Hero (XO SV, Liz/Oliver Mature) Complete- 05/26/09

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch21+teaser - 05/08/09

Post by fourrightchords »

Hey guys so here's the next part! So as for Tess, don't worry she wont like what's coming for her next. But remember, Tess is just a puppet. She's not the real big bad.

Oh and stay tuned...at the end I'm putting up a teaser for my new fic called "Good Intentions" Its an XO with Supernatural and I'll be putting it up after I'm done with this one!

Chapter 21

The light crept upon her as a tide would wash onto the shore. She was small and pale, surrounded by a sea of blue. Her eyes eased open slowly, concentrated and focused on distinguishing the shapes around her.

The room was large, covered in mahogany furniture. Either she had shrunk to the size of an eight year old or she was in the most massive bed she had ever seen. Antique furniture littered the room and large oil portraits hung on the walls. There was one thing that was clear, if in fact she was still in captivity, she had received a significant upgrade.

She sighed, confused, and tried to remember the most she could. Her name was Liz Parker. She grew up in New Mexico and currently resided in Metropolis. Her parent’s names were Jeff and Nancy and the last thing she remembered was trying to heal Lex Luthor.

“Oh shit…” She mumbled. Liz hadn’t been successful, she could’ve told you that before she tried…but her friends lives had hung in the balance and right now she wasn’t sure if those friends had made it or not. She wanted to shoot out of the bed that held her but her body remained unconvinced. Begrudgingly Liz finally managed to roll to one side and place her feet on the cold wood floors.

“Hey…what do you think you’re doing?” A familiar voice spoke softly.

She closed her eyes, praying to god she wasn’t dreaming. When she opened them, Oliver was next to her, scooping her legs back under the covers.

Reaching up around his neck, she pulled him to her fiercely. He chuckled softly, and after a couple of minutes noted their awkward position.

“As much as I’m enjoying this,” he spoke into her hair. “Eventually I’ll have to stand back up.”

His feet were still firmly planted on the ground. Oliver was bent at the waist, his torso on the bed, arms wrapped around Liz as gingerly as he could. The height of the bed made it so that he had to stand on his tip toes. She held him by the neck in a vice grip.

“No you don’t.” Liz murmured into his neck.

“Alright, you’ve convinced me.” Ollie smiled before kicking off his shoes. Liz released him for a moment, throwing the covers back so that he could climb in as well. They tangled themselves together like they’d been doing it all their lives. He kissed her softly on the forehead.

“I can’t believe I’m here…” She said, basking in his warmth.

“God, me neither. I’m so sorry I didn’t—.”

“It’s okay.” She interrupted his stuttered apology. “It’s nothing I couldn’t handle…but…speaking of…where is here exactly?”

“Oh…uh…Star City, actually.” Oliver pulled away to look at her face which was wide with shock and amusement.


“Yeah. My family’s home to be exact. I never really come here….ever…so I thought it’d be the last place anyone would look for us.” Oliver reasoned.

“How did we get here?”

“Jet first. Then by helicopter.” He answered honestly.

“No shit.” She laughed. He couldn’t help but smile with her. “Isn’t it weird…being…here?”

“A little. I haven’t really had a lot of time to think about it. Besides…where else could we stash all your friends.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “There’s only four of— wait, they’re here? Are they alright?”

“Oh peachy.” Oliver answered. “I had to flip a coin with Maria over who got to take care of you. I won of course…still doesn’t stop her from camping out outside the door.”

She chuckled at the thought of her best friend pacing outside the door. “Wait.” Her eyes narrowed. “She isn’t out there right now, is she?”

Oliver looked sheepish. “Well….yeah.” She slapped his chest and looked horrified. He laughed. “You can’t blame me for being a little selfish! Man, you certainly have your strength back.” He rubbed the spot she had hit.

“Maria!” She called anyway. “I’m awake now!”

The blonde was zooming in the room instantly. She didn’t wait for Liz to sit up, simply got under the covers of the other side of the bed and pulled the girl away from a pouting Oliver.

“If you ever scare me like that again I’ll kick your ass, capiche?”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Sorry.”

