A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, 08.26 [COMPLETE]

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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P14+14a,06.27.08

Post by uw51 »

and her POV...

15a, Isabelle talks about the showdown POV
Oh boy, this confession business is a lot more difficult than I thought possible, really. I just hope that the saying ‘confession is good for the soul’ really applies because I can use all the help in that department. So, before I start, I’d like to emphasise that I’m not that girl anymore and I hope you will believe me. I needed many many sittings with our prison shrink to understand that even I am not all bad, that even I deserved a second chance, and the hardest thing to come to term with was that I too was a victim. Oh, don’t worry, I’m not comparing myself to Liz, but I had to learn to understand that I – the master of manipulation and ruthlessness – had been manipulated by the grandmaster, by Zan. That was truly hard to swallow, because so far I had been convinced that I had always been in control of my life. And the more I slid into the dependency of drugs, the more convinced I was that I was still in control and of course I could stop anytime I wished.

I should’ve started to realise that things weren’t as they seemed when some of my girlfriends suddenly dropped me like a hot potato. Well, it wasn’t really suddenly, they tried their best to make me see reason and stop with the drugs, even though they had no idea just how much I was consuming. Once they realised that there was no talking to me about seeking help, they withdrew and I thought good riddance.

You know, I wasn’t just manipulative and all that, no I was also a great actress, so I was able to cover my tracks quite believingly. Of course today I know that I wouldn’t have been able to keep up my pretence much longer, but that’s beside the point!

Well, with all that off my chest, I’ll just start telling you the story of how everything came apart. Also, I’ll let you know how I was thinking in those days. I can tell you that you’ll see very quickly that I was one very screwed up chick, I mean, well; you’ll see what I’m talking about.

I think the best place to start my story would be with the last ultimatum my father gave me. So, here it goes…
Oh, oh, one more thing, I just decided to tell you my side of everything that happened in my old and sarcastic views because that was exactly how it used to be for me. I was spoiled and uncaring of others feelings and in time I even ignored my own sense of right and wrong, because getting my drugs became more important than anything else. It pushed out all sense of respect – for others and myself. I realise this isn’t a pretty picture I’m painting, but that is exactly how I used to be. So, if I want to truly change and repent my past sins, I can’t afford to whitewash them now.

Of course I tell you everything from my new point of view, but I’m afraid I couldn’t explain my actions very well, because looking back I have to say I don’t understand myself, I mean, I don’t understand how I could’ve done all the bad things I’ve done.

So, please, keep that in mind when you hear my thoughts about my past. I’m not that person any longer and I’m working very hard to NOT repeat my past misdeeds. I think that’s all I have to say to my situation, now I want to get on with my story…
After things with Tess didn’t work out - I’m sure you remember how her dad showed up making a big scene – Zan and his friends decided to lay low for a while. After he made sure I had a big enough stash of my little ‘pick-me-up’s’ they returned to a more discreet college life and left me to my own devices. I really don’t know what they did during that time. Then they decided to change college for the last two years and went back east.

For me college became a way to pass my time and to keep my dad happy because he started to make all kinds of noises that I didn’t appreciate at all. Noises like, I should start to live more seriously, be more responsible, yadda, yadda, yadda! You surely know the spiel, maybe you’ve even heard it a time or two yourself. My biggest aspirations then were to become an ‘IT’ girl and party my life away. I started to rely on ‘pick-me-ups’ more and more and every time I called Zan, he stocked up my stash.

Anyway, I really went overboard, I mean I really went overboard and my dad wasn’t happy with me, not at all! I received the shock of my life when I found out that my crocodile’s tears weren’t working on my dad any longer. My mom had seen through me quite a while before, but my dad just couldn’t believe that his little princess could be capable of such deceit and dishonesty.

So, on a beautiful Sunday in July of 2004 my dad ordered me home. Of course I was decked out accordingly, you know, like a real good girl with no ulterior motives. When I got there, my mom just greeted me calmly and disappeared; that was a new one, she’d never done that before. Also, I had seen Max’s car in the driveway but he was nowhere around. I can tell you, my brain started to work overtime. If I had ever invested as much time in my studies as I invested in my manipulations, I could’ve been valedictorian at Harvard, really.

At this point I was still conceited enough to be convinced that all I had to do was shed a few tears, especially since it looked like I would be alone with my dad. After I greeted him like a good daughter I could see that he wasn’t as impressed as he usually was. Quite to the contrary, he ordered me to sit down and be quiet because now he was the one doing all the talking. After a moment I started to shed a tear or two, which didn’t impress him. Then I really started on the waterworks but he calmly told me to stop it, because my mascara started to run and I looked like a panda, except not as cute.

That one shocked me right out of my tears. Let me tell you that had never ever happened before, honestly! Of course I had to check up on my makeup and grabbed my little mirror from my purse, but dad would have none of that. He said I should leave things alone, that I might look much worse before he was done with me. THAT was an eye-opener, I was flabbergasted, speechless, and I almost fainted. The summarization of it all was, I had to move home, I had to study – he would have somebody control everything, I had to work for my allowance, and most of all, I had to find new friends, no more contact with my ‘in crowd’ whatsoever!

Well, when I heard the word ‘work’ I started to cry, I mean to study was bad enough, but work, I mean WORK! I really didn’t understand why he was being so mean, he had enough money, in fact more than he ever used anyway. So, really, why did he expect me to work? And then give up my good friends? My apartment? I can tell you I started to cry in earnest but he just looked at me and he seemed bored, bored, can you believe it!

After a while I had to do some damage control and agreed to his terms. Of course I already started to think of ways to go around his rules and stipulations. Anyway, I tearily asked him who I could see if I had to cut my friends, I mean, a girl needs friends, right? Apparently that was where Max came in. My dad informed me that he had been able to convince my younger brother to give me a chance and help me change my ways by taking me along on his outings with his friends. Max being Max agreed. To be honest, he and his friends were really very nice to me. But in those days I was just too snobby and spoiled to recognise that fact. I just thought that they would do for a while because of course they weren’t as much fun as my friends were, not by a long shot. What was more important right that moment was, to do anything to get me back into my dad’s goods graces. So, I decided to hang out with Max and his unsophisticated friends for a while, they were just a means to get what I wanted.

Max and his friends had this thing where once a month one of the group arranged a surprise outing. They planned the whole thing and then let the others in the group know when, where and if necessary what to wear. We actually did quite a few very nice things, like one time we went to see the ‘Gila Cliff Dwellings’ or we visited the ‘White Sands Resort’, well, I’m sure you get the picture. And then it was my turn…

To understand what followed you have to know that about two months before it was my turn to organise an outing, I had accidentally discovered Liz Parker’s whereabouts. It doesn’t really matter how I discovered them, only that I did. She was with some people and she seemed so happy and carefree that it really galled me, you know, here I was under tight parental observation being treated unfairly, and she was having a good time, it just didn’t seem fair. By then I already knew of these outings and I was determined to shake up little Lizzy Parke’rs life. You know, I couldn’t see any kid around that could’ve been hers, so I figured that my brother Zan had been right all along, she just tried to get his blood type or something like that.

Well, if she thought she could spread lies about Zan having a kid just to get him – she had another thing coming. I found out where she lived and worked, never even thought about finding out if any kids existed or not. First I wanted to inform Zan, but at the time I was sort of mad at him for leaving me behind while he and his friends were off doing god knew what. Something else that irritated me about that girl was that she had left a lasting impression on Max. All his girlfriends, and there weren’t that many – looked like her, like little Lizzy Parker. Like good girls, like boring good girls. Well, I wanted to make sure my little brother got to see how she really was. I mean working in a diner? Wearing that uniform? And she was supposed to be a genius? Well, let me tell you, I was all geared up to give somebody a big surprise!
So, on January 30th 2005 I decided that the time had come to set my plans in motion. First I brought Max and his friends to visit the UFO-Museum. There was this crazy guy at the museum - his name was Brody Davies – and he was convinced that aliens had abducted him; can you believe that? We watched one of the movies he showed and honestly, how can anybody believe in aliens, I mean, really! But that was beside the point, the important thing was I wanted everybody to have some fun, and we did. We really had a blast and they all complemented me on my fabulous choice – if only they knew! By the time we left the museum my excitement was growing and growing, I had a hard time to stay calm; after all I didn’t want to give the surprise away, now did I?

I guided the group across the street towards the CrashDown where Liz worked. I knew she was working because I had made some very discreet inquiries as to her working schedules. You can believe me when I say that I had my fingers crossed in the hopes of everything going down according to my plans. I mean it wouldn’t do for Liz to suddenly change her routine, don’t you think? Really, I had spent so much time and effort on this little surprise; it just had to work out!

Well, once we entered the CrashDown I was disappointed because my target was nowhere to be seen. I just crossed my fingers a little harder and hoped a little stronger. I picked a table right smack in the middle of that cheesy diner – that coincidentally was in Liz’s section - after all, I was aiming for as big an audience as possible. Really, where would all the fun be otherwise?

I guess by now you all can tell that in those days I was really bad news. But if you think this has been bad so far, well, let me tell you, you’ll pretty soon be rethinking your opinion, honestly. Anyway, I just would like to add that today I just can’t imagine how I let things go that far out of hand. I mean, I was living in this bubble where I was all that counted. I had somehow convinced myself that I was the centre of everyone’s universe and as long as I was high, things worked out like a charm.

Em, where was I? Oh, yeah, the CrashDown… So, there we were, sitting in the middle of the diner, waiting for our waitress to show up. And show up she did. Actually, I saw Liz the moment she came through the swinging back door. She was smiling and talking with customers, like she had no care in the world. After a moment she approached our table and I was sooo surprised, really, everybody believed me. I could see the moment she realised just who sat at her table, she hesitated for just a moment. After that she became all professional and smiling handed us the menus and said her spiel of ‘hi, my name is Liz bla bla bla.’

Max hadn’t seen Liz’s come up to our table, but the moment he heard her voice his head swivelled so fast, it was in danger of spinning off. He just kept staring at her - open-mouthed - looking like an idiot. And Liz of course stared right back. It was amazing; really, they stared into each other’s eyes, like they had never done anything else.

The time had finally come; more precisely MY time had finally come. Coolly, I asked her, “Elisabeth Parker, fancy meeting you here! Are you really working in this diner, waiting on people?” Oh, this was great; I was enjoying my triumph to the fullest. Obviously I had rendered her speechless and I wanted to keep it that way, so I continued without giving her a chance to answer, “we all wondered what had happened to you, right Max? We were all convinced that you were headed towards greater places! What happened to Harvard?”

I could see that Max was starting to come out of his stupor and I happily continued, “really, Elisabeth, this is quite a come down. After all, your parents had such high hopes for you; Harvard was the next stop! So, how come you’re here?”

To my chagrin Liz wasn’t very cooperative and stayed irritatingly calm, after tearing her eyes away from my annoyingly love struck brother, she said coolly, “Isabelle, I don’t feel like talking to you about my private life. Can you please just order?” Of course I couldn’t, that would’ve been much too easy. I snapped, “are you suddenly too good to talk to me?” Max hissed, “shut up, Isabelle!” and he started to apologise to Liz.

That was the wrong thing for him to do, really, totally wrong. I said quite loudly, “no, Max, I really want to know. After all she’s spread all those stories about poor Zan. I think we deserve an explanation!” Well, the chit just looked at me and said, “I’m not going to discuss anything with you. I suggest that you either calm down and order or better yet, you leave!”

I didn’t think too much of both options and let her know it in no uncertain terms, “oh, no, you’re not getting off this lightly, after all you badmouthed my brother. So, talk!” Well, Liz started to bristle and coldly informed me, “you better leave now, unless you want a big scene on your hands. And let me tell you, this time you won’t win!” Max was confused; after all he never knew what had really happened all those years ago. Again, he told me to shut up and added that he would talk with me later.

I have to admit that if I had been as smart as I was conceited, I would’ve stopped right then and there. I could see the other customers staring at us and looking back I can tell those weren’t curious looks they were showering me with. I would’ve been well advised to get up and go, but as I said, I didn’t see it quite that way.

I figured I had to upgrade my taunting and attacked her, “I’m not going anywhere, Liz. I really want to know why you accused Zan of having a kid. I’ve been here in town a few times and never saw one with you. So, tell me, where is your little bastard?”

That didn’t seem to sit well with her. I could tell that I was finally pushing the right buttons but she still tried to play it down and ordered me out of the diner. I just laughed it off and smirked, “I was right, there is no little bastard, is there?” The next thing I knew was a stinging sensation across my cheek, boy, for being so small she has quite a wallop, it hurt, it really did. She bent down, put her face right into mine and hissed; “now you insulted the wrong person. Nobody calls my children any names. There’s only one bastard here and that’s you, Isabelle.”

Well, to my regret I found out that things didn’t work out the way I had envisioned them. I decided to cut my losses and tried to get up, but she stood in my way and didn’t budge. I tried to push her but all she did was push right back, and not too gently either I landed right back in my seat. “Liz, let me pass, I want to go, I don’t need to listen to your lies!”

By the set of Liz’s jaws I could see that now she was determined to continue this discussion. I had a brief moment where I wondered where the docile and sweet Liz had gone; really, she used to be so painfully shy. The Liz in front of me was anything but shy!

I started to get really pissed, I mean, really, who the hell did she think she was, huh? With the exception of her short stint at college, nobody had ever heard of Elisabeth Parker, whereas I was a well-known public person, I was the ‘Paris Hilton’ of the South West! That alone made it impossible for me to back down of the oncoming dispute. Sure, I had misjudged the Liz of today, but hey, she still was a nobody. I decided that now I would really teach her a lesson because noone slaps Isabelle Evans and gets away with it, noone!

Unfortunately Max started again to apologize to Liz and I didn’t like it any better than before. He was my brother, he was supposed to be on my side, wasn’t blood supposed to be thicker than…, in my anger I couldn’t remember what it was supposed to be thicker as! You see, I had all these warnings saying loud and clear to back paddle, apologize and leave, and I knew Liz would’ve accepted it; she’s not one for public scenes if she can avoid them.

Sadly, I have to say that the devil was whispering in my ears – yes in both of them – and I listened. Gearing up to give her the ‘coup de grace’ I became my most icily Ice Queen that I was able to pull off, and let me tell you, that usually put everybody in their place. Thus fortified I asked her coldly, “I didn’t want to talk about it, really I didn’t, but since you insist, I have to ask you, how can you be sure that Zan is the father? If I remember correctly you enjoyed the company of a whole bunch of guys that night. In fact, you couldn’t get enough, you even begged for more.”

Right that moment my idiot brother found his voice and he tried to stop me, “Isabelle, that’s enough, shut up and apologise, then we pack up and go!” Next he turned to Liz and told her that he had never believed the rumours that had made the rounds. Also, he said that he hoped that Liz wouldn’t hold my insults against him, because he most definitely didn’t think that way about her. He started to stammer in his haste to get into Liz’s good graces. In the end she interrupted his mumblings and let him know that she knew he wasn’t like that. With her next breath though, she informed Max that the time had come and - since I had started this confrontation – she would end it once and for all!

I didn’t like the sound of that, let me tell you! I never would’ve thought that little Lizzy Parker could sound so ominous, but she did, she really did. For a moment she fumbled for something in her wallet and after picking out some paper, she slapped it on the table in front of me and informed me, “all you need to do to know who his father is, is look at the picture and you’ll know!”

Well, what a shock that was, on that small picture were two little kids, the girl looked like Liz except she had blue eyes. The little boy, well, he was a dead wringer for Max, I mean, they couldn’t have been more identical if they had tried. He even had Max’s eye colour, that much identical they were! While I was staring at the picture, completely speechless by the turn of the events, Liz didn’t seem to have the same troubles.

After taking a deep breath she let me have it, “Isabelle, I have learned a lot in the past few years and one of the things I learned it to never let anybody get away with spreading lies about me or my family. So, I just want to clear up a very pertinent fact, I most definitely wasn’t enjoying all those men. I was raped by Zan and his friends and you…” “Raped!” I interrupted, doing damage control before things got away from me again, “raped? They have the whole night on tape and you were begging for more, begging! So, tell me, how can it be rape if you beg for it? Huh?” I was convinced that mentioning the tape was a stroke of genius on my part, that it would shut her up for sure.

