Never Question A Woman's Heart (CC,M/M,TEEN) 10-01 Complete

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Island Breeze
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Never Question A Woman's Heart (CC,M/M,TEEN) 10-01 Complete

Post by Island Breeze »

Author: Island Breeze
Rating: TEEN or YTEEN (about like the show)
Forum: CC
Pairings: M/M

Summary: This story was written for insidious heart as part of the challenge for Stacie. Sarah (insidious heart) swooped in and abducted everyone she could in Roswell. Some got away, but she did manage to beam up quite a few. Way to go, Sarah! And now that we've all been reintegrated into society, we are ready to carry out the master plan… abducting you. So sit back and enjoy! (Resistance is futile.) This story is a variation on the episode, Departure. What if Michael, after changing his mind and deciding he didn't want to leave Maria, wound up going to Antar unexpectedly because he hesitated to leave Max alone on the granolith with Tess after finding out that she was the one who killed Alex, and the three of them didn't get off in time. Would he and Maria find their way back to each other?

Disclaimer: Melinda Metz, who wrote the "Roswell High" series, and Jason Katims, who brought us the TV series, deserve the credit for the Roswell concept and original characters, which I do not own but merely lead down a path of imagination through the stars of a destiny that might have been. There are a few quotes from "Departure" at the beginning of this story.

Never Question A Woman's Heart
Michael watched Maria furtively as she entered the room, but he continued what he was doing. He had prepared dinner for them. Italian… her favorite. He had even lit candles, and he had her favorite music. It was all supposed to be very romantic. Outwardly, he was calm, but deep inside, he ached with an indescribable pain.

"I know you like Italian, so… And I know Scooby's your favorite."

"What's going on, Michael?"

Ignoring the question, he asked Maria to sit down.

"There's a lot about you, Maria. There's a lot about you, but I think what means the most to me is that you're open. You know I can look into your eyes and I can see you. I can see what you're thinking. I can see what you're feeling. How much I mean to you sometimes… how much I piss you off sometimes… But I can always see you."

Michael grimaced, as the memories flooded back, and he pounded his fist on the table in front of him. He was glad that he was alone and Max wasn't there to see him now… or Isabel. Definitely Isabel! It would be even harder to explain to her. Sometimes he just needed to be alone and let his feelings out. Grieving, he buried his face in his hands and closed his eyes.

"I see you, too."

"No… No… You don't see me! You know when Max and Liz would kiss, and Liz would get those flashes… and when we would kiss you didn't? I know how much that hurt you."

"That doesn't matter to me anymore, Michael."

"The reason you didn't get the flashes is because I didn't let you get them. I didn't let you see me. I've never let anyone see me before, because there are things inside of me that I don't want people to see. There's things inside of me that I'm not so proud of. But I've thought about it… and I want you to see me. Take my hands…"

She did take his hands, and the result was an incredible series of flashes… of Michael as a child… leaving the pod… fighting with Hank, and so much more. There were even glimpses of them together.

After seeing the images, Maria had kissed him.

He still felt that kiss on his lips now. It was wonderful… and terrible. There would never be another kiss like it, not for him. Of this he was quite certain. It was as good as it gets. Well, almost…

Maria rolled over in the bed and smiled. "I think we just took a huge step in human-alien relations. I love you Michael."

"I love you, too… but I have to leave…"

There, he had said it. And his whole future could be summed up in that one terrible moment. The bitter irony is that after getting on the granolith, he had actually had a change of heart.

"I can't go, Max. Ever since we came out of the pods, I've been on some quest to find out where I belong. I finally found home. The weird thing is, it's here, on earth."

"You of all people. Take care of yourself, Michael…"

Then, unexpectedly, Liz, Maria, and Kyle had shown up, convinced that Tess was the one who really killed Alex, and Max had immediately ordered everyone but himself and Tess out of the granolith. But Michael had hesitated. He needed to make sure that Max was going to be okay. And that moment of concern had sealed his fate. The granolith shot into the sky, taking the three of them with it.

