Alternate Universe Challenges

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by nibbles2 »


Liz has a problem.

She has just found out that she’s pregnant.

As if that’s not bad enough, she doesn’t know who the father is. It could be Max or it could be Michael. She slept with both guys within a very short space of time and there’s no way to know which one knocked her up until the baby is born and they do a DNA test.

What's a girl to do?

PM me for more details if you're interested.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

AU All Human
Any rating is fine

M/L and K/T mostly with M/M and A/I

Liz and Tess Parker are sisters,but they're not that close.Mostly due to the fact they are complete opposites of one another.

Tess is blonde,out going,was very popular in school not to mention a cheerleader and has no problem with men.

Where Liz on the other hand has dark hair,was a nerd in school,was a sever bookworm and couldn't get a date during school to save her life.

The girls love each other as family does but like I said they are not close as sisters should be.So in order to get close they decide to go on a cross country road trip.But the trip doesen't go so great at first.They fight over what music to play,how much money to spend.....Tess wants to stay at fancy places,while Liz has made a budget for them and has found all the cheap places....,what things to go check out..all in all it's not fun.

But all that changes when the sisters come across two males....Max and Kyle...than it seems that Liz and Tess's little trip has just gotten a whole lot better.

There you go not much I know but just the sister bonding/road trip was what I had in mind.Anything else is just extra. :mrgreen:
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Shiesty23 »

#275 TAKEN
A SHI&ZY Fanfic challenge

Bleed Like Me

Elizabeth Parker witnessed a horrifying event when she was a little girl back in her home town of Roswell. The FBI want to know what that terrible thing was but they can’t because, Elizabeth has stopped talking and has not function properly as a “normal” person ever since that day. But that could all change now that Max Evans has come to Cedar Points Hospital.

Abandoned as an infant, Max has been moved from foster home to foster home. Never has he learned to love or trust anybody. Presumed to be “autistic” or “mentally handicapped” the state of (you decide) has found it difficult now to place him since he’s reached his late teens. So they have decided to put him in Cedar Points, a mental hospital where patience never leave…

Elizabeth, who has become somewhat of an observant shadow of the people around her, has taken notice that the new guy isn’t at all what everyone “presumes” him to be. And Max has noticed that the “quite girl” isn’t as out of it as everyone thinks she is.

Can these two eventually learn to trust one another long enough to solve the mysteries that surround their young lives before it’s too late?

Challenge Requirements:

Hell, we have none…in fact go with what you feel with this one. It can be AU with out Aliens or with….The whole gang can be in it or not….Happy ending or no happy ending.

Just go wiled and have fun!!

Last edited by Shiesty23 on Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

AU All Human
Any Rating Is Fine
M/L,K/T,A/I and M/M

Liz and Tess Parker were once happy and close sisters.But that changed due to Kyle Valenti.

Liz and Kyle dated all through high school and were the best example of childhood sweethearts.But sadly after graduation Liz got into an East Coast Ivy School while Kyle was forced to stay behind and go to a local college.But no matter the distance Liz was determined to make a go at a long distance relationship.

But sadly as we all know long distance relationships hardly work.So Liz was crushed when she found out that Kyle and Tess...who also was close to home...had began seeing each other on the sly.Heart broken Liz decided to stay on the east coast and starting a new life there after getting out of college.She almost never goes home.....or talks to or sees her sister,Tess.

But all that is going to change when Liz gets either an invite in the mail or a call from her mother telling her that Kyle and Tess are getting married and that Liz is invited to the wedding.....or as her mother tells her she WILL come to the wedding.Another problem to this invite thing is that it lets Liz bring a date...but sadly Liz hasn't dated much since Kyle and her work is her life.But not wanting to look like a loser Liz looks around for a date to bring to the wedding.She needs someone good looking and well off to impress her parents and rub it into Kyle and Tess's face.

Enter Liz knows Max or where she met him is up too you to tell us :wink:

Maybe spending time with Max around her family will help open Liz back up,help her heal and wonder of wonder fall in love again.

The only thing I ask is that YES Kyle and Tess did bad in the story but don't make them over the top bad guys...they do love one another,it's why they're getting married and they feel guilty over what they did to Liz.Plus Tess misses her sister.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

Ok I'll admit that I'm not a dreamer and have'nt read many M/L fics.So if this has been done before than please excuse it.

AU All Human
Any Rating Is FIne
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Instead of Max and Isabel just being twins this time there were three....Isabel,Max and Zan.

Where as Max is more the straight A's,study a lot Mr Nice Guy,Zan on the other hand is the bad boy,party finding,skirt chasing ladies man.They are the complete opposite of one another.And as normally happens all the women are attracted more to Zan with his bad boy image than they are to poor sweet Max.

But one day while Zan is out of town for a long period of time Max borrows something of his....a leather jacket,Zan's motorcycle...something that Liz sees him with and leads her to think he's Zan instead of Max.

Now Liz has always had a huge crush on Zan.But with her also being the studious bookworm she's never thought he'd notice her.So when she sees him out and about she nervously goes over to talk to him.Max has had a thing for Liz ever since the first day he saw her,but sadly he knows she'd rather be with Zan.When Liz comes over and calls him Zan,Max is just about to correct her when a thought comes to him.

Why not pretend and let Liz think he's Zan and maybe he'd actually get the chance to go out with Liz like he's always wanted too? Max's plan works and he and Liz start going out...the whole time she's thinking he's Zan.But Max has to run around pretending to be someone he's not and also cover for friends and family who know the truth and who might let the cat out of the bag to Liz.

But what happens when Zan comes back? And what happens when Liz finds out that she's been dating Max this whole time not Zan?
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by behrstars »


No Aliens.

