both stared at her then burst into laughter. She woke up then, to the sounds of their laughter.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, staring at them.

“Nothing,” they both said at the same time, and that set off the laughter again.

Maria looked at them as though they were aliens, and muttered, “Lunatics.” She turned to her other side, and shuffled to make herself comfortable, and was astonishing quickly back asleep.

Glad that they had broken the awkwardness, Max said, “Well, I’m going to try and get some sleep.”

“Sweet dreams,” Liz responded, as she too tried to make herself comfortable in the seat. Pretty soon, they both had joined Maria in the land of dreams....
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Re: Love at Third Sight (M/L, AU, Teen) Part Seven 1/30/08

Post by cassie »

AN: Thanks everyone for all the great feedback.
Natalie36: Thank you. And Liz can feel better knowing that she's making an effort.
Guel: Thanks. The trip will be interesting
Alien_Friend: Thanks. Hopefully his plan does work!
begonia9508: That is very true. Closure is closure, and Liz needs some to move forward. Thanks.
Blink1lit: Thank you, and it does seem to be shaping up to ber quite interesting.
SmileeUk: Lol. Thanks for continuing to read.
Michelle in Yonkers: Welcome back. They are back in the plane and look how different their circumstances are now. Unfortunately, you won't find out about the Parkers reaction in this part. Here come Jim and Amy. Hope you enjoy them.
ShatteredDreamer: Here is some more as requested.
AllieXie: Amy is very different from Nancy. I agree with turning your back on your blood, but the reality is people around the world do it everyday. Hopefully you're not too depressed to read this part.

Chapter 8:

They tried unsuccessfully for a few minutes to get Maria to wake up, after the landing, but were having no success. Liz was growing increasingly impatient and nervous, as their efforts were thwarted. Finally, Liz asked an air stewardess for some water and promptly poured it over Maria’s head.

She woke up spluttering, and screaming. “What the hell is going on?”

Not understanding what was happening; she smacked Max’s hands as he attempted to unbuckle her seat belt as per Liz’s orders. Reaching over him, Liz unbuckled her, and then pulled her out of her seat, dragging her down the aisle towards the exit. Maria, not fully awake was still screaming about the inhumane way that she was woken up.

“What the hell is wrong with you Liz? Couldn’t you have woken me up normally? Stop pulling me, I’m awake. When did you get so strong?”

Max laughed at the sight in front of him. He never would have imagined that Maria could be led along like that by anyone, let alone a pregnant woman. But Liz had had lots of practice dealing with trying to wake Maria up over the years. She honestly didn’t understand why she could wake up if she heard an alarm buzzer, but if someone tried to wake her, it was practically impossible.

“Max, do you mind grabbing our bags?” Liz called out over her shoulder, as she continued to lead Maria towards the exit.

Chuckling to himself, Max gathered their bags, following them off the aircraft, trying not to pay too much attention to the other passengers that were staring at him.

It didn’t take long for their bags to appear on the baggage carousel, and soon after Max, Liz and a more composed Maria were making their way out of the airport.

Amy and Jim were waiting for them outside, and she quickly enveloped the girls in her arms. Max shook hands with Jim, before Amy enveloped him in her arms too.

Liz couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so happy to see someone, as Amy gushed about how big she was getting, and how much she glowed. She was going to spend this time getting some parenting tips from her, seeing as it was impossible to ask her own mother for advice since she wanted nothing more to do with her.

As he watched her face light up, Max knew that he’d made the right decision. He had always heard how much a pregnant woman needed their own mother, although he didn’t really understand one’s attachment to their mum. When they were younger Isabel had craved her parents’ approval, particularly their mother’s. She would always try to help her with things such as baking and decorating.

Jim and Max started walking towards the car, knowing that the women could stand there all day chatting, if they didn’t start moving.

After they had gotten married Amy and Jim had sold Kyle and Maria’s childhood homes and moved into a much larger house, even though they hadn’t anticipated their kids sticking around for much longer.