”Hmm, tape? Which tape?” she asked me calmly, too calmly for my liking, “the one where I’m forced to beg or the one where Zan, Hank junior and the rest of the gang rape me for hours? In fact, if I remember correctly you’re on that tape too, aren’t you? It shows how you drag me into their ‘play-room’ and I’m completely out of my mind because of all the drugs you gave me. It also shows how you ‘helped’ me into bed and ‘prepared’ me for the boys.” By this time she was staring at me so coldly, I started to freeze. But it seemed that she wasn’t done yet, she continued, “or are you talking about the security tape from the Parkers’ front door? You know, the one where you can see and hear very clearly just how you brought me home in the early morning hours, lied to my parents, told them how I had left you at the party, gotten drunk and seduced all those boys? The tape that shows just how my own parents kick me out and how you refuse to help me?”

By now everybody on our table, heck in the whole diner, was staring at me like I was the devil incarnate. I realised that my time had just run out and I desperately tried to lie my way out of it, “I have no idea what you’re talking about, you must’ve confused me with somebody else. It’s true, you were drunk and that’s probably why you don’t have your story straight!” I tried to get up and coolly stated, “well, it was an experience meeting you, but now we have to go!”

As I said, I tried to get up, but that girl just didn’t budge, quite to the contrary, she looked around the diner, called somebody named Bones and told him to call somebody by the name of Jose. Then she turned around and calmly stated, “Isabelle Evans, I arrest you for drugging me and for helping Zan and his friends rape me!”

At first I thought she was joking and I started to laugh, I mean, have you ever heard something as ridiculous as that? But Liz didn’t crack a smile, quite the opposite actually. Then a man with tons of tattoos stepped next to her, looking at me like I was scum. Now I started to get worried, I looked around the diner and noticed for the first time that it had filled up to an almost bursting point and everybody was staring at me. That was the most unnerving experience I ever had, absolutely!

In my desperation I turned to Max and crying prettily begged him, “Max, you’re an attorney, tell them they can’t do that!” But Max wasn’t impressed, he looked at the picture of the two kids and I could see how sick he felt about the whole thing. He looked at me with so much contempt that I knew I couldn’t expect any help from him. In fact he went as far as moving away from our table, his friends followed him right away. There I was sitting in the middle of that damn diner in Liz’s section, and everybody was staring at me scornfully.

Some older woman came up to Liz and informed her that she had called somebody named Frank and told him that things were going down now and if he wanted to see it happening, he should get his butt over here, otherwise he’d miss all the action. They talked a bit longer, and then we could hear the sirens and I knew they were coming for me.

Suddenly the back door was thrown open and two little kids came in, running and yelling, “uncle Jose is coming, can you hear it! Can we go for a ride?” When they reached Liz the two skidded to a halt and looked around curiously. Even I could tell that they had noticed that something was off. They looked around and then they saw me. I think I stopped breathing, everything started to move in slow-motion, there were the kids from the photo!

They boy asked Liz, “mommy, why is that pretty lady crying?” She looked at me before answering, “the lady did something bad and now she is crying!” I mean, what else could she say, huh? The little girl came up to me and – after looking at me critically - asked seriously, “are you crying real tears or are they pretend?” Her brother joined her and added, “you know, my mommy says if we cry pretend tears all the time, there will come a time when I cry real tears and nobody will believe me any longer.” “Yeah,” the girl continued, “so, are those real tears? Cause if you’re really sorry everything will work out!” “Yeah, that’s what our mommy says and she know everything!” the boy added. I think I can safely say that I have never been this ashamed in my life before, never.

When the sirens stopped in front of the diner the kids got distracted, but before they could run off again to see the police cars, somebody picked them up and took them out the back door.

That was the moment where I decided to turn a new leaf and to do what ever I could to make things right. Well, I couldn’t really make them right, of course, everything had happened, but I could take responsibility for my actions and help stop my brother and his friends. The time had come to pay the piper…
Now, I realise that everything I just told you sounds pretty unbelievable, but honestly, that’s just how it was, how I was. You have to remember that I was on drugs - no excuse, I know, because nobody really forced them down my throat; in the beginning I took them willingly, that is until I became an addict, then of course it became a need.

I don’t know if it’s the same for everybody using drugs, but for me it felt like everything was not as bad as it really was; of course it was never as good either because I lived in a constant fog. And then came the time when my need for that devil’s stuff became greater than any sense of right or wrong.

The last thing I want to tell you is, the day Liz arrested me was the last day I took any drugs at all, actually, just before we went the CrashDown I had my last happy-pills. Liz arresting me brought me out of my comfy haze and from that moment on I have been clearheaded and always in control of my thoughts and actions. I had a cold turkey treatment and that was incredibly hard, let me tell you, there were a few times where I almost gave up, but then my parents came through for me and supported me. I know it was very hard on them too, because it’s not an easy thing to witness anybody coming off of drugs, but they stood fast. My parents have been my rock in my most difficult times and I can’t thank them enough!


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

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The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P15+15a,07.11.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello everybody, I hope you all are having a nice summer!

pandas2001 <> Thank you very much for your feedback, and I’m glad you can see Isabelle. For some reason I found her easy to write. I just finished Philip Evans’ part and he was quite difficult for me to ‘feel’. This is why I like to write this story, I have see all the different point of views. It’s more difficult to write but very interesting!

As always many thanks to my Beta, what would I do without you?

Here are Max’s Intermezzo and POV, enjoy…

16, Intermezzo – Max
A deafening silence followed Isabelle’s last words, hosts, guests and listeners all needed a moment to come to terms with the naked truth they had been confronted with. Isabelle herself sat between her parents - frozen in place - not daring to look anywhere else than at the floor in front of her. Time seemed endless until the first reactions were received. A woman’s voice could be heard from the very back of the hall, stating loudly and clearly, “Isabelle Evans, what you did was really really wrong, but now you are doing your best to become a better person. From what I have heard tonight, you have completely given up your old ways and have fully accepted responsibility for your past actions. In my opinion you can’t do more than you have already done. So, I think you’re on the best way to redeem yourself. Stay strong and things will work out for you too. As I said, I don’t agree with your past actions, but now you have my admiration for the way you have come about ‘cause that takes a lot of guts to do! In my book that says that you truly deserve a second chance! You will be in my prayers, Isabelle!”

The camera showed a close up of the young woman’s face and everybody could see how shocked she was about this unexpected outburst of support. It seemed that the lady’s reaction was infectious because after her words had sunk in, the crowd followed her example and clapped their approval full heartedly.

This brought the hosts out of their musings and Nathan smiled at Isabelle and stated the obvious, “Isabelle, can you hear the people in this audience rooting for you? I hope you will remember this moment when things become difficult again and that it will help you stay on track.” Overwhelmed and weeping, Isabelle nodded and thanked everybody for their unexpected show of support.
Sarah could see that her young guest wasn’t any longer in any condition to talk and moved on with the interview. Turning towards Max she wanted to know, “you were there too, on that ominous day, weren’t you?” After seeing him nod she asked, “Max, can you tell me how you felt when you found out what your siblings had been up to?”

Sighing deeply he answered, “I guess I can, I just hate to remember that moment. You know, Kyle was right when he said that that was the moment when the shit hit the fan. That’s really the best way to describe it; it was pure chaos. My feelings were accordingly.”

To calm down, Max picked up his water glass and drank deeply. Thus fortified he continued with his story, “you know, my friends and I never saw it coming. We were having a really great time and we thought that Isabelle enjoyed our company. And the visit to the UFO Museum had been really very entertaining. I’m sure you can imagine that some of the things we saw there were really hilariously funny, but then there were things in that museum that got you thinking, is it possible or not?” Max stopped and took a moment to think about how he wanted to go on with his story.

”Well, and then the CrashDown, I can tell you that was quite a surprise. At first I thought it was a typical tourist trap, but after a moment I realised that there were quite a few people from the neighbourhood in there too. Also, the CrashDown had a very comfortable feeling to it and I liked that a lot. Anyway, we were sitting around our table, talking, when suddenly I heard Liz’s voice. I recognised her voice immediately. I had never been able to forget her and Isabelle is right, the girls I went out with all looked very much like Liz. All were petite, dark haired, dark eyed and smart, but they never were her. Of course, in my defence I have to say that at the time I didn’t realise it.”

”And then, suddenly, there was her voice and all I could do was turn around and stare at her. I was so surprised that it actually took quite a while before I even realised what Isabelle was doing!” Max tried hard to stay calm when he suddenly felt Liz’s hand on his arm, reassuring him. Reluctantly he continued, “once I caught up to Isabelle’s machinations, I tried to stop her, but there was no stopping her. It was like she was on autopilot, heading straight for disaster. At first Liz stayed calm and tried to ignore my sister, then she told her to stop or leave. But that didn’t stop Isabelle, no it just seemed to fuel her anger and she became really aggressive. And then she insulted Liz’s children and that was that. Liz had had enough and defended herself and her family. When Isabelle became really nasty, I tried to intervene again, but by now Liz was very angry too and had and decided to end everything right then and there. In fact I think that that was the moment when Isabelle realised that it was smarter to go, but it was too late for that.”

After smiling proudly at his fiancée, Max went on, “you should’ve seen her, she was really magnificent. I think Isabelle was really surprised that Liz wasn’t the shy little girl any longer. I also think that the moment my sister realised that things were not going the way she intended was when Liz slapped her, hard! That really shocked her, but she just couldn’t stop.”

Nathan inserted his next question, “Max, can you tell us how you really felt when all this happened?” After hearing this question Max just laughed out loud and then stated, “I wish I could, but everything was just so crazy and I was in such a shock of having Liz in front of me, that I really was completely confused, I mean really completely confused. On top of that my sister - who had been a nice person again - started to insult Liz, spewing nasty accusations really, it all just didn’t make any sense.”

Trying to explain it better, Max explained, ”you have to understand that, at the beginning, running into Liz seemed completely coincidental and I had to get my thoughts around that first. After all, I hadn’t seen her for quite a few years, and then bam, there she was!”

The young man tried to convey his feelings and found it very difficult. “Once I became aware of what exactly my sister was doing I tried to stop her, but first she wouldn’t listen to me, and then Liz decided that enough was enough and started to spill the truth. I can tell you that I was stunned. When I began to realise what the heck had been going on I became afraid that Liz might think I was in cahoots with Isabelle and Zan. Immediately, I tried to tell her that I hadn’t been involved in this, but - to my relief - Liz already knew. And then of course things started to get very uncomfortable for Isabelle. She couldn’t take the heat and tried to convince me of her innocence, but I knew Liz would never make up such unfounded stories. Also, I remembered clearly how in our past Isabelle had lied and covered for Zan and because of that she had gotten me in big trouble with our parents. I did the only thing that I felt was right. I got up and clearly distanced myself from Isabelle, and my friends followed me.”

”I really can’t tell you how I felt in that moment, all I can do is to repeat myself and say that I was completely shaken! I mean, sure, I knew that Isabelle had done a few things that didn’t bare looking at too closely, but this was just… just unbelievable. It soon became very clear that she had set up this meeting and was out for blood, Liz’s blood. What she never even considered was that Liz might not be the same shy little girl any longer. So, when Liz started to answer back, even slapped her, Isabelle was lost, but for some reason just couldn’t stop. We all told her to shut up and that we would leave, but there was no reasoning with her.”

After drinking another sip of his water, Max continued, “that’s really all I can tell you, Isabelle already said everything important up to the moment of her arrest.” Sarah agreed and asked, “what did you think when you saw the kids with Isabelle?” Laughing, Max replied, “you’re asking all these questions and all I can say is, I was in shock. Looking back it seemed like there was one shock following another, they just came, bam, bam, bam, you know, one right on top of the other one! I had no time to absorb them, I didn’t know if I was coming or going. But I can tell you that I was amazed that Liz let the twins go to Isabelle.

Shaking his head, Max went on, “to be honest I think the kids saved Isabelle, you know, they made her realise what she had done and that she didn’t like herself anymore. You should’ve seen her face when the little ones asked her if those were real tears or just pretend. That completely blew her mind; we could literally see her making the decision to change her ways. It seemed that she suddenly sat straighter, stopped her waterfall of tears and looked around, really looked around. So when the police came to arrest her, she greeted them with her decision to come clean and to do whatever was needed to make amends. That gave me hope that, just maybe, my sister of our younger years was still somewhere there and had just been hiding.” “Is she?” Nathan interrupted and then clarified, “is your young sister still around, is she coming back?”

”No, she isn’t” Max answered sadly and went on to explain, “too much has happened, she has done too many unacceptable things to be that girl ever again, but I can say that she has matured into a very likable and responsible woman. We’re not as close as we were in our childhood, but we are building a new relationship.”

Sniffling, Isabelle inserted, “I’m really surprised and grateful that - after all that I have done - Max even talks to me. I just hope that one day I can make it up to him and to Liz. You know, prove that I’m very seriously changing and doing my best to stay on track!”

Max sent an encouraging smile Isabelle’s way and continued, “as it is I visit her from time to time and we started to talk, really talk, about our past and we are taking it from there.” “Good, good,” Sarah smiled and came with the next question she wanted answered, “what I really want to know now is, what happened after Isabelle’s arrest? From what I’ve heard that was the moment when everything was set in motion, am I right?”

”Yeah, you’re right. After Bones called Jose, he in turn called Jim Valenti in Albuquerque who arranged for the arrests of Dr. Tony Carpenter, Hank Miller Senior and Junior and two of the others involved that night. Zan at the time was in Brazil, so with Isabelle’s help he was convinced to come home. She blackmailed him with a big crises, apparently that always worked. He came the next day and was arrested.”

“Aren’t you forgetting somebody?” Nathan threw in. “No, I was just coming to John Walters, Chief of the Police Department in Albuquerque. Jim reserved the right for himself to arrest that man; he wanted to be sure that everything was correct. He was accompanied by a senior officer. Also, Jim told every officer involved in those arrests to make sure that everything was done by the book. He said, ‘it won’t do if them bastards get free because of a technicality!’ I’m glad to report that everybody was doing a fabulous job and those crooks are where they belong, behind bars!”

With a grin spreading across her face Sara agreed, “you got that right, Max!” and while Pricilla Stanton cheered, “hear, hear!” her husband and the Parkers nodded vigorously in agreement. Picking up the questioning, Nathan encouraged his guest, “Max, can you tell us how your parents heard about it?”

”Oh, yeah, that was a big drama, you can believe me!” enthusiastically Max started to tell the story, “first I have to admit that I completely forgot about our parents, you know in all that craziness, it completely left my mind! Luckily, Franky remembered a discussion he’d had with my dad, you know, at one of their congresses’ or another where they kept meeting. Anyway, Frank knew that Hank senior became a client of my dad’s. Apparently, Hank wanted to take care of his personal affairs with a different law firm than his business’. He explained to my dad that he had heard so many good things about his law firm – well who hasn’t, huh? Also, since Hank junior and Zan were such good friends, he thought that it would be great if the two dads went into business with each other. Of course, Hank senior was smart enough not to bring any dubious business to my dads office.”

Max started to feel dehydrated and drank some more water and that break gave him time to find the right words to continue, “of course the Roswell connection had figured out a long time before then that Hank only wanted my dad because he was Zan’s father and if anything should happen to them, Hank thought my dad would do everything in his power to get his son out and thus the others would benefit from that deal too. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that my dad is a very well known and respected attorney. So Hank assumed if he did his legal stuff through my dad, my dad would do his best to get him out of trouble, if it ever should become necessary. Do you understand what I just said? I realise that it might be a bit confusing.”

Laughingly Nathan summed up Max’s explanation, “Max, I think what you’re saying is that Hank Miller used Zan’s connection to your dad Philip Evans, a very well known and respected attorney. He assumed that if things should go wrong, your dad would do everything to get Zan and his friends off the hook, right?”

