Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Complete 07/12/2009

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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 28 05/03/09 Pg.10

Post by candysteffi »

chanks_girl: Oh, you don´t have to be to cautious about Kyle. He did something good this time :)

Eva: Lol, well as long as you didn´t fall :) Hope you will enjoy the next part.

DeDe PR: Yeah, Billy definitely won´t give up and leve them alone for good.

quel: It´s Sunday again. :) Thanks.



Kyle drove us to the building where Michael and Max live and then left. The guys aren´t at home yet, so Liz and I are sitting on the stairs in semi-darkness, waiting on them, ‘cause we didn’t take the key with us when we left earlier.

“Thank you, Maria,” Liz whispers and leans her head on my shoulder. “You risked everything to save me.”

“You´re welcome,” I simply answer. Too many other things are keeping my head busy right now.

“Billy knows now,” Liz states.

“Yeah,” I reply with a trembling voice. That´s what is really freaking me out!

“I´m sure Michael, Max and Kyle will do everything they can to protect you,” she tries to comfort me. I look at her silently, without a clue as to what to say. Right now, I´m just really tired and I don´t want to think about what might happen tomorrow.

Noise in the hallway lets us know that someone is finally coming home. I´m a little scared. How will Michael react? I went to Billy again, secretly, while he slept. I´m sure he was shocked when he woke up alone.

“Liz,” Max calls out the moment he sees her and takes three quick steps to reach her faster. Liz raises herself up from the stairs and throws herself into his open arms. “Oh God, Max, I’m so glad you´re here now,” she sighs.

I´m not sure, but it looks like even Max has wet eyes. “Let´s go inside,” he whispers against her hair, and then he lets go of her and turns to looks in my direction. “I´m sorry that I didn´t trust you at first.”

I just nod. “Where is Michael?”

“He should be here soon. I called him after Kyle called me. He wasn’t very far away from here. You wanna come in and wait for him?”

I´m really cold by now, but I know that Max and Liz need to be alone, so I shake my head. “No, it´s okay. I’ll just wait here for him.”

Max searches around in his pants pocket for a moment and hands something to me. “Take my key to let yourself in.” After that, they head for their apartment. Max squeezes my shoulder lightly and darts a grateful look at me. I smile at him weakly in reply.


I got into Michael’s apartment a few minutes ago and took a seat on one of the barstools at the kitchen counter. I’m still wearing my jacket and shoes, ‘cause I’m not sure what will happen. Maybe he’ll kick me out, maybe he’s mad at me… If that does happen, then I would be glad that I could just run away and won’t have to get dressed first.

God, waiting for him is driving me insane.

Suddenly I can hear him coming up the last few steps of the staircase. My whole body tenses up when he unlocks the door.

“Hey,” I whisper carefully.

“Hey,” he says back, but I can’t pinpoint any emotion in his tone. He kicks off his shoes and throws his jacket on the wardrobe. Then he comes over to the kitchen, but he doesn’t really look at me as he moves behind the counter to open the refrigerator. He pulls out a beer, opens it and lifts it to his mouth to drink more than half of it in one gulp.

“Please don’t do this to me, Michael,” I whisper in a pleading tone.

He hesitates for a moment, takes a long drink from the beer in his hand again before slamming it down on the surface of the counter. I wince with shock at the loud sound.

“Please don’t do what?” he snaps.

I can’t even speak; the words are stuck in my throat.

“I didn’t do anything. But do you even realize what YOU did to ME?” he continues. “I woke up and you were gone and I didn’t even know where the fuck to look for you!!!”

“I couldn’t tell you, Michael. I knew you wouldn’t let me go to him again,” I whisper.

“You’re damn right about that! Can you imagine how lost I felt when we were out looking for you, but had no clue where to start?” He’s yelling at me. God, he’s so mad at me!

“I’m sorry! But I had to go to him and I had to be alone. It would have been too dangerous for any of you.”

He snarls, “But it wasn’t for you?”

“I didn’t say that.”

He’s going to the wardrobe again, getting the note I’d left him before I left his apartment a few hours earlier. He moves to stand right next to me, throws the little paper in my lap and braces his right arm on the counter. “What did Billy tell you that you kept from us?” Michael is still pissed, but at least his voice isn’t so loud anymore.

I don’t want to tell him, but I know that I have to. “Um... he told me that he wanted to get laid tonight and...” I can hear him taking a sharp breath, “...and he said he would go after Liz if I didn’t come back later.”

“Damn it,” he hisses, slamming one fisted hand down on the seat of the closest barstool while driving through his hair with the other.

I can’t hold back any longer. The events of this awful day and the yelling from Michael are too much for me to handle. My hands start to shake again when I put them over my face and start to sob badly.

I can feel him hesitate next to me and I wonder if I should go home to my own apartment, but then he takes a step towards me and his strong arms pull me towards his chest. “I’m sorry,” he whispers into my hair.

We stay in this position for a few minutes until I’m able to calm myself down. He pulls away just enough to look down into my face. His eyes lock with mine and I can practically see the question there, which he so badly needs to be answered. “Did Billy...” he starts hoarsely, but I put my hand over his mouth before he can say even more and shake my head.

“No. I locked him in his bedroom and we were able to escape before he could touch either of us. Thank God, Kyle was suddenly right in front of us, ‘cause Billy managed to get out and followed us with a gun.”

I can feel Michael’s muscles tense at the mention of the weapon. “I’m so scared, Michael; he knows now and he won’t let me get away with this. He will come after me.” I cry again.

He places his hands on each side of my head so that I have to look straight into his eyes. “I won’t let anything happen to you, baby,” he whispers and bends down to brush his lips against mine.

I know that he won’t be able to protect me 24/7. I have to go to school, he has to work. But just for tonight I want to believe that everything will be alright.


I’m sitting on the edge of the tub dressed only in a bathing wrap and I hold my hand out under the jet of water, which is coming out of the faucet. I know it’s already late and I should try to sleep, but I’m still too agitated to just go to bed. Maybe a hot bath will loosen me up and make me tired. The foam is building as more water runs into the tub and the smell of lavender fills the air. I wonder if he bought this bubble bath just for me; guys wouldn’t use things like this, would they?

Michael steps into the bathroom and stands up next to me. “Did you get all the things you need to take a bath?”

“No, there is one thing missing,” I tell him.

“What is it?” he asks, puzzled.

I laugh out loud ‘cause he’s not getting what I mean. I get to my feet and take a step forward, so that we’re standing only a few inches away from each other. I reach out with my hand to drive it through his hair. “You,” I whisper and study his face for any reaction.

A lightly smile appears on his lips, that makes me quiver. In slow motion, I let my hands trail over his chest to the hem of his shirt. I pull it over his head in one quick movement before my tingling fingertips roam over his now bare upper body again. I can feel his muscles tensing under my touch and his heart beats against his chest in a faster rhythm then normal. The realization that I can do this to him makes me want him even more.

I lean forward to press soft kissed at his chest, while I open his waistband. I take a little step back to look into his eyes, which are darker then usual, before I slide his pants down his legs, so he can step out of them. Inch by inch my hands drive up again, from his calves, above his thighs and along his sides until I’m standing upright again.

Finally, he seems to wake up from his stiffness and takes my chin in one hand to turn my head up to meet his gaze. His thumb is roaming over my bottom lip. “You’re driving me crazy, baby, do you know that?” he whispers with a smirk.

“That’s a good thing, right?” I ask back, grinning.

In response he leans down to capture my lips with his. “I guess it is,” he murmurs between kisses. A quivering sigh escapes my lips when he pulls me up against his body and he stops in his movements to look at me, checking to see if everything is okay.

I lean my forehead against his and wrap my arms around his body, ‘cause my legs refuse to steady me any longer. “Don’t stop,” I breathe.

He trails one hand through my hair. “I won’t, as long as you don’t ask me to.”

He wants to make sure that he won’t do something that I’m not ready for. But I trust him, he’s not gonna hurt me intentionally. I nod slightly to show I understand the real meaning of his statement and take a step back. Our eyes lock, when I open the belt around the bathing wrap I’m wearing. I grab the collar and pull it over my shoulders; the soft fabric slides down my arms and falls to the floor.

I’ve never done this before – stripping down to nothing in front of a guy I mean. Of course, Billy saw me naked before, but he was the one who undressed me – always as fast as he could and never really paying attention to my body. He never looked at me the way Michael does right now. His eyes are travelling from my head to my feet in a very slow motion. It feels like he could caress me just with his look – that’s sending shivers down my back. I really wish he would touch me soon.

I’m sure he can see the light blush on my face when he finally lifts his gaze up again to meet my eyes. “You’re beautiful,” he croaks.

I wonder if he knows that this is – by a long way – the most wonderful thing anyone has ever said to me for the last years. “Thank you,” I whisper, feeling a single tear running down my cheek.

He reaches out to brush it away with his thumb. “Don’t cry anymore.”

“It was just a happy tear,” I say with a smile and lay my hand over his. “Let’s get in there; it’s cold out here.”

“Okay.” He lets go of me and I step into the tub, sighing with pleasure as my body sinks into the hot water. He crouches down and steadies himself on the edge of the tub. He seems to think about something, because even if he looks at me he’s kind of absent. I lay my hand over his and the contact brings him back to reality. I bend forward to press a soft kiss on his cheek, right next to his lips. My other hand is wandering down his torso until I reach his boxers. I take the waistband between two fingers and pull it a few centimetres away from his skin, just to let it flip back again. He’s still hesitating, ‘cause he doesn’t want to rush things. Maybe he thinks that I’m not ready for this again after all that’s happened in the last few weeks. But he’s wrong – this has nothing to do with Billy or anything, it’s just about us.

“Get rid of that. I want you to come in here, Michael!”

He nods slightly and stands up straight again to remove the rest of his clothes. I watch him when he gets into the tub as well. He’s so hot, with muscles in all the right places and his complexion slightly browned. I slide backwards to one side of the tub, so he can easily sink into the water on the opposite. The foam is covering our bodies almost completely. Only our heads and shoulders can be seen. His legs are brushing against my own and his hands caress my calves. I can’t imagine one thing that has felt so good recently. My head is resting against the tub and I close my eyes.

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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 29 05/10/09 Pg.11

Post by candysteffi »

Hey :

chanks-girl: Thanks!

DeDe PR: Watch out for a lot more sweetness in this part!

Eva: Thx, the scene will go on in this part.

Okay, watch out for a lot of CANDY in this part ;)

Part 30

We stay in this positon for a long time, just relaxing and enjoying being together. When I open my eyes again, I realize that he was staring at me the whole time. I push myself into an upright sitting postion and slip forward a few inches. “Come closer,” I whisper.

He nods slightly and uses his arms at the tub edge to do so. I place my legs above his so that there won´t be any space between our bodies and then entangle them behind his back. He let his arms fall into the water again and they settle at my sides. We stare into each others eyes for several long seconds before I turn my head to find the blue sponge which I discovered earlier. I take it from the little tray next to the tub and put it into the water until it´s soaked. I let it run above his left arm up to his shoulder and back to his neck. Small streams of water are running down his upper body and I follow them wih my eyes until they finally meet the bath water again.

I stick the sponge into the water again and then raise it up over his head. He closes his eyes when I squeeze it and the liquid is running down his hair and face. I drop the sponge into the water then and place my hands on each side of his neck. Michael´s eyes are still closed, when I lean forward to kiss away a drop at the corner of his mouth. His hands grip me tighter when I don´t back away and continue to kiss him. I part my lips and a soft moan escapes my throat when he pulls me up against his body to deepen the kiss.

I´m shocked at how good and totally natural it feels to be so close to someone else, even if the rest of my life sucks right now. He ends the kiss after several long minutes and leans his forehead against mine. “You ok?” he asks breathlessly.

I run my hands through his damp hair. “Yeah, more than ok,” I answer with a smirk, stealing another small kiss from his lips. He lets his hands trail up and down my back and it makes me shiver with delight.

“It feels so good to be with you, Michael.”

“Really?” he asks, teasing.


“Well, that´s good, ‘cause I´m not goin’ anywhere.” He places a soft kiss on my cheek. “I want you to turn around, baby,” he whispers into my ear.

“Okay,” I oblige without asking for the reason and turn to sit in front of him.

He rests his hands on my shoulders and pulls me closer until my back rests against his chest. I can feel his erection pressing against my lower back and shift slightly to tease him. His arm comes around my waist to still the movement. “You don´t know what you´re doin’ to me, Maria,” he mumbles hoarsely.

“Oh, no, I do,” I reply, smirking.

