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Post by sprayadhesive »

I am a terrible, terrible author. Because I can't consistently get out parts. But I promise I'm going to try harder. And now, since it's summer, it should get easier... but... we'll see how it goes. This is kind of another transition part, but it's happy! I swear it is! I don't know why you would doubt me! ;)

Thank you all, once again, for the encouraging feedback and the countless bumps and all of the extreme, deeply appreciated patience.

LairaBehr4 - You are amazing and wonderful and have I ever told you how much I appreciate you? I hope your month gets better from here.
- Your turn! ;)
Allie Xie
- I'm a sucker for happy endings, I can tell you that much.
- definitely a word.
Thursday' s Child
Max/Jason Luver
Dreamer 4 Ever

Part 28

Max was silent, staring at his dried blood on the carpet not too far from him. He fiddled with the shoelaces on his Converses before turning his head slightly, facing Liz. He spoke shakily, his voice so soft she almost didn’t hear it over the wind against the trailer, “Can I hold you?”

Liz nodded, tears in her eyes and her heart in her throat. Max leaned back against the trailer’s wall and opened his legs, allowing room for Liz to sit. She picked herself up and settled herself between his legs, leaning herself back against his chest.

She felt Max relax against her. His arms draped over her and she felt him lean forward, resting his chin on her shoulder. He sighed, closing his eyes.

He didn’t know why he was allowing himself to get this close to Liz, or why he was letting her get so close to him. He was probably being selfish, but, he needed her. He needed to be able to feel the motions of her body as she steadily breathed, he needed to feel the warmth of her skin, and he needed know that it was all real.

Her presence was reassuring; simply having her here was enough for him to know that he could make it through the night.

She was the apple in his Garden of Eden. He had been warned not to get too close, but he couldn’t resist her. His heart was slowly winning over his mind, no matter how many times he’d tried to emotionally detach himself from her.

And, even though it was making him hate himself even more, his heart was screaming that he needed her. So he had selfishly given in and caved to his heart’s demands. He didn’t like it, but he was doing it.

Liz’s phone rang, causing Max to jump. His face paled and he shifted slightly away from her.

Liz checked the caller ID and looked at Max, her voice thick with her unshed tears, “It’s Michael. I have to answer it. Everyone’s out looking for you.”

“No!” Max shook his head, “I don’t want them here. Don’t answer it.”

“I have to answer it.” Liz stated softly, “They are worried enough as it is with you disappearing, they don’t need me to disappear, too.” She slowly got to her feet.

Max’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. His voice was frail and strained, “Please don’t leave me.”

She turned back to him, tears shining in her eyes, “I’m just going to go into the next room, okay?”

Max hesitated and his lips tightened, but he nodded. He released her wrist and squeezed his eyes tight, trying not to picture himself sitting alone in his room. He didn’t want to be alone, not now that Liz had found him. He needed her.

Liz walked into the kitchen and answered the phone, “Hello?”

“Liz? Where are you? Did you find him?”

She paused, looking back over her shoulder, “Yeah.”

“What?! Where?! Why didn’t you call us?!”

“He’s not doing too well, Michael. I mean, he’s not hurt… but… he’s so… he’s not doing well.” She concluded softly. She didn’t want Max to be able to hear her.

“Where are you guys?!”

Liz gulped. She wanted them here, but she also didn’t want to lose Max any further, “I don’t know if Max wants me to tell you.”

Liz,” The voice grew sterner, “Tell me where you guys are. Don’t be stupid.”

“He needs some time before everyone comes. It would kill him for everyone to see him so vulnerable, you know that.”

A pause. “I need to know where you are.” His voice was strained, like he was fighting to control his panic. He begged her, “Please.”

“The trailer.” Liz exhaled. She couldn’t put the family through any more torture than what it was already going through. It wasn’t her place. She clarified, making sure her last statement was clear, “We’re at Hank’s trailer.”

Thank you.” Michael sighed in relief, “I’ll be there in a few minutes.

“No, that’s stupid. I have my car here. I’ll bring Max back in a little bit, I promise.”

Liz could practically hear Michael seething, “Fine. But if you’re not back here within the hour, I’m coming to get you two.

“Bye.” Liz hung up the phone and wiped at her face. The tears that had threatened to spill with Max had surfaced during the phone call and she didn’t want Max to know. Once she was satisfied that her tears were under control and her face was remotely dry, she turned to walk back into the bedroom. She gazed in and saw Max trembling against the wall, his eyes clenched closed.

Liz hurried over to him and sat next to him, placing her arms around him and drawing him into her warmth.

Max whispered, “I thought you’d left.”

Liz smiled, “Why would I want to do that?”

“Why wouldn’t you after what I just told you?” He stated grimly.

“Stop saying things like that. You know that I care about you.” A pregnant silence descended until Liz decided to speak again, “Why did you run? We were all so scared for you.”

“Because. I was expecting…” he paused, “for everyone to start seeing me as Hank sees me.”

Liz held him tighter, “We’re not like Hank. Don’t ever think that.”

“I can’t help it.”

“Well you’ve got plenty of time to learn new habits.” Liz was trying her best to raise Max’s spirits. The thought reminded her, “I told Michael where we are. He made me promise to bring you back within the hour.”

Max stiffened. His heart jumped into his throat, “Is Isabel there?”

Liz nodded, “Probably. Diane and Phillip, too. Everyone was really worried.”

“Isabel’s there,” Max repeated. “I should get cleaned up a little. She hasn’t been doing too well lately. I can tell. It’s my fault.”

“What? Stop blaming yourself for everything.” Liz chastised him.

Max shook his head, “No, she told me that she has nightmares of Hank and I. That she hears me screaming in her dreams. I’m her brother. I should be protecting her, not scaring her.”

“You should talk to her,” Liz encouraged him. “She misses you. We can all tell.”

“She shouldn’t.” Max shook his head, “She’s free.”

“Max.” Liz scolded.

He got up from his spot slowly, wiping away his tear stains on his shirt. Max stood, and he leaned back against the wall. He was sweaty, visibly exhausted in every way possible, and the markings from where Hank had hit him were becoming more prominent as the bruises set, but he would have to make due with what he had given himself to work with. He would have to act okay for Isabel.

Liz mimicked his shift in position. She looked sideways at him.

“We should go.” Max nodded towards the door, “Everyone’s waiting.”

Liz bit her lower lip, “Are you okay? I don’t want you to think that you’re ready to go back if you really aren’t.” She attempted to smile, “I wouldn’t know where to look for you if you ran a second time.”

Vulnerability shone in his eyes again, “I don’t know. But I have to try to be, right? I can’t ever break down like that again. I can’t afford to.” He shook his head slowly, “I don’t know how I let it happen this afternoon.”

“Your walls had to crack at one point.” Liz conceded.

“Leave it to me to have it happen in front of all of those people.” He spit, his anger with himself growing.

Liz placed a hand on her arm, stepping so that she was directly in front of him, “Max, you’ve got to stop being so hard on yourself.”

Max shook his head, obviously about to say something, when wind picked up outside the trailer, causing the metal to groan. The noise was amplified inside of the trailer, causing what would normally be a whisper to sound like a horrifying moan. Max’s hand shot out and latched onto Liz’s. He squeezed his eyes shut again, “Get me out of here. Please.”

Liz nodded; her heart feeling like it was being ripped from her chest for the millionth time that week, she kept her hold on Max’s hand and slowly led him from the room, through the trailer, and out of the door.

The car ride back, Liz and Max didn’t stop holding hands. Max’s firm grasp on her had her fooled for a little while; she was distracted by it for a full ten minutes before she looked out of the corner of her eye and realized the rest of him was shaking. Every shadow that fell across the car, Liz felt Max’s body seize up in fear.

She pulled the car over to the side of the road, her thumb starting to rub the back of his hand reassuringly, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Max muttered, his eyes never leaving the outside of the car.

“You’re shaking.” Liz pressed.

Max nodded, “I’m fine.”

Liz nodded, silently, but she didn’t start driving again. She gazed out of the windshield, mimicking Max’s movements. Their hands remained firmly clasped.

After a few minutes, he spoke, “I’m just afraid of what they’ll say when we get back.”

“You can go straight up to your room if you want.” Liz shrugged, “I’ll tell them that you’re exhausted, and that you don’t want to talk about it tonight.”

Max looked at her, hopeful, “You’d do that?”

“If you promise me not to run again tonight, then, yes.” Liz turned to face him.

Max nodded.

Liz gave him a faint smile, and restarted driving. His shaking subsided for the most part, only small quakes coming every few minutes, and Liz figured it was from all of what he had to go through tonight.

They arrived at the house with fifteen minutes to spare. Liz felt Max’s hesitancy when she separated her hand from his in order to leave the car, “I’m not going anywhere without you.”

Max nodded and exited the car.

The two rejoined hands as soon as possible and Max turned to Liz, “I don’t think I can do this.”

“Sure you can.” Liz smiled lightly, “Nothing’s changed.”

Max started to pull away from her, but Liz wouldn’t let his hand go. He stared down at her, “I’m not stable, Liz. I completely lost myself in the trailer. I don’t want to let that happen in their house. I can’t trust myself.”

Liz shook her head, “I’ll keep you grounded. I won’t let you get lost. If you don’t trust yourself, do you at least trust me?”

The question hung in the air, and Max slowly nodded his head, “Of course.”

“Okay.” Liz squeezed his hand, trying to mask how happy she was to know that she at least had some amount of status in Max’s life, “Let’s go.”

He didn’t stop her this time, so she continued forward.

She opened the door and its creak seemed to reverberate around the entire house. Instantly, she heard footsteps coming in their direction. Isabel launched herself into Max’s arms, sobs escaping her throat. She whispered, “I’m so glad you’re alright. I don’t know what I would have done if you’d left.”

Max didn’t respond, but he slowly pulled himself out of Isabel’s grasp. He kept his hold on Liz, his grip becoming tighter by the second.

Michael was leaning against the door frame, trying to keep a cool demeanor, but Liz could see past it. She saw the deep circles under his eyes and the worry flickering within them. He nodded to Max, “Good to have you back.”

Max inclined his head slightly, giving him somewhat of a recognition.

Isabel stood dejectedly to the side, looking like she was going to burst into tears at any second. She kept looking from Max’s face, down to her feet and then to Liz and Max’s joined hands.

Diane and Phillip, Liz now noticed, were standing next to Michael. Diane’s eyes were red and puffy, “Are you okay, Max?”

Max nodded his head.

Liz spoke up, “I’m tired. Michael, you look tired. Who all is tired?”

Phillip nodded, “She’s right. Max, you look exhausted. You should head up for bed.”

The group nodded and started to move. Michael cleared his throat, “Isabel, you and Liz can crash in my room tonight if you want. I want to sleep on Max’s floor tonight.”

He made eye contact with Max, “I need to.”

Max nodded.

Liz jumped in, “Me, too. I need to.”

Isabel nodded as well.

Diane smiled lightly, “I’ll gather up some blankets from around the house and a few spare pillows. I think we might have a few air mattresses tucked away somewhere.”

Max didn’t even try to fight it. He needed them, in a way, to get him through the night. He knew that the shadows would eventually become too much to hide from and he would welcome seeing their sleeping forms around him.


Liz slowed her speed down on the swing, smiling slightly at the free feeling. She had loved the swings ever since she was a little girl.

She glanced sideways at Max, who was sitting idly on his own swing. They were just across from the courthouse, in a small park in the middle of the square. Plenty of old oak trees provided them with privacy.

Liz spoke tentatively, “How are you doing?”

“I’m better.” Max nodded, more to himself than to her. He took a breath, “I’ve met with Dr. Richfield twice in the last two days.”

“Dr. Richfield?” Liz asked, surprised.

“My therapist.” Max admitted, “Just a third party to talk to. Diane thought it would be a good idea for me to talk to a professional about everything.

“Oh.” Liz nodded. She was glad that he was getting help. She definitely hadn’t expected it – but it was a good thing. She was sure of that. “What did she say?”

“The episode two nights ago was a mixture of rolling panic attacks. One kept leading into another until it led me into paranoia. That and a minor case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.” Max said softly.

Liz nodded, “Is there anything you can do?”

“Uh… some psychobabble stuff. She thinks that my trigger is Hank, and since I don’t plan on seeing him ever again, I don’t think it will be that much of a problem.” He shrugged.

“You’re sure that you don’t want to go to the courthouse?” Liz checked her watch, “There might be a little left in today’s session. And Mr. Evans said jury ought to have the verdict in by today.”

“I’m done with Hank.” Max said warily, “I don’t want to have to deal with him anymore. He’s out of my life.”

Liz looked at him sympathetically, “I can understand that.”

“Thank you.”

They sat in a comfortable silence after that, and Liz resumed her swinging. Everyone else and half of the town was in the courthouse, awaiting Hank’s verdict. Liz had elected to stay behind with Max. She had expected Isabel to stay behind as well, but Isabel seemed determined to go in and face Hank one last time.

She and Max had been touch and go since the other night. She had to constantly feel around for his comfort zone and be careful not to cross it. At the same time, she had to guard her own feelings. She was, without a doubt, in love with Max. But he didn’t see her as anything more than a friend. If he did see her as more than that, he was doing a hell of a job hiding it. She didn’t know if she would be able to take the strain on her heart.