”Right, it sounds so much better the way you said it,” a grinning Max agreed and added, “thankfully Frank remembered and informed me to warn my dad. He thought it wouldn’t be good for him if he got involved in this mess. The Evans’ firm might lose a lot of credibility! Also, by that time Isabelle had started to confess and, being very serious with her new intentions, she refused to have dad as her attorney. She said she got herself into this mess; she would get herself out of it too. If dad wanted to offer advice, she would gladly accept it, but that would be as far as she wanted our parents involved.”

”Wow!” Sarah exclaimed, and looked at Isabelle with renewed respect before she continued, “I never heard that one. Isabelle, I can see you really were serious when you decided to turn a new leaf and come clean about your misdeeds. Wouldn’t it have been easier with your dad as your attorney?”

“Oh, em!” completely caught off guard, the young woman stammered, “ehh, yeah, probably. To be honest, before the kids showed up I had decided to call daddy, shed a few tears and be very very remorseful. Yes it’s true, the last time I cried he wasn’t all that impressed and I had learned that lesson, but I also knew that our parents would never let us kids down. If we were in serious trouble they would come through for us, I had no doubt about that. But then the little ones came and I realised just what an awful person I had become. Also, I saw Liz with her kids and how everybody in that diner looked at her and how they all looked at me. They all loved, admired and respected her. When they looked at me, all I saw was contempt, utter contempt. Everybody in that diner judged me, except the little ones, they looked at me curiously and wanted to know why I was crying. It was actually a very confusing moment for me too.”

Smiling slightly, Isabelle stopped for a moment to choose her next words carefully, and then went on, “I also saw Max and his friends look at Liz and then at me and everything suddenly became very clear. Somewhere along the way I had lost my self-respect and I wanted to find it again. So, I decided to keep my family out of my troubles as much as possible, but I very gratefully accepted their advice and support. Now, I can say that I’m very glad I didn’t take the easy way out, because I could’ve, you know. I could’ve made a deal and gotten away with a fraction of my sentence and I’m sure I would’ve continued in a similar way as before. Now, I can honestly say that I can look at myself in the mirror without cringing. For the first time in my life I’m doing something useful and I have to work hard for it too, but it starts to feel good!”

Philip Evans proudly looked at his daughter and commended, “I’m proud of you sweetheart, you are growing into the strong, generous and kind woman that we always knew you could be.” After kissing her cheek, Phil turned toward their hosts and added, “she really did it all by herself, I mean, before she had help she had to make the right decisions and then stick by them. With everything she did, my daughter had to prove that she could be trusted again, that she was seriously changing her ways. So, yes, my wife and I fully support her and her work in prison. It’s just like somebody said, everybody deserves a second chance!”
”Sorry Max, I got sidetracked, but I’m glad I did, because now we know a little more about your sister and your parents.” Sarah apologised and asked the next question, “Max, can you tell us just how you informed your parents of that day’s events?” Seriously Max replied, “sure I can…”

POV next post...
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P15+15a,07.11.08

Post by uw51 »

16a, Max' POV
Well, it’s my turn now, so I think I just take the story from the moment Liz arrested Isabelle. Yes, I think that’s as a good a place as any to start.

Like I said before, I had to put some distance between my sister and myself. I was so angry I was afraid I was going to attack her or something. It’s true, I could barely contain my anger; I was almost ready to explode! Can you imagine just how you would feel if this had been your sister, huh? Right!

To make my position clear to everybody and especially to Liz, I moved to stand beside her and let everything play out the way she intended it to go. And then the kids came - now there was a revelation if there ever was one. Already, seeing them on the picture was very moving, I mean, it was like looking at mini-Liz and mini-me, with the exception of Maxie’s incredibly blue eyes. But then, to have them standing and talking right in front of me was something entirely different again. Really, It felt so incredible I can’t put words to it. From the first moment on I really loved them like they were my own.

Anyway, I’m digressing, once Jose – the chief of police of our lovely town here - showed up, Isabelle immediately accepted all the charges and answered all the questions readily. What really staggered me was to see Isabelle – mistress of tears – trying to suppress them. Wouldn’t you think that if there ever was a moment to turn on the waterworks it would right about now?

By now the diner was so full, Jeff had to close it down for business because every friend who could showed up. Of course they all had questions for Isabelle. With Jose’s agreement she answered a few, because everybody wanted to know why she had done it. I found it most remarkable that - even though emotions were running exceedingly high - nobody attacked my sister. There was some hostility towards her – which was quite understandable – but everybody treated her politely, especially once they realised that Isabelle had caved and was confessing.

I forgot to mention that, when Jose officially arrested her, he of course informed her of her rights and advised her to say nothing until her own lawyer was with her. But, if there’s one thing I have learned about Isabelle it’s that, once she makes up her mind to do something, there’s nothing and nobody who can change it. Anyway, once she had decided to come clean, she informed Jose that – after studying law for a few semesters and being the daughter of an attorney - she knew her rights but still wanted to answer a few questions. In fact, she also told him that she was afraid of changing her mind if she didn’t start telling the truth right away. Once Isabelle started to talk, it all just came streaming out of her, it was like she couldn’t stop, one ugly truth followed by another.

By then Frank and his wife Patty arrived. They were right on time to hear the beginning of Isabelle’s confession. Well, sort of confession, because Frank too made sure that she would only answer certain things. He said he understood why she wanted to talk right away and that she could, but she should wait with the big confession until her attorney arrived. He wanted to make sure that everything was above board. Who knew if - maybe later - Isabelle would change her mind and then they could use the circumstances of this confession to her advantage. Of course Frank didn’t say that out loud, but it was clear the way he acted and monitored the ‘Q & A’.

Soon after, Jose guided Isabelle – who by now was in handcuffs - towards his cruiser to take her to the station. Before she was gone, Frank called her and asked if she was willing to help bring Zan back. She immediately said ‘sure but he should be at college right now’. That was the moment when we learned that Zan hadn’t been anywhere near his college for the last few months, but was staying in Brazil with ‘friends’. Well, fancy that! It seemed that the FBI and the Roswell group knew more about Zan’s whereabouts than his own family did. Anyway, Frank nodded and thanked my sister, told her he would come by a bit later to find out the best way to get Zan on home ground. And then, just like that, Isabelle was gone.

The fact that the FBI had missed all the arrests in Albuquerque had our Roswellians gleefully gloating. After all, once the Feds got involved they behaved like it was their case, where in truth the group in Roswell had done all the important groundwork about Zan and co. The Feds had been after the mafia group, and it was only after their hook-up with Zan and his friends that the showed any interest in the Albuquerque gang. Anyway, that was just a little information on the side for you.

Frank then came to me and introduced himself. Next he asked me if I had already informed my father of the goings on. Of course I hadn’t, I was still having a hard time thinking straight. As it was, he told me in no uncertain terms that, since my dad was one of Hank’s attorneys – the only one with a good reputation -, they would be contacting his office very soon. Casually, Frank informed me that Hank and friends were being arrested as we spoke. He actually asked me to call my dad to tell him to stay out of it, at least until he had all the facts, including Zan and Isabelle’s involvement. In fact, he suggested that my dad should contact Jim Valenti as soon as possible and talk with him before he did anything else. Frank added that my dad’s good name as an honest attorney could be at risk.

Of course, I immediately contacted my dad, at least I tried. Turned out that he had already been called by Hank senior and was on his way to meet him. At the same time we had already heard the first good news, Valenti had arrested his boss - John Walters, Chief of the Police Department in Albuquerque. Apparently, that went really well because Walters was taken completely by surprise and couldn’t understand that his very loyal underling – Jim - could betray him so shamefully.

I kept trying to get a hold of my father, but all I heard was his answering message that he wasn’t able to answer and to please leave a message. Well, what kind of a message could I leave, huh? I didn’t think that something like ‘Dad, don’t go to see the Millers before you have heard the whole story of Isabelle’s arrest today and Zan’s tomorrow? Talk to Sheriff Valenti before you do anything?’ would be appreciated very much. So, I kept pushing dad’s speed-dial-button over and over again, actually in-between I even tried his secretary too. He finally answered as he reached the highway, only to tell me that he was being pulled over by a cop and could I wait for a moment, please?

It seemed that while I tried to get a hold of dad, Frank had called Jim and asked for his help. He asked the Sheriff to chase down Phil Evans since we couldn’t reach him. Next he asked Jim, if, after he had intercepted my dad, he could tell him all the pertinent facts and spill the beans, so to speak.

So, that’s how it happened that Valenti was stopping my dad. You can’t imagine just how glad I was not to be the one who had to break the news to him. I could just see how devastated he was going to be. This way all I had to do was tell him to please listen to everything Valenti had to say and to please contact me afterwards. Have you noticed how often the word ‘please’ comes up when my dad is involved? Well, he really liked to use it and consequently we kids had to do it too, at least with him!

After Frank and I both were done with our talks - his talk with Jim, mine with dad - Frank informed me that everything was under control. Jim would take care of everything on the Albuquerque end. Curiously, I asked ‘why should he?’ and I got the cryptic answer, ‘he’s one of us, and we’ve been working towards this day for a very long time!’ ‘Aha’ I replied, ‘confused much?’ After hearing my remark, Frank just laughed out loud and quipped that in time I would understand but right at that moment he had to meet with Isabelle to finalise Zan’s return. His parting shot was, ’just ask anybody anything you want to know, they’ll tell you!’ and he was gone!

What I really, really wanted to do most - right that moment - was to approach Liz, but to be honest I feared that she had had enough of the whole Evans’ clan to last her a lifetime, maybe even two. I decided to just sort of sit back and listen; maybe this way I could bring some clarity to my muddled thoughts.

While I sat down on a stool at the counter and observed all the action around me, I could hear all kinds of interesting comments. The ones I heard the most often were, ‘thank god it’s finally over!’ and ‘those bastards are finally getting their due!’ They were closely followed by, ‘now, the poor girl has to hash through the whole mess again!’ or ‘yeah, but then it will be over!’ also ‘I hope the kids won’t be traumatised by all this’ and ‘today, Liz sure handled herself like a pro, didn’t she?’ and then an older lady stated very proudly ‘I always knew that my Lizzy had it in her, and she sure proved me right today, didn’t she?’

There were some other comments too, like the one by a burly tattooed biker, ‘we still have to get Zan the bastard, until we have him we shouldn’t be too elated!’ this was followed by a consoling ‘yeah, tomorrow we’ll have him, don’t worry.’ Somebody started to be concerned about the press becoming involved, but through all the comments I could hear, I sensed everybody’s worry for Liz’s wellbeing, you know, how all this would affect her.

Anyway, after a while I started to look around, I remembered my friends and tried to find them. I saw them sitting in a booth looking just as shell-shocked as I was feeling. I could see some people approaching them and taking care of them. That relieved me immensely, because I was afraid that if I would get up off my stool, I might land flat on my face due to my rubbery knees. So, with my friends taken care of, I could just stay where I was.

Next, I looked for Liz because at some point in this whole circus some of her friends took her away. I found her not too far away with some well-wishers. Suddenly she looked up and locked eyes with me. My breath caught and I broke out in a big coughing fit because I was just swallowing some of my soda. My coughing fit brought me one of Liz’s big smiles which set my heart to beating twice as fast as before. Somebody called her and Liz’s attention diverted to a woman with the most beautiful read curls, later I learned that that was Nancy Parker, Liz’s ‘new’ mom. After that little episode I let my eyes wander over everybody, trying to take in everything.

Suddenly, somebody knocked me on my shoulder, and when I turned around I saw a middle aged dark haired man standing in front of me holding on to a binder, a big fat binder. ‘You’re Max, Max Evans from Albuquerque, right?’ he wanted to know. I nodded slowly, curious to find out who this man was. I didn’t have to wait long before he introduced himself, ‘I’m Jeff Parker, Liz’s uncle!’ That sure got my attention and I started to wonder if he wanted to get rid of me, after all members of my family had hurt Liz very badly.

I must’ve looked at him quite apprehensively because he suddenly smiled and offered his hand in greeting. Next he put the binder on the counter in front of me and asked if I had any questions. I told him frankly, ‘sure, I have tons of them, I just can’t think of one to ask right now. I feel like I’m in the middle of a nightmare!’

I could tell he empathized with me and after a moment he said, ‘just take your time, when you’re ready come and talk with me, ok? In the meantime, if you feel like it, you can study the information in this binder; it is from all documents pertaining to this whole story. I collected and organised them in here.’

I just nodded and stared at the countertop. I was too ashamed; I couldn’t look into his eyes. My brother and sister had hurt a member of his family and he was being nice and understanding with me. I stammered something like, ‘don’t you hate me?’ ‘Why should I?’ he asked perplexed. ‘Well, my brother and my sister hurt Liz?’ ‘So?’ raising his eyebrows he asked, ‘did you rape Liz? Did you slip her the drugs? Did you do anything to hurt her?’ ‘No, but my brother and my sister did!’ ‘And?’ Jeff looked at me expectantly, waiting for, I didn’t know what.

He let me continue with my intense study of the countertop, at least for a moment, then asked me to look at him and said, ‘Max, this afternoon you stated clearly which side you’re on and you did right. Now it’s important for you to understand that YOU didn’t do anything wrong. Isabelle was the one to slipped Liz the drugs and Zan and his friends raped her. So, for heaven’s sake, don’t start feeling guilty for something you didn’t do, ok!’ ‘But, maybe I should’ve seen it…’ ‘No, stop it right there, Max. There was nothing you could’ve done to prevent it, do you hear me? Nothing!’ ‘But, Liz will think…’ ‘Stop it!’ and then, patiently, like he was explaining things to an idiot – which I probably was at that moment – Jeff added, ‘Max, Liz knows very well that you didn’t do anything wrong, she knows you. She always spoke very fondly of you and your parents, so, don’t go borrowing trouble where there’s none, understood?’

While I sat beside Jeff trying to think of anything I could ask to break the silence that had come up between us, and doing my darndest to keep my tears at bay, Liz showed up, looking even more beautiful than I remembered. Jeff hugged her and wanted to know how she was holding up. She just rolled her eyes and huffed. ‘That bad, huh?’ Jeff ribbed her. ‘Yeah, I feel like I’m on a sugar high or something,’ she replied and then Liz turned to me and calmly asked how I was doing.

Since words failed me, I imitated her; I rolled my eyes and huffed. ‘That bad, huh?’ she asked and after I nodded I added ‘worse!’ I realised that I had to say something, anything. So, after inhaling deeply I started, ‘Liz, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know…’ ‘Stop it right there, Max. I always knew that you and your parents weren’t involved in this mess. You don’t need to apologise.’ Liz informed me resolutely. ‘But I need to…’ Jeff cut off my explanation and admonished, ‘don’t start that again, Max, you won’t win!’

Nodding, I acknowledged his comment and looked everywhere but at Liz. Suddenly, I could hear Liz ask Jeff where her kids where. He informed her they were with somebody called Sean. This seemed to satisfy her and then she did the incredible thing and asked if – later – I wanted to meet her children. I nodded vigorously but before I could say anything else she added, that, if I wanted to accept my nephew I also had to accept his sister even though she wasn’t a blood relative of mine. I told her that I had no problem with that. Then she promised to introduce me to her little ones once things had calmed down.
Suddenly my cell rang. After I checked caller ID and saw that it was my dad calling I answered. Apparently, Valenti had done as promised and informed my dad of everything. They even found out that Isabelle had given a full confession and was in prison. It was safe to say that right at that moment my dad knew more about this whole situation than I. He wanted to know if I had been able to learn anything new and I told him the truth that everything was going crazy here in Roswell. I promised him that I would start to find out more about what exactly had happened. I was glad to tell him a little about his grandchildren. Since Liz was still standing beside me she heard my conversation with dad. From my side of the talk she gleaned that my parents were coming to Roswell as soon as possible. She interrupted my conversation and told me to inform my dad that if he wanted to he could meet the twins.

My dad told me that Valenti had given him some pictures of the kids, then he asked me to inform Liz that he would do everything in his power to support her and the kids and that after all he had heard from Jim he most definitely wouldn’t side with Zan or Isabelle. He would talk with both of them because he was their father and wanted to know why they had done what they had done but that was as far as he was willing to go. Zan and Isabelle had made their own beds, now they had to lie in them; they had to find their own way out of this.