He lowers his head and places feather light kisses along my neck and shoulder. His grip around me gets tighter while he grasps the sponge in his right hand and starts to run it along my shoulders.

I lean my head back until it´s right next to his and his breath feels cold when it hit my wet skin. He lightly presses his lips against my temple as he starts to run the sponge up and down over my breasts, slightly first, but then more intense. I close my eyes and press my face against his when I lose control of my heartbeat.

He lets the sponge wander further down over my flat belly until he stops between my legs. I hold my breath when he starts to move it in small circles, adding some pressure after a while.

I whimper when he suddenly stops and removes his hand. “Michael...why did you... “

He quietens me with his passionate mouth. His tongue runs over my lips, begging for entrance and we get lost in the kiss for what seems like forever.

I inhale sharply when he replaces his hand where the sponge had been before and I lean into his touch. “Uh, Michael, this feels amazing,” I breathe out. My hand roams to the back of his neck to keep him as close as possible.

“Do you trust me?” he whispers, glancing down into my eyes.

I look back at him and answer without hestistation. “I do.”

He nods slightly and keeps our eyes locked as he enters me with one finger. Automatically, I close my eyes and bite my bottom lip.

“Keep lookin’ at me, baby,” he requests.

“I can’t.”

“Just try.”

He pushes a second finger inside me while his thumb rubs my clit and I can´t stop myself from moaning. I can´t believe that it feels so good to be touched by someone else. I’ve never felt anything like this before.

Michael uses his other hand to brush a strand of hair out of my face, his gaze soft and tender. I start to move my lower body more against his hand to get the release I so badly need. “Michael...”

“Just let go, baby.”

That’s all that’s necessary to push me over the edge. My grip around his neck gets tighter when every muscle of my body contracts. I force my eyes to stay open and don´t break contact with Michael´s. Both of his arms come around me and hold me firmly against his body until my heartbeat comes somewhere back to normal.

I smile up at him in daze. ”That was amazing.”

“You’re amazing,” he returns, placing a soft kiss against my lips. “Let´s get outta here; the water’s already kinda cold.” He pushes my body back into an upright sitting position and climbs out of the tub from behind me.

The small towel that he’s winding around his hips can’t hide his arousal. He walks over to the closet and comes back a few seconds later, spreading out a big towel in his arms. “Come here.”

I push myself up, feeling that my knees are still weak, and climb out of the tub as well. Michael wraps me into the smooth fabric and starts to rub his hands over it to dry me off.

“Okay, I guess you’re done.”

“Then it´s my turn now,” I answer, pulling the towel away from me and wrapping it around him instead. I can´t hide the grin, when I recognize the surprise in his face. “What? Did you think I would let you do that on your own?”

I reach out and place one hand on the knot of the smaller towel, which is still hanging low around his hips. He inhales sharply and holds his breath when I undo it and let it fall to the ground.

My eyes wander down his naked body. “You´re incredible sexy, Michael,” I whisper and stand on my tiptoes to kiss him. It seems like he hesistates a few seconds, before he finally gives in to the temptation and wraps his arms fully around me. I loop my arms around his neck, when our kiss gets more intense. He let his hand wander down my back, before it stops right on my ass and presses me further against him. Still, his touches feel a little... uneasy.

I lean my head back until I´m able to look into his eyes. Yeah, he’s still having doubts over whether or not we should take the next step. “You don´t have to hold back, baby. I’m more than ready for this.” My lips start to wander along his neck. “For you.”

To emphasize, what I just said, I press my lower body against him until I can feel the tip of his cock pressing up against my wet folds. He growls low in his throat in response. “Lift your legs up around me,” he orders gently and places one hand in the hollow of my knee to help me with it. I drop the towel when he starts to carry me out of the bathroom, his arms holding me securely against him.

The mattress sinks in when he lies me down on the bed and crawls over me, placing a path of feather light kisses along my body from my belly up to my neck. I run my fingers through his still-damp hair while he starts to wander down with his mouth again to place hot and wet kisses at my breasts. I breathe in sharply the moment he sucks one of my nipples between his lips. My upper body rises from the bed to stay as close as possible to his skin.

A small smile appears on his lips when he crawls up even more to place one arm on each side of me. He gazes down on me softly and his eyes seem to look right into my soul. “How did you manage to just walk into my life?”

I shrug, also smiling. “I didn´t do much; quite the opposite, to be honest.”

He seems to think about it seriously. “Yeah, I guess that´s right.”

“That´s not a bad thing, right?” I ask, unsure.

He shifts his weight to rest on his right arm, while he reaches up with his left hand to brush a strand of hair out of my face. “No, it’s not. It´s just, I’ve never let something... someone into my life just like this. I never wanted to... until now.”

“I´m glad you did,” I reply honestly. “I don´t know where I would be right now without you in my life.” My hands lift up to rest on each side of his face and I pull him down to kiss him.

While he starts to run his hand up and down my side the kiss gets more intense. My fingertips wander along his skin and stop on his lower back to add some pressure.

He understands my need for more body contact without a second thought and starts to lower himself down to me. With one knee, he spreads my legs further apart to settle down between them. His erection is pressing against my lower lips and I shift restlessly against him, seeking release.

He moves his hips lightly back and forth, teasing my clit with the tip of his cock, while he kisses his way down my neck to suck on my burning skin. “Michael,” I breathe out on a gasp, “you have to stop that teasing.”

“Why?” he asks, grinning.

I reach between us and grab his length in my hand. “’Cause it´s drivin’ me crazy.”

I start to stroke him, slowly first, but then increasing. His muscles start to quiver lightly and he struggles for control as he lets his forehead rest against mine. I shift on the bed to place his member in front of my entrance and our eyes lock when he notices what I’m telling him without words.

“You sure you wanna do that?” he asks quietly.

“Yeah.” I reach up to caress his cheek. “Just be gentle.”

He nods slightly and leans into my touch for a short time before he takes my hand to press it on the mattress next to my head and intertwines our fingers. With his other hand, he reaches down and places it in the hollow of my knee to bend my leg and give him better access.

I can´t keep my eyes open the moment he enters me slowly. It feels like there hasn’t been anything better in the world than this until now. He´s not moving yet, giving me time to adjust. His free hand comes up to caress my cheek while he is gazing into my eyes intensely. “You okay?”

“I am.” How could I not be ready for this? I trust him and I know that he cares about me a lot more than Billy or my mother did.

He nods and bends down to capture my lips in a tender kiss. His mouth wanders over mine in a slow motion and his tongue runs over my upper lip until I part my lips to give him entrance.

I squeeze his hand, which is still in mine and raise my hips up against his body to show him that I’m ready for more. I know he will understand what I tell him without words once more. He always seems to know what I want and what I think. He starts to move his hips slowly first, but increasing the speed after a while.

“Michael,” I moan, throwing my head back. He takes the opportunity and starts to suck the soft flesh of my neck between his lips, softly biting into it. I lift up both of my legs and entangle them behind him so that he can sink into me even more.

“Oh, God, Maria,” he gasps as his body starts to tense and quiver.

He reaches between us to tease my clit with two fingers. I can feel my second orgasm building as my hips rear up to his touch. “I´m close”, I breathe into his ear and can feel him nodding softly when he increases his movements, his hips raising and lowering faster, with more force now.

I release his hand that was still in mine until now and let my arms come around his neck to hold him as close as possible. His breaths get faster with every stroke and I’m sure he doesn´t need much more time either.

He twitches my clit with his fingers one more time and it´s all I need to bring me over the edge again. Both of his arms came up to rest on each side of my head, his hands holding my face into place so we can look at each other. He thrusts into me one more time when suddenly his lips crash onto mine and he moans into my mouth.

We stay in the same position for several minutes until we’ve both calmed down. He pulls back a little to look into my eyes, using one hand to caress my cheek. “That was amazing,” I whisper.

He nods, smiling. “Yeah.”

“I didn´t know it can feel like this.”

“I promised you that it would be better than what you had experienced before, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember that.”

He holds me tight against him when he rolls over onto his back and takes me with him. He turns his head to watch me and his features become worried suddenly. I know he’s thinking about our current situation and he´s searching for some solution.

“Move in with me?”

“Huh?” I raise my head to study his face. “Are you serious?”

He nods. “I want you to be around. It´s too dangerous when you´re over there.”

“But Angel searched for a roommate for so long. She can´t afford to keep the apartment on her own anymore.”

“It´s dangerous for her, too, baby. What if Billy shows up there?”

I let myself fall into the pillows again. “Yeah, I know.”

“We can pay your amount of the rent to her until she finds someone else,” he offered.

I nod. “Okay.”

“We should get some sleep. There’s enough time to worry later,” he says finally and pulls me up against his body. I let my head rest on his upper body, drawing circles on his naked skin and watching his chest rise and fall until I fall into a surprisingly peaceful sleep.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 30 05/17/09 Pg.11

Post by candysteffi »

Hey :)

Eva: Thanks, it was one of the most difficult parts to write in this fic, lol.

quel: Lol, don´t worry, I´m here. You will find about Billy soon.

April: Yay, you´re back! So you liked the bathroom and bedroom love? I was hoping you do. 

DeDe PR: It´s gonna last for a while, promised ;) About Ava.... hm, she´s not playing a big part in this fic so I just didn´t mention her, lol. Sorry.


Part 31

Makin’ new plans December 8th, 2007 – Saturday – 10:00 am

I can smell freshly brewed coffee when I wake up this morning and I smile a little when I hear Michael swearing quietly about something in the kitchen. A glance at the clock tells me that it´s already after 10 am. I sit up in the bed and stretch my body. Michael hasn´t recognized yet that I’m awake, so I stand up quietly and walk over to the kitchen on my tip toes.

“Good mornin’,” I murmur against his back while wrapping my arms around him from behind. He puts the plates, which he got out of the cupboard, down on the counter and turns.

“Hey,sleepyhead, you hungry?” He let his hands rest on my sides and leans back against the counter, spreading his legs and pulling me further against him. “If you´re brave enough to eat something I´ve cooked,” he adds with a smirk.

“Hmm,” I glance at the eggs and bacon on the range, “it doesn´t look that bad,” I tease. To be honest, it looks really delicious and my mouth is already watering.

“It does, huh?” He reaches out to turn off the heat. “Okay, how about you go to the bathroom to get ready while I’m finishing this?”

“Sounds good to me, I think I’ll take a quick shower.”

He leans forward to place a tender kiss on my cheek and his hands wander down my hips until they reach the hem of his shirt I´m wearing. He presses me against his body; I can feel his erection grinding at my belly. “Have I told you sexy you are, when you’re wearing nothing but one of my shirts?”

“You don´t have to,” I say with a grin, glancing between us. “Maybe I should wait for that shower until after breakfast so you can join me?”

He sighs and let his chin rest on my shoulder. “Yeah, I wish we could do that, but Max sent me a text message earlier and asked if he and Liz can come upstairs to talk about something.”

“I guess that includes talking about Billy?” Of course it will and I know we have to talk about the... situation... Is it wrong that I want to pretend a little longer to be only happy and safe?

He shrugs. “He didn´t say anything in detail, but yeah, I guess it does.”

I drop my head, unable to think about anything we can do to get rid of Billy. “I wish we could just leave this all behind us,” I mumble.

“Yeah,” he says absent-mindedly, “maybe we can.”

“Huh?” I lean back to look at him, puzzled. “What ya mean?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing. I was just thinking. Now get ready, breakfast is almost done.”

I nod and let go of him to walk into the bathroom, still wondering what he has in mind. I turn the shower on while stripping out of the shirt.

Muffled sounds of talking can be heared through the closed bathroom door and I wonder if Max and Liz have already arrived.


“I thought the others had already arrived,” I mention when I come back to the kitchen after showering. “I heard you talking.”

“It was just the phone,” he says, gesturing that I should sit down on one of the barstools.

I don´t bother to ask him, who he had called, ‘cause I have the feeling he doesn´t wanna talk about it. He places a plate with toast, eggs and bacon in front of me. “Self made by Michael Guerin,” he says proudly.

“It looks tasty,” I admit and take my fork to try a bit of the food, chewing on it several long seconds, while he´s looking at me impatiently. “Yummy,” I finally say, smiling.

“Good,” he sighs, relieved, and takes a seat as well.

We concentrate on eating for a while then until Michael starts to speak again. “What ya think of leaving New York?” he asks quickly, without looking at me.

I almost choke on my breakfast. “What?”

He lays his fork down and gazes up to me. “You wanna leave New York?”

“For a trip?”

He shakes his head. “Permanently… or at least for a while.”

“What about the others? Max, Liz, Kyle and the rest of them.”

