Christmas w/Children Of The Univ (CC, YTEEN) 12-21-07 Cmplte

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Island Breeze
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Christmas w/Children Of The Univ (CC, YTEEN) 12-21-07 Cmplte

Post by Island Breeze »

<center> Christmas With the Children of the Universe</center>

This Christmas story is adapted from a chapter in, Children Of The Universe. It is young teen rated and includes all of our main Roswell characters from the show. Children Of The Universe is part of the Altered Time series. In that series, Max and all the others are living on Antar after they all had to flee Earth. There's a lot more to how and why they got to Antar than that, but that's all you need to know to enjoy this story. While living on Antar, they've had many adventures, and one of these involved a remarkable little magical gnome-like man who called himself Frebel-Ish and who was apparently the only one of his kind. The name Frebel-Ish, however, just happened to be the name of a very popular Antarian storybook character who was a sort of all around "Mother Goose" and wish granter. It seems that the Hjity, who was quite real, had a habit of calling himself by the names of storybook characters from different planets, and he had turned his own planet into a massive storybook land, bringing to life many of the characters and myths of the universe. This was his passion in life. When Max and company first landed on his planet, in search of missing Antarian children, they had a time figuring the planet's secret out! That's enough background. Hope you like the story.

Author: Island Breeze
Rating: TEEN or YTEEN, about like the show
Forum: CC
Pairings: M/L, M/M, A/I, ALL

Roswell is the creation of Melinda Metz, who wrote the books, and Jason Katims, who brought us the TV series. They are responsible for the show’s concept and characters and for any events that occurred during the TV series that might be mentioned here. For better or worse, any other elements in this story, including storyline and additional characters that were not in the show, are my own vision and creation.

This story should be enjoyed by Dreamers, Candy Lovers, and Stargazers alike.

Three fuzzy little pawgors carefully pranced around on the snow, delighting in stalking something moving just beneath the surface. Every now and then one would pounce and trap the “snow-bogie” with a great flourish and show of delight. The mama pawgor, watching her three toothy little ones play, seemed to be satisfied to enjoy their “hunt” vicariously. She looked over to watch as Danyy come sliding down the snow-covered hill on his belly. Right behind him was his bosom buddy, the young male pawgor, her mate. A little further down the hill, a young Orstosian “ember,” seeing itself directly in the path of Danyy and the pawgor, flashed and leapt into the nearest tree, melting a large bowl-shaped depression in the snow where it had just been. As Danyy and the pawgor slid down into the hole and up and out again on the other side, they became airborne momentarily. The pawgor landed on the snow again, backwards and spread-eagle, with Danyy now draped across his back sideways. Odd as it might have seemed, the mama pawgor actually seemed to be laughing at them…

Max and Liz were thrilled. Everyone was having fun, and it was looking like the day was going to be a total success. There were Dragon children, Leafvian children, Droufa children, Growahnit children, Yargishi children, and children from over twenty other planets, including many Antarian children besides their own. There were also a good number of adults from each planet, and everyone seemed to be having the greatest time of their lives!

Maria and Liz were giggling and thoroughly enjoying the sight of Michael playing Santa, something he had done once before. In fact, Liz and Maria were reprising earlier roles themselves…

“Come on Candycane… Snowflake! Let’s mingle! Hop to it! No standing around!”

Oh! Did I mention… Isabel was reprising her earlier role, too… the role of “Christmas Nazi,” as Michael had called her when Isabel had organized Roswell's Christmas festival. Michael had been Santa, and Liz and Maria had been his elves, “Snowflake” and “Candycane.” Isabel grinned, and "Snowflake" and "Candycane" grinned back. Today was all in fun. And it was different in one other very important way, too. Today, it was alright if the kids pulled “Santa’s” beard off or knew that Liz and Maria were not really elves. That’s because today what everyone was really waiting for while Michael and the others entertained them was for the “real” Santa Claus and his real reindeers and elves to show up.

And today, everyone was a child again…

Kathleen turned to Diane and Dan, who were standing beside her. “This is so exciting! I can’t wait to see the reindeers actually flying overhead and Santa’s sleigh land."

“I want to see Rudolph!” Diane said, giggling.

Yep! You heard right! The real thing was coming. This was guaranteed, because, after all, they were at the North Pole at Santa’s own workshop. Mrs. Claus was there. She and several elves had passed out hot chocolate and lots of other “goodies,” and soon, Santa himself would be returning with presents and lots of good cheer for all.

“Santa’s on his way, Dears,” Mrs. Claus said to the children again. “He won’t be long now! I got word that he’s flying over Canada at this very moment.”

The fact is, Christmas, as a holiday, was unfamiliar to most of the planets represented here today, but the concept of goodwill to all and joy and peace on Earth -or on whatever planet each one was from- seemed to strike a chord that every individual could identify with and appreciate fully. And as for presents and lots of goodies, well… every child in the universe seems to be cut from one mold… They all get goose bumps and wide eyes just thinking about it.

