First impressions:(CC 9-1-08 Adult)part 6.5 (WIP)

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First impressions:(CC 9-1-08 Adult)part 6.5 (WIP)

Post by AshleyNichol »

First impressions
A Pride and Prejudice Story
Title: First impressions: A Pride and Prejudice Story
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.
Pairings/Couples/Category:M/M, L/Ma, I/A, K/T
Rating:Adult (eventually)
Summary: Pride and Prejudice candy style.

I was woken early by Liz’s singing. I was upset that my parents made us all live together. I mean we had a

two-bedroom apartment for my sisters and myself. That’s a lot to ask of four girls ranging from age 18 to 20 Liz is

the youngest at 18 this is her first year in college and we just moved in two days ago so she’s a little home sick.

Next is Tess. She is also 18, her and Liz are twins but we all forget it, they look and act so different. Liz is a very

quiet and refinde brunnette and Tess is very blonde and sassy. But when together theyre very outgoing. Next there’s

me and I’m 19. And lastly there is Isabel, at 20 she’s kind of the sence of the house she’s level and trys to keep the

rest of us in line. As Liz continude to sing down the hallway my alarm went off. Tonight was going to be the first

party of the year and everyone one was buzzing about it because aparently a rather some rather famous guys were

going to attend out school and they’d be making there first apperence.

“ Liz? Can you keep it down?” I went to my door and yelled at her.

“Sorry it’s jut Maxwell Evens is going to be her in a matter of hours! Oh Ria, I'm so excited!!!”

“Yeah yeah. Who’s all coming again?” it was quite funny to see her freak out about this, it’s been going on for a month.

“Only Max Evans, Alex Whitman and Michael Guerin!”

“Right and who are they?” I honestly never rememberd.

“ They’re the new stars of ‘What it’s all about’”

“Right how could I have forgotten” I laughed, she looked at me like ‘how could you have forgoten’

“So are you going to the kegger tonight for them?” Liz was gitty as ever

“Well I am now, gotta make sure you’re ok.” She rolled her eyes.

“Then you should get ready.” Wow I hope tonight goes well….


This is really just a teaser chapter if you like please give feedback so I know to continue it.
Last edited by AshleyNichol on Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:20 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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First impressions:(M/M L/Ma, I/A, K/TAdult) part 2

Post by AshleyNichol »

We were all dressed to kill tonight, I'm not quite sure why I am I have no real want to go to this but Liz has been dying for at least the past week. We arived at charlston house before the ‘guest of honors’ did. Liz and Tess were practally planning there lives with the famous men.
“I think that Alex and I will have two kids.” Tess replied to Liz’s irrational question about the number of kids they might have.
“Really? I think Max wants four…” she replied dreamily.
“Um guys I think your “future husbans” are about to arrive, you don’t want them hearing about your wedding plans quite yet.” I giggled at them
“Ok girls try to be a little bit responcible tonight after the last time Liz I think you sould watch how much you drink.” Isabel said refuring to Liz’s drunk atntics at the last big party, which included dancing on a table in front of a bunch of guys while Tess followed suit.
“Right.” We all chimed in. Liz and Tess went stright for the drinks, oblivious to Isabel’s hinting.
“Oh well at least I tried. Keep an eye on them ok?” she looked defeated. I had to laugh.
“Sure thing Iz.” She went to do her own thing on the dance floor. Then they arrivied. I didn’t get a good look as all the girls in the visinity seemd to have crowded that area at the exact time. Go figure, but I did asume they all had matching jackets of some sort. Really they must of looked obsured. As I made my way to the punch bowl I bumped into some one and I looked up it was one of ‘them’. Alex I think
“Oh… sorry.” He had a nice voice, I had never heard it before. I had just seen a few pictures. I looked beside him and saw Isabel. She seemed to not know who he was.
“ What?. Oh. No, it was my falt entirerly, aren’t you….?”
“Yeah, but don’t tell anyone, were all trying to down play our status and just fit in here.” He smiled “besides I don’t think this lovely girl knows who I am, he jestured to Isabel.
“Well she happends to be my sister.” I was kind of upset he hadn’t planned to tell Iz who he was.
“Oh. Well that comment must have sounded a little brash, its just our rooms here aren’t going to work and we need a place to stay for a while.”
“So you were going to ask my sister because she doesn’t know who you are?” I was a little confused
“Well, yeah. The problem is were in stevenson hall. It’s a coed dorm and people are were all over us earilier and we can’t really live like that and be able to foucus on school, so we need a place to stay out of the public eye. Somewere were we wouldn’t be looked for”
“ Oh hey Maria.” Isabel finaly noticed that I was there, she seemed to be talking to another one of the guys, he was tall and very hot well more sexy, he had meduim langth shaggy dark brown hair that went in his eyes, and he was wering a… Metallica shirt? “ Ok Ria?”
“What?” Oh I must have trailed off thinking “ Oh what?”
“So I figured that it was ok if they stayed for a little while,Tess and Liz will be so happy.”
“Ok we’ll you’re the head of the house so sure. I’ll go get the other girls and we can hed there now.
“Ok I’ll help.” Isabel chimed and we set off for the other girls. It wasn’t that hard they were at the back of the mob that was at the door that thought that they men would be ariving shortly.
“Hey, have we got a surprise for you.”
“What?” Liz yelled, over all of the screaming girls. “Not now!!!! They’re going to be here soon!”
“Yeah!” Tess shreekd.
“Trust us, you’ll thank us in about three minutes.” Isabel smerked. They looked confused, so we drug them out back. As we left through the back entrence we heard the boys talking.
“I like Isabel she seems so sweet” Alex said. Isabel smiled
“Yeah well she seems nice. Her sister though, man she looks like a handful. What’s her name?”
“You mean Maria? No she seemed cool Michael/”
“Whatever you say.” I let my grin falter and Isabel looked at me concerned. I smiled and as we rounded the corner I looked as if we haden’t heard a word. Because Michael Guerin hated me.