The last two years were spent… surviving. That's about as much as Michael could say. Deposing Kivar from Max's stolen throne had taken most of the first year; and early on, Tess had simply disappeared. Neither Max nor Michael had any idea if she was still alive, if she was attempting to betray them, if she had been killed, or what. They had to assume the worst… that she had betrayed them and that they were now hunted men. So they stayed deep undercover, meeting with allies, forming alliances… until the day came and they were ready to retake the throne. The coup, when it happened, was a complete and total success. Kivar was caught totally unaware; it appeared that he had no idea they were on the planet… which did make Tess' disappearance more of a mystery. Max was reinstated as the king, and Antar rapidly regained its former status in the galaxy as a prestigious planet ruled by a benevolent king. At least, this could be said now that the new King Zan was on the throne.

The second year should have been easier. Time heals all wounds, they say; but Michael knew it wasn't so. He had wounds--serious wounds--from the battle with Kivar. These wounds had all healed. There were only the scars to remind him of them now, and he didn't mind the scars. He wore them proudly. But the wound in his heart was no closer to healing than the day he left earth. In fact, he suspected that it had grown deeper.

Shortly after vanquishing Kivar and cleaning out the old cabinet and guard of the remaining elements that still supported him, Michael had approached Max about the possibility of returning to earth…

"The granolith brought us here, Max. It could take us back."

Max shook his head. "You know it can't, Michael, no matter how much we might wish it. The granolith was a one-time use machine. You said that yourself."

"I know I did. But we don't know that for sure, Max. I mean… maybe we were wrong. At least we should check it out."

"We know, Michael. Look, there's something I haven't told you. I went back to the place where we hid the granolith… a long time ago. It was no longer there."

"What do you mean it was no longer there? What happened to it?"

"According to the head of our science team, it probably simply ceased to exist. After it had performed the function it was created for, the molecules holding it together lost their nuclear cohesion… they came apart. I don't know what happened to them or where they went. It simply disappeared into nothingness. You see, Michael, we can't use the granolith to return to earth… ever again."

"What about a space ship? We have the technology… now that our scientists have been reorganized. Most of them anyway."

Max nodded. "We have the technology, but it will be four years, at least, before a suitable ship can be built--one that can get to earth and back. Michael, it's been two years already since we left. Add to that four more years before we can get a ship built and ready. Maria…"

"Don't say it, Max… you think she won't wait for me. Well, you're wrong, Max."

"I hope I am, Michael. If she knew you would return someday… maybe… but she has no way of knowing if you ever will. I have to accept the fact that the same holds true for Liz."

"So you're just going to give up?"

"No! But we have to be realistic. Maria… and Liz… have no way at all to know if we'll ever return; and frankly, no reason to think that we will. They'll be… what? twenty-two… twenty-three… thereabouts by the time we can have any ship built. I'm just saying look at the odds, Michael… realistically. Don't get hurt."

"I'm already hurt, Max! These are scars that won't heal! What else do I have but hope… even if it's irrational."

Max took a deep breath and nodded. He really did understand… far better than he let on. But Max had always had more emotional control than Michael… though sometimes not by much. The fact is, generally, he was able to channel his hurt and lock it up somewhere in the recesses of his mind while he went about the business of the kingdom. It didn't make it hurt any less, when he did happen to think about it, but it took his mind to some place "safe" that was far away from his pain most of the time. Michael was different. He hurt day and night. There was no recess anywhere in his brain big enough to put this hurt in. The only thing he had been able to do was live with it. And apparently, if he accepted what Max was saying, he was going to have to live with it for at least four more years. A lot longer if Maria didn't… But he didn't want to think about that.

Liz stared at the sky from her balcony above the CrashDown and sighed heavily, as she watched the occasional shooting star zip through the atmosphere then disappear. The paper had said that tonight would be the peak night for watching the Perseid meteor shower, and it had definitely not been mistaken.

"There goes another one!" Maria said excitedly, as a bright streak sped across the heavens before disappearing. She was lying on the balcony, propped up on one arm, watching the sky. Liz was lying on her back, with her head propped against the door. Her diary rested on her lap and was supported by her legs, which were bent at the knees.