But she had to try, for Max’s sake.

Her parents and the Evans’s were very understanding when it came to her and Max spending time together. All of the adults around them were desperate to set his life back to a quasi-normal existence, so they were allowed to stay up late at night, go for walks whenever they felt like it and do whatever they wanted.

Liz knew that it wasn’t going to last forever – that at some point, rules would be imposed upon them – but she was happy with what they had. She hadn’t left Max alone since she had found him in the trailer, and she wasn’t planning on leaving him alone until she was confident that he was assured of his importance and worth to everyone around him.

She also knew that Diane and Phillip had sat down and talked with Max about what had happened, but Max didn’t seem all too phased by it. If anything, when he came out of the kitchen from talking to them, Liz was able to see a little more life in his eyes.

Isabel and Michael had tried to talk to him, but he wouldn’t hear of it. If they ever attempted anything other than meaningless small talk, he would shrug them off and walk in the opposite direction.

As for Alex, Maria, Kyle and Tess, Max wanted nothing to do with them. No matter what Liz said, he was convinced that they were getting sucked into his life against their will.

She knew that there would have to be something done to get Max to change his opinion on his peers, but she didn’t know what yet.

Liz started to swing again.

Max’s voice broke her thoughts, “Liz, you don’t have to watch me. I promised you that I wouldn’t run away again, and I’m a big boy. I can handle myself.”

“I’m not guarding you, Max.” Liz smiled, “I just like to spend time with you.”

It was true. Max’s very presence calmed her. Her underlying feelings of guilt in regards to him washed away when he looked her in her eyes.

“You’re giving up your life so that you can make sure I’m eating right and going to bed when I should.” He stated blandly.

“I’m spending time with a friend.” Liz repeated adamantly. “But if you want me to back off, I will. I understand if you’re sick of me.”

Max shook his head quickly, “I’m not sick of you. But I think… that I need to work on standing on my own two feet again.”

Liz looked sideways at him and could see something in his eyes that apparently he had been hiding. He felt suffocated by everything that had been happening lately. She smiled lightly, “I completely understand.”

“But,” Max added hastily, “we’re still going to hang out tomorrow, right? I mean… I like hanging out with you.”

Liz’s smile grew even more, “Of course.”

It was then that they noticed a flurry of activity from in front of the courthouse and people stream out. A group of people made their way into the park.

Michael led the group, a look of extreme satisfaction on his face. Behind him, a completely enthralled Maria, Tess, Alex and Kyle were all flocking around Isabel. Isabel looked sort of sheepish, but she, too, looked satisfied.

“Well?” Max looked at them, “What happened?”

“You are NEVER going to believe this!” Kyle laughed, unable to contain his happiness.

Tess continued, “Just before the jury read the verdict, Hank asked the judge if he could apologize to you and Isabel.”

“Well, you weren’t there, so it was up to Isabel…” Alex added.

“…and Isabel walked right up to that little partition between Hank and everyone else…” Maria supplemented, due to Alex’s unbreakable proud smile.

“…and I slapped him.” Isabel said quietly, looking at her feet.

“Right across the kisser.” Kyle almost screamed and grabbed Tess, dancing happily around the park.

“The entire courtroom just froze, but Isabel held her composure and turned and walked right out of there.” Michael couldn’t help but smile, “Hank was so pissed after she left. Especially when they read the guilty verdict.”

Tess called over from her position by the slide, where she and Kyle were still dancing happily, “The judge is having a sentencing hearing tomorrow with Phillip and Hank’s lawyer. I don’t think he’ll get off easily, though. The judge saw right through Hank as soon as he started to get pissy when Isabel walked out.”

They all paused for a second, turning to see Max’s reaction to all of the news. Their smiles only grew even larger, if possible, with what he did next. Max got off his swing, and drew Isabel into a large hug, a genuine smile on his face. He whispered into her ear, “I’m so proud of you.”

Isabel smiled back, her eyes dancing in delight. It was the first time she had been completely happy since she had realized what Hank had been doing to Max all of these years. Hank was out of their lives for good, and her slapping him across the face like that made her realize it fully.

Max’s smile didn’t fade as he withdrew from the hug and placed a kiss on Isabel’s cheek.

Isabel smiled stupidly at him for a minute, her fingers touching the place on her cheek where he had kissed her. Never before had Max initiated any kind of contact between them with her actually feeling like he meant it. Never before had he smiled when he was around her.

Alex was equally as surprised when Isabel put her arm around him and drew him in close to her. Since everything with Max had happened, she had been too distant, even hinting that they might not be fit to be in a relationship together. He smiled some more and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

Liz turned to Max, a happy tear in her eye, “Thank you.”

“For what this time?” He looked at her seriously, but she could still see the glimmer of happiness and amusement in his eyes.

“Treating Isabel the way you just did.” She smiled some more, “You have no idea how much it means to her. Especially coming from her brother.”

Max smiled and shrugged. What had started as a horrific week was quickly looking up. The sun was shining much more brightly, and the storm from a few nights ago had renewed a bunch of flowers that had popped up recently.

Max knew that if he kept trying, he would be able to get past all of his demons. Because, after getting past Hank, anything else would be a piece of cake.

A voice came from the entrance of the park, shouting over the shrieks of happiness and laughter coming from the group (Alex and Maria had joined Tess and Kyle in their happy dance a few seconds ago), “We’re celebrating the verdict back at the Crashdown. Let’s get a move on, you’re starting to scare the kids.”

Liz looked around and laughed. A pair of twins in the sandbox a few feet away from them were staring at the group with wide eyed fear.

Max followed her gaze and looked at the pair, offering them a quick smile and wave before heading off after everyone else.

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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by sprayadhesive »

Last update of this before I go vacationing for two weeks (7/18-8/2). Thanks for the patience! I'm going to try to update everything else before the 18th, but no promises. (Hey, posting this on the 13th page on Friday the 13th? Anyone feel like that's some kind of cruel coincidence?)

Thank you for everything!:

: yes, you do owe us at least one part for that... ;)
begonia9508: Burn the trailer, eh? Good thought...
: Ah! I swear I'll get a response to your PM ASAP
: I do hope I beat your pregnancy to the finish. ;) Good luck with everything! I hope it all goes well!
Michelle in Yonkers: I'm so flattered that you've read this. I always look for your FB on other stories. As for all of your musings and theories, I thoroughly enjoyed picturing all of those scenarios in my head - especially the one about Max 'standing up and roaring'. I hope there weren't any nightmares.

As for your question about his powers: I wanted to make it so that it emphasized Max's complete helpless feeling when he was in Hank's presence. Max had been working, as a small child, to repress his powers in front of Hank, all the while having Hank slowly taking jabs at him. The emotional damage overwhelmed his control over his powers. Hank's idea of Max being so far beneath him had ingrained itself into Max's very being.

Part 29

Max gasped, the momentum of his body swinging him upwards in his bed. He was in a cold sweat, his palms slipping slickly against his cotton sheets. He grasped at them tighter, desperate to keep a hold on something. His eyes roamed the sheets in front of him, slowly traveling to his hands. With his hands shaking, he steadily raised them to feel his face. It was clean – no bruises, no cuts, and no gashes. It was all a nightmare.

He wasn’t sure to be thankful of that or not. He hated the fact that he had spent a completely stress free night celebrating the verdict of Hank’s trial in good spirits, only for his mood to be completely killed by something in a dream. He should be used to it, though. He rarely went a night without a nightmare – not since Hank had adopted him.

He ran a hand through his hair and got out of his bed. The sheets were soaked with his sweat. He ran a hand over them, drying them completely. He made his bed, and then lay on top of the comforter. As much as he had tried to convince himself that Hank was out of his life for good, he knew he was wrong. Hank was still very much present in his head. It was going to be harder to get rid of Hank than Max had made it seem.

The simple stream of moonlight coming in through his partially closed curtains wasn’t enough to soothe his nerves. He reached over, turning on his lamp and checking the clock. He’d only been asleep three hours.

He drifted slowly back into an uneasy dreamless sleep.

Diane woke him up at eight in the morning, shaking him slightly, “Max, honey, wake up.”

Max murmured, rubbing at his eyes, and yawning widely.

“Why was the light on?” Diane pointed out, reaching over to shut it off.

Max blushed lightly, lying about it easily, “I must have forgotten to turn it off before I fell asleep, sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize,” Diane smiled. “It was just a question.”



“Sorry!” Max covered his mouth with his hand, looking up at Diane warily. He wasn’t even aware that he was doing it.

Diane laughed playfully, “We’re definitely going to have to break that tendency, huh?”

“I’m used to…”

“You don’t have to explain yourself,” Diane smiled with an air of understanding about her, “I know how hard it must be to make the transitions that you’ve made. I think you’re making a great effort, and that’s all I expect of you.”

“Thanks,” Max smiled meekly.

Diane looked around the room, “Breakfast is on the table, and you have your appointment with Dr. Richfield in an hour or so.”

“Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

Diane left the room, and Max went into the bathroom. He really hadn’t slept well last night. True to his thoughts, there were bags underneath his eyes.

An hour later, he was seated in his familiar spot in Dr. Hannah Richfield’s office.

She looked him over, “How are you, Max?”

“Better. The jury came back with the verdict yesterday.”

“I heard,” Hannah nodded. “That’s good news. I was very happy to hear it. What were your thoughts on it?”

Max sat back, “I’m relieved, I guess. I don’t have to worry about Hank hurting Isabel or anyone else anymore, so long as he gets a long enough jail sentence. Phillip says that he probably will.”

“How did everyone else react?”

“They were all really happy. Isabel… she was really quiet, but I could tell she was relieved. She actually slapped Hank, too. He asked if he could apologize to us, but I wasn’t there, and Isabel slapped him.”

Hannah couldn’t help but smile, “Good for her. That must have been extremely therapeutic,” She winked at Max, “But you didn’t go? Why not?”

“Because I hate the way I feel when I am around Hank, and I didn’t want to have to endure it if I didn’t have to. Liz and I hung out in the park across the street, and waited for everyone to tell us the results.”

“I see,” Hannah nodded, “How is Liz?”

“She’s good. She actually just scored really well on her SATs,” Max shrugged.

“Have you two been hanging out regularly?”

“Yeah.” The corner of Max’s mouths turned upwards, and Dr. Richfield definitely noticed, “We’re going to lunch later today, actually. It should be fun.”

“Is this a dating thing or more of just friends?”

Max sat for a few moments, thinking about the question. He looked up at Dr. Richfield, “I guess I’m scared to actually call it dating. I feel like… like Liz deserves a better boyfriend. I can’t offer her anything. I’m a ward of my friend’s parents, I’ve got a very low, limited income, and I don’t even have a permanent residence. I’ve wanted to make it dating, but I can’t in good conscience.”

“Have you been doing the little exercises that I’ve told you about?” Dr. Richfield frowned, “From all of what you’ve just told me, you’re still having quite a few negative thoughts about yourself.”

“Um…” Max hesitated, “Well, not really. I feel kind of stupid doing it.”

“Max…” Dr. Richfield laughed, “It may seem silly, but it could help you in the long run. You remember what the main exercise is, right?”

Max shook his head.

She laughed again, “Whenever you start to think degrading things about yourself, or if you start thinking that you’re not worth it, try to make a list of all of your positive attributes – physical, emotional and otherwise. If you don’t have a paper and a pen, just make a list in your head. Another exercise you can do is to list all of the good things that have happened to you in your life.”

“I’ll try to start,” Max said, although he didn’t sound too enthused about the idea. He yawned widely.


“Yeah,” Max looked up at her, “I don’t sleep very well.”


Max nodded sheepishly.

Dr. Richfield nodded sympathetically, “Do you want to talk about them?”

“No!” Max almost shouted, his eyes getting more and more hollow and panicked by the second, “No. I can’t. I can’t talk about them”

“Maybe next time, then?” She had learned not to push him.

Max shrugged. He couldn’t date Liz. He wasn’t good enough.

The other side of his conscience broken in, trying to stop the negative thoughts. ‘I have a great sister. I have a great best friend. I care about everyone close to me…’ He closed his eyes. The battle seemed hopeless. He couldn’t think of any other positives.


Liz hesitated at her door, looking up into Max’s eyes. “Thank you for lunch. You really shouldn’t have paid. I mean, I’m fine with splitting the bill.”

“I wanted to. You’re worth it,” Max said sincerely. He was aware of the way their heads were gravitating towards each other’s. Max spoke softly, “I had fun tonight. I’ll see you later.”

He couldn’t do it. He still had all of the worries that he had confided in Dr. Richfield screeching in his brain. He saw Liz close her eyes, moving in closer for the kiss, but he did his best to ignore it and moved to the side, kissing her on the cheek. He could see the hurt registering in her eyes, but she didn’t say anything except, “Bye.”


[continued on next post]
Last edited by sprayadhesive on Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:58 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by sprayadhesive »

Isabel hesitantly knocked on Max’s bedroom door, but when she didn’t get an answer, she put her hand on the knob. She had run into Liz after Liz’s lunch date with Max, and Liz had looked unsettled, so Isabel decided that she would organize a slumber party tonight for all of the girls. She was hoping to convince Michael to do the same thing with the boys, right after she visited with Max. If anything, it was a way to make Max feel more connected to Kyle and, more important to her, Alex.