We talked for a few more minutes and then my dad ended our conversation by saying that now he had the difficult task ahead of him to tell his wife what Zan and Isabelle had been up to. He added that the twins might be the only thing to help my mom out of this crisis.
After my talk with dad I decided to find out everything that I could. I wanted to be able to help Liz and her kids. I turned towards Liz and Jeff and asked them to tell me everything they could or would. Immediately Jeff nodded and assured me of his help, Liz on the other hand started to show the strain of the situation and was close to tears.

”Max, would it be ok if – before we talk about everything - I showed you pictures of the twins? Right now I feel like I’m drowning or going crazy or both!” Liz exclaimed only to add very emotionally, “I have to get away for a bit, this is just too much, it’s overwhelming me, and I don’t think I can handle anything else.”

Jeff looked at his niece and consoled her, “sweetheart, that’s a great idea. I will come up a little later and bring Max here up to scratch. What do you think?” Tearfully, Liz nodded and turned towards the backdoor, ready to lead me away. Jeff wasn’t quiet done though. He stopped our exit by holding on to my shoulder and looking threateningly into my eyes. My breath caught, I knew some sort of threat was coming and I wasn’t wrong. I just wasn’t prepared for Jeff’s next words. He threatened, “don’t hurt her, Max! Make no mistake, Liz might not be the ‘fruit of my loins’…!” “DAD!” Liz screeched, embarrassed beyond words as she turned a very interesting shade of red.

Unimpressed, Jeff picked up his warning, “as I said, Liz might not be the fruit…!” This time Liz stopped him by slapping her hands over his mouth, effectively cutting off any other embarrassing comment. Once she was sure that he had gotten her message, Liz just waved her pointed index finger in front of her uncle’s face and shaking her head. It seemed that she was still out of words. Then she turned around, mumbling about ‘what the heck is he thinking’ ‘why did he have to embarrass me like that’ or ‘fruit of his loins, my foot, when ever did he use such words?’

Before I followed Liz I looked at her uncle and I could see a very satisfied smirk spreading across his face. At seeing my strange look, he raised his eyebrows and quietly stated, ‘mission accomplished!’ Later on I learned that Jeff – who never made any kind of incorrect comments unless provoked – had the tendency to blurt out more or less improper and embarrassing phrases when he was under stress or like in this case – trying to take somebody’s mind off what ever was bothering them. I can tell you, in Liz’s case it worked like a charm, she was still obsessing over her uncle’s ‘fruits’ when she was stomping up the stairs ahead of me, to the apartment above the diner.

Once there, Liz offered me a seat and something to drink. Then she brought out the photo albums of her little ones. We sat on the couch and I raptly listened to her stories about her twins. When she told me about Sascha’s health problems when he was born and that she had called Isabelle to have Zan donate blood, I realised that in the end it had been my blood to help him. I felt immensely proud and my connection to the kids strengthened, even though I hadn’t yet talked to them. The moment Liz started to talk about Sascha and Maxie – she named her after me! – she calmed down fast. By the time Jeff showed up, Liz was fast asleep with her head on my shoulder. I enjoyed this quiet moment, knowing well that I had a veritable storm ahead of me.

After Jeff picked up Liz and brought her to her room, we sat down and I got all the information I needed. When I saw the pictures of Liz lying on the sidewalk, wet and unconscious, I started to feel sick. After I saw the pictures from the ER, I ran to the bathroom and threw up the whole contents of my stomach. I can safely say that that was the worst time of my life. I always knew that Zan was capable of a lot, but this just topped my wildest imagination. And Isabelle, I never knew just how deep she had fallen.

Just before dinner time, Liz came back out and soon after Sean brought the twins home. Sascha and Maxie were the sweetest kids I had ever met – well, I never had much to with little ones, but if I had, I was sure my niece and nephew were the cutest ones ever. They were real charmers; both of them, and in no time at all I started to feel more light-hearted. I knew, as much as my mom’s heart would break at the news of Isabelle’s and Zan’s crimes, these two kids would help her heal like nothing else could.

Everybody met in the diner for dinner. I could see some of the neighbours in the kitchen, taking care of things, feeding the masses. By now there were even more people here, some were sitting around the tables out front, some were in the backyard. There was a coming and going like on a train station during rush-hour.

I was completely overwhelmed by all this commotion and I was convinced it couldn’t get any crazier. I was wrong. Suddenly everybody shut up and stared towards the entrance. Automatically every moved to sides to let the newcomers through. I think my jaw hit floor when I realised just who had joined us. Right in front of me stood John Stanton, President of the United States of America, and his wife Pricilla! They had been on the family ranch in Taos when the news reached them and they hopped on the helicopter and came as fast as they could. As one of the guards asked Liz if she had changed her mind and was ready to join his troops, the crowd reacted with laughter. Obviously there was a joke there, but I didn’t quite understand it, at least not then.

Things calmed down after a few hours of celebrating Liz’s triumph and Jeff and Nancy invited me to stay in their guest room. Of course, I speedily accepted this invitation. I wasn’t ready to leave Liz and the kids who had accepted me amazingly fast.

Later on, after everybody had gone to bed, I started to study Jeff’s binder again. I figured that the more I knew, the better I could help. This time I tried to do it like an attorney and not like an emotional friend. It was still very difficult because - quite frankly - I often forgot to be a layer and my feelings went crazy.

Towards the morning hours I even witnessed one of Liz’s nightmares and let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty. She screamed the entire house down. Obviously, Isabelle’s coming to town and everything that happened afterwards, was taking its toll. By the way Nancy, Jeff and their son Sean reacted, I knew that this wasn’t the first time it had happened either. They worked together very efficiently, calming down Liz and the kids. After that, I was a nervous wreck and since sleep was the farthest from my mind I decided to study the documents some more.

Let me tell you, it was a very long night. Surprisingly enough, I was holding up quite well. I think that was because I was on an adrenalin high. I mean - with everything that had happened and that I had learned - it was no wonder. In the early morning hours I received an text message from my dad, telling me that the Valentis had offered to bring him and mom to Roswell and that they could stay with them at their house. He said that he would contact me again once they were all settled in. I don’t know if you can imagine just how nervous I was to meet my parents for the first time after all the revelations of the past few hours.

Finally the moment came when the Valentis brought my parents to the Parker home. Mom and dad had aged over night. I could also tell that they both had spent a lot of time crying, their eyes were puffy and dull; they were still in shock. With a few words my dad let me know that Jim had informed him of everything that there was to know, he even gave him a big binder full of documents to study. Apparently he had the same documents as Jeff.

My mom was clutching pictures of the twins that Jim and Amy had given her. I had a feeling that they were her lifelines, you know, like they gave her some measure of reason to stay sane. I’ve never seen my mom look as bad as in that moment. I think Liz realised right away that my mom was in a very bad way because she took mom by her hand and led her to Bones’ backyard where Sascha and Maxie were playing with Rosa and her kids.

To see her grandchildren worked miracles on my mom, she perked up immediately. While my mom and Liz stayed with Rosa and kids, we went down to the diner where quite a few friends were hanging around again. We talked about everything that needed to be done and dad informed us that he and mom would go to see Isabelle in the afternoon; they wanted to know what was going on with her.

As so very often in life, things turned out completely different than planned. My dad had barely finished telling of his plans as Frank walked in with a Fed in tow. They informed my dad if they wanted to see Isabelle before Zan showed up, they had to do so before lunch. It seemed that Isabelle had done a great job convincing Zan to come home. She told him that her ‘stash’ was getting frighteningly low and if he didn’t show up with fresh supplies, she would go to see him at his college. This got the reaction she was hoping for; because Zan most definitely wouldn’t want Isabelle to find out that he was somewhere else entirely.

The new plans were that mom and dad would go visit Isabelle around 11. After lunch we all would go to the airport in Albuquerque to meet Zan, after all, we all wanted to witness his arrest. Zan would finally be where he belonged, in police custody. Apparently Zan’s arrest would start the arrest of his ‘friends’ in Brazil, everything was planned and ready to be executed…


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P15+15a,07.11.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello everybody, this is – with a 99% probability – the second last posting of this story. If all goes as anticipated, my story will come to an end with the next posting in two weeks. It feels strange and I’m looking forward to it with a crying and a laughing eye, lol!

Anyway, right now I want to thank my faithful Feedbacker pandas2001 for all the lovely and supporting feedback. I really appreciate it very much that you took the time to leave me your thoughts, so thanks!

As always many thanks to my Beta, what would I do without you?

Here are Diane and Philip Evans and they had a lot to tell :roll:


17, Intermezzo – Diane and Philip Evans
Smiling at her guest, Sarah stated, “honestly Max, I’m not surprised that you were shocked and confused. I’ve heard different accounts of those events from people who had known about what had happened to Liz beforehand, and they all were just as confused. It seemed that - like you already told us - everything went down so fast and unexpected that it was really difficult to stay on top of it.”

”You can really say that! I have heard quite a few reports since then too and everybody was completely staggered by those events. As for my friends Rick and Anna Douglas, it was even worse because they didn’t know anything about Liz and her mysterious disappearance from Albuquerque. At one point they just asked one of the neighbours about what was going on, because they saw that I was in no condition to think rationally. I can’t even tell you when, but later on I discovered a text message from them, informing me of their departure and that they would contact me again. That was the moment when I realized that in all the confusion I had left them to their devices, thankfully they understood!” Sarah chuckled, “I heard about that too. Rick told me that once he saw you talking with Jeff and Liz they knew you were taken care of and decided to leave.”

Smiling, Max stated, “I know and it was probably the best thing to do too. I mean, everything was topsy-turvy, even Liz was confused because she had been completely unaware of our plans to visit the CrashDown. So, when confronted with Isabelle and her insults, she reacted before she could even think about the consequences this would have on the investigations. Luckily, they were already concluded and all that was left to be done were the last preparations before taking it to court. That was why everything went so smoothly after the initial confusion was over.”

”Max, I have one more question for you and I know it’s one you don’t like!” Nathan started and Max, who knew what was coming, continued, “you’re right, I don’t like it but I will tell you about it. You want to know about Zan, and if I ever talked to him again, right?”

After seeing his host’s nod of agreement, Max went on, “yes, I talked to him, briefly. You already know that some of us went to the airport to witness his arrest. As it was, Isabelle greeted him and dragged him into a small, private room - to be unobserved - as she told him. What he didn’t know was that we – the Feds (two of them), Frank, mom, dad, Valenti, the Parkers and Liz and I were next door and could observe everything on a monitor. As planned, Isabelle left Zan, telling him she needed to use the ladies room and that she’d be right back. A short time later, Liz walked in and arrested Zan. You should’ve seen his face; it was priceless! Anyway, Zan, being a very conceited guy, never even wondered why she was there, he just thought it was a prank and laughed out loud. Stupid of him, really, but there you have it! He then started to harass Liz, crowded her against the table. She warned him to keep his distance and demanded that he answer her questions. He ignored her wish entirely and closed in on her some more. Well, I’m sure you can guess what happened next. She floored him and instead of putting her foot on his chest, she pressed it down on his crotch and reiterated that he was under arrest. I can tell you that he wasn’t laughing any longer.”

Shocked, Sarah turned to Liz and asked, “you really did that? I mean, THAT?” Grinning, Liz replied, “absolutely! Oh, it wasn’t planned you know, but when he started to crowd me I lost it for a moment. Of course, once I had him on the floor and under my foot, I arrested him with a little extra pressure. I just wanted to make sure he got the point!” Looking a bit sick, Nathan mumbled, “I’m sure he did!”

”He sure did,” Max picked up the telling and with relish added, “of course he started to wonder what the heck was going on, especially when mom and dad walked in and just stood beside Liz without intervening. You could almost see the wheels in his head turning, trying to find a plausible explanation for this situation. Before he could do that, the Feds and the rest of us walked in. Well, let me tell you, that was the moment he realised that this time he couldn’t get out of it as easily as before. He immediately demanded that dad do something - help him. I’m glad to say that dad refused flat out.” Suddenly Max stopped his description, realising that he had completely lost track of the original question.

Embarrassed, he cleared his throat and said, “em, sorry, I just got carried away. Anyway, the last time I talked to Zan was right after his arrest. I asked him why he had done it and he said because I was interested in her! If that’s not sick, I don’t know what it is!” After sipping some water, he continued his explanation, “you know, I never understood why he was so resentful of me, I mean he was my big brother. Of course, by then I knew that he was willing to do a lot to get to me, but I never realised just how far he would go.”

”Are you ever going to speak to him again?” Nathan wanted to know. Decidedly, Max responded, “he is our past and he has hurt us enough. So, no, I’m not going to waste my time with him. Liz and I are focussing on our present and our future and that’s just how we like it!”

”Good for you!” Sarah exclaimed enthusiastically and then turned towards Philip and Diane. Sympathetically she inquired, “how are you two holding up?” ”I’ve been better!” Diane murmured and Philip agreed.

Compassionately, Nathan queried, “can you tell us how you learned about all of this?” After looking at his wife, Philip replied, “well, it was just like Max said. I was returning to my office when Hank Miller called and demanded my presence, he didn’t even ask, just told me to drop everything and come. I let him know that I was just finishing up whatever I was doing and would get my things together and be on my way shortly. As soon as I was on the road, Max started to call, but the traffic was too heavy and I couldn’t respond. As soon as I reached the highway, the traffic calmed down considerably and when my son called the next time I was able to answer. Before we could really start talking I was pulled over by the police.”

”I asked Max to wait until I had heard what the officer wanted. Since I wasn’t speeding or swerving all over the highway I couldn’t think of any reason for him to pull me over. Well, it seemed that my son already knew what was going on because he said, ‘dad, just listen to what officer Valenti has to say, afterwards give me a call and let me know what you intend to do.’ To say the least, I found this quite strange, really, but I decided to follow Max’s advice and wait and see.”

Considering his next words carefully, Phil went on, “you know, I wouldn’t wish this on any parent, to hear the things about one’s children that I had to hear that afternoon. It was just devastating and I knew I still had to inform my wife of this whole mess. I knew she’d be shattered by it.”

After clearing his throat discreetly, Phil started again, “I just realised that I left out some important facts. Hmm, right, once the cop introduced himself as officer Valenti, he asked me if I was on my way to see Hank Miller. I said yes and wanted to know just where the heck he had heard that. Valenti then informed me that Miller had been involved in some ugly business and that before I went to meet him I should know the whole truth. Of course I told him that it was none of his business, that what happened was between my client and myself and that I knew what I was doing.”

Grinning he continued, “let me tell you, Valenti is one persistent guy, really, like a dog with a bone. He insisted and finally dropped the bomb that Isabelle and Zan where part of this whole mess too and that my daughter had already been arrested and was confessing as we were speaking. That got my attention, really. Luckily, Jim is a very considerate man, he actually invited me to his home, said that we were more private there. So, that was what I did, I followed him to his home.”

Sombrely Phil went on, “of course, at first I was in denial, and I just couldn’t believe that one of my kids – much less two - could do something as atrocious as that, especially Isabelle.” Sarah interrupted, “what do mean, when you say ‘especially Isabelle?’”

After pondering the question for a moment, the older man answered, “well, by that time I knew I had spoiled her far too much, but she had always been such a lovely daughter. When she and Max were younger they had been just great together. Of course, I never knew why the two of them suddenly were at odds, and to my everlasting regret I have to say that I believed Isabelle once she started to side with Zan. Also, you have to understand that the change in my daughter didn’t come overnight, it came slowly, and I guess that was why it took me this long to see the reality. My wife knew long before me that our daughter had changed, and not to her best, but I just couldn’t believe her. For a long time, I was convinced it was just a phase she was going through until I had to accept that I had been wrong. But by then it was already too late to change things!”

”Are you saying that Isabelle did everything because you spoiled her?” Nathan inquired curiously. “Oh, no, spoiling somebody doesn’t make them good or bad, it just makes them spoiled and sometimes not very likable spoiled brats, that’s all. What I’m saying is, that that may have been one of the reasons why I didn’t realise what my daughter was up to. I was really too blind to see her for who she was.”

