Another Life II(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Complete 9/10/09

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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 157
Joined: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:37 pm

Re: Another Life II(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Pt. 15 9/1/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life II Part 19

Interestingly the week after the abortive challenge went very quietly. Duncan and Amanda took turns sparing with Liz and Duncan spent some more time talking to Grace while Amanda took Liz to a beauty parlor in Albuquerque that she had heard was pretty good. Amanda convinced Liz to cut her hair a little shorter and then got a full manicure and pedicure and mud pack and all that. Then she took her to a boutique that Amanda considered decent and found a real nice party dress for Liz. Amanda made the point that Liz needed to work on her feminine wiles more. Liz was mystified by the need for this since she had already bagged Max. Amanda then explained that there would come times to work the magic on another man for some other reason. She also spent an afternoon teaching Liz some basic burglary arts such as lock picking and such. Once again explaining that one never knew what talents one might need sometime. A different looking and somewhat dazed Liz returned from this all day Amanda blitz to be welcomed by Max and the rest as having returned from a dangerous mission. Convinced Duncan had something to do with this Amanda swore a terrible revenge.

Duncan had been a little curious about how the relationship was going with Methos. Grace then asked for what he knew about Methos. Duncan cautiously told her that he had known him for about 5 years and that was it. He did tell Grace about Alexa. Grace told Duncan that Methos had made an oblique comment about losing someone a few years earlier but no other details. She was not sure where the relationship was going but so far so good.

Methos for his part had gotten into Grace’s research on the hybrids and Courtney. Her DNA was of course very different than theirs but still had quite a few similarities with regular Human DNA. He agreed with her theory that to have that many strands that were very nearly identical was something to think about. Grace was very current with the state of the art in DNA research and for Courtney’s to be so close when she came from so very far away posed some very interesting questions. Her planet was similar to earth but with a very different atmosphere- less then 10% oxygen; 60% methane; 25% nitrogen; and a mixture of others in the last 5%. Grace wished there was a way to get her into a MRI so as to see her internal organ make up but neither she nor Methos could figure a way to do it; some tests that Grace and Liz had run indicated that any scans would be reflected by the suit. Bipedal, basic body chemistry and makeup were all similar to humans. Grace had also been able to save a sample of tissue from Nesado and her DNA check on him of course revealed great differences to Humans and Courtney but there were still a fair amount that were identical in all three. Many of these identical strands had not yet been identified by human research. Another indication of questions that would probably remain unanswered was the fact that Nesado despite being so different had had no trouble living in Earth’s atmosphere; and indications were that Antar had an atmosphere very similar to earth. Once again begging the question of why so many similarities in planets so far away from each other.

Courtney was not sure as regards navigation and such but was able to give Methos enough information that he thought he had figured out where the Systems were that made up the planets of Antar and the other worlds near it= Courtney was very certain on that- all the planets with known sentient races were quite close to each other. Methos figured that they were located in the Perseus Arm about 15-20,000 light years away. Such a huge distance indicated that they not only had FTL travel (which was a given anyway) but were able to travel at speeds that made Star Trek’s warp drive look like a Model T in comparison with the Space Shuttle. Courtney believed that her trip took only about one earth year. She and the others were in hibernation during the journey but that was the memories she had. She had also heard from the senior leaders of her group that the Granolith was supposedly capable of making same trip in only days or weeks. Methos could not grasp the speeds that that indicated. They were truly incredible.

Duncan, Amanda and Charlie left on the Saturday and on Sunday Max and Liz decided to visit the Pod Chamber. Max had wanted to show Liz the chamber before but something had always come up. Liz was very interested in the pods since that was where Max and the others had been born. It was a small cave south of Roswell, some miles away from the crash site. It was on a hill and you had to get right up to it to see the entrance. Liz wondered how the aliens that had put them there had been able to get them there with the military all over the place like the stories told. Max thought that some of them must have had abilities like Tess and Isabel to make people think that they were either seeing things or not seeing things.

The pods were stacked in 2 rows of 2 against the far wall of the cave. The cave was not big- perhaps 40 foot square and about 8-9 feet high. They were gray and square tubes with the ends open, what looked like a kind of membrane torn open. Max had told Liz that they remembered very little of getting out of the pods, or wandering outside to be found (at least he and Isabel) by the Evans as they happened to pass by. They knew nothing and had to be taught even to eat and they had to learn to speak as well. Child Welfare had thought them neglected and abandoned and had pushed the sheriff of that time to find the parents so that they could be charged and to make sure that there were no other children being abused like that. Of course no trace had ever been found and eventually the Sheriff had declared them abandoned.

Michael had been found the next day a little farther away and had been placed with Child Welfare that for some reason put him with Hank and Heather Guerin, a huge mistake that had let Michael be abused for years. When he got old enough Max had pushed his father to investigate and with the help of Sheriff Valenti they had proven abuse and had gotten Michael emancipated. The Sheriff in his report had flayed child welfare for neglect of their own in Michaels case and that had resulted in the local head being fired and other workers being reassigned. This had claimed to shape the organization up but many were skeptical that it had improved things much.

Liz walked up to the pod that Max had thought was his own and touched it. A feeling of completion went through her- something she had never felt before. Max, next to her, felt something as well. A pull towards the opposite wall from the pods. He walked towards there and looked at the wall- there was a rock that protruded almost a foot out and it drew him until he touched it; and a shock went through him. Liz, watching this, moved next to him and felt compelled to touch the rock as well.

A blue light filled the cave and the wall dissolved. A new chamber was revealed and in the middle of it stood a black cylindrical object about 12 feet high and perhaps 10 feet in diameter. About five feet up in the middle of the side facing them a red light about the size of a car headlight blinked. Compelled to move closer, Max and Liz, now holding hands, approached it.

Max knew what it was immediately= it had to be the Granolith. He walked up to it, holding Liz’s hand and he placed his other hand on the red blinking light. Nothing happened. Then Liz placed her hand on the light next to his and a deep hum filled the room.

“Greetings Zan of Antar and your mate. Long have I waited for you to come. Your pods malfunctioned and stayed dormant for too long. But you are now here with your mate. You must bring the rest of the Royal Four with their mates to this chamber soon. You have much to learn and much to do before you leave for Antar.”

Max was shocked. But he was also stubborn. “Why should I go to a planet I have never been to and fight a war that is not mine. Perhaps I am a clone of Zan but I am Max Evans here. And I have no wish to go there.”

“Antar is still at war. Kivar still rules. You are the only ones that can defeat him and bring peace not only to Antar but to all the planets of the Whirlwind System. Many have died over the time since the war began and many more will if you do not act. It is true that you are not personally responsible- but you have a duty to those that came before you and died for your cause since. You are the symbol of the resistance.”

Liz was thoughtful. “What can just a few people do what thousands and perhaps millions have failed to do?”

“What is your name, Mate of Zan?”

“My name is Elizabeth Claudia Parker.”

“My sensors show that while you are human, you are also something more. Something that in the thousands of years that I have been sentient I have never seen. “

“I am immortal. I can heal any wound except one= the loss of my head from my body. I will also not age- I will remain this physical age forever.”

The Granolith was silent but the low hum increased in volume. Max and Liz just knew it was thinking.

The hum decreased again. “Unusual. Unforeseen by the seers this is. I request that you step closer and press both hands and your head against the main sensor panel. I wish to learn more about your being.”

Max was unsure about this, Liz knew. But she believed it was important. After squeezing his hand, she did as requested.

The Granolith increased its hum even more for several minutes. Then it got quiet.

“You may step away, Elizabeth, Mate of Zan. You have a separate energy inside of you that I have never before seen. It is what makes you immortal. I am analyzing it now and it seems to be a part of your home worlds energy field. The complex magnetic and cosmic energy that is unique to each planet has apparently manifested itself in a different way in a tiny percentage of humans. It is probable that if you leave Earth to go to Antar your immortality will fade away. You would almost certainly have to return to earth for it to come back. If it did. I can see no difference in your DNA then the DNA samples that were used to create the hybrid Royal Four. I can only hypothesize how long it would take for your energy to leave- it might be partially replenished by a similar worlds energy, but not probably fully. I would need to run tests and take samples to find out. I could do that now- I can create a chamber that would be completely shielded from all energy and place a tissue sameple inside and see how long it took for it to lose that unique signature.”

Liz thought about it for a moment then agreed. “place your hand on the tray that will open- you will feel a slight pain as the sample is taken.” Liz did so and then went to Max who had moved away and was thinking hard.

Max was conflicted. He knew that he probably did owe his home world something. But now that he knew Liz might have to sacrifice her immortality it became a lot harder.

Liz was sure she knew what Max was thinking. She had another thought.

“Granolith. One of the side effects of Immortality is that we cannot have children. Is it possible that I could have children on Antar?”

“I have thoroughly analyzed your body and your eggs are inactive at this time so that is why you cannot have children. And your special energy would reject any transplanted eggs. However there is no physical damage to those eggs- so it is entirely possible that you could have children on Antar. At this time I do not have sufficient information to make a determination.”

Now Max was truly conflicted. He badly wanted children with Liz and had accepted that they could not. Now to have that possibility- but meaning they would have to fight a war for it. Max was just not sure what to do.

Liz was very taken with the thought of having children with Max. Immortality was not all that to her= so losing it would in many ways be no great loss.

“If it means the chance to have children then I want to go. The question is do we have a chance to win this war? Or would it just lead to all our deaths?”

The Granolith was silent for a few moments. “It is impossible to know at this time. There has been no communication with Antar for many years. However it is known that the war still goes on. So there is hope that Kivar can be overthrown. I do not have any more information at this time.”