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Re: First impressions:(M/M L/Ma, I/A, K/TAdult) part 2

Post by AshleyNichol »

Hey everyone! I would like to say thank you for reading this, I'm putting a lot of heart into this buy combining two of my favorite things Jane Austin and Roswell.

Heres a shout out to readers who wanted more thank you:
and I would love more feedback guys thanks again for reading! :D

When we arived at are appartment they boys looked shocked. I guessed they must have figured since we’re girls that we’re all clean and dandy with keeping up the appartment. But the flat looked like a locker room sometimes.

“Sorry about the mess guys. Didn’t think that we’d be having company.” Isabel smiled at Alex, who seemed not to even notice the mess he was to busy admiring Iz.

“Ya we could have had our maid come right over?” I said sarcastically, Isabel shot me a mean glare.

“You have a maid?” Michael looked at me in astonishment. I had to hold back my laughter.

“ No, we don’t. I was being sarcastic, and aparently ironic.”

“Oh. We don’t have a maid.”

“Really how ever do you manage?”

“Well we have someone come in once a month, but I’d hardly call her a maid.”

He scowled at me, which sent me into a fit of giggles. Isabel was fuming at this point.

“I’ll show you to your rooms guys.”

I say as a peace offering to Isabel, she half smiled and I nodded in return. As we walked past Liz and Tess’s room they ran into it. They said they didn’t want the boys to see them until they had time to “prepare”. I had to laugh Alex and Michael just shook their heads like they have had this problem before.

“Well guys this is your stop.” We stopped in front of the guestroom and they looked in.
“Theres only one bed.” Michael said in shock like we expected Alex and him to share the bed.

“Well Isabel figured that one of you could sleep on the floor.” I smiled at Michael.

“I'm sure we’ll manage.” And with that they went into the room and Michael slamed the door in my face.
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Re: First impressions:(M/M L/Ma, I/A, K/T 7/1/08 Adult) part 3

Post by AshleyNichol »

Hey everyone sorry it took so long for a update, I've been sick. :( Feedback would be great I'm hoping this will become one of the big stories :mrgreen:


Maria was anything but polite. As she walked us to our room I did come to the conclusion that she was quiet beautiful. As she walked I noticed that she bit her nails, kinda an annoying habit if you ask me. After some tiresome banter I banter I shut the door in her face. She was getting under my skin and fast. When Alex and I were talking earlier I said the only thing that I could think of that sounded… well like I had no interest. Which I'm not sure if I do, I mean I find myself more intrigued by her by the second. I have only known her for a few hours but I find that we may need to keep our distance from these girls.
The next morning I wake up to the sound of giggling
“Ugh. Don’t girls ever get tired of us?”
“Well I hope Isabel doesn’t. I think I may really like her.” Alex gets this dopey grin on his face and I realize he’s gone for.
“So Kyle and Max arrive today.” I said changing the subject, my mind slowly drifting to Maria. I shake it off.
“Huh? Oh ya well I wonder how they’ll be able to act around four attractive girls.” I wonder if Max of Kyle will like her….
“Attractive, four? I thought the idea of Maria put you off.” Not that I’d care if either of them did, damn Alex is still talking.
“Maria you said you didn’t like her.” I never said that, well she did seem to be a handfull, giving out all these vibes. Heh she’s a real vibrator…. Wait huh?

“ I said she seems like a handful. She probaly just hasn’t gotten a good lay in a while.”

“Or ever…. Man how can you even think like that?”

he said it with a chuckle so I knew that he was joking, he’s right though I do have kind of a bad reputation when it comes to women. It’s not that I don’t respect them, it’s just that when you’ve hooked up with as many fans as I have all girls seem to become the same. I think that that’s my problem, maybe that’s why she got under my skin. Its not that I’m attracted to her, she’s just not the normal girl or adoring fan I meet.

“Well anyway they should be here soon, did you give them the right address and tell them to get a car that would blend?” I had to laugh because Kyle and Max liked to do things flashy so the car they chose wouldn’t be anything less.

“ Yeah, but do you think they’ll drive a crappy girl car? I mean how else are they gonna blend”

“I don’t know. Dude we should get up” I groaned that idea was far from my mind, even though the floor was uncomfortable .

“Yeah you’re right.”

“Yeah, what do you think they’ll do when they meet the girls, hit on them right away or...?” I hoped Max wouldn’t like Maria, he always did like blonde's. I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier when I brought it up.... crap

“well Max will go for Maria, Isabel or Tess, so I'm thinking Kyle will want Liz. Not that it matters I over heard Liz and Tess talking when I went to the bathroom, and Liz likes Max, who knows maybe she’ll be the one. And Tess is completely hung up on me which could be a problem because I want Isabel.” Alex sighed and I laughed.

“No one wants poor old me.” My mind slipped to Maria hoping that Max doesn’t want her,
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Re: First impressions:(M/M L/Ma, I/A, K/T 7/19/08 Adult) part 5

Post by AshleyNichol »

Mid morning we heard a knock on the door, I knew that we were expecting more people but I was kinda bummed about it. But I got up and in my pj’s answerd the door. I was greeted by two more attractive men, but I just didn’t care. After hearing Michaels comment aobut me I just felt rotten, but I guess I’ll have to put up with it because Isabel thinks that we should invite them clubing so I have to go. But maybe I’ll hook up with one of the other one’s, oh well.
The Beat was basting everyone was there but it was cool because it was all people that were there didn’t know or didn’t care who the boys that have come with us are. When we got there I just kind of staid back in the shadows looking for more people Isabel was with Alex, Tess was with Kyle Max was with Liz oddly enough and Michael was talking to some girl named Courtney who was a friend of Kyle’s family. I moved out from the shadows when I noticed that Courtney was waving me over, I was a little stunned Michael looked absolutely mortifide. I walked over too them and I extended my hand.
“ Hey I’m Maria, you must be Courtney.”

I smiled a little intimidated by her, even though I shouldn’t be. She didn’t reach her hand out she just smiled.

“ Well aren’t you cute? Yes I am Courtney. Well I have a problem here.” Just then Isabel bumped in to me oh I love this song she squeeled and grabed Alex and started singing.

“ She’s got electic boots and Mohair suits”
“you know I read it in a magaziiiine ohhhhhhh” he sang back

“B-b-b-Bennie and the Jetsssssss” they sang together, I had to laugh as they walked off . Its only day two and they’re acting like they’ve known eachother forever.

“ Anyway uhhum, I would like it if Michael danced with you”

“well that’s sort of an odd request don’t you think?” she looked at me amused

“ I heard that you were an amazing dancer.”

“Really? From who?” I was kinda mad Michael was just standing there.

“ Your sister Liz was just chatting Max’s ear off about you.” Michael tensed I wonder what that was about. “ anyway she said that you love to sing and that you’re an amazing dancer.”

“oh well.” I didn’t know what to say. Just then Sad but true came on.