He shrugs. “I don´t know.”

“No, Michael, I can´t expect you to leave your home and your friends behind just because of me. I don´t want you to make that sacrifice.”

“That’s not only your decision to make, Maria. It´s something I would do to keep you safe, to keep us safe, ‘cause we´re not if we stay here. I thought about it all night and there are only two possibilities. It´s either hurt Billy until he´s not able to hurt anyone again and go to jail... or leave.”

“I´m so sorry that I put you in this situation, I didn´t mean to,” I say sadly, resting my head in my hands.

He slides down from his chair and comes over to me. “I knew that it would cause these problems when I got involved with you, baby. And I didn´t care; I still don´t regret anything, so don´t feel responsible.” He takes my hand in his and makes me look at him.

“What if we go and in a few months you realize that I´m not the one you want? That this thing between us is just a temporary thing?”

He doesn’t get the chance to answer the question, ‘cause right at that moment there’s a knock on the door.

“I’ll let them in,” Michael says, going to open it.

I take our plates and take them to the sink, using the time to get my feelings under control again. He wants to leave with me... I can´t believe it.

“Hey,” he greets Max and Liz, when they enter the apartment and walk over to have a seat on the couch. “You want something to drink? There is still coffee left from breakfast.”

“No, thanks, we’re fine,” Liz answered, glancing at Max nervously.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, concerned when I join the others and Michael pulls me into his lap.

“There is something we wanna talk about,” Max starts, taking Liz’ hand in his and looking at her as if he wants to ask if she´s ready to tell us.

“Don´t drag it out, Maxwell,” Michael tells him when he still hesistates.

“I´m pregnant,” Liz finally admits qickly.

“What did you say?” Michael asks, startled.

“We´re having a baby,” Max repeats, his expression unsure.


“Um, well, I guess congratulations then,” I offer, not knowing what else to say. This wasn´t anything I had expected and I can tell from Michael’s face that he´s right with me.

“How long have you known?” he asks.

“Well, I’ve known it a few days now,” Liz begins, “but I just told Max last night.”

“Oh, my god, is everything okay with you, Liz? The whole thing with Billy....” I worry, but she interrupts me then.

“It’s all okay. We were at the hospital this morning to make sure the baby is alright.”

I nod, relieved that Billy didn´t leave even more damage. “So, you´re keeping the baby, right?” I want to know.

“I could never have an abortion,” Liz says quickly.

“The problem is,” Max speaks up again, gazing at Michael, “I can´t stand the thought of Liz being pregnant with my child and knowin’ there’s someone in this town who wants to get revenge.” He takes a deep breath before he continues. “What I really want to say is, we – Liz and I – want to leave New York. If it was only you and me, Michael, I would say we go and get that bastard and silence him for good, but I have a girl and a child to look after now and I can´t risk goin’ to jail or getting hurt.”

Max glances at Michael, waiting for his opinion. I think Max is expecting that his friend will be mad at him, ‘cause his expression is surprised when Michael starts to speak calmly. “You´re not the only one who is worried about someone.” He lifts his gaze to look at me for a second before turning to Max again, “you´ve pretty much said what Maria and I discussed before you two came in. I was suggesting we leave as well.”

“You were?” Max asks, looking back and forth between Liz and us.

“Yeah, since there is nothing we can do to get rid of Billy and his gang without going to jail or getting ourselves killed, I think leaving is the only option we have right now. The sooner, the better.”

“It will be difficult to start a new life in another town with no job, not much money and no place to live,” Max pointed out.

“Yeah, I saved some money, but it won´t last long,” Michael says. “I guess we have to spend a few weeks in a motel until we can find jobs and can rent our own apartments. I called my boss earlier, ‘cause he has some good connections to an autoshop in Atlanta. Maybe he´s able to get me a job over there.”

“Atlanta?” Liz asks.

So that was the person, Michael was talkin’ to earlier.

Michael shrugs. “Yeah. As a possibility.”

“I like it,” she said, a grin spreading over her whole face.

“Yeah,” I say quietly and lower my head to look at my boyfriend, “I like it, too.”

He nods silently and brushes his lips against mine for a brief second. “You can also finish school over there.”

“You think that can work?” Max asks when he and Liz stand up and get ready to leave again.

“I don´t know yet.”

“Okay, we’re gonna leave for now, Liz needs some rest. I called Kyle and the others to come over around 3 pm to talk,” he sighs. “You coming downstairs?”


We both watch them disappear through the front door before I turn in Michael´s lap to come face to face with him. “You sure you wanna do that?” I let my forehead rest against his.

“Yeah,” he takes my face in both hands, “I can hardly believe it by myself but I am. I don´t wanna run off from Billy, but I don´t wanna lose you as well.”

“You´ll never lose me if you’re gonna keep being like this, baby,” I reply and capture his lips with mine for a quick kiss. “What about the others?”

He winces. “I’m not sure how they’re gonna react,” he admits, “but they’ll have to make their choice if they wanna come with us or not.”

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 31 05/24/09 Pg.12

Post by candysteffi »

quel: Hm, I can´t answer that question right now, lol. But there are still a few parts to go.

spacegirl23: Hey new reader ;) I´m glad you like Michael in this here.

Eva: U-huh, you´re right (with both). But I´m not tellin’ anything else, lol.

April: No, I couldn´t let Max be a bad guy, not at all . So you didn´t see that comming? Lol, good, it was the plan to surprise you.

Awww, thanks about the planned nomination, lol. Is there an award for the best feedbacker too? ;)

Yeah, we definitely nearing the end, but there are still a few parts to go.

DeDe PR: Big trouble for Billy, huh? Maybe! ;)


Part 32

Lonnie is the last one to join us in Max’s apartment this afternoon. She rolls her eyes when she notices me, making it a point to let everyone know that she doesn’t approve of me being a part of her gang.

“So, why are we here again?” she asks, glancing at her watch as if she’s already been waiting for hours now.

“To discuss what we´re gonna do now,” Max answers, taking the seat next to Liz and taking her hand automatically.

“Well, that´s easy. Just hand her over to Billy again,” she snarls.

“Shut up, Lonnie,” Michael counters without even looking at her. He leans back and lifts one arm on top of the headrest so that his hand is touching my shoulder.

“We´re not doin’ this,” Max says clearly. “She saved Liz and she´s one of us now.”

“If she wasn’t, they never would have kidnapped Liz,” Lonnie keeps arguing.

“You had the idea to kidnap Maria in the first place,” Kyle throws in ironically.

“Oh, please,” Lonnie sighs heavily, “I couldn’t know that Guerin would fall for her.”

“Billy was a bastard a long time before things started with Maria,” Michael defends himself and I like it. He didn´t negate his feelings for me, that´s good, right?

“I´m not denying that, but he didn´t hold a gun up to us then. I didn´t have to worry about getting shot when I was walking outside.”

“You think Billy would shoot one of us in public?” Alex asks worried.

“I have no doubt that he would have used his gun against one of the girls last night if he’d had the chance,” Kyle admits. “Damn, there’s a bullet hole in my car.”

“That´s just great,” Lonnie growls. “Why don´t we just go after him at night?”

“And then what?” Michael snaps. “Kill him?”

She shrugs. “If it´s necessary.”

“That´s ridiculous,” Max finally says, “we´re not killing him. Or is there anyone here who wants to go to jail willingly and live the rest of your life with the knowledge that you killed somebody?” He looks around the room in question and nods, satisfied when everyone stays silent. “Michael and me discussed another option earlier,” he begins and I hold my breath, ‘cause I know what will come next.

“That would be?” Kyle asks, interested.

“Leaving New York.” Michael is the one who says it out loud in front of the rest.

Lonnie laughs, the sound overacted. “Sorry, I must have misunderstood you; it sounded like you were suggesting we leave.” She looks at Max’ and Michael’s serious faces. “Oh, my God, you really said it!”

“Where do you want to go?” Kyle asks doubtfully.

“We haven´t decided yet. Maybe Atlanta, maybe somewhere else,” Michael answers.

“You want to run away from Billy?” Lonnie almost screams. “What’s wrong with you guys? I don’t know you anymore. Where are the Max and Michael I’ve known since childhood?”

“We’re still here, Lonnie,” Max says.

She shakes her head wildly. “No, you’re not. The men I knew wouldn´t run away from Billy.”

“It´s different now,” Max explains calmly, “we haven’t had any responsibility before. But now...” he takes a deep breath, “Liz is pregnant” – some shocked murmurs go through the room – “and Maria is the first one who will be hunted by Billy. We can´t take the risk of stayin’ ‘cause we all know that Billy won´t leave us alone.”

“You’re pregnant?” Alex asks, surprised as he rushes to Liz’ side and hugs her.

“So, you’ve already made your decision. You´re gonna leave us alone with him here,” Lonnie states.

“Bullshit!” Michael reacts immediately. “We’re askin’ all of you to come with us.”

“Pfff. No, thank you!” She stands up and walks to the door.

“Lonnie...” Max starts.

“Don´t, Max. Go on and leave. Whatever. I’m staying.” With that she´s out.

Kyle looks at the now closed door with lifted eyebrows. “Well, that was to be expected. She’ll calm down.”

“What about you?” Max asks.

Kyle shrugs. “I understand your motives for leaving, but I´m not sure if I´m coming with you. I´ll let you know.”

Max nods. “Alex?”

“I’m goin’ wherever Liz is goin’.”

“When do you want to leave?” Kyle asks.

“We don´t know yet,” Michael says. “I might have a chance to get a job in Atlanta, so we have to arrange some stuff. We need a place to stay, Max needs a job, Maria needs to finish school somewhere. We have to think about the details now.”

Max nodds. “I´m gonna ask my company, too, if there is any chance of getting a job near Atlanta.”

Kyle nods absent-mindedly. “What about the time between now and leaving? I mean, will Liz go to work? Will Maria go to school? We have to think about these things, too.”

Michael looks down at me for several long seconds. “There is no way you can protect her continuously in school, is there?” he asks Kyle without looking away from me

Kyle sighs. “I don’t think so. We have different classes and the school is big. It would be too easy for Billy to get in unseen.”

Michael nods. “We can’t risk anything happening to her.” He lifts my chin with his fingers. “You okay with staying in my apartment until we leave?”

“I don´t really have another choice, do I?” I ask, smiling weakly.

“Liz already quit her job this morning. She´s staying home as well,” Max says.

“What about my job?” I ask, remembering my recent promotion. “We’re gonna need some money, Michael.”

He nods. “I´m gonna talk to Kate later. Maybe you can get the late shifts now and then. I can drive you there and pick you up later again.”

Liz bends forward to look at me. “Seems like we’ll be spending a lot of time together during the day now.”


Girl’s day December 10th, 2007 – Monday – 10:00 am

A soft knock on the door wakes me up from my daze. I didn’t sleep very well last night, so I´m still lying in bed, even if it´s already 10 am on Monday morning. I don’t care, ‘cause I can´t go to school, so what else should I be doing?

I stand up slowly, stretch my body and walk to the front door, dressed in a pair of Michael’s boxers and one of his t-shirts. “Hey, Liz,” I greet the girl in the hallway.

“Hey, uhm, did I wake you up?”

“No, it´s okay. I’m just lying around ‘cause I´ve got nothing better to do anyway.”

“Yeah, same for me. I´m not used to being alone and entertaining myself so I was hoping we could spend some time together.”

“Yeah, that would be cool. Come in, I´m gonna make breakfast if there is anything edible in the refrigerator. I’ve to write a grocery list for Michael.”


“Do you have morning sickness as much as other pregnant woman do?” I ask, chewing on my cereals.

She sticks a big spoon of it in her mouth as well. “No, not yet anyway.”

“Uh-huh,” I say, watching her eating a mountain of cereals. “You’re hungry, huh?” I ask with a smirk.

She smirks back. “Yeah. Since I found out that I’m pregnant I could eat all day long. Guess that won’t be too good, if I don´t want to buy new clothes every month.”

“Had you guys planned this?” I gesture to her belly.

She shakes her head. “No, it just happened. Maybe my pill wasn’t working correctly with all the excitement going on lately.” She shrugs. “But I´m okay with it and Max is, too.”

I nod. “Yeah, I saw that, you know. Besides all the worry about Billy you could see his excitement about it.“

“Yeah, he reacted really great. We talked about having kids, but neither of us thought that it would be so soon.”

“You two will make really good parents.”

She grins. “Thanks. We just have to hope now that we’ll find a new place to stay. A safe place.”

“Yeah.” I look up at her. “Liz, I’m really sorry that you guys have to leave because of me.”