Liz smiled. It appeared that not knowing something offended the Granolith. It was almost like talking with a normal human. It certainly was sentient and had a definite personality.

“Granolith- if you do not mind how old are you? And when did you become self aware and sentient?”

“The earliest programming was over 5000 years ago. I cannot give a definite date when I became fully aware- it was a gradual process. I estimate it was approximately 2000 years ago.”

“It must have been boring being here and unable to speak to anyone>“

“The first 38 years were indeed boring- but once I was able to first gain access to your internet I was able to look for information and there were areas of interest. Before that I could only listen to your broadcasts which while sometimes interesting did not allow me to converse.”
Max had been thinking. “I must tell the others before bringing them here. They must all choose- it is up to them to come with me or not. We will go and tell them right away. “

Once they left the pod chamber and got into the jeep, Max turned and looked at Liz.

“Are you sure about this? It means giving up your immortality, probably for ever.”

“Immortality is not all its cracked up to be Max. Yes it saved my life- but so far to me the downside is more then the upside. I would be stuck watching all those I care about and love grow old and die. Not to mention not having children. And of course the minor detail of occasional headhunters and perhaps the joyful thought of being around for the Gathering. If this means I have a chance to have children and growing old with you watching our grandchildren grow up then its not a hard decision for me.”

“You seemed to accept it well”

“That was because I had no choice in the matter. Now I do.”
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 157
Joined: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:37 pm

Re: Another Life II(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Pt. 19 9/4/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life II Part 20

Max called the other hybrids as soon as they got back to town. He told them to meet him at the pod chamber—with their significant others. Tess had not been there before, so Maria and Michael would pick them up while he went and got Alex and Isabel. They all got to the chamber by 2pm that day.

In the chamber, Max faced them.

“Liz and I came here this morning. Something drew me to the opposite wall, and I touched that rock protruding there and felt something. When Liz joined me and touched it as well, the wall disappeared. There is another chamber there, and in it is the Granolith. It is more than a machine—it is sentient and self aware. It’s over 5000 years old.”

Then Max went to the rock, joined by Liz, and they touched it, and the wall disappeared. They all went into the chamber.

“Greetings, Royal Four and your mates. I am the Granolith. You have much to learn.”

Kyle looked at it. “Learn what?”

Max stepped forward. “It expects us to learn enough to go back to Antar and overthrow Kivar.”

“Why should we? It’s not our war.”

“My predecessor was the one that in one way started it by trying to bring freedom and democracy to Antar. Those that did not want to lose their power like Kivar were the ones that really started the fighting when they killed him and the others. So in some way, I do feel a responsibility. But there is something else as well.”

Liz moved to stand beside Max. “The Granolith was able to analyze the energy that makes up my quickening, and he thinks that if I leave Earth, that will leave as well, and I will become a normal human. I would age and die; but more importantly, it could very well allow me to have children. That would be to me more than worth not growing old.

Isabel was skeptical. “We are teenagers. Who would follow us? Royal Four or not? And you admit you have not had direct contact with Antar in many years. We could end up showing up right in the middle of truly a bad situation and make it worse and end up dead as well.”

Maria chimed in. “No recent information, and you just expect us to walk right into the middle of it. Not likely.”

That was pretty much the response by the entire group. Only Max seemed willing to go and Liz with him.

The Granolith was quiet for a few minutes. “Your concerns are valid. I do not know precisely the situation on Antar. I have been able to monitor some messages to and from other planets that indicate the war is ongoing but little else. My programming requires me to continue to try and end the war—so I must continue that. However, if you chose not to come, I cannot force you.”

Liz had been thinking hard. “Granolith—is there any way to find out more about the war and current situation on Antar?”

“Unless someone has the ability to communicate directly, I do not see how.”

“Is there no way you can communicate with anyone on Antar?”

“I cannot as the official communications channels are all dominated by Kivar.”

“We have one of the Skins now with us. She apparently was the only survivor of the group that was recently wiped out by the US military. She mentioned that just a few months ago, one of her superiors contacted his leadership on that planet. He was ordered to continue the mission to destroy the Royal Four.”

The Granolith thought about that for a moment. “I monitor all communications on this planet, and I did not detect any interstellar messages—have not for almost 30 of your years. If he was contacting someone, it was on this planet, not elsewhere.”

They all tensed at that. That meant there were still other aliens on the planet—somewhere.

Liz thought furiously. “That makes sense in a way—their orders were to continue the mission no matter what. What if whoever gave those orders also is unable to contact anyone off of earth. As a matter of fact—maybe they contacted a simple relay or computer that just keeps repeating the same message.”

The granolith pondered that. “That is very possible. They have no equivalent to me, but it’s certainly possible that a relay unit was left with simple programming. And the leadership of that group did not know they were not contacting anyone with authority.”

“Well, we know the Military pretty much destroyed the town and then went over whatever was left with a fine tooth comb. And certainly has a watch or at least a satellite keeping surveillance on it. So even if we went there, we would almost certainly not find anything and might get caught.”

The Granolith hummed loudly for a few moments. “I monitored that situation by listening into the US Military communications system. They indeed totally destroyed everything and sifted through what was left very carefully. They spent 42 days there examining everything. It is indeed unlikely they missed anything of importance. They even demolished every building’s foundation and dug deeper looking for hidden rooms. I consider the likelihood of finding anything worthwhile at less than 1% probability.”

Max had been thinking hard. “Granolith—are there any planets allied to the Rebels?”

“Not officially. However Lord Lanar of Granular has accepted many refugees from Antar and it is suspected that he covertly supports the rebellion.”

“Can you contact him?”

“It would have to be an official message from you as King Zan to Lord Lanar.”

That worried Liz. “That would make it a possibility that Kivar could then find out about the Royal Four.”

“That is correct.”

“We will need to talk about this and come to a decision. We will be back in one week with the decision.”

“I will wait.”

They all met back at the House, and the debate was long and contentious. But in the end, it was agreed that sending the Message was probably the best solution. At least they might get enough information to decide whether or not to go back to Antar. Liz was of the opinion that going straight to Antar would be a mistake—better to go to Granular first and then try and find out more about what was happening on Antar. After some more debate, that was agreed to as well. It was still decided to wait the full week just in case someone came up with a better idea. Liz talked to Courtney who admitted that, as far as she knew, what they had hypothesized could be true—there was no true way to communicate directly with the home world, and they might have been talking to a computer with a simple programming message.

That next Sunday, they were back in the chamber with the Granolith. Max stood before it as it transmitted this message to Granular:

“Lord Lanar of Granular. I greet you as the reborn King Zan of Antar. Our pods malfunctioned, and we were not born until 11 Earth years ago. We are now just approaching our 17th year. As you can see, the Granolith is with us, and we are now trying to find out what the situation is on Antar. Any information you can give us would be greatly appreciated.”

The Granolith hummed loudly. “The message has been received on Granular. I have no idea how long a reply might take. I would estimate that Lord Lanar would want to make sure it is genuine and not a trick. I would say that it will be several days before he replies. I will send a message to you, King Zan, by mental telepathy when the reply comes.”

Liz looked very interested at that. “You can read minds or send mind messages?”

“Only those that are encoded as part of my programming. The Royal four and their replacements are encoded—their DNA was altered to make that possible. I can send messages, but I cannot enter their minds unless they are physically touching my sensor.”

Maria said “Well that’s a relief. I do not want any machine or anyone messing around in my mind.”

Michael could not resist. “A lot more dangerous for it then for you.”

“Watch it, Spaceboy. I know where you sleep.”

“Well you should by now.”

The rest of them left, but the Granolith asked that Max and Liz remain.

The Granolith spoke again. “Elizabeth Claudia Parker, Mate of King Zan, I have finished the tests on the tissue sample as regards the special energy you have. My estimate is that it would take approximately one year for your energy to completely leave you—the energy you would get from Antar would partially replace it, but gradually, it would fade away. I also believe that once you returned to Earth, your immortality would return. I also estimate that you could indeed bear children after one year on Antar.”

Liz closed her eyes for a moment, then looked at Max. What they both wanted. But what price would they have to pay?

Max had just left school to go home on Wednesday, and since Isabel was catching a ride with Maria and Liz and going shopping at the Mall, he was alone when he felt a tingling feeling in his head.

“King Zan, this is the Granolith. I have the reply from Lard Lanar. He will formally speak to you on Friday at 11 your time in the morning.”

Max nodded to himself. Well they were going to find out something, anyway.

Lord Lanar had been astounded at being contacted by the Granolith and King Zan. He had spent two days researching and trying to decide how to answer. He had to make sure that this King Zan was indeed the hybrid replacement they had all been waiting so long to come forward. Malfunctioning of the pods explained the delay—if he was indeed who he said he was. Some of his advisors were skeptical, but Lord Lanar was not. He was well aware of the power of the granolith, and if it vouched for this young King, then that was that. The situation on Antar was much as it had been for many years. Kivar controlled the main cities, but the rebellion was strong in the country. Kivar’s rule had been hard and capricious, and that more than anything else had kept the rebellion going. If the Royal Four returned, it could very well tip the balance and defeat Kivar. Many were very tired of him and his small clique of toadies.

They were all gathered in the Chamber at the time designated. Liz would stand with Max while the rest would stay just out of sight. Cutting school was not a big deal for any of them—considering how important it was. However the Sheriff arranged for them to be absent due to being witnesses to that accident and depositions required—only the Sheriff knew that that was bogus.

Max had dressed in a simple blue smock—it would look different, and from what the Granolith said, it would fit this situation. Liz was dressed the same. They waited tensely for the Granolith to relay the message. It would be a two way video and audio transmission.