When Liz is a child maybe three she and her family(the Parkers and Michael her twin) are involved in a nasty car accident involving several vehicles and some of the cars catch on fire. In all the chaos Liz goes missing and everyone assumes she was killed in the accident. Thirteen years later the man she knows as her father dies of a heart attack. Liz is the mother of an infant child how that came about is up to the author. Because she has no family they want to put her in the foster care system and because shes afraid shes going to loose her baby she runs away. Liz goes to Roswell where the only person she knows is Alex. They have been pen pals since the third grade and they have never met. Liz shows up on his doorstep and Alex helps her out by letting her stay with him. His parents are on a trip and won't be back for a few weeks. Because he puts his friends off and his girlfriend Isabel, they get suspicious and start watching him. They find out that Liz is staying there and Isabel thinks that the baby is his. They confront him and everything comes out about who Liz is. Max and Isabel ask thier dad for help. During the process of getting Liz and her baby situated somehow it comes out that Liz is fact the Parkers daughter. Lots of drama surrounding thier reunion. Liz has a hard time excepting that the father she knows wasn't her father. Liz and her parents struggle to get to know each other. I would like for Liz and Michael to hit it off instantly and for Liz to have at least one memory of him. Nancy has a hard time excepting that Liz has a child and while shes airing her issues with Jeff Liz over hears and takes the baby and leaves. She bumps into Max and he comforts her. In the end because Liz and her parents can't find thier way back its decided that Liz and the baby will live with Alex and his family. The Witmans treat Liz like shes a member of the family and takes care of Liz and her baby. Eventually I would like for Liz and her parents to get to know and accept each other. I would like for Liz and Max to get together somewhere in there and for Michael to play the role of over protective brother. Also I would like for some outside drama maybe for the baby's father to eventually show up trying to lay claim to the baby. Although I would like for him to have signed his rights away after the baby was born so that he can't take it. Would like for there to be a happy ending.

couples: M/L,MI/M,I/A,K/T

I was thinking that maybe some of the issues that Nancy has with Liz is that the babys father could be a teacher or an older person, it makes Nancy think that Liz wasn't raised to be the daughter she wanted her to be and thats why shes having a hard time accepting her. Just a thought.

Any questions just PM me.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Zanity »

#279 AU w/o Aliens

Max Evans and Liz Parker were best friends growing up in Roswell. Max at one point started becoming interested in her romantically but Kyle Valenti one of his best friends asked her out first and Max would never betray Kyle by pursuing a relationship with the girl he was dating. Eventually Max started dating Tess Harding. Both Tess and Liz were raised in traditional families and were wait till marriage type girls (Not that Max and Kyle didn't try to convince their respective girlfriends otherwise).

Liz and Max however both got accepted to Harvard.
Kyle was going to attend Princeton.
Tess was going to attend Yale.

Max and Liz were going to live together during college (platonically, separate rooms and everything). While in Cambridge looking for an apartment Liz helped Max pick out the engagement ring he planned to give Tess. They had decided to make a road trip and drive there and back instead of flying. However on the drive back they were hit by a drunk hit and run driver. Neither were wearing seat belts and they were both thrown clear of the car which fell off into a ravine. Barely conscious Max picked Liz up and started carrying her towards the nearest town. He didn't quite make it there before he succumbed to his own injuries and collapsed.

Max and Liz were found and rushed to the hospital. Neither of their ID's had stayed with them through the crash and trip to town so they were admitted as John and Jane Doe coma patients.

<Two Years Later...>

Max wakes up in the hospital. His first concern is if Liz is all right. She's in the bed next to him and he fights his weakened body to get to her side. As his tears begin falling on her face she too wakes up. They tell the hospital staff who they are and to contact their families. Their parents arrive happy to see them but they have some bad news...

About a year after Max and Liz had disappeared Kyle and Tess had gone out to a bar together to drown their sorrows. They had woken up in bed together. Both had been appalled and after that night neither spoke to the other for three months until Tess had called Kyle to tell him that she was pregnant. Over the course of the pregnancy they grew to care for each other and decided to marry for the child's sake. At present they were living in New Haven with their three month old daughter.


Write how Max and Liz try and put their lives back together. How they fall in love while helping each other recover and move forward with their lives. Eventually marrying and having children of their own. The romantic relationship should take a while to develop; after all at the beginning they are still in love with Kyle and Tess and their best friend relationship with each other is what they're used too. You can decide what if any roles Michael, Maria, Isabel, and Alex have.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Wench On A Leash »

# 275 looks really, really good. Somebody should take it! I would totally read it.

And that banner is gorgeous.

Michael: It's like we finish each other's...
Lindsay: Sandwiches?
Michael: Sentences. Why would I say...
Lindsay: Sandwiches?
Michael: That time I was going to say sandwiches.
-Arrested Development
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by nibbles2 »

#280 Taken

Liz is an aspriring writer. She's taking writing classes or she's at college but she takes a class on screenwriting. Foran assignment, she adapts an old story she wrote into a script. Then to her horror, she leaves it behind in a cafe one day. When she goes back to get it, it's gone.

Then a few days later she sees a flyer pinned to the notice board saying that it's been found. She contacts the number on the note and is shocked when the person who turns up to return it is none other than Michael Guerin - a hot shot director who's been making big waves in Hollywood with a huge blockbuster. He loved her script and wants to make it into a movie.

Although, it's a small budget and an indie movie there's a lot of a-list actors who want to work with Michael.

He casts Max and Maria as the leads in the movie.

Must be CC.
Last edited by nibbles2 on Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Rowedog »

Pooey server. :roll: Yet again, I'm taking #246 by nibbles.
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