Liz lays her spoon on the table and grabs my hand. “You don´t have to be sorry about anything, Maria. I´m glad that you’re here, ‘cause I really needed another girl between all these guys. And Lonnie...” she rolls her eyes, “you met her, she´s not really a girl.”

“Yeah, I think I know what you mean.”

“Besides that, I never saw Michael this happy. He didn´t share feelings with anybody or care about somebody before you came into the picture. And to be honest, I´m still surprised that he suggested we leave as well. He would have never have done such a thing before he met you. You’ve changed him a lot.”

“He´s all I have right now,” I admit, “I don´t know where I would be now, if he hadn´t been there.”

“You don´t have just him now, Maria. Max and me are your friends, too. And we’re gonna find a nice town, where we can live together and start new. I’m sure about it.”

“You’re not sad that you have to leave New York?”

Liz seems to think about it a few seconds. “No, not at all. My parents moved to California a few years ago and we haven’t talked since then. I don´t have any close friends besides you guys. So… no, the people I love will come with me, so there’s no reason to miss New York. If anything, I can’t wait to have nice long walks outside wihout the need to worry about an enemy showing up. I want to go shopping and to a park carefree.”

“Yeah, that would be really cool. I´m sick of all the hiding, too. Will you miss Lonnie and Kyle, if they stay here?”

“As for Lonnie… No, not really. I never had any real conversations with her. She was just there, you know? And Kyle, well, yeah, I think I will miss him a little. I know he’s done cruel things to you, Maria, and there is no excuse for that, but he also saved us the other night.”

“Yeah,” I answer thoughtfully, “I was really scared of him in the beginning, for obvious reasons, but the night when he drove us away from Billy´s apartment something kinda changed.”

“He’s very loyal. He hated you when you where a Hurricane, but he also protects you with his life when you’re one of us....” She rolls her eyes, “you know, I can´t wait for all of this gang shit to end. Once we’re out of town, we´re no longer the Bandits, we´re just some friends living together.”

“Sounds nice to me.“

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 32 05/31/09 Pg.12

Post by candysteffi »


lilah: Hey new reader :) You might be right with one of your suspicions.

April: Liz and Max definitely need to get her life in control before the child will be born. How they gonna do it? Hm, can´t tell you right now . But you will learn something new about their plans of leaving in this part.

Oh and btw: thanks for mentioning of Sony to Alien_Friend, lol.

DeDe PR: Yeah, we definitely nearing the end, it´s kinda sad :cry:

quel: Lol, yeah maybe isn´t the smartest in every way, but he has his ways tp get what he wants...

Alien_Friend: Hey another new reader again . I think I have to thank April 

And YAY, another Candy-reader. I´m glad you like my Maria here. I was thinking to write SoNY as a narrative writer first, but then I kinda changed my mind and wrote a Maria POV and I´m glad, that I did.
Michael is definitely the “hero” in here, Maria needed someone like him to believe that her life still matters to someone.

Thanks everyone!


Part 33

Movin’ day December 12th, 2007 – Wednesday – 6:00 pm

Michael just dropped me off in front of the building where Angel and I are living. He’s going to pick me up later again.

I climb up the stairs with a guilty feeling, ‘cause I´m goin’ to leave Angel and she’ll have to find another roomate again. I already called her on Monday and told her that I´m moving out – she wasn´t too happy about it as you can imagine.

When I enter the living room she is already there, doing some homework. “Hey,” I greet her quielty.

She writes something on a paper for a few seconds longer before she looks up at me. “Hey,” she replies, and I’m glad to see a soft smile on her lips.

I take my jacket off and walk over to join her on the couch. “I think I owe you an explanation,” I start.

Angel shakes her head. ”No, you don’t, girl. I know you have a lot of goin’ on in your life and I kinda expected that you wouldn’t stay long. To be honest, I was sure he would’ve asked you sooner to stay with him, Maria.”

“You were?” I ask, surprised.

“Uh-huh. The way he looks at you and treats you... I don´t know,” she shrugs, “I just knew it.”

“We’ve had some trouble with Billy lately,” I admit. ”Big trouble! And it’s too dangerous to live here. For you and me. I don’t want you to get hurt because I’m stayin’ here.”

Angel looks at me thoughtfully. “Something bad must have happened, huh?”

I nod. ”Yeah. Billy kidnapped Liz, um, Max’s girlfriend, and I got her outta there...”

“And now Billy knows that you’re staying with Michael,” Angel completes the sentence.

“Yeah, something like that and then he went after me and Liz with a gun.”

“Oh,” is all she says.

”We’re gonna leave New York as soon as possible.”

“Where’re you gonna go?” she wants to know.

“We’re not exactly sure about that one. But chances are good that it will be Atlanta. Michael might get a job down there.”

“I know we haven’t spent much time together, but I´m gonna miss you,” Angel says.

I nod, “Yeah, I´m gonna miss you, too,” I admit sadly. “I wish we didn’t have to leave, but it´s the only possibility right now.”

“You’re gonna call me now and then, right?”

“Of course I will. Oh, and I´m gonna pay for the rent until you find someone new, okay?”

Angel shakes her head. “Oh no, that’s not necessary. You know, a few days after you moved in another person called who was interested in livin’ here. I called him when you told me you were movin’ out the other day and he was here this morning and decided to move in.”

“Really? Wow, that’s cool!”

“Uh-huh, and he’s kinda cute, you know?”

“Okay, tell me every small detail.”


Angel helped me to get my few things together and packed them into some cartons. I still can´t believe that I have to move out again so quickly, but Michael is right here. It would be too dangerous to stay here with her. I could never forgive myself if she got hurt because of me and my pathetic life.

A soft knock on the door announces Michael´s arrival and I walk over to open the door. “Hey, baby, we´re almost done,” I greet him and stand up on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss.

“Okay, the car is parked in front if the building; we should hurry ‘cause I’m not allowed to leave it there.” He walks through the door. “Hey, Angel.”

“Hey, Michael!”

He grans the biggest carton and starts to go downstairs again. “Okay, I´d better help him,” I say and take one as well.

“I´m getting your things in the bathroom together,” Angel says.

I walk down the stairs and Michael helps me to put my stuff into his trunk. “Let me carry all the heavy things, you don´t have to do that,” he says when we walk upstairs again to get more of my stuff.

“But you said we need to hurry, so I´m gonna help you as good as I can.”

We enter the flat again and look around in the living room for more stuff. “I´m gonna see how far Angel got in the bathroom,” I tell him, while he decides which things to carry next.

“Hey, you need any help in here?” I ask the other girl. She’s kneeling on the floor and looking through the cabinet with the towels. “I´m just checking which of these are yours.”

“Okay.” I walk over to the shower to get my shampoo and shower gel out of it.

“Freeze, Guerin,” I hear someone say out in the living room.

“Who is out...?” I turn to Angel and choke on the last words when realization hits me hard. My eyes widen with horror - I know that voice! I would be able to identify it among thousands.

“Oh, my god.” I rush to the other girl´s side, putting my hand over her mouth before she can say anything. “It´s Billy in the living room,” I whisper in panic.

Angel looks at me, shocked. “Be quiet, okay?” She nods and I pull my hand away from her. We both sit on the floor without a single sound or even a breath while straining to hear something.

“Where is she?” Billy growls.

”None of your damn business,” Michael answers.

“None of my.... none of my business?” Billy screams at him and I can hear something break. A vase or something. “I’m gonna kill you, you little bastard and then I´m gonna kill her.”

Suddenly there’s another sound, which gets my attention. My blood freezes at the sound. It was the ‘click’ a gun would make when you release the safety catch. I know I have to do something. And I have to do it quickly.

“Okay,” I whisper into Angel’s ear. “I´m gonna go outside.”

She shakes her head wildly. “No, we should call the police.”

“You got a phone here?”

Angel shakes her head. “No, damn it, it’s in my room.

I sigh. “And mine is in my jacket next to the door. Damn it. Okay, listen! He knows that I´m here anyway,” I explain with a shaking voice. “He will kill him,” I say, and tears are welling up my eyes, “I can´t let that happen. I´m gonna close the bathroom door behind me and you’re gonna quietly lock it from inside, do you hear me?”

Angel just nods quietly, her face showing all her fear. “I don´t think he knows that anyone else is here, but just in case. He won´t come through this door, it´s massive.” I take her head between my hands. “Don’t come out whatever happens, okay? Not as long as he is here. Promise me that.”

”Okay,” the other girl replies, scared.

”Okay.” I hug her for a second and then get up on my feet. I can’t think of another situation before now where I felt as much fear as I feel right now. But I know I have to be strong right now. For Angel and for Michael.

”You’re not gonna intimidate me with a gun, loser.” I hear Michael say. I wish he wouldn’t be so brave right now. He’s only pushing Billy.

I step out of the bathroom and close the door behind me. A soft sound lets me know that Angel locked the door and I´m sure that Billy hasn´t heard it, because he hasn´t realized I’m here yet. I have to get him away from Michael, that´s all that matters to me. “I´m here, Billy,” I call from the other end of the room.

Both men glance at me quickly, but Billy still focuses on Michael, who is standing only a few feet away from him. Damn it.

“Maria, what the hell you think you´re doin`?” Michael screams at me.

Billy chuckles. ”Looks like she can´t really let go of me, huh? Maybe you’re not as good in bed as I am?”

“Shut the fuck up.” Michael takes a step towards him and Billy aims the gun up at Michael’s head. “One more step and you’re dead, Guerin.” He starts to move in my direction, still holding the gun up to him. “Come over here, bitch.”

I walk over to him slowly and try to keep my panic under control. I don´t want to go anywhere with him, but if it’s gonna save Michael, I´m gonna do it. He grabs my wrist painfully. “We’re goin’ to my car now,” Billy orders. “Tell him to stay here.”

I bite my lip and look at Michael desperately. He has his fists clenched at his sides and it seems like he´s just about to run towards Billy.

“Tell him,” Billy repeats, louder now and yanks my arm harshly.

“Do what he’s asking for,” I say to Michael quietly – I don’t want him to, but I also hope he´s gonna go through with it. “Let me get my jacket.” Maybe I can call for help later with the cell.

Billy drops my arm and looks at me angrily. “I don’t give a damn if you´re gonna freeze to death.”

Michael seems to notice Billy´s lessening focus on him in that second, ‘cause suddenly he storms toward us and drags Billy to the ground with him. He places a hard punch on his arm, so that Billy drops the gun. I react quickly and run over to the other side to grab the gun.

Suddenly I can hear Michael scream up in pain and I turn around quickly to see what had happened. Blood is quickly seeping through in two places on his white tee shirt. “What…?” I glance over to Billy and recognize the knife in his hand.

“You bastard!” I shout at him. In the corner of my eyes I can see Michael holding his hand over the wounds, but the blood is still running out between his fingers. Billy gets to his feet again and starts to walk in my direction.

“Don´t move or I swear I´m gonna kill you.”

Billy just chuckles and continues to come towards me. I´ve never used a gun before. I don´t want to, but what other chance do I have? He seems to be sure I won´t shoot at him and Michael needs help as soon as possible. I glance at him on the ground again. He´s panting from the pain and every effort he makes to get up fails.

Okay, I tell myself, you can do this. You HAVE to do this. I raise the gun up and aim at Billy’s chest. It seems like everything around me happens in slow motion. I can´t hear anything as I close my eyes and pull the trigger.

The anticipated sound of a fired doesn’t come and I rip my eyes open to see Billy still standing in front of me, grinning. In panic, I pull the trigger again, but nothing....

“Not loaded,” Billy chants.

“What?” I glance on the gun and in the next moment Billy drags me to the ground brutally. He settles over my stomach, his knees pinning my arms to the ground. He picks up the gun from the ground and fumbles around in his jacket. My heart starts to pound as I watch him finally loading the gun.

“That was the last time you ever betray me! You´re a fuckin’ wore – and you know what I do with them?” He forces me to look in Michael’s direction. He´s lying on the ground, his face turned to us, but he seems far away with his thoughts. I know he´s about to lose conciousness.

“No, Michael,” I reach out, but I´m too far away to touch him.

“I would love to watch him bleed to death, you know, just to make sure he will be really dead this time, but I think we gotta go. Nobody will find him here soon enough anyway.”

He stands up again and drags me with him. “Downstairs now,” he orders and levels the weapon at me. I glance at Michael and it seems like he doesn´t even know what’s going on around him anymore.
“No!” I manage to get rid of Billy and stumble in Michael’s direction, dropping to my knees in front of him. “Don´t leave me alone,” I whisper, caressing his cheek. He glances up at me weakly. His lips move slowly, but no sound is escaping his throat.