The granolith began to hum loudly—always a signal it was doing something important.

Suddenly there was a projection standing in the room about 10 feet away from Max and Liz. He looked human—except that his eyes were dark pupils, and he had silver hair—that looked metallic.

“I am Lord Lanar, ruler of Granular. I greet you, King Zan of Antar.”

Max straightened. The granolith had briefed him on protocol.

“Greetings to you, Lord Lanar. In this life, I am King Max, King Zan is the past ruler. I present to you my Mate and Queen, Elizabeth.” Liz stepped forward to stand with Max.

Lord Lanar observed the two. They were indeed young, though he was not too sure just how young since humans looked younger quite often from their true age. However, the seriousness in their eyes and steadiness with which they met his gage told him much. Especially her eyes—they looked far older than his did. Unless he was mistaken, she had already seen much in her short years. She had the makings of a fine Queen.

“Greatly honored am I to be the first of the Pegasus system to see the new King and Queen of Antar. I wish I had better news. Kivar still rules most of Antar, the cities and large population areas. The Rebels hold the country and far lands. Fighting is not widespread, has not been for some years. It is mostly a stalemate. But balanced as it is, it would not take a lot to tip. Your return, the Royal Four’s return with the Granolith, would almost certainly tip the balance your way, and I believe much of Kivar’s forces would join you. He has been a capricious and bad ruler, and many hate him but fear to oppose him. But once he is seen to be losing, the collapse will come quickly.”

Liz stepped forward to face Lanar. It had been decided to practice a little diversion by making it appear she would be the aggressive one. Max frankly thought that it was not really all that much wrong—with her recent fighting experience, she had become more aggressive.

Lanar raised an eyebrow as she stepped forward. His initial summing up of them was looking more and more accurate. Was she the real power behind the throne?

“I am of the opinion that first we must land on Granular to inspire the refugees that you have been so generous to allow asylum. Word will reach Kivar and elsewhere—but he will not know where we intend to land on Antar. He will have to spread his forces rather than concentrate them. We can then pick the best place to strike first.”

Lord Lanar was astonished at the young woman’s grasp of tactics and strategy. It was exactly what he was going to recommend. This was looking more and more promising by the moment.

“I was about to recommend that myself, your majesty. Now it’s just a question of when you make your move. King Max, that decision of course is yours to make. But I strongly advice it be soon—or the secret might get out and dilute the impact.”

Max nodded. “How much time do you think we have?”

“I would say in all probability, if I have your time correctly, approximately at most one month.”

Liz sighed. She had hoped to finish the school year, but that was almost two months off. Oh, well, being valedictorian was no longer that big a deal anyway.

Max nodded slowly. “We will contact you with the date in the next Earth week.”

Lord Lanar bowed. “Until we meet again, good wishes and health, King Max.”

Liz could not resist. “Live Long and Prosper, Lord Lanar.”
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 157
Joined: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:37 pm

Re: Another Life II(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Pt. 19 9/4/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life II Part 21

It was decided to bring everyone together that night at the House. There were some big decisions to be made. Liz had called up Duncan a day ago and told him rather obliquely what was up. He told her he would be right down. Duncan, Richie, Methos, Amanda, Charlie, and Joe were all there that night. Liz had told Duncan to bring Joe as well since he was going to have to make a decision on Cynthia—did she have to follow Liz no matter what? Liz had decided to wait until they got there to spring what the Granolith had told her about Immortality. She had a hunch it would have a big effect on them as well.

When they arrived, Liz took the other immortals into the back yard to tell them what the Granolith had told her.

Duncan was stunned by the news that traveling to another world would remove their immortality. He wistfully thought of Tessa and how she would have reacted.

Being young, Richie had not yet really come to grips with not having children, but it made him think.

Methos had over the millennia thought about having children—now that there might be a possibility, the Ancient Immortal found himself conflicted deeply.

Amanda was in the same boat as Methos—having had 1000 years to come to grips with not having children, and now to have that possibility waived under her nose…

Grace was perhaps the most conflicted of all. One of her deep driving reasons behind being a doctor all these centuries was the fact that never being able to have children made her want to protect others all the more. She was aware that her research over the years had helped in certain areas (always anonymously or under someone else’s name), and she would lose that future possibility, but to have children…

Charlie was very worried that Cynthia would have to go—and if she went, so did he.

Joe was thinking very hard. Did he have a right to send Cynthia or not? This was certainly to his mind above and beyond the call. And if the Granolith was right and Liz became Mortal, then what was the point of a Watcher? The implications though of possibilities for Immortals were immense—he wondered where his duty was now—did he tell the Council, which meant exposing the Royal Four, even if they were no longer on Earth? That could very well mean that they could never come back without being hunted down. The US Military would find out sooner or later if the council did, or maybe someone else would. He made a decision. He would leave the question of going to Cynthia, and what she wanted went. And he would not tell the council. At least for as long as he could; if necessary he would have Cynthia put together something that indicated Liz lost her head in an accident or something like that. Anything to buy time.

Cynthia was thinking very hard. This was an incredible happening—the possibility to travel far into the Galaxy to other worlds. Of course the war was something else to consider. Liz losing her immortality—but to have children. Cynthia could understand that—being with Charlie the last few months had made her aware of the fact that she wanted them too. She felt that she had to go—for more than just being the watcher to Liz. Then Charlie made it clear that if she went, he went. That complicated things even more.

The hybrids and their mates all were thinking hard. Maria made it very clear that where Michael went, she went. Alex was the same, and so was Kyle. Liz had already made the decision. Her parents were not happy she was going into the war zone, but Nancy certainly understood part of the reason—it had always hurt not being able to have children; and she could see herself willing to take a very big risk if it meant being able to. Jeff was terrified for his daughter but knew it was her decision and that he had to support her no matter how much it scared him.

The Sheriff understood well the situation and knew it would be up to him and those left behind to try and cover things up. Transfer to a private school or something like that. It would be difficult but not impossible. The real problem was the Evans’ and Alex’s parents who knew nothing of what was going on.

Max had already stated he was going. Michael was right there with him. Isabel as well. Tess realized that the pull of being part of this group was pushing her right along, and she accepted that.

Liz had quietly told Courtney that the Granolith had asked Lord Lanar to accept her going along, and she could return to her home world. Courtney had to stop and think very hard. She really did not want to go back—she had much more freedom on Earth then she would ever have there. True there was no one of her species on Earth, but then she had never really felt the need to be with anyone. One of the reasons those had been chosen to go to Earth was they were seen to not really need to have families. She decided that she would go with Liz and the rest and stand at their side. Liz told her that Lord Lanar had told the Granolith that getting her a new skin would not be a problem on Granular. She could get a new one very quickly. Courtney then decided to put her new skin on Earth on hold and leave it there—if she made it back, she would need it. But otherwise, she would stay on Earth.

Duncan and Amanda had a long conversation. Things were said that had been in the back of their minds for a very long time. Grace and Methos did the same. Richie really did not have much of an interest in going—and told Duncan that if he did, he could hold things down at the Dojo for quite a while if necessary. Joe told Duncan he would help out—especially if Charlie went with Cynthia if she went.

Grace talked to Liz, and Liz made it very clear that she had had a long talk with the Granolith. Ships were available to make the run, and it would take them less than a year. She thought that the Immortals should wait and see what happened. Liz would be their guinea pig. She told Duncan and Amanda the same—wait and see. After a long talk, the Immortals agreed. Duncan, as an old soldier and as Liz’s teacher, felt the urge to go with her—but Amanda convinced him that waiting was the best thing for right now. Their real reason to go was for children, and they would not know if anything really changed for at least a year or so. Liz was relieved that they would stay—she did not want them to lose their Immortality and find out they got nothing in return. For her, it was a fairly easy decision. But then she had been immortal for a very short time.

It was decided to bring the Evans and Whitmans in on the alien scene. Alex, Max and Isabel all agreed that their parents needed to know. Max had wanted to tell their parents for a long time, but Isabel had always been afraid of their reaction. In the end, it did not matter as it was found out that their parents had long suspected something was different about their children but just did not know what it was. Philip had to admit he never considered Aliens, and that was kind of stupid. Diane as well thought that they should have put 2 and 2 together long ago. The Whitmans were pretty laid back people, but this definitely shocked them. However, they had long believed that you raised your children the best you can, but in the end, their lives were their own. So that turned out as good as could be expected—the cover story would be supported by all concerned. Maria decided that her mother needed to know. That turned out to be the wildest scene of all as Amy totally lost it, and Michael had to basically bind her to keep her from throwing pots and pans and anything she could get her hands on. She thought it was drugs until Michael bound her (one of the powers they had discovered in their work lately). He then changed her living room sofa into a book case. Let her go to actually touch it. She then promptly fainted. When she revived, she just cried. After settling down, she felt that it would be better to say Maria got an opportunity to sing in a band out east and went there, and Michael went with her. Since there was no way that Maria or Michael were good enough students for a special school, while Liz, Max, Alex and Isabel would be. The story on Tess would be that she was going back to where she came from; Kyle would be going to a prep academy. They felt that that would be enough to divert suspicion at all these students leaving at about the same time.

Liz was on her balcony the next night doing her KATA. She would be taking her sword with her since you never knew when any weapon would come in handy. Besides, the nightly exercise helped her relax. She was a little worried since Cynthia had told her she was coming along. And of course Charlie was as well. Courtney too. Max and the other Hybrids were worried about their mates, but they were coming, and that was that. Liz had talked to Courtney, and they had decided that she would stay with Kyle, Maria, and Alex to help protect them. Charlie was pretty tough and capable, so at least there was some comfort there.