She tried the knob and it turned, so she peaked into the room. Max was sleeping on the bed.

His body jerked fitfully, and his eyes were moving quickly under his eyelids.

“Liz! Isabel!”

His scream startled Isabel. She quickly closed the door behind her, not wanting to get everyone in the house involved. “Max?”

“Why did you come?! I told you to stay away!”

“Max!” Isabel was closer to him, now. She took his shoulder in her hand and shook him, “Max, wake up! It’s a nightmare!”

Max’s eyes shot open, and he instinctively recoiled from Isabel’s touch. When he looked at her, she clearly saw his terror. She quickly apologized, “I’m sorry. You were screaming in your sleep…”

“I was?” Max shook his head, his face tinged with green.

“Are you okay?” Isabel reached forward, placing the back of her hand against his forehead. “You don’t look too well.”

“I feel okay, Iz,” Max assured her. “It was the dream.”

“What was it about?” she bit her lip tentatively.

“Uh… I thought that I hadn’t gotten into college,” Max said.

Isabel saw through it almost immediately, “You were screaming at Liz and I. You didn’t want us to be where you were…”

“I was mad. You two got into college, and I didn’t,” Max continued. “I was upset.”

“I know you’re lying,” Isabel said, colder than she had thought. “Why can’t you just tell me? I’ll be able to help you through it. Telling someone about it always helps.”

Max shook his head, “No!”

“Fine,” Isabel rolled her eyes, but Max knew that she wasn’t convinced. She was going to continue to bug him about it until he could convince her that he had worked through it on his own. “You look exhausted. I’m sorry I woke you.”

“No. Thank you,” Max assured her. “I’d rather be exhausted than in a nightmare. What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to come and say hello,” Isabel shrugged. “I wanted to ask you if you maybe wanted to come over to the apartment some time. I miss… how close we used to be. I want to talk, and get past all of this stuff. We can get back to the way we were.”
Max smirked, “Dr. Richfield’s been making an impact on you, hasn’t she?”

Isabel nodded, “Yeah.”

And they were right. Isabel seemed to have much more confidence in what she did lately. She walked with a purpose, and she no longer tried to deny her true self.

“I’ll come by tomorrow around noon. We can hang out all night, if you want,” Max nodded. After all, he was supposed to be trying to get normal relationships with those around him. He and Isabel did have a lot to talk about.

An hour later, after Isabel left, Max walked into the kitchen, hearing Diane’s sounds of using the kitchen all the way from the stairs. “Hi.”

“How was your nap?” Diane looked at him, concerned, “I know that Isabel woke you up from it. If you’re still tired, you can go right back to bed. We’ve got a little bit before dinner.”

Max smiled despite himself. “I’m better, thanks. Can I help you with anything?”

“Please. We’ve got two more teenage mouths to feed tonight…” Diane rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.

Max shrugged, “Yeah, Isabel mentioned that to me. Mentioned… threatened into…”

Diane laughed, “How is she? I didn’t get a chance to call her yesterday or today.”

“She’s good.” Max took a bell pepper and began slicing it. They were having fajitas tonight, “I’m going to go hang out at her apartment tomorrow… if that’s alright.”

“Of course it is, don’t be silly. She’s your sister. I’m glad that you two are spending time together. You both need it.” Diane looked up at Max with an eyebrow raised. “Do you think anyone would notice if I mixed in some tofu with the meat?”

“I think Kyle would probably eat anything that you put in front of him, same with Alex and Michael if they’re hungry enough. It’s Phillip that you might want to watch out for.” Max cracked a smile.

Diane thought about it for a moment, before adding it into the mixture. She winked at Max and smiled, “How’s Liz? She is such a nice girl. You should bring her over for dinner one of these days.”

“She’s good. I’ll see if she’s up for it. I think she’s mad at me, though.”

“Why?” Diane looked up at him, stopping her cutting and giving her his undivided attention.

“ Uh…” Max paused, “I’m having trouble….”

“With what?” Diane asked with compassion in her voice.

“I can’t kiss her. I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to do it, but I can’t… I don’t want to kiss her.” Max said, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. He turned his gaze away from Diane, looking instead at the tile underneath his feet, “I mean I do want to kiss her. But… I… I can’t. Not knowing…”

“…what Hank did to you?” She supplied. Her heart broke for the boy.

Max nodded, “I mean… Hank… he would do those things to me, and sometimes he would even… force his tongue into my mouth…” Max trailed off, his eyes and voice growing more hollow by the second, “But it wasn’t only his tongue a lot of the time, and I… I don’t want… to make her have to kiss me after my mouth’s been… there. I can’t kiss her.”

“Have you talked to Liz about this?”

Max shook his head, “I’m afraid that she’ll reject me. Then all of my thoughts of me not being good enough for her will be affirmed. I’m desperately holding on to the slim notion that keeps telling me that my doubts are wrong… that Liz and I could be together if we wanted to, and she wouldn’t regret it later.”

Diane nodded, drawing Max into a hug. She was surprised when he returned the gesture, “I understand your hesitation, but I still think that you need to talk to Liz about what you’re feeling. If you’re thinking about kissing her, chances are she’s thinking about kissing you. It would be better to clear the air before any misunderstandings occur, don’t you agree?”

“Maybe,” Max shrugged. As the two separated, Max could see Diane frowning at him, “What?”

“You don’t think it would be better to talk to Liz about all of this?”

“Uh… I mean… probably.”

He had a lot to think about with what Diane had said about Liz. Did he really want to kiss her? Why? Why would he want to put her through that? And what if she rejected her? He deserved to be rejected…

Happy thoughts. Diane seemed to care for him like he was her own son. Phillip treated him like a son. Michael liked him. He was good at science. He was a hard worker…

Diane smiled, sticking her tongue out at him for a brief moment, “Good.”

He and Diane continued to set up the kitchen, finishing up just when the doorbell rang, signaling Alex and Kyle’s arrival. Max didn’t rush to greet them at the door. He lagged in the kitchen, letting Michael greet them and take the boys and their bags upstairs. It wasn’t that he was trying to be rude, but…

“Max, why don’t you go and hang out with your friends? We’re done here.” Diane verbally pushed him.

Max shook his head, “I don’t want them to feel like they have to hang out with me…” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “They don’t have to, just because I live here.”

Before Diane could answer, the kitchen door swung open and Alex walked in. He was grinning broadly, “Hi, Mrs. Evans. Thank you for letting Kyle and I spend the night tonight.”

Diane smiled, “It’s our pleasure, Alex.”

Alex turned to Max, placing a hand on his shoulder, still grinning broadly, “Guess what I brought?”

“What?” Max started hesitantly.

“Madden Football. And Kyle and Michael want to go outside and play a real game of football later, but I told them that we can’t do it with only four people, so we might find something else to do.” Alex shrugged, continuing his musings, “Although, if we somehow match Michael and Kyle head to head and then slowly back ourselves out of the game, it could be amusing to see how long they would play without noticing we were gone. Whatever, we’ll figure it out later.” Alex took his hand off of Max’s shoulder, turning to Diane, “Mrs. Evans, dinner smells absolutely excellent.”

“Please, call me Diane.” Diane rolled her eyes, “Max actually helped me make all of this stuff.”

“Crap, he can cook, too?” Alex said teasingly, “Liz is already convinced he’s the perfect man; let’s add cooking to the résumé.”

As Diane laughed along with Alex, Max was amazed. Alex was talking to him like he was one of the guys. He wasn’t being overly nice. He was being himself.

The kitchen door banged open, Michael and Kyle striding through. Kyle greeted Mrs. Evans, thanking her for allowing them to spend the night. Michael inhaled deeply, “I’m starved.”

“Dinner’s ready.” Diane placed a pitcher of lemonade on the table, “Can someone get Phillip?”

Michael flicked a hand in the air, signaling that he would, and left the room. Diane told the boys to sit down, so they all complied. Max felt slightly awkward sitting alone at the table with Kyle and Alex.

Michael returned in less than a minute with a very happy Phillip trailing behind him.

Phillip sat down at the head of the table and then turned to Max, “The judge sentenced Hank.”

The entire table froze. Diane looked to Phillip, “What? When?”

“Happened right before I got home. I wanted to tell everyone at once, but I couldn’t hold it in any longer.”

“Well?” Michael pressed him, “What is it?”

“Fifty to life,” Phillip responded, a grin on his face, “The judge is advising against offering him parole, especially after what happened in the courtroom. She says that she doesn’t see Hank ever being able to rehabilitate.”

“Oh, honey, that’s wonderful!” Diane exclaimed, a huge smile on her face. She got up from her chair in the kitchen, which she had just sat down in seconds before for Phillip’s announcement, and hugged Phillip from behind.

“Congratulations, man,” Michael patted Max on the back.

Max was stunned. It was such a surreal feeling. To know that the man who had tormented him for years was never going to be able to do such a thing again… it was almost unbelievable.

He looked to Diane and Phillip, “Can I be excused? I want to go and tell Isabel… I’m not very hungry anymore. I promise I’ll come back before curfew…”

“What about your sleepover?” Diane looked putout, “You can just call her.”

“We’ll all go.” Kyle cut in, winking at Max. Was Kyle helping Max voluntarily? Why would he do something like that?

Diane smiled, “Alright, you four go on. I’ll save the meal in the oven for when you’re hungry later.”

“Why, Diane, you know us so well.” Alex laughed.

Max and the others got up from the table, opting to walk to the apartment. Alex, Michael and Kyle raced for portions, trying to goad Max into participating, but he walked leisurely, occasionally increasing his pace to catch up to them. Before they knew it, they were standing in front of Isabel’s apartment door.

Max knocked.

Isabel answered, wearing her pajamas. She frowned at them, “What are you guys doing here?”

Max smiled a real genuine smile, “We have good news. I wanted to tell you in person.”

“What?” Isabel asked excitedly, leading them into the living room. Maria, Liz and Tess were all seated on the couch, wearing their pajamas like Isabel.

Max chastised himself for letting his eyes stray for too long on Liz’s exposed midriff. Her pajama bottoms were a light pink silk and they rested just on her hip bones. She had on a black boy tank, and he was pretty sure that was… yep, that was definitely a silky pink bra strap that he could see poking out from beneath the tank top.

He was furious that he had allowed his mind to go there. But his eyes couldn’t take themselves away from that bra strap…

“Max?” Isabel questioned. She was standing next to the fireplace, her arms folded across her midriff.

He turned to her with flushed cheeks, “Hank was sentenced. He got 50 to life, Isabel. He probably won’t ever get parole. He’s in jail for the rest of his life.”

Isabel launched herself into Max’s arms, words evading her. She pulled away after a minute, absolutely giddy, “You are so forgiven for interrupting girl’s night.”

The room around them laughed.

Max found that he didn’t mind when Isabel giddily went over to Alex, hugging him and kissing him. He wasn’t bothered in the least. His sister was content.

He turned back to Liz. Liz was genuinely happy for him, but she still had reservations after what had happened earlier that day. How was she supposed to approach Max? Did he want a relationship or didn’t he? It was hard on her heart to be strung along like this. She smiled, “I’m happy for you, Max.”

“Thanks.” He replied softly.

Liz looked around. The couples were pairing off, as they usually did, so she pointed towards the door. She mouthed the next word, “Walk?”

And he stood there awkwardly. He wanted to accept Liz’s offer. He looked around at the couples, a knot forming in his throat. He wasn’t sure where he stood with Liz. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know. She shouldn’t have to wait for him while he tried to work his life out. He shook his head in a meek manner, “You’re in your pajamas.”

“Kitchen, then.” Liz said more firmly.

Max nodded. He could sense Liz closing up a little bit more.

They walked into the kitchen, sitting down at the table. Liz spoke quietly, “I can’t believe Hank’s really locked away.”

“Liz,” Max looked away from her, “are you sure that you want to go out with me like we have been?”

She was put off by the abrupt change of topic. Liz felt a stab to her heart, “You don’t want to go on any more dates?”

“No, that’s not what I’m trying to get at. I want to be absolutely sure that you want to be with me.”

“I’ve already told you that I do.” Liz shook her head, confused.

Max slammed his fist down on the table, standing up and pacing back and forth, “Why?! I can’t give you anything, Liz! I can’t!”

He’d said this louder than anticipated, and the soft mutterings in the other room ceased. He heard feet shuffling and then the door to get into the apartment opened and closed. They were alone.

“I don’t want anything from you. All I want is to be with you.”

“No one in their right mind would take someone like me over a guy like Michael or Alex or Kyle… or anyone else at West Roswell.”

“Why do I feel like you’re trying to persuade me to call it quits so that you don’t have to?” Liz spat.

Max shook his head, his heart now in his stomach, “That’s not what I’m trying to do at all. It’s just that I know… if I keep seeing you the way I see you… things are going to progress further…”

He and Liz both were standing now, and Liz was gravitating closer to him, “Progress? How so?”

“We’ll kiss…” Max trailed off.

Liz was now shifting her weight to her toes, gaining the extra height she needed for her lips to be able to reach Max’s, “Oh yeah?”

Their heads were doing that thing again – gravitating towards each other. Liz’s eyes were slowly closing, as were Max’s. He could feel her breath against his lips.