“You were supposed to go to the goddamn wedding, Parker.” She rolled out of the bed and began tucking Liz tightly in the covers.


“I mean all you had to do was listen to me and put on a freakin dress.”

“I said sorry!” she rolled her eyes.

“Well. What has this whole mess taught us?” Maria crossed her arms from where she stood.

“Always take back up?” Oliver smiled, lying on his side his head propped up by his hand.

“No.” the blonde shook her head.

“Never trust a bitch named Tess?” Liz offered.

“Nope.” Another negative head shake.

“Well I’m stumped.”

“The moral of the story, children.” Maria stated matter of factly. “Is that you always, ALWAYS listen to Maria. Because I’m always right.”

“You are so right.” Liz said, biting back laughter. A loud noise erupted from her stomach then, causing Oliver and Maria to stare at her.

“Hungry?” Ollie laughed.

“Yeah. Just a little.” She smiled sheepishly.

“I’ll go make you some lunch.” Maria said, walking toward the door. Before she exited she turned once more to the reclined couple and narrowed her eyes. “No funny business…I will be right back.”

The pair shook their heads as she exited the room. Oliver faced down to Liz again, stroking her face with his thumb. “I don’t know how you do it.”

She looked at him confused. “Well…its what, the second time you’ve been captured, tortured, you almost died. Its amazing that you’re still alive, let alone here with me, smiling, laughing.” He clarified.

She shrugged. “You don’t really think about how you’re coping when you’re coping. You kind of just do it. You’re helping, though, I must say.” His smiled widened. “I don’t know. I guess somewhere in there I made a choice. I could be angry…I could be mad…or I could just…accept what was going on. Realize I had no control over the situation. And what I could control was keeping my friends alive. So I was going to do that…and just…pray that I would make it back to you.”

“Maria said that…you kind of said your goodbye’s in there.” Oliver whispered quietly. She nodded her head.

“I’m not afraid of death, Ollie. I kind of think in our line of work you can’t really be afraid to die. I’ve had an incredibly lucky life…I’ve been in love…more than once now…I’ve got great friends…a lot of people don’t get more than that. Who am I to ask for more?”

“Well…for the record…if god forbid you find yourself in a position like that again…would you mind, for my sake…not saying goodbye? I want you to come back to me every time, huh? We can’t leave these things to fate, you know?”


Oliver frowned then, briefly, raking through what she had just said. “Did you just…”

“Lunch time!” Maria’s bubbly voice interrupted his train of thought.

Liz and Ollie both smiled at her as she set the tray down and noticed their awkward position.

“Yeah…I’ll just…let you eat in peace. I’ll be back.” She scurried quickly out of the room.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.” Oliver smiled, rolling himself out of bed.”

“You do?” Liz asked surprised.

“Mmhmm.” Oliver pulled a file from his briefcase that was propped against a chair. “It seems as though a couple of bodies were recovered in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Russia”

Liz cocked her eyebrow. “That’s quite a homecoming present.” She snarked.

Oliver ignored her and continued. “The DNA of one of the bodies matches that of an Elizabeth Parker, a girl that had disappeared shortly after graduating high school in Roswell, New Mexico.”

Liz frowned at him. “Wait…what?”

Oliver ignored her and began to read from a piece of paper. “Ms. Parker had been wanted for questioning by the FBI since her disappearance. FBI medical examiners have confirmed that the body is indeed that of Elizabeth Parker and have dropped the case on her.”

Liz’s eyes went wide. “Oh my God! This means…”

“Yep. The FBI will not be bothering you anymore.” Oliver smiled.

“But…my parents!” Liz panicked, realizing her parents would think she was dead.

“Your parents have received many condolences, especially from one Ms. Maria Deluca who has assured them they have nothing to worry about.” Ollie assured her.

“Okay...good.” Liz sighed. “So…if Liz Parker is dead, who am I?”

He smiled knowingly, pulling out another file. “Elizabeth Anastasia Ostrovsky. Beth for short. You’re birthday is February 3rd, here’s your birth certificate, passport, social security card.”

Liz stared at all the documents littering the bed. “How did you swing all this?”