“I love this song.” Michael said it at the same time I did.

“weird. Well no good you two go dance!”

I shruged and grabed Michael’s arm. When we got to the center of the floor it turned around against him and started to sway my hips . I always thought that the song had a great dirty dancing quality, he moved slightly back against me and I felt this electric rush. I felt his hands around my waist so I leaned into him more. I felt my self start to get hot like my body wanted more of his touche, but then he stilled. I wasn’t quite sure what was happening, a guy walked over to us he started to speak but Michael spun me around and kissed me before he said a word.after he was done I noticed that the guy had gone.

“ Um do you want to explain that to me” I gasped, only thinking of the swelling of my lips and the fire that was slowly burning though my body.

“I uh” he looked up and glanced around “ I gotta go get some air”

I freaked out and relised what he just did, no one could see that because it would cause trouble. And he hated me, there was that thought too. I mean he didn’t even want one mesly dance with me. I decided to go to the bathroom to compose myself.

As I steped outside I couldn’t shake the warm feeling away. It was bad enough that I started to get hard before I kissed her. God! I fucking kissed her what was I thinking I mean I've never gotten jeleaous before. When that guy came up I knew exactly what he wanted I wouldn’t be supprised if half of the guys here wanted that from her. She beautiful, with her full pouty lips and the way she dances. Uh fuck it was going to be a long night
Last edited by AshleyNichol on Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First impressions:(M/M L/Ma, I/A, K/T 7/19/08 Adult) pt6

Post by AshleyNichol »

As I stepped outside I couldn’t shake the warm feeling away. It was bad enough that I started to get hard before I kissed her. God! I fucking kissed her what was I thinking I mean I've never gotten jeleaous before. When that guy came up I knew exactly what he wanted I wouldn’t be supprised if half of the guys here wanted that from her. She beautiful, with her full pouty lips and the way she dances. Uh fuck it was going to be a really long night

I went outside I couldn’t stay inside, not after that. God my body is still tingly from that kiss. I figured that I could be alone that but I was wrong. Michael was outside talking to Courtney, fuck. She was to blame for this I can't believe what’s happening, I mean three days ago my life was normal. Now I am falling fore Hollywood’s man slut? No, this could not be real.
“Hey, Mariah right?”

“It’s Maria.” Michael said coldly. I wonder if there was something going on there. Hmmm.

“ Yeah.” I glanced at Michael and he looked away.

“Well I was going to ask you another favor. See I'm having this party for our arrival and I’d like it if you could escort Michael. I know that its asking a lot but he doesn’t have a date and he’s going to be the only one alone and I know he hates that.” She winked and Michael and he flinched.

“Ummm I don’t know if he’d want me to, but sure.” I looked at him and he turned away again.

“Oh I'm sure he won’t mind, he doesn’t want to look like a loser. Plus you guys seem to have chemistry.”

“ Yeah ok……”

“ Maria, I don’t want to make you go.”

“ No, it’s fine. My sisters are most likely going with your friends so I’d like to have a date.”

“Ok….. tha-” Courtney quickly interrupted him.

“Then it’s settled then.” She skipped off. I turned to Michael.
“ what was that all about?” he shrugged.

“I don’t know she’s weird like that sorry. You don’t have to go with me if you don’t want to, I’d feel bad. I-I-I mean I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.

“No it’s ok I’d love to go.” And with that I walked away.

My blood was still boiling from when Maria danced with me then Courtney came up.

“Listen asshole I'm not into threesomes so you can just forget about your little crush on the ‘Girl-next-Door’. Hmmm or should I say the girl a bedroom over?”

“What the fuck do you want Courtney? What was that little stint in there about?” she just grined that menicing grin.

“Baby I think your in for a bumpy ride.”

“Don’t you try a fucking thing.”

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Mikey babe what would Mummy say to that language? Relax I'm not going to do anything to her. I just needed to see what I'm up against. Besides I basically own you.”

“Whatever, you don’t that was a long time ago. We’ve all moved on. I'm not even attracted to you anymore. Don’t you get it?”

“ Michael you failed. Your ass is mine until you can pay me back.” I slumped down a little when I saw Maria. I can't believe that I'm this attracted to someone. Courtney started talking when she came over. Courtney was trying to freak Maria out. I couldn’t let her find out about my past.
Because Happily-Ever-After Doesn't Always Happen