“Can I please have another soft charcoal-tar candy cane?” a young Orstosian “ember” asked Mrs. Santa Claus.

Mrs. Claus, who it seemed was always prepared for everyone, handed the little Orstosian whirlwind of gas vapors another soft charcoal and tar candy cane with a smile, then she handed a candy cane made of light-as-air sugary cotton candy wisps to a Leafvian child.

Naturally, Mrs. Claus explained to the children that the spirit of giving was what made this part of Christmas special, not the getting… “We all love to receive, but remember that the joy of giving is far greater than the joy of getting,” she said, repeating this message each time she handed out a candy cane, a cookie, or some other “goodie” to a child.

As she spoke, suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd, and everyone looked up in the sky. Santa was coming.

"I hear sleigh bells," Mareeya and Ceelya Whitman sang out together, excited.

"There he is!" Taz shouted, pointing toward the horizon. Everyone looked where he was pointing. Sure enough, there was Santa's sleigh gliding through the sky in the distance, pulled by his team of flying reindeers.

Soon, they could hear Santa himself… “Ho! Ho! Ho! Meeeeerry Christmas!”

The sleigh and the reindeers passed right over their heads and made a wide arching turn around the area. Then Santa brought the sleigh smoothly in on its runners, sliding up beside the waiting crowd…

And what an unusual crowd!

The children rushed to touch the reindeers and pet them. Diane patted Rudolph on the side and touched his nose, which began to glow brightly.

“I don’t believe it! It really glows! I don’t believe it!” Diane said over and over.

Santa handed candy canes out to all the children -young and old- then walked over and sat down in the chair that had been used earlier by Michael when Michael was pretending to be Santa. “Candycane” and “Snowflake” helped the real elves line the children up, and the elves brought sacks of presents over to Santa.

Liz-Jolee z’Varec was first in line, hopping into Santa’s lap.

"Is your beard real, Santa?"

Santa laughed and invited her to tug on it. Unlike Michael’s beard, Santa’s was clearly real, she decided. After talking with him, Santa gave her a present.

“Thank you,” Liz-JoLee said politely.

“You’re welcome, Liz! Merrrry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!”

Next on Santa’s lap was a Leafvian child. The Leafvian, called a “fern child” by Max and the others when they originally found them, weighed nothing at all… literally. It actually floated just above Santa’s lap. Its voice was soft and melodic as it explained to Santa that it already had the greatest present it could ask for… It was back home again with its parents. It was also grateful for meeting special friends like the Droufas and especially grateful for the wonderful ones who had rescued them from the Ghors and shown them so much kindness. It wished there was something it could do to repay the rescuers, and it asked Santa to be good to them.

Santa smiled and handed the Leafvian child something. “Here is a gift that I know you will like, little one, but the greatest gift is one that you already have. For you have in you the real spirit of Christmas. Merrrry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!”

Santa’s eyes twinkled with delight as the Leafvian child floated off his lap and away to open her present. Suddenly, there was a flash, and an Orstosian “ember” leapt into Santa’s lap. Santa was prepared, however.

“Ho! Ho! Ho!” he said to the little whirlwind of gasses, “Have you been a good little girl?”

The Orstosian assured Santa that she had.

“Indeed you have!” Santa agreed. “And such a bright little ember at that! You want to grow up to be a flame-preserver and a civil protector, too! Those are big goals! …and good goals… a doctor and a civil protector!”

“How did you know that?” the little Orstosian asked Santa.

“Ho! Ho! Ho! I know!” Santa said… “I know!”

Santa gave her a gift, and she flashed from his lap back into the snow.

Next on Santa’s lap was a Droufa child.

“Ho! Ho! Ho! What have we here?” Santa laughed merrily. He knew that something was sitting on his lap, but all he could see were two big eyes looking at him.

“I am Ryobit, a Droufa,” the child said in a voice somewhat deeper than might be expected of a child. Droufa voices were deep “bass” in tone.

“Well, Ryobit, what would you like for Christmas,” Santa asked… but he already knew the answer.

“I would like something that I can give to my friend, Whist. Whist is a Leafvian, and he couldn’t come today. His family is all slightly sick from leaf wilt because they were in the sun too long at the beach. Now they must stay in the house with their feet in the water for two days until they are replenished.”

“Ho! Ho! Ho!” Santa laughed. “You shall have it! Here is a present for your friend Whist… and here is another present… for you!”

The little Droufa smiled. Normally, a Droufa’s mouth is invisible like the rest of its body, but sometimes, if a Droufa opens its mouth wide enough, one can see it; and Ryobit’s mouth was one big smile. Even his eyes seemed to smile, but no more than Santa’s.

The next child on Santa’s lap had to lean over in a big arch to talk to the jolly man. It was a Yargishi child. He stood 12 feet tall, though he was only about as big around as a soft drink can.