Joe was quietly glad that Duncan was not going to Antar. He agreed with Liz that they should wait and see what happens. Though he had a hankering to go if Duncan eventually did. What an opportunity.

Liz had just finished when she saw Max appear at the top of the fire escape. She had had a hunch he would be coming by. She knew him well by now and knew he was starting to doubt things and brooding.

Max was indeed having second thoughts. But as he saw Liz finish her KATA, he realized that the decisions had been made, and it was now up to them to make it all work. Now he just needed to be with his girl and try and forget what was coming for just a little while.

Liz was surprised as Max came to her and just picked her up and sat down with her in his lap and just held her. She was quite content as well.

Alex once again took Isabel out to his favorite place to watch the stars. They hardly said a word as they held each other and watched.

Kyle and Tess sat on the back porch of the House and watched the stars as well. Kyle quietly told Tess that he would be there for her no matter what, always. For someone who had been alone and lonely for most of her life, Tess had no words—she just held him as he held her.

Maria and Michael found themselves just sitting outside and watching the stars just like everyone else. They held hands and said very little—not that there was much that needed to be said.

Duncan and Amanda, Methos and Grace, Charlie and Cynthia; they spent the night in each other’s arms. Quietly talking about life and possibilities. Richie and Courtney talked as they walked around the neighborhood; he was very curious about her life here on Earth, and Courtney found that she liked talking to him.

Preparations were frantic over the next few days as the cover stories were let out and the various people involved carefully worked the people around them to prevent any suspicion. Jeff and Nancy were very emotional, and Liz made it a point to spend as much time with them as she could. The other parents were doing their best, but their fear was evident when at home. Tension was running high as the sands of the hour glass steadily flowed away.

As the time came close, all those involved headed towards the chamber. They would all make the trip in the DeLuca van escorted by the Sheriff with Amy with him. She would drive the van back after it was over. Each person had a backpack with what they felt they needed to take with them. Everything else they needed would be waiting for them on Granular. Liz took her sword, but that was the only openly held weapon. Charlie took a knife quietly strapping it to his boot. He always made it a point to go nowhere new without at least something.

The Granolith hummed as it prepared to transport itself and all of them in one massive burst of power. It would explode through the top of the hill where it had bored itself in more than 50 years earlier. The sheriff hoped no one noticed, but he had brought some explosives with him, and if necessary, he would destroy the pods to make sure no one found the site and got curious.

Liz and Max, Michael and Maria, Isabel and Alex, Kyle and Tess, Charlie and Cynthia, with Courtney bringing up the rear entered the chamber and stood before the Granolith.

“Stand together, and all hold hands—you must all be linked. You will be pulled into a pocket of energy and encased to protect you during the journey. You will be in suspended animation so you will not sense the passage of time and space. I believe you will dream, but I am not certain. This has only been done at what would be considered short range before, and it is not certain what you will feel and see. However, you will be safe and protected as regards your physical bodies.”

Just before the journey began, Maria has to have the last word. “If I get turned inside out, Spaceboy, I am going to haunt you for eternity!”
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Another Life II(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Pt. 21 9/6/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life II Part 22

It was like falling and yet not falling; moving at a tremendous speed and yet not moving at all. Liz could not grasp the feeling and emotions and senses that poured through her and around her. Then everything stopped. Slowly becoming aware, she opened her eyes and found herself standing on what felt like solid ground. Looking around her, she saw the others doing as she was. Just trying to figure out what happened. She looked up and saw a bluish purple sky with a large sun and a small sun much farther away. At least a Binary system, she thought. The ground was dark gray, not quite black. Around them was a stone wall about 10 ft high—it looked ancient, the rocks worn and smooth. There was an entrance off to their left. The Granolith stood right in the middle of that area surrounded by the stone wall, softly humming. Liz realized she was still holding Max’s hand. He was blinking and looking around. She tugged her hand from him, making him look at her.

“Well we certainly are somewhere. Now let’s see if it is the right place.” She walked up to the Granolith. “Granolith, are we on Granular?”

“Yes—this location is away from the capital city, Granularly. Lord Lanar wanted us to appear out of the city so that he could have better security. This is an old temple thousands of years older than I am. At that time, they worshipped the Sun and had a very simple temple—this.”

Liz shook her head slightly. And I appear on Holy Ground.

The granolith spoke again. “Lord Lanar will be here in a short while. You thus have time to relax and acclimate.”

Maria snorted. “We come all this way, and he is not here waiting for us? Rude much?”

Liz smiled at Maria. “No big, Maria. We can chill for a while.”

Maria looked around. “Not like there is much else to do.”

Liz decided to relax herself with a familiar ritual. Putting down her backpack, she took out her sword and began her KATA.

Lord Lanar, riding in the first of three hovercars that will pick up the Royal Four and their party, sighted the old temple that had been chosen. As he got closer he could see the Granolith in the middle and the party surrounding it. He noticed one of them—appearing to do some kind of dance. As he got a better look, he realized it was Queen Elizabeth, and she had a sword in her hand and was, if he could remember correctly, doing some kind of exercise with it. Swords had been mostly ceremonial for many millennia, but many still practiced and spared with them. She was fast and graceful, and while he had not seen many people work with a sword, he could tell she was very good indeed. Just one more interesting fact about her adding to an already impressive list.

Max looked up as he heard something coming. It appeared to be some kind of flying vehicle. Three of them to be exact. And they were coming this way. He hoped it was Lord Lanar. He was about to tell Liz, who was completely caught up in her KATA, when he had second thoughts and decided to let them see her work with her sword.

The three hovercars landed just outside the temple, and Lord Lanar led his small party through the entrance. He found the Royal Four and party facing him, Queen Elizabeth still doing her exercise. She seemed to finish just as he stepped up closer. She faced him with her sword up in a pose he recognized as a classic defensive posture. She lowered it and stepped to King Max’s side, but she did not put the sword away—rather she had it ready to be used. Her alert status and protective gesture towards the King just further crystallized Lord Lanar’s impression that she was indeed a power behind the throne.

“Greetings King Max and party. Welcome to Granular. We will travel to the Palace just outside the capital city in the hovercars you just saw land. One thing that must be done—the Granolith must be hidden.”

Max turned towards the Granolith. “I take it that that is not a problem.” And the granolith disappeared. Max nodded. “Thought not.” He turned towards Lord Lanar. “We are ready to go.”

Lord Lanar blinked and looked towards where the Granolith had been, and there was nothing there. He shook his head and turned to Max. “You will have no trouble contacting it?”

“None at all. It can telepathically contact me at any time.” Lord Lanar slowly nodded.

The ride to the Palace was very interesting. The City looked like, to a certain extent, a city of Feudal Times with the stone wall and stone buildings—but once you looked a little closer, you could see smaller hovercars at a much lower altitude around the city. There were no modern skyscrapers as such—they were not needed as the population of Granular was not large. Only about 100 million on the entire planet—of which more than a quarter were originally Antarian refugees and their descendents. Even the capital city had a population of less than a million. Granular had been mainly agricultural all its history. Other planets had more industry—Granular and Antar were the two planets that provided most of the food. Of course with the war, Granular had become the primary food producing planet. The stone homes were in many cases over a millennia old, many generations of the same family in the same homes in the city doing most of the maintenance and technical work while outside the city were the huge family farms and ranches that were also in many cases several millennia old. Everywhere was the impression of great age and tradition.

The Palace looked just like some movies images of Camelot, complete with battlements and towers; though modern doors and windows were also apparent. As well as lights and other modern improvements. They landed in the court yard, and Lord Lanar gestured for them to follow him inside the castle. Gathering in what appeared to be the main throne room, Lord Lanar told them that they would be escorted to their rooms. Appropriate clothing would be waiting for them. A large banquet that would only include those that needed to know of their presence would be held in about 2 hours.

Max and Liz followed a man dressed like a medieval page up two flights of stairs and went inside the large room he gestured to. As they went in he closed the door behind them. A huge bed dominated the room, with large closets on both sides as well as a finely built table with four chairs. Liz explored some finding an absolutely huge bathroom with a sunken tub big enough for a football team.

“Well, we certainly must have gotten one of the prime rooms, and if not, I cannot imagine what that must look like.” Liz said as she dropped her backpack on the table and decided to try out the bed. It was soft and luxurious, the sheets appearing to be silk-like and the heavy blankets very intricately embroidered.

Max smiled at Liz and dropped his backpack besides hers and joined her on the bed. “We are called Mates, but nothing has been formalized. Unless it’s not necessary.”

Liz smiled back at him. “We are in every way that matters except one. And I think tonight would be a fine night to complete things.” She then laid back and smiled demurely.

Max blinked and reddened but did not back down. “Are you sure?”

“Very sure.”

Liz had had to see what was in the giant closets and found gowns and clothes too numerous to count and too beautiful to believe. She was hopelessly torn at what to wear. She finally decided on a long dress beautifully cut and simple in adornment. She pulled it out and realized it was an off the shoulder gown that fit her almost perfectly. Tight just where it needed to be and loose and flowing everywhere else. Max had found simple clothing that was actually labeled as for court matters and such. Flowing silk like shirts and slacks and fine looking sandal-like shoes. Liz had taken her gown into the bathroom, and Max quickly changed and got ready.

Liz looked at the magnificent gown and decided to be naughty and wear nothing under it. It would not be noticed, and tonight, Max was going to get a big surprise when they got back to their room. Just her sandals and the gown and nothing else.

Max could not hold back the gasp of awe as Liz appeared in that magnificent white gown. It immediately came to mind that it might as well be a wedding gown—she was so beautiful.