It knocked the sense back. He stepped backwards, “No, Liz.”


“I have a hard enough time trying to make myself not feel guilty for doing as much as touching you or talking to you. I can’t kiss you. I can’t.” Max shook his head, “I can’t explain it to you, so please don’t ask me. I’m not the guy you want, Liz! I can’t live up to the image of the person you’ve made me out to be!”

Liz shook her head, her lower lip trembling. Just a few seconds ago, she had thought that she was going to kiss Max Guerin, the boy she’d loved for a while now. Yet, here he was, telling her that he couldn’t kiss her. “I don’t have an image of you in my head, Max. I’m taking you for what you are, and you won’t accept that.”

“Because it’s irrational!” Max shouted, “Look at what I did to Isabel, the only other girl I have ever deeply cared about! I can’t be trusted with you! I can hardly be trusted with myself!”

He spun on his heel. Liz tried to reach out to him, but he shook his head, “I am not… capable of being with you as anything more than a friend, no matter how much I want to be. Please accept that, and then move on with your life.”

The others were coming back into the apartment now. Liz knew that Maria had probably been concerned about her, especially after Max’s yelling. She was most likely the one who had persuaded everyone to go in and check on them. Michael took one look at Max and knew that it would be best if they left. He cleared his throat, “Max, Kyle, Alex, we’ve got to get back to my house.”

The walk home wasn’t nearly as fun for them as the walk there was.

What amazed Max was that when they got home, the boys all sensed that Max didn’t want to talk about it. None of them brought it up. Instead, once they were situated in Michael’s room, Kyle handed Max a controller, “Two against two. Think we can take them?”

It clicked suddenly. Max was in the presence of three friends, not one. Kyle and Alex could have easily called Max out on what had happened back at the apartment, them being protective of Liz, but neither of them did, because they were his friends. They didn’t care about his past. They truly liked him for him.

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Post by sprayadhesive »

Just a few words: I'm sorry. I had to do it.

: Or will he? :twisted:
Michelle in Yonkers
: I hope you won't absolutely want to kill me for this chapter. I did feel like it needed this. Plus, I just wasn't done with Hank yet. Prison was SO not becoming of him.

Isabel hasn't dreamwalked him because, at first, he had forbidden her and she was too apt on respecting his wishes. Plus, he had been good in covering his nightmares, so she never realized he had them. After they left the trailer, Isabel still felt like she had betrayed Max's trust by telling Michael, so in order to try and gain that respect and trust back, she honored his other wishes (like not dreamwalking him)... but her views on that could change soon.

I'm hoping the ways I have for Max healing will live up to what you've got going on in your mind. ;)
Evelynn: Aw, I'm glad you stuck with it! Hahaha, I loved your "why you gotta push Liz off" comment. Made me laugh.

Part 30

Max thrashed in his sleeping bag, his head turning from side to side, moans escaping his lips. The guys had all decided to sleep in Michael’s room, leaving him, Kyle and Alex on the floor. Michael remained in his own bed. His fingers clutched tightly at the sleeping bag, his knuckles completely white, “No. Stop. I told you not to come!” One of his convulsions caused a hand to break free of the sleeping bag and slam against the wooden floor. Max’s eyes opened, and he cursed under his breath. He looked around, thankful for Kyle, Michael and Alex already being awake and downstairs. He got up slowly, ruffling his hair.

He made his way out of Michael’s room, down the hallway, down the stairs, and into the living room, where he could already hear the guys watching television. Max sat down on the couch next to Michael and looked at the screen, “What’re we watching?”

“Channel surfing,” Michael grunted in reply.

Alex gestured to the wall behind him, which Max knew separated the living room from the kitchen, “Diane’s making waffles.”

“I love waffles,” Kyle replied sleepily, yawning in the process.

Alex’s eyes widened as Michael passed a channel, “Go back. Go back!”

Michael did so, turning up the volume as he went.

“… live from south of Santa Fe, just ten miles from the state prison. In the middle of a routine prisoner transfer from Chaves County Jail to the State Prison, the police cruiser collided with an eighteen wheeler in a tragic traffic accident that killed the two officers in the front of the cruiser and the driver of the truck instantaneously. The criminal was not found in the vehicle nor at the scene. Prison authorities said that they began to worry about the criminal when the police cruiser did not report on schedule.

“The prison has recently confirmed the identity of the inmate as Hank Guerin, who was recently convicted of multiple counts of statutory rape and abuse of a minor. Guerin is assumed to be highly dangerous.

“Authorities do not yet know of his location, and are assuming that he is alive and now on the run from the law.” A picture of Hank flashed on the screen. “Authorities are asking that anyone with information about Guerin’s location call the police immediately.
A number flashed across the screen underneath Hank’s picture before the camera cut back to the reporter with the sunrise in his hair.State authorities have swept the area, but there has been no sight of Guerin so far.

This is Wanda Jones, reporting for Channel 5 Action News.”

Max’s hands were clenched into fists, but he didn’t remember doing that. He felt like his heart was in his stomach. His eyes were glued to the screen, even though it was now showing an advertisement for cereal.

There was a knock on the door. No one in the living room moved. They all heard Diane opening up the front door and exclaiming, “Sheriff! What’s the matter? Did something happen to Phillip?”

“He’s fine,” Valenti’s voice was grave. “Is Max around?”

“I think he’s in the living room. I hear footsteps a minute or so ago…” Diane’s voice trailed off as she led Valenti into the room.

Kyle broke out of the stupor first, “Dad! What is it? Did they catch him?”

“Catch who?” Diane asked sharply, her eyes narrowing.

“Hank escaped from his transport.” Valenti said warily, “The odds of it happening are unthinkable, but it happened. We have police forces all over the state looking for him, but we’re haven’t picked up any trails. I’m sorry I didn’t alert you folks earlier, but I had to get all of my information first.”

Diane placed her hand over her heart, sinking on to the couch next to Michael. He immediately put his arm around her.

Valenti continued, “We believe that there is a possibility that Hank will target either Isabel or Max, so I wanted to offer the services of the Chaves County Police Department to guard the two of them. We’ll have guards outside of their residences twenty-four-seven and escorts to accompany them wherever they go.”

“Yes,” Diane jumped at it immediately. “I mean, if it’s okay with them.”

Max managed to look numbly between Valenti and Diane. He couldn’t say no. Diane’s worry would just add to all of his problems. By accepting the guards, he would be relieving Diane’s pain. Plus, Isabel was constantly hanging out with their group of friends, so, by extension, they would all have guards for part of the day as well. He nodded, “Yeah. Fine. Thank you.”

“Max, we’re doing everything in our power to find him,” Valenti reassured him. “And I’m going to personally bring him to Santa Fe when we’ve caught him.”

“Thank you for your help, Sheriff.”

“Hansen is outside now. He’ll be the one to escort you. Smith will be escorting Isabel. I’m heading over to her place with him now to inform her as to what’s going on. I’ll keep you updated.” And with that, he left.

“I need to call Phillip,” Diane bustled out of the room.

All eyes were on Max. He looked at each of the guys in turn, and shrugged. What were they expecting him to do? Break out into an inspirational speech? He knew that he should feel scared for himself, but he wasn’t. He was scared for everyone else. Michael and Liz had both testified against Hank. Isabel was always Hank’s target. Max had no way of keeping them all under his wing to protect them. He wished he did. If Hank hurt one of them, Max swore to himself that he would hunt Hank down and kill him. He wouldn’t let his mind wander to what would happen if they somehow got killed because of him.

<center>- - -</center>

“Mom?” Liz walked into the kitchen of their apartment, after lying in bed and thinking for a very long time. She was in over her head with Max, and she knew it, but it hadn’t been an easy thing to admit. She was a very independent person, who usually knew how to handle everything, but she needed help.

Nancy looked up from the kitchen table, where she had been reading the morning’s paper with a frown on her face, “What’s the matter, Lizzie?” Her face had softened when she saw her daughter. She had intended to immediately tell Liz what was in the news today, but the look on Liz’s face stopped her.

Liz sat down in the chair next to Nancy, “It’s… I’m having problems. Boy problems.”

“What do you mean?” Nancy smiled sympathetically. She had suspected it might come to this.

“I don’t know what to do for him, Mom. I mean… Max is a really great guy, but he isn’t seeing it. I’ve tried so hard to get him to realize what a great person he is, but every time I feel like he’s taken a step forward, he goes and takes two steps back. We’ve had a really good thing going, but I pushed him too hard, and now he’s told me that all we can ever be is friends. I don’t want to just be his friend, but I’m in over my head.”

Nancy stroked Liz’s hair, “Honey, Max has been through so much in the last few months. I can’t even imagine what I would be like if I was him. I know that you and I both, and everyone else, want him to be able to have a normal life, but he’s been abused for too long for it to be that easy. The only one who can help Max at this point… is Max. He needs to be able to love himself before he can love anyone else to the extent to which a person deserves to be loved. Somewhere deep down, Max probably has feelings for you, but right now he’s fighting them because he hasn’t had the chance to forgive himself.

“Let him work it out, and everything will turn out for the better, I promise. Don’t push him. Once he works out his own life, I bet he’ll come to you.”

“So I leave him to fend for himself?” Liz asked, slightly confused.

“He’s got family, Liz.” Nancy smiled, “Diane, Phillip, Michael and Isabel have been with him every step of the way. He might not realize it, but they’re helping him more than he thinks. So are you. You’ve got to be patient with him. He’ll find his way.”

She kissed Liz on the forehead, “For now, let him realize what he’s got and what he is on his own terms. He deserves it, don’t you think?”

Liz nodded.

“Be his friend. He needs them,” Nancy added.

“I don’t know how long my heart can handle him constantly rejecting me, though.” Liz’s eyes watered, “I feel like a piece of it dies every time he takes a step away from me.”

“Oh, honey…” Nancy took Liz into her arms, hugging her tightly. “I know it’s hard. You have to figure out if Max is worth all of this. It won’t be fair to him or to yourself if you keep blindly going into this without really knowing if he’s worth the heartache.”

Liz nodded slowly. She blinked away the tears in her eyes.

Nancy then motioned down to the newspaper, “Speaking of Max… I know this isn’t the best timing, but Hank escaped…”

<center>- - -</center>

Isabel, Liz, Alex, Maria, Tess, Kyle and Michael all sat quietly in a booth, their faces grim. Alex shifted to wrap his arm around Isabel, who was very pale and looked like she wouldn’t be able to open her mouth without losing the contents of her stomach. Michael and Maria were sitting against the wall, across the table from each other. Kyle and Tess were sitting opposite of Isabel and Alex, and Liz was seated in a chair at the end of the table. Deputy Smith was leaning casually against the wall next to the door that led into the back room, his eyes scanning the people in the diner and the people walking by outside.

“They haven’t had any leads yet?” Tess asked glumly.

Michael shook his head, “Not that we know of, and Kyle’s dad promised that he would keep us updated with everything as it happened.”

“Damn it,” Kyle added, shaking his head slowly. “I still don’t get how this happened.”

“Your dad explained it to me.” Isabel said, surprising them all, “Apparently the driver of the eighteen-wheeler fell asleep and veered into the other lane as it was passing the car Hank was in. No one in the front seats ever had a chance. The odds were against Hank surviving.”

“He would survive to spite Max, wouldn’t he?” Maria said bitterly, “We thought that we were rid of him. Everything was going right for a change.”

“We should have seen it coming.” Michael stated angrily, pounding a fist down on the table, “I should have told them that I wanted to see them put Hank into that cell. I would have been able to stop him from escaping…”

“You would have been dead,” Alex stopped him. “There’s no point in blaming yourself for a car crash, Michael. What happened, happened. We have to look to what needs to be done, now.”

“You want to go after Hank?” Tess asked incredulously.

“Yes,” said Michael, brightening up, “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to go find him… and then beat him to a pulp for everything that he’s done to Max, and to you, Isabel. Screw the justice system. I’ll make him wish that he was never…”

“Michael!” Liz shook her head, “You can’t go after Hank. It’s not safe. Max would never let you.”

Michael retorted, “I don’t give a damn if Max would let me or not. What else are we going to do?”

“Think about what you’re saying. Hank is dangerous. Max tried to fight him off for years, and he was never successful, Michael. Do you know what Max would do if Hank so much as scratched you?” Isabel hissed, her eyes turning cold as she looked at Michael.

Michael stopped his ranting immediately, “I’m sorry. You’re right. I won’t go looking for him, okay?”

“What’s Max doing right now, anyways?” Alex asked. “Why isn’t he here?”

“Working,” Liz replied shortly, “I called him as soon as I found out about it. He won’t let Hank escaping get him off track from his day-to-day life. I think he wants to keep himself busy, so he doesn’t have to think about it. He’ll be okay, though. Hansen’s with him. And I convinced him to stop by here after he got off of work. I was afraid that I had scared him off after last night.”

“What was that about…?” Isabel asked Liz for the second time. She had tried to get it out of her last night, but Liz wouldn’t cave.

Liz shook her head, “It’s between Max and me.” She had made up her mind to not flaunt Max’s insecurities in front of the others. Too much of his life had been made public at the hands of someone else. He deserved his privacy.