One by one, Santa saw each one of the children… the Droufas, the Dragons, the Yargishis, the Antarians, the Growahnits, the Douradians, and all the rest, and he gave each one a present. Each child went off to open his or her present and play with it. The little Orstosian ember got the Orstosian equivalent of a toy doctor kit, which contained real tars and warmer coils, and a glow badge that actually glowed and identified her as a protector of her planet. Another Orstosian girl ember got a doll… one that swirled like a mini twister and flash-jumped on command. One of the Dragon children was already learning to ride the sled he got from Santa, and others were chasing little flying bird-like toys or toys that hopped or scurried around in the snow. Some of the Leafvian children got glitter and gauzy ornaments to place on their multiple little branches and others got Leafvian storybooks made of a gauzy material that almost floated in the air. Santa seemed to have it all, and somehow he seemed to know just exactly what each child wanted or would like the most. It was magical.

After all the children… and a few of the adults… had sat on Santa's lap, some in the group sang songs and had punch or eggnog. Many of the songs were traditional songs from the various different planets and not really Christmas songs, but the spirit of the effort was the same. “Snowflake” and “Candycane” tried bravely, with some slight success, to teach the adults and children of the many different cultures present to sing “Jingle Bells,” “White Christmas,” and “Silent Night." Though the “carolers” understood little or nothing of the words they were “singing,” they were all anxious to get into the spirit of the day and gave it an outstanding effort, serenading each other gaily with the carols they had learned.

“Merry Christmas!” Liz shouted.

“Merly Chrima,” the Dragons and others shouted with her.

“And Happy Hanukkah!” Kyle shouted.

Liz looked at him and smiled then repeated the greeting.

“Haply Hankah!” the Dragons and others all shouted back.

“Good one, Kyle!” Liz said, “Do you know any more?”

“Just that,” Kyle said. “I thought we should all be as one today… I mean we’ve got Dragons and… swirling embers… and Leafvians… and who knows what else… and in the end we’re all one big family.”

Liz, Maria, Michael, and Max all raised their glasses. “I’ll second that,” Max said.

“We’ll third and fourth it,” Liz and Maria said as one.

“Who wants to ride in my sleigh?” Santa asked.

All of the children and about half of the adults rushed over to the sleigh. Santa laughed, “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Over the next hour, he gave everyone who wanted to ride a turn in the sleigh, carrying several at a time. Michael and Maria, Kyle and Jeliya, Alex and Isabel, and a few other couples got private rides together with Santa. Liz and Max did, too.

As they glided silently high above the North Pole, Liz leaned into Max’s arms… “It’s a little chilly up here.” Max smiled and put his arms around her. Liz looked into Max’s eyes and smiled back. He put one hand behind her head and tilted his own head slightly until their lips touched, and Liz put both arms around his neck and returned the kiss. Both of them just hoped Santa was a good driver who always kept his eyes “on the road.”

All too soon, the day drew to an end. Shaqor, Liz, and MayaSabriena worked together to send the guests back to their homes through the portal. A few were still enjoying the snow and the hills or the goodies in Santa’s workshop. All in all, it had been a wonderful day and a huge success.

Max was smiling from ear to ear.

“Well,” he said to the little Hjity standing at his side, “You truly are Frebel-Ish, the maker of fairytales! This has been the most wondrous experience, my friend! How can I ever thank you?”

“You can come again and see the rest of my planet,” the little Hjity said. “Thanks to you, too, Zan. “This North Pole and workshop with the elves will be one of my favorite places to visit of all the creations on my planet! This was a wonderful idea.”

Max grinned and nodded in agreement. “You’re welcome.”

“Santa looked so real!” Liz said, still smiling.

Diane nodded, “Yeah! And the reindeers… Did you see Rudolph! He was adorable!”

“Now that I know what they look like,” the little Hjity said, “I will make them for my North Pole, too.”

Max looked at the little man. “What do you mean, ‘Now that you…’”

The little man smiled. “I didn’t make Santa and the reindeers yet. I wasn’t sure what they looked like when I created my North Pole, Santa's workshop, elves, and Mrs. Claus…”

“Well, if you didn’t…" Maria started to ask, "then what was…” She stopped and looked up into the night sky.

Diane looked up, too. Far out in the distance, among the stars, she could just make out a tiny streak working its way through space. In front of it, every few seconds, there was a tiny reddish glow. Everyone stood there, speechless, and watched as it disappeared into the depths of space in the direction of Earth.

As the others prepared to go home, a little Dragon child Michael had rescued from the caverns on Gadyslar bounded across the snow and jumped into Michael’s arms. It was his little friend, the one that seemed to have become so attached to him. The little Dragon pressed its mouth against the side of Michael’s face…

“Merly Chrima, Mike-el.”

Michael grinned. “Merly Chrima, Kiraugo.”

<center> May you all have a very Merly Chrima!
...and the joy of the true Spirit of Christmas!

The End</center>