Oliver cocked his eye brow. “What’s the point in being in charge of the two biggest company’s in the World if you can’t have a little pull here and there?”

“Two?” Liz frowned.

“Yeah…the reason I was able to find you was that in Tess’s madness she finally broke and became more of a person than a monster. She sold her share in LuthorCorp to me, making me the biggest shareholder. Meaning…”

“Meaning you now own LuthorCorp as well?”

“That’s right. Whatever Lex did to her, he fucked her up real good. Which reminds me…I have to make a trip to Metropolis tonight to announce my arrival to the other board members.”

“I’m going to make the assumption that they won’t be very happy with the new news.”

“Well, Lizzie, you’re probably right.”

“So where is Ms. Mercer in all this?” Liz asked, not caring to hide her distaste.

Oliver shrugged. “Who knows.”

Liz’s face set. “You mean she’s still with the company?”

“Yeah, for now at least.”

Liz mashed her lips together in a tight line and crossed her arms.

Oliver, noticing her discomfort, spoke up, hoping to quell her anger. “Look she won’t be a problem anymore…not for anyone. And trust me when I say…this whole situation wasn’t Tess’ idea.”

“Why are you always so quick to defend her!?” Liz spoke loudly, “Oliver…She lied to you, she tried to kill me and my friends. What is it going to take for you to—.”

“Hey, hey…” Oliver soothed, grabbing Liz’s hands in his own. “I’m not defending her. I know I was wrong for trusting Tess when I should have listened to you, and…you’ll never know how sorry I am for that. And just because she’s with the company doesn’t mean that I will ever work with her again. Besides it wasn’t my idea to keep her with the company. I WAS going to fire her.” He assured.

“What do you mean?” Liz asked, confused.

“I was going to fire her…until Maria stopped me.”

“Maria stopped you?”

“Mmhmm. She said she had a better idea and that I should let her handle it.” He clarified.


“Yes dear?” Maria’s blonde head peeked through the doorway.

“What did you do with Tess?”

“Oh…you know…nothing too horrible. Me and Isabel made sure she was well taken care of. Hey, did you know LuthorCorp has a lab in Bolivia? I mean, Bolivia, right? They’ve got to have a serious infestation problem. There’ll be so many huge bugs down there…Gosh…I bet Tessie is just DREAMING about them ALL THE TIME.”

Liz shook her head with her mouth open. “Okay…bye Maria.”

“Bye Lizzie.” She said with a final smirk.

“Her exact words were: ‘Instead of coming at her like a spider monkey right now…I think I’ll just send actual spider monkey’s after her.’ Tess had no idea what she was talking about.” Oliver laughed, mimicking Maria’s voice.

“Yeah that sounds like Maria alright.”

Oliver stopped laughing and took Liz’s hand once again. “Look, I realized a while ago Tess is just another pawn in this game…this game Lex Luthor has created. He used Tess like he used Lana and like he uses everybody. It was HIS body you were trying to heal. He created the plan, made the orders…everyone else is just a minion. You can stop all the minions you like…Lex Luthor will always find more.” Oliver bit out, his face turning red with anger.

Liz placed a hand on his forearm, rubbing soothingly.

“He ruins people lives, Liz. That’s what he does. He doesn’t care who he hurts in the process. He’s tried to ruin Clark more times than I can count. He almost took you away from me…its just…I’ve had enough. I’m not going to sit around and wait for Lex’s next evil plan to abound. I’m not going to wait for him to decided what he can take away next.” He looked her deep in the eyes. “I’ve got too much to lose now. I can’t risk it anymore. Lex Luthor needs to be shut down. Permanently.”

Liz’s mouth opened, realizing the meaning. “And you’re going to be the one to do it.”

Oliver shrugged. “God knows Clark won’t ever lift a finger. Somebody’s gotta be the bad guy here. If it has to be me then so be it.”

“Sometimes…” Liz looked down. “Sometimes it’s not easy being the bad guy, Ollie.”

“Look, regardless, at this point certain things are going to happen no matter what anyone thinks…”

“I think whatever you choose to do I’ll stand behind your decision. It doesn’t make you a bad person. I just wish you didn’t have to.” Liz frowned.