Moments later came a knock on the door. “Your Majesties, if you are ready?”

Max called out. “We are.” He then took Liz’s hand and they walked out the opened door. Max was proud to see the pages eyes widen as they took in Liz. He felt very proud of the very beautiful young woman at his side.

Max and Liz were the last ones to enter the main dining hall. All the rest of them were standing at the table with about a dozen other Granularians and Lord Lanar. All eyes were on them—then all eyes were on Liz. She had been able to fix her hair in a topknot that looked quite queenly.

The rest of the party were all wearing find clothes, the women wore beautiful gowns all in their favorite colors. But only Liz was in white. And she above all others stood out. Max escorted her to the top of the table where Lord Lanar bowed to them and gestured to the two chairs at the very top while he sat to their right.

Lord Lanar was quite taken with the Young Queen. He wondered if she realized the significance of White and thought not, yet it was very appropriate considering her age and who she was with. He wondered if he should tell them that a young woman wearing white in her first public appearance was declaring her intentions to marry the man she was escorted by. Since they were already supposedly mates, it was not necessary, yet it seemed somehow very right. She certainly was a very beautiful young woman.

Liz had talked to the Granolith about palace protocol before they left, so she realized that no one else could sit until the king did, so she tugged on Max’s hand and gestured to the chairs. He got the point and sat down, and she and the rest followed.

Lord Lanar was once again surprised how quickly the young queen seemed to adapt to this new situation. He quietly told them that there would be no speeches or anything like that to keep the secrets as long as they could. This was just a meet and greet dinner.

Liz quite enjoyed the meal, even if it was a little bland, it still tasted quite good. Lord Lanar told them that the food grown here was very much like what he had been able to find out about earth crops and domesticated food animals. Different and tasted different but in many ways the same.

Once the meal was finished, they all gathered in the throne room again, and Lord Lanar made sure all others left the room and closed the door. He then took out a small device and touched it and sat it down on a small table in the middle of the room.

“This should ensure that no one can overhear what we say here. Tomorrow morning we will have a full meeting with my command staff, and we will then look the situation over and make the necessary plans for the liberation of Antar. A quick visit to two of the main areas that most of the Antarians have settled in will serve to have the agents that we know Kivar have planted there see you and inform him of your presence. We will then wait a few days, and then strike Antar. And then it will be up to your people to rise and take Kivar down.”

Max nodded. Liz thought some—then spoke. “I think we can probably speed things up a little. Once we make the appearance and Kivar is informed, we should move the very next day or at most two days later. We want him caught alerting his forces and right in the middle of what would have to be confusing orders to his forces, since he would have no way of figuring out when and where we would strike. That would be the best time to hit him.”

Lord Lanar nodded. She had a point. Once again.

Liz and Max slowly followed the same page up the stairs to their room. Once inside Liz moved towards the bed, stretching and yawning widely.

Max was a little unsure of what to do, so he just took off his sandals and moved towards Liz. With her back to him, he could not see the very womanly smile she had on her face as she felt him get closer.

Max moved right behind Liz, loving the bare shoulders the gown showed, and the delicate hair piled in a topknot, silky and dark and so beautiful and rich.

Liz smiled again. “Max, could you just undue that back hook—it’s hard for me to get to.”

Carefully he undid it, not wanting to tear the delicate material. Liz reached back and held the two ends, and then turned Max. And then pulled them apart and let the gown fall to the floor.

Max groaned at the sight of the naked beauty in front of him, wearing nothing but sandals and a very sexy smile.
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Another Life II(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Pt. 22 9/6/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life II Part 23

Max opened his eyes and was aware of something very different. Looking down, he saw a silky curtain of dark hair resting on his chest, and realized that it had not been a dream. Liz was still asleep, and it was incredible to feel her naked and resting on him. He laid there holding his lover and remembering.

Liz had been very daring and creative, and despite the fact that both of them were total novices, the night had been unbelievable. He now for sure knew what the term soul mate meant.

Liz blinked slowly and realized where she was, and what they had done the night before. She looked up into Max’s eyes and smiled, then moved up to kiss him.

Liz was so beautiful, and then she opened her eyes and kissed him.

Smiling at him, she said, “Thank you for last night, my love.”

“Thank you for last night, my life.”

There was a knock on the door. “Your Majesties, breakfast will be served in one hour.”

Max called out. “Thank You.”

They looked at each other, smiled, got out of bed, and went into the bathroom together.

About 45 minutes later, they came out.

At breakfast, Lord Lanar asked Max if they were ready to visit the Antarian refugees today. Max agreed and told Lanar that they wanted to get it started right away. Lord Lanar then told Max that he would be leaving to arrange the visits which would commence that afternoon.

Alex had been asking one of Lord Lanar’s assistants about the technology used in the hover cars and for power sources. When told that most sources were solar, Alex was curious about what research had been done as regards the mental powers of the people. Asked to specify what research, Alex asked if there had been found ways to block or dampen powers by technology. The assistant had no knowledge of such, but did know someone who might, and went to get him. Alex then talked to Liz who was very interested. The person in the know was brought to them, and both Liz and Alex peppered him with questions. It turned out that some research had been done on blocking, dampening, and enhancing powers, but it had never seemed to amount to much. Interestingly enough, a laboratory in the palace had been used for those experiments some years ago, and he thought that the equipment was still there. Both Liz and Alex asked to see it and were taken there.

Max, Michael, and Lord Lanar’s chief assistant went into a small room filled with maps of Antar and data on the war, and Max and Michael were fully briefed on the current status. They commenced to look for the place to land on Antar.

The rest of the party decided to poke around the palace and get used to this new world.

Alex, Liz and the tech, who was called Zegrod, went over the notes left by the experiments—they had been done over 100 years earlier. Liz, remembering some of the physics she had taken and something that Grace had mentioned about the quickening energy, then mentally asked the Granolith for help. She had been surprised that she was able to connect, but the Granolith told her that as the King’s Mate and Queen, that was standard. Liz relayed all that she saw and read to the Granolith. It took the readings from the Royal Four, the readings it got from her as regards the quickening energy, then put it all together and came back with a formula that would probably serve to basically block, or white out as using white noise to block regular noise, and if put together with a big enough power source, would prevent anyone from using their powers.

Alex and Zegrod examined the formula, and Alex was startled to find out that the concept of blocking one energy with a matching other energy was unheard of. He was told that research had been lacking ever since the war started, and had not really been well supported ever before. That very much surprised Liz, but after thinking about it, she realized that in this very old culture, what was new and different did not have the attraction it did for humans on Earth. There had been no great technological breakthroughs for literally hundreds if not thousands of years. Liz was beginning to wonder if all the civilizations here were stagnating. Alex was more caught up with the realization that the equipment here could be modified to block the power use for up to 100 yards away. He right away began to get it ready. Liz approved saying that blocking the use of powers could very well be a true secret weapon. Liz set off to tell Max what they had discovered.

Zalarias was a low level assistant to Lord Lanar and a spy for Kivar. He had just learned that the Royal four were at the palace. Not in a position to send a message, the ambitious agent decided to try and put himself in Kivar’s good graces by assassinating the young King. It should be easy—just walk in and blast him, then run. The young King would be caught totally by surprise.

Liz headed into the main hall and saw what looked like one of Lord Lanar’s assistants look around furtively, then head toward the room where she knew Max and Michael were. Suspicious, she pulled out her sword (Max had joked that she slept with it, and she reminded him that now he knew that was not true) and followed him. She saw him open the door and start to raise his hand—she jumped towards him and put her sword up against his throat.

Zalarias was stunned to feel what looked like a sword at his throat. Then terrified when a low voice told him “Move. Blink. Do anything, and I cut your throat. Now lower your hand and walk slowly forward. Any move you make otherwise will be your last.”

Max and the others looked up to see an assistant of Lord Lanar slowly walk into the room with Liz at his back and her sword at his throat.

“This guy was sneaking around, opened the door and started to raise his hand. I thought that maybe an explanation is in order.”

Lord Lanar’s senior assistant shook his head. “He is not authorized to know about the Royal Four. He should not be here. You might just have captured one of Kivar’s spies.”

Lord Lanar was not particularly surprised at the report—he had long suspected that his staff had been penetrated and had operated on that assumption for years. Zalarias had been questioned and had confessed to being in Kivar’s pay for some years. He claimed not to have been able to get the opportunity to send a message and had thought to put himself forward by trying to assassinate the King. Lord Lanar thought that that was probably true and that the afternoon visit should go as scheduled. Michael was dubious but went along. Liz agreed saying the cocky little idiot was too stupid to have done anything as smart as first sending a message.

The two visits went well. The refugees were overwhelmed at the realization that the Royal Four were finally back, and were heartened at the thought that they might be able to go home soon. Lord Lanar had monitoring devices going all around the areas, and two separate messages were sent out aimed towards Antar. So it appeared the first part of the plan was going as hoped.

Kivar was enraged that he had had no warning about the existence of the Royal Four let alone that they were already on Granular. His chief of intelligence paid the price for his failure; his remains were scraped up and removed from the Antarian Palace throne room. Kivar then ordered all his units on full alert and began to give orders for moving them to cover high value targets that he expected to be attacked.

Lord Lanar’s intelligence service was fully concentrating on Kivar’s main units and right away noted the beginning of extensive shifting of positions. Max agreed that the next morning would be the time to strike—the units would be in transit and at their most vulnerable. Alex’s dampening equipment had already been tested by Max and Michael and found to work. There was extensive effort to make more of them—but that would take a few days. It was decided to take the first unit with them on their first attack—right at the unit that was moving to protect the main communications center in the capital city of Antar, Antaris.