”Ok, Philip, lets move on to when you were at Jim’s house, what happened there?” Nathan wanted to know next. Remembering that awful afternoon, Phil replied, “we were sitting outside in his backyard when Jim informed me of what Isabelle and Zan had been up to, you know, slipping Liz the drugs, the young men rapping her and all the following atrocities. As I said, at first I was in denial, big time. Of course Jim then brought out his binder – a similar one as Jeff’s – and showed me all the materials they had. The evidence was staggering and I was just devastated. After my phase of denial I started to question myself, what had I done wrong, what had I possibly neglected while raising my kids? Jim consoled me and said that it wasn’t my fault, that the kids were to blame, after all they had been old enough to know better at the time.”

”Next, Jim informed me of Isabelle’s arrest and that she had accepted the charges and was confessing. I wanted to rush off to Roswell immediately, to bail out my girl, but Jim told me of her decision not to have me as her attorney. That got me thinking, really thinking and I realised that my daughter was right, they had gotten themselves into this mess, they had to get out by themselves too. The next shock was to hear about our grandchildren and even worse was that Zan refused to give his blood for the little one. Ironically, Max had jumped in and made sure that since then there were always enough blood reserves at the hospital, just in case Sascha should need it.”

”Once I had calmed down, Amy joined us in the backyard, brought a picture album with her and handed it to me. At first I wasn’t really sure why she was giving it to me, I already had seen everything in the binder. Then of course I realised that it was the album of the little ones. Let me tell you, it takes a lot to render me speechless, but that gesture did!” Sarah gave Phil a moment to collect himself before picking up the thread again, “I guess the next thing you had to do was inform your wife, wasn’t it?”

Diane decided her time had come and answered, “yes it was! I remember I was shopping when his call reached me. I could tell immediately that something major had happened and that my husband was very upset. I mean, after being married for so many years, a wife recognises her husband’s moods. Of course he didn’t tell me on the phone what was wrong, but asked me to go home as fast as possible and wait for him, and that was just what I did! By the time Phil came walking through the front door I was a nervous wreck, you can believe me, I really was!”

”You know, that afternoon I learned my lesson, no family is immune to crime. It can and does happen everywhere. I used to work in my husband’s law firm and I had seen my share of bad things there. Every time I thought ‘thank god we’re not like that!’ or ‘I’m happy to say that my kids are good kids’. I was convinced that Zan had changed and Isabelle was spoiled but all in all a good girl. As you see, we suddenly were a family exactly like those. That was a very bitter moment for me, an eye opener.”

Remembering the question, Diane returned to the topic, “but I wanted to tell what my husband did once he was home, right? I’m sure you can imagine that I saw right away how upset he was and I started to become really frightened. Then his cell rang and I could hear him tell Hank to look for another attorney, that he knew the truth and wasn’t getting involved! Then he did something unheard of: he turned his cell off and I mean completely off, just like that. After he made sure that I sat comfortably, he started to tell me the worst news that I could think of. I don’t remember another occasion where I have cried as many tears as I did that afternoon. Then, of course he gave me the pictures of the two little sweethearts and I cried anew.”

Diane hated to talk about those events because every time she did she started to cry. Right now was no better but thankfully she had come prepared. She rummaged through her handbag and found some Kleenex. After wiping her eyes and nose discreetly, she went on with her story, “after I had had a good cry I suddenly realised that sitting there and feeling sorry for myself didn’t help anybody. After looking one more time at the picture of Maxie and Sascha I straightened up and informed Phil that we had to go to Roswell, immediately, and that was exactly what we did. Jim and Amy very generously offered to take us along because they wanted to go and see Liz. They knew that Isabelle’s presence must’ve upset her and even though they realised that Liz was well taken care of, they wanted to be there to show their support. We left shortly afterwards. Phil was sitting in the front with Jim and Amy and I shared the backseat. Amy was such a darling, she knew just how upset I was and helped me by telling me stories of Liz and the twins. In the early morning hours we reached Roswell and we were invited to stay with our new friends. The only way I was really able to handle the whole situation was to concentrate on the little ones. I was so afraid that Liz might change her mind at the last minute and not allow us to see them. Thankfully I worried for nothing. Today, I can’t imagine our family without the last three additions, they have become a very important part of us…”

Sarah laughed and said, “the twins are quite a handful, aren’t they Diane?” Glowing with grandmotherly pride, Diane nodded and chuckled, “they sure are!”

POV's next post's...
My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P15+15a,07.11.08

Post by uw51 »

17a, Philip Evans POV
I have been dreading my turn of talking about the darkest days of my life. Make no mistake, that’s exactly what those events are to me. Of course I’ve had bad moments before and after that, but they were things everybody else has to deal with too, just the ‘normal variety’ of ups and downs.

The strange thing was that on the morning of the aforementioned day, I had no inkling whatsoever that it would turn into such a nightmare. Actually, my wife and I had a very good start that morning. We both decided to go to work later than usual. We enjoyed a nice breakfast at our favourite breakfast place in town. They have the most delicious ‘Eggs Benedict’ you can imagine. We both just love those, that was why we used to go there at least once a month, but never on a Sunday, because on Sundays that place was just packed!

So, after we enjoyed our ‘Eggs Benedict’ my wife went to the office and I went to see a client, in fact, he is one of my favourite clients. In fact, he stayed with us even after we all moved to Roswell, opening a branch of our firm there. Anyway, I stayed with him for a few hours and then we went to lunch together. Afterwards we parted ways and I finally went to work at my office.

I had just started to look through my mail when Hank called and ordered me to bail him out, pronto. I wasn’t too happy with his attitude, that man had no manners! Anyway, soon after I was on my way to hear what Hank had to say.

As soon I was in heavy traffic my cell started to ring incessantly. Since I had to concentrate on my driving I had to wait until I was on the highway before answering. Max seemed very upset, but before we could start any kind of conversation I was pulled over by an officer. My son’s reaction to that was somewhat strange, he advised me to listen to what the policeman had to say and then to call him. I just wondered how could Max know the officer’s name and what he was going to tell me, huh?

The officer introduced himself as Jim Valenti and wanted to know if I was on my way to see Hank Miller? I was a bit affronted and informed him that that was my business. Valenti wasn’t deterred, he informed me if I was, then I should listen to what he had to tell me first, after that I could still go and see my client, if I so desired! I really don’t like it when people tell me what to do, and now it happened twice in less than an hour! Indignantly I let the officer know that I didn’t need anybody telling me what to do! Then he mentioned Isabelle’s arrest and I immediately changed my tune! Very politely, I asked him to please tell me what was going. All Valenti was prepared to say at that moment was that it was a long a story and he thought it best to go to his house where he would tell me everything.

That was how we ended up in the Valenti backyard. He offered me a beer and started to tell me the whole sordid story. At first I was in denial, I wouldn’t believe what I was being told. My Isabelle - my princess – wouldn’t do these kinds of things. Granted, I had spoiled her, but still… And even Zan, I knew that he was a bit of a scoundrel, but dealing drugs and raping little girls, no, I couldn’t believe that he’d do such things. Jim insisted, and started to show me all the documents in that thick binder of his.

I have to admit that even though I have seen many unsavoury things during my career, it never made me as sick as it did that afternoon. I think Valenti sensed it because he brought out a bottle of Bourbon and handed me a shot of it. After I gulped it down in one go I felt considerably better to handle things. In the course of the next few hours I needed another shot or two. I’m glad to say that I can handle my liquor and know when to stop. Oh, that didn’t sound too good, did it? I meant to say that even though I don’t drink often I know when to stop. By the way, the last time I had too much to drink was in my college time. I know that those are not important facts, but I just wanted you to know; we don’t do or condone drugs in our family and we only drink alcohol on social occasions and in moderate quantity.

Anyway, once every disgusting detail had sunk in, I realised I had another problem and I asked, ’can you tell me how in the Hades am I going to tell this to my wife?’ My wife would be devastated; my wife who had done everything in her power to create a beautiful and loving home for our kids, who had raised them with so much love and devotion. I’m not ashamed to admit that I was at my wits end. Talking with Jim and Amy –by then she had joined us – helped a lot.

At one point, I called Diane and asked her to meet me at home as soon as possible. I could feel that my wife noticed that something was amiss, but what could I say on the phone, huh?

Before I had to leave, Jim’s wife Amy brought me some coffee, strong coffee, to clear my head. Jim and Amy made sure that I was fit to drive, not because of the Bourbon, no, but because I was so shaken. In the end they decided to take me home, just to be on the safe side. Jim drove me and Amy brought my car. That’s just how they are, the Valentis, helpful even to strangers like I was.

Once I entered our home, my wife met me right away. I could see how worried she was, waiting for me to explain things, but I didn’t know how to start. It seemed that all that I was capable of doing was gripping Jim’s fat binder like my lifeline. Oh, Hank called just as I entered my home, and I told him off! In the end I just broke down and started to cry. Diane guided me into the living room and pushed me down on the couch.

After a moment Diane whispered, ‘Phil, what happened?’ and when I didn’t respond immediately she added, ‘sweetie, you’re scaring me, what is going on?’ Well, I realised that I had run out of time and now I had to break my wife the worst news ever, I began, ‘Di, the kids, Isabelle and Zan, they lied to us when they were kids. It wasn’t Max who did all the bad things they accused him of, it was Zan and Isabelle covered for him.’ I really don’t know why I started with those old stories but I think I just tried to lead up to the present situation, you know sort of ease her into the present catastrophe.

I saw how Diane’s eyes got bigger and bigger, looking all shocked and incredulous. And then I saw her tears running down her cheeks and all I could think was, ‘oh, god, she’s already crying and I haven’t even started with the worst!’ Actually, I don’t really remember how I told her, but I did. After that, she insisted to see the ominous binder. I told her not to, because it was just too horrible, but she wouldn’t hear any of it. Once she saw the pictures of Liz’s bruised body, my wife ran for the bathroom and barely made it before she started to vomit.

After she came back, Diane wanted to hear the rest. Every time I wanted to stop – I thought she didn’t need to know all the gory details right off – she just looked at me until I caved and continued. That woman has a way to say things without using words and everybody usually gives in. I often wondered if that was a ‘mom thing’ you know, if it came with the ‘how to be a good mom’ manual? Anyway, in the end we were both feeling like we had been through the wringer and we cried together.

Suddenly, I remembered the pictures of the twins that the Valentis had given me. I picked them up and handed them to Diane. She looked at them for long moments and then took a deep breath, stood up and decisively informed me that she was going to take a shower because she needed a clear head. I asked her if she needed help but she refused, saying that she needed to be alone to sort out all she had been told.

After trying to find out what I should do next, I realised that my wife had had the right idea. I went to the kids’ shower and refreshed myself too. Once I felt refreshed enough I went to our bedroom to get clean clothes. Everything was quiet, I couldn’t hear Diane but that was nothing new, she always needed a long time getting ready.

When I was all set I went to the kitchen in search of something to snack on and - surprise - there was my wife. The unthinkable had happened, she was in and out of the shower, dressed and all geared up in less then fifteen minutes. With my mouth hanging open I stood there, staring at her. There she was standing in our kitchen, dressed in jeans and t-shirt, wet hair pulled into a ponytail, no make-up whatsoever and on her feet were white sneakers. I honestly couldn’t remember when the last time had been where I had seen Diane dressed so casually. Maybe I should add that she always said that without make-up she felt naked. Now maybe you can understand my astonishment.

Before I could say anything she informed me that she wanted to go to Roswell as fast as possible. She felt the need to apologise to Max. After that, she wanted to see Liz and assure her that she would help her anyway she could and then - if Liz hadn’t changed her mind - she would be allowed to see our grandchildren. Next she added that after seeing Max and Liz she wanted to see Isabelle and hear from her directly what she had been up to. Depending on how serious our daughter was with her ‘new and improved attitude’ she would support her, but Isabelle would have to work very hard to gain her trust again.

Somewhat put off, I inquired, ‘don’t you think we should discuss this first?’ It wasn’t so much that I was against her plans, but we always discussed things first, always. So, her behaviour at that moment was new and surprising. Well, she looked straight into my eyes and clearly stated, ‘no, not this time, Phil. So far, every decision we made we made together, meaning we discussed everything and if we were of different opinions we went with your decision.’ She was dead serious, I could tell and then she added, ‘whatever you decide, I’m going to stick with my plan. Of course, if you should decide to agree with me, I would be very happy!’

She put me right on the spot there, didn’t she? I thought about it for a moment and I realised that she had been telling the truth, every time we couldn’t agree on something – which I’m glad to say wasn’t very often – we went with my decision. ‘You’re right,’ I agreed, ‘we’re doing it your way, it’s a sound plan!’ Together we decided to accept the Valenti’s offer to travel with them to Roswell and then we were invited to stay with them at Jim’s house, the one he had inherited from his parents.

While Diane packed some necessities I called Jim and finalised our plans. Within two hours we were on the way to Roswell. Amy and Diane sat in the backseat and in no time at all, the two went along real well. Amy had brought more pictures for Diane and together they looked at them. I could hear Amy’s comments and my wife’s questions. In-between, I could hear Diane talking about what our kids had done and then she’d start to cry. But somehow they always returned to Liz and the twins, meeting the three of them seemed to be a big comfort to Diane.

In the front, Jim and I too talked about what had happened, and Jim told me more about the police and FBI investigations. It was just mind-boggling to think that the FBI investigated my kids, well, mostly Zan, but still!

At some point Frank McCoy contacted Jim and wanted to know what we were all up to. Jim informed him that we all were on our way and first thing in the morning we would be contacting him to find out what was happening.

You know, the longer we were on the road, the more convinced I was that my wife was right, before we did anything at all, we had to apologise to Max for all the misunderstandings that we had had in the past. The longer I thought about it, the guiltier I started to feel, not a good feeling that, not at all! At one point, when the guilt and everything else was growing over my head, I turned around and started to look at the pictures of Liz and the twins. I have to admit, it was strangely consoling to see the three smiling faces.

Diane and I were very glad to stay with our new friends, the Valentis. Yes, I realise that this was fast, but we did become friends that fast. Anyway, since their beautiful home was on the outskirts of Roswell we were able to spend a quiet night. Next morning - after a hasty breakfast - we went to this place called ‘CrashDown’. As my wife had hoped, we met Max first and had enough time to express our deep regret for having been so wrong in the past, for having listened to Isabelle instead of our intuition. I can tell you, my son is a very generous young man indeed. He told us that everything was ok, he wasn’t holding any grudges and that he understood. Then he added that - right now - we had more important things to do than to dwell on the past. Well, I have to admit he was right.

Our next stop was the Parkers’ apartment where we were supposed to meet Liz. I have to say that I was quite nervous about it. I never really knew this girl all that well, I just saw her a few times at our house. She always was very shy and quiet. She was also very short and dainty, especially next to Isabelle – who is a veritable Amazon.

The Parkers were very nice and - surprisingly enough - very welcoming too. Except Liz who was a nervous wreck. The moment she saw my wife, Liz broke down and started to babble one apology after another, for all the pain this was causing us, that she had hoped to be able to talk with us before all hell broke loose - like it had. She apologised for keeping the twins a secret, and if she couldn’t remember anything new to be sorry about, she repeated her first apologies. Of course, Diane wasn’t much of a help either; she started to cry – again – just as hard as the young woman. Next, my wife too started to apologise, about Zan, about Isabelle, about how sorry she was that she hadn’t been able to stop everything. I remember the Parkers, Max and I just stood there, observing the two ladies, not quite sure what to do. The next step was that Liz and Diane started to console each other, 'you didn’t know, you couldn’t have prevented it, you did the best you could'; it was amazing. They were both talking at the same time; it was like a dam had broken.

I think that suddenly they both realised what they were doing and they calmed down considerably. Liz took Diane by her hand and led her to somebody’s backyard where Sascha and Maxie were playing with a Rosa and her kids. Since I wanted to meet my grandchildren too, Max and I followed the ladies.

To see our grandchildren for the first time worked miracles on my wife, and honestly, for me too. For a while, we stayed with Rosa and kids, when – out of the blue - my colleague Frank McCoy showed up, informing us of the final plans. It turned out that Diane and I had to see to Isabelle before lunch. You know, I hope you never have to visit your own kids in prison because that is very very painful. Anyway, that afternoon a few of us – along with the Feds and Isabelle – went to the Albuquerque airport to meet Zan.