“I think I’m the only person who can.” Oliver whispered. “Look. I won’t make any decisions now. We don’t even have any clue where Luthor is right now. And I’m just thankful that you’re here.” He pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. “I’ll just go to this board meeting…I’ll come back and then we’ll go from there.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Liz smiled.

A piece from Good Intentions

She woke with a gasp, expecting herself to be met with a burning fire and a cold slab of stone and excruciating pain.

Instead she woke to a silk covered board above her head. Slowly, she examined her small quarters. One board beneath her, one on top, one on each side, and one above and below, all covered in soft silk.

She was in a coffin.

If that fact didn’t scare her enough, the fact that when she hit the boards to open them, a hard thud sounded. This led her to believe she was probably buried in the coffin, probably six feet deep, which could only mean one thing.

She was alive.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch22- 05/21/09

Post by fourrightchords »

One more after this! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 22

Liz walked aimlessly around the halls of the Queen manor. Her strength had definitely returned within the last two days. Most of the rooms in the mansion were still sheet covered, no one had lived here in years. Oliver brought a certain number of his staff with him to get what needed working and they had all been staying there for almost a week. Michael, Kyle and Isabel were all waiting to see her once Oliver left for Metropolis and she explained to them what had been going on…the whole ten yards. Why she had gone missing in the first place, what she’d been up to, her vision about Khivar and the battle that wasn’t really a battle.

“I still can’t believe after all that” Isabel had said. “It went so easily. I can’t believe its over.”

Isabel had felt badly for resenting Liz for leaving. Although it was still hard for her to see Liz with anyone but her brother, Isabel knew the girl couldn’t be alone forever. In her own mind she was beginning to realize that maybe now it would be safe enough to go back to Jesse. They had waited long enough.

Michael and Maria were fighting as always. The pair still loved each other that much was clear, but the both of them were too stubborn to ever completely be with one another. After their initial break up on the road, it had become a competition…who could get with someone the fastest. Michael had surprised Maria in that sense, but it was a childish game at best and was weighing on the both of them.

Kyle was as Kyle always was. He didn’t want to be ‘here’ but didn’t exactly know where else to go. Every day he thought of leaving but fear of the unknown and a girl who wouldn’t ever return his affections made it impossible for him to go.

“So what now?” Maria asked Liz as she hovered over a bowl of cereal. Isabel sat next to her eating from her own bowl, laced with tobasco. The other two sat close by glued to the TV.

Liz shrugged. “Back to Metropolis.”

“You wanna go back? Even though…there is a chance that you’ll see Tess Mercer again? Even though you’ll constantly be in danger? I mean, Clark still hasn’t even figured out how to stop the thing that took Chloe. And with all the serial killings…”

“I know it sounds weird but…I actually kind of like Metropolis. Sure I hate Tess, but…my job is there. The city needs us more than ever. We have new lives now,” Liz spoke referring to her new identity and the identities her friends had gotten. “We can finally start over and…Oliver’s there.”

Maria smiled knowingly. “Do you love him?”

Liz smiled to herself with her head down before lifting it again. “I think I might.”

Maria broke out into a grin. “I KNEW IT!”

The other girls laughed. “I know it’s…fast. And I just…I didn’t ever think I was going to feel this way again.”

“It’s good, though, Liz.” Isabel placed her hand on the smaller girls arm. “Max would have wanted this. To see you happy again.” She paused, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I know I’ve been a little rough toward you since…well…everything. It wasn’t you…I just, I missed my brother.”

“I miss him too, Iz” Liz nodded.

“We all miss him.” Maria added. The girls took a minute to fan away their watery eyes before Isabel smiled and laughed at the three of them.

“It’s okay to be in love. You sure picked a guy to fall in love with, though.” Isabel joked. Liz giggled.

“Seriously Parker.” Kyle added from his position on the couch. “I can’t believe Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow. So…not only is he rich as fuck and has women falling over him all the time, but he also gets to be a super hero?”

“It isn’t as glamorous as it sounds, Kyle.” Liz reminded.

“Oh yeah that’s right.” He laughed. “You’re one too. I can’t believe I dated the freaking Black Widow. I wish I could tell someone.”