“Isabel,” Alex cleared his throat, looking at her carefully, “maybe it would be better if you stayed with Michael while Hank’s loose. I can’t… I don’t want to think of what could happen to you if he found you. It will be good to have you under Michael and Phillip’s watch. I’ll feel a lot better about the whole situation.”

“You know our house is always open,” Michael added.

Kyle turned to Tess, “If Isabel stays with them you should come and stay with me and Dad. It wouldn’t take it genius to figure out that you live with Isabel. I don’t want you to stay at the apartment alone.”

“You’re so sweet,” Tess smiled, leaning over to kiss him briefly.

“I guess you’re right.” Isabel conceded, “I don’t want to put Michael’s parents out, though…”

Michael shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. They love you.”

Isabel felt her cheeks redden slightly. She didn’t know if Michael had meant it or not, but to think that it was possible for Diane and Phillip to love her like their own child was unexpected, flattering, and very… welcome.

“That means that you and Max will have double the protection, too.” Liz nodded her agreement, “Good.”

“We’re not taking any chances this time.” Maria shook her head, “We chose not to see what was right in front of our eyes with Hank and Max for years. Everyone stay on the lookout. If you see anything weird – anything – call Valenti.”

<center>- - -</center>

“Do you have any kids?” Max asked tentatively. He felt awkward with Hansen around, and it was even more awkward to not ever talk to him. It was much easier to make conversation. They had been making small talk for the last half of his shift.

Hansen’s face lit up, a goofy grin taking up most of his face, “I’ve got a two-year-old little girl and a baby one the way. My wife, Paige, and I finished making an addition on my house about a month ago. Do you want to see pictures of them?”

Max nodded. He didn’t really have any work left to do that Milton had assigned him. He was playing the waiting game until the last of the few patrons left the museum. He heard the back of his mind nagging him that he never had a proud father like Hansen.

“My colleagues… they all make fun of me for carrying around pictures of my girls, and showing them off like I do. But I say to myself, ‘John, you’ve got a good thing going for yourself. Why not show it off?’” He smiled up at Max, holding up his wallet for Max to see the pictures.

Max looked at the pictures in interest. There were two pictures. One was of Hansen and his wife, who was holding on to the hand of a small girl with curly red hair. The other picture was only of Paige and the small girl. In this one, Paige’s hand was resting against her pregnant belly.

“They’re beautiful,” Max weakly smiled up at Hansen. “You’re a lucky guy.”

“Thank you.” Hansen positively beamed, “You’re my last assignment before I take off of work for a while. Jim’s been rather kind about letting me have time off to take care of Paige and Anne. Paige is due in about a week, so I’ve got to get everything ready.”

“Well, I hope they catch him soon, then.” The corners of Max’s mouth twitched.

Hansen laughed, clapping Max on the shoulder. “You’re a good kid, Max. Feel free to drop by my house anytime. I’m sure Paige and Anne would both adore you.”

Max nodded. John was a good man. Max hadn’t expected for him to be so warm and friendly, especially knowing that Hansen was one of the men that had discovered him in Hank’s trailer. He had thought that Hansen would spend his moments pitying him, or looking at him with some trace of disgust. He did neither. He treated Max like he would treat any other individual. Max checked his watch, “Shift’s over.”

Max clocked out and followed Hansen across the street. People were walking up and down the road, and Max didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. As he neared the Crashdown, he got an eerie chill on the back of his neck. He ignored it. It was his overactive imagination. It had to be that. The same reason that he was getting the nightmares.

“Max!” Liz called out. She looked thoroughly relieved, “I’m glad you made it.”

“The forty-foot journey across the street?” Max looked at her, slightly amused. He looked past her and noticed that Isabel, Michael, Maria and Alex were seated in the booth.

“Maxwell.” Michael nodded a greeting to him, motioning for him to sit down next to him. Liz slid in after Max. Michael told him of their plan to relocate Isabel and Tess while Hank was at large.

Max agreed hastily, “Good. I didn’t want them to be at the apartment like that, anyways.” He looked up at Isabel, “You can sleep in my room. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Max, that’s not necessary.” Isabel shook her head, glancing at Michael.

Michael was about to say something when Max cut him off, “We’ll talk about it when we’re all back at the house, okay? Diane’s going to take my side, anyways. I bet Phillip will, too.”

“Fat chance,” Michael mumbled. Max glared at him.

“How was work?” Alex asked.

Max shrugged. He looked up, noticing that Hansen had gone and joined Smith by the doorway into the back room. “I’ve been talking to Hansen to pass the time. He seems like a good guy.”

“His little girl was in the Christmas pageant this year,” Isabel smiled at the memory. “She was an angel… literally and figuratively.”

“Oh! I know her! What’s her name, again?” Maria wrinkled her nose.

“Anne,” Max supplied.

Maria snapped her fingers, “Anne. I knew it would come eventually.”

The others laughed at her antics. They talked animatedly, with Max putting in a few words when prompted to, for about an hour. They were the last ones left in the Crashdown, it being well past closing. They all rose to leave, but Liz prompted Max, “Can you hang around for a little while? I want to talk to you.”

Max nodded. Isabel looked worried. He reassured her, “I’ll have Hansen with me. Nothing’s going to happen, okay? I promise.”

“Are you sure Max?” Michael asked, worried like Isabel. Max nodded. Michael sighed, “Okay, fine. We’re going to drop off Maria and Alex and then we’ll be home.”

They left, and Max and Liz went into the back room. Hansen followed them back. He seemed to understand their need for privacy, though, for he stood a little further away from them than usual and seemed to be reading the shift schedule with unnatural curiosity.

“I wanted to let you know that I’m sorry for pushing you.” Liz made sure to keep direct eye contact with him. “And if you only want to be friends, I’ll respect that.”

“Thanks,” Max shifted awkwardly. “I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want.”

“I don’t want anything from you,” Liz smiled weakly. “No chance at all of you telling me why we can’t kiss, though? No pressure. Only if you want to tell me.”

Max shook his head. He wasn’t ready to tell Liz that he couldn’t touch her because she was pure and he was dirty. He didn’t want to tarnish her. “I should get going. Diane will worry.”

“Okay. Be safe.” Liz smiled.

Max nodded and stepped back, but he hesitated in mid step and his eyes fell to the floor. Liz recognized the gesture, now, and she’d grown to dread it. Max spoke with a softness she hadn’t heard from him before, “I’m worried about you.”

“Me?” Liz asked, completely shocked. “If there’s anyone we should be worrying about, Max, it’s you.”

“No,” Max shook his head, begging for her to understand, “Liz, don’t you get it? Hank… he’s done his damage to me. What worse is there for him to do to me?” His eyes were sparkling with sincerity, his voice pleading, “Kill me? Big deal. I accepted death a long time ago. But you…” His voice grew more earnest, “You, you’re… so innocent, so pure. You've got your whole life ahead of you. I don’t know what I would do if Hank so much as laid a finger on you.

“The same goes with everyone else. I don’t care about myself; Liz, I care about… the people I care about.”

“We’re all going to be fine. There’s no reason for Hank to--”

Max shook his head angrily, “There is! You guys took me away from Hank… he knows your faces, he knows your names… he could be hell bent on making your lives as miserable as he has made mine.”

Liz was paralyzed by the look on Max’s face. She could tell that what he had confided in her was his worst fear. There were tears in his eyes that he was fighting to hold back, and all of what little sparkle he had in his eyes had disappeared. She jumped at the chance to bring the glimmer back, “My dad’s got a gun, Max. I dare Hank to try to get anywhere near my family. Alex, his dad used to be in the Army. Maria’s mom knows so many martial arts that I doubt Hank would be able to breathe without being assaulted by her. Tess and Kyle are with the sheriff. Michael and Isabel are going to be with you, under the watch of two armed policemen. Everyone is going to be okay.”

“But what if--?”

“But nothing. Don’t worry about anyone else.”

“If anything happens to any of you because of Hank, I will never, ever forgive myself,” Max spoke, dead serious, his eyes never leaving hers.

Liz nodded, “That’s the kind of guy you are.”

Max nodded curtly.

Liz sighed, “You really should get back, though… they’re going to worry.”


“Will you call me?” Liz asked in a small voice, “When you get home, I mean. I’m… I’m worried, too.”

Max shook his head. “You shouldn’t be. I’m not worth it.”

“Stop it. Call me, okay?”


“Goodnight, Max.” Liz stepped closer to him, kissing his cheek and hugging him.

Max couldn’t bring himself to remove the hug. He cringed as her lips met his cheek. He wasn’t supposed to be feeling what he was feeling towards her. He wasn’t supposed to be attracted to anyone. He was supposed to live his life, and then die in due course. There wasn’t supposed to be any scenic view. Hank had told him so. And Hank was loose. Obviously any higher power there was, if any, thought Hank was right and Max was wrong. It could be the only reason Hank kept winning.

She called over to Hansen, “Come back soon. Bring your wife and Anne, too. I think I’ve got ice cream sundaes with your names on them.”

Hansen smiled, “Why, thank you, Miss Parker. I’ll take you up on that offer. Have a lovely night.”

“Night.” Liz said to the both of them. She called after Max, “Can you lock up on your way out?”

Max nodded. They walked to the front door. Hansen said something about Liz being a nice girl. Max made sure to turn the lock before they both exited. He pulled the door closed behind him, double checking to see if it was shut tight, and then a gunshot pierced the night. Hansen’s body crumpled to the ground beside Max, and a person that Max could only see out of the corner of his eye held a gun to Max's temple.

The voice spoke gruffly, “Hello, bitch.”

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Post by sprayadhesive »

Thank you, everyone! I really appreciate and love all of the feedback!!

I think you will find this part... satisfying and frustrating. Annoying, aren't I?

LairaBehr4: Tragedy, schmagedy. ;) Thank you times a million
Flamehair: Congratulations, once again! I'm very happy for you!!! How does it feel to be a mom?!
Michelle in Yonkers
: Might be. ;) Oh, and Max did heal Liz in the Crashdown. I just haven't made that a really important factor to the story until... now, I guess.
Allie Xie

Part 31

“Don’t make a sound.”

Max hadn’t yet turned away from the Crashdown. Making a sound was the furthest thing from his mind. He was straining his ears to hear the distant footsteps of a worried Liz. If she came to check on him, all would be lost. He couldn’t have her put in jeopardy.

The footsteps didn’t come.

His entire body was shaking uncontrollably. He wasn’t scared for himself, not very much. Hank had already proven his dominance over Max. Max knew what to expect. He had always thought he would die at Hank’s hand. But he was afraid for the man lying at his feet. Hank rasped into Max’s ear, “Drag him into the alleyway! Now!”

Max felt his heart plummet into his stomach. Hank would want to have fun before he killed him: he should have known. His life was always a plaything for Hank; a punching bag, a sex toy. He didn’t know why he had deluded himself into thinking any differently. There was no hope for him. There never was. He gulped and nodded, bending down and doing his best to check and see if Hansen was still alive. It was his fault Hansen was going to die. He had practically sentenced him to death by accepting Valenti’s offer. He clumsily picked up the groaning man and slung him over his shoulder. He was still alive, but Max didn’t know how long he would be. He tried to heal him as he walked to the alleyway (Hank following closely, pressing the gun into Max’s back), but his powers had fled. Max staggered under his weight, but managed to get a good way into the alley. Hank barked, “Put him down, moron!”

Max complied, gently lowering Hansen to the ground. When had he gotten so numb? He felt like he wasn’t controlling his body at all. He turned around to face his worst nightmare, but he didn’t meet the man’s eyes. Hank hated when he did that. He thought every breath was his last. Hank raised his gun to Max’s head, getting into his face, “You thought you could best me?! Did you actually think that your life was something worth fighting for?!”

Hank was advancing on him, moving them further into the alleyway and away from Hansen. Max shook his head, his fear overwhelming him, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” The shift of his vision made him realize, with a jolt, that he was standing only feet from Liz’s balcony. Would she be the one to discover his body in the morning? Or, worse, would she hear Hank, and be dragged into the whole mess? He hoped that she would have enough sense to not make herself known, if she heard the voices.

Hank laughed, “You didn’t, huh?” He hit Max over the head with the butt of the gun. Max cried out, falling to his hands and knees. He felt dizzy, like he was going to be sick, and there were spots in his eyes. Hank spat on him, “You liar.”

“I’m going to make sure you remember your place, and then I am going to kill you.” He gestured over his shoulder, towards Liz’s balcony, “And if you don’t do everything I say, I’ll kill your little girlfriend, too.”

Max froze. Hank knew about Liz. “What’re you talking about? I don’t know anyone…”

Hank’s cackle cut him off. Hank bent, pulling Max up by the collar. Max’s knees had barely straightened before Hank punched him in the jaw. Max stumbled backwards, against the wall opposite the one of the Crashdown, “Liar! I saw you follow her into the back room! Giving her a little quickie before you left?! Don’t you know that you’re mine?! That you always will be mine?!”

Hank lunged forward. Hank began to attempt to punch and kick at every inch of Max possible. Max tried to fight at first. His rage consumed him, the thought of Hank attacking Liz in his mind. He couldn’t let that happen. His fist connected with Hank once, maybe twice. He tried to lead Hank back down the alleyway, away from Liz. But then his thoughts caught up with him. Hank was right. He had forgotten his place. He wasn’t normal. He had jeopardized Liz. He deserved to be punished. Reluctant moans left his lips at every punch’s contact. Finally, unable to stand it anymore, he feebly raised his arms to block his face. He was moving sluggishly, the effects of the beating prominent. He had come off worse in the struggle.