The house was double story with a spacious front yard. Maria guided Max up the stairs to her bedroom so that he could deliver her and Liz’s luggage. He made his way uncertainly down the stairs.

Max hadn’t considered where he was going to stay during the trip. He had been so focused on getting Liz to Roswell, and then to see her parents. If he wanted his plan to work he would need to find some time to get Liz alone, so he needed to be close to her.

Amy saw him pick up his suitcase and called out from the kitchen, “I’ve put you in the guestroom, right next to Kyle.”

Surprised, Max replied, “Oh no, I’ll just book in to a motel. I don’t want to impose.”

“Nonsense,” said Amy, coming in to the hallway. “We have plenty of room.”

Sensing Max’s hesitation she barked out, “Upstairs. Max.”

He obediently complied with her orders, making his way up the stairs.

Liz giggled from her spot on the couch at the way Max quickly scampered up the stairs. Amy moved to join her on the couch, handing her a glass of milk.

“It’s so good to be home,” said Liz as she deeply breathed in the air, and smiled appreciatively. There was just something about the way the air smelled in New Mexico. Dry, not full of pollution, like in New York.

“I’m glad you came,” said Amy as she softly squeezed her hand. “How is the little one?”

“Good. Everything’s been okay,” said Liz, reaching down to stroke her stomach. The baby had been kicking non-stop since the plane had arrived as though it could sense something was going on.

“I can’t believe that it’s almost time for the little one to come.”

“Yep,” said Liz grinning proudly. “Just over two more months to go.”

“Jim and I really should book some tickets now,” said Amy speculatively.

“You’re going to come out?” Liz asked in happiness.

“Sure am. It’s almost my grandchild. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. No matter what silly notions your parents have.”

Liz’s eyes misted over at the mention of her parents. “Actually Amy, I-I haven’t told them.”

At Amy’s look of surprise, she quickly added, “They didn’t want anything to do with me, if I was still with Nathan.”

“Oh Lizzie,” said Amy, using her dad’s pet name for her. “Have you tried to talking to them?”

“When I found out that I was pregnant, I was so happy, and I tried to call them. Mum picked up, and she asked if I was still with Nathan. When I didn’t answer, she just hung up.”

“Have you seen them?” she asked quietly.

“It’s hard not to in such a small town. It seems like your mum has lost a bit of weight. But you should see your Dad…”

“Why? What happened? Is he okay?”

“Oh, there’s nothing wrong with him dear. It just looks as though he’s aged 10 years in the last one.”

“Don’t they still talk to Michael?” Amy enquired.

“No,” said Liz, shaking her head. “When I-I left, Michael came after me, and he hasn’t gone back since.”

When they were younger they had promised each other they would stick together from the cradle to the grave, and Liz was thankful everyday that she got such a great big brother.

“Where is he?’ Amy asked then.

“Oh, he couldn’t get any time off work. He’s saving up all his leave for when the baby comes, and for the wedding.”

“Does that mean that they have finally set a date?”

“Ummm…” said Liz. ‘I can’t believe that I don’t know. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own life, I haven’t even asked about their plans,’ she thought. Liz vowed to have a big heart-to-heart with Maria soon.

“Is that buffoon of a brother of yours still not ready to marry my little girl?”

If Maria was scary when she was angry, there weren’t even words to describe Amy.

“I don’t understand,” Amy ranted. “They live together. He bought her a ring. After years, mind you. What is the hold up?”

Not knowing what to say, Liz shrugged her shoulders, “Maybe they don’t want to ruin a good thing.”

“Nonsense,” said Amy dismissively. She screamed out, “Maria, where are you?”

“In my room,” a voice floated down the stairs. Amy trudged up the stairs to go and talk to her daughter.

Shortly after, Max came down the stairs, rejuvenated after having a shower. Spying Liz sitting on the couch by herself, he asked her to join him for a walk. Soon, they were roaming the streets, reminiscing about days long past.