Liz cringed. “Yeah speaking of telling someone?”

“We know, Parker. Secrecy is key. Blah blah.” Michael punched the channel changer back to the news. “Games over. What are we doing now?”

“Yeah.” Liz looked around to her group of friends, what was left of them anyway. “What ARE we doing now?”

They remained in silence for a moment. This was it. No more FBI on their tail, no more evil aliens to deal with. They were free for the first time in their lives since 16. It was naïve to think they would stay together for the rest of their lives. They were all supremely different people. Circumstance had made them a family and although they would always be family there was no denying that it was time to move on from this world they had created. They had loved each other, they had lost each other, and they had found that through everything they would always have each other.

It was Isabel who shyly broke the silence.



“I’m going to Boston.” She said, more loudly. “I think its time to see if I can make my marriage work.”

“I applied for Art school.” Michael said suddenly. “I got in. It’s in New York.”

Every one simply stared at Michael as he sweltered uncomfortably from their gazes. “If it sucks I’ll just get a job working security again or something.” He quickly countered.

Kyle patted him on the back and the rest of the girls smiled. “That’s great Michael. Congrats.” Isabel added, hugging her quasi-brother.

“I guess I could give my music another try.” Maria fiddled with her napkin. “No place better than New York.” She added, glancing up at Michael. He smiled his crooked grin and nodded.

Everyone looked to Kyle, then, who sat looking everywhere but his friends’ eyes.


“I could use a room mate.” Liz spoke swiftly. “I mean, the apartments too big for me…I don’t think I’m ready to live with Oliver yet.”

Kyle cocked his head. “Metropolis, huh?”

Liz smiled. “Yeah. Why not? You could maybe even go to school? Oliver could get you a job. Work on your powers…who knows?”

Kyle smiled back. “Yeah. Metropolis sounds cool.”


There was another silence then. This one a little less unsure than the other.

“Well I guess that’s—.”

“Oh my God!” Maria interrupted, leaping from her seat to run to the TV.

“What?” They frowned and followed to the TV.

The LuthorCorp building was on the screen, a giant chunk missing from the side and flame billowing out of it. The news reported stood at the street, with all the police and fire fighters swarming the building.

“There’s no record of survivors yet, here at the LuthorCorp building. Only minutes ago an explosion shook the 10th floor where an annual board meeting was being held. No word from the police on whether the explosion was a bomb or something electrical. We’ve just received notice that Oliver Queen has been found and taken to the emergency room, his condition is unknown. Oliver Queen, CEO of Queen Industries, has just bought the largest share of LuthorCorp, making him the owner of two of the world’s most prosperous companies. With the strange disappearance and now listed death of LuthorCorp head Lex Luthor—.”

“Oh my god, Ollie.” Liz whispered. “I have to go.” She said, rushing off.

“Liz! Are you sure you’re okay to travel?” Maria frowned.

“I’m fine. Kyle, pack your shit we’re leaving here in 15 minutes!” She said, running off down the hall way. Those that were not staring at the inferno on the screen were staring off after Liz.

Minutes later Liz and Kyle sat with their duffels packed and a black car waiting outside to drive them.

“Do you want us to come with you?” Maria offered.

“No.” Liz shook her head feverishly. “You guys have lives to start. Kyle and I’ll be fine. I’m sure Oliver will be fine too…”

“I’m sure he will be. Oliver’s strong. Have you gotten a hold of Clark yet?”

“No, but I’ll try him again from the road. I’ve tried Chloe a couple times but no answer either.”

“Uh…from what Oliver’s said, Chloe’s had a bit on her plate lately.” Maria hoisted Liz’s bag in the trunk. “Call me when you get to Metropolis. Be safe. I love you.” She clung the girl to her and squeezed.

“You too. I’ll keep you updated. Michael, take care of my best friend, alright?” Liz released Maria and wrapped one arm around Michael’s waist as he threw his around her shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah. Just…try not to get yourself killed, Parker, huh?” He remarked snidely before shaking Kyle’s hand.

“Good luck in Boston, Isabel. Call someone when you get there, okay?” The girls embraced each other quickly.