I can still see Zan’s face, the way he looked when he realised that we had finally found him out. I visited him in prison three times; I tried to talk some sense into him, but to no avail. In the end I informed him that I only had two children left because my oldest son had just died. After that, all I could do was, make sure he never came anywhere near any of us ever again and to cut him out of my will. Those were very difficult decisions, but I know in my heart that it was the right thing to do. But – you know – sometimes in the darkest hours of the night I still wonder where I went wrong…

Diane's POV next post...
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A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P15+15a,07.11.08

Post by uw51 »

17b, Diane Evans POV
You know, my husband was right when he said that that was the darkest day of our lives, it truly was. Even today I have a hard time to accept that any child of mine would be capable of such heinous crimes, but I have two of them. I’m sad to say that we have lost Zan; there was just no talking to him. It was everybody else’s fault but his. I really tried to understand him, to see if I had made grave mistakes when I raised him. I was even prepared to stand by him if he had been honourable enough to accept responsibility and show remorse for his actions, but he didn’t. After his arrest I saw Zan three times, hoping he might have come to his senses, but he didn’t. As a direct consequence I told him that for me, my son Zan was dead, that I never ever wanted to see or hear from him again. I also made it clear that should he decide and make things difficult for Isabelle – who thank god had come to her senses – he would have to deal with me.

I’m glad to say that Philip saw it the same way. We cut him out of your wills and now our grandchildren will inherit in his stead. Oh, both Phil and I made it very clear that he is to never contact Liz or the little ones ever. He realised just how serious we were when we changed our wills. He didn’t like that one bit.

I’m sure you noticed that I’m far ahead of what I’m supposed to tell, so without further ado I will go back in time…
Philip’s call really scared me, I knew him well enough to understand that he wasn’t telling me something important and most probably bad. That he wouldn’t talk about it on the phone just confirmed it for me. It scared me enough that I didn’t complete my shopping; I just paid what I had in my shopping cart and rushed home.

My husband came home shortly afterwards, but the time seemed endless and I was ready to climb the living room walls. When I heard the car in the driveway I ran to the window and I could see a woman driving Phil’s car. That alone spoke volumes of the seriousness of what was to come, because he doesn’t like anybody else driving his car! Behind Phil’s car was the sheriff’s cruiser and after exiting it, my husband talked with the officer.

I debated going outside to meet them, but knowing just how discreet Phil was, I decided to stay inside - waiting. When he finally entered our home there was no stopping me. Once I reached him, his cell went off and Phil answered it very abruptly and rudely. After that he turned it off. I just stood there and waited. I could see that he was trying to tell me something but instead he just broke down crying. I know I didn’t mention his crying in the interview, but he’s very sensitive about it! As it is, the only times I ever saw my husband cry were when somebody close to us died. Now you know just how frightening things were! I led him into our living room and pushed him on the couch, now all I had to do was wait until he calmed down sufficiently to talk to me. By now I was scared out of my wits and I knew Phil could sense my fear.

When he finally began with his story it was about something that was bad enough, but not as bad as to warrant such a reaction from my husband. After hearing his first words of ‘Di, the kids, Isabelle and Zan, they lied to us when they were kids’ I just sat there, waiting for the other shoe to drop – and boy, did it drop!

Once I started to cry I couldn’t stop, I turned into a veritable waterfall. In my head I was screaming, ‘no, my kids would never do such terrible things, never!’ and at the same time I knew that Phil would never make up such awful stories. I couldn’t understand it because we had taught them better, or did we? Should I have seen this coming? Should we have raised them more strictly? Less strictly? More punishments or fewer? Where did we go wrong? The strangest thing at the time was that I knew that we had done our best, but then there was this little voice that said differently.

After seeing the pictures of Liz lying on the sidewalk and next in the ER, my brain just stopped to function. I could hear my husband’s words but they didn’t sink in any longer. I was completely and utterly devastated.

As I was sitting there – beside Phil – staring at the binder, I suddenly saw some other pictures beside it. At first I was afraid to look at them, expecting some more evidence of the brutality my kids had wrought, but I couldn’t leave them alone, I had to know and I got the biggest surprise imaginable, because smiling from the picture was Liz with two adorable little kids, a boy and a girl. Questioningly, I looked at Phil and he understood what I needed to know, his nod was answer enough for me. First I looked at Liz closely; she had matured into a beautiful woman. She looked happy and carefree and I asked myself however had this girl been able to overcome such an awful experience? Then I looked at the little ones and I realised that they probably had a lot to with her healing process.

Then I really looked at the little ones and suddenly my brain cleared and I became conscious of the fact these kids looked like Liz and Zan, and after an even closer look I realised no, thank god not Zan but Max. I heard my husband whisper ‘they’re called Maxie and Sascha’. ‘Maxie and Sascha’ I repeated and suddenly I knew that Maxie was named after my Max. By this time I thought I had no tears left, but I was wrong. I just sat there, staring at the picture through my tears. I wanted to wake up out of this nightmare but I didn’t know how.

After a while I noticed that Phil was talking again. He was telling me something about the little ones. That was the moment when the facts - that these two kids were my grandbabies - hit home. Thankfully, I was rational enough to hear him say that Liz would allow us to see the kids. I can tell you that this thought got me going. There was nothing that could’ve motivated me more than the knowledge of my ‘new’ grandchildren. I wiped off my tears, stood up straight and declared decisively that I needed a shower to clear my thoughts.

Well, you already heard about what happened next from Phil, about how we got ready and all that. He even told you about his surprise to find me in jeans, t-shirt and no make-up. Please, there are more important things in this world than appearances, huh? As it is, I’m sure you don’t mind if I don’t repeat about us getting ready, it’s not all that interesting anyway!

I was very glad that we could ride with the Valentis because we both were in very bad shape emotionally. The Valentis are such sweet and generous people, really, they even invited us to stay in their home in Roswell, imagine that! Actually, I wanted to tell you about our ride to Roswell. I don’t really remember too much of it, except that I cried a lot and that Amy was very nice and understanding. You know, she even brought a photo album of the little ones. In there I could see pictures from the moment Liz started to show to the last month of her pregnancy.

I found myself retuning to one specific picture, it showed a very pregnant Liz and Amy said that it was taken three weeks before the babies were born. I looked at Liz, who was far too young and too small to be pregnant and she had the saddest eyes ever. In Liz’s eyes I could clearly see that she had been traumatized and had to grow up faster than anybody ever should. I couldn’t help but wish that none of this had happened to her.

By the time we reached Roswell I was too exhausted to do more than to fall into bed and sleep. It wasn’t a good sleep because, one, I had nightmares and two; Phil kept twisting and turning beside me. Next morning I looked accordingly but I didn’t care, I was on a mission. First I wanted to see Max, then Liz and if she was willing the twins.

When we left our room Amy had already prepared a light breakfast. She knew we weren’t up for anything big. As hard as I tried to keep my impatience in check, my new friend must’ve felt it because the moment I was done eating, she informed us to get ready to go the CrashDown. ‘CrashDown?’ hmm, what could that be I wondered. I didn’t have to wait long before we pulled up in front of this diner with half of an UFO sticking out above the entrance. If I had been in a better frame of mind I would have appreciated the humour of it, but now I didn’t really see it.

The moment we entered the diner, Max greeted us with a very animated face. I could tell that he had had a tough night, but at the same time he seemed very excited, almost elated. One look at my son told me that he had found Liz again and that - against all odds – he was hopeful. This caused me to send a quick prayer heavenwards, begging for the best because I didn’t want Max to get hurt.

Anyway, as I looked around the diner I could see that it was very full, amazingly so, considering it was past breakfast time. Max guided us to a beautiful backyard where the three of us could have our talk. Wouldn’t you know, I was crying again, first because I felt so guilty and was so sorry for believing Isabelle and Zan and never having any doubts about their explanations. Next I cried because I was very thankful for my wonderful son, who understood and forgave me before I even asked to be forgiven. He just said, ‘mom, let’s not waste time with a past that can’t be changed, we have more important things to think about now!’

I saw the twinkle in his eyes and asked, ‘like Liz?’ and the biggest smile broke over Max’s face. ‘Oh, mom, you should see her, she is so brave and strong and so beautiful.’ Then he took a deep breath and I realised that he was about to tell me something very important, ‘she even wants me in their lives, and she will let me help her with the kids and with anything else!’ I have to admit that my son’s elation had me worried, I mean, here was a girl who had been deeply traumatized and I just couldn’t see any future for the two of them. Apparently Max knew me quite well because he informed me, ‘mom, stop worrying, I’m not talking about dating or anything like that. Too much has happened for that, but we will get to know each other again and build up a friendship and I can be an uncle to the kids, actually, they already call me uncle Max!’ He saw that I wasn’t really convinced and pleaded, ‘mom, please, give us a chance to let everything develop and whatever happens happens, that’s all I ask, ok?’ Of course I agreed, how could I not?

We chatted for a few more minutes and then Max led us up to the Parker’s apartment. Did you know they lived right above their diner? As you already heard from my husband, Liz and I became very emotional as soon as we saw each other. I can’t really remember too much of it, except that we both babbled and cried and at one point I told Liz that I wished my son had never hurt her, that if I could take away that one night, I would. Liz just looked at me for a moment and then quietly stated, ‘don’t wish for that, if you do, you wish my children away!’ serenely she added, ‘if you have to wish for anything, then wish for it to have happened in a nicer way, but honestly, don’t waste your time on the past, because that’s done and over with and can’t be changed, ok?’

Wasn’t that simply amazing? I mean she is still so young and yet so wise. Don’t tell Liz I said that, because she hates it when I tell her how much I admire her.

Anyway, after we had calmed down, Liz took my hand and led me to the neighbour’s backyard where my grandbabies were playing. The moment I saw them my heart started to lighten up, I could breathe again. I felt like I was slowly coming out of my nightmare.

They were so beautiful, just like Max said, there was a mini-Liz and a mini-Max. All I needed was one look and I had fallen heads over heals in love with the two little rascals. I quickly noticed that with these little ones I had to be sharp as a tick because they wanted to know this and that and everything else too. They weren’t shy, not one bit.

You know, at first I didn’t even notice, but there were all kinds of people looking at us, sometimes they’d say hello and sometimes they’d observe a moment and then leave. We were introduced to Mama Dee and afterwards to somebody called Bones, apparently the owner of this backyard. I soon figured out that they all were just watching out for Liz, Maxie and Sascha. I found that very endearing and assuring.

Then it seemed that our plans had changed and we had to visit Isabelle before lunch. For lunchtime we were back with the Parkers, actually we were in the diner because as Jeff said, many people were coming to see Liz to show her their support, and if we were in the restaurant it was easier for them.

That afternoon we went to pick up Zan. My feelings were all over the place, they ranged from anger to guilt to sadness, but one thing was clear, I would not help my son in any way other than to support him if he should seriously repent. He didn’t, repent that is, and I had to make a very difficult decision. I saw him three times and every time he was very hateful about Isabelle, Liz and even Phil and I. He said that it was our fault, that we never loved him, that we always preferred Max and Isabelle! He threw hurtful words at our heads that were completely untrue. He showed no remorse and in the end I had to tell him that I had only two children left, Max and Isabelle. After that, I changed my will and cut off all contact to Zan, just like my husband.

We stayed in Roswell for a while. Phil had to go back to work after four days and Max after one week. My son returns to Roswell every weekend to spend as much time as possible with Liz and the kids.

My husband urged me to stay longer and in the end I spent two weeks in Roswell. The time I spend with the twins helped me to come to term with the loss of Zan. Oh, don’t worry, I didn’t replace Zan with the little ones, they weren’t his replacement, no, but with the twins I could be myself. I’m sure that was what helped me stay sane.

Also, I was very happy to get to know this ‘new‘ Liz and I found her to be a very strong and independent young woman who knew exactly what she wanted, and went for it. I had to marvel at how she managed her life; I mean she worked part time in the diner, had her twins and studied. She had one class at the local college and one online class with Harvard. From time to time Liz even visited high schools and talked about her experience, told the kids to be careful about who they trust and if anything happens, not wait or hide in shame but to get help. She also advises the kids to take self-defence classes because that makes them stronger. Oh, and Liz is still visiting high schools and will continue to do so.

I realised that for the Harvard online class she had a connection who helped her get in. Liz explained to me that she had completely given up hope and thus never even applied, but when everything is said and done, it was still Liz who had to do all the work. Just because somebody put in a good word for her didn’t mean that she could slack off in class. I’m very proud to announce that she is doing very well in all her classes and enjoying them too. Besides all that, she still manages to spend quite a lot of time with Maxie and Sascha, and wouldn’t you know it, with Max too. By now, the four of them are becoming a beautiful little family and most of the time Liz is doing really great, but she still has her moments and we never really know what sets her off. I guess she will continue to have these moments; there is no cure against it. I’m just glad to report that by now those moments are few and far between.

Anyway, after Max found Liz again he didn’t want to risk loosing her and soon he started to talk about moving to Roswell and to look for a new job. I realised that that was what I wanted to do too. I spoke with Phil and found out that he had been thinking along the same line as us.

Phil and Max decided to branch out the business to Roswell. That way we could live here and they only had to go into Albuquerque once or twice a month. Everything worked like a charm; we found a beautiful Spanish style house near the Parkers. Max even found an apartment in their neighbourhood, nothing big, but big enough that the kids had a room there too.

Isabelle has come a long way and I start to recognise my daughter again, you know, how she used to be before everything went wrong. Also, I’m very proud about the hard work she does in prison. I know she likes to play it down but the truth is, right now she is supporting three women working on their high school diploma and one on her bachelor degree. Isabelle even arranged - with the help of the prison management of course – to continue her work after her release, which will – hopefully - be in a few months.

The amazing thing is that six month ago life threw our family a killer curve ball that had me convinced that we would never recover from. Now I can say that we have mastered those troubles pretty well even though we still have to deal with the fall out – meaning Zan! You know, just because we told him that he was no longer a part of our family doesn’t mean that we don’t miss him or even love him. I mean, he is our son and he always will be. And still, even though my mind tells me we did the right thing because Zan would’ve completely sucked the life out of us, sometimes my heart wonders where I went wrong…

By now, Philip and I have successfully relocated and started anew, well not completely anew, since we still have the office in the city. Now we live close to Liz and the little ones and have become integrated into their family, and their circle of friends has accepted us unconditionally. Also, very important - to my husband and I - is the fact that we are close to Isabelle. We see her once a week and make sure to let her know we love and support her. She has been clean since entering prison and sometimes when she is afraid of succumbing to the lure of the drugs, she calls us and we talk until she feels stronger again.

I have to admit that I know I won’t ever forget what Isabelle did, you know, covering for Zan and then drugging Liz and the whole unsavoury rest, but she is working very hard – and I mean very very hard – to redeem herself. At the moment our relationship is still very fragile but it gets stronger and stronger. Right now I am very hopeful that our relationship will become stronger than ever, because Isabelle finally seems to find out who she is. I think that frightens her the most, because for such long time she was lost in her drugs and wild ways, so she has to learn to be just herself again, without any crutches to lean on.

You know, I realise that this may sound a tad corny, but lately, our family has grown bigger, stronger and closer. That somehow gives me the absolute certainty that no matter what kind of curveballs are thrown our way, we will overcome them and that is a very good feeling indeed.


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

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The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult,P17-17b, 08.08.08

Post by uw51 »


Hello everybody, this is it!!!! Today I’m posting the epilogue and I’d like to take this occasion to thank all my Feedbacker for their support and kind words.

Thank you pandas2001 <> Emz80 <> LegalAlien <> Natalie36 <> Keepsmiling <> Katydid and paper!

pandas2001 <> your ‘Daddy’ question will be answered in this last post, I hope you approve, lol! The twins won’t be in the show because I think they already have a difficult position in life with their crazy sperm-doner. I’m sure they know that Zan will watch the show and thus no pictures of the little ones. It’s safer that way, right?
Once more I thank my fabulous beta for doing such a great job, dankä tuusig mol!
So, now no more dawdling, here is the last part of this story!

