Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by SarahWhitman »

THANKS! Now I REALLY can't wait to get off work and go home.. ;) :lol:
p.s. Any countdown to Jason-goodness is NEVER a sad thing! ;)
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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by StarJet »

DreamerM&L wrote:Well!! i have good news!! I finally found Region 2 Jason Behr DVDS and I am so gonna order them.. but i have to wait till my exams are finished cuz then Im gonna be distracted :D
But they have D-War and The Tattooist on http://www.play.com so im hoping they have more of his movies coming out soon

Im so excited!! :lol: :oops:
Maybe you girls are watching movies like D-War to look at Jason Behr, but I, as a guy, watched that movie and I think it's pretty pointless. :(
Now don't think I'm bashing him or anything, coz he's one of my favourite actors. But the movie itself was just crap. What do you people think? To me it kinda looks rushed and in the end, it doesn't explain anything at all. :?
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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by DreamerM&L »

Well i have not seen either of the films as of yet but I heard that D-War has gotten some pretty harsh reviews. I've seen a little bit of the Tattooist and that looks quite interesting However D-war does not seem to be that good and i think that is mainly due to the plot line. I think he just needs to choose better roles and maybe do one big Blockbuster hit movie to get himself recognized cuz so far apart from the grudge there are no other films of his that have been released in the cinema here in the U.K.
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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by SarahWhitman »

Personally I DO watch those movies for Jason, I won't lie. I don't really care much for the movies themselves, no. I don't think they're very entertaining plot-wise, but I haven't seen them all yet so I shouldn't really judge. But, yeah, I watch for Jason! :)
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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by RonaldoC »

Does anyone know when the release date for FROST is in the UK? It looks kinda interesting...
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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by Skynet »

StarJet wrote:Maybe you girls are watching movies like D-War to look at Jason Behr, but I, as a guy, watched that movie and I think it's pretty pointless. :(
Now don't think I'm bashing him or anything, coz he's one of my favourite actors. But the movie itself was just crap. What do you people think? To me it kinda looks rushed and in the end, it doesn't explain anything at all. :?

Right there with you!! I LOVE Jason and all...but damn, I went nearly cross eyed with rolling my eyes :roll: at the plot of the move.
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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by Jbehrbabe »

I'm going to have to agree about D-Wars. Yawnfest. It was so cheesy and the plot didn't have a flow at all. But Jason was hot, even with that ugly outfit.
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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by behrluv32 »

not that this is news or anything but i was still up at like 4 or 5 am and i was watching cnn (again just because) but they started making all these d-wars references in regards to obama and mccain and the political campaign they even showed jason a couple of times, I just thought it was funny.

and i did see d-wars and can say it wasn't as awful a movie as some say. d-wars was just pointless, you'll understand when it come to the end. i got to the end and was like huh? what? all of that happened and thats it? that all these pple died and thats it? some dont like how jason saves the day but to me it was very Indiana Jones like dont look into the bright light and you wont die type of a thing just let the bad guys die. in d-wars you wait for something to happen and then it just doesnt. it was also like 30 minutes was missing in the middle too (where that kiss b/w jason and that grl came from was weird and unexpected when they seemingly met like 2seconds b4) and the story within a story within a story was confusing but i think (not that it matters much bc its over) that with a different director piecing together the movie differently it would have been a good movie or at the very least a hell of a lot better. the acting over all wasn't bad and you do see what they were going for with the story, but i think it had a lost in translation thing b/w the writers and the director. it had to be written one way and the cast had to have read it thinking it would look the way the writers wrote it but when it was pieced together it became this seemingly plotless piece of work. all that said ive put too much effort into explaining away this movie so im done.

i do own d-wars though just bc jason is in it like i own that very bad movie shiri was in like a decade ago lets make a deal- or something like that- what can i say im a fan of the roswell bunch. I also own "Shriek..." (its funny damn it)i own swim fan even if i did not like the ending the movie was pretty good overall and child star even if brendan was in it for like 20 minutes it was still a good movie. i love the actors in roswell from the parents to the kids to even a few of the miscellaneous characters and i will buy their work to at least try it out as most fans do with actors they like; some of it i love, some i like, and some i will have watched just that one time and leave in my dvd collection to collect dust, but i will always try and support in whichever way i can.
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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by kyliemou »

How is D-Wars in reference to Obama and McCain? *so confused*

I own so many Roswell/Jason/Shiri items too. I have all the books, a few magazines with the celebs, the necklace (2 of them), a keychain (2 of them), some posters, the bumper sticker (I think I have like 10 of them), trading cards and its binder, and the full uncut pilot (more than just the scene with Shiri and Majandra in the back of the Crashdown). I would really like to get the shirts one day.

Jason's: D-Wars, Shooting Livien, Skinwalkers (which I got jipped on because I thought it was the unrated version. Anyone have it?), Sherman Oaks (tv), Rites of Passage, Happily Ever After, The Tattooist, The Shipping News, and a bunch of his tv appearances. I'm eagerly waiting for his movie, Frost, to come out on DVD. I saw it and thought it was amazingly good because he looked delicious in it.

Shiri's: The Killing Floor, Havoc, I-See-You.Com, Movie Stars (tv), Pizza My Heart, Charlie Wilson's War, What Love Is, Thrill of the Kill, I'm Reed Fish, When Do We Eat, Darklight, Undertow, The Battle of Shaker Heights, Swimfan, A Time For Dancing, and a bunch of her tv appearances. I want Everything You Want and Deal of A Lifetime.

Majandra's: both of her CDs. I think I used to have Shriek, but I lost it. I really want Celeste in the City though.

Honestly, most of Jason's stuff aren't that great. Laughable and completely B-movie like, but I watch them for him. I mean, who can resist his sexy arms in Skinwalkers? Or his naked chest in Rites of Passage, Skinwalkers, and the Tattooist? Who can resist him acting like a black guy in Sherman Oaks (this made me LOL so hard)? In Frost, he's semi-shirtless but makes out a lot too, and there's one scene of his *cough*fun package*cough* that was very prominent.
Same goes for Shiri, though I did like Pizza My Heart only because it was so typical of ABC Family movies.
When I saw Majandra on Quarterlife, no matter how much I loved her, her character was soooo annoying.
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Re: Jason Behr (Max Evans) News

Post by behrluv32 »

it was something about taking it to the dragons or acting like dragons (whatever that means) i 4get...and its that deal of a lifetime movie that i have u can get it for like just the shipping and handling fee off of amazon i paid like $3 total or less it's really bad like bad bad i couldnt make it to the end and i was watching it w/some1 that was ready to kill me for making them watch so much so yeah there u have it i never had much of a will to see the ending any how
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