“Okay, that´s enough,” I hear Billy say behind me and turn to look at him just at the moment when he lunges out and hits my head with the barrel of the gun.

I tumble backwards and black out on the floor next to Michael.



Don´t kill me now! :)
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 33 06/07/09 Pg.13

Post by candysteffi »

Eva: Wow, I´m still alive :) You will find out what Billy did with them in this part.

Alien-Friend: Oh, I´m glad you don´t like Billy. Because no one likes him! :) Find out more about what had happened in this part.

I knew something was going to happen, and I knew that something was most likely going to involve Billy. He's that kind of guy, you know, that kind of smart dumb guy, and he's so hate-able! Every time I see his name, I just want to slam my fist through the computer screen and deck him.
Uhm. You´d better watch your screen in this part, lol.
That was a fantastic part. Seriously, you do a wonderful job with these action scenes, and that isn't easy. I think they're some of the most difficult scenes to write, and I'm in awe of the way you write them
Aw thanks! And also hanks to my great betareader :)
Just re-read this part. Is Billy the "cute" renter Angel was talking about?
Ungh, no, I can´t do that to Angel ;)

DeDe PR: Lol, thanks God, I´m still alive ;).

I'm partly relieved that the part ended with M+M together. I wouldn't know what to do if they had been separated (physically).
Uhm, you shouldn´t read this part then, lol.



Kidnapped December 13th, 2007 – Thursday – ??? am

My head hurts badly when I wake up again and I have to pull all my strenght together to not just remain lying down and go back to sleep. The memories of what happened come creeping back to me slowly and my heart clenches painfully when a flash of Michael lying on the floor bleeding hits me. Was Angel able to help him? Or did Billy make sure that he was dead before leaving? “No,” I whisper to myself, “you can´t be dead, Michael.”

I force myself to open my eyes, but it stays as dark as before. I blink several times, but see nothing except more darkness. I try to use my hands to push myself up from the ground and find them chained to something. My fingers feel out for anything that might give me a hint about what happened and where I am. There is a thick iron pipe in the wall that I am chained to. No chance of escape. “Damn it.”

I use my feet to get myself into a sitting postion as good as possible and lean my back against the wall. Dizziness sweeps over me when I move and I have to take some deep breaths to not just black out again. What time would it be? How long was I out? I glance around the darkness again, there has to be something. Only now, I recognize that it’s freezing cold in here and my whole body feels stiff and worn out.

Where the hell am I? It´s not Billy´s appartment, I would recognize it. He has carpet all over in the rooms. I´m sitting on something that feels like cold stones or concrete. Suddenly there is loud noise outside the room. It´s getting louder and louder with each passing second... I know this sound, but from where? I close my eyes and try to concentrate on it. “The subway,” I whisper and then panic. Oh my God, he locked me in an underground room! Will he come back or just leave me to starve to death? Nobody will find me here! The sound is over once the subway has passed by. It didn´t stop, that means I´m not near any station. I’m probably in a service room somewhere in the tunnels that have thick steal doors. I know that nobody will hear my screams, but right now I don´t care. “HELP! OH MY GOD! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!”

I´m hyperventilating with the realization that no one is going to save me. Michael is hurt, maybe even dead. No, I can´t think of that. I’m not ready to deal with it. The only person who knows that I was kidnapped is Angel. But how is she going to find me? She could go to the police, but she hadn´t even seen Billy once. And even if just the mention of the name Billy is probably enough for them to know who she means... he won’t just tell him where I am. “I´ll die here.” Tears of fear run down my cheek, there is no need to hold them back.


I don´t know how long I’ve been sitting here in the right now. Seems like hours, but I really don´t have a clue what time it is right now. It took me a while to calm down, to stop screaming and crying. Right now, I don’t feel anything and I drift off to sleep every now and then. Some subways had passed by outside, but that’s all.

My head snaps up from another doze when I hear a new sound. Different from the one made when a suwbay passes by. Maybe there is someone outside? Maybe an employee who checks the route, they do something like this, right?

“HALLO? CAN SOMEBODY HEAR ME? HALLOOOOO!“ I scream out as loud as possible.

Suddenly I can hear the door being opened. A flashlight is scanning the room and I squeeze my eyes shut and bend down to hold my chained hands up to my face when it’s blinding light hits my face. Somebody is here, I think relieved.

A light is switched on, but I still can´t anything. My eyes have to get used to the brightess after hours of sitting in the dark. The person is coming nearer and crouches down in front of me. I lift my head up again and blink several times.

“Look who finally woke up,” the man says right at the moment when my sight becomes clearer and my hope of being rescued shatters into a thousand pieces. Billy.

“You can scream and shout as much as you want, bitch! No one is gonna hear you down here.”

“What do you want, you wretched sonofabitch? Sorry, I´m not already dead,” I snap at him to downplay my fear.

He lunges out and slaps me across the face so hard that my head flies to the other side, but I don´t cry out. I won´t give him the satisfaction. He takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger roughly and forces me to look at him. “Who says I want you to be dead so soon? You deserve to suffer, you little slut. I had no time to do that to your fuckin` dead lover, but it will be my pleasure to torture you.”

I avoid looking him in the eyes. He said Michael is dead. Did he make sure of it or does he just think he is? I don´t ask him. The only thing that keeps me alive right now is the hope that Michael isn´t dead. “Go to hell,” I growl at him.

Another hit across my face and I slump back against the wall. I try to not black out, but the room around me is moving wildly and I groan from the pain. “Here,” he throws something in my lap, then stands up and walks back to the door. He glances back at me for a second and a moment later the room is dark again and I´m left all alone once more.

It takes me a long time to pull myself together. The dizziness is still there, but it´s fading slowly. I feel around my lap until my hands grip what Billy had thrown into my lap before he left. It’s a bottle with some liquid in it. I open the top and hold it to my nose to smell it. Nothing. Maybe it’s just water. But what if he mixed something in it? Some drugs, sedatives, or whatever. No, I´m not gonna drink this.


From far away, I can hear a sound, but I´m to weak to move or open my eyes. My body is acing badly, I can´t stand another hard punch from Billy.

“Maria? Oh, my God!” Someone rushes to my side and takes my face in his hands. “Maria, can you hear me? Wake up.” It’s a male voice, but my brain isn´t working very well and I can´t say if I know this voice. “Open your eyes, Maria.”

I try to do what I was asked for, but the light is too bright, I can´t recognize anything first. Only after a few more times of opening and closing my eyes am I able to see the shape of someone bent over me. And with another blink my view gets even clearer. “Kyle?” I croak out, my throat feels like a grater. This has to be a dream, I think.

“Yeah,” He lifts me up a little and leans my back against the wall.

“What are you doin’ here?” My brain still has a hard time grasping the whole situation.

He fumbles around in the backpack he’s wearing and gets out a bottle of whatever drink it is. “Here, you have to drink something.” He opens the bottle and holds it out to me.

I nod and try to grab it, but it´s too heavy to hold it on my own. He helps me with it and lifts it to my mouth, so that I can take some sips of the liquid. Slowly but surely my thoughts become clearer.

“He hit you hard,” Kyle winces, studying my face intently.

“How did you find me?”

“I followed him the last two days and I figured it out.”

I frown at him. “But, Billy hasn’t been here for a long time.”

“He was on his way, but then got a call and turned back. It took me some time to find this room.”

“Oh, my God, I´m so glad to see you,” I sob when I suddenly realize that someone really had found me. He pulls me into his arms for several seconds and I close my eyes again to let the relief wash over me. Who would have thought that – of all things – Kyle would save my life one day.

Suddenly I remember all the other past things and my head snaps up to look at him. “Where is Michael?” My voice trembles when I ask the question which might turn my life upside down again.

He sighs. “He’s not doin’ so good, Maria. Your roommate, Angel, found him, applied first aid and called an ambulance, but he had lost so much blood. He’s in the hospital and in coma. The doctor´s say we just have to wait and hope that he will wake up again.”

“It’s all my fault,” I cry.

“No, it’s not.” He looks around the room and at my chained hands. “Okay, listen, I have to get something that I can use to get you outta here. I´ll be back soon, okay?”

“No, don´t leave me here alone, Kyle.”

Out of the corner of my eyes I notice another movement. “Don´t worry, Maria, he won´t.”

“KYLE, WATCH OUT!” I scream, but in the next moment Billy hits him hard on the head with the flashlight and Kyle sinks down to the ground next to my feet.

“No,” I cry out.

Billy just chuckles. “Valenti, Valenti, how stupid of you to just come here.” He bends down to pull Kyle´s motionless body to the wall next to me. “Nobody is gonna rescue you two,” Billy singsongs, while chaining the other man to the pipe as well.


“Oh, God, my head is gonna explode,” I can hear Kyle moan next to me.

“Kyle? Thank God, you´re finally awake.”

He groans in response. “How long have I been unconscious?”

“I don’t know. Several hours I guess.”

”Are you okay?” he wants to know.

“Yeah, I’m just so cold.”

I can hear Kyle moving on the floor, but it´s too dark to see anything. “Sorry, I would offer you my jaket, but these damn chains won´t allow it.

“It’s okay. You want some water?”

“He left it here?”

“No, but he gave me another bottle before. I think it´s really just water, I drank it, ‘cause I was so thirsty and I´m still alive, so...”

“No, thanks, we probably should be spare with it.”

“, does anyone know that you came here?” I want to know. He surely told somebody before he got here, right?

“No,” he groans, “I tried to call Max before I went down into the subway tunnels, but he was probably at the hospital, ‘cause his cell was turned out. He just knows that I was looking around for you, but not where.”

I let my head rest against the wall and all the hope I had built up the last few hours fades away again. “Damn it.”

He coughs several times. “Maybe the police will find us soner or later. Angel told me that she has to go there to answer some questions, when I met her in the hospital.”

“The police,” I whisper, “how long until they find us? Whatcha think?”

Kyle snorted. “With all the shit going on in New York... we’ll be lucky if they’ve even started to look for us.”


Later.... at some time or another....

“Kyle? Are you awake?” I groan.

“Yeah,” he replies weakly.

“You think we could drink another sip of the water? I’m so thirsty.”

“Okay,” he moves around on the ground, “but only a little bit.”

We both take a sip of the water before he closes the bottle carefully again.

“Shh, did you hear that?” I ask.


“Shh, someone is coming.”

“You won’t believe what you’re gonnal see,” someone who could only be Billy says, amused when he opens the door and turns on the light.

“What can be so exciting down here?” Another male person asks.

“See for yourself.”

“Maria?” Someone asks, half surprised, half shocked.

My eyes still hurt from the light again, but I don´t have to see anything to recognize this voice, even if my brain is only working on autopilot. Sean.

“Great, another fuckin’ bastard,” Kyle mutters and gets kicked by Billy for that.

“What are you doin’ with them here?” Sean asks Billy. So Billy didn´t even tell the others about our kidnapping.

“What I am doin’?” Billy asks agitated. “Punishing her; she betrayed me, all of us. Sean. She fucked around with a damn Bandit.”

Sean lifts his hands to calm him down. “Hey, I was just asking, no offense. And what’s with him?” He gestures to Kyle.

”He discovered her here, so I had to chain him as well.“

“Surprised what a little coward bastard your leader is?” Kyle hisses.

“Shut up, Valenti, if you don´t want to be knocked out again.”

I stay silent, ´cause I´m not quite sure what he really thinks. I´m his family, but Billy is his best friend.

“Alright, let´s go,” Billy says, leading Sean back to the door again. My cousin glances back at me and I can see the consternation in his face before the light is turned off again.

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 34 06/14/09 Pg.14

Post by candysteffi »


chanks_girl: Welcome back  Thanks, it´s so much fun to write from her point of view.

Bubba???? LOOOOL, that´s great.

Yeah, I wanted something good for Kyle, ‘cause to be honest, he was a total ass first.

Eva: Yeah, this Kyle is so much better, right? And about Sean... hm you will see what counts in his life: family or “friends”?!

Alien_Friend: M&M are stronger then they think they are. And Kyle tunrs out to be a good friend. Let´s see if Sean has a heart....

spacegirl: Uh-oh, girl, don´t freak out. Read the next part! Lol.

lilah: Well, girl, you have to know. I love Happy Endings, lol. Hard to think positive, huh? Sorry about that, maybe the next part will help.

April: Surprised about Kyle? Well, he is loyal to his friends. He was an ass at first, I know, sorry.

Sean – yeah he is family. You think he will be strong enough to work against Billy? Hmm...

DeDe PR: No, Maria isn´t alone and that´s good. At least a little distraction in this dark and cold room, right?