Even though they had both spent a great part of their childhood in Roswell, it hadn’t been together. So they shared stories, learning more about each other. Liz saw the spot where Max had crashed into a tree when he was learning how to ride a bike.

When she asked if he had any scars, he blushed, “Nowhere I could show you in public.”

Liz gulped as an image of Max naked floated through her head. He obviously took pride in his body; she imagined what his arms and chest would look like. Liz giggle nervously, feeling embarrassed about where her thoughts were traveling. ‘Max is my friend. I shouldn’t think of him that way. He’s my doctor for Pete’s sake.’

Sensing some tension between them, Max tried to lighten the mood and said to her stoically, “Are you laughing at me Parker?”

At her insistent denial, his eyes twinkled mischievously. Realising that he was joking, Liz leaned in and whispered, “What if I am Evans?”

‘Oh my god,’ Max thought. ‘Is she flirting with me?’

He said, “Well then, I’d have to teach you a lesson.”

Max suddenly lunged for her, and missed while declaring, “I’m going to get you Liz.”

She laughed when he missed her, and quickly spun off and ran in the opposite direction. They chased each other through the Oak trees on Auburn Street before finding themselves at the park. They collapsed on to the ground breathing heavily.

Once she’d recovered, Liz said, “I haven’t had this much fun in ages.”

“Neither have I,” replied Max as he rolled on to his side to face her.

Growing a bit uncomfortable at the way he was looking at her, she called out, “Last one to the swing is a rotten egg.” She quickly ran off towards them.

Max laughed at her stamina, and took off after her, getting to them before she did.

“No fair,” said Liz. “I’m carrying extra weight.” Max looked down at her. She looked so cute pouting that Max offered her the swing. She laughed when she was finally swinging. There was just something about the freedom you felt while up in the air; she loved it.

“Higher Max, higher,” she kept calling out, as he pushed her.

Max was glad that he was alone with a relaxed and comfortable Liz. It would be the perfect time to put the next part of his plan into action.

“I was thinking about grabbing a bite to eat. What do you think?” Max asked.

“Sure,” said Liz. “I am a bit hungry actually. But we can’t eat too much. Knowing Amy there’s probably a feast at home for dinner.

“Where do you want to go?”

“How about the Crash?” Max asked.

“The Crash?” Liz asked apprehensively.

“Yeah. The Crashdown. Is it still around?”

“Actually, a little while after we moved here, my parents bought it.”

“Really?” said Max, trying to sound believable. “Do the waitresses still have to wear those antennas?”

“No. I managed to convince Dad to get rid of those.”

“Shame, Isabel wore hers with pride.”

“Isabel used to work at the Crash?” Liz asked disbelievingly.

“Yeah, only a couple of times. I think it was the summer before we left.”

“I can’t imagine her working there,” Liz replied, choosing her words carefully. She didn’t want to insult Max.

“Yeah, I used to love that place. We should go there; they used to make great burgers.”

“No Max. I don’t want to.”

“Why not?”

“I just don’t want to see my parents okay?”

“Why?” Max kept pushing.

“They didn’t want anything to do with me after I started dating Nathan. And they don’t know I’m pregnant okay,” said Liz angrily.

“You have to tell them Liz. They deserve to know that they are going to be grandparents. Don’t you want them to be a part of your baby’s life?”

“Of course I do. But it’s not that simple.”

“Yes it is. Put the ball in their court. Otherwise you are going to look back years in the future and regret it.”

“I don’t know Max,” Liz replied begrudgingly. He mounted a great argument, but Liz didn’t know if she was strong enough to handle another rejection from her parents. To others she seemed to a bit blasé about things, but that was more of a defence mechanism. “I’m not ready to face them yet.”

“You don’t have to do this alone. I’m here.”

“Just drop it Max. You wouldn’t understand,” she said angrily.

For the first time, since they got to Roswell, Max wondered if he’d made the right decision pushing her.

Liz got off the swing and started to walk back towards Amy’s house. “Are you coming Max?”

He quickly ran to catch up with her. Their walk home was tense, and neither of them spoke the entire way.