As always many thanks to my Beta, what would I do without you?

And here comes the end, enjoy…

18, Intermezzo – Liz
”You two really have been put through the wringer, haven’t you?” Sarah sympathized with Diane and Phil. “Yeah, you could really say that, but all these trials made us stronger, at least we like to think so,” Phil replied seriously and Diane nodded gracefully.

Nathan decided that the time had come to inform their guests of some unpleasant news and with a serious mien he began, “in the course of planning this evening we tried to make it as honest and fair as possible. So with that in mind we went to Zan and to Cindy and Chuck Parker asking their reasons for doing what they did.”

Sarah, who was sitting beside her husband looking quite uncomfortable, went on, “Zan became really aggressive and informed us that Liz seduced him and Isabelle was lying through her teeth. We confronted him with the results of the investigation and he completely lost it. He became very offensive and insulted everybody he could think of. That was why we refused to share his statement, it consists solely of insults and slurs. With Cindy and Chuck it was pretty similar. They insisted that Liz behaved badly and with her lying she brought shame to their good name. Confronted with the results of the investigations they insisted that they had been manipulated.”

Looking directly at Liz, Sarah continued, “Actually, the two C’s insisted that they were prepared to take you back but you refused. Now, Liz, can you tell me if that’s true?” “They really said that, huh?” Liz inquired sadly only to continue, “well, I’m not surprised, usually, they only remember what suits them and what they can benefit from. So, to answer your question, yes, it’s true, they did offer to take me back but that offer came with certain conditions.”

Sarah raised her eyebrows questioningly and asked, “what conditions?” “Well, by the time they contacted me, my twins were 6 months old and Sascha was still recovering from his surgery. So, one day – while I was in the diner with the twins - they suddenly stood there demanding to talk with me. Apparently some business partners of my dad’s had heard rumours going around town and asked my parents point blank what was going on. The stories ranged from my very sluttish behaviour to my mysterious disappearance. The people were very curious since nobody had seen me for quite some time. The two C’s denied everything and told them that there was nothing mysterious about my disappearance since I was at an ‘all girls boarding school’ to round off my education. You know, they sat at the table with us and completely ignored my children.”

Liz paused and picked up her glass to drink some water before continuing up her story, “anyway, that was the reason they contacted me. Before that I hadn’t heard anything at all, not even when my babies were born and I sent them an announcement. As it was, they told me that they would graciously take me back if I would give up the kids for adoption. Of course I refused. They didn’t like it but told me that that was such a shame because that would’ve been the cleanest solution. They next offered that the kids go to one of these institutions where they board unwanted children; everything would be very discreet and hush-hush. Nobody would have to know a thing about my mistake and my chances for a ‘good’ marriage would still be intact. I refused that too. I can tell you, they weren’t too happy with me. In fact, they had a few more brilliant ideas on how to get me home and the kids out of their way. After I still refused, they started to call me all kinds of names, of which the nicest one was ungrateful brat!”

”That was it?” Nathan inquired. Smiling, Liz countered, “no, but for a while they stayed away and everything was quiet. Of course after the arrests things became public. That was a very awkward moment for them because suddenly everybody knew that I had never been away in a boarding school. So, on the next day they showed up offering to take me back. The conditions were the same, and of course they had a real fancy institution already picked out and waiting for my little ones too.”

This statement seemed confusing and Nathan prodded, “why would you still have to give the little ones away? I mean, since everything was public, everybody already knew about them?” After shaking her head Liz informed him, “I know, I didn’t understand their logic either. That was when they told me that it was a case of ‘out of sight – out of mind’ and if the kids weren’t around, people would forget about them and my chances of finding a ‘good’ husband were still good, especially if I returned to their house and followed all their instructions. This time they even had a potential husband lined up…” “Really?” Sarah burst out. “Really,” Liz repeated and went on, “an older, gentleman from a very influential family who was down on his luck! Just what the two C’s wanted, you know, they had more money than they needed, but no influential connections!”

Before one of the hosts could form the next question concerning her parents, Liz decidedly requested, “can we change the subject? I think we’ve already wasted enough time on the two C’s?” Grinning understandingly, Sarah agreed and offered, “sure Liz, what would you like to talk about?” After reflecting on that question for a moment, Liz proposed, “not that I necessarily want to but I know you have some questions concerning Zan, so, why don’t we deal with him first? Then we’re done with all the unpleasant topics!”

”Hey, you’re a smart girl!” a broadly grinning Nathan complemented Liz and then queried, “Zan! What could we possibly want to know about him? Hmmm, ok, why did you arrest him?” “Well, there were two reasons actually. First, after I arrested Isabelle I realised that in doing so I somehow felt tremendously relieved. You know, until that moment she was something like a boogieman for me. Of course – at the time -she didn’t have this enormous power over me any longer, not like in the beginning, but still, there were days where just hearing the name ‘Isabelle’ set me off. So, logically I started to wonder how I would feel after I had arrested Zan, and let me tell you, just thinking about it gave me a lot of confidence.”

“Really?” Sarah wanted to know and posed the next question, “you said two reasons, what was the other one?” “The other reason was Isabelle…” “Isabelle? What do you mean, Isabelle?” Nathan interrupted. “If you hadn’t interrupted me you I could’ve told you!” Liz smiled teasingly and went on, “apparently, when Frank, Jose and Jim were interrogating Isabelle she started to ask about me and the little ones. My friends thought about it before answering, but they were convinced that she was genuinely interested and told her just a little about my situation. At one point Isabelle suddenly proposed that it might help me if I was the one to arrest Zan. She thought that might help me find closure and at the same time show him that I wasn’t scared of him any longer, that now I was in fact a strong young woman who was having a good life.”

”We all talked about this idea with the FBI agent that showed up, I asked him if I would be allowed to arrest Zan and we told him of our plan that we had come up with. I have to add that we had been working with this particular agent for quite a while and we knew each other pretty well by that time. I can tell you, that I’m forever grateful that he let me do the arrest it was a very empowering experience!” Liz ended her explanations with a sparkle in her eyes.

”Nathan nodded and said, “I can understand that sentiment perfectly well. Now I have my last question concerning Zan. Can you tell me what you felt when you had him at your mercy?” Smiling, Liz reflected, “I guess you can really say that he was at my mercy, at least for a short moment!” After thinking carefully on how to answer she explained, ”you have to understand that I was safe when I confronted Zan, after all, there were people next door who observed everything and were ready to pounce to my defence. But I do have to confess it felt good to be able to face him and not be scared any longer. I looked him straight in the eye and asked him why he had done it.”

Liz interrupted her monologue to drink some more water and then continued, “can you imagine, he was just being his idiotic, conceited self and assumed that I was actually there because I wanted him. I told him no in no uncertain terms but he wouldn’t listen. When I saw him standing there, smug and confident, like he was God’s present to womankind, I started to loose my patience, but then he started to crowd me and wouldn’t take no for an answer. I just lost it, I didn’t think of right or wrong, I just defended myself when he started to crowd me and that was that, I floored him. Of course, I have to admit that afterwards I felt real good about it. He was laying flat on his back, and - like the coward that he is - begged his parents for help.”

Smiling proudly, Liz declared, “also, after Zan was on the floor I was in control of my actions. I didn’t take advantage on my position of power, even when his crotch was under my foot.” Seeing Nathan’s questioningly raised eyebrow, Liz clarified, “really, just think about, with only one well placed kick I could’ve done some serious damage, believe me, but I didn’t. All I did was scare him a little and later I heard that he found sitting a bit uncomfortable, but only for a few days. I have to say that Zan was lucky that I hadn’t met him a few years earlier because then I was very good in self-defence but when I was scared I couldn’t monitor my actions, I’d go completely overboard. I know I would’ve really hurt him then. This alone shows you the progress I have made. I didn’t need to hurt him to feel safe. All I did was defend myself with a little added pressure!”

Sarah looked admiringly at Liz and said, “enough about that man, now I want to know how you and that gorgeous hunk beside you are doing. What happened after you met him again? Care to share the details, huh?” “I guess I have to, don’t I?” Liz smirked.

POV next post...
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Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult,P17-17b, 08.08.08

Post by uw51 »

18a, Liz’ POV
Here I am again, but this time I’m here to talk about what happened after Isabelle’s arrest and most of it is good – I mean really really good! I do have to begin with Isabelle’s arrest and as chaotic that turned out – it was a fundamentally important moment in my life. It showed me just how strong and capable I had become and that was very freeing.

Ok, I guess I start with the moment when I saw Max for the first time since disaster had struck. I looked at him and it seemed like no time at all had passed. We just stared into each other’s eyes - like we did after we met all those years ago. In fact, I was so busy staring at Max that I needed a moment to realize what Isabelle was doing, you know, spewing all that ugliness. Thankfully I remembered my friend Maria’s mantra and began to chant ‘I’m Teflon babe, I’m Teflon’ – silently of course, just in my mind! Now I can tell you from my very own experience that that mantra worked like a charm, at least until Isabelle started to insult my babies. Nobody does that and gets away with it, nobody! The moment she used my children in vain was the moment she crossed the line and I let her know it in no uncertain terms.

After she blatantly ignored my restraint and kept taunting me, badmouthing my children, I lost it and I slapped her across her cheek, slapped her hard too. My own action shocked me and I had a devil of time to hide my reaction, I mean it wouldn’t do to show weakness in front of my enemy, right! To understand my reaction you have to know two things; first, this was the very first slap ever that I handed out and secondly; I abhor violence. So, after I was over my initial shock about my bout of violence, I realized that it actually felt good to see my red handprint on Isabelle’s left cheek, really good! The next thing I noticed was that - after the initial astonishment of seeing my painful past in front of me - I recovered very quickly and was in control again. What I’m trying to tell you is that all her mean bitching didn’t throw me for a loop, and I gave as good as I got – even better than I got and that threw HER for a loop. Cool, huh! I guess I should also tell you that - ever since I started to recover - it has been very important for me to be in control of my life, but with my history that was only to be expected, right!

Anyway, the most difficult moment was when my children ran up to me and saw Isabelle. It was really strange because logically I understood that my children and I were safe, I mean, the diner was full with my family and friends and they wouldn’t let anybody hurt us in any way. Of course they weren’t butting in because they all knew just how hard I had to fight to become this strong and independent; they’d wait for me to give them a sign before interfering.

But still, Isabelle and my babies in such close proximity wasn’t something I had ever pictured and THAT threw me for a loop because it made me question my belief in giving everybody a second chance. Of course I had taught my kids about it and – when it suited them – they did it too. The moment they saw a crying Isabelle they became very curious and – naturally – remembered another lesson, to help people who are hurting. So, I held my tongue and observed, but I always ready to pounce to their defence. And - lo and behold - this time I learned a lesson too, my kids are much more perceptive than I gave them credit for; they actually questioned Isabelle’s tears and the rest is history…

Next I want to tell you something about Zan, em, more precisely about arresting him. I won’t dwell on it because it’s done and over with and I’m happy and proud with how I handled that situation. I’m sure you think it strange that I was the one to do the arrest but here I have my friends to thank, my friends Jim Valenti, Jose Ramirez and Frank McCoy. Also, knowing the FBI agent responsible for Zan’s capture helped a lot. After all we had worked together for some time by then.

Anyway, to be honest I have to admit that hearing of Zan’s arrival put me in a panic. All rational thoughts were flying out of my mind, whoosh and they were gone. Instead my thoughts were completely irrational, things like ‘what will he say?’ or ‘what will he do?’ Quite a few ‘what if’s…’ ran through my mind too. For a moment my old fears reared their ugly heads, but then Max consoled me saying that since I had faced his sister and came out on top, I most certainly would be stronger than Zan, especially since he had no idea what was going to happen after his ‘talk’ with Isabelle.

I can tell you that thought got my imagination working overtime. In no time at all I cockily thought to myself, ‘I arrested Isabelle, why not Zan too?’ and that was how that idea was born. After mulling over it for a bit I asked Max for his input. Of course he agreed and together we talked with Jeff and Nancy. They all thought I should go for it since they could see just how much self-assured I was after arresting Isabelle.

Unbeknownst to us, Isabelle voiced the same idea when she was talking with Jim, Jose and Frank. In fact she told them that – as long as I wanted to – I deserved to be given the chance to arrest him. She even added that since they all would be near nothing could go wrong. Well, you know the outcome of that suggestion.

I said that I was happy and proud with how I handled that situation and that is absolutely true. I was in control the whole time through, even when I lost it and flipped Zan on his back. You’re probably wondering why I insist on saying that I was in control when I went and floored him and even put my foot on where it hurt him the most. That’s quite easy to answer, you know. When I had him under my foot I could’ve done some heavy damage, I mean there was noone around to stop me, they were all in the other room. By the time they would’ve reached us I could easily have smash up his family jewels. So, I can proudly state that I was in control because all I did was put a little extra pressure on my foot and all he had to show for it was feeling a little uncomfortable for a day or two. I can tell you that if I had been in the same situation one year earlier I wouldn’t have been able to restrain myself like that. He very probably would be singing like an eunuch by now!

Well, that’s enough of Zan except that I have to add that it felt good to face him, because in facing him I was able to face my fears. Of course, having him under my foot was very empowering, really. He looked so small and then he begged for help, just like the coward that he is. Now - after facing him – I can safely say that I lead a very happy and charmed life. Thankfully, memories of my nightmarish time come very rarely.

Ok, now I have only one more unpleasantness to report to you and I’m sure you guessed whom this is about, my parents, Cindy and Chuck Parker. Actually, I have to say that I don’t consider them my parents any longer. They put me through too much heartache to accept them in my life ever again. After all, they were the ones who neglected their duty as parents when they kicked me out of their house, not the other way around. Once I started to feel better and more confident than ever before, I took the liberty to choose my new family, Jeff, Nancy and Sean.

I know I already mentioned how the two C’s wanted me to go back to live with them. Actually, both times were very strange situations; especially the second time was almost laughable if it weren’t so sad. It was really just how I have told you, the first time they only showed up because somebody asked about me. Obviously the two C’s were able to smother up any unpleasant rumours, which wasn’t the case the second time.

I know you have already heard that the two C’s were taken in at the same time as the others in Albuquerque were arrested. I think that earlier we forgot to mention that after being questioned by the police; they let them go again. Of course they were able to pay any bail asked, but they had to remain in the vicinity. That only gave them a new reason to bring me home. They were convinced that if I was home again, nobody would look too closely into my disappearance and they could avoid any troubles. They came to the CrashDown to convince me of their generosity and to make me move back.

They arrived the next morning, actually they arrived right after Diane and Philip left to visit Isabelle. The rest of us – including Jeff, Nancy, and Sean, our closest friends and Max and I – were in the diner. At some point the Stantons arrived to spent a few moment with us before they had to leave for Washington, State business was calling them back. Anyway, we were all having a great time – I felt like I was on a sugar high – when suddenly the two C’s marched in like they owned the place. They looked at all my friends disparagingly, like they weren’t good enough to kiss their shoes.

At the time I was talking with Max, Nancy and Pricilla when the two of them pushed into our conversation. They bombarded me with their wishes, their demands and their wants and needs, ignoring any of my comments. When I still didn’t accept their ‘most gracious’ offer – their term, not mine – Chuck thought to lure me with the city life saying something like ‘you have no chances in a town like Roswell, a dump like that has nothing to offer!’ Upon hearing that, Pricilla - our very own first lady - turned towards him and - after giving him the evil eye - stated coolly, ‘well, I can’t believe how you have the audacity to malign my very good friends and our lovely town?’

Oh, I know that gloating isn’t very nice, but I just couldn’t help myself, I just had to smirk at my ‘parents’ and raising my eyebrows inquiringly I repeated, ‘Roswell? A dump? Well, maybe I should tell you that my very good friends the Stantons couldn’t agree with that. In fact they have just bought a Ranch not too far from here!’