Hank laughed, “Lay down, or I’ll go and say hello to your girlfriend.”

Max complied, his body still shaking madly. What would Hank do to her after he killed him? Would anyone be safe?

Hank kicked Max onto his stomach. Max winced. He knew exactly where this was going. It had happened so many times before. Max shook his head feebly, “No, please. Please… I won’t be bad anymore. I’ll do whatever you say…”

He was reduced to the younger version of himself that had first been violated by Hank. He tried to push himself out of Hank’s reach, but Hank was too quick for him. He grabbed Max’s hands and pinned them in one of his own.

Max shook his head feverishly, trying to get out of Hank’s reach. He had changed his mind again. If he could get out of Hank’s hold and make a break for it… he could maybe keep Liz safe. Tears pooled in his eyes, “Not again. Please, not again! No! Stop! Please!”

Hank slapped the bit of Max’s face that he could reach, “Shut up!”

He was undoing Max’s belt and pants button. Max squirmed even harder, trying to get Hank off of him. Tears began to stream down his face. He hated how Hank made him feel. He hated that he wasn’t able to defend himself… or her. Hank unzipped his zipper at a disgusting pace. Max resisted the urge to vomit.


Max and Hank stopped their struggles, snapping their heads to look towards where Hansen was lying. Valenti was there, his gun drawn and pointing it at Hank.

Hank aimed his gun at Max’s head, “Take one more step and he dies.”

Valenti faltered. He could see Hansen lying, unmoving, on the ground. He knew that Hank meant business. That must have been the source of the gunshot that had been reported to him. Luckily he was in the neighborhood when he got the call. He shuddered to think what could have happened if someone couldn’t have gotten here so soon. He crouched down next to Hansen, feeling for a pulse. It was beating steadily. He was unconscious, the bullet grazed his temple. His only danger was of bleeding out, but he shouldn’t do that by the time the ambulance got there. Nothing could be done for him yet. He would have to wait, as terrible as it was.

Hank used Valenti’s moment of weakness to jerk Max to his feet and use Max as a body shield. Max groaned. It hurt to move. Hank’s gun was pointed at Max’s head again.

“Let the kid go, Hank.”

“This shit is mine! It’s mine! I’ll do what I want with it!!”

Hank seemed to be slipping. His free hand moved from Max’s upper arm, where it had been digging painfully into his flesh, to wrap around Max’s neck. Max gagged slightly, “Shoot him, Sheriff!”

“I can’t get a shot off without getting you, too, Max,” Valenti frowned.

Hank seemed to be lost in his mind, not responding to their debate.

“Do it! Sheriff, please, just shoot him. I want to make sure that he’ll be gone, and that he won’t be able to hurt anyone else. Please…”

“No. Not without you out of harm’s way.”

Max’s speech snapped Hank back to reality. He tightened his arm around Max’s neck, “Shut up, bitch.”

Valenti couldn’t believe it when Max audibly whimpered, and shut his mouth.

“Hank, lower your weapon. Reinforcements are coming. You won’t escape. Don’t add murder to your list of charges.”

“No! I came here to kill him, and I will!”


“Shoot, Sheriff! I’m dying either way! Please… don’t let my death be at Hank’s hand. Hasn’t he already taken enough from me? Don’t give him the satisfaction.” Max pleaded.

Jim was floored by how cool and collected Max was at the prospect of death.

Hank snarled, “You don’t have the guts to shoot. Now, I’m going to do what I should have done that night before you arrested me...”


Valenti had made up his mind and fired at Hank’s leg. Hank roared and sank down onto his knees, releasing Max. Max scrambled up against the alleyway wall, clutching at his pants and staring horrified at Hank, who had already repositioned his gun and was pointing it at Max’s chest. Max froze, his heart pounding.

Valenti was yelling, “Put the g-”


It was a strange thing, being shot. The pain didn’t hit Max until he looked down. Blood was slowly spreading from a space very near to his heart.

Hank collapsed. Max remained on his feet only a second longer. The pain was unbearable, blinding. He sunk to his knees, blankly raising his hands to touch the bullet wound. Blood had seeped through most of his shirt. He collapsed sideways, the world seeming to move in slow motion.

Valenti rushed forward, his only solace in knowing the ambulance was en route. Hank had shot Max. Valenti had shot Hank. Hank hadn’t even wanted to listen to negotiations. There was no stopping him.

The blood pounded in Valenti’s ears as he ran over to the boy he had failed to protect. At least he had taken down Hank. Jim knelt over Max, checking his pulse. It was fading with every unstable beat. He probably wouldn’t live to see the ambulance.

There was a clatter of hurried footsteps behind him. Jeff Parker cursed. Nancy stifled a gasp behind her hand. Valenti knew Liz was there, even if she hadn’t said anything.

Sure enough, Liz ran forwards and sunk to her knees at Max’s side. She took in the sight before her. Max was bleeding from the chest just as she had once done only feet away from this very spot, his body sprawled out on the ground next to an unmoving Hank. She resisted the urge to pummel Hank’s body, and stayed by Max. She groaned when she saw how his pants were undone. Had Hank been able to rape Max one last time? She didn’t know if she wanted to know the answer. Max, half-conscious, frowned, “Do-n’t… w…atch… thi…s.” A trickle of blood leaked out of the side of his mouth. The bullet had punctured his lung.

Liz inched forward, “Sh. Don’t speak. Hold on, okay? Just hold on. The ambulance will be here soon.”

Her world was ending, because Max Evans was dying. She couldn’t think straight. Jeff, looking to where Valenti was once again feeling Hansen’s pulse, asked, “What… what happened? We heard gunshots…”

“I’m sorry.” Valenti shook his head, “Hank wouldn’t… Max…” He didn’t seem able to finish. He crouched lower to Max. “He’s dead, Max. Hank’s dead.”

Nancy walked to Valenti, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Her other hand found her daughter’s.

Max smirked, his face ashy white, “See, Liz? I… told… you th-this… is how it was… meant to… be. H-hank bested me again. H-he… always… does.”

Liz shook her head angrily, unable to say anything.

He coughed, blood clogging his punctured lung. He struggled to form words, but failed. His eyes rolled upwards, the lids closing. A gasp of air left his lips.

Liz shrieked, “No! No!! MAX!!”

Jeff hurried forward, trying to pull Liz away, but Liz wouldn’t budge. None of them could tear their eyes away from the boy.

Suddenly, a bright golden glow emanated from the middle of Max’s bloodied shirt. Liz froze; her face paled. Max was an alien; she had forgotten. She had forgotten how he had once saved her life. It seemed so ungrateful of her… to forget like that.

The glow caught the spectators’ breaths. It was mesmerizing. A moment later, the boy’s chest began to move again, slowly rising up and down. The bullet wound patched itself up, the skin and flesh reforming steadily. There was no wound left when the glowing stopped. All that remained were the nonfatal blows that Hank had dealt him. Still, he was weakened by the beating. It seemed that his body – the glow – couldn’t heal anymore than it already had.

Jim, Nancy and Jeff didn’t know what to do. The boy had healed himself. Jim shook his head slowly, “What the…?”

He stopped short when Max slowly got to his feet. Max blinked a few times, trying his best to draw himself up to full height. He looked down at his chest, at his bloodied shirt, and realized that the bullet hole wasn’t there anymore. He looked up at the adults and Liz fearfully, almost guiltily.

“Max…,” Liz rushed out.

He stumbled backwards, finally tripping over his tired feet and falling back to the ground, bruising his lower back. The back of his head slammed against the pavement with a dull cracking noise. He was too weakened to make it very far. Max crawled backwards on his elbows, trying desperately to get away. Liz’s parents and the sheriff knew. He had been exposed. They were going to sell him to a government agency, and… “Please…” He begged them, shaking his head. The four were slowly advancing on him, three pairs of eyes confused, another begging him to stop. “I… please…”

“Stop moving, honey,” Nancy spoke, her voice cracking slightly. She wanted to be scared, but Max and Liz were so close… she couldn’t be afraid. “You’re going to hurt yourself even more.”

Nancy walked closer to him. Max shook his head desperately, trying to get away, still not understanding that she didn’t mean him any harm, “No… stop!”

Sirens were going off in the distance, coming closer by the second. Jeff Parker shook his head, trying to clear it, “We’ve got to get him out of the blood…”

Liz came forward, kneeling down next to Max and slinging his arm over her shoulder, “C’mon, Max. Get up. You have to move away from Hank.” They slowly got to their feet, Max hanging heavily onto Liz for support. He wouldn’t look at any of them. Liz brought him away from the puddle of blood. Max wouldn’t be able to hide his blood drenched clothes, but they could say it was Hank’s blood.

“No,” he said, trying to move towards Hansen, “I have to heal him… I have to.”

The sirens were very close, too close for comfort.

Valenti shifted slightly, his face ashen, unable to understand what he had seen, “He’s going to be okay…”

“I have to…” Max was on his knees now, staring helplessly at Hansen while Liz restrained him.

“You can’t.” Liz shook her head. “Valenti’s story won’t check out unless Hansen’s gun shot wound is there. He needs to stay like that. He’ll be fine, Max.”

Max had gotten someone hurt. Someone he cared about. Someone who had a family. A baby girl, with another on the way. And a wife at home.

He felt like he was going to be sick, “I can’t let…”

He couldn’t finish the sentence. He struggled to get out of Liz’s hold. If his body wasn’t already so weakened, it would have been easier. It took a majority of his strength to break free. He crawled forward, but someone else held him back this time. It was Jeff. His grip was vice-like. Max didn’t like the feel of it. A pained whimper escaped him, “No…”

The sirens were at the Crashdown. Max’s hands clenched over his thighs. He couldn’t be here. They were going to turn him in. What would they do to Isabel if they found out that her brother was an alien? They would test her, and they would find out that she was one, too, surely. “I… I can’t be here. I have to leave…”

“Max.” Liz came to stand next to where he was kneeling, and she had tears in her eyes. The tears stopped all of his protests. He had made Liz cry again. He painfully got up and embraced her. He cradled her head in one of his hands, comforting her. His thumb gently stroked her cheek. He thought he could feel a trickle of blood going down the back of his neck.

“Don’t cry, Liz… Don’t cry…”

“I can’t help it,” she sobbed. “I’m sorry. I thought… I thought that you were d-d-dead. I was so scared.”

Max was completely taken aback, but he didn’t pull away from her. He couldn’t, not when he was the one who had caused the tears. He dutifully tried to comfort her, “I’m okay.” His stomach dropped as he spoke the words. Two times, death had teased him and then avoided him, “I’m still standing.”

Valenti paced back and forth, only stopping when the police backup and emergency response team arrived. Max had healed himself.

“Sheriff, what happened?” an office pressed him.

Valenti pointed to Hansen, “We have an officer down.” He sighed. “The deceased is Hank Guerin. The boy… Max Evans.”

Three paramedics dispatched into different directions. Valenti started to make a statement to the officer, “I got a call about a gunshot in the area, so I came to investigate. I found Hansen injured on the ground. Guerin had the boy pinned to the ground, attempting God knows what. He then took Evans into a hostage position. Evans managed to break free, but Guerin was threatening to shoot him. I took him down before he could get off the shot.”

The man nodded, taking it all down for legal reasons.

Max vaguely heard all of this. The third paramedic was looking him over with a grim face, “You got lucky, I’d say. I think we should take you in to make sure that nothing’s broken. You may have a concussion, too.”

Max shook his head, his stomach churning, “No. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Hansen. Worry about him.”

“Max… you should listen to him.” Liz said softly, her eyes shining again.

Nancy and Jeff moved closer to the three people knelt down on the sidewalk. Jeff spoke up, concern prominent, “Let them take you. We’d rather we knew that everything was… okay.” Max knew that he was referring to more than just his physical wounds. Jeff Parker would want to know if Max’s healing powers had fully healed the gunshot wounds, too.

Max shook his head more vehemently. He stopped when he felt light headed. He looked towards the ground, shrinking out of Liz’s hold, “I can’t....” He swallowed heavily, tasting some blood still in his mouth. He raised his eyes to meet Liz’s briefly, then turned them away, clearly ashamed, “…I don’t have… I mean… the medical bills from last time… I still have to pay them… I can’t add anything to my list of expenses.” He closed his eyes, trying to block out their reactions, “I’ll be okay.”

Nancy literally felt her heart break. She had talked about Max’s past medical bills with the Evanses, Amy, Jim and the Whitmans. At first, Diane had said that she and Phillip were going to cover the bills if it came to it. Nancy, Amy and Charles had all volunteered to help cover it. But they hadn’t gotten around to contacting anyone on the state level yet. Either way, Max wasn’t going to pay the bills. They hadn’t been able to make him understand that. They all cared for him too much to let him worry about those bills. “Don’t be silly. You’re not covering those bills.” Max was too exhausted to debate her. She addressed the paramedic, “Which hospital are you taking him to?”

“Roswell Memorial.”