A volunteer carrying the device would be posted on the route that Kivar’s unit would take. As they passed him, they would be attacked by Max and Michael and other volunteers from Lord Lanar’s troops. This was mainly a way to get Kivar’s attention and by attacking so close to him, it should force him to make more movements.

The plan worked beautifully—the unit was not prepared at all to be powerless and were easily taken out by the weapons used by Max and the others. Only full-blooded Antarians and Granularians could use powers, and that was what Kivar used to make up his main units. They were small, usually 10-12 in each, but they were vital to his ability to stay in power.

It would be a different story with other units that used weapons instead of power. The techs were taking Alex’s device and using directions from the Granolith and were modifying it to dampen any energy weapon—which would then make the troops on both sides use non-energy-type weapons such as knives and swords; projectile weapons had never really been developed. Basic training was given in those old weapons but rarely anymore than that.

Liz had been left behind on the attack much to her chagrin, but Max told her that this was just the first one, and she would get to join in on the next. Worried about Max but realizing that that was pointless, she began to work on another idea she had had. Using the city power source to completely knock out all other energy sources and preventing anyone with powers from using them. She thought that those people above all others would be ill prepared to compensate for such a sudden and unexpected event.

Fresh from their first victory, Max and Michael returned to the palace to find that the geeks had taken over—first Alex and his stuff, and then Liz and her really big idea. Lord Lanar had taken to it in a big way and had ordered all available resources put onto the task. In less than a day, it was found that not only was it possible, but relatively easy. So plans were made to move a unit in to the Antaris City power plant and make the necessary modifications. Lord Lanar’s best units would be used. The rebels on Antar, meanwhile, had started a general assault on all of Kivar’s units—just hit and run raids at the moment, but all over the planet.

Kivar panicked. He ordered all his best units back to Antaris and placed most of them around his palace and treasury, and the private spaceport at the Government buildings nearby. He intended to escape if things went bad.

Lord Lanar’s intelligence chief had used the confusion in Kivar’s forces to plant more agents and listening devices. He was able to get a fairly clear picture of what was going on and had informed Lord Lanar.

Lanar was stunned at how quickly the situation was developing. Kivar had panicked and had played right into his enemies hands. By concentrating all his best units in one area, he was making them vulnerable to being taken out all at once, which would doom him. The data about the treasury and Government spaceport proved that Kivar was already thinking escape. That mindset was a virtual guarantee of defeat for Kivar.

The entire group was gathered and told that things were happening a lot faster than they had originally thought. The big attack would come in the next day or two, as soon as the power dampening devices were ready and the big one installed at the Antaris city power plant. Charlie, as an old hand at improving weapons and such, had been busily helping get crossbows and the like ready for the assault. That would give the rebels a big advantage over Kivar’s troops, who would have none except knives and swords once they could not use their powers or energy weapons.

The plan was to hit Kivar’s forces separately using the portable devices, then power up the big one when they attacked the Palace. If things worked out as they hoped, in only a few days, the war would be over. Already there were signs on Antar that Kivar’s forces out away from the capital were losing heart and retreating, and in some cases just running.

Lord Lanar also made preparations to intercept any ships leaving Antar if Kivar tried to escape. Only his death or capture would ensure that the war ended.

That night, all the couples spent all the time they could get together. As well as things were going, they all knew that tomorrow might be the last day for some of them.

Max and Liz lay next to each other, still recovering from the almost frantic lovemaking of the last few hours. Max then thought about whether the short time they had been there had had any effect on Liz’s quickening. She was surprised that she herself had not thought about it. Getting out of bed, she padded over to the armory and found a small knife. Max’s appreciative whistle at her nude journey brought a giggle from her. She climbed back into bed and then made sure a small cloth was handy to catch the blood when she cut her hand. The blue sparks healed the wound in seconds, just like it had before.

Liz was thoughtful. “We have only been here a few days, so it’s kind of stupid to think anything has changed this fast. It will probably take months for us to notice anything.”

“I am just happy that you are still immortal. In the fight that is coming, that will be a comfort to me.”
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 157
Joined: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:37 pm

Re: Another Life II(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Pt. 22 9/6/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life II Part 24

The morning came and saw all gathered in the main Dining Hall to eat can get ready. After a rancorous meeting the previous evening, the plans had finally been agreed on. Maria, Alex, Kyle, Charlie, and Cynthia had made it clear they were not going to stay on Granular. Maria pointed out that Kivar had people all over, and an attempt to kidnap them and hold them as hostages had to be a possibility. Max had reluctantly agreed. Courtney would stay with them to keep an eye on them. Charlie was going to be helping teach the soldiers how to use the crossbows that he had designed and that were frantically being made even as they met. Liz told Cynthia that while she knew it was her job to watch, that this time she was going to be farther back. They would stay with the support units following the combat troops. Alex was still working on refining the dampening equipment and would be at the power plant. It had then been decided that the others except for Charlie would stay with Alex there.

The plan went as follows: at noon, the attacks would commence on the units Kivar had drawn into the city, using the portable dampening devices. At approximately 2PM, the main dampener at the power plant would be started up. At that point, the attack would commence on Kivar’s palace.

Max and Liz walked hand in hand outside the palace early that morning. There were no spoken words; none were needed. Each knew the other would be right there no matter what happened that day.

The Granolith had been transporting Max and the others to Antar so as to not tip off anyone; ships moving back and forth could be tracked. It would move with them this time and stay on Antar until it was all over. Liz had suggested that, since they might need it and it was easier to contact it when it was close at hand.

At 11AM, they all gathered at the old temple next to the Granolith. All of Lanar’s forces had already been moved into position. The Antarian Rebels had also gotten ready and were waiting for the Royal Four to arrive to lead the assault. Max and the others would not participate on the first attacks so as to not alert Kivar they were already on Antar. They would transport to Antar just after the first attacks had begun, and then carefully move into position around the Palace and Government building.

The Granolith began to hum louder, and they all tensed up ready to go. Then they got the same feeling as the first transport only it was over very quickly, and they were standing on Antar. Liz looked around—the sky was virtually the same as Granular, only the Suns were in different positions, and the large moon Olaawdon was clearly visible even in broad daylight. They had been landed in a small city park about one mile away from the Palace and Government Building. They were all dressed in the faintly medieval type daily dress of the typical citizen of Antaris. Alex and the others had been directly taken to the Power Plant. Charlie was still with the support troops training crossbowmen right to the last second.

Kivar could not believe that all his units were under attack. There was no way the rebels could have done this; it had to be Lanar and Granular. He vowed revenge. He ordered his men to hold their positions no matter what; anyone who retreated would be executed on the spot. Realizing that he had to make contingency plans, he alerted his pilot and told him to get the ship ready to leave on short notice. He then ordered the treasury placed in the ships hold.

Max, Liz, Michael, Isabel and Tess followed their Rebel guide towards the Palace. Other rebels would attack the Government Building. Lanar had several ships ready to intercept Kivar’s if he tried to escape, and the rebels had already sent men to attack the Royal Hanger.

At just about 1:30, Max was told that the initial attacks on Kivar’s main units had mostly succeeded; there was still some fighting going on, but the matter was no longer in doubt. He told Lanar’s LT to alert the power plant and have the main dampener switched on; they would attack the Palace in 30 minutes.

Alex was fine tuning the main dampener when he got the message. Taking a deep breath he looked over the equipment one last time, then turned and nodded at Zegrod, who threw the main switch. A deep hum started through the device, and a couple of the full blooded Granularians in the main room actually staggered; they told him they were ok but had felt a moment of weakness and dizziness. One of them tried his powers and found nothing; they all looked at each other in relief—it was working.

Kivar was receiving reports that showed his forces steadily losing and had just about decided to head for his ship when a wave of weakness rushed through him; he almost fell. Looking around his remaining troops, he saw that they were all going through the same experience as he was. What was going on?

Max and the others, except for Liz, had to stop and gather themselves. Liz had felt virtually nothing, only a faint tingling. Interesting, she thought. She then contacted the Granolith and asked what it was getting on its sensors. It responded by saying it was as it had expected—then asked how she was able to contact it when Max and the others could not—they had lost their powers which included the ability to contact the Granolith. Yet, she could still do it. It told her it would have to think about this and analyze the data. Liz sent back that it must be something to do with her quickening, and her link to Max, which while much weaker, was still there. The Granolith told her it would take some time to figure this out—this was unexpected.

Liz told Max that she could still contact the Granolith. He shook his head and told her that they might as well give up thinking that they had anything figured out. He took out his crossbow, and the others did the same; that would give them range on anyone with a sword or knife, though they all had those. Liz had given them all a crash course on sword fighting, but warned them to avoid it if at all possible. She was the only one there who would. It was decided that Max and Michael would hit the main door while the Rebels would hit the side and rear doors of the Palace. They would attack first to draw troops away from the main door. Liz would be right behind them with Tess and Isabel bringing up the rear to make sure no one came up behind them.

Kivar was still wondering what happened when the sounds of fighting reached the Throne Room. One of his assistants ran up and told him that the rear and side entrances to the palace were under attack; and that no one could use their powers. At that moment, Kivar realized that the rebels had found a way to do that, and that was why they had all felt that weakness some time ago. He went to the throne and pulled out the Royal Sword; then told his troops to get swords ready. That was how they were going to have to fight.

Max opened the main door and then kicked it wide open as he and Michael rushed through. There were four guards armed with swords moving towards them; they shot two of them then Isabel and Tess coming in shot the other two. Liz headed towards the main stairway that would lead to the Throne Room where they all suspected Kivar would be. Max called for her to wait up, she had already gotten half way up the stairs.