"Do you ever think about… them, Maria?"

Maria didn't immediately answer. She knew who Liz meant, but it was a subject she didn't like to talk about. It was still too painful, even after two years.

"I do," Liz said, continuing as though Maria had answered. "Sometimes I dream about Max… that he returns, you know, and we live happily ever after."

Maria nodded. "That's why they're called 'dreams,' Liz. They're just that. Max is gone. Michael… Michael is, too. We have to accept that and move on with our lives."

Liz rolled over slightly and looked at Maria. "You don't seem to be taking your own advice, Maria. Dennis Lichtfield. Need I say more?"

"He's not so hot."

"You seem to be the only girl in Roswell who doesn't think so. A lot of the girls around here would throw themselves into a mud puddle and let him walk over them… just to keep his shoes from getting wet."

"I guess if that's what they want."

"And what is it that you want, Maria? I mean now… now that… they're gone."

Maria rolled over to look Liz squarely in the eyes. "What do YOU want, Liz? I don't see you throwing yourself in any mud puddles for Dennis Lichtfield… or anyone else."

"He's not my type."

"Mine either."

"But he has a huge hot streak for you, Maria. He isn't interested in me. Of all the girls in Roswell, he wants you. And you blew him off. He is awful cute, you can't deny that… and rich, too!"

"He's a boor."

"Compared to? …Never mind. Forget I asked."

Liz rolled back on her back, and Maria sighed and resumed looking at the sky, as another shooting star crossed the heavens and burned out.

"You know, Liz… I know you think I should get on with my life… and I know you're thinking of my well being… but you aren't living by your own advice. Maybe… I don't know… maybe neither one of us is ready to move on just yet. I mean, yeah, I know it's crazy. They're not coming back. We both know that. But what if… well… what if they did?"

Liz nodded. "Yeah… what if they did… That's what I've been saying for two years now. But you have another reason to move on, Maria. You know, Dennis is willing to accept Mikayla as his own… and be a real Daddy to her. A lot of younger guys wouldn't be mature enough for that. And he's not a bad guy really. He's actually pretty nice. I'm not saying you should both run off and get married tonight in an Elvis chapel in Vegas or something. I'm just saying…"

"I've thought about it, Liz… about marrying Dennis, I mean. It's just that it would be like, I don't know, putting the wrong size screw in a pre-drilled hole. It just wouldn't fit right… ever."

Liz smiled and looked at Maria. "Did you just have a Freudian moment, Maria?"

"Elvis chapel… in Vegas?"

Liz groaned. "Yeah. Okay, so we've both got our Freudian complexes."

"What happened to that guy you went out with once or twice, Liz… what was his name? Fred? He was pretty nice. I thought you two might hit it off."

"Once. I went out with him once."

"What was the problem?"

"Nothing. It wasn't a problem. We just didn't hit it off."

"Well, it was only one date. You need to give it more time."

Liz shook her head. "No. If it was going to happen it would have."

Maria nodded. "He's not Max, is he?"

Liz didn't reply.

"Dennis isn't Michael either. That's our problem, isn't it, Liz?"


"Look, I'll tell you what. "If you'll go out with Fred again… and really give him a chance… I'll…"

"You'll what?"

"I'll give Dennis a chance. I'm not saying I'm going to run off to Vegas with him, I'm just saying… I'll give him a chance… and think about it."

Liz looked up at the sky as another shooting star streaked through the night and burned out. Then she nodded.


"Hello, Mrs. DeLuca! Is Maria ready?"

"Almost, Dennis. Why don't you have a seat. She'll be right out in just a minute."

"Thanks. How's Mikayla?"

"She's doing great. Would you like to see her?"


"She's in the extra bedroom… in the playpen. She didn't want to go to sleep. I swear that girl can be stubborn when she wants to. I see a lot of her fa-… I mean, I see a lot of Maria in her."

Dennis laughed. "Yeah, Maria's a very determined girl. But I like that."

"Here she is."

"Hey theeeere! Hi, Mikayla! You keepin' Grandma awake after her beddy time? You shouldn't do that. Grandma needs her sleep. Can I hold her?"

