Displaced Desires (UC, Ra/L, Adult) Complete ~ 1/7

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Displaced Desires (UC, Ra/L, Adult) Complete ~ 1/7

Post by darkmoon »

Title: Displaced Desires
Disclaimer:The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine. If I did, Zan wouldn't have died. It would have been a good day.
Pairing: Rath/FLiz
Rating: Adult
Summary: Based in the Death Is a Playground universe, what if Rath and Future Liz's fighting was all based on sexual tension? What if they gave into that tension?
Author's Note: This is for Burningchaos, who has said since the first argument started between Rath and Future Liz, that they just needed to have sex and get it over with. She also says that I never write her anything anymore. I've stopped both comments in their tracks with this! ^.^ I hope you enjoy it!!
This is Angry Sex. This isn't going to sweet or gentle. Just a warning.

Rath pulled Future Liz away from the group. He needed to know things. He wasn’t the smartest crayon in the box, but he knew when they were being played.

“What do you want, Rath?” Future Liz’s tone held a hint of annoyance and sleeplessness.

“I’s wanna stop dis bullshit. You’s know whaz goin’ ta happen. Stop playin’ wit dis mystic bullshit. I’s maybe not all dat human, but I’s know whaz it feels like ta be fucked wit.” Rath growled through gritted teeth, his hand gripping Future Liz’s arm.

Future Liz pushed at Rath’s chest; pissed that he even had the guts to confront her about anything. This man barely knew what was to come, and he had vague memories of the original Rath’s death. Her chest heaved as she tried to jerk her arm out of his iron grip. “You aren’t ready for what’s going to happen. Hell, you can barely come to gripes with what almost did. Don’t pull the General card on me. I have fought more then your vague memories have even hinted.”

“Fuck dat.” Rath pushed her against the wall, his lips punishing hers in a desperate plea to quench the raging fires that had swelled every time they fought.

Future Liz raged against the kiss, her teeth biting into his bottom lip, as his free hand tangled in her hair. Her fingers ripped at his Mohawk, as her mouth opened to allow him in.

She mused that he tasted exactly the same, but with more style then their first kiss in her junior year. Her tongue fought for dominance, as his grip loosened around her arm.

Gasping for air, Rath looked stunned for a moment before leaning down to kiss her again. One hand slipped down to flick her nipple, while the other clawed at the button of her pants.

Future Liz moaned in defiance, as her hand slipped into his jeans. Her hand gripped his cock, pumping it in a steady rhythm. The hand still gripped in Rath’s hair, pulled him closer to her. “I need this.” She groaned into his mouth.

“Fuck ya, bitch.” Rath pulled down Future Liz’s pants, and panties in a single motion. His fingers found her hot, and wet. As he pushed two of his fingers in her, his thumb flicked against her clit, jolting her with a shock and slight pain.

Future Liz growled in enjoyment as her fingers tightened against his throbbing cock. She nibbled on his cheek bone, as her fingers released him, to undo his pants.

As his pants fell to mid thigh, Rath slipped his fingers out of her, licking them clean. “Fuck, you’s a tasty girl.”

“Shut up and fuck me.” Future Liz kicked off her pants, and wiggled out of her panties fully. With Rath’s help lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Pushing her against the wall, Rath started to pound into her. His hands flat against the wall, as his ass cheeks flexed in a raw motion of frustration. “Take it, bitch.”

“There isn’t much to take.” Future Liz’s nails clawed into his biceps, as she bit her lip in pleasure.

“I’s show you taking it.” Rath pumped into her harder, biting at her neck, and top of her breasts.

“Is that all you have? I’ve felt more wood from a toothpick.” Future Liz growled, as her head rolled against the wall.

“Shut it.” Rath bit Future Liz’s bottom lip, drawing blood.

Future Liz moaned in glee, before kissing him deeply. The blood smeared across both their faces, as she bit Rath’s ear. She threw her head back as her body clenched, as she growled Rath’s name in a toe curling guttural moan.

Rath felt himself start to slip, but then he heard a different scream. It was a shrill of fear and humiliation that killed any sexual feeling. Rath woke up to see his hand groping Alex’s chest, and Alex’s voice mimicking the vocal range of Faye Ray.

“Dis sucks.” Rath got up and walked to the bathroom to finish off the fantasy in peace.
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