“Yeah. Tell Oliver thanks…for everything.”

Liz nodded. “Alright, Valenti. Lets go.” Kyle hugged the two girls briefly before following Liz into the car. The driver started the engine and the pair watched their three friends become distant shadows.

“You going to be okay?” Liz asked.

Kyle looked at her confused. “What do you mean?”

Liz nodded her head back to the house and a blonde girl getting ready to see her husband. “Getting over someone you love isn’t ever easy. Even if you were never together to begin with.”

Kyle grinned sheepishly. “Oh, uh yeah…uh…I…I’ll be fine. Thanks though.”

Liz returned the smile.

“How is the tail in Metropolis, anyway?”

Liz looked at him disgustingly. “Yeah. You’ll be fine.”

He laughed in response. “Are you sad at all?” Kyle asked, referring back to the house. “Kind of feels like the end, doesn’t it?”

Liz’s face scrunched for a moment before smiling sadly. “Nah.” She said, resting her head on her friends shoulder. “This is just the beginning.”


The Semi truck door slid open with ease, the inside a glow with monitors and small computer lights. The Green Arrow stared at the chair in the middle of the make shift room; he never could of thought he could hate one man so much. One foot in front of the other, he made his way toward Lex Luthor. With every step he took, the air got hotter, his throat, more constrict.

Lex looked over at him and almost rolled his eyes. “You know, you may be too late. Clark might beat you to it.” He pointed to a monitor where outside Clark and Lana were arguing. “Poor Clark. He can never be with the woman he loves ever again, due to the amount of meteor rock her suit has absorbed. What a shame. And you, you finally find love and she loses her life saving me. The world’s not such a good place after all, is it?”

“Clark won’t do it.” The Green Arrow stated. “Lana wouldn’t let him. And at the end of the day Clark will always be three times the man you ever were.”

“And you?” Lex asked, raising an eyebrow. “You’re not so different from me, are you?”

“I’m only human, Lex. More than I can say about you. But everyone has their breaking point. You’ve made a lot of mistakes, Luthor. You’ve made millions suffer. You and your company killed my parents. You used Lana and Tess, you’ve taken away everyone Clark has ever loved. You tried to kill him. You tried to kill me. And then you made a huge mistake hurting someone I love. But you know what you’re biggest mistake was?

You didn’t succeed. I’m still here. So is she and I’m going to keep it that way. Right now…I’m your judge, your jury, and your executioner. And Luthor? The future’s not looking so good.”

The Green Arrow slammed the toy monkey down on the computer keys before turning away and walking straight out of the truck. With strong force he slammed the door shut and locked it, turning away as quickly as he could and running down the street.

He could finally breathe.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Complete- 05/26/09

Post by fourrightchords »

Chapter 23

The ride wasn’t short enough for Liz. Her and Kyle had arrived in Metropolis and went straight for the hospital only to find out that Oliver had checked out a while ago. After a quick and very short phone call to Clark he dejectedly told her to find Chloe and then promptly hung up the phone.

She dropped Kyle off at the apartment before heading to Chloe’s apartment. Liz found her in the Isis office.

“I leave for a little over a week and everything goes to shit.” Liz said, startling the blonde.

“Liz!” Chloe said, spinning around to hug the girl. “You’re okay!”

“I could say the same to you, I hear you had a little adventure of your own?” Liz teased.

“Long story. But then Oliver didn’t exactly have the chance to explain yours to me.” Chloe noted.

“Speaking of…where is my handsome boyfriend? I went to the hospital they said he left. Clark said to come here.”

“You just missed him. You’ve actually missed quite a bit.” Chloe rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, why don’t you fill me in and start at the part where Oliver almost got blown up.” Liz frowned as Chloe sat with her on the couch.

“Well…it was a bomb placed by a former disgruntled employee of Oliver’s who used to like to put bombs in toys. Winslow Schott. Lex hired him to kill Oliver and Tess.” Chloe stated.

Liz’s jaw set. “Son of a bitch!”

“Oh that’s not all. Well, you know how Lana is back right?”