Part 35

Salvation December 16th, 2007 – Sunday – 3 pm

“Kyle?” I croak weakly.

“Yeah,” he answers, sounding just as weak as me.

“I’m so cold,” I moan and I pull my knees to my body, but it doesn’t change anything. My muscles are acing badly and my wrists are sore from the chains. I can’t pull my arms arond myself and it’s driving me insane.

“We can try to slide closer together to warm each other up,” he suggests and starts to move on the ground.

“Okay.” I try to slide closer to him as well until we lean against the wall next to each other and I let my head rest on his shoulder. “How long have we been here now?” I wonder aloud.

“I’m not sure. It’s maybe Sunday or Monday, I don’t know.” He reaches out and searches for my hands in the darkness, grabs them in between his own and rubs them softly. “Any better now?”

“Yeah, thanks.” I try to push the thoughts about my thirst and hunger back. “I´m glad that I´m not alone, but I´m sorry that you’re trapped here because of me.”

“Don’t be. It’s probably what I deserve,” he says thoughtfully. “Listen, Maria, I know there is no excuse for what I did to you when we kidnapped you. But I want you to know that I’m sorry. I.... I didn´t really want to rape you, I just wanted to scare you off.”

I don´t know what to say to this. On the one hand, it makes me happy that he’s apologizing for this, on the other hand I don´t want to think back to that. “It seems to me like that was years ago now.”

“Yeah, it kinda got all out of control from then on.”

“God, Kyle, I hope Michael will be okay. I can’t live with the thought that he was killed because of me.”

“He’s strong. If anyone can pull through this, then it’s him.”

“We have to get out of here, Kyle. We don´t have any water left.”

“I know,” he groans. “But as long as we can’t get rid of these damn chains, there’s nothing we can do.”


Hours have passed again and we´ve stayed silent to save our strength. But right now, there isn’t much strength left in me. My throat and mouth are dry like the desert and I´m drifting in and out of sleep. Kyle is lying right next to me. I can feel him breathing, but there is no body warmth left.

From far away I can hear a sound, but I`m to weak to concentrate on it. Maybe it’s just another subway. Something flickers in front of my eyes and I try to pull myself together to see what is going on now, but it´s hard to ignore the growing dizziness.

“Hey, you little pussies, you’re still alive.” Even if the voice sounds muffled in my ears, I know who is speaking to us.

“Sorry to disappoint you,” I hear Kyle snarl.

“Oh, I´m not disappointed. I’m glad that you’re suffering.” Billy laughs at us.

“Oh God,” I moan when I try to sit up straight. The room is moving wildly, my eyes can´t focus on anything.

“DeLuca,” Billy crouches down and holds my head in place to stare at me, “hm, seems like you won´t make it very much longer.”

“Leave her alone,” Kyle growls and kicks Billy away from me with one hard kick. I wonder where he found the strength.

Billy flies to the ground and screams out in pain. “You little bastard! You’ll regret that.”

He’s up on his feet again in no time and he grabs a thin iron pipe which is leaning against the wall on the opposite side of us.

“Freeze,” another man, who is suddenly standing in the door, screams.

I lean to one side to get a better look and have to close my eyes a few seconds to get the dizziness under control again. I recognize a police officer over there and he´s holding a gun up to Billy. “Drop the pipe.”

Billy turns around slowly, but he still holds the pipe in his hands.

“I said, drop it,” the other man demands.

“Okay, okay,” he bends down in slow motion and lays the iron pipe on the floor. I hold my breath, while I´m watching what happens in front of my eyes. I can´t believe what is going on right now.

Billy starts to stand up straight, but I can see that his right hand is wandering upwards behind his back. I follow his movement with my eyes and almost scream in surprise when I notice the gun, which is tucked in between his waistband and back.

“Watch out, he has a gun,” I croak out as loud as my dry throat would allow, just at the time when Billy reaches it with his hand and pulls it out of his waistband to hold it up to the police officer.

Thank God, the other man has very good reaction time and knows how to handle his own gun. Within seconds a shot is fired and suddenly Billy cries out in pain, his weapon flying onto the ground and the police officer is rushing to his side to kick the gun out of Billy´s reach.

Then he slams Billy against the wall and I realize that the bullet must have hit him in his shoulder. “Looks like we finally have a reason to lock your little ass up for the rest of your life, Darden.” He pulls Billy´s arms behind his back and slaps the cuffs on his wrists.

“I´ll be out in no time,” my ex hisses.

The officer snarls, “I wouldn’t count on that. Kidnapping, grievous bodily harm, attempted murder.... a lot previous convictions... attempted murder of an officer of the law… should I go on?”

I look at Kyle in a daze and suddenly the realization that we´ve just been saved hits me and I lean my head against his shoulders. “I can´t believe someone found us,” I cry out.

Just now I realize that another officer is in the door. He comes over to us and after a moment we are no longer chained to the pipe in the wall. “Are you okay? We´ve already called the ambulance; they’ll bring you to the hospital. We need your statement as soon as possible, but first you´ll have some time to rest.”

“How did you find us?” Kyle wants to know. He winces when he tries to get to his feet and decides to sit down again.

“Someone from his gang came to us and gave us a hint about where he was hiding you.”

“Sean?” I ask, surprised.

The officer nods. “Yeah, I think his name was Sean DeLuca.”

I smile softly. “Thank you, Sean.” I whisper to myself.

“What about Michael? Michael Guerin?” I ask, scared to hear something I don´t want to hear.

“That´s the man he stabbed?” the officer asks.


“Can´t tell you about that. Last I heard he was still in a coma.”

I nod sadly. “Okay.”

“Alright, let´s go,” the other man says, shoving Billy in the direction of the exit. “Enjoy the daylight up there, Darden. It´s probably the last you’ll see of it for a long time.”

Billy just grins smugly and turns in my direction. “Someday, I´ll come after you again, bitch.”

“Don´t worry, he won´t bother you again,” the officer next to me says. “You think you can walk?” He glances at me and Kyle.

We both nod and lift ourselves up into a standing position. The room suddenly begins to move again and I have to reach out for the wall to keep myself from falling. “I feel dizzy,” I mumble and then I´m not sure if I even said it. Everything in front of me goes black, I can feel sombody catch me before I fall to the ground again - and then I’m blacking out.


In the hospital:

I blink several times when I wake up again and I really don´t know where I am. “Maria?” A female voice is calling my name and I turn my head slightly to look around. I recognize Liz standing right next to the bed I´m lying in.

“Liz...” I whisper and frown, “where am I?”

She takes my hand in hers and sits down on the egde of the bed. “You’re in the hospital, sweetie. Do you remember what happened?”

I nod weakly when the memories of the dark and cold room come back to me slowly. Max approaches us as well. “Hey, Maria,” he tries to force a smile on his face, but it doesn’t show up very well.

Michael is all I´m thinkin’ right now, but a doctor joins us in the room before I can ask the important question.

“Ms. DeLuca, I´m your attending physician and my name is Gellar. How do you feel?”

“Like something really heavy ran over me over and over again,” I reply honestly.

He chuckled. “Yeah, that’s normal. You were heavily dehydrated and malnourished. It will take a few days to recover from that.” He sighs. “You and the young man, who was with, you were very lucky. You probably wouldn´t have survived another whole night out there.”

“Is Kyle okay?”

“Yeah, he’s fine,” Liz answers.

I nod and bite my bottom lip. “What about Michael?” I whisper, afraid.

Max and the doctor exchange serious glances, which makes me even more nervous. “Mr. Guerin was stabbed very badly, Ms. DeLuca. We had to operate him for several hours and did all what was possible. He´s still in a coma and we can only wait and see if he is strong enough to wake up again. There is nothing we can do for him right now.”

Tears are running down my face when the doctor continues to tell me about Michael´s condition. “How good are the chances that he will wake up again?”

“A lot of people wake up after weeks in a coma, Ms. Deluca. So we have to be patient and see if his body is still strong enough to recover.”

“I wanna see him,” I tell him, making it clear that it’s not a question.

He nods. “I was already informed that you are his girlfriend, so it shouldn´t be a problem. But first you need to rest a little more.”

“No,” I shake my head wildly, “I have to see him, I need to see him, Doc. I can’t wait.”

“Okay, here is my suggestion: The nurse will stop by to give you something for dinner. I´ll tell her to bring you to him after you’ve eaten something. How about that?”

I nod. “Okay.”

“Fine. Can you tell me the name of your parents or their telephone number? We weren’t able to find anyone in your family besides your cousin.”

“Sean? Is he here?” I ask, puzzled.

“He was here. But he had to go to the police department again. He has to answer more questions about Billy and the kidnapping, but he won´t be arrested ‘cause he went to the police and told them where you were,” Liz says.

“I... um, there is no one in my family you need to call, Doc.”

He looks at me surprised. “No?”

Max steps up next to him. “We are her family, Dr. Gellar. And we’re all here as you can see.”

“Okay, then don’t stay too long, she needs some rest. If everything goes well, you can take her home tomorrow.”

“Did you hear that, Maria? You can come home with us soon!” Liz smiles and hugs me.

“Yeah,” I answer absently.

Home… what would home be if Michael wasn’t there?

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 35 06/21/09 Pg.15

Post by candysteffi »

Eva: Michael will make an appearance in this part, that´s all I´m gonna say 

DeDe PR: Maybe, if you scream just loud enough, he will hear it ;)

Alien_Friend: I´m sure, Maria´s voice will make him feel better . And I´m with you: Billy needs to be locked behind bars for life! He´s such a jerk!

April: Sean finally decided that family counts more then his “friendship” to Billy. Thank God.

Lol, you´re so right: I like happy endings. ;)



Part 36

My heart clenches painfully when the nurse opens the door to Michael’s room on the intensive care floor. There are medical machines next to his bed on both sides. The beeping and buzzing of them scares me.

“I´ll come and get you in ten minutes,” the nurse says and closes the door.

I try to pull myself together as I’m slowly walking closer to the bed where he’s lying. I can still feel the dizziness in my head, but try to push it away to be strong for him. I let my eyes wander over all of the instruments. There is a small flexible tube to ventilate him, an IV drop in his arm and he´s connected to an ECG monitor.

I finally take the last step to approach him. His face looks peaceful, as if he´s only sleeping. His hand feels cold when I take it in my own. “Hey, baby,” I whisper hoarsely, “how are you doin’?” Stupid question to ask, but I feel so helpless right now.

I sit down on the edge of his bed, carefully trying to not hurt him in any way. “I´m here now,” I continue, not sure if he is aware of my presence or anything, but I keep talking, “you don´t have to worry about me anymore. They got Billy and the policeman said he’ll be in jail for a long time. We don’t have to leave New York anymore.”

I wince when suddenly one of the machines makes a weird sound, but then I realize that it´s just the monitor for his blood pressure and I start to relax again. “That scared me,” I mumble, glancing at his face and trying to find a small sign that he knows I´m here with him. “You have to wake up, baby,” I sob, “I don´t know what to do without you. They told me I can go home tomorrow, but there is no home without you, Michael. I´d rather stay here with you than spend a whole night alone in the apartment.”

“Ms. Deluca,” the nurse is back again, “you need to go now, there’s a policeman who wants to ask you some questions and we have to change Mr. Guerin’s bandages.”

I nod slowly and get up from the bed. “You think he feels my presence?” I ask her.

She approaches me and lays one hand on my shoulder. “A lot of people who wake up from a coma say that they could hear voices or feel touches. We can´t say for sure, but I´m convinced that it can help peoples in coma to get better.”

“Then let me stay here tonight,” I plead.

She shakes her head. “No, you need to rest as well.”

“Please,” I look at her, begging, “like you said, it might help him. Can´t I just sleep next to him there?” I motion to the empty bed in the room. “I can’t rest in my room anyway, while I know he´s here. I don´t want him to be all alone if he wakes up.”

She seems to think for a moment. “Fine, I´ll see what I can do. But for now, you have to go to your room. I’ll stop by later again.”

“Okay, thanks.” I turn to Michael again. “You’re not gonna be alone, baby.” I bend down and place a light kiss on his temple, before I leave.


Kyle is sitting in my room when I come back. He stands up from the wheelchair he was sitting in and pulls me into a quick hug. “How are you feelin’?”

“Okay, I guess. What about you?”

“I´ve got a light concussion, but it’s gonna be alright. You were with Michael?”

I nod. “Yeah. He’s not doin’ so good.”

Kyle sighs. “He’ll be okay, I´m sure.”

Another man in the room coughs slightly to get our attention. “I’m sorry that I´m already here to ask some quesions, but it´s always important to get as much information as possible shortly after the crime has happened so that people don’t forget the details.”