<center>- - -</center>

Four hours, a cat scan, and an examination later, Max had stitches along his right eye socket at the bottom of his eye and a prescription for painkillers, as well as instructions to not do anything strenuous for a few days. He had a mild concussion. The doctor had initially wanted to keep Max overnight for monitoring. Max had thought that he had him convinced otherwise, until Phillip and Diane had shown up. Max hadn’t seen them yet, just now finishing his examinations, but he could tell that they were here. He had a feeling.

Max had settled into his bed for only thirty seconds before Michael, Maria, Phillip, Diane, Liz, Nancy, Jeff, Isabel and Alex had come in. Max offered them a weak smile.

The women were in tears, hugging him and fussing over him immediately. Phillip smiled lightly back at him.

Max looked towards Michael. Michael’s eyes were hardened, his lips tight.

Max spoke quietly, ignoring the pain in the back of his head caused by the looming presence of the expenses, “How’s Hansen?”

The doctor hadn’t told him. He said that he had been assigned to his case, not Hansen’s, and that Hansen was in another wing. Max was on pins and needles. Hansen had gotten hurt because of him. If something happened to him...

“He’s, uh…” Jeff started, looking hesitant, “He’s slipped into a coma. He’s stabilized, but the doctors aren’t sure if he’ll wake up or not. They have to do surgery in a few hours on a part of his skull, because the bullet broke some of the cranium and is pressed against his brain.”

Max closed his eyes. The guilt washed over him completely. A coma. Hansen’s wife was due in a week. If Hansen missed the birth of his child, he’d be crushed. Max wanted everyone to leave so that he could do what he needed to do. “How did all of you get in?” The last time he was here, there was a visitation limit.

“You wouldn’t believe which nurse was assigned to you.” Alex smiled.


Maria nodded.

Max rolled his eyes, wincing slightly. The stitches were surrounded in a heavy bruise. It made it painful to look certain ways. He had neglected to take his pain medication. He wasn’t sure if the medicine would effect his powers or not, and he needed his powers tonight. He needed to try, at least.

“I don’t understand how this happened…” Isabel bit her lip, tears in her eyes, “Why you? How did he know…?”

“He must have been following me. He waited until I was as close to alone as I was going to be.” Max shrugged. “He said that I ruined everything… and that he needed to punish me because of it.”

“You don’t believe him, do you?” Liz asked sharply.

He didn’t answer immediately. Diane pressed him, “Max?”

Max shrugged. He didn’t want to have this discussion right now. “I’m tired.”

That got a reaction immediately. Alex and Maria came forward and said goodnight, asking him if he needed anything. Michael, Isabel and Liz were staying with Max tonight. The four of them walked out, Diane and Phillip going with Isabel and Michael to the parking lot to accompany Maria and Alex. Max wasn’t expecting to be left alone with Liz, Jeff and Nancy; the people who knew he secret, but never should have learned it. They remained for a few minutes, while Liz explained the shooting in the Crashdown and Max’s abilities. Max kept quiet as much as possible, his eyes on his hands. He didn’t want to see the Parkers’ faces when they learned the truth. They left, Liz promising to return in a few minutes, after she had said goodbye to her parents.

He was alone. He had to take his chance. He got up from his hospital bed and painfully crossed to the door, opening it slowly and checking to make sure that the hallway was clear. He found the ICU almost immediately. He assumed that this would be where they would keep Hansen. He peered into the rooms, until he saw Hansen’s form.

He was lying on the bed, underneath covers, his eyes closed and his skin pale. There was a bandage around his head. His wife and child weren’t here, but Max had a feeling that they would be back soon. A woman’s purse was on the floor next to Hansen’s bed, and a child’s blanket was spread out over the couch.

Max slowly made his was over to the chair set up next to the bed. He looked over his shoulder, straining his ears for the sounds of someone returning. He raised his hands to place one over the place where the bandages were the heaviest, and then placed the other hand over Hansen’s opposite temple. He closed his eyes. And concentrated. His abilities were stirring slightly within him, his hands warming up slower than they normally would. He knew that he was still weakened from before, but he couldn’t let it go on for any longer. He needed to heal him. He needed to help. Max knew immediately when he was drawn into the connection. His mind detached from his body, sending him images of Hansen’s life. Max screwed up his vision, attempting to block out the pictures. He didn’t want to know. He didn’t want to invade his privacy.

He concentrated further, working to get the cells in the skull to repair and reform. Max’s body jerked with protest. He was pushing his limits, healing such serious injuries in such a short span of time. It had taken him twenty four hours to recover after healing Liz. He didn’t care how many hours it would take him to recover from this. His breath came shorter, but Hansen’s heart rate had started to speed up. Max felt Hansen’s hand twitch through the sheets. Max was very close to being done. He would leave some of the skin over the wound unhealed, and, hopefully, Hansen’s healing would go over as a miracle… or an error in the equipment. People were generally used to searching out logical reasoning than expecting the supernatural. Hansen would have no long-term effects of the incident.

When he saw Hansen’s eyelids twitch, Max’s hands came free and he fell out of the chair. He clutched at his chest, wheezing. His previous wounds were screaming in pain. His vision was clouding over with darkness. He shakily got to his feet, stumbling and moving to the wall to support his weight.

The doorway was blocked. An attractive blonde stepped through, holding a small girl’s hand in hers. The woman gazed at him, her expression soft, “Who are you?

Max didn’t answer her. He stumbled past her, still clutching at his chest. He barely remembered getting back to his room. He tripped and his hands were only barely able to clutch the bed to prevent him from falling down. He dragged himself onto the bed, collapsing tiredly right as the door was opening. Diane, Phillip, Isabel, Michael and Liz came back through.

He was asleep in seconds. The nightmares didn’t take long to join him.

Last edited by sprayadhesive on Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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I promise I'm trying to write... I've just been so absolutely, incredibly busy lately that I haven't even had time to THINK about opening up one of my files and writing even a word, let alone a sentence. It is utterly depressing.

I'm going to try to work on some fics tomorrow, if I don't get too much homework.

Thanks to everyone who voted for me! I'm so beyond flattered.

Best Portrayal of Max Evans
Best Villain - Hank
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Post by sprayadhesive »

I am honored beyond all belief (and quite ashamed at the time elapsed since my last update). Thank you to everyone who voted for me. I don't quite yet understand how I wasn't second to 'Ghost' and the other amazing fics nominated for this, but it really is amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


(I AM trying to write, I promise).
Last edited by sprayadhesive on Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sprayadhesive »

Okay, my internet browsers have gone absolutely insane over the weekend, and it's fighting me tooth and nail to even stay open at this point, so I'm just going to have to say a quick thank you for the bumps, feedback and loads of patience that you guys have given me!

I'm sorry the parts have been very far between. I haven't had many chances to write lately, and I'm doing the best I can!

Part 32

“No.” Max shook his head, moving to close the door in their faces. He had left the hospital that morning, ignoring the disapproving looks both Diane and the doctor had sent him. He had gone against the advisement of the doctor and insisted to be sent home. He couldn’t stand the thought of another day’s worth of hospital bills. They would already be too much. He had made it up into his room without any confrontations, but he hadn’t been allowed an hour’s rest before a knock on the door revealed Liz and Isabel.

Isabel’s face hardened, “Max, just hear us out.”

“How many times have we had this discussion?” Max warily ran a hand through his hair. “The answer is no.”

“Please.” Liz pleaded, her frustration evident.

Max moved from the doorway, letting them into his room. He sat down on his bed. “No.”

“Why not?” Both the girls demanded.

“Because you don’t need to know. It is my burden to carry. The two of you have already bothered yourself with enough of my problems. I’ll work through the dreams in my own time.”

Liz shook her head, “You woke up two times last night, screaming. Whatever you are doing to try to work through these dreams is not working. Let Isabel and I dreamwalk you.”

“No,” he repeated. “Stay out of this. It’s my decision to make, not yours. It’s my head, my dreams, my nightmares. I don’t want you in any of them.”

Isabel shook her head. “You may be able to heal your own physical wounds, Max, but you’re not doing a good job healing the emotional ones.”

“Thank you for pointing out that little flaw of mine, Isabel,” he scathed. “If you two are done reminding me of my problems, you will have to excuse me. I’m feeling like a visit to my shrink.”

Liz did a double take, “You’re seeing a psychologist?”

Max chuckled bitterly, “Yeah, I am.”

“Why are you getting so angry?” Isabel softened her tone. “I’m sorry that we pushed it. We’re trying to do what we think is best for you.”

“You have no idea what is best for me, Isabel. We are all the same age. Nothing gives you two, or any other one of your guys’ friends, the authority over me, do you hear me? I don’t give a shit that you all know too much about me than I will ever be comfortable with. You don’t get to dictate my life to me.”

Isabel started speaking defensively, “Max—”

He cut her off, “No, listen to me! You keep telling me that what Hank did doesn’t change anything about me. If you want me to believe it, stop acting like it does change me. Stop everyone acting like they are responsible for me. Stop everyone mothering me. Stop everyone treating me like I’m some ticking time bomb. Stop pressuring me into doing things I’m not ready to do. Damn it, don’t you two get it? For once in my life, give me some freedom.”

His words were spoken in all earnest, the sincerity of his voice ringing long after he had taken his leather jacket from his bed and left them standing in his room.

They stood, defeated, until they heard the slamming of the front door of the house. Did Max have a point? Were they doing the wrong thing, being so concerned for him?

<center>- - -</center>

Michael hadn’t really spoken to anyone since the night before. Maria knew it. He had been avoiding her as much as possible. He wouldn’t admit to her how much this was affecting him. But what he didn’t realize was that he didn’t need to say anything to her. She could tell.

She was surprised when he came into the Crashdown for an early lunch. He was careful not to sit in her section. Maria didn’t mind, especially not when she saw that he ordered and ate an entire lunch special in a matter of minutes. At least he was still eating. He had been watching her from across the café all morning and most of the afternoon. She had tried once to go and talk to him, but while she was making her way over to his table, he abruptly got up and maneuvered around her to the bathroom. He didn’t want to talk. She could take the hint.

Too bad for him, the lunch rush was over. And she wanted to talk. Maria didn’t like to lose any games of cat and mouse.

She went towards him on the pretense of going to bus the table next to his. However, in a moment of glory, she deftly Bond rolled into the seat across from him, earning her a well deserved, mental pat on the back.

Michael avoided her eyes, shaking his head warily.

“Spaceboy,” Maria greeted him simply, “lovely boyfriend of mine, why have you been creepily staring at me all day without so much as saying hello to me? And may I remind you that I am your girlfriend. So don’t delude yourself into thinking that you can pull a Max and Liz on me, because while them watching each other from afar for years and years was cute and all, it’s not my thing. Plus, it would be completely out of place on the time frame of a relationship, especially since we’ve already hit third base. I expect my boyfriend to greet me and talk to me when he comes to my workplace, you understand?”

Michael shrugged.

Maria shook her head. “No, sir. You don’t get to give me the silent treatment.” Her voice got softer and she did her best to catch his eye, even though he was looking determinedly away, “Is this about what happened with Max?”

Michael looked into her eyes and nodded.

“Michael, talk to me.”

“I should have been there.” He said simply, his voice a growl. “He lied to me. He lied.”

“Who lied?”

“Max,” he ground out. “He promised me that he would be okay. That nothing would happen.” His eyes were wet with tears, “He promised.”

“He didn’t know that Hank was waiting for him…” Maria’s heart was tugging in her chest. Michael had been a wall through this entire thing. She moved her seat so that it was next to his, lacing his fingers in hers.

“He promised that he would be okay, I believed him, and then Hank… Hank…” He shook his head, “Max doesn’t break promises. He never has. So I believed him.”

She stroked the back of his hand with her thumb, “This wasn’t your fault. Max had Hansen with him. Everyone thought that having a cop around would be enough. They underestimated Hank. If you had stayed with them, Michael, you could be dead right now. Hank obviously didn’t want any interference. He shot Hansen the moment he had the chance.”

Michael scoffed, “If I had been there, I would have blasted Hank to Hell.”

“You don’t know that.” Maria became stern, “Just because you have the means doesn’t mean you would have had the opportunity. You can’t change the past. You should be thankful that Max survived, not bitter that the promise he made to you was broken by someone other than him.”

“I never helped him.”

“You didn’t know.”

“Is ignorance an excuse, Maria? I should have known. All of these years…”

Maria cut him off, “I thought we talked about this already. All of this was out of your hands. Stop blaming yourself. You can’t do this. It’s not fair to you, and it’s not fair to your parents. Diane and Phillip are worried enough about Max; they don’t need to worry about you, too.”


“No, Michael.” She turned so he was looking at her, “I love you, so stop thinking and know that what I’m saying is true: it was not your fault.” She leaned forward, placing a tender kiss on his lips.

He knew she was right, but, “it’s still hard.”

“I know.” She nodded, “Give it time.”

She leaned his head against his shoulder and they sat in peace for a few minutes, each giving comfort to the other. Michael still wasn’t okay with what happened. His friend had broken his promise and gotten hurt again. Michael himself had enabled it.

Liz and Isabel walked through the doors to the Crashdown. They came over and said hey. Maria was slightly putout when she realized she had to go back to work. She left the table in a slight fuss. Michael rolled his eyes at her back.