Amy shrugged. "Go ahead. But don't think that 'Grandma' is going to be sleeping and not notice if you aren't back with Maria by 1 AM."

"I'll have her back early, Mrs. D. Promise."

Dennis picked Mikayla up out of the playpen and held her on one arm while patting her on the back. "You're going to be one gorgeous little heartbreaker when you're a bit older, Mikayla, you know that? And a spunky one at that! You, uh, you take a lot after your grandma."

Amy smiled but raised one eyebrow slightly. "It's still 1 AM, Dennis. Don't forget."

At that moment, Maria walked into the room looking for Amy and saw her talking to Dennis…

"Oh, hi Denn- …What are you doing? What is he doing, Mom?"

"Nothing, Maria. He's just holding Mikayla. I told him it was okay."

"Put her down! Put… put her down! Now!"

Dennis hurried to comply, gently setting Mikayla back down in the playpen. "I'm sorry if I upset you, Maria. I was just getting to know her better. She's really cute!"

"I… I know. I was just concerned that you might drop her… or something. It's nothing. Don't pay any attention to me. I'm sorry if I sounded excitable."

Dennis smiled. "It's all right. You're her mother. You should be protective of her. That's a good thing, Maria. Don't apologize."

"Yeah… uh… I'm ready, so why don't we go. Mom, take good care of Mikayla for me, okay?"

"Don't I always?"

Maria smiled and kissed Amy and Mikayla on the cheek, then she took Dennis by the arm and hurried him out.

"You weren't afraid I would drop her, were you, Maria?"


"It's all right. I understand."

"Look, Dennis, I don't want you to understand, okay!? So stop being so damned understanding all the time! I… I don't know what I want. I just want to go out and try to have a good time… if I can… with you. And I want to forget."


"Yeah. Look, it's not you, okay, it's me. It's just… me. If I act like a total freakazoid one-eyed bitch monster, it's because that's who I am… right now."

"It's all right. You've got some problems to work through. I under- …I mean, we all do. It's not like there's no reason for it. He abandoned you… and Mikayla. Anybody would be upset."

"I'm not upset. And he didn't abandon Mikayla. He doesn't know."

Dennis bit his tongue, which was probably a good thing. He knew he was pushing his luck and hoped he hadn't already pushed it too far, but he really did want to draw Maria out of her shell. It just wasn't going to happen on this date. But he was making progress. After all, she had agreed to go out with him this time instead of telling him to take a hike off a cliff… or get a suntan in the middle of the highway. That was definitely progress.

Three months passed, and in that time, Liz dated Fred six times before throwing him overboard.

"It just wasn't working, Maria. I can't help it. I tried, but he's just not…"


"Not my type, I was going to say, but yeah… he's not Max… now that you mention it. Look, let's not talk about me, okay. How are you and Dennis getting along?"

Maria looked thoughtful, and for a moment her smile disappeared, but then it came back…

"Not bad… I guess. He's really thoughtful and understanding… even when I threaten to kill him."

"Oh, well! It MUST be true love then!"

"Either that or he's a freakin' masochist… or really, really hard up!"

Liz laughed. "No, Dennis is definitely not hurting for attention from the opposite sex. Girls follow him like… well, you know."

"Yeah. I've noticed."

"But he doesn't want them, Maria. He only wants you."

"I know that, too. I've kind of made a decision, Liz. It's been two and a half years, and Michael's not coming back. I'm kidding myself when I try to pretend that he is. It hurts, Liz, but… I have to think of Mikayla."

"Dennis loves Mikayla!"

"Yeah. He does. You wouldn't know she wasn't his."

"So you're going to do it, Maria? You're going to marry him?"

"Well… I'm thinking about it… Yeah. Yeah, I'm… I'm going to say yes."

Liz hugged Maria and grinned. "I'm so happy for you, Maria! Oh, this is wonderful! How soon do you think it will happen?"

Maria sighed deeply and shrugged. "Well, he's got to ask me again first."

"You think he will?"

"He asks at least once a week, Liz. I keep telling him I need to think about it. He'll ask again, yeah."