I nod. “Okay.”

“Are you ready to talk about what happened?”

“If it means that bastard will go to jail and won´t come out too soon... yes, Sir, I´m ready,” I answer, determined.

“Yeah, me too,” Kyle answers and goes back to his wheelchair as I’m lying down on my bed.

The man next to me nods. “You can call me Kevin, if you want to.”

“Okay, Kevin.”

“I’ve already got a lot of information from your roommate Angel and your cousin, uhm...” he flips through some papers, “Sean, right?”

“Yeah. Will he get in any trouble?” I ask, unsure.

“Well, he was a part of the gang, but he told us none of the others knew about your kidnapping, so I´m sure he won´t go to jail or anything. He did something good for both of you.”


“Okay, Maria, first some questions just for you. I need to know the background story. How did you meet Billy Darden, how involved were you with him and what made him so angry?”

I look at Kyle, scared. It I´m gonna tell the whole story... it would incriminate him and the others as well. He just nods at me slightly. “It’s okay, Maria.”

I take a deep breath and think of a good place to start. “Well, Billy was kind of my boyfriend for quite a while....

Fifteen minutes later....

I told him what had happened the last few months, but I left out some of the details about Kyle. “I know that the other gang started it by kidnapping me first – I know – but they didn´t hurt me. Will they have any problems?”

Kevin looks at me for several long moments then shrugs. “If you don´t turn them in, then there is no reason to pursue that. No accusation, no charges.” He looks through his notes. “So, Mr. Darden abducted Liz Parker – I have to get her statement as well then – and you saved her, right?”

“Yeah,” Kyle interrupts, “Billy didn´t know that Maria was with us at that time, so he wasn´t suspicious when Maria went to him. I picked them up in front of his apartment building at night, when they were running away from him. He had a gun and shot at us when we left.”

“And that’s when he knew about Maria and that she was staying with you.”

“Right,” I shake my head, “we should have just gone to the police.”

Kevin nods. “Yeah, it wasn’t very smart to just go on as if nothing had happened.”

“We wanted to leave town, but....” my voice cracks, “we didn’t get the chance.”

“Okay, tell me what happened in your roommate Angel’s apartment a few days ago.”


Kevin left a few minutes ago and promised me that there were more then enough witnesses and evidence to send Billy to jail for a lot of years. “I hope he won´t get out ever again,” I tell Kyle, who is still there.

“Yeah. Uhm, Maria?”

“Something wrong?”

“No, no. The opposite, actually. Thanks, for leavin’ out some of the details about me, ya know..“

I nod. “You also saved my life, Kyle.”

He looks at me, surprised. “I didn’t. Your cousin saved us.”

“That´s true, but you came and looked for me and I don´t know if I would have survived so long alone, Kyle. It helped a lot to not be alone in that room.”

“Sorry I wasn’t able to get you outta there.”

“Don’t be. I know I´m the reason for all this mess right now.”

“He would never hold you responsible for that.”

I know he´s speaking of Michael, even if he isn´t using his name.

“I don´t hold you responsible for anything either. He knew that you are all worth this.”

“I hope he´s gonna be alright, Kyle. I don´t have anybody else to stay with and I don´t wanna be alone.”

“You´re not alone, Maria. Max, Liz and I are your friends, Angel too.”


“I know this is a slight consolation right now. He WILL be okay, Maria.”


Waintin’ December 19th, 2007 – Wednesday – 10am

I spent the last few days and nights in the hospital at Michael’s side for most of the time. The doctors have tried to convince me to go home and rest, but there is no way that I´ll leave him alone. I just get home in the morning like now to shower and eat something before I return to him and hold his hand. He hasn’t showed a single sign of being aware of me yet, but I´m sure he knows that I´m with him in some way.

I look up from the refrigerator, when someone rings the bell on Michael´s apartment door. Who could that be? No one knows I´m here besides Max, Liz and Kyle.

“Angel?” I ask in disbelief when I recognize my previous roommate on the other side of the door.

“Hey!” She smiles at me.

Without another word, I hug her tightly for a long moment before I lean back to look at her. “I don´t know what to say,” I admit, “thank you for what you´ve done.”

She nods and I let her step inside. “You want some breakfast? I was just going to make some.”

“Yeah, okay.”

We both walk over to the kitchen and she starts to set the table with the dishes I put on the counter. “How’s he doin’?”

I shake my head slightly. “There’s no news right now. He´s still in a coma and nobody can tell us if he’ll wake up or not.” I reach for the oange juice and walk over to the table. “I´ve read that it gets more and more improbable with each new day that he will wake up. Is that right? It’s been a whole week now.”

Angel looks at me helplessly. “There is really nothing I can say here, Maria. There are a lot people who wake up after months in coma. All you can do is wait and hope.”

“It´s driving me crazy,” I whisper.

“You should sleep more, girl. You look like you’re gonna break into thousand pieces with the slightest touch.”

“I can´t help it. I want to be with him as much as possible. He would do the same for me.”

Angel nods. “No doubt.”

We sit down on our chairs and start to eat. I´m not very hungry, but I know that I have to get something in my stomach or I’m gonna black out soon. “I’m sorry that I´ve put you in so much danger. I should have known better than that.”

She lays her hand over mine. “Don´t be sorry for anything, Maria. I´m okay as you can see, ‘cause you were so damn brave and got out of the bathroom. I have to thank you for that because he didn’t even look for me. He just took you and left.”

“Did Michael say anything when you got to him?” I ask.

“No, he was already unconcious.”

I nod, biting my lips to keep from crying. “I want him back.”

She gets up from her seat and crouches down in front of me, pulling me into a comforting hug. “I know,” she rubs my back for several minutes when the sobs start to shake my body. “Whatever happens, I´ll be here, okay?”

I nod, pulling back to wipe the tears off of my face and take a few deep breaths to calm down again. “Thanks.”

“How are you feelin’ Maria? Do you have any nightmares about your kidnapping?”

I look at her, puzzled. “No, uhm, I guess I’ve been too worried about Michael.”

Suddenly the door is opened and Liz steps in. “Hey, you two, can I come in?”

“Of course, Liz. Want some breakfast?” I stand up to walk into the kitchen. She shouldn´t see my red eyes from crying. Liz is pregnant and she definitely doesn’t need any more worries.

“No, we already had something to eat. The reason I came by is I wanted to tell you that we´re leaving for a doctor’s appointment.”

“Okay, I guess I´ll see you later at the hospital then.”


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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 36 06/28/09 Pg.15

Post by candysteffi »

Hey everyone!

Wondering that I´m already updating? :)

I´m heading to the ocean for a few days tomorrow in the morning so I decided to post one day earlier thi week :)

spacegirl23: Lol, thank you so much! And I know.... I have a thing for cliffies, lol, but hey, at least I post the uppy one day earlier this week, right? :)

Eva: Maria is definitely on the edge of a breakdown.... there were just too many things in the past for her. She definitely deserves something good to happen.

Alien_Friend: Right now, Maria definitely needs some friends. She can be glad that the others are there for her. Now all we need is our Michael back, huh?

DeDe PR: Lol, there might be some news about our Mikey G. in this part :) Yeah, Angel is a good friend t Maria. I dedicated this character in SoNY to my wonderful beta reader Angel :)

April: Yeah, Angel, Liz, Max and Kyle try to support her as much as they can and she definitely needs them right now.
Hm... maybe our Michael could hear you? :)


Part 37

“Sean?” I ask, startled when I pass the entrance of the hospital later that day.

He turns and looks at me in surprise. “Maria? You’ve already been released?”

“Yeah, on Monday. What’re you doin’ here?”

He looks down at the ground, ashamed. “Finally got up the courage to come and visit you.”

I smile slightly. “I´ve got twenty minutes before they will let me in to see Michael again. What about a coffee in the restaurant here?”

He nods, relieved. “Sure.”

We walk over to the restaurant in the hospital in silence and choose a table at the other end of the room. A waitress stops by just when we sit down and we order two coffees, nothing else.

“Soooo,” we say almost at the same time and smirk about it.

“Ok, listen,” I go on, “I want to thank you for what you´ve done for me. I know you put yourself in an awkward situation by going to the police.”

“No, it was necessary to put an end to all of this,” he decides. “When Billy showed me the place where he was hiding you.... I knew what I had to do.”

“I´ve tried to call you the last few days, but I couldn´t reach you.”

“Yeah,” he pulls out his cell, “I´ve got a new number. I wanted a new one after all this shit, so that the others wouldn’t contact me again.”

“Where are they? Ricky, Brody and Ava?”

“Ricky and Brody left town as far as I know. They knew about your kidnapping and didn´t do anything. I haven´t seen Ava around lately, but I guess she´s just avoiding everyone.”

“What about you? You okay?”

“Me?” He looks surprised. “Yeah, I’m fine. Actually, I’m feeling kind of free now. How is Rath, uhm, what is his real name?”


“Okay, how’s he doin’?”

“He’s still in a coma. We just have to wait.”

He nods slighty. “You should try to rest more, cuz, you look almost as bad as you looked when I saw you down in that room.”

“I’m tryin’, but it´s hard to distract myself long enough to get some sleep.”

“I saw Aunt Amy the other day.”

“You did?” I don´t know how to feel about that.

“Yeah, she asked me if you´re okay.”

“What did you tell her?”

“Nothing. Her lover was with her and dragged her away from me before I could say a word.”

“George,” I snarl.

“Yeah, he’s awful. I´ll try to get her away from him.”

I look at him doubtfully. “I don´t think she’ll listen to you. She never did when I tried to talk to her.”


In the night...

“You should go home, Maria, he´s in good hands here,” the nurse, who’s let me stay every night this week says.

“You tell me this every day and you already know my answer, right?” I ask her with a soft smile.

She smiles back at me and nods. “Yeah, but I had to ask you again, ‘cause you look terrible. At least try to sleep tonight,” she gestures to the second, empty bed in the room.

I nod. “I will try.”

Then I turn my attention back to Michael again and squeeze his hand slightly. “Seems like we´re alone for the night again, baby.” I lean down to let my cheek rest against the back of his hand. “I met Sean today. He saw my mom, can you believe that? But she’s still with her bimbo. He said he’ll try to get her away from him, but I know she won´t listen anyway.” My eyes keep falling closed. I try to stop it, but my body craves rest. “Sean is the one who saved Kyle and me...” I go on, but my voice is getting weaker and weaker. I can’t stop myself from falling asleep.


End of Waitin` December 20th, 2007 – Thursday – 10am

“Maria? Maria, sweetie, wake up.”

I’m aware of a quiet voice calling my name over and over again. “Maria. Come on.”

I force myself to wake up, every muscle of my body is tight when I try to move and I groan slowly. It´s already day again and I have to blink several times before I can see Liz standing in front of me.

“Hey,” she crouches down next to me. “You fell asleep in this position; your body has to ache badly.”

“Uh-huh,” I sit up and stretch. “What time is it?”

“Almost 10 am, girl.”

“I don’t remember when I fell asleep.”

Max steps up next to me. “You should go home and sleep some more, Maria. Liz and I will stay here with him as long as you’re away.”

I don´t want to, but I know that he´s right and I have to lie down. Otherwise I’m gonna collapse soon and that won´t help Michael either. “Okay, just gimme a few minutes to say goodbye, okay?”

They both nod and leave the room again to give me some private minutes with Michael. I pull myself into a standing position and my joints are still stiff from sleeping in the sitting position. “Hey, baby, I need to go now, but I´ll be back in a few hours and Max and Liz will be here while as I’m gone, okay?”

His skin feels soft when I let my hand travel over his cheek and just for a split second, I have the feeling that he´s leaning into my touch. I watch his face attentively and take his hand. “Michael, if you know I´m here or if you can here me, try to give me a little sign, okay? That’s all I need from you.” I don´t even breathe while I wait to see if he’ll show any reaction.


I take a few deep breaths as my hope vanishes again. “Okay,” I whisper sadly, “we’ll try again later.” I press my lips against his forehead and start to pull away when his lids seem to move, but he´s not opening his eyes.

“You´re not makin’ it easy for me to leave, ya know?” My hand comes to rest against his cheek again. “If I only knew what’s goin’ on inside of ya, baby. Maybe I would know what I have to do or say to wake you up again.”

Suddenly the nurse is coming inside in a hurry and a weird feeling washes over me. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” she looks at me – happy? “The monitors say that he’s able to breathe on his own again, so I´m removing the artificial respirator from him.

“Is this safe? I mean, what if he can’t breathe?”