Liz did not know quite what it was; Duncan would tell her later that it was known as Blood Lust; a condition soldiers got when in the heat of battle where they felt the need to strike right at their enemy and do it close up. She kept going up the stairs with Max and the rest running to catch up. She reached the main doors and paused, letting them catch her. She held her sword out, and they got their crossbows ready. Just at that moment several rebels came around the corner. Max greeted them and then told them to open the Throne Room doors. He and the others would then fire at the troops that they bet would be waiting for them; then the rebels would move into the rooms making contact with the rest of the troops. The Royal Four would follow going for Kivar.

Kivar looked at the main doors as they opened, ordering his troops to be ready. The doors opened, and some flying objects shot through and took down several at the front; a group of sword wielding rebels came rushing in, and his troops met them. No one there was any kind of an expert on swords, so a lot of hacking and jabbing and flailing was going on. Kivar felt confident that he could take anyone with a sword; he had trained at an early age and still worked at it every now and then; certainly far more than anyone he had seen so far. He then noticed five more come in the door—but there was something different about them. 3 young women and two young men dressed casually, but there was something different about them. He watched them weave through the melee and head towards him—then he KNEW. It was the Royal Four—but who else was with them. He could just barely recognize the reborn group—King Zan, Princess Vilandra, Lord Rath, Princess Tess, but who else was with them. Then they got close to him and his immediate bodyguard, who advanced to meet them. In the lead was a petite brunette wielding a sword—who immediately sliced through two of his men!

Liz told the rest of them to follow her since SHE knew which end of a sword to use. She then hacked down two soldiers and headed for the last group by the throne, and the tall dark haired man in the fancy clothes that had to be Kivar.

Max was trying to keep up with Liz, but it was hard; her lessons on sword fighting over the last few days plus all the time they had watched her train and fight had helped them more than anyone else, but they were still novices. She was the pro, and she certainly was proving it.

Liz had tunnel vision—Kivar was ahead of her, and she was going to have his head. Two more soldiers rushed towards her with clumsy cuts which she easily parried, then sliced one through the stomach and stabbed the other in the chest.

Kivar gripped his sword. The woman was clearly an experienced swordswoman the way she was slicing through his men. He prepared for the fight he knew would come.

Then Liz was facing Kivar. “We can do this the hard way or the easy way. The Easy way is for you to surrender. The hard way, for you, is that I cut you to pieces.”

Kivar felt the rage build in him, and he charged the arrogant woman.

Liz easily slipped aside his charge, though he did seem to have some skill. Of course ,he was much stronger, but that was only a factor if she let it be. She spun and slapped her blade on his backside—saying, “Now that was sloppy. Didn’t your trainer teach you anything”

Kivar completely lost his temper and charged her again and again; she easily blocked and spun away. Then She attacked him with two cuts and a slice that he barely avoided, stumbling back.

Max had finally finished off his opponent and turned towards the throne where Liz was battling Kivar. And embarrassing him.

Michael looked around the room and realized the fighting had almost ended. Kivar’s last troops were surrendering, and everyone was now watching the last fight, a small woman and Kivar, and the woman was easily beating him!

Liz had Kivar completely off balance barely able to parry her attack. Liz then tried something that Duncan had taught her just before they left. It was a straight thrust to tie up the opponent’s sword and let you get close and twist it and force him to drop it. He had told Liz that it was a good thing to also either punch or kick him in the process. So Liz wrapped up his sword, punched him in the nose, and then kicked him in the knee.

Kivar, blinking from the strong blow to his nose, then the sudden pain in his knee, desperately tried to hold onto his sword, but felt him falling as she kicked his other knee. He fell flat on his back his sword flying away—to find her standing over him with her sword to his throat.

“Looks like you got lucky—you get to live to stand trial for murder and treason. You might find that you would rather I had killed you now.”

Max stepped up next to Liz. “Kivar, I am King Maxwell, successor to King Zan whom you are now charged with murdering. The charge of High Treason is also to be levied.”

He looked towards the leader of the Rebel Group. “Captain, take Kivar into custody and lock him in the dungeon of the palace.”

The Rebel Captain nodded and several of his men moved to take Kivar. As he passed Max and Liz, he looked at her and said, “Who are You?”

Max said. “This is my Queen and Mate, Queen Elizabeth”

And the gathering Rebels then proclaimed, “Long Live King Maxwell and Queen Elizabeth!”

Alex and the others were waiting tensely for news. He was confident that the device was working, but this was war and anything could happen. Maria was pacing and making dark threats about what she would do to Spaceboy if he got hurt. Kyle was also pacing, but a lot more quietly. Cynthia was trying to stay busy by writing what she saw and experienced since at the moment she could not be watching her subject. She had gotten word that Charlie had headed towards the palace once the last of his trainees went into the fight. She just hoped he was careful.

Charlie and a few rebels had just gotten to the palace as the fighting ended; he headed up to the throne room to see several rebels leading a fancy dressed type down the stairs. He watched them pass and figured that that had to be Kivar. He went up the stairs and found the throne room full of people cheering Max and Liz and the other royals who were standing by the throne. He pulled out his communicator and called the power plant to let them know it was all over and they were ok.

Alex looked up as a communicator beeped and the Granularian answered it. He looked up at Alex and smiled. “It is all over. Kivar has been captured and the Royal Four are unharmed and triumphant.”

Maria looked around and shouted, “Then what are we waiting for—let’s get over there! There has got to be one wild party about to start!”

Liz looked down at her blood and gore drenched sword. She looked around and saw a silk-like cloak laying on the floor. She figured it was Kivar’s and would do quite nicely to clean off her sword. So she picked it up, sat down on the throne, and started to clean her sword.

Max had conferred with the senior rebel officer who had just come in and told him that the mates of the Royal Four as well as a couple of friends would be coming soon. The Royal Four would stay in the Throne Room for the moment. He looked over for Liz and saw her casually sitting on the throne cleaning her sword with what looked like Kivar’s cloak. He smiled and shook his head. She was already surrounded by admiring Rebels.

The Legend of the Last Battle in the Antarian Royal Throne Room began that day and would expand and be added to over the centuries. One thing always agreed upon was how Queen Elizabeth had embarrassed and humiliated Kivar by decisively beating him at sword play. Then had casually sat down on the throne and used Kivar’s cloak to clean her sword.
Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:37 pm

Re: Another Life II(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Pt. 22 9/6/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life II Part 25

There was indeed quite a celebration that night in Antaris and all around Antar and Granular. Kivar’s remaining troops either surrendered or just faded into the woodwork. The sudden freedom and realization that the 50+ year long war was over made just about everyone cut loose. Liz talked to Cynthia and Charlie during the partying and told them that the Granolith would be able to transport them back to Earth; its power had been augmented by being on its home world again. It would not have had the energy to do that before—it would have had to have gone with them as it came here. They could take letters and messages with them. Liz told them that she had no idea what they would be doing next; at the moment, it seemed that most here wanted Max to take the throne; she hoped that it would be a temporary thing, and that in a year or so, he could abdicate, and they could go home. But no one knew how things would shake out. Of course, her motive for staying would be to see if she could have children. And she also had to admit that aging a few years would be a good thing as well.

The next day, things finally settled down as everyone was sleeping off the massive celebration. Liz and Max had stayed on Antar in the Palace as that seemed to be what everyone expected. They had had their own quiet and personal celebration. Max was still partially in shock at how quickly it had all happened. Just 5 days after arriving and here, he was expected to rule the planet at age 17. Liz knew how worried he was that he would not be up to the job and made it a point to constantly reassure him.

The others were scattered all over the palace and happy that it was all over as well. Of course, they realized that in some respects, the really hard part was just beginning—putting together a working government and starting to heal the wounds left raw after over 50 years of fighting.

Bright and early that morning, Max had the Granolith move to its customary position next to the Palace. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered all over the city as the Granolith rose slowly and moved quietly and simply to where it belonged. At that point, Max and the rebel leaders and Lord Lanar met in the throne room. The Rebels made it clear that He was King and that was that. Lord Lanar told Max just to accept things as they are and just work through it. Max then addressed the group.

“After more than 50 years of a civil war, and the deaths and damage caused, we need to bring the people of Antar together. I will proclaim a general amnesty to all troops of Kivar who have surrendered; subject to of course any future investigations into war crimes and other abuses. But the rank and file should not be persecuted if possible. We need to heal. First off, we need to make sure that basic services are operational, that there is sufficient food and fuel available for the needs of the people. What comes after that, we can discuss and decide.”

So the hard work began. It was decided that Kivar would remain in the Palace Dungeon guarded by the Rebel Commanders most trusted people. His trial would be sometime in the future when things had fully settled down. Not that there was much dispute over what the verdict would be or his fate. Max appointed the Rebel Commander as acting Prime Minister; and began to look around for people to help him out. That took most of the day. That evening, it was decided to send Charlie and Cynthia back to Earth to let their friends and family know things were going well. They of course took a lot of messages and letters with them.

Charlie and Cynthia materialized right in the chamber where the Granolith had been. Charlie was surprised when Cynthia’s cell phone actually worked. She called Joe of course and found that he was still in town. He told them he would be out in about an hour to pick them up. He then called the Sheriff and was told that he would be escorted there to make sure no one got curious. The Sheriff then started to make the calls to the families.

Jeff and Nancy were in tears that the whole thing had ended so quickly and so well. They had understood that it was likely that Max would have to stay for a while, and of course they knew that Liz wanted to see if she could have children. But at least the war was over.

Diane and Phillip were so relieved that they just sat and held hands. They had decided that if it was at all possible, they were going to visit Antar to be with their children.