“Well okay, Lana came back. She jumped into this suit that Lex was going to use to fix himself. It gives her pretty much all the same power’s as Clark has, except it absorbs Kryptonite. So now they’re equals again.”

Liz smirked. “Bet Clark’s enjoying that, huh?”

“Yeah. Except…Winslow Schott’s other job was to build a bomb using Kryptonite to try to blow up the Daily Planet and half the city. Lana and Clark were trying to take him down the problem was the only way to diffuse the bomb was to absorb the Kryptonite. Lana’s suit is able to absorb enough to kill Clark. And there’s no way to get the suit off or reverse the effects.” Chloe explained.

Liz’s face fell. “Oh no, that means…”

“No more Clark and Lana. Ever.”

“God, no wonder he was so upset on the phone.” Liz ran her hand over her face.

“Look, Liz…that’s not all.”

Liz shot her head up.

“Lex….Lex Luthor is dead. He was being carried in a mobile van and a bomb went off. They found his remains…and also the remains of a toy.” Chloe stared diligently at her hands.

A realization dawned on Liz. “But it wasn’t Winslow Schott that killed Lex, was it?” She said as more of a statement then a question.

“How did you know?”

Liz shrugged. “A lucky guess. I kind of knew Oliver was leaning that way anyways. He’s been thinking about it for a while.”

Chloe looked at Liz shocked. “And you didn’t think to try and stop him?”


“No? Liz…Oliver killed a man!”

“And? So have I. And so have you. I still get vision’s Chloe. I’m not judging you. Sometimes it necessary.”

“I can’t believe that it’s ever necessary for someone to die.” Chloe whispered quietly.

Liz pondered on her next words before speaking. “I’m not saying it’s not wrong to kill. I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it. But…I don’t know if I could let a man like Lex go just so I could keep my conscious clear. I’ve weighed my options. I’d rather spend the rest of my life with a dirty slate than watch a man like him ruin people’s lives.”


“He was the reason I was taken, Chloe. He tried to get me to heal him. He almost killed me and my friends. He almost killed Oliver, and he took the one thing Clark loves away from him. And you and I both know if he wasn’t dead right now he wouldn’t stop until we all were. Guys like Lex…they never stop. Am I happy that Oliver had to kill someone? No. I wouldn’t wish that burden on anyone. But I know he understands that. Am I glad that Lex is dead? Yes. A hundred times yes. I would have done it myself if I could have.” Liz spoke firmly.

“Aren’t you afraid? What if somewhere along the way you look in the mirror and don’t recognize yourself? What gives us the right to judge who lives and dies?” Chloe asked.

Liz sighed. “I’m not saying it’s a perfect situation. I’m not saying it’s even a good one. All I’m saying is…Chloe; we make choices in our lives based on what we’re given. We make choices based on our circumstance. Oliver has something to fight for. He made his choice based on his circumstance and it was honestly because he believes this is what’s best for the world. I stand behind him. And if one day I lose my way…then hopefully I’ll have friends to back me up and bring me back.”

“It probably wasn’t fair of me to be judgmental.” Chloe noted.

Liz smiled and rubbed the girls back. “He’s a big boy. He’ll be okay. Speaking of, I really need to go find him…see for myself that he’s okay. I’ll see you soon?”

“Yeah.” Chloe smiled. “Welcome back, Liz. I’m glad you’re okay.”

“I’m glad you are too, Chlo.”


He stood alone in the wreckage, his hand curled around a gold ring, staring into a portrait. The man in the picture had sharp blue eyes that seemed to only be laughing at him. But that man was dead.

The air still smelled of sulfur and moisture hung thick in the air. It wasn’t the safest place for him to stand. Merely a day ago he had stood in the same room confidently and firmly. Now he didn’t know anything anymore.

“You’re not him.” A voice called from behind him. Standing, illuminated by the fluorescents that still worked in the hall way was Liz. His girl, smiling at him.


“I said, you’re not him.” She said more firmly this time.

“What are you doing here?” He cautiously stepped around the debris making it to the safe ground where she stood.

She smiled up at him. “I’m your back up. Sorry I’m late.”

“You should be home resting.” He scolded.

“Nah, I’m fine. Thanks to you.”