After realising his faux-pas the two C’s slunk away and I have never seen or heard from them again and that’s just fine with me. Nobody here misses them and least of all I! Something else that was made patently clear to me was, the two C’s had no idea who I really was, otherwise they would’ve never tried to separate me from my children. For them, it was never about me, always only about what advantage I could bring them. I can also tell you that they really hate the fact that now I have all the connections they wanted and they can’t take advantage of them. Well, I’d say that’s poetic justice, wouldn’t’ you?

Well, that’s all I have to say to my ex-parents. I know you all are loosing your patience with me, because you actually want to know about my little ones, Max and me, right? Well, you have to wait no longer I have told you everything that needed to be said, now I can just lean back and enjoy bragging about my sweethearts!

Hmm, I think I should tell you first about how I was at the time all this happened, you know, about my feelings, about men, stuff like that. After I had finally decided to trust my - never before heard of - family and their strange friends, I started to get better in huge leaps and bounds. Especially once I started to work with Michael and found a kindred spirit in Bones. In time I even started to like it when they hugged me, now that was something I was quite unused to. In my childhood, the only ones to ever hug me were Hilda, Sparky and Martha and they only hugged me if noone else was around, because they feared my parents. My parents now, they only hugged me when they had company, to show what loving parents they were.

That was also a reason why I needed time to learn to accept freely given affections and then I needed even more time to show them myself. My babies helped me a lot with all that too. After a while I even enjoyed this business of showing and receiving affections. But even with all the progress I made with interacting with my family and friends, I always knew that I most definitely would never have a boyfriend. Just the thought of THAT kind of intimacy scared the crap out of me. Of course, even daydreams about marriage and more children were completely out of question.

Even though considering all that, I can honestly say that I was happy with my life, I was strong and independent and I had many people who cared about me, I didn’t need anything more. I have to admit that from time to time I would play the ‘what if…’ game and wonder what if nothing had happened where would Max and I be? Would we have ended up as a couple? Maybe in time even have married and started a family? But like I said, I didn’t allow myself to dwell too often on ‘what ifs…’ they were detrimental to my balance.

And then on day that had started out like any other normal day all hell broke loose after I gazed into HIS eyes. After the situation had calmed down and Max hadn’t turned away from me disgusted, I started to dream about ‘maybe’ and ‘could he’ and ‘would he’ and after a while these thoughts didn’t seem quite so scary as before.

By the time Max re-entered my life, Maxie and Sascha had just started elementary school. They were open to any kind of mischief; loved to play outside and get dirty; adored Michael and his self-defence lessons; admired Bones with his beard and bike and had already decided to get as many tattoos as he had when they were grown up. Here, I just have to add that Maxie envied Sascha fiercely because he was a boy and boys could grow beards once they were all grown up! They loved Amy Valenti’s pies and listening to Mama Dee telling them fairytales. For the two of them, the highlight of every day was when Jeff allowed them to ‘help’ in the diner with important jobs; getting a tip was almost better to them than any other present. To this list I have to add they were very opinionated and both of them were extremely protective of me, actually they still are.

And then Max entered our life at the most dramatic moment possible. Also, I soon found out that we were very attuned to each other. From the moment we met Max was on my side and immediately accepted my babies as his family. He supported me through my fears and sorrows and – no - I haven’t forgotten my friends and family who have been with me for such a long time, but with Max it was just… different. I don’t know, it just was.

Max soon realised that I wasn’t shy any longer but had a very sassy mouth on me and was very opinionated. Hmm, now you know who my kids got that from, don’t you! Ok, back to my story! Max and I had long talks, he wanted to know everything I was comfortable telling him, he never pressured me - or even more important – felt sorry for me. Don’t get me wrong. He was sorry that I had been hurt and I’m sure he would’ve done everything in his power to prevent it. But he recognised me as what I was, a young independent woman who had her own opinions.

I’m also very proud to tell you that Max was very impressed with my studies, especially that I had been able to study long distance at Harvard. From the first day on he wanted to uncle Max to my kids and Maxie and Sascha took to him like ducks to water, meaning, they just loved their ‘new’ uncle. Before my little ones were used to having a new uncle they even got another grandma and grandpa. I always thought that with all the new family members that kept popping up, my children never felt the whole magnitude of all the drama that went down around them.

Max shocked me with the news that he was moving to Roswell, but to be honest I was very pleased about it. Later I learned that Diane and Philip were coming too! Oh, you don’t know just how much I love to have such a big and loving family and on top of that I’m also blessed with so many friends! Can you believe that? I mean, as I child I only had Hilda and Sparky as a ‘sort of family’ and later for a short time Martha was there too, and now, now I have all these incredible people, sometimes I get completely overwhelmed by so much attention, but I love it, love it, love it!

Anyway, I digressed; I’m still talking about Max, my fiancé and future husband! Now there’s a turn about if there ever was one, right! I mean, I truly never ever expected this and now I soon will be Mrs Evans or maybe Mrs. Parker-Evans? Well, I don’t have to decide that right now.

I said I was going to tell you about Max and I but I won’t go into too many details because they’re private! There’s nothing better than having one’s life splashed across the media to turn a ‘normal’ person into a stickler for privacy, believe me, I know! Also, being in a relationship is still new for me and I’m not used to talk about those things, if you know what I mean.

The strangest thing though is that even though Max has been back in my life only the last 6 months, it feels like we’ve been together forever. At the beginning all we did was talk, catching up on our pasts and when we started to feel really comfortable with each other we opened up some more and added our hopes and dreams to our topics. In some ways I wasn’t really surprised that after all these years we were able reconnect so easily because from the moment we met we had this understanding for the other.

Almost right away Max moved to Roswell. He only went into Albuquerque for as long as he really had to and I know that Phil allowed this because he felt guilty about what had happened. Shortly after Max, Diane too started to cut down her workload at the firm. In no time at all, Phil emulated the other two, handing part his clients over to his partners to free himself. They started to look for a new home in Roswell and for an ideal location to use for their business branch. They all wanted to be closer to the twins. Also, living in Roswell brought them closer to Isabelle too.

You know, every thing seemed to fall into place real easily. For instance, Max found an apartment right across the street from the diner, nothing fancy, but it was very cosy and even big enough to give Sascha and Maxie a room. I’m glad to report that he spends almost all his free time with us. When the kids are around he plays with them or takes them places like the zoo or to the movies. Most of the time I tag along too.

I have to say that even though we were together a lot, there were never any awkward moments for me; em, you know, where I would feel uncomfortable, I mean, after all he is a man, right!

I guess you really are waiting to hear about the juicy stuff between Max and I, aren’t you? And yes, I most definitely can assure you, we do have quite a lot of juicy stuff going on, Max and I. Amazingly enough it’s much better than I thought possible, that is – if I ever dared to think about it!

I think I’ve been pussyfooting around the subject long enough so, now, I come straight to the point. Right after things calmed down, Max informed me that he was unsure about how to treat me because he was afraid to upset me. I told him to stay his normal self and things would be all right. Ohh, he was so sweet, you should’ve seen him.

Anyway, we both knew right from the beginning that there was something between the two of us and that was reason why we made a pact to always be honest with each other. Also - we figured - since this was my very first time where I would be closer to a man – other than family and friends - I had to tell him if he did anything that could upset me. I mean, just think about it, I didn’t know how I would react to any kind of romantic advances. Really, I never had the chance to explore that; first I was too young and after the rape I was too scared to even contemplate anything remotely similar to hugging or kissing a man in any romantic way at all.

I don’t think I ever blushed as often as I did in the beginning of our relationship; really, it was just too embarrassing to tell him about how his different touches affected me. I’m very happy to report that after I had overcome my fear of his first touches I quickly came to love them. And then there was his first kiss - oh boy - that was quite a hurdle to overcome. Just think about, you can’t get much closer than when you’re kissing. I can tell you, that that was quite an awkward moment, especially in view of the fact that the first time I was too scared to close my eyes. I thought that if I closed my eyes I wouldn’t know exactly when his lips would touch mine and for some reason that scared me.

As it was, I had my eyes fixed on his lips and the closer they came, the more cross-eyed I looked. In the end I wasn’t really sure if I was dizzy from looking cross-eyes or from his kiss! How crazy is that, huh? Anyway, it’s needles to say that by now I’m quite addicted to his kisses and I become bolder by the day. Really, that’s the truth! In the beginning I didn’t really know what to do or to expect, so I always waited for Max to take the initiative. I was really worried that I might kiss or touch him at the wrong moment, so I waited. But now I love to surprise him and just last week I kissed him in a very public place, outside the movie theatre while we were waiting in line. Oh, oh, and get this, somebody even complained, and I mean really complained, saying, ‘hey, get a room!’ isn’t that fabulous? Who would’ve ever thought that I’d become this bold? Not I, most definitely not I!!!

And then – one day a few weeks back – Max asked me to marry him. He didn’t make a big fuss like candle light dinner or so, no, we were on Jim’s ranch where there is this beautiful spot – having a picnic. And that was where he popped the question. I couldn’t believe it, I mean, we hadn’t gone any further than kissing and cuddling and here he was, popping the question. Of course I accepted, but with some reserve. I insisted to be with him, before wearing his ring. You know what I mean when I say BE WITH HIM, don’t you? I mean that was a very important factor, really, I didn’t know if I ever could! Just think about it, there’s a big difference between kissing and cuddling and – you know – going further, a big difference!

Thankfully, Max was very understanding and immediately started to work out a plan for a great date that culminated in you know what! He was sooo serious in a very funny way, when he considered all the pro’s and con’s staying in his apartment or going to a hotel; in our town or spend the weekend somewhere else. I let him mull over it for a bit because he was so cute – debating with himself. After a bit I decided to take matters in my own hands and said, ‘what could it be more perfect than here and now? We’re all alone and that’s all we need!’ After Max had convinced himself that I was serious he happily accepted my offer. And let me tell you, even though the sun was shining brightly Max took me to the moon and back!

After that we invited our families and closest friends for a Sunday brunch and announced our news. Everybody was cheering happily. It was a very memorable day. Sometimes during that day the twins wanted to know what being engaged meant. We explained that the next step would be getting married. Maxie then asked if Uncle Max would come and live with us? We told her, absolutely, but we were all moving together into a bigger house. Next Sascha asked if that meant that uncle Max would become their daddy. Max said if they wanted him to be their daddy he would be very happy. Maxie was mulling over everything she had heard so far and then asked, 'can we start to call you daddy now?'

Before Max could answer that one, Sean teased her, saying, ‘they’re not official yet, sweetheart’. Of course this brought on a new discussion, where everybody had something to add. Sascha and Maxie decided not to jinx it – that was Maria’s input, saying maybe it was better to wait as not to jinx it! Now, every other day the kids ask Max ‘are you ‘fficial yet?’

Oh, I have some more good news; we found our dream house and it quite close to the CrashDown too! In fact, it’s just at the end of our street. It’s surrounded by a big yard, big enough to have a vegetable garden and for the dog that we all want. It’s an old house and Max – thanks to his classes in architecture – draws all the plans and oversees the work. It’s coming along very nicely and by the time we are getting married we can move into our new home. So, you see, everything is working out very nicely, very nicely indeed…

Epilogue next post...
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The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult,P17-17b, 08.08.08

Post by uw51 »

Epilogue, A wonderful evening ends
”Liz, I think it’s simply amazing just how good everything is turning out for you and your family. Everything really just comes together in a very beautiful way, doesn’t it?” Sarah inquired. Everybody agreed and John Stanton added, “You know, since I have met my friends here, I can say that there are still people around who uphold the old values. It’s just such a shame that nobody ever talks about it; really it’s such a shame! Don’t you agree, Cilla?” he asked his wife.

Smiling, Pricilla Stanton agreed, “you’re right, for some reason people like to talk about scandals and crimes more than about good deeds. I guess they are more interesting. You know, sometimes I think that everybody thinks that good deeds are only to be done, not to be talked about.” Looking very determined, Pricilla added, “I don’t care if I shouldn’t talk about it, but I am looking forward to the moment when I can join this group, really I can’t wait.”

Jeff picked up the thread and said, “you’ll see, it can be very difficult work – and I’m talking about emotionally difficult. Sometimes, you get to see things that are really disturbing, but in the end it’s also very rewarding. Also, our group isn’t just all work and no play, oh no, quite often we meet just for fun, sometimes in big groups and other times in smaller ones.” Jeff searched for a way to sum up his feelings on the subject and finally simply concluded, “we never have a dull moment, that’s for sure, right, Nancy?” Grinning his wife replied, “Jeff, when you’re right, you’re right! Also, I have to say that having Liz and the little ones in our life has enriched us immensely. I’m really very happy that they have found a home close by because just the thought of them leaving is very upsetting to me!”

Nathan added, “what really impressed me - besides all the helping – is that people from all different social standings are working together and yes, even have fun with together. It really doesn’t matter where you’re from or what you do, what colour your skin has or what you believe in. We all work together with the same goal in mind, to do our part to make this world a little better and safer and we’re doing it close to home. It’s actually quite simple, isn’t it?”

Sarah voiced another important factor, “that’s all true, and I want to add that I have gained new friends that I know have my back, no matter what, and that is one of the best feelings ever!” Turning towards Max, she asked, “is there anything you’d like to add, Max?”

”Oh, uh, actually, you all have already mentioned everything there is to say,” and after grinning at his fiancée he continued, “of course, I do have more to be thankful for. Meeting Liz after all that time was just, wow, you know. And then the twins… To be honest I never thought of becoming a family man at such a young age – if I ever even thought about having a family it always in the very distant future. And look at me now, I’m in my early twenties and I’m starting a family with two children. Also, I can’t wait for the moment when I become ‘fficial’ and the kids call me daddy. I couldn’t be any happier, life is just absolutely great!” After ending his monolog, Max bent towards Liz and gave her a resounding kiss.

Grinning at her son’s antics, Diane found something to say too, “my life has been turned around completely. I mean, I always had a good life but it had become a routine, a lovely routine, but a routine nonetheless. And then - one sunny day - all hell broke loose and I fell in this abyss I thought I would never come out of. But I recovered and now my life is the best ever, it’s exciting and I love it. I appreciate everything that I have so much more than ever before and that’s good! I’m also glad that my daughter is on the right track and is finding her way. Oh, I want to take this opportunity and thank my therapist. Kazuki, yes Kazuki Ito is my therapist! I like the fact that he isn’t very conventional! Anyway, Kazuki, thanks to you I have learned just how far my responsibilities go and I have become stronger too.”

“Yeah,” Isabelle – waving towards the bistro - added, “that goes for me too. I have always made my parents responsible for everything; they were – after all – my parents. But you made me see the truth and that is that I am an adult have been for sometime now, and thus I am responsible for my own actions. So, thank you, Kazuki!”

”Amen to that!” Phil intoned dryly. “Everything my ladies said goes for me too, except I went to a ‘real’ therapist.” Looking towards the bistro, he added, “no insult intended, Kazuki! But you know me, all this Asian wisdom just isn’t for me, really, I needed a good old-fashioned therapist! I also would like to add that my life has become less predictable and more exiting and I like it.”

After letting his eyes roam over his guests on the couches, Nathan looked at Liz and asked, “how about it? Want to add something?” Nodding, she agreed and began, “you know, this evening I have heard so much and to be honest I’m quite overwhelmed. I mean, I have always known and been very appreciative of all the help my family and friends have given me, but to hear everybody’s story in one go has just shown me the greatness of it. I don’t have to add much but I want to say that I have the best family and friends anybody could have, really I do. I have my children and I have Max, what else could I possibly want, huh?”

After Liz concluded her monologue, the hosts stood up and invited the people from the bistro to join them in the front. Everybody was mingling and talking. Nathan and Sarah – well aware of their hosting duties – guided Liz towards the front of the stage. Nathan concluded an eventful evening with the words, “I couldn’t have said it any better that’s why all I have left to do is to say my good bye’s and thank you for being such a great audience, you’re the best!” The crowd in the hall started to holler and clap enthusiastically and after a moment one after the other stood up, giving a standing ovation.

When the noise finally died down, a broadly grinning Liz summed up her sentiments and called, “thank you all for showing up tonight!” and after a moment she raised her voice some more and yelled “I am truly a very lucky girl!”


Thank you very much for reading my fic!

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.