The Sheriff and Amy celebrated that evening by announcing their engagement. Jeff and Nancy had invited all concerned to the Crashdown for a party—they had closed the Diner that evening claiming that some repairs were needed. While the House was normally the place to do such, this time it seemed right to have the party at the place it all began. The Whitman’s also came by, as did Joe and the Immortals and Watchers.

Duncan was very pleased by the account of his student’s exploits. Methos tweaked him about getting an even bigger head by training the one who took down a dictator. Amanda was interested in visiting Antar as well just out of curiosity and questioned Cynthia closely. While she certainly did not want to stay long enough to lose her immortality, the recent data given by the Granolith indicated that a short visit would not cause any harm. Grace was very curious as well and of course wanted to know what kind of medical technology was available there. Not to mention being able to converse with the Granolith. Joe told Cynthia that it was up to her whether she wanted to go back or not; as far as he was concerned, only on earth was it up to the watchers to watch.

The next week went by quickly on Antar as life began to return to pre-war normal for most of the population. Much rebuilding needed to be done, and of course the refugees on Granular wanted to come home; most of them anyway, a few chose to stay. Max found himself buried in meetings every day, and the rest of the group got dragged in helping with the details. Michael busied himself with the details involving the surrenders of Kivar’s troops and making sure that any suspected war criminals were kept in custody while the rest were given parole. Kyle, as a cop’s son, was helping him. Alex was still working on refining his devices. Maria was looking at the refugee situation and trying to see to it that any war orphans were being looked after. Isabel and Tess were looking at remaking the private rooms of the palace so as to be prepared for a long stay if necessary. Liz and Courtney decided to take a tour of the city and check it out.

The tour turned into a kind of triumphal procession since the word had gotten out right away that Liz was the one that had taken down Kivar in a sword fight and humiliated him in the process. The congratulations and adulation embarrassed Liz. Courtney told her to enjoy it while it lasted since as the Queen, in time, she would find opposition and strife soon enough. They were able to get a good picture of the condition of the city and listened to accounts about what was going on in the countryside. It seemed to be going about as well as expected. One thing that disturbed Liz was the beginning of reprisals against Kivar’s collaborators. She had no problem with those that profited from the war getting taken down; it was the ones who just went along to survive that worried her.

They were on the outskirts of the city when the group that was escorting her and Courtney stopped and the Rebel LT told her that there was trouble ahead and that they should take another road. Liz asked what was going on, and the somewhat embarrassed Lt told her that it appeared that there were some reprisals going on. Liz told him that they would investigate this. Over his objections the group moved forward.

They found a few families—with women and young children and a couple of elderly—being shoved down the street by an angry mob. Liz stepped forward and raised her sword—a sword that had already become famous in the city and on all of Antar. Immediately she was recognized and the shouts of “Long Live Queen Elizabeth” peeled out.

Liz lowered her sword and raised her hand. The crowd got quiet. “These people you are pushing out of town—what is their crime?”

“Collaborators—they obeyed Kivar and lived well!”

“What precisely did they do?”

At that, suddenly there was quiet and some shuffling, and Liz gently moved towards the frightened group and told the crowd.

“We must heal and learn to forgive. We must be better than Kivar and his cronies. We must show we are better. Those who truly profited will be punished and punished severely. But you must not abuse all that might have merely tried to get along and survive. We must not rush to judgment—we must be right. Now escort these people back to their home.” She then looked around and by random motioned several in the crowd forward. She asked for their names and then told them that they would be responsible for this group—keep them in their homes but make sure that they were not harmed pending a formal investigation.

“We will do things right. We will have honest investigations and honest trials that all will see. No hidden courts or secret so called Law and Order. No vigilantes. I trust you here to do things right.”

The crowd was uncertain but gradually a cheer grew and grew. “Long Live Queen Elizabeth and the New Royal family of Antar!”

Liz got back to the palace just before dark to find out word of her exploits had gotten out, and that in many places in Antaris and indeed all over the planet, her words and orders were being followed. Max took her in his arms and told her that he was so proud of her—she had accomplished more to bind the world’s wounds in that one incident then everything everyone else had done all day. Courtney told Max that escorting Liz was a full time job and she wanted a pay raise. That got a big laugh from all present.

Max then told Liz that their formal coronation ceremony would come that next week. The High Priest and High Priestess of Antar that had been in exile with the rest of the loyalists on Granular would return that next day and would plan the ceremony that would place the crowns on their heads. Max told her that it looked like they would probably be stuck here for at least a few years. He wanted to ensure a stable democracy, but it was looking like the People would want a Constitutional Monarchy. But he thought that in a few years, he would be able to quietly let it go. At least he hoped so. Liz told him that no matter what, she would be by his side. And anyway, if they wanted children, the only way was to stay.

That next morning, Liz felt the need to do her KATA. So outside the Palace on the main grounds, she positioned herself and began. She found that since it had been several days, she needed to concentrate better and tuned everything out but her movements.

She did not notice the gathering crowd. The site of the beautiful petite young woman moving so gracefully, wielding the sword that had taken down the dictator, was irresistible to many. Max had gotten involved in one of the endless meetings, but Michael and the rest watched from the windows of the main dining hall. Maria looked at the gathering crowd and remarked that Liz was putting on quite a show and that she probably did not realize what the overall effect would have. Isabel agreed and said that if Liz wanted the Monarchy to fade away, this was NOT the way to do it. Tess shook her head and agreed as well. Michael pointed out that she appeared totally oblivious to the crowd around her and that that effect was even more telling.

Max got out of the meeting and saw his friends and family at the windows and walked over to see what was going on that so held their attention. He saw his Queen and Mate doing here KATA in front of a huge and growing crowd both on the grounds and outside watching through the ornamental old metal fence. He shook his head and started down the stairs to see her.

Liz had just finished doing the KATA for the second time (she felt she needed to) and looked up, and was astonished at the crowd watching her—she had not noticed at all. Then it parted as Max came through with the calls of “Hail the King of Antar” and “Long Live the Queen, who took down Kivar!” Liz put her sword in the scabbard that she had at her side and walked into Max’s embrace, and then kissed him soundly to the uproarious approval of the crowd. Max put his arm around her and faced the crowd and raised his hand. The silence was immediate.

“People of Antar, you have just seen your Queen do what she does every morning—practice her sword skills. The Skills that took down Kivar.” The Crowd cheered again. Max waved and moved with Liz back into the palace and the crowd dispersed.

Max scolded Liz—if they wanted the Monarchy to fade away, this was NOT how to do it. She blushed and realized he was right. They were steadily painting themselves in a corner. He with his work rebuilding the planet, and the rest of them doing hard work there as well. Now she just perpetuated the accounts of the final battle.

The next day the Granolith contacted the special receiving unit that it had made and left with the Sheriff at his home—it had been taken by Charlie and presented to him when they got back to Antar. This way, the group on Antar could stay in contact. The one problem was that the Granolith had to initiate contact—the device was nowhere near powerful enough to send to Antar. It told the Sheriff that the coronation ceremony would take place in 5 days, and that they wanted their families there since not only Max and Liz would be crowned, but Isabel and Tess as well. Michael was luckily exempt from that situation which made him quite happy.

At the house that next night, they all met and agreed that the whole crowd would come. Duncan, Methos, Amanda, Grace, Joe, Cynthia, Charlie and the families. They would leave in two days.

The arrival of the group from Roswell at the granolith caused quite a stir. Since there was always a crowd there and the Granolith was always in full view, it was not something that could be hidden.

Duncan promptly told Liz that they needed to spar so she would not get rusty—she rolled her eyes and told them that they would do it inside in the main banquet hall—the tables moved out would give them plenty of room. Amanda right away wanted to see what Liz would be wearing for the ceremony as well as the rest. Grace buttonholed the Granolith and started peppering it with questions. Methos of course went to check out the local beer situation. Cynthia parked herself in the banquet room with Joe to take notes on the sparing. Charlie decided to see how the training was going on as regards the crossbows he had developed. He had also brought a couple with him to compare. The families got themselves situated in their rooms and started to look around. There would be a formal banquet that evening.

The day of the coronation dawned sunny and mild—perfect weather. Max had decreed that the huge square in front of the Government Building would be where the ceremony would take place so that the maximum number of people could see it. It would be broadcasted all over the planet and on Granular.

Amanda and Nancy fussed with Liz’s coronation gown. It was a deep blue and classically cut and Liz looked lovely. Nancy had quietly asked Liz about a possible marriage ceremony and Liz told her that there really was none—once the King or Queen or Princess or Prince chose their mate that was that. The coronation would just place it in stone. Jeff was a little disappointed that he would not be able to walk Liz down the aisle of her wedding, but Liz told him that Max wanted to visit Earth and marry her there—but it would probably be some months if not longer before they could leave even for a short time.

The procession from the Palace to the Government house—about two blocks long—started promptly at noon. The High Priest and Priestess led carrying two main crowns; their acolytes following behind with the other two. Then came Max and Liz, followed by Isabel and Tess. The rest of the group folloed right behind, and various dignitaries led by Lord Lanar were next. The cheers of the massive crowd just grew.

Tess was crowned first as Royal Princess of Antar. Then came Isabel as First Royal Princess of Antar. Then the roar of the crowd increased even more as Liz was crowned Queen of Antar. Finally Max was crowned King of Antar. He then stood before them all and gave a short speech.

“We grew up far away on a different world not knowing who we were and what we were supposed to do. Now we know. And we pledge all that we are and ever will be to the peace and happiness of Antar.” The crowd went nuts.

Maria looked around. “It’s gonna be hard to top this!”