“Thanks to me?”

“Yep. You see…that’s who you really are, Oliver Queen. You save lives. You’re a good person. You do what you have to, to protect those you love. Lex Luthor wasn’t a good person.” She said referring to the photo he had been caught staring at.

“Yeah…but you know…he and I started out not that different from one another. Once upon a time he was a stand up guy. What separates us from becoming exactly alike?” He wondered.

“I don’t know. But I do know that you’re not a selfish person. You’re not a greedy person. And you care more about others than you do yourself.”

“You’re not angry with me?”

“I…” Liz thought her words over carefully. “I’m sorry that you were put in the position to begin with. I’m sorry Lex couldn’t have been saved, or changed.”

He looked into her eyes searching for something, and in a moment he was lost, but also in that moment he realized he found what he was looking for all along.

“I love you.” He said softly. “I’m in love with you, Liz Parker.”

Her smirk broke into a grin which widened into a smile. “Its Ostrovsky now, remember?”

“Ah, yes, that’s—.”

“I love you too.” She interrupted. He froze, then, and his smile matched hers. “I do. More than anything I can imagine.”

“Well.” He said, his grin plastered on his face. “Now that we have that established. What do we do now, Miss Ostrovsky?”

She thought for a moment. “Well. Clark could probably use help with that serial killer…the thing that took Chloe. First we should probably take him out and get him shitty drunk. And then you should let me take care of you for once, huh?” She said, fingering the healing cut on his head.

Oliver nodded. “That sounds like a good idea.” He held out his hand to catch hers as she turned from the exit. Spinning her around she inhaled when she found herself inches away from his face.

“But first…”

Kissing him always felt like breathing. Like a ridiculous 80’s love song should be playing in the back round. Like everything had fallen into place and there was nothing wrong with the world. That’s what kissing Oliver Queen felt like to Liz. And so she tried to soak in every minute of it, and push her body as close to his as she possibly could. If she could have it her way she would do this for the rest of her life.

He moaned from the loss of contact when she pulled away briefly. They were locked together as tightly as they could be; her face in his hands, her hands around his waist. Amongst all the death and debris, the damage and destruction, they had found each other and made something beautiful and neither was willing to let go.

“I suppose Clark can wait until tomorrow.”


Two dark figures stood on top of a building over looking First Street Bank. Down below them three men dressed in dark masks worked to get the door open. Across town they had just stopped at rape, and the night before another mugging. Even so there were bigger projects for these two to face. A serial killer on the loose, shutting down all of the evil corporations that would make a dollar of someone else’s suffering or god forbid, life, and trying to have a quasi normal life amongst the chaos.

Atop that roof a girl and boy stood next to each other, waiting for the opportune moment to pounce. Their hands clasped tightly together.

It was a dangerous world they lived in. Full of pain and heart ache. Full of death and loss. A world that didn’t make sense. A world where a lot of the time a bad guy won and a good person got hurt.

Across the street the men had entered the bank and were approaching a terrified security guard. The tall hooded male looked to his companion, her brown hair waving in the wind and nodded. She smiled and winked back at him. Shooting an arrow across the street, the man pulled the woman tight to him and the two began their descent. Yes, it was a dangerous world they lived in.

But for tonight, Metropolis would be safe.

The End

I am so high I can hear heaven
I am so high I can hear heaven
Oh but heaven, no heaven don't hear me

And they say that a Hero can save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles
Watch as they all fly away

Someone once told me; Love will all save us
How can that be? Look what love gave us
A world full of killing and blood spilling
That world never came

And they say that a Hero can save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as they all fly away

I know that the world isn't ending
Thats not what I'm saying to you
It isn't the love of a hero
Thats why I fear it wont do

And they say that a Hero can save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as they all fly away

And they're watching us, they're watching us
As they all fly away
And they're watching us, they're watching us
As they all fly away

And they're watching us, they're watching us
As they all fly away...

-Hero, Chad Kroeger

So thats it! I can't thank you all enough for all your support and kind words. I'm just happy that any of you take the time to read whatever it is that comes out of my head. I hope you've enjoyed this, as always I love hearing from you.

Thanks again!
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen