A Christmas to Remember (AU,CC,Teen) COMPLETE 24/12/07

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A Christmas to Remember (AU,CC,Teen) COMPLETE 24/12/07

Post by cassie »

Title: A Christmas to Remember

Author: Cassie

Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz and WB. No infringement is intended.

Couples: M/L, I/A, M/M

Rating: Teen

Summary: In response to a challenge by Stargazer's Delight which can be found here - viewtopic.php?t=13012&start=140

AN: This is a six part Christmas fic, which I will try and update once or twice a day until Christmas Day.

Alex POV:

I barely slept last night.

I didn’t eat anything for breakfast. And that’s unusual for me.

Why? You might ask.

Well, today is Christmas day. But that’s not what’s got my stomach in knots.

In fact, this year I celebrated Christmas two weeks earlier with close family and friends.

So why, am I still excited?

Well, because of the wedding.

My wedding actually.

Today’s the day I finally make Isabel Evans my wife.

Yes, that’s right. Alexander Charles Whitman, self proclaimed geek has found a woman that is happy to spend the rest of her life with him.

I’ve hoped and dreamed of this day for so long, I can hardly believe that it’s actually arrived.

I’m broken out of my musings by the sound of a woman’s voice as she enters my bedroom. The sound of my best woman actually. Yes, I know it’s a little unorthodox, but truth be told, I don’t have a lot of close male friends, and I really wanted someone important to me standing next to me today.

“Alex. Alex. Hello!”

“Huh?” I ask, turning around to face her.

“I’ve been trying to get your attention for like an hour.”

In Maria speak that means thirty seconds. I try not to roll my eyes at her as she launches into a tirade about men that don’t listen.

My best friend Maria DeLuca may small physically, but you wouldn’t want to cross her.

She’s been very unlucky in love recently building up her hatred for all men in general. I just wish that she could find someone that makes me as happy as Isabel does.

I tune back in to hear Maria still rumbling on about all the bad qualities my gender possesses.

Smiling at her was obviously not the response she was looking for her. She starts gesturing in the air wildly and although I try to listen I find myself drifting back to the first time I ever laid my eyes upon my beautiful wife to be.

I was walking out of my favourite café on campus at NYU on a fairly sunny day. She walked past me, looking immaculately groomed, as always. And as she passed by, the sun lit up her hair, making it glow.

She was, and still is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Her smile can light up a room. And if it hadn’t been for Maria’s insistent pestering I never would have worked up the courage to ask her out on a date.

Unable to contain my gratitude I envelop my petite best friend in my arms.

Maria stops ranting mid sentence, turning around in my arms to look up at me questioningly.

“Not that I don’t enjoy this sudden outburst of affection, but what have you been smoking?” she questions.

“I know that I don’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your support and encouragement. You’re the best friend a guy could ever want.”

“Oh Alex,” Maria says sniffling slightly.

The door to my bedroom opens, revealing a glowing pregnant brunette. Seeing Maria so close to tears, she quickly admonishes me.

“Don’t make her cry Alex. It took me ages to fix her make up.”

Sensing the overly emotional environment, she makes her way over to us slowly before asking, “Is there enough room for one more?”

“Always,” I reply, bringing her in to our group circle after kissing the top of her head.

“You look stunning Liz,” I say. And she really does.

Elizabeth Parker is also my best friend. The three of us have been friends since we met back in elementary school.

Lis is absolutely glowing and looks so happy. She had a hard time trying to conceive and she and her husband have spend an anxious couple of months praying that nothing would go wrong.

She’s almost eight months pregnant now, so she’s not a part of the bridal party but there is no way that I would get married without my two favourite girls.

Ours is a special friendship, surviving the awkward teen years; and the diversifying interests that followed throughout college.

And now Liz is going to become my sister, in a way, having married Isabel’s brother Max two years earlier.

Next, my mum enters, becoming teary as well after seeing me in my wedding tux.

“I can’t believe my baby’s getting married today,” she says.

“Moooom,” I moan. “I’m not a baby.”

“You’ll always be my baby,” she responds whilst pinching my cheeks.

“Yeah Alexie,” Maria says leaning in to pinch my cheeks herself.

“Leave him alone,” Liz says defensively.

She’s been in major protective mode lately. Last week she saw a man that was about to buy the last tub of her favourite ice cream and she grabbed it off him and started hitting him over the head with her handbag until he apologised.

Max almost had a heart attack once he realised what she’d done.

Needless to say, we’re all a little scared of Liz at the moment.

“Time to get this show on the road,” Maria proclaims.

We definitely don’t want to be late today. I’m pretty sure Isabel would castrate me herself if I was.

Without any anaesthetic.

After one last look in the mirror, I follow the ladies down the stairs to pose for some photos before I can finally get to the chapel where I will get to see my beautiful fiancée again.
Last edited by cassie on Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:17 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by cassie »

AN: Thanks for the great feedback so far. I've never written anything in this style before so I'm really glad you like it so far!
francesca: Thank you, I'm really glad you do
xmag: I think the challenge is great, hopefully I can do it justice

Liz POV:

Sitting with my two best friends in a limo, I can’t wait to get to church so that I can see my beautiful husband again.

And to see my best friend get married, of course.

My right leg jitters, as it does whenever I am truly anxious. Anyone would think that I’d been apart from Max for days, not mere hours.

After Alex’s near panic attack yesterday, Maria and I decided to stay over and keep his mind occupied, like we’d done so many times in the past.

It’s been a few years since our last sleepover, but it was fun anyway. Unfortunately, I was unable to sleep.

Who would think that I would actually become accustomed to my husband’s snoring? It used to drive me crazy, but without the soft snores I fell into a restless sleep.

It didn’t help that the baby was kicking up a storm.

I place my hand over my stomach protectively. I can’t wait for my child to arrive.

After I miscarried a few years ago, I never thought I’d be able to experience childbirth myself. But we bet the odds. This fact can’t help but put a smile on my face.

After a scare earlier on, it’s been smooth sailing and I’m revelling in all the changes occurring to my body.

Once we reach the church, Maria and I usher Alex into a small room out the back, while await Isabel’s arrival.

Wouldn’t want them to meet accidentally, would we?

Alex isn’t nervous at all today thankfully, so we don’t have to worry about keeping him sane.

As we make our way into the chapel I feel a bit of liquid run down my leg, startling me. I hurry to a bathroom to clean myself up before anyone else notices.

As I sit in a cubicle, I can’t help but panic. It couldn’t possibly be the right time for the baby to come. I’m not even eight months along, and the doctor said I needed to try and carry as close to term as possible.

Besides, it wasn’t like there was a great gush of water anyway. My water couldn’t possibly be broken. I’m not feeling any pain or contractions.

After managing to convince myself that I’m fine, I walk towards the chapel where Isabel is expected shortly.

I squeeze Maria’s hand, when she looks at me quizzically, but before she can say anything the wedding march begins to play and I take my place in the first pew to watch the bride.

First comes Serena, a friend of Isabel’s from college. She looks great in her light red flowing dress. She is followed by my husband who looks great in his tux with his matching red tie.

Max sends me a playful wink as he passes me to take his place as the man of honour to the left of the altar.

At the sight of Isabel in her Princess wedding dress I feel some cramps in my lower back.

I focus on breathing like I was taught in my breathing classes.

I can’t interrupt Isabel’s wedding. She’d kill me.

She’s been planning this for years. Combining her special day with her favourite holiday.

Thankfully by the time she makes it up to me, flanked by her parents, the pain has passed, and I’m able to pass her a brilliant smile before taking my seat.

How I wish I knew what to do. I feel so torn. I can’t bear to interrupt but on the other hand, shouldn’t I be getting some medical attention ASAP.

But there’s no one near me that I can whisper to. I’m stuck sitting next to Max’s unruly friend Michael. He dormed with him first year in college before we moved in together. I don’t even know why Isabel invited him, as they aren’t very close and the wedding is quite small.

Turning my attention back to the bride and groom, I pray that I can make it through the next hour.

Midway through the vows, a powerful contraction hits me, and I falter almost sliding out of my seat.

Luckily, Michael catches me before I hit the ground, but I let out a cry loud enough to have everyone turn around and look at me.

The minister abandons his speech as well.

Max comes rushing towards me, concern etched all over his face. “Honey, are you okay? What’s wrong with the baby?”

“I’m fine Max,” I reply. But it’s obvious he’s not buying it. Considering I am still leaning on Michael for support and have one of his hands clenched between my own, it’s not that surprising.

“Lizzz,” he says giving me one of his looks, and I crumble.

“I –I think I’m in labour,” I respond quietly.

At Max’s loud “You’re what?” Alex and Maria come over to see what’s going on.

“What’s going on?” Maria enquires.

“She’s in labour,” Michael responds.

“She’s what? How did that happen? Right now? And no one’s called an ambulance? Why haven’t you done anything? Lizzie, are you okay? Alex do you have that vial of cypress oil I loaned you yesterday?”

“She’s fine,” Michael responds while rubbing my lower back reassuringly.

“Maria, is it?” he asks.

After she nods, Michael continues, “Call an ambulance.”

Turning to Max, he asks, “Can you help me get her outside?”

“Oh, and Alex, can you fill the minister in?”

I’m glad that there is someone calm here. I didn’t expect to be in labour for at least month. I don’t even have a bag packed yet. I don’t know what to do.

I lean into Max as he and Michael help me down the aisle to await the ambulance out the front.

Another sharp pain shoots down my spine, unlike any pain I’ve ever felt before. I see spots clouding my vision, but manage to maintain consciousness.

“Max, hurry. I think there’s something wrong with the baby,” I say.

Michael passes him a look before steering us towards the limo. “Take the limo. I’ll tell the driver to get you to the hospital.”

After helping me settle, Michael’s runs back inside while I’m rushed to the hospital trying my hardest to remain positive for my child.
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Post by cassie »

AN: Thanks to everyone that has left feedback so far. Very much appreciated! Michael's part will follow in a couple of hours.
Michelle in Yonkers: I guess that it would be a good omen. Michael should have made a good impression before, but it might become even better. The deadline's quite tight, so hopefully I'll get it all out in time!
chanks_girl: Thank you. Isabel's reaction is revealed here
francesca: Everything to do with the baby will be revealed in a later part. Thanks for continuing to read!

Isabel POV

My heart’s been beating so fast since the commencement of my wedding ceremony. I didn’t think it was humanely possible for it to beat even faster.

But it did.

It did, when my sister in law practically collapsed mid way through my wedding ceremony.

A ceremony that I have spent two years meticulously preparing for. A ceremony that my brother is now going to miss.

I can’t believe my brother’s not going to be at my wedding.

Not that I begrudge him being at Liz’s side at this time, but I never imagined getting married without him.

He’s my confidant. For so many years, it was me and him against the world. And for one of the most important days in my life he’ll be absent.

I know how selfish I sound, but I’m just disappointed with the situation.

Michael comes back in after helping Max and Liz, and makes a beeline for the minister and Alex who are deep in discussion in the corner.

I have never felt more unsure of what to do in my life. I feel so useless, being unable to help Liz and Max.

Never in all the possible scenarios that I conjured up, did I think that this was going to happen midway through the ceremony.

I am prepared for a DeLuca freakout, and broken bones. I even have a stand by pianist and minister.

Unable to take the suspense any longer, I ask Serena to go over and find out what’s going on. I don’t want to trip on my dress going down that altar steps. That would just take this day from bad to unbearable.

My mum comes over to check how I am doing. I’m so glad that at least my parents are here.

Finally Serena comes back, letting me know that Max and Liz are on their way to the hospital in the wedding limo, and that the wedding will resume in a couple of moments from the start of the vows.

Mum gives me a reassuring hug, before taking her seat.

I take a deep breath preparing myself for the ceremony once again.

Shortly, the minister and Alex join me, and the wedding starts for a second time.

As I stare in to my soon to be husband’s eyes, all the drama from the previous hour fades away.

I recite after the minister, “I take the Alexander Whitman, to be my lawful wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part."

As I turn to my side to get the rings, I realise that Max has the rings. And he’s probably at the hospital by now.

My wedding rings were from my great-grandmother, and have been passed along the family through the eldest daughter for years. I can’t imagine myself marrying someone without them.

It might sound petty, but those rings are significant to me. To me, our wedding rings are an outward expression of an inner spiritual bond.

My heart starts to beat even louder.

Maybe these are all signs.

Maybe I’m not ready to get married today.

Will I really be able to spend my entire life with Alex?

Is our love strong enough?

I don’t know what to do. I didn’t experience any pre-wedding jitters. I was sure about the strength of our relationship, but now I’m not.

My palms are sweaty and I’m finding it hard to maintain a constant breathing pattern. I look into Maria’s panicking eyes, and I flee.

I run out of the chapel to the sounds of Alex’s voice calling after me.
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Post by cassie »

AN: Thanks for all the feedback so far! Really appreciate it. Next part is Max.
tequathisy: You'll find out in this part. It's all up to Michaels' persuasive abilities. Glad you think so!
francesca: Have to update all the parts before the challenge deadline. I think poor Alex was a bit shocked!
chanks_girl: Thanks. And it's all up to Michaels' persuasive abilities as you will find out in this part. Poor Alex did seem a bit shocked. Thank you!

Michael POV:

This wedding is not going well at all.

I was a bit surprised to be invited, but considering how close I was to the bride’s family a few years ago, it’s not that shocking.

I certainly didn’t expect the wedding to be as entertaining as it has.

Since Isabel ran out earlier, with Alex following closely behind, everyone has been somewhat unsure of how to proceed.

My eyes wander around the chapel and I see the Evans trying to placate some guests. The minister is drinking some water and massaging his temples. Poor guy didn’t sign up for this drama.

My eyes land upon the best ‘man’ in her red dress that hugs her body in all the right places.

She seems to be in a state of shock, standing rigidly at the altar with her mouth gaping wide.

Unconsciously I make my way towards her. I’ve never actually met Maria before today, as I’ve only recently returned from overseas, being unable to even attend Max’s wedding.

But I have heard Max and Liz, even Isabel, talk about her often.

Cautiously I lift a hand intending to place it on her lower arm, but when my hand touches her skin I feel a jolt of electricity and pull back.

At least I seemed to have gotten her attention. She’s closed her mouth and is staring at me as though I’m under appraisal.

Uncomfortable with her scrutiny I try to shift her attention. “Are you okay?” I ask.

Maria blinks before responding. “I’m fine. But what about Liz and Alex?”

As soon as she mentions his name, I see Alex walk towards us dejectedly, from the corner of my eye.

This does not look like a good sign.

I eye him warily as he approaches, although it is quite obvious that Isabel has evaded him

“I can’t get her to come back,” he answers without being questioned.

“She’s convinced it’s a sign that we shouldn’t get married,” he says.

“Ohhh, Alex,” Maria says sympathetically. She tries to reassure him by pulling him into a big hug.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go talk to her.”

“It’s no use,” he responds.

“I’ll go,” I say astonishing them both. Before they can say anything, I’m walking down the aisle in the same direction I saw Isabel flee.

I find her in the garden across the street after a couple of minutes of searching.

She’s pacing in front of a flower bed.

I take a deep breath before making my presence known. “What are you doing?” I ask.

“Did Alex send you?” she asks without looking up. “I was expecting Maria.”

“Nope.” At this information she looks up.

“What are you doing?” I ask once again.

“Stopping myself from making the biggest mistake of my life.”

“What if this is the mistake?” I ask.

I can see the uncertainty in her eyes.

“What makes you think that marrying Alex is a mistake?” I continue to probe.

“I don’t know. I’m just not sure anymore. Everything’s going wrong. We’re doomed.”

“Isabel, I know that this wedding is not going as well as you planned.”

She snorts before interrupting me. “And that’s the understatement of the year.”

“Okay, but are you really going to ruin all the hard work that you put in?”

“I don’t even have any wedding rings,” she cries exasperated, throwing her arms up in the air.

Looking down at my own hands, I pull off my two rings. I never used to wear rings before, but I saw these in a market place when travelling and I loved the patterns so much that I’ve worn them every day since.

“Take these,” I say pressing them into her hands.

She looks up at my quizzically, but at least she seems to be listening so I continue.

“I got them from Cameroon. I know that they are not the rings that you picked out, and they may not fit perfectly. But are you really going to let such a small detail stop you from becoming Mrs Whitman?”

She looks over the rings, inspecting them. I don’t know what else to say, so I head back inside.

Alex looks up when he sees me enter the chapel, but once he realises Isabel isn’t behind me he goes back to staring miserably at the floor.

Unsure of what to do now, I sit down in the front pew where I was sitting before and go back to studying everyone.

After a couple of moments I see Maria gesturing at me wildly at the back of the chapel.

“Wedding’s back on. Whatever you said must have worked. Tell the minister. Oh, and get Mr Evans. Izzy wants to walk down the aisle again,” she says.

After letting out a sigh of relief, I make my way up to the front to carry out her instructions.

Alex looks so ecstatic, it’s actually funny.

The wedding ceremony proceeds without any interruptions on the third try.
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Post by cassie »

AN: Only one part to go now. Maria's up next!
Alien_Friend: The wedding certainly wasn't boring. Who would think Michael could be so calm? Thank you!

Max POV:

I’ve been on the verge of hysteria ever since I heard Liz cry out during Izzy’s wedding.

But I’ve managed to keep it together. Just barely.

For Liz, and for our child.

After we got to the hospital, Liz was rushed into the emergency room.

It took some time before a doctor was able to come and see her, and my poor wife was in so much pain.

Nothing I seemed to do could keep her calm.

Thankfully the doctor had her admitted straight away once he came and gave her some tablets for her pain.

After they took an ultrasound, she was taken into surgery.

I don’t even know why.

I’ve been trying to get some information from the nurses for the past hour and have been unsuccessful.

They keep telling me a doctor will come and explain everything to me shortly.

In the meantime, my wife and child are behind the operating room doors, and I don’t even know what’s going on.

I am frustrated beyond belief.

I keep picturing my wife’s pale face slumped in the limo, and her cries of distress.

How it hurt for me to see in her such pain.

Short of tearing my hair out, I am at a loss about what to do. I can’t help her if I am unaware of what’s wrong.

My anger dissipates when I hear Maria’s voice yelling at someone about finding Liz Parker.

I hear a male voice say, “Maria, its Evans now.” That must be Alex.

I follow the sounds of their voices, and am soon confronted with my four closest friends harassing a timid nurse.

If I wasn’t so aggravated, I might find the situation comical.

Who would have ever imagined that I would see my dear sister walking the halls of a hospital in her wedding gown.

But there she is, looking just as anxious as everyone else. As though she can feel my eyes on her, she turns to face me.

“Max,” she says coming towards me. I am quickly enveloped in her arms.

“Where’s Liz?” Michael asks.

“She’s in surgery,” I say. “Where’s Mum and Dad?

“They stayed behind to say goodbye to the guests. And they are looking after cancelling everything for the reception,” says Alex.

And I can’t help the guilt I feel at this statement. We’ve managed to ruin my sister’s wedding day.

“It’s fine,” she says as though she can tell what I’m thinking. “Did you really think I’d miss the birth of my first niece or nephew?”

I guess not. This whole situation is so mixed up.

“Do you know what’s going on?” Maria asks.

“No idea,” I say, hanging my head in my hands. “No one is telling me anything,”

“Let me see what I can find out,” Alex says walking away. His next door neighbour is a nurse at this hospital.

I walk back to the waiting area I was sitting in before.

Suddenly I realise I haven’t even called Liz’s parents. They are in Italy at the moment, but Jeff took his mobile with him.

“Maria, can you call Liz’s parents?” I ask.

“Sure,” she says. “Do you need anything else? Some coffee?”

A punching bag would be good right about now, but I respond, “Sure. That would be nice. Thanks.”

“She’ll be fine Max,” Isabel says.

I am really grateful for her support, but I need more than just empty words.

Liz is my other half. I don’t know what I would do if something were to happen to her.

And let’s not forget about my baby. We decided not to find out the sex of the baby as we want it to remain a surprise.

I’ve been looking forward to being a father for so long, and since Liz became pregnant my excitement levels have been sky high.

I send out a prayer to protect my unborn child.

We spend hours in that waiting room. Alex is unable to find out any information but maintains that no news is good news.

When I finally think that my patience has reached breaking point and I am about to barge through the operating room doors myself, consequences be damned, a doctor in scrubs comes out.

I can hear Michael mutter, “Thank god,” under his breath.

“Mr Evans?” he asks.

“That’s me,” I say standing up. “Is Liz okay? What about the baby?”

“I’m happy to say that you are now the father of a healthy baby girl.”

As he continues to explain some details of the surgery in medical jargon, I can only focus on that fact.

I am a father.

I have a baby girl.

It’s unbelievable.

In my excitement I overlook asking about Liz. I quickly ask the doctor, “What about my wife?”

As he turns to look at me, and I hold my breath apprehensively awaiting his response.
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Post by cassie »

AN: Thanks for all the feedback. Last part now. Merry Christmas !
chank_girl: :twisted: Thanks
Natalie36: Thanks
roswell3053: Thanks. You'll find out whether you need to retract the statement below.

Maria POV:

After the doctor explains that Liz is also fine, we all relax.

Max was up off his seat and into Liz’s hospital room, as soon as the doctor uttered the words.

I have never seen a more devoted husband than him.

I’m so glad that the day turned out okay.

Now all the commotion is catching up with us.

We all slump in the waiting room seats as we wait till we are able to see Liz.

Isabel is snuggled up in Alex’s arm; her gown slightly torn at the bottom.

They present such a serene couple. He’s running his finger through her hair. Her elaborate hairdo is ruined, but Isabel doesn’t seem to mind at all.

Next to them Michael sits, perched on his seat awkwardly. But he too looks relieved at the good news.

I take a moment to study him.

He’s certainly not what I expected, after hearing Max talk about him.

Maybe all those years abroad have softened him, making him more approachable. He certainly knows what to do in a situation when under pressure.

And I like that he doesn’t seem to conform to society’s expectation. His hair can only be deemed a wild jungle, and he’s wearing a hooded jumper. Not usually what one would consider being wedding apparel.

He sees me watching him, and instead of looking annoyed or looking away, he winks at me.

This startles me, and causes me to blush before looking down.

Me, blush.

I don’t think I’ve ever done that before.

I’ve always been more of the pursuer than the one being pursued.

Perhaps that means that this relationship, if it even gets that far, will be different from the rest.

After some time we are allowed in to see Liz, albeit only for a couple of minutes.

“Oh, Lizzie. You had me so worried,” I say when I’m finally by her side.

I don’t know what I would do without my best friend. We’ve been friends for so long, it’s hard to imagine my life without her in it.

Liz has been there for me through every one of my failed relationships, my career achievements and shopping sprees.

I try not to hug her too hard, but I need to feel her, to make sure she is okay. She looks so pale.

“I’ll be okay,” she says. “Nothing a bit of good rest won’t cure.”

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” I say, becoming a bit teary.

She reaches out and squeezes my hand softly. “There’s plenty of years in me yet,” she says.

“And where is that beautiful niece of mine?” Isabel demands.

“Right here,” says Max coming in to the room, with a small bundle in his hands.

Although she was born over four weeks early, she has been breathing normally, so the doctors don’t want to hook her up to a ventilator yet.

“Gimme,” Isabel demands.

She takes her into her arms, and begins to softly coo.

“So, any name yet?” Alex enquires.

Max and Liz share one of their special glances before Liz responds. “I’d like to introduce you to Michelle Claudia Evans.”

“Michelle?” Michael questions.

“Yes,” Max replies. “I know that we haven’t been so close while you were away, but now that you’re back I hope that you’ll be a permanent part of our family.”

As Max says those words, Michael sends me a searching look.

I can’t say that I’m opposed to that idea.

Finally I get a chance to hold the baby.

As I envelop Michelle in my arms, I can’t help but be amazed by this miracle. She’s all snuggled up in her blanket. And her skin is so soft, but red. She looks beautiful.

She’s the perfect mixture of Max and Liz, with a few tuffs of lightish brown hair and slender fingers.

Michael comes up beside me to catch a glance of the baby.

I can almost see us in the future, in the same stance, with a child of our own.

Taking a chance, I reach for his hand, and entwine my fingers in his.

He looks up surprised, but then comments, “She’s beautiful.”

“She’s perfect,” I respond.

And so is this moment.

This is certainly a Christmas to remember.