“Don’t worry, Maria. He will. He´s already doin’ it and it will be easier for him, once I remove the respirator. And by the way, you can call me Stacy.”

“I had the feeling that he was moving slightly before you came in, Stacy,” I tell her.

She concentrates on Michael and removes the flexible tube from his throat. He starts to cough slightly before he starts to breathe fully on his own. “I’ll go see if I can find one of the doctors to check on him. Don´t worry, Maria. He’s doin’ much better than he has been the last few days.”

I nod without taking my gaze from him. Liz and Max come back into the room when Stacy leaves. “What happened?” Max asks nervously.

“He’s able to breathe on his own,” I say in disbelief.

“That´s good,” Liz whispers. We all stare at Michael, unsure of what to do or say.

“Seems like Mr. Guerin has a lot of friends who care about him,” the doctor says when he enters the room. “Good morning. May I ask you to leave the room for a moment? I have to take a look at him.”

The doctor looks at me intensely when I don´t move. “You can come back in again soon.”

“Come on,” Max takes my arm and pulls me out of the room gently.

“What’re they doin` with him?” I ask, worried.

“Don´t worry, Maria,” Liz pulls me into a hug, “they’re just checking on him after removing the artifical respirator.

We wait there for several minutes until the doctor and Stacy join us in the hallway. “Is everything okay?” Max asks before I can speak.

“Yeah, everything looks fine right now. I can´t promise anything, but chances are good that he will wake up soon. His pupils are already reacting to the light, that´s a good sign. At least one of you should stay with him, it´s always good if someone familiar is near when people wake up from a coma. He will be still weak, confused and disoriented – maybe he won´t even remember anything that happened at first, but normally this situation fades soon. We have to wait to see what will happen today.”

I go back to Michael´s room and sit down on the edge of his bed. “Hey, baby, I´m here and I won´t go anywhere until you wake up, okay?” My hand comes automatically around his, holding it tightly. Liz and Max come inside as well.

“Okay, so the doctor said it can still take hours or days for him to wake up. You should go home Maria, really. We can call you if anything happens.”

“No, Max,” I shake my head in denial, “I won´t. I can’t.”

He sighs and runs his hand over his face. “Alright. I think I’ll get myself a coffee, do you want anything?” He glances back and forth between Liz and me.

“Yeah, bring me one as well. Thanks.”

“A hot chocolate would be great. I´m gonna come with you and help you to carry the stuff, I need to pee anyway,” Liz says, following him through the door and leaving me and Michael alone once more.

I suddenly realize just how tired I still am. “Hey, baby, would you mind if I close my eyes for a little while again? I´m just over there in the other bed, okay?” I bend forward to kiss his lips softly before I walk over to the other bed and lay down without taking my eyes from him. “I never told you, baby, but I love you for what ya did for me the last few weeks. You should know that,” I whisper in a daze as my eyes keep falling shut.

“You´re the best thing that ever happened to me,” I continue, forcing my eyes to open again, so that I can have a look at him. He´s still lying in the same position and I close my eyes again.

“I´m a little worried that you might not remember me when you wake up. I know you didn´t hit your head... it´s just my fear. Does that sound stupid?” I mumble into the pillow. My body is demanding some sleep, but my mind won´t rest long enough for it to happen. I sigh when the need to check on him again overcomes me once more.

Wait. Did he move? Maybe it’s just my tired mind, but I could swear he was lying in another position a few seconds ago. “Michael?” I stand up and walk over to his bed again, ignoring the dizziness in my head. My heart almost stops beating when he moves his head again. Just slightly, but it’s still enough to recognize. “Can you hear me, baby?” I let my hand wander over his arm, showing him that he´s not alone.

His eyes open halfway and close again for several times. I can´t believe that this is finally happening. “Take your time, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

“M’ria,” he mumbles.

“Yeah, I’m here.” I take his hand and squeeze it.

He starts to open his eyes again. And this time he manages to hold them open for a moment longer. “Wha... happ’n...?”

“You got stabbed by Billy again.”

He frowns as if he´s trying to remember something. “You okay?”

I smile. Of course…even in this situation he worries about me. “Now that you´re awake... Yeah, I am.”

“Tired...” he mutters.

“It´s okay,” I caress his cheek, “go back to sleep.”

“Stay ‘ere.”

“I will, don´t worry.” A single tear runs down my face and I lift his hand up to my cheek.

Max and Liz are coming back into the room again. “Everything alright?” Liz asks when she looks at me, concerned.

“Yeah,” I smile brightly, “he talked to me, can you believe it?”



(oh yeah, I forgt to say: I´m not a doctor and I have no clue about this medical stuff... so if any of what I´ve written is kinda... impossilbe... well, it´s my fiction, so deal with it, LOL )

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 37 07/04/09 Pg.16

Post by candysteffi »

Hey everyone!

Can you believe that we finally reached the last part of SoNY? :(

I wanna thank all of you, who read the story and left feedbck for it :) :mrgreen: I really loved it and I think I´m gonna write another story in English soon. Let´s see.

Special thanks to my beta reader ANGEL and to the girl, who made the fantastic trailer: APRIL :)
Love you guys!


Eva: Lol, of course he´s back. I love happy ends!

Alien_friend: The ocean was great but freaking cold, lol.

DeDe PR: Lol, no he is really awake, not just in Maria dreams.

spacegirl23: Lol, did you enjoy the dance? :) Maybe you can do another one fter this part?

April: Whew, I´m glad it was at least credible :) Thanks for your fb durring the whole fic and for the vid ;)


To get what you deserve! February, 15th, 2008 – Friday – 5pm

“Now, after we’ve heard all parties: Do any of the witnesses have anything to add?” The judge glances at us – Sean, Angel, Kyle, Michael and me. “Especially you, Miss DeLuca?”

It’s the day of Billy´s trial. I was terrifired to have to come face to face with him again, but I knew that I had to come here to put an end to it. Finally.

I lift my gaze to look at the man my nightmares have been filled with. Billy watches me intensely, as if he’s making an inner promise to himself to come after me.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Memories of the past weeks are flashing through my mind. Michael was released from the hospital three weeks after he had woken up. He still isn´t recovered fully, but the doctors said that everything will be back to normal by the end of spring. Yeah, the end of spring! That wasn’t easy for him to accept. He hates to be weak, but I´m trying to show him, that he will always be the man who saved me.

We spent Chistmas and New Years Eve in the hospital together with Max, Liz and Kyle and even if you won´t believe it, it was my best Christmas ever. We didn´t have presents for each other, we were just glad that we were still able to be together.

“Miss DeLuca?” The judge’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I recogize that Billy is grinning at me ironically – aware that I´m scared to death in his presence. Michael reaches out under the table to squeeze my hand.

“No,” I cough slightly, “no, I think I´ve said it all.”

The judge nods and turns in Billy’s direction. “You, Mr. Darden? Anything to add from your side?”

He simply shakes his head. He hasn’t said much during the whole trial at all.

“The jury and I will pull back for thirty minutes before we pass the sentence. Thank you.”


Thirty minutes later:

“Please stand up,” the judge says. I glance in Michael’s direction and take a deep breath.

He takes my hand in his while standing up. “It‘ll be okay.“

“Billy Darden, you´re accused of attempted murder in three cases, grievous bodily harm in three cases and kidnapping in two cases. The jury voted with one accord for…” The judge glances through the room to make sure all attention belongs to him, “Guilty as charged.”

I hadn’t realized how hard I´d squeezed Michael´s hand until I heard the last three words. A relieved groan is going through the people in the room.


“I can´t believe it´s finally over,” I say when we leave the court and stand out on the street.

Michael pulls me into his arms and he lowers his head to place a soft kiss at the corner of my mouth. “Yeah. Me neither. That bastard got what he deserves.”

“Definitely. He won´t get out of jail for the next, like twenty years,” Kyle says when he joins us.

“One less asshole in New York city,” Angel adds.

I smile and release my grip on Michael to hug her. “Girl, we owe you so much.”

She puts me off. “Nah, it was a pleasure to help put him in jail.”

Michael comes between us and lays one arm around each of our shoulders. “Hey, I think this day desverves a little celebation. So what about we go to our apartment and order a load of pizza? I’m willing to pay for my sexy girlsfriend,” he grins at me, “and the girl who saved my life,” he turnes his gaze to Angel.

“Sounds good,” we both say at the same time.

“Hey, what about me?” Kyle complains.

“Hey, you all, we´re so glad that this is over,” Liz calls from behind us. Max and she sat back in the audience to watch the trial.

“Hey Mommy,” I tease and hug her as my hand rubs her slightly swollen belly.

“We were planning to go over to our apartment to celebrate. You in?” Michael asks from behind me. “And Kyle, you´re allowed to come as well.”

“Sounds great,” Liz admits, “I´m always hungry lately.”

“She is,” Max nods wildly and we all leave.

“It’s okay. You’re pregnant, so you can eat as much as you want,” I convince her.

“Alright, let´s go then,” Michael takes my hand right at the same moment that Sean leaves the court.

“Give me a minute, I wanna talk to him, okay?”

“Let me do this, okay?” Michael asks. I look at him, puzzled. What has he got on his mind, I wonder.

“Yo, Sean,” he calls to get my cousin’s attention.

“Hey.” He comes towards us with his hands in his pockets.

“Yeah?” He asks, his tone unsure.

“We´re gonna have some pizza and hang out together. Wanna come?”

Sean lifts his gaze and looks at us puzzled. “Well, if it´s okay with you?”

I hadn´t expected this either. Michael knows that Sean finally tunred Billy in, but that doesn´t make them friends, right?

Michael shrugs. “You saved her life,” he pulls me closer against him and glances down at me. “Something that I wasn´t able to do.” Sadness and guilt is washing over his face and I just shake my head to let him know that he’s not supposed to think in that direction. I would never hold him responsible for anything that had happened to all of us.

“I should have turned Billy in a lot earlier before something like this could happen,” Sean admits.

“Let´s just not talk about it anymore. It´s over,” I say. “Come on now.” I start to walk in the direction of our apartment when Angel joins me and links our arms. “Hey, so, what’s the story with Kyle? Does he have a girlfirend? He’s kinda cute.”


I stretch and then walk through the kitchen to put the used plates in the sink while Michael closes the door after saying goodbye to Angel and Sean.

“It’s been a long day, huh?” He comes up from behind and wraps his arms around me when I put the leftover pieces of pizza together in one carton.

“Yeah. Look how much food is left. Want some more?”

“Nah, I´m not hungry, what about you?”

“Uh-uh no, I can´t eat one single bite more or I´m gonna burst.”

He laughs and turns me in his arms. “Yeah, you ate a lot of pizza today. You sure you´re not pregnant like Liz?” he teases.

I laugh. “No, I’m pretty sure that I was just VERY hungry.”

“That’s good.” He places a quick kiss on my lips and releases me to put the rest of the pizza in the refrigerator.

I look at him, puzzled. What did he mean by that? Dosn´t he want kids some day? “What if I were?” I blurt out.

He turns to look at me with raised eyebrows. “Are you?”

“No, I´m just asking what you would do if I were.”

He closes the refrigerator again and comes towards me, placing his hands on the counter behind me. “Then we would be a little family soon, I guess,” he answers simply.

“You wouldn’t freak out?” I ask, surprised.

He smirks. “I would freak out. But I would never leave you or let you have an abortion. I want to be a father sooner or later. Right now I would prefer later. At least a few years from now. But if it ever happens before that...” he shrugs, “I could handle that.”

“Maybe I should finish school first and get some education, huh? I don´t wanna be a mom who can’t offer her child anything... just like my mom in the last year.”

Sean had told me that she asks him a lot about me and she had finally left her bimbo George a few weeks ago. I´m still not ready to face her yet, but I know that I have to. She´s still my mother.

“Hey,” he takes my chin in his hand and lifts my head up to meet his intense gaze. “At least there is one good thing about our parents sucking: We’ll know how to make it better.”

“I love you, Michael,” I blurt out without realizing it at first. It’s the only thing I can think about right now. I´ve never said it to him before – at least not like this.

He leans in to press his lips against mine. The kiss starts out gentle and soft, but it gets more intense and I wrap my arms around his neck. His hands wander down my sides and squeeze my ass before he lifts me up on the counter. I groan into his mouth, protesting when he pulls his lips away from me. His arms come around me, pressing me against his body tightly. He lets his head rest against my shoulder, his breath heating up the bare skin of my neck.

“I love you, too. More than you can imagine,” he whispers.

That´s all I need to know - no matter what will happen from now on.

I’m happy.



I´m Maria DeLuca and my life doens´t suck anymore!