Liz sat down across from Isabel and Michael. She looked scared. “I have to tell you guys something. But, don’t freak out until I’m finished, okay?”

“What is this about?” Michael fired off. He didn’t like the way Liz was talking.

“Last night.”

Isabel shook her head, “You didn’t tell me anything earlier.”

“I know. I’m sorry,” Liz said shyly, “I didn’t want to have to say it twice.”

“Get it over with. Can’t get much worse, can it?” Michael massaged his temples.

Liz looked at them both, preparing for their reactions, “Hank shot Max last night.”

“WHAT?!” Isabel screeched. She seemed to realize where they were and then lowered her voice to a harsh whisper, “My bother was shot last night, you knew, and you both decided not to tell us?! What the hell is wrong with this picture?! God, don’t you think we have a right to know that we almost lost him? We’re his siblings!”

Liz nodded, “I know! That’s why I’m telling you. He probably won’t want to make a big deal about it. I couldn’t tell you with everyone around, not last night. And this morning, well, I’m sorry. I wanted to wait for Michael. But I’m not done.”

She described the events of the night before. Immediately after she got to the part about Valenti and her parents learning Max’s secret, Michael swore and pounded his fist onto the table. He looked towards the door of the Crashdown, half expecting government agents to rush through it, “What are we going to do? We have to leave. We can get Max and make it to Texas by nightfall…”

“No!” Liz shook her head. They couldn’t leave. “Valenti and my parents both lied to the paramedics last night. They made up a story to protect Max. They won’t say anything.”

Michael laughed bitterly, “Yeah, until they sit down and think about what they really saw… and what Max really is. Once it sinks in, Liz, they’ll freak out.”

Isabel had been silently absorbing it all. She looked dazed, “Michael’s right.”

“No! They won’t tell. I already spoke to my parents… they’re okay with it. They know that Max is the only reason I’m alive. They would never hurt him.” Liz defended. She needed them to understand. She wouldn’t be able to handle it if they left. She knew she was being selfish, but she needed them to stay. “We’ll talk to Valenti and everything will be okay.”

“That’ll be a fun conversation.” Michael rolled his eyes.

<center>- - -</center>

Max was still weak from the healings last night. Sometime during his sleep at the hospital, they had hooked him up to a respirator because he hadn’t been breathing well. None of them knew that he had been actually shot in the chest. He still hadn’t told Michael and Isabel that the Parkers knew. Michael would be furious. Isabel would be, too. They had always sworn not to tell anyone. It was too dangerous. Now, because of him, all of the Parkers knew. Isabel and Michael had stuck to the pact. The Evans’s didn’t know. Maria and Alex didn’t know. It was only Max who had failed to keep the secret.

It was a chore to put one foot in front of the other. He had shrugged Diane off when she had tried to fuss over him. He didn’t need that. He needed time to think over everything. He had been walking through Roswell for the last two hours. He had never really intended to go meet with Dr. Richfield. It was cold outside. He had his hands jammed into the pockets of his jacket. It was hard to breathe. He had started wheezing a good thirty minutes ago. His chest was tight, and his breath was short. He supposed the symptoms were from the healings. He wouldn’t be beaten by it, though. He kept going.

He nearly had a heart attack when a hand clasped around his shoulder. He whipped around, expecting to have to fight someone off. It was Valenti.

Valenti smiled slightly, “Sorry. I’ve been calling your name for the last few seconds, but you weren’t hearing me.”

Max nodded. His heart rate skyrocketed. Valenti knew about him, but he barely knew anything about Valenti. Would he tell? Was he here to arrest him and turn him into the FBI?

“Are you okay?” Valenti’s face streaked with worry, “You sound like you can’t breathe.”

Max coughed, “No, I’m fine.”

Valenti didn’t buy it, but, for some reason, he switched the topic of conversation, “Hansen wants to see you, Max. He’s been asking about you since last night. Apparently his wife swears that a boy of your description ran out of Hansen’s room seconds before Hansen gained consciousness.”

Max looked at his feet, guilty. His heart was still racing.

“You healed him?” Valenti prodded.

“Yeah. How is he?”

“Joking about the hole in his head. In other words, back to his normal self.” Valenti was looking at Max differently, “Thank you, Max.”

Max was unsure of what to do. He shifted weight awkwardly, “Is there anything else I can do for you, Sheriff?”

Valenti nodded, “Come to the hospital with me, Max. They really want to see you.”

Max hesitated, “I don’t know if that is a good idea.” Valenti could be trying to trick him. He could be attempting to get Max alone so he could take him to the FBI and… But that didn’t make sense. Valenti could have arrested him any time he wanted to, couldn’t he have?

Even without those reasons, he had healed Hansen. His wife would be able to remember Max’s face, wouldn’t she? Would she know that he had healed her husband? Would she know he was different? This was the most terrifying. And what if she thought Hansen a freak for being healed by Max and they divorced?

Valenti smiled weakly, “Please?”

Max shook his head, “I can’t. Not today… I have to go to uh… to the doctor.”

If only Dr. Richfield knew how much of a scapegoat Max was making her. She wouldn’t be happy with him.

“Alright. I’ll keep in touch.” Valenti made to move away.

Max called out to him, “Sheriff… about last night…” Scared or not, he had a responsibility to keep those he cared about safe. Valenti was too much of a wild card for him to be able to protect them.

“I’m not going to tell anyone, Max.”

Max still had his doubts. He attempted to take a deep breath, but coughed instead. He shook off the feeling. “I’m… I’m not like what you’ve seen in the movies, Sheriff. I’m trying to live my life, that’s all.”

“I believe you.” Valenti nodded. He shook his head, “But I don’t believe that you’re okay. Your breathing’s terrible. Let me at least drive you to where you’re going… it’s too cold out, anyways.”

Max begrudgingly accepted. He knew that if he didn’t, Valenti wouldn’t hesitate to call Phillip or Diane. There was no need to worry them.

Valenti led him to the car, “Where’re you headed?”

For lack of anything else to say, Max said the first thing that came to his head: “The Crashdown.”

<center>- - -</center>

Something at the door caught Liz’s eye, and her face lit up with excitement. She jumped to her feet, squealing. She ran into the person’s arms, “Oh my god! Hi!”

The boy laughed and then pulled away from her, “Calm down, Parker, you’re going to suffocate me.”

Liz’s smile didn’t fade, “How long are you in town? Did you tell anyone you were coming? Why didn’t anyone tell me that you were coming?!”

Sean Deluca smiled at her, “Can’t I surprise everyone once in a while? Besides, I missed the holidays with my favorite girls, so I’m making up for it.”

“Amy is going to be so excited to see you. She completely spazzed when she realized you weren’t going to be in town for Christmas. How’s life?!”

“SEAN DELUCA, WHAT THE HELL?!” Maria’s angry voice rang out from behind them, breaking the conversation.

“Hello to you, too Maria.” Sean folded his arms across his chest.

Maria stepped up to him, pointing an accusing finger at him, “Do you realize the kind of shit you’ve gotten yourself into?! My mother has been worried SICK about you, and you don’t even have the common courtesy to give her a phone call telling her that you’re alive. Now what?! You’re going to shack up with us until you decide to let your feet carry you away again?!”

Michael was by Maria’s side as soon as he heard the words “shack up.” He extended his hand to Sean, still not understanding the relation between the two, “Michael Guerin, Maria’s boyfriend. And you are?”

“Sean Deluca, Maria’s cousin.” Sean snickered. “Nice to have a face with the infamous name, though. Amy’s told me all about you.”

Michael’s brow furrowed, “Like what?”

“It’s all been good, Michael, all good. But, I must warn you, the first bad remark I hear, I’ll be kicking your ass. My cousin needs to be treated well.”

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.” Michael took Maria’s hand in his, tracing a pattern on it with his thumb.

Sean diverted his attention away from the two of them and refocused back on Liz. He hugged her tightly, “God, I’ve missed you two.”

Liz spoke into his neck, “We missed you, too. Where’ve you been off to?”

“Going through the country helping a few organizations out. I just finished a big project with Habitat for Humanity out by Phoenix, Arizona when I realized that I was too close to you guys to not come and visit.”

“Who’re you? Captain Planet?” Liz joked, still hugging him tightly. Sean had been like an older brother to her when she was a little girl. His family had moved away when Liz was six, and, although he had come back and visited, his visits were few and far between. His parents had both gotten caught up in the glamour of their riches in New York City when he had decided to devote the next few years to charity.

Sean smiled over the top of Liz’s head. It was good to be back. He saw a boy looking into the building with a forlorn expression on his face, “Who’s the pity party?”

“Oh shit, Max…” Liz heard Michael’s worried voice from across the room.

<center>- - -</center>

Max had his hand on the handle of the door when he looked through and saw something that made him stop dead in his tracks: Liz, happy in another man’s arms. He hadn’t seen her smile like that for months. He had been holding her back.

Even though he had intended on going in and tentatively coming back from behind the tree, he couldn’t do that now. It was clear that he was simply a pity case that she took on for lack of better things to do. He was virtually worthless in her eyes. He was a cancer to her future.

He froze when he made eye contact with the man. His eyes were blue and his hair was blonde - the complete opposite of Max. Max turned away, starting to walk from the building.

<center>- - -</center>

Liz turned in Sean’s arms with enough time to see Max crossing the street. She cursed under her breath and ran after him.

She called out, “MAX!”

He faltered, but didn’t stop walking. He shoved his hands in his pockets and set his face down against the cold air, determined to get anywhere but where Liz was.

Seeing that he wasn’t stopping, she broke out into a run to catch up with him. She closed her hand around his forearm.

Max groaned, his muscles tightening immediately. He hated being touched. He knew it was most likely Liz, but history had taught him wariness. He couldn’t help it. He muttered darkly, “What, Liz?”

“Where’re you going?” She panted.

“To the Evans’s.” He muttered with his face still down, despite the fact that Liz was now positioned in front of him. His breathing had become heavier since he had stopped at the Crashdown. He was taking short, rasping breaths. His chest burned. He coughed tentatively, trying to clear his airways. It worked for a second before the burning returned.

Liz took his chin in her hand, forcing him to look at her. She looked concerned, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” He shook his head. He tried to mask his breathing, but he knew that she could tell. He knew she was worried. But he was holding her back. She had never looked as happy as she looked earlier when she was with him. Even if she couldn’t see how much he was holding her back, he could see it. And that was what mattered.

“Don’t lie to me, Max.” She said harshly. “You’re coming with me.” She took his hand roughly, leading him back towards the building. He tried a few times to break her grasp (knowing that he didn’t deserve her touch), but she held on firmly. He looked down in shame as Liz dragged him past everyone in the front of the Crashdown, through the back room and up into her bed room. She nudged him onto the bed.

“Liz, I swear I’m fine.”

She raised an eyebrow as he had a coughing fit.

“It’s from healing everyone… I’ll be fine when I rest a little…”

Liz crossed her arms, “I’m glad we’ve come to an agreement, then. You’re resting here for a little bit, and then you can go.”

“No, I’ll go back and rest.” Max stood up.

“Let me take care of you, for once!” Liz protested, her eyes stern. “You were SHOT last night, Max. Do me a favor and rest here, so that I know that I’m at least helping you in some way.”

“You don’t need to help me! I can take care of myself!!” He raised his voice, pointing an accusing finger at her, “You don’t listen to me, do you?!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“I told you this morning to stop mothering me. But here you are, mothering me again. And you know what, Liz? It’s not your place to do that. I don’t want your help. I don’t need your help. The only thing that you need to be doing at this particular point in time is having a normal, teenaged high school career and living your life. I’m obviously holding you back.”

“No, you’re not.” Liz stated stubbornly.

Max looked at her disbelievingly, “Yeah, I could really see that when I saw the way that you looked when that guy was holding you. You haven’t looked like that in months!”

Liz laughed, almost harshly, “This is all because you’re jealous?! You’re unbelievable. You’re willing to injure your health because you’re jealous of Sean.”

“I’m not jealous.”

Liz shook her head, her confusion and sadness shining through her eyes, “You know what, Max? Fine. You don’t want my help. Go do whatever the hell you want to. I don’t care. I was doing what I thought was right, but obviously we’re seeing two completely different things.” A tear threatened to trickle from her eye.

Max shook his head, “Liz, please don’t cry.”

“Stop telling me not to cry! I’ll cry when I feel like it!”

Max stood still, uncertain of what to do. If he walked out now, he could probably keep Liz away from him forever. Instead, he stood there. Something was rooting him to the spot. He couldn’t bring himself to leave.

Liz composed herself and then looked towards Max, “I don’t understand why we can’t try to help you, Max. What are you so afraid of?”

He shook his head somberly, “You really want to know? Fine. Tell Isabel to dreamwalk me tonight. Feel free to go along for the ride.” He turned away from her, “I’m leaving. Go have fun with Sean.”

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Re: Confidential (M/L - Mature) AN 5/23

Post by sprayadhesive »

If everyone could go here... and help me with my big, 1/2 of my grade government assignment, that'd be really helpful... :mrgreen:

It'll help free up some of my time to get writing done!!
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Re: Confidential (M/L - Mature) AN 7/09

Post by sprayadhesive »

Just sent a new part into my beta. Thought I'd let everyone know, since I've been absent such a long time.