"So it could be soon then?"

"Yeah, I don't see any reason to put it off. It's not like we're going to have a big wedding or a lot of people coming. Just something to make it official."

"Don't you want a big wedding?"

"Not really. I mean, maybe before… with Michael… I would've liked it. But…"

"It's okay, Maria. Uh, you're not planning on eloping and getting married in an Elvis chapel, though, right?"

"I'm getting married, Liz; I haven't lost my mind!"

"This is so great!"

"Yeah." Maria looked suddenly thoughtful and became uncharacteristically quiet for a moment. "There's just one thing, Liz… somehow… I need to say a last goodbye to Michael. I just don't know how to do it."

"Well… whatever you decide, Maria, I think you're doing the right thing."

Later that afternoon, at home, Maria picked up Mikayla and smiled at her, touching her playfully on the nose…

"You are going to have a real father, Mikayla! Would you like that?"

Mikayla smiled.

"I knew you would! It's for you that I'm really doing this. I mean Dennis is nice and all… and he'll be a great father… it's just that… but that's not important now. You're going to have a real father who will be here and play with you every day! Only… first I need to find a way to say a last goodbye to Michael. It's just something I have to do… for me."

As Maria kissed Mikayla on the cheek something flashed into her mind and she unexpectedly staggered. It was a vision. Stars… in a "V" configuration… then Michael… then a bluff in the desert. Maria recognized it immediately. It was the granolith chamber. Shaking almost uncontrollably, she set Mikayla down in her playpen carefully and looked at her.

"You did that?"

Mikayla smiled.

"You remember him, don't you… somehow? He… he's not coming back, Kayla. I loved him. I still do… but he's not coming back… ever. We have to accept that, you and me. I…"

Again, the granolith chamber appeared in her mind… vividly.

"What are you trying to tell me, Kayla? Oh, I wish you could talk! You want me to go to the granolith chamber? You know, that is a good idea! I don't know why I didn't think of it before! You're right! That would be the perfect place for me to say goodbye to Michael!"

Maria started to pick Mikayla up, but instead, she just stood there, gazing at her daughter for a long moment… then she shook her head.

"Who am I kidding, Kayla? We both know that when Dennis asks again I'm going to give him the same answer I've given him every time before. It's not what he is; it's what he isn't. He isn't Michael. You already have a daddy, Kayla. He may be far away, but he's still your daddy. And I still think it's a great idea to go to the granolith chamber. But we're not gonna say goodbye. A part of Michael is there in that chamber. I want you to be close to him… I want you to feel his presence. And… and maybe… you know… I need to feel him again myself. Come on. We're both going!"

Maria hurried to put a light sweater on Mikayla then rushed out the door and got into her mother's car. Forty minutes later, she was standing in front of the granolith chamber, holding Mikayla. It looked every bit as abandoned as it had the last time she had seen it… three months after Max and Michael had left in the granolith with Tess. But this time, somehow, the door opened when she put her hand on the symbol.

"I wonder if they left it unlocked or if some of Michael's powers rubbed off on me. Maybe it's because I was holding you, Mikayla! That must be it. You're Michael's daughter! Of course!"

Maria stepped into the chamber and waited for her eyes to adjust.

"Hello, Maria."

Shocked, Maria whirled around. "Tess! What are you doing here? I saw you leave! Is… Is Michael here, too?"

Tess shook her head. "Max and Michael are on Antar. They won't be able to come back for at least four years… if they come back the way they're planning to come back. That's how long I heard it would take to build a new ship that can make it here. They defeated Kivar, Maria. Max is on the throne now. But I can't stay there. I'm not welcome, and I have nowhere I can go on Antar now. I don't belong there anymore, not the way I once did, when I was the queen. All the things Nasedo taught me about my previous life… it's all irrelevant now."

"They're planning to come back?"

"That's what I heard."

"But how did you get here?"

"I came back in the granolith."

"Why didn't they come, too? Why didn't Michael come?"

"They thought the granolith was a one-time-use vehicle… and that it disintegrated shortly after arriving on Antar. That is what the book said, but Nasedo told me the truth. The granolith doesn't disintegrate, it returns to the place where it was before the trip. It returned here, Maria. After a time… about three months, more or less, in earth time… it returned to Antar again. There is a schedule of sorts that was programmed into it very long ago. One of the times when it was returning to earth, I came with it. Max was busy attending to matters of the kingdom and wouldn't have been able to leave yet even if he had known the truth about the granolith, and Michael would not have left Max there alone… as long as he knew they would both return later."

"You could have told them the truth about the granolith on the way there."

"I could have… but I wasn't sure what I was going to do when I got there."

"You planned to betray them."

"I… thought about it. I intended to, yes. It was an arrangement made by Nasedo many years ago. But you know that already."

"Why did you come back, Tess?"

"Antar wasn't what I expected. I found out that Kivar had plans for me, and they didn't include a long life. So I had to disappear and stay hidden. I'm not welcome in Max's kingdom either… because… well, you know why."

"Too bad."

"That I'm not welcome?"

"No, that you found out what Kivar had in store for you. I haven't forgiven you, Tess… or forgotten that you killed Alex."

"I told you, it was an accident. Look, I really regret it; I can't even begin to tell you how much. That wasn't supposed to happen. I had no idea that the mind warp would kill him. That's the truth. Human minds are so much more… susceptible than our minds. It didn't help me to have him die, Maria. It was never what I wanted. But it wasn't murder. Maybe involuntary manslaughter… at the most."

"You picked that up from Jim while living at his house?"

"Please! Maria, I lived on earth my whole life just like Michael did… and Max. I know as much as anyone here does. More probably. A lot more actually."

"What do you intend to do now that you're back?"

"Disappear. Go somewhere… I still don't know where. Don't worry, Maria, our paths will never cross again. Max and Michael will never see me again either. I know now that Max will never love me. He's not the same person I once knew on Antar… before. He loves Liz now. So be it. And Michael loves you. That's fine, too. I was never interested in Michael anyway. Maria, you should know something… Michael changed his mind about leaving you and going to Antar. He was going to get out of the granolith, but he didn't want to leave Max alone with me, and he hesitated too long."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

Tess seemed to think about it for a minute, as if asking herself the same question. "I don't know. I guess there must be some little spot of decency in me that I failed to find and erase."

Maria nodded.

"But I thought you should know these things, Maria. That's why I followed you here… to the granolith. There's something else you should know, too."

"What's that?"

"The granolith is here now… and it's going back to Antar."

Maria felt suddenly like every bone in her body had just turned to jelly.

"Wh… When?"

Tess looked at her watch. "In nine minutes."

"Nine minutes? Nine minutes! That's too soon!"

Tess shrugged. "I just thought you should know. I didn't program it. It will return here again, automatically, three months after going back to Antar. If you really want to, Maria, you could go. I'm sure Michael would love to see his baby. She's very cute."

Maria stared at Tess for several long moments, trying to decide if she was sending her on a death trip or actually being nice. It was a toss up.

"How do I know I can trust you, Tess… How do I know you're not trying to send me to a horrible death in space?"

"I guess you don't. But I have no reason to want to hurt you, Maria… much less send you to a horrible death. It's a decision you have to make yourself."

"Why did you tell me about the granolith and not Liz?"

"Actually, I intended to tell Liz, too. I thought I'd find you both here, but when I got here I found out it was just you… and the baby. What's her name?"


Tess smiled. "Michael will like that."



"If you're really being nice to me… would you do one more thing for me before you go wherever you're going?"

"If I can."

"Tell Mama--or get a message to her somehow, if you prefer--that I'll be back. Maybe in three months… maybe six… I can't be sure. But I'll be back… with Mikayla. Tell her we're safe. Tell Liz, too. And tell Liz not to marry Fred… or anyone else just yet. Would you do that?"

"Sure. I'm giving away free nice deeds today… so I can go back to being my normal terrible self tomorrow."

"I don't think you're terrible, Tess. I think you made a terrible choice and a terrible mistake, though. I still don't know if I can forgive you… or if I ever will… totally. Alex was very special to me. But for what you're doing right now… thanks."

Tess shrugged and smiled but didn't reply, and Maria thought she saw her eyes mist up as she looked away for a moment. So there was a heart inside there somewhere after all. Or… maybe it was just the sun's reflection. She wasn't sure.



"Two minutes! You'd better hurry!"

Maria rushed into the chamber and climbed into the granolith, holding Mikayla. Moments later, the granolith shot upward into the sky, then it was gone.

Cautiously, Maria stepped out of the granolith, with Mikayla in her arms. They were inside a well hidden bluff that was not too unlike the granolith chamber on earth, except that it wasn't in a desert, it was in the mountains. Maria looked around and suddenly realized that she had no idea where to go or how to ask anyone… or even where to find anyone to ask. Tess had had a great advantage. She at least spoke Antarian.

As Maria pondered what to do next, a man looked into the chamber. He had large black eyes and stood about five feet tall. His skin was a grayish or off-tan color. He reminded Maria somewhat of all the "alien" toys and photos she had seen in Roswell; yet somehow, he was very different, too. In a strange way, he almost looked human. Maybe it was the way he acted… and he was smiling. But she didn't think he would be able to actually pass for human. Not like Michael or Max, who were bioengineered with part human DNA.

"Herlow in tere!"

Maria gasped. "You speak English?"

The man smiled and came in, leaving the door open. "Name Jarno. Learn earth language from Ava."


"You call Tess. I call Ava. Ava ask Jarno to take you to palace to be with Rath."

Ava asked you to do that? Tess?"

"Yes. Ready to go?"

"Yes… I didn't bring any clothes or anything. I didn't even think about it. There wasn't time."

"Come. Jarno take you to palace."

Maria spotted Michael immediately, from a distance, before they ever got to the palace. He was outside, strolling in the palace gardens. She knew it was him, even though he was looking the other way and she couldn't see his face. Thanking Jarno profusely, she picked Mikayla up in her arms and got out of the hovering vehicle. Then, as Jarno drove away, she walked toward where Michael was standing, in the middle of a group of very large rose-like flowers, some of which reached almost up to his chin. He cradled one of the sunflower-sized Antarian roses gently in his hand for several moments and smiled. "I really wish Maria could see these. She would love them."

"I do, Michael. They're beautiful!"

Michael whirled around to find Maria standing behind him, with a huge smile etched across her face from one ear to the other… and a nearly one and a half year old little girl in her arms. His jaw dropped, and for a moment he seemed to question his senses. What he was seeing was, after all, quite simply, impossible.


"Hello, Michael. You didn't come back, so I came looking for you."

"But… but… how?"

"Never question a woman's heart, Michael. It will always find a way. I love you. I wasn't going to just let you get away, no matter how many galaxies were between us. I've crossed seven galaxies to be with you again… if you still want me, that is."

"Want you!? Maria! I've been dying here without you!"

Michael had no idea how this miracle had happened, but he didn't really care. He hugged Maria and kissed her passionately. Then, he took a long look at Mikayla…

"What's her name?"


"Mikayla! That's pretty! I like it! Hi, Mikayla!"

The little girl reached out to Michael with both arms, and he took her in his arms and held her then looked at Maria, as warm tears began to run down his face…

"I don't know how you did this, Maria, but I will be thankful till my dying day. Come on. Let's go show Max my beautiful daughter."

Michael never questioned that Mikayla was his daughter. He knew it the moment he looked at her. Mikayla knew it, too. It would be two months before Maria ever revealed to anyone how she got there, and it was certainly a mystery to Michael… and Max. But eventually, she told them everything Tess had told her about the granolith. With this knowledge, Max returned to earth for three months to find Liz, leaving Michael to tend to the throne while he was gone. He brought Liz back with him on the granolith's return trip, three months later, and Michael and Maria went back to earth three months after that to see Amy. Four years later, right on schedule, the space ship was finished, but they kept it for a back up. The granolith continued to function perfectly according to its programming… as long as one knew the schedule… and it was much faster than any ship.

~The End~